HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOWMAN, CHARLESBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 28, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Glenn E. Just The Land Use Company N. Country Road Box 361 Wading River, New York 11792 RE: Charles W. Bowman Wetland Application No. 326 Dear Mr. Just: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a ~qular meeting held on February 27, 1986 regarding the abov~ r~ferenced matter. Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that Wetland Application'No. 326 for Charles W. Bowman be and hereby is WITHDRAWN WITHOUT PREJUDICE. HPS: ip cc: Thank you for your cooperation in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees ~~e r l~in~ Clerk to Board New York State D.E.C. Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Dept. Conservation Advisory Council Trustees File RESOLUTION - FEBRUARY 27, 1986 RESOLVED that the wetland application no. 326, application for Charles W. Bowman be and hereby is WITHDRAWN WITHOUT PREJUDICE. N. COUNTRY RD. · BOX 3& WADING RIVER, N.Y. ~79~ (5,6) 9~9-3575 January 22, 1986 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. 11792 Attn: Re: Mr. Henry P. Smith Wetlands Application No. 326, Charles W, Bowman Dear Mr. Smith: Please be advised that at this time we are withdrawing the above noted application. As we understand that the main con- cern of the Town CAC was denial by the S.C.D.H.S. Said denial is part of their standard procedures when properties have less than 10' to groundwater. Therefore, rather than pre- pare a D.E.I.S. for a project that conforms to all existing wetlands regulations we will attempt to satisfy the S.C.D.H.S. requirements prior to resubmitting the same to your agency as well as the Planning Board. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Very Truly Yours, Glenn E. Just GE J/re cc: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 January 8, 1986 TELEPHONE [516) 765-1892 Mr. Glenn E. Just The Land Use Company - North Country Road P. O. Box 361 Wading River, New York 11792 RE: Charles W. Bowman Wetland Application No. 326 Dear Mr. Just: Transmitted herewith is the Significant Environmental Determination adopted by resolution at a regular Trustee meeting held on December 26, 1985, regarding the above- referenced matter. Please be advised that the Board would like to coordinate with the Planning Board in scheduling a scoping meeting. Therefore, we will advise you accordingly upon notification from the Planning Board of this date. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate calling this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town.Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Board HPS:ip Attachment cc: Conservation Advisory Council Planning Board Board of Appeals Building Dept. Trustees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 I971 S.E.Q.R.A. SIGNIFICANT DECLARATION NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Date: December 26, 1985 Pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations, and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency, does hereby determine that the action proposed is a Type I action and is likely to have a significant effect on the environment. APPLICATION NO. 326 NAME: Land Use Company on behalf of Charles W. Bowman TYPE OF ACTION: TYPE I DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Appellant requests permission to create two three acre lots and construct a single family dwelling and sanitary system on each. Approximately 2,500 cu. yds. of fill will be placed on the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and S.C.D.H.S. requirements. To install two fixed docks leading to ramps and floats. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Main Bayview Road, Southold, County of Suffolk and more particularly identified an the Suffolk County Tax Map as 1000-078-07-3,4,5, and 1000-076-03-34.2.36. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETErmINATION: 1. An Environmental Assessment form in the long form has been submitted and reviewed and determined that the project as proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Conservation Advisory Council has reviewed the proposal and conducted an inspection of the subject property and recommended disapproval based on the comments from the S.C.D.H.S. regarding the septic system. 3. The project as proposed may effect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. Page 2. Copies to the Following: Charles T. Hamilton, D.E.C. Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams Aram Terchunian, Coastal Management Program Stephen Mars, Corps of Engineers, N. Y. Dist. Conservation Advisory Council Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Land Use Company on b~hal~ of Charles W. Bowman Planning Board, Town of Southold Building Dept. Board of Appeals Trustees Fils COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D- M.P.H. Date //- o2d- ~_~O..,SS,D.E. We are in receipt of your letter dated ~P~" ~/. /xo~j'-concerning the above referenced project. / This Department has no objection to your designation of lead agency status. 2. This Department is in agreement with your initial determination. ~3. This Department does not agree with your initial determination. See Comments. 4, Insufficient information is available for technical comments. There is no record of an application to this Department. A more accurate project location is needed. (Suffolk County Tax Map #) This Department has received an application and it is: Complete Incomplete ]~Other: ~£~ It appears that the project can be served by: Sewage Disposal System Sewer System and Treatment Works Subsurface Sewage Disposal System(s) Other: COUNTY CENTER 548-3318 Water Supply System A Public Water Supply System Individual Water Supply System(s) Other: Comments: The Health Department's primary environmental concern pertaining to development is that the applicant comply with therequirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code especially Article ¥ and VI, and relevant construction standards for water supply and sanitary sewage disposal. These considerations are to be reviewed completely at the time of application. Full consideration in placement of water supply wells and disposal systemsis given to state and town wetland requirements. The Health Department maintains jurisdiction over final location of disposal and well systems and the applicant should not undertake to construct any Wetersuppl~ or disposal system without Health Department approval; Other portions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code also apply to commercial developmentsuch as Article ×II. The Lead Agency isrequested to forward a copy of this form to the applicant with its findings. Further comment may be provided upon completion of the application review. Phone ~5~'~- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE This letter responds to your communication of /O/~,~/~ ~'- , regarding lead agency coordination for the above-noted project, under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Department has the following interest in this project: DEC Permits (if any): DEC Contact Person: C~.T~YJ-~ SEQR Classification: [ ] Type I DEC Position: [ ~Unlisted Based on the information provided: [ ~/~EC has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. [] [ ] [] Comments: DEC wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. DEC needs additional information in order to respond (see comments). DEC cannot be lead agency because it has no jurisdiction in this action. [:~/see attached [ ] none If you do not concur with the DEC position indicated above, please contact this office to resolve designation of lead agency within the time allowable under Part 617. Please feel free to contact this.office for further information or discussion. cc: (attach distribution list) Sincerely, BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 25, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Charles Hamilton Alternate Permit Administrator N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Pursuant to your Lead Agency Coordination Response dated November 12, 1985 please be advised that the Trustees have not made their Environmental Determination on the wetland application of Charles Bowman regarding a subdivision and docks at Bayview Road, Southold. When the Trustees make their determination, you will receive a copy of same. Thank you for your interest and concern regarding this matter. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Secretary to Board HPS:ip cc: Trustees/ Planning Board/ File BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 To: ~From: Re: Date: Trustees Conservation Advisory Council Secretary to Trustees Wetland Application No. 326 - Charles W. Bowman November 13, 1985 Please find attached a long environmental assessment form submitted for the above referenced. N. COUNTRY RD. O BOX 36~ WADING RIVER. N.Y. ,,792 (5~6) 929-3575 November 1, 1985 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southotd Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Mrs. Ilene Pfifferling Re: Wetlands application by Charles W. Bowman Dear tlene: Enclosed please find the Long Environmental Assessment Form that I have prepared for the above noted. Should you have any questions or comments re§arding this matter, please contact me. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Very Truly Yours, Glenn E. Just GEJ/te Encl TOWil OF S OUTHOT.I~ ENViROlXTM_ElqTAL ASSESS-~iENT - PART PROJECT I ~TF ORFUAT ION any aU~itio~ai info,etlon you ~lieve wi.ll be ne~ :: c:molece PAR~ ~ anq 3. : :..... - ,.~.... L~ . . - :Cfs ~x~e~ ~at :a~l'~:ion or,he ~F will be de~qa~ on info~acion ~u~nClv available and will no: "- ~ fn,,~lve new ~:uUies, r~sea~q ar investigation. If infold:ion ~ui~ng su~ auditional .~ork is..unavai~ble, ~so )ndic~:~ '~d soecify ~acn instance. ~- - .................. E.' Just ~.OOR~:a -,~0 JA,.E OF APPLrC~NT: Charles W. Bowman by Glenn of the Land Use-,Company .......... ( S cruet; Wading River, N.Y. [P.O. ) LS~a c~=) OF ,.WN.R ~,r Oiff~rent), ~: '- . * : .-. ~. O.. Box ~adSng ~Sver~ ~,~. 11792 . {~.0. ) ~E~PHONE: ' (516)-929-3575 11792 ~i~; Applicant proposes to 6~eate ..... (two)-3 acre lots and construcl and sanitry system on each. Approximately 2.500 inst~lled at thg si~es to raise the grade for flood plain ~n~ S~C.D.H,S. requzrements. App£1cant also proposes,to l~stall two T~Y~n nmm~g leading to ramps and ~3oat~ (Physical ~attir, g of over~lt project, both deveto=eC anc~ ~nd~velcoe~ areas) I. General char~c:er of the !and: Gener~ll,,, unifo~., slope ~ !. 9~sent !and use: 'Urban , [ndust~a! , Co,marc!al , Agriculture- , Ot~er 7.024 3. ~otal ac?.~-ge o,~ .~rojec: area: acres. ~nerei!y -~qeven and rolling or irregular · Suouroan . , Rural' X , Fores: Mba-: f$ oreccm~.nanc soil ,'.MCca(s} on'orOj'ac: Si%_~.L What is ~aot~ :o ~ed~cic? Unknown Unve~gcat~ ear:n o~ fill) ~:ads, ~ui!dings ~tner {h~icace c7oe) sand - - ( .r .,. fee¢) Pres~cly After Comole~ion acr~_s 3 acr~.s -3~ acres '~ ~cres 0 ~cre~ 0 Approximate percentece of proposed project site with slopes: 0-10% lO0 %; 10-15~ .%, 15~ or greater %. 7. Is project contiguous to, or contain a building or site listed on the National Reg"stet of' Historic . Places? Yes × No .... ~'= '4~'71~ ~:~B-i~ What is t~e depth to the water table) ~':4, 51feet 9. ~;.hunting or fishing oppo~ities presently exist im the p~ject are~? ~S ~Yes 10. ~es project Site contain any Species of plant or ~imal life ~9at ' endangered - ~ Yes X ~Uo, ac~o~ing to:-'Identify ea~ species ' ~ ~ ' - ' . a. ~ of strem and name of river to ~hich it is tributa~ Are there any unique or'~nusual i~nd fo~s on the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunes~"~Other geologiczl formations- Yes × m,NO..(Oescribe _ . ) Is the project site presently used b~ the co,unit7 or neighborhood as an open space or rec~ation .... area- , .Yes ~ No. . . - · Does the present site Offer Or include scenic vi~.ws or vistas kno~ to be important to .the community? ; :: Yes × ~(o .... -~' '. '"--- Streams within or '~ontiguous to pro3eci: area: - C-oos e C~eek Lakes, Ponds, ~etland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Na~ Goo s e Cre ek ....... l b. Size (in acres) 'Unknown' ' 16. What is the dominant land use and zoning classification within a 1/4 mile radius of the project single family residential, R-Z) and the scale of development (e.g. Z story}. B. PROJECT DESCRIP?ION ....... - I. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) f. g. h. Total contiguous acreege owned by ~reject sponsor Project acreage developed: .. acres initially; . Project acreage to remain undeveloped Length of projec=, in mites: 0 (if appropriate) 7.024 a~J'es. ac~s ultimately. If r~sidential: Number and type a? housing units: -- · . Oho'Family Two Family Multiple Family ~ndominium Initial 2 0 0 0 Ultimate 2 0 0 -0 If: Orientation~ Neighborhood-City-Regional Estimated Employment Co.~mercial Industrial 0 fl Total height of tallest proposed structure -2- feet. Pending Design If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of expansion proposed: building square foot- age ; developed acreage N~er of off-st~t parking spaces existing '-0 ; proposed 0 Maximum veh{culer trips generated per hour ~upon completion of prOject) g. 10. 11. / How much naturel material {i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site - 0 tons . . ~ 0 cubic yards. - ' less than 1,0 How zany acres 'of Vegetation(trees, shrubs, g~ound covers) will~ be r~oved from site - acres. Will any mature forest {over lO0 years old) or other' lecally-tmoortant vegetation be removed by this .. project? Yes X No Are there any plans for re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? X Yes . "No It' single phase project: Anticipa.ted period of construction 4 months, (including demolitio~n). If multi-phased project: a. Total n~ber of peases anticipated ' No. . ' - ' - ~ . r'']'.~] q-~'] ] F ' ' '"~]~A a '~'" 'b' 'Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year {including _ ............ demo ] i ti on ) *~:*' ~ · ...... :.-. c. Approximate completion date final ~hase month year. d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on subsequent phases? Yes No Will blasting ecc~dr during constrdction? ...Yes X, No - L':~. '"' N~ber of jobs generated: during construction 12 ; after project is complete 0 . - - flumJ~er of jobs eliminated by this project 0.. '-: ": ' ' :' 'dill project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Yes × No.' If yes, explain: a. Is surface or subsur(ace liquid waste disposal involved? Yes × No. b. If yes, indicate type of waste {sewage, industrial, etc.) c. If surface disposal name of stream into which effluent will be discharged 13. Will surface area of existing lakes, ponds, stream, s, bays or other surface wa~:emaays be increased or decreased by proposal? Yes X~ _No. 14. Is project or any portion of project located in the lO0 year ~ood plain? --: × Yes 15. a. Does project involve disposal of solid waste? X Yes b. If yes, will an existing solid waste disoosal facility be used? g .Yes . No gte. ~8 So.uth61d ¢. If yes, give name: $outho[d La~d ~kl~ location d. ~ill any wastes not go into.a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ~ Yes 16.. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes X.:No 17. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day}? Yes X NO 18. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? Yes X No Ig. Will project result in an increase in energy use? × Yes ..No. If yes, indicate type(s) __ Electr~al X No 20. If water supply is from ~ells indicate pumping capacity 10 gals/minute. Total anticipated water usage per day 300 gals/day'house :onihg: a. What is dc:inert: 'zoning classification of site? Aes kd e~t ia1 b. Cur6ent saecific zoning classification of site As[dent~al o.- ts proposed use consistent with present zoning? . Ye~ d. If no,~indicate desired zoning - - Rpprovals: a. Is any Federal per=it required? × Yes No ' b. Does pmject involve State or Federal funding or financi~ng? Yes : ×- No c. Lo,al and Regional approvals: ':' ' ' ' · Approval Required Submittal Approval . ~- ..... (Yes, rio) (Type} (Date) ' (Date) City, Town, Village Board Yes City, Town, Village. Planning 5oard -y~ City, Town, Zoning Board Ye s City, County Health Depar~ent *- · ¥.~ Other local agencies no Other regional agencies . no State Agencies Federal Agencies .Snnwq 7-85 U.S.D.O.~. 7-~5 INFOP~'!ATIO[~L DETAILS ' , . ' ':, :. . ' "' . ~ ~ . _', ':..: ~'. Attach any additional information as ~'ay be needed to clarify your p~ject. If there a~ or. may be any adve~e impacts associated with the*p~posal, please discuss such i~acts and the measur~ which can be .' taken to mitigate or avoid them. PREPARER'S SIG~4ATURE: TITUS: REP?~SE~*ITING: 'OATE: ~Analvst Charles W. Bowman -4- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSbIEATT - PART TI PROJECT IMPA~T$_AND THEIR MAGNITUDE General Information (Re~d Carefully) ." . - In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have wy decisions and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. - Identifying that an effect will be potentially large {column 2} does not mean that it is also necessarily significant. Any large effect must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine s~gnificance, aY identifying an effect tn column Z simply asks that it be looked at further, r .,_ - The Exemnles provided are toI assist the reviewer by showing types of effects and wherever possible the threshol of m~aqat would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally appl~caole throughout the State and fu~ most situations. But, for any soecifio project, or si~e other examples and/Or lower thresholds may be more appropriate for a potential Large I~pa¢: rating. - Each project, on each site, in each ~ocality, will vary. ~mrefore, the examples have been offered as §utdance They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds toanswer each question. - The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. -- INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully) a. b. ¢. Answer each af the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will bean y affect. Maybe answers'should be considered as ~es answers. If answering Yes to a ouestion then check the e~orooriate box (column l'or 2) to indicate the potential · _xc~_~s any example provided, check column 2. If size of the impact. If impact threshold ~uals impac~ will occur but threshold is lo,er than examoie, check col umnl. If reviewer has doubt about the size of the impact tj19%.consider ~e impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. If a potentially large impact or effect c~n be r~duced by a change in the project to a less t~an large magnitude, place a Yes in column 3. A )Xo response indicates that such a reduction )s no~ possible. t. '-'-'" IMPACT ON t. ANO NO YES WILL T"ERE ~£ A~t EFFECT AS A RESULT OF A PHYSICAL C~XGE TO ~ ~ Examoles that Would Apply to Column Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, {15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), or where the general slopes in :he project area exceed Const~dction On Land where the depth to the water table is less than 3 feet. Construction of oared parking area for 1,000 or ccre vehicles. C~nstruction on land where bedrock is exposed or ~anerally within 3 feet of existing ground surface. Construction that Will continue For more than I ./~- or involve more than one phase or s:age. Excavatibn for mining ~urpdses that would r~mcve ..-,ore than 1,000 tons of natural material {i.e. rock-ar soil) per y~ar. Construction of any new sanitary landfill. S~XLL TO POTE:X'T!AL CAN IMPACT BE M0D EP~TE LARGE 'REDUCED BY IMPACT [MPACT PROJECT CHA,qGE Construction in a designated _floodway. Other impac~: .~10 YES WILL TlaERE BE AN EFFE~ TO Ar(Y UNIQUE OR UNUSUAL LA. NO FOPJ.IS FOUND 0~1 THE SITE? (i.e. cliffs, dunes, geological for,a- ~ ~ ~, ti(ms ,~ etc. } Specific land forms: ~IPACT Oil WATE~ 3. ,ILL p,OJECYAFFE~ANYWATER BOD¥OESi~EO AS .......... QO PROTECTS? {Under Articles 15. 2¢, 25 of the Envir- onmmnt~l Conservation Law, £xamoles that Would Apply to Col~n 2 Dredging more than 100 cubic ~rds of material from channel of a protectedstream. Const~ction in a designate~' freshwater or tidal wetland. Other impacts: ~amoles that Would Apply ~ Col'umn 2 A 10% increase or d~rease in the suvaco area of any body "'r"-of water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. Construction of a body of water that exceeds l0 acres of eurfaoe area. Other impacts: NO YES 5. WILL PROJECT, AFFECT SURFACE OR GROUND.WATER QUALil~f? Examples that Would Apply ~ Column ~ " '-' Project will require a discharge pemit. Project requires use of a source of water that does not have approval to serve proposed project. Project requires water supply from.wells with greater than 4S gallons per minute pumping capacity. Construction or ooer~tiqn causing any contamination of a public water supply'system. Project will adversely iaffect groundwater. Liouid effluent will be conveyed o?f the site to facilities which ~resently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. .~- . Project requi~ing a facility ~hat would use water in excess of 20.000 gallons per day. Project will likely cause siltation or other discharge · 'into an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual con,rest to netural_~ditions. .... ®0 il;ALL TO POT~%rTIAL CAN IIlPACT ~E I. iO OERATE LARGE REOUCED BY IMPACT II!PACT PROJECT CHA;1GE t Other Imm~r.~: 6. WIL~ PROJECT ALTER DRAINAGE ~OH, PA[~cR.gS OR SURFACE ~.-:ATER ~0 ' YES £~amo]e that ~,ould Appl~ to Colum~ 2 Project would impede flood water flows. Project is likely to cause substantial erosion. Projec~ is incompatible 'with existing drainage patterns. Other impacts: IMPACT O,'t AIR NO YES 7. WILL PROJECT AFFECT AIR QUALITY?... " ' · .......... V Examoles that Nould Apply to Column 2 P~ject will induc~ 1,O00 or mo~ vehicle trios in any given hour. P~oject will result in the incineration of more_ than 1 ton. o~f refuse per Piroject emission rate of all contaminants will exceed 5 lbs. per hour or a heat source producing more than tO million BTU's per hour~ Other impacts: ~.PACT ON PLA~Fi'S .A~IO ~QT;'ALS ' NO YES 8,WILL PROJECT AFFECT A/(Y TEREATE~tED OR F~OA~qGE~-~ SPECIES? Exam:les that Would Apply to Column 2 Reduction of one or more species listed on the ~:ew York or Federal list, using the site, over or near site or found on the site. - ' Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wild- 1 ife habi tat. Application of Pesticide or he.icicle over m~re than twice a year other th. an for agriu~:~.urat p~rooaas.. Other impacts: g. WI-~ R~.CT .'U~S~,.,,; ,ALLY AFFECT .'iON-TP, REATE~iE~ ENDANGERED SPECIES? ....................................... GO Examale that Would Apply ~o Column 2 Project would substantially interfere with any resident - ' or ~ig~atory fish or wildlife species. Project recuires the i-amoral of mo~e than IO acres of mature forest (over 100 years in age) or other locally importBnt vegetation. _ 10,· ll. INPACT 0~( VISUAL RESOURCE - WILL THE PPOJECT AFFECT VIEWS, VISTAS OP, THE VISUAL NOYES CHA'qJ~CTER OF THE ~iEI GHBOI~HOQD OR CO'~t"~'JN ITY? ' ............. GO Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 An in~omoatible visual affect caused by the introduction of new materials, colors and/or forms in contrast to the surrounding Iandskape. A project easily visible, not easily screened, that is obviously different from others around it. Project will result in the elimina[ion or major screening of scenic views ar vistas knm~,n to be "~ important to the area. Other impacts: Examples that ~uld Apply to Colum~ 2 P~ject occurin~ wholly or partially within or contiguous to any facility or site listed on the National Register of_ historic places. ~y immact to an archeological site or fossil bed located withinthe proj~t site. Other impacts: Exammles that Would Apply to Column 2 The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational Opportunity. A major reduction of an open space important to the community. Other tmoacts: IMP~,CT AN TRANS~ORTITIO,q ' 13, WILL THERE 8E A:l EFFECT TO E~IS"TtNG TRANSPORTATION SYST~IS? ...- ............................................ E,xamoles, that ~ouId Apply to Column 2-.- Alteration of present patterns of movement of people and/or goods. ~ Project will r~suIt in severe traffic problems. NO YES ®© IODEP~ATE I~,?ACT Other ir. pacts: POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT REDUCED BY PROJEC~ 14. 15. IMPACT ON ENERGY ., WILL PROJECT AFFECT THE COMMUNITIES SOURCES OF PJEL OR ~ YE~ ~ERGYSUPPLY? ................................ ~ .......... ~'~ Ex~moles that Would Apply to Col~n 2 ProjeCt causing greater than 5% increase in any ~ of ener~ used in municipally. . P~ject requiring the creation or extension of an energy t~nsmiSsion or suppl~ sys:~ ~ se~e more than 50 single or mvo ~mily residences. Other impacts: I. MPACT ON NOr. SE WILL THERE BE OBJECTI(IN.a. BLE QOORS. NOISE, GLARE, YZ?JTION NO YES or ELECTRICAL DISTUR.:A~CE ASA RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? .... Examoles that WouId Apmly to Col~ 2 Blasting within 1 ,~00 feet of a hospital, school or o~her sensitive facility. Odom will occur routinely ~re than one hour per day) Project will produce operating noise exceedin~ the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of strictures. P~ject will remove na:ural barriers that would act as a boise screen. Other impacts: ~MPACT OP! HEAL'~ & HA~A~D~ NO YES 16. WILL PROJECTAFFECTPU~L£C H~L!r"ANDSAFk'TY? ............ -~"~ Exemotes that Would Apply to Column 2 Project ~ill cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous · ' substances {i.e. oil, pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) in the event of accident or upset conditions, ar there will be ~ chronic low level discharge or emission. Project t~at will result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" {i.e. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc., inctudinq wastes that are solid, semi-solid, . liquid or contain gas~s.) Storage facilities for one million or more gallons ~ liquified natural gas or other lieuids. Other imuacts: SMALL TO ~DEEATE LARGE REOUG~D B~-~ IMPACT ' I~IPACT PROJECT CHANGE WILL PROJECT AF~CT ~E CHARACTER nF THE EXISTING MO YES Example ~a~ Would Apply to Column Z ~ - The population of the City. Town or Village in which the ~r~j~ct is located is l~keIy ~o g~w by ~re than 5~ o~ r~ident huaan popu]ation. ~e ~unicipal budgets for capital expenditures or opera- ~ing services .will increase by more than 5~ per year as a result of this p~ject. Will involve any ~e~anent Facility of a non-agricultural use in an agricultural district or r~move prime agricultural lands from cultivation. 18. The project will replace or eliminate existing facilities. structures or areas of historic importance to Che comm,,unity. Development will induce an influx of a particular age group with special needs. Project will sat an important precedent for future projects. Project wi.t) relocate 15 or more employees in one or more businesses. Other impacts: NO ' YES IS.THERE PUBLIC CONTROVERSY CONCERNING T'~E PROJECT? ....... ~ ~ Examoles that Would Apply to Columm 2 Either government or citizens of adjacent communities have expressed~opposition or rejected the projec~ or have not been contacted. Objections to the project fr~m within the communitY? .,-.P,-,C, I;~PACT PROJECT DETERMINATION '] IF A"Y ACTION IN PART 2 IS ~DE,~?.,I.~iED AS A [ - POTENTTAL LARGE ~MPACT OR IF YOU C~]NOT OETEP~4I~IE ] ' ' ' I ~E 'MA?ii. DE OF R. iPACT, PROCEED TO PART 3. ] PORTIONS OF ~F CDMPL~ED FO~ W~IS '~ROJECT: .... PART I PART II ~ART 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this FAF (Parts t. 2 and 3) and considerin~ both the magnitude and importance of each impacs, it is reasonably determined that: A. The ~roject will resul~ in ~o ~ajor immacts and. therefore, is one which ma~ not cause significanC damage to the environment. B. Althoug~ the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will nec ~e a significant effect in this case because~the mitigacicn measures described in P~RT 3 have been inc!uced as part of the proposed projec:. C. The ~roject will resJlt in one or more major adverse impacts that cannot be reduced and may cause significant ~amage so - ~he envirqnmen:. . Signa:ure of P~eoarer (if different from responsible officer) PREPARE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION PREPARE A NEC~ATIYE DECLARATION ~REPARE POSITIVE OECL.ARATIO~ PROCEED WITH 0 Signature of R~sponsible Official in ~eac Agency Prin: or type name of respons'ible offici~ in Lead Agency - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT- PART Iii EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS I~IFOR.~ATIO~ Part 3 is prepared if one ormore impact or effect is considered to be ootentially large. ~he a~ount of writing necessary to answer Pa.~t 3 may be determined by answering the question: In briefly completing the instructions below nave I otaced in this record sufficient inform, orion ~o indicate the reasonableness of my decisions? INST~UCTIO~IS Complete the following for each impact or effect identified in'Column 2 of Part 1. Briefly describe the impact. ' Describe (if applicable) how the i.m.oact might be mitigated or reduced to a less than iarge impact by a pro- ject change. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is imoortant to the minicipality {city, town or village) in whic~ the project is located. To answer the question of importance, consider: - The probability of the impact or effect occurring The duration of the impact or effect Its irreversibility, including permanently loss resources or values Whether the impact or effect can be controlled The regional consequence of the impact or effect Its potential divergence from local needs end goals Whether known.objections to the project apply to this impact or effect. DETERMINATION OF SI~(IFICA~!CE An action is considered to be significant if: One {or more) imoact is deter~..ined to both 1 above, is imoortant. PART III STAT~4EXTS (Continue on Attachments, as needed) '~ WATERSODY AND L_OCATION ON WAT~ERBODY WHERE ACTiViTY EXISTS O.1~18 pROPOSED ...... *'~odse_____ Creek .... ; ..... ~."'" ..... :"-' ' . -~ *"- .., '* :* ADOFlES~; Main~Bayview Road'- S'dhtNo 1 d STREET. ROAD. ROUTE OFl OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION Suffolk N. g COUNTY STATE ZiP CODE ..... Town of So'uthoid .... "'*~'~-~'"' .... ' LOCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION OVEP%SITE - If in~ ~ "Yet" 8t~ reigns, month ~d y~ the ~vttv wil ~pli~. In~te t~ ~llti~ w~k ~ ~e arlwi~ tilt III approvals or Certifications and d~niill ~lclivicl Irom OT~ f~irll, i,[irl*ltg. StlT4 ~r IQGMI Igl~cttl for lay Itructurll. Gonltructlon. ISSUING AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL ~ IDENTIFICATION NO, ' DATE OF APPLICATION~ DATE OF APPROVAL DATE~F DENIAL N.Y.S.D.E.C. pending : ' ..... .pending Town of Southold Application ti hereby made for i permit or permits lo authorize the acttvitte~ described herein. I certiiy t~t 1 am fimiiMr with The lnfof~tion Gontel~ I~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE The application mast be signed by the ~eraon u~ho de,ires tor ulldcr~llke the pta~ acfiuity (oppH~nl) or it my be s~ by a duly ~thor~ed ~ent ff the statement in BIo~ 3 hM been fill~ out a~d s~ned. ' ' ~ ' 18 U.8,C. Section lO01 provides that: Wh~ver, in any manner within the jur~i~ion of any de~rtment or age~ of knowingly and wiltt~liy falsifies. ~ncea~, or ~v~s up by any ~ick. ~h~e. or device a ~ter~i fact or ~kel any ~, fmtitiou, o~ traud~ent ~temen~ ot rep~n~tione or ~k~ ~ u~e~ny ~al~ Wri~n~ or document knoW~ ~ ~a~uient a~tement or en~y,'&~ll ~ fin~ not ~re t~n $10.~0 ~.,impri~n~ not more ~ five ~ ~ ~ ' ', ' . · ~ no& ~ a ~r~t pto~in~ ~ with ~i~ appli~. ~he app~priate tee w~ be a~md when a ~m~ ~lgOdYf'ld · paqo~ u~id ~d s~oI~ puw sdm~ o~ u~p~eI ~Moop pax~ oa~ -:. Ite%su~"0% s~soffo'~d osI~"%ueo%IddV 's~m'~i%nb'~"'g'H'G'O'S pup u%~d ;X~O' ~OS'Z Xta~IXoaddv''~o~ uo ma%sXs 'Xi~U~S'~U~ ~U~Itaap ~I~u~s ~ Sona~suoo pu~ s~oI ~ao~ [ (oM~) ~%~ao o% sesodoad ~u~o~iddV J,.N ¥::) lq ddV, ~JO '~OltlOllddl lq~ I~ lJuCMnl Ul uollm~uJolul imum.Ulle~tnl '~.~a~4 UOclfl 'qlluJnl ol pul uo~ll~dl l/mind 11141 ~,o lul#egOjd lql UI ~ue~l IJnoq #lUllnq SulJnP 'ou .I9g xo~ '*p~ ,{:~unoD A.LIAI I :)V ~ A~IAI.LDW OggOdOMd dO NOIJ. dIM::){gO ag'llV,Ago '~' '"-'" ¢~'u/o) ' I~nOq #tU~'l~q euljnp .ou euoq4delet I9[ xo~ ''P%I Xa%uno9 'N .LNYOI'lddY dO ss:tuaaY aNY gWYN 'Z Mwlun~ ~ ~ ~pao u ! ~u o~ p~ 0nbM ~up · ~'~ '~AgM~.'~UnIOA ~ po3wonbM uot3e~o;ul.. , eql ;o; une~o~= ~l~ou Ollqna gq1 Jo ~0~ ~TWoS 'GGgT ~o lay ~ 9961 au.~ OS ~d~ I (~r ~0 et) ...... 'ON ~AO~ EWO I -. g~O0'30~O · -. . , , llW~d gHldOINgWlUYdgO ~0~ NOI1VOiqddV (l(f. fO:) gq p~ufltto ~)q o,~) H ggiq~iN NOJltV?lqddV '! · pou.mlo~ ~q tTT~ 1lnJ u! pololdmoo lou el ~s'ql uolluo!lddg uv '&11A!$O~I I:l~gOdo3d oql ;0 uo!1~o1 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town HaH, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 8~ 1985 TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 Mr. Glenn E. Just The Land Use Company P. O. Box 361 North Country Road Wading River, New York 11792 Re: Wetland Application No. 326 Dear Mr. Just: The following action 'was taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 30, 1985 regarding the above referenced application: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Charles W. Bowman for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold. Please note that the property must be properly staked for inspection. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees i 1 en~e p f i~f fer~i~~ Secretary to Board HPS:lp BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 8, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Glenn E. Just The Land Use Company P. O. Box 361 North Country Road Wading River, New York 11792 Re: Wetland Application No. 326 Dear Mr. Just: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 30, 1985 regarding the above referenced application: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare it'self lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Charles W. Bowman for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold. Please note that the property must be properly staked for inspection. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees ilene Pfiffer/ing ~ Secretary to Board HPS:ip RESOLUTION ~ October 30, 1985 RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Charles W. Bowman for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold. *** Please note that this application was a result of the recommendation from the Southold Town Planning Board. Minor Subdivision for Charles W. Bowman, Baxter and Lupo. The Planning Board wants a recommendation from the Trustees regarding this matter. .BOAItD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHO~LD Town Hall, ~3095 biai~ Road P.O. B~ ~8 ~uthold. N~w York 119~1 SOUTHO~D, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE IBSUANCK OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE ~AW$~ OROINAHCEB AND REGULATION8 GOVERNING THE GOABTA~ AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOOD P~AIN8 AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTNOLD, AND THE IBSUANGE OF PERMITS PURSUAAIT TO GHAPTER )~ OF THE GODE8 OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, APPLICATION NOo. ~/~ ' DATE OF APPLICATION' June 24, 1985 -(516)-929-3575 IDENTITY OF APPLIGANT Charles W. Bowman PHONE NO__ ADDRESS.OF APPLICANT P.O. Box 361-N. Country Rd., ~ading River, N.Y. 11792 TAX MAP NO. 1000'Q78'07-3,4y.5. 1000-076-03-34.2, 36 · (516)-929-3575 AGENT Glenn E. Jus~ of the L~nd Use Co. PHONE NO. PERMIT R~e~ESTKD TO Applicant pToposes to create (twO) 3 acre lots and cons%r -uct a single family dwell~ng and sanztary system on. earn. Approximately Z,3OO c.y. of fill wilI be i~stalled at the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and S.C.. rampsD'H'S' an~-~'q~oa~srre entS.per Ap~ni~Ca~ac~e~.t i o proposes to ~ns~-a~z-£ zwo z~xea aoc~Ks zeao~n$ t'o· LOC.~ATION'OF PROPERTY fOR WHIGH PERMIT WANTED' Mm~n-Bavv~w Rd. HOME ADDRESS OF PER, liT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFQRESAID'LOGATIOt4 same Goose Creek SRE~K, SAY .OR H~RBQR FRO~TtNO PROPERTY, SiZE OF PROPOSED WORK.6'9 acres ~ · ~ENGTH 7~0' WIDTH ~,550' it~lGHT ABOVE HIGH WATER nra DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER n/a YARDS TO SE EXCAVATED none - YARDS TO BE II'ILI. ED 2,500 RIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERTY DEPTH AT LOW. TIDE n/a ~ . AVERAGE RISE IN TIDEn/a DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL n/a FT. n/a 120' DISTANCE'PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR.PROJECTS IN THE AREA p~iva~e THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS usK~ ..... residential AREA ZONINS .... Crane with MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED ~tamshell INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY'private DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISEnnn~ FT. AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE.OR PERMITS HAVE. BEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE O~ DEPOSIT FILL .ON SAID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMIT8 OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY none DESGRISE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED INCLUDE-AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF TH/ PROJECT SITE IF NECESSARY none WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER,OF 'THE PROPERTY, IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPI. I CANT. ...... enclosed BOARD~OF TOWN TRUSTEES~?' - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Project Information [1'o be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor} 1. Applican~'sponsor Charles W. Bowman 2. P~oject Name Project location:. Municipality Southold Cou. W Suffolk 4. Is proposed acuon: [] New r'] Expansion [] Modification/alteration 5. Descr,beprojectb,,efly: Applicant proposes to create (two) 3 acre lots and construct a single family dwelling and sanitary system on each. Approximately 2,500 c.y. of fill will be installed at the'sites to raise the grade fo~ flood plain and S.C,D.H.S. requirements· Applicant also proposes to ' install two fixed docks leading to ramps and floats per plan attached. 6. Precise location [road mtetsecUons, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) Main - Bayview Rd. ?. Amount o[ land a[|ected: Initially 6 . 9 acres Ultimalel¥ 6 · 9 Will proposea acnon comply with ex,sting zoning or other existing [and use restrictions! [] Yes [] No If No. describe briefly 9. What iS present land use in vlcimty of p~'olectf [] Residential [] Industrial [] Commercial [] Agriculture [] Parkland/open space [] Other 10. Does acbon mvotve a permit/approval, or funding, now or ultimately. Irom any other governmental agency (Federal, state or local]t' :~ Yes [] No If yes list agency(s} and permitlapprovals N.Y.S.D.E.C. pending U. S. D.O.A. pending [] Yes [] No l[ yes, list agency name and pea'mit/app,'oval type 12 AS result ol proposed action will existing perml~approval requite modification{ I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUf TO THE BEST Of MY KNOWLEDGE Apphcanthponso~ name: Glenn E. Just of the Land Use Co. as agent Dale: June 25, 1985 PART II Environmental Assessrr~'~ (To be completed by Agency] ~'~ A. Does action exceed any Type I threshold m 6 NYCRR. Parc 617.12r Il yes, coordinate the review process and use the FULL/LONG i'OR/vt ~'-'] Yes DNo R. Will action tecewe coordinated rev,ow a~ ptovsded ~or Unlisted Action~ in 6 NYCRR. Pa~ 617.71 Ii No, a negatwe decla~ation may be superceded by another involved action. Could actmn result m ANY adv'e~se ellects on, to. or at,sin8 [rom the following: (Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1 Existing air quality, surface or g~aundwatet quality or quantity, noise levels, existing uaffic patterns, sohd Waste production or disposal potem~al lot erosion. drainage or flooding problemsl Explain orierly: C2. Historic, archeological, visual or aestheuc, or other natural or cultural resources; agricultural districts; or community or nelghbmhood chatactett' Explain briell¥ C3. Vegetation or launa, movement of (ish or wildlile specses, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered speciest' Explain brieily: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as ollicially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of u~e of land or other natural resources1 Explain briefly. CS. Crowth. subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action~ Explain btielly. C6. Secondary, cumulative, or othe~ eflectt not identitied in C1-C6~' Explain brieily. C7. A change in use of either quantity or type ot energy~ Explain briefly. PART 111 Determination of Significance (To be completed by Agency} INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise signiticant. Each effect should be assessed in con nection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural}; {b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (dj irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. r-] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL/LONC FOR/vt E^F and/or prepare a positive declaration. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information a~d analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and on attachments as necessary, the reasons supportng this determination: ~LO01)~ . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: Glenn E, Just of the Land Use Co..as agent for Charles W. Bowman AND SAYS THAT HE iS THE A*PPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF H~S KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF-SOl. Fl'HOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE CF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED, SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY DP NOTARY PUBLIC EXAMINED ~HARLES W. BOWMAN ~OTARY PUBLIC, $taf~ of New York No, 4668958, SuffoJ~ Counl¥ .~omm~ssJon Expires, March 30, ~9~ APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) APPROVED "BOAT,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT't (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED "BOATS,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) CONDITIONS, IF ANY EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN C~MPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 · ! PI $1 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 October 23, 1985 Mr. John Trettner Land Use Company P..O. Box 361 Wading River, NY 11792 Re: Minor Subdivision Charles W. Bowman Dear Mr. Trettner: The following actions were taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, October 21, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board request that an application~e made to the Southold Town Trustees regarding the minor subdivision of Charles W. Bowman, located at Southold, since this proposal would require filling in the area of the wetlands. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare themselves lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the minor subdivision of Charles W. Bowman, located at Southold. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. / Town Trustees Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary N. COUNTRY RD. · BOX 36, WADING RIVER. N.Y. i179:. (5,6) 929-3575 October 24, 1985 Town of Southold Town Hall - 53095 Main Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Mrs. Ilene Pfifferling Dear Ilene: Enclosed please find maps and applications for Charles Bowman as per your request. If you require any further information- please feel free to contact our office. Thank You, J~rh'n Trettner ~--~ JT/te Enc. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 30, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Charles T. Hamilton Alternate Regional Permit Administrator N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Enclosed is the application of Charles W. Bowman for a wetland permit. This project is unlisted and our initial determination of non-significance has been made and we wish to coordinate this action to conform our initial determination in our role as lead agency. May we have your view on. this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until Nov. 19, 1985 We shall interpret your lack of response to mean there is no objection by your agency. Very truly yours, HENRY P. SMITH, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachments cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 6, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-t892 Mr. Martin Garrell, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Garrell: Transmitted herewith is application no. 326 for wetland permit submitted by Mr. Charles W. Bowman. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board.of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachment BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Date: November 6, 1985 To Whom It May Concern: TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Charles W. Bowman in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to create (two) 3 acre lots and construct a sinqle family dwellinq and sanitary system on each. Approximately 2,500 cu. yds. of fill will be installed at the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and Suffolk County Dept. of Health approval requirements. Applicant also proposes to install two fixed docks leading to ramps and floats on property located on Main Bayview Road, So~thold. ~ ~ Board of Town Trustees Posted: November 6, 1985 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York ! 1971 S.E.Q.R.A. SIGNIFICANT DECLARATION NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Date: December 26, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations, and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency, does hereby determine that the action proposed is a Type I action and is likely to have a significant effect on the environment. APPLICATION NO. 326 NAME: Land Use Company on behalf of Charles W. Bowman TYPE. OF ACTION: TYPE I DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Appellant requests permission to create two three acre lots and construct a single family dwelling and sanitary system on ea.ch. Approximately 2,500 cu. yds. of fill will be placed on the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and S.C.D.H..S. requirements. To install two fixed docks leading to ramps and floats. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Main Bayview Road, Southold, County of Suffolk and more particularly identified an the Suffolk County Tax Map as 1000-078-07-3,4,5, and 1000-076-03-34.2.36. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An Environmental Assessment form in the long form has been submitted and reviewed and determined that the project as proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Conservation Advisory Council has reviewed the proposal and conducted an inspection of the subject property and recommended disapproval based on the comments from the S.C.D.H.S. regarding the septic system. 3. The project as proposed may effect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. Page 2. Copies to the Following: Charles T. Hamilton, D.E.C. Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams Aram Terchunian, Coastal Management Program Stephen Mars, Corps of Engineers, N. Y. Dist. Conservation Advisory Council Town Clerk's Bulletin Board f Land Use Company on b~hal~ o Charles W. Bo%rman Planning Board, Town of South6~d Building Dept. Board of Appeals Trustees File BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Date: November 6, 1985 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto .is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Charles W. Bowman in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to create (two) 3 acre lots and construct a single family dwelling and sanitary system on each. Approximately 2,500 cu. yds. of fill will be installed at the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and Suffolk County Dept. 'of Health approval requirements. Applicant .also proposes to install two fixed docks leading to ramps and floats on property located on Main Bayview Road,'H~e~mi h~,' ~residentS°~bth°ld' ~_~.~ C_~. Boated of Town Trustees Posted: November 6, 1985 Does action involve a perm ~approval or lund ng now or ultimately ~rom any other ~vermenta agen~ (Fede~, s~te ot Dca )f ~Yes: ~ No ltyes'tis~agenc~s)a~permi~a~r~vals ' N.Y,S.D.E.C, pe~d~fig · U.S.D.0.A. pending 11. Does any aspect ot the aclion have a currently valid pe~mit or approvalf [2] Yes r~['] NO If yes fist agency name and permit/approval type 12. As resull of proposed act on wtl exist ng permit/approval require modificationl I CERTIFY THAI THE INFORMATION PROVIDED A§OV;E IS TRUE TO IH[ al[ST OF MY,KNOWLEDGE Applkanl/sponso, name: Glenn E. Just of the Land Use Co. as agent I June 25, 1985 PART II Environmental Assessment [To be complete~l by Agep~cy) A. Does action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR, Pa~t 617.12t ~l.~e~.rdinate the review process and use the FUL~LONG EOR~ EAF. B, WiU action r~ewe coordinated review as provided for Unlisted Actiom in 6 ~cRR~ Pan 617,21 II No. a negative declaiatmn may be supetceded by another involved ac~pn~ ~ Yes NO C. Co~d action result in ANY adverse effects on. to, or a~isins from the followin~ [Answe~ may be handwritten, il legible) . C1.E~istin~ aJ~ quality, surface ~ groundwater quality or quant4~, noise ~level~ ~st~a ~a~fic pat~ms, sol~ wa~ ~i~uction or disposal potential d~ama~e ~ fl~n~ ~obie~ Explain brietly: C2. Historic, archeoloeicalo visual or aesthetic, or other natural or cultural resources; agricultural distt'icts; or communRy or neighborhood character['~ Explain b~ielty C3. Vegetation or fauna, movement of fish or wildlife spectes, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered speciest' Explain briefly'. C4. A community's existing, plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural res0urces~ Explain ~'iefly. C5. Crowth. subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed actiont' Explain briefly. C6. Secondary. cumulative, or other efiects not identified in C1-C6[' Exptaiq briefly. C7, A. change in use of either quant*fy or type of energy[' Explain briefly. PART III Determination of Significance (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether'it is substantial, lar§e, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its {a} setting {i.e. urban or rural); {b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; [d} irreversibility; (e) §eographic scope; an~l [f} magnitude. If ne~:essary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanation5 contain sufficient detail to show'that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or Significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL/LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. D Check this box if you have determined, based on the information a~d analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here~ and on attachments as necessary, the reasons supportng this determination: 10 D LD Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 15, 1986 Mr. John Trettner Land Use Company P.O. Box 361 Wading River, NY 11792 Re: Minor subdivision Charles Bowman Dear Mr. Trettner: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, January 13, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board rescind the resolution of October 21, 1985 declaring themselves lead agency under the State Environmental Qualitv Review Act for the minor subdivision of Charles Bowman ~t Southold. The Town.Trustees have received an application on behalf of Charles Bowman for filling and installing docks on the premises, therefore, they will be the lead agency for the Town. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, / Town Trustees BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary PROJECT I ~-E OP~V~AT ION ~ff~c: ~n ~e ~nv~nmen:. Ple~e co~ec~ :h~ ~nt~r~ ga~ Skew:. Answer~ :o :hasa ques:~ons a~l ~e ~nvalve ne~ s:u~es, ~s~a~ ar fnves:iga:ion. :f fnfa~a:~an ~au~ng ~uc~ ~di:ionaI '~rk fs..unav~!~ble, -' ' Charles W. Bowman by Glenn E. of the Land Use Company Just Charles W. Bowman .... (tlameJ ' Wading Rlver~ N.Y. 11792 ~US~.,N ~S~ PHONE: (516)-929-3575 (Srfefly describe :7Pe of ~r~jec: =r ac:ion) Applicant proposes' t'o create (two) 3 acre lots and const'ru and sanitry system on each. Approximately 2.500 c.y. o{ ¢~]'1 wi]] h~ installed at th~ sates to raise the grade for flood Dt in and S C.D.H.S requirements, ppz~cant a£so proposes to .Install tw~ ~w~d dnn~S ' beading to ramDs and ~oats o~r, plan a~t~chad. '" ~L~SZ ~MPL~= ~CH QU.~STiO,~- m~ca:.~.a.~rnotao=lica~i~) A. SiT~ ~E$CRIPI':O,9 F.?hysiol ~et-:ing of over~ll ~rOjec:. ba:h deve]o~e< ~.nc~ ~develcoed areas) I. Gener..l charac:er of ,'.he !and: Gener~ily unifa~,, slo~e X m 'Senereily ~even and ~ilincj or fr~gular !and -,se: 'Uraan Agricuitu~- , 7.024 Aporoximate acreage: Meadow or 3rusnland ~ ~cr~s 1/8 acres 0 acrls 0 Icr~s , Co=erciaI , Suouroan m , Rural' What fs ~eot= co ~ed,-=¢x? Unknown 3 ~cr~.s 3 3% - 0 ~¢ris 1/~cr~s 0 ~cr~s. 0 tcr~s 6. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: greaser ~. 7. Is project contiguous to, or contain a building ar site listed on the National Register of-Historio Places? Yes × Ne .... .~ 8. What is the depth to the water table? ~.'Sfeet -.~ · g. Op. hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? X 'Yes ' ~ ")(o 10. Ooes project site Contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified'as threetened 'or endangered - Yes X No, according to - Identify each species L m '" x-/ 11. 13. Are t~here eny unique or'~usual land for~ on the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunes~ other geological formations- i.. Yes × .No..(Describe Is the project site presently used by the con~unib/ or neigh.borhood as an open space or rec~at~on...: a~ea - Yes × .No. .-' Ooes the present site offer or include scenic views ar vistas known to be important to .the ., Yes , ×. .No ..... - ~treams within or contiguous to project area: -. a. lla~ of stream and name of river to which it is tributary Goose Creek 16. Lakes, Ponds, Wetland areas within er contiguous to project area: a. Name Goo~e C~eek . $ b. Size (in acres) 'Unk~o~ What is the dominant lanJ use and zoning classification within a 1/~ ~ile radius of the project single family residential, ~-~) and the scale of development {e.g. 2 story). Single Family -Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' ' I. Physical dimensions and scale of project (Fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage armed by project sponsor 7: 0 2/~ acres. b. Project acreage developed: acres initially; . acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped d. Length of project, in miles: 0 (if app~pKiate) e. If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of expansion proposed: age ; developed acreage f. ~er of off-st~t parking spaces existing '-0 ,; proposed 0 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour building'square foot (upon completion of project) h. If ~sidential: Number and type oF housing units: One 'Family Twa Family Multiple Family Condominium Initial 2 0 0 0 Ultimate 2 0 0 0 If: Orientation Neighborhoad~Ci ty-~egionaI Estimated Employment 0 0 Co.n~eroial Industrial 0 J. Total height of tallest proposed structure O Feet. Pending Design -2- Ho~ much natural materia! (i.e. rock, earth ,.etc.) will be removed from the site - 0 tons 0 cubic yards less than 1.C How many acres of Vegetation (trees, shrubs, groun~ covers) will be r~m. oved from site - acres. Will any matuPe forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by ~his project? Yes × No ~ Are there any plans far re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? XYes .. No If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 4 months, (including demo!ition). If multi-phased project: a. Total nu~nber of phases anticipated No. Anticipated date of co~encement phase 1 mont~ demolition) c, Approximate completion date final phase month . d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on subsequent phases? _ Will blasting occur during constriction? Yes X No ~u~ber of jobs generated: during construction 1 ~ .; after project is complete 0 . Nu~er of jobs eliminated by this project O. .. ~ill project require relocation af ~ny projects or facilities? 9. 10. I1. year (~ncIudfng year. Yes Yes X m' NO' If yes, expla{n: a. Is surface ar subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Yes X No. b. If yes, indicate type of waste (s~age, industrial, etc.) ¢. If surface disposal name of strea~ into which effluent will be discharged 13. Will surface area of existing lakes, ponds, stre~s, bays or other surface wale~ays be increased or decreased by proposal? YesXNo. 14. Is projec: or any portion of project located in the tO0 year r~ood plain? -.- X Yes No 15. a, Does project involve disposal of solid waste? X Yes NO b. If yes, will an ~xisting solid waste disoosal facility be used? ¥ Yes No c. If yes, give na~e: $outho~d ~a~d ~i~) location ~te. 48 $outhOZd d. ~ill any wastes not go intaa sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ~ Yes 16. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? .. Yes × .~o 17. Will project routinely produce odors (~re than one hour per day)? Yes X ~o 18, Will ~roject produce operSting noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? · Yes X No 19. Will ~rojec: result in an increase in energy use? X Yes No. If yes, indicate type(s} ~tect~kc~ . X Nc gl. If water supply is from we]ls indicate pumping capacity 10 Total anticipated water usage ;er day 300 gals/dayJhouse Zoning: a, What is dominant-zoning classification of site? b. Current s~ecific zoning classification of site o.. Es proposed use consistent with ~resent zoning? d. If no,-indicate desired zoning gals/minute. Residential Rsidential Approvals: a. Is any Federal permit required? X Yes No b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing? ¢, Lo~al and Regional approvals: · Approval Required {Yes. ~1o) {Type) Yes ×' No Submittal Approval (Date) {Date) City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning 5oard City, Town, Zoning Board Cit~, County Health Department Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Agencies - Federal Agencies C. I~FO~ATID:LAL DETAILS Attach any additional information as may be' needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with the proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate or avoid them. PREPARER' S SIGNATURE: TITLE: REP?~ESENTING: ' DATE: /.Analyst Charles W, Bowman 11-1-85 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART II PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR ~AGNITUDE General Information (Read Carefully) In completing the form the reviewer should be guided ~y the question: Have Fy decisions and dete,~.inations ~_ an expert environmental analyst. been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to ,= Identifying that an effect will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it is also necessarily siQnific~nt. Any large effect must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance, ay.identifying an effect in column Z simply asks that it be looked at further. -' r ...~ The Examnles provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of effects and wherever possible the thr~sh of mag~tbac would trigger a response in coI~n 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any s=ecific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be more appropriate for a Potential Large Impact rating. Each project, on each site, in each qocality, will vary. Therefore, the examples have been offered as guidon They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impactz and thresholds :o answer each question. The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully} a. A~swer each of the 18 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be any effect. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. ¢. If answering Yes to a ouestion then check the a~rcoriate box (column I or 2) to indicate the potential size of the impact. If )mpact threshold equals mr exceeds any example provided, r_heck column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than examoie, check col~n 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about the size of the impact ~Q%.consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. e. If a potentially tar~e impact or effect can be reduced by a change in the project to a less than large magnitude, place a Yes in column 3. A ~o response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. IMPACT ON LAND WILL THERE BE At1 EFFECT AS A RESULT O~ A PHYSICAL CXA:;GE TO PROJECT SITE? ' Examales that :,~ould Apply to Column' 2 Any construction on slopes of 15~ or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project a~a exceed lO~. Constmdction on Land where the depth to the water table is less than 3 feet. . . Construction of oared aarkin~t area for l,~OO or ~cre_ vehicles. C~nstructipn on land ;-~here bedrock is exposed or .;ener=.lly within 3 feeC of existing ground surface. Construction :hat will continue for more :.nan 1 -F:~- or involve more Chon one phase or s:age. _ . Excavation for mining purposes that would remc~ve ..-.pre than l,O00 tons of nature! material {i.e. roc~ or soil} ~er year. Construction of any new sanitary landfill. ©© S~ALL TO POTEJq~IA[ CAN IHPACT BE IMPACT IMPACT PROJECT C.HA.qGE -5- REDUCI~D ~T Construction in a designated _floodway. Other impa~ts: NO YES FOUND 0~1 THE SITE? (i.e. cliffs, dunes, geotog~cai rorma- bi,ns,' etc.) Specific land forms: I~PACT ON W~TE~ - - WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY WATER BODY OESiGgtATEO AS .......... PROTECTED? {Under Articles 15~ onmental Conservation Law, Examales that Would Apply to Column Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of ~aterial f~om channel of a protected strea~. Construction in a designate~ freshwater or tidal wetland. O~d~ar impacts: 4. WiLL PROJECT AFFECTANY ~IO~(-PROTECTED ~ISTINGOR NEW NO YES BODY OF ~!ATER? ...................................... . ......OOt Examoles that Would Apply to Column 2 A lO~ increase or decrease in the surface area of any body '" -of water or more than a l0 acre increase or decrease. Construction of a body of water that exceeds lO acres of surface area. Other impacts: WILL PROJECT AFFECT SURFACE OR G~OUNDWATER QUALITY? Examoles that Would Apply tm Colunm Project will r~quire a discharge permit. Projec~ requires use of a source of water that does not have approval to serve proposed project. Project requires water supply from wells wi th greater than 45 gallons per minute pumeing capacity. Construction or ooeration causing any contamination of a public water supply system. Project will adversely 'affect groundwater. Liouid effluent wili be conveyed off the site facilities which :resently do not exist or nave inadequate capacity. Project requiring a facility that would use water in excess of 20,000 ga)lons per day. Project will likely cause siltation or other discharge into an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural_~d)tions. NO YES Cq.'iALL TO JDERATE I~iPACT LARGE 'DIDACT · O~her Impacts: £xamole that '..':ould Apply to Colum,~q 2 Project would impede flood water r-lows. Project is likely to cause substantial erosion. P~oject is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. Other impacts: YES £xamoles that Would Apply ~ Colum 2 P~je~ will induc~ l ,000 or ~ vehicle trips in any given hour. Project wilt result in the incineration of ~ than 1 ton. of ~fuse per hour. P~ject emission rate o? all cont~inants will exceed 5 lbs. per hour or a heat source producing more than lO million ~TU's per hour. Other impacts: [~PACT 0~,' PLA)ITS .APID 8. WILL PP. OJECT AFFECT AI{Y THREATE[~E~9 OR' F~ID~qGERc~ SPECIES? Exa~oles that !.:ould Apply to Colum~ .~ Reduction of o~e or move_ soecies listed on the !Jew York or Federa) list. using the site, over or near sica o? found on the site. - ' Re.~oval of any ~ortian of a critical or significant wild- = life habitat. Application of Pes'.icide or he~icide over m~re than t)~lce a year other than for agriu~.,?.ural purposes. Other imoacts: YES Examnle that ~uld Apply to Column 2 Projec~ would substantially interfere with any residant or ~igrator¥ fish or ~ildlife species. Prnjecc recuires the re,oval of ~o~e t~an IO acres of ~ature forest (over iOO y~rs in age} or other locally i~or~nt vegecac!on. :.)~LL TO POT~XITIAL CA~) IIIPACT ~E .lO DEPJ~TE LARGE REOUCED BY IMPACT Ii,PACT PROJECT CliA~GE II. 12. ~PPA~ O~J~tSUAL RESOURCE Examples that ~uld Apply to ~l~n 2 An incompatible visual af~ct caused by the (ntroductien of new materials, col'ors and/or ~J in contrast to the sur~unding landscape. A o~ject easily visible, not easily screened, that is obviously di~erent f~m othe~ a~und it. P~ect will result in the elimina~on or major screening of scenic views or vistas known to be impotent to the area. Other impactS: , LL P DJEC I,PAC O, St C RE NO ,~v Examples that Would Apply to Colum~ 2 Project occurinq wholly or partially within or contiguous to any facility or site listed on the National Register of_ historic places. A~y imoact to an archeotagic~t site or fossil bed located within t~e p~oject sit~. Other impacts= ~IPACT ON OPEN SPACE& RECREATTON WiLLTHE PROJECT AFFECT THE OUAHTITY OR OUALII'Y OF EXIST!NG NO YES OR FUTURE OPE~ SPACES OR REc,EATION~L OPPOR~J~IITIE~? ...... 0 0 Examoles that Would Apply to C~lumn 2 The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational oppor~.unity. A major reduction of an open space important to the co,~munity. Other impacts: IMPACT O~ T~NSPORTATIOD$ 13. WILL THE~E 8E AN EFFECT TO EXISTING T2ANSPORTATiON SYSTemS? ............................................... Examples Chat ~ould Apply to Column ~ - AlteFation of presen~ patterns of ~ve~ent of beadle and/or goo~s. Project wi]] result in severe traffic problems. Other impacts: ~,~ALL TO POTENTIAL CA,"; I,~.~ACT :BE ,0 DcP~ATE LARGE REDUCED 8Y IMPAC~ IMPACT 1 PROJECT I ) -' NO 14o I~PACT ON ENERGY WILL PRO2ECT AFFECT THE ¢O~-~.IUNITIES SOURCES QF ~JEL ,~A ~ YES ~ERGY SUPPLY? ........................................... QO Examoles that Would Apply to Col~n 2 ProjeCt causing greater ~en 5% increase in any ~ of ener~ used in municipally. Project reouiring the creation or extension of an energy transmission or su:oly system ~,se~e more than 50 single or m~o ~mily residences. Other impacts: IMPACT ON NO[S~ )~. WILL ~ERE BE OBJECTIONABLE ODORS. ~tSE, G~RE, YZ8~TION NO YES or [ECTRI~L DIS,~..~,~C: AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? ~xamoles that Would Ap~ly to Column 2 . Blasting within 1,lO0 ~et of a hospital, school or other sensitive facility. Odo~ will occur mutinety ~mre than one hour per day)- 16. Project will.oroduce ooereting, noise exceedino. local ar,~ient noise levels far noise outside of str~Jctures. Project will remove natural barriers that would act as a Other impacts: ~MPACT O~ HEALTH & MA~&~DS NO YES Exemoles that Would Apply to Column 2 Project will cause a risk of explosion or release of ~azerdous substances (i.e. ail, pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) in :he event of accident or umset conditions, or t~ere will be a chronic low level discharge or emission. Project that will r~sult in the burial of "hazardous wastes" (i.e. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, acc., including wastes thaC are solid, s~i-solid, liquid or contain gases.) Storape facilities for cna million or more gaIlons of liquified natural gas or other l(ouids. Ot~er imoects: SMALL TO POTENTIAL CA~; !,'~,PACT'BE' ~OEP. a. TE LARGE REOUG£D BY'~ IMPACT ' I)IPACT PROJECT C2ANGE i -9- ( IMPACT C'.q G~):':TH AND CHA~g~rER OF COL~?J:[[TYOR JmLJ}..q~ ~, ........ ~,n~..n ~-]~. WILl PROJECT AFFECT I'HE CHARACTER nF THE EXISTI~IG I !}~PACT NO ¥~S | .................... : (DC) CO..~.~,,~TY? .......................... Examole that Would Apply to Column 2 The population of the City, Town ar Village in ~hich th~ _ project is loca:ad is likely to g~w by more than S~ o~ resident human population. l%e ~unicipaI budgets ~r capital exuenditures or opera- ting services will increase by more than $% :er year as a result of this project. Will involve any merm. anent ~cility of a non-agricultural use in an ~griculturel district or remove mrime agricultural lands f~m:cuttivation. ll~e project will replace or eliminate existing facilities, st~Jcture$ or areas of historic importance to the comm..unity. Oevelopment will induce an influx of a pa~icular age group with special needs. Project will set an important precedent for future projects. Project will relocate 15 or more employees in one or more businesses. Other impacts: 18. NO ' YES IS THERE PUBLIC CDNTROVER$¥ CONCER~iING l"~E PROJECT? ....... Exam. oles that Would Apply to Column 2 Either government or citizens of adjacent communities have expressed opposition or rejected the projec: or have not been contacted. Objections to the projec: from within the community. POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT OR IF YOU CA,i~;OT DET~Ri4IRE ] I'HE 'MAGNI~IIDE OF INPACT, PROCSED TO PART 3. ) DETEP~HI NATION [;iP,a, CT · PROJECT C~r~GE PORTIONS OF FAF CO,qPLE'FED FOR T'~IS PROJEffF: PART I PART II PART 3 Uoon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts l, 2 and 3) and considering both the magnitude and i~ortance of each impact, it is reasonably determined that: A. 1Cna orojec: will resul~ in no major impacts and, therefore, is one which may not cause significant damage to the environment. B. Although the oroject could have a sigMficant effect on the environment, chore will no~ be a significant effect in this case ~ecause ~he mitigacicn measures describeq in PART 3 nave been inc!uoed as part o~ the proposed projec:. C. T~e project will result (n one or more major adverse ~mDacts that cannot be reduced and may cause s~gnificanc damage to the enrichment. Qate Signature of PPeoarer (if different from responsible officer) PREPARE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION (3 . Pg, E~ARE A NEC~TIVE DECLAP, ATION POSITIVE 9E'CL.ARATIO~ PROCEED W1 Signature of R~sponsigle Official ~n L: Agency Print or type name of responsible off~: in Lead Agency TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART III EVALUATION OF, THE IMPORTANCE OF iMPACTS I~IFOR.MATIO~ Part 3 is pre=ared if one or more impact or effect is considered to be ~otentially large. The amount of writing necessary to answer Part 3 may be determined by answering the question: In briefl'y comoleting the instructions below have I olaced in t~is record sufficient information to indicate the reasonableness of my decisions? .. INST2UCTIO~)S Complete the following for each impact or effect identified in'Column 2 of Part 2: ). Briefly describe the impact. 2. Describe (if applicable) how the impact might be mitigated or reduced to a less than iarge impact by a pro- Ject change. 3. Based on the information availablej decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is immortent to the minicipality (city, town or village) in whic~ the project is located. To answer the question of importance, consider: - l'he probability of the impact or effect occurring The duration of the impact or effect - Its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources or values Whether the impact or effect can be controlled - The regional consequence of the impact or effect - Its potential divergence from local needs and goals Whether known objections to the project apply to this impact or effect. OETE~M[PlATiON OF SI~IIF!CA~ICE An action is considered to be significant if: ~ One {or more) imoact is determined to both large and its (their) consequence, based on the review above, is imoortant. -' PART I I I STATE,~4E,~(TS (Continue on Attachments, as needed) APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT ..... OMB ,4PPEOVA.[, NO. 0?02.0036 .... . ..... ~33 C~R ~61 Expi~ 30 Ju~ 1986 · he Detriment of the ~my ~rmit pro.am h authored by Section 10 of the ~iver and ~bor Act of 1899, Section 404 or the Clean Water Act and Section 103 of the M~i~, ~o~lon, ~e~ch and ~n~u~ies Ac~. Them laws r~u~ ~rmi~ tutoring actlviti~ in or agreeing navigable wa~ of the United S~tes, the dhchrge of dredg~ or fill ~terhl into wa~ of the U~t~ S~tu, ~nd the trans~tion of d~died ~Mrhl for the pu~ of dumping it into ocean wa~ro.. Infor~tion ~ovided on t~ f~m will be ~u~d in eval~t~i the appli~tion for a ~rmit. lnfor~tlon in thh appht~n h ~do a ~tt~ of public re~ through in~ ora public noti~. Disclos~e of the information ~quesMd i8 voluntary; however, the da~ ~que~Md ~e nec~ in ord~ ~ ~uni~M with the appll~nt and to eval~te the ~rmit apportion. If henry infor~tlon b not ~vid~, the ~r~t appli~tion ~nnot ~ pm~d nor ~n. ~rmit ~ ~ued. One ~t of original d~wln~ or good ~pr~uclble copi~'which~ow ~e lo~tion:~d c~r of the p~.d activity m~t ~ .~ -- * at~ched ~ th~ appli~ti~ (see ~mp~e dm~in~s and i~tructio~; ~d be submittal ~ the D~ict Engin.r ~ving J~l~lon over the lo~tion of the propo~d activity. An appli~tion t~t is not completed in full will bm ret~ned. 1. A~L ~ATION NUMBER (To be ~l~ned b~ Co~J 3. NAME, AODRE~, AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT 2. NAMEANDADORESSOFAPPLICANT Charles W. Bowman N. Country Rd., Box 361 Wading River, N.Y. 11792 A/C { A/C I516 ~-~ ~ q-- ~; 75 4, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSEO ACTIVITY N. Country Rd. , Box 361 Wading River, N.Y. 11792 Telephone ~o, during bulinell houri A/C ( }" "" ' I'R~s~wnge) ' '~" '" ' A/c (516)-929-3~75 ACTIVITY Applicant proposes to crea~e (two) 3 acre lots and construct a single · family dwelling and sanitary system on each. Approximatelz 2,500 c~y. of fill will be in~alle~ ~t the ~ites to raise the grade fo~ flood plain and S.C.D.H.S, .requirements. Applicant. also pr.o.poses to .~nstall ' tW6 fixed docks leadign to ramps and floats per plan attached. 4b. PURPOSE Private Residences 4c. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FIkL MATERIAl.. Fill will be installed at sites to ENG FORM 4345, Apr 83 raise grade for rgqu. ir. emen;s. EDITION OF 1 OCT _77 IS OBSOLETE flood plain (P~ol~nent; DAEN-CWO-NI E, NAMEE AND AODRE~.a ~. "r ~ ~ PR~t~~ qTY OWNERa, LESSEES, ETC., WHOB~PROPER~. LSD ADJOIN& THE WATERWAY .... Herman & Frieda[.0.h.lman., Main-Bayview R~ .... ..... ~.. -h,~. ;_ ' S:O~t hol*d',' N.Y. 1'1971:'- 6. WATERSaDD~ AND LOCATION ON WATEREOOY WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTa O~J$ PROPOSED...... .'.r. ncL~ Creek ...... ; ..... '"' ..... :" ' '"" -' -~ "" 7, LOCATION OH LAND WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR I$ PROPOEEO ADORE~ Main~Bayview RD ad" S'66~61 d ..... STREET, ROAD, ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION Suffolk N.Y ...... COUNTY ETATE ZiP CODE 'Town of So'uthold .......... ~:';'" '" LOCAL GOVERNING BoDY WITH JURISDICTION OVER EITE 'E, ~e any portion ct the activity for which authorization It ~ugnt now complete? [] YES ~] NO ISSUING AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION ND. DATE OF APPLICATION OATE OF APPROVAL DATE'OF DENIAL N. Y. S. D. E.C. pending Town of Southold .pending :4= ~:IGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE DATE The application mutt be signed by the patton who dedret to undertake the proposed activity fapplicani) or it may be sign~d by a duly authorized agent if the ttatemant in Block 3 hat b~en jilted out ~d signed. 18 U.8.C. 8action 1001 provides that: Wh~ver, in any manner within the jurhdiction of any detriment knowingly and willfully falsifies, ~ncea~, or ~vers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or ~kat any ~l~, fietitioua -fraudulent sMtemen~ or tep~nMtiona or ~k~ or u~s any fal~ writing or document knowing ~me to ~n~ln ft'audulent s~tement or entry, ~11 ~ fin~ not more t~n $10,000 ct Impriwn~ not more t~n five Y~h or both.' · ~ not ~nd a ~rmit pro~uing f~ with this appll~tion. The app~opria~ fee will be a~uad when a ~rmlt TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Tuesday, December 19, 1985 at 8:00 P.t~. in the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Present were: Absent was: Also present: Martin H. Garrell Chairman John Holzapfel Member Ralph ~ondit - Member Jeanne Martinet - Member Heather Cusack - Member John Tuthill - Member Linda J. Cooper - Secretary Betty Wells - Member Mr. Newman - Application No. 330 and 335 On a motion made by John Tuthitl, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 26, 1985. Vote of Council: Ayes: Ail Motion carried. REPORTS: New York Department of State Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats Several members of the CAC attended the meeting held Tuesday, December 10, 1985 and Monday, December 16, 1985. It was suggested several of the local experts in the area be contacted and have them provide information to the group concerning locations of habitats of different wildlife and fish. LONG ISLAND SOUND STUDY representative Martin H. Garrell reported the LISS's request for proposals will be coming out soon for Fiscal 1986. In addition to a data base on toxins and eutrophication of the Sound, the most interesting study for this area will be of winter flounder. The study will be trying To look at how flounder do in polluted areas as compared to the more pristine areas of the Sound. The study will look at the role of contamination to reproduction. The LISS is also lo~king at hard clams (surf clams) regarding ~age _2 growth and contamination. DISCUSSION: .'~ The~CAC has requested dredging maps from John Guldi to see what has been dredged in the historic past, to aid the Council in their recommendations. The Council also discussed their desire to have a session or two with the new Town Board and Trustees to let them know what the CAC is doing, to discuss problems it runs into, and get the Town Board's and Trustee~ interpretations of different difficulties. A possible topic at the session would be to 'check with the Town Board to see if the Town would be willing to financially back th~CAC in restoring areas that have deteriorated due to drainage problems. Chairman Garrell stated he will contact Councilman Stoutenburgh in regards to the Councilman's request to have the CAC do an inventory of sewers and drains going into town waters. The Council feels this is an excellent project. It~ a simple step which would bring dramatic results in.easing the loading o£ local creeks. The runof£ could be deflected from the creeks into marshes and use the marshes as a buffer zone. Heather Cusack would like a booklet or brochure put out for the lay person to understand, explaining what wetlands are; the towns rules and regulations concerning wetlands; and the reasoning behind these rules. Also should be included are aspects the home owner should be aware of, ~i.e. effects of lawns and fertilizers on the environmeat. The Council felt it would make a worthwhile project. It was suggested Heather contact the NFEC to see if they have anything like that already. Heather will also check with other towns to see if they have similar booklets which may be used as a guide. Chairman Garrell spoke of organizing a joint meeting between Southold, Riverhead, East Hampton mnd Southampton conservation groups , possibly Saturday, February 8 or 15, 1986. He is also considering having a guest speaker at the meeting. APPLICATIONS: The Council discussed the Ted Dowd application (Wetland APplication No. 319). A letter was written to Mr. Dowd after the last meeting requesting his presence at a future meeting. Mr. Dowd responded that he was working in Florida and would not be returning to Southold until springtime. Ail questions concerning his application will be put in writing and mailed to him. Chairman Garrelt said he would compose a letter presenting the Council's concerns. At the Council's request Mr. Newman was present to discuss his Wetland Applications (Ho. 330 and No. 335). In answer to the questions, Mr. Newman stated the bulkhead and pilings in Appli:cation No. 330 would be flush with the ground level with sloping on the outside. (Drawings show bulkhead with a drop off). New drawings will be submitted to the Trustees. Page 3 Mr. Newman's Wetland Application No. 335 was 'then discussed. Mr. Newman stated twelve pilings would be used for the garage, placement would be along the back wall, front wall, and down the middle. (Garage will also require ZBA approval.) It~was explained by .Mr. Newman that the back of the garage was built on an old bulkhead and caused the garage to sink. The garage contains a washer and shower, new plumbing will go into the existing cesspool. RECOMMENDATIONS: On a motion made by Martin Garrell, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board disapproval of the Wetland Applic'ation No.''193A submitted by En-Consuttants Inc. on behalf of Matt-A-Mar M~rina to construct timber docks consisting of: 4' x 35' catwalk (elevated a minimum of 3.5 ' above grade of marsh) and a 3' x 15' hinged ramp leading to (18) 5' x 24' floats (432' overall) plus a 5' x 30' float and a 2' x 24' float. The Council fel~:~ the scale of the projec~ is too large for that area and there was concern for the land owners on the opposite side. Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Vote of the Council: Ayes: Nays: Martin Garrell Ralph Condit John Holzapfel Heather Cusack Jeanne Martinet John Tuthill Motion carried. On a mo~ion made by Heather Cusack, seconded by Ralph Condit it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees di's'appr'oval of the Wetland Application No. 315 submitted by The Land Use Company on behalf of North Fork Property Development to construct two 3' by 15' ramps leading to two 6' x 20' float docks which will be each supported by two 8" spiles. Then ~o dredge said canal ~o 2' at MLW an area 960 s.f. to allow pleasure craft to tie up To said floats. Dredged material will then be trucked to the Southold Town Landfill. The Council disapproves because the canal is Too narrow for two floating docks. Also they feel the area cannot be dredged, its too narrow and the sides would fall in. The wetlands would be harmed. In addition, ~he area is a Black Duck habitat. Mattituck. Vote of Council: Ayes: Ail Motion carried. On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Tuthill. it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of the Wetland Application No. 325 submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. for J. Lane Curry ~o construct 60' low profile groin To extend from existing bulkhead. Pre-fill with 60 c.y. trucked in sand ~age ~4 of same granulation. Paradise Po±nt Road, Southold. Vote of Councit: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Martin Garrell, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees disapproval of the Wetland Application No. 326 submitted by Mr. Charles W. Bowman to create two 3 acre lots and construct a single family~ dwell~ing and sanitary system on each. Approximately 2500 c.y. of fill will be installed at the sites to raise the grade for flood plain and Su£folk County Department of Health Service requirements. Also planned is installation of two fixed docks leading to ramps and float. The Council's disapproval is based on a letter from Suffolk County Department of Health Services to the Planning Board stating ground water conditions are not conductive to the proper functioning of individual sewage systems. Goose Creek, Southold. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Jeanne Marriner, seconded by John Tuthill, it was RESOLVED To recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of the Wetland Application No, 327 submitted by Glenn E. Just of The Land Use Company on behalf of Ian 'Sh~nd to construct a 5' x 15' fixed dock leading to a 3' x 15' ramp which will lead to two 5' x 15' floating docks. One of which will be set at a 45 degree difference to the other. Said float docks will be supported by three 8" spiles. 1460 North Oakwood Road, Laurel, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Tuthill, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of the Wetland Application No. 328 submitted by The North Fork Marine Construc- tion, Inc. on behalf of John Lang to build a new CCA timber retaining wall 187 in front of existing wall. Wall will be approximately 135' in length and about 6" higher than existing wall. Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by John Tuthill, seconded by John Holzapfel, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town TrusTees approval of the Wetland Application No. 329 subm~ed by North Fork Marine Construction, Inc. o~ behalf o£ Claeyes Bahrenburg to construcv a timber dGck off of ex~sting sea wall on south side of property, level with Top of sea wall and out To edge of northern sea wall. Wes~ Bay Road, Orient, New York. Page 5 Vote of Council: Motion carried. Ayes: All On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Tuthill, it was RESOLVED to recommend To the Southold Town Trustees approval of the Wetland Application No. 330 submitted by John J. Newman to construct 65' o£ bulkhead and 5' return bulkhead to control erosion, using 8' pile, 6' on center, 6' sheathing, 8' vertical deadman, and three pilings to existing floating dock. Approval is with the following stipulations: 1. Submit a new drawing £or the bulkhead as discussed. 2. Use hay bales between bulkhead and water to avoid runof£ during construction~ 3. ~ackfill on the outside o£ the bulkhead up to the top of the retaining wall and plant natural vegetation on slope. Vote of Council: Marion carried. Ayes; ~artin ~arrell, John Holzapfel, Ralph Condit, Heather Cusack, John Tuthill Abstain: Jeanne Martinet On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Tuthill, it was RESOLVED To recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of the Wetland Application No. 331 submitted by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Heagen Bayles to place stone rip-rap armor (l! per 1.f.) in front of 445± 1.f. of existing timber bulkhead. Smith Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by Jeanne Martinet, it was RESOLVED To table the Wetland Application No. 332 Submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of Helen D. Reiter. The Council felt the project would sufficientaly impact the wetlands and suggests the Southold Town Trustees request an ENvironmental Impact Statement. The CAC wishes to be considered an interested party and tables the application until hearings are held. The following should be addressed: 1. Danger to the wetlands due to the dredging leading To under-~ cutting of the wetland in the extreme tidal conditions. 2. Disturbance to the wetlands during dredging and construction. Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: Ail Motion carried. On a motion made by John Holzapfel, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was RESOLVED to table the Wetland Application No. 333 submitted by Eh- Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Dr. Vincent Claps to construct a dock with a hinged ramp and float secured by two 8" pilings. The Council will send the applicant a letter with suggestion for amending his application. John Holzapfel will compose The letter. End of Willow Point Road near Greenport, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. Page On a motion made by Martin Garrell, seconded by John Tuthill, it was RESOLVED to table Wetland Application NO. 335 submitted by John J. Newman zo drive pilings to shove up existing garage and add a second floor. The Council will investigate the matters of overloading of the existing cesspool, legality of a second story going-against the covenants of his deed, and the possibility- of disturbance to surrounding areas by driving 12 pilings into the ground. Sailors Needle Road, Mattituck, New York. Vote of Council: Motion aarried. Ayes: Martin Garrell, -John Tuthill, Ralph Condit, Heather Cusack, John Holzapfel Abstain: Jeanne Marriner On a motion made by John Tuthill, seconded by Martin Garrell, it was RESOLVED to table the Wetland Application NO. 336 submitted by Mr. Glenn F. Heidtmann to build a single family home. The Council requested a letter be sent to Mr. Heidtmann asking that he attend a future meeting. Brigantine Drive, Harbor Lights, Southold, New York. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS The nexv regular meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 1986 az 8:00 P.~. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southotd, New York. Group Inspections will be made on Thursday, January 23, 1986. The group will meet at Southold Town Hall at 3:00 P.M. New applications were as follows: No.' 334 - Group.Inspection No. 337 - Group Inspeczion No. 338 - Group Inspection There being no further ~business To come before the Council on-a motion made by John Holzapfel, seconded by Jeanne Martinet, RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting az .10:20 P.M. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. it~'was Respectfully submitted, Linda J. Cooper, SecreTary