HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Mu- nicipal Law, that sealed bids are (sought and requested for one (1) new 1967 Good Roads Model SP 200 Chip E;preader, OR EQUAL - Specifmation for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together wit,( a Non -Collusive Cer,iflcate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town, of Southold, at his office, Peconic, I N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., July 20, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Sup't of Highways reserves 1 the right to reject any and all bids and . o waive any and .all in- formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the .best inter- est of the Town of Sou hold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on new Chip Spreader) to the Office of the Sup't. of High- ways. The bid price shall not in - elude any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the 'Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: July 7, 1967 RAYMOND C. D&AN, 1t,J14 Sup't. of Highways COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 .STATE OF NEW YORK, � %s ... /. 4 . �{ ... Lam...... being duly Sworn. says that ... . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is is printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times ante in each week, for ... ... r'i'? ................ weekt successively commencing on the U day .of ... �:�Z�� ��. � .. 19�. j • j_ Sworn to before me this stay of .....��z........ ................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE O....,,Fvv NEW YORK, J ss: .... being duly Sworn, says that ...r`K is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is is printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ... U? �............... week successively commencing on the ..: ts' .... . day of ... 19fv7 . :....... .N....... Swarn to before me this . �.. ... . day of ... ........ 19 47... 1 .. .... . .j. -ter ..... ... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11980 LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Dear Sir: TEL. YAPHANK 4-8451 - 8452 WILLIAM S. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER July 21, 1967 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering; the purchase of one (1) new 1967 Good Roads Model Chip Spreader, as specified. The extra copy is being mailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M. Kammerer Commissioner of Public Works m encs. ,/ cc. Supt. Raymond Dean - — - _ - - Form A.G 142-T.11-19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment ........... ene (1) New 1967 Good Roads n1P.. spr�dert................................................................................................................................................................................... (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based.) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ SEE, ATThCK D...SPECIFICATIONS)............................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................I........ ................................................................................................................................................................................................. entered into this ..... 21: ..... day of ............ !N -4 !N-4 ................. 19..67, between Raymond C. Dean Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of.......................SQdhQ1d................ in the County of Suffolk .................................., New York, and .....P! icipal NJachinery...o.r.,...Inc •.x.......................... ................................... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ............................. Gomm,...New... York ................................................................. (P. O. Address) for a total price of S xteen,,,thaus�nd„sevgn„hundred...-.Dollars ($...16....75P.+.QC......... >. This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for snch bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 6-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizift the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town �7 Southold at a meetin held ......... June.. 711 .................................1 19......... of................................................................................................... 8 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of (Strike out if not applicable) $............................................................ (2) By a check for $...1h.,.75PA.9!? ....................... drawn on the machinery fund. (strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then beaccepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of 18.0 ..........days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at ............. Pec.. ? ;c .... New..YoT'k ......... ............................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... not later than the ... 1.5.t. .... day of ............ .Eil -'U,9:te...................... 19....E'7 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand 4ury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. A y d: . .. ................CLL . ! 11'.......... ounty uperintendent of ighwaye COA1misSi ner dd� Public Work# J ivi... 4i........... ( SEAL) ................. .. ........ Vice Pres: ent ................. .... .. ............................. (Indicate whe or,a nt ........ . .�� . .. ...... (SEAL) Superintend of ig ways NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase./jr%e of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of lghways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval Elle two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall Me one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment � ~ ` � Town n2---��X�ho.l.d ............................................... ` _ County mf ........ �af.Ql� .----------------. Dated ............... July _2I' ................................ 19_67 . If any machinery or equipment is aovontod by�-the in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, -the following describes ,uwchdoork or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed oEomuPxzos OF MACHINERY VALUE —_-----. $ ....................... ' . --------_---'................... $ .-------' ---^--------------- $--............ _- --.................................. ................... $ ............ ............. � --------'_--------- $ .......................... ` � v � � Apnrovou:-------------------° 19 ........ ^ ' _ ......................................................7 ---.0vooty . . . ~ Superintendent of Hiolmrayo ' / Filed: -._-.-~_--..................................... 19 ........ _______^,__________________ � - .....'............'........................_........_............ � ��� SPLCIFUATIONS F0ft SELF4ROPELLED AGGREGATE SPKEkDa. G The Self-propelled agate spreader covered by this specification shall be a two-man operated type of spreader, so designed and constructed as to apply a uni- formly distributed application of cover and seal coat aggregate. The unit shall be complete in all pants necessary for operation, completely assembled and serviced when delivered and any standard components required for efficient operation although not specifically called for herein s2 --all be furnished. TbE BZDER: s shall be an authorised dealer of the 14mufactur+er whose equipment he is offering and slsall include with his bid a Eanufacturer's Certificate indicating this. The Spreader offered must be the latest and a 136? Hodel, and date of delivery must be given. Clik :The chassis shall be a heavy-duty type equipped with dual rear wheels. All wheels shall be standard truck type disc wheels equipped with not less than 10.00 x 20 12 -ply truck time having a standard tire $reads. The unit shall be equipped with power assisted hydraulic brakes on both tho front and rear axles. The unit shall also be equipped with an eleotrically-operated parking brake. Full power steering shall be furnished. iGiLIE: The spreader shall be powered by an industrial type gasoline engine kaving a horsepower rating of not less that: 129 E.P. at 20000 RPH governed ,engine speed. The engine shall be complete with cooling Mateo, clutch, oil bath type air cleaner, oil filter, key type ignition, electric starting systew consisting of starter, battery, and generator or alternator, voltage regulator, constant speed mechanical governor, awfater, gas gauge, water teaperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, tachometer, fuel tank, hand throttles foot throttle, abd all other standard accessories. POWF,h TRAIL s The peer train shall consist of a heavy-duty transmission having a mini- mum torque rating, of 385 fr./lbs. and five speeds forward and one reverse speed, The twos -speed truck type rear axle differential shall have 6. 5/12.64:1 deductions and a 229000 lb. minimum rating. The power train shall provide for a range of operating speeds from 2.? k.% to at least 35.0 Mfi. 44;Ci;IVLiU WPPili s The rear receiving hopper shall have a tuck capacity of not less than 3.5 a is yards. This hopper slial.l be equipped with rubber lateral skirting and an adjustable control gate for conveyor belt. A hydraulically -powered claenout auger shall be provided to move material from rear hopper corners to conveyor belt. Gu :YEY.G�v L)UTEfi s The spreader shall be equipped witli one (1) independently controll- ed 36" wide conveyor belt designed for conveying the material frot, the receiving hopper to tim spreading hopper. Conveyor skjall be hand: ogntrolled and independently operated by an $" Twin Disc type clutch. Belt shall have an adjustable food gate, adjust- able drive and tail pulleys anti hooded adjustable material flow deflector located at the spre&4 hopper end of conveyor w..ich is desig:-ed to distribute the material in the eprvad hopper. The tail pulleys shale. be the open type self-cleaning pulleys. The xonveyor shall be driven by a split shaft P.T. 0. locited An drive line between main transmissiot, and differential and shall provide a ground speed co-ordinated conveyor speed. SPbiL" hUx P k: The spread or front hopper shall be a IQ ft Movable hopper and shall have a truck capacity of not less than I,Z e& ydso and shall be ad-lustable tow provide for a width of spread from 6 inches to at least 10 ft. The s�i�eadcar hopper cut-off gates shall be individually operated by the 900 movement of control handles, and in closed position shall strike the food roll to the rear of top center. r 2 r The spreader hopper shall be equipped with an adjustable height segregation screw and rod type scrim or gristly over the top of the hopper. The spread hopper shall be equipped with a grooved spread roller and agitator and shall be driven by the split shaft P. T. Q. and shell be ground co-ordinated, TRUCK UICH: The spread shall be equipped with an adjustable truck hitch which can be manually released from the operator's platf orv6 ile truck hitch shall be a type which will permit the hooking and unhooking of aggregate trucks without stopping, and shall have a warn signal button on the operating lever. ACCL6iQiUi. S s The spreader shall have at least one full length catwalk adjacent to one side of tl-e conveyor system. The catwalks shall be equipped with a safety tread type deck and handrails. All standard operating controls shall be conveniently located in the operator's com- partment. The operator's compartment shall also be vquipped with a codlortable spring mounted type, adjustable and cushiioned seat, and horn„ MT5 MiD kaiVTGE: Shall be available within , .0 ffi1M.. LITr:4ATURR s The bidder :,hall ssubrit litera uure describing the equipment he proposes to furnish, oth--rwise the bid may not be considered. MUNICIPAL MACHINERY CO., ING MUNICIPAL & CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT JERICHO TURNPIKE (Route 25) SALES • SERVICE CORAM, N. Y. SELDEN 2.3555-6 July 19., 1967 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York Gentlemen: In reply to your recently advertised request for bids, we are pleased to quote you on the following: 1 - New 1967 Good Roads Model SP -200 Chip Spreader with all standard equipment shown are the attached brochure, plus backup alarm bell, stop light and tail light, muffler, front and rear turn signals, in complete accordance with your specifications, copy of which we have examined. Complete unit serviced and delivered immediately from dealer stock -------------- $ 16,750.00 We thank you for this opportunity sof bidding and trust we may be of service to you. DK/mf encl. Manufacturer's Certificate Literature cc:GSM Very truly yours, MLINICIPAL MACHINERY CO. , INC. Donald Kempster Sales Manager GOOD ROADS MACHINERY CORPORA -TION CANTON, OHIO 44702 / 216-455-7002 July 14, 1967 To Whom It May Concern Gentlemen: This letter is to confirm the fact that Municipal Machinery Co., Inc., Jericho Turnpike (Route 25), Coram, Long Island, New York, is the authorized dealer for the sales and service of Good Roads products which include the SP -200 Chip Spreader, Snow Plow line, Vacuum Equipment line, and a complete line of Salt, Sand and Cinder Spreaders. Any bid requests or quotations requested will be handled by Municipal Machinery Co., Inc., as our authorized dealer in the Suffolk County, New `:ork City area. Very truly yours GOOD ROid)S kuL,.GhINi:RY CORP0,raATION Donald R. Cynningham Spreader Product Manager DRC: zv NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without col- lusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) chis bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification,' and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf. (e) That attached hereto (if corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. (Signed) General Manager Title RESOLUTION - for corporate bidders only RESOLVED THAT Donald Kempster be authorized to individual sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project furnish Good Roads Model SP -200 Chij Spreader (describe project) and ti include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by section one hundred three -d of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and fot any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penal- ties of perjury. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. corporation at a meei-ing of its board of directors held on the 10th day of August 1 1965 and is still in full force and effect on this 19th day of Ju lY_� , 19 67 . (SEAL OF THE CORPORATION) Assistant secretary R"MurlON of Dom OP DIRWrORS 1_ba by certify that I as the duly elected and qualified Assistant iecretary.of Municipal Machinery Co., Inc. and the keeper of the records and corporate seal of said corporation and that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation held In accordance with the By -Laws of said corporation at its offices at Coram, Nov Tock on the 10th day of August, 1965. U IT USOLM that the President, Vice President or General Manager are hereby authorised as signators of all certificates, bids or contracts received in supplying equipment or materials as contracted for by municipalities within the State of New York. Authorized signatures of: Kenneth Rhodes, President Vice President Donald W. Kempster, General Manager IN MITNiSS WH2REOF, I have hereunto affixed my name as Assistant Secretary and have caused the Corporate Seal of said Corporation to be hereto affixed this 10th day of &guust 1965. L'4 (seal) Assistant Secretary I, Kenneth Rhodes, a director of said Corporation do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of a resolution adopted as above set forth. «z Presidefit' RAND -MAC MURRAY INC. ILLMMM 9M EAST JERICHO TURNPIKE • HUNTINGTON STATION, LONG ISLAND, N. V. TEL HA I -NO DISTRIBUTORS OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • SALES. SERVICE AND RENTALS July 18, 1967 Town of Southold Department of Highways Peconic Lane' Peconic, New York Chip Spreader Bid 7/20/67 Gentlemen: We regret we cannot submit a bid on the above at this time. We hope you will retain our name on your bidder's list and trust we may be of service in the future. Very truly yours, RAND -MAC MURRAY, INC. Arthur Schatzel Vice President 11 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SELF-PROPELLED AGGREGATE SPREADER GENERAL: The self-propelled aggregate spreader covered by this specification shall be a two-man operated type pf spreader, so designed and constructed as to apply a uni- formly distributed application of cover and seal coat aggregate. The unit shall be complete in all parts necessary for operation, completely assembled and serviced when delivered and any standard components required for efficient operation although not specifically called for herein shall be furnished. THE BIDDER: shall be an authorized dealer of the Eanufaoturer whose equipment he is offering and shall include with his bid a Yanufacturer's Certificate indicating this. The Spreader offered must be the latest and a 1967 hodel, and date of delivery must be given. CHASSIS: The chassis shall be a heavy-duty type equipped with dual rear wheels. All was shall be standard truck type disc wheels equipped with not less than 1O.00x20 12 -ply truck tires having a standard tire treads. The unit shall be equipped with power assisted hydraulic brakes on both the front and rear axles. The unit shall also be equipped with an electrically -operated parking brake. Full power steering shall be furnished. ELGINE: The spreader shall be powered by an industrial type gasoline engine having a horsepower rating of not less than 129 H.P. at 2000 RPM governed engine speed. The engine shall be complete with cooling system, clutch, oil bath type air cleaner, oil filter, key type ignition, electric starting system consisting of starter, battery and generator or alternator, voltage regulator, constant speed mechanical governor, ammeter, gas gauge, water temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, tachometer, fuel tank, hand throttle, foot throttle, and all other standard accessories. POWER TRAIN: The power train shall consist of a heavy-duty transmission having a mini- mum torque rating of 385 ft./lbs. and five speeds forward and one reverse speed. The two -sped truck type rear axle differential shall have 6.75/12.64:1 reductions and a 22,000 lb. minimum rating. The power train shall provide for a bange of operating speeds from 2.7 M to at least 35.0 FPH. RECEIVING HOPPER: The rear receiving hopper shall have a truck eapcaity of not less than 3.5 cubic yards. This hopper shall be equipped with rubber lateral agirting and an adjustable control gate for conveyor belt. A hydraulically -powered cleanout auger shall be provided to move material from rear hopper Boners to convey6r belt. CONVEYING SYSTEhThe spreader shall be equipped with one (1) indenpendently oontroll- ed 360 wide conveyor belt designed for conveying the material from the receiving hopper to the spreading hopper. Conveyor shall be hand controlled and independently operated by an 8" Twin Disc type clutch. Belt shall have an adjustable feed gate, adjust- able drive and tail pulleys and hooded adjustable material flow deflector located at the spread hopper end of conveyor which is designed to distribute the material in the spread hopper. The tail pulleys shall be the open type self-cleaning pulleys. The conveyor shall be driven by a split shaft type P. T. 0. located in drive line between main transmission and differential and shall provide a ground sped co-ordinated conveyor speed. SP iEAD HOPPER: The spread by front h6pper shall be a 10 ft. removable hopper and shall have a truck capacity of not less Than 1.7 cu.yds. and shall be adjustable to provide for a width of spread from 6 inches to at least 10 ft. The spreader hopper cut-off gates shall be individually operated by the 900 movement of control handles, and in closed position shall strike the feed roll to the rear of top center. 2 w The spreader hopper shall be equipped with an adjustable height segregation screen and rod type screen or grizzly over the top of the hopper. The spread hopper shall be equipped with a grooved spread roller and agitator and shall be driven by the split shaft P. T. 0. and shall be ground co-ordinated. TRUCK HITCH: The spread shall be equipped with an adjustable truck hitch whcih can be manually released from the operator's platform. The truck hitch shall be a type which will permit the hooking and unhooking of aggregate trucks without stopping, and shall rave a horn signal button on the operating lever. ACCE66ORIE6: The spreader shall have at least one full length catwalk adjacent to one side of the conveyor system. The catwalks shall be equipped with a safety tread type deck and handrails. All standard operating controls shall be conveniently located in the operator's com- partment. The operator's compartment shall also be equipped with a comfortable spring mounted type, adjustable and cushioned operator's seat, and horn. PAFcT6 AND jEa ICE: Shall be available within 60 miles. LIMtATURE: The bidder shall submit literature describing the equipment he proposes to furnish, otherwise the bid spay not be considered. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions ofj STATE OF NEW YORK, Section 103 of the General Muni:- J I" cipal Law, ,that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) • .. being duly Sworn. //�� 4 Y � New 1967 International Model R-200 says that .. /.�,2,.�: , Truck, OR EQUAL. Y , is Printer and Publisherof the SUFFOLK Specifications for the above may WEEKLY TIMES a be obtained at the Office of the I newspaper published at Greenport, in said Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. I county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is The sealed bids in duplicate, to a Printed igether with a Non -Collusive Certifi- cate, will be received by the Sup't. i COPY, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times of Highways, of the Town of South- old, at 'his Office, Peconic, N. Y., once in each week, for ....... ��: �............. weeks until which ti:M., September 21, opened SFiccessivel commencing on the at which time they will be opened Y , • ,. `, ,r.��K`"C%,;�'�• and read aloud in public. day of ...... The Sup't. of Highways reserves 19C. the right to reject any and all bids L and to waive any and all informal- ity in any bid, should it be deemed Sworn to before me this to be in the best interest of the ' Town of Southold, to do so. day .of All bids must be signed and seal- 4 ' 19 �_/ % ed in envelopes plainly marked (Bird on New Truck) to ,the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price .................................... . shaIl not include any Tax, Fede/al,: State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: September 12, 1.967 RAYMOND C. DEAN j itS14 Supt. of Highways LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEIMBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Mu- nicipal Law, That sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) new 1967 Good Roads Model SP 200 Chip Spreader, OR EQUAL - Specification for the above may be obtained ac the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together wi.t"i a Non-Collusive 'CerAfwate, will .be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 PM., July 20, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in ;public. The Sup't of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and `o waive any and all in- formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best in_er est of the Town of Sou hold, to do so. All bids .must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on new Chip. Spreader) to the Office of the Sup't. of High- ways. The bid price shall not in- clude any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. .Dated: July 7, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN, 11U14 Sup't. of Highways Form A.0 142-T.H. 19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment......OYIe (1� N6W 1967 Model R-200 ..... .......................................................... ............International Dump Truck. .... .... ............. ................. ................................................................................................................................... (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bide were based.) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) ...................................... ............................ ............. ..................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................:............................ entered into this .... 'z1 ...... day of ... APAP ?tll?er............. 19.67.., between Raymond C. Dean, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ........ &.9,4bou.................................................................. in the County of Suffolk ..............................� New York, and .....T1CYaC..'j' ?iClc..&..D'44 ..omt...C.Q........ S:.Rs............... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ..................... Riverhead _M W..YQTIC...................................................... ............ . (P. O. Address) for a total price ofN3ne .thousand nine hundred ninety-five ,.&. 00/100...Dollars ($....9e9.9J`.,PQ...........). .......................................................... . This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article b -A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of ...........Southold at a meeting held ..... @etobet pi..12 s .......................... 19...67. outhold . ................ .... . The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of . (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $ ... 9199,rl..tPq ......................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of .............days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at...PeG9i?QCs... !6W..�'.at............ ............!....................... not later than the ... 4rg....... day of............ N.Qve.mbe.r*................. 19......... 67 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: TRYAC TRUCK EgUIPM'ENT CO.,� .0 - (SEAL) TR.YAC .......... . y B .. REh.SIIRER................ .. '........l.T.............,..............................:.... .............. ......... ... .. ... ......... County Superintendent of Htghways (indicate wh odic or agent) / ... .... .. ..... (_...:...... (SEAL) own Superint of Highways Noir: This contract is for use when the purchase price 'of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk _ shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. c Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment q F Town of ........ SOuthOld.4............................ in....... 0 County of ...... St]ffCl,!SR..................................... d Dated §*PtefibPr..2 t...................., .o .............. b � If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. d DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE X3 ) } 4- +' dd D .............................................................. $.......I................. V2 va .......................................... ....... I........... $..............I.......... .b b m am ......................................................... $.......................... CS `a Vb c a o ° d� Approved: , 19........ b ° E., ..................................................................County cam. c Superintendent of Highways. Filed: ................................................................... 19........ ca M x ............................................................................................... H 0 z.. .............................................................................................. SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW 1967 INTERNATIONAL MDEL 8-200 TRUCE OR E' UAL: 6 Cylinders in Line Engine - Replaceable Cylinders 450 Cu. inch Piston Displacement 199.3 Brake Horsepower at 3000 R.P.M. 14 inch 1$ Spring Clutch with Heavy Duty Lining 157 Inch Wheelbase - 84 Inch cab to axle ?500 Lb. Front Axle 23,000 lbs. 2 Speed Rear Axle - 6.30/8.87 to 1 Ratio 5 Speed, Direct in Fifth Transmission 3 1►an Deluxe Cab - Heater and Defroster West Coast Type 11irrors Dome Light - Sun Visor Power Steering iLir Brakes with Low Pressure Indicator 16 x 2� Inch Front Brakes - 16 x 6 Inch Rear Brakes Dual Air Wipers Oil Base Air Cleaner Inverted L. Frame reinforcement Heavy Duty .Front and Rear Springs with Auxiliary 2 Front Tow Hacks - - Cab Grata Handles 12 Volt 55 Arp. Alternator 5 Cab Lights - Traffic Hazzard Switch Dual Stop and Tail lights - - Class A Directional Signals 11.00 x 22 - 14 -ply Tires Front 11.00 x 22 - 14 -ply Tires, Dual Rear Gar Wood lbdel GC2 Heavy Duty Dump Body - 10 foot x 7 foot, 6 Cu. Yard Capacity with 8 yard Ends, 12 Ton Hoist, 3/16" :steel Floor and Tail Gate, 4H Cab Protector with Window. Controls Be ween Seats. 52 Inches from Ground to Bottom of Body - Painted Green All Lights to Comply with Now York State Vehicle Law. September 20, 1967 W. Raymond Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York, Dear Mr. Dean: Pursuant to your "Notice to Bidders" deted September 12, 1967, we wish to submit our quotation as followst One (1) Model R-200 Interrm tional Chassis and Cab with Six (6) cu. yard tsar Wood Dump body mounted and painted as specified with no exceptions Total delivered cost, exclusive of all taxes $ 9,995.00 We thank you for the opportunity of bidding and trust that our quota- tion will receive your favorable consideration. Yours very truly, TRYAC TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO., Me Robert W. Gagen Wink NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE " The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. " INV. OR REQ. #, , a,71g/A 7 ( SIGNF�� ( CO-f(PORATE TITLE,) Y' IF ANY Jk,uTICk lo 1"bbl iiULN9 In accordarm with Us provisions of ,-)wt 103 of tai 6► Jeneral ► 9wp1 Liars that sealed bids are sought srA requested far tia".ke r 1967 Internatiewl Model R-200 Truck* OA a tk . Specifications for tine awe my be obtained at the Office of the Sup s t. of H1~6 Psoonlas k. 1, The sealed bdds in duplicates, t*~ with a Nau4ollwaivo Certificate* will be rucaeivW by tete z up't. of ' aya't at the Twim of a►ut t , ;at hid ttfiaos Peconicr, b. `T., '+anti' 1:04 P.i . * September 10 19670 at uUeh t tbwy wil.. be and read. alvAd in l =, The up't. of High-ays re es the ri t to rject Waf127�d an bids and to waive &1W aand all Sty *rmAlIt7 in a vW bid, should It be deemod to be in the bast interest o tLe Town of ' *uao3A# to do so* vll bids out be sign6d ar s in save3.aspes ILuixay Aaicoe (Bid cc bw Truck) to the Office or the Supt. of H%.Vev The bid price she"' not include any lax. rat bz'a l& }gate or Loc ., friss which the Ton of a: out hold, is 04 Dated: SVt,aaa)+t►r 12, 147 RAYDas;kD C. DRO.0 Suda't. or 4ray ys SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW jgj INTER14ATIONAL MODEL R-200 TRUCK OR UAL: 6 Cylinders in Line Engine - Replaceable Cylinders 450 Cu. Inch Piston Displacement 199.3 Brake Horsepower at 2000 R.P.11. 14 Inch 25 spring Clutch with heavy Duty Lining 157 inch Wheelbase - 84 Inch Qab to axle 7500 Lb. Front Axle 23,000 lbs. 2 Speed Rear Axle - 6.5018.87 to 1 Ratio 5 Speed, Direct in Fifth Transadasion 3 Van DEluxe Cab - Heater and Defroster West Coast Type kZ rrors Dome Light - Sun Visor Power Steering Air Brakes with Low Pressure Indicator 16 x 2* Inch Front Brakes - 16j x 6 Inch Rear Brakes Lual Air Wipers Oil Base Oil Cleaner Inverted L Frame Reinforcement Heavy Duty Front and Rear Springs with Auxiliary 2 Front Tow Hooks - - Cab Grab Handles 12 Volt 55 A*. Alternator 5 Cab Lights - Traffic Hazzard Switch Dual Stop and Tail lights - - Class A Directional Signals 11.00 x 22 - 144 -ply Tires Front 11.00 x 22 - 14 -ply Tires. Dual Rear Gar Good model E3C2 Heavy Duty Dump it - 10 foot x 7 foot, 6 Cu. Yard Capacity with 8 yard Ends, 12 Ton Hoist, 3/16" Steel Floor and Tail date, " Cab Protector with Window, Controls Between Seats. 52 inches from ground to Bottom of Body 4k nted greed. All Lights to Comply with Now York State Vehicle Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ini COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, accordance with the provisions of' Section 103 of the General Munici- STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss pal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) used 1966 Chevrolet Carryall, OR EQUAL:' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' �2t�^ • • • • • • being duly Sworn, Specifications for the above may says that .. is Printer and Publisher sof the SUFFOLK be obtained tat the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said The sealed bids, in duplicate, to- gether' with a non.-collusive certifi- county; and(that the 'n'oticc, of which the,annexed. is Ia printed cate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of South- copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times old, at his office. Peconic, N. Y., un- til 2:00 PM November 16, 1967, at once in each week, for .. • .. • • 1 Iii � • • • • • • • • • • . . which time they will be opened and _y Weeks read aloud in public. successively commencing on the • , - 4K :'� 4��i . • • • • • .. • • • . • Theaup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any or all bids day of 19(_7. and to waive any and all informal- ity in any bid, should it be deemed\, • oc . • ........ . to be uthe best interest of the Town t Sworn to before me this �© :�i• .. + of Southold, to do so. , All bids must be signed and sealed day Of C"U e--v,�. in envelopes plainly markod (Bid on �• ) Used Carryall) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price • • • • • • • .. • .... /.. . shall not include any Tax, Federal, t State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: November 8, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN CORNELIti Sup't. of Highways ltN10 t4oi„r Public, ° •a v of Nr- No. 5: 4u,04ied i, $ Folk Cottxh Caprice Coupe Chevy H Nova Coupe Impala tation Wagon 61iiW Camaro Sport Coupe Be Smart . Be Sure • Buy Chevrolet! =E]= O'KEEFE CHEVROLET -OLDS., INC. Riverhead, New York PArk 7-1000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WE ARE PLEASED TO BID: ONE (1) USED 1966 CHEVROLET CARRYALL AS PER. YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE DELIVERED: $2250.00 Corvair Monza Sport Coupe l Corvette Sport Coupe Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe i Job Tamer Trucks November 17, 1967 Mr. Albert Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road,Southold, N.Y. Dear Mr. Richmond: Encloses are two copies o! Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) used 1966 Chevrolet Carryall as specified. Please deliver one copy to Vendor; the extra copy is being sent to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M. Xamamrer Commissioner of Public W*orks hl encs. CC. Supt. Raymond Dean Firm A.0 142-T.H. 19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment ..... ne,,,(1,) ... Used 1966.,. Chevrolet,,,CarryaAJ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (Set forth hereia or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based.) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................4 S.Ir.B...AMACIMB... SPEU EI r.A.TZ(MS).......................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. entered into this ....16......day of...lila.V.eA)lze.r................. 19 .... 6.7, between Raymond C. Dean Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of......... Q.VA.h9.1.d................................................................. in the County of ................................... safftyl:It......................... , New York, and ............ Q,U-C-fe.... Qhemr.9.1.e.t.7:01 ds....lac............................. the Vendor, whose principal office is located at....................................Rive....4 ,,,,,ly yy,,,York,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, (P. O. Address) for a total price of Two thousand two hundred fifty & 00/100 — — — ...... Dollars ($... ). ................................... ............. ........... ................. This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town of ..................Southold ... ... at a meeting held ........November 8a.......................... 19....67 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of (Strike out if not applicable) $............................................................. (2) By a check for $.....z s 250.00,•,..,.......„•........ drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then beaccepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of 0 days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.........,,Xork not later than the..24,th... day of ...... November .......................... 19.........67 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. OTEWE OLET-OLDS., INC. Approved:...........................�.,.................... ............(SEAL) V 9r By .. . ........... ......11' '°.....4 .:�. _<000 • 0.-U_nt' Su erintenden........Hi hwa..a Ila cafe w er o er' /. .. . (,' y p f g yh f S or agent) FF f`�:1.<.........(SEAL) �'fown Superintendent of Highways NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price er9f the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. o Contract For a b Purchase of Machinery and Equipment a F m p Town of .... Southol...d ........................................... W Sff F County of.......u........olk .................................................. d x . Dated....................................................................1 19...67 .a 0 4 If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or A equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. o m DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE m � ai d F F P4........................................................... $......................... .0 b 14 .............................................................. $..................I....... �b o $ m ................... I ...... c 0 � ami F y C� Approved: 19........ as b o > H .................................................................. County c Superintendent of Highways. N Y b m vg Filed:.................................................................... 19........ Cd r� x W H O Z............................................................................................... V,ecifications for a 1966 (Used) OWVCOI*t Carryall, OR SQUAL - Positive axle 17IR 233 cu. in, - V-8 9wavy rear spring Power steering Power brakes P&A erglide Tinted wiadabiold 1-'vluxe air heater Defroster manual radio Approidwatoly 26,4iW miles LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY'• GIVEN, In accordance with the prdvisiiow of Section 103 of the rieral`Muni- cipal Law, thait sedl#d bids are sought and requested for one (1) ,New Mobil Twin En,odifl" Sweeper, OR EQUAL - ,Svpecifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of. the Superintendent of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. 'he sealed .bids will be received by the Sup't. of highways of ithe Town of Southold, at his Office, Pveeonii Lane, Peconic, N. Y., un- til 1:00 PM January 26, 1967, at which time they will be opened an+d read aloud in public. All buds must be submitted in duplicate, signed iand sealed in envelopes, Mainly marked (Bids on Sweeper) +to the Office of the Supt' of ,Highways. The bid ,price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. The Sup't. of Highiways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all infor- maItty in any bid, should it be deeaned to be in ,the best interest of the Town of Southold, to, -do so., Dated: January 10, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN lt.120 Sup't of Highways COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 ss: .... being duly Sworn. says that is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the 'notice, of which the annexed is is printed ropy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ...... C,"' I.4�.............. weelcX successively commencing on the .. ? � �: � � ' .� � � �L ...... day .of .. 19 L . }...�.. .......... ........... Sworn to before me this day sof '4 :v:i.: .�... 19 k7, j ..... y.... ,,v ..... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 ss: ......� .. �.... being duly Sworn, says that ..: P inter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed ropy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... ...... Cr? 4,4 .............. week successively commencing on the mac....... . day of .. :. �9t � . Sworn to before me this , day of ..jlxx�- 196}• Form A.C. 14" -T.H. 19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment.................................................................................................... ................ a..............................................................................................i............................................................................. (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bds were based.) ........................................................................................................................... ........................................... ................UW Ary ... ........................................ .......................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................... entered into this. ,26t%h.... day oftlanU x7 ...................... 19.67.., between RayWnd C jjegn Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ................... Sautrho.JA..................................................... I in the County of ........................slzfnl,jt..................................... New York, and.George ..J4aJv.eSfa..&..,Co...... Lia ... ................................ ..... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at .... 5.3.0 ... Ud... Qto* try..RQeAd*..1i;.f3.}G1 XU1e.M...•...X............................ (P. O. Address) for a total price ofFli ... iGi3t�XiS�..S1�Yl ..�llaiiC�X :i..Sz7tf3xl`r ...r .. Dollars ($.• 5�• O..CO.........). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article b -A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of ...............................Southold........... at a meeting held ............Jars uary...3,Q. .. , 19....67 ................................... The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed" "gh Vendor or his agthe ent, and approved by the County Superintendent of igh ays, of the above lcountty,lit becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of $ (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $....3,5e.7-70.00 ..................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $............ ......................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. g�(Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of ...... V..............days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.......... a 4i.RI1 Q�... .•... a................... ................. .................................................................................................................................... not later than the ..... 14t ... day of ................... A ?X:a................... 19.......67 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title„ or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: -.... .................................................... .................................... County Superintendent of Highways _.GEORGE MALVESE . ...CO....t INC . (SEAL) iVendor) By .$,ar•t.o"n'. �, ....Braun ..............:........................... Its Treasurer ............................... ........................................... (Indicate whether officer or agent) ................................................... T : . .. own Superintendent ....... of Highways ............ (SEAL) NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment Town of ............Southold . ................................................. County of ......... S.l ff.0.1k.............................................. Dated ................. anuary.. :�64 ....................... 1967... If any machinery or equipment is accepted by'the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE .............................................................. $......................... ..........................................I.......... $......................... .......................................................... $.... .................. .............................................................. $ .......................... .............................................................. $ .................... Approved:.........................................................., 19........ .................................................................. County Superintendent of Highways. " Filed:.................................................................. 19........ ............................................................................................... q — G -„ -„ -, C17 l e ii. it ia tLe iii: w4t or VAWO to- dworiw a four WW -16 rear it drivat twin Vmer stroot swowpe with dual gutter bromoo rear bmm and a tow cubic dirt hopioare iL brw*ll iwye a minkma dW weight ot rpt leab Uwa UAW pour4se VAit *mil U LJO 4 MOVU -'WM%AVrg ex4el 2.11-4 or eq .i L46iao kilv,pulAAm) a0m "I I be a ford i -5F45• six qyjUxl#r overt"d valvo gasoline, W4" WilUA 4, Devea "in beariAg, ftVWL#ba"Ol&4 to I x"Vesion ratio havitig not less thm 3(X4 cubic LA3bchit4-4a*WMt und dWWO10ping IM bor"Wower, as 3940v k LaaWsm Donmellne beavy duV air alserAr shall be furnishe4 lalso a 24 6allon fuul tm*. ,auttor irome �,v**,*r at&U be equipOA4 with riot and Ilott hand 420 fr4m flostlage tull sixto wW oodllatit4. bydra"UaI4 raised and lowered ptter browwg having var&,Wle spews forwatmd and revereep brocmW with 260 stamlard &%wA w1mo flnuldrivo to aso shatting mA rAtered boml &oars* 4oamtar mat be &Us to oft gutter brow from & normal driving poultim with cab dow aXvs4d* 4,41a"Or ,owvk&r aW, be *Aulorsd with a 2W p"m water ta* with a sprinklmr 44"m qatm amring the moseping path for dust amitrolo i4ar Axle Unit abal I be equipped with a howy duty tnwk type 4W (2) .gip rt roar *xlo# rated at not less thanpowAks and having rutlas at 12*641 #ad i and 661 1. P -ear wbeoix sba:a be nounted to &xios tw no low thm 10 Wb"l suldso rNaWK,lil- in lVivi x Front Urea ah"I be at least ?950 x ZO - Op4 and ~ tires* 10*00 x 20 - 12-p4* r a :.! ori $: #•x" 6 a 4Y ;Y'. LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- cLpal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New Mobil Twin 'Engine Sweeper, OR EQUAL - Specifica,tions for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Superintendent of Highways, Peconic, ' N. Y. 71be waded bids will be received ,by `the. Supt. of Highways of ithe Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconii Lane, Peconic, N. Y., un- til 1:00 PM January 26, 1967, at which time they will be opened sand read aloud, in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed- ana maled in envelopes, plainly masked (Bids on Sweeper) .to the Office of the Sup't' of ,Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from Which the Town of Southold, is exempt. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive Say and all infor- m+aliity in any bid, should it be deemed to be in ,the best interest Of the Town of Southold, to. do so. Dated: ,January 10, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN it z Sup't of Highways j COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. J ss: :', • . . . -L c ;ti . being duly Sworn. J . • . • . • says that .. L.. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the 'notice, of which the annexed is is printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ....... y z"' • • • • • • • • • • • . week successively commencing on the `. ...... day .of ...«c�� vim. 19.6 ........ . .� ... Sworn to before me this ..... Z zz • • day of r �..y . �T IFUC&MVt 0/FICE Jamary 24, 1967 P. 0. SOX 255 • 550 OLD COUNTRY 110AC • HICKSVILLE, L. I., NEW YORK TOWN OF SOOTHDLD Highway Department Peconic , Now York Attention: W . Rsywnnd Dean, Supt. of highways Bid Due: Thursday, January 26, 1967 at 1:00 P.M. We wish to submit our bid on owe (1) Twin Engine Four Wheel, Double Gutter Drool Street Sweeper with a four cubic yard dirt hopper as described below. One Nobil Sweeper Model 2 -TE -4, with right and left hand wire filled gutter broom , power hydraulic controls, 1010" sweeng path, four wheel hydraulic brakes with Hydra -Vac booster, Vcubic yard dirt hopper, 280 gallon water tank, one 15' length of 2*" hose with couplings for hydrant filling, flow valve, powered by a Ford, 300 cubic inch displacement gasoline engine with Donaldson Donaelone air cleaner, three speed forward and one reverse automatic transmission, two speed rear axle, 7.50 x 20, 8 ply front and 10.00 x 20 12 ply rear tires, power steering, rear pick up broom plus one (11 spare Danline wire filled, rear broom, gutter broom , elevator and water pump powered by a four cylinder Industrial Ford, 134 cubic inch gasoline engine with Donaldson Donaclone air cleaner and hour meter, fully enclosed cab with roll up and dorm windows, two adjustable Bostrom seats, heater and defroster, dual windshield wipdrs, right hand and left hand West Coast side mirrors, one federal Sign Model 184 cab mounted revolviag flasher light, 55 amp, alternator with dual belt drive, spotlights for gutterbrooms and rear broom, dual stop and tail lights, rear [enders and mounting steps, directional signals with four wahazard flasher switch, reflectors, two spare sets, total of (1r ) wire filled segments for 066or brooms, front and rear tow hooks and rear license plate bracket with 110t. NW SID PRICE DELIVERED TO PECONIC, NEW YORK...............$15,770.00 vu!OLT= & CO . , I W . Country Road ville, New York 11802 Burton F. Braun, Treasurer COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Sec- C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, , that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND that sealed bids are sought and re- quested for one (1) New Mobil Twin TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - Engine Sweeper, OR EQUAI_ Specifications for the,above may be paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that obtained at the Office of the Super- intendent of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been The sealed bids will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of published in said Long Island Travel e r-Mattituc k Watch - Southold, at his office, Peconic Lane, / Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., Jan- man Once each week for ..... :� :..G...•.. wee uary 26, 1967, at which time they will (-, �C( be opened and read aloud in public.successively, commencing on the ................. .................. All bids must be submitted IN DUP- g LICATE, signed and sealed in envelop- ��� es, plainly marked (Bids on Sweeper) day of ................ •••••, 19 `' to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. 1 ; 7 The bid price shall not include any l Tax, Federal, State or Locai, from rl ............................. ... ...........:................ which the Town of Southold, is exempt. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to j waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. 1 Sworn to before me this ....... ........ day of Dated: January 10, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN. .: �....... 19. Supt. of Highways I J/ ....................... Notary •ZWC AGELE PAYNE notary Pu_,�!ic, State of New Yol!( fees :i.a .n Suto!k County No. 52-3041000 / ^nmmiss+on Expires March 30, 1916 SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW MOBIL TWIN ENGINE SWEEPER, OR EQUAL It is the intent of these specifications to describe a four wheel, rear wheel drive, twin engine power street sweeper w:Lth dual gutter brooms, rear broom and a four cubic yard dirt hopper. It shall have a minimum dry weight of not less than 12,800 pounds. Unit shall be a Mobil Sweeper, 1�-odel 2 -TE -4 or equal: Engine (Propulsion) Engine shall be a Ford Model C5PG, six cylinder overhead valve gasoline engine with a seven main bearing crankshaft „ 8.4 to 1 compression ratio having not less than 300 cubic inch displacement and developing 168 horsepower at 3,400 R.P.M. A Donaldson Donacline heavy duty air cleaner shall be furnished,lalso a 24 gallon fuel tank. Engine Auxiliary engine in rear of sweeper to drive brooms, elevator and water (Auxiliary) pump to be a 4 cylinder Ford industrial water cooled gasoline engine with 134 cu. in* piston displacement, auxiliary engine controls located in the cab. Reversing transmission and 12 volt electrical system com- bined with main system. Auxiliary engine to be equipped with hour meter, heavy duty Donaldson Donaclone air cleaner and be well ventilated and accessible from the ground for easy maintenance. Dirt Hopper Dirt hopper to have a capacity of not less than four cubic yards and shall be filled by a rubber type squeegee conveyor, driven by steel chains on rubber sprockets and dumped by a hydraulically operated, flat reinforced steel, quick opening dumping gate. Conveyor chains and sprockets to be quaratteed for two years or 129000 miles whichever comes first. Rear Broom Sweeper shall have a rear pick up broom not less than 36" in diameter and 60" long filled with Danline wire. It shall be hydraulically raised and lowered, full floating and self aligning, with variable speeds for- ward and reverse. Distance from centerline of rear wheel to centerline of rear broom shaft shall not exceed 62" in a down position. Gutter Brooms Sweeper shall be equipped with right and left hand 4211 free floating$ full side way oscillating, hydraulically raised and lowered gutter brooms, having variable speeds forward and reverse& broomed with 26" standard steel wire. Final drive to use shafting and mitered bevel gears. Operator must be able to see gutter broom from a normal driving position with cab door closed. Sprinkler Sweeper shall be equipped with a 280 gallon water tank with a sprinkler System system covering the sweeping path for dust control. Rear Axle Unit shall be equipped with a heavy duty truck type 4wo (2) speed rear axle, rated at not lees than 17,000 pounds and having ratios of 12.64: and 1 and 6.76: 1. Rear wheels shall be mounted to axles by no less than 10 wheel studs. Front Axle Front axle to be rated at no less than 6,500 pounds, and have full power, cam and lever type steering. Tires Front tires shall be at least 7.50 x 20 - 8 -ply and rear tires, 10.00 x 20 - 12 -ply. Brakes Sweeper shall be equipped with not less than four wheel hyddaulie brakes with Hydrovac booster. Transmission To be Heavy -Duty, Cruis-o-uratic, Dual Range Transmission with a line pull of 20,000 lbs., with three speeds forward and one reverse, which will per- mit sweeping speeds from 2/3 M.P.H. to 12 M.P.H. and legal travel speeds tp 65 M.P.H. GEAR RATIOS: First: 2.40:1 Second: 1:4.7: 1 Third: 1:00:1 Reverse: 2:00:1 TORQUE CONVERTER RATIO: 2.1 :1 At Stall Hydraulic Converter will operate in a completely enclosed fluid filled housing and continue to multiply torque until turbine is driven at 9110 impeller speed. A heat exchanger for cooling of the transmission will be supplied, Automatic transmission must have been in use in model Sweeper for at least one (1) year or more. Electrical System Unit shall be equipped with a 12 volt electrical system with a 55 amp. heavy duty alternator with dual belt drive and 70 amp battery. Control All operating controls shall be mounted on the dashboard in full view of the operator so he will not have to divert his eyes from the road. Bumper Front bumper shall be channel type without counterweight. Frame Sweeper using a standard or modified truck chassis as opposed to having a full sweeper frame will not be accepted. Cab and Sweeper shall have a fully enclosed cab with rollaup and down windows, .Accessories having shatter proof glass throughout, and doors that hinge at the rear, in order to keep them open during the summer months. A heater and de- froster, self cancelling directional signals with four way hazard flasher switch, Federal Sign -J184 revolving cab flasher or equal, mounting steps qnd fenders, gutter brooms and rear broom spot lights, two West Coast side mirrors (convex mirrors not acceptable), dual electrical windshield wipers, stop and tail lights, rear license plate bracket with light, two spare sets of (14) gutter broom segments wire filled, one spare rear broom assembly, Danline wire filled, one 15t length of 22" hydrant hose with couplings, hydrant flow valve, reflectors, and towing eyes front and rear, and two (2) adjustable operator's Bostrom seats, shall be furnished. Miseellaneous Turning radius not to excees 191. Overall height including cab, not to exceed 89". Overall sweeper length not to exceed 2017". Wheel base not to exceed 115". Bidders shall comply with the following: 1. Model of sweeper bid shall have been in production for at least two years, 2. Show visual proof of spare parts stocked for model bid. 3. Unit shall be designed to accomodate a snow plow if desired. X4EGA4L NOTICE N'OT'ICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in amondance with the provisions of Siection 103 of the General Muni- cipal Law, that seabed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New International Tractor -Mower, OR EQUAL: Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. One (1) Used Tractor-Miowerl must be taken in trade, as ,parte. payment on new equipment. Jrhe Isealed bids, in duplicate,l will be received by the Sup't. of, Highways of the Town of South- old, at hisOffice, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., February 9, 1967,1 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways reserves l the right to reject any and all bids! and to waive any and all infor- mality in any bid, should it be i deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. .All {bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes .plainly mark- ed (Bid on new Tractor -Mower) to the office of Ithe Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: January 24, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways 1tF3 Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: C'e� .u.c.-.......... being duly Sworn, says that ... � . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the'notice, of which the annexed is ja printed ropy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ....... �?''. ......... week Successively commencing on the ............. day .of ..?. 19 �7 . ........... Sworn to before me this .0.'44.,..... day of . v C -tib Forn_ A.C. 142-T.H. 19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment..... Qhe...�1..)..New ..Hodel.IZ424.Ii terAationiLL ... .Tractor...wth.. iol..110...International...I er............................................................................................................ (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...................(SFr..ATXAJJ ...s r axzc............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. entered into this.... 9th... day of ...... Februaz7.............. 19....67 between Raymond C. Dean Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of .............................. $out joyA........................................... in the County of ...................slafo�......................................... New York, and ............Sid..1'x:Llck..&.-Zqu:Lpment•.Ce.......Inc.......... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at .................................... Rly.p `head,..NST...Xork............................................... (P. O. Address) for a total price of .10..ilr.... thOttlBand..fi1kV. 7,ty.?ntV0..Bnd.-001.100.,t..m-m!... ....... Dollars ($... 49.072..CQ............ ). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article b -A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of..................... .SQUthOA......................................................... at a meeting held ......... 44AW ."Y...94.................. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of $ 440 00 (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $.3#672.00 .......................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (.Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of ... 32 ... =ntbs.d3gp and that it will be delivered in first class condition at ............. P.eConie. N....Y .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. not later than the ..... 16t.•.day of....kW. ........................................ 19.......67 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. pptt $4 y f t p p1 /► Approved:< ....,�......... (SEAL) - T�II�i+. G /. /l..'......... ............. ............ ..,-_.......................... Its .......... ............................... ............................................ County Superintendent of Highways (Indicate whether officer or agent) ................T...ow..................nten..........d.e....t ....o.f ....H....ig.......a..ys ................ (SEAL) n Superinhw NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment rrl LAD G C71 Town of ...... 5.Q.1AhQ1d .................................................. E - County Of .... S14fqlxs ................................................... Dated ........... F&Z4AX7 .. 9.s ............................ .0 14 If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the 0 Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE an m Used Tractor—Mower $ 400,00 ...................................................... .................. ................... ...................... ................... .. .................... .............................................................. P4 $ .......................... .............................................................. $.......................... ................... ; .......................................... $ .......................... Approd: ....................................... 19 ........ r .9 .. .. .......... ................................. .........County Superintendent of Highways. Filed: .................................................................... 19........ ............................................................................................ O z.......................................... I .................................................... .410. UG44 'UUWL I. -�(;T(.0 4 TH zAxat:;l-3.'-2424 .4man-sat-ional Tractor, or equal 47 h.1. 4 Cylinder aoline Ehgine Foot '� ura,ted Ufferential Look LoubI6 Use, Brakes with Iual '' a ;-Afety Lock Lual Uutch with €,ontinuoum Power ,1 cuff 1;d Volt Llectrical ;y3tam I-tmders Front �;ouplinj& i4draulic Draft Control with RoaWiaft 3 i oint hitch Upbolatertd .*at with Liackrfasto Tcool Lox �artical- .AXf for ;-arking irake Uectric Fuel ;ax4te :jai: ety itarting 44tch hydrostatic kower ­-twari:rij; with 9 PuV 8 ,peed Forward, 2 wverse ira=Assion 2 Auxiliary Valves with *ckraulic I%Wold 5.50 x 16 4• ply Front Tires; 1Z *4 x Z8 --ply year tires,, -peedomUx-Tachometer-C;aut;es * Lights; 2 Front. "abirution i,,ear with FlashLig Fear 114,it a: til is ZIUIMtional YA)~ with xVdraulic give, or equal: ,5 toot heavy Duti Cutter i)ar witki Field Replaceable Ledger F-ates Pitawilesa Cuttmr k*r Lirive �v4tki !;.,l"iced .dead, ist Action# ;:=hart .,troke Fast but ,utomatia Lutter Lars ;rive and �,afety wir%back Release with 4Leturn 4emul%ect, Vertical to 45 Leb:ree below mrismital uuttin& '. . Im'spendent hydraulic 4,uLift-Uround to 11 IncLes Cuttur i>zx Tilt -B Degrees :-Uve to 8 Degrees "i-elow Horizontal Including ',,U Lontrol 'valves. 41indurs and lioses 1-10%mited on Tractor. February 8j. 1967 Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York. Dear Sirs We are pleased to bid on one (1) Model 12424 International Tractor with Model 110 International Mowert as specified less allowance on one (1) used Tractor -Mower for a net delivered price of 3,672.00. An an alternate, we wish also to bid on one (1) Model 12424 Interns, tional Tractor but equipped with an Anderson Model GI Hydraulic Drive Mower, the Tractor being as specified but the Mower being equipped with a Pitman Drive in lieu of the balanced head Pitmanless Drive. All other speai- fioations on the Mower can be met with this alternate. Our bid on this al- ternate, leas Trade -In on one (1) used Tractor, is 3,595.00. We appreciate this opportunity to bid and hope that we may be favored with your order. Very truly yours, TRYAC MCK & BVIPMENT CO., INC. t JAn A. Cushman JACsmk NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and re- quested for one (1) New, International Tractor -Mower, OR EQUAL: Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. One (1) Used Tractor -Mower must be taken in trade, as part payment on new equipment. The sealed bids, in duplicate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the,. -Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., Febru- ary 9, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to refect any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on new Tractor -Mower) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal,,State oz Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 24, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss: STATE OF NEW YORK J C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattiittuc/k Watch- man once each week for ...�rd,....�.L..,l.... weeks/ successively, commencing on the .............. 1�1....`.................. day of ....�r`G..L� :� d....... ..., 1 r` ............................. ............. .... ......... �e Sworn to before me this ........................ day of ......... .! a ........ 19.�.-2..z -, 2e .......... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yof# Residing in Suffolk County No. 52.3041000 Commission Expires Mtamh 30, 19,147, LEGAL NO nC' E Notice to Bidders NO'TIM IS HAY GIM in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 accordance with the provisions STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: of Secgtion 103 of the General Mu- Atc4X1 Law, that sealed bids are r sought aid requested, for one (1) • • • • c ..L? : l>' C_ c ` �` `: ...... being duly Sworn, new I967 LaCrosse Heavy nuts Tilt Platform Model DTTA4-i3 says that .. /�� , is Printer and Publisher ofthe SUFFOLK UAL lSpecificR EQons far the above may WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said be Gained at the Office of the county; and that the notice..of which the annexed is is printed SWC of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. "Me sealed bids, in duplicate, copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times will +be received by the Supt. of Hlghvmtors of the Town. of Southold, once in each week, for ... .... ?. ............... weep at ,his Office, Peconte, N. Y., un- U1 2:00 P. M., March 23, 1067, at successively commencing on the .. `t.%_ . L . which !time they will be opened and read aloud in public. day of ... The SWt. of Highwv.ys reserves , the r1glit to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all inform- ality in .any vid, ,Should. it be deem- Sworn to before me this ed to be m the ,best interest of day of ... -: ! : - to ..... j the 'Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed ,and sealed in envelopes plainly marked % .. ... ... ($1d on New Tna3.ler) to the Od- flee of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: March 13, 1967 ,RAYMOND C. DEAN, Svp't. of Highways itM17 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. J ss: ......... being duly Sworn, says that ... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, .of which the annexed is is printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... ..... ............... week successively commencing on the day .of .. Vii? °u -i .... 19 N .............. Sworn to before , clay of CGUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says NOTICE TO BIDDERS that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND , NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN, in TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that that sealed bids are sought and re- the notice of which the .annexed is a printed copy, has beer, quested for one (1) new 1967 La Crosse Heavy Duty Tilt Platform Mode, published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- DTTA4-13 Trailer, OR EQUAIr- Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of man once each week for .....(/. / Highways, Peconic, N. Y. ( •••.�we2k8' ` The sealed bids, duplicate, will be successively, commencingon the (� received by the Supt. of Highways , `y ................ of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 2:00 P. M., March day of ............'1 �.. � ' (.... ....., 19 ... �L 23, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to !: ......... waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the " best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. 61 All bids must be signed and sealed inf envelopes plainly marked -(Bid on New Sworn to before me this .•,,,, 1�„ ,....... day Of Trailer) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shallnot in- .......:..........l.z:........L ....... .. .... clude any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: March 13, 1967 RAYMOND DEAN, Supt. of Highways Notary Public i ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yort Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 191 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11980 LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Dear Sir: TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 WILLIAM S. MATSUNAYE, JR. CHIEF ENGINEER April 7, 1967 We are enclosing two approved copies of contract and specifications for the purchase of road equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) New Wisconsin Model SD -14 14 ton Trailer, as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being mailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M.hammerer RMK:LCE:hl ConUssioner of Ptklic lviorle enc. ,/cc. Supt. Raymond Dean Fori;-kr— 142-T.H. 19 -` CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PUIZC HAS E OF ROAD EQUIPMENT gy Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law U 1- l)L c (One (1) New Wisconain..M©del.•SD-14. This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment ..................... ................... 14 ton Tra3].er............................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................... ... (Set forth berets or attach detail specifications upon which bide sere base ) ...................................................................................................................................... . .............(SEE„ ATT4C1� ...0P !K -k m)...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... . ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ entered into this..2.7t4..day of.... ch ....................... 1967..., between Raymond C. Dean Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of...... SOtl.... , in the County of . ............... ;Mak.................... I.............. New York, and .....The©dote J....Burke..&..Son,... ...s......................... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ..... J Ck�4R...T.PX6...�.-.B}1T).tjj-4 QIO. Ie...�I.................................................. (P. Address) Three thousand eight hundred thirt -eight & 00 ars 3 $ 8.00 for a total price of . t ...........................) ............ ................................ �...........................................�..............................fig ($..... This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment waspassed 7 the Town Board of the Town V Southold at a meeting held........................t........................................ 19...67. Of.................................................................................................. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipmentke out if pascapplicable) list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of $............................................................ (2) By a check for $ ... 3.0.M.aw......................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of ......9Q................days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.... .•....N.....X.a........................................... ................................................................................................................................ . not later than the ... �5th..day of ............... NIS,y............................. 19..62.. The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of High ys have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. , t f Approved: (Vendor By........................................_ its .. ..... 7...:......•••:c•.. y P f ......9....... ... ......, Indicate whether d&cer oy.�gentJ%%................ Count Su erintendent o Hi hwa a ' y, �:' ` r t' (SEAL) .................. .r . Town Superintendent o'l-Righways NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall fileone copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 8, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment Town of .......... SOU: ho2d............................................. Countyof .......:SUf 02k ................................................. Dated ..............March..2.7.,..:19.67................, 19..,..... If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE ....................................... $ .......................... ............................................................. $ .......... .................................................... $ .......................... V � .............................................................. $ .......................... .............................................................. $ ......................... Approved:........................................................., 19........ ..................................................................County Superintendent of Highways. Filed::, .................................................................. 19........ ......................................................:........................................ 0 SPW IFICA71ONS FOR HEAVY DUTY TILT PLATFORM TRAILER It is the intent of those specifications to describe a heavy duty tilt type platform trailer to the following m1 nimum requirements. CAPACITY: 13 tone based on 20 MPH rating recommended by T 6 RA. WEIGHT OF TRAILER: Not less than 6,400 lbs. WIDTH OF PLATFORM: 96". Docking to be of 2" it vehicle grade oak toxic sealer treated with no open wheel wells. The rear end of the platform shall be equipped with skid rails. HEIGHT OF PLATFORM: 34" LENGTH OF PLATFORM: 18 ft. 8 inches Long. FRAME:= Shall consist of a draw bar subframe of wide flange bass., all welded construction and fitted with adjustable towing lunette. Tilt deck platform should contain roll channel main members, cross members and side members. It shall be equipped with an adequate locking catch which secures the front end of the platform to the draw bar. The trailer shall be in good balance for ease of tilting in either direction when empty. Gross load on draw bar shall be approximately 2900 ibs. The gross load on the axles shall be approximately 29,009 lbs. AXLES: The axles shall be of the walking beats design having all points of oscillation in the sane plant mounted in a single point heavy duty bolster equipped with hardened pins and super Oilite bearings. The design of the axle assembly and bolster& shall have an adequate safety factor in case of overload. The axle spindles shall be made of SAX 4140 steel and 'heat treated tad ground for maxim m strength with camber incorporated in the axles to provide minimum tire wear. The wheel and hub shall he an integral cast with the beet grade of SAE 1030 steel. BRAKE EQUIPMENT: The brake drums shall be constructed of nickel cast iron alloy of the bolt -on type. The brake sestet shall be either air or vacuoin as selected by the Town after consideration of both. There shall be heavy duty 2 shoe internally expanding brake shoes with 12-1/4" x 611 x 3/4" bolt -on brake lining. The brake cams shall be the constant rise "S" deslRn operated by the worry type slack adjusters to assure perfect brake contact. W MELS i TIRES: Unit shall be equipped with 4 wheels and 9 wide base rises and 7.50 x 15, 12 ply tires. HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS: Trailer shall be eacipped with 2 double acting hydraulic cylinders 3-1/4" inside diameter to cushion trailer platform when it is being tilted with or without a load. LADING LLGt This shall be furntabod and installed on the draw bar, an AUSTIN Model, Jk-150-AP159 single speed landing leg. LIGHTS: IOC lights, reflectors and directional sistnals. EQUIMNT: Safetv chains, 6 lash books, 2 connection brake hoses each 9 ft. long, Nair or 10 ft. long approved oak skids with heavv dutv skid Tail hooks on one and and metal caps on the other end. PAINTING: Entire frame shot blasted and painted with 1 seal coat and one coat asphalt - acid resistant orange. WARRANTY: One (1) vear from the date of delivery. Any exceptions to these specifications must be submitted in detail with bid or it may be clared informal. SALES * SERVICE MUNICIPAL MACHINERY CO., INC. MUNICIPAL & CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT JERICHO TURNPIKE (Route 25) CORAM, N. Y. March 22, 1967 Mr. Raymond Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York Gentlemen: In reply to your advertised request for bids, we are pleased to quote as follows: 1 - New 1967 LaCrosse Heavy Duty Tilt Platform Model DTTA-4-13 Trailer, complete in accordance with your specifications, copy of which is attached and we, request they be made a portion of this bid. SELDEN 2.3555.6 Complete unit serviced and delivered -------$ 4,699.00 We thank you for this opportunity of bidding and trust we may be of service. DK/mf encl. Very truly yours, MUNICIPAL MACHINERY CO., INC. Donald Kempster Sales Manager F3 RAN C. JERICHO TURNPIKE HUNTINGTON L 1 .N.Y. _,6 F�: IS• ® 2200 2Xe0alorej. etide 6 coq.,_ CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT /meth 22, 1967 Ace 04 Sup enden.t o4 #ighway.a prat •4 Sv Peconi.c, New YOA yemi. e,eea: MAIN OFFICES 145-18 LIBERTY AVENUE JAMAICA, N. Y. 11435 212 JA -C.. 6-5100 .7n 7�0-,4o ryoua noticeto b.�ddea.e dated d6ach 1j, 1967 we o44cA thewing: 1 - New Wi dcorwiit Aode-C SD -74 -14 Ton TR,aaeA .ut aeco"dance wi..t%t W.t.aeonAin 4peci.4cati.on dAeet at.tacAed @ of,? G 0 We .tie .the AJ - ,owing excep &on.e to you z -dper-i4ca.ti vn e: 7 - Dech heish.t " 2H d�rau.Li.c p 4v.zm con.t�, Uel - 2 112" .7.U. �1�-1 .3 - ll�ood '31" .to be hvoftsm� on .tape - no dkid nai, .to be P4ni.ah ed. 4 - W aZL i4 bean u i U pivot on iint en b east iny,e. 6 - beet �4U�,,P,,P�4� p � epohe, ImAee. o� maLl.eab,Le i wn. 7- l ons u e � e,4.a A be made o4 8" cli.a e,4 8 - d6i;t 4,umeeme6vu wide 4Za;We bean. 9. B.takee 12 1�4 X 5 7/2. 10 - BRahe can conventional .type no# S .type. voe 11 - Landing ea a Au.a.tin No. 7-LPR-_3o whZcA iA wv 4 c AAMi Mdc, - &de.0 you aAed Pa .i -e ob.eo.Le.te. be.,Uve4y - 6 weeks aft ."cetpt o� verde", T erona - Net ca. r . 0. B. de Ci, vested We. Wi-'sA .to .thank��vv u PA t"oppo�t tr�u #y -to duo t o on your 'Itequ.i.zenen.tA and t'Ope oun bid u,.i U aece.Lve youit, Rind coaji.deAation. DO. mmc cc: �. k". Buieh e,71I.xa N. y1raC/t Y— VeAy k �, T SON � am�.ence //�� yeneaaL //n� C,onveniente — 4 e Saturday Ji[ ;loon w o U_ ~<0 z W > W Z Z a<� w n Z -0 aw z=> oro aw uu 0 < W 11 z Z FOa 1~2 J a < z U � a n z zo= - wI- Om1i w 0 2 U JkW d a W 0 U C9 azw w0� N w N N su3 u C>C rr Y IL 1. U Q a It W< O ID w < m U w U usw a�z w 0 a w z CAR INVOICE O�'KEEFE CHEVROLET -OLDS, Inc. /1 �7 c� ��t: East Main St. On Route 25 Park 7-1I00 �14744 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK f '-t -t D'..I' SMOBt�E UP3�7 SOLD TO: Town of Southold DATE 11-20-67 _ ADDRESS PeCOn1C Lane m PeconiC 11eWYOrk SALESMAN: FJDrie9 MAKE YEAR MODEL - BODY STYLE NEW OR KEY NO. USED - Chevrolet 1966 01406 Carryall Demd PRICE OF CAR $ TRANSPORTATION CHARGE PREP. & CONDITIONING �250.00 SERIAL No. MCTOR No. AUTO.TRANSMISSION NO. C1466T120758 C7UJ. L J i _ INSURANCE COVERAGE INCLUDES _ ❑ FIRE AND THEFT :J PUBLIC LIABILITY — AMT. FORM SA 3501 II -591 - THE REYNOLDS 0 REYNOLDS CO.. CELI". OHIO. - COLLISION — AMT. DEDUCT. J PROPERTY DAMAGE — AMT. SALES TAX DELIVERED PRICE I OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES GROUP DEE; R!PTION _ — PRICE EXTRAS: NEW CAR — FACTORY INSTALLED: -- OPTIONAL EQUIP. & ACC.: FACTORY INSTALLED DEALER INSTALLED SALES TAX 2250-w" TOTAL CASH PRICE — COST OF FINANCING - - COST OF INSURANCE TOTAL TIME PRICE - SETTLEMENT: NEW CAR — DEALER INSTALLED: DEPOSIT CASH ON DELIVERY nM 2250-00 USED CAR: - YEAR MAKE MODEL .BODY i SERIAL No. USED CAR — TRADE-IN: - MOTOR NO. - - e r PAYMENTS:- - AT S.. i AT S IOTA � (�C 22500""" NAME OF FINANCE COMPANY: - - .'ALWAYS SHOW- SERIAL. MOTOR - AND KEY NUMBER. I FORM SA 3501 II -591 - THE REYNOLDS 0 REYNOLDS CO.. CELI". OHIO. - - ... IF LITHO IN D. S. R. - LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BiDD as NOTICE 18 BMUSY GIVEN, in accordance with the ,provisions of Sectioxl 103 of .the General Muni- cipal Law, that sealed bids are 80,ght and requested for the fol- lowing items: 16 - S' x 4'6" DraiWe Rings, 10 - 8' x 34,` Drainage Rings 10.- 36" Cgvers The sealed bids in duplicate, to- getber with a Nan: -Collusive Cer- tiiiaafiie, will be received by the Sup`i•. of Mgl ways of the Town of Siot>)ti wld, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peooxiic, N. y.,.Until I :00 P.M., }June 22, 1967, at which time ,they will be opened and read aloud ih public. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to purchase the ,above from the lowest responsible bidder, and to reject ,aroy and all bids and to wave ,any and all informality in .any bid, should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do; so. Dated: June 12, 1,967 RAYMOND C. DEAN S1up't. of Highways Town of Southold 1iJ16 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 ss: ...... being duly Sworn. says that ... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIDIES. a newspaper ,published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, .of which the annexed is is printed copy, ,has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ......a ? + . • • • • • • • • • • • • • week successively commencing on the • day sof .....L .. 19.��. .. �......�'��,.91.%�..a .... . Sworn to before me this . /� .'�• day sof ..... ti ........ 191~ 7.. 1 .. .. . CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS OLD-NORTHPORT ROAD, KINGS PARK, N. Y. 11754 SUFFOLK — 269-9688 QUOTATION NASSAU—IV 9-6141 Firm Supt of Highways, Town of Southold Date June 21st. 1967 Address Peconic Lane Peconis,-N.Y. Terms NET 30 days Individual Phone Shipping Date Reference Job We are pleased to quote your requirements, subject to the conditions noted: CONDITIONS: The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved by the Seller. All quotations and agreements are contin- gent upon strikes, accidents, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the Seller before final acceptance. Typographical and stenographic errors subject to correction. Purchaser assumes liability for patent and copyright infringement when goods are made to Purchaser's specifications. If the Purchaser fails to fully pay for the goods herein agreed to be purchased within ten (10) days after written demand for payment is mailed by Seller, and Seller places this agreement in the hands of an attorney for collection, Purchaser agrees to pay attorney's fees of twenty per cent (20%) of•the amount due hereunder. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established customs. Terms inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller. QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 15 ( 496" x890" Drain rings 10 1 310" x8.011 Drain domes 10 1 31' x3011 concrete covers Purchaser By Date TOTAL Seller: CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. By Date (For Customers File) 1334.12 NON-CGLLU61VE C&%TIFIGATION Suction 1Q3 -d General Piunicipal Law (a) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, -that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowlingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indoroctly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) leo attempt has been made or will be :rade by the bidder to induce any other person, partnetship or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." 7 Dated:!%l- Signature of individual bidder FOR CORPORATION USE: N&4d of Corporation e , TITLE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items: 15--8' x 4'6" -Drainage Rings 10-8' x TV Drainage Domes 10-36" Covers - The sealed bids in duplicate, to- gether with a Non -Collusive Certi- ficate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., June. 22, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to purchase the above from the', lowest responsible bidder and to re- ject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bids, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. Dated: June 12, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I ss: STATE OF NEW YORK J C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has beer published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- -J man once each week for ........ .... �weel successively, commencing on the ............. ................ day of ..... ......, :........, 19..(y'r ,G . �c'. ..:1...... Sworn to before me this ....../...:......... day of .... ,....... , 19 (,-a ......... ............ Notary Public j ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in SU"Ofk County No. 52-3641000 Commission Expires Merch 30. 19/6 Plant WHEELER ROAD CENTRAL ISLIP, N. Y. CEntral Islip 4-5430 FO 8-8488 To ............. .... Job........................... -................ Archt.................... _ .............L... We will be pleased to famish TERMS: D Main Office 517 EAST JERICHO TPKE. HUNTINGTON STATION, N. Y. HAmifton 3-2674 Yaphank Plant MORICHES-MIDDLE ISLAND RD. & L.I.R.R. TRACKS YA 4-3811Date......L'W.... y = = - Location ... -:r,-. =� 4---=.../: ,�-----•-•-................ Owner......... ---•-....... -...... -.... -............................ _........... -2 . .... -the following materials at prices listed below: QUANTITY . �GAiZ - SMI �� �f`i9Mr/,�. i itill 511% Aid" ✓W„ y�� Above Items To Be Delivered ( ) As ordered not later than () As soon as possible CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. Accepted by ..... ........... -.............. -...... -............................................................. Standard Precast Pro ;acts Corp. Per........................................................... ........... -- Date ...... ------------------------------- Rep. by----� / ------------------- WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE COMPLYING WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE FAIR LABOR 8 ANDARDB YCe AS AMENDED. STANDARD STOCK MATERIAL RETURNABLE FOR CREDIT ONLY AT OUR OPTION, LEGS 25%FOR TRUCKING AND HANDLING. SPECIAL MATERIAL NOT RETURNABLE. IMPORTANT—Quotations made are for immediate acceptance only, unless otherwise specified, and are subject to change without notice, All contracts of sate, including orders, deliveries, and terms of payment, are subject to approval by an' Officer of the Seller and to acceptance in writing by the Seller's home office. Any taxes which the Seller may be required to pay or collect on the tele of the articles covered hereby shall be in addition to the. prices gboted herein. We shall not be responsible for damage, delay or default when caused by war, action of civil or military authorities or other causes beyond our control such as, but not limited to, labor or transportation difficulties, shortages of labor or materials, embargoes, accidents, fires, floods, etc. DRAINAGE MANHOLES RINGS LEACHING SOLID RINGS MANHOLES >k DOMES SLABS LEACHING SEPTIC TANKS DOMES CATCH BASINS FOOTINGS CONCRETE SPECIALTIES AY, MARCH 31, 1907 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section, 103 of .the General Muni- cipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the pur- chase and delivery of 4,000 tons, or as much as may be needed thereof, of % Blue Stone, far the following: PiOposal No. 1 — Blue Stone to be delivered by truck to the High- I way Department meet Yard, Peconic, N'. Y, and each struck must have a weight slip. Proposal No. 2 — Blue Stone :to be ceded. on Town Trucks at Mat - Muck Break%, ter, M,a+ttituck, The ,sealed odds will be received by the .S+u %. of Highways of the Town of SouQboild, at his Offsite, Peconic Lame, Peoonic, N. Y. un - 41 2:00 P. M:, April 6, 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in ,public. If a ; Arid is acoe0ed, the successful bid ! der will enter into �a contract with the Tow,ni of Southold, within 5 days. The Sup't.:of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defectt or in- tormbty in any bid; also reserves, the right tla award the b3:d +to i either Proposal No. 1 or Proppo l No. 2, or the combinatfan of both, and to have any struck load of stone re -weighed on scales at As- phalts, Inc., Mattitluuck, N. Y., shoiuild, it be in tihe best interest of the Town, of Southold, to do SO. All bids mush be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed in envelope plainly marked (Bids on Blue Stone) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Feconic, N. Y. (flue bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is emen4A. Dated: March 21, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways 1=1 Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. J ss: :?! ..`.'"`-<''?� ..�--'i `�:' 4- ... being duly Sworn. says that ���- .. , is Printer and Publisher sof the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is is printed ropy. ,has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week. for ?' .............. weekk successively commencing on the . �� ... • � .... . day sof ...... ........ 19 Q Q. Q Sworn to before me this ...iYi.• • ' day sof ......... 190.. ....4�......'..� :.... �... v Ilk" f Glow 1 7 4 O BROADWAY NEW YORK IQ, N.Y. CIRCLE 5-5400 April 4th, 1967 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York RE: Bid Due -A2ril 6th, 1967 Gentlemen: We are pleased to quote you for 4,000 tons of 3/8" Blue Stone as per your "Notice to Bidders" dated March 21st, 1967, l.) Blue Stone to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic, New York $4.83 per ton - NET. 2) Blue Stone to be loaded on Town Trucks at Mattitick Breakwater, Mattituck, New York @ $4.43 per ton - NET. Trusting the above meets with your approval, we remain Very truly yours, COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO. , tNC . S. J. Stern SJS :md ACCEPTED: CODE (516) DIAL 653-4040 4041 4042 TUFANO CONTRACTING CORPORATION MIDHAMPTON AVENUE QUOGUE, L. I., N. Y. 11959 April 5, 1967 Raymond C. 'Jean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Dear Sir: In response to your Notice to Bidders, dated March ?1,1967, we submit the following price. Proposal No. 1 - Blue stone to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic Peconic, N.Y. and each truck must have a weight slip $4.89/T Proposal No. 2 - Blue stone to be loaded on Town Trucks at Quogue, N.Y. 4.29/T Very truly yours, TUFANt���O��`` CONTRACTING CORPORATION .- '111/�i�'/y William Skolnik Vice President WS : ad GOTHAM SAND & STONE CO. DIVISION OF NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORPORATION EAST SHORE ROAD, PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y. POrt Washington 7-3860 April 2, 1967 Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, New York Gentlemen: In accordance with your advertisement to bid, we are pleased to submit our quotation on the following: 4,000 tons 3/8 Blue Stone Proposal No. 1 - Blue Stone to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic, New York and each truck must have a weight slip . .......................................... $4.89 ton delivered Proposal No. 2 - Blue Stone to be loaded on Town Trucks at Mattituck Breakwater, Mattituck, New York ..................... $4.41 ton loaded into town trucks. Proposal No. 2 is being bid with this stipulation, providing Mattituck Dock is in operation at the time material is needed. Terms Net. AS: LL Very truly yours, GOTHAM SAND & STONE COMPANY Division New York Trap Rock Corp. A. Scaramucci Sales Manager LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ) accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- STATE OF NEW YORK, ss: cipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the fol- lowing: `.! •� .. . . .............. being duly Sworn. 200 tons of No. 1 Grade Cayuga (or Equal) Rock Salt, (more or says that ....... , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK less) delivered in 100 lb. paper bags, to Peconic, N. Y., by truck. WEEKLY TAMES. a newspaper p pap r ,published at Greenport. in said duplicate, to- The sealed bids in er- gether with a Non-Collusive C Count , and that the notice, of which the annexed is is printed y Sup' te, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of , has been published in the staid Suffolk Week Times py. � UY Southold, at his Office, Peconic, L. I., until 1:00 P.M., September 28, truce in each week, for... &ILI ........... week 1967, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. successively commencing On the The Sup't. of Highways, reserves the right to reject any and all bids day of A ..... �.... '. and to waive any and all informal- ity in zany bid, should it be deemed ( � Sworn to be in the best interest of the to before me this ..iii Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed land sealed day of ...�I in envelopes plainly marked ((Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price ....... .... shall not include and Tax, Federal,'" 1 State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: September 12, 1967 CORNELIA, RAYMOND C. DEAN, v: 'g:y Public, ° ti A?y, .. ►eat 1tS22 Sup't. of Highways No. s ; . e : c Qu,!�tied 'i r!J'i CuerM► s COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section' 103 of the General Municipal Law, C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that sealed .bids are sought and re- that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND ;quested for the following: 200 tons of No. 1 Grade Cayuga (or TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - Rock Salt, (more less) delivered b red in 100 lb. paper bags, to paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that delive Peconic, N. Y., by truck. the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been i The sealed bids induplicate, Certificate, duplicate, to - I gather with allon-Collpublished in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituc k Watch - will will be received by the Sup't. of High- ways of the Town of Southold, at his man once each week for ......r!../.1..... weeky Office, Peconic, L. I., until 1:00 P. M., September 28, 1967, at which time they; successively, commencing on the C wiu be opened and read aloud in public. /T The Supt. of Highways reserves the right, to reject any and all bids and to day of ,/........ 19.6.% waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't. of bid cludewany Tae Federal, Stashall e or not Locai Sworn to before me this .......t7 .i'`........ day of from which the Town of Southold, is ' exempt. w .....1....., 19..11,?.,� Dated: September 12, 1967 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways (� *G • � �.:: G <-............ Notary Public AOELE Notary Public State otf� New Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Oommission Expires March 30, lg- 1E INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY • ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS CLARKS SUMMIT, PENNSYLVANIA September 26, 1967 Town. of Southold Office of the Superintendent of Highways Peconic, L. I., New York Attention: Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways Gentlemen: We are very pleased to submit for your consideration the following quotation in compliance with your notice to bidders for Rock Salt: STERLING RETSOF NO. 1 ICE AND SNOW REMOVAL ROCK SALT Truck Delivery 100 lb. Multi -wall Paper Bags Minimum truckload - 18 tons $1.28 per bag The price offered above applies for delivery, F.O.B. your storage, Peconic, L. I., New York; and we will prepay all truck trans- portation charges. Our terms of payment are net 30 days from shipment. We will protect the truck delivered price quoted through March 31, 1968 provided our quotation is accepted and acknowledged within 30 days from your September 28th bid opening. In compliance with your notice, we attach our Non -Collusive Bidding Certificate form. Thanking you for the opportunity of offering this quotation, we remain, Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY L. H. Healy Administrative Vice Iresident LHH:WEW:jb Duplicate Attachment STERLING SALT PRODUCTS FOR AMERICA'S INDUSFRIE7 rt!GH'd4',41' S, FARMS AND HOMES NON -COLLUSIVE 10DING CER IFUA E' PUROUANT rO SECTION 103-d OF TIE :,FNERAL 141UNICIML iAW Or THE ISTATE OF M, YOM By submission of this bid or proposal., the oidder ceri;if iea tmtt (a) This Sid or proposal has boar independently arrived at without collusion vrith azV other biddor or with any competitor or potential corVatitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed ami will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to .the opening -of bads or proposals for this pro joct, to aV othor bidder, cc,nps t.i tA-r or potential coMetit:or; (a;) No attempt bas boon or will be na. a to induce any other porson, p&rtnership or corporation t:) suhn-A or not 'to submit a hip: or proposal; (d) The person signing this b .a or proposal certifies that he has fully informed hixnsel.f regarding the accuraojr of the state- ments contained in this cert-ifleation, and under tho ganal.tie5 of porjry v' affirms the truth the eof s si?--b pe:nalt:�es being app).; o.abl e to Lho bidder as well as to t to parson 3 ;.grdn in it:j behalf; (o PTA attx.e.h- ed hereto (if a co-pora.te bidder) is a coy tified copy 6. roso" ration rlithor.• ).zing the execution of this c*,rtificAte by the signator of this bid or proposa). in behalf of the ccw°pora.te bicider, - �� (Name cf Cory. or To:�ud vid j,'A RESOLVED�be ,.....w....%Name� of Corp, )� .Authorised to sign and submit tbo bid o: proposal or L? -,;!s :iorvowt3ion for the following pro'ect ._ .. _ .. - - ..... - - _ Desorltyo As j jest or product) '� `� '� and to include in such bxd or proposal the cobtif leate as to non -collusion a. ; it RESOLVED, that INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY by its President or any one of its Vice Presidents be authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project: The furnishing of salt or salt products to the State of New York, or to any political sub -division, fire district, public department, or public authority of such state or to any agency or official thereof and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury." The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY, a New Jersey corporation, at a meeting of its Board of Directors on the 18th day of October, 1965. 1_. "Low _ Highway Materials Co., Inc. �p�uC9 SOUTH LANSING, NEW YORK eROCKSALT Area Code 607 Lansing LF 34244 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, L.I., N. Y. Dear Mr. Dean: September 21, 1967 11598 Re: Bid on Rock Salt 61.1 We are pleased to submit the following pertaining to the delivery of Rock Salt to your Town for the 1967-68 season. 100 lb. Bags, #1 Grade . . . . . $25.80 per ton The above price is firm and includes all costs, is based upon the Truck Delivery of Cayuga Rock Salt which is mined in New York State by New York State labor, and meets or ex- ceeds specifications set forth by New York State Department of Standards and Purchase. Orders may be placed with this office or with our Sales Representative, Mr. Ted Vogelsang. Shipments will be made as soon as possible after receipt of orders. Thanking you for this opportunity to bid and hoping we may be of service to you this coming year. Respectfully, HIGHWAY MATERIALS CO., INC. LCL/ •�- John W. Ettinger Vice President JWE/lp Highway Materials Co., Inc. �pYUG+� SOUTH LANSING, NEW YORK _ � ROCK SALP 9V a Area code 607 Lansing LF 3-4244 September 21, 1967 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, L.I., N. Y. 11598 Re: B vd on Rock Salt Dear Mr. Deans 6; J 91 *d We are pleased to submit the following pertaining to the delivery of Rock Salt to your Town for the 1967-68 season. 100 lb. Bags, #1 Grade . . . . . $25.80 per ton The above price is firm and includes all costs, is based upon the Truck Delivery of Cayuga Rack Salt which is mined in New York :tate by New York State labor, and meets or ex- ceeds specifications set forth by New York State Department of Standards and Purchase. Orders may be placed with this office or with our Sales Representative, Por. Ted Vogelsang. Shipments will be made as soon as possible after receipt of orders. Tbanking you for this opportunity to bid and hoping we may be of service to you this coming year. Respectfully, HIGHWAY MATERIALS CO., INC. John W. Ettinger Vice President JWE/lp NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. RESOLVED that Louis J. Ettinger, Jr., President, John W. Ettinger, Vice -President, Harold D. Hall, Secretary, W. Worth Parks, Sales Manager, T. H. Vogelsang, or John H. Miller be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this corporation for the sale of any products or property, including but not limited to mineral rock salt, to be submitted to the State of New York, all agencies thereof, the New York State Thruway Authority, and/or all such political subdivisions regulated by the Laws of the State of New York and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing resolution shall continue in full force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors of this corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior to any such rescission of this resolution. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by Highway Materials Co., Inc. at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 24th day of August, 1965, and I hereby certify that this resolution is still in full force and effect at the date of this bid. (Seal of the Corporation) Secretar J Vice President 9/21/67 /� Sirll re Date SCHOENBERG SALT CO., INC. cSetuice ('ince 1898 September 2.0, 1967 Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Dear Sir: Kindly enter our bid for the following: 200 tons of No. 1 Grade Sterling Rock Salt, (more or less) delivered in 100 lb. paper bags, to Peconic, N.Y, by trucko $34.60 per ton S A CLOVER T 217 JUNIUS STREET BROOKLYN. N. Y. 11212 OICKENs 6-7410 The above price is firm, include all costs and are based upon 20 Ton minimum truck load delivery of Rock Salt which is mined in N.Y. State and meets specifications submitted and meets or exceeds specifications set forth by N.Y. State Department of Standards and Purchase. Very truly yours, SCHOENBERG LT 0., INC . R SCHOENBERG MS:sw a.:.,w r,� �s�,�.-....�.: 'moi Vi AioJ; Jkdoot Adoo �Ad00 06 Nv I-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIF.1vATION `oa3X By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit.a bid or proposal; (d) The` person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this'eartification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the sig- nator of this bid or proposal in behalf f the corpor bidder, Rozolved that c: be (NamWrof C porat on authorized to sign and submit th bid or proposal of this corporation for •Uha following project: (Describe Project) &r.d to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion r,:iquirad by section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the got and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate.biddor shall be liable..under the pen- -Itles of perjury. The f®regog ins a truq and corr,qi�t copy of the resolution adopted by C— corporation U fleeting of its b rd of directors held on the day of (3 AL OF THE CORPORATION) Y Secretary MORTON SALT COMPANY A DIVISION OF MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. 233 BROADWAY • NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10007 TELEPHONE 212-227-0330 September 22nd, 1967 Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, Long Island, New York Re; Rock Salt Proposal Dear Sir; - We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your courtesy in submitting to us a "Bid Proposal" for your Rock Salt Requirements. We regret that at the present time we are unable to offer a quotation, but do request that you retain us on your mailing list for future proposals. WJB/gmr Very truly yours, MORTON SALT COMPANY A Division Of Morton International, Inc. W`- Aattistone Gover;��it Sales Manager f ,—. ,1 ,. m r I� 1 11, ire -.- , — Tnu. ,. - f , If ,P i" 0. 11ry o," re "Abp "ir nul9T -i) BS C BRIGHTON STEEL COMPANY, INC. ROUTE 52 HOPEWELL JUNCTION, NEW YORK 914 - 897-4440 Supervisor Lester M. Albertson 16 South Street Greenport, Long Island, New York 11944 Dear Mr. L. Albertson: LONG ISLAND EAST NORWICH 516 _ WA 2-6933 September 26, 1967 We are pleased to quote you on 200 Tons C.C. Rock Salt in 100 pound bags delivered to the Town of Southold Highway Department for $24.00 a Ton. Delivery will be made in 20 to 24 Ton truckload lots within 3 days. LD/bal Very,,,t'rUly Y9urs, BRIGHTON.$ L COMPANY Ltemis Davi son Vice -President LEGAL NOTICE NOTCCE TO RIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provision`s of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 Section 103 of the general Muni- STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: cipal Law, that sealed bids are J sought and requested for the pur- chase of approximately 500,000 �.� �c-v�. � 2�.i � being duly Swarn, gallons of AsphalJ Road Material.. -e'tv Specifications for said material says that is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK may be obtained at the Office of the Superintendent of Highways,, WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Peconic, N. Y. mie sealed buts will be received county; and that the notice, .of which the annexxed is is printed by the Shperintendent of High- ways of the Town of Southold, copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times at his Office, Peconic Lane, Pe - ,conic, N. Y., ,until 2:00 P. M., Ap- unce in each week, for . ...... .......... weekk ril 7, 1957, a1 which time they will -be opened and read aloud in pub- successively commencing on the ........ lic. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed In en- day sof velopes plainly marked (Bids on Asphalt Road Material) to the ... '� , ..��. ............... . Office of the Superintendent of Highways. Sworn to before me this 3:.. `. . IT -he Superintendent -of Highwaysreserv'r es the right to reject any day of .... ,aind, aill bids and too waive any and all infarmaUJy in any bid, should it be deemed to .be in the .best interest of the Town of Southold, � 1 to do so. JJJ The bid price shall not include any Federal, Stalte or Local Tax, from which fdhe Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: March 21, 1957 , RAYMOND C. DEIAN. Supt. of Highways ltM31 Town of .Scuthold BIDDERIS CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT E,,ULSIFIED This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Emulsified Asphalt which will comply with the requirements for type MC2 , RC2 C,,tL,,n • The Emulsified Asphalt is manufactured by Shell Oil Company Whose Plant is located at Sewaren, New Jersey Street City & Zone No. State The plant has a capacity of] 000 Gallons per 8 -hour day and has regularly manufactured Emulsified Asphalt for the past 35 years. The specific source of the asphaltic base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelin Crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon we will begin delivery of Emulsified Asphalt with 8 hours of Notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Emulsified Asphalt at the rate ordered to a maximum rate oJ50*000 Gallons per 8 -hour day. Asph It , Inc. Co any H.M. Brush, President Official title Date: April 3, 1967 If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify that Asphalts,, Inc. Name of Bidder Naugles Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 Street City & Zone No. State Is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Shell Oil Company .Name of Janufacturer Official. title %% Herb Messinger, Sales Representative Date: April 3, 1967 FOR ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ITEM NO. 1 TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWkYS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, N. Y. 1. The undersigned hereby propose to furnish approximately 500,000 gallons of Grades RC -2 and 111C-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y., all in accordance with the specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of the said Town dated March 30 ,1967. A. Delivered to the Town equipment in the Town of Southold per gallon. 2. The undersigned further states that the location, type and capa- city of the storage facilities in the Town of Southold, are as follows: A. Type of Storage Facilities Permanent Heated Storage Tanks B. Location of Storage Facilities Naugle s Drive, Matt stuck, N.Y. C. Capacity of Storage Facilities 1,000,000 3. In submitting this bid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The undersigned further declares that he has or they have care- fully examined the specifications and this bid form and has or have satisfied himself of themselves as to all the terms and conditions, and understand that in signing this proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. 4. Accompanying this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check for $ 4..000.00 . In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid, the monies represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of -Southold, otherwise to be returned to the de- positor as provided in the above said provisions. 5. On acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contbact Vithin ten days of the date of notice of the award of the bid with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the secuti.ty for the faithful performance of the terms of said contrast. Bated: April 39 _, 1967. Asphalts, Inc. The P. 0. address of the Bidder is Naugle s Drive Street, Mattituck, New York City and State - 2 - President If a Corporation Name Address H.M. Brush President 8 Teapot Lane, Smithtown, New York Kenneth Rhodes Secretary 6 Storey Avenue, Central islip, N.Y. H.M. Brush Treasurer 8 Teapot Lane, Smithtown, New York If a Firm Name of Members Address - 3 - BIDDEROS CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT EMULSIFIED This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Emulsified Aspha7�t which will comply with the requirements for type, MC2 , RC Ct;TRiCK The Emulsified Asphalt is manufactured byshell Oil Company Whose Plant is located at Sewarens New Jersey stmet City & `Lone No. State The plant has a capacity of=000 Gallons per 8-hourand has regularly manufactured Emulsified Asphalt for the past 35 years. The specific source of the asphaltic base is selected Gulf Coast and Veneauelin Crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the itee(s) bid upon we will begin delivery of Emulsified Asphalt with hours of Notice to deliver. We agree Usi sh Emulsified Asphalt at the rate ordered to a maximum rate Gallons per 8 -hour day. Asphalts, Inc Cmmnffimv H.1MY. Brus%; 'President Official title Date: April 3, 1967 If the bidder is an authorised agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify .that Asphalts, Inc. Name of bidder Naugles Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 Street City x Zone No. State Is our authorised agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Shell Oil Company Name of Manufacturer Official t tape Herb ;gess nger, Da es Representative Date; April 3, 1967 FM A6PHALT ROAD IWi�hIALS FOR LELIVERY TO THE TO4.1 OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORE ITEM N0. 1 TO THE SUPERI ' T lvI)&vT OF HIGbvAYS TOWN Oi c4UThOLD Pwui"IC, N. Y. 1. The undersigned hereby propose to furnish approximately 500,000 gallons of Grades RC -2 and W-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of southols, Suffolk County, N. Y.. all in accordance withth Spec onsof the 4pperintendent of Highways of the said Town datedMy ;;ti j967. • A. Delivered to the T wn equipment in the Town of Southold __per gallon. 2. The undersigned further states that the location, type and capa- city of the storage facilities in the Town Southold, are as ollews: A. Type of Storage Facilities14 ��'� B. Location of Storage FacilitiesV/' C. Capacity of Storage Facilities 2121-1 3. In submitting this bid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connectiob with any person making another bid for the same contract. The undersigned further declares that he has or they have care- fully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions, and underst and that in signing this proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the saws, . 4. Accompan n this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified ,./-,cc�y'j'i' check for In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Token of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid, the monies represented by such cash or cheer shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be returned to the de- positor as provided in tie above said provisions. 5• to acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or thetasbAves to enter into a written contract within ton days of the date of notice of the award of the bid -Ath the said Tpwn of Southold, and to comply in all respects with the. provU&ons of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the to f iF ontract. Dated: .1967. /11- BY: The P. 0.a dress of the bidder is Street �[���,/�� ✓� '��1' ` , City and State .. 2 N, ame If a Corporation W-Iff. President 6ecretary Treasurer VA ft - 3 - Address Addre TUs Is to certif;� ", t Uw "toraigned proposes to furnish lijaulsiried ;tslhalt which will cor+ly with the requirewrite for American The 4rulsitiad ;,,aptialt is iwiutactrod b3r_.Aitumuls Cor+Any BIZ Blvd., Lawrence L. I. No Y. o;h,usa plant is located at treet Ute & Ms hoo State 100,000 The vl&nt has a capaciv or .i4j.lons por �-&xur day air- has regularly manufactured 6uIR-71—ed ,spbalt for the past _3j._yvars- The 3pecific soiArce, of U49 asphaltic base is selected Gulf -oast wxi Vet*suelin. Ctres. If we recuive an award of or&r or =-41r4bet. or any of U* it (s) bid upon we wl" begin delivery of ioulsified oi4plAlt writk4 8 hours of &',�ctice to aeliver. agree to furnish Umlaitiax —i -41t -41t at t4 -e rate oraered to a maximm r4 50 9 000 ualloris per , -bour day* BI: 1"lute: April_ 5, 1967 If tr,* bidder Is an authorized agent of the manufacturer. Ue f olicuix% auttxxi"tioa must be executed by the vwnuracturar: 114a is to certify ujat _ R. 0, WELCH ASPH ALT CO. Name or Bidder 1064 Wooderest Avenue Riverhead,. L. I.1 No Y. -treet O's NO, 6tate City & , we . I Is our authorized a4;ant and is caf.Able Gf Makirqg deliveri(ob in cc.,wi.,litaice, with tk* above cortificate, American Bitumuls ComDan A -m of 'Asnufucturer aL ; -- ZL,� (Mcial, title &A_4: April 5. 1967 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch - :k , NOTICE TO BIDDER$ / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in man once each week for .... �,.� u,`.....1..,�r Weelys' accordance with the provisions . of `` Section 103 of the General Municipal successively, commencing on the ..................................... 111{ . �` L;aw, -that sealed bids are sought and rrj requested for the purchase of approx- day of ... -imately 500,000 gallons of Asphalt RoadI Material. " �/e Specifications for said material may be obtained at the Office of the Super- ......................................... ............ intendent of Highways, Peconic, :N.,Y. .The sealed bids will be received by the Superinteildent of Highways-of:.the Town of Southold, at his office, Ptleconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 2:00 P. M., April 7, 1967, at which time they v411 Sworn to before me this.......ti,✓,1.......... day of . .. be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate,.......4/�'' � 9 signed and sealed in envelopes plainly............. marked (Bids on Asphalt Road Ma - aerial) to the Office of the Superinten- dent of Highways. _ ? The Superintendent of Highways re- serves the right .to reject any and all ' ............, bids and to waive any and all inform- (� .. .: ....:. r..:,.r..: ality in any bid, should it be deemed Notary Public to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from ADELE PAYNE which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Notary Public, State of New York Dated.: March 21, 1967 Residing in Suffolk County RAYMOND C. DEAN, No. 52-3041000 munit nf_Highways Commission Expires March 3% 19�< COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattitu/ck Watch- man once each week for ........ ( lG ..... 1 weeks-" successively, commencing on the .................�.......... day of..��... ..... 19-6.7 ......................................... .3 ............. Sworn to before me this ......:,1...jj ........ day of ........., 19.IT �. .... .... ...... ................ Notary Public ADEI.E PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March JANUARY 16TH 1 9 6 7 MOBIL TE -4 SWEEPER 1. Automatic transmission 1. 2. Full sweeper frame. 2. 3. Channel type front bumper 3. 4. Cab doors hinged in rear, 4. 9. permitting them to be 9. 10. left open. 10. 5. Operator able to see gutter 5. broom from normal driving 11. position with cab door closed. 11. 6. Variable forward and reverse 6. speeds on rear pickup broom. WAYNE 940-4 SWEEPER Standard gear shift transmission. Modified truck chassis. Counterweight front bumper. Cab doors hinged in the front. Standard truck type. Not able to see gutter broom from normal driving position with door closed. Only forward speeds on rear broom. 7. Distance from centerline of 7. Distance 108". rear wheel to center line of 9 97" cab height. Overall length, 21'3". Some controls located to the side and rear of operator. 46 amp. alternator. Chains guaranteed for 10,000 miles or two years. rear broom core shaft does not exceed 62" in down position. 8. Overall height, including cab 8. 8911. 9. Overall length, 2017". 9. 10. All operating controls 10. located in front of operator. 11. 55 Amp. alternator. 11. 12. Chains and rubber sprockets 12. guaranteed for two years, or 12,000 miles. 9 97" cab height. Overall length, 21'3". Some controls located to the side and rear of operator. 46 amp. alternator. Chains guaranteed for 10,000 miles or two years. NON -COLLUSIVE CERTIFICATION Section 103-d General Municipal Law (a) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies, and in the case of a .joint bid each party thereto certifies as to 'tts own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowiingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or eorporatioh to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition," DATED; March 8, 1967 f i,Q4MUTE SEAL) Signature of individual bidder FOR CORPORATION USE: ASPHALTS, INC. Name of Corporation By H.M. Brush, President TITLE ®.®._.._._._., ORE ALCO.,OV10MEA,rG GEORE M VESE & C , Inc. W N C® c LONG ISLAND'S OLDEST DISTRIBUTOR OF POWER EQUIPMENT sti°'4 CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BOX 295 5160V 1-7600 530 OLD COUNTRY 'ROAD HICKSVILLE, L.I., NEW YORK 212 TLI 6-1900 F TOWN OF SOU`PHOLD To Highway Department Peconic, New York 7 Lr Attention: Mr Raymond Dean, J Supt. of Highways DATE November 20, 1967 QUOTATION N° 3537 A We are pleased to submit the following quotation: I QUANTITY ONE DESCRIPTION MOBIL SWEEPER Model 2 -TE -4, with right and left hand wire filled gutterbrooms, power hydraulic controls, 1010" sweeping path, four wheel hydraulic brakes with Hydra -Vac booster, 4 cubic yard dirt hopper, 280 gallon water tank, one 15' length of 21" hose with couplings for hydrant filling, flow valve, powered by a Ford, 300 cubic inch displacement gasoline engine with Donaldson Donaclone air cleaner and hourmeter, three speed forward and one reverse automatic transmission, two speed rear axle, 7.50 x 20, 8 ply front and 10.00 x 20, 12 ply rear tires, power steering, rear pick up broom plus one (1) spare Danline wire filled, rear broom, gutterbrooms, elevator and water pump powered by a four cylinder Industrial Ford, 134 cubic inch gasoline engine with Donaldson Donaelone air cleaner and hour meter, fully enclosed cab with roll up and down windows, two adjustable Bostrom seats, heater and defroster, dual windshield wipers, right hand and left hand West Coast side mirrors, one Federal Sign Model 184 cab mounted revolving flasher light, 55 amp alternator with dual belt drive, spotlights for gutterbrooms and rear broom, dual stop and tail lights, rear fenders and mounting steps, directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch, reflectors, two spare sets, total of (14) wire filled segments for gutterbrooms, front and rear tow hooks and rear license plate bracket with light. Painted Highway Yellow. AMOUNT DELIVERED PRICE F.O.B. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK.....................$/17,085.00 .,S.�✓�, PLEASE NOTE: Prices quoted include the services of our representative in demonstrating and instructing your men in the operation, uses, and care of the equipment. THIS FORM IS NOT A CONTRACT. Exact date of delivery cannot be guaranteed but is approxi- mated as nearly as possible. This quotation may be changed without notice and all orders are accepted subject to price in effect at time of delivery. GEORGE MALVESE & CO.. INC. By- a/',� 'A_ , .i ^ 'Zi- ,rp^ A' GEORGE MALVESE CO Inc. 6�,oMEH' °MA! �.�-� a o D LONG ISLAND'S OLDEST DISTRIBUTOR OF POWER EQUIPMENT �ssr_Syoti� CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BOX 295 530 OLD COUNTRY 'ROAD 516 OV 1-7600 HICKSVILLE, L.I., NEW YORK 212 TU 6-1900 ' i/' O 7'r "t CTX F =UTWLD DATE November 20# 1967 TO Highway Departtmsn� QUOTATION coni., 'w York L Attention: Mr ftymotA Drzan, J N° 3537 A Supt a of hlIr ays We are pleased to submit the following quotation: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION K(iBlL SWEP1 2-U-4# with right and leftwi. re f l led 'le rbrooms, �r` hyd�lf a i�t91<i cols, 1010" sweepitig path, four svhleel hydrvulie b k*6 with dre-Vac boostor, 4 cubic yard div, hoppers 280 gallon water =.:anks om 151 length of 423' hose wl *.h oouplings for todran . fillingo Clow Valais r powered by a flords 300 cub. -1 in*h displacement gasoline englue with Donaldson Dona :lone air --le rier and hoursaterIl, t,hx a speed forward and one re -verse automtllte trapeadissions two► speed rear axlov 7-A x 20, 8 ply fit and 10.00 a 20, 12 ply r*ar tires., r ste*rings rear pick sap o m phut one (1) *per* Danlirw wire filled, rear* broom, gutterbroomes elevator arsd water paW powered by a four cllnder Indtstrial brd, 134 cubio Inch gasoline engine with Donaldson Don& to air cleaner and t ur meter, rully enclosed cab with roll up and down won s, two adjustable at m seats, heater' and. defros ;,err dual wi ndshl.eld wipers, right hasrA and left hand West-, Wast side m1rrors, one AWWral Sign Model 164 cab mounted rovolvlrlLg flasher light, 55 map alternator with dol 4elt drip► , spotlights for gutterbroom and roar broom, dual stop and tall lighta,, rear fenders and mounting steps, d rec°,.i.onal signals with ro ;r"way hazard flaatwr swi.tcAt ret"le,etors, two spare sets, total or (14) wire filled sae. rpt for gurterbrooms# front and rear tow books and rear license plate br*Qket with light. nt;ed Wighway Yellow. PLEASE NOTE: Prices quoted include the services of our representative in demonstrating and instructing your men in the operation, uses, and care of the equipment. THIS FORM IS NOT A CONTRACT. Exact date of delivery cannot be guaranteed but is approxi- mated as nearly as possible. This quotation may be changed without notice and all orders are accepted subject to price in effect at time of delivery. AMOUNT GEORGE MALVESE & CO., INC. John Suker -- o5 / f � -;;, OVsVMEgt GEORGE MALVESE & CO., Inc. W� ° O N 00 o®e®• i � LONG ISLAND'S OLDEST DISTRIBUTOR OF POWER EQUIPMENT JOss�-SY°yCA CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BOX 295 516 OV 1-7600 530 OLD COUNTRY 'ROAD HICKSVILLE, L.I., NEW YORK 212 TU 6-1900 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO Pe c on de Lane Peconic, New York DATE. January 20, 1967 QUOTATION L Attention: Mr. Raymond Dean, N? 3301 A Supt. D.P.W. ' We are pleased to submit the following quotation: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ONE MICHIGAN four wheel drive Tractor Shovel Model 35 AWS, (all wheel steer), with lu cubic yard capacity bucket, powered by a Continental Model F-266, 66.5 H.P., 6 cylinder gasoline engine, with matched power train consisting of an industrial type torque converter with 3.0 to 1 multiplication factor, power shift, four -speed, full reversing transmission with speeds from o to 24.0 M.P.H., planetary axles with dual cylinder power steering on both axles, 14.00 x 24, $ ply tires, fully enclosed cab, heater, deforster, windshield wiper, directional signals and rear license plate bracket with light. Machine to be painted standard Michigan Yellow. PRICE DELIVERED TO SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK.........................1$13,270.00 The above price subject to all applicable sales taxes. PLEASE NOTE: Prices quoted include the services of our representative in demonstrating and GEORGE MALVESE & CO.. INC. instructing your men in the operation, uses, and care of the equipment. THIS FORM IS NOT A CONTRACT. Exact date of delivery cannot be guaranteed but is approxi- mated as nearly as possible. This quotation may be changed without notice and all orders are accepted subject to price in effect at time of delivery. BY �• fin'^ c G',T '4'P. �^