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OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 4 o4f SOUryo 10,0 - MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: John Bredemeyer, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: October 15, 2014 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND SCTM# 1000-117-8-18.,4 Patricia McIntyre on behalf of NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND requests a Wetland Permit to permanently relocate the "Galley Ho" and associated features; renovate 1,200sq.ft. of the building, replacing 478sq.ft. of storm destroyed section of building, construct a new 47sq.ft. addition to building, and for the installation of a storm water management system of gutters to leaders to drywells; construct 1,612sq.ft. of wood decking attached to building with two (2) sets of steps (70sq.ft.) to grade; install a 10,560sq.ft. parking lot with French drains; construct a 450sq.ft. long handicap access ramp to building; install a 480sq.ft. concrete walkway along eastern edge of parking lot with a set of 98sq.ft. of steel steps to grade; install a 210sq.ft. concrete walkway along southern edge of parking lot; construct a 200sq.ft. bridge/deck on the landward side of the bulkhead; install a 2,325sq.ft. non -turf buffer along the eastern bulkhead; and install a northern 1,280sq.ft. non -turf buffer on the seaward side of proposed parking area. Located: 650 First Street, New Suffolk. SCTM# 117-8-18.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to"this department and the records available to me, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP specifically: Policy 2. Preserve historic resources of the Town of Southold. 2.1 Maximize preservation and retention of historic resources. A. Preserve the historic character of the resource by protecting historic materials and features or by making repairs using appropriate methods. B. Provide for compatible use or reuse of the historic resource, while limiting and minimizing inappropriate alterations to the resource. C. Minimize loss of historic resources or historic character when it is not possible to completely preserve the resource. Relocate historic structures only when the resource cannot be preserved in place This action attempts to preserve the SPLIA listed building known as "Galley Ho" and meets this policy. Policy 10. Protect Southold's water -dependent uses and promote siting of new water -dependent uses in suitable locations. The intent of this policy is to protect existing water -dependent commercial, industrial, and recreational uses and to enhance the economic viability of water -dependent uses by ensuring adequate provision of infrastructure for water -dependent uses and their efficient operation. This is relevant to Southold because other important concentrations of water -dependent uses are located at Orient Point.... New Suffolk.... 10.1 (a) Protect existing water -dependent uses. The term Water -dependent use means a business or other activity which can only be conducted in, on, over, or adjacent to a water body because such activity requires direct access to that water body, and which involves, as an integral part of such activity, the use of the water. Existing uses should be maintained and enhanced where possible and appropriate. This action maintains the existing use as a marina. 10.1 (b) Improve the economic viability of water -dependent uses by allowing for non -water dependent accessory and multiple uses, particularly water enhanced and maritime support services where sufficient upland exists. The term water -enhanced use means a use or activity which does not require a location adjacent to coastal waters, but whose location on the waterfront adds to the public use and enjoyment of the water's edge. Water -enhanced uses are primarily recreational, cultural, retail, or entertainment in nature. These uses may be necessary for the successful financial operation and viability of water - dependent uses. The preservation and operation of the culturally significant Galley Ho building, (a water enhanced use) adds to the public use and enjoyment of the historic waterfront area. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM ' !! A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete�CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistenc eview Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a To of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actio including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosio rdArea. 2. Before answering the questions in minor action list, policies and expla Waterfront Revitalization Program. 3. If any question in Section C on thi affect the achievement of the LWI review law. Thus, each answer in suuaortine facts. If an action cane conditions, it shall not be undertakes C, the prepar of this form should review the exempt of each poli contained in the Town of Southold Local Aswered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will standards and conditions contained in the consistency certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the T uthol (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Pl to rant 1 libraries and the Town Clerk's office.,, . ,__��1 B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTIO +� SCTM# - 0 4? - /8, PROJECT NAME New Suffolk Waterfront Fund (NSWF), Inc - E The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board Planning Board Ey Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): CEJ I's website 1s�ci1 (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital ❑ construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: 0 Nature and extent of action: Renovate existing Galley Ho restaurant by renovating 1,200 square feet of storm damaged main building, replacing 478 square feet destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, and adding 47 square feet of new construction to the building. Lowte building fufthe, away fiam.. bulkhead, add new septiL. to current codes, and landscape property. Location of action: 650 First St, New Suffolk, NY 11956 Site acreage: 2.310 Present land use: Marine II. Marina and restaurant Present zoning classification: Marine ll, with special exception 2nd use as a restaurant 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: New Suffolk Waterfront Fund (NSWF), Inc - Patricia McIntyre, Chair (b) Mailing address: PO Box 146, New Suffolk, NY 11956 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) 631-734-5663 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No 0 If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The Droject n1lowS p, ihl*C nCCSSS tOL the XU=tedmOt bY PrOvidiaQ beach access. dockage and scenic vistas within uwalkona distance of the hamlet's business and residential districts The existing water -dependent infrastructure protecting a deep -water manna, will be enhanced by extensive investment in repairs. This action is in keeping with Section D. Public Access—'p—pT-16,.o ume , L , w is i enti est is site (referred to as Marina S-a—y7OTUas an opportunity to provide- attreetive struetti, eV in keeping with the ehareeter and seele of the henilet while providing sigm-fileant opem spaee. -wca, auwuuna, sneers 1r necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable T1s The project ensures protection of the marker denoting the location of the nation's First Submarine Base (aka The Holland Submarine Company). Also, as identified int e LWRP, the 180 acre New Suffolk peninsula contains approximately forty (40) hl=rlc Struetures, of which one is the main Strueture lying parallel to the watelIMM and referred to as I he Ga ley I lo which 09 be'na restored to ifs hostoi *e uses. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This project already has, by the sale of one acre of property protected by an easement, assured the visual and open space qualities OT The parcel in perpetuity.e remaining res, one acre -of which is protected by a New YorK State Dept of Parks, Recreatim i au id 1 listo. ic P. eservation Easemel it, will be landscaped, a, id , io i iew buildie igs will be these scenic vistas Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria © Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The NYS Conservation easement will significantly curtail additional development potential, thereby minimizing additional mightstructures Inat otherwise permittea Dy I own Zoningregulations or the MaMneBusiness District, wMich is the tow, i's most intensive maiii we basi lategory.This project will result iI i the reloca too.. a. id , edesig, i of existinv r-aA*t2FY SyStOMS ag POF Health r"Of rements, On addit* -on to an- mplianGe with FF -MA regulafio ms for the Galley Ho structure. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria PC Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The proposed renovation of the Galley Ho will protect and improve water quality by reducing the potential for intense business development of the site, thereby reducing the overall loading of pollution from the ground and surface waters Mrough septic wastes, stormwater runoff m impervious surffices ana commer-dialmanne operations such as Doat sandin iors, boat 5 isuling and wi, de, ir-ing, etc. The septic load of the , enovat.:d Galley 1 io we" be reduced since t�� rs�tai ira�t well pmvide 66 seatra., instead of the previn- us 95 seats. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable 3 �S ne project will tacllltate the restoration of indigenous vegetation adjoining the beach and tidal wetlands. The site fronts on the Peconic may Estuary, and lies within Reach 8. It is approximately mid -point between two NYS Designated Significant Coa=l Fish and VVIM11% Plabitats. Cutchogue HarWr and Robins Island, as well as U0 I-Ish and VVIldille Northeast eoestal Amas Study Ecologies! 6oinplexes (See Map !I d 8 in Yolume 1 1 , L:WRP.) The awne, has a work' rslabOPShiP '14h With r-Ornall COOPGrati-9- Extensio n for on-site aq- lac, alb ire pgogrcams Th- NYS r-nneervation e0cem'Zopt will create open dace which will minimize the potential for development that could impair the ecosystems health Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. a Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This proposal will help protect air quality by providing New Suffolk residents with significant, permanent recreational open space'wi!hin waliting and bicyCling diMince U1 their homes, thereby reducing the need to use automoblies. I he proposal we'! reduce the patentia! fo, i dense coinineicial nwhie developri-tent which might generate boat and cai baffie to the site Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This proposal will help minimize the amount of solid waste and hazardous wastes by reducing the potential commercial i ai u . PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This proposal will acilitate permanent pub is access to and recreational use o coastal waters, while also providing for pillvately owned, water-dependeril commercial uses. I he restilurant and pul5lic areas can be accessed by wat0r, with Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES y�5 Policy 10. Protect Southold's water -dependent uses and promote siting of new water -dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. R Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The subject site was identified as an Underutilized site in Section II. J. B.1.(iii) Underutilized sites (pp 32-33). This proposal will help revitalize the New SUMIR waterfront in Reeping with thisi y recognizing existing - ' vistas that will be provided by this site are likely to enhance the economic viability of the water enhanced businesses. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ] Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This propsal will facilitate the use of adjacent waters for the purpose of recreational shellfish cultivation by reducing the potential r the type and intensity -of marina developmenta could adversely c e shelitish throughpollution an wave agitation. See a, iswe, to Policy #6. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable There are no agricultural lands on the site, although a community garden has been established on the site for the purpose ci e i g a sense M commune . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This proposal is designed to minimize potential site coverage by buildings and other commercial support structures, thereby preserving future opportunities to use solar and wind sources 01 energy. in addition, the proposal is designed to provide residents of New Suffolk with public and li, I ited p, Ovate recreational si id educatio, al wate, h U, it access wit! III I wn1kiRq d;r-+,^^e of their homes and their school. PREPARED BY Patricia McIntyre TITLE NSWF, Chair Amended on 8.11/05 5 �� TV t x w5 ICN Z UNE NON 9 OI N 1tAW f.tN°I 2 at &ycl UIS HILLe RD. 1597 s � I�j y x0.1 r B �01 0 N SEE PCL.NO. L I�1Mc) - t Ncl ^ N fI SEL.HO. 1J 6 O ttea5aet p 20N 4' �, t0 p 18 E t . 1.xAtq B S9 "� 8.a 41l R - cEoacE .,, m x• OS '° �' Zee I �� fir` z a' tee nB �3a ¢ a °-� e�•uq ` I J zv, • • p 'x'' / CUTCHOGUE 1 ,] J• gy ro s h ,aAkl E N 28 t of BII a u ze . ® 2° >z za t ` {°• �z 1 • yrA•y et ' e i HARBOR ,B z1 n g zv�ta � ,wtq t� y ��{' .✓ B 19 a3 � petray' " _„ep _.. xvA°1 �- lswq •a "1y L/ fis•,Ea 9Nwvet t. J1 •” � fiaeiE •t 2 ] 16Nc1 J• J0 e O0.GNN0.9 ST Zs { po 5 a-Jtip�. +Ife• 4 'T 1'193 Bf S 293 C 20.1 L�B°t s. a .!�+ ,• 3 tea 6 x' xxc e. i] ]T3 1Wc1 r ,0 t2 n 1fi On � lawaxvOt °• u2 " -a ®eN ._ .•w• 163 • s �3 °��' NI h 0 '] lWl --_� - \ 'C S • » a E ]2, NI ST. 103 4 s �.. - ` '. i 2eS m3 NEW SUFPOtx t , E 2a r � j x1 � 9µq 3 xs•q Ell ' 1. J•kl 2 O x°�" A 25 — E N 15. °q tui 1 x°OxSON ^ p x 0 '• y t Y4q ? , A(/ a.t ,2• Jule) 1.SNc _ E E 2vyq Leek) v txA BAY PECONrC s GREAT $ n NOTICE ✓:"-`�`i�'„y COUNTY OF SUFFOLK O x +� SOUT14OLD SECTION NO E —_ — — 1�1) Real Property Tax Service Agency v CaP.,o rWr.rM.°e. asst u ttt �nctov 117 1 _ ��•^ -- -- A`�env _ q 1000 PROP[giY MAP D . ,. n �.. ,t�N :'= r e.•. —__ or.1.. --:-- •�..»--r,v-- wv NvaweBTr ru�se9.erlwt.cr "'M1ii,i — _ _ f ne .n A (ea of -Dec-A4 W d4 WW& 9 iv '6U I k h -Pa4 3k(e-4 H6 (t& be DOVea FAO) k)/ fAar 1 vle- S " e, tA Nor( �J w • "R A �'A� �'rfil' PM tr yy L +IM1 pr�^yry. cx-- y yrAl- P 091 16/20,14 04 10 -'', w • "R A �'A� �'rfil' PM tr yy L +IM1 pr�^yry. y 091 16/20,14 04 10 -'', KING STREET +4.0 REVISION•ATE: r +3.0' +2.0' High Water in O _O P.O. Box 1776 0.0' Low Water Southampton,•.• Mark -0.04' 05-13-10 1•SuffolkWaterfront -2.0' = -3.0' Y Y -4.0' FOUND CONC. MON. -5.0' Bottom of N ENGINEERED BY: 3 N/OIFZ // N S 83'29'29" E ' PHILIP LORIA JAMES DEERKOSKI PE. �o 1 13.47 ' A W) o=�CqS 83'47'30" E 138.22' N = J WW i� J•� z OSTORY ga F"KAME tlUILO1NGCONCDOC L11RE= Y 17• f 113.47' xP • • DRAIN CONC. BLOCK Ho r� ENCLOSURE . �\PO UTILITY x LE #4A S X -4 Q ( x 4RIM - g NZ FOR A/C UNITS � BULKHEAD DRAIN RIM�_7ooo NI v Jo •• • WATER (n O SNA 00 o CUTC 1 I O G CJ FLOATING WOOD DOCK T LLT' � A RB 0,, REPAIR/ REP . /�--J� T'• �� CE ROCKN�24 �RCASE -352 HEIGHT �E 21� REMAIN AS IS �~ IN DIA. OF O 353 % '03>> E of JEiryE 5A ��ryryyyl CV VALVE HOT Box 30.7' _ +\/■y■\J` NWATER PPA ON ONC. \ P (T7 CN yw4T R x • METER / TEST HOLE 81 \ x x� w E L� DRAIN < (fj "+RK -4 Tom` �� RIM �.� / . ,`� - ` tit.Vl14.• _ 5•6E -I7 ORAIN�., / x x �o \ o J RILE (TMP.� 0,"�'• W •RIM ,%ss' >. ``"Ty \ - 2 Y --j v 1 �a? WOOD -K . _... iy • illy, G- -- n°11 DOCK / •,•?Fs\ y x x 4cf tl1 WOOD (TrP) W0p0 l� -7.Iz f. ;t ORAIN . ^ , RIM ,}.51 \ Iry / � � � K s c` w 3� %o ) WopO �l * A.o2 \ �O/ 30.5' � 27 0 �a • O • , ..toa?° [� z c3 \ c� i^ L � \ o -VA RCO � crx CJS (fit PILE (TMrJ V 1 • • • a IM M xA GUY WIRE pt NCD $ q-°.� L ' x� 1 Rte �Unlet X 0 �1 ZZ o o�`t" I (� x POLE Wp00 DOCK KAT 1.i' N/0/F v+°° l \ O I• -+-I . x� 5x 30 LOW WATTEER 1K AT -O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 30 • ° �� W • . - c (UNDERWATER LAND) • g y 0 x -7.9 cj F . A' 4 MAIR O x o RIM x� •'�O°CRJ REPAIR/ REPLACE ROCKS IN 352' OF STONE JETTY i }20 4' x x ai N I y0 • m THRLARGE O AND INCREASE HEIGHT OF JETTY BY ONE 1 I W r ►AANHOLF"b I LARGE ROCK •24"-30 IN DIA, WIDTH OF JETTY IS _ TO REMAIN AS IS. 0 CWER A 0 � .P • x 7.� 19 I .' • ` o N W RIM - • O • I 'rd.25 PILE (TMP.) ;I .. _z x h << 2 I - tL Ce m x tD • �G •. ' O )4 N = 4 � 311 METAL VI00° `gyp i I r W CL CD yU,NF{OLE RAr�P1 30 FL -i- COVER M �Lc;7y K • 4 - - - - - - 74.� - - - - - 20 4' RIM r,L4 M Sts FLOATING DOC W I n 5, x PILE (TYP.) x -8. � 2 g REPAIR/ REPLACE ROCKS IN 352' OF STONE JETTY W ' •+ �� �, LLARGEUROCKN•24C 30" INEASE HDIAHWIDTH OF JETTYT OF JETTY BY IS I • i 4�%T `� I -i-96 TO REMAIN AS IS. x >t S • , 0 z I X X �o°t5 ?�s��f I d`:� i s°°A f � l x=�� EA,' . OVERGROWN GRAVEL AREA pO�G , 4co, �►R� *t �° �I X00 z • PILE (M.) 8.75 O I • • D x I 0 DOCK E -I• ♦ ...• I 30. W00 • F -9.77 I OC�y t P•) �) C �, - DOLPHIN x • l/ 1 x i w r1 S 24-25'41) x� 73L >� (PRE PILINGS) • r ' .. x .3 E I• -L -I x ' 31 I = 6 H O I WOOD S 89 49 -7 o b I STEPS 6 1 4. / 8 z 0OrJ �-+ • . , x I - a.o7 S 81 ' 15 1299 E z o METAL RAIL FOR BOAT LAUNCH j `` °yam - s S 29'07' 10" E 191.88 O • CONC. -CON RETE •.:�;;:..''..::I C,h o3EirAA5LL -1LL1 STEPS RAISED CONC. P:AD .•': CONC... ..... t ''tp0•AT LAUNCHR 8 I V- � Z FOUND BROK..'.1�.''.;''- _ 22 I c 7C CONC. MON. REMAINS OF POST k RAIL FENCE X] I'. 1 META; AD S _ 6.31 74.46'39 ' .. CONC. WALK'-GAS"MAIN LIN '4•p� STEPS W .. CONC. SEAWALL o 62.60' v I •.. .. x ' .19 2.9 4' 45 00 1N N 83 r .. o x •:t:. MAIN N O O'• O b •P - - I Lr) - �b W i M X41 5.3fi ' 0 J m ..�i , x x b 5.4t x x :x _ W E T x •� RE X ST � M NT • V v r~ AVE E �i tz `C CONCRETE RET E P - •cD ME N T 'r COI NC. REVET OC K u N I n. O R N r • n 193 .50 O r l- 0 �I- 0 0 0 :S 8 3 45 00 E: N 0 o � _ ly P O Z ` /F > 3 � 4 , � 3.1 -• uc • . . �tSE Si N t14R/NE ^0�E O o I �• , FOUND BROKEN FOUND BROKEN JOly CONC. MON. CHAIN LINK FENCE CONC. MON. 2005 I cV , �Gj EXISTING JETTY )0' TED LINE APPARENT HIGH WATER MARK ON JUNE 17. a GATE N t'7 A• r• a z EXISTING KHF 153 ;� �� �I 176.52' w 0 N r i W �w .: • , �- X � 63. N 88 43 3 3 z 2 FENCE / �� o > •A W I Y / N / � - \ r�•� I (TEST HOLE DUG W ucDON.�i D GEOSL7ENGE ON MAY 1!• 2005) Ll -J / N TEST HOLE B 1 TEST HOLE B2 " 0 / • / I 4 < •' I Lv Oma•• / / WE. SANC L&W AMD DI x GRAVEL AREA (PARTIALLY OVERGROWN) EXTFOR n S„q i4 t.•L� I • • . PLATFORM / ' Z / / ryOOh v / ry�N . ' 7b' GROUnO MUTER -TSOt N MI SAN•. L&- A!N DEMIK ' W V •r t . A. 77 t< `, / �� I /''�O t 4 `;.;,. _:,. rAa[`ww•+ 1►E TO cwOE w+ s Y / I / �•'� ORDIM NATER '=4 / 2�0A' • i z . Y z x� /gQ�o /7-" 7or n I . - • X /� /'�t, / 7 .�• I MA10 N rME NO" F i TO W" SMM !r W1E7! N MlE NIMI RE 70 COARIE SN1D SA SFT :. ' '�� / v �p \• 4� CONCRETE O C/ CV I 7 •• ` 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . A UTILITY I O •. POLE NZ CO ELECTRIC i' NOTES: • O • METER •� �T� HOLE 82 � / � / 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO' N.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM • • J� wooD JETTY, EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:, -o • Ln / EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - - - - -5- - - - - A Z04A F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR Q : GRAVEL AREA (PARTIALLY OVERGROWN) IIS / \ G.FL. - GARAGE FLOOR rs. - TOP OF BULKHEAD . �, Z n / • B.•.- BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD CO / T.W. TOP OF WALL z� e.w. - BOTTOM OF WALL N 3'05'30"4 CHAIN LINK FENCE �.2 204.43 05N w°°1 JETTY --.,Cl? FENCE- A . i C---- / I • w � W F TREES 08's. ` FENCE 0.7'S. 2.9'E. N/0/F I ROBIN ISLANS HOLDINGS LLC. SITE PLAN OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT NEW SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-117-08-18 SCALE 1 "=30' JULY 6, 2005 JANUARY 26, 2006 NOVEMBER 19, 2005 ADDED AREA OF NEW YORK STATE LAND GRANT OCTOBER 25, 2006 ADDED LOW WATER MARK S.C. TAX No. 1000-117--8-18 AREA = 149,324.97 sq. f t. (TO TIE LINE 3.428 ac. & BULKHEAD) TOTAL NEW YORK STATE LAND GRANT AREA = 105,000.00 sq. fl. 2.410 ac. NEW YORK STATE LAND GRANT LESS = 93,174.69 sq. ff. P/0 S.C. TAX No. 1000-117--8-18 AREA 2,139 ac. TOTAL NEW YORK STATE LAND GRANT AND S.C. TAX No. 1000-117--8-18 AREA = 242,499.66 sq. ft. 5.567 ac. TOD of New Bulkhead +7.3' +7.0' Top of New , Jetty +6.8' +6.0' Top of Old +5.0' MAXIMUM 30" ADDITION TO JETTY HEIGHT Jetty +4.3' +4.0 REVISION•ATE: +3.0' 03-28-06 1.1.16 +2.0' High Water Mark 1.8' 1• P.O. Box 1776 0.0' Low Water Southampton,•.• Mark -0.04' 05-13-10 1•SuffolkWaterfront -2.0' -3.0' -4.0' -5.0' Bottom of -6.0' Marina Basin Next to Jetty t 33 pECONIC &,0VUI CUTCHOGUE HARBOR rte, SEP 2 6 2014 t SEE SEC. NO. 133 Deerkoski Arm & Kehl Associates LLc 260 DEER DRIVE do 07 PO Box 1675 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 506 Main Street Westhampton Beach, New York 11978 (631) 298-7116 phone: (631) 433-9084 fax (631) 466-3354 E -Mail: CArmSW@ciol.com Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the authorizction of local governing agencies, such as Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, Town Building Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and requirements with such agencies prior to construction. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DRAWINGS: These drawings and specifications including the ideas design and arrangements represented therein, are the propertyof East End Design Associates LLC No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used inconnection with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without written consent of East End Design n Associates, LLC. SITE PLAN INFORMATION IS BASED ON LAND SURVEY PREPARED BY JOSEPH A. INGEGNO LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IS 49668) New Suffolk Waterfront Jetty Detail / Cross Section D1 Scale: N.T.S. ADDITION TO HEIGHT OF JETTY -TY ED VAI • LOCATION REVISION•ATE: PROJECT TITLE & LOCATION: 03-28-06 1.1.16 Peconic Trust 11-02-06 1• P.O. Box 1776 1. Southampton,•.• 02-27-07 05-21-08 05-13-10 1•SuffolkWaterfront 03-22-14 1• -23-14 •rk • •1000-117-08-18 ENGINEERED BY: // ii'ii l�ii"iiNn� ❑❑❑❑ ��n r.T • � t �� R 'II���III�I�IIUIII��IIIII � � � • JAMES DEERKOSKI PE. IIII�IIIi�nuunlnnunlmllllllJlllm;noun �II'I�' iuum(dlll�ll -lJ� �� "r in _ `�jProfessional I ■-.■�■��ii k •Ey _ ipainli6m .ulrix LJ _ ii Deerkoski Arm & Kehl Associates LLc 260 DEER DRIVE do 07 PO Box 1675 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 506 Main Street Westhampton Beach, New York 11978 (631) 298-7116 phone: (631) 433-9084 fax (631) 466-3354 E -Mail: CArmSW@ciol.com Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the authorizction of local governing agencies, such as Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, Town Building Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and requirements with such agencies prior to construction. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DRAWINGS: These drawings and specifications including the ideas design and arrangements represented therein, are the propertyof East End Design Associates LLC No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used inconnection with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without written consent of East End Design n Associates, LLC. SITE PLAN INFORMATION IS BASED ON LAND SURVEY PREPARED BY JOSEPH A. INGEGNO LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IS 49668) New Suffolk Waterfront Jetty Detail / Cross Section D1 Scale: N.T.S. ADDITION TO HEIGHT OF JETTY -TY ED VAI EXISTING RESIDENCE EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING KING STREET TAX LOT 17 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PHILIP LORIA WW W LU W EXIST. OVERHEAD M �+ . n ;o I O O ELECTRIC SERVICE .rte � a 0, : b `� 'VLO o EXISTING FISHING 2� 2� TO BE BURIED, Y 04 oN 00 � ^ S' c� L RE-ROUTED h so N h h `� STATION Y� - ----- STATION EXIST. OVERHEAD 3 EXISTING DRYWELL TO GARDEN + ELECTRIC SERVIC REMAIN. SOLID LOCKING (ROYSCOUTS) TO REMAIN TO REMAIN S: _ & COVER TO BE ADDED N S 83°47'30" E 134.00' o BY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. EXISTING _ /IIII• & PAD c�rnN� Ti O 0 _r..._j/ / // � / /, /I' ,'-'1 /•-/_�' -/ -,j //"-/-////-; -.//'.�i/-'./�'_-' '/�.`i-_'i/'%//� /--%.'_.'; j/i./_.' / .';./_i/ ./�._F_•� /_� � ;��� /'.i / ..+_i/,/j///'/////.��/i0'//ii/ //'i /'/..._,;'j/_ /p'i ' , i/_�/�%/./jj.j/./, /_ 'i'� ' ,/ /I- , �.'. -�/i%-/ /%,//% /I�%%/ l /i/ � ///j/ .�li / /I'•' , /�/i�.�! ' ,'i i/ ;' /f /j N ' ; +5 7 , . I5 T +REMAIN o6'H. SOLID �PROPOSEd � NQN' I a NWn J FJ �J J ;J r' J CUTCHOGUE CEDAR PLANK o FENCE AROUEXISTING /' 7/77 % HARBOR WATER LIINEXIST. DUMPSTE TO REMEXISTING RM, HOTBOX W +WATER PROPOSED �24�•,LE ELEC E W. X , D. L.F.Uj 3.32' m VALVE O GRAVEL FRENCH DRAIN Y N SEE DETAIL 1E //,./ HAY RALPERVIOUS EXISTING j PROPOSED\ LEADERS +GUTTERS ON (TO REMAIN),/MARINA/FENCE GRAVEL PARKING AREA EXISTING ERARY �; CONSTRUCTITO RE PIPED TO ENTRANCE S 83.4730E SEE SITE PLAN FOR PARKING LAYOUT ACCESSORY INFILTRATION AREA 0IFFE - 4.71SEL3 6 `n PROPOSED WATER2SERVICE LINEI CONCRETE 26.2' `qPROPOSEDN jH/C PARKING ��j/�/% /// +4.0 PROPOSED V' +.4.0 CONC. PROPOSED,' EXISTING WALKWAY PERVIOUS N _ PROPOSED GRAVEL LEVATION .5WOOD HC +3.5Mh STAGING AREA - / 6 I (TYPICAL) 893SF- RAMP PROPOSED PROPOSED 6'WIDE/ PROPOSEDTS.BOULDERS' o ,83.47'30 W „ +4.5 WALKWAY WOOD +7. +9.0 STEPS 75.4EXISTING f J COMMUNITY E I I GARDEN -----J L - L_ ri_�J L�_i-r- _ <J L ,�J ' / I PROP. /`•>. _ k I ' PROPOSED PLOTS � { / � ' ` � � ' r - �'- r,=' --I r,=-' r; -'--� I +9.0 i STEEL INFILTRATION AREA TO REMAIN E E ri' y - r' r F1 ��, Q, / / � I STEPS ; 161.4' --y L- --1 --- - - - - - -� ' 1,226 S.F. x 9" DEEP ROOF i / i' I r - -UE - r -- 'r ---ter r ----I, r---- `. / -� '� DW -1 -r / I CAPACITY !11 CU.FT. J E -a/ F, ;'r -� r?-�-_ , F� 1 / PROP. b ,- ROOF N J F -- ; r �r-=---- / -- --= // ; DRYWELLS. ' N E �� E ,r i �� r� -� r; y� 'j :� ` RELOCATED ,%' i' ' ' '' ;' i ,+3.2 o ij _J L J LL ' L_ _J G ' /1\ SEE DET IL 2. r� EXISTING -i-- I i_r- } �J -LI =-- _i_ ` :rT 1-1/2 STORY PROP.,/ BS. j' 3 w I r -- r--- ,�' r- -- MARINA ' 6.5 ' ROOF N COMMUNITY E -� E/� . ?' " I ' r� �- _,Mf{ TEST, WOOD,/ i, I 1- ' vi w J W I `� GARDEN L--- L Lr---.-r-J ---r-, --r 7�HOLE ACCESSORY I' DW -2 r L--- i _ 1' / iPROPJ PLOTS , I ,' ' CAFE W/ DECK / �., ' / 5.20+ W OD DECK J ^' r- -'--] r '-} ; r----� r--�� r ----ti, r- \ 10 MIN. �, < • uI N LL , TO REMAIN I E F� E 'r ,'r _� r� F ADDITION / PROPOSED M / , rS , rJ �--- EXISTING -- FIFE - 9' • L- -i--J L i 1 J L--.r-J L --r L' --y -J L- i \ T / / i, I / /� LAWN (10 BARN/ •►1h 'I it ii /' STORAG m • TO BE L- -i -- L ;_/' JiLr -� j, --- L ----J L_-.i_�J _ ;' SEE ARCHITECTS 1' / I ',�' / (n REMOVED + r - r r--1-71 -7-1' )-'-- PLANS FOR I , 1 E; �1 F 1/ r r -r i l- DETAILS --� I i /ROOF /l ' 31.2 J I --- -- - r ------- - - i J L - I- \ DW -3 N, i EXISTING EXISTING LL GRAVEL h COMMUNITY I 'f / / ,' N" +9.0 �) GARDEN / ,' TOR SOIL // f PROF. +9.0 / r';" j ,� +3.0 J AREA TO I� t" % �- 00 ,' BS BS.I f J REMAIN PLOTS ' STOCK FILE / ; " I +B, woo 6.5 . ± , w i' DECK i TOP SOIL L6 i , o TO REMAIN / ! 982 S.F. / ITS. i STOCK PILE / I s� '�(P. C7 M / + S. // I ' I AREA / i j i' /' �� O` 706 S.F.' in . d CV .p , r) + ' ' , U.O _ j z c Q s a3.4s'oo" E 241.03' NYS OPRHP w LU o z I zoi CL° + 1 \ EASEMENT �o Y U o � 0 \� BOUNDARY 10o � P 0 I O M PROJECT LIMITING FENCE \`/' h M co ,,, � 9 Z I N F- THERE ARE NO \ �6, �l ' Z >- w UNDERGROUND STAKED STRAW BALES of3 Z wGAS OR ELECTRIC WITH SILT FENCE. SEE DETAIL 4. \ \O� 00 J ( Q FACILITIES ON SITE AREA OF DISTURBANCE = 40,291 S.F. \ �N LU \ \,00, \ \ "' LUr11 w g$ foo. g;o w `t EXISTING GRAVEL \�� \ 00 °� •� M o P - + AREA TO REMAIN7 \ ^" o \ N T ti • coN I I \ \ + 0) J H + I \ \ EXISTING CONCRETE TO REMAIN EXISTING EDGE OF + ASPHALT PAVEMENT r` .J J W N a y LO + 4 N 172.94' N 83°45'00" W 192.94' \\ \ h c EXISTING EXISTING \ 3 - S7�°1639„E 62&p' SIDEWALK ON CRETE \ CO o 1.0 d� 1111111111 GRADE TOP WITH V LAYER a" CRUSHED GRAVEL - TO MATCH EXISTING CRUSHED 4' -111=1;1= =I =1 11-1 I ! 1=1 I--1 '=1 =1 I 1=1 11=1 I F GRAVEL - I=1 11=1 I FE! i 1=1 I i-' I E. I -i i- 1-I I!=1 I I 11-I =I 11=111=1_1=1 11=! 11- I 1=1 I I=I! !' I_1 -=i 1'- I I'=-1 P FILTER FABRIC 1= =11:=1 I I -I I -?-1 I -1 i- I =111-: -1- =1 -III=III=1=111=111=': I!=11' 1=111=1I -1I SUBGRADE 1:=-:I: I-1! _I. -i i 1= 11=1 -- 1=11, -` I -11,-1 1=1 1=_I 11=1 EI I i=1 I=1_I=111=111 ; 1=1 11=-=11=11--- I I 1=11 _I -i I I-1_=1 11=1 I I-1 -11 !-1 11=1I-. i 1=1 1=11=1 -i I -1 I' =I I =1 :=1 I GROUNDWATER GRAVEL FRENCH DRAIN Section Not to Scale MAIN STREET rn �i SDR 35 PVC INLET PIPE SEE PLAN FO PIPE SIZE 2'-0" MAX SDR 35 PVC OVERFLOW PIPE SEE PLAN FOR--- PIPE ORSPIPE SIZE SEE PLAN FOR DEPTH 1 '-0" GROUND WATER LINE IN NON -RATEABLE SOIL - MIN �- CLEAN MEDIUM/ COARSE FILL TO BE REMOVED Lo 0 w EXISTING GRAVEL `r AREA TO REMAIN W o co c0 EXISTING c LAG POLE Z TO REMAIN + r m 0 HISTORIC MARKER FOR SUBMARINE BASE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ .J J W N a y LO + 4 N 172.94' N 83°45'00" W 192.94' \\ \ h c EXISTING EXISTING \ 3 - S7�°1639„E 62&p' SIDEWALK ON CRETE \ CO o 1.0 d� 1111111111 GRADE TOP WITH V LAYER a" CRUSHED GRAVEL - TO MATCH EXISTING CRUSHED 4' -111=1;1= =I =1 11-1 I ! 1=1 I--1 '=1 =1 I 1=1 11=1 I F GRAVEL - I=1 11=1 I FE! i 1=1 I i-' I E. I -i i- 1-I I!=1 I I 11-I =I 11=111=1_1=1 11=! 11- I 1=1 I I=I! !' I_1 -=i 1'- I I'=-1 P FILTER FABRIC 1= =11:=1 I I -I I -?-1 I -1 i- I =111-: -1- =1 -III=III=1=111=111=': I!=11' 1=111=1I -1I SUBGRADE 1:=-:I: I-1! _I. -i i 1= 11=1 -- 1=11, -` I -11,-1 1=1 1=_I 11=1 EI I i=1 I=1_I=111=111 ; 1=1 11=-=11=11--- I I 1=11 _I -i I I-1_=1 11=1 I I-1 -11 !-1 11=1I-. i 1=1 1=11=1 -i I -1 I' =I I =1 :=1 I GROUNDWATER GRAVEL FRENCH DRAIN Section Not to Scale MAIN STREET rn �i SDR 35 PVC INLET PIPE SEE PLAN FO PIPE SIZE 2'-0" MAX SDR 35 PVC OVERFLOW PIPE SEE PLAN FOR--- PIPE ORSPIPE SIZE SEE PLAN FOR DEPTH 1 '-0" GROUND WATER LINE IN NON -RATEABLE SOIL - MIN �- CLEAN MEDIUM/ COARSE FILL TO BE REMOVED Lo 0 w EXISTING GRAVEL `r AREA TO REMAIN W o co c0 EXISTING c LAG POLE Z TO REMAIN + r m 0 HISTORIC MARKER FOR SUBMARINE BASE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 SERVICE -lam ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ SAND AND GRAVEL - RATEABLE SOIL CLEAN MEDIUM COARSE BACKFILL + L0 4 + Ln EXISTING REACH N N + PRECAST TRAFFIC BEARING CONCRETE DOME OR SLAB TOP RADE TOP OF DRYWELL (SEE PLAN FOR ELEVATION) BACKFILL T-0" MINIMUM AROUND DRYWELL WITH 1" -1" MEDIUM COARSE SAND/GRAVEL PRECAST CONCRETE STORM DRAIN RING NOTES: 2 -0 DRYWELL TO BE INSTALLED MIN AS PER STATE AND LOCAL CODES PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL Section Not to Scale .V 1�b TlE LINE 4LONG APPARENT HIGH WATER MARK o ON JUL Y 10, 2012 """"N861031 6"W 81.72' 1, z4k /o4h`� HIGH W^TER LINE LIBER 12646 PAGE 869 N 88°4333"W 176.52' 50' MIN. BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP SEDIMENT ON SITE HAY BALE AND/OR ` CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED SILT FENCING 3/4" STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.C.A. FILL TO 18" (MIN.) ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE 011 M -o -o m = p 17 = -n C-nry DO 0 o I in0Z 0 C O� Z D O M X z �O C7 I .I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED HAY BALE AND/OR /4" STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.C.A. SILT FENCING FILL TO 18" (MIN.) ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE EXISTING GRADE ROAD LEGEND - - PROPERTY LINE ------ - ORCHARD STREET v SUBJECT 75'/ 100' SETBACK PREMISES ?+ Z HAYBALE/SILT FENCE / N MAIN STREET rn rr z LL 0 0 0 U AREA OF DISTURBANCE N 40,291 S.F. JACKSON STREET EXISTING _ WATER LINE •••__•• _ PROPOSED WATER SERVICE NYS OPRHP EASEMENT BOUNDARY PROPOSED FRENCH DRAIN PROPOSED INFILTRATION AREA +9.0 EXISTING ELEVATION +4.6PROPOSED ELEVATION GEOTEXTILE TIED To--,,,,, WIRE FENCE EXISTING COMPACTED SOIL GRADE GEOTEXTILE TO BE BURIED IN GROUND, S SHOWN EL 3.9' EL 2.4' EL 0.7 TEST HOLE DATA PERFORMED BY: McDONALD GEOSCIENCE BOX 1000 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 631.765.3677 COMPLETED ON: 06.11.2014 @ 11:10 A.M. APPROX. HIGH TIDE TEST HOLE BORING - ELEV 3.9' WATER ENCOUNTERED AT ELEVATION 0.7 MIXED SAND AND LOAM FINE TO COURSE SAND =SW WATER IN PALE BROWN FINE TO COURSE SAND - SW EXIST. GRADE 1.5' 3.2' 13.0' KEY MAP 1 "=500' Drainage Calculations and Structure Schedule Drainage Structure F Size SCHOOL HOUSE CREEK ORCHARD STREET v SUBJECT Marina Accessory Cafe- Roof Area =1,725 SF PREMISES ?+ Z KING STREET W WLULd LU F - W NEW SUFFOLK AVE N MAIN STREET rn rr z LL 0 0 0 U Existing Marina Accessory - Roof Area = 1,470 SF N 2,4170 SF x 2" rainfall (.167) = 412.5 Cu. Ft. Required JACKSON STREET Existing Gravel Parking Area =11,807 SF (x.60) = 7084 SF rn 7559 SF x 2" rainfall (.167) = 1,209 Cu.Ft. Required French Drain -1 5.5'W x 13"D x 487'L (x.45) = 1301 Cu.Ft. Provided KEY MAP 1 "=500' Drainage Calculations and Structure Schedule Drainage Structure F Size Top of Drywell Elevation Marina Accessory Cafe- Roof Area =1,725 SF 1,725 SF x 2" rainfall (.167) = 288 Cu.Ft./10' Dia. Drywell (68.42) = 4.2' depth req'd DW -1 10' Dia x 2' depth TD -5.2 DW -2 10' Dia x 2' depth TD -5.2 DW -3 10' Dia x 2' depth TD -5.2 6' depth/410.5 Cu.Ft. provided Existing Marina Accessory - Roof Area = 1,470 SF Front Lawn + Landcape Area = 4,000 SF (x.25) = 1000SF 2,4170 SF x 2" rainfall (.167) = 412.5 Cu. Ft. Required Infiltration Area: 1,226 SF x 9" Avg Depth = 919 Cu. Ft. Provided Existing Gravel Parking Area =11,807 SF (x.60) = 7084 SF Proposed Concrete H/C Parking Pad = 475 SF 7559 SF x 2" rainfall (.167) = 1,209 Cu.Ft. Required French Drain -1 5.5'W x 13"D x 487'L (x.45) = 1301 Cu.Ft. Provided NOTES: Leaders and gutters to be connected to DW -1, 2 + 3 with 4" PVC Pipe WOVEN WIRE FENCE 12"x2" OPENINGS - 14 GAUGE 48" MIN. FENCE POSTS, DRIVEN MIN. 18" INTO GROUND. POST TO BE EITHER STEEL OR 2" HARDWOOD w _ LL - LU U- 00 SV WIRE FENCING 12"x4" OPENINGS 48" FENCE POST 8' O.C. STRAW BALE -EXISTING GRADE 2"x2"x36" WOOD STAKES DRIVEN MIN. 12" BELOW STRAW BALE NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT Main Street New Suffolk, New York Marshall poetzel _ANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE NORTH FORK HAMPTONS PO Box 478 PO Box 1397 Mattituck, NY 11952 530 Montauk Hwy, #203 Amagansett, NY 11930 phone: (631) 209 -2410 fax: (631) 315 - 5000 email: mail@mplastudio.com Surveyor/ Engineer: Barrett, Bonacci & Van Weele, PC 175A Commerce Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 phone: (631) 435-1111 SITE DATA: SCTM #1000- 117-8-18 TOTAL LOT AREA PARCEL #1 LOT AREA: 100,636 SQ. FT. (2.310 ACRES) UPLAND AREA: 93,588 SQ. FT. (2.148 ACRES) BEACH AREA: 4,229 SQ. FT. (0.097 ACRES) BUILDABLE AREA: 89,359 SQ. FT. (2.051 AC) NOTES: 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS BASED ON PROPERTY LOT CHANGE PLAN PREPARED BY: BARRETT BONACCI & VAN WEELE, P.C. CIVIL ENGINEER, 07.05.2012 2. TOPOGRAPHIC INFO TAKEN FROM JOSEPH A. INGEGNO LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR (LS49668) 3. NO WELLS LOCATED WITHIN 100' OF PROPERTY. REVISIONS DATE I DESCRIPTION 2014.08.191 REVISED DRAINAGE + CALCULATIONS TO INCLUDE EXISTING GRAVEL PARKING AREA AND ALLOW FOR 2' SEPARATION TO GROUNDWATER. 2014.09.25 REVISE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS FOR GRAVEL PARKING, ENLARGE FRENCH DRAIN ACCORDINGLY. REVISE'AREA OF DISTURBANCE' s e a TITLE: GRADING + STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN 0 10 20 H=r=�z h Scale 1 "=20' ° DRAWN BY: S. PRETZEL, RLA � ^ DATE: 2014.04.07 L REVISED: 2014.0 81.19, 2014.09.25 SHEET Z OF 4 EXISTING RESIDENCE EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING Uj ^w ry VJ H EXISTING RESIDENCE KING STREET EXISTING FISHING STATION TAX LOT 17 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PHILIP LORIA 0 Cn ^n ^n � 0 0 CO ..., OOn "0 0('n0 00 0.0 00 OG COl 0.0 0.0 0.0 OU CU UO 00 00 0.0 GO 0.0 CA 0 0.0 0.0 G.o 0.0 03 00 00 00 0.0 c o Do o c 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.o 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 o C;.O 0.0 00 Do 0.0 J.o 0.0 O.0 o o J.o oA � Go OA 00 0.0 Al 0.0 0 00 0.0 0 D 0.0 J 3 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o o c o 00 G.0 rr,r i.0 Do 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 r, "1 nn 20 n0 CO 00 C1 nr 'i1 nn "" n r nn n^ n'n '1 nn CO CO 00 00 00 CO C70 rn nn rn nn r^ ^,n nn n1 0.0 UO 0.5 01 C J 00 00 GO 00 UJ CO CO CO CC 0.0 00 00 0.0 OU GO 00 C.0 L0 U.0 OU 0.0 00 0.0 CO 0 C.0 0.0 OU 0.0 0' UO LJ U0 0.0 0.0 i UO 00 C.0 CI U.0 OA 00 OU 00 CO 00 00 C 00 C,0 C.0 .0 0.0 OA 00 OU 0. 0.3 0.3 0.1 O:A 0.3 0.1 A.3 .1 00 00 00 0.0 CO 0.0 0.0 OA UO 00 00 00 UO GO 0.0 j)0 bl- OU 0.0 00 C( „ GO 0 0.0 0.0 UO 00 0. 00 CIJ CU 0 00 CO CO 0.0 U.0 0.0 00 0.0 I;0 GO 0.0 0.0 00 G 00 (.0 GO .0 UO j 00 CU UU 0.0 CO �, 0.1 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.1 AO 0 0.0 00 "0 Ju 00 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 _ I j �' A 1 I ( 0 DO Do CO 00 CO„ 0.0 .0 J.0 0.0 0.0 OU 0. GO CD C0 p.0 CO CU CO UO U( U.0 0�0 00 I;0 0.0 1 UO 0.0I 00 U 00 L,J 00 0 CD 00 CO 00 0.'� 0.0 O.D 0.1 .G CO 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oa CO 00 00 00 10 0.0 GO 00 CO 0.0 I I OU G.0 00 UO U 0.0 J.0 OO 0.0 UU OU U. 0.0 uJ 0.0 0.0 c0 Co CO 00 D. 0.0 Oto 00 b0 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.0 O. )U LIO 00 0 CO C.D 1;0 00 0. 0.1 O. 0.0 U 10 I 1 00 D0 00 0n CO 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO C OU UO u 0.0 II Q I:.0 ( 00 OU 0.0 U.0 U0 r 00 0.0 0.0 OG UO 00 00 CO OU 0.0 00 00 UO 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 CU C.0 00 0.0 0.0 OU GO )U CU 00 0.0 00 00 G`.0 00 00 0. 02 0. 00 0,^, i�UO) OU U.0 OD 0.In U.O 00 0.0 OJ 00 OA 00 CO CO UU CO iC7 0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0o c.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DD 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 00 D.o 00 0.0 00 U0 Wo C.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 u0 0.1 0. 0.{ 2. 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Fixture E to be on motion detector. SEE ARCHITECTS LIGHTING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON BUILDING FIXTURES. NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT Main Street New Suffolk, New York marshall poetzel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUPE NORTH FORK HAMPTONS PO Box 478 PO box 1397 Mattituck, NY 11952 530 Montauk Hwy, $203 Amagansett, NY 11930 phone: (631) 209 - 2410 fax: (631) 315 - 5000 email: mailgmplastudio.com Surveyor/ Engineer: Barrett, Bonacci & Van Weele, PC 175A Commerce Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 phone: (631) 435-1111 SITE DATA: SCTM # 1000-117-8-18 TOTAL LOT AREA PARCEL #I LOT AREA: 100,636 SQ. FT, (2.310 ACRES) UPLAND AREA: 93,588 SQ. FT. (2.148 ACRES) BEACH AREA: 4,229 SQ. FT. (0.097 ACRES) BUILDABLE AREA: 89,359 SQ. FT. (2.051 AC) NOTES: 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS BASED ON PROPERTY LOT CHANGE PLAN PREPARED BY: BARRE17 BONACCI & VAN WEELE, P.C. CIVIL ENGINEER, 07.05.2012 2. TOPOGRAPHIC INFO TAKEN FROM JOSEPH A. INGEGNO LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR (LS49668) 3. NO WELLS LOCATED WITHIN 100' OF PROPERTY. REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTION 2014.08.19 ADD PHOTOMETRIC CALCULATIONS. I SHIFT LIGHTS TO REFLECT REVISED WALKWAY DESIGN 2014.09.25 CHANGE FIXTURE C FROM KICHLER SEASIDE TO GLAREBUSTER- FULL CUTOFF. CHANGE FIXTURE E FROM PROGRESS TO GLAREBUSTER. REVISE PHOTOMETRICS ACCORDINGLY, s e a I TITLE: LIGHTING PLAN 0 10 20 H=f=� Scale 1 "=20' DRAWN BY: S. PRETZEL, RLA DATE: 2014.05.02 REVISED: 2014.08.19 2014.09.25 L4 SHEET 4 OF 4