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OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 oF so�ryo� � O �'Y�OUNT`I,Nc� MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: November 6, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. c/o FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB SCTM#1000-10-1-9 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. c/o FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB requests an Administrative Permit for a Sea Stretcher gurney ramp by installing two 6"x6"x12' timber piles, fasten hinge mount to existing dock, and install a 42"x8' ramp, lifting cables and counterweights. Located: Central Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 10-1-9 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed actions are CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney NN, 2-©i3 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: office@docko.com Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:10 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Fishers Island Marina Elizabeth, Thank you for the reply, we will send you the information requested as soon as Have a good day, Cindy Docko, Inc. From: Cantrell, Elizabeth[mailto•elizabethcCabtown.southold.ny.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:01 PM To: office abdocko.com Subject: RE: Fishers Island Marina 10 - �f v° MAR 2 2 2013 i7nl,UVVF� ible. Plarlmnq 81,oard Sorry I missed your call, we have been swamped with calls and public coming in. lust getting to look at your email. The notice was mailed out on Feb. 4th however, we did have other homeowners who did not get theirs either this month. It must be a bad month for the post office. I will mail out a new one a.s.a.p. with Marches date so you can continue with the noticing. My apologies on that. Glad to hear Keith requested a postponement as I was planning on calling you to tell you the Trustees are postponing the application. They have a few questions/requests for Keith regarding the dredge spoil: 1. The Board would like a copy of the test results of the spoil from the sample locations. 2. The DEC approved 2400 cubic yards of spoils to NLON disposal site, where is the remaining 6,250 cubic yards going? 3. Has the request for open -water disposal been submitted to Army Corp. of Engineers? Please send us the answers to the above questions as soon as you can Thank you. Elizabeth Cantrell From: officeCddocko.com [mailto:officeCcbdocko.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:20 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: Fishers Island Marina Good morning Elizabeth, I left you a voice mail this morning, I just wanted to follow up with an email, taken off the agenda for tonight's meeting. We never received a copy of the date and time. I do not have the green cards for tonight's meeting or a pictu property. Please give me a call when it is convenient to discuss. Thanks very much, Cindy Bayreuther Mimic t Isar �r a,, add >� �- w� �orres�an�nG�-�'rarri�C a #Aovv, 4,o'oF Sa JAS Go�l "' I Cantrell, Elizabeth From: office@docko.com Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 3:21 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: FW: FIYC Attachments: FIYC Dredging Corrected Page 1.pdf Hello Elizabeth, In regard to your email of February 19th, 2013, we sent you the email below from the DEC stating that it was a typo. The request was also sent to the Army Corps, who is in the process of approving the application now. As for the test results, I will talk this over with Keith and get back to you in the morning. Tina -----Original Message ----- From: office@docko.com Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 9:46 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth(elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us) Subject: FW: FIYC Hi Elizabeth, Keith asked that I forward this to you for your file. Cindy -----Original Message ----- From: Sherri Aicher [mailto:slaicher@gw.dec.state.ny.us] Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 1:22 PM To: office@docko.com Subject: Re: FW: FIYC Hi Tina, I found enough info to document that the 2,400 cu. yds. was a typo, so here is the corrected Page I. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst NYS DEC Region 1 SUNY@ Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, New York 11790-3409 email- slaicher@Rw.dec.state.nv.us phone: 631-444-0403 fax: 631-444-0360 >>> "office@docko.com" <office@docko.com> 3/7/2013 3:08 PM >>> Good afternoon Sherri, May we please have a status update on the Fishers Island Yacht Club, we have to reply to the Town. Thank you, Tina A. Wazny Docko Incorporated From: Grzywinski, Micheal [mailto:Micheal.Grzywinski@ct.gov] Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:40 AM To: office@docko.com Subject: 190 South Thames Street & FIYC Importance: High Good morning Cindy & Tina. I wanted to let you know that both COPS have been approved. Karen is out today so I'll try and have electronic copies sent to you as soon as I can. Hope you're both enjoying the snowy weather. Have a good day. Micheal - Micheal P. Grzywinski Environmental Analyst III Office of Long Island Sound Programs Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127 P: 860.424.36741 F: 860.424.4054 1 E: micheal.grzywinski ct.gov<maiIto: micheal.grzywinski@ct.gov> [cid:image004.png@010E1B10.496A6820] www.ct.gov/deep<http://www.ct.gov/deep> Conserving, improving and protecting our natural resources and environment; Ensuring a clean, affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy supply. 2 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF :ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-01110 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law ECL Permittee and Facility Information Permit Issued To: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB INC PO BOX 141 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0141 (631) 788-7036 Facility Application Contact: DOCKO INC PO BOX 421 MYS'T'IC, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Facility: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB CENTRAL AVEISC'rM# 1000-010-1-9 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Facility Location: in SOU HOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 750.6 NY'rM-N: 4572.3 Latitude: 41'15'47.8" Longitude: 72°00'30.6" Authorized Activity: Dredge 8,650 cu. yds. over 63,000 sq. ft. by clamshell bucket to 4' MLW in the western dredge area and -6' MLW in all other dredge areas. Place resultant 8,650 cu. yds. of dredged material at the New I:,ondon Open Water Disposal Site. Increase number of mooring slips from 85 to 110 by expanding existing docking facility as follows: construct 36' x 7' main pier extension and seven 30' x 4' finger piers. Install 228'x 8' main float with eighteen 20'x Y finger floats, 216'x 8' main float with thirteen. 20' x 3' finger floats, two 20' x 4' finger floats, two 13' x 42' and one 19' x 42' dry -sail floats, all with associated ramps and pilings. Reconstruct or replace existing 12'x 20' dingy float. Install small boat crane landward of apparent high water. All work must be done in strict accordance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC Approved on April 19, 2011. Permit Authorizations Tidal Wetlands - Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-4738-01.110/00009 New Permit Effective Date: 4/19/201.1 Expiration Date: 4/19/2016 Water Quality Certification - Under Section 401 - Clean Water Act Permit ID 1-4738-01110/00010 New Permit Effective Date: 4/19/2011 Expiration Date: 4/19/2016 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters - Under Article 15, Title 5 Permit ID 1-4738-01110/00011 New Permit Effective Date: 4/19/2011„ Expiration Date: 4/19/2016 Page 1 of 8 VIBRATORY CORE SEDIMENT SAMPLING FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK Prepared for: DOCKO, INC. P.O. BOX 421 MYSTIC, CT 06355 Prepared by: EEA, Inc. 55 Hilton Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 (516) 746-4400 APRIL 2010 Project: 09747 EEA, Inc. 55 HILTON AVENUE, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK SEDIMENT CORING REPORT LOG DATE 15 Dec. 2009 10:50 SHEET 1 OF 1 CLIENT - DOCKO, INC. Mystic, CT LOCATION ID# PROJECT LOCATION — Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, NY FIYC-1 REMARKS PROJECT # 09749 CORING CONTRACTOR EEA LOGGED BY JBS DRILLER JBS Core 1 /Core 2 SEDIMENT CORING DRILL METHOD TOTAL PENETRATION 4.0' / 4.0' ft. Water Depth 4.2' TOTAL RECOVERY 3.5' / 3.2' ft. PNEUMATIC VIBRATORY CORER Tide Height 2.1' GPS Co-ordinates Water @ MSL 2.1' N 41°15.93665 E 72000.70795 DEPTH SAMPLE STRATA SEDIMENT - DESCRIPTION - CLASSIFICATION Collected 2 cores at this location for use as Sample, MS/MSD & Field Duplicate. Collected VOA samples from I" core. Composited dredge depth segments, 0"-6" segments & 6- 12"segments following analysis plan. Core 1 FIYC IA --Top 2.5' used for dredge depth sample. Silty Sand with shell hash. FIYC 1B - 2.5'-3.0' Silty Sand FIYC 1C-3.0'-3.5' Silty Sand Core 2 FD & MS/MSD Top 2.0' used for Field duplicate and MS/MSD 5 10 15 20 25 EEA, Inc. 55 HILTON AVENUE, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK SEDIMENT CORING REPORT LOG DATE 15 Dec. 2009 SHEET 1 OF 1 CLIENT - DOCKO, INC. Mystic, CT LOCATION ID# PROJECT LOCATION — Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, NY FIYC-2 REMARKS PROJECT # 09749 CORING CONTRACTOR EEA LOGGED BY JBS DRILLER JBS SEDIMENT CORING DRILL METHOD TOTAL PENETRATION 4.0 ft. Water Depth 3.0 TOTAL RECOVERY 3.5 ft. PNEUMATIC VIBRATORY CORER Tide Height 1.5 GPS Co-ordinates Water @ MSL 1.5 N 41 ° 15.95056 E 72° 00.65574 DEPTH SAMPLE STRATA SEDIMENT - DESCRIPTION - CLASSIFICATION FIYC 2A 0-2.5' Silty sand with shell hash FIYC 2B 2.5'-3.0' Very fine sand FIYC 2C 3.0'-3.5' Very fine sand 5 to 15 20 25 EEA, Inc. 55 HILTON AVENUE, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK SEDIMENT CORING REPORT LOG DATE 15 Dec. 2009 1400 SHEET 1 OF 1 CLIENT - DOCKO, INC. Mystic, CT LOCATION ID# PROJECT LOCATION — Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, NY FIYC-3 REMARKS PROJECT # 09747 CORING CONTRACTOR EEA LOGGED BY JBS DRILLER JBS SEDIMENT CORING DRILL METHOD TOTAL PENETRATION 2.5 ft. Water Depth 5.0' TOTAL RECOVERY 2.2 ft. PNEUMATIC VIBRATORY CORER Height Tide Hei B 0.0' GPS Co-ordinates Water @ MSL 5.0' N 40° 15.90266 E 720 00.68627 DEPTH SAMPLE STRATA SEDIMENT - DESCRIPTION - CLASSIFICATION FIYC 3A 0.0-1.3' Silty Sand FIYC 3B 1.3'-1-8' Silty Sand FIYC 3C 1.8'-2.2' Silty Sand 5 10 15 20 25 EEA, Inc. 55 HILTON AVENUE, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK SEDIMENT CORING REPORT LOG DATE 15 Dec. 2009 1245 SHEET 1 OF 1 CLIENT - DOCKO, INC. Mystic, CT LOCATION ID# PROJECT LOCATION — Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, NY FIYC-4 REMARKS PROJECT # 09749 CORING CONTRACTOR EEA LOGGED BY JBS DRILLER JBS SEDIMENT CORING DRILL METHOD TOTAL PENETRATION 2.5 ft. Water Depth 8.2 TOTAL RECOVERY 2.0 ft. PNEUMATIC VIBRATORY CORER Tide Height 0.8 GPS Co-ordinates Water @ MSL 7.4 N 41° 15.91008 E 72000.63757 DEPTH SAMPLE STRATA SEDIMENT - DESCRIPTION - CLASSIFICATION FIYC 4A 0-0.8' Fine Sand FIYC 4B 0.8-1.3' Fine Sand FIYC 4C 1.3-1.8' Fine Sand 5 10 15 20 25 EEA, Inc. 55 HILTON AVENUE, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK SEDIMENT CORING REPORT LOG DATE 15 Dec. 2009 1330 SHEET 1 OF 1 CLIENT - DOCKO, INC. Mystic, CT LOCATION ID# PROJECT LOCATION — Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, NY FIYC-5 REMARKS PROJECT # 09749 CORING CONTRACTOR EEA LOGGED BY JBS DRILLER JBS SEDIMENT CORING DRILL METHOD TOTAL PENETRATION 3.0 ft. Water Depth 5.2' TOTAL RECOVERY 2.7 ft. PNEUMATIC VIBRATORY CORER Tide Height 0.3' GPS Co-ordinates Water @ MSL 4.9' N 410 15.89260 E 720 00.65556 DEPTH SAMPLE STRATA SEDIMENT - DESCRIPTION - CLASSIFICATION FIYC 5A 0-1.7' Fine Sand FIYC 5B 1.7-2.2' Fine Sand FIYC 5C 2.2'-2.7' Fine Sand s to is 20 25 VIBRATORY CORE SEDIMENT SAMPLING FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................. 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ............................................ 1 1.2 Site Location...................................................... 1 2.0 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION ....................... 2 3.0 RESULTS................................................................. 2 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 2 Appendices: Appendix A: Sediment Coring Report Logs & Core Photographs VIBRATORY CORE SEDIMENT SAMPLING FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EEA, Inc. performed marine sediment vibracore sampling in support of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Application for Dredging at the Fishers Island Yacht Club, Fishers Island, New York. Sediment core samples were collected in five locations on December 15, 2009 within the proposed dredge limits at the Fishers Island, New York. The samples were collected in accordance with a NYSDEC approved sampling plan prepared by Docko, Inc of Mystic, CT. Each sediment sample was submitted for analysis according to the plan. The core logs and tide curve used are included in the Appendix of this report. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings of the marine sediment sampling effort conducted for the Fishers Island Yacht Club. The site is currently a yacht club with associated docking facilities located in West Harbor, Fishers Island. (see Figure 1). 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this investigation was to collect sediment samples to determine the chemical and physical grain size characteristics of the marine sediments, and to use the analytical data for compliance with the dredge permit application. Maintenance dredging must be completed due to shoaling in the boat slips and docking area. The Scope of Work included the collection of sediment samples within the proposed dredge area and processing the samples according to the NYSDEC approved sampling and testing plan. All processed samples were delivered to EcoTest Laboratories of North Babylon NY under proper Chain of Custody for analysis. 1.2 Site Location The site of the marine sediment sampling is located at Latitude N41° 15.90', Longitude E720 00.70' in the West Harbor adjacent to the bulkhead and floating piers operated by the marina and used for docking of pleasure and commercial vessels. The site sampling locations were chosen in the areas of shoaling. GPS co-ordinate positions were collected at each core location at the time of sampling. Fishers Island Yacht Club -1- 2.0 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION EEA, Inc. used a pneumatically driven vibratory corer with an 8 -foot long, 3 -inch diameter stainless steel core barrel lined with replaceable 6 -mil virgin high density polyethylene tube liner to collect the sediment samples. The corer was operated off the 24 foot Carolina Skiff specifically rigged for vibratory core sampling. During the sample collection phase, penetration was accomplished to the proposed dredge depth at all core locations. The penetration was determined by measuring the total water depth at each location then coring to the specified dredge depth plus one foot. The corer was slowly lowered off the bow of the vessel and vibrated into the sediment until dredge depth or refusal was encountered. The corer was winched back on board, and then the HDPE liner was extruded and cut open for logging and sample collection. Additionally, during the sediment sampling, each sample was visually inspected, photographed and field logged on the core sampling sheets included in Appendix A. The bottom 12 inches of each core sample was also collected and subdivided separately as specified by the NYSDEC. All samples were collected and composited according to the written sampling plan. All QA/QC protocols were followed as written in the plan. All sampling was completed on December 15, 2009 and samples were submitted under chain -of -custody to the laboratory for analysis. 3.0 RESULTS The on-site visual core analysis indicates that sediments from Core Locations FIYC-1 through FIYC-5 were predominantly a very fine sand with traces silt, or a very fine silty sand. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This field sampling report was written to document the sampling conditions at the time of sampling. The sampling followed the protocols as written in the Fishers Island Yacht Club Sampling Plan. Fishers Island Yacht Club -2- GCO /.EST LABORATORIES, INC. • ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING 377 Shefflold Avenue, North Babylon, New York 11703 (631) 422-5777 • FAX (6:31) 422-57M • Emali: e'cotestlab@aol.com Client: mLk o =..r4C- 7` 'Address: fny5TIc- C 1.• Phone: 8ro0 511,-8g3i FAX: s(00 512:715(09 Person receiving report: YKei rtd B. Mz�ls«v . ? E Sampled by: Source: Job No.: e CHAIN -OF CUSTODY RECORD i x5> %AA, I tY L t DA b6 -C 't v v v✓ V✓ c Tri J y L 1 L 1144 +oma ty L m S (rA5 3 '1✓ ✓ v ✓ �,,,�, �,e. avc ��-� 'Yelp vX,') %09 r+�� c F►{t-D u.,? ,, ✓ ✓ �� f t4C. JA If - A,61 13 T- I`IL ZA v �/ ✓ ✓ v I2130 V-% 4 (r 7- T5 V v ✓ ✓ ✓ _i i,h 12,3C y L ZC— lit L4 L. 1 5� X11+ ; �►`I�- 5 c. � � � . 1- `1 `10 1 y C. Jk v ✓ ✓ ✓ V1 I'inq ' Sig tore) R r tin D 1�a IME t �\S SEAL INTACT? NO NA Received ture) R esentin Relinquished by: (Signature) Representing:YES DATEMIME SEAL INTACT? NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: Relinquished by: (Signature) Representing: DATEITIME SEAL.INTACT? -YES NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: Relinquished by: (Signature) Representing: DATEMME SEAL INTACT? YES NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: ECO / EST LABORATORIES, INC. • ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING 377Shelffeld Avenue, North Babylon, New York 11703 (831) 42244 a FAX (631) 422-5770 • Emalk ecotestlabOaol com CHAIN OF CUSTODY.IRECORD Client Dc)r—< O --vva L Ad"as:tvt� ST S C. Cr i Phoneebp 5-12_ - eFj:)r1 FAX: $bo 5 7 Z '.f� - -7 S Person receiving report t-sa.N Sampled by -,S.,, Source: r s r. V -s =5LAi "AlAK—On C- L- V3 Job No.: d\1T fe ( � t -a �s = r• �c, 3 JQ. St Y a _ ._ •� c kg �.�-� -�, cu �M h �% � �C 1.}•+���,t�' � , C J ��e- v Tom"-�-�� �o wv'pr pro. e.. � c..►.•- j � , l , s��.�e.� -- : 511uw, Z �:rt i E7"I VLL I V V, �W3 I L le, TT, I ling Sl re) R re Ming: DA7 IME �`1b} `J -S SEAL INTACT? S NO NA Received natu R es tin : Relinquished by: (Signature) Representing: DATE/TIME SEAL INTACT? YES NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: Relinquished by: (Signature) Representing: DATE/TIME SEALINTACT? YES NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: Relinquished by: (Sigrfature) Representing: DATE/TIME SEAL INTACT? YES NO NA Received by: (Signature) Representing: ham /0 '4 October 23, 2008 Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 Attn: Mr. Keith Neilson Please find attached laboratory report(s) for the samples submitted on: July 17, 2008. All pertinent information for this analysis is located on the report. Should it be necessary to contact us regarding billing or the test results, please have the following information readily available: . Lab No. : 0708483 PO/Job No. FIYC Invoice No. 156424 Customer No. 1563 Please contact us if you have any questions. Very ul yours, Step J. Franco Laboratory Director PH -0547 connecticut iA;testing laboratories inc. WATER A SOIL I AIR STEPHEN J. FRANCO Laboratory Director PHONE N 203/634-3731 www.ctl-web.com / ctestlab@erols.com 165 GRACEY AVENUE A MERIDEN, CT 8 06451 CASE NARRATIVE Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. Prepared for: Docko, I ic. Order#: 0708483 PO Box 421 Project: FIYC Mystic, CT 06355 I'hc following samples were received as indicated below and on the attached Chain of Custody record. All analyses were performed within the holding time and with acceptable quality control results unless otherwise netted. SAMPLE ID LAB LD _: _.............. FI l'C 1 _.-... _ _... _... --- -._ .. 0000013-662 _._ ....--- FIYC2 0000013-663 F[YC3 , 0000013-664 -.._._....... _ _ ,... ........ FIYC4 ---------._...... 0000013-665 FIYC> _..__-_------- 0000013-666 Composite 1, 2 & 3 0000013-667 Composite 4 & 5 0000013-668 MATRIX 1 Date Collected Date Received `. DIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 DIMENT ........ __ 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 DIMENT .............................. 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 DIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 DIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 DIMENT 07/.16/2008 � 07/17/2008 DW N"T 07/16,/2008 -07/17/2008 The following are Surrogate recoveries EPA Method 161313: 37014 -2378 -TCDD - Surrogate Percent Recovery CTL # 13667 - 83% CTL # 13668 - 86% Method Blank - 88% Lab Control Sample - 88% EPA Method 1613B Toxic Equivalent Quantitation (TEQ): Sample# TEQ CTL # 13667 3.35 CTL # 13668 1.9 The enclosed results of analyses are representative of the samples as received by the laboratory. Coruiecticut Testin, Laboratorie.sInc. makes no representations or certifications as to the methods of sample collection, sample identification, or transportation handlinst procedures used prior to our receipt of samples. To the best of my knowledge, the inkmrtn ion contained in this report is accuroidMete ` j. Approved 13}: Date: /a/ 7/0 "p, Connecticut Testing Laboraturies, Inc. Page 1 Date Samples Received: 07/17/2008 ;lient Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 teport Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYC Analyst: SP RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 Date & 3 Tested Parameters RL Method # Silver, Total -mg/kg 08/14/2008 1 0.2 BDL I BDL -- -- 601 OB RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue / Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 / MA-CT035 Date Samples Received: 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYCAnalyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS EPA 8081 Chlordane - RCP Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 08/07/2008 08/07/2008 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Chlordane ug/Kg 1.7 BDL BDL Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR % ---- 103 122 Decachlorobiphenyl-SR % ----- 118 129 RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue / Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 / MA-CT035 Date Samples Received: 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 Parameters Units RL Benzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- Toluene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- Ethyl Benzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- p/m-Xylene ug/K9 1 10 BDL BDL -- -- o-Xylene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- MTBE ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL -- -- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 % ---- 133 131 -- -- Toluene-d8 % ---- 102 105 -- -- 4-Bromofluorobenzene % ---- 110 115 -- -- RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue / Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHO547 / MA-CT035 Date Samples Received: 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment Mirex Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 09/30/2008 09/30/2008 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Mirex N9/k9 10 BDL BDL -- -- 2-Fluorobiphenyl % ---- 114 107 -- -- Nitrobenzene-d5 % ____ 95 92 p-Terpenyl-d14 % ---- 1 73 1 77 -- -- RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue / Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHO547 / MA-CT035 Date Samples Received: 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYC Analyst: SO RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment - EPA 8290 Dioxin/Furans Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Parameters Date Tested RL SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 &3 Method # 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.52 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -51613B Total TCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.53 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -5 1613B 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.80 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -5 16138 Total PeCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.3 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -5 16138 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.60 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -51613B 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.1 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -51613B 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.0 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516136 Total HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 ___ 29 16 -- -- EPA -5 1613B 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 52 28 __ __ EPA -51613B Total HpCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 150 74 -- -- EPA -5 16138 OCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 970 360 -- -- EPA -51613B 2,3,7,8-TCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 3.6 2.3 -- -- EPA -51613B Total TCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 20 9,9 __ __ EPA -5 16138 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.69 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516138 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.77 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516138 Total PeCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 5.5 4.0 -- -- EPA -5 1613B 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.1 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -51613B 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.53 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516138 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09118/2008 0.63 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516138 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.46 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -516138 Total HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 6.3 4.2 -- -- EPA -5 1613B 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- 11 7.0 -- -- EPA -516138 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.42 BDL BDL -- -- EPA -51613B Total HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 -__ 11 12 -- -- EPA -5 1613B OCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 --- BDL 9.8 -- -- EPA -516136 RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue / Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHO547 / MA-CT035 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Test Parameters Ordei-#: 0708483 BLANK SEDIMENT ILAB-111) N Sample Concentr. tr. Spike Co i icentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 00 1 7582-0 1 1 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet Recovery RPI) Silver, Total -mg/kg 00 126 128 101.6% D UPLICA TELAB- SEDIMENT ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-68 BDL BDL 1 0.% M S SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Couccutr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 126 120 95.2% MSDLABID LAB -IU il Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPI) Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 126 125 99.2% 1 4.1% Connecticitt Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, N/leriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8081 Chlordane - RCP Order#: 0708483 Type of QC Surrogates sa.-I-1-1 I I e — - ----- ---- Spike C - T-1 est PC - t RPD IBLANKLAB-lD SEDIMENT # Concen(r. Concentr. Result Recovery CONTROL ----------- lChlordane-ug/Kg 0017893-02-- 0 0 ___] - BDL CONTROL Sample Spike QC Test Pet (%) RPD SEDIMENT LAB -11) Comentr. Concentr. Result Recovery Chlordane-ug/Kg 0017893-03 40.0 1 38.7 96.8% Type of QC Surrogates %Recovered QC Limits (%) IBLANK (BLANK Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR Decachlorobiphenyl-SR 97% 95% 70 70 f _ 130 130 Type of QC CONTROL Surrogates Te t rach loro -- m---Xy--le- n-e--S--R- % Recovered 102% - QC Limits 0-- 0 CONTROL ----------- Decachlorobiphenyl-SR -------- ------- 106% 0 0 ___] - Connecticut Testing Laboratories, /1c. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds order#: 0708483 BLANK SEDIMENT LAB -11)# Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL Toluene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL IA-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL MTBE-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -113 # Sample Concenh•. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) I Recovery RPU Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 148 92.5% Toluene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 152 95.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 157 98.1% phwXylene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 320 319 99.7% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 156 97.5% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 160 100.% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 159 99.4% 12-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 166 103.8% MTBE-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 141 88.1% DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (pro) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Toluene-ug/Kg0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MTBE-ng/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MS SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concenh•. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPU Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 119 74.4% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 140 87.5% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 273 85.3% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 124 77.5% IA-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.8% 1.3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 95.0 59.4% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 13DL 160 94.0 58.8% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, /nc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds Order#: 0708483 IMS SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC "fest Result Pct (%) i Recovery RPD MTBE-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% .MSD SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RI'D Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 132 82.5% 10.4% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.9% 12.1% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.9% 6.6% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 269 84.1% 1.5% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 120 75.% 3.3% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 19.1% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65% 9% 1.2-Diehlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 97.0 60.6% 3.1% M"rBE-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 118 73.8% 3.4% (Type I of QC Surrogates % Recovered I QC Limits (%) BLANK BLANK 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene -d8 109% 101% 70 70 130 130 BLANK 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106% 70 130 Type of QC CONTROL 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surrogates % Recovered 82% QC Limits (%) 0 0 CONTROL Toluene -d8 102% 70 130 CONTROL i4-Bromofluorobenzene 104% 40 140 Type of QC DUPLICATE ! Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 % Recovered 127% QC Limits I%) 70 130 DUPLICATE Toluene -d8 105% 70 130 DUPLICATE Type of QC 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surrogates 111% % Recovered 70 130 QC Limits (%) MS IMS 11,2-Dichloroethane-c!4 -- Toluene -d8 81% - o - -- 105% 70130- - 70 , 130 SMS 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109% 70 130 Type of QC MSD I Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 % Recovered 86% QC Limits (%) 70 130 MSD Toluene -d8 1 105% 70 130 MSD A-Bromofluorobenzene 110% 70 130 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, /ne. 165 Cracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment Mirex Order#: 0708483 -_ -- -- - - --- - BLANK Surrogates sample Spike QC Test Pet (%) RPD SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Concentr. Concentr. Result Recovery % Recovered QC Limits (%) 87% 60 140 Mirex-pg/kg 0017784-02 79% 60 140 CONTROL BDL 106% 60 130 "Type of QC DUPLICATE CONTROL % Recovered QC Limits (%) 104% 60 130 Sample Spike QC Test Pct (%) RPD SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Concentr. Concentr. Result Recovery Mirex-pg/kg 0017784-03 1,000 957 95.7% DUPLICATESample Spike QC Test Pet (%) RPD SEDIMENT Lr�B-ID # Concentr. Concentr. Result Recovery Mirex-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) BLANK BLANK 2-Fluorobiphenyl Nitrobenzene -0 106% 60 102% 60 130 130 BLANK p-Terpenyl-d14 110% 60 130 Type of QC CONTROL Surrogates 2-Fluorobiphenyl % Recovered QC Limits (%) 87% 60 140 CONTROL Nitrobenzene -0 79% 60 140 CONTROL p-Terpenyl-d14 106% 60 130 "Type of QC DUPLICATE Surrogates 2-Fluorobiphenyl % Recovered QC Limits (%) 104% 60 130 DUPLICATE Nitrobenzene -d5 94% 60 130 iDUPLICATE p-Terpenyl-d14 75% 60 130 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, lite. 165 Gracey Avenne, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - EPA 8290 Dioxin/Furans Order#: 0708483 BLAND SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD Recovery 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total TCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1.2,3,7,8-PeCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total PeCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL I ,2,3.6,7,8-HxC DD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL I ,2,3.7,8,9-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total FIxCDD-Pg/g 0017796-02 BDL I ,2,3,4,6.7,8-l-ipCDD-pg/g0017796-02 BDL Total HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL OCDD-1)2/g 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,7,8-TCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total TCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 13DL I ,2,3,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF-p9%9 0017796-02 BDL Total PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL I.2,3,4,7.84IxCDF-PP/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,6,7,8-FIxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,4,6,7.8-F1xCDF-p2-/c 0017796702 BDL I ,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HxCDF-1)2/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-1 IpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3AT8,9-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL OCDF-1)g/g 0017796-02 BDL CO ,jTROLSample SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Concentr. Spike Concentr. Qc Test Ilesult Pct (%) i RI'D Recover y 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 20.0 18.6 93.% 1,23,7.8-PeCDD-pJg 0017796-03 100 101 101.% 1,2,3,4,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 15.0 15.% 1,2.3,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 95.1 95.1% 1,2,3, 7,8,9-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 104 104.% 1,23,4,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 105 105.% OCDD-pJg 0017796-03 200 214 107.% 2,3,7,8= rCDF-pJg 0017796-03 20.0 20.6 103.% 1,2,3,7.8-PeCDF-pJg 0017796-03 100 103 101% 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 100 100.% 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 97.7 97.7% 1,23.6,7.84IxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 98.2 98.2% 2,14,6.7,84IxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 98.6 98.6% Corrnecticu! Testing Labornlories, lite. 165 Cracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - EPA 8290 Dioxin/Furans Order#: 0708483 CONTROL SEDIMENT Sample LAB -1 concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct RPD Recovery I,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 101 101.% I,2,3.4,6,7.18-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 99.1 99.1% 1,2,3,4.7,8,9-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 95.3 95.3% OCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 200 206 1 103.% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 s October 07, 2008 Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 Attn: Mr. Keith Neilson FILE /6jy Please find attached laboratory report(s) for the samples submitted on: July 17, 2008. ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS FOR NY STATE SUBMITTED ON OCTOBER 07, 2008. All pertinent information for this analysis is located on the report. Should it be necessary to contact us regarding billing or the test results, please have the following information readily available: Lab No. : 0708483 PO/Job No. FIYC Invoice No. 155407 Customer No. 1563 Please contact us if you have any questions. Very trul Y&co Ste n Laboratory Director PH -0547 —connecticut testing ifto laboratories inc. WATER M SOIL 19 AIR STEPHEN J. FRANCO Laboratory Director PHONE IN 203/634-3731 www.cti-web.com / ctestiab@erols.com 165 GRACEY AVENUE M MERIDEN, CT 0 06451 CASE NARRATIVE Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. Prepared for: Order#: 0708483 Docko, Inc. PO Box 421 Project: FIYC Mystic, CT 06355 The following samples were received as indicated below and on the attached Chain of Custody record. All analyses were performed within the holding time and with acceptable quality control results unless otherwise noted. SAMPLE ID LAB ID J - MATRIX Date Collected I Date Received r0000013-662 �FIYC 1 _ SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 1 07/17/2008 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 FIYC2 0000013-663 SEDIMENT JFIYC3 0000013-664 SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 FIYC4 ' 0000013-665 SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 07/l7/2008 I 1FIYC5 0000013-666 SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2-008 Composite 1, 2 & 3 0000013-667 SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 ;Composite 4 & 5 I 0000013-668 SEDIMENT 07/16/2008 07/17/2008 The following are Surrogate recoveries EPA Method 161311: 37C14 -2378 -TCDD - Surrogate Percent Recovery CTL # 13667 - 83% CTL # 13668 - 86% Method Blank - 88% Lab Control Sample - 88% EPA Method 1613B Toxic Equivalent Quantitation (TEQ): Sample # TEQ CTL # 13667 3.35 CTL # 13668 1.9 The enclosed results of analyses are representative of the samples as received by the laboratory. Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. makes no representations or certifications as to the methods of sample collection, sample identification, or transportation handling procedures used prior to our receipt of samples. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this report is aWdmApproved By: Date:Conntories, Inc. Page 1 V 0 Date Samples Received: 7/17/08 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/7/08 PO/ Job No. : FIYC RESMTS OF ANALYSIS Washed- Sieve Analysis ASTM D-4221 D-1140 Date Analyzed: 7/18/08 Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Percent by Wt. Passing Matrix Type : CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Percent by WL Passing S S S S 12646 12647 12648 12649 FIYC-1 FIYC-2 FIYC-3 FIYC-4 Sieve 5i7a No.4 99.7 99.5 99.6 100.0 No. 10 98.6 98.6 98.6 99.6 No. 40 93.1 96.1 96.7 96.2 No. 200 87.1 93.3 94.7 38.4 S S 12650 12646 FIYC-5 FIYC-1 Duplicate Sieve Ci'79% No. 4 100.0 99.7 No. 10 99.7 98.5 No. 40 94.4 93.5 No. 200 40.2 88.7 MDL= Method Detection'Levet/BDL= Below Detection Level Matrix Type: VI= Mhater/Aqueous S= SoWSohd D= Oil/Mydrocaftrr Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue l Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH06471 MA-CT035 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYC Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment TOC / Water. Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Parameters SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 Date & 3 Tested RL Method ; Total Organic Carbon-% 08/04/2008 0.10 3.10 1.20 — — 9060 Total Organic Carbon -duplicate-% 08/04/2008 0.10 3.20 1.20 — — 9060 Total Water-% 07/31/2008 1 0.01 50.85 28.60 — — 2540 B RL=Reporting Level BDL = Below Detection Levet Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 466 Gracey Avenue ! Meriden, CT 86451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT431HOS47 I MA-CT035 noto -qamnlaS Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: CP RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment - Heavy Metals Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Tested o. SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 &3 Method # Parameters tal-mg/kg 08/14/2008 • -- 0.2 6.6 3.4 — — 7o60A Total -mg/kg 08/14/2008 0.03 0.29 BDL — — 60106 Total -mg/kg ELeadjotal-mg/kg 08/14/2008 0.2 27.0 12.7 — — 60106 tal-mg/kg 08/14/2008 0.2 35.7 14.1 — — 60108 08/14/2008 0.2 34.8 12.7 — — 601 OB Mercury, Total -mg/kg 08/14/2008 0.01 0.24 0.09 — 7471A — 7471A Nickel, Total -mg/kg 08/14/2008 0.2 17.6 8.1 — — 60108 Zinc, Total -mg/kg 108/14/20081 0.4 75.2 28.7 — — 601 OB RL --Reporting Levet BDL- = SG1ow Detection L®vel Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 466t,racey Avenue ! Veride% CT 06461 (203)634-3731 (Fax)630-1336 Certification CT-PHOS47 l MA-CT036 i Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: KM RESULTS OF ANALYSES_ Bulk Sediment - PAH's by 8270C Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDNENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 08/02/2008 08/02/2008 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Naphthalene ug/kg 4 6.0 BDL – – Acenaphthylene v9/kg 6 6.0 BDL – – Acenaphthene ug/kg 6 BDL BDL – – Fluorene ug/kg 4 5.0 BDL – – Phenanthrene Ng/k9 7 33.0 14.0 – – Anthracene N9/k9 4 10.0 5.0 – – Fluoranthene ug/kg 6 79.0 35.0 – – Pyrene Ng/k9 8 79.0 37.0 – – Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg 4 31.0 16.0 – – Chrysene ug/kg 5 42.0 23.0 – – Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg 7 55.0 31.0 – – Benzo(k)fluoranthene N9/k9 7 23.0 13.0 – – Benzo(a)pyrene -p9/k9 4 40.0 23.0 – – Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene Ng/kg 6 26.0 17.0 – – Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene N9/kg 8 11.0 BDL – – Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene N9/k9 8 33.0 21.0 – – 2-Fluorobiphenyl % — 97 102 – – Nitrobenzene -d5 % — 100 101 – – RL=Reporting levet BDL = Below Detection Levet Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 166 Graeey Avenue t .Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-P+iO647 / MA-CT036 Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: LJ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment - Pesticides by EPA 80818 Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 08/07/2008 08/07/2008 07/3112008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Aldrin Pg/kg 0.6 BDL BDL – – cis -Chlordane Pg/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – trans -Chlordane P9/kg 0.7 BDL BDL – – cis-Nonachlor P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – trans-Nonachlor P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – Oxychlordane P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – 4,4' -DDT Pg/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – 4,4' -DDE Pg/k9 0.7 1.9 BDL – – 4,4' -DDD ug/kg 0.7 5.1 1.4 – – Dieldrin P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – alpha-Endosulfan P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – beta-Endosulfan Pg/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – Endrin P9/k9 0.6 BDL BDL – – Heptachlor Pg/kg 0.7 BDL BDL – – He tachlor Epoxide P9/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – Hexachlorobenzene Pg/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – Lindane Pg/k9 0.6 BDL BDL – – Methoxychlor Pg/k9 0.7 BDL BDL – – Toxaphene P9/k9 20 BDL BDL – – PCBs, Total Pg/kg 0.7 22.6 10.8 – – 2,W -DDD -SR % — 118 129 – – RL=Reporting L&vW 1M = $stow Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 166 Graney Avg l Meriden, OT OMI (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 / MA-CT035 L Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: LJ RESULTS_ OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment - Congeners by EPA 8082A Matrix Type: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT CTL Sample No.: 13667 13668 Field 1D: Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 Date Analyzed: 08/07/2008 08/07/2008 Date Extracted: 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL diCB #8 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - triCB #18 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - MCB #28 p9/k9 0.8 2.3 1.5 - - tetraCB #44 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - tetraCB+ #49 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - tetraC6 #52 p9/k9 0.9 BDL BDL - - tetraCB #66 p9/k9 0.8 2.7 1.6 - - pentaCB+ #87 p9/k9 0.8 2.1 0.9 - - pentaCB #101 p9/k9 0.8 1.6 1.1 - - pentaC6 #105 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - pentaC8 #118 p9/k9 0.8 1.7 BDL - - pentaCB #128 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - hexaC6 #138 p9/k9 0.9 1.8 1.2 - - hexaCB #153 pg/kg 0.8 1.2 BDL - - heptaCB #170 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - heptaCB #180 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - heptaCB+ #183 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - heptaCB+ #184 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - heptaCB #187 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - octaCB #195 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - nonaCB #206 p9/k9 0.8 BDL BDL - - decaCB #209 p09 0.8 BDL BDL - - 2,4' -DDD -SR % - 112 122 - - RL=Reporting Levet BDL = Below Detection Levet Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. IGS GraM Avows i Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Cert cation CT-PH0547 I MA-CT035 Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEt3tMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 09/17/2008 Parameters Units RL Benzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – Toluene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – Ethyl Benzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – p/m Xylene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – o -Xylene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – — 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ug/K9 10 BDL BDL – – 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – MTBE ug/Kg 10 BDL BDL – – 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 % — 133 131 – – Toluene -d8 % — 102 105 – – 4-Bromofluorobenzene % — 110 115 – – RL=Reporting Level BI]L = Betaw Qeftct1on Leve! Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 1165 Camey Avenue.1 Meriden, CT 06461 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 I MA-CT036 Y Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment Mirex Matrix Type: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT CTL Sample No.: 13667 13668 Field ID: Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 Date Analyzed: 09/30/2008 09/30/2008 Date Extracted: 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Mirex N9/kg 10- BDL BDL – – 2-Fluorobiphenyl % — 114 107 – – Nitrobenzene -d5 % — 95 92 – – p-Terpenyl-d14 % — 73 77 – – RL --Repo" Level BDL =-Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue I Meriden, Ci' Q 1 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 / MA-CT035 4 01 Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 PO No: FIYC Report Date: 10/07/2008 Analyst: SJF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS EPA 8081 Chlordane - RCP Matrix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Analyzed: Date Extracted: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 & Composite 4 & 5 3 08107/2008 08/07/2008 07/31/2008 07/31/2008 Parameters Units RL Chlordane ug/Kg 1.7 BDL BDL – – Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR % — 103 122 – – Decachlorobiphenyl-SR % — 118 129 – – RL=Reporting Level SOL =Below Detecfim Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 6S Grmmy Avenue I Meriden, CT 06461 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHOS47 / MA-CT036 Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 ;Tient Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYC Analyst: SP RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Matrix Type; CTL Sample No.: Field ID: SEDIMENT SEDIMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 Date & 3 Tested Parameters RL Method # Silver, Total -mg/kg 08/14/2008 1 0.2 1 BDL I BDL I 6010B RL --Reporting Level BDL =Below Detection Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Anerrue 1 Meriden-, CT 06W (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PH0547 / MA-CT035 • Date Samples Received 07/17/2008 :tient Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 teport Date: 10/07/2008 PO No: FIYC Analyst: SO RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Bulk Sediment - EPA 16138 Dioxin/Furans Matrix Type. CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Date Tested RI SEDWENT SEDTMENT 13667 13668 Composite 1, 2 Composite 4 & 5 &3 Method # 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.61 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B Tptal TCDD -p9/9 09/18/2008 0.53 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.80 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B Total PeCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.3 BDL BDL — — EPA -516138 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.86 BDL BDL — — EPA -516138 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.1 BDL BDL — — EPA -51613B 12,3,7,8,9-HxCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 1.0 BDL BDL —— EPA -51613B Total HxCDD-pg/g 09/18►2008 — 29 16 — — EPA -516138 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 52 28 — — EPA -51613B Total HpCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 150 74 — — EPA -51613B OCDD-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 970 360 — — EPA -5 1613B 2,3,7,8-TCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 3.6 2.3 — — EPA -51613B Total TCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 20 9.9 — — EPA51613B 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.69 BDL BDL — — EPA -516138 2,3,4,7,8-PeC5F-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.77 BDL BDL — — EPA -5 1613B Total PeCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 5.5 4.0 — — EPA -5 16138 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/20081 1.3 BDL BDL — — EPA -516138 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.53 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.63 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.70 BDL BDL — —EPA -51613B Total HXCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 6.3 4.2 — — EPA -5 16138 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 11 7.0 — — EPA -51613B 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 0.42 BDL BDL — —EpA51613B Total HpCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — 11 12 — — EPA -5 16138 OCDF-pg/g 09/18/2008 — BDL 1 9.8 — — EPA -516138 -tat:=Reporft- Lem aM =•stow taction Level Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 166 Gracey Avenowl Maj ifto, CT 0 W (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 6304336 Certification CT-PH0547 f MA-CT035 Connecticut 'Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260E Volatile Organics - GC/MS order#: 0708483 !BLANK SEDDvtENT LAB -DD # Sample Spike Concentr. Coocentr. QC Test Pct (-/e) RPD Result Recovery Dichlorodifluoromedmie•ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Chloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Vicryl chloride-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Chloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Bromomethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Trichlorofluoromethane-uglKg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Methylene chloride •ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL trans-l,2-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 2,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL cis-1,2-Dichloroethyleno-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Chloroform-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Bromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1,1-Trich1oroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Carbon tetrachloride-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Benzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Trichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Bromodichloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Dibromomethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Toluene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Tetrachloroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,3-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Dibromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2-Dibromoethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Chlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1,1,2-Tetrach1oroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL p/m-Xylcne-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Sh'mn-,ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Bromofomrug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL lsopropylbunene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrach1oroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203)634-3731 Fax: (203)630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS OrderM 0708483 BL4NK SEDIMENT LAB -113 # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct ("/o) RPD Recovery Bromobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2,3-Trichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL n-Propylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 2-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 4-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL teit-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL sec-Butylbenzene•ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL p-Isopropyltol-ugXg 0017705-02 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL n-Butylbenzene-ug/K8 0017705-02 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Hexachlorobutadiene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Naphthalene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Methyl ethyl ketone-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL MIBK-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Methyl butyl ketone-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)-ug/Kg 0017705-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB ->D # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet RPD Recovery Dichlorodifluoromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 159 99.40% Chloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 154 96.3% Vicryl chloride-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 135 84.4% Chloroethane-ug/KS 0017705-03 160 182 113.9% Bromomethano-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 163 101.90/6 Trichlorofluoromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 136 85.% 1,1-Dichlotcethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 142 88.80/0 Methylene chloride-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 145 90.6% trans-l,2-Dich1oroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 149 93.1% 1,1-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 148 92.5% 2,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 147 91.90/0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethyleno-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 147 91.90/0 Chloroform-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 154 96.3% Bromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 141 88.1% l,l,l-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 147 91.90/0 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 6343731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut 'besting Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS order#: 0708483 'CONTROL��� SEDIMENT # Sample Concentr. Spike Couceutr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD Recovery 1,1-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 144 90.% Carbon tetraddoride-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 131 81.90% Benzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 148 92.5% 1,2-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 152 95.% Trichloroethylene-uglKg 0017705-03 160 151 94.40/a 1,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 150 93.80/a Bromodichloromethane•ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 148 92.50/6 Dibromomethane-ug%g 0017705-03 160 140 87.5% cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 136 85.% Toluene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 152 95% trans-l,3-Dichloropmpylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 157 98.1% 1,1,2-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 153 95.6% Tetrachloroethylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 191 119.48/6 1,3-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 144 90.% Dibromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 145 90.60/9 1,2-Dibromoethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 141 88.1% Chlorobenzeno-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 160 100.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 157 98.1% 1,1,1,2-Tetnwb1oroethano-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 157 98.1% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 320 319 99.7% -Xylene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 156 97.5% Styrene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 165 103.1% Bromoform-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 147 91.90/0 Isopropylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 152 95.% 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 156 97.5% Bromobenzene'ugXg 0017705-03 160 165 103.1% 1,2,3-Triddoropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 156 97.5% n-Propyle-ugiKg 0017705-03 160 155 96.9% 2-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 158 98.8% 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 165 103.1% 4-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 164 102.5% text-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 166 103.80/9 1,2,4-Trime1hy1benzene-ug/Kg '0017705-03 160 159 99.46/o sec-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 154 96.3% p-Isopropyltol-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 154 %.3% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 160 100.% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 160 loo.% n-Butylbenzere-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 155 96.9% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene•ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 166 103.8% 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 185 115.6% Cann ecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 GraM Aveeae, Meriden, CT fl645i Phone- X203) 634-3731 Fax- (263) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS order#: 0708M CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct ("/o) Recovery RPD 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 157 98.1% Hexachlorobutadiene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 159 99.45/o Naphthalene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 161 100.60/6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 156 97.5% Methyl ethyl keton-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 152 95.% MIBK-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 142 88.80/a Methyl butyl ketone-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 153 95.60/a Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)-ug/Kg 0017705-03 160 141 88.1% DUPLICATE SEDIIvIEN f LAB ID # Sample Cooccutr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result pet (6/-) Recovery RPD Dichlorodifluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Chloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Vinyl chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Chloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Bromomethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Trichlorofluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Methylene chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% trans-1,2-Dichloroethyl-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 2,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% cis-1,2-Dichioroethyleue-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Chloroform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Bromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1,1-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% l,l-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Carbon tetrachloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Benzen -ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2-Dichloroethana-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Trichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0% 1,2-Dich1oropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Bromodichloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Dibromomethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% trans-l,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1,2-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% TetracNoroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,3-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% D xomochloromethane-u^g 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.°/s Cenneetieut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 6301336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GUMS order#: 0708483 DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -ID # sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (•�.) Recovery RPD 1,2-Dibromoethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Chlorobenzene-uglKg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Styrene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Bromoform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% lsopropylbenwne-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Bromobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2,3-Trichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% n-Propylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 2-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 4-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% tut Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzena-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% see-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% p-lsopropyltoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL ON 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% n-Butylbe- -ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane•ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Ho=hlorobutadiene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Naphthaleno-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL, - 0.% 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Methyl ethyl ketorre-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MBK-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Methyl butyl ketone-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE)-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MsLAB-ID SEDDA N'1 # Sample Concentr. Spike Coneentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Dichlorodifluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 148 92.5% Chloromethano-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 129 80.6% Vinyl chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 146 91.3% Chloroed-w-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 183 114.4% romomethano-ug/Kg 0000136-67 1 BDL 160 133 83.1% - - -- - - - - - ---- ------------ -_... £8nmrdeut Tes ft Labr►rwWks, Inc. 165 Graeey Awnix, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (283) 634 3731 Fax: {2-033 6301336 Connecticut Fasting Laboratories, Inc. QUALM CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GUMS order#: 0708M r S SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) RPD Recovery Trichlorofluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 127 79.4% 1,1-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160. 130 81.3% Methylene chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 139 86.90/9 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 112 70% 1,1-Dichloroethano-uW4 0000136-67 BDL 160 121 75.6% 2,2-Dichloroprop-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 133 83.1% cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 113 70.6% Chloroform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% Bromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 113 70.60/6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 122 76.3% 1,1-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 112 70.% Carbon tetrachloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 115 71.90/6 Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 119 74.40/6 1,2-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.80/9 Trichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 115 71.9% 1,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% Bromodichloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 123 76.9% Dibromomethanerug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 127 79.40/6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 96.0 60.% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% traru-1,3-Dichloropmpylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% 1,1,2-Trichloroethane•ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 110 68.8% Tetrachloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 87.0 54.40/6 1,3-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 101 63.1% Dibromochloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 92.0 57.5% 1,2-Dibromodhane-ugXg 0000136-67 BDL 160 94.0 58:8°/° Chlorobenzenerug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 98.0 61.3% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 140 87.50/0 1,1,1,2-Tehachioroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 273 85.3% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 124 77.5% Styrene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 71.0 44.40/a Bromoform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 74.0 46.3% Isopropyibenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 148 92.5% 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 101 63.1% Bromobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 169 105.6% 1,2,3-Trichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% n-Propylbenww-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 133 83.1% 2-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.80 1,3,5-Trimethyibenzenerug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 154 96.3% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Graeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone. (203) 634-3131 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS Order#: 0708483 F MS SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD 4-Chlorotoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 135 84.41/16 tent-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 149 93.1% 1,2,4-Trime:thylbenzene>ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 128 80.% sec-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 112 70.% p-Isopropyltoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 124 77.5% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 95.0 59.4% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.8% n-Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 117 73.1% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 94.0 58.8% 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 78.0 48.80/6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 56.0 35% Hexachlorobutadiene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 24.0 IS% Naphthalene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 52.0 32.5% 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzcnc-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 45.0 28.1% Methyl ethyl ketone-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 86.0 53.8% MIBK-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% Methyl butyl ketone-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 109 68.1% Methyl tert-butyl ether (M'IBE)-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% SD SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Dichlorodifluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 105 65.66/6 34.% Chloromethane-ug/](g 0000136-67 BDL 160 69.0 43.1% 60.6% Vinyl chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 146 91.3% 0.% Chloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 181 113.1% 1.1% Bromomethane-u8/K8 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% 13.7'/0 Trichlorofluoromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 112 70-% 12.6% I,1-Dichloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 144 90.% 10.2% Methylene chloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 133 83.1% 4.4% trams-l,2-Dichloroetlhyleno-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 133 83.1% 17.1% 1,1-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 127 79.40/6 4.8% 2,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 144 90.% 7.9% cis-1,2-Dichlomethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 129 80.6% 13.2% Chloroform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 125 78.1% 7.5% Bromochloromethane-u^g 0000136-67 BDL 160 117 73.1% 3.5% 1,1,1-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 137 85.6% 11.60/6 1,1-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 136 85.% 19.40/a Carbon tetrachloride-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 119 74.40/a 3.4% Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 132 82.5% 10.4% 1,2-Dichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.86/6 0.% TrichloroethylenerugXg 0000136-67 BDL 160 148 92.5% 25.1% ComwedW Tesf«ng Laboratories, 1w- I65 Oraeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 064SI Phone: (W) 634-3731 Tan: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS Order#: 0708483 MSDSample SEDIMENT ��� # Concentr. Spike Conceutr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD 1,2-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 124 77.5% 8.4% Bromodichloromethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 117 73.1% 5.% Dibromomethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 122 76.30/9 4.% cis-1,3=Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 105 65.60/a 9.% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.9% 12.1% trans-l,3-Dichloropropylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 109 68.1% 4.5% 1,1,2-Trichloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% 5.3% Tetrachloroethylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 135 84.4% 43.2% 1,3-Dichloropropane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 109 68.1% 7.6% Dibromochlorornethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 98.0 61.3% 6.3% 1,2-Dibromoethane,-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 87.0 54.4% 7.70/6 Chlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 125 78.1% 24.2% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.90/9 6.6% 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 112 70.% 1.80/0 p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 269 84.1% 1.5% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 120 75.% 3.3% Styrene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 86.0 53.88/o 19.1% Bromoform-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 80.0 50_% 7.8% lsopropylbenzena-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.9% 12.2% 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 108 67.5% 6.7•/a Bromobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 169 105.60/a 0.% 1,2,3-Trich1oropropamrug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 0.% n-Propylne-u8/K8 0000136-67 BDL 160 132 82.50/a 0.8°/. 2-Chlorotoluene,-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 123 76.90/a 2.40/6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.9% 16.1% 4-Chlorotolug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 128 80.% 5.3% tert-Butylbenzena-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 137 85.60/a 8.4% 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzeno-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 118 73.8% 8.1% -Butylbenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 125 78.1% 11.0/0 p-bopropyltoluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.58/6 6.7% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 9.% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 19.1% n-Butyibenzene•ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 117 73.1% 0.% 1,2-Dichlorobemenesrgft 0000136-67 BDL 160 97.0 60.6% 3.1% 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropano-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 90.0 56.3% 14.3% 1,2,4-Trichlorobamene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 63.0 39.40/a 11.80/0 Hexachlorobutadiene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 125.% Naphthalene-ug/4 0000136-67 BDL 160 59.0 36.9% 12.6% 1,2,3-Trichlorobemene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 53.0 33.1% 16.3% Methyl ethyl ketonc-ug ft 0000136-67 BDL 160 92.0 57.5% 6.70/a Cmtnecdcat Testing Laboratories, Inc 16-5 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone -1203) 634-3731 Fax: (283) 630-1336 -Connecticut 'Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT 8260B Volatile Organics - GC/MS Order#: 0708x83 MSD SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Coaceutr. Spike Coucentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD MIBK-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 119 74.40/6 2.6% Methyl butyl ketone-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 101 63.1% 7.6% Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 118 73.8% 3.4% Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (°/.) BLANK Dibromofluoromethane 117% 70 130 BLANK Toluene -d8 102% 70 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL Dibromofluoromethane 82% 70 130 CONTROL Toluene -48 102% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE Dibromofluoromethane 127% 70 1 130 DUPLICATE Toluer*48 105% 70 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MS Dibromofluoromethane 81% 70 130 MS Toluene -d8 105% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates %. Recovered QC Limits (%) MSD Dibromofluoromethane 86% 70 130 MSD Toluene -d8 1 105% 1 70 1 130 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc- 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Congeners by EPA 8082A OrderH: 0708483 BLANKLAB-ID SEDIMENT # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) RPD Recovery MB #8-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL triCB #18-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL triCB #28-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL tetraCB #44-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL tetraCB+#49-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL tetraCB #52-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL tetraCB #66-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL pentaCB+#87-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL pentaCB #101-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL pentaCB #105-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL pentaCB #118-pg/kg 0017151-02 BDL pentaCB #128-µgtkg 0017151-02 BDL hexaCB #138-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL hexaCB #153-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL heptaCB #170-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL heptaCB #180-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL heptaCB+ # 183-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL heptaCB+#184-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL heptaCB #187-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL octaCB #195-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL nonaCB #206-µg/kg 0017151-02 BDL decaCB #209-µ8/k8 0017151-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spire Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD Recovery diCB #8-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 20.8 104.% triCB #18-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 21.7 108.5% triCB #28-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 20.4 102.% tetraCB #44-pg&g 0017151-03 20.0 21.0 105.% tetraCB+#49-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.6 98.% Wh-&CB #52-pg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.8 99.% tetraCB #66-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.8 99.% pentaCB+#87-µ8/k8 0017151-03 20.0 19.4 97.°i° pentaCB #101-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 20.8 104.% pentaCB #105-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 21.3 106.5% pentaCB #118-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 203 101.5% pentaCB #128-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.5 97.5% hexaCB #138-µgAkg 0017151-03 20.0 19.7 98.58/6 hexaCB #153-pg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.8 99.% heptaCB#170-ps/k8 0017151-03 20.0 20.9 104.5% heptaCB #180-p8/ks 1 0017151-03 20.0 20.7 103.5% Conneederrt Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, Cf 06451 Phone: (203)6343731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Congeners by EPA 8082A Order#: 0708483 CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD heptaCB+#183-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 21.6 108.% heptaCB+#184-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 20.8 104.% heptaCB #I 87-pg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 20.0 100.% octaCB#195-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 19.8 99.% nonaCB #206-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 22.0 110.% decaCB #209-µg/kg 0017151-03 20.0 21.1 105.5% DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -ED # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (-/°) Recovery RPD diCB #8-µ8/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% triCB #18-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% triCB #28-µg/kg 0000136-67 23 2.0 14.% tetraCB #44-p 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% tetraCB+#49-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% tetraCB #52-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% tetraCB #6&pg/kg 0000136-67 2.7 2.5 7.7-/- pentaCB+#87-µg/kg 0000136-67 2.1 2.3 9.1% pentaCB #101-pg/kg 0000136-67 1.6 1.5 6.5% pentaCB #105-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% pentaCB #118-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.7 1.6 6.1% pentaCB #128-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% hexaCB #138-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.8 1.7 5.7% hexaCB #153-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.2 1.1 8.7°/- heptaCB #I 70-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% heptaCB #180-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% heptaCB+#183-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% heptaCB+#184-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% heptaCB #187-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% octaCB #195-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% nonaCB #206-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% decaCB #209-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% S` SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/-) Recovery RPD diCB #8-µg&g 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.9 119.5°/- triCB#18-µg&g 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.3 116.5% triCB #28-µg/kg 0000136-67 2.3 20.0 24.4 110.5% tehuM #44-µg&8 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 25.7 128.5% tetraCB+#49-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 27.3 136.5% tetraCB #52-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.5 117.5% tehuCB rµ8&8 0000136-67 2.7 20.0 26.8 120.5% pentaCB+#87-µg/kg 0000136-67 2.1 20.0 24.4 111.5% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Congeners by EPA 8082A Order#: 0708483 S SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct ('/o) Recovery RPD pentaCB #101-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.6 20.0 25.3 118.5% pentaCB #105-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 22.7 113.5% pentaCB #118-µg/k8 0000136-67 1.7 20.0 26.2 122.5% pentaCB #128-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.5 107.5% hexaCB #138-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.8 20.0 22.0 lot.% hexaCB #153-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.2 20.0 21.7 102.5% heptaCB #170-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.7 108.5% heptaCB#180-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.6 108.% heptaCB+#183-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 24.4 122.% heptaCB+#184-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.3 106.5% heptaC13#187-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.1 100.5% octaCB #195-µglkg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.4 102.% nonaCB #206-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 22.7 113.5% decaCB #209-p8&g 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.1 100.5% SD SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/.) Recovery RPD diCB #8-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 24.9 124.5% 4.1% triCB # 18-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.9 119.5% 2.50% triCB #28-µg/kg 0000136-67 23 20.0 25.3 115.% 3.6% tetraCB #44-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 26.5 132.5% 3.1% tet-CB+#49-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 26.2 131.% 4.1% tetraCB #52-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 24.4 122_% 3.8% tetmCB #66 -µPSB 0000136-67 2.7 20.0 27.4 123.5-/- 2.2% pentaCB+#87-pg/kg 0000136-67 2.1 20.0 23.2 105.5% 5.% pentaCB#101-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.6 20.0 26.3 123.5% 3.9% pentaCB #105-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.3 116.5% 2.6% pentaCB#118-pg/kg 0000136-67 1.7 20.0 26.2 122.5% 0.% pentaCB #128-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.8 109.% 1.4% hwmCB #138 -µ&/kg 0000136-67 1.8 20.0 22.3 102.5% 1.4-/. hexaCB #153-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.2 20.0 21.9 103.5% 0.9-/- heptaCB #170-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 21.7 108.5%- 0.% heptaCB#1Wttg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 22.2 111% 2.7%- heptaCB+#183-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 23.5 117.5% 3.8-/- hepWCB+#184-Ftg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.0 100_-/0 63% heptaCB#187-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.4 102.% 1.5-/- octaCB #195-pg/k8 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.9 104.5% 2.4% nonaCB #206-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 22.9 114.5-/- 0.9-/- decaCB #209-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 20.0 20.2 101./. 0.5% SRM SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/.) Recovery RPD Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 6304336 Connecticut Vesting Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Congeners by EPA 8082A Order: 0708483 SRM SEDIMENT Sample LAB -113 # Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/°) RPD Recovery diCB#8-Mg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 41.3 103.3% triCB #18-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 42.3 105.8% triCB #28-µg/kg 0017151-05 40-0 40.4 101.% tetmCB #44-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 40.7 101.8% tetraCB+#49-pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 35.8 89.5% tetraCB#52-pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 38.4 96.0/6 tetraCB #66-µgAkg 0017151-05 40.0 39.2 98.% pentaCB+#87-pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 35.6 89% pentaCB # 10 1 -pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 40.7 101.8% pentaCB#105-µg/kg 0017151-05 40-0 40.9 102.3% pentaCB #1 18-ttg/kg 0017151-05 40-0 39.9 99.8°/- pentaCB #128-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 39.4 98.5% hexaCB #138-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 37.5 93.8% hexaCB #153-pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 39.1 97.8-/° heptaCB #170-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 42.1 105.3% heptaCB #I 80-pgtkg 0017151-05 40-0 41.4 103.5% heptaCB+#183-ltg/kg 0017151-05 40-0 39.4 98.5% heptaCB+#184-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 38.1 95.3% heptaCB#187-pg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 38.9 97.3% octaCB #195-gg/kg 0017151-05 40-0 40.3 100.88/. norwCB #206-µ8/k8 0017151-05 40.0 43.7 109.3% decaCB #209-µg/kg 0017151-05 40.0 41.1 102.8% Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (-/°) BLANK 2,,C -DDD -SR 93% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL 2,,C -DDD -SR 97% 60 1 140 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE 2,4! -DDD -SR 114% 70 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (°/-) MS 2,,V -DDD -SR 115% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MSD 2,4' -DDD -SR 114% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) SRM 2,4'-DDDSR 102% 60 1 140 Conner* t Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, Cr 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - EPA 8290 Dioxin/Furans Order#: 0708483 HLANK SEDIMENT I -1B -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/o) RPD Recovery 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total TCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total PeCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HxCDD-pg/8 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL OCDD-pglg 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,7,8-TCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total TCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL Total HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL OCDF-pg/g 0017796-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMIIVT LAB -ID N Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%q) RPD Recovery 2,3,7,8-TCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 20.0 18.6 93.% 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD-p&tg 0017796-03 100 101 101.% 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 too 15.0 15.0/9 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 95.1 95.1% 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 104 104.% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 100 105 105.% OCDD-pg/g 0017796-03 200 214 107.-/0 2,3,7,8-TCDF-p8/g 0017796-03 20.0 20.6 103.-/- 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 103 103.-/- 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 100 100.-/0 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF-pg/8 0017796-03 100 97.7 97.7%- 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 98.2 982-/- 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 98.6 98.6% Conneeucut Testing Laberataries, Htc 165 Gracey Avtnue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (283) 634-3731 Fax: (20J),630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - EPA 8290 Dioxin/Furans order##: 0708483 CONTROL SEDIMENT Sample LAB -ID Coacentr. Spike I Coaceatr. QC Test Result Pct ("/o) RPD Recovery 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF-pgtg 0017796-03 too 101 101.% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF-pg/g 0017796-03 100 99.1 99.1% 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF-pgtg 0017796-03 100 95.3 95.3% OCDF-pgtg 0017796-03 200 1 206 101% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 6raeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Heavy Metals Order#: 0708483 BLANK LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/0) Recovery r3' RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Copper, Total -mg/kg 001719402 BDL Lead, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Mercury, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Nickel, Total -mg/kg 0017194-02 BDL Zinc, Total -mg/kg 001719402 BDL CONTROLSample SEDIMENTConcentr. LAB ID # Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (-/0) Recovery RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 0017194-03 280 278 99.3% Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 001719403 182 188 103.3% Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0017194-03 142 144 101.4% Copper, Total -mg/kg 001719403 132 143 108.3% Lead, Total -mg/kg 001719403 72.2 71.4 98.90/0 Mercury, Total -mg/kg 0017194-03 8.48 9.19 108.4% Nickel, Total -mg/kg 001719403 155 170 109.70/a Zinc, Total -mg/kg 0017194-03 346 329 95.1% UPLICATESample SEDIMENTConcentr. LAB ID # Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (-/.) Recovery RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 6.6 6.2 6.2% Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 0.290 0.310 6.7-/0 Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 27.0 26.8 0.7-/0 Copper, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 35.7 36.2 1.4% Lead, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 34.8 36.4 4.5% Mercury, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 0.240 0.250 4.1% Nickel, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 17.6 16.9 4.1% Zinc, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 75.2 71.9 4.5-/0 MS SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 6.6 280 270 94.1% Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 0.290 182 170 93.2% Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 27.0 142 160 93.70/a Copper, Tota! -mg/kg 0000136-67 35.7 132 166 98.7% Lead, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 34.8 72.2 99.2 89.2% Mommy, Total-mgtkg 0000136-67 0.240 8.48 9.68 111.3% Nickel, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 17.6 155 181 105.4% Zinc, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 75.2 346 364 83.5% SD SEDIMENT 1:AB-ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery - RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 1 0000136-67 1 6.6 280 280 97.6% 3.6% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Ine. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 6343731 Fax- (203) 630-1336 Connecticut 'besting Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Heavy Metals order#: 0708483 MSD LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPDSEDIMENT Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 0.290 182 185 101.5% 8.50/6 Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 27.0 142 174 103.5% 8.4% Copper, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 35.7 132 177 107.% 6.4% Lead, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 34.8 72.2 103 94.5% 3.8% Mercury, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 0.240 8.48 9.98 114.9% 3.1% Nickel, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 17.6 155 190 111.2% 4.98/6 Zinc, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 752 346 394 92.1% 7.90/a SIM SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Arsenic, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 7.76 7.39 95.20/6 Cadmium, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 35.6 36.2 101.7% Chromium, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 14.5 15.8 109.% Copper, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 15.5 15.4 99.4% Lead, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 14.1 15.5 109.90/0 Mercury, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 0.820 0.830 101.20/6 Nickel, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 28.6 28.5 99.70/9 Zinc, Total -mg/kg 0017194-05 89.0 92.5 103.9% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - PAH's by 8270C Order#: 0708483 3LANK��� SEDIMENT SampleSpike Concentr. Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (0/°) Recovery RPD Naphthalene-pg/kg 0017044-02 BDL Acenaphthylene-µg/kg 0017044-02 BDL Acenaphthene-pgAg 001704402 BDL Fluorene-µg/kg 0017044-02 BDL p ine-pg/kg 001704402 BDL Anth—µg/kg 0017044-02 BDL F1uoranthene-µ€mg 001704402 BDL Pyiene-µ8/k8 001704402 BDL Benzo(a)anth -Pg/k8 001704402 BDL Cky pg/k8 001704402 BDL Benzo(b)fluorant►enc-µlig 001704402 BDL Benzo(k) luoranth—µg/kg 001704402 BDL Benzo(a)py-ce-p&/kg 001704402 BDL Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrere-pg/kg 001704402 BDL Dibenzo(a,h)Anth--a-µg/kg 001704402 BDL Benzo(g h,i)Perylene-µg/kg 001704402 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -11) LAB -11) # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/s) Recovery RPD Naphthalene-pg/kg 0017044-03 600 597 99.5% Acenaphthylene-µg/kg 0017044-03 600 604 100.7% Acenaphthe—ttg/kg 001704403 600 596 99.3% Fluorene-pg/kg 001704403 600 598 99.70/6 P>renanthrene-µg/kg 0017044-03 600 600 100-% And--µg/kg 0017044-03 600 595 99.2% Fluoranthene-pg/kg 0017044-03 600 603 100.5% Pyre -pg/kg 0017044-03 600 583 97.2% Benzo(a)anthuacene-pg/kg 0017044-03 600 577 96.2% Chyse—gg/1cg 001704403 600 583 97.2% Bc—(b)tluonand—pg/kg 0017044-03 600 593 98.8% Benzo(k)fluoranffiene,-jtg/kg 0017044-03 600 606 101.% Benzo(a)py pg/kg 001704403 600 586 974% Indenw(12,3-cd)Pyr ltg/kg 0017044-03 600 585 97.5% Dibenzo(a,h)Auth—tug/kg 0017044-03 600 596 99.3% Benzo(g,h,irerylene-pg/kg 0017044-03 600 601 100.20/0 UPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -10D # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (°/0) Recovery RPD Naphthalene-µg/kg 00001308 BDL BDL 0.°/s Acenaphthyl—pg/kg 0000136-68 BDL BDL 0.% Acenaphth—pg/k8 0000136-68 BDL BDL 0.% Fluorene-pgft 0000136-68 BDL BDL 0.% Connecdcat Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone- (203) 634-3731 Fav (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - PAH's by 8270C Order/#: 0708483 DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (°�.) Recovery RPD Phenanth- -Mg/kg 0000136-68 14.0 13.0 7.4% Anthracene-µg/kg 0000136-68 5.0 4.0 22.2% Fluoranthene-µg/kg 0000136-68 35.0 30.0 15.4% Pym-Rg/kg 0000136-68 37.0 33.0 11.4% Benzo(a)anduacene-µg/kg 0000136-68 16.0 15.0 6.5% Chrysene-µg/kg 0000136-68 23.0 21.0 9.1% Benzo(b)tluoranthen"g/kg 0000136-68 31.0 23.0 29.66/9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene-µg/kg 0000136-68 13.0 11.0 16.7% Benw(a)Py-µg/kg 0000136-68 23.0 18.0 24.40/a bW-o(1,2,3-cd)Py-jtg/k8 0000136-68 17.0 14.0 19.40/a Dibenzo(0)Anthracene-gg/kg 0000136-68 BDL BDL 0.% I3enzo(g 4i)Pery1-pg/kg 0000136-68 21.0 19.0 10.%° S SEDIMENT I AB ID Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (°/.) Recovery RPD Naphthalene-pg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 603 100.5% Acenaphthylene-pg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 604 100.70/6 Acenaphthene-gg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 602 100.3% Fluorene-µg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 602 100.3% Phenanthrene-pg/kg 0000136-68 14.0 600 612 99.70/a Anthracene-Rg/kg 0000136-68 5.0 600 600 99.20/0 Fluoranthe-pg/kg 0000136-68 35.0 600 634 99.8% Py-ttg/k8 0000136-68 37.0 600 631 99.% Benzo(a)anthrace-pg/kg 0000136-68 16.0 600 611 99.2% Cluy-pg/kg 0000136-68 23.0 600 625 100.3% Benzo(b) luoranthene-pg/kg 0000136-68 31.0 600 630 99.80/0 Benzo(k)tluoranthc-pg/kg 0000136-68 13.0 600 613 100.% Benzo(a)Pyrene-ltg/kg 0000136-68 23.0 600 625 100.3% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyr--µg/kg 0000136-68 1 17.0 600 615 99.76/° Dib--(a,h)An-Ng/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 606 101-% >1enzo(g,h.►)Pery1ene-µg/kg 0000136-68 21.0 600 624 100.5% SD SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Coneentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (°/s) Recovery RPD Naphthalene-Nglkg 0000136-68 BDL 600 603 100.5% 0.% Acenaphthylene-µg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 605 100.8% 0.2% Acenaphthene-gg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 602 100.3% 0.% Fluorene-pg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 594 99.% 1.3% Phenanth- -pg/kg 0000136-68 14.0 600 615 100.20/9 0.5% Antluacene-Pg/kS 0000136-68 5.0 600 600 99.2°i° 0.% Fh-antheno-µg/kg 0000136-68 35.0 600 636 10020/0 0.30/9 Py-pg/kg 0000136-68 37.0 600 634 99.5% 0.5% Connecdcat Tesdng Laboratories, Inc 165 Graney Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203} 634-3731 Far. (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - PAH's by 8270C orderat: 0708483 MSD f SEDIMENT LAB -11D # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Teat Result Pct (•/0) Recovery RPD Benzo(a)anthracene-pg/kg 0000136-68 16.0 600 611 99.2% 0.% Chrysene-pgAg 0000136-68 23.0 600 628 100.8% 0.5% Benzo(b)fl-nmthene-pg/kg 0000136-68 31.0 600 631 100.% 0.20/6 Benzo(k)fluoranthcne-pg/kg 0000136-68 13.0 600 610 99.5% 0.5% Benzo(a)pyrene-pg/kg 0000136-68 23.0 600 625 100.3% 0.% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene-pg/kg 0000136-68 17.0 600 613 99.3% 0.3% Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene-pg/kg 0000136-68 BDL 600 604 100.7% 0.3% Benzo(g,h, )Perylene-pg/kg 0000136-68 21.0 600 623 100.3% 0.2% SRMSample SEDIMENT LAB ID # Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Naphthal-pg/kg 0017044-05 600 594 99.% Acenaphthylene-pg/kg 0017044-05 600 601 100.2% Acenaphthene-pg/kg 001704405 600 603 100.5% Fluorenepg/kg 001704405 600 602 100.3% Phenanthrene•pgAcg 001704405 600 604 100.7% Anthracene-pg/kg 0017044-05 600 594 99.% Fluoranthene-gg/kg 0017044-05 600 591 98.5% Py-ce-pg/kB 0017044-05 600 611 101.8% Benzo(a)and-pg/kg 001704405 600 608 101.3% Chrysene-pgtk8 001704405 600 603 100.5% Benzo(b)fluorand- -pg/kg 0017044-05 600 586 97.7% Benzo(k)tluo-dwne-pg/kg 001704405 600 605 100.8% Ben-(a)Py-pg/kg 0017044-05 600 600 100.% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrenapg/kg 0017044-05 600 607 101.2% Dibenzo(0)Anthra -pg/kg 001704405 600 596 99.3% Benzo(ghv)Perylene-pg/kg 001704405 600 597 99.5% Connedkut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fag: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - PAH's by 8270C Order#: 0708483 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits 0/6) BLANK 2-Fluorobipherryl 101% 60 130 BLANK Nitrobenzene -d5 102% 60 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL 2-Ruorobiphenyl 102% 60 140 CONTROL Nitrobenzene -d5 99% 60 140 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE 2-Fluorobiphenyl 104% 60 130 DUPLICATE Nitrobenzene -0 100% 60 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MS 2-Fluorobiphenyl 103% 60 130 MS Nitrobenzene -0 101% 60 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates %. Recovered QC Limits (%) MSD 2-Fluorobipherryl 103% 60 130 MSD Nitrobenzene -d5 104% 60 130 Type of QC Surrogates %. Recovered QC Limits (%) SRM 2-Fluorobiphenyl 103% 0 0 SRM Nitrobenzen"5 97% 0 1 0 C&wwaic t Tesfing Le58ratories, Inc 165 Graeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Pesticides by EPA 8081B order#: 0708483 BLANK SEDIMENT LAB -ID iI Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD Recovery Aldrin-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL cis-Chlordane-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL trans-Chlordane-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL cis-Nonachlor-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL trans-Nonachlor--µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Oxychlordane-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL 4,4'-DDT-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL 4,4'-DDE-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL 4,4'-DDD-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Dieldrin-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL alpha-Endosulfan-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL beta-Endosulfanw/kg 0017152-02 BDL Endrin-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Heptachlor-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Heptachlor EpoxideµgAg 0017152-02 BDL Hexachlorobenzene-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Lindane-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Methoxychlor-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL Toxaphene-pg/kg 0017152-02 BDL PCBs, Total-µg/kg 0017152-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD Recovery Aldrin-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 40.0 100.% cis-Chlordane-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 38.2 95.5% trans-Chlordane-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.1 97.8% cis-Nonachlor-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 38.3 95.8% trans-Nonachlor--Mg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 38.4 96.% 0xychlordane-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 37.6 94.% 4,4'-DDT-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.4 98.50A 4,4'-DDE-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 40.2 100.5% 4,4'-DDD-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.1 97.80/a Dieldrin-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.6 99.% alpha-Endostdfan-µgig 0017152-03 40.0 39.6 99.% beta-Endosolfan-ling 0017152-03 40.0 402 100.5% Endrin-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.6 99% Heptachlor-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.8 99.50/0 HeptachlorEpoxidaµg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.2 98.% Hexachlorobenzene-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 40.6 101.5% Lindane-pg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 40.2 1 100.5% Methoxychlor-µg/kg 0017152-03 40.0 39.4 98.5% Conneedeat Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 6343731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Pesticides by EPA 8081B Order#: 0708483 CONTROL SEDIMENT LAB -ID # sample Conceotr. spike Coocentr. QC Test Result Pet Recovery RPD Toxaphene-µg/kg 00 1 7152-OiT 1,200 1,350 112.5% DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB ID # sample Coucentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (0/°) Recovery RPD Aldrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% cis-Chlordane-µg/kg 0000136-67 BD- BDL 0.% trans-Chlordane-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% cis-Nonachlor-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% trans-Nonachlor--µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Oxychlorda-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 4,4'-DDT-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 4,4'-DDE-pg/kg 0000136-67 1.9 1.9 0.% 4,4'-DDD-µg/kg 0000136-67 5.1 4.6 10.3% Dieldrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% alpha-Endosulfan-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% beta-Endosulfan-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Endrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Heptachlor-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Heptachlor Epoxide-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Hexachbrobenzene•µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Lindane-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Methoxychlor-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Toxaphene-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% PCBs, Total-µg/kg 0000136-67 22.6 20.8 8.3% S SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Coocentr. Spike Conceutr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Aldrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 39.1 97.80/6 cis -Chlordane pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 36.3 90.8% trans-Chlordane-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.1 95.3% cis-Nonachlor-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.7 96.88% trans-Nonachlor-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 36.1 90.3% Oxychlordane-µgAg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 39.1 97.80A 4,4'-DDT-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.1 95.30A 4,4'-DDE-µg/kg 0000136-67 1.9 40.0 51.9 125.% 4,4'-DDD-µg/kg 0000136-67 5.1 40.0 56.0 127.3% Dieldrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 35.9 89.80/0 alpha-Endosulfan-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 37.7 94.3% beta-Endosulfan-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 41.2 103.% Endrin-µg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.7 96.8% Heptachlor µglkg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 39.5 98.80/0 Heptachlor Epoxide-µg/kg 1 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.7 96.8% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Ina 165 Graeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Pesticides by EPA 8081B Order#: 0708483 MS SEDIMENT LAB -11) # Sample Conceutr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Hexachlorobenzene-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 41.8 104.5% Lindane-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 41.3 103.3% Methoxychlor-pglkg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 46.1 115.3% Toxaphene-gg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 1,200 1,080 89.70/6 MSD SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Aldrin-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.4 96.% 1.8% cis-Chlordane-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 35.1 87.8% 3.40/6 ftwm-Chlordane-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 36.6 91.5% 4.% cis-Nonachlor-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 37.1 92.8% 4.20/9 trans Nonachlor-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 34.4 86.% 4.8% Oxychlordane-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 37.2 93% 5.% 4,4'-DDT-pgNg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 30.6 76.50/9 21.8% 4,4'-DDE-pg/kg 0000136-67 1.9 40.0 50.2 120.8% 3.3% 4,4'-DDD-pg/kg 0000136-67 5.1 40.0 56.1 127.5% 0.20/0 Dieldrin-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 34.0 85.% 5.4% alpha Endosulfan-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 36.8 92.% 2.40/a beta-Endosulfan-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 39.7 99.3% 3.70/6 Endrin-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 37.0 92.5% 4.5% Heptachlor-gg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 38.2 95.5% 3.3% HeptachbrEpoxide-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 37.9 94.8% 2.1% Hexachlorobenzeae•gg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 40.5 101.3% 3.20/6 Linda-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 41.1 102.8% 0.5016 Methoxychlor-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 40.0 35.4 88.5% 26.3% Toxaphene-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 1,200 990 82.5% 83% SRM SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Aldrin-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 61.5 102.5% cis-Chlordane-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 59.0 98.3% trans-Chlordarnc-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 59.7 99.5% cis-Nonachlor-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 58.7 97.8% trans-Nonschlor-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 59.7 99.5% Oxychlordana-MIS 0017152-05 60.0 58.9 98.2% 4,4'-DDT-pg1kg 0017152-05 60.0 60.0 100.% 4,4'-DDE-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 61.0 101.7% 4,4'-DDD•pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 60.5 100.8% Dieldrin-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 60.7 101.2% alpha-Endosulfan-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 60.4 100.7% beta-Endosalfen-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 62.6 104.3% Endrin -gg/kg 0017152-05 1 60.0 61.2 102.% Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Graeey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 ConnecticutTesting Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment - Pesticides by EPA 8081B Order#: 0708M S" SEDIMENT SEDIMENT # Sample Conceutr. Spike Coueentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) RPD—� Recovery Heptachlor-pg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 61.1 101.80/. Heptachlor Epoxide-µg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 61.2 102.% Hexachlorobenzenewft 0017152-05 60.0 59.8 99.7% Lindane-µgAg 0017152-05 60.0 61.9 103.2% Methoxychlor-µg/kg 0017152-05 60.0 60.4 100.7% Toxaphene-pg/kg 0017152-05 1,200 1,300 108.60/6 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) BLANK 2,4' -DDD -SR 95% 70 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL 2,4' -DDD -SR 106% 60 140 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE 2,4' -DDD -SR 120% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MS 2,N -DDD -SR 120% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MSD 2,4' -DDD -SR 113% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) SRM 2,4' -DDD -SR 105% 60 1 140 t:,onnecticat Testing Laboratories, Ina 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment Mirex Order#: 0708483 BLANKLAB-ID SEDDAENT # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Mirex-pg/kg 0017784-02 BLANK BDL 102% 60 1 130 CONTROL SIDIMENT Sample LAB >D Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Mirex-µg/kg 001778¢03 1,000 957 95.7% 60140 DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB ID # sample Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Mirex-pg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 0000136-67 Type of QC BDL % Recovered 0.% Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) BLANK 2-Fluorobiphenyl 106°.6 60 130 BLANK Nitrobenzene -d5 102% 60 1 130 BLANK p-Terpenyl-d14 110% 60 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL 2-Ruorobiphenyl 87% 60140 CONTROL Nitrobenzene -d560 60 140 CONTROL p-Terpenyl-d`14 106% 60 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE 2-Fluorobiphenyl 104% 60 130 DUPLICATE Nitrobenzero45 94% 60 130 DUPLICATE p-Terpenyl-d14 75% 60 130 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (343) 634-3731 Tax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bulk Sediment TOC / Water Order#: 0708483 BI.A1Vg SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/s) Recovery RPD Total Organic Carbon-% 0017149-02 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT Sample LAB ID # Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (Y°) Recovery RPD Total Organic Carbon "/° 0017149-03 8.0 7.84 98.% DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -11D # Sample Concentr. spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Total Organic carbon% 0000136-68 1.2 12 0•% Mia SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Total Organic carbon-% 0000136-68 12 8.0 728 76.% SD SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Total Organic Carbon-% 0000136-68 1-2 8.0 6.88 71.% 6.% ,SRM SEDIMENT LAB -ED # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (%) Recovery RPD Total Organic Carbon -8/6 0017149-05 3.3 3.55 107.60/6 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc_ 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8081 Chlordane - RCP Order##: 0708M BLANK SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Chlordane-ug/Kg 0017893-62—T Type of QC BDL CONTROL Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR 102% ::q:T CONTROL SEDIMENT Sample LAB ID # Concentn Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Chlordane-ugXg 0017893-03 1 1 40.0 138.7 96.8°i° Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (°/.) BLANK Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR 97% 70 130 ;BLANK Decachlorobiphenyl-SR 95% 70 1 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (°/.) CONTROL Tetrachloro-m-Xylene-SR 102% ::q:T CONTROL DecachlorobiphergI-SR 1 106% 1 0 1 0 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 6343731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds order#: 0708483 BLANK�� SEDIMENT # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL Toluene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL Ethyl Benzene-ug1Kg 0017782-02 BDL p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene -44 0017782-02 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-02 BDL WBE-ugllcg 0017782-02 1 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT IAB -11D # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 148 92.5% Toluene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 152 95.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 157 98.1% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 320 319 99.70/6 o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 156 97.5% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 160 100.% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 159 99.40/a 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 166 103.8% MTBE-ug/Kg 0017782-03 160 141 88.1% DUPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (•�.) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% l,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% l,3-Dichloroben=e-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MTBE-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL BDL 0.% MSLAB SEDIMENT ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (•k) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 119 74.4% Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 116 72.5% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 140 878% p/m-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 273 85.3% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 124 77.5% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 126 78.80/6 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 95.0 59.4% 1,2-Dichloroben=e-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 1 160 94.0 58.80/6 Cormec aicnt Testing Laborat©ries, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 6343731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut 'besting Laboratories, Inc. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT EPA 8260B BTEX Compounds Order#: 0708483 M5 SEDIMENT LAB -ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD MTBE-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 114 71.3% 4 -Brom Awrobenzene MSD SEDIMENT ��� # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RPD Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 132 82.5% 10.40/6 Toluene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.90/0 12.1% Ethyl Benzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 131 81.90/0 6.60/6 pt -Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 320 269 84.1% 1.5% o-Xylene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 120 75.% 3.3% 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 19.1% 1,3-Dichlorobenzene-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 104 65.% 9.% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene•ug/K8 0000136-67 BDL 160 97.0 60.60/9 3.1% MTBE-ug/Kg 0000136-67 BDL 160 118 73.80/9 3.4% Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) BLANK 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 109% 70 130 BLANK Toluene -0 101% 70 130 BLANK 4 -Brom Awrobenzene 106% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) CONTROL 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 0 0 CONTROL Toluen A8 70 130 CONTROL 4-Bromofluorobenzene j-%/- 5Recovered 40 140 Type of QC Surrogates QC Limits (%) DUPLICATE 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 70 130 DUPLICATE Toluene -d8 105% 70 130 DUPLICATE 4-Bromofluorobenzene 111% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits (%) MS 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 81% 70 130 MS Toluene -d8 105% 70 130 MS 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109% 70 130 Type of QC Surrogates % Recovered QC Limits(-/-). MSD 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86% 70 130 MSD Toluene -d8 105% 70 130 MSD 4-Bromofluorobenzene 110% 70 130 Conneeticat Testing Laboratories, Inc_ 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax: (203) 630-1336 Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. QUALM CONTROL REPORT Test Parameters order#: 0708483 Bjt LAB -VD # SEDIMENT Sample Concentr. Spike Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (%) Recovery RP Silver, Tomg/kg tal- 0017582-01 BDL CONTROL SEDIMENT Sample LAB -D) # Concentr. Spike Concentr. ( R Test Recovery PRecover RPb Silver, Total -mg/kg 0017582-02 126 128 101.6% UPLICATE SEDIMENT LAB -ED # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pet (°/.) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-68 BDL BDL 0 MS SEDIMENT LAB ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 126 120 95.2% MSD SEDIMENT i AI3 ID # Sample Concentr. Spike Concentr. QC Test Result Pct (°/.) Recovery RPD Silver, Total -mg/kg 0000136-67 BDL 126 125 99.2% 4.1% Conneeiicut TestingLaboratories, Inc 165 Gracey Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Phone: (203) 634-3731 Fax. (203) 638-1336 qk �t.. t b �o ' a 0 APPENDIX II QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY TABLES Table U-1: Completeness Checklist Quality Assurance/Quality Control Questions Yes/No? Comments? 1. Was the report signed by the responsible applicant approved representative? 2. Were the methods for sampling, chemical and biological testing described in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and the Laboratory QA Plan (LQAP) followed? 3. If not, were deviations documented? ^� 4. Was the SAP approved by the New England District? 5. Did the applicant use a laboratory with a LQAP on file at the New England District? 6. Did the samples adequately represent the physicallchemical variability in the dredging area? 7. Were the correct stations sampled (include the precision of the navigation method used)? 8. Were the preservation and storage requirements in Chapter 8 of the EPA/Corps QA/QC Manual (EPA/1JSACE 1995) and EPA (2001d) followed? 9. Were the samples properly labeled? 10. Were all the requested data included? 11. Were the reporting limits met? 12. Were the chain -of -custody forms property processed? 13. Were the method blanks run and were the concentration below the acceptance criteria? 14. Was the MDL study performed on each matrix (with this data submission) or within the last 12 months? 15. Were the SRM/CRM analyses within acceptance criteria? Table U-1 (continued): Completeness Checklist Quality Assurance/Qual4 Control Questions Yes/No? Comments? 16. Were the matrix sp&e/matrix spilce duplicates run at the requited frequency and was the percent recovery/RPD within the acceptance criteria? � } 17. Were the duplicate samples analyzed and were the RPDs within the required acceptance criteria? LIM 18. For each analytical fraction of organic compounds, were recoveries for the internal standard within the acceptance criteria? 19. Were surrogate recoveries within the required acceptance criteria? 20. Were corrective action forms provided for all non -conforming data? ,.. 21. Were all the species-specific test conditions in Appendix V met? IVA 22. Were the test -specific age requirements met for each test species? 23. Was the bulk physical/chemical testing performed on the sediments/composites that were biologically tested? 24. Were the mortality acceptance criteria met for the water column and sediment toxicity tests? 25. Were the test performance requirements in Table 11.3 of EPA (1994a) met? Table U-2: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other base -neutrals in Sediment and Tissue Matrices Method Reference Number: 8270C Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Initial Calibration Must be performed prior to the analysis Retained at Lab of any QC sample or field sample (<20 % RSD for each compound) Calculation of Method Detection For each matrix, analy2:od once per 12 In Data Package Limits (MDLs) month period (see Section 5.2 for MDL procedure) Calibration Verification (Second Once, after initial calibration (80 to Retained at Lab Source) 1200/9 recovery of each compound) Continuing Calibration At the beginning of every 12 hour shift Retained at Lab (t 15 % D) Standard Reference Materials Within the limits provided by vendor in. Data Package Method Blank No target analytes > RL In Data Package Matra Spike/Matrix Spike One set (MS/MSD) per group of field In Data Package Duplicate (MS/MSD) samples. Must contain all target analytes. (Recovery Limits 50 to 120%; RPD <30% Table II -2 (continued): Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other base - neutrals in Sediment and Tissue Matrices Method Reference Number: 8270C Quality Control (QC) Element Analytical Replicates Surrogate Recoveries Internal Standard Areas Acceptance Criteria* Analyze one sample in duplicate for each group of field samples (RPD < 301/6) Calculate % recovery (30 to 1501/6 recovery) Within 50 to 2000/6 of internal standards * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If table. n Criteria List results outside Met? criteria Yes/No (Cross-reference results table in data report) Location of Results (Retained at Lab or in Data In Data Package In Data Package In Data Package criteria are used, they must be documented in this Table II -3: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Pesticides in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Number: 8081B Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Initial Calibration Must be performed prior to the analysis Retained at Lab of any QC sample or field sample (< 20 % RSD for each compound) Calculation of Method Detection For each matrix, analyzed once per 12 In Data Package - Limits (MDLs) month period (see Section 5.2 for MDL 110 procedure) Calibration Verification (Second Once, after initial calibration (80 to Retained at Lab Source) 120% recovery of each compound) Continuing Calibration Every 20 injections (f 15 % D) Retained at Lab Standard Reference Materials Within the limits provided by vendor In Data Package Method Blank No target analytes > RL In Data Package Matrix SpikelMatrvc Splice One set (MS/MSD) per group of field j �. G- D" /N Data P e— " In Duplicate (MS/MSD) samples. Must contain all target analytes. (Recovery Limits 50 to 120%; 4P — JVJ919 AS /Z?-�3.S C� === RPD <30% NNUMEMOMEMNA ro wr 3-274 CPO o -J-10 Table II -3 (continued): Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Pesticides in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Number: 8081 B Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Pacts !) Analytical Replicates Analyze one sample in duplicate for In Data Package each group of field samples (RPD < 30°/a) Surrogate Recoveries Calculate % recovery (30 to 150% In Data Package recovery) * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 6 Table II4: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Polychorinated Biphenyls (PCB congeners) in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Number: 8082A Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside Location of Element Met? criteria Results Yes/No (Cross-reference results (Retained at Lab table in data report) or in Data Package) Initial Calibration Must be performed prior to the analysis Retained at Lab of any QC sample or field sample (<20 t. % RSD for each compound) Calculation of Method Detection For each matrix, analyzed once per 12 In Data Package Limits (MDLs) month period (see Section 5.2 for MDL procedure) Calibration Verification (Second Once, after initial calibration. (80 to Retained at Lab Source) 120% recovery of each compound) Continuing Calibration Every 20 injections (f 15 % D) Retained at Lab Standard Reference Materials Within the limits provided by vendor In Data Package Method Blank No target analytes > RL In Data Package Matra Spikc/Matrix Spike One set (MS/MSD) per group of field r ( f iZirS o So Duplicate (MS/MSD) samples. Must contain all target"" analytes. (Recovery Limits 50 to 12(%; (/ /iS 13d ;�.s /I �/I(.� % �,$ /o tiO . RPD <30%) 11 Ir 4U / C -c.113 /1$ / Jr !V g- Mw S�. /Ysv "z�t !O'm Bim, a /`'SSA 123 -s �o, DyleC Table II4 (continued): Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Polychorinated Biphenyls (PCB congeners) in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Number: 8082A * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 8 Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside Location of Quality Control (QC) Element Met? criteria Results Yes/No (Cross-reference results (Retained at Lab table in data report) or in Data Package) Analytical Replicates Analyze one sample in duplicate for In Data Pack -age each group of field samples (RPD < L 30%) Surrogate Recoveries Calculate % recovery (30 to 150°/a recovery) In Data Package * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 8 Table II -5: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Metals in Sediments, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Numbers: Various Reference Numbers Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteri List resuits outside criteria Location of Element a Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Linear Range Determination for Performed Quarterly Retained at Lab ICP Initial Calibration for AA, Hg Performed Daily (Correlation Retained at Lab Coefficient 20.995) Calculation of Method Detection For each matrix, analyzed once per 12 In Data Package Limits (MDLs) month period (see Section 5.2 for MDL procedure) Initial Calibration Verification/ Hg; 80 to 120% recovery Retained at Lab Continuing Calibration Other metals: 90 to 11096 recovery Verification Initial Calibration Blank/ No target analytes > Instrument Retained at Lab Continuing Calibration Blank Detection Limit (IDL) Standard Reference Materials Within the limits provided by vendor In Data Package Method Blank No target analytes > RL l/ In Data Package Sample Spike/ Sample Duplicate One set per group of field samples. Criteri List results outside criteria In Data Package Element Must contain all target analytes. a Met? (Cross-reference results Results Recovery Limits (75 to 125%; RPD < Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab 201/6 or < 35% or in Data Table 11-5 (continued): Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Metals in Sediments, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Numhers- Various Reference Numherc Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteri List results outside criteria Location of Element a Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Pack$ e Analytical Replicates Analyze one sample in duplicate for each In Data Package group of fields les D < 30% * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 10 Table 11-6: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of other Organic Chemicals not listed in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Methnd Reference Numbers! Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Initial Calibration Must be performed prior to the analysis Retained at Lab of any QC sample or field sample.(<20 % RSD for each compound) Calculation of Method Detection For each matrix, analyzed once per 12 In Data Package Limits (MDLs) month period (see Section 5.2 for MDL procedure) Calibration Verification (Second Once, atter initial calibration (90 to Retained at Lab Source) 1201/6 recovery of each compound) Continuing Calibration At the beginning of every 12 hour shift Retained at Lab (t 15 % D) Standard Reference Materials Within the limits provided by vendor In Data Package Method Blank No target analytes > RL In Data Package Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike One set (MS/MSD) per group of field In Data Package Duplicate (MS/MSD) samples. Must contain all target analytes. (Recovery Limits 50 to 120%• RPD <301/a Table II -6 (continued): Quality Control Summary for Analyses of other Organic Chemicals not listed in Sediment, Tissue and Water Matrices Method Reference Numbers: Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Packa e Analytical Replicates Analyze one sample in duplicate for In Data Package each group of field samples (RPD < n%4 300/o) Surrogate Recoveries Calculate % recovery (30 to 150°/a In Data Package recovery) Internal Standard Areas Within 50 to 2000A of internal standards In Data Package (if applicable) in continuing calibration check * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 12 Table II -7: Quality Control Summary for Analyses of Sediment Grain Size and Total Organic Carbon Method Reference Numbers: Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Grain Size: one le in du licate for �� �P P In Data Package Analytical Replicates each group of field samples ( RPD < 25%) Total Organic Carbon: Within the limits provided by vendor In Data Package Standard Reference Materials Total Organic Carbon: Analyze one sample in duplicate for In Data Package Analytical Replicates each group of field samples (RPD < 30% * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If lternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 13 Table II -8: Quality Control Summary for Biological Toxicity Testing only Method Reference Numbers: Quality Control (QC) Acceptance Criteria* Criteria List results outside criteria Location of Element Met? (Cross-reference results Results Yes/No table in data report) (Retained at Lab or in Data Package) Test condition requirements for each In Data Package species: Temperature, Salinity, pH, D.O., Test conditions within the Ammonia (Total, Un -ionized) requirements specified for each species Test species age Agw1calth within guidelines for each In Data Package species (Appendix V) Bulk physicaVchemical analyses (If Required? If so, perfomud? Yes or No In Data Package required by the Sampling plan) Water column toxicity test: In Data Package Control mortality < 10% mean Control abnormality < 300/6 musselloyster;: 40% clam larvae, < 300/6 sea urchin larvae Sediment toxicity test: In Data Package Control mortality < 100/6 mean (no chamber > 20%) Compliance with applicabic See EPA (1994a) Section 9; Table 11.3 test acceptability requirements in Table 11.3 (EPA 1994a * The Quality Control Acceptance Criteria are general guidelines. If alternate criteria are used, they must be documented in this table. 14 Hate Samples Received: 7/17108 Client Name: Docko, Inc. CTL Lab No.: 0708483 Report Date: 10/7/08 PO/ Job No. : FIYC RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Washed Sieve Analysis ASTM D-4221 D-1140 Date Analyzed: 7/18108 Iftbix Type: CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Percent by M. Passing Matrix Type CTL Sample No.: Field ID: Percent by Wt. Passing S S S S 12646 12647 12648 12649 FIYC-1 FIYC-2 FIYC-3 FIYC-4 Sieve Size No.4 99.7 99.5 99.6 100.0 No. 10 98.6 98.6 98.6 99.6 No. 40 93.1 96.1 96.7 96.2 No. 200 87.1 93.3 94.7 38.4 S S 12650 12646 FFYC-5 FIYC-1 'Duplicate Sieve Size Mabix TWe: ilk= VfttedAqueous S= Soii#SoW fl= OWHydrocarbon Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue I Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHO5471 MA-CT035 KTk M. .. .; Mabix TWe: ilk= VfttedAqueous S= Soii#SoW fl= OWHydrocarbon Connecticut Testing Laboratories, Inc. 165 Gracey Avenue I Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 634-3731 (Fax) 630-1336 Certification CT-PHO5471 MA-CT035