HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-33.-4-320- OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: John Bredemeyer, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: December 5, 2014 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Management Permit for JANE & VINCENT MARTORANA SCTM# 1000-33-4-32 En -Consultants on behalf of JANE & VINCENT MARTORANA requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Management Permit to install approximately 70 linear feet of gabion revetment consisting of two vertically stacked rows of stone gabions (filled with 4"-8" stone rip -rap), over 50- 100 pound core stone; re -nourish eroded lower bluff area along approximately 88 linear feet of shoreline (inclusive of area landward of proposed gabions) with approximately 230 cubic yards of fill material, including approximately 130 cubic yards of on-site material derived from gabion installation, and up to 100 cubic yards of clean sand fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source; terrace an approximately 1,245 square foot area landward of gabions; and re -vegetate restored areas with native vegetation. Located: 700 Sound Drive, Greenport. SCTM# 33-4-32 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided that: 1. No naturally occurring boulders or stones are removed from the beach or waters. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney 'Town of Southold i LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM q�,ed A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for perm its' including Town of Southold agencies, shall com plete this CCA F for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold W aterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessm ent is intended to supplem ent other inform ation used by a Town of Southold agency in m a k in g a d e to r m in a t i o n o f c o n s is to n c y. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listing both supporting and non - supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 33 - 4 - 32 Nov 1 7 2014 PROJECT NAME Jane & Vincent Martorana The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response):_ Town Board ❑ Planning Board ❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 125 Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: N Install approximately 70 I.f. of "gabion revetment" consisting of two vertically stacked rows of stone gabions (filled with 4" - 8" stone rip -rap) over 50 - 100 lb core stone; renourish eroded lower bluff area along approximately 88 l.f of shoreline (inclusive of area landward of proposed gabions) with approximately 230 cubic yards of fill material, including approximately 130 cy of on-site material derived from gabion installation and up to 100 cy of clean sand fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source; terrace an approximately 1,245 sf area landward of gabions; and revegetate restored areas with native vegetation, all as depicted and described on the engineering plans prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., P.C., dated May 20, 2014. Location of action: 700 Sound Drive, Greenport Site acreage: 1.081 acres Present land use: Residential, one -family dwelling Present zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Jane & Vincent Martorana (b) Mailing address: 184 Avenue A Holbrook, NY 11741 (c) Telephone number: Area Code 631-981-0811 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ® No ❑ If yes, which state or federal agency? NYS DEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable See attached. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable LWRP ADDENDUM FOR JANE & VINCENT MARTORANA 700 SOUND DRIVE GREENPORT, NY SCTM #1000-33-4-32 POLICY 4. The lower portion of the bluff face at the site has been significantly eroded, resulting in the sloughing of bluff soils and loss of vegetation, a condition which if allowed to continue and worsen will ultimately result in more severe erosion and the undermining of the structural integrity of the existing bluff stairway. Therefore, the project seeks to stabilize the erosional area by a) placing a "gabion revetment" along an approximately 70' wide section of bluff toe, generally between two areas of existing rocks that presently provide bluff toe protection; and b) restoring the lower bluff face behind the gabions (and some distance on either side of them) through placement of renourishment material to be planted with native vegetation and stabilized with terracing. The impacts of the project will thus be to stabilize and restore the presently eroding portion of bluff, the site's natural protective feature, and in turn protect the existing bluff stairway from erosion damage. Consistent with Policy 4 of the LWRP, the scale of the project is limited to the bluff area that is suffering from erosion, and the design a) utilizes the use of "soft restoration," i.e., sand renourishment and vegetative restoration and enhancement as the primary means of restoration; and b) limits the use of hard stabilization to what is necessary for protecting the section of bluff toe not currently protected by existing stone and stabilizing the renourishment material to provide the greatest possibility for the successful establishment and survival of the proposed re -vegetation. Further consistent with Chapter 275-11(B)(1)(b) and Chapter 111-15, because the structure is proposed well landward of spring high water and in the center of the property between two areas of existing rocks located adjacent to both property lines (where the existing rocks continue along the adjacent bluff toe to the west), the project will not encroach on the beach; cause an increase in erosion at the site or adjacent properties; or otherwise adversely impact coastal processes or resources. The project will therefore be consistent with Policy 4. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes [:]No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water -dependent uses and promote siting of new water -dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PREPARED BY Amended on 811105 TITLE Coastal Mgmt. Specialist DATENov. 6, 2014 _C„SEE SEC. NO - i\ m OR PLI. NO FOR RCL. NO OR PCL. NO i SEE SEC NO SEE SEC. bEE SEC. NO. SEE ------ ------ ---�-- SEEEEC.NO.WE S N ,� ____ -- a— � --.-- NOTICE - w .N COUNTYOFSUFFOLK C e a NO ....._ --�.- �— ...+... a �•. --•-- 9SECTION property Tac Sem e,Agency a. w .. -�– r .— �— � e wrran.pwrrru N.r««ro-rw..P • Nr.«nn N NI lel? JJJ%%% ERTAN YENICAY, 8869 OREGON ROAD. CUTCHOGUE Figure]. Looking north from dwelling over subject property's bluff crest—proposed location of bluff stairway on most westerly side of property (lefthand side of photo). Figure Z Looking north over proposed location of pathway and bluff stairway on westerly side of property. .. V p ✓ R; 8869 Oregon Rd, Cutchogue, NY � s a ,.-Iooslc earth P• Po ' c� .. V p ✓ R; 8869 Oregon Rd, Cutchogue, NY � s a ,.-Iooslc earth I LON ,S -LA G' SorT�T_ b 10�` ��•_ -lr 15 20 O 25, 30- 35 LOT 21 WO/F G t M 5TRATAK15 OVERALL SITE PLAN EX 15T I NC GOND I T I ON 1 30 15 O 30 GRAPHIC SCALE I U 4-0-9 W.1 a��." . %': A I ■ r 60 40 120 150 I" = 30'-0" WO/F J. LA5TIHEN05 SOUND DRIVE PROP05ED NEW SHRUB/ BUSH PER LAND50APE SCHEDULE (5EE 5HT 1), MIN 3'-0" O.G7-\ Ib" MIN. FOR PLANTS UP TO 4' HIGH, 20" MIN. FOR PL.ANT5 OVER 4' HIGH Idt, PLANTR N.T.S. RE5TORED BOTTOM OF BLUFFhAIER 'NT/ EXISTING BA. BLUFF TO BE RE5TORED ARK .PRE -STORM CONDITION \ FX K I,s LONG' L�gND SOUN \*. 5 TO� 15 REMAINdBt OF `, EXISTING BLUFF FACE 15 STAME NO NHL 20 _�t� VEGETATED 25 `= 30 35 40 45 - 50 6," 6'141611xb'WIDExWL6 —= rir «_ � ,♦ ♦ r;�r. �-�� AF'PROX ARE/ IpJ5 5F 54.7 �ST TQp � SEE RANTING 5Ca'�E, \\ 'i • : - : • / n' 2 b T PERIMETER OF WAS W OUT AREA DIE TO STORM ACTIVITY FOR INFORMATION REGARDING BLUFF STABILIZATION (PROPOSED 6ABION REVETMENT, SLOPE RESTORATION, TERRACING AND RE -VEGETATION SEE PROFILE, DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS ON DWS No.2 EXISTING BEA614 ACaSl \ 15 STIR SHALL REMAIN 20 25 30 REMAINDER OF 35 EXISTINS Miff FACE � ca4sw �. S5 S 15 STABLE NO WELL LOT 21 � �� �� va;sETAT® SGA WO/F 551 G t M STRATAKIS �A5-� *40� &V0 x A EOE 2 OPARTIAL SITE PLAN - PROPOSED BLUFF STABILIZATION 20 10 O 20 40 60 &0 100 GRAPHIG SCALE 1" 20'-0" EXISTING 5HRUB5, �\ TO REMAIN \ EXI5TING BLUFF FACE GULLIE5 LANDWARD OF EX. STONE WALL SHALL BE FILLED AND 6RADED TO THE " LEVEL OF ADJAGENT BLUFF FAGS, REINFORCE BY TERRACING AND In PLANTING IN APPROPRIATE: NATIVE VEGETATION. ?,• .. .: PROPOSED BLUFF FACE BEA( 14 TERRACING:OBE PLANTED USE 2x2x4' LONG GGA TREATED STAKES �;.,, TED IN W/ 2x6 GGA PLANKS SECURED TO STAKES;;�;:,:. �Ca•EDULE. (MIN 6'-0" OG). INSTALL TERRACING PERPENDICULAR TO DOWNWARDTOPE SEO RE 2x6 PLANKS TO ADJAC.E T :.�... / PLANKS ALONG HORIZONTAL PLANE. TIMBER TERRA GE RETAtI NI N& WALL AND PLANTING DETAIL PRUNE 1/6" OF LEAF AREA BUT RETAIN NATURAL FORM SPRAY WITH WILT -PROOF AGCORDING TO MFG'S INSTRUCTIONS IF FOLIAGE 15 PRESENT GROUND LINE TO BE SAME A5 AT THE NURSERY E5TABL15HED VEGETATION OR MEANS OF 5TA13ILI7-ATION (PLANTED GRA55E5 OR TERRACING) REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP OF BALL BACKFILL WITH TOP501L t PEAT - M055 3:1 RATIO BY VOLUME IN q" LAYERS -WATER EACH LAYER UNTIL SETTLED. DO NOT TAMP b" FOR PLANTS UP TO 4' H1614 8" FOR PLANTS OVER 4' HIGH LEC END : PROPERTY LINE EXI5TIN6 BUILDING NOTED LANG LINE5 NOTED HAM LINES COASTAL B05ION HAZARD LIM EXI5TIN6 MAJOR CONTOUR '�- _ 10 EXI5TIN6 MINOR CONTOUR EXI5TIN6 GRADE a 1. 6.0 cl = ELEVATION PHOTO KEY': 7 x� NOTE: MACHINERY AGCE-% AND MATERIALS FOR PROPOSED WORK 15 SHALL BE FROM SOUTH SIDE OF OWNER'S UPLAND PROPERTY. PROP05ED BLUFF 5TAB1 L I ZATI ON PLAN: SITUATE AT: 6REEIfMT, N.Y. u NOV 1 7 2i)1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK t SGTM NO.: 1000-33-04-32 USE: RESIDENTIAL L.r_ WO/FSITE DATA: EXISPROPOSED: J. LASTIHEN05 AREA OF SITE: 41,1006• NL. 50 I D151 AG (TO TIE LINE) SITE PLAN BASED ON OR16INAL SURVEY BY: NATHAN TAFT CORWIN Ill 55 LAND SURVEYOR PO. BOX Ib JAMESPORT, NY IIg41 B1LL OF MATERIAL: FILL 1916 ITIE5: I. ON SITE MATERIAL AGG IRED FROM REVETMENT EXCAVATION A. MATERIAL RESERVED FOR FILL: 00 CU.YDS. 2. USE OF ON SITE RESERVED FILL: A. REVETMENT BEDDING: t15 CU.YD5. B. REVETMENT STABLIZATION: MO CU.YD5. G. BLUFF RESTORATION tb0 GU.YDS. (WASHED OUT AREA) 3. UP TO AN ADDITIONAL 100 CU.YD5. OF GLEAN SANDY FILL (COMPATIBLE 6RAIN SIZE AND/OR SOIL TYPEJ SHALL BE PURCHASED FROM AN APPROVED UPLAND SOURCE AS NEEDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ME=TING PROPOSED 6RADE9. GABION BASKETS: THE FOLLOWING RACE INFORMATION HAS BEER PROVIDED AS A 6UIDELINE FOR 6ABION REVETMENT COMPLETION 51166E5TED SIZES: "SEE NOTE TO CONTRACTOR BOX, 0146 No.2 MIDWEST SABIONS 3'X3' HE -00 ME514 3O'DPX6O'WX0O' LONG 6ABION BASKET 3A'DPX45'WXt'10' LONG 6ABION BASKET 3O'DPX3O'WX00' LONG 6ABION BASKET SEE 6ABIONBASKETSLOM STOKE GDANTITIES: 4"-b" RAP RAP (USED TO FILL BASKETS) tll0 GU.YDS. 50-100 LBS CORE STONE - 10'-13' RIP RAP 00 CU.YDS. Q15ED FOR REVETMENT BEDDING) FABIG FILTER AS REGUIRED PL.ANTIN6: PLANT RESTORED WASHED OUT, BARE AND DISTURBED AREAS WITH NATIVE VEGETATION PER PLANTING SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE PLANTIN6 AREA: tim 50.FT NOTE: THE AMAOIJlNT OF RE -VEGETATION WILL BE LESSENED BY THE AREA OCOUPIED BY ESTABLISH®, STABLE EXISTING VEGETATION TERRACING: IERRAGE 10' UPLAND OF RESTORED WASHED OUT AREA AND DISTURBED AREAS PER TERRACING SGH. AND DETAIL APPROXIMATE TERRACING AREA: t1,245 SQ.FT. TEL: 631-127-2ogO APPLICANT/OWNER: DATE: MAR 24, 2014 VINCENT L MARTORANA DATUM: N,A.VD. Igbb JANE MARTORANA NOTES: I. ELEVATION5 ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.VD. I qbb DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: IQ EXI5TIN6 CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: —5 F.M. - FIRST FLOOR f OPL. - &ARAeE FLOOR T.B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD B.B'! - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD T.W. - TOP OF WALL B.W. - BOTTOM OF WALL GENERAL NOTES: I. TO THE BEST OF THE EWOINEER'S KNOWLE06E, NO ENVIRONMENTAL HAZA105), THAT COULD BE /1-FRAVATED BY THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE EX15T ON THIS SITE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR 15 ADVISED TO U5E CAUTION WEEN EXGAVATIN5 DUE TO THE LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION CONGERNIN6 5UB5URFACE UTILITIES. 3. EXCAVATION PROCEDURES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR(% IN AGCODANGE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GODES AND RE6ULATION5. 50OPE OF WORK: I. NO DEBRIS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO FALL SEAWARD OF AREA OF WORK OR TO ADJAGEW PROPERTIES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIE.D PRIOR TO ANY WORK. 3. INSTAW6ABION REVETMENT (6' H16H X b' WIDE X tl0' L6). 4. FILL 0141jIRBED AND WASHED OUT AREAS WITHIN AREA OF WORK. a. USE Y FILL ACMIRED FROM REVETMENT EXGAVATIOK ADDITIONAL GLEAN SANDY FILL REQUIRED TO MEET PROP05M 6RADE5 MUST BE OF COMPATIBLE 6RAIN SIZE AND OBTAINED FROM AN APPROVED UPLAND SITE b. SEE �N_L, RE -VEGETATION AND TERRACING SEGW46E OF EVENTS' PRIOR TO ANY WORK. 5. TERRACING; a. TERT ACING INSTALLATION= USE TERRACING %HEDUI_E AND SECTION 'A' AND PARTIAL 517E PLAN '2' FOR LOCATION AND INSTI;WnoN (APPROX. 1,245 Sr -j. NOTE: AIIEA TO BE TBVPACW MAY BE RE DUGED BY THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ESTABoED, STABLE VE6ETAnoN - ESTABLISHED STABLE AREAS SHALL NOT BE DISTURBED. 6. RANTING; a. PLANING INSTALLATION: USE PLANTING SCHED U AND SECTION 'A' FOR INSTRUCTION (APPROX IM SF). NOTE: CALCULATED AREA TO BE RE -VEGETATED WILL BE REDUCED BY THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ESTABLISHED, STABLE VEGETATION. www.dignotnycli.com of NEW YORK CITY or do LONG ISLAND ( ther stal ate ) 00-272-4480 1 811 By law, excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact type of digging on their property. Homeowners DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811, at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by but no more than 10 working days (excluding calling 811, the national call before you dig weekends and legal holidays) prior to beginning number. For excavation work completed on any mechanized digging or excavation work to personal property, it is the contractor's ensure underground lines are marked. responsibility -NOT the homeowner's-toi contact Excavators and contractors can also submit DigNet Having utility lines marked prior to locate requests online, through ITIC. If you do not digging is free of charge. currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 for more information. W !1 m � m d) w N �X< LU X z I.L. 850 o�d) H Q� �Iq �N m ENGINEER: 0 Z' 0 H N a JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. PAGE: 1 of 2 O v � �fl I.L. v N m ZO }: mLu Q LZLA��t' �z0 z Z 0 LU m W !1 Woo a < O -d ILI 0 ,t _V 0 N LL O o 0 , O o z w Q 0 0 V 0 PAGE: 1 of 2 COMPACTION NOTE5: REGUIREMENTS: I. WORK SHALL ONLY BE61N AFTER THE CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN SHOWN THE PROPER R8VRTS STATINS THAT ALL HAZARDOU5 MATERIALS IF ANY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE 517E USING FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCALLY APPROVED METHODS AND PROGEDIARE5 FOR THE MATERIAL IN QUESTION. 2. ALL STRUCTURE5, BOTH ABOVE AND BELLOW 6RADE ARE SHOWN AS A 6UIDE. LOCATION OF 5UBSURFAGE STRAGnRE5 ARE ESTIMATED TO DE LOCATED AS SHOWN. THE CERTIFYING BNSINEER DOES NOT ATTEST TO THE AGOARAGY OF THE LOCATION OF THE SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES SHOWN OR THOSE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN. 3. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR(S) AT THEIR OWN RISK AND LIABILITY. ALL DAMA6E TO THE RI6HT OF WAYS, 51DEWALKS, CURBIN6 BOTH ON SITE OR ADJACENT TO THE WORK AREA WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED SOLELY AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPEN5E. 4. TO THE BEST OF THE ENGINEERS KN041D6E, NO ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARON, THAT COULD BE A66RAVATED BY THE WORK EXISTS ON THIS SITE. 5. THE CONTRACTOR 15 ADVISED TO USE CAUTION WHEN EXCAVATING AND OR REMOVING SUBSURFACE STRUCTURB, PIPING, ETC., DUE TO THE LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION GOWAMN6 SUBSURFACE UTILITIES. 6. ADEQUATE FENGIN615 TO BE ERECTED AROUND THE AREA OF WORK, BY THE CONTRA(TOR PRIOR TD THE START OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR 15 TO MAINTAIN THE FENCE DURING THE DEMOLITION AND THE FENCE 15 TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL WORK IS COMPLETE. 1.6ATES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL 00RANGE5 TO THE AREA OF WORK. THESE 6ATE5 WILL BE CLOSED AT THE END OF THE DAY WHEN OPERATIONS ARE CEASED AND THE WORKERS HAVE LEFT THE SITE. 8. EXCAVATION PR00WURE5 SEAL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTORS), IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND RESULATIONN5. q. 6A5, ELECTRIC, PRO'ANE, SEWER, POWER, WATER AND OTHER SEIRVIGE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE DISCONNECTED, REMOVED, OR SEALED IN CONFORMITY NTH+ THE APPLICABLE FSOMATIONS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY OR THE MUNICIPAL AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION. i D N et uyg of NEW YORK CRY a LONG ISUNo 800-272-4480 1811 www.dignotnycli.com or www.callell.com (for other states) By law, excavators and contractors working in the five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811, at least 48 hours but no more than 10 working days (excluding weekends and legal holidays) prior to beginning any mechanized digging or excavation work to ensure underground lines are marked. Excavators and contractors can also submit locate requests online, through ITIC. If you do not currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 for more information. For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly encouraged to call as well when planning any type of digging on their property. Homeowners can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by calling 811, the national call before you dig number. For excavation work completed on personal property, it is the contractor's responsibility -NOT the homeowner's -to contact DigNet Having utility lines marked prior to digging is free of charge. 5M 6RADE I. IN ORDER FOR THE CONCRETE TO 13E DURABLE, THE 5UB 6RADE MUST BE PROPERLY PREPARED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE THE 5118 6RADE IN AC.GORDANCE WITH I. THE CONTRACTOR 5HALL REMOVE ALL SURPLUS FILL, OB 0LITION RABBLE, AND OTHER UNDESIRABLE MATERIALS. SUCH MATERIALS SHALL BE THESE SPECIFIGATIONS, U5116 THE NEGE56ARY MEANS AND MATERIALS TO PROVIDE THE PROMPTLY HAULED FROM THE 51TE AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE NTH 60NERNIN6 LAW5 AND CODES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHAPE SPECIFIED RE ULT5. NOTHING IN THE FOLLOWINS SITUATIONS CAN 13E FORESEEN. THE 5UB 6RADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 6RADIN6 PLAN, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE THICKNE55 OF THE PAVING SYSTEM. THE TOLERANCE THEREFORE, NOTHING IN THE FOLLOWING SHALL RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE OF THI5 RO1U5H 6RADIN6 5HALL BE WITHIN 1/2" HIGH TO 1' LOW. DURING THIS OPERATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTE ANY SOFT AREAS. RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF SPEGIAL PROBLEMS, AND IN THE END, TO 5" SOFT AREAS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE EN61NEER FOR DETERMINING THE METHOD OF TR•EATME NT REWIRED; IF ANY. PROVIDE A SOUND SUB 6RADE. 2. U51% SOIL TEST DATA 2. MAINTAINI1,16 DRY 51TE CONDITIONS: AT ITS OPTION, THE ENGINEER MAY PROVIDE SOIL TEST INFORMATION TO THE CONTRACTOR DURING PREPARATION OF THE SUB 6RADE AND UNTIL THE GONGRET 15 IN PLACE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY TAKE REASONABLE IF PROVIDED, THE DATA WILL INCLUDE CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOIL IN ACCORDANCE NTH MEA5URE5 TO OBTAIN AND TO MAINTAIN A DRY SITE CONDITION. 5" M EASIURI:5 SHALL INCLUDE PUMPING OF FREE SURFACE WATER, MINOR THE UNIFIED 501L CLA551FICATION SYSTEM (ASTM 02481). THE 516NFICA14GE OF THE DATA HAND AND/OR MACHINE SHAPINI6 TO FACILITATE WATER REMOVAL, AND OTHER OPERATIONS TO SPEED DRYING. WILL BE INTERPRI_TED BY THE ENGINEER. A. SOILS DESI6NATED A5 H&LY EXPANSIVE (CH, MH, AND OHO MAY REQUIRE LIME 3. NATIVE SOIL COMPACTION: STABILIZATION AND/OR 5ELEGTIVE REPLAG ftW NTH SUITABLE SOILS. SUCH COHE51VE AND GOH ESION.E55 NATIVE 501L SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 45x AND 100% OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY, Rt WE-OTIVELY, PRIOR To SPECIAL TREATMENTS WILL BE DETAILED IN THE SITE-SPEGIFIG BID DOCUMENTS IF PLACEMENT OF FILL. THE C05T 15 TO BE INGUM IN THE CONTRACTORS BASE BID. B. SOILS PB16NATED AS H6H.Y ORGANIC, (OH, OL, AND PT) MAY REQUIRE SELEGTNE 4. FILL 5FJJ5CTION AND COMPACTION: NTH SUITABLE SOILS. THE NEED FOR AND THE EXTENT OF THIS THE M05T C05T EFFECTIVE FILL MATERIAL FROM THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE USED: TREATMENT WILL BE DETAILED IN THE 51TE-SPECIFIC, DOCUMENTS IF THE G05T 15 TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACTORS BASE BID. -SAND-6RAVE_ MIX (15 TO 3% FINES ( OD2 MM AND GBR > 11), G. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SUB GRADE AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF BRAVELY 501L B TO 6% FINES ( 0.02 MM AND GDR > 6), ANY CONDITIONS REQUIRN6 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION NOT ADDRE56M IN THE SANDY SOILS 0 TO 6% FINES ( 0,02 MM AND GBR > 6), SITE-SPECIFIC, BID DOCAN119 S. THE EXTRA COST OF UNANTICIPATED REMOVAL/ SILTY 6RAVELY SOILS (6 TO 10% FINES ( 0,02 MM AND GDR > 6), REPLACEMENT WILL BE BASED ON THE UNIT COSTS PROVIDED NTH THE BASE BID. -SILTY SANDY 501L5 (6 TO 15% FINES ( 0.02 MM AND CBR > 8), THE C05T OF UNANTICIPATED LIME STABILIZATION OR OTHER SPECIAL TREATMENT -aAYEY 6RAVLL SOILS (OVER 20% FINES ( 0.02 MM AND CBR > 5), WILL BE NEGOTIATED. -CLAYEY SANDY 501L (OVER 20% FINES < 0.02 MM AND GBR > 5), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SPREAD AND COMPACT THE FILL MATERIAL IN b INCH MAXIMUM LIFTS. EACH LIFT SHALL 13E COMPACTED TO �f5% 0 � OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY. COMPACTION SHN.L BE ACWIPL15HM AT NO LESS THAN OPTIMUM M015TLRE CONTENT UP TO 2% WETTER V OPTIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT SHALL BE A5 DETERMINED BY ASTM 01551. NO RUBBLE. TRASH. BOULDERS. OR OTHER DEBRIS WILL BE ALLOWED A5 FILL MATERIAL IN ANY U5AQE, EL. 500 EL 460 EL 460 EL 440 EL 420 EXISTIN6 VEGETATION SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE, �- DELIBERATE CARE SHALL BE TAKEN NOT TO DISTURB ROOT BASE OF EXISTING PL./NITIN65. EL 400 DISTURBED AREAS DUE TO TRANSPORT OF MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FILLED AND 6RADED TO THE LEVE- OF THE ADJACENT BLUFF FACE (ATTAIN NATURAL GRADE WITHIN THE AREA OF WORK) UNDISTURBED 501L t10' PROP05W TIMBER TERRACE RETAINING WALLS OTHER THAN AT TOE OF BLUFF SHALL BE INSTALL PER TERRACIN6 SC.HEDUL.E. SEE DRAWING J No.l, SEE TERRACING DETAIL, THIS DWS 6ABI0N REVETMENT I N5TALLATI ON: I. EXCAVATE AREA INDICATED ON PLAN FOR PROPOSED 6ABION REVETMEIT (APPROX 10O' LONG). RESERVE EARTH FOR RITUZE USE AS SANDY FILL (APPROX 130 GIU.YDS). 2. INSTALL FABRIC FILTER AS SHOWN IN ELEVATION 'A' (THIS DWG) PER MMIJFAGTI)RERS INSTRUCTIONS. APPLY A LAYER OF SAND (APPROX. 6' DEEP) ON TOP OF FABRIC FILTER WE APPROX. 10 GU.YD. OF RESERVED FILL). 3. CONSTRUCT A 6ABION REVETMENT APPROX. 00 FT LONG, SEE CONTRACTOR BOXED NOTE FOR INSTRUCTION. A INSTALL RIP RAP (GORE STONE) ON SAND BED ESTABLISHED IN ITEM Not. FLAT RN THE GORE STONE, ADDITIONAL RE55EIZVED SANDY FILL SHALL BE MADE TO FILL VOIDS BETWEEN GORE STOPS 50 AS TO MACE A SOLID BASE FOR 6ABION BASKETS. B. INSTALL 6ABION BASKETS ON THE GORE STONE BASE DESCRIBED ABOVE THE WIDTH OF THE REVETMENT WILL BE LIMITED TO THE LENGTH OF TWO (2) BA5KETS PLACED HORIZONTALLY TO OPE ANOTHER 0 SEAWARD OF THE OTH13V, ENTIRELY BELOW 6RADE ON GORE STOPS BASE, AND ALONG THE PROPOSED RESTORED TOE OF THE BLUFF. FILL VOIDS BETWEEN BASKETS AND STOPS WINN BASKETS WITH RESERVED EXCAVATED SAND PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE NEXT LAYER OF BASKETS. THEM PLACE A SECOND ROW OF BASKETS ON TOP OF AND LANDWARD OF THE BOTTOM ROW OF BASKETS, FILL VOIDS. 6RADE PER SECTION 'A' (SHT 2) UNTIL THE REGQARED DIMENSIONS OF THE 6ABION REVETHENT HAVE BEIM ATTAINED. APPROXIMATELY 60 GU.YD5.OF OF RESERVED FILL WILL BE USED IN THIS PROCESS. 4. FILL WASHED OUT AREA NTH RESERVED SANDY FILL SEE PARTIAL SITE PLAN (I% DWG) FOR LIMITS OF WASHED OUT AREA e NOTE e APPROXIMATELY 130 CIU.YDS OF EARTH (SMD) WAS RESIERVED DURING EXCAVATION. APPROXIMATELY 10 CAMPS OF FILL TO BE REIM TO FILL VMS BETWEEN ROCKS WITHIN 6ABION BASKETS. APPROXIMATELY 60 CU.YDS OF SANDY FILL REMAIN FOR USE FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESTORIN6 THE BUFF FACE TO ITS NATURAL SLOPE. UP TO AN ADDITIONAL 100 CU.YDS. OF FILL WILL BE PROM DED A5 NEEDED TO MEET PROPOSED 6RADE5 (SEE BOXED NOTE SHT I - 'BILL OF MATERIAL', FILL GIVANTIES, NOTE 3J 5. TERRACE AND PLANT AREA LANDWARD OF PROPOSED REVETMENT. PLANTIN6 SHALL BE LIMITED TO W34 -Y V66ETATED OR 0151lRBED AREAS. TERRACE ENTIRE WASH® OUT AREA AND BEYOND (A5 PER PARTIAL SITE PLAN 046 No.l). SEE TERRACING SCHEDULE ("IVIS b. PLAIT BEACH 6RASG AND/OR SHRUBS PER PLANTING SCHEDULE. ESTABLISHED MATURE VEGETATION IN AREA TO BE REVESETAT D MUST REMAIN. PROPOSED SHRUBS TO BE PLANTED IN � ADDITION TO BEACH 6RA55 WHERE CONDITIONS ALLOW. SEE PLANTIN6� SCHEDULE AND DETAIL, THIS DW5 EXISTING WASHED OUT AREA TO BE RESTORED TO MATCH NEI6HBORIN6 GRADE PROPOSED TIMBER TERRACE RETAINING WALLS a TOE OF BLUFF SHALL BE t10 O.G. MIN SPP TERRACING DETAIL, THIS DW6 - ' UNDISTURBED SOIL PROPOSED GABION BASKETS SHALL BE SET 50 A5 TO SURROUND EXISTING VERTICAL STAIR/DECK. POSTS. FILL &APS BETWEEN BASKETS WITH LOOSE RIP RAP. EMPLOY THIS SAME TEGHNIGUE WHENARRAN61N6 BA5KET5 AROUND MSTIN6 NATURAL ROCKS. SEE 'NOTE TO CONTRACTOR' BOXED NOTE EXCAVATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPOSM 6ABION REVETMENT AND ITS BEDDING. RESERVE MATERIAL FOR FILL. USE IN CONSTRUCTION OF REVETMENT AND BLUFF RESTORATION. MATERIAL TO EXCAVATED = 130 CU.YD5� MON l� L EL. 360 1L. 361' W OVERALL EL 340 EL 320 I I a.. 300 F EL. 281' I I PROP. BEACH 6RASS IL. 260 TO BE PLANTED AS INSTRUCTED IN PLANTINS SGH., THIS DWS IL 241' SECTION 'A' UNDISTURBED 501L EXI5TIMl6 FRAME SHED 045 SOFT., BEYOND) AND EXISTIN6 BEACH EL 220 AGGE5�5 STAIR TO REMAIN EXISTIN6 GRADE TO BE EXAVATED TO THE EXTENT 5PECIFIED IN SECTION 'A' V156ETATIVE PLANTINGS OR 501L BIOE%INEERIN6 5Y5TEM5 --\ P.V.G. GALVANIZED COATED 6ABION BASKS 5ELEGT GLEAN FILL (SEE NOTE U-\ EXISTING 2' TO 3' FROM EXISTING 6RADE TO BOTTOM OF 6ABION5 + ++ 111111 �+ ++++++ + ++++�+++/ f-UNDISTiJRBED501L •++ ++/+ ° ++ ++/+ +++ a ++ + +/++ + +I- EXCAVATION ° + ++ + + + AS REQUIRED ++ +++III 5ELEGT GLEAN FILL ° + ++lr 111= (5EE NOTE 1) + +r ° + + +++ . 00. + J ISI III •II °• + + I _11111111 -III-III 1.1 E III - I III III 2' OR055 5ECTION NOT TO 5GA1 E GONSTRUGTI ON SPEG I F I GATI ONS I. BACKFILL EIMND 6ABION5 HAND TAMPED IN V LIFTS. 2. A I" LAYER OF BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED ON TOP OF THE ROW OF 6ABION5 AND RAKED. 3. U A% 2, TYPE B OR G, INTERMEDIATE B?0510N CONTROL PRODUCT 51ALL BE INSTALLED ON THE FRONT IN51DE FACE AND ANY OTHER EXPOSED VERTICAL 5URFA( E OF THE 6ABION5. USDA - NATURAL RE50URCE5 CONSERVATION 5ERVIGE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRAN5PORTATION ROCK 6ABION5 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GONSE-RVATION NEW YORK STATE SOIL 4 WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE �M , . W� --.-• :r 1-a :r . : • I� rI :I I�', Ir/ / -PROPOSED BASKET SETBACK .IT.O. PROP. 6ABION REVETMENT0 APPROX EL. il2ff -. :r _ : • WIN I'$ it `. iERRAOINC-7 AND RE-VE67ETATION NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INVESTI6ATE AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH EXISTING FIELD C4NDITION5 AND THE EXTENT OF MATERIAL REGUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS JOB. IT 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF W/ MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION REGIARE ENTS AND ASSESS WHAT LENGTH BASKETS SHOULD BE USS IN ORDER TO AVOID EXISTIN67 NATURAL ROCKS AND PLATFORM / STAIR POSTS. PROPER SIZING WILL ENSURE A STABLE AND SOLID REVETMENT. BOTTOM OF PROP. 6ABION a APPROX. EL. 16.0' D) UNDISTURBED SOIL PROP. 50-100 LB GORE STONE 00" TO 13" RIP RAP) TO BE PLACED ON &ND AROUND FILTER FABRIC TO PREVENT SIC.OIRIN6 -PROVIDE FILTER FABRIC AS SHOWN, ENCASE GORE STONE ALL SIDLES. USE U.S. FABRICS, P/N U5230 FILL. RE-VE6ETATI ON AND TERRAC I N6 SEQUENCE OF EVENT5 NOTES: I. NO RE -VEGETATION OR TERRACING INSTALLATION SHALL OCCUR UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION 15 COMPLETE. 2. NO FILL SHALL BE TAKEN FROM THE SURROUNDING BEACH OR BLUR= FACE. 3. SE PLANTING 5000UI4 PLANTING DETAIL, TERRACING SCHEDULE AND TIMBER TERRACE RETAINING WALL DETAIL, THIS DWG. 4. USE 'RESERVED' ON-SITE FILL ACQUIRED FROM REVETMENT EXCAVATION (SEE 6ABION REVETMENT INSTALLATION NOTES, THIS DWG) ANY ADDITIONAL FILL REQUIRED TO MIST PROPOSED 6RADE5 MUST BE TRUCKED IN AND PURCHASED FROM AN APPROVED UPLAND 5OURCE (GLEAN SANDY FILL OF BEACH COMPATIBLE 6RAIN SIZE). 5.6ULL.IE5 AND WASHED OUT AREAS WITHIN THE AREA OF WORK SHALL BE FILLED AND 6RADED TO THE LEVEL OF THE ADJACENT BLUFF FACE (THE NATURAL. 6RAM. 6. ANY EXISTING VEGETATION SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE. DELIBERATE CARE SHALL BE TAKEN NOT TO DISTURB ROOT BASE OF EXISTING PLANTS. 1. ANY DEAD VEGETATION SHALL BE GUT a GRADE AND REMOVED FROM BLUFF FAGE. NOTE: LEAVE ROOTS INTACT BELOW 6RADE. b. ANY UPROOTED TREE5, ETC. SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BLUFF FACE. A. WORK WITHIN DE516NATE12 AREA OF WORK, CONTRACTOR TO ATTEND TO DISTURBED, WASHED OUT AREAS WITH EXTRA CARE. 10. APPLY FILL FROM THE TOP OF BUFF DOWNWARD. II. TO APPLY FILL: a. WORK HORIZONTALLY AGIM BLUFF FACE, LIMIT THE NOW AREA TO 3.4 FT OF VERTICAL SURFACE AREA AT A TIME. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FILL IN 12" LIFTS, TAM' BETWEEN LIFTS. 12.ONCE NATURAL 6RADE 15 ACHIEVED WITHIN THE SMALL WORK AREA PLANT PRDF05ED VEGETATION AND INSTALL TERRAGIN6 5W -OW MOVING DOWN TO THE NEXT VERTIGAL 5URFAGE AREA. 13. CONTINUE PROCEDURE UNTIL PROPOSED AREA OF WORK 15 COMPLETED. I I i I I I SPRING M614 WATER TIE LINE ALONG a AN 451 OBSERVED HIGH TIDE ON 03-24-2013 0 EEL. 3.6' PLANTI NG SCHEDULE PROPOSED 6RAS5 AREA (MIX OF AMMOPHILA BREVILI6U..ATA) BEACH 6iRASS 2-3 COLUMNS PER PLANTING HOLE 12' OL MAX WITH PANIGUM VIR6ATUM, SWITCH 6RA55 AT 2-0' OL., 2 6AL. CONTAINER. 6W PROP05M NORTHERN BAYBERRY BUSH (MYRICA PETSYLVANIGA) TO BE PLANTED AT A MINIMUM 3 FOOT ON CBNTER AND/0R PROPOSED BEACH ROSE BUSH (ROM VIR6INANA) TO BE PLANTED AT A MINIMUM 3 FOOT ON CENTER. MV(Q$ PROPOSED BEACH PLUM BUSH (PRI1PI15 MARITIMA) TO BE PLANTED AT A MINIMUM 3 FOOT ON CENTER. (SEE PLANTING DETAIL, THIS DWS) CL Mu EL. 160 Gabion Construction GABION DEFINITION Gabion baskets are large, multicelled, welded wire or wire mesh boxes. Gabion are useful if a vertical wail is required or W larger rock is needed for construction than is available locally. CONDITIONS WHERE GABIONS ARE APPLIED Gabion baskets are used here to mechanically protect stream banks or steep slopes from erosion. On stream bank applications, the foundation Is an Important design feature of the structure. As an alternative, riprap can be used along stream banks (and is generally preferred) if appropriate rock is available and banks are not vertical. CONSTRUCTION The following requirements shall be met when constructing with gabions: • Gabion baskets shall be wired together to manufacturer's specifications. • The bed on which gabion cages are to be laid before they are filled with rock shall be so leveled as to present an even surface at the depth shown on the drawings or as directed. + The lower gabion basket will be excavated into the channel bottom a minimum of 113 the height o the gabion. • The gabion will be stretched to remove any kinks and to gain a straight alignment and carefully filled with rock that is larger than the wire openings (smaller stone may be used in the interior of the basket); ensuring that a compact mass of rock with minimal void spaces Is installed within the basket. + The baskets shall be filled in layers and in stages to that the depth of stone placed in any cell does not exceed the depth of the stone In an adjacent cell by more than 30 centimeters. • Stacked gabion baskets used for bank stability shall be tilted towards the soil they are protecting by a minimum of 6 degrees from vertical. • Stones placed against the outside mesh of the basket must be larger than the basket openings. • Internal connecting cross4le wires shall be placed in each gablon. • Along the exposed faces, rock shall be placed by hand to ensure a uniform and neat appearance. Each basket shall be full prior to closing and fastening of basket lids. The uppermost layer of rock :hall completely fill the gabion basket and shag be uniformly leveled to the top edges of the basket so that the lid will bear on the rock when It Is secured. Lids shall be stretched tight over the rock filling using only approved lid closing tools as necessary. The use of crowbars or other single point leverage bars for lid closing Is prohibited as they may damage the baskets. The lid shall be stretched until It meets the perimeter edges of the front and end panels. The gabion lid shall then be secured to the sides, ends, and diaphragms per manufacturer's specifications. • Gabtons shall be placed to 30 cm above average bank height. Baskets placed on top of each other shall be offset horizontally like a brick wall. Baskets will be stepped vertically so as not to form a sheer face. Average offset shall be 113 depth of gabion. • Gabion walls placed along stream banks must be keyed in to the bank on both upstream and downstream ends. Length for the keys (tiebacks or key -Ins) on the end of a gablon wall shall be at least equal to the bank height plus the anticipated scour depth. Gabion Wall Key Into bank at anti: of protac tlon. 'TION • Extend gabion walls 5 m beyond point of visible erosion. EL. 140 • Any damage to the wire or coatings during assembly, placement and filling shall be repaired promptly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or replaced with undamaged gabion baskets. VEGETATION: IL 100 Vegetation may be planted between gabions as directed in this SOW and as showing on the following diagram. EL. 80 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE _L 6A, An operation and Maintenance pian shall be prepared for use by the landowner or operator. The plan should include provisions to address the following, at a minimum: • Inspect regularly and after each major storm. Check for signs of undercutting or other instability EL 40 0 Repair damaged areas Immediately to restore designed effectiveness and to prevent damage or erosion of the slope or stream bank • Check wire of baskets for rusting and wear. Repair where possible or replace. 9- 20 REFERENCES: EL 00 Natural Resources Conservation Service: http,/Jwww.ndcamc.nres.usda.gov/iechnical/Stream/ 1 uF y TINE ACInRDIN6 TO SCA. BEOw. SLOPES OF 1:3 SLOPES OF 1:2 SLOPES OF I:I OR 6REATER TERRACING TO BE INSTALLED AT TERRACING TO BE INSTALLED AT IERRAGINS TO BE INSTALLED AT VOL. SPACING 3' OL. SPACING I' O.G. SPACING 1 1 1 4; 3 2 1 NOTE: NY50E0 APPLICATION No. ALL PLANTED VEGETATION WILL REQUIRE MONITORING OVER 3 GROWING SEASONS. - � m m W � W �w< H XzLL_ CIL C6 O ENN6INNE:ER: F NEEM T, eOT G C-2 0 u. LP SOA 07349 FESS10 JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. .. 0 � V � w O v m o m u a o7o K Z C) �z w m~m � >� O I la < N zz � w� (� LL O NMM-� Z Z o < Q PAGE: 2 of 2 zo,V� I,sLA4�0 5_ 9 1%�" E UYV� Z s_ _ TIE_ �. 7_ _ _ _I N`ALOAPPIRENI yIGHWA R \ 1 MARK 04 l l 4.04 ' g8 �- �' i _� \ MARCH '24, 4 2°14 10 ``; _ �..'- ROCKS _ 15 25� \ \ \\ \ \ \ ''� ROCKS �J 30 FRAM HED \� 35 40 45 I&C —15 50 547 55. Cp \ \ �\ �\ \\ \ \ \ _ _30 / \ \ \\ \ \ \ _� AS SCALED FROMAL EROSION or T OS/ON HAZARD D LINE AS °F BLUFF \ �_\ \\\_�\\ \ \\_� - 35 PHOTO No. 5 AR 606 M83 / ss s —40 X 5i.5 \ 55.3 \ \ ---50 5.7 / EDGE OF L►WN \ \ \`� o n . t / X-5& 7 I \56 O x 0 / } / S7EWOOD pS / x 57,3 / 57.6 0 57.1 w U Z / W ~ U W / - o 0 `` ST PLANTER �7 — —x57.1 -- I I r i6Ez 1 K N 32.7' 57.4 �cF cv ENCLOSEp01, PORCH 57.6 F. FL.� WOOD Z 68. 7, STEPS SHOWER N Q N (4) AIR GOND. n UNITS 0 LJ N CONC. 2 STORY ITS HOUSE IS'GARAG ❑13 3, E 13.8' z M C' 78.0' STONE PORCH ER 4 PS d U�t < STONE 37 G96, SURVEY OF LOT 22 MAP OF EASTERN SHORES FILE No. 4021 FILED APRIL 27, 1964 SITUATE GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-33-04-32 SCALE 1"=20' MARCH 24, 2014 AREA = 47,106 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE) 1.081 ac. CER TIFIED TO: VINCENT J. MARTORANA JANE MARTORANA NOTES: NOV 1 7 LK! t 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: — — — —5— — — — F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR G. FL. - GARAGE FLOOR T. B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD B. B. - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD T. W. - TOP OF WALL B. W. - BOTTOM OF WALL SUL'ND DRIVE UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED FOR SUCH U NEW YORK STATE LAND TITLE AS BF tell - L_ ��, ter * 'IT N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. Title Surveys — Subdivisions — Site Plans — Construction Layout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 WALK '7 3 BELGIANW BLOCK CURB U W C) O Y , OU \ v W m Z W m , CP „ - •U4 Z v O J BELGIAN BLOCK CURB s S. FOUND CONC. MON. 0.5'S. 0.2'W• F \ GUY OIL k STONE DRIVEWAY m WIRE OVERHEAD WIRES---*_. PI C, ��\ EDGE OF PAVEMENT • o Z OF a ♦ BELGIAN ' C: RB c� J y d �+ • • • : APRON a) J \ • ♦ a • • d ♦ • •I \ GATE STONEI R • d ♦• � d • • ♦ •d • \z- <,r �y d • 6 j 0200 ♦ � • d • • i • d ♦ a A 0 0J 04 d; • d • • G .J 2 • • •`� • al3 ; d or cG� acp• • SO ♦ d p, G96, SURVEY OF LOT 22 MAP OF EASTERN SHORES FILE No. 4021 FILED APRIL 27, 1964 SITUATE GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-33-04-32 SCALE 1"=20' MARCH 24, 2014 AREA = 47,106 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE) 1.081 ac. CER TIFIED TO: VINCENT J. MARTORANA JANE MARTORANA NOTES: NOV 1 7 LK! t 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: — — — —5— — — — F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR G. FL. - GARAGE FLOOR T. B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD B. B. - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD T. W. - TOP OF WALL B. W. - BOTTOM OF WALL SUL'ND DRIVE UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED FOR SUCH U NEW YORK STATE LAND TITLE AS BF tell - L_ ��, ter * 'IT N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. Title Surveys — Subdivisions — Site Plans — Construction Layout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947