HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12804 P 623SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 01/21/2015 Number of Pages: 4 At: 10:51:45 AM Receipt Number : 15-0008244 Handling $20.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 14-16058 LIBER: D00012804 NO NYS SRCHG PAGE: 623 District: Section: Block: Lot: EA -STATE 1000 015.00 03.00 011.001 $5.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Deed Amount: $1,175,000.00 $0.00 NO Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA -STATE $125.00 NO TP -584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $4,700.00 NO Mansion Tax $11,750.00 NO Comm.Pres $20,500.00 NO Fees Paid $37,205.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 14-16058 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. RECORDED 2015 Jan 21 1.3:51:45 AM JUDITH A. PASCALE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012804 P 623 DT# 14-16058 Deed / Mortgage Instrument I Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Recoding. / Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page / Filing Fee � ) Handling 20. 00 TP -584 qj ` Notation Consideration Aount $ 1 000 EA -52 17 (County) 1 EA -5217 (State) L;> _ R.P.T.S.A. 6 _ Address RECORD &RETURN TO: Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 4 Sub Total 15. 00 , Sub Total Grand Total _ (�✓ Section Ql,<cb Block CZ;,,w I Lot U//, as/ 15 Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec. /Add, TOT. MTG. TAX _ Dual Town Dual County Heid for Appoitent Transfer Tax 19(go 00 Mansion Tax _ // 7'71 00 The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this in trument. A�.n¢- tr' Preservation Fund Real Proper Tax Servic 15001405 1000 01500 0300 011001 Consideration Aount $ 1 000 CPF Tax Due O Sv0 c� Agency P T Verfficaho R pTy A Improved -\L. 1 e5 I _JAN -1 Satisfa 6 _ Address RECORD &RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD 0 7d6 TD Cv7c�l ,oyv�1 NI/ //93 "©7CJ6 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 w ww.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk C ame FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Title 8 Suffolk Counly Recoridin & Endorsement Page e This page forms part of the attached � made by: n (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) - n,6 �� �—�„ The premises herein is situated in . lrrzzc�_ rte, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. T In the TOWN ofr� - In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 17--01N.16108kk lnveO 7y4 y 014E57 -_s,, / GNSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS INLY II 'HIS INDENTURE, made the S"lk-day of January, Two Thousand Fifteen 3ETWEEN )ONALD IADANZA and GRACE IADANZA, residing at 822 Connetquot Avenue Islip Terrace, NY 11752 Tarty of the first part, and )AVID J. AIR and CLARE L. AIR, residing at 315 Eighth Ave, #128, C44► ,Vdl�,d a --w, New York, NY 11001 (arty of the second part, VITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other food and valuable considerations paid by the party of the second part, does hereby irant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and lssigns of the party of the second part forever, 1LL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements hereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HEREWITH AS SCHEDULE "A" REMISES being known as and by the street address of 855 Sound View Road, rient, NY 11971 and on the Suffolk County Tax Map as Sect. 015.00, Blk. 03.00, :)t 011.001 EING and INTENDED to be the same premises as described in deed made by onald ladanza, recorded July 23, 2010, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's ffice in Liber 12632, Page 236. conveyance is made subject to any state of facts an accurate survey would show. conveyance is made subject to all covenants, restrictions, conditions, agreements and nents of record (if any), cTHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and I abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the rtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO : AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or msors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered ing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ID the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such nsideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement d will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the al of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" when or the sense of this indenture so requires. WITNESS WHEREOF, the parry of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first ave written. PRESENCE OF: Form 8002 - Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's Acts — Uniform Acknowledgment 9010 -SCM :3400 d!Z )I210A MM `3nOOH01n0 90L X08 'O'd aVOa NIVW 96bz£ 'DS3 `N3SIO 'M ama :Ol 11VW A8 N8n13a ANVdWOO 3ONvHnSNI 31111 ONV1 H11V3MNOWWOO ;o;senbaH;e papjooaH [L6[ [ AN '1N3180 OVOU M31AONnOS 998 O1OH1nOS SS3aOav la3 ] i1S NMOL HO A1Nn0o [00' [ [O (S)101 OOTO N0018 00'9[0 N01103S (luaw6palmouloe Bullel lenp!Atpul to aolyo pue ainleu6ls) ANVdWQ,) VJIN3wvuNV', v \\� lillec1MU0UJl.U0,7 Aq palnqulslp svB.0 m3aNn 3uu do awo6 NaoA M3N 3o Wood o7.�VUN1IlS Id(d Ol VZNVGVI X m z m x fA N 9 0 m m r 0 a C N m 0 T m m 0 0 a 0 z N 0 m r 0 m 'ON9R!1 S1OV S,NOINV D 1SNIVJV LNVN3AO3 H1lM a33a 3ivs aNIV NIVOMVS -luawn.ilsul 941 polnoaxa'paloe (s)lenpinlput ayl 4olym to lie4aq uodn uoslad 941 jo'(s)lenpintpul ayl 'luownalsul aql uo (s)amleuBls a194j/a94/s14 Aq le4l pue' (sal)Alpedeo11a41/iay/siq ul awes aqj palnoaxo day[jays/a4legj aw of pa6palmoujoe pue luawrulsut u14llm eqi of paquosgns (aie) sl (s)aweu aso4m (s)lenPlAlpw aql aq of aouapina A3oloelspas to slseq 941 uo aw of panoid jo aw of umou7l Alleuosiad pajeadde dlleumad 'pauBlsiapun a4l 'aw aaolaq jeaA 041 u1 to Aep 941 u0 :Ss to Alunoo ')Pok maN to alelS g7-OZ'Stlsn6ny 1',ajtdx3 W101 S9 MV."'flunoo 10oos ,4,A maN la alels 'ONnd Aae,oN 06,OV O uagou (luaw6palmoupe 6w>fellpg gff aoEll° ue ainleu6l ;uawna;sui ay; pa;naaxa 'p,o* s @np!Apu! ay; 4ol4M;o;legaq uodn uosaad ay; io '(s)lenp!A!pu! ay; ';uawni;sw ay; uo (s)ajn;euB!s ji94;/ja4/siq Aq;e4; pue '(sa!)Apedeo rata;/j94/s!4 ui awes ay; pa;noexe A941/a4s/a4 4e4; aw o; pa6palmoui oe pue;uawni;su! u14;!M ay; o; paquosgns (aie) s! (s)aweu aso4M (s)lenp!A!pu! a4; aq o; aouap!AO do;oe}s!;es }o s!seq ay; ua aw o; panaad ao aw o; uMou� Alleuosaad VZNVGVI 30V&D 19 VZNVGVI (IIVN04 pajeadde dlleuosied 'pouB!saapun ay; 'aw ajolaq 5 mz aeal(a4; ul AwnN`df Jo Aep y,8 443 uO :ss nVSSVN jo f4uno0 'NJOA MaN;o a;e;S 31V1S )RIOA M3N NI 3aVW SI 1N3WO031MONHOV 3Hl N3HM A1NO 03Sn 38 01 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company TITLE NO. F1 4-7404-96257-SUFF SCHEDULE A-1 (Description) Amended 12/18/14 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 24 as shown on Map of Orient by the Sea, Section I and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 21, 1957 as Map #2777, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the curved northerly line of Sound View Road at the southeasterly comer of Lot 24 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 23 as shown on "Map of Orient -By -The -Sea, Section One" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777; from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE westerly along said northerly line of Sound View Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 548.16 feet a distance of 111.77 feet to land of Bel lesheim; THENCE along said land of Bellesheim, North 2 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, 209.42 feet to the mean high water mark of Long [stand Sound; THENCE along said high water mark the following two (2) tic courses as follows: 1. North 82 degrees 06 minutes 34 seconds East, 60.51 feet; thence 2. South 80 degrees 33 minutes 32 seconds East, 66.50 feet to said Lot 23; THENCE along said Lot 23, south I degree 02 minutes 20 seconds West, 209.21 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. THE POLICY TO HE ISSUED under this commitment will insure the title to such buildings and improvements on the premises which by law constitute real property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: Together with all the right, title and interest of the party of thefirst part, of In and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. SCHFDUI.EA-1 (Description) Rev. {03104) IR COUN I Y USE ONLY �y^� New York State Departrllwnt of ,C+. Sens Code I L/, 7 a 31 Taxation and Finance C2. Date Deed It { �%r / `� / 7 Office of Real Property Tax Services / �•r a°r on Wr RP- 5217 -PDF Ca. Book ( `' C4. Page I , , (dii, 71 Real Pro party Transfer Report (8110) PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Property 8.555 SOUNDVT_EW ROAD Location • araEE• MeeEA • 9•il>ET hAnE SOUTHOLD ORIENT :1971 •ae'ala.DNN z. Buyer A:R VILLAGE •r3P CODE CAV -.D J. Name • LAST NAAE,caNPAAr N:iSr NAIE AIP CLARE L. LAW NA LVCWAW Fear SAME 7. Tax indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Air David J. "=rwniks'u¢ �T Wiling l other than buyer eddneeKalt bottom a form) rAaTNALE.SOIPAxT '315 Ei hth Ave. #12B New York NY 1.1001 ' WR Ell AN -MME Cm OR TOM efA46 zr Me 4. Indicate the number of Assessment 3Pan of a Parcel lowly It Pan of a Parcel) Check as they appir Roll parcels transferred on the deed a of Parcels OR IA. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists O 5' Deed X OR 0-74 Property FRGRr FEETOEPINi •ACRES 48. Subdmsan Approval was Rewind for Transfer 9lze 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided IADANZA DONALD e. Belief . LAST NAAElCOLPANY FaSTNAAE Name iADANZA GRACE F RST wUE LAW wnEta/PA 'T. Select the description which most accurately describes the Check the boxes below as they apply: use of ted property at the time of sale: 8.Ownetsmp Type is Condominium F1 A. One Fan10v Residential 0. Now Construction an a Vacant Land LOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer recerved a disclosure noboa indicating that the property is in an ❑ Agriadturai District SALE INFORMATION 15. Check one or mom of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A. Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives 11. Sale Contract Date 10/28/2014 B Safe between Ratified Component t or Partners in Business. C. One of the Buyers is also a Seller 01/08/2.015 • 1L Date of SskVTranehrE D Soyer or Seser is Government Agency or lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain end Sale rspecdy Below) F. Sale of Fractional or Leas than Fee Interest (Specify Below) M3. Full Sala Price _ r 175, uD0,00 G. Signirewn Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sala Dates N Sale of Business is Included In Sale Price Sale Plica ls the total amount paid for the property paraoral property. 1. Other Unusual Factors Affecting Salo Price (Specify Below) This This payment maybe in the tam of cash. other property a goods, err the assumption of or goods, su J None mortgages or other obligations.) Muse round tothe nesnst whole dodaramount Commam(s) on Condition: 14. Indicate the value of personal property Included In the sale .00 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from which Information taken(YY) 14 111. Total Asaased Value 1.2 , 00 0 •18. Property Class 210 _ '10. School District Name 1.0 C 3 20. Tax Map Identinar(s)IRoe Idandhrjs) (If more than four, atlach sheet wall additional ddedlBer(s)) S 0_5.00 3 C3.00 L 011.001 CERTIFICATION I Certify that all of the acme at Information entered on this form aro tme and eormct (to the bat of my knowledge and bell" and 1 understand that the making of arty willful false statement of material fact herein subject me to tho.praylslone.ofdle Po nal low -relative to the making and Ming of false Instruments. )3jJyE@ (eONTACT INFORl (Erver ASOrmEw1 for ere auya. Nowa buyer •s LLC sacwny. anof.elon Corporation. P -t s:ooc Co n xory senna a aNCy awl u rot M PMFvidM� apaw alxk,eary Ulan a mrora ertl camp uyamaxa a a•i xwnwueV:arpanabk Puny who can or~ oueama mgardrM ea rratpar must as a tenxd Type or pdnt chewy, a AIR DAVID J. S C.,ARF L. FIRST NATE 7 AsewGCCIE .�y 'TUMEM MAIM LEX Weans, 'STREr.T NLrMbdN '67R _ wuE cnrca�caai rLr_E___ Z:^COCE QUYIJIMAAMANKY OLS -71 DAVID k'. LAST NAME Fahr MILE (631) '134-7712 AREA COW TCLEPNONLMAOm if, owner