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2013 Year-end Report & 2014 Goals
2013 Year End Report
A.Planning Board Applications
Applications Reviewed 61
Work Sessions 25
Public Meetings 12
Applications Received * Site Plans:
*Subdivision application includes each phase:
Sketch, Preliminary, Final
Applications Completed * Site Plans: 15
Lot Line Modifications:
*For Subdivisions, only a Final Plat approval is
Fees Collected Application Fees: $29,816.90
B.Coastal Consistency Assessment Reviews (LWRP):462
C.People served: 462 total
1.Planning Counter:
106 total
2.Requests for information and FOILs (some overlap with Counter visits):
Requests: FOILS:
Please note: the above numbers do not count additional people served via phone calls
and e-mails.
D.Planning reviews for other boards: 20 total
1.Reviewed for Town Board:
2.Reviewed for ZBA:
E.Comprehensive Plan Update
1.Chapters drafted
Natural Resources Chapter
Natural Hazards Chapter (formerly known as Disaster/Emergency Response)
2.Began work on the draft Land Use Chapter
Planning 2013 Year-end Report
F.Other projects & accomplishments
1.Began work on the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update with Suffolk County and the
Preparedness Team.
2.Completed zoning for Plum Island.
3.Prepared a preliminary draft for discussion of zoning for solar power generation
facilities on industrially-zoned land in Southold.
4.Worked on improving the efficient processing of applications
5.Began developing standardized policies for following up on expired or languishing
G.Projects with Grant Funding
The Planning Department managed eight grant projects in 2013. Grant management for these
grants included the following:
coordination with other Town offices
coordination with outside agencies
coordination with consultants involved in the work plans
preparing and submitting vouchers for payment
preparing and submitting the required quarterly reports
Below are details on the work completed on grant-funded projects:
1.Stormwater Watershed and Sewershed Mapping Project
The project is 80% complete
2.Goldsmith Inlet Watershed Restoration Grant Project
Submitted 1st Voucher for $86,573.07 in June, 2013. DOS is processing.
Completed Tidal Prism Study
Completed DNA Source Tracking Analysis
Completed Bathymetric Study
Permitted debris & phragmites removal projects (remains ongoing)
3.Stormwater Management Phase II Grant Project
Extended project deadline to May 2014
Planning 2013 Year-end Report
4.Impaired Waterbody & Subwatershed Management Plans Grant Project
Compiled information for Voucher 1
5.Stormwater Management Town Code Revisions Grant Project
Submitted 2 Voucher for $29,482 reimbursement to the Town
6.Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Management Plan Implementation Grant Project
Submitted 1 Voucher for $ for Laurel Ave. & Long Creek Dr. projects.
7.Planning and Development of Southold Town Code Revisions (LWRP/NYSEPF)
Submitted Voucher 5 in the amount of
Awarded time extension for code revisions expected following the adoption of the
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Planning 2014 Goals and Priorities
2014 Goals & Priorities
1.Current Planning Board Applications
Continue to find ways to increase the efficient processing of applications
Complete standardized policies for following up on expired or languishing applications
2.Comprehensive Plan Update complete the remaining chapters:
Land Use
3.Continue working with Suffolk County to update the Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard
Mitigation Plan.
4.Continue to work with the Economic Development Committee to further
economic goals.
5.Design and implement in-house Planning Board training sessions for 2014.
6.Schedule additional Fishers Island visits to review any open applications, and conduct
planning-related meetings, including Comprehensive Plan public input meetings.
7.Hamlet Study Implementation I Grant Project (LWRP/NYSEPF)
($395,247 remaining in budget)
Amend work plan and budget to shift a portion of the funding to Coastal Resilience
8.Hamlet Study Implementation II Grant Project (LWRP/NYSEPF)
($55,858 remaining in budget)
Continue to track time spent on the Comprehensive Plan Update as match for the final
task of designing and producing the finished plan in digital and printed form.
Pursue an upgrade to video-conference quality by upgrading equipment to improve the
quality and resolution of the images to better serve the public process.
Amend the work plan to allow additional funds to be allocated towards a graphic design
professional to design and format the completed plan, both online and in print.
9.Goldsmith Inlet Watershed Restoration Grant Project
($222,882 remaining in budget)
Voucher 2 will be submitted by April 2014
Continue supporting debris & phragmites removal projects.
Planning 2014 Goals and Priorities
Continue to implement Bathymetric Study
Modify budget of grant
10.Stormwater Management Phase II
($160,000 remaining in budget
Work with Stormwater Committee to identify a stormwater retrofit project for RFP
design and construction.
Submit 2nd voucher
11.Grant Project
Stormwater Management Town Code Revisions
($40,037 remaining in budget)
Work with Stormwater Committee to determine the next steps to complete this work
12.Impaired Waterbody & Subwatershed Management Plans Grant Project
Working with PEP program to finalize and submit Voucher 1 in the amount of
$80,000.00. Town costs of for the Waterbody & Subwatershed Management
Plans will be reimbursed in full.
Work with Stormwater Committee to determine next steps.
13.Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Management Plan Implementation Grant Project
Town Engineer to meet with Highway Superintendent to discuss completing storm water
projects in-house.
Meet with NYS DEC to review projects and request funding ($196,000) be moved to
priority projects in the watershed.
Submitted 1 voucher
Amend work plan to shift monies to water quality testing program for Hashamomuck.
14.Planning and Development of Southold Town Code Revisions (LWRP/NYSEPF)
Amend the work plan to support the preparation of the Land Use Chapter of the
Comprehensive Plan Update.
15.Stormwater Watershed and Sewershed Mapping Project
26,506.80 +
Voucher 1 to be submitted in the amount of $ in early 2014