HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Year End and 2015 Goals
Year End Report 2014
A.Planning Board Applications
Applications Reviewed 79
Work Sessions 25
Public Meetings 16
New Applications Received * Site Plans:
*Subdivision application includes each phase:
Sketch, Preliminary, Final
Applications Completed * Site Plans: 11
Lot Line
*For Subdivisions, only a Final Plat approval
Fees Collected Application Fees:
B. Coastal Consistency Assessment Reviews (LWRP)
C. People served
(see below for details)
1.at thePlanning counter.
2. requests for information and FOILs (some overlap with Counter visits)
Requests: FOILS:
Please note: the above numbers do not count additional people served via phone calls and e-
D. Planning reviews for other boards/departments
(see below for details)
1.Town Board :
(Local Laws, SEQRA)
2.Zoning Board of Appeals
(Variances & Special Exceptions related to Planning Board
3.Wireless Communications Modifications
(technical report for Building Dept):
E.Comprehensive Plan Update
1.Prepared and conducted nine public information meetings (one in each hamlet)
Topic: Part I of the Land Use Chapter intro to Land Use & Zoning
2.Prepared and conducted an information-gathering forum for real estate agents
regarding their experiences with buyers of commercial property to help determine if
improvements are needed in Town zoning (for the Land Use Chapter).
3.Began GIS analyses for Land Use Chapter with new computer mapping software (late
Year End Report 2014
F.Other projects & accomplishments
1.Worked with Code Committee to draft & complete solar power facilities legislation,
including a planning analysis and SEQR.
2.Completed work on the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Suffolk
County together with the Office of the Town Engineer and the Assistant Deputy
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator.
3.Researched zoning options to protect historic churches and similar buildings, and
helped begin to draft new code for the Historic Preservation Zoning District.
4.Continued to improve the efficient processing of applications.
5.Provided 2 hours of training to the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals
towards their four hours required annually.
6.Re-organized the job duties of administrative staff to accommodate a new job title in
the department.
7.Training for planning staff
GIS computer mapping for planners (2 multi-day training sessions)
Engaging Communications - effective public speaking for planners (12 hrs)
Autumn Planning Conference - various topics
G.Projects with Grant Funding
The Planning Department managed ten grant projects in 2014. Grant management included
the following:
Coordination with other Town offices, outside agencies & consultants.
Prepared request for proposals and met procurement policies.
Prepared and submitted vouchers for payment & required quarterly reports.
Total funds received from grants in 2014:
Work completed on grant-funded projects:
1.Hamlet Revitalization I - CLOSED
Funded the Hamlet Study and Implementation Strategies
Submitted final Voucher for $92,310. Filed final paperwork.
Year End Report 2014
2.Hamlet II Grant - CLOSED
Funded staff time on several chapters of the new Comprehensive Plan
Funded video-conferencing equipment and Smartboard in the conference room
Submitted final Voucher for $8,254. Filed final paperwork.
3.Goldsmith Inlet Watershed Restoration
$67,048 received in 2014.
Prepared Voucher 2 for $33,747
Extension requested to complete the work plan
4.Watershed and Sewershed Mapping Project
Prepared Voucher & $13,366 received.
5.Stormwater Management Phase II
Received extension of grant to re-align $66,623 to construct storm water controls
in the swale off Mill Rd in Mattituck
6.Impaired Waterbody & Subwatershed Management Plans - CLOSED
This project funded the development of the Jockey, Town, Goose and Richmond
Creeks Sub-watershed Management Plan.
$40,000 received in 2014.
7.Stormwater Management Town Code Revisions - CLOSED
This project funded the research and drafting of MS4 work and development and
revisions of Stormwater Codes.
Submitted final Voucher for $11,950. Filed final paperwork.
8.NYSDOS Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Mgt Plan Implementation - CLOSED
This project funded two storm water retrofits projects located on Laurel Avenue
and Long Creek Drive in Southold.
Submitted final Voucher for $87,136.66. Filed final paperwork.
9.NYSDEC Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Management.
This project fully funded the storm water project at Grove Road.
Prepared Voucher for $53,590.00 to submit in January 2015.
Year End Report 2014
10.Planning and Development of Southold Town Code Revisions (LWRP/NYSEPF)
This project funded most work completed on local laws since 2009 that furthered
LWRP policies including: Code definition consistency work and Plum Island
Received $15,407 in 2014.
Final Voucher for $28,054.36 for zoning work on Plum Island
Final paperwork prepared.
11.Sound View Dunes Park (Assisted Land Preservation Department with task
Prepared the Invasive Species Control Program for the Common Reed
(Phragmites australis) at Sound View Dunes Park and prepared RFP for tasked
Extension requested to complete the work plan.
Goals and Priorities 2015
1.Current Planning Board Applications
Continue to increase the efficiency of processing site plan and subdivision applications
Complete standardized policies for expired or languishing applications
2.Long-range planning - Comprehensive Plan Update:
Complete the Land Use Chapter
Complete the Infrastructure/Transportation Chapter
Continue to hold public input meetings for the remaining chapters
Design additional ways to gather public input, including online
Provide additional interactive tools for the public to engage in the long-range planning
Review and revised completed draft chapters
Pursue grant funding to edit, format and reproduce the completed plan
3.Continue to work with the Town Board and Town committees (e.g. Economic Development
Committee, Transportation Commission, Agricultural Advisory Committee and Landmarks
Preservation Committee) goals.
4.Visit Fishers Island to review open applications and conduct planning-related meetings.
5.Design and implement in-house Planning Board training sessions for 2015.
6.Goldsmith Inlet Watershed Restoration Grant Project
Continue to support debris & phragmites removal projects.
Continue to work on sign project.
7.Stormwater Management Phase II
Work with landowner and Town Engineers to construct storm water control project for
Mattituck Creek.
8.Stormwater Watershed and Sewershed Mapping Project
Purchase camera for infrastructure survey and mapping.
9.Sound View Dunes Park
Continue to work with Land Preservation Department to implement remaining tasks.