HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-111.-14-30OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 Oak SOUT�o MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM M EMRAWHOLD To: John Bredemeyer, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: March 17, 2014 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for NICHOLAS & BARBARA PALLANTE SCTM# 1000-111-14-30 Michael Kimack on behalf of NICHOLAS & BARBARA PALLANTE request a Wetland Permit for the partial demolition of existing dwelling, deck and patio; renovate and expand first floor by t1,995sq.ft.; renovate and expand second floor by t2,010sq.ft.; new two car garage (t681sq.ft.) with storage above (t530sq.ft.); an outdoor shower; new t1,732sq.ft. covered porches on north, south and west sides of expanded first floor; abandon existing and install new septic system and storm water systems; and reconfigure existing driveway and parking areas. Located: 4302 Wunnewetta Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 111-14-30 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the Board considers the following: Due to the proximity of the dwelling to Wunnewetta Pond surface waters it is recommended that the Board consider requiring the following conditions on the parcel to further Policy 5 and Policy 6 and protect water quality: 1. Establishment of a 20' wide natural vegetated buffer incorporating existing vegetation (excluding turf and wood deck, wood walk area) landward of the tidal wetland line (Figure 1). Chapter 268 of the Southold Town Code defines a natural vegetated buffer as: NATURAL VEGETATED BUFFER - A land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percentage of ground cover of 95%. To achieve the percentage of ground cover, indigenous, drought -tolerant vegetation shall be planted. Survival of planted vegetation shall be 90% for a period of three years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which is hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of 15 feet to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four -foot -wide access path constructed of pervious material for access to the water -body. [Added 12-15-2009 by L.L. No. 15-2009] Figure 1. Subject parcel and potential natural vegetated buffer area. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form. should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated. as to its si fui beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If an'jr question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listine both supnortinu and non - supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent tandards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. D E PF. �.� ��f�1�---- ._...�� 1� A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online Town of Southold's website (southoldtown. northfork. net), the Board of Trustees O ce, e AA&ingboAme) local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION or, SCTM# The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board ❑ Building Dept. 9 Board of Trustees [?�71 FEB S 4 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b). Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: J See '144o Ck e - J If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if neces ary e,� �T% •R�NbV.p� �BGR�1. eLO� Uv. RM> 44U,vORv1�,D `tf� 9 ¢,FT, R,0N6vAr,--P AND �� �' •� 1-609,& ZIAMM .B Q, /HIAAZV �.17AIRC6412r 2 N��L • : •'� �% d q J� New 7W6 t12) WR 6 R.-4GE `6 81 fq Ari w/J�'6R,� G �4,�o v,�.,f �r -t' PT C AYD eH-5 i4A✓,t� ,gip fiNGC,� OR'JV,gW4Y� P,1)&1N6 A� �� Location of action: LVt/A4V,� LV,EDfi ,�dA/.t7 ,, CIJ,�'CJUDC-I&- Site acreage: ��'Qp fT �S9 Present land use: AOA1 Z?AL Present zoning classification: R-46 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: (b) Mailing address: ,,e/V696d5A4 M Y Z1 90� (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) 6:?2 7,Z7— 2Z42 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes F-1No� If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. RYes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes 0 No U? Not Applicable a Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes © No F] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of .Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria F-1 n Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No R Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No K Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Ye�] No v�111 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water -dependent uses and promote siting of new water -dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes F-1No� Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. 1-1Yes ❑ No � Not Applicable IE &/2 AM b Pile /1"Ol 1X -N�1=ZV44L -p4%Ge Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PREPARED BY lell,11 )t TITLE CIV DATE ------------ Yr r .. ,.., O "" ay xr ® �, y , '► to P • s ...�\,'• rYY` Y g �-�?�r-_� 1, �'Ip� � !, ,.WqP 'iMlq' \ N es � roe • y < ^' !• q N m P N♦ p w P N ! T N \ iWq A � NS ] � ♦ a i ♦ feA- P 2 M4 i ~fit..,No N � ,"- ," S .« G / i? r• ♦ N • r• "i]11q ,S • P N tWq"-'a YY" la � 11 ,/, '� • O `„ taypl ""p P n I - �1r d' , N 0. s \ no "� � ��� �' � ,,, t, ,s • P~ -ci�'ta e. P. P '� ,�' PP N ,�� • \ 2Ti �� � M / �,O \/-----------a� +meq �! ,A r. $ a .�� �, z �,.-. r^ N ♦O N 1 \ were ee..e rv�eP � ♦. ,Y P '- ..a %♦"._".. V w a M L �SANq m • •'\ - •�q.- ♦--33gq------1 ^' l f `� N P P ♦'� s^ y., P P "+'1Nq • i r ♦ ri r P ] �.'. 9 1 ♦ pry P. n, • A, P P° P ♦ ' to t2,4 q P ♦ eurenn, e ]a]+ceCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K eo,7nwlo seer,oe,eo ReW PmpeAy Tilt Service Agency r -- Me _� .. WAY IA sn IP � 1 a . .. N. . ► p. 99Y�' — Vii., ew �.Y%_• S�r� - a'Y S, -y4t "� .. NICHOLAS AND BARBARA PALLANTE DATE TAKEN; 12/18/13 LOCATION: NW CORNER LOOKING NE 1 nMv 4 � 1 z xa !�.•� Ni`'A - � / , i �:..�,. -rte. .r5 to NICHOLAS AND BARBARA PALLENTE DATE TAKEN: 12118/13 2 . --. —Al / r%mklco i nnwlN(; NORTH jtw x NICHOLAS AND BARBARA PALLANTE DATE TAKEN:12118113 LOCATION: SE CORNER LOOKING NORw 10' MAX. O.C. SPACING STEEL OR WOOD FILTER FABRIC WITH WIRE SUPPORT-, POST (TYP.) Ill/�r''i�B•��Ip1"�Ip�l�r•-�p-��r"��r��p-'p- Ip•- �- Illlll lull 11111 �111j1//1/�111���//���/����� III �I Illlllllllllllllllllllll/1�1j1j1/'//�/lpllip,illlll ��II illjj/lllllilllllilllil'pl�'lul/'l/lpllpl�llllll�i� I! III Illlllillllljlllljlllljllll�i�lllll���'' II�' �I jjlll� jlll j jllll jllllllllll I IIII�� IIIIIIIIII �IIII ILII ���Ii� �IIII III�i III�� �� SILT FENCE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE NOTES: SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY. INSPECT AND REPAIR SILT FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT ALLOW OFF-SITE TRANSPORT. 36" HIGH POLE (MIN.) STEEL OR WOOD POST Z_ to FILTER CLOTH ATTACHED TO 6" X 6" WOVEN WIRE FENCE 4" X 6" TRENCH W/ COMPACTED BACKFILL EXISTING LOT COVERAGE OVER UPLAND AREA (46,203 sq. ft.) DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE EXISTING HOUSE 1,579 sq. ft. 3.4% BRICK & SLATE PORCHES & STEPS 797 s q• ft. 1.7Y. PAVER PATIO 406 sq. ft. 0.9% WOOD WALK & DECK 776 sq. ft. 1.7Y. TOTAL EXISTING 3,558 sq. ft. 7.7Y. N/OF COOMBE N gOGEgCOOMBE & COgINPUBLIC WATER P/O LOT 246 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE OVER \ ` UPLAND AREA (46,203 sq. ft.) DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE EXISTING HOUSE 1,579 sq. ft. 3.4% PROPOSED ADDITIONS 400 sq. ft. 0.9% PROPOSED GARAGE 681 sq. ft. 1.5% PROPOSED PORCHES 1,732 sq. ft. 2.7% EXIST. WOOD WALK & DECK 776 sq. ft. 1.7% TOTAL PROPOSED 5,168 sq. ft. 11.2% Z LU 3 W K Q /All (u= LLJ 5. 47' S0 ASV I , O � I� 47 03 r/ / f 1 ,2.4 I �A1�xl Oro 0 24O UL N29pD 1 N TRENCH DETAIL7 g 3g' y m V % I'/ °' 03 N x I BLOCK 50' ar3�-1 I I / I G s�lziv j 66 6. OD� 7 d . pi o ° 1 '• 12.7 s / ° Z 1 ROW OF '4000� / I 1 1 _ 22' I 01111 5 � I 1 101 I O ~• 12.3 V1 I APPROXIMATE TIDAL WETLANDS BOUNDARY Fs H1 �r T - ••..° Q, a'� OZ TO BE VERIFIED ':::::: m I I .'.j :i:.'r ...........................::�..::::.::' :i / ' ° e PROP0a PERM55... Lo ETDO,N7 .• /. . e' ED ::......................... . PR:::...::.::::: / Ei , .S 6S ai I I I OUT51D>= VAR _. :: :: :: .. ' 1 / /�• X13-6 / G3e • W? ::::::::::::: x .......... ° I 5 :..::::.:.:::.:�: \ '':::::::: ':::: i3RICK �IG9' / 49 9 A * $ I PR 05ED:::: '39' >` A I I 4'X4' LE G4{IN6 I ":::5 GPS' :::.: / 7 ^ O m g r I 'POOL POR OWER } G O PO RG K gR I� °°lc -LLD 4 y O ^ v 4 �s (� c�i I I Z m I E .:.: 57.8' A 33, 3 E m I I _ 67.2' F.FL. 18.12 B �I N I G J� G - eFLAG 4 30 i X r- im x I ' 11 1 r '12" E _ I �� x O N 8 6 , 0 o I r RICK & CONC 1-1 /2 STORY BRICK pRp,IN FDR EXISTIN $ v 1 FLA 3� 7 29.64' �aA1 HOUSE &GARAGE z DRIVE U o . �M / Ix , 1 Zo a� I app 2�4 r ` \ WOOD DECK WOOD WALK I / i�a55 1 3:3':: 4',.4.9'. k : c to 1 k CC "? FLA / 16.9' - .......................... X77"/ / % GRAVEL ." `/ x� \ \ 21.6' 14 \ \pcE / FLAG 6 HFLA 2 ih '---------•---� \ ,�. 8f I a I / \ G PROP PODRGH / c° x / I I I PAVER P J/ 3, 12V 1I (� w 4,j / FLAG 7 .Z.2 6.8 rn x x-� x I \ Si�T�,- Ittze 'r o x� z/ I PI Z L5 IMIT OP CLEARING, �Q1NG 4 GROUNT _STURBP-GE X S / 10 / / \ ` / I FLAG 8 \ \ \ _ _ x x - - - •Oi 8 I �- 9 .��6 FLAG 20 FLAG 21 i I x X-122 � _ -----4 X-&5 IX-&5�� �i�8 i - I__ M ` LpT 46 / / i ti 2 �FLAG P/O / FLAG y / � � 71 .L�$' `� / i % / �/ S 82.56 58„ W FLAG\1O N`� x ^Wu BULKHEAD l � o X �l000t PnMP7& ° TYPICAL STORMWATER UNIT (NOT TO SCALE) \\QFC+ Z�SO�. FL 4G 16(/ / FINISHED GRADE 6" THICK REINFORCED CONC. COVER X_12,4 x x 6.4 �O \ �\ / xG 12 \ / N -,. lAG 13 / / 4 A x �� ACRUSHED LL AROUND 4" - 1-1/2" STONE • 3'-O" (min.) N 81.10,22" W 2.0 2.5 1. ELEVATIONS s O I EXISTING is EXISTING 0 mg s z x 0 F (V � FOUN1 4" GUY WIRE T. W, - PC Z LU 3 W K Q /All (u= LLJ 5. 47' S0 ASV I , O � I� 47 03 r/ / f 1 ,2.4 I �A1�xl Oro 0 24O UL N29pD 1 N TRENCH DETAIL7 g 3g' y m V % I'/ °' 03 N x I BLOCK 50' ar3�-1 I I / I G s�lziv j 66 6. OD� 7 d . pi o ° 1 '• 12.7 s / ° Z 1 ROW OF '4000� / I 1 1 _ 22' I 01111 5 � I 1 101 I O ~• 12.3 V1 I APPROXIMATE TIDAL WETLANDS BOUNDARY Fs H1 �r T - ••..° Q, a'� OZ TO BE VERIFIED ':::::: m I I .'.j :i:.'r ...........................::�..::::.::' :i / ' ° e PROP0a PERM55... Lo ETDO,N7 .• /. . e' ED ::......................... . PR:::...::.::::: / Ei , .S 6S ai I I I OUT51D>= VAR _. :: :: :: .. ' 1 / /�• X13-6 / G3e • W? ::::::::::::: x .......... ° I 5 :..::::.:.:::.:�: \ '':::::::: ':::: i3RICK �IG9' / 49 9 A * $ I PR 05ED:::: '39' >` A I I 4'X4' LE G4{IN6 I ":::5 GPS' :::.: / 7 ^ O m g r I 'POOL POR OWER } G O PO RG K gR I� °°lc -LLD 4 y O ^ v 4 �s (� c�i I I Z m I E .:.: 57.8' A 33, 3 E m I I _ 67.2' F.FL. 18.12 B �I N I G J� G - eFLAG 4 30 i X r- im x I ' 11 1 r '12" E _ I �� x O N 8 6 , 0 o I r RICK & CONC 1-1 /2 STORY BRICK pRp,IN FDR EXISTIN $ v 1 FLA 3� 7 29.64' �aA1 HOUSE &GARAGE z DRIVE U o . �M / Ix , 1 Zo a� I app 2�4 r ` \ WOOD DECK WOOD WALK I / i�a55 1 3:3':: 4',.4.9'. k : c to 1 k CC "? FLA / 16.9' - .......................... X77"/ / % GRAVEL ." `/ x� \ \ 21.6' 14 \ \pcE / FLAG 6 HFLA 2 ih '---------•---� \ ,�. 8f I a I / \ G PROP PODRGH / c° x / I I I PAVER P J/ 3, 12V 1I (� w 4,j / FLAG 7 .Z.2 6.8 rn x x-� x I \ Si�T�,- Ittze 'r o x� z/ I PI Z L5 IMIT OP CLEARING, �Q1NG 4 GROUNT _STURBP-GE X S / 10 / / \ ` / I FLAG 8 \ \ \ _ _ x x - - - •Oi 8 I �- 9 .��6 FLAG 20 FLAG 21 i I x X-122 � _ -----4 X-&5 IX-&5�� �i�8 i - I__ M ` LpT 46 / / i ti 2 �FLAG P/O / FLAG y / � � 71 .L�$' `� / i % / �/ S 82.56 58„ W FLAG\1O N`� x ^Wu BULKHEAD l � o X �l000t PnMP7& ° TYPICAL STORMWATER UNIT (NOT TO SCALE) \\QFC+ Z�SO�. FL 4G 16(/ / FINISHED GRADE 6" THICK REINFORCED CONC. COVER X_12,4 x x 6.4 �O \ �\ / xG 12 \ / N -,. lAG 13 / / 4 A x �� ACRUSHED LL AROUND 4" - 1-1/2" STONE • 3'-O" (min.) N 81.10,22" W 2.0 2.5 81"079 ... or .I 'E GROUND WATER FROM GUTTERS 3'-0" (min.) LOT 227 15' WIDE WAY RIGHT FZ 5 g42�,20 T 226 LO r O 1 QC�' TEST HOLE DATA (TEST HOLE DUG BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE ON JULY 5, 2013) ELEV. 10.9' 0. BROWN SILTY SAND SM 2' PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP a' BROWN SILTY SAND SM 9' Er 1 7' PALE BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP GROUND WATi3i 9.2' 4TER IN LLE BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP 17' SURVEY OF P/0 LOT 246 AMENDED MAP `A " OF NASSAU POINT OWNED BY NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES, INC. FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 SITUATE CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-111-14-30 SCALE 1 "=20' DECEMBER 16, 2009 AUGUST 31, 2011 ADDED PROPOSED DECK OCTOBER 5, 2011 REVISE PROPOSED DECK SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 UPDATE SURVEY NOVEMBER 13, 2013 PROPOSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 7, 2014 ADDED ADDITIONAL PRORDRAINAGE AREA = 50,504 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE 1.159 ac. & BULKHEAD) CER TIFIED TO: NICHOLAS AND BARBARA PALLANTE CITIMORTGAGE, Inc. ALPHA ABSTRACT TITLE No. ALP 1 1395 NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS s O I EXISTING is EXISTING 0 LEACHING RINGS 'REINFORCED .I PRECAST CONC. GARAGE FLOOR 4000 PSI 0 28 DAYS (V T. B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD 4" 81"079 ... or .I 'E GROUND WATER FROM GUTTERS 3'-0" (min.) LOT 227 15' WIDE WAY RIGHT FZ 5 g42�,20 T 226 LO r O 1 QC�' TEST HOLE DATA (TEST HOLE DUG BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE ON JULY 5, 2013) ELEV. 10.9' 0. BROWN SILTY SAND SM 2' PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP a' BROWN SILTY SAND SM 9' Er 1 7' PALE BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP GROUND WATi3i 9.2' 4TER IN LLE BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP 17' SURVEY OF P/0 LOT 246 AMENDED MAP `A " OF NASSAU POINT OWNED BY NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES, INC. FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 SITUATE CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-111-14-30 SCALE 1 "=20' DECEMBER 16, 2009 AUGUST 31, 2011 ADDED PROPOSED DECK OCTOBER 5, 2011 REVISE PROPOSED DECK SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 UPDATE SURVEY NOVEMBER 13, 2013 PROPOSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 7, 2014 ADDED ADDITIONAL PRORDRAINAGE AREA = 50,504 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE 1.159 ac. & BULKHEAD) CER TIFIED TO: NICHOLAS AND BARBARA PALLANTE CITIMORTGAGE, Inc. ALPHA ABSTRACT TITLE No. ALP 1 1395 NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: 10.0 EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - - -10 - - - - F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR G. FL. - GARAGE FLOOR B.FL. - BASEMENT FLOOR T. B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD B.B. - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD T. W, - TOP OF WALL B.W. - BOTTOM OF WALL 2. PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM FOR 5-6 BEDROOMS PROPOSED FUTURE 50% EXPANSION POOL PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP LEACHING POOL OPROPOSED 1,500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 3. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 4. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO502 H ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. DETAIL A nL'1t'1r•1!•1e-r-n r'+r-nT1e% n♦ir+rr► A r%rr. 11 (NOT TO SCALE) I k1AR 1 1 2014 JuJii:U,tl~,t;Y,ii A HOUSE TOP BURIED F.FL 18.1 4' DEEP max. FINISHED GRADE ELEV. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER 24"dia. LOCKING, WATERTIGHT & INSECT PROOF FINISH GRADE BURIED 1' DEEP min. 2' DEEP Max. ///-CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE Env MIN. 4" dia. FURTHEST LEACHING POOL CAST IRON PIPE 20"min 20"min. MIN. 4' dia. TOP E 11.4' 2'max. 3 PITCHED 1 4" 1' TOP ELEV. 11.9• APPROVED PIPE _' OF A 3 POOL SYSTEM INLET jPITCHED 1/8'/1' 8 . d �' c T LM -FT IN 3' CLEAN INV EL I4" dia 12.0' INVERT v, 3� m IST CROSSOVER COLLAR ELEV. 10.7' °'. ELEV. 10.1' 3 FLOW BOTTOMPIPE • a,t . b. ELEV. 10.2' d w gp�pM 1 3GROUND WATER ELEV. 1Z SEPTIC TANK (1) 1. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR A 5 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1.500 GALLONS. 1 TANK; 8' DIA X 5' EFFECTIVE DEPTH 2. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 psi AT 28 DAYS. 3. WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3", A TOP THICKNESS OF 6" AND A BOTTOM THICKNESS DF 4". ALL WALLS, BOTTOM AND TOP SHALL CONTAIN REINFORCING TO RESIST AN APPLIED FORCE OF 300 psf. 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED SO THAT THE TANK IS WATERTIGHT. 5. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEVEL IN ALL DIRECTIONS (WITH A MAX. TOLERANCE OF 11/4' ON A MINIMUM 3" THICK BED OF COMPACTED SAND OR PEA GRAVEL. 6. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN SEPTIC TANK AND HOUSE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: PROPOSED FRONT ADDITION AND GARAGE AREA: 1,000 sq. ft. 1,000 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 170.0 cu. ft. 170 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 4.1 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required PROVIDE (1) 8' dia. X 6' high STORM DRAIN POOLS PROPOSED FRONT PORCH 1/2 EXISTING HOUSE AREA: 1,300 sq. ft. 1,300 sq, ft. X 0.17 = 221 cu. ft. 221 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 5.2 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required PROVIDE (1) 8' dia. X 6' high STORM DRAIN POOLS PROPOSED BACK PORCH, REAR ADDITION AREA AND 1/2 EXISTING HOUSE: 2,100 sq. ft. 2,100 sq, ft. X 0.17 = 357 cu. ft. 357 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 8.5 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required PROVIDE (2) 8' dia. X 6' high STORM DRAIN POOLS PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY AREA: 1,500 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 255.0 cu. ft. 255.0 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 6.0 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required PROVIDE (1) 8' dia. X 6' high STORM DRAIN POOLS PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 6' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: LEACHING POOLS (3 1. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR A 5 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 400 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. 3 POOLS; 6' DEEP, 8' dia. 2. LEACHING POOLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL) LEACHING STRUCTURES, SOLID DOMES AND/OR SLABS. 3. ALL COVERS SHALL BE OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL). 4. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN LEACHING POOLS AND WATER LINE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 5. AN 8' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING POOLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 6. AN 8' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING POOLS AND SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE MAINTAINED. PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED FOR SUCH USE BYA„THE NEW YORK„STATE LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION. j� r N.Y.S. L UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TiTLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Nathan Taft Corwin Land Surveyor Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. Title Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947