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OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 L MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: John Bredemeyer, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: March 13, 2014 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for WILLEM KOOYKER & JUDITH ANN CORRENTE SCTM# 1000-3-1-5 Samuel W. Fitzgerald on behalf of WILLEM KOOYKER & JUDITH ANN CORRENTE requests a Wetland Permit to remove an existing two-story garage, pool house, storage shed, swimming pool complex and terracing from the property; construct additions to the existing dwelling consisting of a 191sq.ft. one-story addition on the north side of dwelling; a +/-2,200sq.ft. two-story addition with garage on the south side of dwelling; and a +/-693sq.ft. second -story addition to be built over a portion of the house's existing footprint. Located: 7832 Claypoint Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 3- 1-5 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold. A. B. LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM MAR 10 2014 INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shalf-complete this CCAF-1br proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepares of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town 'of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained m;the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified .prior to imaking a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent Practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be. undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available: in. the following places; online e;Town of $ ou , T website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees7Planning D local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION Owners: Willem Kooyker & Judit Ann Corr ' SCTM# - = 5 _ oar cf Trustees The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board 0 PI ening Dept,'R Building Dept. Board of Trustees 0 ZBA D 1. Category of Town 4 South ld agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action ander�en lirectly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, pl g activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Seeking zoning variance for: a) demolition of existing accessory ctni�turPc in th rPc;uir d Seth^ck frnm the bluff li- hhnrnvPm _nts and additions to the existing primary residence in the required setback Location of action: 7832 Claypoint Road, Fishers Island, NY 06390 Site acreage: 2.02 +/- acres Present land use: Single family residential Present zoning classification: R-120 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Samuel W. Fitzgerald, agent -project manager (b) Mailing address: 1420 The Gloaming, Box 447, Fishers Island, NY 06390 (c) Telephone number: Area Code O 860-287-3808 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency.? Yes ❑ No If yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community chairacter, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt Yes ❑ No L^j Not Applicable The proposed action calls for removing a significant portion of the. existing built structures on the property. The existing lot coverage will be reduced by 12%, and approx. 1,400 sq. ft. of new open. . space will be created on the property as a result of the proposed action. All disturbed areas Will be graded to match the adjacent natural grade. see LWRP section 268-3(F) - LWRP minor actions are exempt Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes © No 0 Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt The existing main house on the property was built in 1958 in a coastal shingle style typical for Fishers Island The house's original design is generally intact The architectural. style of the additions will match the existing main house and be seamlessly integrated into the existing house Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes © No Q Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt The view of the propertyfrom the wate—r—wfil be const erab y improved by the proposed action because: a e en ire swimming poo complex consisting o o accessory ui mgs, a poo an t on the property. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources :from flooding and erosion, See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria 13 Yes R No © Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt The existing bluff is very stable and well vegetated It rises steeply about 18' (in elevation): from_the beach. All proposed activity will be well above the. Coastal Erosion Hazard line and landward of the bluff line The bluff will not be disturbed in any way and will be protected with a silt fence during'all construction activity. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy S. Protect and improve water quality and siupply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria © Yes NO © Not Applicable see LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt. i ne proposea action Will ucUi vaac an Ivor Ia v..... addition all roof water will be directed into downspouts and into drywells. The natural grade will not be modified in any way,so natural drainage courses will remained undisturbed. The owners are committed to chemical -free lawn care. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town' of Southold ecosystems .including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. �i Yes [3 No © Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. EaYes R No © Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in .Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III —Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters; public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section In Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. 1 YeEl No © Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt A bike path has recently been built along the entire eastern half :of Fishers. Island, which encourages a polution-free alternate form of transporation. The owners will not be burning leaves F- or trash, an a fairly sophisticatedprogram o recycling or remova o contaminants is area y in place on is ers Island—. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water -dependent uses and promote siting of new water -dependent. uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. © Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island . Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III -- Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No Not Applicable See LWRP Section. 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable See LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources.. See LMWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. © Yes ❑ No L Not Applicable gee LWRP Section 268-3 (F) - minor LWRP actions are exempt FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Restrictive Covenants Relating to Development and Annual Assessment Set forth below are the operative provisions of the restrictive covenants imposed by FIDCO and its predecessors, Fishers Island Corporation and Fishers Island Estates, Inc. (referred to therein as "grantor, its successors or assigns") in the deeds to all lands in the Olmsted "Park" east of the gate on Fishers Island, relating to the construction of improvements on and landscaping of such lands and the payment of annual maintenance charges, as such covenants were modified and renewed for a term of 20 years from April 15, 2005. These covenants "run with the land" and are binding on all such lands and on the owners thereof and their transferees and assignees (referred to therein as "grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns"). With the consent of the specified majority in acreage of the owners of lands in the "Park", these covenants may be further modified and further renewed for successive terms of 20 years. "That the aforesaid premises shall be occupied and used by the grantee, [his/her] heirs and assigns, for private residential purposes only, and not otherwise, and there shall be erected thereon only a private residence for the use of one family only, together with the necessary outbuildings appurtenant thereto, PROVIDED that if more than one homesite is hereby conveyed, only one such residence shall be erected or maintained on each of such homesites, which are hereinbefore respectively designated as Homesites Nos. "That no building or other structure shall be erected on the aforesaid premises, no alterations shall be made in the exterior of any building or other structure erected thereon, and nothing else shall be done materially affecting the appearance of the aforesaid premises except according to plans (including exterior color scheme, grading plan, planting plan and location plan) which shall have been approved in writing by the grantor, its successors or assigns. "That no stable for live stock shall be erected or maintained on the aforesaid premises by the grantee, his heirs or assigns, and no live stock shall be kept on any part of the property hereby conveyed, without the written consent of the grantor, its successors or assigns. "That the premises herein conveyed shall be kept free from any nuisance, and from any object or condition otherwise offensive to the neighborhood, or dangerous to the health of trees or other vegetation in said neighborhood. "That from and after April 15, 2005, the grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this deed, covenants and agrees to pay to the grantor, its successors or assigns: (a) an annual basic maintenance charge, as fixed by the grantor, its successors or assigns, which charge, except with the consent of the owners of a majority in acreage of all land within the "Park," shall not exceed in any one year $100 per acre, said charge to be applied to the maintenance, repair and improvement of roads, sidewalks, sewers and gutters, and to the collection and disposal of garbage and other refuse; and (b) an annual supplemental maintenance charge, as fixed by the grantor, its successors or assigns, which charge, except with the consent of the owners of a majority in acreage of all land within the "Park", shall not exceed in any one year $2,000 per parcel, said charge to be applied to the maintenance, repair and improvement of roads, sidewalks, sewers and gutters, and to the establishment and maintenance of suitable reserves therefor, and to the collection and disposal of garbage and other refuse. "In establishing from time to time the amount of said annual supplemental maintenance charge, different charges may be made applicable to improved and unimproved parcels. In no event shall the grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, be obligated to pay in any one year a supplemental maintenance charge with respect to more than one parcel owned by the grantee in the "Park", provided, however, if any parcel owned by the grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns is an improved parcel, the supplemental charge payable shall be in the amount then established for improved parcels. Solely for purposes of the preceding sentence the term "grantee" shall include the grantee and. such of his spouse and minor children that were resident in his primary household for 180 or more days during the year in question. "Said basic and supplemental maintenance charges shall be payable annually with full payment due within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a written statement therefor. Unpaid maintenance charges are hereby made liens on the premises. Nothing herein contained shall obligate the grantor, its successors or assigns to maintain, repair or improve any roads, sidewalks, sewers (except such main trunk line sewers as may exist from time to time) or gutters or to collect or dispose of any garbage or other refuse. In no event shall the grantor, its successors or assigns be liable to the grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns for any failure of performance hereunder unless such failure is attributable to the negligence of the grantor, or its successors or assigns, in which event any such liability shall be limited to the amount collected pursuant to this paragraph." April 15, 2005 L �- is r Y �u _ _ _ u _ _ _ NOncs COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (�D E ,n �^ eaunrorO secn N NO Real Property Tax Service Agency r D a m, ,� ,,, --.-- �M—_�__ Ammon; +Mnw �� PROPERTY MPP Footprint of new two-story addition with garage Area of new second floor over this section of the existing house Full interior renovation of existing house Footprint of new one-story addition Remove existing two-story detached garage structure Remove existing pool house Remove existing pool and surrounding terracing Remove existing storage shed wZ M U o 0 z z n:� wg 0� w NWw W Ln p LL LO w� l� ~ zz O W a - W g W U ON M UOD U CL U LU X t_ O =m'0 <Zz F- qQo O z z ��L_ w=N "~af W moo= Q LL N � LL W z M O Z Z af LU LU w (n w V W v=i p LL LO W� Zz W a �g U OM V°° U a- ff i Lu x H 2 m 10 Q Z Z Q Z �oin g W p_Ln ~w Q <� �N �LL I M >z -s O z z � Lu LU Ln Ln LLJ w LU U L.0 r r)LU (f) Ll- Lo LU F- Zz LU U ON M V 00 r, ALL PHOTOS TAKEN DECEMBER 3, 2013 AT 9:30 AM I DD FEB I , 9 2044 , —j EXISTING REAR OF PROPERTY CABANA, POOL & SHED TO BE REMOVED EXISTING REAR OF PROPERTY EXISTING HOUSE TO DETACHED GARAGE - NORTHEAST VIEW EXISTING POOL AND PATIO TO BE REMOVED All photos taken on 10/21/13 - morning EXISTING FRONT OF HOUSE - SOUTHWEST SIDE EXISTING FRONT OF GARAGE & HOUSE - SOUTH SIDE EXISTING BACK OF HOUSE - NORTHEAST SIDE EXISTING FRONT OF HOUSE - SOUTHWEST SIDE VIEW TO ADJACENT PROPERTY - SOUTHWEST SIDE EXISTING BACK OF HOUSE - NORTHEAST SIDE EXISTING FRONT OF GARAGE - SOUTHWEST SIDE EXISTING BACK OF HOUSE - EAST SIDE All photos taken on 10121113 - morning FISHER ISLAND S 0 U N D \� X _10.4 \ \ \ X _10.8 \\ \ X _11.3 \ 11=11 \ 0 U \ \ \ CAST / PLAN �F� \ \ X _11.9 CONCRETE COVERS- \ �\ PLAN COVER LOCKING CASTING X _11.7 TO GRADE TO GRADE IF DROP 'T ❑ ❑ O O ❑ \ \ \ \ EDGE '09 \ \ `\ IS USED FINISHED GRADE ` CHIMNEY o❑° o ED 0 El \ \ \ EELGRASS�E{)\ S \ 4 x 4 12.6/12.6 G. WIR MESH ❑❑ ��� ❑❑ N \\ \� \' �_(1�\ \�\ �X 20•' 6 x 6 6/6 GA WIRE MESH ❑❑ ADO ❑❑ n \ \ \ V \\ Q min. 20" 6" m n. ED El O=❑❑ ❑❑ OOO ❑❑ \ _ \ O \ _ ❑° o �O O N�F \ \ BOULDER _I�1 \�I \ \ S \ \ \ INLETF 3" VENTS n 3" VENT OUTLET ❑ ❑ a 0 0 ❑ ❑ JACQUELINE LANERES WILLIAMSON \ \ % JETTY 6 II II - O \ LIQUID LEVEL11 ❑ ❑ O D I� ❑ ❑ \ sS.\ �� �''1 \ \ _ , 4" OUTLET ❑ ❑ a 0 0 ❑ ❑ BLOCK 25 - LOT 8 \\ \ A , ILII \ �/ \ o� = CONTINUOUS HOT BAFFLE 6S II II =1 \ \ O \ I rn ASPHALT SEAL LINED WITH = SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE \\\ \ �'ISI �= ° \ EELGRASS \ \ LO I 1/8" PVC r --E L. A IN L;) N o m ^ c rn •c SOUNr: N� C7 CO _v0 (D 25-9 25-8 25-10W SITE aCD w cc �CD 26-5 25_7 PORRTION NOT A BUILDING Q 00 �- 26-6 3-1-6 LOT PER D® U (o (� OR�gN 26-4 3-1-7 O U U co 25-5 GHOC,0MOUNT Ct 26-7 26-1 26-3 GO 0 W0 > 26-2 25-1 j�-� � ,> 25-4 � 0j Q CZc , \ J N V > 30-1 25-2 , 26-13 ` 30-2 25-3 1 CZ � W U M N F� MUNICIPAL WATER \\ \ IIJI ��/ BED \ 4 SCHEDULE #40 I 30-6 3o -1D z1-3 6'-6' i \ \ _ 1111 \ \ ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM ��\ \ \ II \ ` \ ` I GAS INLET BAFFLE 1 DEFLECTOR � � -� _ \ \ \ ` v e 3°-B 30-9 30-13 LEACHING POOL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REMOVE EXISTING POOL, _ \N \ \ ILII \ •�,� ,,. - \ �� 4" LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 =400 POOL HOUSE, TERRACE, 48 / \ �` ' '� \\\\ \ \ `O 11=11 \ \ \ CROSS SECTION 3• STAIRS & STORAGE SHED. 124' \ \ \ \ \ _ I_� I_ \ GRADE AREA, LOAM AND SEED ' I MAPLE r \ \\\\ \ \ LOCKING CASTING �� 11f NEW y \�1 �J, \ \ I_I \ ' ,-•1 \�_ 1500 GALLON - 2 COMPARTMENT TO GRADE PROPOSED GRADE 3 \ \ \�\\ \ I_� �\ � ., BOULDER\ SEPTIC TANK ° H, Sr9 PROPOSED 1 STORY 3 > Sh�E1Z U I=I %=i JETTY ADDITION -SEE � I \\ \ \ \ \ � _ NOT TO SCALE � +r ARCHITECTURAL PLANS \�ZR 1 CLU \ \ \\ \ REMOVE EXISTING �OOO" \ \ •4" TWO STORY GARAGE, STEPS WALKS & '� POOL' ;.`^ \ 'I`\ ' /• ro � '' ,.� \ 'I � � \\ STAIRS \ \ PATIO ��^� a• o-� \ \\\ _ ` \ ` ?01.$).\ ` BACK OF BEACH AND s" RRY \ DEED LINE UMP APPROXIMATE LIMITS CONCRETE\ 1�� OF TIDAL WETLANDS DECK PROPOSED 2 STORY �r 6-- p° -1 \ \ \ \ \� _ ,,, PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS ADDITION W/GARAGE- SEE \ l ��8 r\ \ °�sF AP OX LOCATION \ \ I� UNE OF SILT FENCE, \ \ \ \ \ ARCHITECTURAL PLANS LE H1NG CESSPOOL \ \ _\ C•'� MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT AWN \ _CONSTRUCTION RAIL FENCE -GENERALLY ALONG PROPERTY LINE �� '1 ` 1> APPROX. LOCATION _ / GA GE ,i J OF DRYWELL of LINE �� �' 'I` \\ \\\ \ \` �\\ \ cil O \ l- \ PROVIDE CONCRETE 0 i �F ,,ccls� �TONE� `� _ _ _ 0 `J \/OASTAL EROSIO \ \ \ \ \ \ WASHOUT AREA ':Z`O`r� S J flb -p - - �, HAZARD LINE (SEE DETAIL) ` \ F�%'�ti�, vC N \ l%`�• . ��S�O PAT 43 - - \ \ \ \0 `•� 9 Q74 30 Q 10 �N\`��\\ PROVIDE NEW \ 640NU ENT SEPTIC SYSTEM o � � l \ \ N 5534..'54 E 1845.08 ) �� `>' r STO � � � � (� � ` � � STEP \ \ ` (( �� J ✓ \ c� ° 1 11� /PROPOSED LIMITS ' v �OF CLEARING � J MODIFY DRIVE AND \ o� ��� "- - `rTp ��� OIL FILL PARKING TO PROVIDE--J� �' �F \ & VENT o ACCESS TO NEW GARAGE PROVIDE DRY WELL I \ �� I ' �piw FOR ROOF DRAINAGE tab / (TYP.(4)) CLEARING LINE v ENOCAP TYPE LEVELING DEVICES MIN. 4' 2" MIN. ABOVE x INLET � OUTLET INVERT 2" MIN . O F '� BAFFLE REQUIRED IF INLET PITCH EXCEEDS 1/2" PER FOOT TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE Z 7. '� ,tLn Vr 0 0 \ \ FED 1 g Li1 Q __J \ vJullitiu ;�r1i) Z Q ar f r LJ 0,-, Qo � Unified Soils Classification (USC) System (from ASTM D-2487) W � O 0 Major Division: Coarse -Grained Soils, Sands with Fines O of 3: `•'- SILT FENCE Group Symbol:•'SM, Silty -Sands, Sand- Silt Mixtures z OLL_ O U z GAUGE W z NRCS, USDA Scil Classification: ReB & ReC-Riverhead very stony sandy loam WOVEN WIRE MAX. 6" MESH FENCE (MIN. 14 3 to 8% and 8 to 15% slopes W W W O SPACING) � W z W Z a - SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN FOR 6 BEDROOM RESIDENCEi_- < \eZ n 10' MAX. CEN 36" MIN. LENGTH FENCE (n W U - TER TO CENTER POSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16" PROVIDE - 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANKCC Q INTO GROUND PROVIDE - 1 DISTRIBUTION BOX G ro N PROVIDE - 3 - 6'6" X 6'5" LEACHING POOLS (SEE DETAIL) JOC) UJ 0 INVERT ELEVATIGNS- I'- DBOX INLET- 36.42 y Q L` DBOX OUTLET- 36.25 LEACHING POOLS INLET- 36.0 HEIGHT OF FILTER = 16" MIN. �1\ I 5) 0, ink f PROPOSED SECOND / LANDSCAPED o� \\r 6" MIN. MAP REFERENCE} ` V FLOOR ADDITION AREA �� 1.) PLAN OF PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO ROWLAND A. ROBBINS FISHERS P i SEE ARCHITECTURAL ISLAND, N.Y. SCALE: 1"-100 FT. JULY 1956 BY CHANDLER & PALMER U 1rA; : � hh �g�., PLANS N F O CYNTHIA WARREN SPURDLE PERSPECTIVE VIEW BLOCK 25 - LOT 6 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE i' EL TRIC r MUNICIPAL WATER WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 �I NOTES y _ �' (� o I ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM 1/2 GAUGE W/ MAX. 6" MESH m \ I \ 0�9 I I SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED Q to EC IC / s 36" MIN. FENCE POST o HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO w BLOCK 26 - LOT 4 \ 'I T 0J / I N BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE I PROPOSED ROOF LEADER WELL �v / FLOW G OUNDRBED ENGAGEMENT. N o N I RESIDENCE VACANT LAND I \ I i, I I I \ \ Z o_ U I I I//i 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON UNLESS a DID ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° ° ° °� COMPACTED SOIL :..• \\ O U w E RADIUS=3 h7.29' ° ° //\ o ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN w \ 4 / ° ° EMBED FILTER CLOTH \\�\\�\\,\\\/ o ITEM IN ANY WA'(. - o 0 \ \ 4=15.00' ° A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND (n N 6" PVC WYE 1 �r- ° I OVERFLOW \ \\2 FT. HIGH\ o 0 4" 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S - a-- 0 ( s" PVC cut STONE WALL ' \ \ OLD RAIL SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF > a TO LENGTH MIN. SOIL LOVER A\ONG STREET \ FENCE / ° a SECTION VIEW THE LAND SURVEYOR. W I BLOCKS AND CATCH LINE ° � I BASIN GRATE TO GRADE \ \ / o o CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC w o f (NEENAH R -2525-F) OR EQUAL \ \ \ MONUMENT FILTER FABRIC / \ ° ° SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "NTN". Q \ (FOUND) ° 4' 3:1 6" PVC SDR 35 \ \� / MAX 4' X ° 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, \ TO ADJACENT DRY WELL ° 4' a TIES OR STAPLES, POSTS SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR SECTION 03, BLOCK 1, LOT 5. I 90' BEND 0 po OO OO O / / \ / o ° HARDWOOD. 0 Oo OO Oo O \ /��O+yj , ° 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES 6.) TOTAL AREA =2.02± ACRES. I 6" SDR 35 PVC ° r r SLOPE AS REQUIRED ° O OO OO a0 O 00 ,, O� o SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION, FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, too 0 OO OO OO 0 1/ �.\'j/ Jp0 / 0 0 6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-120 ZONE. 1" STONE' OR 0 Qo 0o po 0 5� \� `�� ° ° 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE Q L I SCREENED GRAVEL / /\ °OVER -LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER 8•) SITE IS SERVICED BY MUNICIPAL WATER AND ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM. - / \ ° FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABILNKA T140N, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. o r7 p 1' 6' 1' / / \ Q 0o J z I PLAN 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED 9.) APPLICANT: Y N J m EQUIVALENT. Ln I Q � STORMWATER DRYWELL DETAIL 6' � • WILLEM KOOYKER &JUDITH ANN CORRENTE N � � U-) NOT TO SCALE / / 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN C/O SAM FITZGERALD, ARCHITECT P.C. CO o 0- 03 CO "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. PO BOX 447 `" 4'� FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 M 2 LLE I mo 01 2 R AW BALES BACKED] 631-788-7919 O w / / \ 1' MIN. � S VA7H SILT FENCE (TYP) H 0 o I DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 3'LINE PIT VA7H 10 LIL 3 t i ROOF AND PORCH AREA = 4130 SF / \ HAM SHEETINQ KEY REQUIRED = 4130 SFX 1.0 X 2/12 = 688 CF ENDS WM GRADE I~-4'~� 688 CF / 28.27 CF/VF = 24.3 VF SECTION USE FOUR(4) - 6'0 X 8' DEEP DRY WELLS. CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT NOT TO SCALE QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION GROUP REVIEWED DATE PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY ENVIRONMENTAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL ARCHITECTURAL NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, LARGER PROJECTS OR PROJECTS REQUIRING PUMPS MUST BE SIZED ACCORDINGLY (7 GALLONS/TRUCK, 50 GALLONS/PUMP, PLUS MIN. 1' FREEBOARD). 2. CAPTURE MATERIAL AND LIQUIDS MUST BE REMOVED FROM PIT AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WHEN THE PIT REACHES 75% OF ITS CAPACITY. 3. INSPECT PIT PRIOR TO EACH USE TO ENSURE CONTAINMENT OF WASH WATER. IFS oo o LJ Q w o0 w ' o w 0� = o -� 0- m o o U o Li N/F NOW OR FORMERLY DATE: 11/15/201,3 STONE WALL SCALE: 1 " = 30' ^ RETAINING WALL PROJECT #2013815 30' 15' 0 30'111111111 SHEET GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 OF 1 KNOCKOUT INLET AND OUTLET OPENINGS RIBS INSIDE - +ON + + \ \ \ CAST / PLAN �F� \ \ X _11.9 CONCRETE COVERS- \ �\ PLAN COVER LOCKING CASTING X _11.7 TO GRADE TO GRADE IF DROP 'T ❑ ❑ O O ❑ \ \ \ \ EDGE '09 \ \ `\ IS USED FINISHED GRADE ` CHIMNEY o❑° o ED 0 El \ \ \ EELGRASS�E{)\ S \ 4 x 4 12.6/12.6 G. WIR MESH ❑❑ ��� ❑❑ N \\ \� \' �_(1�\ \�\ �X 20•' 6 x 6 6/6 GA WIRE MESH ❑❑ ADO ❑❑ n \ \ \ V \\ Q min. 20" 6" m n. ED El O=❑❑ ❑❑ OOO ❑❑ \ _ \ O \ _ ❑° o �O O N�F \ \ BOULDER _I�1 \�I \ \ S \ \ \ INLETF 3" VENTS n 3" VENT OUTLET ❑ ❑ a 0 0 ❑ ❑ JACQUELINE LANERES WILLIAMSON \ \ % JETTY 6 II II - O \ LIQUID LEVEL11 ❑ ❑ O D I� ❑ ❑ \ sS.\ �� �''1 \ \ _ , 4" OUTLET ❑ ❑ a 0 0 ❑ ❑ BLOCK 25 - LOT 8 \\ \ A , ILII \ �/ \ o� = CONTINUOUS HOT BAFFLE 6S II II =1 \ \ O \ I rn ASPHALT SEAL LINED WITH = SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE \\\ \ �'ISI �= ° \ EELGRASS \ \ LO I 1/8" PVC r --E L. A IN L;) N o m ^ c rn •c SOUNr: N� C7 CO _v0 (D 25-9 25-8 25-10W SITE aCD w cc �CD 26-5 25_7 PORRTION NOT A BUILDING Q 00 �- 26-6 3-1-6 LOT PER D® U (o (� OR�gN 26-4 3-1-7 O U U co 25-5 GHOC,0MOUNT Ct 26-7 26-1 26-3 GO 0 W0 > 26-2 25-1 j�-� � ,> 25-4 � 0j Q CZc , \ J N V > 30-1 25-2 , 26-13 ` 30-2 25-3 1 CZ � W U M N F� MUNICIPAL WATER \\ \ IIJI ��/ BED \ 4 SCHEDULE #40 I 30-6 3o -1D z1-3 6'-6' i \ \ _ 1111 \ \ ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM ��\ \ \ II \ ` \ ` I GAS INLET BAFFLE 1 DEFLECTOR � � -� _ \ \ \ ` v e 3°-B 30-9 30-13 LEACHING POOL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REMOVE EXISTING POOL, _ \N \ \ ILII \ •�,� ,,. - \ �� 4" LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 =400 POOL HOUSE, TERRACE, 48 / \ �` ' '� \\\\ \ \ `O 11=11 \ \ \ CROSS SECTION 3• STAIRS & STORAGE SHED. 124' \ \ \ \ \ _ I_� I_ \ GRADE AREA, LOAM AND SEED ' I MAPLE r \ \\\\ \ \ LOCKING CASTING �� 11f NEW y \�1 �J, \ \ I_I \ ' ,-•1 \�_ 1500 GALLON - 2 COMPARTMENT TO GRADE PROPOSED GRADE 3 \ \ \�\\ \ I_� �\ � ., BOULDER\ SEPTIC TANK ° H, Sr9 PROPOSED 1 STORY 3 > Sh�E1Z U I=I %=i JETTY ADDITION -SEE � I \\ \ \ \ \ � _ NOT TO SCALE � +r ARCHITECTURAL PLANS \�ZR 1 CLU \ \ \\ \ REMOVE EXISTING �OOO" \ \ •4" TWO STORY GARAGE, STEPS WALKS & '� POOL' ;.`^ \ 'I`\ ' /• ro � '' ,.� \ 'I � � \\ STAIRS \ \ PATIO ��^� a• o-� \ \\\ _ ` \ ` ?01.$).\ ` BACK OF BEACH AND s" RRY \ DEED LINE UMP APPROXIMATE LIMITS CONCRETE\ 1�� OF TIDAL WETLANDS DECK PROPOSED 2 STORY �r 6-- p° -1 \ \ \ \ \� _ ,,, PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS ADDITION W/GARAGE- SEE \ l ��8 r\ \ °�sF AP OX LOCATION \ \ I� UNE OF SILT FENCE, \ \ \ \ \ ARCHITECTURAL PLANS LE H1NG CESSPOOL \ \ _\ C•'� MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT AWN \ _CONSTRUCTION RAIL FENCE -GENERALLY ALONG PROPERTY LINE �� '1 ` 1> APPROX. LOCATION _ / GA GE ,i J OF DRYWELL of LINE �� �' 'I` \\ \\\ \ \` �\\ \ cil O \ l- \ PROVIDE CONCRETE 0 i �F ,,ccls� �TONE� `� _ _ _ 0 `J \/OASTAL EROSIO \ \ \ \ \ \ WASHOUT AREA ':Z`O`r� S J flb -p - - �, HAZARD LINE (SEE DETAIL) ` \ F�%'�ti�, vC N \ l%`�• . ��S�O PAT 43 - - \ \ \ \0 `•� 9 Q74 30 Q 10 �N\`��\\ PROVIDE NEW \ 640NU ENT SEPTIC SYSTEM o � � l \ \ N 5534..'54 E 1845.08 ) �� `>' r STO � � � � (� � ` � � STEP \ \ ` (( �� J ✓ \ c� ° 1 11� /PROPOSED LIMITS ' v �OF CLEARING � J MODIFY DRIVE AND \ o� ��� "- - `rTp ��� OIL FILL PARKING TO PROVIDE--J� �' �F \ & VENT o ACCESS TO NEW GARAGE PROVIDE DRY WELL I \ �� I ' �piw FOR ROOF DRAINAGE tab / (TYP.(4)) CLEARING LINE v ENOCAP TYPE LEVELING DEVICES MIN. 4' 2" MIN. ABOVE x INLET � OUTLET INVERT 2" MIN . O F '� BAFFLE REQUIRED IF INLET PITCH EXCEEDS 1/2" PER FOOT TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE Z 7. '� ,tLn Vr 0 0 \ \ FED 1 g Li1 Q __J \ vJullitiu ;�r1i) Z Q ar f r LJ 0,-, Qo � Unified Soils Classification (USC) System (from ASTM D-2487) W � O 0 Major Division: Coarse -Grained Soils, Sands with Fines O of 3: `•'- SILT FENCE Group Symbol:•'SM, Silty -Sands, Sand- Silt Mixtures z OLL_ O U z GAUGE W z NRCS, USDA Scil Classification: ReB & ReC-Riverhead very stony sandy loam WOVEN WIRE MAX. 6" MESH FENCE (MIN. 14 3 to 8% and 8 to 15% slopes W W W O SPACING) � W z W Z a - SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN FOR 6 BEDROOM RESIDENCEi_- < \eZ n 10' MAX. CEN 36" MIN. LENGTH FENCE (n W U - TER TO CENTER POSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16" PROVIDE - 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANKCC Q INTO GROUND PROVIDE - 1 DISTRIBUTION BOX G ro N PROVIDE - 3 - 6'6" X 6'5" LEACHING POOLS (SEE DETAIL) JOC) UJ 0 INVERT ELEVATIGNS- I'- DBOX INLET- 36.42 y Q L` DBOX OUTLET- 36.25 LEACHING POOLS INLET- 36.0 HEIGHT OF FILTER = 16" MIN. �1\ I 5) 0, ink f PROPOSED SECOND / LANDSCAPED o� \\r 6" MIN. MAP REFERENCE} ` V FLOOR ADDITION AREA �� 1.) PLAN OF PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO ROWLAND A. ROBBINS FISHERS P i SEE ARCHITECTURAL ISLAND, N.Y. SCALE: 1"-100 FT. JULY 1956 BY CHANDLER & PALMER U 1rA; : � hh �g�., PLANS N F O CYNTHIA WARREN SPURDLE PERSPECTIVE VIEW BLOCK 25 - LOT 6 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE i' EL TRIC r MUNICIPAL WATER WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 �I NOTES y _ �' (� o I ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM 1/2 GAUGE W/ MAX. 6" MESH m \ I \ 0�9 I I SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED Q to EC IC / s 36" MIN. FENCE POST o HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO w BLOCK 26 - LOT 4 \ 'I T 0J / I N BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE I PROPOSED ROOF LEADER WELL �v / FLOW G OUNDRBED ENGAGEMENT. N o N I RESIDENCE VACANT LAND I \ I i, I I I \ \ Z o_ U I I I//i 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON UNLESS a DID ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° ° ° °� COMPACTED SOIL :..• \\ O U w E RADIUS=3 h7.29' ° ° //\ o ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN w \ 4 / ° ° EMBED FILTER CLOTH \\�\\�\\,\\\/ o ITEM IN ANY WA'(. - o 0 \ \ 4=15.00' ° A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND (n N 6" PVC WYE 1 �r- ° I OVERFLOW \ \\2 FT. HIGH\ o 0 4" 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S - a-- 0 ( s" PVC cut STONE WALL ' \ \ OLD RAIL SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF > a TO LENGTH MIN. SOIL LOVER A\ONG STREET \ FENCE / ° a SECTION VIEW THE LAND SURVEYOR. W I BLOCKS AND CATCH LINE ° � I BASIN GRATE TO GRADE \ \ / o o CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC w o f (NEENAH R -2525-F) OR EQUAL \ \ \ MONUMENT FILTER FABRIC / \ ° ° SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "NTN". Q \ (FOUND) ° 4' 3:1 6" PVC SDR 35 \ \� / MAX 4' X ° 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, \ TO ADJACENT DRY WELL ° 4' a TIES OR STAPLES, POSTS SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR SECTION 03, BLOCK 1, LOT 5. I 90' BEND 0 po OO OO O / / \ / o ° HARDWOOD. 0 Oo OO Oo O \ /��O+yj , ° 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES 6.) TOTAL AREA =2.02± ACRES. I 6" SDR 35 PVC ° r r SLOPE AS REQUIRED ° O OO OO a0 O 00 ,, O� o SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION, FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, too 0 OO OO OO 0 1/ �.\'j/ Jp0 / 0 0 6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-120 ZONE. 1" STONE' OR 0 Qo 0o po 0 5� \� `�� ° ° 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE Q L I SCREENED GRAVEL / /\ °OVER -LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER 8•) SITE IS SERVICED BY MUNICIPAL WATER AND ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM. - / \ ° FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABILNKA T140N, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. o r7 p 1' 6' 1' / / \ Q 0o J z I PLAN 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED 9.) APPLICANT: Y N J m EQUIVALENT. Ln I Q � STORMWATER DRYWELL DETAIL 6' � • WILLEM KOOYKER &JUDITH ANN CORRENTE N � � U-) NOT TO SCALE / / 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN C/O SAM FITZGERALD, ARCHITECT P.C. CO o 0- 03 CO "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. PO BOX 447 `" 4'� FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 M 2 LLE I mo 01 2 R AW BALES BACKED] 631-788-7919 O w / / \ 1' MIN. � S VA7H SILT FENCE (TYP) H 0 o I DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 3'LINE PIT VA7H 10 LIL 3 t i ROOF AND PORCH AREA = 4130 SF / \ HAM SHEETINQ KEY REQUIRED = 4130 SFX 1.0 X 2/12 = 688 CF ENDS WM GRADE I~-4'~� 688 CF / 28.27 CF/VF = 24.3 VF SECTION USE FOUR(4) - 6'0 X 8' DEEP DRY WELLS. CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT NOT TO SCALE QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION GROUP REVIEWED DATE PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY ENVIRONMENTAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL ARCHITECTURAL NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, LARGER PROJECTS OR PROJECTS REQUIRING PUMPS MUST BE SIZED ACCORDINGLY (7 GALLONS/TRUCK, 50 GALLONS/PUMP, PLUS MIN. 1' FREEBOARD). 2. CAPTURE MATERIAL AND LIQUIDS MUST BE REMOVED FROM PIT AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WHEN THE PIT REACHES 75% OF ITS CAPACITY. 3. INSPECT PIT PRIOR TO EACH USE TO ENSURE CONTAINMENT OF WASH WATER. IFS oo o LJ Q w o0 w ' o w 0� = o -� 0- m o o U o Li N/F NOW OR FORMERLY DATE: 11/15/201,3 STONE WALL SCALE: 1 " = 30' ^ RETAINING WALL PROJECT #2013815 30' 15' 0 30'111111111 SHEET GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 OF 1