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02/04/2015 Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 1 January 01, 2015-January 31, 2015 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share AGENCY&TRUST T1 Tree Book-Wholesale 12 66.00 T1.030 Clean-Up Deposit 1 250.00 Sub-Total: $316.00 FISD SS2.2130.00 Sewer Distrcit Rent 6 5,625.00 Sub-Total: $5,625.00 High DB.2650 Used Equipment- Highway 1 6,550.00 Sub-Total: $6,550.00 INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 1 2.26 Sub-Total: $2.26 PART 8.1255.00 Yard Sale Permits 5 75.00 B.1560.00 Building Permit Fees 15 47,105.80 B.1601.10 Birth Trans. 1 10.00 B.1601.20 Death Trans. 105 1,050.00 8.2110.10 ZBA Application Fees 15 11,400.00 8.2590.10 House Trailer Permit 4 550.00 B.2590.40 Event Fee 1 250.00 Sub-Total: $60,440.80 PT-HIGHWAY DB.2590.00 Excavation Permits 9 1,563.00 Sub-Total: $1,563.00 SWMD SR.2130.40 Bags- Retail-Large 101 600.75 Bags- Retail-Medium 47 142.50 Bags- Retail-Small 84 105.00 SR.2590.10 2015 1st Permit 49 735.00 2015 Add'I Permit 27 202.50 Disposal-2015 1st Permit 40 600.00 Disposal-2015 Add'I Permit 29 217.50 Disposal- Guest 4 100.00 Disposal - Lessee 2 50.00 Disposal- Replacement 35 0.00 Disposal-Void 1 0.00 Disposal Permit-Guest 1 25.00 Disposal Permit-Replace 30 0.00 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 1 0.00 SR.2590.20 2014-16 1st Permit 1 120.00 2014-2016 Add'I Permit 1 60.00 2015-17 1st Permit 5 600.00 2015-17 Add' Permit 1 60.00 Sub-Total: $3,618.25 WHOLE A.1255.10 Marriage License 5 77.50 Marriage Trans. 13 130.00 A.1255.20 Photocopies 282 215.25 A.1255.30 Check Charge 2 40.00 A.1410.4.100.100 Bank Fees 1 35.00 A.2116.10 Alarm Renewals 2014 7 70.00 02/04/2015 Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 2 January 01, 2015-January 31, 2015 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Alarm Renewals 2015 43 430.00 Initial 1 25.00 Initial Alarm 8 200.00 Renewals 2014 , 7 70.00 Renewals 2015 24 240.00 A.2116.20 2014 Alarm Fines 14 1,400.00 2014 Fines 1 100.00 A.2540.10 Bingo Proceeds 3 9.51 A.2540.20 Games Of Chance License 1 10.00 A.2544.10 Dog License Female, Spayed 7 70.00 Dog License Male, Neutered 8 80.00 Dog License Male, Unneutered 1 15.00 Female, Spayed 28 280.00 Female, Unspayed 2 30.00 Male, Neutered 17 170.00 Male, Unneutered 2 30.00 A.2544.20 Dog Redemption- 1st , 2 20.00 Dog Redemption-2nd 2 40.00 A.2590.10 Commercial 19 950.00 Free- Non-Commer. 68 0.00 Non-resident 1 50.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 34 170.00 Shellfish-Commercial 10 500.00 Shellfish- Free Non-Comm 47 0.00 Shellfish- Resident 40 200.00 Shellfish-Voided 1 0.00 Voided 2 0.00 A.2590.20 Beach-Guest 5 200.00 Beach- Non-Resident 4 600.00 Beach- Resident 327 3,270.00 Beach-Sticker Missing 1 0.00 Guest 5 200.00 Motel 4 160.00 Resident 304 3,040.00 A.2590.30 A.2590.30 9 31.16 A.2590.60 Landowner Fees 79 79.00 B.2655.00 Zoning Map-Large 1 40.00 Sub-Total: $13,277.42 WWDD SS1.2130.00 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. 2 20.00 Septic Permit-Operation- Resid. 1 10.00 Sub-Total: $30.00 02/04/2015 Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 3 January 01, 2015-January 31, 2015 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Total Local Shares Remitted: $91,422.73 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ................................._ .......................................................................................... ........................ 75.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 534.84 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 112.50 Amount paid to: State Share Of Games Of Chance License 15.00 Amount paid to: T1 - Sales Tax 3.45 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $92,163.52 Total Non-Local Revenues: $740.79 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn,says that she is the Town Clerk,that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above,excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. • Southold Town Supervisor Dateuuthold Town Clerk Date 2015 Bank Rec General Bank Difference Ledger Statement 1/31/2015 92,163 52 91,993 52 170 00 Deposits in Transit 2/28/2015 0 00 3/31/2015 0 00 4/30/2015 0 00 5/31/2015 0 00 6/30/2015 0 00 7/31/2015 0 00 8/30/2015 0 00 9/30/2015 0 00 10/31/2015 0 00 11/30/2015 0 00 12/31/2015 0 00 General Spreadsheet Ledger 1/31/2015 92,163 52 92,163 52 0 00 2/28/2015 0 00 3/31/2015 0 00 4/30/2015 0 00 5/31/2015 0 00 6/30/2015 ' 0 00 7/31/2015 0 00 8/30/2015 0 00 9/30/2015 0 00 10/31/2015 0 00 11/30/2015 0 00 12/31/2015 0 00 12/31/14 Month end 121,773 04 150,145 09 1/2/15 daily credit card 551 00 122,324 04 1876 (60 00) deposit 4,083 60 126,407 64 1877 (202 50) 1/5/15 daily credit card 6,824 50 133,232 14 1878 (120,912 39) deposit 7,492 50 140,724 64 transfer (598 15) 1/6/15 daily credit card 100 00 140,824 64 28,372 05 (0 00) deposit 1,732 25 142,556 89 1/7/15 daily credit card 151 00 142,707 89 deposit 7,437 20 150,145 09 28,372 05 1/31/2015 Month End 92,163 52 102,627 22 2/2/15 daily deposit 190 00 92,353 52 1879 (75 00) 2/3/15 daily credit card 55 00 92,408 52 1880 (112 50) deposit 3,089 25 95,497 77 1881 (91,441 18) Build cc 772 00 96,269 77 transfer (534 84) 2/4/15 daily credit card 105 00 96,374 77 10,463 70 (0 00) deposit 6,252 45 102,627 22 10,463 70 2015 General Ledger Daily Total check# BALANCE 12/31/14 BALANCE 121,773 04 1/2/15 daily credit card 551 00 122,324 04 deposit 4,083 60 126,407 64 1/5/15 daily credit card 343 00 126,750 64 deposit 7,492 50 134,243 14 Build cc 85 00 134,328 14 1/6/15 daily credit card 100 00 134,428 14 deposit 1,732 25 136,160 39 1/7/15 daily credit card 151 00 136,311 39 deposit 7,437 20 143,748 59 1/8/15 daily credit card 268 50 143,688 59 deposit 5,700 15 143,486 09 Build cc 550 00 22,573 70 NYS Ag& Markt 1876 (60 00) 21,975 55 NYS Dept of Health 1877 (202 50) 22,244 05 Supervisor 1878 (120,912 39) 27,944 20 DECALS transfer (598 15) 28,494 20 1/9/15 daily credit card 322 50 28,816 70 deposit 2,399 70 31,216 40 Build cc 1,036 40 32,252 80 1/12/15 daily credit card 248 50 32,501 30 deposit 5,089 50 37,590 80 Build cc 125 00 37,715 80 1/13/15 daily credit card 55 00 37,770 80 deposit 661 75 38,432 55 1/14/15 daily credit card 115 75 38,548 30 deposit 3,617 80 42,166 10 Build cc 100 00 42,266 10 1/15/15 daily credit card 85 00 42,351 10 deposit 1,648 51 43,999 61 1/16/15 daily credit card 285 00 44,284 61 deposit 15,310 25 59,594 86 1/20/15 daily credit card 248 50 59,843 36 deposit 9,609 25 69,452 61 1/21/15 daily credit card 168 00 69,620 61 deposit 628 00 70,248 61 Interest 2 26 70,250 87 1/22/15 daily credit card 62 50 70,313 37 deposit 2,890 75 73,204 12 1/23/15 daily credit card 125 00 73,329 12 deposit 4,746 55 78,075 67 1/26/15 daily credit card 33 75 78,109 42 deposit 826 50 78,935 92 1/27/15 Snow Day 78,935 92 1/28/15 daily credit card 10 00 78,945 92 deposit 8,278 50 87,224 42 1/29/15 daily credit card 10 00 87,234 42 deposit 2,651 50 89,885 92 Build cc 439 60 90,325 52 Bank Fee 35 00 90,360 52 1/30/15 daily credit card 77 50 90,438 02 deposit 1,625 50 92,063 52 Build cc 100 00 92,163 52 2/2/15 daily deposit 190 00 92,353 52 2/3/15 daily credit card 55 00 92,408 52 deposit 3,089 25 95,497 77 Build cc 772 00 96,269 77 2/4/15 daily credit card 105 00 96,374 77 deposit 6,252 45 102,627 22 2/5/15 NYS Ag & Markt 1879 (75 00) 102,552 22 NYS Dept of Health 1880 (112 50) 102,439 72 Supervisor 1881 (91,441 18) 10,998 54 DECALS transfer (534 84) 10,463 70 daily credit card 10 00 10,473 70 deposit 1,692 75 12,166 45 Build cc 250 00 12,416 45 Tel (631)537-1000 = Fax(631)537-4685 e www bndgenb corn ,r i,L -12 PA 2200 Montauk Highway ^ PO Box 3005 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 004 00005 00 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 01/30/2015 rig Address Service Requested RECEIVED _ IIIIhIIIinnIIIIiii,illi,in,IIigq.l,IiiiiIii,I�i,i.,IiIiiil FEB - 9 2015 .. 003546 0 8500 AV 0 381 TR00013 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD cc ELIZABETH A NEVILLE Southold Town Clerk m TOWN CLERK 30 BOX 1179 21 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 3 NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 AVG AVAILABLE BALANCE 73,086 26 LAST STATEMENT 12/31/14 122,921 57 AVERAGE BALANCE 77,855 56 47 CREDITS 90,790 02 6 DEBITS 123,521 07 THIS STATEMENT 01/30/15 90,190 52 DEPOSITS REF # TRACE # DATE AMOUNT REF # TRACE # DATE AMOUNT 0508567807 01/02 384 25 0509864504 01/14 3, 617 80 0508792343 01/05 4,083 60 0509988271 01/15 1,648 51 0508908607 01/06 25 0500342504 01/20 9,609 25 0509017002 01/06 10 00 0500208652 01/20 15,310 25 0509017004 01/06 1,732 25 0500465252 01/21 628 00 0508908559 01/06 7,492 50 0500601752 01/22 2,890 75 0509149276 01/07 7,437 20 0500730782 01/23 4,746 55 0o 0509286002 01/08 5,700 15 0500996828 01/28 826 50 m 0509427007 01/09 2,399 70 0501105844 01/29 8,278 50 -1- 0509616825 01/12 5,089 50 0501189820 01/30 2,651 50 0 0509746257 01/13- 661 75 0 c.1 OTHER CREDITS m DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT , 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/01 70 00 0 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/03 551 00 O 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/06 85 00 o 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/06 343 00 M 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/07 100 00 0O1 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/08 151 00 o m 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/09 268 50 CO I, o ca 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/09 550 00 Z°; 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/10 322 50 CC.--I 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/10 1,036 40 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/13 125 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/13 248 50 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/14 55 00 * * * CONTINUED Nf1Tf(`F CFF PPVFRCF CIIIF FnR IMPORTANT IAIFnRMGTIfN Tel (631)537-1000 • Fax(631)537-4685 •www,iridgenbcotn A l' BNB 004 00005 00 PAGE 2 2200 Montauk Highway • PO Box 3005 ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 01/30/2015 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD s — NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 OTHER CREDITS _--=— DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT INTEREST AT 0300 % 01/15 2 26 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/15 100 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/15 115 75 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/16 85 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/17 285 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/21 248 50 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/22 168 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/23 62 50 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/24 125 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/27 33 75 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/29 10 00 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/30 10 00 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/30 439 60 CHECKS CHECK # TRACE # DATE AMOUNT CHECK # TRACE # DATE AMOUNT 1876 1136003807 01/16 60 00 1878 1136014076 01/09 120,912 39 1877 1136005999 01/16 202 50 OTHER DEBITS DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 1/02 AT 9 20 CONF# 01/02 1,648 03 400247408 ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 1/06 AT 9 45 CONF# 01/06 598 15 o 400025878 o "' 000431290851887 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 01/17 100 00 up m INTEREST 0 0 `" 0 AVERAGE LEDGER BALANCE 77, 855 49 INTEREST EARNED 1 80 N o m AVERAGE AVAILABLE BALANCE 73,086 18 DAYS IN PERIOD 30 N INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD 2 26 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED 03% o INTEREST PAID 2015 2 26 o INTEREST PAID 2014 39 91 0 to to DAILY BALANCE o DATE BALANCE DATE BALANCE DATE BALANCE 01/01 122,991 57 01/07 142,964 44 01/13 38, 605 05 o o 01/02 121,727 79 01/08 148, 815 59 01/14 42,277 85 01/03 122,278 79 01/09 31,121.40 01/15 44,144 37 0° 01/05 126,362 39 01/10 32,480 30 01/16 43, 966 87 01/06 135,427 24 01/12 37,569 80 01/17 44, 151 87 * * * CONTINUED * * * 004 00005 00 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 01/30/2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT XXXXXX5466 DAILY BALANCE DATE BALANCE DATE BALANCE DATE BALANCE 01/20 69,071 37 01/23 77,815 67 01/28 78,800 92 01/21 69,947 87 01/24 77,940 67 01/29 87, 089 42 01/22 73,006 62 01/27 77,974 42 01/30 90,190 52 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 500015466 Page 4 Tel (631)537-1000 • Fax(631)537-4685 •wwws ridgenb com J- BNB 2200 Montauk Highway • PO Box 3005 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 Vii• 4.--,k, 601111101.0 TOWN CLERK ^K a84¢ 1676 MAIN ROAD TOWN HALLSarno:.Wiwi wng P000X »a . .OutHrl n NVflan 1/'41116 • Y ORY0A NYSA01minSre a Markets I$.113000 EE Sun Oar DOLLARS 8 (0O. CTOruT..h.- 1 �� MEMO 1214Oogz ® 11001.876n 10214066671 0500015466. — ___� 1876 - $60 00 - 01/16/2015 1876 - $60 00 - 01/16/2015 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 'we emocommot4 nenceau.s.. (5 1877 ; 59095 MAMMA],TOWN HALL bigroMANnoArl POW/11170 ME61. fi0U11bID NY 11911192015 APOiayP NYSOEpemnent of Health I$"20250 4 -alt _oy I _ G e - TwMurNredTwonesd100""' OOLLAIIS 8 .1t fc �o5i/ _ g c,p „ - - B ` tai:_ •e} _' _ __ '. oqv i'l MEMO 12nAreana6• CCCIII a " ' R= � Y: rF� - _ ` fW� r0O187711 1021406667. 0500015466. I jai , 4- _ - ={ S .1; ' fc 1877 - $202 50 - 01/16/2015 1877 - $202 50 - 01/16/2015 Me AiilL.utl�7wh;1,,-4.7i.�t 1-.-�J,L _ _. Oepdal One,NA Wchrnond VA 065000090 - SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERIC NATIOULeANK Ir- 1878 46200M1-12821020150101380007222670.5 6.'1085 MAINFN]AO TOWNHNLNY 11971 _ - J III PO901t1116 SOUTHOLD NY ram 110(2015 I j I PAY.0900 Svpen130,9m0A Russell I$ 120 912 39 I CSRl fO5A'N...PlNncna VO 065500000 - ,74 Zi 1.0 ..0506201 0901 419711 .M0150A00005519-'^^y"�.a_'�7009f .. -' O s pie HOndledT+enly Thousand Now Handed TKclv0 and 391100" C 4I'ITAL OINK„NA om N 0011258 8 o W q 1 - a Y16134693910I01082015I 0 b UC1IMOND V529121 go 1.0 " /�'yam 1 00000000000000000000 1 114 (-0 MA L. , O �' 12/14 reca0 F I O1 .001076, 10214066674 0500015466. 11 NO ,_._ —_55.55 _ N O Ln N O O 1--1 O CD v 1878 - $120,912 39 - 01/09/2015 1878 - $120,912 39 - 01/09/2015 Ln CO O O M O O CaZ Ce CO Monthly Bank Reconciliation **Entry in gray boxes only For The Month of : L Jan-15 Date of Statement 1/31/15 Statement Ending Balance I $90,190.52 Listing of DEPOSITS in transit/ not appearing on statement Deposit Date Amount Deposit Date Amount 1 1/30/15 ,$1*625.50 2 $0.00 Leave - , 3 1/30/15 ,',,,,- $100.00 4 : ' ,,, > ,°'''', ' , - ' $0.00 amounts as 5 .: 1130115 ' ' , $7750 6 - '-'"'' -,,„ > ' ,... $000 $0 00 unless 7 , , > , ' --t, . $0.00 needed Total of deposits not listed on bank statement $1,803 00 Listing of CHECKS outstanding / not appearing on statement Check# Amount Check# Amount ' , > „`: ' - $046: > $0,00 „, , , > , $0.00 > ' $0.00 > ' $0.00 > -'„ , ,-V $0.00 Leave WOO > \ ' 7 $000 amounts as , • „ , " > -: $000 > ' -."' $0.00 $0 00 unless ,„$0,00 ,, , > , , , , $0,00 needed > , '40,0 , . ,,,, > , ,. . ,„, $0.06 .'$000 ,,t, ". W,4 > :; ' $000, > $0.00 . - , ,‘ : ,,::,..t $000 $0 00 , > , - $0,00 ' .: $0.00, Total of outstanding checks not listed on bank statement! $0 00 CALCULATED ACCOUNT BALANCE: $91,993.52 :1''':&-''''''''4"--",---'7"7-4-*---"'"'"---"—:" _?a.,'3'172--`T.f r-..,t_ c97-1tyJ i c i''. f:;?(-7 v7:P 1—.77;: 2/9/2015 Account Statement Summary Agent ID 2059 Telephone (631)-765-8461 Agent Name TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Address 53095 Main Road P O Box 1179,Suffolk Southold NY 11971 Account Notice# 2059-13 Account Notice Date 02/01/2015 Billing Period 01/01/2015-01/31/2015 Sales Summary Gross Sales 566 00 Commissions 31 16 Net Sales 534 84 Account Details Open Amounts Pending Amounts Previous Balances 0 00 0 00 Current Charges Net Sales 534 84 Current Charges Adjustments 0 00 Current Charges Non Returned Documents 0 00 Previously Disputed Transactions (Resolved this period) 0 00 0 00 ACH Failures reported 0 00 ACH Failures Paid(this period) 0 00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(this ACH) 0 00 0 00 Total 534 84 0 00 Agent Review Activity Since 02/01/2015 Open Amounts Pending Amounts Amount Disputed 0 00 0 00 Disputed Amounts Resolved 0 00 0 00 New ACH Failures Reported 0 00 ACH Failures Paid 0 00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(since 02/01/2015) 0 00 0 00 Total 0 00 0 00 Account Summary Amount to be Swept on or after 02/16/2015 12 00 00 AM 534 84 Pending Charges 0 00 Account Balance 0 00 Page 1 of 2 2/9/20159 ' ~ i � _��^'_ `y�� ���`' �~� � � � ^��� ham I #of Txnsl Gross Sales' Net Sales' 01'J\N4e 0 00 00 00 02'J\N-15 2 37 00 204 34 96 03-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 04-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 05'J\N45 0 22 00 121 20 79 08'JAN'15 1 15 00 D83 1417 07'JAN-15 1 37 00 2 04 34 96 08-JAN-15 1 125 00 8O8 11812 09'JAN45 3 200 00 11 00 189 00 10-JAN'15 0 00U 00 00 11-JAN-15 0 00 00 00 12-JAN-15 2 20 00 1 11 1889 13-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 14-JAN-15 0 00 00 00 15-JAN-15 1 110 00 6 05 103 95 16'J\N45 0 00 0 00 00 17-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 18-JAN-15 0 00 00 8O8 19'JaN'15 0 00 00 00 20'JAN45 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 21-JAN-15 0 0 00 00 00 22-JAN-15 1 0 00 0 00 0 00 23-JAN-15 0 00 0 00 0 00 24-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 25-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 26-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 27-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 28-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 29'JAN'15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 30-JAN-15 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 31-JAN-15 0 00 00 000 Total 566 00 31 16 534 84 Page 2 of 2 From 1/1/2015 To 1/31/2015 DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT 02/04/2015 Suffolk 47 Send Copy To Animal Population Control Elizabeth A Neville Town of Southold 10 Southold Town Clerk LICENSE TYPES m AND FEES o oqj 4 y m Unspayed Spayed y N Statutory Fee Statutory Fee Local Fee (D) Late Penalty (E) Spayed Fee (F) Unspayed Fee (G) m m m k (B) (C) - 1 Spay/Neuter 60 60 0 NO FEE @ 0 00 0 00 @ 10 00 600 00 0 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 1 00 60 00 NO FEE 2 Unspay/Unneut 5 5 0 5 @ 0 00 0 00 NO FEE @ 15 00 75 00 0 @ 0 00 0 00 NO FEE @ 3 00 15 00 3 Exemption 0 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 4 Purebred(1-10) 0 0 0 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 25 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 1 00 0 00 @ 3 00 0 00 5 Purebred(11-25) 0 0 0 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 50 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 1 00 0 00 @ 3 00 0 00 6 Purebred(26+) 0 0 0 @ 100 00 0 00 @ 100 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 0 00 0 00 @ 1 00 0 00 @ 3 00 0 00 - 7 TOTALS 65 65 0 5 $0 00 $0 00 $675 00 $0 00 $60 00 $15 00 REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED Column H Column I (Local) Column J (Statutory) TAG ORDERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8 Replacement Tags 0 0 00 0 00 9 Purebred Tags 0 0 00 0 00 10 TOTALS 0 $0 00 $0 00 DISBURSEMENTS (to T C V ) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) 12 Local% of 7B + 7C $0 00 15 Stat% of 7B + 7C $0 00 18 100% of 7F + 7G $75 00 13 Local% of 7D + 7E + 10I $675 00 16 Stat% of 10J $0 00 14 Total -Y $675 00 17 Total $0 00 Amount paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $0 00 Amount paid to NYS Ag & Markets for spay/neuter program $75 00 LICENSE SUMMARY 1 Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses 14 2 Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses 0 3 Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses) 51 4 Number of Purebred License Renewals 0 5 Total of Lines 1-3 65 INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN 19,902 42 WHOLE 0 492 53% DOG LICENSE 0 00 PART 1 500 HIGHWAY 0 039 WHOLE TOWN 19,902 42 Fl SEWER 0 139 PART TOWN 60,690 80 - SWMD 0 089 HIGHWAY 1,563 00 WASTE WATER 0 001 Fl SEWER 5,625 00 TOTAL 2 260 SWMD 3,618 25 WASTE WATER 30 00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 91,429 47 NON LOCAL REVENUES & MISC AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX 69 45 TOTAL OF DISTS 91,429 47 BID SPECIFICATION FEES 0 00 INTEREST ACCOUNT 2 26 TOTAL NON- COUNTY TREASURER 0 00 LOCAL NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER REVENUES 734 05 NYS ENVIRONMENTAL 534 84 NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE 112 50 92,163 52 STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE 0 00 STATE - BINGO 15 00 734 05 January 2014 13 NEW YORK STA rE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower Monthly l.hly Report of Bureau of Accounts Management-Revenue Unit-Room 1258 Albany,New York 12237-0016 Marriage Licenses Issued SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO January 2015 $ Check# City or Town of Southold DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE County of Suffolk Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law,as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003,I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report Licenses issued were numbered from 1 to 5 inclusive (If ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write"NONE" in the above space) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Elizabeth A Neville Department of Health Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH / / ) / 7r-Lt:Ati 02/04/2015 Mailing Ade' Amount of remittance with this report p 0 Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 $ 11250 E-mail Address Phone E neville@town southold ny us (631)765-1800 .x. , ,t•:', r��Y. �w�;,a a' ...".t.. .-.:,".'�: "z,':.i',s';:�°":�i�°i"S•..}'-'. < '.x'4`^:'s�q. .,,.. tint " �; 'i•,,i' :Y , .z2 �" >',:ri:i'u'..�sr y� '�{";�'1'^ r.:,.a, % .._8"trx',.h�., xf.":,`, Y�,,.�, r�'ti ' S f t .• i` ,�. { -`_ �� !h'^-'»:4 :i..t ~.ti{4 s( a Yt,, .. t`�_,t:.'_,,;`s"�-.�s:�_.,.'t�`"xk�... �..,__ r, � '��._v .'t�,.r� 's-',.,r's:. U ,:.u.:,v..sw�;S%;.+t�:� ..:.if '+M.,.•P�.:.::�>c.• Aa'i I HIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF I IFALTH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were Issued If no licenses were Issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of$22 50,regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law,the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof DOH-963 (09/2004) STATE OF NEW YORK DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE REPORT OF GAMES OF CHANCE AMOUNT RECD ENT BY FEES COLLECTED REFUND CHECKED BY DEPOSITED CODE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 960,LAWS OF 1976 SHEET NO 1 OF 1 MONTH OF January , 2015 NAME OF MUNICIPALITY Town of Southold COUNTY Suffolk P O ADDRESS P O Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971 CODE NUMBER 4737900 NUMBER OF NAME OF ORGANIZATION LICENSE NO OCCASIONS AMOUNT Greenport Fire Department I 47 210 301 05588 I 1 25 00 A) TOTAL FEES COLLECTED $25 00 B) DELIVERED TO MUNICIPAL TREASURY $10 00 C)TRANSMITTED HEREWITH TO STATE COMPTROLLER $15 00 TOTALS CERTIFICATION OF ISSUING OFFICER Elizabeth A Neville ,hereby certifies that-he is the Southold Town Clerk of the Town of Southold State of New York,that-he has prepared the annexed report issued the licenses listed therein and that such report is a true and correct statement of operations for the period which it covers Pi; Q Y) 1 b Issuing Officer CERTIFICATION OF REMITTING OFFICER Scott A. Russell hereby certifies that-he is the Supervisor of the Town of Southold State of New York that-he has examined the annexed report,that-he knows such report to be a t and correct statement of operations for the period which it covers and that the amount remitted herewith is the full amount payable to the State Com. ler for such period pursuant to Chapter 960 of the Laws of 1976 as amended Remitting Officer 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 1 09 54 59 ' Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—January 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Agency&Trust 1 Clean-Up Deposit 250 00 12 Tree Book-Wholesale 66 00 13 Category Sub-Total $316 00 Alarm Fees 14 2014 Alarm Fines 1,400 00 1 2014 Fines 100 00 7 Alarm Renewals 2014 70 00 43 Alarm Renewals 2015 430 00 1 Initial 25 00 8 Initial Alarm 200 00 7 Renewals 2014 70 00 24 Renewals 2015 240 00 105 Category Sub-Total $2,535 00 Bank Fees 1 Bank Fees 35 00 1 Category Sub-Total $35 00 Beach Permits 5 Beach-Guest 200 00 4 Beach-Non-Resident 600 00 327 Beach-Resident 3,270 00 1 Beach-Sticker Missing 0 00 5 Guest 200 00 4 Motel 160 00 304 Resident 3,040 00 650 Category Sub-Total $7,470 00 Building Permit Fees 15 Building Permit Fees 47,105 80 15 Category Sub-Total $47,105 80 Certification, Birth 1 Birth Trans 10 00 1 Category Sub-Total $10 00 Certification Death 105 Death Trans 1,050 00 105 Category Sub-Total $1,050 00 Certification, Marriage 13 Marriage Trans 130 00 13 Category Sub-Total $130 00 Conservation (DECALS) 9 Conservation (DECALS) 566 00 9 Category Sub-Total $566 00 Dog Licenses Original 1 Dog License Female,Spayed 11 00 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 2 09 N 59 ' Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—January 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 3 Dog License Male, Neutered 33 00 1 Dog License Male, Unneutered 18 00 5 Female,Spayed 55 00 1 Female, Unspayed 18 00 2 Male, Neutered 22 00 1 Male, Unneutered 18 00 14 Category Sub-Total $175 00 Dog Licenses Renewal 6 Dog License Female,Spayed 66 00 5 Dog License Male, Neutered 55 00 23 Female, Spayed 253 00 1 Female, Unspayed 18 00 15 Male, Neutered 165 00 1 Male, Unneutered 18 00 51 Category Sub-Total $575 00 Fishers Island Sewer District 6 Sewer Distort Rent 5,625 00 6 Category Sub-Total $5,625 00 Highway Excavation 9 Excavation Permits 1,563 00 9 Category Sub-Total $1,563 00 House Trailer Permits 4 House Trailer Permit 550 00 4 Category Sub-Total $550 00 Interest Now Account 1 Interest NOW Account 2 26 1 Category Sub-Total $2 26 Landowner 79 Landowner Fees 79 00 79 Category Sub-Total $79 00 Misc Cash 282 Photocopies 215 25 282 Category Sub-Total $215 25 Ordinance Fees 1 Zoning Map-Large 43 45 1 Category Sub-Total $43 45 Racing And Wagering Bingo 3 Bingo Proceeds 9 51 3 Category Sub-Total $9 51 Racing And Wagering Games Of Chance 1 Games Of Chance License 25 00 1 Category Sub-Total $25 00 Redemptions 2 Dog Redemption-1st 20 00 2 Dog Redemption-2nd 40 00 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 3 09 54 59 ' Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01, 2015—January 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 4 Category Sub-Total $60 00 Returned 2 Check Charge 40 00 2 Category Sub-Total $40 00 Sale Of Used Equipment 1 Used Equipment-Highway 6,550 00 1 Category Sub-Total $6,550 00 Shellfish 19 Commercial 950 00 68 Free-Non-Commer 0 00 1 Non-resident 50 00 34 Resid -Non-Comm 170 00 10 Shellfish-Commercial 500 00 47 Shellfish-Free Non-Comm 0 00 40 Shellfish-Resident 200 00 1 Shellfish-Voided 0 00 2 Voided 0 00 222 Category Sub-Total $1,870 00 Solid Waste Management 1 2014-16 1st Permit 120 00 District 1 2014-2016 Add'I Permit 60 00 49 2015 1st Permit 735 00 27 2015 Add'I Permit 202 50 5 2015-17 1st Permit 600 00 1 2015-17 Add'I Permit 60 00 101 Bags-Retail-Large 600 75 47 Bags-Retail-Medium 142 50 84 Bags-Retail-Small 105 00 40 Disposal-2015 1st Permit 600 00 29 Disposal-2015 Add'I Permit 217 50 4 Disposal-Guest 100 00 2 Disposal-Lessee 50 00 35 Disposal-Replacement 0 00 1 Disposal-Void 0 00 1 Disposal Permit-Guest 25 00 30 Disposal Permit-Replace 0 00 1 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 0 00 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 4 09 55 05 • Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—January 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 459 Category Sub-Total $3,618 25 Special Events 1 Event Fee 250 00 1 Category Sub-Total $250 00 Vital Statistics Marriage 5 Marriage License 190 00 5 Category Sub-Total $190 00 Wastewater Disposal District 2 Septic Permit-Construct- 20 00 Resid 1 Septic Permit-Operation- 10 00 Resid 3 Category Sub-Total $30 00 Yard Sale Permits 5 Yard Sale Permits 75 00 5 Category Sub-Total $75 00 ZBA Application Fees 15 ZBA Application Fees 11,400 00 15 Category Sub-Total $11,400 00 Received Through Total Cash Total $7,844 95 COUNTER $92,153 52 Check Total $78,564 81 Mail $10 00 Credit Total $5,696 50 Debit Total $0 00 Money Order Total $20 00 Online Total $0 00 Other/Unknown $37 26 Grand Total $92,163 52 Transfer Confirmation Processing Complete February 05,2015 08 40 00 AM EST Transfer From. Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance *****5466 TOWN CLERK 534 84 97213 98 Transfer To Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****7685 TOWN CLERK- 534 84 534 84 400024969 CONS LICENSES LOK j 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 1 9 57 59 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015-January 31, 2015, Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 01/02/2015 37 00 2 04 34 96 CAROLH 01/05/2015 22 00 1 21 20 79 LYNDAR 01/06/2015 15 00 0 83 14 17 SABRINA 01/07/2015 37 00 2 04 34 96 CAROLH 01/08/2015 125 00 6 88 118 12 CAROLH 01/09/2015 200 00 11 00 189 00 SABRINA 01/12/2015 5 00 0 28 4 72 CAROLH 01/12/2015 15 00 0 83 14 17 BONNIED 01/15/2015 110 00 6 05 103 95 CAROLH Report Totals $566 00 $31 16 $534 84 02/04/2015 Town of Southold Page 1 9 57 40 AM Proceeds Report Lynda M Rudder For All License Types Date Range 01/01/2015 to 01/31/2015 License Type License# Organization Name Receipt Date Occasion Receipts Expenses Profits Cash 2015-Bingo 4017 American, Legion Post 803 01/15/2015 01/06/2015 $716 00 $613 75 $99 18 $3 07 2015-Bingo 4017 American, Legion Post 803 01/15/2015 01/13/2015 $915 00 $783 75 $127 31 $3 94 2015-Bingo 4017 American, Legion Post 803 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 $857 00 $773 75 $80 75 $2 50 Totals $2,488 00 $2,171 25 $307 24 $9 51