HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandicapped Ramp at Southold Legion BuildingJUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL S'I \I ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 19, 1984: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of William M. Beebe, Building Contractor, Cutchogue, New York, for the completion of the Handicapped Ramp, consisting of a new concrete entrance and a new Wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion, Southold, New York, at a total cost of $5, 300.00, and hereby authorizes Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to enter into a contract with William M. Beebe, Building Contractor, for the aforesaid work. l + Judith T. perry Southold Town Clerk June 21, 1984 JUDITH T. TERRY TowN CLERK REGISTRAR OP VITAL Sl A I IS'I'ICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 19, 1984: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby terminates the contract between the Town of Southold and Tips and Tails, 726B Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901, for the non-performance of the contractor for the construction of a Handicapped Ramp at the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion, Southold, New York. Gudit T. Terry Southold Town Clerk June 21, 1984 l SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 0� (516) 765-1992 Unh. James C. McMahon Administrator RESOLUTION - SEPTEMBER 29, 1983 AGENCY RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby a�.pts the b-ird o, Tips And Tails, 726 B Roanoke Avenue, f/*`G io Riverhead, New York 11901 for the construction of a Handicapped Ramp, consisting of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the American Legion (Griswold -Terry Post No. 803), in Southold, New York, all in accordance with the bid documents, at the base bid/lump sum contract price of $6, .00. l�,F . JD 727-2784 TIPS AND TAILS QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM 369-1103 TO: Office of Town Clerk Proposed Cost Town of Southold REs Bid on Handicapped Ramp $60900.00 Southold Legion Materials & Labor Folloving Bid is for all materials and labor costs for the proposed handicapped ramp to be constructed at the Southold American Legion Hall in Southold as per indicated by the ap- proved specifications. Price also includes the destruction and removal of existing steps and the construction of now steps as per indicated by approved specifi-cations. fihouJjdoBi4j Should bid be accepted all materials and worlmunship would be guaranteed for one your from its completion date. A period of not more than three weeks would be needed for its completion, excluding weather inclimated by rain, snow sob. A sum of 1/3 or two thousand throe hundred dollars be- fore work 17 bmgun as a matwrial endowment. Two concurrent meekly chocks of eight hundred fifty dollars is requosted but not necessary, one week after work has begun to cover payroll costs. The remaining sum of two thousand nine hundred to bo due apon satisfactory aempletina of said project. Work would begin one week prior acception of laid. Frank :'Ayne Bartalomy 726 b Roanoke Ave Riverhead N #Y. 11901 369+1103 Lic. /15488 -HI TIPS AND TAILS 369-1103 727-2784 QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM ROOFING AND SIDING SPECIALISTS REASONABLE PRICING - QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Additions - General Repairs - Gutters Paintinq - narks - 1-,vndscanino JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STA'I ISTICS i 1� I�' ♦1 �► aha „� '� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1983 Frank Wayne Bartalomy Tips and Tails . 726 B Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Bartalomy: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 4, 1983 accepted your bid in the amount of $6,900.00 for the construction of a Handicapped Ramp at the Griswold -Terry -Glover American Legion Post, Southold, New York. Please contact Community Development Administrator James C. McMahon at 765-1892 for further details. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: J. C. McMahon OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1983 Frank Wayne Bartalomy Tips and Tails . 726 B Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Bartalomy: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 4, 1983 accepted your bid in the amount of $6,900.00 for the construction of a Handicapped Ramp at the Griswold -Terry -Glover American Legion Post, Southold, New York. Please contact Community Development Administrator James C. McMahon at 765-1892 for further details. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: J. C. McMahon CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIARITIES AND FEMALES ,NAIIE OF PROJECT:APt z j� PROJECT NUMBER: MUNICIPALITY: Sc"i a�� COt1PAPJY NAME: T► {�s an4 Ta ► � •S ADDRESS: 716 Q BC, key (Jue— TOWN, STATE, ZIP: ?_V ND ��1, y 114 0 1 SIGNATURE: �Q- TITLE: C>4 c),/,7ee- DATE: 'SQP 26 - ttig'3 PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: FROM ,TO: month/year month/year Is your company minority or female owned? yes' no ' Is your company subcontracting any part of this contract, to a minority or f em -a 1 e owned business? yes F-1 no If you answered yes to either question above, please check each box that applies to your company: Ma l e Q Female Slack C1 Hispanic C� Native American other jj--�� o ec s L_1 P Amount of Contract S , Qpp , © O Check each box that applies to your sub -contractor male �] female -� black Hispanic Native_American M other specify Amount of Subcontract j .N,ane of Subcontractor �ft 727-2784 TO: Offtep., olft Town Clerk Town of Southold REi Bid on Handicapped Ramp Southold Le,gion TIPS AND TAILS QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM Proposed Cent $6* 900.00 369-1 103 Materials & Labor Folloving Bid is for all materials and labor costs for the proresod handicapped ramp to be constructed at the Southol'-A American Legion Hall in Southold as per indicated by the ap- T)rov*d'. spocificattons. Frtee also includes the destruction and removal. of existing steps and the construction of new steps as per indicated by approved !!pectficrations. 6h*%k&d*ft4 Should bid be accepted all materials and workmanship vould be guaranteed for one year from its completion date, A period of not more than three weeks mould be nodded for itis completion, excluding weather inclimatod bj rain, snow *at. ; sum of 1/3 or two thousand tkiroo hundreu dollars be- fore woric i- bsRgun as sl manorial endowment. Two concurrent ,vookly checks of eight hundred fifty dollars is requested but not necessary, one week after work has begun to cover payroll (5osts, Thp remaining sum of two thousand nine hundred to be due apon satisfactory esrnpletim of said pro jest. Work would begin one woo4k prter acc*ptIon of bid* Frank &yno bartalomy 726 b Roanoke Ave Riverhead NY. 11901 369*11U3 J.S. dr_FAR TMEN' yr MOUSING AND JRBAN 0cVELZ-74EN COMMUNITY DEVSLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION CONCERNING LABOR STANDARDS AND PREVAI LING 'MACE REQUIREMENTS TO ;,{�dr�Or:3t:.3t::9gent): I OATS Sovflto! ( seP� ab 1°IFr3 TO W � CLeQ-iC' PR[]IFc-- Vl1M AFS ; CIO ?ROJ=CT N11ME 14A%Die_n PPED ��ttl'►t' 1. The undersigned, having executed a cant. -act with iro I Ox. �A 40 W Y, C'I, LEC- l� for the construction of the above -identified project, acknowledges that: (a) The Labor Standards provisions are included in the aforesaid contract; (b) Correction of any infractions. of tate aforesaid conditions, including infractions by any of his subcontractors and any lower tier subcontractors, is his responsibility; 1. He certifies t5atr (a) Neither he nor any firm, partnership or association in which; he has substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor by the Comptroller General of tae United States pursuant to Section 3.6(b) of tl:e Regulations of the Secretary of Labor, Part 3 (29 CFR. Part i) or pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Davis -$aeon Act, as amended (40 U.5.C. 276a—Va)). (b) No part of the aforementioned contact has been or will be subcontracted to anv subcontractor if such sub- contractor or any fiat, corporation, partnership or association in which such subcontractor has a substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor pursuant to any of the aforementioned regulatory Or statutory provisions. 3. He agrees to obtain and forward to the aforementioned recipient within ten days after the execution of any subcontract, including those executed by his subcontractors and any lower tier subcontractors, a Subcontractor's Certification Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing Wage Requirements executed by the subcontractors. 4. He certifies -,lot- (a) `3'he iegai-name and the b"wess-Addre5s,Qf the undersigned are: -_ '?A(. 3 Roan o V, Atre AIj 0 w -Y (t 't (b) (ne undersigned Is: (1) A SINGLE PROPRIETORSHIP I (3) A CORPORATION ORGANIZED IN THE STATE of i2) A PARTNERSHIP I (4) OTHER ORGANiZAT10N (Deacrioe; (c) The name, title and address of the owner, partners or officers of the undersigned are - NAME I T)TL_ I ACCRIESS FiQANK 6 R- TAc o wt Zug A 0 6-" Ket, R0 Wo . C 0 L L QA p - Tp LQ V t ( C 0cf?✓ o u-5 1 N >r iZ Y� A N QA QT�i o nn(` .5 7 oneai%eiDFApS 1,Po R ✓ f1p NY !G �1 d MUD -1J;1 ;o—i:1 i (d) The names and aadresses at alt orner persons, porn natural and corporate, having a suostonttal interest in the urcersigr.ed, and the nature ai ,,he interest are !!/ none, ;o stare/: - -4e),-The naeles, 4"4aresse3 and trace classifications of all other building construction cantrauors in which ,:he unaerstgned has a subsf_rtidi interest .cre !/r NAM£ I A0CRS53 I TRACE CLASSIFICATtON Date ( 9rt Lra C'Ar/i 9 v � • By WARNING U.S. Criminal Code, Section 1010, Title 13, U.S.C., provides in part: ""Dever..... as&es, passes, utters or publishes ary statement, know=q a same to be false ..... shall be fined not sore than 55,000 or iatorisoned not more ti an two years. or both." ♦, t. .f "M >a , ` t �.W C , •Z 400 194�,z Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the mphall of the Griswold - Te Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp — Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best JOAN N. MAGEE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK NO.�2-4505858 ooUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY COM(AISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 19.Yf interest of th Town of Southold to do so. , DATED: August 26,1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1TS22-4344 SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 Joan W. Gustayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks successively, commencing on the 22nd day of September 19__83 Principal Clerk Sworn to be re me this day of / J STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Joan W. Gustayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks successively, commencing on nd he 22 day of September 1g 3 trincipal Clerk JOAN N. MAGEE Sworn to be re me this NOTARY PUBLIC STATEOF NEW YON day of 1g QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY t�M ISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30,193Vx' -If Iln �!M�AA4'��� ininm inn neiie� CSI IONnf�Nll' Nuoir iu""iII1�IX lii'Ti' w 'ilmiinr Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main ha,i of the Griswold - Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp — Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. DATED: August 26,1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD IK 1 TOWN CLERK 1 SS: 1TS22-4344 .loan W. Gustayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for _ 1 weeks successively, commencing on the 22nd day of September 1983 Principal Clerk Sworn to bef re me this JOAN N. MAGEE NOTARY PUIBLIC$ TSS NOF EW YORK da of QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 19gr STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Jon 1 W- 041-stayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for weeks successively, commencing on the 22nd dayof September 19a g2j, aj. -A'M"r" Principal Clerk JOAN N. MAGEE Sworn to bef re me this aj NOTARY PUBUC. STATE OF NE* TORI( da of COMINISs ONO0c5P12R 3O. &00 q I 1 7771-7-r--" 1 oaTl 11, 1,l In "j. 1, np,: i 4itlr4'WN 'kl11 f+rRr eligi„rlll lq irenlq rp rnn lARp R .uunna......".11.1iimr pmnmm� fin, axsrr, :aA. ., �TPn:_mw.:—, ' — LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheel- chair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp --Southold Legion," and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do SO. DATED: August 26, 1981 JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1T-9/15/83(7) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and thct the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for ..weeks successively, commencing on the 1 d .........:,::..: �.................. 19..�!. ................. Sworn to before me this .............. ... ............ day of ., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for ........................................weeks successively, commencing on the........... Sworn to before me this .............. 5.�........... day of CLEMrtNT J. ltHt' MMON MMARY NSM Stan of MW Yor* Mz 52-5322725 m8 in s r'y Cae►n►b*n Expires tMprh ,-A 11z LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheel- chair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp --Southold Legion," and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do SO. DATED: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1T-9/15/83(7) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for .......................................weeks successively, commencing on the da .................... Sworn to before me this .............11 5- ......... day of E.:..: 19..:..3 ........ .. .. ........ ......... ....................... Nota ub is COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duty sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for .......................................weeks successively, commencing on the ............ S .... d aze ' .................. 19....3 ...............................�,n.,�... Sworn to before me this ............ 5 ........... day of 19.13 Ci EMEM ai. TwoMPSON ROTARY DUSK State of MW yak O, 52.9321725 fiWing in swank Ce"ity comission Exams i bMh g LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the Provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received -by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town _ Clerk's Office, Southold Tom. Hall, Main Road,, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983; at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a:new, wood and concrete ramp ;:o allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold - Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked `Bid on Handicapped and plainlyoaddressedgto the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. DATED: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD T I TS8-4334 OWN CLERK STATE OF NEW YORK ► ► SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 4'u V s, n, la _ of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that bWshe is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for weeks successively, commencing on the 8th day of -) e ca1ab er 19_ 8 HKiN K. DE u0i oi7APY Ruwtic, Side of N oi 30 19 " Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 8U ' day of__Se L;tember 19 -M / STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Joan W. Gustayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that OWshe is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week' for one weeks successively, commencing on the 8th day of S ept emb er 193 HELFN'K. DEME (N -NITARY pUKIC, _qW of New York No. 470nn, 310" � bunt principal Clerk Tenn Expires March 30, 19 Sworn to before me this 8th day of September 193'go� � // / _ 'CA Ue LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal. Law, ;Ohat sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new twood land concrete ramp o low wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold - Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion building at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp — Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. DATED: August 26,1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1TS8-4334 STATE OF NEW YORK ► ► SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ► Joan 'rT. Gustayson of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for one weeks successively, commencing on the 8th dayof_ September 193 HELEN K DE VOE % NOr4Ry rU8l1C, St,,te at Nc>w No '4707878. s,ttolk County or, Principal Clerk L'rm Expires M,rch 3'), l5,,-� Sworn to before me this 8th dayof Sel2tember 19-n r IL ,� NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheel- chair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion bi, 1.4- ; - mnti, Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in rnvelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp- Southold Legion," and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town, Bali, Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do SO. Dated: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1T-9/8/83(7) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for ...................... ...............weeks successively, commencing on the .................................... da _/ 19 Sworn to before me this .............'�...�........... day of NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road; Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheel- chair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion Mw, Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp- Southold Legida,'' and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town ' Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971. Specifications for the handi- capped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do SO. Dated: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1T-9/8/83(7) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watch- man once each week for .....................................weeks successively, commencing on the...............j..................... day o —: � z � ::.... ............. 19... .. ..3 ................................. ..�.r.................. �r3 GR Sworn to before me this ................................ day of :y.....�r: ................. .. 191.... PER! IN, r Notary ?iibllic 3' >(1,41c, State 09 Nett, York 52 -WI 725 a itl4ng in S(ftk STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 26th day of August 1983 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public s place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: - Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Notice to Bidders - Handicapped ramp at the Griswold -Terry - Glover Post No. 803, American Legion, Southold, New York. Bid opening - 10 A.M. - September 28, 1983. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to be before me this 26th day of August 19 83 Notary Pub1 c ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New YOM No. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cain Term Expires March 30, 19 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion build- ing at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp - Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handicapped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. DATED August 26, 19.83. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 8. 1983, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF. PUBLICATIQ„X. TO ,JUi3IT. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN R©AD,'SOUTIOLD, NEW7, YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The $tffolk Times The. Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members James `"ItczMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and' read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion build- ing at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp - Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handicapped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, during regular business hours. E The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and j all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should i it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. i DATED: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK i { PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1983, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. i� Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members James McMahon J Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE i NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will a be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 1.0:00 A.M., September 28, 1983, at which time they will be publicly opened and' read, for the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood i and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall - of the Griswold -Terry -Glover Post No. 803, American Legion build- . I ing at Main Road and Tuckers Lane, Southold, New York. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly 1 marked "Bid on Handicapped Ramp - Southold Legion", and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, blain Road, Southold, New York 11971. Specifications for the handicapped ramp may be obtained from the Town Clerk, Town Hall Main Road Southold New York during > > > > g i regular business hours. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. DATED: August 26, 1983. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1983, AND FORWARD TWO (2) w AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN pi HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members James McMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board 0 • SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY James C. McMahon Administrator August 26, 1983 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1892 GRISWOLD-TERRY-GLOVER POST. NO. 803 HANDICAPPED RAMP The work comprises the building of a new concrete entrance and a new wood and concrete ramp to allow wheelchair entrance to the main hall of the American Legion building at Southold. 1. Work will be done according to the drawing prepared by Hawkins, Webb, Jaeger Associates, P.C. and dated 31 July 1983 any deviations must have the prior approval of the designated "Clerk of the Works" and be in writing. 2. Workmanship must be good and be acceptable to the designated "Clerk of the Works." 3. All material must be of good quality and suitable for the intended use. 4. Contractor is responsible for his own work or for any work done by his subcontractor(s). 5. Tender must be on the basis of lump sum (fixed -priced) for the entire job. 6. Terms of payment. 7. Bidder to specify the intended construction period. 0 0 SOUTHOLD C031MUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1892 James C. McMahon Administrator PROJECT: HANiDICAPPED-RAMP-AMERICAN LEGION POST #803 -- Dear Contractor: Please find the enclosed forms: 1. Labor Standards Provisions 2. Current Federal Wage Rates 3. Weekly Payroll Form (WH -347) and Instructions 4. Contractors Certification 5. Contracting Opportunities for Minorities and Females If you have any questions, please give me a call. ZIP James C. McMahon Administrator PROJECT: HANiDICAPPED-RAMP-AMERICAN LEGION POST #803 -- Dear Contractor: Please find the enclosed forms: 1. Labor Standards Provisions 2. Current Federal Wage Rates 3. Weekly Payroll Form (WH -347) and Instructions 4. Contractors Certification 5. Contracting Opportunities for Minorities and Females If you have any questions, please give me a call. Co=:r„i t7 a :reIo =ant Mack -'''---moi � ST-INMA-2 S .w The ?----.j.4ec. o: ?=Cgr= to whlah l„he wed covered b7 t : s C=—,Zact a bai=g aasi9ted by t:Le u': ttad statas of L.,er.ca and t: e ?eda-Z-1I Labor 3 -�_..s vizi =s - a ?�v:s c..s a-'e.=..^Iud2dL-m this C2c• nz.� u �--=- -c?�ca.�l azce . .�e vt.dS sc asaist- a:d mer'A.. < es a la F}d O� }r o liC cove d b7 tis a1lJA 18:a. L:. TL 2 =d not less Ci `cin '-. L= =c8 each week, a=d e ...cut soba T� o j �., +'• ec�'..8._,. C-d'.1,Gt-..� C+ =9ba.8 Cn (ercavt r.:c Y �I1 dadLICticna azSTs =is a=7 s -. Sazid ausoca t o t. -8r ray-o� ds(:c r:� as aa ---S Pe—rted ^��� yob qjrjja- ti..:.9 iBwaed by ttize Secrsta--7 Cf Labor, 'u :lied States T,e --tea: of :a:or, ru�sz:act to the lnti3:cs'�ac's Act ersi=a-iter SdP.:ti_ied), the dye as tie o? cr...-olid a� y + ,� =�=�. ..wa.3e :s:as Lot less :..3. :..oae cra....ed i }.haw data�i + Sec.--hta_� Of Liber (a c= of wtic is atta.c'-Yed�a:.d said b? =sfa ca), �ga-�..?as. of . cow:c tad 1 1 a:� c t c t;.al r'Iaii sc l� wiL:ch ;,a� be ai=899d J az.9t „@,rrea y�8 C ,;.,a: o= 2� subcc tZac',or aid su;::a ,axe- .r`...s e_^ic d 'c�ca 611-chvc�8i6.� .:�i:VC�iaemty&t i O r7==.' =q be by C.:a c'k ?. 3 sem'-c; ar �- des cr secu -ss satisfac .off f=l ties ap. _-cid 16=7 c-- ?ublic 3c'c.,?!�,Z= the of��yrh�s az�.s��xi cut e=--8nse to '.1.a a --M. l-.7ee .vtl.1rV ae Ol �/r�.9 clause, con :rrc:,,rc..s Lada or Cdst3 rsaacnab� an:_cipatac J .dar Section 2) f }� '� , + O_ r..e 'wage s-;aCdZ' 0 r C21 Cebal Of I2.}i0i 3_`9 C= ^meth $ 4 c s axe .C^.naidersd wages paid to Bach laborers or =sc_jZan: cs, ;LL�vec �a 1w9 �:ori9is of Sectio 5.5(a)(1)(iv) of Title 29, Code of :edsrsl 3agulat11ras. 11--o for the eu=---^_.,.ce of4"1 =3 =ads or aceta-�^.:"^sd lo moss +Than a +reek2.7 �$r_cd Wider rlaas, *.!is ta= :.l � ' _o deesxc't t0 be c�t=_.ct=relJ --� _ "'-a= weas..� �,e�, d, 3.'^s � ed ^aha cr '.:c, -gid d --L-- 3uc.: •,reed r ,a case Of • ar ^..azt of .,ages ''7 yea Ccnt_. Ctcr or subcdnt�..ctor t0 ls,bo=ers C- :gcha .i's P l�-�d a C�..t�.ctor aub =t_.;ctcr urcn the w =k coeOr ;;� t, Lig Ca:t�ct +rhe ' ^ I , :,..cal ?r b is .. _..c Bad? add- ..cn to 3uc ' ot~e: :ice ,s as ^a7' be a i-ord- ed It t:r.Zer 1.ia CCnt=act ;rith_^old :!=Cmcut `rhe COrt-actorf so = L e o' as y'he Hca' 'he ?age 1 c .3 9/75 X0006. a c rs_..zr �echa.T.ics -.he ��• _off^� �c �' necessa:� co day Z;;..; laborers cr _^ei...._. o: was s = qu_-sd by ::3 Concrsct. The a u.Z- so r__ =a7 be _sbursed b t::e :.coal ?e:biic . b�ic Bpd;;, fcr and cn acc t - cC °= as �- �.T_ O1:: ' ° f he Coat=ac or or the suhcwtrsc tar ( -._� to a�_ _�ata�, .o -he be" respec' ,,tto labors=s or =e char -4ze sa=e_a dire cr cn t:;_4- � 4 , comics .o for p�aLs, r:.ds, or orvg�.=s =r.7 t•�e o: _ri:.g� benefit �rescr+ibed � '.; e a�Lcable Bete=cage —_ ,=tion. �If the Contractor does rot Mare -0a7_- to a trusteE or other mechanic he cons'der as ;a=t of tie ,,ages of a-17?abo�r or the �cttt of arm costa reaserably anticipated i= 'cvidi g - ^e be»efits I=der a pin or p . a liet� P' G. o_ a ty;;e s�_ss listed is ca decision of Secrs�arf of Labor which is a �a--t of this Contrast : �� ded, aowever, ..TM...Q Jecr9 'cid, upon y.:e flan y yta�-7 of :caber has guest of the Con,..-ac,.cr, at the a�l_cabla of re the Mavis-?a.ccn Act have been =et. "le Secreta* of Labor "7 regt:i"e '.::e CoL .+ for to set aside += a se'ca ate acct asaets for ':Ze =eeti:.s of obi=s-atic:ns u:.der tbs pian Orr �`' ,� c v2 T f t w.7 i w yy, pro �.�. OP7 a-,7 .�-s rads by t..;e Secreta=7 of Labor i3 respect to : -ir6� b efits bei :3 ?=r'v=�-ed �y ...e Car --actor :st be si:bmiYt2d to ytha ?,coal gsblic �.3eLCy Or ?ublic Bcdy with -he r "9t p rabsequent to receipt of the♦ 'Ol? filed by t; ,s CCMt_.-actor 1 T a { w 5 • C �..sim� BY lii IMMACIT itch 7:M A SIMLMIA�ZrS ACT (76 Stat. 357-360: 332) Title !;0 U.S.C., Sec`= 32',- �32 Cont= -clot or subccatrnctar ocntractiag for any : a -.t of the Contr..c t �;o w ch i_'^volvfl tha e=lo ==7="q's.-s or and , ^ y'I ;. of laborers or =ec, ,a_� ca incl, a ands' "'' � stall re -,.f-e ,. � .id�g vatC�..C'',en tees q or me—, an;r laborer or r+ecbaaic in a� =- rh-Ch he is exployed oa such .rozzs to wow in excess of 8• hfu''3 i:' ar-Y calendar d=,7 Or in excess of t;0 bore_ -s in such We wee tT^, sss S'1:ch laborer or mecha..aic recei7es ceaceasat_on ata rate not less t: as one enc one-half t1r,es rig basic rete of :ay for all heti.s wormed. i excess of 8 hou-s ; ; � calez� � or + : excess of 4 0 i such wow week, as the one`s r,z,7 be. (b) 7iolation: IIabili, r { - for U=MP_d w -se lict:i3.flted damaxes. -:_e ' of any 7iolaticn of the clause set forth _a Del a t..e Ccn.rac..or aLd az�y s-ubccnt_actcr reswonsible �. ereforwaball be ) Mable to a� affected e,**Olc7ae for b s -laid xa;es. In itic:. such Ccat�-clot znd 31:bcaa*�--aetor sral? be liable to the United States .or liquidated daaa -3s. such liquidated duces ahall Ibe cc=uted vi*,:a rospect to each irldi7idlial laborer or MeChalic =-plhd lr.. r olati s clause set forth in carag.,= h (a), d3 the - of •, #s0 for each calendar da,7 cn Which such e=1079e was i =eq -,� e --,fled to W --.t or p Page 2 cf 13 9/75 r r. excess cf a hci--s or Ln excess of -: a sta da.-�3 �a:rc:,reek of ,0 :.ours pa;—mane o khe cver~..'� •.ate -ss rsqw--ed by w.e ciaa:se set for - pa--'a.,-�sn (a) . (c) �; h^ol'i'w.. p0= Lr CU! -dated tris Locall rC A6enc7 or withhold or case to be withheld, :n ..m aay rcueys ?aya:cle on a.cc0n3::64 of work oerfc==ed by the Coatctor or subcant---actor, M -C!-- M-ra as W be deter= - -d to be =ecessa.^y to satia2"j aa7 liabil-tiss of such Ccatractor orsubcontractor for liaui— dated .darages as pry+ds3d in the clause set forth (b) . (d) Jubcont--mots. The Ccnt+2.ctor shall in a=7 subc, nt-act3 'he c1a7.I8es se- ;3axag--37-hs (a) r (b) f and (c) of whiz sac -44 cn also a clause �9m�'-"' g the m Dc=tractD-3 to these clal, es ar.7 love, tier subcaa tracts Wh. .ch they nay enter 4".60, toga t er a clause TMeq+i-i g T.h:s i:.aer cion { a=7 subcratacts that =ay im t_,.,_, 1„e rads. 6 . — .— OF s'P iR'I / - �r.-�S a. be terr'tted to wed at less :'. the oreds- te—=--d =ate for the wo=k they perio d .hen they a� en- v Fio7ad a: d i=di'rrdl:a+17 =eI_3te.=9d in a bora fide app=eatice- gi,. ? prog=--m wit. the U. S • Demax,4-ze t- of 14bo , 1raw--0wez f�'str3ti^r17, ?u. --eau of Ago=enticesti-z and :-�;�;^� or with a State A-7--p--s*zticeship 1-ency =-ecog=iaed by the Bu --eve,, or if a gerscn is e=-Io7ed i3 his 90 da7s of crobatic:a=y mployme=t as as a --,emtice--- such an app=-...nti.cesiL:-p fro_=an, .rho is not i d -I r dua-U7 r89i3ter8d is the but w c has teen certified by the B - -eau of 3pp=enticeship aad a State Apprenticeship A—mcy (where agpTMpriata) to be eligible for prJbatiora.-7 er*-ploymient as an appreentice. �e allowable ratio of apprentices to ,Acu-r„ey-_en in a cr�'t classi- ficatics spall net be g serter than the zatio me—i.t.ed to the cont%.star as to his ent49 wow force =der the =s3i3tered p=g==. Az7 employee listed on a : a o11 at an ap _-entice nage rata, who is act a trs:.:se Fs cef_:.ed is 3uba_T!s:on (b) Of this subpa--se.r ph Or is not=°egistered or of e --.,-4 3e ?.r^'10y8C aa stated above, sha13. be :ai3 the wags- :ate Bete. -ed by- the Secrsta-7 of Labor for the classif_cation of wc� he actua _,y er o—ed. The ccatractor or subcc=Mtor will be =2cU-L--ed to ?fie 3 of 13 9/;5 53CO.3 to the ccr,rapct�! cfficer or a :eDrssentat_,e o� c_e Walrus—Ea �17�s i��. 01 the V . J • of Labc= wz li men evidence of the r9g:3tratlor. oA. ��a and app_ tices as we'" as the arp prlata ratios and wage --gas (eroreased i;. peTMentas-es Of thejct:,�s�raa hoi:_ly =at -as) , for c e a-sa of CC..3 +CtiC'*s prior to Using any a= _ --entices. -entices OA the coutract wow -s wage rate pz:d aparticas s :ail 5e not :ess y;:z, the am pri�ta percentage • of the jeu�e;l^..an's =ate cc=ai ed in the a-plicable wase de a-+ tion. b.sea. kept as provided in 29 CYR 5.1j tri+ -nes w-4-12. nc. be :e--4tted to wow at less than -he prrdeta-^4-Ad.ta for the wo=k perfc=ed unjess they are e= loved to and "' rd::ally registered in a c -_-.)g=am which has recei-VIed = or aprxmvai, evidenced by _o:-.gi cez ;if_c`tion, by the u. S. Depar�....�ent of Labor, Ya ---;owe= ^+^istrrt_on, B: eau of Ao_nrs.^_- tice and - g. The ratio of t.a`nees to joux=-e -_en no be 9=eatar than pentad Leder the pian arp red by t::e �--gas of Imprenticeship and TM-- . eery tr=?^ea s- bz paid at. not :ess '6.!i= t.^..,e rate ..i' the app_oved ^X- `... 9=--mfOr his ie7@1 Of pr0� 98. ^�` ecployee Ii3ted on t2 payroll at a t= : ee rata Who is -not r-egistared anti pa-tiCi- pating 1n a t—_ plan approved by the Bu. --eau of Appre.._ce- ship and Tr_ini_mg shall be paid not less t..= the wage rata dete*+--4^gid by the Secr°tax7 of Labor for the classif_catlon of wow he actsally perfo=ed. The cont= -actor or subecni6,m ..c to: w- ;_ be -squ i_ --ed to ,L,—.._isa the contract{ off_cer a are: re ,,9 - sentative of the Wa-3cn r Division of the J. S . Denax=ent o f Labor wri ttan evidence of the ceTMiflcatlon of his the registration of the trai.:ees, and the ratica and wage rates prescribed != that prow. T: the event the ?L:-4au of Appra—mtices hip and T--a-1-ming wit's�--wws a rove_' of a tr i..: - _.g' -he ccntrP.ctor will no lon.,�er be pe2=i fled to " +-e trainees at less thaw the applicable prscete-�.:ed rata for the word perio d i an acceptable approved. . c. EcuaI :.=o o7mme .t Ct00"".._.it T. The utill�aticr. Of 3pn-� tices, tea —ees and t1%_,;3 nax-. s.a.' _ be :r CCZ�O t j With the equal e=plcy^=em'�eC_'J1�-�^. e: Z' �X `.3 O2C':'. 'Te Order " , as amended, and 29 CC.77_0Pa. � 'C . Pare 4 cf 13 917 5 v • r=pl ..�� • � 5:.0.3 1 ,4 14 _:L= v: C= "moi =302"S -2 C OWA :i0 : e_sC . u d_e. C: e &Ese of siX -�aem f--a--s azd n0 Cersc n who, aC `..'e .e, 3 se_7-_=,3 3eS:2=c8 — 3 Oena! or 3...311 be on -the wo_`C cc7ered by �1..13 Cvnt►ac�. - 3. R=_= M_ 7- uAi+' m0 SG-CIZ7.7 "s2M-1 _ :MIMACx ACT" `he Ccn.ract-o arta' cc=17 wits. t � � ti y ,..e ap -cable regia cns a ccpy of which is a -.-.ached and ^.e=eon cc;?cratad by reference) of the Sec're .a_7 Of I.azor, U:1.:.ed S ta..es Ze3ma= _-ent or T_acor, =ace _ou--su�­. to t:e so-cz:lad "�t�-s��lckcac� �cc" 01- „u��a i%, 19-.4 U.S.C.,S Stat. /yft;oi 62 ,/ , Tit 717 C , yi and TI.1a 40 �{Sect--o= 216c), Stat. •..02• la u.S. ection 37 and a=,r ==:7 r4 .ents or thersof, shall cause am-propriate oro�:siens to be i,nse= ad in st:bcCm:t= c.a to ;.,G„ -.e coL.,li ce t er°uith by all sabccntrsctors subject thereto, and shall be respersibl$ a= the 1,1. i3sicn of affidavits =ecu_red by su::c=.-_actcrs tti'ere1.n de=, exoaJt as said Secretary of labor =ay specifically ?rovide for reasonable '_�' tatiors, rar _ations, tole_--a:.ces, a: d e :_W tic=s frca 'the rs<rs:.ze- +ent3-Chersof. . 9. ti r, v :ABC?zaS GE :.�"'.v'' :T_"CS .7cT I= A=7 class of laborers Or nec an4 cs which is -at listed in the wag -- Ge and hi ich is t0 be e=1 C'j'ed j --de= the COnt_'3ct i il- I be C�333�__eG cr reclassified t0 the wage date—inaticm by the :..cal Public A.-zency or Public Hedy, and a +eper r of the action tares s ell be mi'--mit-.ed by the Hca? ?ublicenc? or rubl_c Body, e Sec tar of Ec sng and urban eveloc:..ent, to t:na SeC_sta=j of :.abor, United Sta.es iepe-tine nt of Labor. I: the event the _-tarested .les ca of -'ee on the ?roper class iflcat:.cn o, reclassificaticn a, a Pz+-•tic'.:' e- class of laborers acd =ec^ami cs to be used, the question accc� cried by the reco�•endation of the :.ccal ?.iblic icy or Psblic Body shall be referred, throw the Secr°ta-,r of Ea s ng a=d Urban tevelc 'neat, to -the Secretary of Labcr for fl -al deter-• fiat_=. 10 ..."c,.+.-""_� _'"S fill_'?ESS 7 is EM -Ly 'WAGE ?I'"M _1zre Local. P:blic ,6-ency or Public 3edy shall l whenever the wag-- rate jrescribed i+ -i the Contract for a class of labexers or =ec1- 4cs i-mchides a f i=.ge benefit whr .c is not e= ---seed as as hctLiy wa✓-e ate _:d the Ccntractor is obligated to :ay cash equi7alnt of such a fzi�_ benefit, an hou l;r ca -ah tha=t -of to be esT•abli3 ed. -he even the 'r.te-rested. pax—..ies cannota-s= -"`ae u=cn a C f � - ash que .� : a� snt of the benefit, the question, accc=a.-ied by the rscc=e=datien Of the :.Oval ?Ub" c .`�.S^sncy or Public 3cd7, s: &11 Ce refs==9d, the Sec tory of Housi gg and Urb�: sevelcrrent, to the Secreta y of Labor for deta ==ination. Pace 5 of 13 9/-15 }iUc-waxa..... C. SGG.3 i • �S � '�rSGs, 1'_..,� � �lS=� .�.'�'' 1�=�'� `wiG� �.��'�'C'�';'� T5 a��-=ca.b_e vas• -s : ost2r of y. ,�- Sec.-eia: � ' T ' t d SL 3f ' a sa. J'eC=eta- Of a:Xr wit_` ro � cLsC-3_CA3 02 '� 3�:@C" �o 43ri0L:3 Cl33d4fic2t4Of -a�Or?r9 =ac?! Im 'cs ?' ioy@d a .d to � '�e e..."'010yad TT:)Onthe VOz.S' COVer9G by yam+ =a CCS ��3C �, a=d 3 owllz y all aCcJz.-A-+^ce W .tjj t1le pXCV43iO=J3 Of L:Lj3 Cc= �"ZCt, tOvb@ r8cr:+f---=� i13x?9 aC :'"a 117 ee-=--ed by ;e --sons so a-mp-OyLd Or to be e=jo7ed 1.0, quah cida8i- fic3tiC�9,-,^.al? b@ p 08 ped at a�r�t8 Cis: icaaus j.0i :;a 0 . ".: @ site Of ,he '+�Cw -? to laborer Of s.9cca=ic to wom h -.: s rage, sala.-y, or olabor sta 'a � ia_cas of y. s Ccntr�.ct a, -s ap;licable'scall be di':c�l=zee or in orbs= "�Ar ciscr�—',-tsd 3g•'3{n.9 by +.:.8 CCS1 ,r3C �Cr Or arq subc tr-_ctor beca::se each e�loyee ' 3 l ed ar.7 ac=la!mt or :.nsti tz: tad or cued tv be i :atitated anj : races + o_ has Q tea .; .141 cal is abat:t to test' :n a 1- 3rocea '-.:zr.Csr or rslati:.� t0 --: e '�cr s-as=.�-�s am li- cabls ,:er -.b,:s Ct_ct to h.'13 e=loyer. 13. C'- =� a: d d'_agt tasPert {a_�.1 to rte., --a-as cal to ciazsificatic:s Of laborsrs andne ' ar i ca emlcysd the rem cczsrsd by tn+ a Con'r'.ct s: all be arc ly ;`sparred by t: s Ccrt�ctor in rrit� to the soca'_ Public A,, rc7 or pabiic 3cdy for �fe =-a? by 1. e latter thxa� �„e Sec.. -eta.. ofDer--" . { } '� y TCil3i..a a d �rb� Derm_ ^qTt to the Secrsta-7 of Labor, =Iced S 'a.,es Begaxtten_ of , :4:110=1 Se resrect }:sestdacisin a:3i_ be f'- :l r-th 14. G.—wan-_Tms CC3'C' CMT3,,-, ?;.-.c+2jL ? = iS ' 111 qaestio-..s arising =de= this Contract WbIc: relate .6 the ' a Lcation or i:terpretat� cn 0f (a) the aforesaid dat + �� i-�cs:,a,c� -kc-I b },.yp 4 tr'� � � r C .ct =:z Eau --s a`d Safety StaxdAr s act, (c) '.:a star said l.avis-?ac= Act, (d) the rs - =+j ,.y r.:ted SIatea Deka-paof�T�i�/Y�+��� i�s�az�:�ed t:�:a�Secreta.-y of ?,abvr, V La',or, ; ;-_ V a.- to s&j'.i 40.4. V , Or (l�) �L�L'� labor sta..�3r-6 �x isis s Of. a� ot: er �ert'.:ent ?eds + �. ,. �, i be referred ': --� +� "sem s a aYa, , ^" �.. hS Local Fzb1 { c 7 ar ?Ublic Bcdy asci the Secrsta� of Eousiag a :d �i�.an �s4eloaat, to *.:: a Secretat-7 oY Labor, II:_Yed States zepa tment of Laabor, _or sa{d Secrsta_ 's r:1� or :.yter�-statica xbr;ch 10 4,1 be an=. ori+ y a� �r -iate tr:,cn for the Y=poees of this CCntrsct. .a;,.�e and =� :+e =sued 15. ?IMOLLS An ZL.S-rC 2.LZa0LL =QHS C+7 C The Contr....ctor aad each subccn:�ctor �, � - she.._ pr s_ a 's 'I + a : ayy�lls on :oma satizfratory to and ' : accora..ance v_ „h '."sZr:cticas to be 1" 0 MLD-OWAD. C. _ Or �� : to ce= .i:iad cc pies o. ali :z;�.L'3 c� t::e _.d o vct�r !:.- 3z:bcon- �rsctars, bet: at e C :actor s ,-- vro cr�ib_a -c- '-ha submission Of copies of parolls of _i s:bcan._actars. �zc suchra,7-o'-= ate? l ccntai.: e Neck y Stata=en t of C l Hca" set fo-,. :n Section 3.3 of Ticla 219, Coda of yecexa:-. 3egu?ati=s el s ar : basic �ccr:s of t e Cc=---- 0-cr each bccn- .cVan cc7e= g awl lacerS-rs a..d ne as er z oyes "-on...'le .iOrrk covered by 3 CCat.ac 3^.c:� be rS'.Ztd;..^.@� aL_^� :►.6 CG1L"9e O wow =..d ozese=red _cr a : er:,� . of j Yeaxs r3 �:d bd3i C pPy'^7r-r9CC=�.3 ? CCntdf_ : +Mhe and addZess ;f each au,^^ ey*°pl �rgg, hi3 C0+�8Ct CsifiCZtiCn, =ate of -;?.Y ' ra.es of cc: tri:tioas or casts antic mated e+ the types desc= bed is Secticn 1(b) (2) of the Davis -Bac--- Act) , da—LY and we i@d::cticrs Dada, and act,:z: wzges paid. In addition wnene7er tye Secr s ta-y of Labor haz �^r,, i:n3 t iler Section S.j(a)(1)({7) of Title 29 C^de Of eie_si ?aor,; atiens, tlat the ,rages of any laaor°r or mechanic clue the amount of a. y costs r9ascnabl;f anticipated i= �,r bene:;=ta =der a pias or oro cesc=ibed i_, Section 1 L(b)-(2)(3), the a'T-3-'BCOZ' �C �, �..:F3 'vCP.t C t.7i Or 3L�'aha17 1„� •.1i'r a! --ow V-riV Va.V. VW�IrL .�.�.iv to -..'~. �I�"_ �Lr•.-.. .n.nei-V3 is ra�\/1 vG?.i1� .2:a-. � pl3n Gr : rrt�. i3 f" and tha-c the f V C�cr- -�=- :� "a ::e@ Ccrr.. --i ca/t./ed i- wr1 t=.,y�+t0 :hee ' Sbore-'s Aor��mec:�-cs a..rec aG, d._d CGrC.$ dll'.C.a 3 GV ,...e C08Y3 am-t-ic.yoa..ed or the �rV 3L'ch beaefit3. T:..e C....tr�.^t r @ c ^" c_ and a..... 3ubccntr9...ctor "ma. --e his c'_"*DiOj �t r9CCZ"z.9 wi},.^. _es:eCt t0 per9C:.3 e.!=; yed b7 !L. 1.�C : t.te ,,C=k CO'Pe_ed by l+:_s a7''_.able :or ins-zecticn by 3a;w^ari26d ro-presentdv479s Of *.he ` r �T reCr9raxy OL .^.CuB_.,.,5 aid U�3`an .' ev--� ...r - � +i. Cir .�11D �-�: 30 » � 7' � a c_ , �..e :�ocz� Public t �., and the ten_ mac States =moa ---tet of Labor. Si:ch ="0rsse: tati7es ah , pe—It-ted. t .�e ce—I t -ted o inte_�^ri aw ? J1038@9 0 t e CCnt�_CtO_ Or Of �.7 stlbC:ntrP.CtCr auri:.g wow r.� 'ZCU-- 3 On .:.s job. CCM.UG2 Cr CMMA7,7WopZ 3'f ?,0 ...,� The �- � port_ag of Materials and s.:mplies taorr the �esi.,eof the ?=-o�ect a ?:D r, m to which =,::s Coag ;t pertam.s by }». ••.. o; the Ccatr t s eloy9ss .c �Gr Or of z=,Y subcont: c tor, and the -ir or + •1• �'}-- + =�S' of +"'+•ateri3Zs, a=t.'.cles, zuxppl�.es, a= eC':i =en . on t.:e site of the ?roject Or to W-chContr=.ct s by perso ns enrloyed by }„= e C=tractor cr by a: ,p sibccntrc nor , , r t this , sn, l _or ..he u. pees of r..=s wont .ct, withautthe mer? ity of the forego{--- pro7-:3icas of this Cont--._ct, ee deemedtobe work to which these Pederl :abcr St? :c.?_ -d -s ?:- kions aze plicabla. 17. ZG�T ?..CTCS Mia Contz-actcr tY t ::s Ccntrct 3:z. l not subcontract a=7 pax,,_ Of 1. :e cc-Ter°d or : a 't szabcoa ��ct2d won to be 2=--tter subcontract -ed P,.-7cr3 3 xLD-amm.. 0. C 6300.3 j -4 of thesubc.;..t�_:.to� . The :zca.! ?-bl;c �-� „^ � o, ?•;;1' c 3C d7 wa;'_ :ot 3�CY�8 a: =— CC "3Cto_ :or +cam Covered b7 who 43 at =de= the ?ro3 -s{ oIIt3 Oi d:q a;7-p-2--'cab-l9 �9�'L'w0�0Il9 iaRud<l ry t:;a Sac---atar"Y of Labor, un.itad Sta.-as Seca_ -^...int of "bor o= Secreta -,r ofand 7z -ban ev'slorrent, to recel7e an wwa-ri of s'uc:: subccn:t--ct. *g.t :CT�Ji.�:t5 2'0 2Z Mit'.'...-=.. Ml CZ.2T_k= The Cont=--ctcr sa; {-.cl::c.s or ca��I"!'e tc 'oe i�.cl •.ded � each Zzav Tubc c cV Y ^-•ijz. n7 o- im. v@ .wo=k cc ., =.9(1r^j 34 crs and also a cl—ne ='eC =-=3 the to ^1•r a auc c=-7_sicns in ar'7 lowe= tier subccat----1cts Which `..:.,e7 =7 erta: , to, tam-: er with. a C"q"-g9 `3CL'.i��:g S"L7G i19@�"vj.0�. {�. 2 j"-i'."!..^_e� 5'�bCCi �..CtB yah at zay -.. t'. = be rade . 19. tea-. ary v? a 7z""" - :!,! S+r+ �?T 'r���'P_S�u^&S ad.-14ticm to the C2L'9es -'Or te'-' 4- aticn of t:43 Cczzt=-acv as e_ein eiaev^,ers set _o�-•�, the :,ccall ?.Ib -to Azeze 7 o_ a:blic Bod7 ra.e=-reathe =' n to to - ,.ata trhis Contact is a �,,,+ w w � hw.r3C �C_ Or 8:y s:bccn' ctor ,rrese 5; �ccat�.ct cc:a;s a or the :tom coed 'b Ctrsc t bear oft ese ecera-: Labor brr Of t we re : :abor Stand -a -d.3 ?=CvisjCas :.,e,7 Sao ':"eb-s fox =� aba.-t — m=viaed b? she a�licablg xeg.�; 3 j TA is�:ed by= -'u --e-219 �. Seereta_-y of Labor, �nitad Statas 3-+-w.an , o ter. Page 8 of 13 9/75 ?ilbwowc.. 0. C. 1 1.4 ATTACHME-NT TO FEDERAL LABOR SfANDARLS ?ROVISION5 SO-CALLED-.kNTI-KICX3ACX AC7" AND REGULATIONS ?ROMUL ;ATIED PURSUANT THERETO 3Y THE SZ=. ARY OF LABOR, Lr -N ED STATES DE?ARTME4T OF LABOR TITLE 18, U.S.C., section 874 (Replaces 3ecrion 1 of the Act of Jute 13, 1934148 Stat. 948, 40 sec, Z76b) pursuant to the .Act of June :5, 1948, 52 Stat. 852) KICXZACXS FROM PUBLIC WORKS wL.OYFrrS . �'iwever. Sy force, intimidation, or threat of procurng dimm"al from employment, or by any other manner rhatso. ever mclUera any ,person employed in L*w con,rtnacnon, proaecucon, comp;eaon or regwr of any public Suudirtg, public rotL. or 6widing or 'ori financed in'hole or m pars by ioans at Fants from he L eared State t4 ;ire u l any pain of the is Com - more ron to rilith . a entailed under tela mntrxt of -mo layment..t14 he uned wt more than SS." or tmprwoned not mote than Cive ynrs, a both. QOM 2 *-:�F THE ACT OF JU?fe, 13, 1934, AS AMENDED (48 Sut. 948, 62 Stat. 362. 63 Sue. 108, 7: Stat. %7, 40 USC. rc 276c) T"ne hearury of Libor snail mane reasonable -ePlawnd for wntrxtory and aubcontraeton e nglg^d in the a conatru. l04. orae nes -aa o the UAitC at rePatr of pui)UC SUudIn37 pttbLLC 'Ort! or OULd1Ry7 Or ratite !minced in 'hole or N part Sv loans or gartta from : at (sited Futea, ineiuding a provision that -cal coavactor and subcontractor snarl furrsait 'xklya atatzn rtth re:oea to the rages paid ent apoiy to such auuments, each employee during the preeecing'eei. Season L001 of Tide i8 (Unwed Jutes Cadet snail ..XXX... ?urmant to the doee"xi Anti-X;czbacx .pct, the Ge- sry of Labor. United -States Drvrtmeat of Iscor, her orofn dated the regUlationa herrinaiter res forth,rilieh reg Awn* are found n —,]tic :9, Subade A. Code of Federal tTe;U4:400n, ?art 3. %d term "this part,' as used in rix reguiationa hemaaiter pet forth, mien wauons are w foilo's: to ?art 3 !ate above mentioned. dud TITLE 1.9 - LABOR Subtitle A - Office of the Seuelary of labor ` PART 1­MNT'RACTO3tS AYD SLrDCL`TrAAt ; pil_S ON pL;SUC 31,1 DCvG OR ?4,3UC WORX FL4ANCD rN WHOLE oft N PART 3Y LOAtiS OR Ca LN TS FROM THE L^tTT'ED oTA i�S Section 3.I Aapoa s, -ad y=p,e. This pars pm*crtbps "arrG.i ici�ack- rein ans undo tecuan 2 of the Act of J une 13. 1,93:, Aa Amended (40 C.S.C. 276c), poQuimiy hno.rn as the Cac,4 nd Act, 71„i part s- --es :C any eoncrs"'iUch is wbteet v Feder) .at- Awwrds sad rhieb is far the oortaC tscaon, plvseeution, eomp:etion, or repair of public Suiidirtga, public meas or hutldino or coria finsoeed in chole at is part by roam or zsnu 4rom the UnitedLutea T'ae Put is inirncied to aid in the enforcement of the m;nimum rage peovisioa4 of the Dmrdacon Act and the various "Utes doling rich Federailvraested camc uccon that co""A enlist minimum wvV Prov—ion, zcRAd ng those provtoons riUrh are not .ubjecs :o Qe«gantaatton ?'.an No. 14 9 oP 13 91-i 5 Rom MUSMIMMMEXAM v (e.2.. the t allege housing Act of 1950. ;he Featral "hater ?oiiution Gintmi Act. and the Hou&ing Act of i959). and in cite entoeeement of the overtime PtoytSOna of the CunCact Work Hous btandatsa Act ,whenever they are apoiicabie to construction worts. 1 ne part detsaia the obiysoon of c.oneactocs and stibeontrae:ora reiacive to the weekly w3rnuiuon of 5t.ttementa m1atd• :mat the wages paid on wQM mve-ed hereby: seta forth the cxCurrmtwces and procedures mverring the inakrng of payroll de- JUCttpna :rpm the r" of t}spas ern QlJv eti on 3Uc'1 `/0f1C: and leiineatn the Mcthod, of paryment ;ierm tsabie pn Such work. Section 3._ Deftnition& Aa used in the reguiationa in this part- (a) :ae terma "!uidairtz" or "worts" 5 nerailY inciude santtntcion activity as discngn:iihed from manut'actunng, `:untying of materult, ccserricng and aainteaance work. T}se terms include. without ;imitation, buildirip, unctures, and imoro'erneats of ail .types. such u andzes. dams, pianu, highways, parkways, street,, atibwava, tunneh, sewer, mains, power. ;inch. pumputg stanona, railways. airpora. termari". docka, paera. wharves, ways, :igathouites, buoy&, jetties. Sreaatwatera, !eyees>, and unaia:.inaLp g. incrut3, s ffaiding, drilling, biasuriz. escaynong, clearirtg. and AndscaoIng. Unum oonducttd in conneeton wits and at .he ate of wch a building or work M s desa`bed in d -e :oregoin,; sentence, the manufacture or furnish- aq of materuia, articles, nappties, of equipevent (whether or :sot a Federal or Slue agency acquarm title to weir Materials, -ararxm suooiim or equipment .lurrtg itte course of the manuLse::u a or furmiaititiq, Or owns the MAtenas :.-om Which they UT maauiactur" or :umisnea) i& not a "building"or "work" within the meaning of the re;Jataons in this part. (bj The tdTMS "opnaruc1can,' "piowcunon." "aamgictton.' or "repair" mean ill woes Of wort done on a partitviar bUlidin; of weXX at the site thereof. including. without iimiution. aitering,remodeiing, painting and decoraans;, the t:anwort- �hg of nae naia and supoiies to or 5ram the budding or War% Sy the emt- ployees of tae coesuct on ccntractor or consuuc-ion subconaa,:tor. Ana the manufaciun.tq or furniahinq of Mter-A", M%K!ea, .Mppiiea, or equipment on the ate of the building or woe:. �v penoisa empioved at the ate by the cone t,,, or wbrontracmr. (e) 1 ae terms "public building" or "public work" include buiWing or +vork for wiicre cunatrucown, prosecution, com. pietion, or repair, u def -hied abo.,e, a Fid" agency s a contracting parry, egardl�a of whet:ser otic tsereof r in a Federal a;rncy. (d) 'ire term -building or wort rmaneed in whole or in pact by bars or; ants :rota the United :sites" nciudes build- ing or worn for -.—sow constructwn, proaecutioa, conioietion, or Nps it, u defined Above, payment or pit payment s made directly or inairectly from fund& provided by john or;ranta by A F ederai Agency. The tact does not isselude butidiang or worst for which Federal maicrans 'a limited sokiy, to bans ranter& or inaurinor. (e) very person paid by a contractor or wbcoattnctor us any manner for his Labor in the conaitruction, prosrcution, oornaetson, of repair of a ptiblic buiidiag cc public work or buddinz or work financed in whole or in Wart by loans or znnu fmm the United Sates is "employed" and Mctmrg "wages." zaardles o! arty comtracivai rei+000ahip a:le�ed to ,!% , Setween him And theresi employer. (f) ?"he teras "any affiliated peroon' includes a statue, child, pamnt, or other idose rriAtive of the contractor or sub- contractor, a partner or of ,ca of tae contractor or Subconcactor•. s corporation cSoaely coxtr nnected with the nactor or «rac tbooatcor as patent, sucudl&ry or otherwise, and an oifuer or agent of tuh cc rotxuion () The term "Federal agency" neat& the United _tater, the District of C.Aurnbia, and ail executive depammemts, in• deoaicent estacliaifinehts adminiaaracive ajtacieS. and irstria mentiiines of the United :sites and of the Diaaict of Columbia. iarluerf; mrporaabits. ail or auba¢anaaily ail of the atock of Which is benetic aity owned by the United Staten, by the District of Gsisambu, or my of the foregoing de}rtmenta est-"44rtttnta, a,zennes, and insa-ameaitaiitica. Sation 3.3 Woeily stotc e:nt with rtspect to payment of wages. (a) As used in thin section, the terms "empiovdee" shall not tapir b pernoru In laasit:cationa hgrser t4an that of Tabora or-meeaanac And tbioae wino are the immediate wpervvon of such empioyeea. �55iA.3 (bj Fait cwltnctor ve subusntrac:Or en�^a-ttJ in lite consuuetton, isroae'utlon, compictian, or rrpar of auv ;lul,lie LwWnr; nr pubiie work, Of Lualaiiu�z or wurk financed on •x44 or ill part by tuan* or'4rauu form ti+r Lluited Jtatr., -hail furni,n ratio week a ,tatemeut nth rnpeet to the wales i'a'd each of itw enq+loyr I Cmpgcd on wt i, coverd Sv 29 r ."I Pns 3 and 3 Junto the iurcraine wcs-psi) payrurl pc' a. Thi, slatvaspis( vrall Ix e:eeutea Sc the rontrae or or wbrun- truu+r ter b% in :uthonrcd oiftcer Or entpioyce of,the rontractar or stsbcontraetur whp wprrvt.cs the Ila}.nlrttt of ,.,,r., and shall ix• on furnt illi 3.,a•'• tatetnrnt of Compiiamec oron An fdcnucai furnt un the !sack of'Vil 3.;', "I'ayvll (Fur Coo- trx:urs lrpuonai Cie)" at on any form wlth identical w•ord,mg. Ssrnulu copies of 'VII 347 and Wil 311 oar be ubtautrd from the Guvernmcnt mntractins or +punaonn. ;.,,,_nty, and collies Of tYtr (Dema nkat Ix Purcitaacd at the Guvcrnmart ':lotion a Older. (e) The requirrmcuts of titin actual shail na11 apyly to my contract of 52,060 or Irma. (d) hPou a rnUtn t'.ndinq by the head of a Federal'9'nC, the Se"Mtmv of 4 -Aim" may Pcoyide rraxsnai IC iimitatiuns, rariatiwu, tokr etre,, and rxensptsulu favor tltc requitemema of till. section sublert to smelt cond4tora as tic Scc vtary of L.abur may ip,-cdv. (_9 F.R. 93, Jan. I. 1964. Aa amcndrd at 33 F.R. 10186, juiy, IT, 1 a] Section 3.4 Submission of we.kly statements and ttie preservation and inipecdon of weekly payroll records (a) Fach weekly stateucent rsmJUWC'd unsicr 3 3-3 dull x dclitrred by the contractor ter wbeasntractor, within -*even days after the re;,•viar vi ment date Of the payro8 pend, to a reorr>. ntu,ve of A Federal ur State A;rncy in cl!a �r At th.• site of the bu,Jdim( or work, or, if dere is no rcperscntaure of a Fcdo-ral or jute ayrncy At lite lite of the buildnlg or work, lite be nailed by the conuae:or or Auilcontractor, x,tll,n such time, to a Federal or :laic agency mnuus•ttn_ for Of linancine, the building or wwk. After such examitulion std ciwrk as nuv be made, sueia ltatemrnt, Of A cults thereof. Ahail be kept avat;al+le, or.notil be transmitted usgethar %tilt a retort of any Yw:atton, n acoordance -till al+plieaiAlc procedure, per—bed by lite United States Department of Labor. (b) Faeh contractor of subcontractor shat) presrrvr his weekly iln roil records fur A Pero of three rias from elate of colnllirtiun of the eumraet. Tile l,ayroil rreards -*hail art Out aecsaatch• And eomat,•triy the name and Addrra.s of each W,urrr Ami mec:raam her cunrect ciataufreahon, rate of Hy, duly atmi weekly numis,-r Of iwun wurkrd, deductiunx made, and utuai .'ages paid. Such tins toll rrcwd. S all be nixie araiiab c it ail tulles for insisection by t1Ae conuaehnrf oilita7 or ;u. autironted "Im-wlltatme, and by autllar'acd repfr*Mltat+YO of tilt Department of labor. Section 345 Payroll ded=ions permissible without application to or appraval of t,�.s5ecetary of Labor. l Deductilans mule under the circuf"Atancrs or in the situuwns described in the pvagraphe of this wcaou may lac• male without appiicatiwn to Ani approvaJ of the Secretary, of l&bor. (a) Any deduction made in cuntpJianer wsth the requirements vi Frderal. State, or local taw, Ulch alt Fedcnl x Sta<e withho"nj income taus sod Fedcrai rocial security taxes (h) Any deduction of sums pre+iuvvy paid to theemulovte as A isona fiAc prcpayuenl of wain when suis prcparmrnt is made without di Aunt or intrrest.prepayment of „Aces';* conaidcred to have teen mace 011lr when ca -is or its rqum-.dicnt hat been advanced to the ler.�ors empluycsl in Auch maluer a: to nisi hon comukte fneuom of diawaiavn of 11w Advanced fun Cs. (e) ll.% deduction of .mounts required by tYlurt Process to be paid to Jnother, unless lite deduction is in favor of the contractor, subevntractur ter arty afiiSiated er,on, we w iten eoiloovmn or eodaLveat+on exksts Nownummmmom hUD-a'aJ� O.L. Na./ ?-;a 1'. ce 13 9/75 0_0.3 �c !::It i4 sonv (d) .Any deduction consututing a contribution on behalf of the : -raon employed to funds eatabiished by the e-rtolover ,srrtpresentatives ai c -no lovees, or: oth, for the pru Pose of arovdia3 either irom principal or .n.nme, a both. medical or hoaonul care, pensions or annuities on retirement, death benefit&, compensation for injuries, illness, accidents, ttcknest, it disaality, or for wsurance to provide any of the (ocelot". or unempiovment benefits. vacation pity, savings accounts. or siawiar payments t'or the benefit of employees, their families and dependent&: Provided, .'ioaever, That ate foilow;ng standard, are met: (1) The deduction is not otherwise prohibited by !aw: (2) it is either: (i) Voluntarily consented to by the tmoiovee m wnung and in advance of the period in which the wont :s to be done and such consent a not a "ondition either for the Obtaining ai or for the continuation of employment, at (ii) provided for in a bona tide c6lertive barpinin? ageement he. tween the contractor ae suiacontractor and reoresenunves 0i;U employees: (3) no profit or other benefit is otherwise obtained. directly or indirectly, by the oontrsctor or subcontractor or Lay aifiliatrd person in the form of , ummia►on, dividend, fir otherwnse, and (3) the deductions shall sem the convenience and interrst of the emoiovee. (e) Anv deduction contributing toward the purchase of United :utes Defense :tartnps and '.fonds when voiuntartiv authorized by the employee. (f) Any dedoetion requested by the emoloyer to enable hum to repay ;cans to ->r to pureha„e $hat -s in credit unions organised and operated in accordance with Federal andtate credit union tiatute. (g) Any deduction vo;antarily authorized by the e.^npicyce for the maiin; of contributions to;o%crnmentai or quasi. ;ovemmentai a5encies. such as the .Ansenean fled (spat (h) Any deduction solimtaniv authorized by the employee for the making of contribunonr to Community C:xsra, united (-,yen Fund.. and anulir chantahte orgsniaations. (i) Any deductions to pay regular union initiation fees and membership dues, not including tinea or spial aatesaments: Provided, htow"r, That a coil ctive bargaining s�ement between the contactor or subcontractuseea or d reprentstivea of it& empiovem procti vide, for such deduona and the deductions are not otherwnie prohibited by law. `r Q) .Any deduction not mote than for the "reawnaole coat' of board. 'odgtng, Of other (x:iities meeting the require• menu of action 3(m) of the i= air Libor dtuidaN> ,act of 1438. a unrnded, and Part 331 of this title. %'Sen such a deduction is made the tdditioral records required under 1316.27 (a) of this title snail be kept. Section 3.6 ?ayrod deductions pernizibie with the 2pProv31 of the Seaetry of Labor. Any mntrattot or subcontractor may Apply to the �ecrrtary of Labor for •. PP . perm US n to male am deduction not per matted under 3 3 i. The secretary pray grant perrni,won whenever he rinds that: (a) The contractor, subcontractor. or any affiliated person dors nut maize a profit or benefit directly or indirectly, from the deduction either in the form U1.1 commission, dividend, or otherwi e: (b) fix deduction is not otherwise prohibited by law; (c) The deduction is either ( l) voluntaniv consented to by the emplovee n writing and in advance of the period in which the wore u to be done and such consent u not a condition either for the obLining of empiormrnt or its continuance, or (2) provided foc n a bona fide coilectire bargainta; agreement between the vatnctor air subeuntrn for and epreaentaGrn of itstmpioyeva: and (d) lite dtdurtlGn serves the cunventence and interest of the em n,oree. Pace -= of 3 3�c Section 3.7 Applications for the :pproval of the Secretzr/ of ,-bor. Any application for the maJtiuc of payroil deducunnu undcr g 3.6 aitail .umniy •avth lite- requ.n•mcnte lire cr+in•d tit th. foilowtn� ?:rz�rapin of this section: (s) The appiicat&ou 4tail be in �ntutg and shall besdkirr.*Cd to tlm :ccretary of I d+or. (b) The application snail identify lite contract or cvnttracts under wIurit the wane in qutstion is to Ire urfornnd. i'cr- musion wail x graven for deduction only on iprnuc, iuentified coutracta, VACrpt spun a aiu,w in4 of escel+tw,nai cuca.ustanoe.. (e) Tite application 4taiI sate siinnatircly that there a complinxr with the aundarda ac) forth in the prner..iorts of 3.5. Tim affirmation snail be xmm}+arsed by a full statement of the facts indicating such compliance. (d) the topiicstion snail inciude a description of the prono+ed dcducuat, the purrnoae to be served tlhercb%. said the ciaascs of lalwrers or metaanics from wiaae waScs the proposed deductwn wuuid Se ,nade. (e) The anolintwn snail ,tate the name and Sustncas of any Hurd person to whom any funds obtainrd from ti+e pro- Poaed deductions are to be tranamttted -4 the aZ;utwn of such ?Vru)n. ;l any, wnh the IV licant. Section 3.8 Action by tate Seclret=y of Ubor upon applications. The Secretary of Isbor shail dctude whether or net the requested deduction is per-.n,wblc under ?tori%iuns of 3 3.5; and &nail notify the appiicant in waiting ui las decision. Section 3.9 Prohibited payroil deductions. Dcductioaa net elsewhere provtdcd for Sv this part and which arc not foun.i to be pernisuble under 13.6 are l,rohibit,ci. Section 3.10 Methods of payment of wog= The payment of waits &iail Sc by nasi&, negotiable instruments oA% able on demand, or the rdditionai forma of comlunsa. tioa for which deductions are nx-disc ble under the part. No other methods of payment shoal be t�ni:rd on wori subfcct to the Copeiand Act Section 3.11 RquLatioru part of contract. Ail contracts made with mlacct to tilt construction, prosecution, eomplet+t.a. or repair of any public buildin+ or public wont or building or work financed in whale or to part by loam& orants from lite united =cues covered Sy lIN. rtguiat&ora in this part cull clyses ly bind the contactor t fir wi�co..tractor to comply with such of the re;ulations in this part as may be aro pikabic. In this regard, see § 5.5 (a) u1 this subtitle. v. ► ewoartwr s.0.ix orrct ..inn o • .a«.ra ..ar , - 11.10 -years, D.C. ?fie 13 0: 13 9/75 ';� if-. a • sUPERSEDEAR DECISION 6TATEI NEN YORK COUNTIES$ NASSAU t SUrrOLK DECISION NO. HYSI-3027 DAT6 DATE Or PUBLICATION SUPERSEDES DECISON N0, HYBI-3016 dated July 17, 1961 In /6 FR )7191 DESCRIPTIPN Or WORK, Building, Residential (includes single family horns and apartments up to and including / stories). Heavy h HighAay Construction Projects ASBESTOS WORKERS IOILERHAKERS aft ICKLAYEPS CARP CRT ER.S Nassau County (except that part South of the southern State Parkway West of Seaford Creek, also, Smithtown Islip line on the East, -Long' Island Sound on.the Mort and Middle Island RR track on the South Carpenters, Millwright's 2 Piledrivers, Soft Floor Layers, Acostical, Dry! ,,wall Residential (under twb stories) ' t Building Heavy 6 Highway Relnninder of Nassau Count Building, Residential, Heavy 6 Highway Suffolk County Residential (2 stories t under) Building Heavy 6 Highway CEMENT MASONS DIVERS ELF.CTItICIANS Buildinq Wiring of single or mutt Iple family dweltings t apartn..oto up to and In- cluding 2 stories Inntnllation of tolovis- inn rocelvrrm, radio to- colvorn, record pimyore, mild amnociAtod Apparatum And nnteonA slid home Appllnnrrn And closed clxcult TV And mil tlplA outlet dlntrlbutlnn @ya- temn, pound And L$,tcr- a+Ik In", 16.11Cor'munil.11lnll syatc ms 19.09 )2\..O/jalJ co.^nrrclrl . 17.22 6.17 el •:t -r $: •1..nrla! dcvlces o.: .gh Is ill.,:I :.0 elect- rical ccr.br.lct I ELEVATOP ,CONSTRUCTORS ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS' 12.67 17.)7 17.65 17.37 I6 .JS 16.15 16.20 11.15 18.69 10.55 12.20 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS' I HELPER (PROBATIONARY) DERNIZATION a REPAIR ELEVA7VR CONSTRUCTORS DBRHIZATION i REPAIR ELEVATORS CONSTRUCTORS' 2.35 HELPERS ' I 6.01 6.01 MODERNIZATION 6 REPAIR F.l-EVATOR CONSTRUCTORS' NCI.PERS (PROBATIONARY) 1.63 OLAZIF.RS IRONWORKERS structural 2 4S Ornamental Finisher 5.11 LABORERS (BUILDING) 5.11 3.71 LABORERS (HEAVY 6 HIGH - 4.715 WAY)t Concrete 6 Curb form set - 17114 .70 et•1711+.70 ter@, asphalt rakers Asphalt workers 6 roller boys, nrphnit top shown 711+.70 ere 6 smoothers asphalt tnmperx, ,lnekhumn,era,i rhl it nv.n, hoppermen, carpenters' tendern, pIp(, )oinlr•re 6 n rttrrn, concrete Inbnre. (,.t rnrl iron), al sur mpreadinq laborer n, trael men, grading 6 rxr'nvattn, Inix.rern, ynrd lnbr.tere. N••nr @•n,hU R.N. 9.57 11.99 11.21! j 7. $61 Il.Oj 8.12, ' S.6IIIIS 16.75' 15.80' 15.50 12.71 a +c S.70 11.59 11,59 - I.S7 DECISION No. HY11-1027 puddler• on concrete pavt hent, asphalt plant (bat - cher 1 hopper men), all other unskilled laborer. MARBLE SETTERS Cutters 6 Setters Carvers Polishers Creno operatorel derrkck- men Marble rinishers MILLWRIGHTS PAINTERS Suffolk County$ Basic Sciffold work, rolling scaffold 18 ft. and over, .praying Structural steel b+Band- blasting' Nassau County (Inwood, Lawrence, Cedarhurst, Woodmere, Hewlett# Mkvletl Say,, Hewlett Nock, Ik.+letl Park, Cott Rockaway, par of Oceanside, part of Ly brook, part of Rockville Center, Atlantic Beach, Long Beach, Lido Beach, Point Lookout, Gibson an part of Valley Streasl, Painters Spray rire Escapes Nassau County (Mmainder of County)$ Painters Spray, Open Steel, Swin J.9 Scaffold, Rolling Scaffold 11 ft. or over Sandblasting PArt:R11AIIOER3 PI.ASTENERS PLUMurnsl ' Nassau County Bullrtlnq, HAavy 6 High- way Construction Rssidnntisl Jobt,ln•) (ropsir lit pre- sent plumbing mystems that. does not Chnngn th exlntlnq roughing or an minor alletatlons )oh 10.67 16.21 16.16 15.89 15.21 11.21 16.15 11.95 Page 2 -l'4 /n•p NMr,r @rMw where the change to th existing roughing doss not have a labor cost .75+21' In excess of $1,500,00 +d Suffolk County POWER EQUIPrIFNT OPERATOR 1.19+c (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION), 1.19+e CIA$$ 1 2.f0+e Class 2 1.31+e 2.90+c 6.16 Class / 1.11 Class S Class 6 1.13 Class 7 1.17 • Class 8 Class 9 Clan 10 Class 11 - Class 12 Class 11 11.01.01-+101 17.05.01+301 Class 11-A 16.05.01+301 13. / 15.1 1).1 ls.+ 16:1 10.5 Clams 1/-B 1.07 Class 11-C Class 11-D 1.07 1.07 Class 1S )1\ 1.22 Class 16 Class 17 4.97 Class Is 1.10 Clmss 19 Clamp 20 9.00 17.05 2.71 6.01 I17.0BOI2.:C• 17.155 2. 4C. !!'! 17.255 15.905 2.::: 55-. 16.905 2.0- 1\.. 17.105 2.11- 81•-' 16.655 1\+' 11.180 2./0- /1•! 16.905 2.10' 17.1SS 2.:C- 1I+f 17.055 2.10• 61 +!. 16.155 7./C+ 81+- 11.71 2.30• IS+! 11.23 2.104 sN! 11.11 2.::• et+! 19.73 2.::- t1•. 20.21 2.:^• 11+! 16.15 2.:0• 17.21 2. Jn+ el+! 1?. 20 2.10• It•• 17.07 2.406 11•! 16.68 7.404 a1•! 17.31 7.:.'• 11•! • DECISION NO. NYOI-3027 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS (BUILDING CONSTkUCTION) (CONT'D) Class 21 Clara 23 Class 21 Class 24 irl•tas 25 IClass 26 Class 27 CIA04 28 Claus 29 Class 30 Class 31 Clan 32 Class 31 Clan 34 Class 35 POIICR EQUIPME14T OPERATORS (HEAVY 6 NIGIIWAY)1. Claus 1 Class 2 Clan 1 Class 4 Claoa 9 Clan 6 Class 7 Class Class 9 19.93 1 2.40♦ 1 Class 10 81+( 1 15.5) 2.40• Clow• Il 8trf 18.11 2.40+ I C)aer 12 81. f 16.67 2.40+ ( Cldsu 11 81+t 17.IS 2.40+ "11-1 14 14.87 2.40+ ..... , 15.18 2.101 Clnrr 16 Bt+r 17.29 2.40+ Claud 17 8t+f 17.70 2.40+ Class 16 91+f 17.08 2.101 Claus 19 at*[ 13.89 2.40+ Class 20 B11t 17,70. 2.401 Cl res 24 Bt/( 17.70 2.40+ Class 22 Bf/t 11.81 2.401 Class 27 ewr 16.96 2.10+ Class 24 et/r Class 25 17.00 2.40+ Noorrnd 11+9 slate a 7110 17.45 2.40+ Naterproofer 91/9 BIIEE'r METAL WORJ(ERS 17.30 2.401 SPRINKLEn rITTLNS 6 84+9 STEAMrITTERS 11.8) 2.404 STONE DENRICKMEN 6 81+9 •R100ER6 18.58 2.40+ STONEMABON8 , 1t+9 TCRRA[20 WORKERS 17.02 2,40+ TERRAY'LO rINjS11ERs 8t+9 TILB 6KTTBR4 ' 16.27 2.101 TILS r1NtSNL'R3 1149 TRUCK DRIVBRs, •',,: 46.80 2110+ Building St+9 Ready -pill Conorete, 14.10 7.404 And oravall asphalt 11}9 6 built coment ' ( 1' Suclids 6 Turnapulls Roavy • 64o114. 6 TutnapullB. Iligh visa DECISION No. NYBI-1027 Page 4 I I,1 WELDERS rearlvr roto proscribed for craft to which welding in incidental. F -4 2.4o+ 8% #1 Unliutud elausif/cations nunded for work not Included within the s.;01,0 of the eldsolticatlona hated 2.404 Indy be added alter award Only aY provldud in the ldbor standdrds contract clauses(29 DPR 5.5)illl.I2.40• 61+4 PAID IIOLIDAYSI A - Nnw Yaar's Dayl 0 - Mualurlal Day, C - Indupundence Ddyl 16.91 2.40' D - Labor Ddy, E - T'hank:,jivIng rayl P - Chrl+toar Ddy 14.66 8-.•: 2.41- e. Paid No Ida ybI A through Y, Pteald.:nt'r D,.y, it,: annfverrdry of the ampluyuu'r data of amploynunt, and 81• F the ua.pluyea'blrthday. /t1 16.48 2.40' Bt,y All ulal,Ioyuur 1411040,1 CPntlnu..ua Yarvl.'e Cr•ldlt bJ...n prior to AI+TII I of Ute o- 2.4,0- current year shall be untitled to • vacat�on of one wtuk, and the d"00Yue whoue continuous ourvice crudlt M17.27 ~ 14.88 811g 2.40• I.turtud Prior to Octubcr 1 of the Preceding year shall bu untitled to a vacation of two weeks. 8tlg EmPloyuus who On March 31 of the cur runt yu..r have continuous oar vlc• credit of sir er 16.62 2.401 yaarr or mora with Uw CumPany rhJll be untitled • v11Uat1Un ill a�cU1dJ11CU Milli lhJ fU11a14111y YI:IIU duIUI r� tl t+0 nA. 14.87 2.40+ "'q 6 yuare but lora than 7 y0aru 114t,lk- end 1 day 7 la 16.44 2.411 years but luso than 8 yedtr 2 wuukr and 2 days 1 years but 104.0 than 9 ,My 1S.)2 8N 9 2.40. yedrr 2 wuukr and 1 days 9 Years but Is*" than 10 yudrs 2 wuukr and 4 days 81+9 10 gums but lube than IS ywars 1 wuukr 15 but luss �, 16.51 2.401 yuerr than 25 year• 4 weeks 25 and O Bt+3 years over S wuukr 17.70 2.10+ B1Iq An unployr„ shall be paid for aburnoo d-1 to Wraonal illness, PJrwnal Injury, or duoth 11.63 2.40- In the Iminaalato family at his basic roto for a Par104 of fivr 15) 8t+3 days In any oslundur year. 11.0) ).95 b. Em(Iloy9r Contributes 68/day. Patd 12•33 6.27 c. NollddYysl A through r Lincoln's birthday, Washington's Birthday, COluRbus 12.35 .88+1:1 gay,-Armltloa Day, and Friday attar Thanksgiving y 9 9 b U4 16.07 5.74 4. Paid (lolidays+ A through F„ Co;uabus Day, Llnooln's birthday, Washington's O1rNd•y, VO toran'0 Day,: and Election Day, Provldad the on.ploy04 workud or shows up fpr work 14.88 1.25 on the schedule day bntore and the rchodulofy� day atter the holiday. �. 17.71 13.38 5.73 2.82 e. raid I101doys, Pru halt day's pay for Labor Day 12.07 30.26 2.71' I J)S r. Paid polidays, A through rf {inooln's birthday, Washington's• Birthday, 'Coly ibua Day, 1171 1./2S )IIYOtIOn Day, and Veteran's Day. q. Pai4 (pliasyel A through rl Lincoln's birthday, Washington's �-+ &IUZus �By, l ecf;loh Day and Vptarsn's Dry, Provided employes `C works the. day After the hoilday. h. For efph 11 days WOJ}')tOd with the contract year an employee will raoaive op';dey r 1. 1.061.1 ,Vecatlon with Pty, mArirlum vacation of wegka per ysAF•' 2 9.225 1.06i.h 1. • I:pP, 10 y0i o9ntr(butsB 1/.00,pur•day to Bucurity Tuna, La 3.061-� f.i25 14' . W 9,01 1.06.1+: 7 • n r4. rA W W tttr, W • DEC1610N 110. NY61-3027 Pale 7 61LASSIrICATIOM D"Cal PIlONb-POWER ECIUIPMEfrr OPERAWA15 (CON'T) bUILDINO CONSTRUCTION& Claes 171 Holbt 13 dru&s), power winch (truck a unted, uued tot stone or steel), power winch (need for stone rutting 6 structural steel), trench Puchlne Class 161 Mechanic Class 191 Mechanical eonpactors (muchlno drawn), roller (over 5 tons) Class 201 Oiler, root cutter, stun.p chipper, lowur crane(ollur, track tamper), 12 engineers, each) Clae■ 211 Portable heaters Class 221 Power boom Class 131 Pump (concrete) Claes 24. (engineer) (englnooSooup (terry -all, scraper In tandem). tower •rano -Class 25& Tractor (caterpillar or wheel) I e LONE 2 ZONE I &ONE 4 ZOITE 5 6.da bees •••la 6.0. 6•Ja M•.dr M...Ir N•...Ir H...IV H. J, e... e.q• 6.00 e..o b.•. - an.. 6.Ob - - 5.70 S.10 5.15 5.00 - 6.; .e 5.15 5.<) - - 4.du 4.65 6.15 e 6.70 e i - SUPERSEDEAS DECISION STATE& Texas COUI7TIES& Stat-Ide DECISION HO.s TXa I-4051 DATE& Date of Publloation Supersedes Decision Mo. 7•X82-1052, dated October 29, 1982 In 47 PR 49217. DESCRIPTION Or WORK# bee 'Area Coveted by Various Eon.*' All Tool Man Asphalt Ileateraan Aal.halt Raker Asphalt Shoveler belching Plant bcaleman bette(board Setter Car peeler .Carpenter Uslper Concrete Finisher IPaving) Concrete rinirher Helper (Paving) Concrete rinlaher (Structure Concrete rinisher Helper (structures) concrete Rubber Electrician Electrician Helper rota builder (Structures) Form builder Helper (structures) torn Liner IPaving 6 Curb) tor■ Setter (Paving t Curb) corm Setter helper (Paving 6 Curb) roes better 16tructures) err Better Helper (structur •borer[ Coswan abor [,Utility Man ManhoI Oui�d•r, stick MChan 0 Oltcle`an a 71e1Per BervlOeran pa lnt,[;IsttpotOre•) �J e r verr•n . M�p.46y6�., � . pOlay�t rlpar I. Pn ua6ll o No ItarreD • lrOv0/Pan r•In(pprclhp steel setter IPavinv) W61"torclno steel satt/r i lbltl+ctur6y) i 40NE 1 LONE 2 ZONE I &ONE 4 ZOITE 5 6.da bees •••la 6.0. 6•Ja M•.dr M...Ir N•...Ir H...IV H. J, e... e.q• 6.00 e..o b.•. - an.. 6.Ob - - 5.70 S.10 5.15 5.00 - 6.; .e 5.15 5.<) - - 4.du 4.65 6.15 6.40 6.70 - - - 7.70 - - - 6.20 6.50 7.10 6.20 SAS 6.25 e S.25 5.50 5.10 4.70 5.05 7.7S 7.2$ 7.50 7.05 6.25 6.50 - 5.60 - 4.60 I 1) 7.10 7.25 5.90 5.40 6.20 5.60 1.00 5.00 1.80 5.05 4.50 7.75 11.50 11.70 10.55 .I- 3.75 - 8.20 S.6S 6.75 7.70 $.15 6.00 5.15 - 1.95 6.40 $.00 7.75 - - - 5.20 7.05 7.75 6.25 - 6.05 4.60 - 1.75 7.55 7.70 6.65 3.15 6.25 ) 5.95 6.25 5.50 1.75 6.95 4.90 4.65 4.60 1.10 6.15 -3.50 6.55 6.00 4.90 1.75 x.00 6.75 7.60 7.20 6.50 7.05 f.55 - 5.60 5.25 6.35 5.70 5.15 5. s 5.60 6.65 6.60 6.65 5•)0 5.65 I 6.00 - _ IIAS - - S.15 4,65 6.90 7.10 3.70 000 1.75 6.00 5.75 9.20 - 1.50 1.05 - 6.40 1.20 6.25 • I " w DECISION NO. NY111-1017 Page S ciAssIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS -POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONt Class It Aspnelt spreader Class 2s 0 clthoe, dragllne, gradall, piledriver, shovel Class 71 Batching plant (on site of job), power winch (used for stoneor steel). power winch truck mounted (used for stone or steel), pump (concrete) Class sim Bending mdchlne, generator (small), vibrator (1 to S) dinky locomotive Class St Boiler, bulldozer, compressor ion crane), compressor (pile work), compressor (stone settingl, concrete breaker, conveyor, gena - rotor (pilework), loading machine (front end), maintenance engineer, mechanical corepactere (machine drawn), powerhouse, power winch truck mounted (used for other than steel or stone), pulvi-mixer, power winch (used for other than steel), pump (double action diaphram), pump (gyp- -sum), pump (hydraulic), pump (jet), pump (single action - 1 to 31, . pump (well point), welding and burning, welding machine (pilework) Class 6: Boom truck, crane (crawler or truck), conveyor -multi plant engineer, stone spreader (self-propelled) •• Class 71 Compressor, compressor (2 or more In battery), genelalot,• ij•i•, mulch machine, pin puller, portable heaters, pump 1/ Inch or over), 1 tree tamper, welding machine Class Or Crone and boom truck (setting sttuctural or stone f Class 91 Bulldozer (use for excavation), fireman, loading machine, powerboom, scoop (carry -all scraper) vac -all Class 1O, CMI or maxim spreader, concrete spreader, derrick, sideboosk tractor Class Ili Compressor (structural steel) ' Class 121 Concrete Saw or cutter, mixer (with skip), mixer (2 small, with or without skip). pump (up to 1 Inches), tractor Caterpillar of wheel Claes 11, Crane with clam shell bucket Class Isis Ctan*, crawler or trucks a. Boom lengths of 100' (Including jib) but loss than ISO' b. Boom lengths of 150' (Including jib) but less than 250' c. Boom lengths of 250' (including jib) but less than )SO' d. Boom Iengthe of 150' Clone ]it Curb machine (asphalt or concrete), curing machine, pump (soUerniblol, lnwer Creon a,ainlenanco man Class 163 bredge Clara 171 Elevator, forklift, hoist (ldrum) Class let Forklift (walk -behind, power operated) Cl --n 19, cl1-a.lar Clans 20t Ilolut (2 and drum) Cl -nn 211 Itnlat (muMplo pintfosln) C)anm 221 MnchAricnl enml.aclels (hand operated)Jstrench niachloo (hand) Clnnx 211 Dulal tnnd.•m plod.., In Claus 211 IlyJtr%-hauumer, rldge cutter Claws 25t I.uadiuq mnt•hlno (with CapAClty of 10 yds, or over) Cl ons 261 Oiler, stump chipper DP.CISIOR NO. NY81-7017 Page 6 CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPtoms-POWER rouipMENT OPERATORS (CON'T) Class 271 Power buggies Class 211 Roller, trench machine Class 291 Scoop, carry -all, scraper In tandem Class 301 Sideboom tractor (used In tank work) Class 311 Stripping machine Class 121 Tank work Class ))s Tower crane (engineer) Class 341 Tower crane (dilerl Class 3S1 Welding machine, structural steel urAvy 6 u iwAY CONSTRUCTION Class is Asphalt spreader, boom truck, boring machine (other than post holes), CMI or maxim spreader, crane (crawler or truck), con- veyor (multi), plant engineer, concrete spreader, sideboom tractor, stone spreader, (self-propelled), cherry picker 'Class 21 Backhoe, crane (stone setting), crane (structural steel), dragllne, gradall, pliedriver, road paver, shovel Class.)s Batching plant (on site of job), crane (on barge), derrick, 0 deboom tractor used in tank work), tank work Class 41, Bending sachilx, mechanical compactors (hand operated), h, ppump (centrlfugal{.up to 1 Inches), trench machine(hand) Clsss S1 . Boller . '.classfs• Boring machine (post holes) l Claas it Bulldozers concrete finishing machine, conveyor, curb 1 1mehlne, asphalt or concrete), curing machine, dinky locomotive, •fireman, forklift hoist (1 drum), loading machine, maintenance engineer, putJi-mixer, pump (1 !n. or over ), poop Ihydraullc), pump (jet), pump (submersible), pump (well point), roller (S tons ono over scoop (carry -all, scraper), maintenance man (twar oven*), war All, welding 6 burning Class $I Compressor (on crane), generator (pile work), welding machine (pile work), power winch (used for other than atone or structural steel) poser house, loading machine (front and). com- pressor (pile work►, power winch (truck mounted, used for other than stone or steel), holet 42 drum) Class 9s Compressor (1 or more In battery) Class 10; Compressor (stone settingl, compressor !structural steel), welding nvlchinelatructural steel) Class lir Compreaeor, mulch machine, pin puller, pump (double action dlaphsagn►, pump (gypsum), pump (single action 1 to 1), e trlpinqq Ina chine, welding machine Class 12t LoadIug machine, with bucket capacity of 10 yards or over Class 131 Concrete breaker, concrete saw or cutter, forklift (walk -behind, poser operated), hydra -hammer, mixer [with skip), mixer (J sev.11 wth,or-without Skip), mixer (2 bAg or over with or without skip), power buggies, power grinders, rldgo cutler Clue lir Oredge Cl axa 15t Ovnerntor (small) Clans l6s Oracles U.S. DEPARTME14T OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PAYROLL FORM, INII.341 Gmerad: The use of WII-347, payroll form, Is nut mandatory. This form has been Innde available for the cook• vrnience of contractors and subcontractors ro4u.red by their Federal or Federally -aided construellumtype contracts and subcuniracss Its submit weekly payrolls. Properly filled out, tills form will satisfy the raryiremrnts of Regu- lations. Pans 3 and S (29 CF11. Subtitle A), as to payrolls submitted in connection with contracts subject Io the Davis Macon and related Acts. This form meets seals resulting from the amendment of the Davis - flacon Act to Include fringe benefits provisions. Under this amended law. the cunlruclur is requiretl its pay not less than fringe benefits as predetermined by the Department of Labor, in adduiun sit payment of nut less than the pretelermilted rates. The contraciot's obligation to pay fringe brewhu may be reel eidscr by payment of the fringes to the various plans, funds, or programs or by making these payments to the employers as calls in lieu of fringes. This payroll provides fur she contraeur's showing on the face of the payroll all monies paid in the employees• whether as basic rates at as cath to lieu of fringes and provides for she contractor's represeniation in the state- ment of compliance in she rear tri Ute payroll that he to paying io others fringes relulted by the contract and not paid as cash lts lieu u1 fringes. Ueladd instrutbwss concerning she prepwabun of lite payroll follow: ('ontrachef or SubruMraclor. Fill in your hem's name and check appropriate box. Address: Fill In your firm's address. Column 1 - Name. Adclicat. and Suttal Srturily number of _Employee: The employee's full name must be shown OU rich wtvkly payfoll subuutird. The employer's Address nous( also be shown on the payroll covering the firs) week in whelk the employee works of, she protect. The address nerd nut be shown on subsequent weekly payrolls uartris his address changes. Although not required by Regulations, Parls 3 and 5, space is available in the name and address secisun sit that Social Security numbers may be lisled. Column 2 Withholding F:arnnptions: This column is merely inserted for the employer's convenience and is not ;_1 ttlanr erin ell it111, cg`u`I a I ielle. 1'Arls 3 and S. Column 3 - Work_ _Classificutiuns: List cLssificalion descriptive of work actually performed by employers. Con - bull tlassih(:utuot antel mtnituunn wage schedule set forth in cnMtact specifications. If additional classifications arc deemed necessary, set Cunlracting Officer or Agency representative. Employee may be shown as having worked -in inure than une classificallun provided accurate breakdown of hours sit worked is maintained and shown on subm.11td payroll by use of sunarair line tntrlM Column 4 -_flours Wurk_c_d; On all contracts subject to the Contract Work Ilours Standards Act enter as over- time huuns all hours wurkrd in excess of 8 hours per day and 40 hours a week. Column S Tisial: Self-explanalury. Culurnn 6 Itah• of Pay, "o l'oli_ng _Fr_uy;e_ Ilenefits: In straight time box, list actual hourly rate paid the rnynloyce Ihr Ur a�ghl limn wurkrd plus .any fish ill lieu ssf frmgta paid she rrnph,yre. When recording the straight lime ht.ufly rale, alty cash paid in leu til fringes may be shown separately Irum the basic rule. thus 1:1.25/.40. This is •4 utstttanie ill corrtaily it..nputing uverltioe. See 'Fringe lienefits' brluw. In overtime box show overtime hourly title pard, plus any tach in heu til hinge► paid the employee. Sc 'Fringe Ilrnrfits" below. Payment ss( nal Irss ih+.n time and one (hell the basic or regular rate pard is required fur uverlime under the Contract Work 'tissues Standards A(1 ss1 I9f.2. In addition to paying not less than the predViermind rate fur the clnssificadon in which s6r employee works. the cuntr+clur shall pity to approved plans, funds. ter programs of shall pay as cash In lieu of Inssges arss.n,nls pre4rlrrmined as Irurgr brnchls in the wage dtcisiun made part of the contract. See 'FRINGE HENGF'lTS" below. FIIINGF: III:NF.F'ITS — Cnniracinrs who pay all squired fringe benefits: A contraaur who pays fringe benefits lit approved plans• funds• or programs its amounts nut less than were determined in the Applicable wage decision of the Secretary of Labor shall continue to show on the face of the payroll the basic cash hourly rate and over. tittle role paid to his employees just as he has always dune. Such a contractor shall check paragraph 4(a) of the slatcmeul un the reverse of the payroll to Indicate that he is. also plying to appruvtd plans, funds, or programs not less than the amount predetermined as fringe benefits for each craft. Any exceptions shall be noted in Section 4(c). Contractors who pay no fringe benefits: A contractor who pays no fringe benefits shall pay to the employee• and inert in the straight lime hourly rate column of lite payroll• an amount not Ins than the prtdetesnnned rate for each classification plus the amount ssf fringe benefits determined for each classification In the applicable wage de. cision. Inasmuch as it is not necessary to pay lilpe and a half on cash paid In lieu of fringes• the overtime rale shall be not Irss (halt the awn of the basic predetermined rate• plus she hall time premium on basic or regular rate. .plus the required cash in litv of fringes at she straight time rate. In addition, the contractor shall check paragraph 4(b) of she stairinenl on the reverse of the payroll to indicate that he Is paying (tinge benefits In cash directly to his employees. Any exceptions shall be noted in Section 4(c). Use of Section 4(c), Exceptions Any contractor who is making payment to approved plans, funds, or programa In amounts less than the wage determination requires Is obliged to pay the deficiency directly to the employees as cash In lieu of fringes. Any exceptions to Section 4(a) or 4(b), whichever the contractee ropy check, shall be entered In Section 4(c). Enter In the Exception column the craft, and enter In Ore Explanation column the hourly amount paid the employee as cash In lieu of fringes and the hourly amount paid to plans, funds, or programs as fringes. The contractor shall pay, and shall show that he Is paying to each such employee for all hours (unless otherwise provided by applicable determination) worked on Federal or Federally asdsled project an amount not less than the predetermined rue plus cash In lieu of fringes as shown In Section 4(c). The rate paid and amount of cosh paid In lieu of fringe benefits per hour should be entered in column 6 on the paytoll. See paragraph on 'Contracture who pay no fringe benefits' for computation of overtime :ate. Culunm 7 • Gross_ A_n:uunt_F:a_ rned: Fnier gross amount earned on this project. If part of the employees' weekly wage was earned on prujecis other than the project described on this payroll• enter in column 7 first the amount eurliel on the Federal or Federally assisted project and then the gross amount earned during the week on all prujecis. thus 163.00/ 120.00. Culurnn 8 • Deductions: Five columns are provided for showing drduciiops made. If more than five deductions should be involved, use fits) 4 columns; show the balance of deductions under "Other' column. show attual tutai under 'Total Deductions" column; and in the attachment to the payroll describe the deductions cuntaind in the 'Other" column. All deductions must be in accordance with the provisions of the Copeland Act Regulation. 29 CFR. Part 3. If the employee worked un other jobs in addition to this projecl,-ahow actual deductions from his weekly gross wage, but indicate that deductions are based on his gross wages. Column 9 - Nei Wages Paid lite Week: Self explanatory. Totals Space has been left at the bolium of the columns so that latah may be shown if the cuntrachsr so desires. Staii-mcni Required _hy1 Rd_ulatiuns, arlt3 and S: While this form need nut be nutarired. the statement on the hack of the payroll is .uhsecl sit the pen_alties provided by 18 USC 1001, namely, possible smprhonmeet fur S years ter 110.04)000 fine or both. Accordingly. the party signing this required statement should have knowledge of the facts represeutd As true. Space has peen provided between nems ( 1 ) and (2) of the statement for describing any deductions made. It all deiucliuns made are adequairly described in the 'Deduetiuns" column abuve, stale 'see Dducussns column in this payroll.' See paragraph entitled "FRINGE BENEFITS' above fur instructions concerning filling out paragraph 4 of the statement. • V S 111PICININt OF IA(!UA WWA Ara► HOI18 t4vit.1011 PAYROLL. 'For Conlroclor's Optional Use; Seo Insfruclion, Form W11- 347 Intl.) Form Appprovr•l. 11od8d 1lorreo No. 44 1111197 ! 1 f/AME OF CONTRAC1011 _ OR SUDCONI"ACtOR U -- ADDRESS PArROI t NO. FOR WEEK ENDING 1'110)F.CT AND LOCATION PROTECT OR CON111ACT NO. 111 NAME. ADDRESS. AND SOCIAI. SECURITY f111MbER OF EMr•LOYEE r210N C D F �$ 131 WORK Clil ASSIFICATION 1 141 DAY AND DATE 151 T01AL IIOURS lot RATE OF PAY 17) GROSS AMOUNT EARNED Int DEDUCTIONS 191 NET WAGES PAID FOR WEEK m _ _ 11 1- —� —.-� firms OWitt LDI HoTAX OfHU1 TOTAL OEDUCTIOHS D IlOURS WORKTp FACII DAY O S n S O S O U S O S O 1 • 5 O 5 n • S VIPM Wit 341 (1/681 - F00100101Y SOI 181 - PURCIf.fsF. Tfff.s inner niffFcrLr rRRAf TFFr nF nnCflAFf'N14 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I Data In file contract have been or will be made to appropriate programa for the 1. (Nemo of slgnalury Party) 4u hereby •Isle. (71Je► (I ) Thal I pay or supervise the payment of The persons employed by (Cualraclor or subeuntraclor) on the f UuUJIn` n6- work) that during flit payroll period commencing on the day of 19_. and ending the day of_. )0 all persona employs -d all sold prolml have been pald the full Meekly wages eurl►ed, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or Indirectly to or on behalf of eutd (4onlraclur or subcunlrrctur) from the full weAly wages earned by oily person and that no deductions have been made either directly or Indirectly from the full wages earned by any person, usher shun permissible deductions as ddined In R%luluUoua. Purl 3 (29 CFR Subtlfie A), Issued by the Secretary of Labur under Ilia Copeland Ack as amended (/8 Slot 9/8.63 SIuL 108, 72 Slat. 967, 78 Slat. 367;40 U.S.C. 97(•), and des- erlbed below: (2) Thol any payrolls otherwise under lhis,cuntracl required to be submitted for file above Period are correct and complete; that file wage rales for laborers or mechunaca contained thereto Ilia not las then file applicable wage rales contained In any wage determination Incorporated Into fine cunlracl; that fine classification& act forth Ilnertin for each laborer or mechanic canfonn with Ilia work he performed. (3) Thut any apprcaUces O"Ployed 1►1 lilt above period are duly registered In a bona Ode apprcnlleesblp prograun rcglricred with A Stale apprenficulhlp agency ricognlzed by file bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United Stiles Department of labor, or If no such recognized agency ubir In a State. are regl►tcrtd with die bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. United States Department of labor. benefit of such employees, except as noted In Section 4(c) below. (b) WHERE FRINGE HENEF1TS ARE PAID IN CASH Q— Each laborer or mechanic listed to the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll. an amount nal less ,,an the aunt of The applicable basic hourly wage rale plus the amount of the required fringe belleflis as listed In flit contract, except as holed In Section 4(c) below. (c) EXCEPTIONS EXCEPTION (CRAF_q EXPLANATION J REMARKS (4) Thal: NAME AND rITLE SIGNATURE (0) WHERE FRINGE RENEIRITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS. FUNDS, OR rROGRAKIS In addition t.0 111• basic hourly rays rates pall to each laborer or mechanic TIIE WILFUL FALSIFICATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS MAY SUB. VCT TILE CONI•+hl cost .� OR StIBCONTIIACTOR TO CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. SEE SECTION 1001 OF TITLE I4 ANO listed In the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe beneflls as listed SECTION 231 OF TITLE 31 OF T11E UNITED STATES CODE. GP* 046-30—/1fu•1 4111 -+us U • CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINORITIES AND FEMALES ,NA; -1:c OF PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER: MUNICIPALITY: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: TOW4, STATE, ZIP: SIGNATURE: TITLE: DATE: PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: FROM .TO: month/year month/year Is your company minority or female owned? yes=1 no 1-1 Is your company subcontracting any part or this contract, to a minority or female o:;ned business? yes F-1 no If you ansa•;er2d yes to either question above, please check each box that applies to your company: Ma l e Female C� Black C1 Hispanic C� Native American other specify Amount of Contract S Check each box that applies to your sub -contractor male �] female r7 black Hispanic Native American M other specify Amount of Subcontract S .Name of Subcontractor J.•7. LcPAR7mE.4 v;: MOUSING ANJ U+i3AN Jc�C_:.PN2NT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION CONCERNING LAEOR STANDARDS AND PREVAILING WAGE REQUIREMENTS TO ;.4PPr,;or:.3t_ ,3�c:o:rntl: I OaT_ IL ;MRCJECT NUMBER c"o P FioJ =CT N :.ME 1. The undersigned, having executed a contract with for the constriction of the above -identified project, acknowledges that: (a) The Labor Standards provisions are ircluded in the aforesaid contract; (b) Correction of any infractions. of the aforesaid conditions, including infractions by any of his subcont:actors and any lower tier subcontractors, is his responsibility; Z. He certifies that: (a) Neither he nor any firm, partnership or association in which he has substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor by the Comptroller General of the United States pursuant to Section 5.6(b) of the Regulations of the Sec:etary of Labor, Part 5 (29 CFR. Part .5) or pu.-suant to Section 3(a) of the Davis -$aeon Act, as amended NO U.S.C. 276a -2(a)). (b) No part of the aforementioned contract has been or will be subcontracted to any subcontractor if such sub- contractor or any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which such subcontractor has a substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor pursuant to any of the aforementioned regulatory or statutory provisions. 3. He agrees to obtain and forward to the aforementioned recipient within ten days after the execution of any subcontract, including those executed by his subcontractors and any Iower tier subcontractors, a Subcontractor's Certification Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing ;Nage Requirements executed by the subcont.-actors. a. He certifies that: io) the iegal none and the business address of the undersigned are: - ---_ (b) The unders)aned is: (I) A SiNGI_ PROPRIETORSHIP i2) A PARTY ERSHIP (3) A CORPORATION ORGANIZED IN THE STAT: OF (3) OTHER ORGANIZATION iDescrZ6e . (c) The name, title end address of the owner, partners or officers of the undersigned ore: NAME ( TITLE I ACORESS (a) The names and aadresses at ass otner;ersons, moth natural and corporate, laving a suostantlal Interest in the uncerslgned, and the nature of tie interest are'/,( -tone. so ;tate): V AME I ACDR�SS NATURE OF INT=REST I i i (e) The names, actresses and trace classifications of all other building construction contractors in which the undersigned has a substar.tiel interest -ire ^on_ so s:cre,: NAME I A0CRESS f TRACE CLASSIFICA—.ION I I I _ _ I I _ I Date (Con trac:or) By WARNING U.S. Criminal Code, Section 1010, Title 13, U.S.C., provides in part: "Whoever..... cakes, passes, utters or publishes a: y statement, knowmg 'he sane to be false .. ... shall be Fined not more than 55,000 or imprisoned lot more than two years, or both." ft 6?0 194—;2 _kOT-E-�;. _ _- I -P-.AL-L- >=X��'1 N G GUR,B I N G S1 -t FSU E55 TD E!> E. fZ� f`ONJ �D P<<3 Rte. Q V 1 F.M- D C_Or-A S`T- R UGT t OP -4 I `3 GU MF 1--M:rr D .. a� 5 _ r� � �. �.c..T �r� T� Y o ver M �.,.r� , -.. = - • _ 31 H 1=. vel C-oN G . �T P• IRS -t-O �1=. P d U R �D U I ly G_ P.� I Go N G.. A > '� hi C7w I`�I . - C�r`I '{�' V ASN • e-� kA, 1 r-_4 8 E_ P, 5 TO , r=!:� 1____ 4 • A rT S- t7 F t U N L- E-tsS I SF_ . IN OT'F.L7, ',4F -L- -ro s I L t- ©T= 'RDC i`r1'�' "(OT- TO �I.G -ID 1 " ! N 1 22 . ,1 JI fII E -I <'k- I � +1-1 co NC., , _ 'I - _ Lw. + FV n it M l=w . t_pt M 27 1►� G �L3=V. � 7 4 � ��, M l I� GON o TU B 3 = �, � L -C> \N T p E.-. , .�.i -�-o-•NF_:W STAIRS 1<INC To P F -i H 1SH. .. -�: Ul�rb.DT TOt CSR 'P,PcM'�' TO �..-L..�j>�T1(71y INTI ��'•T�---=L . ��-r _. - 1NP<`fs 12'' O.L. �1� 9 • �. I - L �� STAN I"R S TO 8 �- C-�L- V 1N I'ZI;i7 • -._ . _ I I `__. +.. _vV tD I~ NOS (Iy Gt 3 _- - - �_ WALLS.. t�AGH SiS�G _ 1 `_'T_"� -e., �• �r_-„� 8"-X t lam'' '1=GbT 1 N ! I I I � , Tic>� GO►` -I � V.. - c'o _18 -O (SL-O�'E... I It�1 IZ� _ 2`X&'N VLA — _-- :�, A 71 i�''� ----- ' 1 (t I I O ----� -� i INCA IT I r i - lyb'--p G.C. (o'-Or►C•L _ Of, Z � T a -_T ` 1 + 1 C-0 "c . VN 1N" LAN DIN V TO g E_ �/9'?3F:. 1-0 V j �•�• THR>=..� HOLn 'TO ToPjOTT'OM.�L TO 6� GOP-) ST�utr-r n a� = Xro" 4� FSO U N I>l MID '�� 1 L -"1"O 8 � 'Z'� X <•t'' G.�=ITR, 'I 1 1 t I -I- - - - - .j I - - - - - -! I — — - SF I cDN y�P�E OF NEW Y �9 WN I ✓q 'F W T \', /VO. c,61 N16 N��NEER & LP ' b H Nr -a =) I G.A7�> PF ---D R p. F- op, TH 1�-- � VT'} -I (� L-L� �I°�t�t� IG„f�► N r,_ �.-G I C7!`�-► _ IT• U,�: S" ~_ n I I'y uT"l--�J , NF.: -V4 YGF , C -C" e) UL -%I rI 6 E I -4G Po Rte- Sc No. 0`1G ISS