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Walters, Harold F
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ��„ � fi �°� "' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK vo R ac '` P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS AF Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER � p „' Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =-� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Damon Rallis From: Linda J. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Dated: August 31,2009 Re: Walters Junkyard Number of Pages (including cover): 4 If total transmittal is not received, please call 631-765-1800, Ext 210 COMMENTS: Damon, This is the most recent correspondence concerning the Walters Junkyard Permit. MEMORANDUM TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk FROM: Ed Forrester, Building Department DATE: May 31, 2001 RE: Junkyard Application, Walters Please be advised, I have inspected the applicants property, at 400 Nokomis Road, on two occasions in the past ten days. On bot;; -::-'G0a:3K)nS ;on;'iTions exist that are not in compliance with the provisions of the permit. Specifically, junk/recyclable material outside the fenced portion of the rear yard, unregistered/ uninspected vehicles stored outside the fenced area of the rear yard. Renewal of this application is not recommended as the conditions constitute violations of Town Code. This office will proceed with enforcement of the violations at this time. APPLICATION FOR REGULATING SECONDHAND, JUNK AND AUTO PARTS ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : ' Aro r Name of Applicant , Individual, Corporation or Partnership Address of Business or Activity Exact Type of d5usinesVto be conducted VV amunder 2 am I y I ears of age Yes No y g �— I am a citizen of the United States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes NoT Number of employees to be engaged Name and Address: of owner of lands e b �teQ and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant_ to the use of such " land. ,. Applicant must .file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses . Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this -zoos y of i ar u c NOT: lJSLIC,State of Newyork lVo.41 Sta0.8 73;Suffo1 C ires'June 8,. �.li Ni j n I i AT I i I i 'i o = rrronumQrr-f- ' I �^ \\ V ISJ( 0 II UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITIO,- ' TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF S I SECTION 7=09 OF THC NEW YORK STATE I ' I EDUCATION LAW. per- CONES CF THIS Sl;-,',":y l::l:%N^?3LP.F,IN; r I JJ f�.OS���,�0•,�. �l I THE LAND 5_.._'i:_:"s .'D-'D.'.G2 I I ��? �� WBOSSED S-.AI._!;A,! ?r - � } 70EE P.VALID iL'?CCP-':. { GUAEA:.TEGS IIS':-A;:D i"R`. -N SHALL RUN ; . i ONLY TO TII;!E i; FJR ':i:.;;M TN_SU7VE' �be� l pow _...-.-.. .. . A.:D J.'I1.S 5:;:, -W: IS FRE^P.C[D .LF TO 11� i L- /. O 'O i i!TLE COmiiA.C:Y, LENDiiO'✓iCB::;n',A:J.:;EKCY At.:. . 4:G i:;STirLiTlCr:L:=ILD H-RAN,At:D i -t TO THE ASS:GNM OF THE LE':DiING INSTI- v 11'11 L_1 I In GJ TUTION.GUARANTEES A„E NOT TPANSFE:Ae t TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEou OWNERS. i. Ilj 'I i Surveyed De c lk 4 49.5 120L7�P_tCL� 1/Al�f -7-UYL,p�-- I : �«�►ted c-cncr urveyors i Scj ffo Courr��tx Mor O�srgha frotr: ' Gr�c�rr r f flew ori 0; + IO00, Sa_rf. x-78, ca1k-- r;t-1.�. gtfFO(�-CD - ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE '�� l/y� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 cm C*1j Z Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax (516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER y ��� Telephone(516) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �JO� �.a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 24, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Harold F. Walters 400 Nakomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters: Enclosed is the report of the inspection of your junkyard conducted by Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement. Mr. Forrester advises me that you have failed to respond to his communications and have not corrected your violations. As you are aware, you are in violation of the Town Code and your Junk Dealers License will not be renewed until such time as you correct all of these violations. Accordingly, you cannot operate your business without a current license. Please contact this office immediately to advise when you expect to correct these violations and will require another inspection to confirm compliance. Very truly yours, - 6?L�U� ~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk F? cc: Building Department Chief of Police Supervisor & Town Board Members l • r a SENDER: I also wish to receive the v ■Complete items tand/or 2 for additional services. �; ■Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. following services(for an ® ■Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): card to you. "Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address d permit. ■write'Retum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery ■The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date , delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number d 2088 470 706,' CL E Harold F. Walters 4b.Service Type 400 Nakomis Road ❑ Registered )7 Certified l Southold, NY 11971 ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured ❑ Return Receip for Merck dise ❑ COD a 7.Date Deli ry Z i X ~5.Received By:(Print Name) 8.Addresse s Address Onl if requested L and fee is paid) a g 6.Signa :e-i( ddresseelonAgent) r i m r A Xb mi, Imf j 1 —� 042=...,,,'3911 ne..e. I—1009 nnmactit- Pati rn Panaint UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 71�P,N Ijsn-�- -- -P"erm1rNc G,0 • Print your nam a4,� ss2nd ZIP Co ein thl� Elizabeth A. NEville Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 Southodl, NY 11971 F i:::ll:,:lli,i:=1:3=i:::illi:::l:i:::l:l:l:l;:l:::il:1:►::l:il TOWN CLERK ` `7,x•088 470 706 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to Harold F. Walters Street&Number ' 400 Nakomis Road Post Office,State,&ZIP Code Sou od Y 11971 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.35 Special D� ee 1 P 1 Restrict f,Deliv � LO cc) 'Retum Receipt Showingdo� —,MMA pate Delivered 1.10 R ipf8h o , Q� Date,&Addressee's Ad � 1 0 �"Po ge&Fes �$ 2.77 Cl) Po's 0 u- 00 a- Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a'post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the m return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. LO 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address, on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article a RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. Q 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or.to an authorized agent of the 0` addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 00 t: th 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front'bf this E receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ti 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. 102595-97-8-0145 rn o_ O o� Gyp Town Hall,53095 Main Road y = y � Fax(516)765-1823 P.O.Box 1179 Oy Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk FROM: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement DATE: February 3, 1999 RE: Walters Junkyard Permit Renewal Please be advised that the applicant has failed to respond to my communication of January 11th (attached). Another inspection was performed this date and several violations were observed; § 54-7C requires that materials dealt in by the licensee be kept within the fenced area. A large quantity of scrap was deposited within the driveway outside the fence. A trailer loaded with junk appliances was outside the fence. Three unregistered, partially dismantled automobiles were outside the fence. § 54-7D requires a strip of land 10 feet wide within the fence be maintained as a fire lane. Materials within the fence are stored "wall to wall". § 54-717 requires a suitable fire extinguisher to be mounted in a conspicuous place. No fire extiquisher was visible at this time. In addition, Building Department files indicate numerous complaints and noted violations at this location concerning this operation over the past several years. In conclusion, due to the violations noted and the applicants unresponsiveness now and in the past, it is recommended that the license for this applicant not be renewed. cc: Town Attorney January 11, 1999 Harold Walters 400 Nakomas Rd Southold N.Y. 11971 Re: Junkyard License#2-1998 400 Nakomis Rd. Southold N.Y. 11971 SCTM# 1000-78-3-20 Dear Mr. Walters, An inspection of your operation has been conducted as a condition of your renewal of the above referenced permit. The inspection revealed three (3) unregistered vehicles outside the fenced area, this is a violation of the "junkyard" regulations. It will be recommended that your license renewal be held until the violation is remedied. Please suspend all operations until the unregistered vehicles are moved, then call for a re-inspection. Sincerely, Edward Forrester Director of Code Enforcement ,F � p o��S�FFO(,��oG - ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE may. y� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK -� P.O. Box 1179 CIO Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax (516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER /ji �� Telephone (516) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 4, 1999 To: Edward Forrester, Code Enforcement Officer From: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Re: Harold F. Walters Junkyard Attached is application of Harold F. Walters for renewal of his Junk Yard Permit. Please conduct an inspection of the premises and submit your report and recommendations to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Enclosure (2) y APPLICATION `R REGULATING SECONDHAND, - AND AUTO 1 _,rS ACTIVITIES;:AND BUSINES% IN THE TOWN 'OF SOUTHOLD A:12�Z^ Name of Applic a n t, Individual,, Corpora ion or Partnership Address of Business or Activity Exact Type of Business to be conducted I am under 21 years of age Yes No ; I am a citizen of the United -States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No Number of employees to be engaged Name and Address of owner of lands as kz , and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such ' C,a land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this day of cam. 19 Q`/06)_ 0 0 Notary Public HELENE D.HORNE JAN 4 Votary Public,State Of NOwYork T®1Nn CIA Southold No.4951364 oualifed in Suffolk County Commission Expires may 22, 19 �•- __ � 1 t - \ jj�-��\\ l� � -�l 6 �-P -- __�. _ _____ ----_-- r--�- - .-_- ---�. - - --;-:_ _. ___�-- - --_--_ .:i�l:iu"it' e`�;:Ji':�j (1�''riJj �P- o��S�FFO(,�cOG ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE may yam► Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 N Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS %�5 Fax(516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER ?i O� Telephone (516) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 2, 1998 Harold F. Walters 400 Nakomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters: : Please be advised that your Junk Dealer's License will expire on December 31, 1998. Please complete the enclosed application and return it together with the $100.00 fee at your earliest convenience so that an inspection may be scheduled in time to allow for the renewal prior to January 1, 1999. Very truly yours, d���O 2?-,� Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk '7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J U N K D E A L E R SL I C E N S E TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: KNOW YE, this is to certify, that HAROLD F. WALTERS of the Town of Southold County of Suffolk whose place of business is at 400 Nakomis Road, Southold, New York 11971 Is hereby licensed -as ..required by Section 60 of the General Business Law, to engage in and pursue the business of April 7 1998 DEALING IN JUNK, for the period of , 4928, Expires on the 31st day of December 1998 . In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and official seal, this 7th day of April 19 98 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK NO. 2 of 1998 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK RECEIPT 68836 Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Phone:516-765-1800 DATE 19 RECEIVED OF: � �-�� ��G�I �- $,1-120. Q ` FOR: / CASH 0 CHECK BY: RECEIVED ' MAR 10 199 �o�®SUFFO(,�coG Southold Town Clerk Town Hall,53095 Main Road y Fax(516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold, New York 11971 �?, • �� OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Town Clerk FROM: Building Department DATE: March 10, 1998 RE: Walters Junkyard Application Please be advised that an inspection was made, this date, of the above referenced property. Several factors need to be addressed by the applicant before this office can give an approval of the conditions there. A re-inspection has been scheduled on or about April 1, 1998, we will advise at that time of our findings. 9' ��S�yFFO`�c O o�O G?1 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road y Z Fax (516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 5 • Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold, New York 11971 4,- ®� OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 25, 1998 Ha1,0k'A Walters � ia�v�u 400 Nakomas Rd Southold N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Walters, Please be advised that this office has received many reports regarding the junkyard you operate at the above address. As you may know this activity requires a license issued by the Town. Your operation does not hold a current license and is in violation. tr I am requesting permission to conduct an inspection of the premises along with a representative of the N.Y.S. DEC. If you deny the request I will attempt to obtain a court order for the inspection. Please contact this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter to confirm or deny this request. Sincerely, Edward Forrest a File: Junkyard - Walters, Harold ' Town depts. - Building Dept. Zoning Violations li d i t 4 s, <4z vF. TEL. 765-1802 �c��Ff ULI��oG TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR c a P.O. BOX 728 cn n TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 R FEB 619% February 5 , 1986 TO : Judith Terry , Town Clerk � ^ FROM : Victor Lessard , Exec . Admin . C- SUBJECT : Harold Walters Junk Yard. Permit Upon inspecting Mr . Walters operation I find that Mr.. Walters has again spread his opera- tion beyond the limits allowable by Zoning Board of Appeals and beyond those requirements set down by law. After repeated violations and obviously with no intentions' of remain- ing in compliance , I would strongly rec- omment this junk yard permit not be renewed . VL :hdv 't FOR DISUCSSION FEBRUARY 25, 1986 On December 30, 1985 Harold Walters made application to renew his Junk Yard License. On that same date this office requested the Building Department to conduct an inspection of Mr. Walters' property. That report, dated February 5, 1986, is attached hereto. I will not issue this license unless instructed to do so by the Town Board. J. Terry 1 V' 4 � IIIC5�, � � -` Town Hall, 53095 Main Road 4`�vryv A3 ` P.O. BOX 728 = � Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TowN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 30, 1985 To: Victor. Lessard, Executive Administrator Southold Town Building .Department From: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Re: Renewal of Junk Dealer ' s License of Harold Walters Please conduct an inspection of the premises of Harold Walters located at 400 Nakomis Road, Southold, N.Y. as it pertains to operation of his junkyard and submit report and recommendation 1 for the renewal of his 1986 Junk Dealers License to my office as soon as possible. ,/3 M TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JmUNK Di";ALE R- S ' LICENSE' .n TO WHOM IT 1VIA�Y CONCERN: Rtlobj Vc,.This is to certify, that HAROLD F. WALTE S rT� , of the TOWN Of SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK whose place of business is at NAKOMIS ROAD OJTHOLD- NEW YORK Is hereby licensed as required by Section 60 of the General Business Law, to d an n i engage ursue the business Of DEALING IN JUNK,� p NK, for the period of one year - V from JANUARY-:1, 1985 , Expires on the 31 st day Of DECEMBER 1985 3itt Witnt5l Wbereof, I have set my hand and official seal, this • / 'R1u 7th day Of Febrnar385 CT FRK SOUrHOT TOM TOWN Of SOUTHOLD NO. 2 - Renewed County Of sliFmiz ` Williamson Lew Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. 14609 (3/68) }• -., APPLICATION FOR ZLATING SECONDHAND, JUNK ) AUTO . PARTS -ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES- - .. 'IN THE TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Ap licant , Individual, Corporation or Partnership Address of Business or Activity - Exact Type of Business to be conducted I am under 21 years of age YesNo I am a citizen of the United States Yes No_ , Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes " " No Number of employees to be engaged �l Q Name and Address of owner of lands .o and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such ' land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following informs 'on: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. Q 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. . . . . . Signatu e of Applicant Sworn to' before me this da y o f 19S NotAry Pub ;is uNGA A COOPER NOTARY PUBLIC.Stole d New York No.4822663.Suffolk CouMy,�%/„ Term Expires March 30.19 ' - n Board - ^a- ` Page 3•. Tow - • 2:25 P.M. - Edward J. Carpenter, Professor of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, appeared before the Town Board to requesting funding for himself in the amount of $9,000 to conduct monitoring studies for "red tide" organism Gonyaulax tamarensis which have recently been found in James Creek, Town Creek, Orient Harbor, Goldsmith Inlet, Mattituck Creek and Richmond Creek. He proposes to carry out a survey this spring and summer through ithe Marine Sciences Research Center- to monitor the local waters for the appearance of this organism and, through the University Hospital, assay hard clams and mussels for the presence of toxin, which positive identification can only be done by an experienced taxonomist. Mr. Carpenter was requested to prepare and submit a written proposal for the Board's consideration. 2: 55 P.M. - Fred J. Thiele Jr. , East Hampton Town Attorney and Southampton_ Town Planning Board Attorney, who along with Town Planner David Emilita, drafted the Southampton and East Hampton resolutions requesting the State Legislature to pass a special law entitled "AN ACT authorizffig the Town of Southampton (East Hampton), County of Suffolk, to establish a land acquisition fund and also authorizing said•Town to impose a real property transfer tax with revenues from said' tax to be deposited in the land acquisition fund," met at the Town Board's request, to discuss the proposed legislation. Mr. Thiele described the legislative intent which is: the protection and preservation of open space, significant natural areas, places of special historical or cultural significance, and the provision of affordable housing, and the creation of land acquisition funds permit 'local governments to carry out such purposes. This proposal has been commonly referred to as the 2% sales tax on the purchase price of, real property sold within a township; unless exempted, i.e. first-time homeowners shall be exempt from the first $150,000 of the purchase price. Mr. Thiele explained other provisions of the proposed law and answers various questions posed by the Board. 3:25 P.M. - Mr. Harold Walters, who has maintained a junk yard on his 'property at 400 Nakomis Road, Southold, for a number of years, appeared before the Board to discuss the renewal of his permit. As a result of an inspection of Mr. 'Walters' property in'December by the Building Department, and their •report that he has not maintained the conditions for the operation of his junk yard, the Board decided not to renew his ''Junk Yard License until he complied with all of the conditions'. Furthermore, back in'August of 1984 there were complaints from neighbors and a letter of non-compliance from the Zoning Board of Appeals on. conditions set forth by that Board, and the recommendation of the Building Depart- ment that the License be revoked. Mr. Walters now assured the Board that he has been- moving everything out as fast as possible and he is :now in•compliance. A letter dated January 4, :1985* from the Building Department 'confirmed that he is now in•compliance with the conditions for the operation of a Junk Yard. Mr. Walters was advised that the Board would now authorize the Town Clerk to issue the license, however, .should .he fail to. maintain'his 'Junk Yard incompliance, the Board will 'make every effort to have the license 'revoked. 3:30 P.M. - Discussion: Harold Reese and Frederick Reese Relief Petition pending decision (Resolution No.' 36 - regular meeting - no action taken)---Applicatio.r of Robert Johnsen to renew his 'temporary trailer permit 'which was issued in`May of •1984 to house his 'family which his home was reconstructed following a fire, and .which permit -expired in•November -1984. Mr. Johnsen explained '.in .a letter to the Board that his 'home has been reconstructed and he is living in' it,' but requested an extension 'of the permit 'to April,' at which time he plans to move to the modular home ("trailer") to a vacant parcel in Laurel. It was the Board's decision not to grant the extension and to notify Mr. Johnsen that he should make arrangements to remove the trailer from his 'property as soon as possible and to obtain''the necessary Building Department permits for doing so. - /6 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 1971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TowN,CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OP VITAL SfAI ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 7, 1985 Mr. Harold F. Walters Nakomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters: As a result of your meeting with the Southold Town Board this past Tuesday, we are now ready to issue your junkyard permit for 1985. I am enlosing another application for same. A fee of $25.00 is due together with the completed application. I have your permit ready and waiting for you: Very truly .yours, Judith T. Terry . Southold Town Clerk /7 J TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR ;= P.O. BOX 728 c TOWN HALL Oy �� SOUTHOLD,N.Y. 11971 RE-CEIVED December 27 , 1984 EEC 2 71984 Victor Lessard �ew� C�wrSnw+fiixmie? Executive Administrator Town of Southold Main Road Southold , N .Y. Dear Mr . Lessard : Upon inspection I find Harold Walters has not maintained the conditions for his operation of a junk yard . I recommend his license not be renewed . Sincerely yours OAA Curtis W . Horton CW:hd Building Inspector " t o���VFFO�,YcOG Town Hall, 53095 Main Road y Fax (516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 y. Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold, New York 11971 �,� • �� O RECEIVED APR 6 1998OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR %, Aold Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Town Clerk FROM: Building Department DATE: April 6, 1998 RE: Walters Junkyard Application Inspector G. Fish has conducted an inspection of the above referenced property, and he reports that all the conditions of the permit have been met at this time. �s Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE To.wN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 30, 1985 To: Victor Lessard, Executive Administrator Southold Town Building Department From: Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Re: Renewal of Junk Dea'ler' s License of Harold Walters Please conduct an inspection of .the premises of Harold Walters located at 400 Nakomis Road, Southold, N.Y. as it pertains to operation of his junkyard and submit report and recommendation for the renewal of his 1986. Junk Dealers License to my office as soon as possible. L _ APPLICATION F REGULATING SECONDHAND,' Jt AND AUTO PARTS" ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . - .I.N THE TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD " . . " . . .moi' � . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Ap licant , I:ndivid�ufal, /Corporation or Partnership -�!. . . . . . . . .a. cis . . . . . ... Address of Business or Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact Type of Business to be conducted I am under 21 years of age Yes No I am a citizen of the United States Yes No � Convicted of. Felony or Misdemeanor Yes . . . No Number of employees to be engaged ,:` Name and Address of owner of lands . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and nature of the right of occupancy c of the applicant to the use of such ' ' . . . land.' Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following informa on: 1. Location offence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. ` 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct th.e business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signatu e of Applicant Sworn to' before me this &OJ-4da y of 40uiy 19 e.S- NoViry Pub fic UNDA A COOPER NOTARY puBUC,Stats of Now York No.4322563.Suffolk cournv e j� Term Expires Mordh 30,1 11� a2,1 'Page .3 - Town Board 2:25 P.M. - Edward J. Carpenter, Professor of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, appeared before the Town Board _ to requesting funding. for himself in the amount of $9,000 to conduct monitoring studies for "red tide" organism Gonyaulax tamarensis which have recently been found in James Creek; 'Town Creek, Orient Harbor, Goldsmith Inlet, Mattituck Creek and Richmond Creek. He proposes to carry out a survey this 'spring and summer through'i the Marine Sciences Research Center to monitor the local waters for the appearance of this organism and, through the University Hospital, assay hard clams and mussels for the-presence of toxin.' which positive identification can only be .done by an experienced' taxonomist. Mr.• Carpenter was requested to prepare and submit 'a written proposal for the Board's consideration. 2:55 P.M. - Fred J. Thiele Jr. , East Hampton Town Attorney and Southampton Town Planning Board Attorney, who along with Town Planner David Emilita, drafted the Southampton and East Hampton resolutions requesting the State Legislature• to pass a special` law entitled "AN ACT authorizing the Town of Southampton (East Hampton) , County of Suffolk, to establish a land- acquisition fund and also authorizing said'Town to impose a real property transfer tax with revenues from said`tax to be deposited in'the land acquisition fund," met at the Town Board's request to discuss the proposed legislation.. Mr. Thiele described the legislative intent which is' the protection and preservation of open space, significant natural areas, places of special historical or cultural significance, ,and the provision. of affordable housing, and the creation of land acquisition funds permit •local governments to carry out such purposes. This ''proposal has been commonly referred to as the 2% sales tax on the purchase price of real property sold within'a township'. unless exempted, i.e. first-time homeowners shall be exempt from the first $150;OOO 'of the purchase price. Mr. Thiele explained other provisions of the proposed law and answers various questions posed by the Board. 3:2.5 P.M. - Mr. Harold Walters, who has maintained a junk yard on his 'property at 400 Nakomis Road, Southold, for a number of years, appeared before the Board to discuss the renewal of his `permit. . As a result of an inspection of Mr. Walters' property in.December by the Building Department, and their report that he has not maintained the: conditions for the operation of his Junk yard, the Board decided not .to renew his 'Junk Yard License until 'he complied with all of the conditions. Furthermore, back in`August of =1984 there were-complaints from neighbors and a letter of non-compliance from the Zoning Board of Appeals ori conditions set forth by that Board, and the recommendation of the Building Depart- merit that the License be revoked'. Mr. Walters now assured the Board that he. has been moving everything out as fast as possible and he is 'now in'compliance. A letter dated January 4, :1985: from the Building Department ..confirmed that he is 'now in`compliance with the conditions for the operation of a Junk Yard. Mr. Walters was advised that the Board would now authorize the Town Clerk to issue the license, however, :should he fail 'to. maintain'his 'Junk Yard in compliarice, the Board wilFinake every effort to have the license *revoked. 3:30 P.M. - Discussion: Harold Reese and Frederick Reese Relief Petition pending decision (Resolution No. 36 - regular meeting - no action taken)---App:licatio.ii of Robert Johnsen to renew his ;temporary trailer permit 'which was issued in May.of' .1984• to house his 'family which his 'home was reconstructed following a fire, and .which permit expired in' November ;1984, Mr. Johnsen explained..in.;.a ''letter .to the Board that his 'home has been reconstructed and he is living in=it,• but requested an extension of the permit 'to April,' at which time he plans to move to the modular home ("trailer") to a vacant parcel in'Laurel. It was the Board's decision not to grant the extension and to notify Mr. Johnsen that he should` make arrangements to remove the trailerr from his property as soon as possib[e and to obtain'the necessary Building Department permits for doing so. TOWN -OF SOUTHOLD JUNK - DEALERS ' LICENSE CR . TO WHOM IT MATY CONCERN; a I1Ob) PC, This is to certify, that HAROLD F. WALTERS ; of the TOWN Of_ SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK whose place of business is at Q NAKOMIS ROAD, SO TTHOT D NEW YORK Is hereby licensed as required by Section 60 of the General Business Law, to an n e en a id pursue the business of DEALING engage p JUNK, for the period Of oney ear from JANU=ARY--I, 1985 , Expires On the 31 St day Of DECEMBER 1985 �1tt itl�E$g �JerEOt, I have set my hand and official seal, this -- 7th day Of Fehrul ry 1985 ` SOUTHOLD TDMN MIRK j� TOWN Of SOUTHOLD No. 2 - Ren wed County Of SUFFOLK Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. 14609 (3/68) W Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY p 3 tt TELEPHONE ToNvN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February "7, 1985 Mr.. Harold F. Walters Nakomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters, As a result of your meeting with the Southold Town Board this past Tuesday, we are now ready to issue your junkyard permit for 1985. I am enlosing another application for same. A fee of $25.00 is due together with the completed application. I have your permit ready and waiting for you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry " Southold Town Clerk oZ - . APPLICATION FEGULATING SECONDHAND, JAND AUTO - PA 1' ..ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES N THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Applicant, Individual, Corporation or Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address of Business or Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact Type of Business to be conducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I am under 21 years of age Yes No' I am a citizen of the United States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor ' Yes " No Number of employees to be engaged . . . . . . . . ' Name and Address of owner of lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct th.e business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this day of 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notary Public •: 7 �r APPLICATION I REGULATING SECONDHAND, J AND AUTO PARTS ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSbo - . . .IN THE TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD . . • . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of A plicant, Individual, Corporation or Partnership a Address. of Business or Activity Exact Type of Business to be conducted . s�-�.,,�- -G�-�--c °� -•--may . . ���-,. i . . . . . I am under 21 years of age _ Yes No I am a citizen of the United States Yes" No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No Number of employees to be engaged T Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct th.e business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signature 'of Applicant Sworn to before me this J day of � v NotEUZA BETH ANN NOTARY PUBUC,26 d kvyak Nt,52-8125M 200 Tenn Expire WO 941 �6 . _..._...-------_--__.-- -------_._.__�...._..2....2..22.... .....--22. ..2...2.___.. 2:......22....2....- .-. .._._.. _..... ...__.._. _. .............__..-_ ....... _ .._.. _ ...__._......._..._._.. �.. .... 2222. ... ..._. _...,. __ ...2..2..22 .._.._._........ ......."._......__.... Y - 1 - 1 E r�"= r a c�rt t_f!t'r�r-r-•�- I Z NO �\ UNAUTHORIZED ALTUZATI64 OR AD'uITIUr- 'e4, irro t�t - ._ I i j TO THIS SUGVEY IS A VIOLgMIN OF �.+i'•i , ' ; SECTION 7209 CF THE Y'EV/ YOPK STATE j EQUCATIOEI LAW.CCN%S OF THIS :U,,v:Y f,.+ NOT .A,^,111 r•'=� i ...�r�..._ Th? LA?.0 E,V.SOSSED Ce P4 e 9 +�.�� 10 L;A VALID C,UARA.xTEES ,.' ;.�.:TIIAII aUN �w ON!.Y TO ili.. y f1IS C 5 f Y u p i � �+ �`N� �31f, I 1j/ 5 .may, � (Ela7!T IU71C.• L�..i,U W141H, A-.0 TO 1Hc ASrlG':4E55 CF'(:;E Li:•':`I?;,:, L'.STI. i V� � iUTivN. GLIARANiF >A ` :Vr.a TRAFlStc:.,: I , TO AlYAJICNAL INSi (U(u3N5 OR SUPS),: t J Col .y � t..�i._ _ �'it h,n,�t.�.�u,F':.'.�^✓.f%�' �,i�_ ..s1' i'� �..Cwt. ' �7'l�'�.rx�.a{Y��=a h�'7- "^•' �,.:r)e'4' �)�y'..c E,- I TEL. 765-1802 pc��FfUU��Q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Gy Z t OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR T P.O. BOX 728 v' TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD,N.Y. 11971 RECEIVED December 27 , 1984 ISEC 2 7N4 Victor Lessard Town 0ev#cSwAhaW Executive Administrator Town of Southold Main Road Southold , N . Y. Dear Mr . Lessard : Upon inspection I find Harold Walters has not maintained the conditions for his operation of a junk yard . I recommend his license not be renewed . Sincerely yours Curtis W. Horton CW:hd Building Inspector .2k BETTY: THE HAROLD WALTERS/PERMIT MAY BE .RENEWED. DIDHE LEAVE AN APPLICATION AND FEE? IF NOT, PLEASE ASK HIM TO STOP BY WITH IT AND HE MAY PICK UP HIS PERMIT AT. THAT. TIME. YOU CAN GET IT- READY SINCE IT HAS BOARD APPROVAL. 910 `,Tabasso Strcct P.O. Box 419 .. Southold N.Y. August 18, 19 S Frank Murphy --7 Southold To:vm Sunervisor ALIG 1984 i c/o To�--m l Hall Main Road 7'ovvN Southold N.Y. 11971 Dear SuDervisor Murphy# Please refer to my letter of -May 30th 1934 in regards to zoning code violations on the property of Harold LValters on Elakomis 1"load in the Laughing iVatef section of Southold. LL Cn Tuesday morning June 19, 1934 you telephoned and advised me that an on the spot inspection was to be made for violations. As of the date of this letter no action has been taken. The accumulated junk is worse than, when I originally complained about it in my letter of May 30, 1934. There is no question that flagrant violations do exist. 14111y has no action been taken? I believe I am entitled to the courtgy of a written answer as to why this junkyard is allowed to exist withoN' screening on the lot on which the house is situated, ,and at all on the lot to the north of the I'VIaltcrs' home which has no exemption what so ever. Sincerely, Edward J. Finck T 'LTA At' Ly. Adg, Date File TEL. 765-1802. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR T P.O. BOX 728 v' y� TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD,N.Y. 11971 Aug. 28 , 1984 To: Town Board From: Victor Lessard Exec. Administrator _ Building Dept. Subject: . Harold Walters. - Junk Yard Based on complaints and a letter of non-compliance by the Zoning Board of Appeals on conditions laid-down by the Board, I submit the following request based on section 54-6 (E) of the Town Code. I would request -that this Junk License be revoked M and steps be taken to remedy a very bad eye sore in the Town- ship. With reference to .section 54-8 (J) on access, I had the Building Inspector take photos from .the street until such time as the Town Attorney advised me that we also have access. Sincerely, c C Victor Lessard Exec. Administrator Building Dept. -VL:dsm 3/ r A Sv Y �d�V ,r Fy ' t '* "� s• y t i:. �,M'�l+r r $ r rat -d' �^., �'r>: "di' �' ,'d�s,rp't;5.��t����rf�aY ? �a,✓.�f".��`"„� °*�rrr";�Y*r� �iz £� N"��'�4x:��a.�t.ia�,ci;;';F�'�Y �,� 1� a �r '>�,�s w�'+ r s:"• � 3 � s e�.� }' "ro. aye rS4 ,���5�� � g � �i4rrjs. � I�.v'"k "� �f� b �. �yf %+- .�•.. .•., x ver• k �a 4 ex3wa x }' d�+'z�?` Y4; a x�,``a#r� & "h ,� f Kp •Trix$ f �.� , �". �.�',,. 3 ''•'.'x�^�� *�f��..r� .a T'=4 �*� r {t�'� d�sr`• ��� #��e�„"-�*3�� 9 �,''tR-4r'�'`, .��,M1 .� �ru�R�� S °� q�...♦ d l,f 8 6' a .;I- . d 'i `2r 7{ •�A' t`ut'a 2p 9 'L W Y +� "t# �Y`. r A' 5`# F'+s ;,tg ir, r~•G '�;�.r a �>1v �'t'ry�� .,r � «S`8' !ta `w �� £ «l �� r!S;• ��t�e .�"� ysir ,.;r .,��"c.,-• 1 �_, n r,r �. ''�'` .."'�. ht���cy '.� °r'y't#° ' }:��', flro —fi.� M qd �•�a z1P-"L ^,x, £k'4i`r' a'a $ `",Irxi."A+c j..r^'",. p' '' w.F'�', y tPr. '.v'�t'l{ K i �r1,i'f rh..zs v i4.�'t h'er.+ Frr'L�"',v tw',¢ t��'+''�:; a�f t•,, t „�,+i,�a `i' �c.2 s s �` ci eye n n ��'a3 S'r� '.1 R t�' L,x, s � t �v,.; � .., n r n a'� �, $ ' �3�" ..c "e p„• � ��`>L + :�"� y °x a �t >{c�'�. b 3e' rt#• "Atm R6�� i � ,,., ; it „¢x�,,.�}��,_n. ," `� '4k•. 3 t.? 4.�•" p}tz �T� 1ti .133 x'��,PrtL s i�v a.•+;•it�s,�z,°^ '� '�d..°���''`Jx'tn� ti J•s �, � 5z�u i ;"^��'� +� v�" '�3' �'�'�' dr ,. - t �:; °,� ,.?'fin ..a"-#S. ,a r,.+.•�,.�r�� ar,�Av:;-"x-`-�i rX.,£°,r��c,x„.�,�sv'k�t���`� .�{•7 r�ir y.'"';r y�X IN „r roro s st4�q' `��ter: WLj�"r"e3�r e�.ya,•K s.r�5, x t �k�',�< ,v"C4��$'` y� .#'fi^.i '�u'�'a „'�^4, �iFC cp. �'• r �, w �,)�t,. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • i rX X • i iN ' 1 TO , WHONI IT MA.Y CONCERN: Rnobj pt, This is to certify, that HA OTD F . WAT TF s of the TOWN of SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK whose place of business is at NAKOMIS ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK - CODE OF Is hereby licensed as required by CHAPTER 5.4 of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � to engage in and pursue the business of DEALING IN JUNK, for the period � from JANUARY 18, 1984 Expires on the 31St day of DECEMBER 1984 . tt Litne!55 Niberrof, I have set my hand and official seal, this 18th day of jamilary .7 19R NN CLERK ! 4• %� J , TOWN of_N ) SOUTHOLD l SUFFOLK No. ' 2 - Renewed County of �I a 33 . I d 1.2/30/33 Harold Walters, Junkyard Permit Renewal, Victor Lessard says O.K. to issue. Bob Douglass = nOt 'O.K, Victor is waiting to confer with special attorney .Reynolds before making a determination on it . ti 3outhold Town 'oar N. MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 2S SOUTHOLD, L.i., N.Y. 11971 - TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 r APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI + TO: Mr. Curtis W. Horton, Building Inspector FROM: Jerry Goehringer SUBJECT: Appeal No. 3001 - Harold E. Walters DATE : October 26 , 1982 In response to your recent request, I am writing to let you know that it is my understanding that two board members , Mr. Joseph H. Sawicki and Mr. Charles Grigonis, have no objection to the minor change of the fencing on the - Harold Walters ' property. I, there- fore , also have no objection to this change based upon the fact that Mr. Walters is with the understanding that all the junk (including unlicensed vehicles) will be placed within the fenced area. If this is not the case and all paraphernalia is not placed within the fenced area in the very near future, then this amendment shall become null and void. I hope this letter is adequate for your files. Thank you for try- ing to alleviate a long-standing problem that has existed in the Laughing Waters area. 3S - 78 ' �S11FFO��c 7T ELIZABETH A.NEVII.LE �`1� aGy� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK c -� P.O..Box 1179 CA 2 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 0 • Fax(516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (516) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 9, 1998 To: Edward Forrester, Code Enforcement Officer.: From: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Re: Harold Walters Junkyard Attached is application of Harold F. Walters for a Junk Yard Permit. Please conduct an inspection of the premises and submit your report and recommendations to me at your earliest . convenience. Thank you. Enclosure (2) RECEIOE® APPLICATION, FOR ' GULATING SECONDHAND,- JUNKID AUTO �1 -PART ._CTIVITIES- AND BUSINESSES h MAR 9 199 IN THE" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD" "t --�, SoA01d Town cleA Imo- Name of Applicant , Individual, Corporation' or Partnership Address of Business or Activity �f` q c" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact Type of Bu_Simes-sYto ffe conducted I am under 21 years of age Yes" No I am a citizen of the United States _ Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No Number of employees to be engaged fy.6 N: ' Name" and Address of owner of lands . . . - and nature of the. right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such . . . " . . ' "" " " ' " land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Locati.o.n of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information -is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will con-duct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signaturb of Applicant Sworn to before me this "day of /, -.h . . 1'9q Notary Publi ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE Nota:�,Public,;tate oa Nzw York No.52-812Fo5Q,Suiroik Co Term&pirau octobbr 31, l sy .�7 y AP . It 4 .. s y RECEIVED' T.4- MAR 10 1998 o�ogUFFO[,��oG Sathold Town Clerk Town Hall,53095 Main Road y Z Fax(516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold, New York 11971 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Town Clerk 'FROM: Building Department DATE: March 10, 1998 RE: Walters Junkyard Application Please be advised that an inspection was made, .this date, of the above referenced property. Several factors need to be addressed by the applicant before this office can give an approval of the conditions there. A re-inspection has been scheduled on or about April 1, 1998, we will advise at that time of our findings. 7;4 ELIZABETH ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE a`t` yam► Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK c '� - P.O. Box 1179 y 2 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS • Fax(516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER y �� Telephone(516) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 9, 1998 To: Edward Forrester, Code Enforcement Officer From: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Re: Harold Walters Junkyard Attached is application of Harold F. Walters for a Junk Yard Permit. Please conduct an inspection of the premises and submit your report and recommendations to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Enclosure (2) (tE( LVED APPLICATION FOR -7GULATING SECONDHAND, JUNK, ' sTD AUTO i PART: CTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES LIAR 9 1998 IN THE TOWNOF SOUTHOLDr Southold Town Clerk Name of Applicant, Individual, Corporation or Partnership o rn N R\ Ko rt A'S /l o JIcY Address of Business or Activity T. 4q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact Type of Bullnessyto He conducted I am under- 21 years of age Yes No I am a citizen of the United States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes.. No :` Number of employees to be engaged T.0* N 04— Name Name and Address 'of owner of lands - s-t�,*ri.�. a" and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2.. Location of -buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signaturb of Applicant Sworn to before me this day of /�'/a.►-c/� 19�. el Notary Publ' ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE Notary Public,State of N_-w York No.52-8125850,Suffolk Coa�gg Term Expires October 31,191 yz- 0 r - �O � Town Hall,53095 Main Road y Z Fax(516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 �y� • Telephone (516)765-1802 Southold, New York 11971 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 25, 1998 Harold Walters 400 Nakomas Rd Southold N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Walters, Please be advised that this office has received many reports regarding the junkyard you operate at the above address. As you may know this activity requires a license issued by the Town. Your operation does not hold a current license and is in violation. am requesting permission to conduct an inspection of the premises along with a representative of the N.Y.S. DEC. If you deny the request I will attempt to obtain a court order for the inspection. Please contact this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter to confirm or deny this request. Sincerely, Edward Forrest Lr Southold Town oar of n3 4 IFs MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 01 �� TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3001 Application Dated May 26 , 1982 T0: [Appellant (s) ] Richard J. Cron, Esq. (as attorney for Main Road Harold E. Walters) Cutchogue, NY 11935 At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on July 29, 1982 the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [ ] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section 1CX1 Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article XI Section 100-115 Racpiaat fL2r The public- hearing on this matter was held on July 8, 1982. Upon application for HAROLD E. WALTERS, by Richard J. Cron, Esq. , Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article XI, Section 100-115 for approval of suitable screening around the periphery of the existing junkyard located at 400 Nokomis Road, Southold; more particular ly known as County Tax Map District 1000., Section 78, Block 3, Lot 20 at Laughing Waters. The board made the following findings and determination: By this application, applicant seeks approval of suitable screening at these premises upon which applicant stores scrap materials and has storec since prior to zoning. The premises in question is zoned "A" Residential and Agricultural, and contains an -area of 9 ,600 square feet with 75 ' frontac — along Nokomis Road, Existing on the premises are a lz-story frame, one-fami dwelling house and two accessory buildings in the rearyard used for storage. Section 100-115 of the Code requires . . all automobile yards or other junkyards in existence as of the effective date of this chapter, as first enacted in 1957 , shall within three years from such date provide suitable screening in the form of fencing or hedges completely around the periphery of the area used for such purposes, and the 'type of fencing and hedges shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Appeals. . . . " It is the opinion of this board that the periphery of the entire rear- yard should be enclosed with a six-foot stockade fencing. Now, therefore, on motion by Mr. Sawicki , seconded by Mr. Doyen, it is RESOLVED, that the screening outlined below is required for the existing scrapyard located at premises of HAROLD E. WALTERS and known as 400 Nokomis Road, Southold, NY, and such screening is SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. That the paraphernalia (used materials) shall be limited to the rearyard area; . 2 . That the rearyard area must be enclosed with a six-foot stockade fence to encompass the north and south lines from the rear of the house and the entire west line; (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: August 3, 1982 . CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING_ BOARD OF APPEALS Form ZB4 (rev. 1,2/81) Page 2` Appeal No. 3001 i Matter of Harold E. Walters Decision Rendered July 29, 1982 3. This stockade fence must be maintained in good condition dur- ing the operation of this business . Location of Property: 400 Nokomis Road,, Southold, NY County Tax Map District 1000 , Section 78 , Block 3, Lot 20. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. (Member Grigonis abstained from vote. ) This resolution was adopted by majority vote. APPROVED RECEIVED AND FILED BY Board of Rppea(S THE SOUT1 CT T:1WT Cl, l:K DF.T "OLIR�-' �Town Clerk, Tov.n of ,ou.hold P -. x 12/2/82 Th*p, license was issued after checking with. the �pBeals Board (Linda .Kowa2ski,) & Building Department Ed Hindermann & Cunt Horton. Mr. Hindermann did not know whether all fencing requirements had been complied with, but Mr. Horton stated that they had and this matter in the courts had been disposed of by the judge and that it was all right to• renew his junkyard permit . J17-a- X THIS LICENSE IS ISSU 11 UNDER THE FOLLOWING COND'Iihi&ON: That the a licaw" H •ro d E Wa PP a 7 ],teas, mainta-�n his fencfn fo.v i ,junkyard fn accordance with, Sect�on. 1QQ,.115 of the Code of tb,Q Town pf � outhojd, ,I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IiI Ur .. DP �`- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: �I Ic�,Jjobj pt, This is to certify, that HAROLD F W'ALTERS of the TOWN of SOUTHOLD County � of . SUFFOLK whose place, of business is at N�OMIS RQAD SOUTHOTD, NEW YORK 11971 ' CODE OF Is hereby licensed as required by CHAPTER 5.4 of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD to engage in and pursue the business of DEALING IN JUNK, for the period � from JANUARY 1, 1983 Expires on the 31St day of DECEMBER 1983 I In itneq!� ernf, I have set m hand and official seal this- � y 9 i 2nd day of , TOWN CLERK 11 TOWN of SOUTHOLD I� i No, . 2 f RENEWED Count y of SUFFOLK !� r LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN., INC. SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 September 13 , 1982 t� 57- William William R. Pell III Supervisor Town Hall, Town Of Southold Southold, N .Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Pell: On October 10 , 1981, I wrote you on behalf of our Association, in reference to various violations of zoning ordinances at the property of Harold Walters on Nakomis Road in Southold. You referred my letter to Mr. Edward Hindermann Building Inspector for the Town Of Southold. This letter is an update of what has transpired since this referral .-- 1 . eferral ."1 . A citation was issued on October 22 , 1981 chargine Mr. Walters with violations such as lack of licence to operate a Junk Yard and lack of proper Screening. 2 . After several postponments, Mr. Walters was finally brought to trial on June 18 , 1982 . 3 . At this trial, Judge Tedeschi ordered him to install proper screening, as prescribed by the Zoning Board. He was gi-Ven a deadline of 60 days to do so as well as 5 days to clear several vehicles including a garbage truck from a parcel of property north of his home which is not exempt from the Zoning Code . 4. The Zoning Board ordered Mr. Walters to install a six foot stockade fence as screening, plus other stipulations as to how the grounds within its confines were to be maintained. 5 . As of the date of this letter, Mr. Walters has not complied with the Court Order of June 18, 1982 issued by Judge Tedeschi a copy of which Mr. Walters acknowledged with his signiture . 6 . On September 8, 1982 , we contacted Mr. Hindermann questioning him as to why the Court Order had not been complied with in as much as the 60 day deadline had expired and no screening had been installed and a vehicle on blocks was being stripped on the north parcel of land. He stated that he had sent a letter to Mr. Walters informing he was not in compliance but Mr. Walters had not acknowledged same . (continued on page 2) LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN., INC. SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 page 2 We are incensed at Mr. Walters total disregard of the Court Order and consider it an affront not only to the eighty families of our Association, but to the Town Of Southold as well. Weare also appalled by the fact that no action has been taken by the Town Of Southold to penalize a man who is in contempt of court . We strongly urge that appropriate action be taken immediately for we cannot expect our upcoming generation to be law abiding citizens if they see such illegal action condoned. Very truly yours, AIL d' l Donald C . Aldrich President DCA :lg cc : Councilman John Nickles Councilman Larry Murdock Councilman Joseph Townsend Councilman Frank Murphy Councilman Raymond Edwards, Jr. . Ed Hindermann Judge Tedeschi THIS LICENSE IS ISSUED UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: That the applicant, Harold E. Walters, obtains a permit for- fencing 'in accordance with Section -100-115 of the Code of the Town of Southold. � I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - _ Aft TO WHOM IT Al-A-Y CONCERN: it ! 7 n.obj Pt, This is to certify, that HAROLD F. WALTERS � i� i' of the TOWN Of SOUTHOLD County �a � SUFFOLK � of whose place of business is at NAKOMIS ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 CODE'i Is hereby licensed as required b CHAPTER 54 of the TOWN OF OF Y � Y , to engage in and pursue the business of DEALING 1111 JUNE(, for the period from MAY 13, 1982 Expires on the 31 St day of DECEMBER 1982 In itne5g; j rEflf, I have set rn hand and official seal this Y � 1 13thdui Of May 1982 .i TOWN CLERK . ;i TOWN Of SOUTHOL ii NO. 2. County Of SUFFOLK 'i OFFICE OF- CLERK � TOWN OF,`SOLJTHOLD JUDITH T.TERRY SUFFOLK COUNTY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK t;; (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS , Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 April 15, 1982 Dear Bob: On March 16th I sent you a copy of application filed by Harold- Walters for -a` Junk• Yard Permit, asking your opinion. Have you had an opportunity to review this, and if so what do you think. This is being handled by James J. Cron, copy of his letter attached. ht,..'5,�6o�,'ka�r'�y,�„°'f,s�,iffl?!Xi 9^S',�4p�-�"4�ex'izly �*+�u`• Sa"t A. i �`Y6;N+�RS h. �zis r Ay �,Z��+ .yXFt t,,,," b,w'�4,:# wkr.'�>7�:Frt^ si am .o-M .�+ ::i; Y t3;x,.r-.r. ...:s,,,, s•,,�5 •a• t..:.y� t..•:�> �`+, �".r�F•+,.t>x; 4, w'81'w 5.,•,., ruu ak ,t-.r h.. r e..h:, .. .• r°' .. - .. �' - _ _ 0 734-5100 AREA CODE 516 RECEIVED APR 15 1982 Town Clerk Souf hold A— Off, �,�� 32672 April 13, 1982 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk 53095 Main Road Southold NY 11971 Re Application of Harold Walters for a License to Operate a Junkyard Dear Mrs . Terry: I am writing to determine the status of Mr. Walters,' application, which was submitted to you on or about March 15th. As you are aware, Mr. Walters is involved with alleged Town Code violations, and it will-be necessary for him to have a determination on his application as soon as possible. Therefore, I would appreciate hearing from your office, so I may better advise my client on how to proceed. Very truly yours, Ja es J. Cr, n JJC/j f �a2 OFFICESOF 'OWN CLERK TOWN OF,SOUTHOLD JUDITH T.TERRY SUFFOLK`COUNTY TELEPHONE TowN CLERK a3'r REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS :�f (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 March 16, 1982 Bob: - Attached is new application filed by Harold Walters along with survey showing location of gate and fence. Mr . Walters has attempted to obtain a "Vehicle Dismantlers" license from the state and was told he must obtain a Town license before he can obtain a State license. Where do I go from here? '�, ,d+Yu`!k'+e4. x'+.y'cu��Y 5ka'cS..rA;Fvyz?yrr`^"�2±K»q.M^M ,J`iey .c {-'y.s .:;v s.+ oaaywryty/}+ yr•ilrvi..a. +,'*t^ a. > `1)-sf7'+_ e2StS "?h""spa' yr =4e'4S+'4?+'''t�^r"SYx.P ' `ftTF S3 APPLICATION FOI EGULATING SECONDHAND, JUN_- AND AUTO . PARTS.-ACTIVITIES -AND.-BUSINESSES. - - - - ` . .IN THE -TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Name of Applicant , Individual, Corporation or Partnership o 'Yn r ., . . 1/J . A. . �q . . .S.o 7 t. . . cD. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Address of Business or Activity Exact Type of Business to be conducted JvAS \ZAr An d' rr I am under 21 years of age Yes No I am a citizen of the United States Yes _ No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes " ' No Number of employees to be engaged 5. e , Name and Address of owner of lands fltin S and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such W6i ( < t� S land. 0 Lv Iv e�'s Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with. the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains.�_�kti � s I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that' I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this S�`fiday o f IV' int rl Q-f- 19 E,) . Not ry P blic M11C.state of N"Yes WNW County ' �Ex�itif March 30,19 Sr 6 L T f Z r , 4r i �y4 :ra' ; v.0 t ' } {rts7cx � i ..•s F{{ , OW ai? �vi'�-. j•,,. F - e - - `�.-• s_ T IRAN-, r 41 3 d t1-r,.,+..`�4. " t r'F ` ., ^t�,WP. f- y'"., 3".'.•',,,. '...' t "r ,j r.' .. ( ` is 1: t WWI" not Tom; IWAQ—4413 k v tilt 50"Olk `�'$aie a — rsrr�i-t�frsr��-t � by �£ i �i / / �f,. �•�., as � Y' .J 41'•M� ^u1r) PQM: ni .,.,£ W £ '{ r -UNAUTHORIZED,`ALTUATIC-N OR ADDIUV ' TO.'8iS tU.VEY IS A.VIQLA tON,so OF. EECTI�-4 726pit 9 CF Th�'PtE\Y 57PK STAif•' _ Y j` DUCATO IT NOW L4'y4 Y[ •i t 4 hOT :AFIt1. t f. ' ry r...,r..y,..:....., - E T}?E I:R i cls -i:Y 2 S Los Al:( $ > s .c.,e�,az � rJ .." '>`.-.., 1 `?7'•."'" :`Sr - y q -.,� .�P rC -,:r,, t ,4 '� ,. � `>." /•, 'G7 £:A VALlC:t U f"t: 7,7 • 'Icu,tr a•1T \r:.0 a d • wow *�-}y..��q z .r ;:R ® � ;.n•, � ._...._,� "�-f yf 1 ,'T."�,1 �- �� �'� - 1 Pit+_: 4 Ft A- '7 t• 'A,i,i TU.£i� r "'" " r r r _ .. ti^"'+r r v`c,�„ r£..s r ,� .�• pl'.1 �;,. TI C ST r,r,YF'Ur 'f!I AGSV..J •I 7 G`.n.�: .,tx� ': .;�_ 3'�. ,.. .,,_ \r`.t �_ :% T''.-,fi•c'f '.�.tF __.,!f 7 .'�' VIA;, (Eta311 UT(O r 1-"irD H 4„+?t.:.-q,;L'�kb ." is _ -`'_ r + ... �•:_ TO.THE AS MW 5 f F f E�L D! i. IF{%TI� S: ,F'�.i .f.. - 7:.#: 7 r. '�� _ �-, 1U'f(Gid GIARANTF A "'C4 T': NSFG..; s ,�„ �.... ' /' f �r ° �'`!"�4.L i. f0 /'.It){TICNAL•11.55•fUTitJS OR SUpSFi>S .. - �- . • •r 1 - t 'two!r.Y J— I x .L Yp 8 t."',�eyp+ Fw' P�rtC3Y�ti.uF.:..-Zf "r '^�y .�ku�.J.wi¢w. u''t.-�i..�»Z+�3'J. �VNa } X Y B. y •Wf ^��w �.f ton 1 AYR too now WPM 771 j " "�h �. }4 t , i r .; t _ r Y yr1 ; l N t �Y' ,. Fis'}.4e*"J°^� Tik.M.•T2Af.+ `� +_ r " , r �riw7�ai7 ic' �r7 �at. { (yl�,t,f ,tom € y L FPc eun ri'f � I Y y r 1 C�(�.�'t"�•^GC a�s'�f�r w.!s 4�°"� £T:s•�4£� � � 4 ,a��'� - .1 5 .. }� _ ,fie "fT".t"1"t�,�-,,J>�'� F«.r �'�'1'� +, p z , �4 MAP o�= Pr-?oPE=rr SUOVE-YFU 1=02 i AT T j .you . Hock I SUF'E�-c✓L_� r��.QU1��-TY, !�'.�! .� C. (� - I . � rI f i scat e C7 = fIrlotiUlt7ef-r+ PNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITIUr- _ TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF i SECTION 7C09 OF THE NE1V YC%K STATE 1 EDUCATi01.1 LAVJ. i } S Y Aviv NOT 6EAP.INC. N•S5' ��. 12-7.�5 N.�SaJ�G 7o•'C. I Cfl.IES OF THIS U,,S ti ,THE LA\D SU yz'!O 'S IP";'.D e; n I . Cyt_ 5 AIBOSS@D SEAL '..f._G„ TO II:A.VALID T--,U:•y PY-f ^`CJt 51DL.tED ! t_ C.I. I `• I St�GGG� — ---- GUARANTEES w-D; AlTD llcR O-N SHALL RUN 1 l{ _ gCls ONLY TO THEa=;SOb! FOR `!i om THE SUr,VE' e • I I I �I l !S PREF AM, Ai' O;J H.'s P.,fiAZ TO i5ic f ,P.TLE CLA9PANY, GOVERN?F.-NiAL AGENCY � } t LENDING !NSTfTUTICN LISIiD HERRN, AND TO THE ASSIGNE'E'S OF THE LENDING INSTI- �~ TUTION. GUARANTEES A E NOT TRANSFERAe' sc r,_ 1 i0 ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUSSEQErvn. � OWNERS. � /J.6��lf�: •- E'7 r�•✓C -_. --- — i � I i Y Wrc Surve ed' Dec- I&, 19,8/ VAN `7Uvt—,pC. 1 f�iGr_ CCxjt-r ,{-7aX-Map C--si mar-fiom Lic�rc�� Larrca�.��ur�vec fof^v 1 I r f (5 16)832-88.1_3,4,5 ROSARIO SALETTO Body Repair Inspector State of New York 1500 Privado Road Department of Motor Vehicles Westbury,NY 11593 �'.."fMytf.^�ia+.;.;.RW+rw 4°e'u"fa'-q�..ge',"','tr�F, c S7A�?+::^'act^;aka++^c,+rL 1 rt �,'r:�'+rwt t�N�nta„Y,�+ih"�....` a k 9 �g'�v a��tgY31 4•ae�,a+7. ..: h,+.P,,.*tr ."w.:.e, rM„'-:+Y++j3"., -_,fir rye: .,.��, L.s.�v,, -. C t jw'" :s`SNyI '€:i+nraY4�xi° ^N _'_:-rt'h..'�,rA4rvvr s7YA,'n,"x'k•..• a.�•NK �jr .�!�, I'K, a;Cfjw,f,N'.�,FSa.2 �,�r'9 +'p Mb r•'4,.+ ,j n Aram ;r`r vt1'xF.,.", "'H'5& .p,}r az',,riKa:...ts e—r;.:wc•.- �_7 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold,New York 11971 December 1, 1981 Mr . Harol9F. Walters Nakomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters: I am returning herewith your Application for Regulating Second- hand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses, and your check in the amount of $25. 00. Section 54-4 of the Code '(junkyards) requires that the Applicant submit with his application a "map or plan of the real property" which clearly indicate" all of the information set forth in paragraphs (1) to (6) of subdivision B. Please submit a map or plan prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer setting forth thereon all required in-forma- tion as well as accurate measurements of the property and all buildings, structures and fences located thereon. Section 54-4 A(4) of the Code requires that the Applicant also submit "Such other facts or evidence as is deemed necessary to establish that he is a person fit and capable of properly conducting the activity or business for which the license is sought" . Article6 of the General Business -Law requires an annual license issued by the Town Supervisor. Section 415-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law requires. that all "Vehicle Dismantlers" be registered by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for wh-;ch an annual fee is charged. You should, therefore, submit with your application proof that you have, in effect, a current license issued by the Town Supervisor, and a current registration issued by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. You also state that the type of business to be conducted is "Sanitation Pickup" . This does not meet the requirements of Section 54-4 A(5) of the Code. Please complete the enclosed (new) application, following the conditions outlined above, and resubmit with the fee and all supporting maps and licenses. Very truly yours, L/ Judith T. Terry Enclosures Southold Town Clerk �� APPLICATION FOR rEGULATING SECONDHAND, LM. , AND AUTO . PARTS ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES ALL, -v. -31 Name of A plicant, Individual, Corporation or. Partnership - Address of Business or Activity Exact Type of Business to be conducted V / I Ira under 21 years of age Yes No _ I a,-n a , citizen of the United States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Disdemeanor Yesi No Number of Employees to be engaged Name and Address of Qwner of Lands � -• � i and nature _of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the--use of such land. - Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted wi.th.' the following information: 1. Location of fence required 2. Location of buildings . . 3 . Location of- streets and highways 4. Location of water .& gas mains I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pur- suant . to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. App 1ic t :� -Sworn to before' me .this c ay.. of nnl&� 1.9..E j Notary PUBLIC:'ELIZABEf ANN ituE NOTARY PUBLIC, State. of New York No. 52.8125850, Suffolk Cou Term Expires March 30, 19 F HAROLD F. WALTERS 1621 L' EILEEN A. WALTERS NAKOMIS ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 1950-791/214 r PAY TO THE ^, it ORDER O t I1j , k' DOLLARS �. C��kThAtbl j(_ BANK 'TRUST CO. SOUTHOLD,L.L.N.V.11971 - � ' MEMO-' 1 ,1.Y 14079121: 11.203311103890 De r .,, � 1 5 _y i - ate t 1- Y r rt y a „I.J..'�;; -` r 1t�i c �tlri 1 Z�Y aKi S•.`�.,^{,tJ< •tia z.+oc��,s ��,�^" 4 r``• f � ,,y L .a � h� - - T. JUNKYARDS'. 54 1 Chapter 5'4.' JUNKYARDS' 14 J t §,64A. , Legislative intent. § 54-2."'-`Definitions. § 54 3:, License required. § 54-4...-Application for 'license. § 54-5." .Existing businesses. fee;, .display;'° duration; t. t § 54 6.. Issuance of licenserran5 l t .. 1 lty; revoca ion;,previous licenses.;: § 54 7. Regulations. § 54-8.. Penalties foP:offenses 5. HISTORY Adopted by the Town Board: of .the Town of n ion; Ste Southold 840-65: Sectio 54 8 amended during codificat Ch 1,'General Provisions, Article I1. Other`:amendments ni�ted 'where�a plicable.] p GENERAL.REFERENCE Outdoor burning-See Ch. 36.• Garbage, rubbish and recuse„— See•Ch. 48. Littering — See Ch. 57. . Zoning m-See Ch:100. + § 54-1. Legislative intent. . u By the adoption of this chapter the Towh Board of the Town of Southold declares its intent in,so doing to be to regulate, control and license the' ,or businesses known as auto ;1 "gra e`ards,"'junkyards and secondhand parts collection areas f S ddV Town Board hereby declares .that such activities or businesses can constitute a hazard to property-and persons°and a 1 Editor's Note: Linder the resent zoning provisions (see,Ch 100. lc�ning), new p junkyards are.`pr- ited within the town'and:existing junkyards,nwst cu ncorm to certain standards as prescribed by§ 100-115 of the zoning chapter. 5401. 1 ; t x .4 T.r:. ''• .y., is ' '. - -. , § § '54-354 1 ' SOUTHOLD CODE - public`nusance:.'Such materials may be highly flammable-, and sometimes explosive.Gasoline tanks on old autos often contain, in . some.quantity,'combustible gasoline; the engines and other parts r of such.autos are frequently covered with grease and oil, which are also flammable.The tires,plastic seats,tops and`other elements of such:'autos`are' also,flammable. Batteries and'',other'elements of such autos,can contain acids and other matter potentially harmful to humans.'These autos frequently contain,sharp metal or, glass t fhuman;could.receive serious,cuts 1 edges or 'points upon which a and abrasions:.These autos can constitute attractive'nuisances.to children and certain adults. The presence of such junkyards, even, in ed for' or industry-, is unsightly.and tends to areas zon business detract'from the value of surrounding'land and.property unless r such and a ' per ted. ' . s areas are properly maintained' o , 7. 54 2.' .Definitions. As used`in.this:'chapter, the terms used herein are defined as, follows: :AUTO Passenger auto, truck;tractor-truck;trailer, bus;:. motorcycle or•other vehicle; however propelled, as well as tractors;, bulldozers, machinery and,equipment: PERSON-- --An individual, an association, a partnership or corporation. r , • : License.required. No person shall engage in,or conduct on real property within the Town of,Southold,'either for himself or.for and on behalf of any . other, person;; directly or indirectly as agent, employee or other ° : a• wise,:any.,activity'or business,:either-for profit or. otherwise, at wholesale or'retail,+which involves'the collection, storage, burn- ._ .. ing,dumping;;disassembling, dismantling, salvaging, sorting or Otherwise handling; or ,arranging for sale; 'resale, storage, or disposal or otherwise of bodies, engines or parts:of autos, without first.obtaining a,license therefor as hereinafter provided. 5402 r r 5 - JUNKYARDS- § 54 �. 44 ; , is P 54-4. Application for license.`, A. Each"applicant for a license hereunder shall'execute under oath an a lication therefor.to be supplied to him by.the PP ' '! Town Clerk,which shall contain the following information y ' (1) That the appover twenty one (21}.years of licantis age , _J (2) - That he is a citizen of the United States. ase r (3) Whether he h ver, bee of a felonv' o "Misdemeanor. + (4) Such other facts or evidence as`is deemed necessary to, r establish that .he is a';,person fit, and-'capakrle of properly conducting the activity or Business for which thelicense is sought. (5') A description of the exact type of business,he intends to conduct. (6) The.nature of the materials he intends to handle, (7) The number of employees,he intends to engage. ' e an res r or owners of the (8 j The nam d add sof the owne land. (9) The nature of,the.right`of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. At the time of making the appb ation,''the applicant shall 8Jsubmit'to and file,with the Town.Clerk a map or plan of the c ,x real property upon which he.intends to conduct the activity, or business for which he,is making application fora license hereunder,-,with,the,.following clearly'indicated . (1,►;r'_The area of suchrreal proposed to property whrcli it is: use.for.such purpose. the (2') The location of fence required hereunder indicated ' thereon. (3). The location of any buildings on,such land. (4) The location of any, streets or highways abutting or passing through such land. 5403 b _ t 1 54 -4 ' SOUTHOLI3 CODE § 54 5 (5) The location of any water, sewer or,,gas mains or laterals available thereto. 16) The general drainage pattern,of such land. C; In the application the applicant all agreethat hliceaplied for, he will. theactivity nse business pursuant to the"regulations hereinafter set forth;, and.that -upon his failure.to do so,,.such,license may be revoked,forthwith, § 54-5.,. Existingbusinesses. A.'A person presently engaged in or conducting-an activity or ` business such as described herein on real property within the,Town,of Southold must apply for a. license therefor within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this'chapter:.lf ' " the place where he conducts such activity- or business presently complies with the requirements a,person`must meet to.-secure a license in the first instance, he shall be . issued a license therefor if he meets the other re uiremen s contained`herein. If the place where heconducts.,such', ;activity or business does not presently comply with the requirementsa person must meet to,secure a license in the first instance, he may be granted a temporary license for, one(1)year; during which he shall arrange the place where he conducts such activity or business_so that it does then comply with-the requirements "a person must meet to secure a,,license in the first`instance. If at the end of such': year such person has not so. arranged his place ofr.such, activity or business,-he shall forthwith.'cease'and desist engaging in or conducting the same and shall remove from ' 'such place of the nature ` described herein.tos,partsor,other materials .Y B. If theperson conducting such activity or,business is not the:sole.owner'thereof, he shall state such fact at the time, he applies for.his temporary license,and the,Town Clerk, at. the time of;issuinb sucemporary1 h tlicense,-shall send the `owners'or each'of.them a notice'of the issuance of such temporary.license to such person,,together with a copy of this�chapter:' . ^ 5404 t JUNKYARDS § 54 7 f § 54 6 Issuance of' license. fee;. display;' duration;, trans , f' .. fera-bilit ` revocation; previous licenses. ; A The fee.for the license is hereby fixed in,the sum of twenty ' five dollars ($25.), which sum-covers not,only the cost ut' issuing the license itself but also the cost of making the necessary inspections of the premises .to ascertain coni- fi pliance with the regulations herein,prescribed. . a t ' B ;Such license shall be placed and at all times displayed in a ' licensees place of activity oz'' ' place at the, conspicuous c business for'which it is issued. C., Such license shall be effective from'the date of its issuance ..: until the 31st day of December of the year of such issuance after which a new application for :a license must be made w yearly if the licensee desires to continue such activit.y,or.. ' business. •` . D. :Such.license is personal with the licensee. It does not go land, nor may it be. sold; assigned with the title to the la , 1' .. transferred or disposed of. Ec Such license may be revoked by:the Town Board after a public hearingthereon, at which the.licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard. Upon revocation of a acense•the Town,Board may require the removal'of autos; parts and materials left, as above provided in the case of an applicant for a temporary license who fails to;qualify'for a license 1 .t F 'In the event that an applicant fora license,as provided herein shall have,previously been'duly issued-a valid and effective junk dealer's license`'by the' Supervisor.of this s k '` r4, town pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of,the New t t York' State General Business`Law, then such applicant t c shall be erititIed to and ahowed a credit;against the abov E 'Trovided license fee in the amount of five dollarssuch junk dealer's,license fee:actually paid by such,applicant otherwise, this chapter shall be';fully binding-upon,and o rik dealer.'s,'.license applicable t the holder of 'any such Iu de s §.54-7Regulations. A The licensee must personally manage or be responsible for i } the management of the activity or business for which the aicense .is granted. F 5405 rN J 1 ` F � § 54-Z SOUTHOLD CODE § 54-7 11 B The licensee' must maintain an office and a ,sufficient, number of employees on the premises to assure the proper t ' ' and safe.conduct of.such'activity or business, to''minimize ` :the fire hazard therefrom and to prevent improper trespass '43 thereon C. The licensee must erect and by children and others. a 'six-foot wire fence of close mesh or one made of wood or of.other material, adequate to prohibit the entrance of.children and.others ''into the 'area of the activity or business and to contain within such if`such,area fence the materials dealt in by the licensee, and abuts a residential,area or, public street or highway,;such fence shall be twenty-five.(25) feet from the boundary line'thereof. All the materials dealt,in by the ` licensee shall be kept within such fence at all times. ' D: Inside and adjacent to,and contiguous with such fence, a strip of.la'd at least ten(10)feet in width shall be kept free )' of all dry; grass or, other, growth.,or other' combustible material' as,to provide a fire lane or line around the entire,.ar ea.where the activity or business of the licensee is being conducted. Ematerials ensee shall b'e p 1 d or arranged in neatrows so as to perxmt'ipasy; clear. passage.'through'the area. FEThere shall be maintained at each such.place of activity or.: business for which a license is issued atleast,'one (1) fire extinguisher of, approved design and capacity for: each . , forty.thousand (40,000) square feet of area. Each such,fire '• extinguisher;shall be hung or mounted in a conspicuous .,place, `clearly'marked and available. G: When the. area.•is_ not supervised by: the hcensee or his employees: the fence shall be locked at a secure gate,'in a 4, secure imanner. H Suit able.sanitary facilities shall be available, connected to. approved public sewers or septic tanks for the,use and he'licensee as,mell as of thevemence`Pf the employes of t., r; general public visitor the area ..:t • ,' 5406 q a § 54-7 , JUNKYARDS § 54 $ ,I. The area of the licensee's activity or.business shall not be used as a dump area nor as a place for the burning. and �' ✓ disposal of junk or trash? sN r "_ ,. I •. J 'The town police,the Town Clerk or the'Town Board or an 1 y N r �, of its representatives shall be granted access to the area of. 1, the activity or business of the licensee at all'reasonable hours, to inspect the same for compliance herewith. 54-8.' Penalties for offenses. A. The owner or licensee of any,such place of business who commits or permits the commission of.any-offense against of the provisions of this chapter shall be.deemed to. have committed a violation and.shall be liable for any such offense or the penalty therefor. Each,day such offense shall continue or be permitted to exist shal constitute a separate offense. For.every offense against any provisionof this chapter, the pconvictionthereof, B person committing the samesh all, uon be subject to a fine of not more than.two .hundred' fifty dollars ($250:) or imprisonment not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both such fine and imprisonment: C. 'Conviction for any above mentioned offense shall con stitute and effect an immediate forfeiture of the license. . D. IA .person committing an offense against'. this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a civil penalty enforceable and collectible by the'town in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100:) for each such offense.. Such: penalty shall be collectible by and in the name of the town' for each day that such offense shall continue. E.. In addition to the above-provided, penalties and punish- ' •ment,'the Town Board may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the town in'a court of competent.;.` jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the offense against.such chapter. 2 Editor's Note:,See also Ch.48,Garbage,Rubbish and Refuse. ' 5407 f \� { it FObir 0 F, �,pF 0+ H K ®rB 5®'UT bt JUDITH T.TERRY . CC1.�I'1 TELEPHONE TowN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Harold Walters - Received application on October 22, 1981. (No fee paid) Mrs . Walters to drop off check on October 23rd. Check for $25. 00 received on NOVEMBER 30, 1981 . 11/31/81 - Asked Building Inspector Hindermann to give me what background he has on this matter . .,p � F Our OFFIC ORNEY Ps ROBERT W.TASKER D TELEPHONE Town Attorney (516) 477-1400 1 425 MAIN ST. DEC 3 j981 GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 December 2, 1981 Hon. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Harold Walters - Junkyard License Application Dear Judy: You have referred to me for my review an application of Harold Walters for a license to conduct a junkyard business on property located at Nakomis Road, Southold, New York, pursuant to Chapter 54 of the Southold Town Code. The application states that applicant proposes to conduct a "sanitation pick- up" business; that he is over age 21; that he has not been. convicted of a misdemeanor; that he has no employees; that he is the owner of the property; and that he has "operated business since 1948-50 before zoning". On the back of the application there is a hand-drawn sketch showing a house, two garages, a 5 foot fence along the rear property line, a 4 foot fence along a portion of the northerly property line and a hedge along the southerly property line. You have also sent me a copy of a letter from Building Ins pector Hindermann stating that on October 22, 1981, he issued an order to remedy a violation before November 6, 1981; that such order was not complied with; and that an Information was issued out of the Town Justice Court and served on Applicant on November 20, 1981 and that this criminal proceeding is presently pending in said court. Section 54-4 B.of the Code (junkyards) requires that the Applicant submit with his application a "map or plan of the real property" which shall "clearly indicate" all of- the information set forth in paragraphs (1) to (6) of_ subdivision B. I do not believe that the hand-drawn sketch complies with this Code m Hon. Judith T. Terry -2- December 1, 1981 requirement. . The application and fee should,be returned to the Applicant with instructions to submit a map or plan prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer setting forth thereon"all required information as well as accurate measurements of the property and all buildings, structures and fences located thereon. Section 54-4 A(4) of the Code requires that the applicant also submit "Such other facts or evidence as is deemed necessary to establish that he is a person fit and capable of properly conducting the activity or business for which the license is sought". Article 6 of the General Business Law requires an annual license issued by the Town Supervisor. Section 415-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law requires that all "Vehicle Dismantlers" be registered by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for which an annual fee of $50. 00 is charged. The question of whether or not the applicant is presently licensed under .Article 6 of the General Business Law, and currently, registered under Section 41.5-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law ' 'would, I believe,., have a bearing. on the question of whether the applicant is a fit and proper person to conduct the business applied for. The applicant should, therefore, submit with his application proof that he has in effect a current license issued by the Town Supervisor and a current registration issued by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.. Conviction for a violation of the General Business Law constitutes a misdemeanor, and a violation of Section 415(a) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law is a Class E Felony." The application, as previously indicated, states the type of business to be conducted as "Sanitation Pickup". I do not believe this vague characterization meets the requirements of Section 54-4 A(5) of the Code.. Upon resubmission of the application, the applicant should be instructed to more clearly and exactly state the type of business proposed to be conducted. Yours very truly, RO ERT W. TASKER RWT:aa TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i? y� OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR T P.O. BOX 728 U13C= TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 December 1 , 1981 Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold. Southold., NY Re: Harold, F . and. Eileen A . Walters Violations , Zoning: Junkyard license Dear Judy: With reference to what steps have been taken to correct the violations on property owned. by the above persons , per your inquiry . On October 22 , 1981 I made an inspection of premises and issued an "Order to Remedy Violation" to the above , with a compliance date set for November 6 , 1981 . Upon receiving no response or compliance to this order , I had. an Information executed with Town Justice Frederick Tedeschi . It is my understanding that a summons was served on November 20 , 1981 for a court appearance set for December 18 , 1981 . ; Your truly, Edward. F . Hindermann Building Inspector EFH : ec 7� A' b: �1 0FF�ICE OF--U0` 1M,C ELtK TOWN;OF'SOUT>IOIJD JUDITH T.TERRY • -UFFOLK COjSNTS TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK � �' .. `�'� (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 March 15, 1979 Joseph R. Attonito, Esq. Scheyer, Jellenik & Attonito 227 Middle Country Road Smithtown, New York 11787 Dear Mr. Attonito: - Your letter of March 9, 1979 re: Angelo Accardo . (Taurus Homes, Inc. ) v. Town of Southold and H. B. Walters, Inc. was discussed at the March 13, 1979 Town Board meeting, and has been referred to the Southold Town Police for investigation. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk cc: Chief Carl Cataldo OF F CE>©F.4§WN C K ToytiV o ,souoLD JUDITH T.TERRY - SUFFOLK,- E71,TI TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK � � (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS � .14 Southold, L. L, N. Y. 11971 March 28, 1979 H_ B. Walters, Inc. Nokomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Walters : At the direction of the Southold Town Board and upon advice of the Southold Town Attorney, I enclose herewith application for a license for regulating secondhand, junk and auto parts activities and business . I also enclose copy of Chapter 54, Junkyards , from the Code of the Town of Southold. Please complete the enclosed application and submit to my office with a fee of $25. 00. Please note that you must file a map or plan of the property , upon which the business is conducted, containing the following information: 1. Location of fence required 2. Location ofbuildings 3 . Location of streets and highways 4. Location of water & gas mains. Very truly yours, O Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures 7� R1 VED ' 1 �fFOLIi- b O COQMAR 079 CARL CATALD❑ l� -G CHIEF OF POLICE Un Town Clerk Southold POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 51.6 765-2600 516 734-6022 March 19,1979 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold .N.Y.11971 Re: Your letter of 3/15/79 reference Accardo v. Town of Southold & Walters Inc. Dear Ms. Terry: I have read the correspondence in this matter and the fact that it has been re- ferred to the Police Department for investigation. This is not the first time this subject has come up in regard to the Walters property and operating a "junk yard." My recollection of the last occassion was that the Town Ordinance did not apply since Walters had been using the property thusly prior to the enactment of the ordinance. . Determination as to whether this is still so is a legal matter and not within the determination of this department. However, a check of the property indicates that the facts of use as put forth in Mr. Anttonito's letter relative to the appearance and apparent use are true. As to allegations that the use and storage extend beyond the boundaries of Mr. Walter's property line and on -to Mr: Accardo's is a- matter ,which is a-lso beyond o r ab'lity to investigate and requires a surveyor to determine, 1 o _.._ arl ataldo hie of Police ZIA LAW OFFICES SCHEYER, JELLENIK-& ATTONITO 227 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SMITHTOWN, NEW YORK 11787 `z9 RICHARD I. SCHEYER STEPHEN R. JELLENIK JOSEPH R. ATTONITO �'��� „I 516 265-8500 March 91 1979 Mr. Albert Martocchia MAR Supervisor, Town of Southold Wm®n NOR Town Clerk's Office Main Road ' Southold, New York 11971 Re: Angelo Accardo (Taurus Homes, .Inc.) v. Town of Southold and H.B. Walters,: ;Inc:.: : . . . . Dear Mr. Martocchia: I am writing as attorney for Angelo Accardo, President of Taurus Homes, .Inc. ' Said corporation owns property on Nokomis Road, Southold, New York. - Immediately to the north of my client's property is a parcel owned by one H. B. Walters, Inc. , also fronting on Nokomis Road, approximately 360 ' north of Hiawatha's Path. Mr. Walters operates a jund yard on this property. Mr. Walters has, consistently, for a long period of time, been using my client's property to store wrecked cars, wrecked trucks, automobile parts and other debris from his business. As you know, this , is in clear violation of the Code of the Town of Southold. Additionally, it is my in- formation that approximately 19 years ago Mr. Walters was ordered to erect a hedge-fence as a screen between his opera- tion and the residential properties to the south. This was never done. Both this office and Mr. Accardo have complained to the Town of Southold and to Mr. Walters concerning not only what we consider to be an eyesore, but a dangerous condition created by him and allowed to exist due to thd -unwillingness of the Town of Southold to enforce its laws. Unless we hear from you within ten (10) days from your receipt of this letter, we plan to initiate an action in the nature of mandamus to compel enforcement. At. the same time, we will commence a lawsuit to enjoin the junk yard from depositing any more debris onto Mr. Accardo's property. Finally, since my client has lost numerous sales because. of this condition, it is our additional plan to sue for money damages to compensate him for his economic losses. Y" Page 2 March 9 , -1979 To: Mr. Albert Martocchia Supervisor, Town of Southold Re: Angelo Accardo '(Taurus; Homes, Inc. ) My client has been building in the Town of Southold for many years and has always enjoyed an excellent relationship with the Town. It is unfortunate that the Town has not seen fit to- correct what® in my mind, is an obvious violation of the Town Code and of the health and safety regulations of the Town and other applicable municipalities- Very truly you , JRA/nh Jo eph. R. ttonito Cc: H.B. Walters, Inc. Nokomis Road Southold, New York 11971 Mr. Angelo Accardo Taurus Homes, Inc. 54 March Court Selden, New York 11784 7� APPLICATION FOR REGULATING SECONDHAND, JUNK AND AUTO PARTS ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Name of Applicant, Individual, Corporation or Partnership Address of Business or Activity Exact Type of Business- to be conducted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I am under 21 years of age Yes No I am a citizen of the United States Yes No Convicted of Felony or Misdemeanor Yes No Number of employees to be engaged Name and Address of owner of lands and nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land. . . . . . . . . . . . Applicant must file map or plan of real property upon which business is to be conducted with the following information: 1. Location of fence required. 2. Location of buildings. 3. Location of streets and highways. 4. Location of water and gas mains. I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will conduct the business pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Secondhand, Junk and Auto Parts Activities and Businesses. Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this day of 19 Notary Public