HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/2014 PH SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
November 18, 2014
4:35 PM
Present: Supervisor Scott Russell
Justice Louisa Evans
Councilman William Ruland
Councilwoman Jill Doherty
Councilman James Dinizio, Jr.
Councilman Bob Ghosio, Jr.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville
Town Attorney Martin Finnegan
This hearing was opened at 4:34 PM
COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: In April, 2015 the Town of Southold expects to receive
approximately $74,310.00 in Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. These funds
may be used, and have been previously used for a variety of projects to be selected by local
officials. Eligible activities include:
Acquisition and demolition of blighted property
Housing rehabilitation
Elimination of physical barriers for the handicapped
Public facilities and improvements
Street Reconstruction
Code Enforcement
Public Water projects
Economic Development
Public Services (total allotment limited to 15%)
Town Residents are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesday, November 18,2014, 4:35
P. M. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, to express citizen
views on local housing community development needs to be met with these funds.
I do have here an affidavit and a copy of the legal notice in the Suffolk Times also an affidavit
from Karen Kine to the same, that this has also been posted on the Town Clerk's bulletin board
and I think that's it.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who would like to address the Town Board on this particular public
hearing? Anybody? Please. I know it's a little unnerving. We need you to go to the
microphone and state your name please.
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 2
November 18, 2014
SARAH BENJAMIN: Sarah Benjamin, Community Action Southold Town. This is a part of
that, it wasn't about those things that he listed. I started to panic. But I wanted to thank the town
for helping the CAST food pantry last year and the North Fork parent child home program and
let you know that we would appreciate your continued support. We have 365 families signed up
legitimately in our food pantry which is growing, food scarcity is still a problem in Southold
Town especially in the winter when people don't have employment as much and the food pantry
is of vital importance and we really, really appreciate your help also, thanks for the help that the
town gave for the starting up of the North Fork parent child home program which is now in its
second year. It's a home visiting, early literacy parent support program where we go out into the
community and serve families of poverty that have young children and give the parents the skills
and the encouragement they need to help those children get ready to succeed in school. From the
farm fields of Laurel to the back streets of East Marion, when we go out to families, we are able
to find those that don't even know that CAST exists, if you could believe that. But they are there.
A new report came out yesterday from the national center of family homelessness, 2.5 million
homeless children in America, one in thirty. Two hundred and fifty eight thousand in New York
State went to school in 12-13, that's a tremendous amount. A lot in Suffolk County as well and
they are here on the north fork, not in shelters but living in difficult places, difficult
circumstances. So we are able to reach out and to find them, the neediest families, ones that
can't necessarily walk into CAST, so we are helping the parents to help their children succeed in
school because one of the goals at CAST is self-sufficiency and we really believe that education
is the way out of poverty and if you get your children ready in the early years, science is telling
us lasts forever. So if you do well when you get to school, chances are you are going to
graduate. So that is one of our long term goals. Hopefully you are going to see the program
continue to expand and see it in the community more. CAST is expanding its leadership as you
might have read in the paper. And I am happy to say that Linda Ruland is going to be the new
executive director in January. But unlike some that read that article, they didn't get past the first
three paragraphs, I am still going to be at CAST and we are going to have a team and I am going
to be working with the families and home visiting and going out in the field more and Linda is
going to hold the fort and bring in new ideas, new programs and her own energy and experience.
So CAST is growing and we are going to go into our 50th year new and expanded and I am
excited about that. You may have read it, if you read the article that Mrs. Swann who ran CAST
for many years said that, of course, CAST began under government support and lost that
government support in 1979 and then it became a local supported agency which we still are. I
am proud to live and grow up in Southold and to serve here and that this town still cares about
those in need here in Southold and we care about each other and it is not everywhere in this
country that we can think about those numbers, so thank you for helping CAST.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Thank you for all that you do. Would anybody else like
to address the Town Board on the Community Block grant? Please.
TARA MURPHY: Good afternoon, my name is Tara Murphy, program manager of Peconic
Community Council. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today in order to request
funding for Maureen's Haven homeless outreach program, operated by Peconic Community
Council. The goal of Maureen's Haven is to provide safe, warm temporary shelter to homeless
individuals from November through March utilizing houses of worship, volunteer houses of
worship and congregation volunteers. The host facilities and supporting organizations provide
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 3
November 18, 2014
much more than a place to sleep and nutritious breakfast and dinner, they provide support
through embracing the values through human dignity, respect, service, compassion, teamwork,
diversity and love. Now entering its 13th season of service, the program provides shelter and
supportive services five nights a week in partnership with 15 houses of worship, 17 supporting
houses of worship and community organizations and over 1,500 individuals who volunteer
providing an estimated number of about 20,000 hours of service each winter season. Peconic
Community Council is responsible for screening and transporting the homeless guests to the host
facilities each night. In October 2011 we opened our day center in order to provide services
focused on building efficiency skills and also to provide a respite during the cold winter months.
Programs and services at the day center are also volunteer driven. Last winter we served 337
individuals over 111 nights. Our average number of guests were 49 at the high of 57. Overall
beds were 5, 463 beds. Of that total, 79 percent were male, 21 percent were female. It is
important to note that due to the ever declining economy, the number of new homeless has risen
and working poor are included in our guest list. In fact, about 15 percent of those served this
past season were newly homeless due to loss or decline in the income. This past year we focused
on placing individuals in permanent supportive housing. We have placed 13 men and women in
housing to date and we will increase that number in the coming year. The impact of our work can
best be told through the stories of the men and women who have come to us for assistance.
Michael, age 49 has bipolar disorder and also suffers from PTSD following a car accident
resulting int eh death of his wife. In order to deal with the loss and guilt, he self-medicated with
drugs and alcohol and quickly became homeless and lived in an unheated shed for a year. he
heard about Maureen's Haven while at a soup kitchen and began using our winter shelter in
2012. He came intermittently while struggling to overcome his substance abuse issues. He has
been clean and sober for over a year making him eligible for supportive housing. He was
recently placed in such housing and is easing into the transition from homeless and without hope
to a positive attitude towards the future. George, age 64, is a decorated Marine Corps veteran
serving three tours of duty in Vietnam. After his service to our country, George settled in
Southampton with his wife and son. He was a volunteer firefighter for many years and
supported his community in other volunteer capacities. Following his divorce, George
experienced financial setbacks that eventually led to his homelessness. He struggles with issues
from his time in a war zone and turned to Maureen's Haven for assistance in the winter of 2011.
Over time, George came to trust the various people at the agency and agreed to seek assistance
from a nonprofit veteran's organization. With our support and encouragement, he accepted
housing and other services from them and is working as a handyman. George maintains contact
with us and we continue to encourage him in this new phase of his life. Vanessa, another one of
our guests, age 44, grew up in an abusive and chaotic household and left home at age 16 to fend
for herself. She lived from day to day doing anything to survive, including prostitution and
selling drugs. As a result of her decisions, she spent several years in prison. Upon her release,
she came to Maureen's Haven for shelter and support. She utilized our shelter intermittently for
several years and finally decided to enter a drug rehabilitation program after many hours of
counseling from our staff. Today, Vanessa is drug free, works full-time and is attending culinary
school. She now lives in Queens and spends her free time assisting others that simply need
someone to believe in them. She credits Maureen's Haven with saving her life. There are many
more men and women like Michael, George and Vanessa that we plan to assist in moving out of
homelessness into permanent housing with the assistance of Southold Town and others
supporting our work. In an effort to provide services to the homeless in Southold Town, we have
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 4
November 18, 2014
partnered and collaborated with the faith community to provide overnight shelter and other
supportive services. Participating congregations include The First Presbyterian Church of
Southold, Unitarian Church of Southold, St. Patrick's RC Church of Southold, Sacred Heart RC
Church of Cutchogue and St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Greenport. We are very appreciative of
the past support we have received from the Town of Southold and respectfully request funding
once again in support of our program. We ask the Town Board to consider an allocation of
$10,000 to assist in the cost of screening and transporting our guests to the host facilities
throughout the season, ongoing operations of our day center and to offset the salaries of the
program staff. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: I have to tell you, my church is involved, I go to Our Redeemer
Lutheran in Aquebogue and we have quite the program and I have been involved from time to
time with it and I can only tell you that as the winter seems to get longer and colder, it generally
goes from 20 guests to about 40 and to see the comradery not only from the folks that come
there, you know, the guests but also from the folks that volunteer truly is heartwarming and it is a
wonderful program.
MS. MURPHY: Thank you. Yes, we have the overwhelming support of our volunteers and
without them, our program would not exist. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anyone else like to address the Town Board on
the Community Block Grant Funding?
BENJA SCHWARTZ: How you doing today? You are here and you are giving out money,
thought I would talk a little bit about the Guardian Angel organization.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Are you submitting an idea that we allocate Community Block
funding to the Guardian Angels? Because this is a public hearing right now and we would like to
close the public hearing and then we will certainly open up the opportunity for you to comment
on any other issue.
MR. SCHWARTZ: I am submitting a suggestion to allocate some Community Block Grant
money to a civic organization that, while they are not, they don't have a major presence in this
town, they have had a presence and I myself have spent many, many hours working with them in
the Village of Greenport. There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about the
organization. There have been some statements by the current mayor of the Village of Greenport
that I find extremely objectionable. The silence from this town board can....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Can we go on our political soap boxes after we close this public
hearing? If there is a specific amount....
MR. SCHWARTZ: This is not a political soap box.
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 5
November 18, 2014
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: If there is a specific amount for a specific organization, please feel
free to submit that idea now.
MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay, well, you know, look, look, look.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We are going to go to....
MR. SCHWARTZ: I see you. I am not looking over there, I am not looking over there.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: But you will have your opportunity after, this is the public hearing
and then we will get to the regular session after that.
MR. SCHWARTZ: I would like you to consider allocating some funds to support a strong
presence of Guardian Angels in the Town of Southold. What do you think of that idea, Scott?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Well, the problem is, we are getting less and less money each year
and the organizations that are traditionally getting that money, we would have to give them less
to find an allocation for this new organization. It is very difficult to take what little resources we
are able to provide to CAST and other need based organizations and say we are giving you less
because we have a new group that we want to allocate resources to. It is very, very difficult to
do that, so we generally give to the groups that have a good history with the town in supplying
some of the needs that we can't as a township. Typically hunger organizations, housing groups
and things like that.
MR. SCHWARTZ: And this is a public hearing so that we can come here and I see that some of
the members of the Board are patiently listening and hoping maybe to consider ideas that are
presented by the public at the public hearing. Other members of the Board are having their own
private conversations over here. So you know, you want me to be brief, I will try to be brief but
I would like to have some communication, I would like to have some idea of where you stand on
the Guardian Angels. Are you aware of the function of the Guardian Angels? Mrs. Evans?
JUSTICE EVANS: I am a little confused why you are bringing this up here. This is a public
hearing where you are supposed to bring ideas to us and we listen. It is not for us to go back and
forth with you at this point.
MR. SCHWARTZ: That's kind of like the way communication works. It goes back and forth
and the public can present to you ideas but without knowing your position, it is kind of a waste
of time and energy, especially if you are not really listening.
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Benja, this is a public hearing, for the third time, on a
specific item of the Community Development Block Grant, okay? As the Supervisor now told
you twice, if you want to go off and ask questions of the Town Board, we have that opportunity
later. We have a record we are recording here for a public hearing that we need to close and
move on with the rest of the Town Board meeting. Okay? You obviously have your list of
things you want to talk about and you can get to that.....
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 6
November 18, 2014
MR. SCHWARTZ: I am very focused. No, I am....
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: You don't need to ask them about what the Guardian
Angels, if you have a proposal of how much money you want to give to the Guardian Angels and
what they do, like everyone else that got up here and said, this is my organization, this is what it
does, this is how much money we want, make your proposal and then we will move on, okay?
That's what the public hearing is about.
MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. Well, first of all, I am not an official representative of the Guardian
Angels, is that a problem?
COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: Not as far as I am concerned.
MR. SCHWARTZ: It is a public hearing, correct? Or is it only opened to organizations that are
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: It has an agenda. Yes.
MR. SCHWARTZ: I am sorry?
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: The public hearing has an agenda. There is a purpose to the
public hearing.
MR. SCHWARTZ: And if you are not on the agenda, you cannot speak?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let's not do this. Look, if you have a specific amount, you have
mentioned a specific organization...
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That's great. If you would submit to us how much you would like
us to consider, we can...
MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, the first amount, I would like to suggest three amounts, the first
amount would be one dollar. A symbolic gesture from the Town of Southold to support the
development of an organization which serves the community in ways that currently existing and
operating organizations, other than Guardian Angels, don't. Be they religious, police, schools,
government, they all have their function. They all have their specialties. The Guardian Angels
are particularly important in protecting our rural community at this point considering current
events. But one dollar would represent a symbolic gesture to recognize their value as part of the
community and to include them in the Community Grant process. One thousand dollars,
obviously, or $500 or $1,000 would obviously be of more use to enable them to re-start the
organization which was in operation years ago and is now being revived. I think if you would
meet with the organization and discuss the plans with them, you could come up with a larger
amount but at this point, those are the amounts I would suggest.
Community Development Block Grant Funds Public Hearing 7
November 18, 2014
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anyone else like to address the Town Board on
Community Block Grant Funding?
LISA TRULIO: Hi, my name is Lisa Trulio, I just wanted to put a suggestion in for the grant
funding. Affordable housing, I know you guys have been knocking it around for a while. I am a
nurse practitioner and we need to start thinking about the healthcare out here. Who is going to
take care of everybody? There's kind of, not a lot of positions out here. It is hard to get an
appointment, I just recently moved out here and I noticed that getting a specialist is really
difficult and it is not that way up island, so I think that we need to, well, I grew up out here and I
was very fortunate to grow up out here but as you know, times have changed and to get nurses
and first responders out here, we need roofs over their heads and we have to attract them out
here. I came out here thinking that I was going to find a home for my son and I and that's not
going to happen, so I am going to have to leave. And I am very qualified and I could work in
that ICU over there but I am not going to stay because I can't. Some people say it's a tax haven
out here, I hate to look at it like that out here. To me this is a very special place in every way.
As Wendell Berry says, you know, it's a wonderful place in every way. It's just part of who I
am but unfortunately, I just can't stick around but I am thinking about the future of Southold and
I will keep this really brief, and I am thinking about people getting older and you know, I am
thinking about my son what happens if that blood transfusion is a little late, it's catastrophic. So
I think we need to think about these people who are going to take care of us and the 46 % of
those people are secondary homeowners, those people that come out on the weekends. They are
going to be getting hurt and we really need to think about the nurses and the doctors that take
care of them and give them a little help, accommodate them. The Jasmine Lane is a beautiful
development, I was lucky enough to meet the builder of that development, he is very proud of
those families and watching them grow up. So I just maybe would like to see maybe some
investments in healthcare workers and maybe a little education, high school along with
agriculture education but I really would like to see more than just an ad in affordable housing. I
am really proud of this place and it really makes me sad to think that half the people are
secondary homeowners and not lifeblood. So anyway, thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anybody else like to address the Town Board on
the Community Block Grant funding?
This hearing was closed at 4:55 PM
Elia eth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
c c o n n c o m c'ce u n e t e`y. o u n c s I
Remarks at Southold Town
Community Development Public Hearing
November 18, 2014
Good Afternoon, my name is Tara Murphy, Program Manager of Peconic Community Council.Thank you for
the opportunity to address you today in order to request funding for the Maureen's Haven Homeless
Outreach Program operated by Peconic Community Council.
The goal of Maureen's Haven is to provide safe, warm temporary shelter to homeless individuals from
November through March utilizing volunteer houses of worship and congregation volunteers. The host
facilities and supporting organizations provide much more than a place to sleep and a nutritious dinner and
breakfast. They provide support through embracing the values of human dignity, respect, service,
compassion, teamwork, diversity and love. Now entering its 13th season of service,the program provides
shelter and supportive services five nights a week in partnership with 15 Host Houses of Worship, 17
Supporting Houses of Worship and Community Organizations and over 1,500 individual volunteers providing
an estimated 20,000 hours of service each winter season.
Peconic Community Council is responsible for screening and transporting the homeless guests to the host
facilities each night. In October 2011, we opened a day center in order to provide services focused on building
self-sufficiency skills and also to provide respite during the day for those in need. Programs and services at the
day center are also volunteer-driven.
Last winter we served 337 individuals over 111 nights. Our average number of guests per evening was 49 with
a high of 57. Overall 5,463 beds were made for the season. Of that total, 79%were male and 21%were
female. It is important to note that due to the ever declining economy, the number of new homeless has risen
and the working poor are included in our guest list. In fact, about 15% of those served this past season were
newly homeless due to loss or decline in income. This past year we focused on placing individuals in
permanent supportive housing. We have placed 13 men and women in housing to date and will increase that
number in the coming year. The impact of our work can best be told through the stories of the men and
women who come to us for assistance:
1, Board of Directors
Jacqueline Stein Esq.,Chair Maria Moore Esq.,Treasurer Joann Piche LMSW Secretary
—— Ellen Cea, Philip G.Grossman, Kay Kidde,Emelia T. Klonowski, Michael J.Spolarich,Dwayne S.Wagner, Esq. ' '"�
Michael, age 49, has bi-polar disorder and also suffers from PTSD following a car accident resulting in
the death of his wife. in order to deal with the loss and guilt, he self-medicated with drugs and alcohol.
He quickly became homeless and lived in an unheated shed for over a year. He heard about Maureen's
Haven while at a soup kitchen and began using our winter shelter in 2012. He came intermittently
while struggling to overcome his substance abuse issues. He has been clean and sober for over a year
making him eligible for supportive housing. He was recently placed in such housing and is easing into
the transition from homeless and without hope to a positive attitude toward the future.
George, age 64, is a decorated Marine Corps veteran serving three tours of duty in Vietnam. After his
service to our country, George settled in Southampton with his wife and son. He was a volunteer
firefighter for many years and supported his community in other volunteer capacities. Following his
divorce, George experienced financial setbacks that eventually led to homelessness. He struggles with
issues from his time in a war zone and turned to Maureen's Haven for assistance in the winter of 2011.
Over time, George came to trust the various people at the agency and agreed to seek assistance from a
nonprofit veteran's organization. With our support and encouragement, he accepted housing and
other services from them and is working as a handyman. George maintains contact with us and we
continue to encourage him in this new phase of his life.
Vanessa, age 44, grew up in an abusive and chaotic household and left home at age 16 to fend for
herself. She lived from day to day doing anything to survive, including prostitution and selling drugs.
As a result of her decisions, she spent several years in prison. Upon her release, she came to Maureen's
Haven for shelter and support. She utilized our shelter intermittently for several years and finally
decided to enter a drug rehabilitation program after many hours of counseling from our staff. Today,
Vanessa is drug free, works full time and is attending culinary school. She now lives in Queens and
spends her free time assisting others that simply need someone to believe in them. She credits
Maureen's Haven with saving her life.
There are many more men and women like Michael, George and Vanessa that we plan to assist in moving out
of homelessness into permanent housing with the assistance of Southold Town and others supporting our
In an effort to provide services to the homeless in Southold Town, we have partnered and collaborated with
the faith community to provide overnight shelter and other supportive services. Participating congregations
include,The First Presbyterian Church of Southold, Unitarian Church of Southold, St. Patrick's RC Church of
Southold, Sacred Heart RC Church of Cutchogue, and St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Greenport.
We are very appreciative of the past support we have received from the Town of Southold and respectfully
request funding once again in support of our program. We ask the Town Board to consider an allocation of
$10,000 to assist in the cost of screening and transporting our guests to the host facilities throughout the
season, ongoing operations of our day center and to offset the salaries of the program staff. Thank you for
your consideration of this request.
) SS:
Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is
Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at
Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that
the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in
said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s) successfully commencing on the
16th day of October, 2014.
Principal Clerk
Sworn to before me this day of 2014.
° Citizen's Ideas Wanted
On Community Development Program
Announcement of Public Hearing
In April, 2015 the Town of South--
old expects to receive approximately STINA VOLIIVSKI
$74,310.00 in Federal Community De- NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK
velopment Block Grant Funds. These
funds may be used,and have been previ= No. 01V06105050
ously used for a variety of projects to be Qualified in Suffolk County
selected by local officials.
Eligible activities include: Poly Commission Expires February 28, 2016
Acquisition and demolition of blight-
ed property
Housing rehabilitation
Elimination of physical barriers for
the handicapped
Public facilities and.improvements
Street Reconstruction
Code Enforcement
Public Water projects
Economic Development
Public Services (total allotment lim-
ited to 15%)
Town Residents are invited to attend
this public hearing on'Ilves ft Novem-
ber 18.2014.4:35 P.M. at the Southold '
Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,
New York,to express citizen views on
local housing community development
-needs to be met with these funds.
,Dated:October 6,2014
Elizabeth Neville j
Town Clerk
11912-1T 10116 _ —f
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being
duly sworn, says that on the loth day of October , 2014, she affixed a
notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial
manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, to
wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York.
PH 11/18/14 4:32 pm-CDBG ph
lizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Sworn before me this
loth day of October , 2014.
�4� -TO Lu-t,
Notary Public
Notary Public, State of New York
No.01 RU6020932
Qualified in Suffolk County
Commission Expires March 8,2Q_12
c 58:'214.. •5"1f M fs�ea" ufiHbtd, veymg,dated Febru"ary19,2014,on the old Town Hall,53095 Ivlain Road,PO ' 19
CONTINUED".FROM PREVIOUS PAGE, Town°Hall,53095 Mata Road,Southold 21st day of October,,2014,at7:32=p.m.at Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971,=
' New York,°to<express citizen views on °�whidhtime all interested persons willbe until`10:00 A.M.,Thursday,:October 23;' indicated `
LEGAL NOTICE local'housing"community development given an,opportuni[y to be heard. , 2U14 at which time they will be'opened' Unless otherwise egress y stated the
NOTICE OF FORMATION,Regional needs to be met with these funds. -Dated:'October 7,2014 and read aloud in public, following terms.shall°.for-the purpose of
AssetManagement LLC,:Articles o£Or-;;, �Dated.'Octobef 6,2014°` BY ORDER,OF•THE" The Town'„Board of the Town o£' this Chanter,have the meanies as here
ganization filed with`Secretary of State of BY ORDER'O SHE' ° TOVs'N BOARD Southold reserves the'right to reject any, in defined. Aly word or term not noted
New York(SSNY)(5/31/.2011).Office loc; TOWN BOARD OFTHE'TOWN and all bids and waive any and all infot- below shall be used with a meaning as
Suffolk. SSNY for servtce,of OFTHETOWN
AF"SOUTHOLD malities in any bid should it,.be deemed; defined'in Webster's Third New Inter-
process.SSNY'shall mail process to c1o:�-
OPSOU ,�,,, ' 'Elizabeth A.NeviIlen° inthe best interest of the Towmof South='`• national Dictionary of the•Englisli`Lan-
THE LLC, 560 Fisheimans Beach Road,' Elizabeth Neville . Southold Town Clerk old to do so guage;unabridged or latest edition).
Cutchogue NY 11935.Purpose:any lawful:`, Town CIerk 11917-1T 10116 All bids must be signed and sealed in FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER -A°
11912-1010126 LEGA L NOTIIGE'„ envelo es lain/ marked,"Bid on Coir person who has not owned a rimar
Purpose or activity. ��” P P Y P Y
118$9-bT 10!2.9,16.23.30:11/6 LEGAL NOTICE _ °`.NOTICE OF PUBLIC
HE `' Logs", and submitfed�to the{Office of.° residential property and isnot married
LEGAL NOTICE Cutchogue New Suffolk Free-Library NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Clerkto a person who has owned a residen-
Notice;of Formation"of MARSHWIN' Board,°bf Trustees Will-hold their,:next pursuant,to the provisions of.Chapter Dated:October 7,2014' tial property during_the three-,year pe-
PARTNER&LLC Arts°.of Org.°fited with°,,`meeting on Monday;October 20,2014 4y�'7 ,(Community Preservation Fund) ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE riod prior to his or her purchase of the
Secy.of State of NY(SSNY)on 3/26/2014: at 7300 pin at,the Cutchogue Nelw•Suf- and Chapter 185 (Open=Space Pres SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK primary residential property.and who .
Office location:County of Suffolk:SSNY; folk Free Library,27550 Main Road,Cu- ervation)of theTown�Code;,the Town 11919-1T 10/16 does not own a vacation or investment
-lias'been designated as agent of LLC upon tchogue,NY The;following'meeting will ":Board of the Town of Southold hereby- LEGAL NOTICE home'"
whom,process against"it may be served•°;' beheld-Monday'November 10;2014, seti Tues sda},October 21,2014 at 7132 NOTICE TO BIDDERS PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL PROP-
SSNY shall process to:The LLC;71` By order o€the" °p.m.,Southold T9wit Hall;53095�Ma n NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in ERTY-Any or two,family house.
Park Ave.,�Apt<4B,NY.NY 100 f6.Pur- :-. �Cutchooe.New.Suffolk Road,Southold,New York.,as the time aecordanceavith the-provisions"of Sec- townhouse or condominium located-
pose;any lawful act... '- " ,Free L',brary,b6rd of S ostees. and place.1pr a°public,hearipg for`fhe,; iion.40:3 of the General Municipal Law; in the Town of Southold-which is to be,
11899-6T 1079"16,.23,30;11!6,'13. Aline-Howard,President. purpose of adding"a parcel owned by thatsealed bids are,sbught bytheTowri owner'occupied by ch-homebuyer.,su .
LEGAL NOTICE 11913-1T 10116: Richard Sinatra`and Camille Sinatra of Southold for the purchase of the to]- §17-25.Additional exemptions.
Notice of Formation ofZN.T.LLC Ar- LEGAL NOTICE -w to, the•Town's Community',Preserva-° lowing Computer Equipment: A.'There shall be allowed an ckemp-
ticleofOrganizationfiledswith°theSecre'tary. 0rovas Group LLC,Aiticles of'Orga-
tion Fund"Eli 'gt
ble`Yarcel'List°ands for ° ,.1 Contex HD5450PIus Scanner :"' tion of$f50,000 on the consideration of. `
of State of New York(SSNY)onSeptembee• nizationfiled'w th Sec of State(SS-NY) the'purpose of accepting aland,dona=. 1 Contex 54"floor stand and Docu= the conveyance of improved real prop-
24th,2014.Office located in Suffolk.SSNY on Sept 24,2014: Office Location:,Suf- -tion of fee title to-said.parcel for open ment basket erfy or an interest therein.
has been designated£or,service of. rocess.- folk,County,SSNY desig,for"service of •-space andi passive recreational pukpos `1 Nextimage Scan-.Plus Archive Lt B. There shall be an'exemption of
SSNY shall mail copy of any process served process. SSNY:s/loll m' copies,of pro- 'es.Said,parcel,is`identified°as SCTM cense $75;000 on the consideration of the con-
��" against the LLC.Located at 102'Berkeley` cess'to:.73 Fulton Street,Lake Grove, e 41000.21-3-5.1. The address is No.#. .1 Extended service agreement,parts- veyance of unimproved real property or
• Ave.,Selden NY 11784.Purpose:any law��•; 11755;�Purpose Any lawful purpose,• Kayletgh's Court, East Ivlarton,.New" and abor,2 years,on site an interest therein.
purpose. ,� :° 21914 6110116-23 30 1176 13 -b"�"3:` �" • �'York,looafed at the end:oi k yleigli's �'delivereii 1 the Sotifhold Town�Re-` � C Tfiere shall be allowed an exemp- `
11900-6T 16/9,16,23::30==11/6.1'3.` LEGALNOTICE ., Court starting with a dirt•aceess which cards Management`Depar-11 tment,53095 tion for a first time homebuyerwhere 'rc
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of formation of f itgh"Service Is a part of he subject property to East Mamroad,Southold,New York.Specifi the purchase price of the primary resi-
HYDRANTTE ` LLC,Ares of O�•"";filed'.w/Sect' of State Ivlaiion,The ro"a`t is located W the cations may be obtained At,the Office of • dentia/vro et�ri is within.sixty percent_
g Y _ P ,I? .Y
PLEASE'-,RE'-, DZrISED THAT,n of NX (SSN)).on 71,1612014: Office R-80 zoning distnct and is X10 acre's: the Town C1erk,Town of Southold,Tbun' of the�urchas3e price limits defined by
THE GREENPORT'TIRE DEPART 'loc.:Suffolk.SSNY has•baeri designated . The property includes existing`Sub- Hal'1,PO Box 1179;53095 Main°Road, the State of NewYork MortgageAgency j
MENT WILL°'HOLD,ITS ANNUALy . for service of process.SSNY shall mail division Open Space and,a two(2)acre ;Southold,New York°11971:° I_ow Interest Rate Mortgage Program
HYDRANT TESTING;SUNDAY'OC 4,c.process:to:34 Nauticat'dr;,RivezbeadNY .`A'dvelopme'nt area.,A ie,Town's"data= ' °T'he sealed bids,together with a Non-',, (SONYMA) in the non-target ..one-
TOBER 26TH;2014 BETWEEN THE` `11901.Purpose:any lawful act. base incorrectly coded this property Collusive Bid, Certificate, will be re- family categories for Suffolk County`in
HOURS OF 9 A M.AND 12:00 NOON.,9 11915-6T 10/16.23.30;11/6,13,20 'as entirely Subdivision„Open Space ceived by the Town CIerk at the South- effect on the contract data for the Salo'
THE HYDRANTSd'INCLUDED"INn y' . LECA.LNOT CE a,°., when irifact,itincludes,a,two(2)',-acre oldTownHall,POBox1179,53095Main of such property and the homebuyers
THE TESTING ARE!LOCATED IN ' VILLAGE"OF GREENPORT °development area.The database error' Road,Southold,New York,until 10:60, household income does not.exceed-the "
THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE PUBLIC NOTICE ,resulted in the property being included A.M., Thursday, October 30, 2014, at income limits defined by SONYMA's
OF'GREENPORT. :r` NOTICE OF TWO RENEWAL AP- on the list of Preserved Lands instead which timethey will•be,opened`and read Low Interest Rate Mortgage Program
'TESTING"_°'MAY` .CAW'E'.-DIS' ,-PL�CATIONS FOR4tETAIh` of•ineluded onthe`Jist o£EIigible Par- " 'aloud in ublic.The Town Board of.the in the non-target,,one,and two person
P "COLORATION OF'THE WATER LIQUOR LICENSES cels.The Town is:adding the property Town of Southold reserves the right to household category for Suffolk County "
DURING•THIS TIME PERIOD. WE NOTICE is 'hereby,given that on to the list of Eligible Parcels for pur- reject any and all bidsand waive any and in effect on the contract date for the sale
APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVE-`, the 9th.day,of;October,°2014;applicant `3Poses of'oPen space preservation,simi- all`informalities in any bid should it be of such property
` NIENCB.', lames 'Kuhlmann, for"Whiskey."4�' p p W.:SEVERABILITI'
and "lar to the,oritena listed foethe ro er- ` deemed m the`best interest of the Town w
CHIEF HARRYBREESE •Tavern,Inc.located at 30 Front Street, ties to the vicinity of the"subject prop of Southold to do so, If any clause, sentence, paragraph,
GREENPORT Greenport,,New York,.11944;filed.two erty which,are on the current Eligible All bids must be signed and sealed section,or part of this Local Law shall
- ETRE pEPARTMENT; `naw applications foz,retail,liquor°°livens- ",`Parcel List: �;;,w in,envelopes plainly,marked `Bid on,"= be adjudged by any count of competent*,
"11-908-21'10116.23 " "`` '" es withnthe Stateiof NdW York,Executive .`° , The purchase price of this=.open space Scanner",'aad submitted to-the'Office jurisdiction to be-invalid;the judgment'.
LEGAL NOTICE Department,Division of Alcoholic Bev- donation will be.acquisition costs"as- of the Town;Clerk.The bid price shall shall not affect the validity of this law as
� .
Notice of formation°of EAST END, erage Control;=State Liquor Authority as `sociated with the transfer. of fee title not include any tax,federal,state,or lo- a whole or any part thereof other than
INDUSTRIES'°LLC. Articles"of Org.;''received`by Village
Sylvia Pirillo ' 'using Community Preservation Funds: cal,-from which the Town of.Southold.is the'pazt'so decided to be unconstitution-
filed w/Secretary.of.State of New York'. on the;10th dayof October,2014. The purpose of the acquisition is for the exempt. al or invalid.
(SSNY)on 9/23/14.Office loo.;Suffolk.-° Anycomments regarding the renewal of, preservation of open space and passive DATED:October 7,2014 IV.'EFFECTIVE DATE
i. SSNY has b'een'designated for service�df, the license should-be directed to the New recreation. - ;"m ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE This Local Law shall,take effect:im-`
proce``ss.SSNY shall mail proves§-to:PO York State Liquor Authority as follows; As per Chapter 117(Transfer of`De- ` 'SOUTHOLD TOWN±CLERK mediately upon filing with the.Secretary °
Box 88,Greenport,NY 11944.:Purpose:' NewYork•State Liquor Authority velopment Rights) of the Code of;the 119204T 10/16 of State:as provided by law"
any lawful act: 317 Lenox Avenue Town of Southold,,Section--117-5,,one(1) LEGAL NOTICE Dated: October 7,2014 .
11909-6T 16/16,23.,3Q•11!6.13.`20 New`York,DIY 10027;° z' Sanit Flow Credit is available u on 'NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY ORDER OFTHE
m3 P :�,
LEGAL,NOTICE, Dated';October 10,2014 the Town's acquisition of the property. WHEREAS, there has`been pre-, TOWN BOARD
Notice of formation of Occom Ridge, Sylvia Lazzari Pirillo,RMC The transfer of the Sanitary Flow Credit sented to the Town Board of the Town OF THE TOWN
ERP FII,LLC;a limited liabilitycompa Village Clerk,5 into theTown TDR.Bank will not be of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,, OF'SOUTHOI-D
ny Ar'ticles'of`Org;hied w!Secretary of Village of Gxeenport finalized,.and shalli not occur,until the on the 7th day of October,2014;a Locals" Elizabeth A.Neville
State of New York(SSNY)9/25/14.Of- •119164T 10/16 Town closes on the property, and the Law entitled"A Local Law in relation to Town Clerk
five loc.:-Suffolk.SSNY has been desig-:. LEGAL NOTICE Town Board passes a resolution allowing Amendments to Chapter 17,Communi- 11921-1T 10/16
noted for seivice,of process".SSNY shall'" NOTICE OF.P.LTBLIC HEARING the transfer into"theTownTDR B°nk-: tvPreservation Fund:n connection with LEGAL NOTICE
mail process to:POB 1167,Cutchogue, WHEREAS,'on October"6,"2014, FURTHER °NOTICE is hereby FirstTime Homebuyer Exemption:' Citizen's Ideas Wanted
NY'11935.;Purpose:any lawful purpose,- the Southold Town Planning Board given that;a more detaileddescription _ •RESOLVED that the Town Board of On Community Development Program
11910=6T 10!16 23,30;11/6.1120 granted Sketch Approval on" the of-the above mentioned parcel of land the,Town,of Southold will hold a pub-- Announcement of Public Hearing
LEGALNOTICE'" Sketch Plat prepared by prepared by '`is on file in Land'Preservation Depart- lie hdaring'on the aforesaid Local Law In April, 2015 the Town of South-
Notice of formation of BURTON'S Fox Land Surveying,dated February ment,Southold Town Hall Annex,54375 at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main old expects to receive approximately
BOOKSTORE LLC.Arts.of Org.filed- 19,;2014, for'an Open Development 'Route.25,Southold,New York,and may Road,Southold,New York,on the 21st $74,310.00 in Federal Community De-
With the Sect'y of,State of NY(SSNY) Area`p 1rsu4nt"to 240-M(A);of the-_-be examined by any interes[ed person day.-of October, 2014 at 7:34 p.m. at velopment Block Grantfunds. These
on 9126/2614:Office location,County of° Town Code;'and during business ° `which time all interested persons will be funds may be used,and have been.previ-
Suffolk. SSNY has been designated as WHEREAS,the Tovvn`Board has re- `Dated:October 7,2014 given an opportunity to be heard. ouslyused for a variety of projects to be
agent of the LLC upon whom process, . ceived a petition from Esseks,Hefter& , ., BY ORDER OFTUE The proposed Local Law entitled,`°A, selected by local officials.
against it may be°served. SSNY shall,",Angel,`LLP to,estiblish an Open bevel- .w, ""°. TOWN BOARD Local Law-in relation to Amendments Eligible activities include:
mail process to:The LLC,220 Campbell opmentArea,pursuantto Chapter240 of OFTHETOWN to Chapter 11 Community'Preserve-' - Acquisition and demolition of blight-
Ave.,Williston Park NY 11596.Purpose: the Town Code on the,property Y xdenti- OF SOUTHOLD tion Fund,in connection with First Time ed property
any lawful act,; fled as part of SCI'M#1000 100 4-4 and .a w' _ n,Elizabeth,A.Neville" Hmnebuyer:Exemption" reads as fol- Rousing rehabilitation,
11911-6T 10I16t23.30;11/6.13:20 'located in the A=C Zoning-`__,b is and " ° Southold Town CIerk lows: Elimination of physical barriers for
WHEREAS,the requested Open De- 11918-1T10116 LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 the handicapped"
i "�Catizeri"s=,"eas anted• velopment Area,is located'on7.2 acres '.:, LEGAL NOTICE'_ A Local Law entitled,"A Local Law Public facilities and improvements
• °
—011 ut►, i�fy e�opmen �: of they 61:1 acre'par`cel"x th the^Open NOTICE,TO'BIDDERS °'_�� in"relation to.Amendments to Chapter°° Street Reconstruction
Annonncdmelnt o PnblicDearin Development Area consisting of three . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 17. Community Preservation. Fund.'in Code Enforcement
1n;April,20-Silo Town° dfSouth=
Citizen's Ideas Wanted
On Community Development Program
Announcement of Public Hearing
In April, 2015 the Town of Southold expects to receive approximately $74,310.00 in
Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. These funds may be used, and
have been previously used for a variety of projects to be selected by local officials.
Eligible activities include:
Acquisition and demolition of blighted property
Housing rehabilitation
Elimination of physical barriers for the handicapped
Public facilities and improvements
Street Reconstruction
Code Enforcement
Public Water projects
Economic Development
Public Services (total allotment limited to 15%)
Town Residents are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesday,November 18,
2014, 4:35 P. M. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, to
express citizen views on local housing community development needs to be met with
these funds.
Dated: October 6, 2014 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
Elizabeth Neville
Town Clerk
BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971.
Copies to the following:
The Suffolk Times Town Attorney
Phillip Beltz Comptroller
Town Board Members Town Clerk's Bulletin Board
Rudder, Lynda
From: Cerria Torres <ctorres@timesreview.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 8:57 AM
To: Rudder, Lynda
Subject: Re: for Publication
This notice is scheduled for publication in The Suffolk Times on 10/16/14.
-^erria Torres
Display Ad Coordinator
631.354.8011 (D)
From: <Rudder>, Lynda <Iynda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us>
Date:Thursday, October 9, 2014 8:15 AM
To:Jim Dinizio <iim@jamesdinizio.com>, "Beltz, Phillip" <Phillip.Beltz@town.southold.ny.us>, "Cushman,John"
<John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <Ll.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>, "Finnegan, Martin"
<martin.finnegan@town.southold.nv.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.ghosio@town.southold.nv.us>, "Kiely, Stephen"
<stephen.kiely@town.southold.nv.us>, "Krauza, Lynne" <Ivnne.krauza@town.southold.nv.us>, Louisa Evans
-1pevans06390@gmail.com>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>, "Russell,Scott"
cott.Russell @town.southold.ny.us>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.nv.us>, "Tomaszewski,
Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.nv.us>,Times Review<tdoubrava@timesreview.com>, William Ruland
Subject:for Publication
Please publish in the October 16th edition of the Suffolk Times and town website,thanks.
Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of October 7, 2014
RESOLUTION 2014-814 Item# 5.31
OCTOBER 7,2014:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 4:35 PM, Tuesday,
November 18, 2014, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971, as the
time and place for a Public Hearing to hear citizens views on local housing and community
development needs to be met with approximately $74,310.00 in Community Development Block
Grant funds the Town of Southold expects to receive in April 2015 and authorizes the Town
Clerk to publish an"Announcement of Public Hearing Notice".
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman
AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Evans, Russell
Generated October 7, 2014 Page 41
Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of October 7, 2014
RESOLUTION 2014-814 Item# 5.31
OCTOBER 7, 2014:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 4:35 PM,Tuesday,
November 18, 2014, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971, as the
time and place for a Public Hearing to hear citizens views on local housing and community
development needs to be met with approximately $74,310.00 in Community Development Block
Grant funds the Town of Southold expects to receive in April 2015 and authorizes the Town
Clerk to publish an"Announcement of Public Hearing Notice".
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman
AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Evans, Russell
Generated October 7, 2014 Page 41
Citizen's Ideas Wanted
On Community Development Program
Announcement of Public Hearing
In April, 2015 the Town of Southold expects to receive approximately $74,310.00 in
Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. These funds may be used, and
have been previously used for a variety of projects to be selected by local officials.
Eligible activities include:
Acquisition and demolition of blighted property
Housing rehabilitation
Elimination of physical barriers for the handicapped
Public facilities and improvements
Street Reconstruction
Code Enforcement
Public Water projects
Economic Development
Public Services (total allotment limited to 15%)
Town Residents are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesday, November 18,
2014, 4:35 P. M. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, to
express citizen views on local housing community development needs to be met with
these funds.
Dated: October 6, 2014 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
Elizabeth Neville
Town Clerk
BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971.
Copies to the following:
The Suffolk Times Town Attorney
Phillip Beltz Comptroller
Town Board Members Town Clerk's Bulletin Board
Rudder, Lynda
From: Reisenberg, Lloyd
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:34 AM
To: Rudder, Lynda
Subject: RE:for Publication 10/16
Lloyd H. Reisenberg
Network and Systems Adrninistrator
Town of Southold, New York
www.south oldtownn y.goy
0: 631-765-1891 1 M:631-879-1554 F: 631-765-5178
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged
information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is
prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication.
From: Rudder, Lynda
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 11:41 AM
To: Jim Dinizio; Beltz, Phillip; Cushman, John; Doherty,Jill; Finnegan, Martin; Ghosio, Bob; Kiely, Stephen; Krauza,
Lynne; Louisa Evans; Reisenberg, Lloyd; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren; Tomaszewski, Michelle; Tracey Doubrava
(tdoubrava(×review.com); William Ruland
Subject: for Publication 10/16
Importance: High
r publication in the October 16 edition of the Suffolk times and the town website
Rudder, Lynda
From: Cerria Torres <ctorres@timesreview.com>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:55 AM
To: Rudder, Lynda
Subject: Re: for Publication 10/16
Importance: High
Thank you, Lynda.The deadline for legal notices is Monday at 3pm.We are in office for Columbus day,so you are good to go! I
have 6 notices scheduled to publish in The Suffolk Times on 10/16/14.
Thank you
Cerria Torres
Display Ad Coordinator
631.354.8011 (D)
From: <Rudder>, Lynda <Ivnda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2014 11:42 AM
To:Times Review<tdoubrava@timesreview.com>
Subject: FW:for Publication 10/16
just wanted to make sure you got this so I sent it twice;)
From: Rudder, Lynda
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 11:41 AM
To: (jim@iamesdinizio.com); Beltz, Phillip; Cushman, John; Doherty, Jill; Finnegan, Martin; Ghosio, Bob; Kiely, Stephen;
Krauza, Lynne; Louisa Evans (1pevans06390@gmail.com); Reisenberg, Lloyd; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren;
Tomaszewski, Michelle; Tracey Doubrava (tdoubrava@timesreview.com); William Ruland
Subject: for Publication 10/16
Importance: High
For publication in the October 16 edition of the Suffolk times and the town website