HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning 1994-2000: correspondence, allowance of C&D as grading material -DRAFT - September 17, 1999 Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: During preparation of the construction drawings and specifications for closure of the landfill, a number of activities were performed in support of reducing the cost of construction, mitigating potential problems which may occur during construction, alleviating flooding problems in the area of the scale house, and upgrading and replacement of facilities that were not related to design of the cap. These activities included the following: 1. Sampling and testing of glass sand at the landfill as required by NYSDEC (cost: $7,200) 2. Continuing services in connection with securing and evaluating alternate materials for filling the former scavenger waste lagoons and contour grading material for cap construction (cost: $4,000) 3. Evaluation of existing soil cover thickness to determine the need for additional daily soil cover and odor control measures during regrading of the landfill (cost: $6,600) 4. Relocating and reconstruction of the Fire Department siren and nonpotable water supply well (cost: $6,400) 5. Design of a storm water management system to mitigate flooding in the area of the scale house and provide for adequate drainage for the area of the planned Collection Center improvements (cost: $4,400) A detailed description of each of these activities is provided in the attachment to this letter. While the total cost of these additional services is $28,600, the Town (and Cutchogue Fire Department)has received the following benefits: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold September 17, 1999 1. The anticipated value of the glass sand, assuming continued receipt of the sand up until commencement of construction, is $190,000 as an avoided cost. 2. The estimated value of wood waste from George's transfer station is $75,000 as revenue and avoided cost. 3. The estimated value of dredge material from the Town of Huntington is $56,000 as an avoided cost. 4. Sufficient cover soil appears to exist in the area of planned regrading which will not require additional soil to be provided by the Contractor as daily cover, which will reduce construction cost, and odor control requirements have been incorporated into the construction specifications. 5. The Fire Department siren will still be located at the landfill. 6. Water supply will be available during construction of the cap which will reduce closure costs if the contractor would need to obtain water off-site. In addition, an adequate water supply will be available for yard waste composting, maintenance of site facilities and fire fighting, including a supplemental source of water for the Fire Department in the vicinity of the landfill. 7. Current drainage problems will be alleviated at the scale house and increased drainage problems will be mitigated as a result of planned expansion and upgrade of the Collection Center(assuming that storm water runoff from the North Road can be corrected). In addition to the above, we recommend prequalification testing of the stockpiled golf course sand in accordance with the NYSDEC construction quality assurance requirements. This will ensure that all of the material meets specifications to avoid potential change orders. Although the cost of this testing is $17,900,this cost would be incurred by the construction contractor and be part of his bid price. If you have any questions with regard to this letter or require additional information, or would like to meet to discuss these items,please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/cmc Enclosure ♦1314\TFM99-33.LTR(R03) s • Cost of Activily Additional Work AlternateFill Material...............................................................................................$11,200 DesignInvestigation.....................................................................................................6,600 Relocation of Fire Department Siren and Water Supply Well .....................................6,400 Management of Collection Center Storm Water Drainage...........................................4,400 Prequalification Testing of On-site Soil Stockpiles....................................................17,900 TOTAL ........................................................................................................$46,500 01314/T0917901 6 EGIONAL CFFICES TECTONICENGINEERING bane.Naw Marx 7'8-793-11530 �,;rtnoorouon. aassacnusens '3-393- %47 7 CONSULTANTS P.C. :,ncinnati.Oho 13-759.9500 Richmona.Virginia 04-897.6310 'O.Box 44 7 515 Route 32 =-ix No 914-928-9211 Hignlana Mills.New York 10930 914.928.6531 vww.tectorncengtneertng.com Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, New York 11797-2015 Attention: Mr. David Glass, P.E. September 9, 1999 REVISION 3 RE: PN 199-604 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Dear Mr. Glass: In accordance with our telephone conversation on August 24, 1999, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide laboratory testing services during the closure of the Southold Landfill in the Town of Southold, New York. It is our understanding that our services will include laboratory testing of the stockpiled sand venting layer material and field services including stockpile sampling and delivery to Tectonic's laboratory. Based on our conversation, the existing stockpile is approximately 115,000 cubic yards and consists of a granular sand material. It is our understanding the required laboratory testing includes the following: • Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422) • Standard Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Determination (ASTM D698) • Constant Head Permeability (ASTM D2434) It is further our understanding that the required frequency of testing is one sieve analysis per 1,000 cubic yards, one permeability test per 5,000 cubic yards, and maximum density testing as appropriate. Based on these guidelines, the total number of laboratory tests will be approximately 115 sieve analyses, 23 permeability tests, and 6 maximum density determinations. As noted above, part of our services also includes providing field sampling from the sand venting layer stockpile and delivery of the soil samples to the laboratory for testing. It is our understanding that the excavation equipment required for the sampling will be provided by others. Based on our discussions relative to the dimensions of the • TECTONIC Mr. David Glass, P.E. Page 2 September 9, 1999 stockpiles, the equipment should be capable of excavating to a depth of approximately 25 feet or more. As discussed with you, the sampling will likely entail random excavations within the stockpile to obtain representative soil samples for conformance testing. For estimating purposes, we have assumed that the stockpile sampling will have a duration of two weeks at 10 hours per day (two hours of overtime/day). As requested, our services will be provided for a not-to-exceed fee based on the following assumptions. • The stockpile sampling will have a duration of two weeks at 10 hours per day for a total field inspection time of 100 manhours. If the stockpile sampling duration exceeds the two week duration, we will not continue until authorized. • The laboratory testing assumes 115 sieve analyses, 23 permeability tests, and 6 maximum density determinations. • The results of the laboratory tests will be provided upon completion in one test result submittal. As requested, no engineering analysis or report preparation is included in our scope of services beyond the submittal of the test results. If engineering services are requested to evaluate the soil samples for compliance, we will be pleased to provide such services for an additional fee. • Included with the test results submittal will be a location plan indicating the approximate sample locations within the stockpiles. As discussed, base map(s) on AutoCad Version 14 of the stockpiles, indicating the dimensions, locations, and topography, will be provided by your office for our use in selection of the sampling locations and preparation of the location plan. The total not-to-exceed fee for field sampling and laboratory testing based on the above assumptions and unit rates provided below is estimated to be $16,850.00. A breakdown of our not-to-exceed fee is as follows: Field Sampling_and Delivery Services (Assumes 2 week duration) Engineering Technician 80 hours @ $32.00/hr. $ 2,560.00 20 hours @ $48.00/hr. (overtime rate) 960.00 Subtotal $ 3,520.00 Laboratory Testing, Sieve Analysis 115 tests @ $ 47.00/test $ 5,405.00 Permeability Tests 23 tests @ $165.00/test 3,795.00 Maximum Density (Standard) 6 tests @ $90.00/test 540.00 Subtotal $ 9,740.00 • TECTONIC Mr. David Glass, P.E. Page 3 - September 9, 1999 Project Coordination, Test Result Regort Preaaration. and Location Plan PreQaration - Principal Engineer 2 hours @ $115.00/hr. $ 230.00 Senior Engineer 20 hours @ $90.00/hr. 1,800.00 Drafting 8 hours @ $45.00/hr. 360.00 Subtotal $ 2,390.00 Reimbursables Tolls, Mileage, Etc. Subtotal $ 1,200.00 TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED FEE $16,850.00 We estimate that upon receiving all samples of the gas venting layer at the laboratory, the test results can be submitted within 3 weeks of the completion of the field services. This is an estimated total duration of 5 weeks for field sampling services and laboratory testing. -Our professional staff of approximately 160 is comprised of construction inspection personnel, structural, civil, and geotechnical engineers, geologists, land surveyors, and planners. Construction inspection personnel are degreed civil engineers, engineering geologists, and technicians certified in accordance with National Inspection for the Certification of Engineering Technicians (NICET), Levels I to III, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Welding Society (AWS). Tectonic's inspection and laboratory testing services are provided in accordance with all applicable ASTM and AASHTO guidelines in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E329, Standards and Recommended Practices of Inspection and Testing Agencies. Additionally, Tectonic's Internal Testing Laboratory is AASHTO Accredited for Portland Cement Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete Aggregate methods of testing. We are also participants in the bi-annual CCRL Laboratory Inspection Program. Please return a signed copy of this agreement and the attached Rate Schedule, which includes the project terms and conditions, indicating your-acceptance and authorization to proceed. We look forward to having the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you require additional information or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. TECTONIC =- Mr. David Glass, P.E. Page 4 September 9, 1999 Sincerely, TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.C. Mark A. Stier, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer File6/PN 199-604SoutholdtestingRev2.doc Attachments: Construction Rate Schedule with project Terms and Conditions Acceptance (Signature): Typed/Printed Name: Title (in print): Company (in print): Date: j w i • ti K:PNttc3 - • I r r I Y;. rAY•k, 4i.T � Y w OCT- %1067 CT- + t . +a nts �'+1'oNQ i' '99 0?ve02P1'1. �THOLD T01J11 HALL '16* BS 182311 p 1AC8 1/12 - DRAFT- September 17, 1999 Jean W.Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold.NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: During preparation of the construction drawings and specitIcations for closure of the landfill. a number of activities were performed in support of reducing the cost of construction, mitigating potential problems which may occur during construction,alleviating flooding problems in the area of the scale house,and upgrading and replacement of facilities that were not related to design of the cap. These activities included the following: 1. Sampling and testing of glass sand at the landfill as required by NYSDEC(cost: $7,200)s� 2. Continuing services in connection with securing and evaluating alternate materials for filling the former scavenger wiste lagoons and contour grading material for cap construction (cost: 54,000) J&9 s 0 3. Evaluation of existing soil cover thickness to determine the need for additional daily $Q11 cover and odor control measures during regrading of the landfill (cost: $6,600) -� 4. Relocating and reconstruction of the Fire Department siren and nonpotable water supply well (cost: $6,400) Si . 5. Design of a storm water management system to mitigate flooding in the arca of the scale house and provide for adequate drainage for the area of the planned Collection Center improvements(cost: $4,400) — A detailed description of each of these activities is provided in the attachment to this letter. While the total cost of these additional services Is $28,600, this Town (and Cutchogue Fire Department) has received the following bensfitsi + OCT--* W'67` "9q 703PTH�L D TOfI HALL ;F5 q$cI O� . 2/12 P Joan W. Cochran, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold September 17, 1999 I. The anticipated value of the glass sand, assuming continued receipt of the sand up until commencement of construction, is$190,000 as an avoided cost. 2. The estimated value of wood waste from Qoorge's transfer station is $75,000 as revenue and avoided cost. 3. The estimated value of dredge material from the Town of Huntington is $56,000 as an avoided cost. 4. Sufficient cover soil appears to exist in the area of planned regrading which will not require additional soil to be provided by the Contractor as daily cover, which will reduce construction cost, and odor control requirements have been incorporated into the construction specifications. S. The Fire Department siren will still be located at the landfill. 6. Water supply will be available during construction of the cap which will reduce closure costs if.the contractor would need to obtain water ofl`'-site. In addition, an adequate water supply will be available for yard waste co m osting, maintenance of site facilities and fire fighting, Including a supplemental source of water for the Fire Department in the vicinity of the landfill. 7. Current drainage problems will be alleviated at the scale house and increased drainage problems will be mitigated as a result of planned expansion and upgrade of the Collection Center(assuming that storm water runoff from the North Road can be corrected). In addition to the above, we recommend prequaliflcation testing of the stockpiled golf course sand in accordance with the NYSDEC construction quality assurance requirements. This will ensure that all of the material meets specifications to avoid potential change orders. Although the cost of this testing R41� is S 17,900;this cost would be incurred by the construction contractor and be part of his bid price. / If you have any questions with regard to this letter or require additional information, or would like to most to discuss these items,please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TF1Wcmc Enclosure 131 AWN!"431TA{1t03) 1 OCT-E$(7T Z7"99I'0-71n*UTHOL.n TOWN HALL 516 755 IF3 P. a/!Z ATTACHMENT DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES R►lt rna Fill Material. Gla ate 1. a 'San 1. As required by NYSDEC, four samples were collected from the stockpile of glass sand near the former lagoon. A portion of one of the -four samples was tested For volatile organic compounds(VOCs). The remainder of the sample and the other three samples were composited and tested for semivolatile organic compounds, PCBs, pesticides,herbicides, metals and cyanide. 2. As required by NYSDEC, two additional samples were collected from a second pile of stockpiled glass sand located now the high voltage electric line tower on the landfill. The samples-were composited and analyzed for metals. 3. The results of the analyses were evaluated and presented in a .letter report to NYSDEC dated May 26, 1999. As a result of the testing and report, NYSDEC has allowed continued use of glass sand as part of landfill closure. 4. As required,by NYSDEC, a sampling protocol was prepared for sampling and analysis of glass sand stockpiled at the landfill in order to allow continued acceptance of glass sand at the landfill. Seeg ng and&gig ting Alternate-Fill and Contour Grading Material As part of continuing efforts to secure alternate fill and contour grading materials to reduce the cost of landfill closure, D&B has been requested to review a number of chemical and geotechnical data packages and additional information as follows: 1. OnLine Management Associate`, Inc. of Commack, New York provided chemical data on soil and car shredder screenings. (Upon review of the data, it was recommended to the Town that the material not be accepted at the landfill.) 2. Terry Contracting and Materials, Inc. provided chemical and geotechnical data regarding shredded wood waste stockpiled at a site known as "Goorge•s" in Southampton. In addition, D&B conducted a site visit to visually inspect the _ stockpiled materials at George's, prepared a letter to the Town providing an evaluation of the data and recommending acceptance of the wood waste, and reviewed and commented on a draft agreement for acceptance of tha material at the landfill. . 3. The Town of Huntington provided chemical 'data and a plan for obtaining geotechnical data .for material to be dredged from the Hecksher Park pond in the o u iuro9i�oi 1 O- THOLD T01411 HALL 516 765 1823=94 P. 1AG$ Ce 32 Village of Huntington. (Upon review of the data to date, it appears that this material is acceptable for use at the landfill--pending receipt of additional data requested.from the Town of Huntington) The total cost of the effort identified above.for glass sand sampling and evaluation of alternate materials, including labor, expensesand analytical laboratory services is $7,200. In addition to this amount,we suggest the addition of $4,000, for a total of$11,200, to continue to pursue and evaluate alternate sources of material to reduce the Town's cost for closure of the landfill. For informational purposes,it is estimated that to date approximately 12,000 cubic yards of glass sand have been used at the landfill to fill in the former lagoon, It is anticipated that an additional 15,000 cubic yards of glass sand will.be delivered to the landfill before closure construction begins (on or around April 2000). The estimated cost for general fill is $7 per cubic yard. Therefore, the projected avoided cost that the Town will realize as a result of the glass sand is estimated to be$190,000. The estimated volume of wood waste to be delivered to the landfill from Osorge's transfer station is 5,000 cubic yards. This material will be delivered by Terry Contracting and Materials, Inc. for $8 cubic yard to be paid to the Town. Taking Into consideration the avoided cost for general till, it is estimated that the projected combined revenue and avoided cost that the Town will realize as a result of the wood waste is$75,000. The estimated volume of dredged material from the Hecksher Park pond to be delivered to the landfill is 8.000 cubic yards. Therefore, the estimated value of this material (resulting from avoided cost)to the Town is$56,000, jai gigInvestigglon The final subgrade contours for the landfill have been completed.. This design information in conjunctiop with the updated topographic information showing existing surface elevations has beer:'utilized to identify area where cutting and filling will be required to obtain the design subgrade. As a result,the following work has been perforated: 1. In certain locations across the landfill surface,cutting to a depth of up to 6 feet will be required. A test pit program has been conducted in these areas to determine the general depth of existing cover material and whether special odor control measures are required, is particular near residences, This effort will in part provide the information required to avoid the purchasing of fill material for daily cover during regrading. 2. In the area where extensive cutting will be required to construct the .northwest recharge basin, a test trench has,been constructed to determine the depth of bulky waste. This information will be used to develop quantity estimates and determine what portion of the material can be used as fill to,obtain anal contours on other parts of the 1=011. o a 14fMJ Mi 2 OCT-l1 �07 %g�` 0�;091�-P1&ITHOLD TObU1 HALL 515 765 1823 C P a02 5/12 3. Installation of a stilling basin for storm water drainage is required along the southwest perimeter of the landfill. Test pits have*been constructed at this location to determine the depth of waste in this area to determine the need to install a geomembrane beneath the basin, and to develop quantity estimates and confirm whether or not the material c>tari be used as fill to obtain final contours on other parts of the landfill. 4. A memorandum was prepared documenting the results of the design investigation. The investigation has provided information which will be used to preclude problems during construction which would otherwise represent the potential for change orders. S. The drawings and specifications were modified to include management of bulky waste which was oneountered during the investigation and will need.to be disposed off-site. The total cost of the effort identified above for the design investigation is $6,600. Although there will be potential cost savings to the Town resulting from the design investigation, a figure cannot be estimated based on available information. Ralocs n o Fin D part ,ent Siren and Winer ner Sunni,►Well As part of the original landfill closure design effort it was assumed that the existing Fire Department siren and water supply well on the landfill would be abandoned and not replaced on the landfill site. The Town has decided, however, as part of closure, the Fire Department siren and water supply well.will be replaced at new locations on the landfill property. The effort required to include this work as part of the construction drawings and specifications includes the following:, 1. Review of data and information provided by the Town with respect to the details of construction of the existing water supply well, 2. Selection of a site,for the new water supply well and obtaining approval of Cutchogue Fire Department for the new siren. 3. Preparation of drawings and specifications for the new well, including new electrical service, meter, 25-hp submersible pump and appurtenances, stone pad and bollards to protect the well. 4. Preparation of drawings and specifications for the now siren, including new electrical service,meter and appurtenances. S. Preparation of drawings and specifications for a gate to allow Fire Department access from the well to nearby residential areas, 01714nM17"1 3 w F;--- 8/12� .4 o4T- liGn0'1 w'3� 0- 09li *HOLD TOWN HALL 516 7E5 182:3 6. Preparation of drawings and sPecifications for a new low watt light i0d a manually operated 500-watt floodlight as requested by the Fire Department to provide lighting at the water supply well site. The total cost of the effort identified above for relocation of the fire department well and water supply well is 56,400. Although a cost savings to the Town cannot be defined, without a replacement water supply well at the landfill site, the Contractor will be required to obtain construction water off-site at an additional cost to the project. In addition, a supply of the water at the site for fire fighting purposes and irrigation would not be available. The original closure design effort includes management of all stores, water runoff from the final landfill cap. Howsver, because of current flooding problems in the area of the scale house and anticipated exacerbation of these problems resulting from .planned Collection Center improvements, the Town requested that D&B assist in alleviating the flooding problems as part of the closure design effort. The additional effort for management of the scale house and Collection Center storm water runoff-includes the following: 1. Review of current storm water problems in the area of the scale house and along the southwestern property line at the entrance to the landfill. 2. Estimating the quantities of storm water generated from the western side of the Collection Center (Aria D-5 on the Construction Drawings), including the existing scale house, an area of approximately 5.5 acres- 3. Design o extension comer of Area D 5 tot Bann No.. I too provide a future proposedem from connectionRechuge that will allow storm water to be piped to recharge basin No. 1. 4. Preparation of drawings and specifications for construction of drainage structures, including a manhole and corrugated HDPE pipe to provide the connection. 5. - provision of recommendations to the Town that a drainage system be installed along the southwestern side of Area D-5 to help alleviate ponding of storm water and provide controlled discharge to the proposed drainage sem, and a recommendation that the Town pursue additional storm water.controls needed to redirect flow from Suffolk County Road 48 (North Road) away from the entrance to the landfill site In order not to exceed the capacity of the planned landfill storm water collection system, it should be noted that Ibis on-site drainage management ef'f'ort will not mitigate the problem of storm water runoff from County Road 49 draining onto the landfill property. The total cost of the effort identified above for management and design of the drainage from the scale houso area and Collection Center is$4,400. 0 1314/r0917901 4 QC Ssdllpocl, ',�� OT MOM *HOLD TOWN HALL 516 765 1823'0' • P a0z 7/12 PregaallticaH n Testini Qnsite_.oi15{tocko�iles In order to "prequalify" the Town's:existing on-site stockpiles of sand jo be used in the construction of the Oas Venting Gayer, the Barrier Protection Layer and the Fabricated Topsoil Layer of the cap system in order to satisfy NYBDEC's quality assurance/quality control requirements, the sand must be sampled and tested according to the methods and frequency contained in the design specifications. Based on estimates provided by- the. Town, the existing on-site stockpiles are. a total of approximately 115,000 cubic yards of granular sand. The required laboratory testing comprises the following; • Sieve Analysis(ASTM D422) • Standard Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Determination(ASTM D698) • Constant Head Pemeability(ASTM 02434) The required frequency of testing is one sieve analysis per 1,000 cubic yards, one permeability test per 5,000 cubic yards and maximum density testing as appropriate. Based on these guidelines, the total number of laboratory tests will be approximately 11 S sieve analyses, 23 permeability tests and 6 maximum density determinations. The sampling will entail random excavations within.the stockpile to obtain representative soil samples -for conformance testing.. For 'estimation purposes, it is assumed, that the stockpile sampling will have a duration of 10 days at 10 hours per day. Services during the stockpile sampling will include. obtaining representative soil samples and delivery to the laboratory for testing. The cost for sample collection and analysis (including expenses) by Tectonic Engineering is attached. It is assumed that the Town will provide and operate the excavation equipment for the sampling. (A backhoe with a reach of 25 fent and a front-end loader will be ' required.) The total cost of the effort identified above for the testing of on-site soil stockpiles is $17,900; however, this would be the same cost if the construction contractor was required to test this soil. (This includes $16,800 for sampling, testing and reporting as'indicated on the attached proposal from Tectonic and 51,100 for supervision and documentation by D&B..) Therefore, this testing will not result in additional cost to the Town for landfill closure. A summary of the additional costs are provided below: 01314/x0917901 5 OC?-WOCl 0a '99 9- -1©PM SOOLD TOIAII'J HALL 515 765 1823D° P Cost of AetiviiY Additional_'Wer AlternateFill Material...............................................................................................$10,200 DesignInvestigation................................................. .................................... ..,.....6,600 Relocation of Fire Department Siren and Watcr Supply Well .....................................6,400 Management of Collection Centcr Storm Water Drainage...........................................4,400 PrequaliflcationTesting of On-site Soil Stockpile'....................................................17,9m TOTAL ......................................... .......................................................346,500 •'OCT-•9OCT 07 '99 0q.31 FM SOCL D T014N HALL 515 765 1823'01 F*ws REGIONAL OFFIC96 ������I� EnlGlNEERlNO +wm"MiNow vrrrr n�•1134411 CQNSUCTi1NTS P.G. ;�cn►+ee►M,gti.rdaf,eoohu>;Nt, =.���q•r�11 :uu,nns4.OtN0 519 769 9400 Richmon0 vlrgima ?Q4•e!1.6710 0.Sox 447.$1 S Routs 32 'aw No.91 4•924•s21 N,9nlsna Mdrs,New York 10930 914.928.6531 Hww.1ee1on1Cen91nler1ng.Com Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, New York 11797.2015 Attention: Mr. David Glass, P.E. September 9, 1999 REVISION 3 RE: PN 1994" PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES SOUTHOLD LANDFILL TOWN OF SOUTHOL D, NEW YORK Dear Mr: Glass: In accordance with our telephone conversation on August 24, 1999, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide laboratory testing services during the closure of the Southold Landfill in the Town of Southold,. New York. It is our understanding that our services will Include.laboratory testing of the stockpiled sand venting layer material and field services including stockpile sampling and delivery to Tectonic's laboratory. Based on our conversation. the existing stockpile is approximately 115,000 cubic yards end consists of a granular sand material. It is our understanding the required laboratory testing includes the following: • Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422) • Standard Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Determination (ASTM D698) • Constant Head Permeability (ASTM D2434) It, is further our understanding that the required frequency of testing Is one sieve analysis per 1,000 cNble yards, one permeability test per 5,000 cubic yards, and maximum density testing as appropriate. Based on these guidelines, the total number of laboratory tests will be approximately 115 sieve analyses, 23 permeability tests, and 6 maximum density determinations. As noted. above, part of our services also inoludes providing field sampling from the sand venting layer stookpile and delivery of the sou samples to the laboratory for testing. It is our understanding that the exosvetlon equipment required for the sampling will be provided by others. Based on our discussions relative to the dimensions of the �;vls,• .cC'IIC!i� Cry_•i"RUCT'..RAL 18/12 OC T�•1OC'� 0j *'9§3 f3 1 PM HOLD TOWf l HALL 516 765 192 3 O= • F r QN TECTONIC + • Mr. David Glass, P.E. Page 2 September 9, 1999 stockpiles, the equipment should be capable of excavating to-a depth of approximately 28 feet or more. As discussed with you, the sampling will likely entail random excavations within the stockpile to obtain representative soil samples for conformance testing, For estimating purposes, we have assumed that the stockpile sampling will have a duration of two weeks at 10 hours per day (two hours of overtime/day). As requested, our services will be provided for a not-to-exceed fee based on the following assumptions. • The stockpile sampling will have s duration of two weeks at 10 hours per day for a total field inspection time of 100 manhours. it the stockpile sampling duration exceeds the two week duration, we will not continue until authorized. • The laboratory testing assumes 115 sieve analyses, 23 permeability tests, and 6 maximum density determinations. • The results of the laboratory tests will be provided upon completion in one test result submittal. As requested, -no engineering analysis or report preparation is included in our scope of saMoes beyond the submittal of the test results. if engineering services are requested to evaluate the soil samples for compliance, we will be pleased to provide such services for an additional fee. • Included with the test results submittal will be a location plan indicating the approximate =ample locations within the stockpiles. As discussed, base map($) on AutoCed Version 14 of the stockpiles, Indicating the dimensions, locations, and topography, will be provided-by your office for our use In selection of the sampling locations and preparation of the location plan. The total not-to•exceed fee for field sampling and laboratory:testing based on the above assumptions and unit rates provided below is' estimated to be $16,850.00. A breakdown of our not-to-exceed fee Is as follows: (Assumes a week duration) Engineering Technician 80 hours $32.00/hr. $ 2 � 20 hours $48,.00/hr. (overtime rate) Subtotal $ 3,520.00 Li�a#��chatio� Sieve Anslysis 115 tests a $ 47.00/test $ 8,405.00 Permeability Tests 23 tests® $166.00/te:t 3,793.00 Maximum Density (Standard) 6 tests a $90.00Aost Ho 9 CCT=eEOCT-07 "99 03 12PM *01D TOWN HALL 516 755 18230' • F Ac3E 11/12 TECTONIC T' Se t Page 3 - ember 9, `1999 Mr. David Glass, P.E. 9 p. PMI&a G rdinagion, Tell RUM 111212012 Pfagarstlith- and Location Plan Pttimmwn Principal Engineer 2 hours® $116.00/hr. $ 230.00 Senior Engineer 20 hours 0 $00.00/hr. 1,800.00 Drafting 8 hours Q $46.00/hr. 380.00 Subtotal $ 2.390.00 B�Lt�lsi Toils, Mileage, Etc. Subtotal $ 1,200.00 TOTAL NOT•TO-EXCEED FEK $16,850.00 We estimate that upon receiving all samples of the gas venting layer at the laboratory, the test results can be submitted within 3 weeks*of the completion of the field services. This is an estimated total duration of 5 weeks for field sampling services and laboratory testing. "Our professional staff of approximately 160 is, comprised of construction inspection personnel, structural, civil, and geotechnical engineers, geologists, land surveyors, and planners. Construction inspection personnel are degreed civil engineers, engineering geologists, and technicians certified in accordance with National Inspection for the Certification of Engineering technicians (NICET), Levels I to Ill, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Welding Society(AWS). Tectonic's Inspection and laboratory testing services are provided in accordance with all applicable ASTM and AASHTO guidelines in accordance with the requiremendr of ASTM @329, Standards and Recommended Practices of Inspection and Testing Agencies. Additionally, Tectonic's internal Testing Laboratory Is AASHTO Aocredked for Portland Cement Concrete and Portland Cement Concrate Aggregate methods of testing. We aro also participants in the biannual CCRL Laboratory Inspection Program. Plena return a signed copy of this agreement and the attached Rate Schedule, which includes the project terms and conditions, indicating your-acceptance and authorization to proceed: We look forward to having the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you require additional Information or 'If we can -be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. . OCT-etOC'f^07 �'g9� C3`13F;MOHOLD TOWN HALL 516 755 182q-'Q' 'gGE 12/12 TECTONIC ` ` ,��.. . Mr. David Glass, P.E. Page 4 September 9, 1999 Sincerely, TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.C. Mark A. Stier, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer FIIWPN199•6048outholdWaUngRw2.doo Attachments: Construction Rate Schedule with project Terms and Conditions Acceptance (Signature): Typed/Printed Name: Title(in print): Company (in print): Date: Dvirka dl! and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 Fax:516-364-9045 e-mail: db-engOworldnet.att.net May 14, 1999 Gregory Yakaboski, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall 59095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure General Construction D&B No. 1314 Dear r a oski: As your are aware, Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers (D&B) has begun preparation of the Construction Contract Documents for the capping and closure of the Southold Landfill. The purpose of this letter is to outline some of the requirements of the contract documents that we need to discuss early in the document preparation process. Legal Requirements Construction and Work Easements: One of the items needed for inclusion in the construction contract documents is "construction and work easements" on the north, south, east and west sides of the site. These easements are needed because the cap and limits of the waste abut the property lines of adjacent property owners. It is our experience that a minimum 40-foot easement is generally required in order to simplify construction and minimize the cost to the Town. There is one exception to the 40-foot requirement and that is on the south side of the site parallel to the property now owned or formerly owned by Arnold W. and Rolland Wilson and the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue. At that location we believe a 10-foot easement will be sufficient. The enclosed drawing shows the easements needed and the information we have on the property owners who will need to be contacted. Please advise as to how the Town will proceed on, obtaining these easements. Public Bidding: It is our understanding that the project will be publicly bid in conformance with applicable public bidding laws. We plan to prepare the contract documents so that the entire scope of work is awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Please verify whether award of the contract to a single prime contractor complies with the Wick's law. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. OVIRKA AND BARTI•CI • Gregory Yakaboski, Esq. Page 2 Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall May 14, 1999 Affirmative Action: We have not included requirements for subcontracting portions of the work to Local, Minority, Women-Owned, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises or other groups. Please verify whether any set-aside or other special programs apply to this contract. This information should be included in the agreement between the Town and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC) for Title 5 reimbursement. Bonds and Insurance: We will also send you a letter requesting instructions for bond and insurance requirements in a separate package. The bond and insurance package will contain several standard forms, including the standard general conditions. Please review the bond and insurance requirements of the standard general conditions. Project Labor Agreements: Please advise us whether this project is subject to a Project Labor Agreement, or any other legal requirements you are aware of that this letter does not address. Use of Standard Forms We plan to prepare the contract documents by customizing an integrated set of standard forms that we have developed for publicly bid municipal works. Please provide us with copies of any special forms that you wish to include in the contract documerift- at_ are required under applicable laws or regulations or Town of Southold practice. Important Contract Terms Selected important contract terms are highlighted in the following paragraphs. Pre-Bid Meeting: The Advertisement for Bids contains provisions for a pre-bid meeting. It is our understanding that a public owner may not reject a bid because a bidder failed to attend a pre-bid meeting. Nevertheless, we have found that pre-bid meetings (and subsequent minutes of the meetings) provide a useful format to address contractor concerns and many of our clients require them. Notice to Proceed: The contract documents measure time for substantial completion of the work from the date given on the Notice to Proceed. If you do not issue a Notice to Proceed, the contract time will not begin to run, and the contractor will not be under a time constraint to achieve substantial completion. Subcontracting: The Supplementary Conditions will fix the percentage of the total contract price that may be subcontracted out without Town of Southold written permission. On similar projects, we have found that subcontracting no more than 60 percent of the total contract price generally . OVIRKA AND BAATILUCCI Gregory Yakaboski, Esq. Page 3 Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall May 14, 1999 encourages qualified contractors to bid on the work while reducing the possibility that the contract will be "factored out" to third parties with little accountability for the quality of the work. This needs to be checked with your agreement with NYSDEC to be sure that they do not have a different minimum percentage. Separate Contractors: The "Work by Others" sections of the general condition makes each contractor responsible for coordinating its work with that of other contractors at the site. It limits the owner's liability for a contractor's failure to coordinate, and permits contractors to sue each other directly for damages caused by a failure to coordinate, if each contract that you enter into contains similar language. Hazardous Environmental Conditions: The risk of encountering unanticipated hazardous environmental conditions is on the owner. The owner is responsible for obtaining environmental permits and either rendering the affected area safe for the contractor to resume work or specifying the conditions under which the contractor may resume work. The contractor continues to be responsible for hazardous conditions that are caused by the contractor's operations. Differing Site Conditions: In its bid and in the agreement, the contractor represents that it has visited the site and is familiar with site conditions, and it has obtained carefully studied all reports and investigations furnished in, or with, the contract_docThe contractor also represents that no additional investigations are required. If the contractor encounters a subsurface or latent physical condition that differs materially from those indicated in the contract documents or generally recognized as inhering in the work, it may be entitled to a change order. Requests for change orders must be in writing and the contractor must comply with contractual notice provisions. No Damages for Dela: The contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for delays beyond the contractor's control is an extension of time equal to the time lost due to the delay. Liquidated Damages: Because of the difficulties and expense associated with proving actual damages due to the contractor's delay, we suggest incorporating liquidated damages provisions into the contract. The standard forms include such provisions. You must decide whether you prefer to seek liquidated damages or actual damages for contractor-caused delays before entering into any contracts. Liquidated damages, if reasonable and not a penalty, are generally enforceable instead of actual damages. With your input, we will develop reasonable amounts for liquidated damages for delays in substantial completion and final completion of the work. Dispute Resolution: The engineer is the initial interpreter of the requirements of the contract documents and claims, disputes and other matters referring to the acceptability of the work are OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Gregory Yakaboski, Esq. Page 4 Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall May 14, 1999 referred initially to the engineer. However, at present our standard contract documents do not contain a procedure for resolving disputes if the contractor protests the engineer's decision. Please advise us if you have established alternative dispute resolution procedures for contract disputes. Risk Allocation Matrix: The contract documents allocate the risks of certain events to the owner (such as hazardous environmental conditions) or contractor (failure to coordinate work with others). The enclosed risk allocation matrix sets forth various risks and summarizes how they are allocated in the standard forms. Follow-up I will call you in the next few weeks to set up a meeting to discuss this letter. Please feel free to call me at any time with any questions. Very trul yours, Thomas.F,_Maher, P.E. Vice Pres _ TFM/CFV/bl,ajm Enclosure cc: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor, Town of Southold James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, Town of Southold ♦1314/TFM05059GY.doc(R01) Nature of Risk Allocation Contract Ref. Contractor starts work without Notice to Proceed, Owner cancels contract Contractor GC 2.5 Owner forgets is issue NTP, contract time does not run Owner GC 2.4 Defects in Contract Documents Patent errors (contractor reasonable should have known) Contractor GC 2.6, 3.2 Contractor GC 3.2 Ambiguities (contractor must supply higher standard of quality) Contractor GC 3.2 Work reasonably inferred from Contract Documents Owner GC 3.2 Work not reasonably inferred form Contract Documents Owner fails to furnish site, easements Owner(time only) GC 4.1 Unforeseen physical conditions Owner GC 4.3 Underground utilities Shown on drawings, accuracy and completeness Contractor GC 4.4.1 Owner GC 4.4.2 Not shown or indicated Defects in material, equipment, methods Contractor GC 6.1 Unanticipated hazardous environmental conditions existing at site Owner GC 4.6 Contractor-caused hazardous environmental conditions Contractor GC 4.6 Changes in design, scope and quality Owner GC 8.5 .A Coordination of contractors `,','`;',;> Contractor GC 7.1 Permits Contractor GC 6.15 Compliance with laws and regulations Contractor GC 6.16 Site safety Contractor GC 6.21 Changes in law Contractor GC 6.16 Risk of loss to facility, contractor's property during construction Contractor GC 5.5 ♦1314/P0505901.doc Nature of Risk Allocation Contract Ref. Labor strikes, walkouts Time extension if beyond Contractor's control Owner GC 12.5 Contractor GC 12.5 Impact costs Costs of correction for breach of warranty Contractor GC 13.9 Impact costs of excusable delays Contractor GC 11.5 Sales and use taxes Contractor GC 6.17 Shop drawings or sample submittals Delay in approval Contractor GC 6.28 Owner GC 6.27 Engineer's slow turnaround GC Owner caused delays Time extension Owner GC 12.5 Contractor GC 12.5 Impact costs Contractor's negligence, correction of defective work Contractor GC 11.5.4 Acts and omissions of Subcontractors Contractor GC 6.10 Temporary loadings Contractor GC 6.19 ,a Damage to adjoining property Contractor GC 6.18 Escalation of labor or material costs due t excusable delays Contractor GC 11.1 Estimating errors Contractor GC 11.1 ♦1314/P0505901.doc DEC-09-98 15: SS FROM: ID. PACE S/8 d1Dvi rka and Q Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797.2015 516.364-9890 • 718-460-3634 Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-ang®woridnet.att.net October 29, 1998 Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B.No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: The purpose of this letter is to provide a scope of work and budget to perforin testing of the glass sand material being delivered to the landfill by Waste Management. This work will be conducted by our geotechnical subconsultant,Tectonic Engineering. The purpose of the testing is to determine the ,effort required by construction equipment to compact the glass sand to be used for general fill and contour grading material for landfill closure. The equipment used will be that expected during construction, such as bulldozers. The parameters that will be evaluated in the field include lift thickness, density and possibly moisture content if it varies too much from optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content and maximum dry density have already been determined by the Standard Proetot test method (ASTM D 698). This testing data will be the basis for measurements of dry density, moisture content and percent compaction achieved during the proposed field tests. Therefore, the tuaterial delivered and used for the test must be the same. One grain size sample will be obtained to verify the material is the same. In addition, one Modified proctor (ASOM D 1557) will be performed to provide data on percent compaction relative to the tY►wtnum dry density determined by this method, since it is more representative of the level of effort provided by models construction equipment. The proposed scope of work is as follows: Engineering • Review background data and define field test parameters • Direct field personnel • Review field test results and prepare brief letter report appending field data and summarizing findings A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. . DEC-09-98 15 55 FROM: 0 113:• PAGE 6/8 OVIAKA ANO BAW"LVCCI Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Page 2 Town of Southold October 29, 1998 Field Observation Testing • Perform one day of construction observation and field testing • Provide in-place nuclear density and moisture content tests • Prepare field logs of test results • Perform one(1) grain size,one(1) moisture content, and one (1) modified proctor test The budget to perform the scope of work described above is $2,000.00 based on the following breakdown of costs: Eneineering The fee to provide services for oversight based on one (1) day of field testing and report preparation is $1,170.00. Field Observation and Testing The fee to provide field observation and testing based on one 12-hour day Is as follows: 1. Field Observation $540.00 2. Use of Nuclear Gauge 35.00 3. Grain Size(1) 50.00 4. Moisture Content(1) 5.00 5. Modified Proctor(1) 100.00 6. Out-of-Pocket Expenses 100.00 Subtotal $830.00 Additional Services During the last few months, D&B has provided additional landfill closure rtslated services to the Town in connection with securing alternate contour grading material and developing an optimal compost blend for growth of landfill cap vegetative cover. Pursuing and securing the use of alternate contour grading material, represents a significant cost benefit for the Town since purchase of thousands of cubic yards of general fill material required for landfill closure Is avoided. Additionally, the development of a compost blend for vegetative growth medium using the Town's yard waste compost will result in avoiding the cost of purchasing topsoil for the landfill cap. A description of the services provided is presented below. Securing alternate contour grading material has included: ,DEC-09-98 15 : 56 FROM: ID: � PACE 7/9 OVIRKA ANO BAATILUCCI Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Page 3 Town of Southold October 29, 1998 • Obtaining, reviewing and evaluating chemical and geotechnical test results from three potential sources: NY'CDEP Flushing Day Retention Facility Project, Waste Management glass sand, and NYCDEP City Island Subaqueous Force Main Project (Eastchester Bay). • Preparing applications for NY'SDEC approval of the Flushing Bay material, Glass Sand and Eastchester Bay material). Approval has been successfully received for all three materials for the specific use (i.e., contour grading material for closure of the Southold Landfill). • Preparing provisions for agreements between the Town and the material suppliers for the delivery of glass sand and the Eastchester Hay material. An agreement has been reached with Waste Management for delivery of glass sand to the landfill. Developing a compost blend and seed mixture for growth of landfill cover vegetation has included: • Obtaining nutrient analyses (performed by the Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratories) for two (2) compost soil blends to determine recommended fertilizer and pH adjustment requirements. • Developing specifications for a seed mixture suitable for growth on the compost blend and as a landfill cover,based on the results of the nutrient analysis. • Preparing a letter providing recommendations to the Town for two (2) test plots to verify the nutrient and seed mixture recommendations. Obtaining seed mixture for the test plot program and providing technical support for implementation of the program. The total cost associated with the additional services required to secure alternate contour grading material and developing an optimal compost blend and seed mixture is approximately $10,000. We suggest the addition of$5,000 for a total of$13 000 for this task in ordeit to continue pursuit of additional sources of material which will reduce the Town's cost for closure of the landfill. As a result of our efforts, if the alternate materials are obtained at no cost to the Town, based on a typical price of $5/cy for general fill, the Town could realize a cost savings of up to $400,000 for contour grading material. and more if topsoil is considered. In summary, the total additional fee being requested for the above engineering services is as follows: • Glass sand compaction testing- $2,000 I?EC-09-99 15 : 56 FROM: 9 ID: PACE 9/9 OVIAKA ANO WAPMLUCCI Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Page 4 Town of Southold October 29, 1998 • Securing alternate contour grading material and developing compost blend and grass seed mix - $15,000 If you have any questions with regard to this letter, or would like to meet to discuss these items, please do not hesitate to call me. Since the landfill is presently receiving the glass sand which can be used in the near future to fill the former scavenger waste lagoons,expeditious approval of this work is important. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/scs cc: A. Hussie (Town of Southold) J. Bunchuck(Town of Southold) ♦1314(TTM10288JWQR03) -DEC-09-98 iS: 34 FROM: • ID= • PACE 3/8 ,j''� /�J j�/ /� REfIoNA�OFRICES ���1./ �6//V Atb/ ENGlN�E141NG LGmam.flow*wry 314-781-1630 Auburn. amhussa SOO-SM-7144 CONSULTANTS PC. IN"chw«,Ohio 513.759-4600 PO.Box 447.915 Routs 32 Fax NO. 914.929.8211 H,gfltand Mills. Now York 10970 911.929-0531 Wm. F. Cosulich Associates, P.C. 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, New York 11797.2015 Attention: Mr. Thomas Maher, P.E. June 3, 1998 RE: PN-198-279 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS SOUTHOLD LANDFILL SOUTHOLD, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Dear Mr. Maher: In accordance with your request we are providing you with this proposal to provide geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced project. The Scope of Services includes performing a settlement analysis. Our proposal is presented as follows. 1.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Review the landfill closure design drawings and all available design data and existing subsurface information. 1.2 Using up to 2 cross sections and areal estimates of the waste subject to settlement, determine the volumetric dimensions and estimate densitites of the waste subject to settlement. 1.3 Perform a settlement analysis of primary and secondary (consolidation) settlement identifying the maximum short term and potential long tern settlement which might occur. 1.4 Prepare a letter report describing the parameters used and results of the settlement analysis. 2.0 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICES 2.1 Client shall provide the following: a. The plan area of the waste subject to settlement. b. The nature and composition of wastes In the area of potential settlement. C. Boring, test pit, and other subsurface data of soil, rock and groundwater conditions. CIVIL •GEOTECNNIC.AL •STRUCTURAL ENGINES^S DEC-09-99 IS : S4 FROM: ID: • PACE 4/9 TECTONIC Mr. Thomas Maher 2 June 3, 1998 d. Site grading plans showing existing and proposed conditions. e. All related investigation and design reports. 2.2 No fieldwork or testing is assumed as part of our services. 3.0 FEE Our fee for performing the above-described Scope of Services shall be $2,000.00 Additional Services, if requested, shall be charged in accordance with the following unit rates: Managing Principal $ 120.001hr Chief Engineer 110.00/hr Senior Engineer III 85.00/hr Senior Engineer II 75.00/hr Staff Engineer III 52.50/hr Staff Engineer II 47.50/hr Staff Engineer I 40.00/hr Please return a signed copy of this Agreement and an initialed copy of the General Terms and Conditions of Agreement indicating your acceptance as authorization to proceed with the work. We look forward to assisting you and should you have any further questions, please call me. Sincerely, TECTONIC E NEERING CONSULTANTS, P.C. Thomas J. Critelli, P.E. Chief Goetechnical Engineer PTS/File 61PN188-279(c) ACCEPTANCE: DATE: TITLE: DEC-09-9@ 35: 53 FROM: , ID= PACE 1/8 Post-it" fax Note %6%I UWi 1.1 `Q 144,460 To Fro" Dvirka C a n d Phono N Phd»N r r 0 Rartiluccl Fax 7 �-- •x r CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive.Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9990 9 718-460-3634 • Fax-516.3"9045 e-mail: db-engmworldnet.an.net June 10, 1998 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314-F Dear Supervisor Cochran: In response to the NYSDEC's comments on the preliminary landfill closure grading plan, in which they requested a minimum 4% surface slope and capping of the former scavenger waste lagoons, the grading plan was revised. The revisions, however, resulted in a substantial increase in the quantities of fill and contour grading material which would be required, on the order of approximately 36,000 yd3 and 26,000 yd3 to fill the former lagoons and achieve a 4% slope on the western portion of the landfill, respectively (for a combined total of approximately► 62,000 yd3 of required fill material). At an estimated unit cost for general fill material of$12/yd (installed)62,000 yd3 equates to approximately $750,000 which is a substantial cost. As a result of this cost, D&B contacted the NYSDEC to determine whether in light of these findings the concepts put forth in the initial grading plan (i.e., 2% slopes and not filling in the lagoons)could be reconsidered. NYSDEC has indicated that this-is a possibility, but that additional information is required to assess this request including further characterization of the former lagootu, and drainage and settling evaluations to support the use of 2% slopes. As a result, we have prepared the following description of suggested activities to obtain the information required by NYSDEC. I. In order to determine whether solid waste has been buried in the former lagoons, test pit excavation is required. We have assumed that the Town will provide the labor and equipment for test pit excavation and D&l3 will provide for ovetsight, visual characterization and logging of test pit excavations. The estimated tirne to complete this work is one(1)day and the cost for D&B's labor and expenses is$900. 2. In order to characterize the approximately 33,000 yd3 of soil which lies been stockpiled at the landfill and evaluate it for future use in connection with closure construction, in particular for suitability with respect to drainage on 2% slopes, geotechnical Analyses are required. D&B will collect up to four(4) samples of the stockpiled material for analysis A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. DEC-09-98 1 S: S 3 FROM* ID PACE 2/8 CVIAKA ANC 9APTILUCCI Jean Cochran, Supervisor page Two Town of Southold June 10, 1998 for the following parameters: grain size (ASTM D422), constant head permeability (ASTM D2434), modified proctor (ASTM D1557) and direct shear strength (ASTM D3080). The estimated cost for the geotechnical analysis of four (4) samples is $2,840 and the cost for D&B's labor and expenses is$800. 3. In order to perform the settlement analysis requested by NYSDBC to support the use of 2% slopes, a proposal has been obtained from our geotechnical subconsultant, Tectonic Engineering Consultants, which is presented as Attachment A. As indicated, Tectonic's cost to complete the proposed scope of services is$2,000. 4. In addition, as part of this effort, test pit excavation is recommended in the northwest corner of the site since the extent of buried waste has not been completely characterized in this area. The cost for this effort is included in Item 1 above. 5. In order to evaluate the drainage properties of subsurface soils in the area of the former waste lagoons, being considered for use as a possible recharge basin, as well as in the northwest corner of the landfill where construction of a recharge basin Is also being considered, advancement of two(2) soil borings with continuous split spoon sampling from ground surface to the water table is required. Again we have assumed that the Town will provide the labor and equipment for soil boring construction and D&D will provide for oversight and visually characterizing and logging the samples. The estimated time to complete this work is one(1) day and the cost for D&B's labor and expenses is $800. The total cost for this work, including labor, expenses and geotechnical laboratory analyses is $7,200. The results of this work will be incorporated into the Landfill Closure plan. Since the results of this work are necessary to continue preparation of the Closure Plan, we recommend completing it as soon as possible. We are prepared to undertake this work during the week of June 15, 1998 with your approval. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter,please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890. Very truly yours, J Thomas F. Maher,P.R. TFM/DSGnd Vice President cc: A.Hussie(Town of Southold) D.Glass(D&B) 0 13141TPM98-091TR(R04) x. .. SEP--29-913 15 : 32 FROM: . I131 649045 PAGE t/t Post-it•Fax Note 7671 l TO Frost dIani Ph"*« bCONSULTING Bartirucci ax#ENGINEERS 330 C(oftways Park Drive,Woodbury,Ivow y0dr, 11797-2016 516.364-9890 0 718-460-3634 Fax:516.364-9045 e-mails db,-eng®worldnet,ay.not August 20, 1998 Jean W,Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: In preparation of the Closure Plan, we utilized the latest topographic trap for the Southold Undiiil which was prepared in 1995. Although we do not expect significant settlement of the latWAU ifift1+ � according to Jim Bunchuck some changes in landfill elevation may have taken pia o jiill particular as a result of placement of construction and demolition debris,and peJrhiiio soift j*00h* . ;4. In order to ensure that elevations have not changed signific intly,which possibly dt uld itft 0 plan and quantities of material required for grading, it would be prudent to oWili I map of the landfill.The cost of the map, including a fly-oWt,swill pho*fto ad a scale of I inch-40 feet with 2-foot contours(Aerographies, Ino.)is$4,635, 'l`ltif coli dd>� 1 surveying if the previous control elevations need to bt resurveyed. It {3 my st4011';to ifiti topographic map be prepared within the next 30 to 45 days. If you have any questions with regard to this letter, or require additional intb t itiot pkNwlid of hesitate to call me. Very truly yours Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM/tam ti cC: Alice Hussie,Councilwoman James Bunchuck,Solid Waste Coordinator 01314/TFN498.27-LTR(R02) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES.P.C. YOUNG&YOUNG Planning, Engneeting&Land Sutveying 400 Oshandet AvenueTwapwm(516)727-2303 Riverhead, New Yotk 119C(OPY01 E4aswIIe(516) 727-0144 HOWARD W.YOUNG,Land Swveyer T140MM C.WOLKRT,hoFes eml Enjoneer KENNETH F.ABRUZZO,Lend Surveyor JOHN SCHNURR,L*W Surveyor October 12, 1998 Mr. Bill Crawbuck Geomaps International 395 Central Avenue Bethpage, New York 11714 Re: Town of Southold At Cutchogue, T/O Southold, New York (98-0616) Dear Bill: Enclosed is the Ground Control for the above referenced project. Please note that control point number seven (7) was the only original cross that we were able to find. Our vertical datum for this project is based upon a closed loop traverse from a USGS Benchmark. It appears that there is an approximate 0.8 foot difference from Van Tuyls datum and Young& Young's datum. Since we have provided the client with elevations based upon our level run, we have used this system to provide you ground control elevations. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contract our office. Very truly yours, Kenneth F. Abruzz0 KFA/dn Encl. cc: /Jim Bunchuck Project: 980616 Fri Oct 09 11: 36: 53 1998 Northing Easting Elevation Description --------------------------------------------------- 19587.2859 20804.9743 58.98 CROSS 1 20273.2351 19583.5831 60.95 CROSS 2 20843.3224 18591.7257 51.18 CROSS 3 19820.1235 17849.0286 58.95 CROSS 4 18468.7481 18920.9621 47.91 CROSS 6 17873.5562 19894.0605 44.48 CROSS 7 / ,. ''� / iiV .•---��. � `�'' �,//rte 1 �" _ _ _ _ ^, ,(' I , 01 ------ ------------ 7N, - 7N, co II - to / O 4'r. / i' • 4� / - o INTEONAI/ONAI TARGET LAYOUT HORIZONTAL POINT VERTICAL POINT SCALE: 1" � 0 YOUNG&YOUNG 0 Planning, Eng)neering&Land Suweying 400 O*ander Avenue Telethons(S16)727-2909 Rivethead, New Yotk 11901 Eaelwk(S18) 727-0144 HOWARD W.YOUNG,Land Swayer T140MM C.WOLPERT,h t wenel Ergneer KENNETH E.ABRUZZO,Lend Surveyor JOHN WHNURR,Lend Survew VIA FAX & REGULAR MAIL July 17, 1998 Mr. Jim Bunchuck Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD at Cutchogue, T/O Riverhead, New York (97-0763) Dear Mr. Bunchuck: Pursuant to your request, enclosed is the itemized invoice for your use. Very truly yours, j-�G'W GuG� (,OVCU-qr Howard W. Young HW /na Encl. �! 0 r July 17, 1998 ATTACHMENT TO INVOICE NO. 14803 Professional services rendered from November 14, 1997 through December 31, 1997 in conjunction with preparation of Title Survey. 2-Man Field Crew 63.5 Hrs. @ $ 120.00/1-1r. _ $ 7,620.00 Computer Operator 12.0 Hrs. @ $ 75.00/Hr. _ $ 900.00 CAD Operator 22.0 Hrs. @ $ 85.00/Hr. _ $ 1,870.00 Principal 1.0 Hr. @ $ 110.00/Hr. _ $ 110.00 Senior Surveyor 9.0 Hrs. @ $ 100.00/Hr. = $ 900.00 Total - $11,400.00 hMirka and CONSULTING Bai tilucci ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng0worldnet.att.net August 20, 1998 Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: In preparation of the Closure Plan, we utilized the latest topographic map for the Southold Landfill which was prepared in 1995. Although we do not expect significant settlement of the landfill since 1995, according to Jim Bunchuck some changes in landfill elevation may have taken place since 1995, in particular as a result of placement of construction and demolition debris, and perhaps some regrading. In order to ensure that elevations have not changed significantly, which possibly could affect the grading plan and quantities of material required for grading, it would be prudent to obtain a current topographic map of the landfill. The cost of the map, including a fly-over, aerial photograph and topographic map at a scale of 1 inch=40 feet with 2-foot contours(Aerographics, Inc.) is $4,635. This cost does not include surveying if the previous control elevations need to be resurveyed. It is my suggestion that this topographic map be prepared within the next 30 to 45 days. If you have any questions with regard to this letter, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM/tam cc: Alice Hussie, Councilwoman James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator 01314/TFM98-27.LTR(R02) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. FL I co EE ST'EST I-ABORATORIES, INC. VWROMMENTAL 77-197,W- S?4EFelELD AVE. ON. 9ABY LON N.V. 117030 (51.01422,!!7779 1:AX5516) 429-5770 T IZZ::-jtij`:Jd t;v!d, 1071 734_7C-85 PRICT QUOTATION No. TP, SOU060898 'job., Analysis -Aftlysis Doscription OTY SC011S 115t A AAica`: ast:--Aes; irclUdeS 80 cc-nipoluds 0,'I EPA Methcd 531, A A�,­,-J-, including 2.4-D. F!c-ioram., 2. ,5-T r i^ J 0mosa.b penlachlompl-,enol, 2:4 5-T M other cCDHS list are Mt ircluded in an2lyslsl PA d 55 incudes ai', colrpcurd SCDHS 07, 508, & 7,04 St. EPA MethMs 5 11 r inp,,t 0 ctai. EPA Method 5114. N"Ietais. i�CiUdes all r, ows or SGDHS list except Th, orium, StardiardiMorcianiCS: includes all ittrns or, SCOIHS vst- 0-rgirics: includes alt compounds rr SCODHS exce,,,, Prcrrjaci! and Prometor, EPA Methods 525 and W"A2 TOTAL, 1 920 ism B serv;,ce avaiiatle at $95,00 7 is*,;TC.Wde" sample ccntsiners, ccojers are shipping of MMA to flort'!r Ui- ­jmiaround Time is Or:olo Two Weeks. usinOWDay Ti.;rraround Time 00%, Surcharge Busihess-DaY Tu-maround Time y90% S,;r'Ihstge 3"5usinew0ey Txnaroi.-nd Time 10%, Surcharge 1,*AkI.Director FAX TO, 7, 324-7976 I Y 1 I E. ALTERNATIVE' ESTEWATED ! CONSTRUCTION COST Western Flat Portion of the Landfill Geomembrane Liner'' 2,757,000 Asphalt Surface 2,978,000 i 10"5 cm/sec Clay-Soil Cap'" 3,582,000 Landfill Reclamation 16,537,000 Eastern Elevated Portion of the Landfill Geomembrane Liner''` Over Entire Area 2,581,000 I ` Geomembrane Liner" on Plateau and 2,?69,000 ! Evapotranspiration Cover on Side Slopes i Evapotranspiration Cover Over Entire 1,977,000 Area i i 10' cm/sec Clay-Soil Cap- Over Entire 3,230.000 i Area i 10"' cm/sec Cay-Soil Cap- on Plateau and 2,813,000 Evapotranspiration Cover on Side Slopes i Landfill Reclamation 23,339,000 Couid also comprise a Geosynthetic Clay Liner(GCL). i "includes landfill closure variances as contained :n the Stipulation Agreement_ r ........... X...X .: �.� :.:::.:`1 .......:: :: ...... ..... . . .... . �. Estimated: Closure Element: Units Unit Price_ Total Price Quantities: Contour Grading Material-General 98,000 CY 8.00 784,000 Fill(4%grade) Geotextile Between General Fill and 68,000 SY 1.50 102,000 Gas Venting Layer Gas Venting Layer(12") 23,000 CY 12.00 276,000 Textured HDPE Geomembrane Liner 68,000 SY 7.00 476,000 Gas Vents 15 EA 3,000.00 45,000 Barrier Protection Layer(12") 23,000 CY 12.00 276,000 Vegetative Soil Layer(6") 12,000 CY 14.00 168,000 Erosion Control Blanket 68,000 SY 1.50 102,000 Hydroseeding 68,000 SY 0.50 34,000 Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3,500 LF 20.00 70,000 Perimeter Road 4,000 LF 12.00 48,000 Toe Drains (4"diameter) 4,000 LF 4.00 16,000 Contingency(15%) 360,000 1 1 Total Estimated Construction Cost 2,757,000 SQ1QLD 1�1rF; FI1JIk ........... ............... ................ ......... . ....... Estimated Closure Element Quantities. Units Unit Price Total Price Contour Grading Material- General /50,000 CY 8.00 400,000 Fill(2% grade) Subbase Material-Aggregate(6") 23,000* TN 60.00 1,380,000 Asphalt Surface(6") 23,000* TN 30.00 690,000 Gas Vents 15 EA 3,000.00 .45,000 Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3,500 LF 20.00 70,000 Contingency(15%) 388,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 2,973,000 *Approximately 12,000 cy +i:141HS02?601.D0C(R02) -�- fii.'i-Yi.}•`{:::v��::::'isii?ii:i':tii::i!;;';j::<::ii:L(::"::i:<:%:} :`::;::::{:i:?4L:�i:i:iv:`:�'i::::ii :•'.:::r::!i'::':•: :::i'.i::ii:::::::.:•':::::::_ryii:<i=::it:i:ii•:\:iii'ri::i:ii'ii::::i:i4t <:. i'+i;..: :�':::.:"'..i'ii}:::ijii:::i':i;Y.::ii:'{'{iiifj;?::;kii;}::iSiii}1}::i}}:i::}.:i :: ... ■e,�■,Y�� •' .i:::.:':i?'n..:.:.:.:. }}}iii:::i:i::::::ii}:is ii::i,+.,:.iiiiii:i!}:•i:i:ii`.:i:ti•::i i::i::nii i::i::i +.... . :ii}i`:iv:::isisi::}ijii�v :.::..... ;::i::':?. :'i:: f `}..:�.::: i::::}:i."�i'i ii;;>::i':'{:i:::iL:>:::i.'jiii::ii':.:::i:;:i:::: ......... ..... ..:...::.�:.:.�::::.:.. . ..:. ':. .}. :. .::. -. .: ..:::.....f v:.;iiii;:i::ii:•i:':ii..........•:.::;i::i::ti,+.i.':ii::!i;:i:d<:iy;i'.:;.:::;::•;>:: <v:::/dP':.?'.v:{:-}}i}.;•'.+?;vi:-i}i}:i4:v:4i:vi::•i::i::::::::v::::::::.�::::::::::::<:.::::;'.: :.;:.::.;?ii}i?;;;i:::.::.:.::::::::.i':r:::.�::;:..}:.:.:.....:n_::::::.....:.......:......:.v..' ., ��;xl`L`R�•._� •?.••� .'�:i.�::'.,'isiiijjii'ri:i'iviv'ilii:`v:ii.i ;:i":::}�i:i�i+{i;{:iiiii:::::?f':: •}'.?:i'.y..}•?:::. :...:::.�:::.�::::::..:::::.......:..:.:.:n�:::::::::::::.v w::::::::::w::::::::y:::.;......�v:.•::iy:^:•}:}?};"v:;v'•}:ii'v;i}i:v}:-}}i}.:-:i:::r;v}. ::::.:::::::::::v::.�:::::::n}i:::ti?}>?ii}}i?:•?:vii:r}i}i`:v.......v:v-::::::::•:-::::}:?i}}}::}::.\•:.�:•::::::::}}:v.v:'•;.�•}v::::::x::::::::::::::. :Y\{ifiyi;: :iiiiiiiiiii:•r:iiiii:iiv!r:•ilii:'i?i?:ti:::{ti::ti:-':i:ivii:}:-:i:::jvii:Jiiiii}:4iii:•fii}i viii:::_';':i:i::ii:l;:L; ::i`:ii:iiiii i;:i:: Estimated- Closure Element.; Units. Unit.Price: Total Price Quantities.. Contour Grading Material-General 98,000 CY 8.00 784,000 Fill (4% grade) Geotextile Between General Fill and 68,000 SY 1.50 102,000 Gas Venting Layer Gas Venting Layer(12") 23,000 CY 12.00 276,000 10"' cm/sec Clay-Soil Cover(18'� 35,000 CY 30.00 1,050,000 Gas Vents 15 EA 3,000.00 45,000 Barrier Protection Layer(18")* 35,000 CY 12.00 420,000 Vegetative Soil Layer(6'� 12,000 CY 14.00 168,000 Erosion Control Blanket 68,000 SY 1.50 102,000 Hydroseeding 68,000 SY 0.50 34,000 Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3,500 LF 20.00 70,000 Perimeter Road 4,000 LF 12.00 48,000 Toe Drains(4"diameter) 4,000 LF 4.00 16,000 Contingency(15%) 467,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 3,582,000 *18" Barrier Protection Layer required for freeze-thaw protection. +1314NH107'501.DOC(R02) _;_ .................... ............... x:r Estimated CIosure Element:,... Units.: Unit.Price. Total Price Quantities Reclamation 488,000 TN 15.00 7,320,000 Residual Disposal(15%) 73,000 TN 70.00 5,110,000 Backfill - General Fill* 195,000 TN 10.00 1,950,000 Contingency(15%) 2,157,000 I Total Estimated Construction Cost 16,537,000 *Assumes 60% reclaimed soil +i 31,V.H 10=.501.00C:8021 ...,-... ....._,.:. .,.,.,.yam.• .eh...��i'i. 0 :.;.. .... :::;.:. .......... 04:.»>: ::::>.: . .....:.. : r ��°....Falt# y" �E:...:.:.........tai'"`' :: ..:....::...:............ ......::.. Estimated: Closure Element:: Units Unit:Price._ Total.Price: Quantities. Grading to Achieve 3:1 Side Slopes 26,000 CY 2.00 52,000 Grading to Achieve 4%Plateau Slope 33,000 CY 2.00 66,000 Contour Grading Material-General 13,000 CY 8.00 104,000 Fill(6'� Geotextile Between General Fill and 76,000 SY 1.50 114,000 Gas Venting Layer Gas Venting Layer(12'� 26,000 CY 12.00 312,000 Textured HDPE Geomembrane Liner 76,000 SY 7.00 532,000 Gas Vents 16 EA 3,000.00 48,000 Geocomposite(side slopes>_3:1) 31,000 SY 6.00 186,000 Barrier Protection Layer(12") 26,000 CY 12.00 312.000 Vegetative Soil Layer(6") 13,000 CY 14.00 182,000 Erosion Control Blanket 76,000 SY 1.50 114,000 Hydroseeding 76,000 SY 0.50 38,000 Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3,500 LF 20.00 70,000 Perimeter Road 4,000 LF 12.00 48,000 Toe Drains (4" diameter) 4,000 I LF 4.00 16,000 Drainage Swales. Downchutes and 1.000 LF 50.00 50,000 Drains Contingency(15%) 337,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 2,581,000 .......... ...... .. S€�IIZ' H�LI LANDiIuL ,,4IN �A�'U�'1�A€�1�PIR�i�`�4�f�€� R Ql�STB1��A, 3P1�S Closure Element Estimated:Quantities Units. Unit Price Total Price Plateau Grading to Achieve 4%Slope 33,000 CY 2.00 66,000 Contour Grading Material-General 8,000 CY 8.00 64,000 Fill (6") minimum Geotextile Between General Fill and 49,000 SY 1.50 74,000 Gas Venting Layer Gas Venting Layer(12") 16,000 CY 12.00 192,000 Textured HDPE Geomembrane Liner 49,000 SY 7.00 343,000 Gas Vents 10 EA 3,000.00 30,000 Barrier Protection Layer(12'� 16,000 CY 12.00 192,000 Vegetative Soil Laver(6") 8,000 CY 14.00 112,000 i Erosion Control Blanket 49,000 SY 1.50 74,000 Hydroseeding 49.000 SY I 0.50 25,000 Side Slopes I Grading to Achieve 3:1 Slope :6,000 CY 2.00 52,000 High Organic - Moisture Retention 27,000 CY 18.00 486,000 Soil Layer(36") Erosion Control Blanket 27,000 SY 1.50 41,000 High Transpiration Vegetation 27.000 SY 2.00 I 54,000 I j Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3.500 LF i _0.00 I 70,000 Perimeter Road 4.000. LF I 12.00 48,000 Drainage Swales, Downchutes&Drains I 1.000 I LF I 50.00 i 30.000 Contingency(15%) 296.000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 2,269,000 '.HIO__SOI.DCC;RO_T _'- � Q> 1 > > :A RKA OX Estimated: Closure Element. Units Unit:Price. Total Price i Quantities i Grading to Achieve 3:1 Side Slope 26,000 CY 2.00 52,000 High Organic- Moisture Retention 78,000 CY 18.00 1,404,000 Soil Layer(36") Erosion Control Blanket on Side 27,000 SY 1.50 41,000 Slope i High Transpiration Vegetation 27,000 SY 2.00 54,000 i Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3,500 LF 20.00 70,000 Perimeter Road 4,000 LF 12.00 48,000 Drainage Swales, Downchutes and 1,000 LF 50.00 50.000 Drains i Contingency(15%) 258,000 i Total Estimated Construction Cost 1,977,000 St7>l .f�L-D E '11`1�R�.E� IAEI AILTALA'S-Sfa Off.E1`'fi'1GIRE Estimated Units Unit Price Total Price Closure Element Quantities Grading to Achieve 4% Slope on 33,000 CY 2.00 66,000 Plateau Grading to Achieve 3:1 Side Slope 26,000 CY 2.00 52,000 Contour Grading Material - General 13,000 CY 8.00 104,000 Fill (6") minimum Geotestile Between General Fill and 76,000 SY 1.50 114,000 Gas Venting Layer � 26,000 CY 12.00 312,000 Gas Venting Layer(1..�°) 10' cm/sec Clay-Soil Cover(18") 39,000 CY 30.00 1,170.000 � Gas Vents 16 EA 3,000.00 48,000 I I Barrier Protection Layer(18")* 39,000 CY 12.00 468.000 Vegetative Soil Layer(6") 13,000 CY 14.00 182,000 i Erosion Control Blanket 76,000 SY 1.50 114,000 Hydroseeding 76,000 SY 0.50 38,000 Storm Water Culverts or Swales 3, 00 LF 20.00 70,000 Perimeter Road 4.000 I LF 12.00 48.000 Toe Drains (4" diameter) 4.000 LF I 4.U0 16,000 I Drainage Swales, Downchutes and 1.000 LF ! :0.00 I 30,000 Drains Contingency(13°10) I i 428.000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 3,280,000 *18" Barrier Protection Layer required for freeze-thaw protection. S� 3TH4LB IaiDl �ER4N ELEY'zS.'1 EM:M: �1€. ' R Y` E. I.� -SQH. '�' 4 ' 10 ASND EVQT`IkRa>r'EfNQR,«l'ri .SIPES Closure Element Estimated Units Unit Price Total Price. Quantities i Plateau Grading to Achieve 4%Slope 33,000 CY 2.00 66,000 Contour Grading Material-General 8,000 CY 8.00 64,000 Fill(6") Geotextile Between General Fill and 49,000 SY 1.50 74,000 Gas Venting Layer Gas Venting Layer(12") 16,000 CY 12.00 192,000 10'' cm/sec Clay-Soil Cover(18'� 24,000 CY 30.00 720,000 Gas Vents 10 EA 3,000.00 30,000 Barrier Protection Layer(18'x* 24,000 CY 12.00 288,000 Vegetative Soil Layer(6") 8,000 CY 14.00 112,000 Erosion Control Blanket 49,000 SY I 1.50 74,000 Hvdroseeding 49,000 SY 0.50 2),000 I Side Slopes Grading to Achieve 3:1 Slope 26,000 CY I 2.00 52.000 - Moisture Retention 27 000 CY 18.00 486,000 High Organic i Soil Layer(36") Erosion Control Blanket 27,000 SY 1.50 ) 41,000 High Transpiration Vegetation 27,000 SY 2.00 54,000 j Storm Water Culverts or SwaIes I 3,500 LF I 20.00 I 10,000 I I Perimeter Road ( 4,000 LF 12.00 48,000 Drainage Swales. Downchutes& Drains 1.000 i LF 50.00 50,000 i Contingency(154'0) 367,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost 2,813,0000 *18" Barrier Protection Layer required for freeze-thaw protection. __-i..�CC�0=; 50> O1I N ?F�€.I: -j iw:iLETX, 1. X.` E33 Closure ElemEstimated:.ent Quantities Units: Unit Price Total.Price Reclamation 715,000 TN 15.00 10,725,000 Residual Disposal(15%) 107,000 TN 70.00 7,490,000 Backfill- General Fill* 208,000 TN 10.00 2,080,000 Contingency(15%) 3,044,000 i I I i i Total Estimated Construction Cost 23,339,000 *Assumes 60% reclaimed soil dIbDvirkif 4L andBartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbu , eW York, 11797-2015 516-364-9690 • 718.460-3634 ■ Fax:516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng0worldnet,att.net February 2, 1998 Alice Hussie - --- - _--_-- _ _ Town of Southold Post-It*Fax Note 7671 cele Town Hall 53095 Main Road T° ��7" Nuff 1c� From -Td,y P.O. Box 1179 c0�'' oc, h� Co. Phone k Phone M Southold, NY 11971 3l� -- 900 Fax k • ds- 6 �r Fax N e Re: Southold Landfill D&B No. 1314 Dear Ms. Hussie: This is a follow-up to our meeting on Monday, January 26, 1998, regarding the closure plan for the Southold Landfill. As discussed at the meeting, apparently there was a misunderstanding as to the intent of the grading plan which was prepared for the Town, The intent of this "rough" grading plan was to address the Town's request to determine an estimate of fill that would be required for contour grading material for closure of the landfill. This estimate would provide the Town with information regarding the amount of material that could be accepted at the landfill for the purpose of closure. This rough grading plan also would provide guidance to the Town for shaping the landfill for closure with its own forces, if it decides to undertake this effort. In addition, it provided some concepts for drainage, including drainage to the south and west. l4owever, given the uncertainty of the Town's plans for the Transfer Station and areas along the southwestern boundary of the landfill, we also considered, as a fall-back option, to dispose of drainage water through a subsurface piping system to the borrow area in the northeast corner of the landfill property. Tbe-play--that-vmg prepared- vas-mrintended-to-be-a-€tial-;-de4eiled-grading p d a na8e plar►,,b�t t l!id�•cIasur�,e nEEpt�tc_Obtain,feedba*frotw thLr, mvh. To address Hank Pope's comments, as we discussed, they would be applicable if the intent of our preliminary grading plan was to provide a final grading and drainage plan, which it was not. As 1 discussed with Hank, all of his comments would have been addressed (and will be addressed) in the preparation of the final grading and drainage plans. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P C, t c� •� SLoF SQL = i S - ---- - ---- ------ --fl fl OVIAKA AND®ARTIL.US0 Alice Hussie rage Two Town of Southold Town Hall February 2, 1998 Following our meeting, I felt that you were satisfied with the intent of the rough grading plan and that your and Hank's comments were considered and would be addressed. As we also discussed, prior to moving forward, soil borings will need to be constructed in potential areas for recharge basins in the southern and western portions of the site, and the ToNvn will need to decide if the current plan for the expanded Transfer Station will be modified to allow more space for a recharge basin, and if the Town requires any of the other areas of the landfill for equipment and materials storage, parking, etc. As I mentioned following our meeting on the above, we are concerned about the article in the Suffolk Times on January 22, 1998, which, although likely resulting from the misunderstanding of the intent of the rough grading pian, we feel was not correct. With regard to the area for the compost pad, as explained, we developed the size of the pad in discussion with Jim Bunchuck. However, as discussed at our meeting, if the Town requires additional area for composting, the pad easily can be enlarged to five acres, i re qtrl to coi.vnetit�._on drainege,,_as explained above and at oltr_..meeting,..-sur€awdr ' age would be directed to,the,southein.portion of-the an fill ro, of w ' e.drain "`�"--a-r..._--___ ._Pe __hal age-tci.the_north, if necessary, would,lZe ranted through subsurface 'lapin ich would not have "water running uphill" as stated„in the, ar ide, We would preclate tt if there could be a clarification provided to the media that would explain the context in which the statements were made and that. I assume, all of the Town's concerns were considered and would be addressed in the development of the construction drawings. If you have any questions or comments with regard to this letter, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, "Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President T Fwtam cc: Jean Cochran, Supervisor 1114lrFM98.0111 R(R02) f.►1 'd QL96 S91-P 9 T tm: a-IOH.LnoSHf H MEMORANDUMc� TO: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor U Town of Southold Grwr- ( FROM: Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers DATE: August August 25, 1997 SUBJECT: Meeting with NYSDEC Regarding Closure of Southold Landfill D&B No. 1314 The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the salient positions taken by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) regarding closure of the Southold Landfill at the meeting held on August 20, 1997. This meeting was attended by the following: Jean Cochran. Town of Southold Alice Hussie,Town of Southold Ruth Oliva,Town of Southold Laury Dowd Town of Southold Joseph Baier, Suffolk County Department of Health Services Michael Cahill, Sinnreich Wasserman Grubin& Cahill Robert Phaneuf,NYSDEC -Albany Robert Bazamick,NYSDEC -Albany Anthony Cava,NYSDEC - Stony Brook Matthew Epan,NYSDEC - Stony Brook Thomas Maher, Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Provided below are the issues discussed and the NYSDEC's position. Issue NYSDEC Position I. Use of evapotranspiration cover for Will not approve of this type of cover for the landfill cap (eastern area). the Southold Landfill because the landfill Post4t•Fax Note 7671 Date;4 - paw►J? .0 enme(.0 Co. t+6 Phone k Phone AUG-25-97 14 : 27 FROM: ID: 5163649045 PAGE 2/3 • Memorandum Page Two Jean Cochran, Supei,isor August 25, 1997 Issue NYSDEC Position 2. Use of asphalt for the landfill cap Will consider this type of cap pending (western area). submittal of an engineering report that will substantiate constructability; however, even if asphalt is suitable as a surface cover, a geomembrane under the asphalt is still required. The asphalt and sub-base material may be a substitute for the standard soil barrier protection layer (BPL) and vegetative growth layer. A specific variance request would be required for use of asphalt and a sub-base in place of a standard BPL and vegetative cover. 3. Use of processed construction and Use of C&D will be approvable under the demolition debris (C&D), as well liner for contour grading material. Glass as processed glass residue for will be approvable for gas venting layer if contour grading material, gas it meets Part 360 grain size requirements. venting layer and BPL. Glass also may be approvable for drainage layer as part of the BPL. C&D cannot be used as BPL above the liner. 4. Use of dredged sediment for Upland disposal Category 1 and 2 grading material and BPL. sediment (low degree of contamination) likely will be approvable. 5. Storage of C&D, glass residue, Would approve on a temporary basis compost material and dredge pending use for landfill closure. sediment on-site, including in the existing sand pit. 6. Capping of only plateau area and Side slopes would need to be capped in not steep side slopes on eastern addition to plateau. area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUG-25-97 14 .29 FROM: ID: 5163649045 PAGE 3/3 AUG-25-97 14 : 28 FROM: • ID: 5163fO45 PAGE 3/3 Memorandum Page Three ` Jean Cochran, Supervisor August 25, 1997 Issue NYSDEC Position 7. 2% grade on western area if asphalt Would prefer 4% grade (minimum grade were used in place of soil BPL and as specified in Part 360 for landfill vegetative layer. closure); however, likely would approve 2% grade to enhance usability of area. This would need to be addressed in engineering report for use of an asphalt cap in western area. 8. Separate Bond Act application for Would consider separate funding after construction of asphalt cover as receipt of application. If approved by part of a composting facility in NYSDEC, State would pay for 50% of the western area. asphalt cover in addition to the 50% (up to a maximum of $2 million) for general closure of the landfill. 9. Reduction in monitoring Will consider after a full year (four recommended in Closure quarters) of routine monitoring is Investigation Report completed. 10. Reduction of BPL from 24" to 12"; Would still approve these variances as replacement of topsoil with a previously agreed upon. vegetative growth medium (e.g., compost mixed with sand); replacement of gas venting layer and one gas vent per acre with 4 vents per acre; and increase in the percentage of fines passing the No. 200 sieve from 5%to 10%. TFM/tam 1314n'FM97-07.LTR(R02) /I-<X41 V d1Dvi rka and , O Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 • Fax:516-364-9045 February 25, 1997 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road,P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Landfill Gas Monitoring D&B 1314-G Dear Supervisor Cochran: At the request of Mr. James Bunchuk, additional off-site landfill gas monitoring was performed as a follow-up to the Closure Investigation to determine/confirm the potential for subsurface off- site gas migration at the landfill. Based on these results, which are described in detail in the attached memorandum, there are two areas where off-site landfill gas migration contravenes the NYSDEC Part360 requirements. As shown in the attached figure, these areas (shaded) are along the northwest boundary and eastern boundary. Based on observations which indicate that the gas venting trenches in these areas contain silt, rehabilitation of these trenches (removal of the silt) is recommended to improve venting capability. If you have any questions with regard to this letter or the attachment, please do not hesitate to call me. .v /truly yob �7 4 4- H Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM/tam -- Attachment -4- Q 1314(iFM97-04.LTR FS 2 v 1,99 A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. 7._. � i v: GVIRKA ANG BARTACI MEMORANDUM TO: Thomas Maher FROM: David Obradovich DATE: February 10, 1997 SUBJECT: Off-Site Migration of Explosive Soil Gas at the Southold Landfill On December 30, 1996, monitoring of explosive methane gas on and off-site at the Southold Landfill (refer to Figure 1)was performed. 1. Temporary off-site monitoring points #36 and #37, near the south-central portion of the site (near the scalehouse) were destroyed since the Landfill Closure Investigation, however, adjacent on-site points 2A and 3 (see Figure 1) did not indicate the presence of methane (0% LEL) on this date. As a result, points #36 and #37 were not reinstalled. Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area did not occur at the time of this investigation. 2. Temporary off-site monitoring point #44, near the northwest portion of the site (in the potato fields), was destroyed since the Closure Investigation, and adjacent off-site points #38 through 943 (see Figure 1) indicated the presence of methane at greater than 100% LEL on this date (#45 was saturated and an accurate reading could not be made). Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area occurred at the time of this investigation. 3. Temporary off-site monitoring point #46, on the east-central portion of the site, did not indicate any methane (0% LEL), however, adjacent on-site point #15D did indicate the presence of methane at greater than 100% LEL on this date. Based on these results, off- site migration of methane in this area did not occur at the time of this investigation. 4. Temporary off-site monitoring points #47 through #51, near the south-central portion of the site (at Corazinni's Asphalt Co.), were destroyed since the Closure Investigation, and as a result, six points (#47 through #52) in the same general area were reinstalled on December 30 (see Figure 1). Temporary monitoring point #47 was measured at a maximum of 23% LEL and a steady reading of 17% LEL; temporary point 948 (301/o LEL maximum, 7% steady); temporary point #49 (69% LEL maximum 65% steady); temporary point #50 (greater than 100% LEL); temporary point 1#51 (greater than 1001/6 LEL); and temporary point 52 (0% LEL). Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area occurred at the time of this investigation. DVIRKA AND BARTILU 1 • Thomas Maher Page Two February 21, 1997 Off-site migration of explosive methane gas was measured in excess of the NYSDEC Part 360 standard of 100% LEL (Part 360-2.17[f](l][ii]) for gases at or beyond the property boundary on December 30, 1996, at two of the four areas previously identified during the Closure Investigation. It should be noted that the methane trench has been almost entirely filled in on the east-central boundary of the site which may be the cause for off-site migration of explosive gas adjacent to temporary monitoring points #15G, 16 and 17. Although the methane trench exists adjacent to temporary monitoring points 11 E, 11 F, 11 G and 12A (and permanent monitoring point 12), the trench contains significant amounts of silt which has reduced the permeability of the trench and therefore its effectiveness to vent explosive gas. As a result of these findings, it is recommended that the methane gas venting trenches be rehabilitated, in particular where off-site measurements of explosive gas were 100%LEL. DWO •13141DW097-011TR(ROS) e I I aQF�� ---------- RO I� II ❑ ILGE141): -N—�— EXISTING FENCE LINE II --- PROPERLY LINE `-I APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF GAS II VENTING TRENCH -- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WHERE GAS VENTING TRENCH IS NOT VISIBLE DUE 10 EROSION AND/OR FILLING IN Q ® PERMANENT EXPLOSIVE GAS \ ❑ MON PORING POINT LOCATION I AIM IIFSIGNATION • TEMPORARY EXPLOSIVE GAS (I 15E MONIIORING POINT LOCATION (I �� ❑ • wMI'URARY ON-SIZE EXPLOSIVE GAS 1d MONITORING POINT LOCATION WITH PREVIOUS READINGS GREATER THAN 1 100% LEL (DURING THE FIRST TWO II ROUNDS CONDUCTED FOR THE PART mo 360 CLOSURE INVESTIGATION) II nl AMI3IEPI1 AIR MONITORING POINT LOCATION I FORMER BORROW :.• GREATER THAN 100% LOWER II AREA 14 EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (LEL) 14A 14B p DESTROYED 1 k 41 43�/ 12l /12C 12D 12E 12F 13 1 0 t'0 .IFFY I• • • 14C 118 00 IIA 11%yV 1E 11F// 10 12 _ 15A�� 2 It I --- METHANE VENTINGFORMER rn SCAVENGFR 1 \1 �� 11'BI TRENCH 100 WASTE FT.I LAGOONS— �/ p 5C 10A APPROXIMATE• I 15D-- X46 LIMITS OF I WASTE 15F \ 10 ;1 ( ELEVATED I LANDFILL AREA 15F APPROXIMATELY 300 FT. I �` ' 4 wrrrr1.52 _�'�• 8C ( 1d - ' 51 X 8F1 � ( I 1 17 ',--COMMERCIAL BI-LEVEL DROP-OFF I�\ STATION FOR RECYCLABLES BI► OVERHEAD 1 19 ELECIRIC _ LINES 8 ���� / DESTROYED- 20 DESTROYED- �� 20 78 3 O A 2 I —IIOUSEHOLD I IAZARDOUS WASTE 3A ` F CONTAINMENT FACILITY 7A • 7 7 C 23 22 _ WASTE OIL M S DESTR YED I 1A D ® STORAGE TANKS 5A 4A I 11 ' 4 I `U ,,p A2 COLLECIION CENTER 35 tJT STORAGE 0 (I Q (I 28 SCALE HOUSTON GARAGE �34 ---+F' 29 Q '� I I D C1 33 32 11 0 (COUNTY ROAD 48 ❑ ❑ ---�'�� ROAD I 4 I NORTO I 1 0 300 600 DIRECTORY: 1314 I FILE NAME: 1314-22 DATE: JRS 2-20-97 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SOUTHOLD LANDFILL EXTENT OF OFF--SITE EXPLOSIVE SOIL GAS 1.0 Dviika and Bartilucci GREATER THAN 100 LEL FIGURE 1 Consulting Engineers Cosulich Asso A Division of William F. ciates, P.C. 0 T �3 Dvirka d[ and O Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury,New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 Fax:516-364-9M February 25, 1997 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Landfill Gas Monitoring D&B 1314-G Dear Supervisor Cochran: At the request of Mr. James Bunchuk, additional off-site landfill gas monitoring was performed as a follow-up to the Closure Investigation to determine/confirm the potential for subsurface off- site gas migration at the landfill. Based on these results, which are described in detail in the attached memorandum,there are two areas where off-site landfill gas migration contravenes the NYSDEC Part 360 requirements. As shown in the attached figure, these areas (shaded) are along the northwest boundary and eastern boundary. Based on observations which indicate that the gas venting trenches in these areas contain silt, rehabilitation of these trenches (removal of the silt) is recommended to improve venting capability. If you have any questions with regard to this letter or the attachment, please do not hesitate to call me. V Y Y0� Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM/tam Attachment I- , Ct 1314/TFM97-04.LTR bltji FEB 2 61997 A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. GVIAKA AND BAATILUCCI MEMORANDUM TO: Thomas Maher FROM: David Obradovich DATE: February 10, 1997 SUBJECT: Off-Site Migration of Explosive Soil Gas at the Southold Landfill On December 30, 1996, monitoring of explosive methane gas on and off-site at the Southold Landfill (refer to Figure 1)was performed. 1. Temporary off-site monitoring points #36 and #37, near the south-central portion of the site (near the scalehouse) were destroyed since the Landfill Closure Investigation, however, adjacent on-site points 2A and 3 (see Figure 1) did not indicate the presence of methane (0% LEL) on this date. As a result, points #36 and #37 were not reinstalled. Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area did not occur at the time of this investigation. 2. Temporary off-site monitoring point #44, near the northwest portion of the site (in the potato fields), was destroyed since the Closure Investigation, and adjacent off-site points #38 through #43 (see Figure 1) indicated the presence of methane at greater than 100% LEL on this date (#45 was saturated and an accurate reading could not be made). Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area occurred at the time of this investigation. 3. Temporary off-site monitoring point #46, on the east-central portion of the site, did not indicate any methane (0% LEL), however, adjacent on-site point #151) did indicate the presence of methane at greater than 100% LEL on this date. Based on these results, off- site migration of methane in this area did not occur at the time of this investigation. 4. Temporary off-site monitoring points #47 through #51, near the south-central portion of the site (at Corazinni's Asphalt Co.), were destroyed since the Closure Investigation, and as a result, six points (#47 through #52) in the same general area were reinstalled on December 30 (see Figure 1). Temporary monitoring point #47 was measured at a maximum of 23% LEL and a steady reading of 17% LEL; temporary point #48 (30% . LEL maximum, 7% steady); temporary point #49 (69% LEL maximum 65% steady); temporary point #50 (greater than 100% LEL); temporary point #51 (greater than 100% LEL); and temporary point 52 (0% LEL). Based on these results, off-site migration of methane in this area occurred at the time of this investigation. OVIAKA AND BAATILUI • Thomas Maher Page Two February 21, 1997 Off-site migration of explosive methane gas was measured in excess of the NYSDEC Part 360 standard of 100% LEL (Part 360-2.17[f][l][ii]) for gases at or beyond the property boundary on December 30, 1996, at two of the four areas previously identified during the Closure Investigation. It should be noted that the methane trench has been almost entirely filled in on the east-central boundary of the site which may be the cause for off-site migration of explosive gas adjacent to temporary monitoring points #15G, 16 and 17. Although the methane trench exists adjacent to temporary monitoring points 11 E, 11 F, 11 G and 12A (and permanent monitoring point 12), the trench contains significant amounts of silt which has reduced the permeability of the trench and therefore its effectiveness to vent explosive gas. As a result of these findings, it is recommended that the methane gas venting trenches be rehabilitated,in particular where off-site measurements of explosive gas were 100%LEL. DWO ♦1314/DW097-01.LTR(R05) P ,^ 1 i • 1 •� ii � ROAD ii li ❑ LEGEND: i -"—* EXIST114G FENCE LINE II --- PROPERTY LINE II APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF GAS I I VENTING TRENCH -- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF WHERE GAS VENTING TRENCH IS NOT VISIBLE DUE 10 EROSION AND/OR FILLING IN Q PERMANENT EXPLOSIVE GAS (81 \ ❑ MONITORING POINT LOCATION I Al II) DI"SIGNATION •15E TEMPORARY EXPLOSIVE GASI( N. MONITORING POINT LOCATION • TEMPORARY ON-SITE EXPLOSIVE GAS le MONITORING POINT LOCATION WITH PREVIOUS READINGS GREATER THAN 100% LEL (DURING THE FIRST TWO D\ ❑ ROUNDS CONDUCTED FOR THE PART ii ❑ 360 CLOSURE INVESTIGATION) i i ❑�1 AI AMBIENT AIR MONITORING POINT LOCATION I FORMER. BORROW GREATER THAN 100% LOWER li AREA 14 EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (LEL) /� Q 14A 114B n DESTROYED I / r 1 4, 43 12 :C 12D 12E 12F 13 1 0 130 44 / • • 14C 118 t t n 11 Cy� 11F// 10 12 15A �� n 11E Z FORMER 1� � 1 � METHANE VENTING m SCAVENGER �� lt'B TRENCH WASTE LAGOONS 100 FT. 10/ i15C 1�/ APPROXIMATE I _ 46 -� 1 LIMITS OF i 15B 10 WASTE ELEVATED 15E LANDFILL AREA 15F APPROXIMATELY ( I 300 FT. 150 -- 9 4 2- •52 EICI e - 51 17 50 8B1 COMMERCIAL BI-LEVEL DROP-OFF ��� STATION FOR RECYCLABLES BA 19 EELECTRIC �..` LINES 78 i DESTROYED- I Al i� 20 3A 3 A 2-4 —HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE 7A • `` ---4.�4B 7 ` F CONTAINMENT FACILITY 23 22 Aa :5 DESTROYED I 1A` D ® WASTE ORAI GETANKS _._ _. 5A A p . - 4 I 1 t 2 A2 -COLLECTION CENTER 351 [� GARAGEE C] I I � 34 i i 219 (SCALE HOUSTION Q 2S, V I i O 33 2 tt 0 (COUNTY ROAD 48 �] ❑ pCn _- ' ROAD • I NORTH i `'� 0 300 600 f DIRECTORY: 1314 I I FILE NAME: 1314-22 DATE: JRS 2-20-97 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SOUTHOLD LANDFILL EXTENT OF OFF—SITE EXPLOSIVE SOIL GAS Dvirka and Be rtilucci GREATER THAN 100% LEL O Consulting Engineers GREATER 1 A Division of William F. Cosulich Associates, P.C. d1bDvirka �- and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 718-460-3634 Fax:516-364-9045 May 2, 1996 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 3 J Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southold Landfill - D&B 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: As a follow-up to our meeting on April 19, 1996, and the meeting with NYSDEC on April 25, 1996, regarding the use of C&D material (recycled concrete) for the base of the asphalt pad for the yard waste composting facility, and more general C&D (less sheetrock) for contour grading material for closure of the remaining portion of the landfill, we have prepared estimates of the quantity of C&D material that would be required for these applications. 1. Asphalt Pad Based on the planned dimensions of the pad (450' x 1,000') and a 6-inch base of "packed crushed stone or like material," the approximate volume of recycled concrete that could be used by the Town for construction of the base of the pad would be 8,500 cubic yards (cy) or 17,000 cy if the base was increased to 12 inches, which would not be unreasonable. This would equate to approximately 10,000 tons and 20,000 tons, respectively, based on an assumed weight of 2,500 lbs/cy for this type of material. 2. Contour Grading Material For the calculation of the volume of C&D material required for contour grading material, we looked at five different grading contours: two contours with a 4% grade, which is the basic minimum slope required by NYSDEC for landfill closure, and three contours with an 8% slope, which is not unreasonable to allow a factor of safety for settlement (see attached figures). Based on these grading contours, the quantity required for closure varies between a minimum of approximately 160,000 cy and a maximum of 330,000 cy. Based on an assumed weight of 1,500 lbs/cy, these volumes equate to 120,000 tons and 250,000 tons, respectively. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. OVIRKA AND BAATILA, • Jean Cochran, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold May 2, 1996 Note that, depending on the slope and location of maximum elevation of the graded landfill, the added height of the landfill after placement of the grading material would be the following: Contour Location of Added Alternative Fill (cy) Sloe % Maximum Height Height ft 1 310,000 4 Southern End 30 2 215,000 4 Center#1 15 3 160,000 4 Center#2 10 4 0,000 8 Center#1 30 33 5 240,000 8 Center#2 20 If you have any comments or questions with regard to the above, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. In addition, Tony Conetta had a chance to meet with Jim Bunchuck on April 23, to review operational conditions at the landfill, and he is in the process of developing ideas with regard to enhancing operations at the facility. As a suggestion, perhaps we could meet with you and Tim to discuss these ideas, as well as to discuss the use of C&D at the landfill as described above. If you would like, perhaps we could meet once a month to formulate plans for the landfill and assist the Town in implementing these plans. I will call you in a few days after you have had a chance to review this letter. Very truly yours, An I Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam w 1314rrRvf96-09.LTR AUG 27 '96 10:22AM SOUT,D TObJN HALL 516 765 1823 • F.1 7 dIDvirka _ and Q Bartllucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury,New York, 11797-2015 516-384.9890 718-460-3834 Fax:616-364-9045 May 2, 1996 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southold Landfill D&B 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran; As a follow-up to our meeting on April 19, 1996, and the meeting with NYSDEC on April 25, 1996, regarding the use of C&D material (recycled concrete) for the base of the asphalt pad for the yard waste composting facility, and more general C&D (less sheetrock) for contour grading material for closure of the remaining portion of the landfill, we have prepared estimates of the quantity of C&D material that would be required for these applications. 1. AARh&I PW Based on the nned dimensions of the pad (450' x 1,000') and a 6-inch base of "packed crushed stone or like material," the approximate volume of recycled concrete that could be used by the Town for construction of the base of the pad would be 8,500 cubic yards (cy) or 17,000 cy if the base was increased to 12 inches, which would not be unreasonable. This would equate to approximately 10,000 tons and 20,000 tons, respectively, based on an assumed weight of 2,500 lbs/cy for this type of material. 2. Contour Grading Material For the calculation of the volume of C&D material required for contour grading material, we looked at five different grading contours; two contours with a 4% grade, which is the basic minimum slope required by NYSDEC for landfill closure, and three contours with an 8% slope, which is not unreasonable to allow a factor of safety for settlement (see attached.figures). Based on these grading contours, the quantity required for closure varies between it minimum of approximately 160,000 cy and a maximum of 330,000 cy. Based on an assumed weight of 1,500 lbs/cy, these volumes equate to 120,000 tons and 250,000 tons, respectively. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. AUG 27 '96 10:23AM SOUTH TOIJhI HALL 516 765 1823 P.2 r DVIRKA AND 13AI4TILUCC1 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold May 2, 1996 Note that, depending on the slope and location of maximum elevation of the graded landfill, the added height of the landfill after placement of the grading material would be the following: Contour Location of Added Alternative F i�� lopelot Maximum Heig Height ft 1 310,000 4 Southern End 30 2 215,000 4 Center#1 15 3 160,000 4 Center#2 10 4 330,000 8 Center#1 30 5 240,000 8 Center 02 20 If you have any comments or questions with regard to the above, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. In addition, Tony Conetta had a chance to meet with Jim Bunchuck on April 23, to review operational conditions at the landfill, and he is in the process of developing ideas with regard to enhancing operations at the facility. As a suggestion, perhaps we could meet with you and Jim to discuss these ideas, as well as to discuss the use of C&D at the landfill as described above. If you would like, perhaps we could meet once a month to formulate plans for the landfill and assist the Town in implementing these plans, I will call you in a few days after you have had a chance to review this letter. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam A 1314/TFM96-09.LTR • i d1Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax:516-364-9045 April 16, 1996 Jean Cochran, Supervisor Town of Souiituld Town Hall - 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Cochran: Please find enclosed our request, dated March 4, 1996, to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), for changes to the Southold Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan, dated December 1995. The changes were requested primarily to preclude costly containment of purge water from the monitoring wells. As per the attached letter dated April 2, 1996, the NYSDEC has agreed to the changes requested by our office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (516) 364-9890. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/mb enclosure cc: J. Bunchuck .►1314\TFM96-07.LTR(RO 1) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. f Dvi rka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax:516-364-9045 March 4, 1996 Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineer NYSDEC Region 1 Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook,NY 11790-2356 Re: Southold Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: As a follow-up to a telephone conversation on March 1, 1996 between Mr. Keith Robins of my office and Mr. Mathew Eapen of your office, we request the following changes in the Southold Landfill Closure Work Plan dated December 1995. These changes pertain to Section 3.2.1 of the work plan: 1. Since a low volume (approximately 10 gallons) of purge water is needed to be evacuated from a shallow well, we request approval to purge shallow wells utilizing a disposable polyethylene bailer instead of a 2-inch diameter submersible pump, as an option. 2. In order to save a substantial amount of money, we request approval to discharge purge water from the monitoring wells in the immediate vicinity of the wells. Results from previous groundwater sampling did not indicate significant contamination. This would negate the need for costly containment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, h Thomas F. Maher TFM/KSR/cc Vice President ♦1314\TFM96-06.LTR A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone (516) 444-0375 _ Fax (516) 444-0245 Michael D. 2agata Commissioner April 2, 1996 PR Tom F. Maher Dvirka& Bartilucci J 330 Crossbays Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Dear Mr. Maher: This is in response to your letter dated March 6, 1996, where you requested changes in Section 3-2-1 of Town of Southold Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan, dated December 1995. The Department has reviewed your request and agrees to the proposed changes regarding use of bailers to purge the shallow wells and the discharge of purge water from the monitoring wells in the immediate vicinity of the wells. In addition. the revised Landfill Closure Investigation for the Southold Landfill. dated December 199, sufficiently addresses the comments previously supplied by the Department. If you have any questions, please contact me at the above telephone number. Sincere fp; a w Ea n Environmental Engineer I ME:ls SENT 8Y:*##4X ''[i1#0op19r 70" 4-96 ;10:56AM 574 0-+ 7347976;a 2 it I BRIEFING DOCUMENT 1 ; ST.ATITS OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL � AND LANDFILL.RELATED ISSUES • A Part 360(Phase II Investigation was conducted in June and July 1991. The purposef!this investigation was to obtain hydrogeologic and groundwater quality data to support expte n of the landfill into the northern borrow area and to delist the landfill from the New Yorks Registry of potential (Class 2A) hazardous waste sites. A Part 360/Phase II Investiaion Report was prepared in October 1991 and submitted to NYSDEC together with a Deing Petition. i i • The landfill was delisted by NYSDEC in October 1993. • Two subsequent sampling events were performed in July 1992 and January 1993 as p>ri't of the Landfill Operational Monitoring Program. Monitoring reports were preparid' in December 1992 and March 1993 and submitted to NYSDEC. I • The landfill was closed in September 1993. • The Town of Southold worked primarily with the Towns of Riverhead and East Hampt¢ ag well as Southampton and Shelter Island; and Twomey, Latham, Shea and Kelley; and F Isler, to develop the East End Towns' Regulatory Relief Initiative, which was prep in July 1994. The purpose of this Initiative was to seek relief from costly landfill closureder the NYSDEC Part 360 regulations. This document laid the foundation for the landfill cl 5 ire Varia►nee Requests submitted to NYSDEC in February 1995. • NYSDEC approved three of the Variance Requests (Gas Venting Layer [5 to 10% ifines passing a No. 200 slave]; Barrier Protection Layer [24" to 12" in thickness]; and Ti oil EquiWAttit) in August 1495. The Variance Request that was not approved (or conditi ly approved) was the reduction in monitoring. The Town will need to justify the reducti� in monitoring with additional sampling as specified in the Stipulation Agreement as nego f ted between the Town and NYSDEC. • The Stipulation Agreement to close the landfill and meet the NYSDEC closure require nts with agreeded upon Variance Requests was signed in October 1994. � • As part of the Agreement, the :iraft Closure Investigation Work Plan was prep" 6d submitted to NYSDEC in February 1994. Comments on the draft Work Plan were rec�i�l ed fiom NYSDEC in November 1995, and the revised/final Work Plan was subtnitt to NYSDEC in December 1995. The remaining stipulations in the Agreement regarding ctlure .; of the landfill are the following: i 1. Completion of the Closure Investigation and submittal of the draft Closure Investigation Report (CIR) within 150 days of NYSDEC Work Plan approval. Based on submit{ �q II � 4 1027\00103602(xol) i i BY:Xerox Telecopier 70% 4-96 ; 10:5MA 51F 60-4 7347978:# 3 the final Work Plan in December, the CIR is required to be subnutted to NYSDEC b It end of May 1996. This requires that the field program be initiated in February 1996. 2. Submit draft Closure Plan (construction drawings and specifications) to NYSDEC vJit'itin 180 days following DEC's approval of the CIR. II 3. Submit final Closure Plan incorporating NYSDEC's comments within 60 days of relc ipt of DLC comments. i 4. Commence Closure Plan (construction) within 120 days following DEC's Closure Ian approval. i A Variance Request from the Part 360 Mining Reclamation 25 foot setback requiremen 4vas submitted to NYSDEC in December 1994. DEC has not responded to date. • A Briefing Document requesting relief from costly Part 360 landfill closure was prepared and presented to the Governor's Office of Regulatory Relief and NYSDEC in June 1905) the Town's proposed closure plan was based on an "ecosystem" cover, rather than a syniih is cover. The Office of Regulatory Relief was receptive to the Town's proposed closure! lan and NYSDEC requested additional information/technical justification regarding use of Ithe USEPA's Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance(HELP)Model. • In order to use the HELP Model, as well as for developing a grading plan for closure 8f the landfill, tt topographic survey of the existing landfill is required. This survey and ma ,ng has beet► recent) completed December 1995) and the HELP Model is currently Wing y p ( prepared. • A test pit/limit of waste investigation was conducted in March 1995 and a report prepaied in April 1995. This investigation was conducted to determine the limits of waste dispose ,�for landfill closure and evaluate consolidation of the landfill to reduce closure costs, and to i0st in using the HELP Model for assessment of a less costly cover/cap for the landfill. � II • As a result of a water quality complaint filed by Donald Grim, who has property north hnd downgradient of the landfill,the Suffolk County Department of Health sampled his wells land other private water supply wells north of the landfill. As a result of this sampling, the �+viater quality from both of Donald Grim's wells was confirmed not to meet drinking Water standards. In addition, the water quality from the well located on the property of(owneld by) National Bank was also found to exceed drinking water standards. Based on the contami�n is detected, it is possible that the landfill is a source of the well contamination, however,l ere may also be other sources, such as pesticides and possible waste disposal on the propero. Alternatives to provide Mr. Grim with water that meets drinking water standards are to 1�611 a shallow water table well (about 60-70 feet) with a variance from SCDHS or install ai deep well beneath the clay layer underlying the area(about 200 feet). i ♦1027k30103602(RUI) t 1 { SgfV C BY:Xerox Te l ecopier 7020 ;11-24-95 ; 2:34PM 515 364 9045-+ 516 765 1823# 1 Dvirka V and 0 Bardlucc! CONSULTM ENGNEM j MW Jericho Tumpike,Syosset,New lrbrk 11791 516a544M • Fax:516%36A►M November 24, 1995 Thomas Wickham Supervisor ' Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 179 Southold,NY 11971 _ Re: Southold Landfill " D&B: 1027 Dear Supervisor Wickham: We have reviewed NYSDEC's letter dated November 3, 1995, regarding comments on the Draft Closure Investigation Work Plan for the Southold Landfill. Basically, DEC's comma= are reasonable and will not require significant additional work for the investigation. The additional investigation will comprise an increase in the number of explosive gas survey points from 60 to 85 and the sampling of(approximately six to eight) pr.vate water wells, primarily downgradient of the landfill. The cost to incorporate DEC's changes into the draft workplan and to prepare and distribute the final workplan is$2,000'. If you have any questions regarding this letter, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM.Igs .;ozTetnnus.tw �ccivCtic� 7 V co OF STATE OF NEW YORK GEORGE E. PATAKI GOVERNOR November 10, 1995 Dear Mr. Wickham: Thank you for your letter and resolution regarding landfill closure regulations . As you know, I have created the Office of Regulatory Reform to review all regulatory requirements which include potential reforms regarding Landfill Closure Regulations found in 6 NYCRR part 360 . Part of the reform process involves weighing the environmental benefits of existing or proposed legislation against its cost . This can be a difficult process, especially with landfill closures since the allowable limits for residual contaminants are subject to change. That change could result in a huge cost that could have been avoided if the landfill had been closed earlier under less stringent requirements . I am forwarding your letter to the Office of Regulatory Reform to assist them in their review and I have asked the office to keep you informed on all developments . Very truly yours, Honorable Thomas Wickham Supervisor Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE CAPITOL ALBANY 12224 iJ 4 CG 76�TR�%Ci" :fes New,York State DeparOnt of Environmental ConservatIf siA aay Budding 40 -SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 V, Phone (516) 444-0375 +� z m Fax # (516) 444-0373 z Michael D. Zagata Commissioner November 3, 1995 Supervisor Thomas Wickham Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Wickham: The Division of Solid Waste has reviewed the Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan for the Southold (Cutchogue) Landfill prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers and dated March 1995. Based on our review, the Department has the following comments: 1. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis A. Complete groundwater elevations must be taken during the sampling program and must be reported. A current groundwater flow map (for both deep and shallow wells) must be included with the Closure Investigation Report (CIR). B. This round of baseline sampling as described in the CIR can be considered the first of the three conditions outlined in the Town of Southold's Stipulation of Settlement" whereby the Town is requesting a reduction in the post-closure groundwater monitoring frequency. Completing the three conditions outlined in the settlement enables the Town to apply for the variance request reducing the monitoring requirements at the site. 2. Explosive Gas Investigation A. The workplan details an explosive gas investigation using a combination of permanent explosive gas monitoring points and temporary explosive gas • Supervisor Thomas Wiain 2 monitoring points. In most cases, the number of proposed monitoring points is adequate. However, the number of proposed monitoring points along the southwest properly line (between permanent monitoring points 1-8) is inadequate (see attached map). Temporary monitoring points (using the same spacing as proposed along the north, east, and southeast sides of the landfill) should be continued along the entire southern and southwest sides of the landfill. These points will be useful because they will provide a different level of gas monitoring, two to three feet deep for the temporary probes and about 25 feet deep for the permanent gas probes. These points are necessary because at the -southwest boundary of the landfill site are a number of inhabited dwellings and the permanent gas monitoring points are too widely spaced to provide adequate monitoring. B. The explosive gas investigation must require a radial or lateral step out whenever gas is detected at a monitoring point. The investigator must move 25 or 30 feet away from the landfill and retest every time gas is identified at a monitoring point. This stepout will help to identify any potential migration path and possible limit of gas migration. 3. Surface Leachate Survey A. Groundwater is 12 to 50 feet below ground surface at this site and any leachate generated would be expected to percolate vertically into the ground. Therefore, any identified leachate seep or stain must'include an explanation as to why the leachate seep occurs where it does. 4. Other Comments A. The CIR should include a limits of waste map. This map should include the proposed capping area. Any areas not included under the cap must be identified and an explanation of why they will not be capped, must be provided. B. The report must also address the issue of how landfill under the proposed compost facility will be capped and monitored with special reference to gas venting. C. Water Well Survey - There are a number of water supply wells close to the landfill. The Scope of Work does not include any discussion about the groundwater quality or.the possible contamination of the nearby private wells. The workplan contains no provisions for the testing of private water wells. A number of these wells should be sampled for groundwater quality and possible contamination. Supervisor Thomas Aam • 3 If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mathew Eapen, of my staff at the above listed telephone number. Sincerely, Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid Waste Engineer AJC:ME:ls DVirka and 20 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6800 Jericho Turnpike,Syosset,New York 11791 516-3649892 Fax:516-364-9045 November 24, 1995 Thomas Wickham Supervisor Town of Southol Town Hall 530 Main Road P.O. Box 1 w� Southol , 11971 Southold Landfill D&B: 1027 Dear Supervisor Wickham: We have reviewed NYSDEC's letter dated November 3, 1995, regarding comments on the Draft Closure Investigation Work Plan for the Southold Landfill. Basically, DEC's comments are reasonable and will not require significant additional work for the investigation. The additional investigation will comprise an increase in the number of explosive gas survey points from 60 to 85 and the sampling of(approximately six to eight) private water wells, primarily downgradient of the landfill. The cost to incorporate DEC's changes into the draft workplan and to prepare and distribute the final workplan is $2,000. If you have any questions regarding this letter, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM:lgs 10271ft 112451w Dvirlw d[b and Bartilucci „, 2 2 ,C� - CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6800 Jericho Tumpike, Syosset,New York 11791 516-3649892 • Fax:516-364-9045 May 17, 1995 Thomas H. Wickham, Supervisor Town of Southold ( `Z Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 I/ Re: Town of Southold Landfill D&B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Wickham: As requested, provided below is an outline for a scope of work and budget estimate to prepare a report which provides justification for "simple" closure of the Southold Landfill, as well as to develop costs for water supply alternatives for residences downgradient of the landfill. With regard to closure justification, the report will focus on the results of the groundwater sampling program conducted in 1991, 1992 and 1993, which showed little impact on groundwater quality caused by the landfill, and little or no impact on private wells located downgradient of the landfill. Based on this assessment, recommendations will be provided for closure of the landfill; these being the following: 1. In the area of the mounded eastern portion of the landfill, the area will be graded to promote runoff to minimize infiltration of precipitation through the landfill. Two feet of soil cover will be placed over the graded area and vegetation will be established to promote evapotranspiration, again to minimize infiltration of precipitation. 2. In the area of the flat western portion of the landfill, the area will be capped with asphalt which will support the planned yard waste composting facility and mitigate infiltration of precipitation through that portion of the landfill. 3. A monitoring program will be implemented to assess the impacts of the landfill and closure on groundwater and water supply quality. This program will initially be in accordance with the Part 360 regulations, but variances to the monitoring program, (at a minimum as provided in the Stipulation Agreement)will be developed after the first year(or two) of sampling. OVIRKA AND BARTILUOCI Thomas H. Wickham, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold May 17, 1995 4. As part of the Closure Plan, a contingency plan will be developed to protect human health and the environment should the monitoring program show significant adverse impacts on groundwater or water supply quality caused by the landfill. Development of the contingency plan will consider the following alternatives: A. Groundwater extraction and treatment. B. Provision of treatment systems for private wells. C. Construction of deep private wells. D. Development of a community water supply system. E. Connection to the Suffolk County Water Authority public water supply system. F. Acquisition of properties/houses. Costs, together with a discussion of the "pros and cons," will be developed for each of these alternatives so that the Town can select the contingency plan it feels is the most appropriate for inclusion into the Closure Plan. The estimated budget for the preparation of this document, including the evaluation of groundwater and water supply alternatives, is $12,000. If savings can be accrued in the course of data gathering, in particular, to develop costs of the alternatives, we will make every attempt to reduce the cost of the report. If you have any questions or require additional information, or would like to meet to discuss this scope of work, please do not hesitate to contact me at(516) 364-9892. Ve truly yours, Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM:1ah 1314(rFM04245.TW DvirkaO dh and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6800 Jericho Tumpike, Syosset,New York 11791 516-364-9892 • Fax:516,364-9045 April 26, 1995 Thomas H. Wickham, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall �- 53095 Maui Road PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Southol dfill T t and Waste Delineation Program &B No. 1314 Dear Supervisor Wickham: Please find enclosed a draft report which describes the activities performed and results of the recently completed test pit program conducted at the Southold Landfill. The purpose of this test pit program was to define the characteristics and limits of waste disposed at the landfill for purposes of development of a closure plan, including waste consolidation to reduce closure costs, and a land use plan for the site, including construction of a yard waste composting facility. This program was performed with the support of Mr. James Bunchuck and other Town staff who assisted greatly in the field work. The results of the test pit program, which comprised the construction of 60 test pits and trenches around the perimeter of the landfill, and in a grid in the flat area of the western portion of the landfill,are the following: 1. Except for the southeast quadrant of the landfill,buried waste comprises a combination of municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition debris (C&D). The southeast quadrant comprises essentially all MSW. 2. The area of buried waste comprises approximately 30 acres. 3. Based upon a 5-foot depth of waste being a break point for cost-effective waste consolidation, there is little opportunity for consolidation of waste at the landfill. Minor opportunity for consolidation, perhaps a few acres,exists along the western and southern boundaries of the landfill. 4. In a few areas along the northern, eastern and western landfill boundaries, waste extends essentially to the property line, which does not meet the requirements of the Part 360 regulations for closure. (The regulations require a minimum of 50 feet between the property he and the limits of waste.) As part of closure,removal of waste within 50 feet of the property boundary may be required unless a variance can be obtained. gVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Thomas H. Wickham, Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold April 26, 1995 Based on the above results,the following is recommended as a Closure Plan for the landfill: 1. In the area of the mounded eastern portion of the landfill, the area should be graded to promote runoff to minimize infiltration of precipitation through the landfill. Two feet of soil cover should be placed over the graded area and vegetation established to promote evapotranspiration, also to minimize infiltration of precipitation. 2. In the area of the flat western portion of the landfill, the area should be capped with asphalt which will support the planned yard waste composting facility and mitigate infiltration of precipitation through that portion of the landfill. 3. A program should be developed to monitor the impacts of the landfill and implementation of the Closure Plan on groundwater and water supply quality. This program would initially be conducted in accordance with the Part 360 regulations,but variances to the monitoring program,(at a minimum as provided in the Stipulation Agreement)will be developed after the first year of sampling. 4. As part of the Closure Plan, a contingency plan should be developed to protect human health and the environment should the monitoring program show significant.adverse impacts on groundwater or water supply quality caused by the landfill. The cost to undertake the test pit program, which included provision of a geologist to supervise and record the results of the test pit excavation for a period of eight days and preparation of the enclosed report was $5,600. This effort is part of preparation of the required Closure Plan and will be invoiced as a new task If you have any questions or comments with regard to the report, or require additional information, or would like a presentation to be made to the Town Board regarding the work conducted and results of the test pit program,please call me. Ve truly yours,— , Thomas F. Maher,P.E. Vice President TFM:lah Enclosure *1314/TFMO4255.TIiW 11,,14/94 14:51 $• 27 4130 S.F.L. I. AND /`! ✓'; 1�j001/-003 031 >J�" SMITH, FINSELSTEIN, LUNDBEI;G, ISLER AND�YAgABOSgI ATT0k_I3EX5 AWD COVWSELOBS .AT LdH' 45G GBIFFING AVEN-UE, C08N"Ext or LINCOLN STFRZET T+. O. BOX. 369 HOWARD X.yngXZLSTEIN RIV'ERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-0203 PXSNliz, 0- LU1,MzzB0 VRAOCIS J. YAXA 0SHI (518) 727-4100 RZoIAr = C. SMITH g&&& k.ISLER love-woo 6VSA2s HOOZ;RS OBUN PAX (516) 707-4130 GAIN 0.HETWS DAWN C. THOMAS MSTTEMW IL FX�MXLSTEM FAX COVER SHEET TO: Jim Bunchuck FROM: FRANK A. ISLER DATE: November 14, 1994 TELECOPY NO: 734-7976 NO.OF PAGES TO FOLLOW: 2 RE: Sa_nd Mine PI JIM: Here is a draft letter regarding the revisions to the sand mine reclamation pian. Please review it and let me know if you feel anything should be added or clarified. Thank you for sending me the finel clean-up plan as submitted by the Town. Frank. IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL (516) 7274100 FTIRIANSMISSION IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ,AND MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BELONGING TO THE SENDER WHICH IS BY THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE OR OTHER DOCTRINE, IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE COPYING DISTRIBUTION ORTHETAKING OF ION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF THIS INFORMATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR,IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE TO ARRANGE FOR ITS RETURN. FIGURI- - to - 4 I ae \ TO lit 111t1i0 OrEA s} (3) tl111EC Y1£f 1t D>r1t10fl • 1 i �e � ss i ~ � y t AIM& O 8£ YEGETAUD UPON COMIPL T10N OF MININB Opp'"'"ONS. 1..... ..l/1x..1.1 A,9F.RM .ILL 01! GONSTRL1CTEO ALONG �,.le.J= PATE Twf PERI TER FRONYt>i4 P �� pgOPE1tTI O GIVE CRE6NIKG .MI/O.. • a. u Ml 1d1 E bAA1N�GE "►1••-'�. w F IE;CT ItKI INTO TME PIT.- .... ~"�`.•�r Oil .al.re tall\�. • -' \ fd� � yltal r ��• .....�K7.t ..��� � •.•alL.tt w wr .P,a,.w.. RECLAMATION PLAN . � PROPOSED cuTcHoGuE li ;�,, . --- MINING SITE K•.tr.iee motel!r/�t.r.l s!ti* K!\IltliLM.T. 1 URFiELI.v p,C. ��:cA«•E�e "' }iOL�MACHER, MCLEi�lLiOtli & M N-W 83 �►R.J.IfL/J. UCpNSt3LTIf+G ENGIK'EPS-E' ROkMENTA G7EKTISTS. postAt"'brond faX trensmlttel memos r Flo r. ._r • 11-'14.94 14:57 $51027 4130 S.F.L. I. AND 0002-•003 TOWN STATIONERY nv uRTIFIED MAIL-SLE-TIM- November 1994 Fray E. Cowan, P .E. Regional Director NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 re: Reviai.on t Mining RPrlamatio�lYPlan1 T Dear MX . Cowan: Kindly consider this letter the Town of Southold ' s revised, updated reclamation plan and variance request for the ± 5 acre mined area to the north of the cutchogue landfill . This letter is filed pursuant to Section TIG of the Stipulation of Settlement, dated October 5 , 1994 and is intended to supplement the mining and reclamation plan dated June 1986 , previously filed with the Department . The 1986 plan should be revised to add the northeasterly corner of the sand r,it as part of the designated area that has been mined. That area is shown by crass-hatching on the attached site plan. The slopes in that area will be restored to a 2 : 1 grade by scaling back the top of the slope to the east . A visual inspection of the remainder of the pit area reveals that the slopes have, for the most part, stabilized over that past several years, and indeed, sustained plant growth exists throughout . Slope stabilization and grading will be implemented in those isolated areas of the pit where erosion appears to be occurring. The 1986 reclamation plan is revised to delete possible use of the pit area for landfilling of municipal solid waste. The area will be used as a stormwater recharge basin. At some future date, the Town may choose to utilize the area for yard waste composting. That alternative, should it be pursued, would be coordinated with the Department . A variance from the 25 foot setback is requested as contemplated in the October 5 , 1994 Stipulation of settlement . Thank once oragain needfor anyyour additionnalcooperation informattion, please do not You not have any questions hesitate to contact me. very truly yours, Thomas H. Wickham •. eye �y:.rti`` °Ts_:-f:'s� �- �4`;� - !"�ti�� _ - _. --. � ti_:r •'.�;..r�+•-• - - �� - - - - -�.Via..-:ter:- -�►. - FIGURE v' 60 " •.. / s 63 AREA TO BE MINED OVER ss (9) THREE YEAR PERIOD 30 ' / ■~° �� 30 2s 65 / It 30 ftA AREA OBE VEGETATED UPON N 45 COMPL TION OF MINING OPERATIONS. GEGEN° ,... / A. BERM ILL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG / THE PERI TER FRONTING PRIVATE PROPERTY O GIVE CREENING EFFECT" & VMI E DRAINAGE �j INTO THE PIT. •'•cl �.61WCi� �' IyIJiJt�. •.yJU MY4 VJH� '1r.p t y AV• AM IaU •l l60A I .vA ,� M ` FtGURE04 gob, se � .Stoll I s [s AREA TO Of IrINEO OVER ss (3) TNRft YEAR PERIOD to Rvl i se • � ss V j � ire � a so �`� i AREA O BE VEGETATED UPON COMPL TION OF MINING OPERATIONS. ! A,9ERId .ILL BE CONSTRUCTIOO ALONG (rbrt ••.Ule•It l THE PER I TER FRONTINQ PRIVATE PKOPERTY 0 GIVEGREENING EFFECY' i. IRI E DRAINAGE Q INTO THE PIT.' � rt• � ••Noe,twl•t•. I ... • . 1. be1Te, l•4l•P1/I.. Vli+'„•�- �" • wl•••lw•.r•tflr••t W l•�r' • .• •tet•••.wall.. � T e.ry waf Mle.YL rP�••%aN•f�•••adV nl• a.r•w wl• .....�. ►pwaraawt Na.avr",w •rl►�—ow.R yl.art. ••��.l RECLAMATION PLAN .4,— posesTaeaa "" vote o '.•.uvv,•tae. •wa• Otte.,..'a.11/• '�• it r•r PROPOSED CUTCHOGUE MINING SITE Kelt I'•><00• eCrT41e movadret !eIET 1 M s►earle.Go.l[ e. HOLZMACHER, McLENDON A' MURRELL, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS.E"RONMENTALSCIENTISTS,AACII!IEGT,ong P EdS �u""r'e''ea• post it brand fag tr&ngmittai msmo 7671 #a104960 T p,. _ -0 0 11• ofl fl 10: 23 5027 4130 S.F.L. I, AND on, oo.3 TOWN STATIONERY ERT' FTED MAIL _$ TREQUESTED November 1994 Ray F. Cowan, P . E. Regional Director rYS Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook, New Ycrk 11790-2356 Dean Mr . Cowan: Enclosed please fired the Town' s "clean-up plan" for the temporary transfer station. This plan is being submitted in cOn,pliance with paragraph 6 of your letter authorization of September 29 , 1994 . Thank you once again for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, Thomas H. Wickham enclosure . A. 11/09,'94 10: 213 $5027 4130 S.F.L. I . AND [ 001%003 SMITH, FINKELSTEIN, LM]BERG, ISLER AND YARABOSKI ATTOR2JEZS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 456 ORIFFr O AVENUE, CORNER OF LLWCOLN STREET F. O, B07K 38q SlOWAND 14 FE"ELSTEIN RIV7:liF EAy?, 2.7.1. 11901-0003 rXkRRE O. L�DHQRG ffRANCX$ %y TAXAMOSEX (516) 727-4100 NEOINALD C. S'XITH FRANg A. ISLER 1920-1983 5VSAIN ROGERS ORLIN 1rA3L (blG) 727-4130 GAIN G BETTS DAWW C. TSOMAS MATTNXW M. P NXELSTEYN FAX COVER SHEET TO: Jim Bunchuck FROM: FRANK A. ISLER DATE: November 9, 1994 TELECOPY NO: 734-7976 NO. OF PAGES TO FOLLOW* 2 RE: Clean—uI2 Man for Transfer Stati-oa IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL (516) 727-4100 F MISSION IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ,AND MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BELONGING TO THE SENDER WHICH IS BY THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE OR OTHER DOCTRINE. IFYOUARENOTTHEINTENDED OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE,COPYING DISTRIBUTION OR THE TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF THIS INFORMATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR,IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE TO ARRANGE FOR ITS RETURN. 11•,0V94 10: :3 V5027 4130 S.F.L. I. AND � C�0o3"o03 CLEAN-UP PLAN FOR MM ORARY TRANSFER STATION (FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NO, 52 T 92 EMENT This statement is being submitted in compliance with paragraph 6 of the letter of Ray E. Cowen, P.E., dated September 29. 1994 to Supervisor Wickham, and is intended to supplement section 5.11 [Closure of Temporary Transfer Operations] of the Engineering Report of Dvirka and Bartilucci, dated September 1993. CLEAN-UP PLAN Upon cessation of the temporary transfer station operation, the site will be policed to be free of waste and debris. Presently, the transfer station operates as described in the Engineering Report of September 1993. Residents drive into the collection building and deposit their bags of refuse in the trough that runs the length of the building, Carters drive their vehicles directly Into the lower portion of the building and dump their load directly in the trough. The waste is loaded from the trough into the trucks that transport the waste out of town. Once this portion of the collection building ceases to be used as a temporary transfer station, the trough and related areas will be cleaned so as to be free of waste and debris. It is anticipated that all structures will remain in place. How this area of the collection building will be used thereafter will be dependent on the long-range disposal plan adopted by the town. In addition to being used as a transfer facility, the collection building is used as part of the collection of recyclables and household hazardous wastes. Indeed, the town has recently received a new, three year permit for the STOP facility. The building also houses a shop and had been used in the past for storage of landfill equipment. One option will be to incorporate that portion of the collection building into a permanent transfer station. Alternatively, this area of the building could be converted and adapted to become part of the Town's recycling facility. In any event, upon cessation of its use as a temporary transfer station, that portion of the building that had been used as the temporary transfer station will be broom clean. SMITH, FINKELSTEIN, LUNDBERG, ISLER AND YARABOSHI ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 456 GRIFFING AVENUE, CORNER OF LINCOLN STREET P. O. BOX 389 HOWARD M.FINKELSTEIN RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-0203 PIERRE 0. LUNDBERG FRANCIS J. YAKA330SKI FRANK A.ISLER (516) 727-4100 REGINALD C. SMITH SUSAN ROGERS GRUN 1926-1983 GAIR G.BETTS FAX (516) 727-4130 DAWN C. THOMAS MATTHEW M.FINKELSTEIN November 2, 1994 James Bunchuck Solid waste Coo-dinator Town of Southold P.O. Box 962 Cutchogue, New York, 11935 re: "Clean-ub Plan" for Temporary Transfer Station Dear Jim: Enclosed please find a very brief clean-up plan for the temporary transfer station, based upon our discussion on October 20th. We must submit the plan by November 15, 1994 in order to comply with one of the conditions of the DEC ' s authorization to continue to use the facility. As you can see, there is not that much that can be said, however, if there are any more specifics that you can think to add, let me know. Give me a call after you have reviewed this draft . Vory tr ly yo r�,,- r y ./ Frank A. Isler w DRAFT 4 CLEAN-UP PLAN FOR TEMPORARY TRANSFER STATION (FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NO. 52 T 921 STATEMENT This statement is being submitted in compliance with paragraph 6 of the letter of Ray E. Cowen, P.E., dated September 29, 1994 to Supervisor Wickham, and is intended to supplement section 5.11 [Closure of Temporary Transfer Operations] of the Engineering Report of Dvirka and Bartilucci, dated September 1993. CLEAN-UP PLAN Upon cessation of the temporary transfer station operation, the site will be policed to be free of waste and debris. Presently, the transfer station operates as described in the Engineering Report of September 1993. Residents drive into the collection building and disposit their bags of refuse in the trough that runs the length of the building. Carters drive their vehicles directly into the lower portion of the building and dump their load directly in the trough. The waste is loaded from the trough into the trucks that transport the waste out of town. Once this portion of the collection building ceases to be used as a temporary transfer station, the trough and related areas will be cleaned so as to be free of waste and debris. It is anticipated that all structures will remain in place. How this area of the collection building will be used thereafter will be dependent on the long-range disposal plan adopted by the town. One option will be to incorporate that portion of the colection building into a permanent transfer station. Alternatively, this area of the building could be converted and adapted to become part of the Town's recycling facility. In any event, upon cessation of its use as a temporary transfer station, that portion of the building that had been used as the temporary transfer station will be broom clean. v1 TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY ; `, OCT 1 7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 33 WEST SECOND STREET - i THOMAS A.TWOMEY, JR. P.O.BOX 396 STREET-- STEPHEN B.LATHAM RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 EAST HAMPTON, N.Y.11937 JOHN F. SHEA, III 516-324-1200 CHRISTOPHER D. KELLEY LAWRENCE M. STORM' 516-727-2180 MAUREEN T. LICCIONE DAVID M. DUBINO TELEFAX: 516-727-1767(MAIN) 400TOWNLINE ROAD REALE HAUPPAUGE, N.Y.11788-2830 P.EDWARD PETER M. RRA 516-727-1775(ANNEX) 516-265-1414 JOAN C.HATFIELD❑ AMY B.TURNER MARY C.CRONIN DENNIS J.HAYES J.LEE SNEAD' OF COUNSEL NY,CT A FL BARS Extension 236 0 NY&LA BARS 1 NY&MO BARS ❑ NY 6 CT BARS NY&VA BARS October 14, 1994 Thomas Wickham, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Ree Environmental Facilities Corporation funding Dear Tom: Enclosed is a memorandum setting forth the general terms of the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation funding program available for town landfills, together with a draft letter that you might use to request the funds. As the DEC has agreed to assist the East End Towns in their efforts to take advantage of this opportunity for no-interest short-term loans and low-interest long-term financing, I would urge you to act quickly. If you would like to discuss the programs further or if we can be of some other assistance, please give me a call. V y ru y y urs, G Tom Twomey TAT:JML Enclosures t TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 33 WEST SECOND STREET THOMAS A.TWOMEY, JR. P.O.BOX 398 20 MAIN STREET STEPHEN B.LATHAM RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 EAST HAMPTON, N.Y.11937 JOHN F. SHEA. III 518-324-1200 CHRISTOPHER D. KELLEY LAWRENCE M. STORM' MAUREEN T. LICCIONE 516-727-2180 DAVID M. DUBINO TELEFAX: 516-727-1767(MAIN) 400TOWNLINE ROAD P.EDWARD REALE 516-727-1775(ANNEX) HAUPPAUGE, N.Y.11788-2830 PETER M.MOTT1 516-265-1414 JOAN C.HATFIELD❑ AMY B.TURNER MARY C.CRONIN DENNIS J.MAYES J.LEE SNEAD' OF COUNSEL .NY,CT 6 FL BARS O NY6 LA BARS MEMORANDUM }NY 8 MD BARS ❑N V b CT BARS NY 8 VA BARS TO: Thomas Wickham, Supervisor Town of Southold FROM: Ed Reale DATE: October 12,1994 RE: New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Funding The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation ("EFC") has established two financing programs to provide funding to municipalities from the State Revolving Fund ("SRF"). The funds available from the EFC are available in two programs: (1) a long-term SRF loan program which provides low-interest loans to municipalities to finance water treatment projects and (2) a short-term finance program to provide interest-free loans to municipalities to complement the long- term loan program. Short-Term Finance Program ("STFP"): The STFP will make interest-free loans to municipalities for eligible projects in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 for a loan term of up to two (2) years. The loans can be used to pay for planning, design and construction costs that accrue regarding municipal solid waste projects before the long-term financing is needed. Application for SRF money involves the following: 1. Letter from municipality requesting the project be listed. 2. Description of the project and the problems that it will correct. October 14, 1994 Page 2 3. Documentation of the impact of the existing condition and the proposed project (landfill closure in this case). 4. Copy of an enforceable order or permit requiring the project to be built or action to be undertaken (Consent Order and/or variances). 5. List of target dates for completion of the closure investigation report, closure plan, construction start and construction completion and a preliminary estimate of the project costs. We have been advised by the EFC that application for funding should be filed by letter at the earliest possible date to reserve priority on the funding list. Long-Term Funding: The EFC also provides 30-year low-interest loans to municipalities for landfill closure projects. These loans are available at a rate that currently represents a 1/3 subsidy of the existing AA rated bond rate. That is, the loan rate should yield a savings of approximately 1/3 of what the interest rate would be for the town should it issue its own bonds for this project. The application for long-term funding can be made upon completion of the technical design of the project. To obtain further information about both of these loans the EFC contact persons are Robert Davis or Kumar Nepal at 1-800-882-9721 or (518) 457-4100. For you convenience, I have prepared a draft letter that may be utilized to make the initial application by the town to reserve a listing for project eligibility on the SRF. PER:JML -46 , • • October 14, 1994 Terry Agriss, President New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12205-2603 Dear Ms. Agriss: This is to request that the landfill owned by the Town of Southold be included as a project on the State Revolving Fund for Water Pollution Control Project priority list. Briefly this project will entail landfill closure of the Town's only landfill pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. Part 360 regulations and the Consent Order entered into between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Southold and subsequent amendments thereto. As agreed in the Consent Order, the Town of Southold will [You must set forth some technical work that will be done at the landfill to protect groundwater. For example, "augment its existing groundwater monitoring networks at the landfill", or "perform periodic sampling of existing wells", or "cap the landfill to prevent leaching of contaminants into the groundwater".] The purpose of the project is to comply with New York State law requiring that all landfills on Long Island be either capped or reclaimed so that precipitation does not infiltrate through the waste mass down to the water table and potentially impact the quality of groundwater beneath the landfill. The Town has chosen to cap the landfill so that precipitation will no longer infiltrate the waste mass. The present water quality data are presented in the enclosed [whatever water quality data has been compiled should be included.] . .-s Terry Agriss, President October 14, 1994 Page 2 We have enclosed for your reference and review the Consent Orders and amendments thereto entered into between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Southold on requiring the projects to be completed as described above. The Town has estimated the project cost for capping the landfill to be approximately $ . Groundwater monitoring costs over the 30-year required period are estimated to be approximately $ The Town of Southold expects to complete its Closure Investigation Report for the landfill within the next — months. Upon completion of the CIR, the Town would ask that its eligibility for short-term financing from the State Revolving Fund be considered complete. It can be seen from the enclosed Consent Order that before the Town can proceed to long-term implementation or closure planning, design and construction initiation will require additional funding. The Town of Southold fully expects to make application for long-term financing upon completion of its Closure Plan. If your office requires additional information, please contact me directly. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Thomas Wickham, Supervisor Town of Southold Y SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7• ; 10-14-94 8:58AM 516 9045 7347976;# 1 -DRAFT- la. x.140 I V L Ley I October 14. 1994 i Thomas Wic1diam, Supervisor Town of Sou hold Town HallPost-it" Fay Note 7671 Date �O / pages► 53095 Main :Wad P.O. Box 11'1'9 TO �,rin �Uti%C+fuG� Fro Southold. NY 11'471 co./Daw'Tz.wti Co Phone k Phone# Re: Soutbold i_andfill F Q ax a D&B No � 1;4 TGM Dear Superv)soi 'vt ,_1tdiain As discussed now that our assignment to provide technical engineering assistance to the Town's legal counsel regarding negotiation of a Stipulation of Settlement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been completed, we are very interested in continuing to provide engineering cknsulting services to the Town of Southold regarding the C.utchogue Landfill. Under the terns of the Stipulation of Settlement, the first task to be undertaken by the Town regarding the landfill clos requirements is to provide NYSDEC with existing reports and data relative to landfill gas and hydrogen ogic conditions at the site. These reports/data comprise the following: 1. Part 360 and Phase lI Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, October 1991 I ?�. Groundwater Quality Assessment Report July 1992 Sampling Event, December 1992 31, Groundwater Quality Assessment Report January 1993 Sampling Event, March 1993 i As discussed,we are in the process of providing these documents to NYSDEC,through the Town. Subsequent to review of these documents by NYSDEC, DEC will provide comments/recommendations for the Closure Investigation field program. Based on the assumption {an a that no additional groundwater nitorin wells will be required, the following field progra ticip d k 1'C.0 W,11 a e i !z' 4ere 1✓/ d C/O>'Lt� Lr'GPsj�i'fd(� icy, y/k�.� 6 J ki 1. Sampling of all 16 existing wells for Baseline groundwater quality parameters. I 21. Landfill perimeter Explosive Gas Survey. I I I I f _wr SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7 ; 10-14-94 8:59AM 516 9045- 7347976;t# 2 1 i I I I Thomas Wic , Supervisor Page Two Town of Southold Town Hall I October 14, 1994 31. Surface Leachate Survey. 4. Vector Survey. Based on the assumed NYSDEC comments and field program, it is estimated that the cost to prepar the Closure Inve i tion Workplan for review and approval by NYSDEC will be$6,000, '1�t toethP��" s'u1,,,,,,° Following approval of the workplan by NYSDEC, the following items will be required to be undertaken by the Town as art of landfill closure as contained in the Stipulation of Settlement: • I erformance of the Closure Investigation Field Program • Preparation of the Closure Investigation Report f • Oreparat.ion of the Closure Plan I Other anticip ted actions that are likely to be undertaken by the Town are the following: • I reparation of a Closure Variance Request Application I • reparation of a Closure Loan and Grant Application • F(reparation of a Landfill Reclamation Feasibility Study We hope thal this provides you with the information requested, and that we will have the opportunity to continue tork with the Town. If you have any questions or require additional information, or would like me to meet wf th you and the Town Board to discuss this matter,please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, i i Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/ss • 1314Afm10134iTW i Ii f I i p James R puck lj$ P.O. Box 962 Solid Waste Cooidinator Cutchogue, New York 11935 Tel.: (516) 734-7685 .1CFax: (516) 734-7976 P. SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET Number of Pages Including This Sheet DATE: TO: FAX #: FROM: :77A, 1 luj -jLl MESSAGE: tAA- �?� C 11 a r� For verification or questions please call (516) 734-7685. RO"D i ,11 11 /60 \ PLANNED \I\ a o LANDFILL AREA \ rtiy`•."'� CD • �M»�:.ii'-+i � CONSTRUCTION D RIAND O SOLID_ \ d L a FORMER• N A COMPOSTING l CON>} TIO \\ \ AREA FO.R� RN DUASH) FORMER SCAVENGER WASTE LAGOONS 'AL CTI ii• _,1 LJ�rJLUIJG OVERHEAD �S ELECTRIC .� W) \ LINES STORAGE tl _� i' 7•; A A CLEARING ---- f, DEBRIS I �I )Q , \ COLLECTION Au \\ \ CENTER OI� WEIGHING 1 1:p•- �, STATION - GARAGES G.; O O 1�1; /�1\ pp10 481 ' o a" 10°U14 1111 O �1� 11 � SCALE IN Ftt• i OR 11 0 100 too $00 Gig TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL DvIrka and LANDFILL OPERATIONS MAP FIGURE NO. 2-4 -_-_ 49.0 j ~ 49. + 11! I 49. f 1 $ ® + + _ 6 51.0 1 ' + .o ; + 510 11 1 f 1 \ `X 61. ~- 46.2 I, + it 1 1 I i is i --- --- 5 58 r; I ------ ------= --- / _ 0 1 , 44.7 + I Southold Landfill Closure Contract Design — Top of Subgrade Plan Scale: 1 " = 80'-0" ry ry ry I 11-1 IS 1 53 r I �,\ 77 >e r ISN I I� I I� ^ I \ /h N J N J i J I I J 1 I J II > ..� - 52 s r 54 s> 59 56 \ 83 34 1-16 I 1 � � l I ' I ' I a \ --5 4 ,7� �` 1 a I r 54 \a 5 \ ! u s+ 57 56 / 5 / Southold Landfill Closure As—Built — Top of Gas Venting Layer as of June 2002 Scale: 1" = 80'-0" 01;06/98 12:31 FAX Z62 New 'fork State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40-SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone I gtel 444-0375 Fax 5161444-0231 John P.Cahill Acting Corrxnisdonw Decem)er 19, 1997 The Honorable Jean W. Cochran Super%isor,Town of Southold Town:14 53095 Main Road Southc Id,NY 11971 Dear S ipervisor Cochran: Th,a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(The Department)is in receipt of the revised Section 8.0(Conceptual Closure Plan)of theTown of Southold Closure Investigation Plan for the Cutch(Sue landfill. Based on a review of this report,the Department agrees that this conceptual plan addres,es the technical comments provided by the Departnnent by our letter date June 20, 1997 and meets the closure requirements of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 3,60-2.15. This conceptual plan may be incorporated in yow final Closure Investigation Report and capping da;ign for the Cutchogue landfill. If 3 ou have any questions concerning this matter,pleaEe call me at the above telephone number. Sincerely, Mathew Eapen Environmental Engineer I cc: D. Ramrakhiani M Treers, Central Office Fill:52517. UTHOLD :NY 51 5 9675 P. 01 New York StateDepartment of Environmental 3 Conservation BuUcvn4 40.SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 56 0 Phone (818)444-0375 fax (518)444-0245 John P. Cahill Acting Commissioner November 12, 1997 Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Town Board Town of Southold Town hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Councilwomlan Hussie: Department of Environmental Conservation is in receipt of constructionYour and The New York. State Depart 23 1997 in reference to the Town's request to st�aedclean erial (AGM) for dated October demolition (C&D) for purposes of using the same as alternate g Cutchogue landfill cap. As per our discussion, the Town may accept the clean C&D materialired a garde at a suitably located place. However, the Town wt11 be regmust be based on may store theted as AGM. The quantity of AGM acceptedr a 6NYCRR the quantity of C&D to b� accepted the necessary grades to cap the landfill, as per the actual requirements for acquiring pad 360 approvable cap design. nin this matter please call Mathew Eapen of my staff at the If you have any questions concer g above telephone number Sincerely, Antho . Cava, P.E. zardous Materials Engineer Regional Solid and Ha cc: ME; File 52S17. � Fy V James Sunchuck P.O. Box 962 Sock!Waste Cooehator Cutchogue, New York 11935 Tel.: (516) 734-7685 Fax: (516) 734-7978 SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE biSTAICT SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTB DISTRICT FAX TRANSMITTAL Number of pages including this sheet DAM 7- 3 - � 7 TOe plwj- FAX#e FROM i =u.- AU&4e A 14- e-k (n� ) Ml�88AGg� ea o w� Q, YlaM S,For verification or questions please call 516-734-7685. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 • SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2355 Phone (5101444-0375 Pax (5161444.0231 John P. Cahill Acting Commissioner June 20, 1997 The Honorable Jean W. Cochran Supervisor, Town of Southold. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Cochran. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(The Department) is in receipt of the Town of Southold Closure Investigation Plan for the Cutchogue landfill. Based on a review of this report the Department has the following comments: This report recommends a reduction of the monitoring well network, sampling frequency and analytical parameters for the Post Closure Monitoring Program. However the existence of a leachate plume emanating from the landfill and the existence of off-site impacts would necessity that the Town continue to monitor and define the nature and the extent of the contamination, Monitoring wells that are clearly demonstrated to be unnecessary for this requirement, i.e., hydraulically up gradient or outside the potential contaminant pathway maybe eliminated from the well network. For the same reason, the recommendation to eliminate analytical parameters which are necessary to define the contaminant plume and be protective of the local drinking water sources and the environment cannot be granted at this time. Additionally, an adequate demonstration of the appropriateness of reducing the sampling frequency has been not made. Pursuant.to the provisions of the 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-2.11(c), an Environmental Monitoring Plan for the ongoing monitoring must be submitted addressing specifically the provisions of Subdivision 360-2.11(c)(5)(iii). The conceptual closure plan, which is included as Section & of the Closure Investigation Report, does not meet the minimum requirements of 6NYCR.R Part 360 Subdivision 360-2.15. The department may approve the use of alternative closure concepts at landfills which are not negatively impacting the environment. Due to documented groundwater impacts from this landfill, a more conservative conceptual closure plan will be required to remedy the groundwater impacts from the landfill. - -- .�--- 0 C c Rn$u;�d ►►.b-�,;dam% ���z �;,,.,'„ d., e�c, sin )WJ t.�,.� /a��X t�/P �� i r! �^^ a4K . T 'd C28T S9L 9 T S TWH 111?i Q 666- T C1 ,-,6, 7 0 -illi However, the Department ha n the past entertained the concept of anlhalt capping system over the western area of the landfill which would serve as a base to facilitate a yard waste composting site over the landfill cap. The Department will require a detailed engineering report about the feasibility of an asphalt cap for the western area of the landfill in order to evaluate the viability of this alternate capping method. In reference to the pians for the complete and partial reclamation in the eastern area of the landfill site, the applicant has missed the deadline for submission of a feasibility study report for such a proposal as outlined in the compliance Schedule and Mda require a modification of the Stipulation of Settlement. To evaluate the merits of a second alternate capping plan with an evapotranspiration capping system, the Department will require that a detailed project report be submitted which could be permitted under the provisions of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-1.13. However the fact that residential wells are being impacted by the land011 is a strong reason to avoid a long term project such as reclamation. If you have any questions concerning this matter feel free to contact Mathew Eapen of my staff, Sincerely, Anthon . Cava, P E., Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer cc: M, Treers, Central Office M. Eapen File 52A01; File 52A39. EMT 9 S T1UH 111101 TIOHI O WdOtr:r n �6, F-0 -mr 01;06!98 12:31 FAX � � C�j03 New Yc rk State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 4 ) -SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2358 Phone (51 B)44.4-0375 Ve Fax (518)444-0231 John P. Cahill Acting Commissioner June 20, 1)97 The Hono able Jean W. Cochran Supervise, Town of Southold Town Hal;' 53095 Main Road Southold, W 11971 Dear Supe visor Cochran: The N(w York State Department of Environmental Conseivation (The Department) is in receipt of the Town of S mthold Closure Investigation Plan for the Cutchoglae landfill. Based on a review of this report the Departmer t has the following comments: This re)ort recommends a reduction of the monitoring well network, sampling frequency and analytical parameters for the Post Closure Monitoring Program. However the existence of a leachate plume emanating from the la idfill and the existence of off-site impacts would necessity that the Town continue to monitor and define the i ature and the extent of the contamination. Monitoring welts that are clearly demonstrated to be unnecessar r for this requirement, i.e., hydraulically up gradient or outside the potential contaminant pathway maybe elim hated from the well network. For the same reason, the recommendation to eliminate analytical parameters which are necessary to define the contaminant plume and be protective of the local drinking water sources an( the environment cannot be granted at this time. Additionally, an adequate demonstration of the appropriate less of reducing the sampling frequency has been not made. Pursuar t to the provisions of the 6-NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-2.11(c), an Environmental ; Monitoring Plan for the ongoing monitoring must be submitted addressing specifically the provisions of Subdivision 3 60-2.11(c)(5)(iii). The cor;eptual closure plan, which is included as Section 8 of the Closure Investigation Report, does not meet the mi wnum requirements of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-2.15. The'department may approve_ the use of i temative closure concepts at landfills which are not negatively impacting the environment. Due to documentet groundwater impacts from this landfill, a more conservative conceptual closure plan will be required to -emedy the groundwater impacts from the landfill. - . .01/06/98 12:31 FAX 04 Hou ever, the Department has in the past entertained the concept of an asphalt cappins system over the western area of the landfill which would serve as a base to facilitate a vard waste composting site over the landfill c Ip. The Department will require a detailed engineering report about the feasibility of an asphalt cap for the v•estern area of the landfill in order to evaluate the%iability of this alternate capping method. In re'erence to the pians for the complete and partial reclamation in the eastern area of the landfill site, the appli;ant has missed the deadline for submission of a feasibility study report for such a proposal as outlined m the compliance Schedule and wwjU require a modification of the Stipulation of Settlement. To evaluate the merits of a second alternate capping plan with an evapotranspiration capping system, the Departm ant will require that a detailed project report be submitted which could be permitted under the provisiot s of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-1.13. However the fact that residential wells are being impactec by the landfill is a strong reason to avoid a long term project such as reclamation. If yo,i have any questions concerning this matter feel free; to contact Mathew Eapen of my staff. Sincerely, Anthon J. Cava, P.E., Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer cc: M. T,em, Central Office M. E,:pen File 5 ZA01;File 52A39. 0 0 � i- '( 7 //,,j C- �,1l New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Ad& Building 40 -SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Imbow Phone (516) 444-0375 - Fax (516) 444-0231 n John P. Cahill Acting Commissioner J June 20, 1997 The Honorable Jean W. Cochran Supervisor, Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Cochran: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (The Department) is in receipt of the v Town of Southold Closure Investigation Plan for the Cutchogue landfill. Based on a review of this report the \Department has the following comments: This report recommends a reduction of the monitoring well network, sampling frequency and analytical ` parameters for the Post Closure Monitoring Program. However the existence of a leachate plume emanating from the landfill and the existence of off-site impacts would necessity that the Town continue to monitor and define the nature and the extent of the contamination. Monitoring wells that are clearly demonstrated to be unnecessary for this requirement, i.e., hydraulically up gradient or outside the potential contaminant pathway maybe eliminated from the well network. For the same reason, the recommendation to eliminate analytical parameters which are necessary to define the contaminant plume and be protective of the local drinking water sources and the environment cannot be granted at this time. Additionally, an adequate demonstration of the \P� +N appropriateness of reducing the sampling frequency has been not made. S4. MA6 Pursuant to the provisions of the 6NYCRR Part 3)60 Subdivision 360-2.11(c), an Environmental Monitoring Plan for the ongoing monitoring must be submitted addressing specifically the provisions of Subdivision 360-2.1l(c)(5)(iii). The c nceptual closure glan, which is included as Section 3 of the Closure Investigation Report, does not meet the minimum requirements of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-2.15. The department may approve the use of alternative closure concepts at landfills which are not negatively impacting the environment. Due to documented groundwater impacts from this landfill, a more conservative conceptual closure plan will be required to remedy the groundwater impacts from the landfill. However, the Departm has in the past entertained the concept n asphalt capping system over the R/westem area of the landfill which would serve as a base to facilitate a yard waste composting site over the ylandfill cap. The Department will require a detailed engineering report about the-feasibility of an asphalt cap for the western area of the landfill in order to evaluate the viability of this alternate capping method. In reference to the plans for the complete and partial reclamation in the eastern area of the landfill site, the applicant has missed the deadline for submission of a feasibility study report for such a proposal as t outlined in the compliance Schedule and will require a modification.of the Stipulation-of-Settlement. To , Vt''V evaluate the merits of a second alternate capping plan with va otrans iration capping system, he �. Department will require that a detailed project report be submitted which could a permitted un er the provisions of 6NYCRR Part 360 Subdivision 360-1.13. However the fact that residential wells are being impacted by the landfill is a strong reason to avoid a long term project such as reclamation. If you have any questions concerning this matter feel free to contact Mathew Eapen of my staff. Sincerely, Ithon J. Cava, P.E., : Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer �w cc: M. Treers, Central Office A M. Eapen 1+ ✓ ou�� , File 52A01; File 52A39. L ` i-c J' .' . SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 709 4--22-9F : 12:58rM 516 09045- 7347976:!! 1 s DRAFT April , 1996 Anthony J. _Cava, P.E. Regional Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region I -- Building 40 Post-It*Fax Note 7671 °Ale Z,L 4443► S Stony Brook, NY 11790-23 56 TO )/V% 9 u�c c*,C/C From c=VWLj) �1boFil co. �B Re: Southold Landfill Phone# PhOV4 jby_ y��a 78:•#.73 Y -- 7-T 7 Dear Mr. Cava: For our meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on April 25 t0 discuss matters pertaining to the Southold Landfill and the composting facility permit application, 1 would like to propose the following agenda: 1. NYSDEC comments on permit application 2. 11se of C&D for contour grading material for landfill closure 3. Use of concrete/brick C&D for base of composting pad 4. Status of closure variance requests 5. Status of buffer area/setback variance request 6. Status of borrow area setback variance request. If you have comments with regard to this agenda, or would like to add to the agenda, please call me. Very truly yours, Jean Cochran /tam Supervisor M. C. Dowd J. Bunchuck T. Maher(D&B) 01114'0422601 T/A- Pxce�slos jj,,, J STATE OF NEW YORK GEORGE E. PATAKI GOVERNOR November 10, 1995 Dear Mr. Wickham: Thank you for your letter and resolution regarding landfill closure regulations . As you know, I have created the Office of Regulatory Reform to review all regulatory requirements which include potential reforms regarding Landfill Closure Regulations found in 6 NYCRR part 360 . Part of the reform process involves weighing the environmental benefits of existing or proposed legislation against its cost . This can be a difficult process, especially with landfill closures since the allowable limits for residual contaminants are subject to change . That change could result in a huge cost that could have been avoided if the landfill had been closed earlier under less stringent requirements . I am forwarding your letter to the Office of Regulatory Reform to assist them in their review and I have asked the office to keep you informed on all developments . Very truly yours, Honorable Thomas Wickham Supervisor Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE CAPITOL ALBANY 12224 A♦ �I CG TSITRITC,` Y :r ice, � New,York State Deparmant of Environmental Conservatl* s%A bar Buying 40 -SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 4�`4` 16 Phone (516) 444-0375 Fax# (516) 444-0373 z Michael D.Zagata Commissioner November 3, 1995 Supervisor Thomas Wickham Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Wickham: The Division of Solid Waste has reviewed the Landfill Closure Investigation Work Plan for the Southold (Cutchogue) Landfill prepared by Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers and dated March 1995. Based on our review, the Department has the following comments: 1. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis A. Complete groundwater elevations must be taken during the sampling program and must be reported. A current groundwater flow map (for both deep and shallow wells) must be included with the Closure Investigation Report (CIR). B. This round of baseline sampling as described in the CIR can be considered the first of the three conditions outlined in the Town of Southold's Stipulation of Settlement" whereby the Town is requesting a reduction in the post-closure groundwater monitoring frequency. Completing the three conditions outlined in the settlement enables the Town to apply for the variance request reducing the monitoring requirements at the site. 2. Explosive Gas Investigation A. The workplan details an explosive gas investigation using a combination of permanent explosive gas monitoring points and temporary explosive gas Supervisor Thomas W*am • 2 monitoring points. In most cases, the number of proposed monitoring points is adequate. However, the number of proposed monitoring points along the southwest properly line (between permanent monitoring points 1-8) is inadequate (see attached map). Temporary monitoring points (using the same spacing as proposed along the north, east, and southeast sides of the landfill) should be continued along the entire southern and southwest sides of the landfill. These points will be useful because they will provide a different level of gas monitoring, two to three feet deep for the temporary probes and about 25 feet deep for the permanent gas probes. These points are necessary because at the .southwest boundary of the landfill site are a number of inhabited dwellings and the permanent gas monitoring points are too widely spaced to provide adequate monitoring. B. The explosive gas investigation must require a radial or lateral step out whenever gas is detected at a monitoring point. The investigator must move 25 or 30 feet away from the landfill and retest every time gas is identified at a monitoring point. This stepout will help to identify any potential migration path and possible limit of gas migration. 3. Surface Leachate Survey A. Groundwater is 12 to 50 feet below ground surface at this site and any leachate generated would be expected to percolate vertically into the ground. Therefore, any identified leachate seep or stain must include an explanation as to why the leachate seep occurs where it does. 4. Other Comments A. The CIR should include a limits of waste map. This map should include the proposed capping area. Any areas not included under the cap must be identified and an explanation of why they will not be capped, must be provided. B. The report must also address the issue of how landfill under the proposed compost facility will be capped and monitored with special reference to gas venting. C. Water Well Survey - There are a number of water supply wells close to the landfill. The Scope of Work does not include any discussion about the groundwater quality or the possible contamination of the nearby private wells. The workplan contains no provisions for the testing of private water wells. A number of these wells should be sampled for groundwater quality and possible contamination. Supervisor Thomas WASM 3 If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mathew Eapen, of my staff at the above listed telephone number. Sincerely, Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid Waste Engineer AJC:ME:ls - DEC nq 19! 11 1 rAl'1 601�LI� T01111 HALL 516 7765 le23 NOW York $tat* Department of Environmental ConServgtlon OiWalOn of Solid G Hazardous Matertata Bureau of Program Management ie 50 WON NOW, Albany, New York 12233.7250 November 27, 1995 Mr. Thomas Wickham Supervisor Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Town of Southold Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan i ' We have completed our review of the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management Plan submitted on August 30, 1994 and all subsequent responses to our comments regarding same, Based on our review, we have determined that our comments and concerns have been addressed and that the Town of Southold has provided a substantive consideration of the elements set forth in the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, Section 27-0107, However, in order for this Department to formally issue a final approval of the Town of Southold comprehensive solid waste management plan, the following items must be submitted. I. Three (3) copies of a complete, stand-alone Town Southold Solid Waste Management Plan, which contains all the corrections and revisions from the entire review process, including revised tables, charts, figures and . text. Two (2) copies of these stand-alone plans should be sent tome at the following address: Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), 50 Wolf Road, Room 488, Albany, New York 12233-7250; and one (1) copy should be sent to Mr. Anthony Cava, Regional Solid & Hazardous Materials Engineer, Region 1, NYSDEC, SUNY-Stony Brook, loop Road, Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790. 2. Three (3) certified resolutions stating that the said integrated solid waste management plan is adopted by the Town of Southold and that the Town of Southold will implement the solid waste management programs, projects and plans as identified in the recommendations of said plan, should also be sent to me at the above address. Enclosed is a copy of a sample resolution for the planning unit's use. 3. The Town of Southold has determined that a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not needed for this plan and, in this regard, issued a Negative Declaration in accordance with 6 NYCRR Subdivision 617.10(1) . Please send me a copy of this Negative Declaration for the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management Plan. I DEC 014 '95 11: 1 0-IF111 SCSI�L D Tr rl 111 l 101 L 16 765 1 � • F.3 >t Mr. Thomas Wickham 2. Please contact me (518-457-3273) if you have any questions concerning this matter. Thank you for your cooperation, Sincerely, r Mic ael J. McTague Environmen al Program Specialist Planning & Legislation Section i Bureau of, Program Management Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials Enclosure cc: A. Cava, Region 1 J. Howell , Region 1 "r r e F j i I � I i ' 01 LTI HALL iHOV 08 '95 04:c0P9 S (� l A r New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Y ltuiiding 40 •SUNY. Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 �,• Phone (510) 444-0370 ►ax # (5 161 444-0373104 r _. Michael 0. Zapata Commkvione► November 3, 1995 Supervisor Thomas Wickham Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Wickham: The Division of Solid Waste has reviewed the Landitll Closure Investigation Work Plan for the Southold (Cutchogue) Landfill prepared by Dvirka and Bartilueci Consulting Engineers and dated March 1995. Based on our review, the Department has the following comments: 1. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis J A. Complete groundwater elevations must be taken during the sampling program and must be reported. A current groundwater flow map (for both deep and shallow wells) must be included with the Closure Investigation Report (CIR). B. This round of baseline sampling as described in the,CIR can be considered the first of the three conditions outlined in the Town of Southold's Stipulation of Settlement" whereby the Town is requesting a reduction in the post-closure groundwater monitoring frequency. Completing the three conditions outlined in the settlement enables the Town to apply for the variance request reducing the monitoring requirements at the site. 2. Explosive Gas Investigation A. The workplan details an explosive gas investigation using a combination of permanent explosive gas monitoring points and temporary explosive gas NOV 08 "95 04:29PM 019L D T(-+J11 HALL 716 ;F,`. � �;�? � P.3 j Supervisor Thomas Wickham 4 2 monitoring points. In most cases, the number of proposed monitoring points is adequate. However, the number of proposed monitoring points along the southwest properly line (between permanent monitoring points 1.8) is inadequate (see attached map). Temporary monitoring points (using the sane spacing as proposed along the north, east, and southeast sides of the landfill) should be continued along the entire southern and southwest sides of the landfill. These points will be useful because they will provide a different level of gas monitoring, two to three feet deep for the temporary probes and about 25 feet deep for the permanent gas probes. These points are necessary because at the -southwest boundary of the landfill site are a number of inhabited dwellings and the permanent gas monitoring points are too widely spaced to provide adequate monitoring. B. The explosive gas investigation must require a radial or lateral step out whenever gas is detected at a monitoring point. The investigator must move 23 or 30 feet away from the landfill and retest every time gas is identified at a monitoring point, This stepout will help to identify any potential.migration path and possible limit of gas migration. 3. Surface Leaebate Survey A. Groundwater is 12 to SO feet below ground surface at this site and any leachate generated would be expected to percolate vertically into the ground. Therefore, any identified leachate seep or stain must'include an explanation as to why the leachate seep occurs where it does. 4. Other Comments A. The CDR should include a limits of waste map. This map should include the proposed capping area. Any areas not included under the cap must be identified and an explanation of why they will not be capped, must be provided. B. The report must also address the issue of how landfill under the proposed compost facility will be capped and monitored with special reference to gas venting. C, Water Well Survey - There are a number of water supply wells close to the landfill. The Scope of Work does not include any discussion about the groundwater quality or the possible contamination of the nearby private wells. The workplan contains no provisions for the testing of private water wells. A number of these wells should be sampled for groundwater quality and possible contamination. NOV 08 195 04:29PIl SOLD P-11,1I1 HALL 516 767 1F F.4 Supervisor Thomas Wickham 3 If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mathew Eapen, of my staff at the ` above listed telephone number. Sincerely, Anthony J. Cava, P.B. Regional Solid Waste Engineer AJC:MB:ls New York State De artmnt of Environmental Conservation rvation Building 40—SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Langdon Marsh Commissioner I i�printed on recycled paper .0 0 Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax:516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net February 18, 2000 Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY-Region 1 -Building 40 Stony Brook,NY 11790-2356 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: This letter is a follow-up to our telephone conversation today regarding closure of the Southold Landfill. As you are aware, the closure construction plans and specifications were approved by the Department in a letter dated December 23, 1999, and it was the Town of Southold's intent to bid the project in late January. However, two situations have developed which have precluded the Town from bidding the project, these being the need to resolve the replacement of the transmission towers on the landfill with LIPA and securing of construction easements on properties adjacent to the landfill from reluctant property owners. The Town has been attempting to resolve these matters over the past few months and is continuing to resolve them. Until these matters are resolved, however, the Town feels it is prudent not to bid the project and, as a result, the schedule for closure construction has been delayed. Based on best available information and the hope that the above matters can be resolved in the near future, the Town is hoping to bid the project in late March. Your understanding of this situation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam cc: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Gregory Yakaboski,Esq.,Town Attorney James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator O l 3 l 4/tfm00Itr-03.doc A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSUUCH ASSOCIATES,P.C. Dvirka d[ and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 • 718-460-3634 @ Fax:516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng®woddnet.an.net September 30, 1999 Ernest Lampro, Jr. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials, Region One Building 40 - SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11971 Re: Southold Landfill Final Closure Plan D&B No. 1314-F2 Dear Mr. Lampro: On behalf of the Town of Southold, we are pleased to submit one copy each of Contract Documents and Specifications for General Construction of the Southold Landfill Closure. Note that as per your discussions with David Glass of our office, the Contract front end and General Conditions have not been provided at this time. We have also sent one copy to Melissa Treers at NYSDEC's central office. If you have any questions regarding this matter or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. ry truly yo s, Tho F. Maher, PE Vic resident TFM/CFV/ajm Enclosures cc/encl.: Melissa Treers, NYSDEC cc: Jean Cochran, Supervisor, Town of Southold James Bunchuck, Town of Southold David Glass, D&B Curtis Velsor, D&B ♦1314rrFM99-38.LTR A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. 0 r d1Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 9 Fax:516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@woddnet.att.net August 17, 1998 Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid Waste Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY - Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Re: Southold Landfill Final Closure Plan D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: On behalf of the Town of Southold, please find enclosed two (2) copies of the draft Final Closure Plan for the Southold Landfill. As a result of discussions with Mr. Ernie Lampro of your office, a copy of the Closure Plan also is being directly transmitted to Ms. Melissa Treers of the Albany office. During the site visit with Ms. Treers, Mr. John Vana and Mr. Lampro on June 23, 1998, because of the substantial amount of off-site fill material required to attain a 4% slope on the western portion of the landfill (approximately 46,000 cy), we discussed the concept of submitting both a 2% and 4% grading plan for the western portion of the landfill. (The eastern portion of the landfill will be only at 4% slope.) The Department was agreeable to this concept which would require provision of technical justification in the Closure Plan regarding a possible variance to allow for a 2% slope.- This draft Final Closure Plan contains Subgrade Grading Plans for both 2% and 4% slopes in the western portion of the landfill, and an evaluation of cap hydraulic efficiency, settlement and drainage pertaining to the 2% slope concept. Although the 2% slope does not appear viable based upon evaluation of settlement and drainage, since approval of the grading plan is contingent upon review of this draft plan, we have not prepared Final Grading Plans for closure at this time. After selection/approval of either a 2% or 4% slope for the western area by NYSDEC, a Final Grading Plan will be prepared and submitted to your office. Submittal of only the Subgrade Plans in the enclosure was discussed with and approved by Ms. Treers. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. I OVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Page Two Regional Solid Waste Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation August 17, 1998 If you have any questions with regard to the draft Final Closure Plan or require additional information, or would like to meet to discuss your comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam Enclosures cc: Jean Cochran, Supervisor, Town of Southold Alice Hussie, Councilwoman, Town of Southold William Moore, Councilman, Town of Southold Louisa Evans, Councilwoman, Town of Southold John Romanelli, Councilman, Town of Southold Brian Murphy, Councilman, Town of Southold James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, Town of Southold Ernie Lampro,NYSDEC - Region 1 cc/encl.: Gregory Yakaboski, Esq., Town Attorney, Town of Southold Melissa Treers,NYSDEC - Albany 01314/"rFM98-25.LTR(R02) ' � THS011THOLD "HY• 50 7 E.5 9E.75 � P. 01 Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, New York, 11797.2015 516-364.9890 ■ 718-460-3634 Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng0woridnet.att.net May 4, 1998 Anthony J. Cava, P.F. Regional Solid Waste Engineer New York State Department of Fnvirontnental Conservation SUNY - Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: As you are aware, we are in the process of preparing a Final Closure Plan for the Southold (Cutchogue) Landfill. As you also are aware. initially the 'Town of Southold planned to utilize the western portion of the landfill for its yard waste composting program, and a preliminary contour grading and drainage plan was developed to reflect this intended use. The initial plan was discussed with your staff in March to receive preliminary comments. Based on these comments, which primarily involved concerns regarding provision of adequate drainage due to the shallow slopes proposed for the composting pad, as well as comments on the Conceptual Closure Plan, which primarily involved concern regarding potential damage to the cap as a result of composting activities, the Town has decided to relocate the composting facility to the borrow area in the northeast corner of the landfill property. Not only will this change alleviate your Department's concerns, but also will reduce the amount of contour grading material needed to develop the area for tine initially planned compost area, and allow more drainage to the southwest corner of the landfill property, thereby negating the need to construct a subsurface piping system to convey ntnoff to the northeast portion of the landfill. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F.COSULICH ASSOCIATES,P.C. I{r:0 510765 9675 F. 0 t r3VIAKA ANO BA94TOLUCCI Anthony J. Cava, P.>; . Page Two Regional Solid Waste Engineer New York State Department of I?environmental Conservation April 30, 1998 As a result of this change, we would like to request an extension of time for submittal of the Final Closure Plan. According to the Stipulation Agreement, the Closure Plan was to be submitted to the Department 180 days after approval of the Closure Investigation Report and Conceptual Closure Plan (NYSDFC letter dated December 19, 1998), which is June 18, 1998. The request is for an additional 60 days, until August 17, 1998. If you have any questions with regard to this request or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very tnily yours, i Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President I FM/tam cc: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Alice Ilussie, Councilwoman Louisa P. Evans, Councilwoman John M. Romanelli, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman William D. Moor, Councilman Gregory F. Yakaboski, Town Attorney Matthew Eapen, NYSDEC - Region I 0 131VITN199-061TR(R02) r. JEAN W. COCHRAN c Town Hall, 53095 Main Road SUPERVISOR y Z P.O. Box 1179 O Southold, New York 11971 y O� Fax(516) 765-1823 Telephone(516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Joseph Baier, Director, Environmental Quality Suffolk County Department of Health Services Anthony Cava, Regional Solid Waste Engineer NYS DEC, Stony Brook Office Matthew Eapen, Environmental Engineer 1 NYS DEC, Stony Brook Office Steve Condon, Engineering Geologist 1 NYS DEC, Albany Office Robert Phaneitf,, Environmental Engineer 3 NYS DEC, Albany Office Thomas Maher, V.P. , Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Southold Town Board James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator 1"ROM: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran DATE: July 30, 1997 StJBJ: Meeting re: Landfill Closure Investigation Plan Please accept this memo as confirmation of the meeting scheduled Cor Wednesday, August 20, 1997 at 11 :00 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Southold Town Hall. JWC:ck fAQ y� JEAN W. COCI`II;AN c •� Town Hall,53095 Main Road SUPERVISOR w 2 P.O. Box 1179 O �� Southold,New York 11971 y Fax(516)765-1823 Telephone(516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Joseph Baier, Director, Environmental Quality Suffolk County Department of Health Services Anthony Cava, Regional Solid Waste Engineer NYS DEC, Stony Brook Office Matthew Eapen, Environmental Engineer I NYS DEC, Stony Brook Office Steve Condon, Engineering Geologist I NYS DEC, Albany Office Robert Phaneuf, Environmental Engineer 3 NYS DEC, Albany Office Thomas Maher, V.P., Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator FROM: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran DATE: August 14, 1997 RE: Agenda for meeting - Landfill Closure Investigation Plan I am forwarding a copy of the proposed agenda for the meeting scheduled on Wednesday, August 20, 1997 at 11:00 AM in the Conference Room of the Southold Town Hall. r O C o y T °ti�o� Sao Town of Southold and NYSDEC Meeting - August 20, 1997 Re: Landfill Closure and Correspondence of June 20, 1997 AGENDA �-� Town's plan for providing public water in vicinity of landfill. 2. Asphalt cap in western area. 3. Requirements for feasibility; engineering report, etc. re#2 above. 4. Pilot test for evapotranspiration cap and DEC requirements for same. 5. Reduction of monitoring wells, sampling and frequency. 6. Stipulation of settlement modification requirements to consider landfill reclamation. 7. Availability of grant money for landfill closure. Gil' s �v,, APR 22 '96 03:25PM SOLD TOWH HALL 516 765 1823 P.1 ` �ufFobt JRAN W.COCHMN A° Town Hell, 53095 Main Road SUPERVISOR P.O. Box 1119 Southold,New York 11971 Fox.(518)765.1823 f Telephone(516) 765-1869 t OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Apd122, 1996 Anthony J. Cava, P.E. Regional Solid and Hazardous Waste Engine pan- Fax Note 7671 da* Tll-A ► New York State Department of Environments FfO11, Conservation Co. • Co. Region I•Building 40 php„a 'Mons M Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 a■# fax Dear Mr. Cava: For our meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on April 25 to discuss matters pertaining to the Southold Landfill and the composting facility permit application, I would like to propose the following agenda: 1. NYSDEC comments on permit application 2. Use of C&D for contour grading material for landfill closure 3. Use of concrete/brick C&D,fbr base of composting pad 4. Status of closure variance requests 5. Status of buffer area/setback variance request 6. Status of borrow area setback variance request If you have comments with regard to this agenda or would like to add to the agenda, please call me. ,.,Sincerely, Jean W, Cochran +`' Supervisor /rbw cc: Town Board/Town Attorney J. Bunchuck T. Maher(D&B) O ��O Gym Town Hall, 53095 Main Road THOMAS H.WICEI AM y z P. O.Boa Southold,New Yorkork 11971 SUPERVISOR d ' .! Fax (516)765-1823 4% Telephone(516)765-1889 September 15, 1995 David E. Blackman Environmental Engineer IV Division of Solid Waste NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road, RM 202 Albany, NY 12233 Re: Southold Landfill Dear Mr. Blackman: This is to provide you with a progress report concerning development of a closure plan for the Southold Landfill, following our meeting at the Association of Towns' Office with you and other NYSDEC staff and representatives of the Governor's Office on Regulatory Reform on June 22, 1995. As you are aware, the Town of Southold is extremely concerned about the substantial cost of the typically required Part 360 landfill closure involving construction of a geomembrane or clay soil cap, which is currently being required for closure of the Southold Landfill. As explained during our meeting, based on environmental data, it does not appear that this landfill poses a significant threat to human health or the environment, and can be closed in a more cost-effective manner, including construction of the "ecosystem" cover which we presented in a briefing document presented at the June 22nd meeting to mitigate leachate generation. Following the meeting, you had suggested that we utilize the USEPA Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal for landfill closure. As a result of your suggestion, we have directed our engineering consultant, Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers (D&B) , to undertake this modeling. At this date, D&B has set up the model and performed a preliminary evaluation. In order to address the Southold Landfill on a site-specific basis, we are in the process of preparing a topographic map of the landfill and should have the map completed in about 30 days, after which D&B will prepare a rough closure grading plan. Following preparation of the grading plan, D&B will run the model for a geomembrane and/or 10(-5) cm/sec soil cap, and the "ecosystem" cover, to determine the effectiveness of these caps/covers. David E. Blackman Environmental Engineer IV Page Twp September 15, 1995 We hope to have a report on the modeling results prepared by he end of October, after which we will forward a copy to you for review. If you have any questions or require additional information, p ase contact me. Sincer y, Thomas Wic ham Supervisor cc: Thomas Carroll, Gov. office on Regulatory Reform Lynette Stark, Governor's Office Carl Johnson, NYSDEC Special Projects Patricia Walsh, Association of Towns Southold Town Board Thomas Maher, D&B Consulting Engineers bcc: Town Attorney Town Clerk J. Bunchuck v! A SUFFoc� opo co Town Hall,53095 Main Road THOMAS H.WICKHAM o P.O.Bog 1179 CS SUPERVISOR * Southold,New York 11971 O yC Fax (516)765-1823 Telephone(516)765-1889 December 2, 1994 Ray E. Cowan, P.E. Regional Director NYSDEC Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790-2356 re: Revision to Mining Reclamation Plan and Variance Dear Mr. Cowan: Kindly consider this letter the Town of Southold' s revised, updated reclamation plan and variance request for the t 5 acre mined area to the north of the Cutchogue Landfill. This letter is filed pursuant to Section IIG of the Stipulation of Settlement, dated October 5, 1994 and is intended to supplement the mining and reclamation plan dated June 1986, previously filed with the Department. The 1986 plan should be revised to add the northeasterly corner of the sand pit as part of the designated area that has been mined. That area is shown by cross-hatching on the attached site plan. The slopes in that area will be restored to a 2 : 1 grade by scaling back the top of the slope to the east. A visual inspection of the remainder of the pit area reveals that the slopes have, for the most part, stabilized over the past several years, and indeed, sustained plant growth exists throughout. Slope stabilization and grading will be implemented in those isolated areas of the pit where erosion appears to be occurring. The 1986 reclamation plan is revised to delete possible use of the pit area for landfilling of municipal solid waste. The area will be used as a stormwater recharge basin. At some future date, the Town may choose to utilize the area for yard waste composting. That alternative, should it be pursued, would be coordinated with the Department. A variance from the 25 foot setback is requested as contemplated in the October 5, 1994 Stipulation of Settlement. Thank you once again for your coope t on and assistance. If you have any questions or need any ad i ional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincer y, aG Thomas Wickham Supervisor Enclosure cc: F. Isler M. Carpentiere ' N• ARt4 TO it It111te Oren �. (]) 144Ilta VELA 0511100 s t too ` �M • 10 � t / AAL• 0 �E �tOETATtO YfoN . / t COWL TION 0!� MIMtMA OItR�t10Ms• ,�.... ..,,.....t / / LI. ! OONItAtlGtt9ALaN /,OfAli .04 THIN Fill TER Iacl;ff a pm<Atf rROt•s11TT O 41va CAaiol"Q �„F, k•>! Z�rfCT' t 1 f OII�IMLOE ,� � Q INT* INC Off- .�.. a.-Moo-mom— "Wal . ,• �. 46 VBWW•Woo .916 •. .. ,fir N.�.� titrrAMA y�.N.A.. 1RECLAMATION PLAN • «.�••• « ���•�«•'` _ o ......�J.....M ..� V II JI PROPOSED CUtCNO4UE MINING SITE M.�„•.,« �' • HOLZMACHER, MoLENooN Ma(a ; �F^ J co•leuLTwaENc,K£ sEwieoln+wtulDeM1 Town Hall,53095 Main Road THOMAS H.WICKHAM - P.O.Bog 1179 SUPERVISOR H = Southold,New York 11971 p Fax (516)765-1823 �r Telephone(516)765-1889 November 9, 1994 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ray E. Cowan, P.E. Regional Director NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790-2356 Re: Clean-Up Plan for Temporary Transfer Station Dear Mr. Cowan: Enclosed please find the Town's "clean-up plan" for the temporary transfer station. This plan is submitted in compliance with paragraph 6 of your letter of authorization of September 29, 1994 . Thank you once again for your cooperation an ssistance. Very trul yours, Thomas H. Wickham Supervisor Enclosure CLEAN-UP PLAN FOR TEMPORARY TRANSFER STATION (Facility Identification No. 52 T 92) STATEMENT This statement is being submitted in compliance with paragraph 6 of the letter of Ray E. Cowan, P.E. , dated September 29, 1994 to Supervisor Wickham, and is intended to supplement section 5. 11 [Closure of the Temporary Transfer Operations] of the Engineering Report of Dvirka and Bartilucci , dated September 1993. CLEAN-UP PLAN Upon cessation of the temporary transfer station operation, the site will be policed to be free of waste and debris. Presently, the transfer station operates as described in the Engineering Report of September 1993. Residents drive into the collection building and deposit their bags of refuse in the trough that runs the length of the building. Carters drive their vehicles directly in the trough. The waste is loaded from the trough into the trucks that transport the waste out of town. Once this portion of the collection building ceases to be used as a temporary transfer station, the trough and related areas will be cleaned so as to be free of waste and debris. It is anticipated that all structures will remain in place. How this area of the collection building will be used thereafter will be dependent on the long-range disposal plan adopted by the town. In addition to being used as a transfer facility, the collection building is used as part of the collection of recyclables and household hazardous wastes. Indeed, the town has recently received a new, three year permit for the S.T.O.P. facility. The building also houses a mechanic's shop and had been used in the past for storage of landfill equipment. One option will be to incorporate that portion of the collection building into a permanent transfer station. Alternatively, this area of the building could be converted and adapted to become part of the Town's recycling facility. In any event, upon cessation of its use as a temporary transfer station, that portion of the building that had been used as the temporary transfer station will be broom clean. {V c�� � `7 .•s JAMES BUNCHUCK c y< P.O. Box 962 SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR y Z Cutchogue, New York 11935 pTel: (516) 734-7685 Fax: (516) 734-7976 SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT November 22, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: (Mary Wilson FROM: dim Bunchuck SUBJECT: Dvirka and Bartilucci Contract Addendum As per our discussion, attached is a memo from me to the Board requesting their approval of the addendum submitted by Tom Maher. Could you please attach this memo to the addendum, along with Maher's cover letter to you showing the estimated savings generated by their additional work, and ask Betty to distribute? Thanks 0 � G JAMES BUNCHUCKo y1 P.O. Box 962 SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR y Z Cutchogue, New York 11935 p Tel: (516) 734-7685 y%O' Fax: (516) 734-7976 SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT November 22, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: *1m Town Board Members FROM: Bunchuck SUBJECT: Dvirka and Bartilucci Contract Addendum To follow up on my discussion at the Board's last meeting re: additional work required of D&B for landfill closure, I hereby request the Board approve the attached addendum to the D&B contract authorizing the work. Some of the work has occurred already, some has yet to be done. The addendum would increase the budget for Task#2 of the contract(i.e., "Preparation of Closure Plans and Specifications")by a total of$98,900. The work authorized by this increase has already resulted in about $150,000 in savings in cap construction costs, and could ultimately save as much as$456,000. The attached letter of November 18 from Tom Maher to Mary Wilson outlines the expected savings. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this proposed addendum. NOV- � 7 c n-:— e n:N4 .. ,�r.� Tc�Iirl 1101-1i , �,_ IR27:7,11)l P.JACIe 1/12 d1Dvlrka and bWN5ULTING Bartifucci ENGINEERS 390 Crossways Park Onus,Woodbury,New York 11797.2018 51&304-9890 @ 7194604W 9"Fax:S16-W4-9046 e-mail: db-eng*worldnet.att.net November 18, 1999 Mary Wilson, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 1.1971 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Ms. Wilson: As requested in your letter dated November 15, 1999, please find enolosed an Addendum to the Agreement for Engineering Design and Construction Observation Services for Closure of the Southold Landfill. Please note that, since the Town is considering options regarding location of the planned compost pad, this Addendum does not include the cost for design (specification and drawings) of a compost pad on the landfill as provided in my letter dated November 8, 1999. A summary of cost savitigs and revenue anticipated to be gaited through the Addendum is the following: I. Value of glass sand as an avoided cost S 75,000 2. .Value of wood waste, from George's transfer station as revenue 75,000 3. Value of dredge material from the Town of Huntington as revenue 56,000 4. Valuc of borrow pit material as an avoided cost (assumes using 100,000 cubic yards for closure) . 250.000' Total Savings $456,000 *Note: This amount could be as much as $500,000 if off-site material is not local and low/no cost. Also note that $34,000 of the Addendum amount of$95,900 is for material testing th4t would be incurred as part of the cost of construction. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM A COSULICH A680CIATE111,P.C. NOV-iFIr rti;19 ? 1[i:G1=JHhl OHOLD TGI.111 HALL. -116 F, 1PO,I C' P'^AGR 2/12 OVIRKA AND OARTILUCCI Mary Wilson, Esq. Page Two Deputy Town Attorney Town of Southold November 18, 1999 If you have any questions with regard to this letter or the Addendum, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly Yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President T'FM/tam Enclosures cc: Jean Cochran, Supervisor ec/encl: Jim Hunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator 01314ITTM99-501TR(l01) �11 :lli�l`1 Sr !LD T!-1IIPI HOLL 516 i'r7, 1r7`. TD'. F."AGE 3/12 AGRETMENTADDENDUM . SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE ENGMERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION SERVICES SCOPE OF ADDITIONAL'WORK The services described in,this Agreement Addendum shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Town of Southold and Dvirks and Bardlucoi Consulting Engineers, dated March 3, 1999, and'this Addendum shall be made as part of the Agreement following adoption of a resolution by the Town Board. The following is the scope,of additional services and cost required for preparation of the cnginecring design for closure of frit Southold Landfill: The scope of additional work resulted from modifications and additions to the NYSDEC approved Closure Plan which were not part of the original scope of work as contained in the March 3, 1999,Agreement. Truk 2—Preparation of Closure Plans and Speefi6eatlons 1. Coordination with LIPA, KeySpan and the Town regarding relocation of $9,000 power lines and towers, and preparation'of drawings and specifications far relocation of new towers 2. Sampling and testing of glass sand at the landfill as required by NYSAEC 7,200 3. Continuing services in connection with securing and evaluating alteinatc 4,000 materials for filling the former scavenger waste lagoons ,and contour grading material for cap constnWtien 4. Evaluation of existing soil cover thickness to detormitm the. need for 6,600 additional daily soil cover and odor control measures during regrading of the landfill 5. Relocation and reconstruction of the fire department siren and nonpotable 6,400 water supply well 6. Design of a storm water management system to mitigats flooding in, the 4,400 area of the scale house and provide for adequate drainage for,the arca of the collection center 0 1314 108902(ROI) 1 NOV-1---j' _ 101 11(7)v 9 9. 10.0At.l iOLD T0.111 HALL c16 -6c 1n-3 � F.,,%G8 4/12 7. Prequalification testing of stockpiled golf course material (See.Attachment 17,900 1 from Tectonic' Engineering Consultsms — -includes $1,000 for D&B administration and oversight) 8. Prellminaty design of landfill compost pad and preparation of a 8,800 construction cost estimate 9. Preparation of specifications for removing material ftom the borrow pit, 17,400 including meeting with NYSDEC-and prdparation of a final grading plan for the borrow pit 10 Prequalification testing of borrow pit material (Soo Attachment 2 from 17.200 Tectonic Engineering Consultants) TOTAL $980900 , INCREASE IN BUDGET TASK 2—PREPARATION OF CLOSURE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OdkgimWanlr_act MdAaAam Direct Salary $ 41,280 $22,758 Indirect Cost and Profit 76,368 A TOTAL LABOR . $11.7,648 $64,860 SUBCONTRACTORS. Tectonic Engineering.Onsultantg S-34_.040 SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS $0 $34,040 EXPENSES Mileage $ 200 $0 Special Mail 400 0 Outside Reproductions 2.000 „Q SUBTOTAL EXPENSES $2,600 $0 TOTAL TASK 2 $120448 $989900 TOTAL CONTRACT $5939868 $692,768 a1314n1ioasoz(Rol,) 2 Pk-ib V0. 1G.F'11ViKii r, T0I•11I SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE DESIGN SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAI.WORK AND COST 1. Coordination with L.IPA, KeySpan and Town regarding relocation of power $ 9,000 lines and towers and preparation of drawings and specifications for relocation of new towers (August 6, 1999, letter) 2. A Sampling and testing of glass sand at the landfill as required by 7100 NYSDEC: H. Continuing services in connection with securing and evaluating 4.000 alternate materials for filling the former scavenger waste lagoons and contour grading material for cap construction; C. Evaluation of existing soil cover thickness to determine the need for 6,600 additional daily soil cover and odor control measures during regrading of the landfill; D. Relocating and reconstruction of the Fire Department siren and 6,400 nonputable water supply well. E. Design of a storm water management system to mitigate flooding in the 4,400 area of the scale house and provide for adequate drainage for the area of the planned Collection Center improvements; and F. P.requalification testing of stockpiled golf course material 17,900 (Items A - F September 17, 1999. draft letter) 3. Preliminary design of landfill compost pad and preparation of a 8,800 construction cost estimate (November 8, 1999, letter) 4. Preparation of specifications for removing material from the borrow pit, 17,400 including meeting with NYSDEC and preparation of a final grading plan for the borrow pit(November 10, 1999, letter) 5, Prequalification testing of borrow pit material (November 10. 1999, letter) 17.200 TOTAL $989900 TOTAL w/o PREQUALIFICATION TESTING (Engineering Only) $63,800 Post-it'Fax Note 7671 Date ( pig► Ta From t. -- Co./dept. C0 Phone A Phone q G 13141I'1108901(R02) rax k Fax II