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November 05, 2014
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz
Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission (HAC) meeting and disseminated
minutes. Review and acceptance of draft of Housing Resource Guide for
residents facing evictions.
Counseled one resident to discuss affordable housing resources.
Discussion with member of Board of Directors of the Initiative for the
Community Land Trust of Southold to discuss development of housing.
Discussion with Community Development Corporation of Long Island
regarding enforcement of Fair Housing laws that have evolved as external
pressure from federal and state governments concerning local municipalities
designating “priority status” for local residents for affordable housing.
Additional meeting scheduled with Long Island Housing Partnership and
Heather Lanza and Martin Finnegan.
Meeting with prospective developer Paul Pawlowski regarding proposed
apartment units in Mattituck.
Review and approval of two applications for the First-time home-buyers
exemption of CPF tax. Developed database to capture information for future
Communication with Brian Murphy of Senator Lavalle’s office regarding
possibility of providing tax incentives for residents who create affordable
apartments. He is researching matter.
With Town Attorney, finalized certification for residents of the Cottages at
Mattituck regarding annual compliance.
Amended Housing Registry.
Youth Bureau:
Facilitated Youth Bureau Board meeting and disseminated the minutes.
Developed report of Youth Bureau 2014 Accomplishments in preparation for
2015 goals.
Facilitated Youth Advisory Council meeting. With Dr. Mel Morris of
Brookhaven National Laboratories, discussed environmental initiatives with
students for future implementation.
Attended Greenport, Southold and Mattituck Business Advisory meeting.
Attended East End Partnership for Youth meeting including final preparations
for East End Youth Leadership Summit.
Attended Summit, facilitated workshops. Attendance 120+ students, including
30+ from the Town of Southold.
Meeting with Cindy Smith to discuss her report of Family Service League
Preliminary development of “Martin Luther King Day of Service” for January
19, 2015.
Comprehensive Plan:
Review of draft Housing Chapter.
Economic Development:
Facilitated Economic Development Committee meeting and disseminated
Meeting with Joan Bischoff, North Fork Promotion Council (NFPC), Herb
Adler, Southold Historical Society and Tom Edmonds, Southampton Historical
Society to discuss development of preliminary tourism activities to benefits
local businesses. Review and assistance of NFPC proposal for funding from
Suffolk County for 375 anniversaries.
Telephone call to Peter Clarke, Greenport Business Improvement District, to
discuss future initiatives.
Community Development:
Received additional notice of amended 2014 allocations and developed
preliminary allocation recommendations for 2015 funding.
Several discussions with Tanya Palmore, North Fork Housing Alliance
regarding assistance to resident requiring rehabilitation to mobile home.
Acquired project description identification information from Suffolk County.
Executive Safety:
Worked with Town Attorney In response to Workplace Violence incident
Facilitated site visit and meeting with Southampton Justice Court staff to see
their facility. Additional meeting of subcommittee to develop
Meeting with Chief Flatley to discuss report recommendations of site visit
from HCC Risk that insures Town’s general liability.
Developed Community Notices advertisement for the Suffolk Times.
Meeting with Town Board to discuss modifications to 2014 and 2015 budgets.
With Supervisor, attended East End Supervisors and Village Mayors
Association meeting.
Facilitated Supervisor visit and discussion on WLNG radio.
Facilitated Supervisor and Comptroller 2015 budget discussion with public.