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Mahaffy Family Partners, LP
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I y, < r f l 41 0 0 John Bredemeyer, President �oguFFOt. �, Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino, Vice-President 54375 Route 25 James F. King = P.O. Box 1179 Charles J. Sanders • Southold, NY 11971 Dave Bergen y�ol ,�, �a Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionMork Session Report Date/Time: /sr' Scott Dobriner of Inter-Science on behalf of MAHAFFY FAMILY PARTNERS, L.P. requests a Pre-Submission Inspection for the confirmation of the accuracy of the flagging of the delineation of the bluff crest; inspect property for any other wetland areas; and for the clearing performed within the building envelope on the property for a proposed dwelling prior to issuance of Town permits. Located: 1505 Birdseye Road, Orient. SCTM# 17-1-4 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: *'- Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Storm Water Management Review: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed: O , / j (2 062A,1'?'1A '01AT'-f 0 Y Modifications: Conditions: N'0 7�?17 602ee cc ajA - ) /h Present Were: Y J. Bredemeyer -M. Domino -�J. King zC. Sanders /D. Bergen Bay Constable Other Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: xR i�� � •J ��• ,. 1505 Birdseye Rd, Orient,/N►Y 11957C,,�USA lie ft A4V v op411 . Goode earth s� `� NT Ar • ? 7� '1505 Birdseye Rd, Orient, 'SA, GooSlc earth ', .t Goosle earth feet 500 meters 100 ,2.2.9 8 x9 t)9i ISLAND25 / L. 40 �'- -O a2 �,rf t O iN `� S 1 a2w O 9 //p 211. 21A a,ct /4 / ♦' ' SW 21 9 xiMc1 taw P ,u I � 291tc1 /O.,•� ///� f. m 1 s as e 0A ^1tl ILc !� 2sz R t. LL a E s,,,,d.,�.o�, -�- ur .. �.. O 9...u. --�-- ru. •-- NOTICE r9f'S COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ©' x a igITMIID SECTION NO (xi) Real Properly Tax Service Agency v 17 � rCannRMlrw,Nv nln N r urha prPkrxo ,9W PROPERTY MAP INTE - CIENCE 40 RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. - 7- ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS �"'j RICHARD ERIK WARREN,AICP President OCT — ,," 4 VIA HAND DELIVERY. October 2, 2014. John M. Bredeme er III, President Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall AnnexCC l [ -7g, 0 3 2- 54375 Main Road Southold,New York 11971-0959 Proposal........................................Construction of New Home on Vacant Parcel Fronting Long Island Sound, Location........................................1505 Birdseye Road, Orient, Town of Southold, SCTM# 1000-17-1-4 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: We (Inter-Science & Anthony B. Tohill, Esq.) represent the "in-contract" buyer of the above referenced property. The SCDHS has approved the proposal as represented on the enclosed drawing. We recognize that the bluff crest as shown on the enclosed approved drawing is incomplete. Therefore, we visited the site and flagged the remaining portion of the bluff crest boundary. Before the surveyor visits the site and locates the flags, we would like confirmation that the bluff crest flags are accurate. And, while the Trustees are at the property, it would helpful to obtain your confirmation that no wetlands exist on-site or within the regulated proximity. I am attaching authorization from the owner of the property allowing you to enter the site and meet with me, and/or one of my office associates. I am also enclosing $50 (cash) in recognition of your inspection fee. I In closing, we wish to disclose that the building envelope (as shown on the attached drawing) was recently cleared. Based upon site inspection, it would be reasonable to speculate that a large percentage of the cleared vegetation consisted of vines and other forms of invasive plant material. This action took place prior to buyer learning that such an action likely requires the issuance of a Building Permit and was undertaken solely for the purpose of allowing the buyer's architect a greater ability to assess the site. We hope that a site meeting would allow for a POST OFFICE BOX 1201 • 36 NUGENT STREET • SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11969-1201 631-283-5958 FAX: 631-283-5974 discussion of the clearing as it relates to (1)the future construction of a home at this site and (2) mitigating any of your potential concerns. With your receipt of this letter and the enclosed documents, I am hopeful that we can meet on October 15th at the property towards the objective of making some informal determinations and agreements about how to best proceed. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Respectfully Submitted, colt Dob Sr. Environmental Planner& Landscape Architect SBD: ENC. COPY: Janice Levine, Esq. Michael S. Schachter Fred Stelle, Project Architect Anthony Tohill, Esq. INTEIk-5CIENCE 10/01/2014 12:58 FAX 631765 kevin mclaughlin Q0002/0002 nit 01 14 06: 10p 201 -867-1385 p. 1 Mahaffy Family Partners, L.P. c/o Anne Berman, General Partner 56 Kings Mill Road Monroe Township,NJ 08831 Notice of'AuthorkA on Mahaffy Family Partners,L.P. is the owner of the property located at 1505 Birdseye Road, Orient,New York(SCTM 1000-17-1-4). Mahaffy Family Partners,L.P. hereby authorizes the Southold Town Trustees to enter the referenced property on October 15,2014,for the purposes of meeting with staff of Inter-Science Research Associates, Jnc.,in connection with obtaining confirmation of the bluff crest and potential freshwater wetland boundaries. Mahaffy Family Partners,L.P_ By: Ck o , (Signed) Anne Berman General Partner Date: ) o CST mrd L SUR VEY OF PROPERrY Or ago I tv, A F ORJENr. 3 TOWN OF SOUMOLD SUFYVLK COUNrY., A Y. =AIX 40# 'n)am 17. 2M2 OCT - 2 2014 Sao.*44 no OW60, we= KW lair $=A two + ell I j 7e Ap.aw*iw 1 1 71;ft =MuftAm .,nom Ore DATA A AftZ ANOW SMOV w90 .VAon, I#4+vM n. aa� aw lok-Er mc JX a& m* JU=MW SAAO 30 ov Wpa CL iiu ft 10. W nw VAMIdd tr MOWNWAN ST. Lj% LIP. t$M 904, FMAST v SAM do, .A)aLA=&A& U 91h*bb, 46 A�XW ZjWW lip* r , 0 otd c*nt4 an-Arovs AAV CWWR LPi'EY ARW OVMWV= TO kAVV_ in ARXA—• 13M, ACRJW TO FIE LM 1 0" (OW4,br gWf& M* S-WOMPS Fl** AROWY4 s.w Ofw$m%4mw ar, ft.� r / S 'D6 nW,SWQr OrAAALM9b#W= aispos; ySo 0mwmw Q:rte ae Me a moo a" 00410" A*V JkLMUON #AVIVW 00 ;w swrver is A OAA**, AWN or xcnw r4W rxw(r Tit Ww,YW JTA 19 aWME AAA (&P) 704M SIMS , fj$" ?RAWUO SW714LMA7 Air. M17