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EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT Board of Fire Commissioners PO Box 131 • Main Road • East Marion, NY 11939 (631) 477-0163 • Fax (631) 477-8310 Email: EMFDistrict@optonline.net October 22, 2014 RECEIVED Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC OCT 7 4 2014 Office of the Town Clerk PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Clerk Re: 2015 Annual Budget The undersigned, Secretary of the East Marion Fire District in the Town of Southold does HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached document is a true and correct copy of the budget adopted on October 21, 2014 by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Marion Fire District for the fiscal year 2015 after a public hearingon Octob 21, 2014. Enclosed are two certified copies. Walter Gaipa, Fire District S cretary (SEAL) 2014 East Marion Fire District 2U15FINAL Budget October 21, 2014 East Marion Fire District 2015 FINAL Budget _..__ -- --- ITEM 2014 Ado _- - pted 2014 to Date 2015 PROPOSED - - - - _ Custodial Worker I - ---- --- 1 Salaries and Pension _ i$4,500.00 :$1,316.00 ,$4,500.00 - -_-__------- Maintenance Mechanic II I $8,700.00 $3,655.60 $9,000.00 _ Secretary 1$19,100.00 $19,797.50 $19,577.50 j Treasurer $10,000.00 incl. in above $10,250.00 Clerk $4,000.00 $1,095.00 li$3,000.00 1TOTAL SALARIES --- ------- --- --------- --- -- 210 Firematic Equipment Chiefs Equipment $42,000.00 $28,796.06 $63,000.00 Badges and Uniforms $3,000.00 $47.07 1$3,000.00 Training $5,000.00 1.$3,242.24 $5,000.00 ,Fire Prevention ;$500.00 ($0.00 $500.00 260 Administration, Contractual _ ---- -- - - - 1--- -- 'Bank Fees $500.00 I$258.38 $500.00 Office Supplies - I $4,171.63 ($5,000.00 pp - $5,000.00 ---- --- - g $20,000.00 $540.00 $600.00 Postage 60.0.00 ILe al Fees $14,349.64 ;$15,000.00 j Cell Tower Brokerage_Fees $2,500.00 $_1,681.90 $2,500.00 Association Dues1$1,000.00 y$400.00 ---- Legal Notices,Advertising 1$250.00 $107.12 270 $200.00 ------- -- _._ --._._.---- --- --- - Utilities - Electric-LIPA j$11,000.00 $7,356.42 $11,000.00 Fuel Oil $2000.00 $2,421.18 $3,000.00 $2 769 05 $5,000.00 - _- $300.00 $59.681$300.00 - --- - --- - Natural Gas-National Grid 4,000.00 Water Service-SCWA Utilities: Phones Phone,(2)-Verizon fax lines, (2)Cablevision phone lines- $2,000.00 $1 421.60 $2,000.00 Phone,Wireless-Verizon _ $3,000.00 $1,753.13 ($3,000.00 Internet-Cablevision $3,000.00 1$599.60 $1,000.00__ 1 _ 280Conventions $8,000.00 $1,404.20 $8,000.00 'Inspection Dinner ($8,000.00 ;$8,367.05 1$8,000_._0__0_ _ Ph sicals/Fit testing 10,000.00 $540.00 $10,000.00 Y 9 $ -- --— Travel, Other(Mileage Reimburse, EZ-Pass, etc.) ( $800.00 L- $12.00 $800.00 --- -------- -- ---- - - 290 Buildings and Grounds Repair $57,000.00 $20,771.66 ,$45,000.00 300 Fire Equipment Repair $20,000.00 1,$10,790.57 $20,000.00 - ---- Fuel-Gas and diesel $9,000.00 !$4 878.27 $9,000.00 Well Maintenance and Installation - ----- - $500.00 310 Insurance,Contractual General Auto/LiabiI ty/_UmbrellafTreas./Officers/Accident $38,000.00 $29,961.04 1$38,000.00 540 Insurance, Exempt jWorkers Compensation/VFBL ,$20,000.00 $16,547.66 $20,000.00 500LL!:Unemployment Insurance $250 00 $86.81 $250.00 ---_ --- _- 1 NYS Retirement(Employer) $5,784 00 $0.00 $6,555.00 I-- -''---- -- -- - - i ---------- ---._._...--- --- -- I October 21, 2014 East Marion Fire District 2015 FINAL Budget _ ITEM 520 Service Award (LOSAP) Contribution ---- ---..- ---- ----- $75,000.00 —-- $46,641.99--- $70,000.00 Administration Fees ,$5,000.00 ,$2,062.00 ;$5,000.00 Term Life Insurance_._- _------ --------_---- -__._. __.----- $4,000.00 $3,798.00 $4,000.00 530 FICA and Medicare-Employer $3,000.00 ,$1,783.88 ;$3,000.00 601 Hydrant Rental - ---- --- -- — $6,000.00- --___ $6,435.76 $7,000.00 681 Redemption of Notes(Roof repayment) -----._ - - - I - ----- Interest --.._ ------ $8899 6.00 $896.00 ,$725.43 ------ Principal $6,816.00 $6,816.00 $6,987.04 Transfer to Reserve Building and Grounds $45,000.00 _ ($_0.0.0 _ $45,000.00 Equipment and Apparatus $110,000.00 ----_..._.---- --------------- --- - $0.00 ------'$110,000.00 I Contingency Fund(Planned Balance) $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 — TOTAL EXE DIT E _ $609,996.00 $610,744.97 I! REVENUES - ----._ _..-I- ----- - ----- - -----�-- - — Planned Balance(Contingency Fund) $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 --an Interest $200.00 $336.79 $40_0.00 Building Use rentals 1$700.00 $550.00 $700.00 Cell Tower rental contracts 1$60,000.00 :$49,418.04 $60,000.00 Sale of surplus property $0.00 _ __ $0.00 $0.00 1 Est. Carryover(Fund Balance) 1$15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 TOTAL EST. REVENUES AND UNEXPENDED BAL. $100,900.00 $101,100.00 TOTAL TAX LEVY (Estimated) $509,096.00 $509,644.97 TAX RATE(Estimated) ASSESSED VALUATION 6,538,306.00 6,523,828.00: _ October 21, 2014 East Marion Fire District 2015 FINAL Budget ITEM -�--- ---- 520 Service Award(LOSAP) -- - Contribution _ _ _ _ $75,000.00 $46,641.99 ($70,000.00 -------------- 'Administration -.-_.Administration Fees ,$5,000.00 $2,062.00 1,$5,000.00 ,Term Life Insurance - ---- ,$4,000.00 ,$3,798.00 ($4,000.00 530 FICA and Medicare-Employer - _$3,000.00_.. !,$1 783.88 __ 11_$3,000.00 - 6_01 Hydrant Rental $6,000.00 --- _$6,435.7_6 ',$7,000.00 681 Redemption of Notes(Roof repayment) Interest ----- - - --- ---- -._ --- -- -I-$896.00 ---- $896.00 - -- $725.43 Principal - - -- --- -- --_----- --_ -- - ------ - $6,816.00 ,$6,816.00 $6,987.04 Transfer to Reserve —---- --- -- _- -- — -- ----�- --- - ---- --- Building and Grounds 1$45,000 00 $0 00 $45,000.00 Equipment and Apparatus $110,000.00 $0.00 1$110,000.00 ------------ Contingency Fund(Planned Balance) - $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 TOTAL EX EN ITURES ($609,996.00 $610,744.97 — REVENUES - ---— rP/anned Balance(Contingency Fund) $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 _ Interest ---- ------- - ---------__._ I$200.00 --- ------ -1$336.79-- $400.00 Building Use rentals $700.00 _ $550.00 $700.00 Cell Tower rental contracts $60,000.00 $49,418.04 $60,000.00 Sale of surplus property $0.00 - -- — $0.00 $0.00 -- Est. Carryover(Fund Balance) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 - - TOTAL EST.REVENUES AND UNEXPENDED BAL. 1$100,900.00 $101,100.00 TOTAL TAX LEVE' (Estimate ) 1$509,096.00 _ $509,644.97 TAX RATE(Estimated) A S SED VALUATION - ------ 116,538,306.00 6,523,828.00 J