HomeMy WebLinkAboutDog Pound Addition Town Hall, 53095 Main Road � P.O. Box 728 'y Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE Tow,,,,CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OI VITAL S I \1 ISrICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 2, .1984 Mr. Shawn F. Leonard, President S. K. John Co. , Inc. 1980 Leeton Drive Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Leonard: The Southold Town Board at a meeting held on May 1, 1984 accepted your bid in the amount of $14,850. 00 for the construction of a new concrete block building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York, all in accordance with the bid specifications. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk t Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK _ (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR or VITAL S'I \I ISTiCS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 2, 1984 Mr. James C. McMahon Community Development Administrator Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Jim: This is to confirm that the Southold Town Board at their Special Meeting held on May 1, 1984, accpeted the bid of S. K. John Co. , Inc. , Southold, New York, in the amount of $14,850.00, for the construction of a new concrete block building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York, all in accord- ance the the bid specifications, and Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement for same. Very truly yours, Aly__ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk O co , /"C" So vlr�az '765-- saa 7o �5— 'R 7y . 00 r, f f - F GE(&E H. TAYLOR INVOICE Mason Contractor MATTITUCK, NEW YORK cU�DMERs DATE ED (516) 298.4850 ER TAKEN BY P MI ❑ ❑ P.M. BILL TO PHONE r ADDRESS MECHANIC CITY HELPER JOB NAME AND LOCATION ❑ DAY WORK .i ❑ CONTRACT DESCRIPTION OF WORK ❑ EXTRA d YL q—. QUANT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USED PRICE AMOUNT w�G,J God 4 i i HOURS LABOR AMOUNT MAL MECHANICS @ HATBUL= MAL HELPERS @ LAM I hereby acknowledge the saWactory TOTAL LABOR compk�m Of the above described work. SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETED TOTAL GAR CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 515 EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 516-324-2971 March 29, 1984 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 BID ON DOG POUND ADDITION 6)-ro LUMP SU PRICE � v � G✓ r BY VICE PRESIDENT ATTACHMENT B Section 3 Plan All bid packages must contain the following information: 1 - Purpose of the Section 3 Plan - Contractor's Compliance Form 3 - Contractor -s Section 3 Plan _.4 - Trainee Utilization Plan 5 - Skilled Employee Util-ization Plan 6 - List of organizations concerned with the employment of lo,,i-r„odera;.p income persons. i- List of project area businesses. � k. IMPORTANT LEASE REt1D PURPOSE OF THE SECTION 3 PLAN This plan exists in order to insure that to the greatest extent feasible a good faith effort will be made to: .•1 - Provide an opportunity for training. and employment to low-moderate income residents of the project area. 2 - Provide businesses located in the project area with the opportunity- to become subcontractors and/or vendors.. In order to accomplish the above all potential contractors must sign the Contractor's Compliance Form contained in this section. In addition all potential contractors must complete the Contractor's Section 3 Plan. This plan indicates what actions, it any, are proposed for hiring project area residents and for subcontracting with project area businesses. A list of project area businesses and a list of organizations concerned with the employment of project area residents is included in this Section in order to assist you :hen filling out thz Contractor's Section 3 Plan. Also included in this Section is a Trainee Utilization Plan and a SMlled Employee Utilization Plan. The successful bidder would be required to submit these 2 forms monthly with the Monthly Employment Utili- zation Report (SF 257). r PLEASE NOTE: The successful bidder is the one with the lowest bid. each •bidder however must sign the Contractor' s Compliance Form and comnlE:ta the Contr,,,ctor's Section 3 Plan. • Date: March 29, 1984 Protect iio• - Location; Southold, New York Sir'LT�=�i 0: Cn.rT • f • Ver - `,\.J Train=.^a, ?n ('J^ _-�^.�..' 1...C-.+. tt:Les ' us r,essez A. The Project ass=sled =.d a:- +,r;s kr ..^,—_ �r�.e= -nl iS s::�JJeC` `.7 the re ui:e..ents cf sect:oc o, t`e T . c=.,_ ..^^ r ,. Q CL 51^ 4 a^ n ue•:e-C z-en as —ended, '2 U.S.C". 170111. Sec.._cn _ _ - ^a -eo--O� -�- extent, feasible C_G r:+._ _Es for t:2=. - ' Ea cr.+ E77J_O j=. e G_•:en �.aEr ince=e :esic::cs of the ?r^ceC: e= - _-_ frlt:l bl:e pro11 be a.�-ced �C �L:s_'less Ccncer.5 N._c.h are loc_c_ed in Cr owmed in SL'OSz"-nt4_31 -part. z z e sons. .�.�__-. -i• N azea Cis - B. Ii'Otwlt:7s 62.n.=-: any 0 t::2r -,rovis4 cn Oa �.^.►5 (contract)(2==ee_ent) the (aFp'-icz.1t, ---="-:�) s: =L' car cup `:e rev= -= _ sAct•_ _ - r �. _�.J.^.S C. sc_- C^ and Ithe re;.—u at4c s _s.SL'Et ��s.:�.'.� :e�E�7y0J t. a czc-?t_ in 24 C art13= 23_"0' cc-zzzer 2-, ' e=d all a=zliclbie rules and o_..E_ ..`MV t0 V::E E}:EC _:7of this �:�::C.�C-i;=�-n=-=.^.�) The ro -. :.Q.^.mss^oma s3_.:•� re(,ulat—_c^.s _nc :de cut are =0- �1_._ ^ o. C_"e� `_'aG = of '_____. c.c= :ess .cacEr s✓_.__ .. or wwmei :es=--- _ in _:e are= of t::^ .. tra ininz-, e.=-•:.� nE.: ., .: G'-• _ es : ^Li4. .cC 5?._. :'iar .. � COT�-^r'st�G= .._ `..:e t�SECt CY .Sac--On 35.2('-_) 'C_ the rec1:-:i-ns i^ .."_-ts for :I.n Cc.=e. .._Can :, eC j. tr2C ual Or CG:e: C:s2b1-_-.f it t _G" Jam- f�.' wiz. these r equ r e_e.^•:s. C. cc=li.-Ice with t.:E :rO'::s-__.... C.' Zect:cn 3.) set "G 24 c.""_'1 r: ..moi, a 2l- l '-_C''ole rules ant: czders o thcrei:-.-.r -__. of tie a,-' -^ =c- - (Ao,. .. f\ _i...._aC_� � 5:3-- _• ........_.._::1 C: ::e i'_CE.a- -�::�.':__�� -S anCe Dro•::4ed successors _.- ^S`.g. �.. �.i •-r�- t cze r C^'11. _._`..... (t�..ti`� (eSN �J .. ?nTi, ' e :..?. �v�:. c..:C: .iu� 1._-'• \ J :C C svr a• such t;Gc das aze JV' 2: Cc=P •• GAR Construction hd�:ress; Box515 East Hampton, New York --- Robert M. Panchak w_ ir • /1 .I CONTRACTOR'S SECTION 3 PLAN 1 - Name of Firm GAR Construction Address Box 515 East Hampton, New York 11937 Phone 17 324-2971 2 - Project Name/Description Dog Pound Addition-Southold Town Project Location Reconir, New York. Please use additional sheets if needed. 3 - Er10loyment a - Do you expect to hire any project area residents?—Yes X b - If yes how many? Trainees Skirled Employees Total • c - What organizations, if any, from the attached list do you intend to notify? none d r What publications :rill you use for employrnent notices? none 4 - Subcontractors a - Do you expect to use project area businesses as • subcontractors or vendors? X YES NO b - If yes how many? 1 ' C--- What businesses, if any, from the protect area will you request bids from? Roy Mack Plan prepdred by Robert M. Panchak Vice President Name Position March 29, 1984 Date oil LA 1111 1 1 This fors, is to be submitted with the Monthly Employment Utilization Report • (SF 257). If more space is needed, please continue on other side of page. CONTRACTOR'S NIX-IE: GAR Construction ADDRESS: Box 515 East Hampton, New York 11937 TELEPHONE: 516-324-2971 ' PROJECT NAME: Southold Town Dog Pound Attition ADDRESS: Peconic, New York r11- Total number of trainees to be utilized on this project? Please list by work category. -_ # OF TRAINEES WORK CATEGORY none 2- Total number of trainees currently on your permanent work force? Please : ist by rrork category. A OF T^AI''EES WORK CATEGORY none 3- Total number of trainees currently to be recruited and hired from the project area? U OF TRAINEES WORK CATEGORY none March 29, 1984 DATE COI'MNY CFFICI 'L 'S S1r!;;AT0"T „:;D 7?'L� SKOD L•II'LOYU.C ii T IL1,'AI IO'I I'I_ % ` w . This fora is to be submitted with the Monl.hly Fmploymcnt Utili7aLion Report • (SF 257). If more space is needed please continue on Lher side of page. CONTRACTOR'S GAR Construction ADDRESS: Box 515 East Hampton, New York 11937 TELEPHO"1E: 516-324-2971 PROJECT NPME: Southold Town Dog Pound Addition ADDRESS: Peconic, New York 1- Total Number of skilled employees to be utilized on this project? Please list by work category. OF SKILLED EMPLOYEES WORK CATEGORY . 2 carpenters _ 2 masons 2- Total Nuir.'Cer of skilled employees currently on your permanent work force? Please list by work category. , r OF SKILLED E'•1PLOYEES WOP.K CATEGORY 2 carpenters 3- Total lumber of skilled employees currently to be recruited and hired from the project area? OF SKILLED E'1PLOYE7.S WORK CATEGORY n/a March 29,1984 DATE COIlPAIlY OFFIC IAL 'S SIGNATURE X10 TITLE CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINORITIES AND FEMALES NX-1c' OF PROJECT: Southold Town Dog Pound PROJECT NUMBER: MUNICIPALITY: Southold Town New York CO7•lPA;4Y NAME: GAR Construction - ADDRESS: Box 515 TOWN, STATE, ZIP: East Hampton, New York 11937 SIGNATURE: TITLE: Vice President DATE: March 29,1984 PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: FROM 4/84 .TO: 6/84 month/year month/year Is your company minority or female owned? yes i—� no Is your company subcontracting.. any part of this contract, to a minority or fe:,a l e o;.ncd es �1 business? Y no =. j If you answered yes to either question above, please check each box that applies to your company: Male Q Fema l e l Black. = Hispanic C� ` Native American other ['I specify Amount of Contract S Check each box that applies to your sub-contractor male X female black Hispanic Native_American other specify Amount of Subcontract S 9,000.00 • Nane of Subcontractor Roy Mack 4t FORM 118-3 Available from J�inc.,Groton,Mass.01450 Page No. of Pages EASTERN HORIZON CONSTRUCTION CO. Box 228 Main Rd. AQUEBOGUE, NEW YORK 11931 Phone 722-3251 PROM% SUBMITTED T_Q PHONE _rWarch 29,1984 own or Southold STREET JOB NAME Southold Dog Pound CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION Southold,N-Y I Peconic ARCHITECT 7�7 NS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Footings,Block Work,Carpentry,Rough Plumbing,Slabs., All Material And Labor for-the above Items as per Drawings in Bid Package Note: Excavation and Gravel Base By Others Nit, frapaor hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty----------------- dollars($ 20,760. Payment to be made as follows: Payment Schedule All material is guaranteed to be as specified, All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices.Any alteration or deviation from above specifica- Authorized tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders,and will become an Signature extra ch a over and above the estimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or ci.,a�rlg beyond our control.Owner to carry fire,tornado and other necessary insurance. Note:This proposal may be Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. Araptatwit at fropmod—The above prices, specifications Sipynature r f TWIN FORK SIDING CO. P. O. BOX 41, NORTH ROAD (RT. 48 MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11052 (516) 208-4777 - 765-5307 March 28, 1984 Town of Southold Town Clerk' s Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" Construct a cement block building as per the diagram Plan number S 6.1 with concrete pads and 6" drainage curbs. Building is to include finishing of roof as per the diagram. All work is to be done according to the Southold Town Building Specifications. Total Price $ 24,790.00 Respectfully ,Submitted, Stephen J. Perricone SJP/jah TELEPHONE:5188804M GENERAL CONTRACTORS CHAPMAN-APEX ASSOCIATES, INC. . Industrial Building • Commercial Building • Land Development • Alterations • Construction Management Aix . • audwized builder �tlan is nuiMiFg% iac 50 Park Avenue Bay Shore,New York 11706 March 29, 1964 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold rTew York 11971 Re: nog Pound Dear Mrs . Terry: We propose to furnish all labor, material and necessary insurances to construct a building called "Proposed nog Pound" as described on plan A 3-61not Judith issueded in legal notice dated March 13, 198h. f Southold Town Clerk. Our price for above is thirty-three thousand, three hundred ninety-three dollars (t339393-00) Very truly yours, (:hap an President w TO ALL CONTRACTORS: Please fill out below your name and address. (Company name) 07 1. 2. 3. 4 6 7T ��t s 67) '7G 9- 10- 11 1011 12 a COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in, Suffolk County; LEGAL NOTICE and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, NOTICE TO BIDDERS has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- man once each week for a............weeks EN in accordance with the successively, commencing on the ................��. ............. provi ator►of Section 103 of the General Munici al Law that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Toswn of day of ................ ....................., 191.... Southold,Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town - �,�n.f. .... ..... Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, =New York,until 10:00 A.M.,Thurs- day, March 30, 1984, at`kvhich time they will be plolicly opened and read; for, the construction of a new concrete Sworn to before me this ................................. day of block building, vlith slabs, at the Southold Town Dog •••••••••�."'' ................... 19 f Pound, Peconic, New York. Specifications may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, South- !� .�?! .............. .�. old, New York 11971. . ...... ... . .... .... .. . Notary Public The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids',and to waive any defect or i> ermality in said bid should W be inthe best . interest of the Town of South- old to do so. 8 All bids must be marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, South- old, New York 11971. Envel- ope exterior should also con- tain the words "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T.TERRY, SOUTHOLD_T�WN CLERK 2T-3/15,3/22/84(6) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in, Suffolk County; LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the man once each week for ........................................weeks provision of Section 103 of theIX General Municipal Law, that successively, commencing on the .................................... sealed bids will be received by &-q the Town Clerk of the Town of day of ......... .y!.`....�`..........................1 19........ Southold,Suffolk County,New York, at the Southold Town ....�......./. L Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York,until 10:00 A.M.,Thurs- day,March 30, 1984, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the construction of a new concrete Sworn to before me this .............`�................ day of block building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog `� �' �y I........................... 19........ Pound, Peconic, New York. Specifications may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, � . `'......... Town Hall, Main Road, South- C J old, New York 11971. ry The Southold Town Board No Pu lic reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of South- old to do so. , All bids 'r Vst be'marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be'signed and?, ealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, South- old, New York 11971. Envel- ope exterior should also con- tain the words "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T.TERRY, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 2T-3/15,3/22/84(6) LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE TO BIDDERS 1 SS: NOTICE IS HEREBY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by SUSAN W. ALLAN of Greenport, in the Town Clerk of the Town of said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Southold,Suffolk County,New York, at the Southold Town Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Thursday, March 30, 1984, at York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is which time they will be publicly opened and read, for a printed copy, has been regularly published in the construction of a new con- crete block building, with said Newspaper once each week for two slabs, at the Southold Town weeks successively, commencing on the i 5th Dog ruuna, reconic, New York. Specifications may be day of March 19� obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's 1;t Office,Town Hall,Main Road, ' Southold,New York 11971. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject Principal Clerk any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best dew York Sworn to before me this 22nd interest of the Town of ounty da of March 19$4 Southold to do so. 19. day of bids must be marked } "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the words"Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED:March 13,1984. JUDITH T.TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 2TM15,22-4511 STATE OF NEW YORK �N11SNo 1 SS: �511, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 ..4d o 2SUSAN W. ALLAN of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is FdozLo-£8Z Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly uoidwey3noS s aa.{4 tof 11DO Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town ON.weo�oN. of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New %taq sjep!!n8 u�A11suo!ss Wd. York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is ui3pneo auoall!S. e,o is sauewese8. a printed copy, has been regularly published in slleene )S 19 seI5j!uv. said News a er once each week for two --0181 se!8aegtd P Pgwo3-uoN%000weeks successively, commencing on theouveIriHI day of March 19 4 N • ' �, parol 0.9117 Principal Clerk JUDITH A. CHIEN Sworn to before me this 22nd NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.4796131,Suffolk County day of March 19 8 4 Term Expires March 30 194.4— ?l tc'o' C; -_- STATE OF NEW YORK 1 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS ) SS: NOTICE IS HEREBY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that SUSAN W. ALLAN sealed bids will be received by of Greenport, in the Town Clerk of the Town of said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Southold,Suffolk County,New Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES a Weekly York, at the Southold Town P y Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Thursday, March 30, 1984, at York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is which time they will be publicly opened and read, for a printed copy, has been regularly published in the construction of a new con- said Newspaper once each week for two crete block building, with slabs, at the Southold Town weeks successively, commencing on the_1.5_th Dog rouna, reconic, New day of March 1984 York. Specifications may be obtained by interested bidders (1 at the Southold Town Clerk's ` 1 Office,Town Hall,Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. i The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject Principal Clerk any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in 2 2nd said bid should it be in the best fork Sworn to before me this interest of the Town of y_ day of March 19 84 Southold to do so. btt; { "(� fila -vim All bids must be marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the words"Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED:March 13,1984. JUDITH T.TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 2TM15,224511 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NEW YORK ) NOTICE TO BIDDERS ) SS: NOTICE d I$: IRFRY. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 nO �y I SUSAN W. ALLAN of Greenport, in `ANO S1 said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is aaa��.: �, Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town s98VLLb OZIb-£8Z of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New ljodusWO uoldweLanog York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is da,ung aa-19 'Of 11L9 esoinpeO ON» U80:1ON• a printed copy, has been regularly published in s►le8 vepp e peli�ul Apeuo!"Mid s said Newspaper once each week for two Dw)IMeO euoai(ig, sooedg IMBYJ 12 nueweseg, weeks successively, commencing on the 15th _ siiemews 10114V' da of March 19 8 4 (ul-tM018)se16jeq!� y 9jggsngwo0-u0N 9ML 600 N011T ISKI u�t_t�nu •a•r `• Principal Clerk JUDITH A.CHIEN 22nd NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York Sworn to before me this No. 4756131, SufVk Courty de Of March 19 84 Term Expire,U{arcfi30 15 L� � -� C� - �P%w y i STATE OF NEW YORK: i SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of { i' twenty-one years; that on the 14th day of March 1984 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public i, place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit : - ' I Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office, Thin Road, Southold, New York 11971 i I Notice to Bidders - Addition to Southold Town Dog Pound - Bid Opening: !' 10:00 A.M., March 30, 1984, Southold Town Hall. + i Audih T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to be before me this 14th day of March 1984 z' /2'_1 Notary Pub is BRAK M NO*VM Rge 52-d12M S e of Now Y Terni Expires March 30, 1W_1 i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M. , Thursday, March 30, 1984, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the construction of a new concrete block building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York. Specifications may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the workds "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH TWICE, MARCH 15, 1984, and MARCH 22, 1984, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION FOR EACH DATE TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members James C. McMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board F LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section i 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the i Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the i Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 30, 1984, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the construction of a new concrete block f building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York. Specifications 1.may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. t i The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids j and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best I interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be marked Bid on Dog Pound Addition1' and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, 4! Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the workds "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." i i DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK I PLEASE PUBLISH TWICE, ;MARCH 15, 1984, and MARCH 22, 1984, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION FOR EACH DATE TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times- Town Board Members James C. McMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board i i I s '� Q. C/lnn- LEGAL NOTICE i NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section i 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the i Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the i Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, i until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 30, 1984, at which time they will be 'I publicly opened and read, for the construction of a new concrete block i building, with s4s, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York. i Specifications .may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. 1 The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best I interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be i signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the workds "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH TWICE, MARCH 15, 1984, and MARCH 22, 1984, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION FOR EACH DATE TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members James C. McMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board i i 0 A LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provision of Section i 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 30, 1984, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for the construction of a new concrete block i building, with slabs, at the Southold Town Dog Pound, Peconic, New York. ! Specifications may be obtained by interested bidders at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. I The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in said bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be marked "Bid on Dog Pound Addition" and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Envelope exterior should also contain the workds "Bid on Dog Pound Addition." ! I DATED: March 13, 1984. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH TWICE, MARCH 15, 1984, and MARCH 22, 1984, AND s FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION FOR EACH DATE TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. i Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times- Town imes Town Board Members ! James C. McMahon Town Clerk's Bulletin Board i SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 pSJ►FurG� (516) 765-1892 Y.�l y James C. McMahon Administrator PROJECT SOUTHOLD TOWN DOG POUND Dear Contractor: Please find the enclosed forms: 1. Equal Employment Opportunity - Executive order 11246 2. Equal Opportunity Bid Conditions for Federal and Federally Assisted Construction 3. Federal Wage Rates 4. Regulations regarding the filing of Payroll Sheets 5. Standard Form 257-Monthly Employment Utilization Report 6. Contractor' s Certification 7. Subcontractor' s Certification 8. Form WH-347 (Weekly Payroll) 9. Instruction for completing WH-347 10. Labor Standards Provisions ll. ''_ Sec. 109 and Sec. 110 of PL93-383 12. Statement of Compliance 13. Contractor' s Responsibilities 14. Requirements for Contractors 15. Pre-Construction Checklist for Contractors 16. Attachment B of Section- 3 Plan 17. Contracting Opportunities for Minorities and Females If you have any questions, please give me a call. 8020.1 Az;,endix 1 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT wear o• Executive Order 11246, as emended EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY �'•+ Eti���1 Executive Order 11247 COORDINATION BY ATTORNEY GENERAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Executive Order 112461 (30 F.& 12319-251 Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and statutes of the United s States,it is ordered as follows: PART I—NONDISCIMUNI ATION ix GOVERNXENT EMPWYMENT SEc. 101. It is the policy of the Government of the United States to provide equal opportunity in.Federal employment for all qualified persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sea or national origin, and to provide the full realiza- tion of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuingg program in each executive department and agency.The policy of eeqqual Opportunity applies to every aspect of Federal employment policy and practice. SEc. 102. The head of each executive department and agency shall establish and maintain a positive program of equal employment oppor- tunity for all civilian employees and applicants for employ ment within his jurisdiction in accordance with the poliev set forth in Sectoin 101. SEc. 103.The Civil Service Commission shall supervise and provide leadership and guidance in the conduct of equal employment oppor- tunity programs for the civilian employees of and applications for employment within the executive departments and agencies and shall review agency program accomplishments periodically. In order to facilitate the achievement of a model program for equal employment Opportunity in the Federal service,the Commission may consult from time to time with such individuals,groups,or organizations as may be of assistance in improving the Federal program and realizing the ob'ectives of this Part. EC. 104. The Civil Service Commission shall provide for the prompt, fair, and impartial considerat:,on of all complaints of dis- crimination in Federal employment on L.'i,basis of race,color,religion, sex or national origin. Procedures for the consideration of complaints shall nclude at least one impatti:til review within the executive uepa:r- ment or agency and shall provide for appeal to the Civil Service Commission. SEc. 105.The Civil Service Commission shall issue such regulations, orders,and instructions as it deems necessary and appropriate to carry out its responsibilities under this Part,and the head of each executive department and agency shall comply with the regulations,orders,and instructions issued by the Commission under this Part. i 1 Amended by Executive Order 113T5 of October 13. 1967.&2 red.Bet• 14309.to provide that the program of equal employment opportunity include prohibition asalnat dlscrlmiaa- tion on account of sex_ I Page 1 t _ 8020.1 Appendix 1 PAST II—NONDIBcPmaiTATIOx IN ExPiov3a'cr Bz GovERxasaxT CONTRACTORs AND SABCONTRACTOR8 SUBPART A—DUTIES OF THE sECRErART OF LABOR SEc.201.The Secretar7 of Labor shall be responsible for the admin- istration of Parts II and III of this Order and shall adopt such rules and regulations and issue such orders as he deems necessary and ap- propriate to achieve the purposes thereof. suBFAirr 8^-cwmACTORs' Aoitzm z.wn SEc. 202. Except in contracts exempted in accordance with Section 204 of this Order, all Government contracting agencies shall include in every Government contract hereafter entered, into the following PT : "During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: "(1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruit- ment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for einpluyinent, rcti� to b6 provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimation clause. "(2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for em loyees placers by or on behalf of the contractor,state that all quali- �ied applicants will receive consideration for employment without refa to race,color, religion,sex, or national origin. `(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative Of workers with which he has A collective bargaining agreement or other contract or undeistandir,-,a notice,to be provided by the agency contracting officer,advising th;iabor union or workers' representative of the contractors'commitments under Section?,0-2 of Executive Order . No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and ;hall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employ mint. "(4) The contractor will comply with allprovisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. ti "(5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports re- quired by Executive Order No.11246 of September 24 1965,and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules,regulations,and orders. Page 2 �l 8020.1 / Appendi-Y. 1 °�(6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with an of such rules,reg lations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or sus- . pended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineli- gible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order -No. 11246 of September 24, 1965,or by rule,reau- lation, or order of the Secretary of. Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. "(7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) throw h (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rues, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pur- suant to Section 204 of Executive Order-\o. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncom- Pliance: Provided. however, That in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the U nited States." SEc. 203. (a) Each contractor having a contract containing the pro- visions prescribed in Section 20? shall file, and shall cause each of his subcontractors to file.Compliance Reports with the contracting agency or the Secretary of Labor as may be directed. Compliance Reports 4t . shall be filed within such times and shall contain such information as to Mie practices, pol:c: , it^b^mcg and emplovment policies, pro- grams, and employment statistics of the contractor and each sub- contractor, and shall be in such form, as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe. (b) Bidders or prospective contractors or subcontractors may be required to state whether they have participated in any previous con- tract subject to the provisions of this Order,or any preceding similar .Executive order, and in that event to submit,on behalf of themselves and their proposed subcontractors, Compliance Reports prior to or as an initial part of their bid or negotiation of a contract. (c) Whenever the contractor or subcontractor has a collective bar- gaining agreement or other contract or understanding with a labor union or an agency referring workers or providing or supervising appenticeship or training for such workers, the Compliance Report shall include such information as to such labor unions or agency s Qr practices and policies affecting compliance as the Secretary is within may prescribe:Pro rid ed,That to the extent such information is within the exclusive possession of a labor union or an agency referring work- ers or providing or supervising apprenticeship or training and such labor union or agency shall refuse to furnish such information to the contractor, the contractor shall so certifv to the contractin. agenev as part of its Compliance Report and shall set forth what eyorts he has made to obtain such information. Page 3 8020.1 Append:Lx 1 : r (d) The contracting agency or the Secretary of Labor may direct that any bidder or prospective contractor or subcontractor shall sub- mit, as part of his Compliance Report, a statement in writing, signed by an authorized officer or agent on behalf of anv labor union or any agency referring workers or, providing or supervising apprenticeship or other training, with which the bidder or prospective contractor deals, with supporting information, to the effect that the signer's practices and policies do not discriminate on the grounds of race,color, religion,sex or national origin,and that the signer either will atnrma- tively cooperate in the implementation of the policy and provisions of this order or that it consents and agrees that recruitment,employment, and the terms and conditions of employment under the proposed con- tract shall be in accordance with the purposes and provisions of the order. In the event that the union,or the agency shall refuse to execute such a statement, the Compliance Report,shalf so certify and set forth what efforts have been made to secure such a statement and such addi- tional factual material as the contracting agency or the Secretary of Labor may require. SEc. 204. The Secretary of Labor may, when he deems that special circumstances in the national interest so require,exempt a contracting a ency from the requirement of including any or all of the provisions of Section 202 of this Order in any specific contract, subcontract, or purchase order. The Secretary of Labor may, by rule or regula- tion, also exempt certain classes of contracts, subcontracts, or pur- chase orders (1) whenever work is to be or has been performed outside the United States and no recruitment of workers within the limits of the United States is involved; (2) for standard commercial sup- plies or raw materials; (3) involving less than specified amounts of money or specified numbers of workers; or (4) to the extent that they involve subcontracts below a specineci tier. The Secretary of Labor may also provide, by rule, regulation, or order, for the exemption of facilities of a contractor which are in all respects separate and distinct from activities of the contractor related to the performance of the contract: Provided, That such an exemption will not i.-iterfere with or impede the effectuation of the purposes of this Order: And prrovidedurther, That in the absence of such an exemption all facili- ties shall be covered by the provisions of this Order. SUBPART O-POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF LABOR A*7D THE 0ON7RACrI\G AGE-ItCMS SEe. 205. Each contracting agency shall be primarily responsible for obtaining compliance with the rules, regulations,and orders of the cre Setary of Labor with respect to contracts entered into by such agency or its contractors. All contracting agencies shall comply with the rules of the Secretary of Labor in discharging their primary responsibility for securing compliance with the provisions of con- tracts and otherwise with the terms of this Order and of the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to this Order. Thev are directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Labor and to furnish the Secretary of Labor such information'and assistance as he may require in the performance of his functions under this Order. They are further directed to appoint or designate, from 8020.1 Appendix 1 among the agency's personnel, compliance officers. It shall be the duty of such officers to seek compliance with the objectives of this Order by conference, conciliation, mediation, or persuasion. SEC.206. (a) The Secretam, I Labor may investigate the employ- lp ment practices of an.y Government contractor or subcontractor,or ini- tiate such investigation by the appropriate contracting agency, to de- termine whether or not the contractual provisions specified in Section 202 of this Order have been violated. Such investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures established by the Secre- tary of Labor and the investigating agency shall report to the Secre- tary of Labor any action taken or recommended. (b) The Secretary of Labor may receive and investigate or cause to be investigated complaints by emplovees or prospective employees of a Government contractor or subcontractdr which al:eoe discrimina- tion contrary to the contractual provisions specified in Section 202 of this Order. If this investigation is conducted for the Secretary of Labor by a contracting agency, that agency shall report to the Secretary what action has%Z talen or is recommended with regard to such complaints. SEC.207. The Secretary of Labor shall use his best efforts, directly and through contracting agencies,other interested Federal, State, and local agencies,contractors, and all other available instrumentalities to cause any labor union eno�_-A in work under Government contracts or any agency referring workers or providing or supervising appren- ticeship or training for or in the course of such work to cooperate in the Implementation of the purposes of this Order. The Secretary of ca . Labor shall, in appropriate cases, notify the Equal Employment n +-tu -io 4�P nTotY mCn !lf Justice. T` Y P r. , rm.__., r., D.,r.-- t o- other appro- priate Federal agencies whenever it has reason to believe that the practices of any such labor organization or,agency violate Title VI or Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 or other provision of Fed- eral law. SEC. 203. (a) The Secretary of Labor, or any agency, officer, or employee in the executive branch of the Government designated by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary, may hold such hearings, public or private,as the Secretary may deem advisable for compliance, enforcement, or educational purposes. (b) The Secretary of Labor may hold, or cause to be held, hearings in accordance with Subsection (a) of this Section-prior to imposing, ordering, or recommending the imposition of penalties and sanctioi,s under tTiis Order. No order for debarment of any contractor from further Government rontrac,s under Section 209(a)(6) shall be made without affording the contractor an opportunity for a hearing. SUBPART D-SAVCTIO\S AND PENAMIES SEC. 209. (a) In accordance with such rules, regulations, or orders as the Secretary of Labor may issue or adopt, the Secretary or'the appropriate contracting agency may: se (1) Publish, or cauto be published, the names of contractors or ,unions which it has concluded have complied or have failed to comply with the provisions of this Order or of the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor. i Page 5 8020.1 X �7 Appendix 1 gl (2) Recommend to the Department of Justice that in cares in which there is subs'tntial or material viblation or the threat of sub- stantial or material violation of the contractualpprovisions set forth in Section 202 of this Order, appropriate proceedings be brought to enforce those provisions, in^.lulling the enjoining, within the limita- tions of applicable law, of organizations, indiviTuals, or groups who prevent directly or indirectly,or seek to prevent directly or indirectly, compliance with the provisions of this Order. (3) Recommend to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- Sion or the Department of Jnstice tliat appropriate proceedings be instituted under Title VII of the Ci«1 Rights Act of 1964. (4) Recommend to the Department of Justice that criminal pro- ceedings be brought for the furnishing of false information to any con- tracting agency or to the Secretary of Labor as the case may be. (5) Cancel,terminate,suspend,or cause to be canceled,terminated, or suspended, any contract, or any pvrrion or portions thereof, for failure of the contractor or subcontractor to comply with the non- discrimination provisions of the contract. Contracts may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended absolutely or continuance of contracts may be conditioned upon a program for future compliance approved by the contracting agency. (6) Provide t. at any contracting agency shall refrain from enter- ing into further contracts, or extensions'or other modifications of ezist.ing contracts,with any noncomplying contractor, until such con- tractor-has satisfied the Secretary of Labor that such contractor has established and will carry out personnel and employment policies in compliance with the provisions of this Order. (b) Under rulers and regulationsprescribed by the Secretary of La r, each contracting agency shell make reasonable efforts within a reasonable time iiinitation w 5ecu e or:rplTarim with the contract provisions of this Order by methods of conference, conciliation,medi- ation, and ersuasion WIore proceedings shall be instituted under Subsection a)(2) of this Section, or before a contract shall be can- celed or terminated in whole or in part under Subsection (a)(5) of this Section for failure of a contractor or subcontractor to comply with the contract provisions of this Order. SEc. 210. Any contracting agency taking any action authorized by this Subpart, whether on its own motion, or as directed by the Secre- tary of Labor, or under the rules and regulations of the Secretary, shall pro aptly notify the Secretary of such action. Whenever the Secretary of Labor makes a determination under this section,he shall promptly notify the appropriate contracting agency of the action recommended. The atenev shall take such action and shall report the results thereof to the fiecretary of Labor within such time as the Secretary shall specify. SEc. 211. If the Secretary shall so direct,contracting agencies shall not enter into contracts with any bidder or prospective contractor unless the bidder or prospective contractor has satisfactorily complied . with the provisions of this Order or submits a program for compliance aoceptable to the Secretary of Labor or,if the Secretary so authorizes, to the contracting agency. SEa. 212. Whenever a contracting agency cancels or terminates a contract, or whenever a contractor has been debarred from further Page 6 8020.1 Appendix 1 Government contracts, under Section 209(a) (6) because of noncom- pliance with the contract provisions with regard to nondiscrimination, the Secretary of Labor, or the contracting agency involved, shall promptly notify the Comptroller General of the United States. Any such debarment may be rescinded by the :secretary of Labor or by the contracting agency which imposed the sanction. SUBPART E .17IFICATES OF MM= Sec. 213. The Secretary of Labor may provide for issuance of a United States Government Certificate of Ment to employers or labor unions, or other agencies which are or may hereafter be en aged in work under Government contracts, if the Secretary is satisfied that the personnel and employment Practices of the employer, or that the personnel, training, apprenticeship, membership, grievance and rep- rezentation, upgrading, and other practices and policies of the la'oor union or other agency conform to the purposes and provisions of this Order. SEc. 214. Any Certificate of Merit may at any time be suspended or revoked by the Secretary of La:ur if the holder thereof, in tho Judgment of the Secretary, has failed to comply with the provisions of this Order. SFc.215. The Secretary of Labor may provide for the exemption of any employ es, labor union, or other agency from any reporting requirements imposed under or pursuant to this Order if such em- ployer, labor union, or other agency has been awarded a Certificate of 5ferit which has not been suspended or revoked. { • PART TIT—No*tDrECIUMINATIO-Ir NovisIONs LY FEDERALLY ABsis= CONSTRUCTION CON-TRACTS Sec.301. Each executive department and agency which administers a program involving Federal financial assistance shall require as a condition for the approval of any grant, contract, loan., insurance, or guarantee thereunder,which may Involve a construction contract,that the applicant for Federal assistance undertake and agree to incorpo- rate, or cause to be incorporated, into all construction contracts paid for In whole or in Dart with funds obtained from the Federal Govern- ment or borrowed�on the credit of the Federal Government pursuant to such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, or undertaken Pursuant to any Federal program involving such grant,contract,loan, insurance, or guarantee, the provisions prescribed for Government contracts by Section 203 of this Order or such modification thereof, nmercing in sub,,Iance the contractor's obligations therer.nder,as inay . be approved by the Secretary of Labor, together with such additional provisions as the Secretary deems appropriate to establish and pro- tect the interest of the United States in the enforcement of thot�o obli- gations. Each such applicant shall also undertake and agree (1) to assist and cooperate actively with the administering department or agency and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of crn- tractors and subcontractors with those contract provisions and with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary, (2) to obtain and to furnish to the administering department or agency and ?age 7 8020.1 Appendilx 1 to the Secretary of Labor such information as they may require for the supervision of such compliance, (3y to carry out sanctions and penalties for violation of such obligations imposed upon contradtors and subcontractors by the Secretary of Labor or the administering department or agency pursuant to Part II, Subpart D, of this Order, and (4) to refrain from entering into any contract subject to this Order, or extension or other modification of such a contract with a contractor debarred from Government contracts unde Part II, Sub- part D, of this Order. SEc. 302. (a) "Construction contract" as used in this Order means any contract for the construction rehabilitation, alteration, conver- sion, extension, or repair of buildings, highways, or other improve- ments to real property. (b) The provisions of Part II of this Order shall apply to such construction contracts, and ?or purposes of such application the ad- ministering department or agency shall be considered the-contracting agency referred to therein. (c) The term "applicant" as used in this Order means an applicant for Federal assistance or, as determined by agency regulation, other program participant, with respect to whom an application for any ntract grant,co , loan, insurance, or guarantee is not finally acted upon prior to the effective date of this Part, and it includes such an applicant after he becomes a recipient of such Federal assistance. SEc. 303. (a) Each administering department and agency shall be responsible for obtaining the compliance of such applicants with their undertakincs under this Order. Each administering depart- ment and agency is directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Labor, and to furnish the Secretary such information and assistance as he may require in the performance of his functions under this Order. (b) In the event an applicant fails and refuses to comply with his undertakings, the administering department or agency may take any or all of the following actions: (1) cancel, terminate, or suspend in whole or in part the agreement, contract, or other arrangement with such applicant with respect to which the failure and refusal occurred; (2) refrain from extending any further assistance to the applicant under the program with respect to which the failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from such applicant; and (3) refer the case to the Depart- ment of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. (c) Any action with respect to an applicant pursuant to Subsection (b) shall be taken in conformity with Section 602 of the Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Sand �iie regulations of the administering* department,or agency issued thereunder), to the extent applicable.In no case shall action be taken with respect to an applicant pursuant to Clause (1) or (2) of Subsection (b) without notice and opportunity for hearing before the administering department or agency. SEc. 304. Any executive department or agency which imposes by rule, regulation, or order requirements of nondiscrimination in em- ployment, other than requirements imposed pursuant to this Order, may delegate to the Secretary of Labor by agreement such responsibili- ties with respect to compliance standards, reports, and procedures as Pale q HUD-Wash..D.G 8020.1 Appendix would tend to bring the administration of such requirements into con- formity with the administration of requirements Imposed under this Order: Provided, That actions to effect compliance by recipients of Federal financial assistance with requirements Imposed pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 shall be taken in conformity with the procedures and limitations prescribed in Section 602 thereof and the regulations of the administering department or agency issued thereunder. PART IV—.%f18CELLANF.0V8 Sm.401. The Secretary of Labor may delegate to any•ofcer,agency, or employee in the Executive branctrof the Government, any function or duty of the Secretary under Parts II and III of this Order, except authority to promulgate rules and regulations of a general nature. Sac.402. The Secretary of Labor shall provide administrative sup- port tfor the execution of the program known as the "Plans for rogress." SEc.403. (a) Executive Orders Nos. 10590 (January 19, 1955), 10722 (August 5,1957),10925 (March 6, 1961),11114 (June 22,1963), and 11162 (July 28, 1964), are hereby superseded and the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity established by Ex- ecutive Order No. 10925 is hereby abolished. All records and property in the custody of the Committee shall be transferred to the Civil Service Commission and the Secretary of Labor, as appropriate. (b) Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to relieve any person of any obligation assumed or imposed under or pursuant to any Execu- tive Order superseded by this Order. All rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations, and other directives issued by the Presi- dent's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and those issued by the heads of various departn,el�ts or a- ncics under 01 nnu2^r to any of the Executive orders superseded by this Order, snail, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this Order, remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked,or superseded by appropriate authority. References in such directives to provisions of the super- seded orders shall be deemed to be references to the comparable provi- sions of this Order. Sm 404. The General Services Administration shall take appropri- ate action to revise the standard Government contract forms to accord with the provisions of this Order and of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. SEo. 405. This Order shall become effective thirty days after the date of this Order. LYNnoN B.JOHNSON. THE WurrE HorSE. September z;,1965. Page 9 HUD-'+.aan., D. C. F8020.1 Appendix 1 COORDINATION BY ATTORNEY GE";EI:AL Executive Order 11247 130 F.R 123271 PROVIDING FOR THE COORDINATION BY THE ATTORNET GENERAL OF ENFORCEMENT OF TITLE VI OF MIM CIVIL RIGHTS Acr OF 1964 Whereas the Dena `:,lents and agencies of the Federal Government have adopted unifnr;(1 and consistent regulations implementing► Title VI of the Civil W-lits Act of 1964 and, in cooperation with the President's Council on Equal Opportunity, have embarked on a coordinated program of enforcement of the provisions of that Title; Whereas the Issues hereafter arising in connection with coordi- nation of the activities of the departments and agencies under t' at 'Title will be predominantly legal in character and In many cases will be related to judicial enforcer ent:and jti'herdas the Attornev Generai is the chief law officer of the Federal Government and is charged wi-)i the duty of enforcing the laws of the United States: Now,therefore,by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United Stafes by the Constitution and laws of the United States,it is ordered as fohows: SEMO,-i 1. The Attorney General shall assist Federal departments and agencies to coordinate their programs and activities and adopt consistent and uniform policies,.practices,and procedures with respect to the enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He may promulgate such rules and revelations as lie shall deem neces- sary to carry out his functions under this Order. 1F.(. 2. Each. Fejeral department anal ay ncy sha,ii cooperate with the Attorney Generai in the performance of his functions under this Order and shall furnish him such reports and information as he may re nest. SEc. 3. Effective 30 days from the date of this Order Executive Order No. 11197 of February 5, 1965, is revoked. Such records of the President's Council on Equal Opportunity as may pertain to the enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 shall be trans- ferred to the Attorney General. SEc. 4. All rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives Issued by the President's Council on Equal Oppor- tunity relating to the implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 shall remain in hull force and effect unless and until revoked or superseded by directives of the attorney General. LYNDON B. JoxNsoN. THE WHrrE Houm Sept&mber 24, 1965. Q. S. GOVEVNM. LNT FRC+TNG OFFICE:1970 O-796-717(67) 062.655 Page 10 r , DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs NEW FORMAT FOR FEDERAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BID CONDITIONS FOR FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONSTRUCTION NOTICE On April 3, 1975, there was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER (40 FR 14953) a notice and opportunity for comment concerning the intention of the Department of Labor toodopt New Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions for inclusion in Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and subcontracts in selected areas. The following Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions are issued to carry out the purposes of Executive Order 11246, as amended. The Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions reflect changes which were made as a result of comments received on the proposed Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions. The comments received were equally distributed between those favorable and unfavorable. In general those favorable felt that deletion of the Bidders' Certification will eliminate undue and costly delays resulting from contractors and subcon- tractors being declared nonresponsive because of their failure to fill in a form correctly. E`- Those opposed to elimination of the Bidders' Certification felt that a pre-award certifi- cation is essential in establishing the contractors' and subcontractors' commitment to offir- motive action. The Deportment has carefully considered all the comments and has determined that the format developed in the new Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions adequately apprises pro- specitve contractors and subcontractors, prior to bid opening, of the importance of the Federal affirmative action requirements and is compatible with Iprocurement principles. Under Comptroller General opinions and the decisions in Northeast Construction Company v. Romney, 485 F. .2d ,752 (D.C. Cir. 1973) and Rossetti Contracting Compan—y v. Brennan, 508 F. 2d 1039 (7th Cir. 1975), the failure of a bidder to specify its goals for minority employment as required by imposed plans or the failure of a bidder to complete and submit a Bidder' Certification form as required by the Bid Conditions in hometown plan areas requires the contracting agency to declare the bid non-responsive. This has caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars because defective low bids were discarded in favor of the new low bid. I The original reason for requiring the submission of a properly executed Bidders' Certifi- cation was that it was thought to be helpful in informing contractors of their obligations and eliminated inattentive bidders. However, it is now an opinion that contractors are rea- sonably aware of their EEO obligations so as to obviate the need for certificction. Therefore, the amendment of the Bid Conditions would climinate the signature and fill-in-the-blank j requirements. Instead, the Federal EEO Bid Conditions clearly notify prospective bidders that they will be committed to the goals contained therein by submitting a properly signed bid. This amendment does not diminish the goverment's enforcement ability or applicable EEO requirements yet permits contracting agencies to award contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. It is for this reason that the new Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions make the af- firmative action requirements binding on all bidders who submit signed bids. Accordingly, effective September 1, 1976, all contracting and administering agencies ore directed to adopt the new Mode I. Federal EEO Bid Conditions for inclusion in all future invitations for bids on all non-exempt Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and subcontracts awarded in areas covered by hometown plans (Part 0 and Part II EEO requirements. Further, all other Forms of Federal EEO Bid Conditions containing hometown plans and Part 11 EEO Bid Condition requirements now in use for such areas are not to be in- cluded in Invitations for Bid after adoption of the new Model Federal EEO Bid Con- ditions. This new format has been coordinated through the Office of Federal Procurement Policy of the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with P.L. 93-400, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act. Set forth below are the new Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions: BID CONDITIONS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY For all Non-Exempt Federal and Federally- Assisted Construction Contracts to be Awarded in (NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES, NEW YORK) NOTICE EACH BIDDER, CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (HEREINAFTER THE CON- TRACTOR) MUST FULLY COMPLY WITH EITHER PART I OR PART 11, AS APPLICABLE, OF THESE BID CONDITIONS AS TO EACH CONSTRUCTION TRADE IT INTENDS TO USE ON THIS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORK (BOTH FEDERAL AND NON-FEDERAL) IN THE NASSAU - SUFFOLK AREA DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT. THE CONTRACTOR COMMITS ITSELF TO THE GOALS FOR MINORITY MANPOWER UTILIZATION IN EITHER PART I OR PART 11, AS APPLICABLE, AND ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE BID CONDITIONS BY SUBMITTING A PRO- PERLY SIGNED BID. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPOINT A COMPANY EXECUTIVE TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE BID CONDITIONS. Part I: The provisions of this Part I apply to contractors which are party to collective bargaining agreements with labor organizations which together have agreed to the NASSAU - SUFFOLK Area Construction Program (hereinafter the NASSAU - SUFFOLK Plan) for equal opportunity and have jointly made a commitment to specific goals of minority and, where applicable, female utilization. The NASSAU - SUFFOLK Plan is a tripartite voluntary agreement between (CONTRACTORS, UNIONS, & MINORITY COM- MUNITIES). The NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan , together with all implementing agreements that have been and may hereafter be developed pursuant thereto, are incorporated herein by reference. Any contractor using one or more trades of construction employees must comply with either Part I or Part 11 of these Bid Conditions as to each such trade. A contractor may therefore be in compliance with Port I of these Bid Conditions by its participation with the labor organization which represent its employees in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan as to one trade provided there is set forth in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan a specific com- mitment by both the contractor and the labor organization to a goal of minority utili- zation for that trade. Contractors using trades which are not covered by Part I (See Part II, Section A) must comply with the commitments contained in Part ll including goals for minorities and female utilization set forth in Part II. If a contractor does not comply with the requirements of these Bid Conditions, it shall be subject to the provisions of Part 11. Port II : A. Coverage. The provisions of this Part II shall be applicable to those contractors who: 1 . Are not or hereafter cease to be signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan incorporated by reference in Part I hereof; 2. Are signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan but are parties to collective bargaining agreements; 3. Are signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan but are parties to collective bargaining agreements with labor organizations which are not or hereafter cease to be signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan 4. Are signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan and are parties to collective bargaining agreements with labor organizations but the two have not jointly executed a specific commitment to goals for minority utilization and incorporated the commit- ment in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan p or 5. Are participating in a affirmative action plan which is no longer acceptable to the Director, OFCCP, including the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan. 6. Are signatories to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan but are parties to collective bcrgaining agreements with labor organizations which together have failed to make a good faith effort to comply with their obligations under the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan ond, as a result, have been placed under Part II of the Bid Conditions by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. 7 t. B. Requirement -- An Affirmative Action Plan. Contractors described in para- graphs 1 through 6 above shall be subject to the provisions and requirement of Part 11 of these Bid Conditions including the goals and timetables for minority�� utiliza- tion, and specific affirmative action steps set forth in Sections B.l and 2 of this Part I1. The contractor's commitment to the goals for minority utilization as required by this Part II constitutes a commitment that it will make every good faith effort to meet such goals. 1 . Goals and Timetables. The goals of minority utilization required of the con- tractor are applicable to each trade used by the contractor in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan area and which is not otherwise bound by the provisions of Part I. For all such trades the following goals and timetables shall be applicable. Goals for Minority Utilization Until (1/1/14) (6.0% - 8:000) ( } From ( ) to ( ) ( ) From ( ) to ( ) ( ) From ( ) to ( ) ( ) From ( ) to ( ) ( ) 2/ The goals of minority and female utilization above are expressed in terms of hours of training and employment as a proportion of the total number of hours to be worked by the contractor's aggregate work force, which includes all supervisory personnel, in each trade on all projects (both Federal and non-Federal) in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan area during the performance of its contract (i.e. , the period beginning with the first day of work on the Federal or federally assisted construction contract and ending with the last day of work) . The hours of minority employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract in each trade and minorities must be employed evenly on each of the contractor's projects. Therefore, the transfer of minority employees or trainees 1/ "Minority" is defined as including Blacks, Spanish Surnamed Americans, Orientcls and American Indians, and includes both minority men and minority women. 2/ In the event that any work which is subject to these Bid Conditions is per- formed in a year later than the latest year for which goals of minority utilization have been established, the goals for the last yecr of the Bid Conditions will be applicable to such work. from contractor to contractor or from project-to-project for the purpose of meeting the contractor's goals shall be a violation of Part 11 of these Bid Conditions. If the contractor counts the nonworking hours of trainees and apprentices in meeting the contractor's goals, such trainees and apprentices must be employed by the contractor during the training period; the contractor must have make a commitment to employ the trainees and apprentices at the completion of their training subject to the availability of employment opportunities; and the trainees must be trained pursuant to training pro- grams approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for "Federal Purposes" or approved as supplementing the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan. 2. Specific Affirmative Action Steps. No contractor shall be found to be in _ noncompliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, solely on account of its failure to meet its goals, but shall be given an opportunity to demonstrate that the contractor has instituted all the specific affirmative action steps specified in this Part If and has made every good faith effort to make these steps work tovard the attainment of its goals within the timetables, all to the purpose of expanding minority utilization in its ag- gregate work force in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan area. A contractor subject to Part I which fails to comply with its obligations under the Equal Opportunity clause of its contract (including failure to meet its fair share obligation if provided in the NASSAU- MWM SUFFOLK Plan) or subject to Part II which fails to achieve its commitments to the goals For minority utilization has the burden of proving that it has engaged in a affirmative action program directed at increasing minority utilization and that such efforts were at least as extensive and as specific as the following: a. The contractor should have notified minority organizations when employ- ment opportunities were available and should have maintained records of the orgcnizations' response. b. The contractor should have maintained a file of the names and addresses of each minority referred to it by any individual or organization and what action was taken with respect to each such referred individual, and if the individual was not employed by the contractor the reasons therefor. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and not referred back by the union or if referred, not employed by the contractor, the file should have documented this and the reasons therefor. C. The contractor should have promptly notified the contracting or cdmin- t istering agency and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs when the union or unions with which the contractor has collective bargaining agreements did not refer to the contractor a minority sent by the contractor or when the contractor had other infor- mation that the union referral process has impeded efforts to meet its goals. �h d. The contractor should have disseminated its EEO policy within its organization by including it in any employee handbook or policy manual; by publicizing it in com- pany newspapers and annual reports, and by advertising such policy at reasonable intervals in union publications. The EEO policy should be further disseminated by conducting staff meetings to explain and discuss the policy; by posting of the policy; and by review of the policy with minority employees. e. The contractor should have disseminated its EEO policy externally by informing and discussing it with all recruitment sources; by advertising in news media, specifi- cally including minority news media and by notifying and discussing it with all subcon- tractors. f. The contractor should have made both specific and reasonably recurrent written and oral recruitment efforts. Such efforts should have been directed at minority organ- izations, schools with substantial minority enrollment, and minority recruitment and training organizations within the contractor's recruitment area. g. The contractor should have evidence available for inspection that all tests and other selection techniques used to select from among candiates for him, transfer, promo- tion, training or retention are being used in a manner that does not violate the OFCCP Testing Guidelines in 41 CFR Part 60-3. h. The contractor where reasonable should have developed on-the-job training opportunities and perticipated and assisted in all Department of Labor funded and/or approved training programs relevant to the contractor's employee needs consistent with its obligations under this Part 11. i. The contractor should have made sure that seniority practices and job class- ifications do not have a discriminatory effect. j. The contractor should have made tertian that all facilities were not segregated by race. k. The contractor should have continually monitored all personnel activities to ensure that its EEO policy was being carried out including the evaluation of minority employees for promotional opportunities on quarterly basis and the encouragement of such employees to seek those opportunities. 1 . The contractor should have solicited bids for subcontractors from available minority subcontracts engaged in the trades covered by these Bid Conditions, including circulation of minority contractor associations. NOTE: The Assistant Regional Administrator of the Office of Federal Contract Compri-ante Programs and the compliance agency staff will provide technical assistance on questions pertaining to minority recruitment sources, minority community organizations and minority news media upon receipt of a request for assistance from a contractor. 3. Subsequent Signatory to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan. Contractors that cre subject to the requirements of Part 11 at the time of the submission of their bids which, together with labor organizations with which they have collective bargaining agreements, subsequently become signatory to the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan, either individually or through an association, will be deemed bound to their commitments to the NASSAU- SUFFOLK Plan from that time until and unless they once again become subject to the requirements of Part 11 pursuant to Section A. 1-6. 4, Non-discrimination. In no event may a contractor utilize the goals and affirmative action steps required by this Part If in such a manner as to cause or result in discrimination against any person on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Part III : Compliance and Enforcement. In all cases, the compliance of a contractor will be determined in accordance with its obligations under the terms of these Bid Conditions. Therefore, contractors who are governed by the provisions of either Part I or Part 11 shall be subject to the requirements of that Part regardless of the obligations of its prime contractor or lower tier subcontractors. All contractors performing or to perform work on projects subject to these Bid Con- ditions hereby agree to inform their =bcontractors in writing of their respective obliga- tions under the terms and requirements of these Bid Conditions, including the provisions relating to goals of minority employment and training. A. Contractors Subject to Part 1. 1 . A contractor covered by Part I of these Bid Conditions shall be in compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, the implementing regulations and its obligations under Part 1, provided the contractor together with the labor organization or organizations with which it has a collective bargaining agreement meet the goals for minority utiliza- tion to which they committed themselves solely responsible for any final determination of that question and the consequences thereof. 3. Where OFCCP finds that a contractor has failed to comply with the requirements of the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan and its obligations under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions, it shall take such action and/or impose such sanctions as may be appropriate under the Executive Order and its regulations. When the OFCCP proceeds with such formal action it has the burden of proving that the contractor has not met requirements of these Bid Conditions. The failure of the contractor to comply with its obligations under the Equal Opportunity clause shall shift to it the requirement to come forward with evidence to show that it has met the good faith requirements of these Bid Conditionsby instituting at least the specific affirmative action steps listed in Port II, Section 2. he contractor must also provide evidence of its steps toward the attainment of its trade's goals within the timetables set forth in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan. The pendency of such formal proceedings shall be taken i nto consideration by Federal agencies in determining whether such contractor can comply with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, as is therefore a "responsible prospective contractor" within the meaning of basic principles of Fede al procurement law. B. Contractors Subject to Part II . In regard to Part II of these Bid Conditions, if the contractor meets the goals in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan, or can demonstrate that every good faith effort has been make to meet the goal . In that event, no formal sanctions or proceedings leading toward sanctions shall be instituted unless the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs determines that the contractor has violated c substantial requirement in the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan or Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations, including the failure of such contractor to make a good faith effort to meet its fair share obligation if provided in the NASSAU- SUFFOLK Plan or has engaged in unlawful discrimination. Such violations shall be deemed to be noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity clause of the contract, and shall be grounds for opposition of the scantions and penalties for in Executive Order 11246, as amended. 2. The OFCCP shall review Part I contractors' employment practices during the performance of the contract. Further, OFCCP shall be solely responsible for any final determination that the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan is no longer an acceptable of- a firmetive action progrcm and the consequences thereof. The OFCCP may, upon re- view and notice to the contractor and any affected labor organization, determine that the NASSAU-SUFFOLK Plan no longer represents effective offirmative action. In that event it shall be set forth therein or can demonstrate that it has made every good faith effort to meet these goals, the contractor shall be presumed to be in com- pliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, the implementing regulations and its obligations under Part II of these Bid Conditions. In that event, no Formal sanctions or proceedings leading toward sanctions shall be instituted unless the contracting or administering agency otherwise determines that the contractor is violating the Equal Opportunity clause. Where the agency finds that the contractor failed to comply Nvith the require- ments of Executive Order 11246, as amended, the implementing regulations and the obligations under Part 11 of these Bid Conditions, the agency shall take such action and impose such sanctions, which include suspension, termination, cancellation, and debarment, as may be appropriate under the Executive Order and its regulations. When the agency proceeds with such formal action it has the burden of proving that the contractor has not met the goals contained in Part 11 -of these Bid Conditions. The contractor's failure to meet its goals shall shift to it the requirement to come forward with evidence to show that it has met the good faith requirements of these Bid Conditions by instituting of least the specific affirmative action steps listed in Part 11, Section 2. The pendency of such proceeding shall be taken into consideration by Federal agencies in determining whether such contractor can comply with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and is therefore a "Respon- sible prospective contractor" within the meaning of the basic principles of Federal procurement law. �Ly C. Obligations Aoolicable to Contractors Sub'ect to Either Part I or Part II. it shall be no excuse that the union with which the contractor has a collective bar- gaining agreement providing for exclusive referral failed to refer minority employees. Discrimination in referral for employment, even if pursuant to provisions of a collective bargaining agreement,is prohibited by the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, aid Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended . It is the policy of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs that contractors have a responsibility to provide equal employment opportunity if they wish to participate in federally in- volved contracts. To the extent they have delegated the responsibility for some of their employment practices to a labor organization and, as a result, are prevented from meeting their obligations pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended, such contractors cannot be considered to be in compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, its implementing rules and regulations. Part IV: General Requirements. Contractors are responsible for informing their subcontractors in writing, regardless of tier, as to their respective obligations under Parts I and II hereof, as applicable. Whenever a contractor subcontracts a portion of work in any trade covered by these Bid Conditions, it shill include these Bid Conditions in such subcontracts and each subcontractor shall be bound by these Bid Conditions to the full extent as if it were the prime contractor. The contractor shall not, however, be held accountable for the failure of its subcontractors to fulfill their obligations under these Bid Conditions. However, the prime contractor shall give notice to the Assistant ; Regional Administrator of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor and to the contracting or administering agency of any refusal or failure of any subcontractor to fulfill its obligations under these Bid Conditions. A subcontractor's failure to comply will be treated in the some manner as such failure by a prime contractor. 2. Contractors hereby agree to refrain from entering into any contract or con- tract modification subject to Executive Order 11246, as amended, with a contractor debarred from, or who is determined not to be a "responsible" bidder for Government contracts and Federally-assisted construction contracts pursuant to. the Executive Order. 3. The contractor shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of these Bid Conditions and the Equal Opportunity clause including suspension, termination and cancellation of existing subcontracts and department from future contracts as may be imposed or ordered pursuant of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations by the contracting or administering agency and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Any contractor who fails to carry out such sanctions and penalites shall also be deemed to be in noncompliccne with these Bid Conditions and Executive Order 11246, as amended. 4. Nothing herein is intended to relieve any contractor during the term of its contract From compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, and the Equal 4z Opportunity clause of its contract with respect to matters not covered in the NASSAU- � SUFFOLK Plan or in Part 11 of these Bid Conditions. The procedures set forth in these Bid Conditions shall not apply to any contract which the head of the contracting or administering agency determines is essential to the national security and its award without following such procedures I s necessary to the national security. Upon making such a determination, the agency head will notify, in writing, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within thirty days. 6. Requests for exemptions from these Bid Conditions must be made , in writing, with justification, to the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210, and shall be forwarded through and with the endorsement of the head of the contracting or administering agency. 7. Contractors must keep such records and file such reports relating to the provisions of these Bid Conditions as shall be required by the contracting or admin- istering agency or the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. SUPEPSEDEAS DECISION UN t•u. III al-IU1/ W qe ! W STATE, NEN YORK COUNT IESt ttASSAU t SUfrOLK ti DECISION No. NY83-3027 DAT:, DATE Of 1'I1OLICATION s"'' ►,t.t. eiY I•,+#, SUPERSEDES DECISON NO. NY81-)018 dated July 11, 1911 In 46 fR )7191 Nson am" IX ... DESCRIPTION Or woRxt Building, Residential (Includes single family he"-$ and apartments up to and ineludin9 4 stories). Hoavy 4 Illgl,%)ny Construction Projects puddler• on concrete pave -- where the change to the went, asphalt plant (bet- existing roughing does cher / hopper loon), all not have a labor coat auk auk 1 I other unskllled laborers 10.67 .75#23• In excess of $1,500.000 9.00 2.72 N v., r""t' w.•a t' 1 #0 Suffolk County 11.OS 6.0 s•t•� MARBLE SETTERS POWER EOUIP41f NT OPFRATOPS ASBESTOS WORKLRB 16.11 ),O] cormunlcatlou sysic me r Cutters 4 Betters 16.21 4.19te (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION)I DOILEAMAKERS 19.09 )21..04 a,J e,,"Orcl%,I ' ( I Carvers 1i.76 1.194• Class I 17.060 2.,C- BRICKLAYERS 17.22 6.17 cl,r,:-rru.•Isinrla! device$ 1 Polishers 15.19 2.90#0 1 H CARPr.NT F.0.5 suth Crane operators( derrkck- Class 2 17.755 2.4C• Nassau CountV (except in ,:t ::u elect- 1.' men 15.21 .31#ci !!•! 'T) that part South of the rlcal ccr.Lract I ( 9.lT s 2 Marble rinlshers 11.21 2.90#• 11.255 2.:: Southern State Parkwayf , ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS 1A.9! 2.33•_ MILLWRIGHTS 16.45 6.46 Neat of Seaford Crook, PAINTERS Class 4 15.905 7.<:- also, Smithtown Islip ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS' , Suffolk County# 91i_! #c ?� line on the East, Long' HELPERS 1 11.24, 2.33•t Basic 11.fS 1.1] Class S !6.905 2.t^- Island Sound on.the Hort #c Scaffold work, rolling It. 'Jd and Middle Island OR ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS' I 1 scaffold 11 [t. end Class 6 17.1OS 2.17• • 1 10 1.13 1t•' South � i HELPER (PROBATIONARY) !.7.Sb •� over, spraying 1] 1 track on the Mi th ' Carpenters, Mlllwrlghts ' ODERNtIATION a REPAIR �"' � � 1'Btructural steel e8snd- Class 7 16.655 2.43- t!P1lodriveter loft FloOt '' •' ELNATUR CONSTRUCTORS • blaating' 14.86 4.43 e1•' •w Layers, Acostical, Oryi I , #p I ties a County (Inwood, �,. Clams 8 11.480 1.40: ..wall , MODBRNIShTIO6 N REPAIR / Lawrence, Cedarhurst, Residential (under twb - ELEVATORS CONSTRUCTORS' Woodmere, Hewlett, Ik.+lett tf Class 9 li.f05 2.10• •• stories) 12.67 2.)S HELPERS ' ' j.12' 2.134E Day, Hewlett Neck, Hewlett 11#! C building 17.)7 6.01 ` •e Park, East Rockaway, part Clams 10 17.155 2.4c- 0• Heavy 4 llighway 17.65 6.01 MODERNIZATION 6 REPAIR I Of Oceanside, pert of Lyn 1t#. Remainder of Nassau Count RIEVATOR OONSTRUCTUPS' it brook, part of Rockville Class 11 17.0S5 2.(0- Building, Aesldential. HrJ,Pr.RS (PROBATIONARY) + Sr61S Center, Atlantic Beach, $%#!• i Ileavy 4 Highway 17.37 /.il OLA2[F.RS 16.75' S.70 Long Beach, Lido beach, Class 12 16.155 2.IC# �, Suffolk County IPONWORKEPS i Point Lookout, Gibson and - It#- Pcelde1 1 (2 stories 6 Structural ' 15.50 1.59 part o[ valley St'...). Clan 17 11.73 2.:0• 0 under) 16.15 2- S Ornamental riniehor 15.50 1.59 Painters 14.04 .01#301 11#' ,.a Bulldlnq 16.15 S�/ LABORERS (BUILDING) 12.71 /.S7 Spray 11.05.01+301 Class 14-A 18.23 1.40• p Heavy I. Highway 16.20 5.11 Fire Escapes' 16.05.01#701 1t•: N CEMENT ttASONS v 14.15 1.71 l.AnORERS (HEAVY 4 HIGH- , Nassau County (Remainder Class 14-8 18.46 2.:-• DIVEPS 15.69 4.735 WAY)t of County)# 81#_ ELECTRIC TANS Concrrte 4 Curb form set- Painters 13.11 4.07 Clams 14-C 19.73 2.:;- M Building 18.55 3764.70 term, asphalt rakers 11.39 230- Spray, Open Steel, Swlnr- 8%... �. Nlrinq oe mingle nr mult .75#0 Ing Scaffold, Rolling Clams 14-D 20.23 2.:"-• Iple family dwellingn 4 Asphalt workers 4 roller scaffold 11 ft. or over 15.77 4.07 814: fn apart-nts up to and In- boy.. nVPhAlt top ahoVel- Sandblasting 17.29 4.07 Class 1S 16.15 2.:0• `< cludluq 2 stories 12.20 31%#•70 era 4 emoothers asphalt TAVERIIANGERS 11.1 33% s`•� Installation of tolovia- tampare, 11.14 'd74#.71 PLASTERERS 15.40 4.22 class 16 17.23 2.1^4 E inn rrcrivrrn, radio re- 01•UMI/F.n9t 8F+_• ,C .lnrkh mmnera,i drill tm n, Claps 17 17.28 2.10! cnlvnrn, racnrd I.Inynra, I Nnmm�u COunty sl•. and amnnclntad apparatus hoppnrmrn.`cn epos ors' j M,llAlnrl, Heavy 6 High- 17.07 1.40• and AIA01,11A and home Iander n, pipe jointers t way Construction 16.1 4.97 Class 18 a ppllnneen and r-Inned nettrrn, conarnto Inhnrer, Raaidentims 10.5 ]-/0 .404 circuit TV Aad en,ll.11.le (,.t runt urn nl. at ane Jobhinq (repair lot pre- Class I9 16.48 7.40• outlet distribution Sys- e,ro, q laharrr n, track sent plumbing nyntema A1•f Tema, sound and i,.ter- men, grvulinq 4 exrnvntlnq thot. does not cl nqn the Clens 20 17 J l 1.:'• Inhc.n•rn, Yard labra rro, cxlntlnq roughing or en 814: ' mianr alt atatlono jolr •f O G'. a t i f Dtclal Olt NO. NY#)-)027 % Paqu ) NY1)- 027 POWER LOU11'MCNT OPERATORSa•w DEC1610H NO. Page 1 I (BUILDING CUNSTRUCTIUN) Nw,p t^'r' see ICON'r'0) a.u• s...ou n•.ar t• A"" r.,•eo• Class 21 19.95 a.40f Clear 10 NGLUCNO rreulw rate prescribed (or craft to which welding to Incidental. ISlot I 17.15 2,10♦ UnIlmtUd cluuaIIications nanded for work not Included Within the reaps of 27 15.57 2.4U• C1•rr ll #log lbs claerlticatJens listed .,.y bo adJud alter award Only au provlJuJ !n Class 15.09 2.10• the labor tttaudards contract clauses (29 DFR S.S (a)(11(1111. I Class 23 11.)) 2. 0 I I Clans 12Sa•g 014E 6.21 2.10• Y-041'Ifl)T t;S• Clare 24 Il•y ( 16,67 2.4 ut I Cl-1 11 15.10 2.30. 1'A ID HOLIDAYS, A New year•# Day$ D - Mumurlrl Day$ C - Indupunn duce Day$ ' Sldsa 25 17.15 2.10♦ ' ':1.• U - Labor Day, L - T'huokuylvI ng nay$ P - Christmas Day 1 O4•t 1 j II 16.91 2&40. • I Clara 26 14.17 /./U• „ J. a• Paid IIOlidayso A thruu,$h Y, Psesldunt'r Day, tits anniversary at 8t.t 1/•86 2.3)- lite empluyut1r datu of umpluyaunl, and thu umpluyua's birthday. ClAra 17 15.10 2. . Clara 16 /1•i 16.15 1.40- Stir All umploywir wtora cpnlln.v,um mervlcu crddlt bo.)an prior to April 1 d C Las 2S 17.29` 2.IUt Class 17 tlloy of the current yu•r •ball Lu ontitlud to a vacation of Ona week, lied rD • SN t 17.2) 2.10- the nmpluyue whoua cuntlnuuuu murvlcu crudlt utrrtvd prlur to Oct bur 1 `t CI•rr 29 17.70 2.10E Class IO S N q of tits precedlug yuar ahall bu untltlod to a vacation of two weeks. tllrC N,B6 2.{p. tmployu ur w6a un March )l at tote carseat ClAss 10 Stag crudlt of ria Yuarm or moru wJth thm c,napaNyoridlI benuutitlinuounJmtovacn 17.01 2./0t Claus 19 16.62 2,'IOt vnustlut Y1tf 1 lu duculddncu with t [olluw Lig uchudulut t . C1•rr 11 15.59 2.10♦ Class ]D Oto•) 11.07 2.IU• 6 yuarq tut lura than 7 yurr# 2 weoka and 1 day •y+ C 1•sA 32 tart Stay 7 . 17.30: 2.10• Cissa 21 16.11 2 10♦ Yaarr but 1.911 than 1 yuata 2 wvuks anJ 2 days M gl,f Oloy / yrara but. luau than 9 yearn 2 wuOks and ) days Class JJ 11.70 ].IOt Class 12 9 Years Lut lues than 10 Yuars 2 week• and 1 days Yltf 1l.1] 2.IU. 10 year• hal ►u n duan IS yrara ) wuuhm Class 31 11.57 2.I0t Clear 2] Oleg 15 Yuars but lass then 25 years 1 wuaks C 16.51 . 2.10♦ 25 Yumrs slid uvur S wouks 0 Claes 1S SNF 01tg l6.f6 ],IDs class 21 17.70 2,104, An eayluyum shall blot SNy purwnrl injury, Lr pall q w for aLrrnd. to Wraonal 11 leas s, '1a or death lotthe llmMdiatm family At him basic (11CAV Y 6 E:W IYMCNT OYEItATOR$ Close 25 11.65 2.•10- rite tar a purloA at [lvr (S) days In any calender year. 1114 AVEll UtINAY)r. Clam• 1 17.Or 2.IOo RO0YLR8 Otey at Olate a T11• 11.07 ).9S L• [ul'loyor aunt►•1DYWY 60/d•y. Claus 2 17.15 ]./Ot Naterproafnr 12.11 6.27 c• Pa d incl ld•yst A through P Lincoln's birthday, wash Ing ton'■ INg 311LrT METAL NORACRS 1].35 .6.27 DBalYthday, COIUP'bub [)sy,-Arlaltice Day, and Friday alter Thanksgiving N Close 1 17.10 2./00 SPRINKLER f1T7Llt9 6 d. Paid lollda u A hrou.h y Class 1 81#9 BTEAMYITT'tuS 16.07 5.7 1• Y t ! f, Columbus Day, LlDooln's Birthday, 11.1) 2.104 STONE DLRRICVAKN t S Washington's O1rNdey, Vmt6ran'S Day, and Elrotlon Day, provldad the 1N g 4100028 14.81 5.25 _. an-ployul warkmd or a ovs up for work on the schedule day before and Class 1 11.54 ].104 0TON01A10N1 i 17.71 5.75 the rchudule�yl� day •Etat the holiday. I1{q T'CNRA'Lt0 wORRERI 11.31 ].82 a• Paid Ilolldays• Otlr halt day's pay for Labor Day C Claes { 17.02 ],104 'fEnM2'60 YINjSIIt(18 12.07 2.71' f. Paid I,olldryst A t)trouyh FI {,lnooln's lirthdsy, Washington'# -� Ittg TILE BrTT:,X 1.71 1.715 Class 1 10•]7 ].104 Tilt ►1NISR L'It1 - Birthday, 'COlynb ua Day, blsotlon DaY• and Veteran'# Dry. •--4 1.T1 1.1]5 yy Psl� I011deyet .A throe Clear 1 t 19/9 TRUCK DR[YYhb, . : Coluu3ur �6 Y through ri Lincoln I birthday, Washi�gtyn'# �. . )6.10 2.10• building Ay, 9 ootloh Day and Vp N rani pay, provided em 10 •r `q /t♦q Randy-mlX concrete, 6 aka tit• day sitar tit# ho�Jday. Clea f 1(.10 7.104 wand, gravrI asphalt .•' for 41011 IS'JAY wo ked with the contract Yost an employes'wlll Ntq 6 bulk oarant 1.11 ).063.1 year app,pay r ,Va wt on with pay$ maximum vacation of ws•ka per ' bucllda ► lurnapulla 9.225 1.063.t I' Heavy iX.Plok4k opptrlbut•o 01.00,pur'day to bscurlty rund, dp Cuollda 6 T'urDapull# !. 23 1.061-r r Wl Illyh ciao 9•�/ ).063•• • _ t I,' 0 rT IA i r � a W . ' 4CY) W DECISION 140. lry0)-30)7 Page S DECISION NO. tryll)-)027 ' Page 6 t,17 W CIASSIfICATION DESCRIPTIONS-TOWER f.OUIPM F.tIT OPF MTORS CIASSIrl CATION Of.S CR[!'T IONC-M1wEA 1nUIPMEIIT OPERATORS (CON'T) Q1 Class 271 Power buggies [aa BUILDING CONSTRUCTION! Class 211 Roller, trench machine Claes 291 Scoop, carry-all, scraper In tandem Class 11 As ptelt spreader Class 301 Sldeboom tractor (used In tank work) Class 2r Baume, dragllne, gradall, piledriver, shovel Class 31, Stripping machine Class 31 Batching plant (on Bite of job), power winch (used for Cl::: )21 Tank work stone or steel), power w1nd1 truck mounted (used for atone or steel), Class ))1 Tower crane (engineer) pump (concrete) Close )It Tower crane (611er) Class er Dending machine, generator (small), vibrator (I to 5) direly Class )S, welding machine, structural steel locomotive CIAen St Boller, bulldotet, compressor (on crane), compressor (pile ' work), compressor (stone setting), concrete breaker, conveyor, gene- NFAVY 6 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION gator Ipilework), loading machine (front end), maintenance engineer,mechani .n mechanical compacters (aachine drawn), powerhouse, power winch truck Class i1 Asphalt spreader, boom truck, boring machine (other than G- (used for other than steel or stone), pulvl-mixer, power winch _ Post holes), CMI or maxim spreader, crane (e raw ler or truck►, con- Pumpsed for oche[ then steel), pump (double action dlnphram), pump (gyp• veyor (multll, plant engineer, concrete spreader, sideboom tractor, M -sum), pump (Imydraullcl, pump (jet), pump (single action - 1 to 31, •lone spreader, feel(-propelled), cherry picker 0a Pump (well polntl, welding and burning, welding machine (pilework) 'Class 21 Backhoe, crane (stone setting), crane (structural steel). Class 61 Boom truck, crane (crawler or truck), conveyor-multi plant dragllne, gradall, piledriver, road paver, shovel • 73 engineer, stone spreader (self-propelled) _ Class It Batchirs plent (on site of job), crane (on barge), derrick, � Class 71 Compressor, compressor (2 or more in betteryl, genehalot,' �f'11'. sideboom tractor (used 1n tank work), tank work r{,9, mulch machine, pin puller, portable heaters, pump (1 inch or over), t ;.',, Class 11 Sending machine, mechanical compactors (hand operated). y Cres tamper, welding machine - 1, pump (centrlfuga i.upto ) inches), trench laachlnelhmd) (p Class Is Crane and boom'truck (setting sttuctural or stone ii ,,,( .` ,. 1us St , Boller ti Claes 91 Bulldozer (use for excavation), fireman, loading machine. 1.•.,..Clas• fl• boring machine (post holes) pw `"'FL-Om, scoop (carry-all scraper) vac-all t ' Claas 1 Bulldomer, concrete finishing machine, conveyor, cutD 1 Class 108 Cl)I or maxim spreader, concrete spreader, derrick, sldebooAt' machine, asphalt or concrete), curing machine, dinky locomotive, tractor 12r clot flteman, ;orklift, hoist (1 drum), loading machine, maintenance O Class lit Compressor (structural steel) engineer, pu1J1-mixer, pump (l In. or over ), pump (hydraulic), witor saw or cutter, mixer (with skip), mixer (I small, Pump (jet), pump (s ubrte n ibis), pump (well polntl, roller IS tons Ia wheeler vltnout skip). PIMP (up to 7 lnehea), tractor Caterpillar or an4 over scoop (carry-all, scraper), maintenance man (tower crane), � ( vac-all, welding 6 burning ' Class 1L Crane with clam shell tru bucket Class It Compressor (on crane)• generator (pile work), welding Z Class lir Grano, crawler or truck) mach no (pile work), power winch (used for other t1u n store or 0 a. Boom 101"90u of 100' (including jib) but Ines than structure) steel) poser house, loading machine (front end), com- L'0' Pre spot (pile work), Power winch (truck mounted, used for other b. Boom lengtAs of 150' (including jib) but less than than atone or steel), hoist 12 drum) �j 250' Class 91 Compressor (2 or mora In battery) e. Boom lengths of 250' (including jib) but less than Class 10) Compressor (stone setting), compressor (structural 350' steel), welding machlne(structural steel) d. Doom lengths of 3150' Class 11 Compressor, mulch machine, pin puller, pump (double []• Clans ]Ss Cush michlne (Asphalt or concrete), curing machine, ptunp action dlaphtaym), pump (gypsum), pump (single action 1 to )), CL �. (aubernlble), tnwer crann eminlenanco man sari pingq na chine, welding machine 61 Clens 161 Dredge Clau 1]m Loadis machine, with bucket capacity of 10 yards or `< Clacs 171 Elevator, forklift, holot (ldrrmml over CIAAe 181 Forklift (walk-behind, power opareted) Class UI Concrete breaker, concrete saw or cutter, forklift Clann 10f urnd"r (walk-hehind, poorer p ertted h dra-htmmo m v , C1Arm 20, llulnt (2 and drum) D t yy r, Ixtr 1 Ile skit). ,r mixer O any,11 wth or without aklpl, mixer (2 bap or over with Clnnn )11 lintel (mu111p10 pintfm m) or without skip), (ower buggies, power grinders, rldga cutter Clang ))1 mora CI'Anical cnml.nctv'R (hand operated),0trpnch machlno (hand) Clue 1/1 Dtedyo `2 C'lnua 21m IW lel Innd.vn ►•1„Ilu^" CIAsr 15I renefntor (Posit) Cla211 IIy AIn-h naw,er, rl clq,. culler Clear 161 Ore Jur Clnvo 251 LuAJlnq umehlnn (wllh capacity of 10 yds, or ovpr) CI Ana 261 Oiler, stump chipper • O CI: n ro � 1 r DCC16ION W. NYs]-3027 Page 7 SUMSLDEAS DLC1610N DL6CAIr 0tJt6elY 1CA73JN T10N8-POIILR LOUIPHENT OPLR11TOlt6 (CON'T) 6TATL1 Texas COUNTIESr Slatevldt DLCISIOH NO.1 TIII-1051 DATE1 Date of Publication YUILOINJ CONSTRUCTION, Supersede• D•clslon No, 7'X82-1052, dated October 29. 1982 In 17 1'A 1921). Clear 171 Itoldt 3 drlu•1, p over winch (truck mounted, uv rd for DLSCRs IPTION OV NORXr go* 'Are• Covered by Various ion • ( atone or ■1.001), pwar winch luded for atone ecltlng 6 structural •tarn. trench swchlue Clad 1st NcchanlC 10NL 1 LONE 2 FOUL ] IOtIG 1 20UL S Class 19s mechanical eorpsctors (muchlno drdwnl, roller low r S ', loud 1.04 bd. Class 201 Oiler, root cutter, stump chl)q,cr, torur crsna(ollur, N.•dr N...1, N•..Ir N...Ir N...Ir track taay,er), (2 engineers, ••til) •.,.• a.... A..., e.1.. s.,,. C Ls• 211 Portable healers 6.00 Clare 211 Power boom Air Tool Man - Claes 1$1 Punq, (concrete► Asphalt llu tecoan 5.70 S.10 S.)! 5.00 Claes 211 buuu, Ay.h•It N•k ar 6,:' '•t 5.75 5.<9 (engln0ur) 1 (terry-ell, sC[y,ur In Jandu ml, over crane Arph•1! Sh ovelrr - - l.dU 1.6S 1.15 • 'Clam* 251 Tractor (eaturpillsr or wheal) matching Plant Scaleman 6.10 6.10 - - - ry 8atterboatd Satter 7.706.20 Cu panttr 6.50 7.10 6.20 S.eS 6.2S 1 �. .Carpenter U011'ef 5.15 $.$o 5.10 1.70 5.05 .� Concrete rinl►her (Paving) 7.7S 7.25 7.50 7.05 6.25 Concrtto rinlshrr Helper I IP•ving$ 6.50 - 3.60 - 1.80 Concfats rinlshet (Structures) 7.10 7.25 S.90 5.10 6.26 Concrete rinishel 11a1per (structures) S.60 6.00 5.00 1.80 S.OS ~ Concrete Nubbef - - - - 1.50 -� Electrician - 7.75 1).50 11.30 10.51 C Electrician Helper - 3.75 - 8.20 S.BS O form build*( (Structures) 6.75 - 7.70 5.15 6.00 torn builder Helper 1 (structures$ S.35 - 1.93 1.10 5.00 rola Liner (Paving 6 Curb) 7.75 - - - 5.20 rote $attar (Paving 6 Curb) 7.05 MS 6.25 - 6.05 corm settee helper (Paving O I. Curb) - - 1.00 - 1.7s corm better (structures) 7.55 7.70 6.15 5.35 6.25 �+ ora setter Nelpec (structure 1 S-95 6.25 5.50 1.75 1.95 I ' eboref, Common 1.90 1.6S 1.80 1.10 1.15 lV 1,abor e, Utility Nan S.SO 6.55 6.00 1.90 1.75 I Hanho� fun der, stick - - 6.00 - Hath•n�0 i 8.75 7.60 7.20 6.30 7.05 'r1 I I �. N Ch•n 0 pelpec ( 6.55 6,60 5.25 �. 011•(( 6.15 3.10 SAS S. S 5.00 a- �', B•rvl0•un I 6./S 6.60 )t.s5 5.10 �.6S w ' I t• I ►Sln!•S�IBttuotOreO) 6.00 � _ I rrU•Pr'v•rw•n i 1 _ I /�Pe 6Y•t" 6.95 _ 5.115 �' • r paley / Nff)par _ , T 6,65 1 I 17 ) r, ►Ow4t(R6n 1.90 7.10 3.70 5.50 3.75 , r•Inlpptclhp steel settee I j 1 1 IPev11191 ' 6.00 6.75 6.20 6.50 1144+ Meln[ocdln9q steel SOM9 laltl+aturi6) 6.05 - 6.10 5.20 6.25 o ! , ,•1 la u1 MODIFICATION P. S 140DIFICATION P. 6 DECISION NO. NY83-3032 - b.lr Fn •azk NIDD. rE Ma"tle • Ib - Wa"dV .des. DECISION NO. PA83-3001- TTB FR 34629 - July 29, sizie eMN •"1esle Had. ,9ask sa,Ie F,Iny Y r. 1983) FR -August 19, au�i pwfz •n ,4 Brox, Kings, New York, DECISION N0. NY83-3027 - 1983) DEC75ION NO, pA82-3017 Queens, Richmond Counties, MOD._i� :Adams,Berks,Bradford,Car- !?Ec NO-S New York assau 73622 - July 22, jbon,Columbia,Cumberldnd, _ (-1�•R I3f08 - March T6, 1983) !Dauphin,Juniata,Lackawann 1982 Nassau, Suffolk Counties, ) I�Lancastor,Lebanon,Lzhigh, OMIT: New York Luzerne,Lycominq,Monroe, Lackawanna, Susquehanna, Lathers, Metallic .79 4.09+9 I Montour,Nor themp ton,Nurth- I Wayne G Wyoming Counties Pennsylvania Terrazzo Workers Helpers 9.81 2.71 ADD: umberland,Perry,Pike,Sch- Metallic Lathurs b Rein- uylktll,Snyder,Sulllvnn, ADD: forcing Iron Workers 19.53 4.87 Susquehanna,Tioga,Unio CHANGE_: Metallic Lathers b Re - Wayne,Wyoming,and Yor fD frocing Iron Worker 19.83 4.87+g CIIANGEr Coun[lea, Pennsylvan POWER EQUIPMENT OPE TORS CL Terrazzo i Mosaic MARDLE SETTERS$ Finishers 15.48 2.71 Cutters b Setters 13.93 4.19+e Group 1 M $16.24 22.64 Carvers 11.48 1.19+c CIIANGE$ .�.. CHANGE: Polishers 14,89 2.90+6 Group 2 15.91, +•s „� IRONWOI2NERS: MA RAL F, BIT IIJ Crane Operatorez 6ruup I 15.07 Seinforrel,U emontal, b fp Cutters b Sa lets 13.93 4.19+h Darrlckmen 12.91 1.3446 Group 4 Reinforcln I 14.30 0 Carvers 14.48 4.19+h Marble Finish ars Group 5 Adems,Cun rland,Dau hi.n, P 13.82 - Polisllere 11.89 2.19+h (Helpers) 12.91 2.90+e p Group 12.90 ,..,. t Lan caste ,Lo benon,Lyc' Crane 0, etoral TF.HIU1'L l0 WUHKF.ItS 17.93 3.12 I Group • iD Montou Nurt h umber land, I 16.4 .+ Derrlc en 12.91 4.3/+h TERRAllO i MUSAIC Gro, 7-A 1G 74 ,Junta Perryy,Snyder,Unio$ Marble inishere FINISHERS 13,48 2.71 1 Y Counliee Gr p 7-8 16.99 517.265 3.745 (Hal r) 12.91 2.19+h TILE SETTEHS 15.28 4.335 <11 TI LF. SF•fEIl9 15.28 4.335 TILL rINIJIItiu 13.64 3.17 O TILE NISHERS 13.84 3.17 UE S NN Nn. wAy1-5110 - Mod V. lU U_MI I (48 25IlItl - hnu 1, L9n3) F agmen Cladsification \14_0_D� IbN N0. tJY_U1-5bb-T- tfrom Laborers 11oavy -(7 Highway 45530 - Sept. 11, DE CISI0 No, MA81-3U54 •uk fern„ CHAN Et-l(Oh-1 ORRKLAYERS MAMBLE SETI'EKS.Are• 4 hes r County, (J F"46 - sept. 4, 319.25 53.16 1981) LATHERSzU.'ISION NO. NJ87-3016 - MOD. A6 rk BARNSTABLE, BR TOL, DUKES Area 1 17.77 3.03 14 R 38003 - Junu17, 198i� PAu1TERS$Atlan c, Burlington, Canalen, ESSEX, MIUULE6E NANTUCKET, NORF ) Area 3:Cape M, Cumberland, Glouceste[, ing Lath s L Rein- General P.lnters 16.74 2.52Mcrcer,- mouth, Ocean, ci ng Iron rkere 19.53 1.87 PLYMOUTH AND BUFFOL e.0c COUNTIES, MASS. Dry..II Tapers 17.79 2.52and Salem unties, New Ne"nv ►noseJetsey ••1.114 Indus trl.l Paln to ra 17.142.52 ICI(ANC6z RArea zE SETTERSI Aru 4:ters i Setters 1 ,93 4.19te U ERT i RemaiIderRo fD Chan e1 PLYMOUTH lRemalndei oL Roofers{ Materproofers 16.50 3.04vers 1 .49 4.}yQz+e Co.)$ BRISTOL (Remainder Slate and till Roofers 16.75' 3.04 ishers 11.89 2.9910 f Qe.)1 NORFOLK (Avon, SPRINKLER FITTERS$ ry Mod. 1 dated 7-8-63, 8F 4olpKook, Randplph, F7 1 od. 12 dated 7- Rrane Operator 7 Areq l 14 26 !3, B 1 Mod. 13 Derrichmen ( 1 91 �•y1t► t�ruyhton) 17.76N79Ara' 3 1ia .0dat4)� -22-03, 48 FR Marble ril)isher• pYl .i [ TIL$, MARO(914NP TER"4191(Helpers) 11.9 2. Y ITER51 14,7) 22Mod. 14 dated 7-29-83 18F 1 j f 1t, . E iyt�Ji 45 dtTRRMtZO'40RjtER8MOSAIC3 / 7X1+9 t f'? l 2, {1-1613'i1 IS dated4 l2 s w 7 41 (4 7� a �+ w li1 1, t N '4 pm ia7Tl. to K 1 e 1 include the douncies of tINJ611iR8 lE)4�, „ P 5 SP �d)If}yirf lks p,l 1l r' Capt 1ia17 And MOn6louth 'TILE BETTERS pound*• New Jersey. , � Pr.I ., 141�?R�M' �(:�)•.. 2.'�4fir'.`:y b4i + , i . r � i y i r 15. rAmmizz L-m EiSIC Pm-OLT-, rsmcCmmo, op CO Z72,24Tm. UM ST^.O.,_M1 .CTO::S 'The Contractor and each mibccntxretor sh111 p pare hie p"Vrolls on forma saticf=tery to er.d in with Jr-.tractions to bo ftu iohod by the Locr? il:blic A..~.:::cy or Public Body. the Contractor nb,%11 a;^,lbmi.t treekl-y to the Local PL;bl:c At-7ancy or ?aolio Body two -=-. Cer if,0& copies of all payrol13 of the Contractor a:ni of the m bcon- tractors, it beir_F u:idorstood that Lha Contractor C,hall be rear.o.nol G{l�e for the vubmi3clon OI con cc of p,:y"ro_13 of all f t1V;�iiYracY0r�3• r. Ch suoh payroll sh-s.11 contain the 'I'dee::ly Statement of GO-_-)llance" Set forth in Section 3.3 of Title 29, Code of Federal rc�.:lationla. 'i•ho pry'ro11s and basic payroll recor:.s of the Con t-r-actor a,-,:ieach subcon- tractor cc-,rerinZ a l laborar. and aechmico o=plcyed upon the :ro;'"" covered b-y th±s Contract ur'=_l1 be ma.:+::L:i]:Cd d1:_-:i;; th;- couroo of the woe: and, preeo:- ed -or a period of 3 ;;c,: Such paynnlls snd b:.elc p:,;,_:,11 rLccra.3 .:..;.11 Cc:'ti..iin t::a ��. 1 a_:G F:C.^ :v3 Of eaC}1 sash er.ployee, hio eo=cfi, o`' "ay (i_�c1l:r: rates ::�j G £:`3 a,1' Yx:Ci)cltatA of the t'rrc.^ dC 3^►�:ic^d 1_^_ Sec-ion of. ce'".tr', i .Yi 1.J or c0 1(b)(2) of the Davic-Bacon Let), driily Lnd of 'rour� xari:ed, dodaction s made, and act,,,--1 wcZas pai^. In auc?il ion, wren ver. the S610rotuz-1 of Labor 'has fCmnd v--:dc= sac-zioil5.5(a)(1)k1)(-1v) Oi Title 29, Code of Fedoral ReCilations, th.n t the KQ?2s of any labo:`r r or =t-ch ri.c include tha amour-c of cry costs reascnaoly anticipated .n ora'lici.^; benefits under a plan or Proms^Z m described in :cctio:r i.(b)(2 j(3) of the Daxio-::-scan t•.ct, the Contractor.or suboonYre.ctor shall maintain records which show that the com=itm_-n1, to provide such benefito is enforceable, that the plan or progza:n is fir-ncial.ly rem:onsible, and that -".ho play: or prog—xam has been in viiti-ne to the laborers or mech nics c.ffectcd, and recorda which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost irc1L�'ad in pxrovidim3 wach banofito. The Contractor and oach suboont actor sh—mll :3.e his reco----3 with raspect to persons employad by him upon the wori-- covered b;; thin Contract a-milablo for fnancction by authorised roproeenta:tivoc of tha Socrates y of Rousin rnd Urban Dcvelo;..=C:nt, t'rc ?vocal. Public i Amos or Public Body, and the United States Depa^trcnt of labor. Such. renrocc::tativea nh:sll be pemitYod to interview mployaes of the Contractor o:.' of any subcontractor durin woekir.,; houro on the job. 11YA0/FEE0 `In, 110+0!i ..eper t'.-_; :er lcd STANDARD FORM - 257 HONTHLY 7_XPLOY`r_NT (Ycnth. Year) (Aug. 1975) UTILIZATION As prescribed 7 the neat, o: Labor (CFCC?) (3ee .-verse for This report is required by -Executive Order 1124b, Section Failure to rcpzz t can result in sanctions which include suspension, termination, carcellatior:s or debarment f To: (N=s and lecat:on c. Coe,!' nee ;. dnc-i ( :rC�: (a=e and locattca o: contracscr) 'Earle Fisher, Contract Co=liance Officer , FRZO Division Dept. of Housing & Urban Levelopment 26 Federal Plaza, 34th Floor Hast & Address of Project: Nev York, N.Y. 10007 Work Hours of =Ic7cent (Se_ foot-ote) ==—e= �-==-- . Claasi a. °� .y; er. ii sian/�:azal�.otal • Z.D, ea- Tota }y e•s Coep2.-y,�a `,aee ( ) "rade •rows C AD Tr C i • � Ao f t 1 - 1 T- C I t t Ti 1 1 1 T- C I f 1 Tr C I , A-0 I ' I ► —s C - -0 I 1 T- C I , ep 1 C 1 I C I 1 ? 17. company 0:: al+ :ate 3 �;rea -c: y• ---e,:= e (Incluee Arta Cote) (t Hales & Fe=ales *x Mizo:ities & Lon-=i.orities) ?age of I`ts TJ rS =Q3 "TLT';G (S i '4T Th'! l:::pT.o•y.reat Jtiliz:ticn 'eport is to be cc-olet'd by ezc,l SUbjeCC _'o .ee (both and subcontractors) and us=ed by a resoonsibie offic.�l t company. The reports are to be filed on the day required, each monci:,�durin the term of the contract, and tey shall include the total work-hours ::or=.ed .or each employee level in each designated trade for the entire report'.; oericd. The prime contractor shall submit a re^ort :or its aggregate work force anc s : 11 collect and submit reports for each suvcantractor's a;_rasate work `o.ca to t o Federal Cca-pliance Agency that is fending their construction project. Reporting Period . . . . . . . . . . Self-explaaztory. Compliance Agency . . . . . . • • U. S. CioY 'n er;'�e t co, t.acting or minis- tering agency responsible for equal empLby» _. .....: . .'_ T sent opportunity on the project. . Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Any contractor who has a construction con- tract with the u. S. Cover-,=a- nt or aoolicant -(See OFCCP Regs. 60-1.3) . 1. Company's Name . . . . . . . . .. Any contractor or subcontract 3r .;no G3S a federally involved contract. 2. Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . Only those crafts covered under ap=i :cable Federal EZO bid ccnditions. 3. 'pork-rears of Employrment The total number of hours worked bf all employees in each classification; tae total number of hours worked by each ninority group in each classification end the total work-hours for all women. Classification The level of accomplishment or stat,;s c: the worker in the trade. (C - Cr ftworker -Qualified, Ap - Apprentice, 'Ir =l Trainee) 4. Percent of minority work- hours of total work-hours The percentage of total minority work-hours worked of all :pork-hours worked. (The sill► of columns b, c, d and a divided by colu-n a.) 3. Total Number of minority `,employees . . . . . . . . . . . Number of minority employees wor ing in • - contractor's aggregate work ford during • reporting period. b. Total Number of Employees Number of all employees working in con- tractor's aggregate work force during reporting period. Minority is defined. as including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indiansliand Asian and Pacific Islanders - both men and women. CPO too-all t . AdMIL 'J.�.GCr.. I. ^,f�i .. n'„'J i •. t�l'V rMt.l COlt}.tU;t1T'i Dt`. LO?NcrlT G rt LCC" ,.N1' PROGRAM C01'TRACTOB'S CER;i,=!CATIGN CONCE.4NiNG LAC:.IR STAINDAr DS A;=D FFEVA!L!HG kYAGc FEQUIREMENTS TO DATE 'FCJ E..r rtuM BER !!'car/ ' C.r O F'ROJ= E 1. The undersigned, having executed a contract with for the construction of the above-identified project,acknowledges that: (a) The Labor Standards provisions are included in the aforesaid contract; (b) Correction of any infractions of the aforesaid conditions, including infractions by any of his subcontractors and any lower tie:subcontractors, is his responsibility; 2. He certifies that: (a) Neither he nor any firm, partnership or association in which lie has substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor by the Comptroller General of the United States pursuant to Section 5.6(b)of the Regulations of the Secretary of Labor, Part S (29 CFS. part 3)or pursuant to Section 3(a)of the Davis-Bacon Act,as amended NO U.S.C. 276a-2(a)), (b) No part of the aforementioned contract has been or will I-`subcontracted to any subcontractor if such sub- contractor or any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which such subcontractor has a substantia interest is designated as an ineligible contractor pursuant to any of the aforementioned regulatory or st=tutory provisions. 3. He agrees to obtain and forward to the aforementioned recipient within ten days after the execution of any subcontract, including those executed by his subcontractors and any lower tier subcontractors,a Subcontractor's Certifice-ion Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing Wage Requirements executed by the subcontractors. 4. He certifies that- (oi The iral home aha the business address of the undersigned are: (b) The undersigned is: (fl A SINGLE PROPRIETORSHIP I (3) A CORPORATION ORGANIZED IN TME STA 7E OF l21 A PAgTNERSMIP (4) OTNER ORGANIZATION;Describel (c) The name, title and address of the owner, partners or officers of the undersigned are: NAME TITL E ADDRESS i i �r I f I i (d) The❑—!: , and addresses ei I r "A 1,Ih/EUT OF NT COMMUNITY DCVELQF1mErt1 COCK GF;,t:',' VT SU6CON T n^^ACT O2•; CE-TiFICA T l0;i CC)NCERIIING LACOR STAt1r)ARDS �' pRc�,•ill ll�': ',:^c TO(1(.(,rcpnarr ltect rter.ri: - ---_! R F:OiItI'EM 7N TS DATL c/o FR OJ:CC I- 'lull 6Ln r FROJ Ez- NA61E I. The undersigned, having executed a contract with l.ur.rrucror- o��o�r;ucfur ' Or .luturc o!torn in the amount of S in the construction of the above identified project, certifies that: (a) The Labor Standards Provisions of The Contract For Construction are included in the aforesaid contract. (b) Neither he nor any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which he has a substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor by the Comptroller General of the United States pursuant teSection5.6(b) of the Regulations of the Secretary of Labor, Part S(29 CFR, part 5), or pursuant to Section 3 a Dr t?, Bacon Act, as amended f=0 U.S.C. 276a-2(a)) ( ) a Davis- (c) 'No part of the aforementioned contract has been or will be subcontracted to any subcontractor if suet subcontractor or any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which such subcontractor has a substantial interest is designated as an ineligible contractor pursuant to the aforesaid reg,lato:y or statutory provisions. 2• Ile agrees to obtain and forward to the contractor, for transmittal to the recipient, within ten days after the execution Of any lower subcontract, a Subcontractor's Certification Concerning Labor Standards and Prevailing Rcy,,,re- ments, executed by the lower tier subcontractor, in duplicate. it•aec (a) The workmen will report for duty on or about 3• Ne certifies that: (o) The legal name and the business address of the undersignedare: (b) The undersigned is: III A SINGLE P ROP RI ETO R SM IP: tat A CORPORATION 0 R G A N I Z EDI" TME STAT i 42) A PARTNERSHIP: (4) OTHER ORGANIZATIONfbcserlbe) (e) The name,Title and address Of the owner,partners or officer of the undersigned are: ' NAME TITLE ADDRESS ! N�JU-II.j IL_.'S) i fd; T:+c o,.'. oddles:es of ell cthrr persons, hcll: ..,tr._i cnd Corporole, l,avmy o su'slcntial lateresl in 1he undersigned, t one tnc n,tvrc of the i;-.t,-rest ere'If • al.,r rl:•, NAME • 7 AUt"iE SS N TUI;F, CF IN TC nEST i (e) The names, addresses and trade classifications of all other building construction contracto s in which the undersigned has a substcntiol interest are/Ifnonr, so snare): NAME ADDRESS TRADE CLASSIFICA'TIDN I (Subcontractor) r (Signature) (Typed.'atnv and Title) WARNING V.S. Criminal Code. Section 1010, Title 18. U.S.C., provides in part: "Whoever.. .. . makes,passes. utters, or publishes any statement,knowing the same to be false. . ...shall be fined not more than$5.000 or imprisoned no more thin two years, or both." • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF IABOR 1 WAGE AND 110uu DIVIS10-4 Ii;ST;lUC110HS FOR COMPLETING MULL MM, W.II.341 •11 r rr.t trio 4rm loo. A t,.nrr.aLn who P•Y•11,n�r hon J1r. ri."r.._ manJna,r 'f hl.h,nn ha.Lrrn mode 1.v wH+hk Iur the ran,. FIII V/:F. II F`I}:}ITS - . III PaV,n w.n •11.1 _ ii, w, ,J 11'll JJ7, psyrult run-, la nnI y. _ _ ...-_....__ � _...._..__.- __. _.._._ and Ir.,Ilan.ere doll n•auJ m the•pyla Hdr..'r en..u•to ur Frd.-f1 IIJ aumlr.a 111.-top,".na+ala 1. .ypr..vr.l plan., IonJ,, ur prngran..in m.,u.n lrorr cl ....... 1,a-1 subcunaxpnt ro{wraA Ly shcir F1da•r.A y xI. •a ..1n and .ann,nu+.n 1.. rubmil wcrkly p.yndlw 1•ro(•rrly bllyd nut, lhlt luno-13•aluly III'n+{ulrrm.......I Ite�u. of Ihr 5•rrrsolry .d Lrbur sMll i.nlinue m .ho.•oA the lace..l IAr P.yr..11 IM Le,.r rr.h A•.•n ly r an - rl t .nA In hla Io ......1..be has xlwwys Jnnr S...h a Rply tonu+l b.r•hell,herY paragraph tial•J Ihr lamina, ,n. J -1 S (s9 Cf H. S.bare dr A). 1.pryrulh aubndlleA In eun--l"'wrsh eunlrrin.uhJ.cs lu she Uslrl.....cuus,t un the loomof the P.yn•11 fn Indiralr,hos he i.of'..ply...it .o•ppo..rd pl-s.L.n•L..0 yr••g1•ma I++vn!icon-J ram,d Aa•. and 1". 11'.. Ila srnwnl pralrlrrminrd .• flings,bn..1.1a Int nth r,.I, Any e.nphom.1.-11 he tool of m Sn h..to Thu farm 1.,ra. .r,rla -It of Irom he amrudmcnt of N.<Ifavi• If--Act 1.Ina lu Ae fringe 61-1111.provlJuns. (1(r). ' l4wrr ihu a1•1 J.,f I+ . she a..nuuaur is .•I.ur.l 1..pay ..-I L.a Ihon Inner bcnA.ta a.P-1...........1 by 11.1 n ' ('..ub x.... wl.n ..Irl^ t btneNs•; A n.n1f•Um.h..papa a Inngr betel.,1 atoll pry.0 1M•.y,L,y r<,u.J rhn.e.n ul I..Lur, on.JJ,ri.,n 1.1 paym:nlrhf nil lames 111+n I prr.t<ten^inrd foil.. The a.nlr+nur'a ubll�+aun _n.- ._ ---- ---.f!^y ^__ .�._ ..torn-,,.1.1•.w L.r s,. I.n.L< Lr1..f.r. r•Aay Lr ones cnhrr .y pa yn'-I ul she!lingo 1.the va rows plana,land•,.t yrogr:.1,•.f 1 r.1 In the .Ira.ghl lime k.^.1,y rale r..lu'nn .1 Ja).+yr�ll,•r•m......I tool 1.•s.h..rhr pr h `a• ,;of {.:.ym.nss Iu 1'.r rinpinyrn.a cod.In liav ul Iring.�. .1N .1a..lhrall.,n plo. Ihe > .n1 ul Inngt L<mhl. Jrl.rrl.InN 1.,reach ri•rr.h.w,.un In 1111•pyba+h,.,•,err.e Y ^ rniw. In:.,,o..1. .r 11 t, n1.1 nar...+ry to pay ho.r and •hell u .•1.p•IJ In I--.(Inngn, he u •hall be mar I.-than tlrr sum.l lh.•brrlr Prnlnmul1.d n.q pl..it.,hall If-Pum.xm on ba.r or erad•r r+.r, .�.• p�YI„�1 pr+.1.Ir• Iur the (nutrwriur't .h,.wlus on Ihr frcr of Il.e payroll all m..-lea Arid In tht fmPlu)'ee.. Ila lona arinr•hall Ih.% 1.•r•g,wpA sato to la.111 frll,gn _dpmvufo 1­I/ n•ntrarl.r'.r.•yn•.loia sis-In she.1- P:-IN,1.1.4-1 or ah In lim ,f I•b•I:r,ol1 the straight bole lair In•JJ�Y•..., :.•,.,• a ,,,I,:; ..(the pay-11 ILas he Is.PAY'"%to urhas Lin.;r.nqu I-J by the co,mracl end..1 411.) --1 Ihr .,. nd up file r, er n1 she pxyrnll In Indir>q Ih•I he b plying!,Inge benelJe 1.cnh dun Ay 1r 1:. a...an u.In+••f f1.ng1.!fixe+JN mwualwn.cool crning the P.......6.n.(she p>yf.11 1.Il.w: M.-pluylre,Any tolrrydtone sh.11 be nosnl 1.Seal/^-44c). • Ilse-f(ircgon 1(r),t_aerpllon. m.. n ..............•r]aJ., loll aatol: Volt In yr..r Lrm1 n+nor and chock spDroprl.lr but, Any rona.a h.r who M m.king p•ym,nt Io •ppr,veJ pl• ,f.nAs,or pn.gloon•Ir.• .•Int J••n m..•1e 11111 rmin.b nn rni'11rre la obI1It.A to pay 1111 old"Irnry d.-ly to P.,•u.pla•y r.s•• ••hyln 11N .l Ir.•.g r• Any I.d 1.. f...1 Ln.'a -id,-. e.aepli,.nr t. Collin- t(.) nr e(bl. wln,h..•,Ihr rnnrr•,Inr o.oy 11,1x4,•h.11 be rn1-d In Snunn tial 1'-err 1.1 -'-- Ihr}:sella inn s.11-n she rr.rl,red lone In.11 r .-Inn the hourly •moon)paid the n.pl.)re •s ro•Y 'if.,.mpinyoel IAI n....e must bol•how- la IL.. of 1,It .r .nA the hu.rly rmo.nl 1•11 to pl....fonds.o, prn,r ..•s tong.. Thr a ntr•t-r •h.1 P•y. r a .hall show hhrl hs, b p•yrng 1.. ,aril wrh r,npiny..Inr•11 Lora(.ntru lnlh<rwbr p o LWrby pylar N.1• r_.h ..,.:, p-y,.,ll .•b...,u..I IL. .mp1..�.e. ..JArc., nw.1 .IL.Lc.1.t..:^.. the payroll env:ru•g Ibr fl... s„J . - ...y.:..;rr•..aka s-1Le pr.gat The adAr..,-.4 nut bol.h.wa 1.n wb..q u:M werLly P>ynda il•trnnln,Il.n wortal on YMor ol1 er 1'Monlly I. I'd DrnJ rel •n w n u-1 not 1-then.h1 prN.u.ndn••1 1.Ie ...... 1... .,..... J•+ug.. Ai.!. ,":"nut 1..1...1.1 by ss,.`ula��na.fart.7 -d S,sp.<e 1.arr.l+Lir 1n the nems, plo• rad. In 11- of Iringo o• shown In S.rdun tor). 77.1 rare p.lA and an.-lint nl<••h P-1,11-)Ins of Irh.g• ..d+tJrr.a.•.n+n ao rh+1 S-kll Sac.nty^.mb...nay be brad. brnAlu per hour•h-utd he rnserM In rulumn 6.n doe pgwil. Sn par•graph on'C.onlrraton toho pay no h•..k• • b.ndils'Iur romp.!rt.on of surf lions,ate J'Ln r.lu.nn is niv"ly In•rned for the rmpll,yer',auovrnit•ur and b-1 --rot--Ill nn this Prolnl If 1 u1 the ret Pl„y s'1kty 7 (:r.s+ Amoum Kxrnnl: f:m1r gr-.• par .r nn.na.,l ILg-I.Imna,I'+r1,J rnJ S. ws1;r w.. .+turd un I-:.,I. mbar .1- It., pro)to1 Jr.c nLM an inn 1•a•ramo.drr M r.l.m�7 h1.1=Lr •.........l err.all .r the Fnl.r.l of I'Mlrrlly ■..htN P-J.ef rood III-Ihr gt,. n1 r•rnN d. .1,■ the ..k on 111 ,J.., s63Ill)/IZI/.IN$. 1.:.1 d+•.Ifoa111•n Je.rr.pllvr of work ael.l ally y.'Jnrn.N by rmyluy.rs. l'u,f Vr'•J . .1 h1J.t1•r.(.arm m auJr aal.yar'ILaan on.. 11 rJJ B.nnxl clx.dD.raum .,Ir .1,..•n+I•.... ..n l mono•-.,.. r:.g,• Lr,hn�n.r hiving.nrkeJ l:nl„inn tl It d-llnn+: Fivt r,•lu-not are prov.d,rf III,•holing d,•In,n..-•1n-J• 11 m-rt rh•n I've solo,n1 n•r.c..ry, rr l'un.l axons, IXf,c 1,r Aga•ncy r.prn.•-.+tier F:m Vloyre only r1...n1A tar i1 v.dvr.l,ar•<fila(collum ns;.how N.e balolnrr.1 Jr.l„rn••na.-dor •thh.r• 'hn rul.mn.n ^'•a1 n,al 1..•I 'u. -loll It•n our rl..u:fic+tiun pr.vul rA ..cu ole Lrea4 A.woo of huuq w wu,krd is mxlroumns end shown on „d In Ihr a.lxrhmrnl fu Ih<Pryr.di Jncr,b•the d..1uc,- .. nN.n It.If .,.Ara 'Tsai I)nlucnVn.• -1-nn. a suhrn.Il.J p:.yrull Ly...r..f.rparxlr lin<entr i.•. •ihl.er• lulumn. All do f lion- m..1, he In •c<nr.l•nrr rich N"P-."'nl.s ar!rhr('„Poland A,I Rrg•,1x1,..-•,19 C}'It. Port J. If it.,engrloyct wnd.ed on olhrr Job.,n•ddd-1.1h..p..1n1.ioho.schools Jed-1-11-from 1... („• t _I!•_•ura \Yor4 al; (n •11 ronl.acu ar.bjlel to Il.,Cmpr.cl W,.,L )I...Sfa.Aud.Act-W a co-off'" weakly gr...wu ge,bol iniwoost Ih.l JNu.lis .ere booted on hu 6,-.wades. tool 1,.^a•+II h•.un..,ked In......ul tl holo-per day cud dol hour,r wok. _C.lumo_9-_Nr1\Vngo pMJ l.r We k: Sell r.Plan.lnry. (_,dor n5 T,•ulSdf..plalury. +- 9'utala Spree bar brrn IAI r11h1 b-num.1 it,,rul.m-t a.Ih+l ml•b may he shoo-d the nmrul..0•.Jrwn h 11 1, ..f 1•..v.m•I,1Jing }111,1:1 It rrl.Lla_ in•I-e.t.1 I.-I,n.,lial.cl.+l hourly lair p:nd IN. 1•..rt. J r1.J S' 1\'hilt 11.1.loom nn•A nut he--or-J. he sill..-enol.-nor ...rL r.l pl.s +toy a.,.h ,n aro ul Lmg..pao,l Ihr.,npl••yr• when.u...I so she.n+,g r,h I,•nr Sl+Innenl IIr�uL rJ by Nrpxl+uunr. a- p-0,11. n,•,.n r .. / I...yr,. prnr pr.vi, ) n-Ay. h:•rrly r.,1r, toy rash px.d a•b--1 8-119"'may I"ahnwn w1.+rally Irn...Ih•bu.ic r+t t.onus f'I.ZS till 71.1• 6..k-,,.. she 11 fa •ul.p�1 1. .hr Int, 'all bei•N,1U.h,•I`.111•r.d uolrer-t rh..idl hale Ynu.l.•fge • 1 e S.r"Fun;c IlrnrLla' L.b,w. In urerl,n,<bol d,.w. era,..:h..•ly yrs ..r I10.110l00 111. .r I.oth. Af-c-d,ngly,Iht P .y t nl•• ..•J....,.tan,r.n roll r.a Jy...n,p.,linY . pin. toy sad. .n hr. .f Inngr,Ind rhe-J,Wyee Sar: 'F,u.gr 11:•..1•..' La.w. 1:.)mm•of me lax ul the ls" rrprtvol.d•.1fV r. hall ,hr Lx..e ..t 1x9•,1+r r+rr pall .s nr{u.r..l Iur.vnbme under the CunI-I work ll.,- the•.soon rnt loll.le,er.41- d..furn.n•mad. 11 .11 S,a-r h•. 1•,,. p,. id.J baw<en Jnnr 1st and (11 d g•^t• yl+r.ilar.la flit 'd I s•= of JJa,,,n h. p+y.ng tool I.-1h+n the prrJ/lcrmin.d rate for she c1..a Jw+il.n in wLtch 1 ,+.e'are I/N.nl.n•-1-I.1n.h•. t:,< r ;a•.).a .-.r.., for eunurel.r dull PAY to+pP,.-J plana•land••of pr j;r ma ,e shall poly as ea,h In lieu J1+L.rha•n. r,+Jr are>d.,.alrly Jr.1..heft In In<'U1Jnrn,.na soil.^->burr.. ..f Inngr, .•.••,• pr ad111rminrd r. I,ing,ff 161.In the wrgt 4--k--Jt pan.r ite . S.r.touct.ti '}'NI Nii! Payr.11' See p+rrgtspk instilled •YHINCt U}:IY CFITY' Awe Ion 1mu.aisna t.r.cerw.ng fJ6ag wr prr.gr aph . 4.1 IN,ria lemM4 9s,:1lFI"fS•Ld1.w. oz':•: /clkifil of vv0 P11Yri0U. pp _.... (Por Conlroclor't Opliono)Use;Soo In;huclion,Fonn 6111.347 Incl.) u1P9) cce.ln.clerr en suoc('f'm-croi U nul,ur ss K)Irr:I non EOCA11oN -•�r'ngltC1 ON C611I6•C r ,3 IU131 1 ..,_s>c,uCssr[r..u•�;^nO:rIuE.ulnufn _a=`�'Cg� -- w 4-114-11 MU--A--Y_n1N-_n_1141F '2' —rA%-r ruaNn omr - —l-- IfoISnI f nAraflt cn17o1ss otnulua,rou; 1T10N AMOUNTCLA' Murls Or rAY tARPIEDFICA nnu„s v:rnn<I p UC Of U•Y orr o,.a orru rvorw,.I•Vcrn wu ftcrr ►Onw,lr tsr c r " f . u F Y e •arr.+.�orna+-aatw+.. •Taal talirVr•.a][TSG]CM7CL"Il�i't�tlf.Tral1'•�'SeR!^ T'r:3_�. ...�_.��.:�.:...w.:.::'.�.:_..-1::�._:.��1^L:.-r.._ ..��.__�.-�.... .:..:�.-�.. ��•— � — _ -r.. Deli In the contrort hnve been or will he made to 11riro rlale p, p programs for rile • , i benc111 of 0"l,ernpinyeer,tirrpl as noted lit Seen(),, d(e) below. tt:arer o:rirn•1o7 Deni') (711Ie) (b) WIlER"FRING!"RF:NL•'C•ITS AM,.LAID IN CAS11 a Finch hereby stale: r _ luborec or mechanle I!sted In thr y•e above rderenced pey-11 brie been l r i 1 I paid, ae Indlented on the payroll, an amount not lees than 1Le turn of the s • (I I Thal I pay or supervise the payment of the peroo,u employed by nppllcnb!: baele hcutiy ee08e rale plus the amount of the re,al.ed (rima bene(Ils Gs listed In Ilia contract,=cept as soled In Section 4(e) t.c:o,e. it on the I Cunu a:mr or s.4cnrit—i.tl (11u11 rlbq or Mork) (e) F.XCEPTIONA 1 that dufing file payroll perlod commencing un the I trey of 19_,and er,ding Ihe_duy of .19 EXC:i'1;:.;!(CRAFT) EXPLANATION o all peraunt cr,ploytd nn sold prolocl havebten prtld the full weekly wngcs earned,Ilial no rcbules have been or vtll be made dlher directly or Indlreclly 10 or Of,hehulf of ould i from the full (t'oMtacr�r or ml.cuuu+clot) weekly wegca tarncd by any person and that no deductions, have been moder either directly Of Indltai!y from the full wages carried lay any peraun, other tl:un pennlaalble dcdutldo,rn eco .Ined In Re-,;ula!loaa, rail 9 (29 CFR Subll:le A),issued by the Secretory of Lubar uudcr the Copdund I Act, as emended 14 Sla: 018,69 SlaL 108, 72 Sint. 967;Td Still.967;40 I.I.S.C. 270c),stiff des• crlb:d below: (2) Ilial any payrolls ntherwlee under Ihls eonlrucl rtrlulred tithe sohmllfo) for the above perinJ are correct and complete; Ihnl the wage ratty for laborers or ma:hunlc•a contained Ibcrdo are nc! leis Ihnn the applicable wage rata contained In any wage deternilnulion Inu,rpor,rtrd ludo the tunlnrl; (bat Ilia doislilcollons act forth therein for cud, laborer or mechanic conform with tl,e r work lieperfonne.l. (9) 'filo( any apprenllces ranplci•al b, the above perlod,are duly relllulercd In u heinn tide • e;,prent%iship program rty;I.IcfcJ u!th a State npprudltuhlp ugcny rtcognl[c•1 by die O,trean of A,prentictAlp and Trahrh,o, Urinal Slatca Dcpurbnent of Labor, or If nu so(It rtrnlpdxed Geer cy edits In a Stulq are reglalered with die llurenu of Apprenticeship end Tralntl,g, th,lled J e:.f.t ntl arlrnenl of Litbor. (4) That: NAME ANO nrLE 1iy;:A IU�1: (a) vlltlall: FRINGE DENC ITS Ain, rA1D TO Arrnow.,D PLANS, FUNDS, Oil PROG.RAM3 TNC V2,1 rl. FA1,sir ICAT10•! Ar ANY Or Tit(I!,ovr 9T0TJA CNT:row SUO,tCT TUC c"••r�tr.req In eddlllun to Iht bwsle boort wage rales old to each laborer or mccl,enle tar .11 r..OelT1tA41Off TOC.'­ 011 on Crihui,,,,, r[ �•� y K P E StCT1Ur1 ,C4r r,r 1 .. •9 .r.ra r listed In the above rtfercuced payroll, payments of(ringe benefits eco Uel�d I LEC710h:�1 OF TI;LC.1or:u:utureo ,A1;s Cc.c[` Date: Project - ' Location: STAT: i 0. COi.Tr-• - Tra1ni.^.^ J --e^.t a ri for zus-'•E ses inz • -� Cv.c:•;Ll.^.it{es A. T:^e��project assisted wn�er t!z*, _ req a"ts or tion 3 u = . _ �) is Subject t the I�. r $.._ o. v..� JL1S1^g Tw .� J O �...� 8Sj2r.e.lde:., 17 U-S.C. i!V 11. Ce^t,O'1 an.. L',`'C`n�DevelC^„Ent r".C?. Oi "r= extent feasible O� -rtr._t: _o, t„ r=eta, s ,a,, ,,o t e greatest incone residents o: the :pct --g a^_d e—.P ey_:ent be &_•ren trith ='°v- ara ccaract `-,• the pro;;ect be a:ar_ed to }. s work i.^• cC=ect_Cr - 0�,med in SuasVa_^t_al F by _ `sasess cc: ce_ns W__; ch are lccatec n C:- i t.♦ ..- C ^� ^e a2'E3 of the DrG'JD=-. B. any Other �r0'.-�S_C f + (appl_ ��1 _oc� �) `ti j :1 of .hIS (Contract)(Z_'�• l �S.e 8*ld the re)(l___ons�iss ,Adm Ca-r�r ct;t t::e prctr'cions Of said sectio:: in 24 C::? a ( L ? '=n- fere-o by t .e Secre:ar s 11 ,.rt l�5 =t�bi; in �3 ==decal :, ster 2c.,�„ ' tc and a Zpo�ca le �- er ,,...,. b rules and or er e Secret � OcVVc c_, � 1 , t0 the exec',_:Cn C. tt;` ( - -_� O , �2r� iSS1:Ey T -J `.J- • V•. eL..� - - • r dr_G ._•^"~.S �.^.cl�.._E �.:... �.re ..^� r)(v7 -- Tom)•• - _`•__ �-_e"VJ of whir to and or c�:;ed _:: s:hstaai=l wt . a�r�-==-=s ��C_:_ss Concerns lc_ate - or tri�.^•1. n T -_ as de__:':?_ - o _o =:en 1, _Zr- r:..._C.I C' �� V1 re^.11re1 .,f SEC,:f-- the regi, :, so__; b,• Se_-.on -,.,.i ��ns _ all Co�-�acts for The (a^o�_ca.-t)(re__ �ert- ., :roc: �*� cor�ec-ioa ;._`.z the pro,; c-. a a_.d a_rees that _. _S � .e t2'2CtL' Or OL er .^:iS2 i�-- yam _� L'r._Er no Ccn_ V`1d pre:Ie-t 4t these require=_.^•ts. iron co�lT;r 'with C. _Comoliamce ::it!: the _tro•r' .cns 24 C Y r . SS c'-:d a 1,-S�; cable: Se_t:cn o, he rem:I at_C nS- Set fort -_ thereu.de^^^.= tJ 2C�r0` :-,ales 2.^. OrderS Ci "ch-- S2C_et _ C) - -J the CJ7e-".^-�emt Oma' the � C for t stall be a 2��_i �C.^. :J: C^ ion Ci ance orovid t. _ tn' �-acera� _ successors z.d _ --- UpCn the (appZi assigns. to ` � 4 r +c ..n- end s: n �•. .,.:a��od • e-s 4-5 O the sa.IC V_•1.rJ See-_-_'••'.v 0•r +• U• (J..C- such sane4 onsas are S :iL ?•?ree.C:.t) C�ntrac pec--:ed by 24 C?j Section 1-5.135. Address: Of ic.. 1 - J 05Jj0.3 { J u. S. The or P=9== to whish t-he wow covered by th-''s Cont-"ct is be==.- aesi9ted by t:.e ua=:ad States of .=e=,-ca and the fo�cwi:g ?ede- :abor 3ta-fan--%4 V - sicas a---s c :dad '=. tits Ccntrsct .'Ursi:aat to the prOv=sicra a_pl_cable to suc r edema: assia t- aace. 2. 1, . 'WAGz ?u :G3 t1A7§n^�S 1.� V=—Z- .:CS ill laborers and mec:a-.ics e=loyed u;Oa the ,row covered by th s - — - • Contract :.hall be paid uaocaditic:a:ly and sot less often than race each ween, a=dw+.+.:cut subsequent deduction or =abate on a-7 account (except such pa9•=oioz 11 dsdncts as are mads n,,,datcrg by lair and such other payroll de(t:ctioas as a.-e pe^itted by yYhe applioable r°g'iIa- tiors issued by the Secreta? of Labor, U3ited SYaYea Depa-±sea: o: Labor, -nasal to the Inti-�±ckback Let here na-"ter identified), the "It due at tine of paysea+ ^ + �^ j� c.�..,^u.ed aY xa.5^e rates hot less `.hen ...one coats: ed in the wage dete,ixaticn decision of said Secrosta 7 of i.abor (a cc-,y of x i +_s at-'-ached a=d erei3 i^cc_:o-ated referezce)► ='sga'^'.less of arq ccatrac`ual relati�s .tp wbich =&y be a,Zlersd to exist be.esn the C=tr,.c-or or arq aubccz:.=--.tcr a:d such lgbarers a:d =ecl- cs. A.0 labC'-"$rs and =ecia::cs a,-plcyed upon such vow shall be raid is cash, except 'Y at pa7reat may be by check e=;lcyer pr07ide8 or aecu-sa eat4sfactor7 facilities aprroved bye :acs i - bl_c lge=7 or ? blic Body for t:a cA of the sPse ,rij thou t coat or ez-_erne to the employeee ibr + e ;U—,Coe of tris clause, contributions made or costa reasonably anticipated under Section 1 (b) (2) of the Davis-Bacen lot ca behalf of laborers or mecaasiics a-s cczsidsd .tae-es pa:d to such labo_ars or :sc'•:aaics, subject to_the p`-ovisicns of Sectio 5.5(a )(�)(iv) of Title 29, Code of s?ederal nog�.alatioas. A.1130 !Or +the pt -po a of +this clause, reeala: can:r_bu- ti=B =ase or coats ircu-red for mora the ,r a eedpe----'cd----'cdu...der plans, ..L'1t.8, or pTM9,rs, but cover;-=3 the pa-tic%ilar weex!7 period, a--'e deemed to be ccnstti7e17 made or i icy-.zed 5 such weed period. Ia case of 1=de----,,s7aent of *wages 1-7 4-he Cc-h:rsctor or by a:7 aubccnt=`etor to laborers or =ec:.aalcs explcyed by the Ccatrsctor or aubocz---'actcr L-pon the wc::k covered by this C:.at_act, the Local Ptblic iec7 or ?:.'^lic 3od7 is addition to such other -' -its as b -,a ed it Undo_ +. . s, =izh may a ...is C=.rsc„ a..all wi+.h: ld the Cwt=actor, out of any ^sy=aata due -he C=trsetor, so =ch thereof as the 14cal Public .✓ °age I c.'_ 13 9/75 NLD•a'..a.. :.G a oSCC.3 c....'-i= :4 ccnside= necessa. �o ?ay ,:rh labors:s cr nec:a�cs c..e .:.: :,•.: : Of ',rages rec,.L -d by t.�ia Contrac�. �e a=ct:.. so w_r- e:d be cisbursed by- =ay a. ?ubiic _ �.:e c 4-enCy ?_b:ic ?ody, fe= and cn acco•.:nt of the Cc:.:_acre:. or --"Is subc= raetc= (as be `-e respect- v° la- r e5rs or raehaaic to w em rhe sa=e :-a dire cr cn thei_- be.arf to fOr =r,7 re of _o'_a:s, :.Wds, or pro ...� _ri=ge benefit p-sscr=bedtl- 1^ dere:.,;,=tics. is v..e app.._..ab s nae M- +1--•z —�1,•••.T�,� If the Contractor does notase paY-omenta to a tzv3tee or of r rerscn, he ra,7 cors:de= as pa.-t of +:e wages of a:zy Laborer or me^--�c the ano•=t of azq costs reasonably a:t:cipated is - =:ge benefits under a plan o: prong-= of a tyle expressly listed in — t:e wage deter-_..ration decision of the Sec-stax7 of Labor which 'e a ;a--t of t:is Ccn --act: Prov]+ced, however, The Secreta:: of Labor has found, upon 'the w-itten request of the Cont-ac-o=, that the aapl'cable stz: z-�s of the =avis-?accu Act have been met. The Secreta.-y of Lab)-- =7 aqui--•e the Contractor to set aside in a separate acccuat asset a • for .he neetl- of ob-14-aticrs undo= the plan or prog_an. A copy of a=7f': .�-s =ads by the Secreta=, of Labor :.a respect to fringe benefits being provided by ;.he Contrac to= Axa t be sub=itted to the Local .:bl i;: Agency or Public Body with the :+-•st pa�^cll fi'_ed by 4.1:a Ccn tc, s•.:bsequen V to recei:t of +:e f:sa.�s �../ BY A20 STAT '"S ACT (76 Stat. 357-360: Title 4.0 U.S.C., Sections 27- 332) (a) Ove=ti--e moo.,+-e:--ents. NO Contractor or subcoat ctor contracting for any -a--t of the Contract wow whic =a7regvire r +..vo�ve t..e e_^•picy_:ent of laborers o: meahamics, incl•• i war and gua-i's, shall regi ize or petit any laborer or Mecha-iic in ich he is employed oa s woweek is whuch wow to work in excess f 8 heu--•s is any calendar day or in excess of 40 hours is such wo=ke;c un_ssa such Tabe r or mocha,-ia rscsi7+s c enation at a rate zzt less than one and one-tali' t r-es his basic rate of pay for all •-s worked in excess of 8 hours in any calend 47 or in excess of 1,0 %=s in such wore week, as the case m7 be. (b) Piolaticn: liab{'ity for znwaid w--es l+r�da:ad 4-s + . - a. ._e event o any violation of the clause set fo=,:.% in pa.-v.0— _ a) ::.e Ccn.=ctor a--d a=;T subccnt=actor responsible `.herefor shall ' liable to any affected employee for his .,:pa+_d wave. Is additi ;,, --- such Ccnt -tor and subccnt_-actor be liable to the United Etates °- --yZ.id3.ed'd.=•sabes• Such liqu.dated s A� be cru„ d wit respect to each indi'vidua1 labors= or me ^+c exploded in ziolatiicn o� ...e clause set forth =n Ya--ag_a;,h (a); in the sum of $10 for each calendax day on whi Ch such e:ployee was requ. -.sd or -Z'-Z' e==Itted to xo--t Pace 2 - � c _3 /75 1 r. e.:cess Of 4 :1CtL"9 or excess of t«8 cf J wi:hol:. pa;r^-eat of M a over..=s wa69s :sq^�-tld by :.a ci :se set (a) (c) Wi+...�.oi j^ for iicuieated —4s=a eS. Mis Local ?t blc Agency or Public 3oc7 W"' withhold or c=se to be'withheld, f_oa amt' =net's '-zvable cu acceunt of wow terfo=med by the C=z---Sctcr e-- subccnzrac.o_, mac sums as be deter=!---ed to be :ecessa_� :o sada any liabi'lties of such C tractor or subconti-Soto-- .or ?ia%: - da`,.ed .mss as pravided in the clause set forth in Yara�apr_ (b).- (d) b). (d) S`�centrac. T°..e Contractor shall insert in a� s•-,bcontracts `r:a c?auses set io:.h I maxTs�-ra7a s (a), (b), and (c) of this Seczicn aid also a clauseregtiiirj=g the aubccntractcrs to {.rcluas, these clauses '.: dt'7 lower tie= subcontracts ldhich they =�7 enter into, together with*.his insertion in =ay a c+wase rem+'-i:.g + + � { + a:� :,:z--,;:er subcoatracta that 1: t. be rade. b. T•,C�us- + CF .ip?=::CzS/t33 a. ==e=tices will be pe_:ted to work at less than the .=ede- te ^ed rate for the wow t:.ey perfc=ed when they a-� en- v plcyed and i=d.1,7-�L rem-ste_•ed in a bc=a ride apprentice- ahip prcr-m registered wit:--. ,.he U. S. Lepa.�went of labor, :"aterower 1�i atr tion, ?u-eau of Lporazt_ceshim and or with a State Apprenticeahip b,,-ency recogmired by t—ha -B--eau, or if a perscn is employed in his first 90 da7a of .robaticnaz- employren. as an app----ttice in such an app=:ticesh p prc._.==, ,rba is n.otr i vid"� registered in the ;mS= .:, but who cam been certified by the 33-4.-sru of Lpprsnticeah z and Tra-4--ing or a State Apprenticeship Aaeacy (Vas=e apprapriata) to be eligible for probatiomax-7 employment as an apprentice. The allowa�le ratio of apprentices to jou---eyrsn in any craft classi- fication shall not be greater than the ratio per-4 tied to the contractor as to hie ent.s wow force =der the registered P--09==. 11:7 employee listed cn a pay=roll at an apprentice wage rate, who is :not a as defined in subdivision (b) of th-a subva----g-rmph or is not regist eredor otherwise em✓lo d as stated abo-7--, shall be ?aid -the wag-- rate dete--4-ed by the Secretax7 Cf Labor for the classi__cation of wow he actually perfo`od. MLs contractor or subccn.= ctor will be :ecu--red to Pace 3 o? 13 9/-,5 t M-a D.C. t i S�Cu.3 to the contracti:g officer or a representative of the Wage-sour Division of the Q. S. Depa_-tWsnti of Labor written evidence of the registration of his, program and app=entices as well as the gm--op=iate r3.tios and wae-e rates (erresse percenta�--es of the jcuxae�--ar. =!;r rates), for the area of ccr-3.=.cticn prior to using any apprentices on the cont=act wort. The wage --nate paid app=s= ices ,hall be not less than the appropriate percentage of the jcu=.ey--an I s rate ccn'.&=ed in the applicable wage este=mi= tion. b. Except as provided in 29 CFR $.1j tr._i:_ees will not ; be ;e-4-.ted to wow at less than ,the -p=9de-ce--!- d-rate fo= the wow performed unless they are e=loved mu-n=t to and iadivid:ally registered in a program which has received pricy app--nval, evidenced by forn-a.1 certification, by t a L. S. Be-Pax----e= of Labor, Manpower ^ .,;st=ation, Bu.-eau of appnn- tice and j^ ,5. ^he ratio of tri'.^ess to jcu=ey--en shall not be greater than pe—fitted i der t:ae plan approved by the Bu_-eau of 9pvrenticeship and 2very t =ee t be paid at not less thaw the rate specified in the approve pry-. S.-m for his level of process. Any employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and pa_ ici- pating in a t- ^.g plan app---zved by the Bu,-eau of app _:tice- ship and Training shall be paid not less 4„han the wage rate deterz=^.ed by the Secreta=ry of Labor for the classifica ien of vozc he actually performed. The contractor or subccnt= ctor will be required to f=x ish the centractimg officer or arep:b- sentative of the Wage-Ecur Division of the U. S. Depa-t ent�cif Labor written evidence of the certification of,his pra , the registrstion of the trainees, and the sties and w rates prescribed in that proms . In the event the ?u-' au of Apprenticeship and +�' wit:d--sws approval of a :...g -tugs=, the ccntractor wall no longer be permitted „o Utilize trainees at less ta n the applicable oredete=-^' .ed rate .or the wow perfo=ed =t-i-2, an acceptable ?=g-.= is approved. e. Bcual 1-1-mle7--ent 0eror:zr?t-s. The utillzaticn of appr�:ticetl, t_ai:_ees and jou=eymen under th_,s pa=-v s all be in ec c ;y wi+..h the equal eaploy=ent oppor^,=:ty =ecu_-e=en.s ofevat::740 0ra-.er 112:46, as amended, and 29 CT-R ?=-, -30- Pace a--: 30.Pace 4 cf 13 9/7 R 3 63Cfl.3 _c^ t lY .To ;ersor. wade_ -:e a13e of six.een yeaxs and no tarsen who, a: :he tire, i3 ser•r-=,g se:tarce — a tena+ or corrscticnalr.sti tuticr. s:^a:� be a=-Ic7ed cn l-e wo= ccve=ed by :h-'3 COn:=.:t. :YS =,m u3.`i'I' '_'0 SC-I,d:u..� The Contrsctc= shall cc=ly with the applicable (a copy of which is arae:ed and nezeiz .Ycor:o=m:ad by reference) of the Secretary of lacer, U::ited States epa:.:.ent o. Tabor, rade pu�suart to he so-ca::led "s.:ti-�i:r:,acs Act" o: June 13, 1931; (!.i9 Stat. 948: 62 S.at. 8862; Title U.S.C., Section 871 : and Title 1.0 U.S.C., Section 27168), a^.d arq amend--eats or modifications t ereef, shall cause aparrpriate provisi cas to be rose-ed in subcoatracta to in zux—e co=lin:ce t::.a=swi th by a'' subccntrsctors subJect thereto, and Bra:'_ be responsible for the • sti�.rissi ca of affidavits reqi--ed by sL:,contr3.ctcrs +rhe=eL:der, except as said Sec=eta=,7 of Labor nay specifically provide for reasonable li= tat-ons, va:atiens, tole=mnces, and ezen?ticrs frim the requi--e- xeata "ereof. 9. LM=T- 7! Or _.d =MMS Ca .1SIC"�. CCICS :TCT =3=- iT JL--CR..►'SI= WAG?. D-.-"r- -d*rein :x�S=cv Arz., class of lacersrs or =eco^.:cs which is not listed in the wage ,! date-�'-Mica and which is to be e=loyed under the Contract will be classified cr reclassified confcr^�bly to the wa3,e deter^...=-.sties by the 4cal ?ublic 3.Es=cy or ?.:blic Body, and a repot✓ of the action taken a.^.a.l ce suer teed by the kcal Public Agency or Public Body, thxough the Sec=etarIr of Bous� and �rbe� De•reloprent, to the Sec'reta.-y of T+accr, Uni.ad States Dopa_W,.e::t of Taber. L the event the interested ta^ties ca.^_^ot on the proper classification or reclassification of a pa=tic•.::ar class of labo=e:-s and me—tics to be used, the question acco=anied by the :eco=endation of the :weal ?,iblic Ags=7 or R:blic , Body shall be =efe==ed, tb-ough the Secreta:-,r of ?oL.sing pan d Urban Develo--=ant, to the Secreta=f of Labor for final- deter...i:.at'-cn. lC. ==110E `S :TCT Zcr.,Uz= AS 2CMAIT 'dAz BA-= The Local ?ublic 4---nc7 or ?cblic Body shall requi--•e, whenever the wa.6-- rata prescribed in the Contract for a class of laborers or =ecl--'cs =.cl-ades a fr'n^e benefit which is mot eroressed as an hc=ly ware =-.e and the Ccntr3.ctor is obi'-gated to :ay cash equivalent of such a an ho=ly cash equivalent t ereof to be established. L.. :he event the 4terested pat.ies cannot ar-^se u.ea a cash equivalent of .he f=:— benefit, the 4, esticn, acc.—=ied by the =sec.._eadaticn Of the ioca'- ?uKlic A.3ency or P-bile 3cd3, sh.011 ce afar d, the Sec=s:axy of Eousand L_can :eve!c:re-mt, to the Sec:eta_-7 of Tabor for dere—Ation. -.� Page 5 of 13 9/75 v a�C0.3 l+. �S�'1v iil's►"zC�'a .'6�.:,yy mr,�y ��— ������,!.�+. ++«� ,—r.—..-�.r: ,��'s� .. .�. ..� app cable vaS� �oatar of `.:e-Sec�ta� Labor, u it d States Depa---Rmt .of labor, 3.:d s aM.M.ilcable wages de Ve-4n;g Y-en .:ec_ =cns of said 3ecrstia.-7 of Labor w4-..h rea:ec. .o the va.:i;.:s c,'ass. ,ca o1 laborers and sec�u—ics e=PI07ed a:d to be eaaloged upca *_:.e vo ' covered b7 lYh is Contract, a:d a stataaent showi= all dedl:,c V-cra, it , in actor^: L=ca .ri'.h he 'D visiO=s of th43 C:,nt ct, to be =ads ;ra gga actt:a-''7 earned 1--7 persons aa eaplo7ed or to be eaplo7ed in class_- _-caters, s tali be osiad at apprrp=ia.a ecaspic-.:cus pot:.a at +tee a:,a - 02 the wcst. 12. C3'*s''T_A�i'TS, ?3CCI --`TS, CE !C`�T: �: �x�^v;-•.,�5 NO labors= or xscha.-Lie to .rhea the Wage, Sala--7, or other labor stands-ds ;- o' Zicns of +.his Ccmtract a-3 a-eplicable a a?1 oe di char.zred _ or in a=7 other na=nar Aga{wfl V by the Contractor Or ar' subcontractor because Such eaployee has filed az,7 co=plaiat_ orstit'.ted or caused to be instituted a=7 procee +- or has testified or is abcut, to testify in aa7 proceed.:$ •sada= or rela.tiag to the labor at 'i.is ar•sli- cable t-dar `b.,.a Ccntract to his eaployer. _ 13. CLi.xE.AMD Ila' ' ,.3~4.? c TO WAGZ ?A' C'ja{^ and disputea pert-,ni^.g to wa.,-e rates or to classier at, of laborers a=d :,eciannics e=pioyed urcn a wow covered by this C:.nt:13 x^'^11,7 :eported act °@ •.•r v b7 the CoaY:e.Cto= i.1 Xritl:{ to the Cal ?ubl c Ageac7. or ?ublic 3od7 for rsfe=-- 1 y by the �a Yt ere t!:--ugh e Secreta.? of Bcusirg and Urban De'velor.aeat to the Secreta-� of bor, United Statas reps--*..went of Labor, xhoee decision shall be final with=, ren;ect jY:era to•. '_J4. QU TIG S CCSCZE= C=L= _7=1- ,-PAT S'I'B 3 87'�Li_I All queatirs aria 1 tag Vader this Ccat�ct watch relate to e application or intex-pretatica of (a) the aforesaid inti-3:ckbackAct, (b) ".1,A Ccntrsct wow Rous and Safety Sta.zda -da act, (a) the a=grsa:.d zav=a-ecu Act, (d) the regu:aticns issued *p the Secreta=.'r of Labor, Unitad States Bepa--=eat of Labor, pursuant to said Acta, or (c) the labor at= -a..s p�atone of a ot:ere pert:nant ?eders2 statute, ah.-.!!be referred, `■==�=c -1:8 LDcal ?sblic Agency or ?ubl-lc Body and he Secrtax7 of Hcus:sg and Urban Developme=t, to the Secreta? of Labor, V=-'ted Statea repaxtmeat of Labor, for said' Secrsta-�'s r'Sli:.g or .=Yarp-ytatio l which anal be aut oritatiave :d =a7 be relied 117-cm for the he pu=;oees of this Ccatrs.ct. 15. ?.Inc LS An ?ASIC ?.L=OLL, =CMS C2 Ccmx"" i:D SU3C .C2S The Contractor and each aubcrtrsc.or ahsll preps_-e his payrolls fc-3 satisfactcr, to and in accordance with i:st=:cticns to �e °fie b cf 12 9,1736 1 L. 14 ? Z lie=C7 C= ?!-b:_.c .:ate T:a Co.-.-=zc.c: cs=-a=+_ t weer:,; to c:e :4ca:. ?ub1=C lge=7 C= ?��b'_iC xd7 :,ro ad cog_as of ai i ?a7_1� `..:e Ccnt == it y - -s c� r�.c.oryd Of t:.e aubccr_- .C_s, e:=.;.:=.ders.ocd `.hat theC.,�.rac.o= 312z17 be ro _ a suisaiC- of c::oies of pay_�113 of all subccu._ac-o=-s. mach such ?a7rcll cc-.ain the "Meekly Statue--t of Cc=lice" set ': Sectio- 3.3 of Title 29, Code of Fader' 3e6-12,,t=; ,ns. Mie?�T_roL's and basic P "ci? reco_ds of 61,8C=tr3etor and each subccn- t_ac-ar ewer ng all laborers and =ec a- l cs a=loyed uMon the wo=k ceve_-ed by —,,a Cc=-.--act ahall be :aizta-:ed Z{:3 +.:,e cau=se of the wow ar.¢ prose=red fo_ a pe—cd o- 3 years -regia;tzr. S� ?hof and basic payroL _ecc_ds ate,,'_ 13 ccnta+= the :are and add_-ess of each such e.*mloyee, his cor_-ct classi_icoticn, rate of v (....Cl.:..�ry rates ofont 1( cri'a:ticvs or costs a-ticipated of the types desc=-bed i. Section b)(2) of the Davis-Bac= Act), +�y and weekly -ber of L. worked, — ded3:ct_ors ,ade, and act•.a..i wages paid. addition, whenever the See--s-a=1 of Labor has fou-d =de= Section 5.5(a)(1)(i-v) of mitle 29, Coda of Feder'.1 3e�r:latiOns, that the wages of any laborer or mechanic :,-clade the are : of ar.7 costa reasonably anticipated :.a Save= nrov+_d=na =t3 .: .der a ?las or pro9,m desc=bed +.: Sectio- i(b)(2)(3)_ of the �a?is—Baso- Act, t a CcMt_-kcter or subc�t�ctor aha-'!. �:..:ta=n records �. is a show "--`at ; d �nt to provida such benefits is m crceable, th=at "he ?la:. or pror,-zLm is f-ancially rssponsibla, and that the olan or has has beem cam,,.{Gated i: wrj 4: to t, ;l re a__ected, a:d =ecorls which show t--Ie cos-.'s anticipat Qoo�„hera,c a cs cost _:`---ed p_-07idL-.,-S such benefits. m:.a Cont and each subccnt-..ctor Shah Ware his e=. lo, =d With res-p emp_o d "P ,l�-.t rsco�..,s wi•.h respect to pe�cns ' 3e by `..in --cn the wow ccvsred '� `'y t...s Con„ract available for i=srectio by au reeresentati7es of the Secreta_-y of ?Gua+�; a~3 �irban revelc—e:, the Local ?��bl:c �ency or ?zblic 30 .5 { dy, a..d t..,e ,.ad States repay-.;.hut of Iabor. Such representatives shall be pe_{tted to interview e.^ployees of the CCntracte_ or of a=7 subccnt--actor d;a.+_ , wo r= cu--s on the job. 15. 5'c'x C COPz,1G% OF am"m= rn?..S OF wo= The of rateria?s and supplies to or frcn the site of the ?rovect or P��.� to which this Ccatrs,,t ertai by the employees of t. -e C..:. -actor or of any subccntractor, and t a $:iact,.r� or of :ater-z.9 a_.+cle9 Ta-P l_e8 Or V mnt = the it of ir:a -_- ;;eo or ?� � to w .'ch }::s CCnt__Ct ? ': artas by Persons e °y'd by the Cc=t=ac„or or by a--q subccntr3.ctor, ahal1, for the rut-�oaes of t...,s �oat_act, a;d .Ii4, 1 = ti:,3 t:a ronera:i:y of to fo=9V'=' ?ro'v=3icns of this Contract, be deemed to be wo=e to which these r ederal Labcr Sta dazis ?TMS s_cns a_-s a?PL'cable. a CBS i :S Ccrt_-aCtCr aha:_ =ot subccn-rrct a=3 par--. of .• e work coronad by `.:is Ccnt=a;,t or perait subc t:scted wc� to be :ti:-.her s-_bcc=t=acted - ?ame 7 cf 13 9"-5 xw�.. O.C. I y O5CC.3 , c. 14 a :ZCa. C IjenC7's or F. BC&J'3 of t1is The :.:cal ?ubl�c lgenc7 or P_bL'C :SCC-7W41'_ ='-:t aPPz✓ve a q 3ubccatrs:to rs for wccoved b7 -mss Cc--tract, •aro is a.- t:a .i=e —4- .1' -4 le .^...c'e= the m=cv stens of arm aP-pl:cable rag' tions issued b7 t:.a Secrsta 7 of Labor, United States Depa-^—ant of ' bcr car --- t:s Secreta.-? of .?ousing and Jrbaa :evelor.=eat, to receive an a a-r of ssic: subcontract. lg• ??CTSICM, TO Pte' ..^. =r C== S-IMCCIlMILLC'i'S The Cont actor shall include or cause to be included .: each subcontra..ot cove=i:g arq of tEe .wow covered 1.7 this Contract, rout•• si Cns wn_•c.^. ar-9 consistent with these ?ederal Labor Sts:da_wcls . _ s..cnS and also a clause =-sqz,;-'. the subcont=..stens to include nuc --zviaiors _ in az;,r '_ower tier subc=t=--cts which the? =y enter '--to togs- er w:.th a clause rsqui.i:g such inse=tion in ar,-r ilir her st bccnt=scts t =Ly _. .r. t•a= be rads. Zn add_tion to the causes for of this C=tract as heroin elsewhere set fo .h, the Local Psb-c lgency or Relic 'cam re-ewes the ri4 t :o to—irate this Contract if the Ccnt_ac for or a:7,7 -ubcentrac for whose subcontrp.et covers an7 of t:a �.ro� cove=sd th!,s Cc=tr^act shall breach a=7 of +,. ase ?ode--%I Labor Sta da--cs ?rov sic:.3. I breach of •Leas .Federal Labor Sta:.da-ds ?--rov_sions =ay also be g==ds for deba=...ent as p--ovidad by the applicable reg-ilaticrs issued the, Secretax7 of Labe=, 'United States of Labor. Pace 8 0: 13 xL4fo.e.. 7.C. II ATTACHMENT TO FEDERAL LABOR STANDARDS ?ROVISIONS ^ SO-CALi M "ANTI-XICX3ACX ACT" AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED PL'RSUA'NT THERETO 3Y THE SECRETARY OF LABOR. L'YiTts7 STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TITLE 18, U.S.C., section 873 (Replaces resion I of:he Act of June 13, 1934148 Stat.948,40 U.S.C. me.276b)pursuant to the Act of lune 25. 1948.61.Slit.36Z) XICXBACXS FROM PUBLIC WORKS EOL.OYEvS. Whoever.by force,inhmidation,of threat o(Procunng disinum"i from empbvrnent.or by any other manner whateo. ever inauera any pertion employed in the contructton.proseeuton,eompieton or repot of say public bai4tirtt,ptiblie.ogle. or bedding or work financed in whole or at part by;oro or creno from trig U"i pen,ettgd Jtate&,to;irg up any pumm move than t of tae - o an true rto y ears,a both.eh lis s entitled udder,h�contract of empiomeat v .iball bg renre d not mothan 55,000 or tmpraoned not more SECTION 2'0F THE ACT OF JUNE 13, 1934, AS AMENDED (4$gat.948,62 Suit.862, 63 Stu.108.72 Stu.%7,40 U.S.C,X-C.276c) The Secretary of Labor Nail maie reasonable riwWations for contractor and subcontractor eneaaed in the construction. Prosecution.completion of repau of public buudinga,public wortta or bwidincs or worts rinaneed in whole or in part by bane or grant&irom ere United" i3i:c. Ono (e.g..the i iUege Housing Act of 1950,the Federal Nater?oilution Gntol Act.std the Housing Act of 059).and in the enioreement Of the overtime Orowusons of the f.aatract Work Hours.`.twixarly Act whenever they are anohcstie to construction wort. The part detais the o kgataoa of contractors and subcontractors rotative to the warily wbmasawn of sutemenu retard ing the Wages pend on wow=covered thereby;sau forth the circumstances and oroeeduaes governing the making of payroll de- ductions from the wage of thoes empioved on OVA wort.and deiineates the methods ai payment peemaasbie an such wont. Section 3.2 Definitions. As and in the te;uLmons in that part: (s) sae terms"ewaldiatg"or"wort"generally inciude connruction aeuviev as disdngtushed from manufacturing. furnionang of materials.or seal"and mantenanee work. The terms include,without limitation,buildings,srueturn,and improvemanu of all types,earls as bodges,dams,pianos.haghWave psrkwava,streets,aubW sys,tunnels,atwers,mains.power. :inn,pumping stations,raiways,airports.terminals.doeita,piers,wharves,wave.lighthouses,buoys.jetties,beeaiawaten. !etre,and esttais;dredging,maoeing,auffoldintt.dr%diag,blasimt.exeavating,cleamw.and laaedseapietg. Unless conducted in conneetson with and at the ace of sunt a buaiding or wove a is desczbed at the foregoing sentence,the maauiacture or iurnmi- ing of materiais.articlesupplies.oregwpenent(whether or rot a Federal or State agency aaquaee tide to such matertais, 'amcies.auopiies.at egusoeaent dutusg the course of the manufacture or furn, ate,or owns the matenais from which they are maauiaetueed or fumurteti)it not a'building-or"worst"within the meaning of the regulations in this part. (b) The terms"mnsrucr;on,""prosecution,""compietwa."or"repear"mesa ail types of work done on a particular building or watt at the sate thereof,iaelud*.without fimaunan.alteetng,remsodeimg, punting Arid decoranng,the transoort. of mataiva and wppiets to or Qoen the huaiding or work by the employees oi'tl:e construction contractor or construction subeonaactor,and the manuiactunng or furnishing of matensia,articles,suppites,or equipment on the ate of the bwlding or Woes.by persons rmpioyed at the ate by the contractor or subcontractor. (e) The tartars"pubic budduug"or"public world"include building or work for Whose construction,proseeutwn,com• pietion,at repair,as defined aoove,a Federal agency is a contracting party,rgaro4sa of whether tate tnereoi r in a Federal agency. (d) The teras"buaking or worst financed in whole or in part by loss or grants frons the United:utes"includes build- mg or wont for whose construction,peowcuooa,completion,or repair,u detined above,payment or part payment is made direetiv Or indreaiv iron funds provided by osas or grants by a Federal agency. The term does not include buiidiag or wort for which Federal asaustaaz is limned solely to but guarantees or insuring. (e) Every person paid by a contractor at stbcoatrsctor in any manner for his labor is the coestructwq,prosecution. completion,or repast of a public building or public work or building sir wort financed in.holt or in pan by loam or grana from the U=nited Seers is"employed"aad receiving"wages,"regardless of any concracthal relationship alleged to exist betweers him said the real empiuva. (f) The treat"arty aifilisded person"imdeadea a soouse.child.parent.Or other close relative of the Contractor or sub- contractor;a'tartaer or oificar of the contractor or sabeontramor a corporation,closciv connected with the contractor or Subcontractor u parent.sabsidlsry or otherwise,sad an officer at agent of such corporation. (1) The terra"Federal agatey"mesas the United States,the District of Calumbin,and all executive depsrtments, dependent e+ubliaitmemu adminumiive ageneses sad instrumentalities of the L'aited States and of the District of Calumbin. including corporaacwt&til or subasncaily all of the stock of whirls is beneLeiaiky owned by the United States,by the Diatraet of Caiumbat,or adv of the foceptng departments,establishments.agencies,and inea•ooaeattaiities. Section 3.3 Weekly sucarwat with respect to payment of wage. (a) As used in that neetwa,the tans"empwvee""not apply to persons m clars"sutwns higher then treat of Laborer Of toeetsaue and those who ar;the immediate supavuoes of such empiovees, tri ruba•s.a":.C. II V 0500.2 } 1-4 Now (b) Fsl•h coruraetor ut silbcontractor est ami in the corotruetron, Pro.rcution,compietlon,or repay of ally nuhlie bsrldi g of?Mille work,or iauawiao,or%uric financed to witoir or it,part w ioa.ly of;rams(corn Else Lmted`tate.,•hail (umieo rack%Ceti.a.aatetrsent with rexsatt to the wades{sad each of at.enyJoyres en--_aged on work covered by_9 C.'''it Parts 3 and S Junug tine precroing recto) payruil penoni. Tlts sua•ntrwt iwil he eaeeuted by the contractor nr.uur.m- tractor w icy an autiaunaed officer or employee oi,the eoatractor nr wiacOntraetu•wilo wrretylaes the taymnu ni wa�ti,and shall ise on(wm lt'It 3.4.-Ftatemcnt of Compivaee or on an tdrnt&tai(urns un the ek of WoW11 til I"14iellf (For Cato- tractors Optional l:sej-or nes any(ocm with identical wording. satnuic Colne.of 11"1i.21i and YII 3:8 may!rt•blmned loco the Guvernntent contracting or"i'"naOrt^3 ti^emy, Office. and mPiea of taws"tonna nray Ile Plateful"at the euvernment Prink (c) The requirements at tua rctiou skull clot apply to any Corrtraet of or les. _ (d) Cpoo a written Gndine by the head of a Federal agency,the Seeretry of I.ai,or may provide maemaide limiutivaa. variations.tolrrartca.and etcrnatwnu from the requitensertu of thus section Libor may .pecdy "41"twbto conditions as;he jeerrtl+r of a [:J F.R.93,Jan, i•1964.u amutdrd at 33 F.R.10186,July 17,Mal Section 3.4 Submission of weekly statements and the preservation and inspection of weekly payroll records. (a) Foch werkly statrurent reetusted under § 33 Asad x deii rred by lire contractor or wbc-draetar,within.even day%aft"the rePlar Ilavlrlent date of the payroll penitd,to a reOre,ematave Of a Federal Ve State a;ene) in "large at thy site of the SUridiutt or war..or,it then[D no m?"escillUlve at a r ed"al or jute sgency a the sate of the building or wort., the ilatemen(.bail be mailed by the contractor or sulseontraetor,withal such t.mr,to a Federal or State ages")ronuacwE; for nr fit alae buddin;or watex. Atter such esamuuEian and citerit as may Lemade, udat ss atA.rat a cup) thereof. shail be kept avaa:awe,or:nail be transmitted ut;ethcr will&a report of any violation,in accordance with applieaisk pcwrJnrra prescribed by the L'nrted Slates I)s•Parttnent of Labor. `� (b) Each conuraetor of subcontractor siuil preserve but wkly Isis roil records foe a period of Urrae roan fmm date of eotn;tleWlt of lac euntract. 11K lwymil records,Jail set out scctwately slidcomoA•teiy the name and adJtTaa of each a4e rr of ami nleellarucl Ili#correct cla.alication,rate of pay,daily and.Croy numis"of Iwurs wutkrd,deduelalns made,and actuai wages paid. Such{uyrod records Jal1 be mane avaalslJe at a8 utiles for inrpecison by tae contracting oiGcer or lite.uthontcd rrlrm+entatme,and Ly Authorized reperventauvo of tine Department sit Lai". Section 15 Payroll deductions permissible without application to or approvi,l of tri Secretary of L.rbor. Deductions made u&sler the eireumataner%or in the situations Jeseribed in the pan,ra{dick[this Woon may be made without appiicaliun to and approval of the Secretary of libor: (a) Any deduction made in cumpitanev with else rryuiremenls of Federal•Slate,or local 4w,such u Federal or State withholding income tales and Federal social security taaeL (h) Any Jeduction of sono llr—otedy It.td to the cmplo"t is a lion:xie prepayulent of wages when tuck prepayment is made without Jisavunt or murex, .1 Sona Clue Prepayment of wam'is conaidered to have been made only whr..ca.•Il or its equia`Zirot la.Llerrr advanced to the per-on empioye.,i in such mull' Advanced funds. let u to glint hills eomtuete Cnm edoof di.}ovutun of Else (c) 1ny deJuc:wrr of amounts nquirrd by court process to be paid to another,unless the deduction is N fav contractor,subeuntr.ctut ur ay afi"'ated pereou, we w Iten codueion or collaitwal on exists. or of the MJW'aaa.�.C. ?nae 91'5 �y an O:via,3 Z.%—.1 t 13 (d) Any'deduetion concutuang a contribution on behalf of the anon emoioved to funds rushiished by the empiover or regresentaoves of emoiovees,or both,for the prueow of peoending etcher from ytnaoaf or moome, x both,medical or hosottai cae,pertsaona or annuities on retirement,death benefiu,comyrnsstwn for injuries,illness.accidents.urines,or diaswiity,x fa ptaLranee to provide any of the(oretoing,or unempiovment benefits,vacation pav,sevutva accounts,or ssmtiar payments for the benefit of employees,their families and dependents: Provided,.towever.That the following ttandar•tr we met: (1)The deduction is not otherwise prohibited by lav;(')it is either: (i)Voluntaniv consented to by the emoiovee in wetting and in advance of the period in which the work u to be done and such consent is not a rondition either for t.w obtaining of or for the continuation of employment.or(ii)provided for in a bona ride coilerttve hargaining agm reeent br• _ tween the rano-actor or subcontractor and representatives of its employees:(3)no orotit at other benefit is otherwise obtained. tiredly or mdirealy,by the contractor or subcontractor or any affiliated oereon in the form of commission,dividend.or otherwise; and(S)the deductions tical serve the convenience and interest of the employee. (e) Anv deduction contriatunir toward the purchase of United:sites Defense Stamps and Sonds when wiunuartiv authorized by the emotovee. (f) .Liv deduction requested by the employer to enable him to rr?ay loans to or to pueehaie shares in credit unions orpnized and operated in accordance with Federal and State cmdit union statutes. (g) Anv deduction voicintanly authortaed by the empiovee for the making of contributions to jovernmend or quasi- mernmental agencies,such as the American Red Goss. (h) Any deducuou wsbantarily authorized by the employee for the making of eontrtbunonr to Community Chests, United(,,vers Funda,and samalir charitable organizations. (i) Anv deductions to pay regular union initiation fees and membership dues,not includint fines or specai assessments: Provided,however.That a collective bursuning tprra eement between the contctor sit or bcontractor and representatives of its employees provides for such deductions and the deductions rr not otherwise prohibitad by law. 6).Liv deduction not more than for the"reswnable cost"of bond,lodtsng,or other(acuities meeting the require. menu of seruon 3(m)of the Far(tabor Standard►hct of 1938,as amended,and?art 531 of this tide. When such a deduction is mune the additional record&requited under 13 16Z7(a)of this tide andl be kept. Section 3.6 P27rod deductions permissible with the approval of the Secmwy of Labor. Any contraetoc or subaontraetor may apply to the Secretary of Labor for permission to make any dedication not per- nutted under 13.5. The Secretary may grant permi—ion whenever he rinds that: (a) The rontraetor,subcontractor.or anv affiliated person dors iwt main a profit at benefit directly or indirectly from the deduction either in the form of a commisarsn.dividend,or othevwi.e: (b) The deduction is not otherwise prohibited by law, (c) T'ne deduction is either(1)voluntanJv consented to by the employee in wntint and in advance of the period in which the watt u to be done and-men consent r not a condition either for the obtaining of einpiovmrnt or its continuance,of(�) provided for:n a bona fide coilective dargaiaing agreement between the contractor or subcontractor and representatives of its etmpsoyetm and (J) The deduction serves the eunwanience and interest of the emniovee. s gtJc.e..e.�.e. lir ?ase -= o: 13 ?-^5 i I Section 3.7 Applications for the approval of clic Seactan of L.bow, Any application for tae malinC of payroll deducttnus under q 3.6.nail eusnniv will, tile equsrrntcuu pn•crtj.d;o th, sng pararrapiu.of thia,octan: (a) The application shall be to writing and snail Ile sddrrved to the-SCcretJry of I_tisor. (b) The application shall idesvdv the nntraet or cuntracu uuaer w Kirit the .brit in quexwn;s to be perfornvul. I'cr miaaioo will be Ivan for deductions ouiy on specific,ideruti6ea conttacta,r-,crp1t upon a,lips in^of eNce smantal ctrcuutt T tanrc.. (e) The application sluil slate ai(innadvely that there u contplianer with:he autdards ac)forth in the pmvls ,;3 of -- 3.6.The li(Irmalton"tail be acootnuanud by a Cull statement of the(acts indicating such angthance. (d) The atsplication$!tall inciude a description of the prono6eA deduction, the purpose W be y�ty thercbc.and the dares of.ataoren or mernarues Gom clips$racy the proposed detiucttun would hhe trade. s (e) TSte appiiptiun sbrl"ate Inc name and business of any tlurd person to whom am•funds obtained(ram tile posed deductions a e to be transmitted and he affiisttun of such perish,if any,etch the aypiieant. Sec�on 3.3 Action by the Secretary of Labor upon applications. The-Secretary of I-tbor$hail decide whether or not the requested di-duction a pernsu ble under proviswns o(3 3.6; amid shad notify the appiieani:n writing u(ita dee$inti. Section 3.9 Prohibited payroll deductions. Dadue ions cwt elsewhere prvv acd for by this part and wh ch are not found to be perntastbie under j 3.6 err pnsltibn.•d. Section 3.10 -Methods of payment of wages. The,payment of wages$Ilei be uy raJt,nerotuble inatrutncnL%oac able on demand,or the additional forms of comtten tioa for which deauctwns ase perma".ble under the pan, .Vo other sa- metttoda of payment skirl be ea$meed on wnra;nhtect to tlae Capeisnd Act SeeSoa 3.11 Regulations part of contract. All contracts made with respect to the construction,proaecutwn,compktss.a,or repair a(any public building or publie work or bwading or work financed m whole or in part by loans or grants(sons the United-Stats coveted by the regulations in Pisa pin dnt this bind the contractor or;"bcootr"•tor to cotnph•wslh such of the re=ul s oats re Uta part as may be sp pl:eaisle. In th:s r<;card,we §SS(a)u!this subtitle. •a.L Goyowrs r l+QTac JI nCr 0..M•Ua•.A P•ab. Law 93-383 _ 16 - Augcat 22, 1974 !� S•��. 519 t t) .-ction Gr.;J of the Iicvi_cd Statutes, a smenrled 11), is antended by adding at tate end thereof a new pante sph as follows: '(.a_') For payments required from time to time under contacts entered. into pursuant to section 108 of tic housing and Community area' P. 647. I Lvelopment Art of 197•i for P'%% t of interest costs on obligations guaranteed by the Secretary of Housing and Urbaa Development tinder that section.' 42 USC 53Ce. ("-) With resIK-tt to any obli,-ration issued by a,tacit of g--naml•1ocal -- governmcnt or designated a;e.ncv which such, unit or a-_�-ncy has elected to is9ue as t taxable obiig•.ttion pursuant to subsec63n ((e) of this section,the interest paid on such obii-ration shall be inciuded in cross income for flit purpose of chapter 1 of the Irate.-sal Revenue saa Stas. 3. Code of 1V_54. 26 USC 1 X".Dt3C=MnATioX st sL=- i2 v;; s=ox. Src- 109. (a) No person Ln the United State shall on the Ground of race.color,national oriTn.or sex be excluded from participat=ion in, be denied the benefits of.or be sub;ectcri to discrmination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. (b) Whenever the .S',ecreca:: determines ;list a State or unit of general local Loverntttent which is a recipient of assistance under gals title has failed to compiv with subjection (a) or an applicable rt;,ala- tion,he gliall notify the Governor of such :,tate or the thiel executive officer of such unit of local -overnnienL of the noucomplistce and shall request the Gvyernor or the chief esecuti:-e otlicer to secure compliance. If within i rwsonabie period of :into, nut to exceed sixty dam Lhe Governor or the chief executive odicer fails or rrftwrt to Secum compliance,tile Secretary is authorized to (1) refer the matter to the Attorney General with a reconhntend--tion that an appropriate civil action be instituted; (•J.) exercise the powers and funetMas provided by title VI of the Civil Rights .1ct of 1JC1 (42. U.S.0 .!t"xQ); (3) exercise the powers and functions provided for in section 111(&) of this Act; or (4) take such outer action as may be provided by law. (c) When a matter is referred to the Attorney General pursuant to subsection (b), or whenever he hits reason co believe that a State government or unit of gltacral local coyernment is engar-ed in a pattern or practice in violation of the provisions of this section_tine Attorney General may bring a civil action i11 any appropriate United States district court for such relief as may be apptvpriate, including injunctive relief. r.L430te sraaD.xas 42 vse 5310. SM 110. All laborers and mecha=nics employed by contnctors or subcontractors in flat performance of construction .ror-k ffnanced in whole or in part %rich „rants received under this title s}hail be paid wars at razes not lr_s than tho-e prevailint on similareoas:ruction in the locality as determinest by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the I)avis•11aeon Act. as amended (i0 j;.S.C. �5): Prot4,led, That this miction shnil xl),)I • to the ryhaiuilitation of residential pn,party only if such prnmerty is desii.,mi foe rrsidential use for eicht or more families.The:vcretary of Labors.1Wl have,wits respect to such labor starhtlarth, the autisoc" and fwXtinns set forth in Rcorsnizntinn Nan \urnbere%i 14 of 191-0 (1S F.R;.ITG; 64 Stat S LSC app. 12GT) 21111 srcthnn 2 of the Act of June 13, 1934,its amtuded (48 Stat. .o vie 2750. 143;40I:.S.C._76 (c)). CHAPTER IV CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES I. General Resnonisibilities of Contractors A. General Oblications Contractors bidding on non-exempt Federally involved construction contracts should carefully review the general requirements relative to affirmative action and non-discrimination stipulated in. the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Clause and the Federal EEO Bic Conditions, where applicable , which incorporate the voluntary minority utilization plan (Hometown Plan) and/or impose minimum minority untili- zation goals and timetables on contractors. Upon award of the Federally involved construction contract the contractor will be bound by the requirements of the EEO Clause and applicable Federal EEO Bid Conditions and must be able to demonstrate compliance with those requirements, including the designa- tion of a high level company official to assume the responsibility for the contractor' s EEO Program. B. Notification of Specific Responsibilities Subsequent to award, but prior to the initiation of construction on a covered Federally funded or assisted contract, the prime contractor and all known subcontractors will be notified by the Federal Compliance Agency, which awards or administers the contract, of the specific reporting and record keeping requirements under the EEO Clause (See 60-1 } and Bid Conditions (See Appendix II) . -2- C. Notification of Subcontractor Each prime contractor and subcontractor shall include by reference the EEO Clause and applicable Bid Conditions in all advertisements or other solicitations for bids , and shall include the EEO Clause and applicable Bid Conditions in all contracts . Each prime contractor and subcontractor must provide written notice to each subcontractor of the specific reporting and record keeping requirements under the EEO Clause and applicable Bid Conditions. Upon award of a subcontract, each contractor shall immediately notify the Compliance Agency of the contract number, the subcontractor' s name, dollar amount of contract, estimated start and completion dates , and the crafts which will perform work under the sub- contract. II . Obligations Under Federal EEO Bid Conditions. (See Attached Flow Chart on CONTRACTOR OVERVIEW) A. Hometown Plans Part I (Voluntary) Hometown Plans are Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) approved voluntary area-wide agreements between the construction industry and representatives of the minority community establishing craft goals and time- tables for minorities . The Plan and the signatory partici- pating parties in the Plan are incorporated in Part I of the Bid Conditions for the Plan area. 3 - Contractors signatory to and participating in Depart- ment of Labor approved Hometown Plans and utilizing a local craft under Part I of the Bid Conditions are required to comply with the provisions of the Plan and the EEO Clause. Removal of contractors to Part II of the Bid Conditions and/or initiation of enforcement proceedings may be recommended to the OFCCP Regional Office by the Administrative Committee for a contractor's failure to meet Hometown Plan requirements. Such action may also be initiated directly by the OFCCP Regional Office for violation of the EEO Clause. B. Hometown Plan Part II . Appendix A (Imposed Plan) and Special Bid Conditions Contrators subject to Part II of the Bid Conditions (including contractors participating in the voluntary plan but utilizing craft (s) subject to Part II requirements) and those affected by Appendix A of an Imposed Plan, or Special Bid Condi- tions are required to: 1. Comply with the EEO Clause; 2. Meet the minimum goals and timetables for aggregate workforce utilization specified in the Bid Conditions and/or Appendix A in each covered craft on all covered work in the area under the Bid Conditions/Appendix A or provide DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE of good faith efforts to implement the minimu:i acceptable affirmative action program; 4 - 3 . File monthly or as directed by the contracting or administering agency, beginning with the effective date of the contract, workforce utili- zation tili-zation reports (Standard Form 257) reflecting the Prime contractor's and each subcontractor' s aggre- gate workforce in each covered craft within the area covered by the Bid Conditions (See Appendix II) and a one time listing of all Federally-funded or assisted contracts within the Bid Condition area by agency, contract number, location, dollar volume, percent completed, projected completion date, and .a listing of all covered non-federal work, subse- quent to the submittal of the first listing. Monthly reports, thereafter, should only include new contracts received and those contracts com- pleted; 4 . Provide access to books, records, and accounts of all covered construction sites and documentary evidence of good faith efforts to the Compliance Agency and/or the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) for the purpose of conducting a review. When the Compliance Agency and the OFCCP have determined that the contractor has consistently met the minimum utilization goals in a covered craft over an entire construction season, re- potting requirements will be changed from a monthly to a quarterly basis . However, if a contractor fails to meet the minimum utilization goals during any quarter, monthly reporting requirements will be reinstated. III. Enforcement (See Attached Flow Chart on CONTRACTORS OVERVIEW) A. Compliance Review Contractors failing to meet the minimum utilization goals specified in the Bid Conditions, or subject to outstanding allegations of discrimination in violation of the E.E.O. Clause will be subject to a thorough review of their implementation of the affirmative action program as specified in the Bid Conditions. and, where required, a thorough review of their compliance with the E.E.O. Clause. Contractors will be subject to general enforcement, as stipulated in Subpart B of CFR 60-1 at the discretion of the agency or the OFCCP. A compliance review conducted by the Compliance Agency will consist of the following (See Appendix III B) : 1. A thorough review of the contractor' s books, records and accounts and other relevant docu- ments. (If a contractor has met the specified minimum utilization goals for the aggregate workforce the contractor will be presumed to be in compliance with the requirements of the Bid Conditions and the review concluded , unless an allegation of discrimination in violation of the E. E.O. Clause has been made. ) ; 6 - 2 . Validation of the information presented will be made through on-site reviews of a sample of all of the contractors projects to determine whether the contractor has met its goals or has made a good faith effort to implement all of the affirm- ative action steps specified in the Bid Conditions , and has not violated the E.E.O.Clause. B. Remedial Commitments In the event that a contractor has failed to meet the minimum utilization goals and had failed to provide adequate docu- mentary evidence of good faith efforts to implement the minimum affirmative action program as specified in the Bid Conditions, the contractor will be given an opportunity at the conclusion of the compliance review to make specific written commitments , which will be signed by an officer of the company, to remedy all deficiencies identified during the review, provided that the contractor has not otherwise been found to have violated the E .E.O. Clause. If such commitments are made by the contractor and approved by the Compliance Agency, the Agency will find the con- tractor in compliance and initiate monitoring of the specific commitments. C. Notice of Intent to Initiate Actions Leading to Sanctions If the contractor fails to make, or having made , fails to implement adequate remedial ccmmitments, and/or has been found 7 - to have otherwise violated the E.E.O. Clause, the Ccmpliance Agency will issue a show cause notice to the contractor pro- viding 30 days for the contractor to come forward with addi- tional evidence of its efforts to comply or to make adequate remedial commitments, and, where required, to demonstrate that it has not violated the R.E.O. Clause. If the contractor makes such demonstration (s) and/or commitments, the Compliance Agency will withdraw the show cause notice and place the contractor in compliance, provided that any violation of the commitments will cause the contracting agency to proceed with actions leading to sanctions. D. Initiation of Actions Leading to Sanctions If, during the 30 day period provided, the contractor, (a) fails to document adequate good faith effort to implement the minimum required affirmative action steps or fails to make ade- quate commitments to correct all deficiencies, or (b) where re- quired, fails to demonstrate that the E.E.O. Clause has not been violated, the Compliance Agency will initiate actions leading to the imposition of sanctions against the contractor, pursuant to 41 CFR 60-1 . 26. Upon such action by the Compliance Agency and approval by the OFCCP, the contractor will be notified that actions leading to sanctions have been initiated . The notice will state the rea- sons for the action and provide 14 calendar days for the contractor to request a hearing regarding the imposition of sanctions . If no request for hearing is received within the 14 day period, the Compliance Agency and/or OFCCP will impose such sanctions as are deemed appropriate provisions of 41 CFR 60-1 , including cancellation, termination, debarment or ineligibility for further federally funded or federally assisted contracts. Upon receipt of a request for hearing, the Compliance Agency and/or OFCCP will arrange for and conduct a hearing on the issues outlined in 41 DFR 60-1 and 41 CRF 60-30 . During the pendency of any such request for hearing, a contractor' s other federally involved contracts may be suspended in whole or in part, pursuant to the provisions of 41 CFR 60-1 . However, no sanctions or penalties specified in 41 CFR 60-1 or Executive Order 11246, as amended , r,-,ay be imposed without the approval of the Director, OFCCP . The hearing procedures (41 CFR 60-30) provide that any conciliation agreement or consent decree proposed as a settlement of the issued and the final decision on the imposition of sanctions must be approved by the Secretary of Labor or the Director, OFCCP. IV. Technical Assistance The Compliance Agency and OFCCP Regional Office staff will provide technical assistance regarding the implementation of the requirements of the E.E.O. Clause, Federal Bid Conditions and/or Appendix A upon receipt of a request for assistance from a contractor. Requirements for Contractors (See Rules and Regulations , Title 24 , Part 135, Federal Recister, October 23, 1973) PURPOSE In the administration of any HUD funded program, to the greatest extent feasible: (i ) opportunities for training and employment arisina in connection with the planning and carrying out of any project assisted under any such program be given to lower income persons residing in the area of such project; and contracts for work to be performed in connection with any such project be awarded to business concerns which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of such project. REQUIREMENTS I. Section 3 Affirmative Action Plan A. Identification of Affirmative Action Officer, by name. B. Identification of firm or contractor, contracting agency and contract total dollar amount, scope of work, contract number, project number, description of project area, etc. ) C. Employment 1 . Trainees a. A listing by work categories of (i ) total number of trainees to be utilized; (ii ) number of those already on permanent work force; and (iii ) number of those to be recruited and employed from project area; b. A detailed description of specific means to be utilized to recruit project area residents , including specific identification of area organizations , advertising media, sign placement, etc. ; c. Statement explain that contractor will maintain a list of al project residents applying and records indicating status of action taken , with reasons for such. 2. Skilled Employees Same as a. ,b. and c. above. -i 0. Businesses , Subcontractors , Vendors , etc. 1 . Listing of each category of 000ds and services to be utilized on subject contract, along with estimated dollar amount value of eacn; 2. Listing of dollar value planned to be awarded to project area businesses , subcontractors , vendors , etc. ; 3. Detailed description of specific means to be taken to publicize, advertise, notify, etc. , area businesses , etc, of opportunity to become subcontractors , etc. ; indicate specific organizations contacted, advertisements placed, etc. ; 4. Records of actions taken to implement above-described plan, and reasons for such; 5. Insertion in bid documents/negotiation documents of contractors affirmative action plan, project area description, etc. E. Statement that all reports, records , etc. , relating to the implementation of this Section 3 Plan will be open and available for inspection to authorized representatives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the contracting agency. F. Statement that the Rules and Regulations, Title 24, Part 135, will be posted conspicuously in offices and places frequented by employees , applicants, prospective subcontractors , vendors, etc. G. Statement that the contractor and the Affirmative Action Officer will cooperate with the Department of Housing and Urban Development in complying with the Section 3 Regulations . H. Statement that the contractor will submit whatever reports are required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. SPECIAL NOTE The Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity has been delegated the functions_ of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in administering programs pursuant to Section 3. The Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity will issue such further regulations in connection with his/her responsibilities under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U S C as amended, 1701_u. , as he/she finds appropriate and may, as needed, amplify any reaulations issued pursuant to Section 3, through guidelines , handbooks , circulars or other means. (ii) Require, in consultation with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, that to t e greatest extent fe-a-s—iTTe contracts for work to be performed in connection with any such project be awarded to business concerns including but not limited to individuals or firms doing business in the field of planning, consulting, design, architecture, building construction , rehabili- tation, maintenance, or repair, which are located in or owned in substantial part oy persons residina in the area of such project. -2- (b) In the development of these regulations the Secretary has consulted with the Secretary of Labor and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration and mutual agreement has been reached with respect to the coordination of employment and training efforts and contracts awards under these regulations by the Department of Housing and Urban Develooment, the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration. (c) The regulations as set forth in this part, particularly Subparts C and 0 of this part , shall serve to define"to the greatest extent feasible" as that term is applied in section 3 of the Housing an Urban Development Act of 1968. (d) The Secretary will issue such further regulations in connection with his responsibilities under section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as he finds appropriate and may, as needed, amplify any regulations issued pursuant to section 3, through guide- lines , handbooks , circulars or other means. s 135. 5 Definitions. As used in this part -- (a) "Applicant" means any entity seeking assistance for a project including, but not limited to mortgagors , developers , legal public bodies , nonprofit or limited dividend sponsors , builders, or property managers. (b) "Business" concerns located within the section 3 covered project area" means those individuals or firms located within the relevant section 3 covered project area as determined pursuant to s 135 15, listed on the Department' s registry of eligible business concerns , and which qualify as small under the small business size standards of the Small Business Administration. (c) "Business concerns owned in substantial part by persons residing in the section 3 covered project area" means those business concerns which are 51 percent or more owned bpersons residing within the relevant section 3 covered project as determined pursuant to J 135. 15, owned by persons considered by the Small Business Administration to be socially or economically disadvantaged, listed on the Department's registry of eligible business concerns , and which qualify as small under the small business size standards of the Small Business Administration. (d) "Contracting party" means any entity which contracts with a contractor for the performance of work in connection with a section 3 covered project. (e) "Contractor" means any entity which performs work in connection with a section 3 covered project. -3- M "Department" means the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (g) "Lower income resident of the area" means any individual who resides within the area of a section 3 covered project and whose familv income does not exceed 90 percent of the median income in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (or the county if not within a SMSA) in which the section 3 covered project is located. (h) "Political jurisdiction" means a politically organized community with a governing body having general government powers. (i ) "Recipient" means any entity who received assistance for a project including, but not limited to, mortgagors , developers , local public bodies , nonprofit or limited. (j) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. (k) "Section 3" means section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. ( 1 ) "Section 3 clause" means the contract provisions set forth in s 135.20(b). (m) "Section 3 covered project" means any nonexempt project assisted by any program administered by the Secretary in which loans , grants , subsidies , or other financial assistance are provided in aid of housing, urban olanning, development, redevelo ment , or renewal , public or community facilities , and new community development except where the financial assistance available under such program is--sole-ly in the form of insurance or guaranty). Projects, contracts and subcontracts , connected with programs administered by the secretary under sections 235 and 236 of the National Housing Act, as well as an Public Housing Program and which do not exceed $500,000 in estimated cost are exempted from the requirements of this part, as is any subcontract of $50,000 or under on such projects or contracts in excess of 0,000. (n) "Subcontractor" means any entity (other than a person who is an employee of the contractor) which has agreed or arranged with a con- tractor to undertake a portion of the contractor' s obligation or the performance of work in connection with a section 3 covered project. s 135. 10 Delegation to Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity. Except as otherwise provided in this part, the functions of the Secretary referred to in this part are delegated to the assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity. The Assistant Secretary is further authorized to redelegate functions and responsibilities delegated in this section to employees of the Department, provided, however, that the authority to issue rules and regulations under 5 1157. 1—FdT may not be red ted. -4- s135. 15 Determination of the area of a section 3 covered project. (a) The area of a section 3 covered project shall be determined as follows : (1 ) The boundaries of a section 3 covered project located: (i ) Within a geographic area designated as an urban renewal area pursuant to the provisions of title 1 of the Housing Act or 1949 , 42 U.S. C. 1450; or (ii ) Within a oeograohic area designated as Model Cities areas or Metropolitan Development Plan areas pursuant to the provisions of title I of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Develooment Act of 1966, 42 U.S.C. 3301 ; or ( iii ) Within a geographic area designated as an Indian reservation (to inciude all territory within reservation boundaries , including fee patented roads, waters , bridges and lands used for agency purposes ) , shall be coextensive with the boundaries of that geographic area. (2) The boundaries of a section 3 covered oro'ect not located within a geographic area designated pursuant to Titlel I of the Housing Act of 1949, or Title I or the Demonstration Cities and Metronolitan Develo ment Act of 1966 shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the smallest political jurisdiction in which t e project is located. (3) To the extent that goals (established pursuant to Subparts B , C, and 0 of this part) cannot be met within a section 3 covered project area as determined pursuant to paragraph (a) (1 ) of this section, the boundaries of the smallest political jurisdiction in which the section 3 covered project is located shall be desionated as the relevant section 3 project area. The determination to apply this subparagraph shall be made by the Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity or by the same official designated by the Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity to determine the section 3 covered project area pursuant to paragraph (a) (1 ) of this section. (b) The Department' s Regional Administrator, Area Office Director, or FHA Insuring Office Director, as appropriate, shall determine the boundaries of each section 3 covered project. s 135. 20 Assurance of compliance with regulations. (a) Every contract or agreement for a grant, loan , subsidy, or other direct financial assistance in aid of housing, urban planning, development, redevelopment, or renewal , public or community facilities , and new community development, entered into by the Department of Housing and Urban Development with respect to a section 3 covered project shall contain provisions requiring the app scant or recipient to carry out the provisions oT section J, the regu ations set Torth in this part, an any app icaYa ru es and orders of the Department issued thereunder prior to approval of its application for assistance for a section 3 covered project. -5- . (b) Every aoolicant, recipient, contracting oarty, contractor, and subcontractor shall incorporate, or cause to be incorporated, in all contracts for work in connection with a section 3 covered project, the follcwing clause ( referred to as a section 3 clause) . A. The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a program providing direct Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employ- ment be aiven lower income residents of the project area and contracts for workinconnection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in, the area of the project. B. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said section 3 and the regulations issued pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth in 24 CFR, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued thereunder. -6- 071 + 6500, a- r hlbit 1 pRE7.O.;.i:RJCTION CMKLI.;r FCR CGNTIUCTC}L^.: -- LABOR STA. ARDS C ON iTIRACT SrS��iR.S"e ti:S j, n7TRpDQr=IO`7, The following checklist has been prepared to assist contractors and subcontractors in meeting contra(:tual labor standards rooponsibili ties. All cajor adrinistrative and procedural activities have best covered in t:e sequence they will occur as the const-ruction project proceeds. Careful attention to and use of the chacklist should result in ^Ini— number of problems with respect to labor standards. II. F�L�.`tATOs7 TC^.M. The word "erployer" as =ed below refors to the project contractor, each subcontractor, or each lover-tier subcontractor. Payrolls and other docucentary evidence of cot;p_iance (a-rk.d with (aetorink) aro renui--•d to `te cunt to the reclrient for to be submitted throu.-h the rr__ec cent-rac'or). .%e delivery procedure is as follows: A. Tach lover-tier subcrtrac:or, after careful review, "baits required documents to the respective subcontractor. B. Each subcontractor, atter checking his own and those of each lower- tier suboontrector he say have, submits required documents to the contractor. • C. The contractor, aftor revieving all payrolls and othor docu=entation, including his own, and corz•ectirg violations where neceee /, submits all to the recipient. All e-glovers nhoull check eRch o: :the follo-i netatnr'ato an beim true. If any statement is not t^in, the contractor or him rrrree^ntat.ve NUD•s..A,O.C. Page 1 of 14 9/75 - bsoe.s v • h,,.'iiblt 1 2. should contact the recipient for special guidaaoo. IZI. P_ FtB Cp!'%trCT:GY Yx;T(S ?�C3 F.iPWM RASt 1. Not boen debarred or otherwise ride ineligible to prrtioi- pato in &ny Federal or FedorUly-"dieted pro�oct. B. Received appropriate contract provisioae covering labor standnrds requiromonts. C. Revicv9d and unde.�!A all labor otanda_r" Contract D. Received the vab^•e decisioa ae pert of the Cacitract. E. Requested t..roubh the recipient and received the m4zi== vaga for each cla.eific&tion to be worked On the project which was not inoluded on the vsZo decision by the a3'.iti l cluseificaticn proeacs sad before c1101eimZ a" Etch trsde(s) .r to worm on the pro')eot. • F. Requested and received cer:ificaticn of his appr-entioa p.o•- fr,a the State's Bureau of ippr^-atioeahip aad Tra-i inz rogn.ced by CSB:^_) and But fitted copy tSe:aof to I`:e recipient prior to t- 107 cats nn thefrom ,o�eCB. I.t. T. if !,ppli�ble, nett be submitted. C•.f•�D.C. �. - -- - - - - - - --- - Dago 2 of• 14 6500. 3 i }bc}ubit - - - 3• IV. AT =:77RUC^.IO'i • d. Notified recipient of construction start date in writing. F), Has placed each of the following on a bulletin board prominently located on the project site which can be seen easily by the workers (and replaced if lost or unreadable any time during construction): Wage Decision Notice to F::ployees (L:d 1321) ---- Safety and Health Protection on the Job (TOL) lsefore assi-ming each project worker to work, has obtained worker's rase, best railing address, and Sccial Security W=ber (for payroll purposec). + D. Has obtained a copy of each apprentice's certificato with the apprentice's registration n-=!>or and his yea: of apprentice- ship from the State BAT- E. Has infor=ed each worker of: 1. his wort: classification (jcm mey'.an or job title) as it will appear on the- payroll. NUD-W..^.D.C. — - _ -- - - - ----- Page 3 of 14 9/75 - - [:::600.3 � 1 - pd,,il)it 1 •smuaaem�oar+ r t t t 2. hie duties of worst. 3. the U. S. Departr-nt of lAbor's requirement on this .project that he is either a journey-...an, apprentice, �n or laborer If journey==, he is to be paid journeyman's minimum wage tate or more; If apprentice, he is to be paid not loos than the apprentice's rate for the trade beaed on his year of apprenticeship; or If laborer, he is to do laborer's work only- ~ not use any tool or tools of the trade - and not perform any part of a jcurneyman'e wo2'4 - and is to be paid the laborer's mLni..� wage v rate or more. p. Cnderet.�-nde the re:,ii:e=ants that each laborer or aa4'lanic who yerforma work'on the project in more than one classification within th3 came work week ahall be classified and pais at the highest wage rate applicable to any of the work which he performs unless the following requiroxnts aro met: -, 1. tocurzte daily ti_e records eba11 be raintaiaed. i7he9e records asst chow,t.7.0 time worked.in each claasificc- ' tion and tho rate of pay for each clansitication, :mid arasr be sigaed by tlo woer--n. A*Will.D.C. 9/75 Page 4 of 14" _ 6500.3 11-4dbj,C 5• 2. The payroll *hall show tha hours worked in each classification and the wage rate paid for each classification. 3. The payroll shall be signed by tho wort an or a oigned copy of the d-Lily time r000rd shall be attached thereto. G. Hai+ L-ifomod each workbr of his hourly wazde (not less thaw the aini—ro wao•^o rate for his work which is stated in the Wage baoision). 1. tine and a half for all work over 8 hoar* any day or over 40 hours Lay work week (see Contract Wore Hours Safety Standards lct). 2, frino"e benefits, if shy (see ':age Decicion for =y required). 3. deductions from his W. H. Has informod sacs worker that he is *ubjoot to being interTieved on the fob by the recipient or a E=, Departaant of Labor, or other U. S. Government inspector, to confirm. that his employer is complying with all labor requirements. I. Bas i--forr,:d each log e;r-.sa and each apprentice that s jou..:.eyw-n wumt be on the 'ob at all entice is working times when an app_ -o• Y. MMffNC C'01.11 i T:TV L. Each L--?loyer: 1. has not selected, aeaiZnod, paid d'f.crent p&y rates to, transferred, upgrrdad, dematod, laid off, nor w� K10•!.a.D.C. -- - - - - -- Page 5 of 14 - 9/75 - .6500.3 .. - . F xwi1Q IM . m 6. dismissed my project worker because of raco, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 2. has employed all registered apprenticeu ruierred to him throe h no:...al channels up to the applicable ratio of apprentices to journeyman in each trade used by the employer. j, will :aintrin basic ecployaent records accessible to inspection by the recipient Or C. S. Govarnmont representatives. 1r. is co--plying with all health end -safety standards. 5. has ;,aid all workers weekly. • 6. has submitted weekly payrolls. a. prepared on recozmended FOM u3-347: llvailabio from - Superintendent of Docu=ents Govorvent PrLntL-ir 0:fice Vaaldzgton, D. C. 20402 Contractors who wish to ;urrrase the foz---s ah&il be urged to enter their orders prvcptly because the Superintendent of Documents takes eiz weeks to fill orders. It ie pe7missible for cort^_cto^s to reproduce the fO=-a if t`:ev wish. Some e-ployers place all project workers on Payroll . Fora L3-3L7. The recipient doer not review those Project workers linted on the pay=roll who perfozn wozi: which is descriptive of any of the following _. _job titles which a-•e except from labor requirements: ""o-Wash,D.C. \.r 9/15 - .- -- " Page 6 of 14 6500.3 i I project ouperintondent - i project engineer I supervisory fore--An (lets than 20A of time as a working forecan) aessonsIor i clerical workers ti--okeepers payroll olorks booLkeopers Uy alter.&ts p&yroll fora uaed should be cloarod with EM bofors eaployer. 8ta.-ts work on pro�oct. A _ projeot printout by coczputer, for eze.^ple, is acceptable provided all data shown and required on the front Lad back of Payroll Fora WE-347 is on, or / lnciuded with, payroll cubaitted to recipient. b. Front Page of Payroll (Fo= VS-347) aPadir: (6 "blcoks" of L^fo=�tion� 1) xaro of ?`lover. 1SL.e of e--ployvr is stated, &Lowing whether contractor o: e-.:bcontractor. 2) Addrene. Street aydrese or P. 0. Boz, City, State, and Zip Code of Erployer is stated. 3� Payroll ?1,=bar. Each weekly ;eyroll is nu:bared in toquentiil order (starting withFa,-zcll No. If ==foyer's wori-ers perfozz= no physical wo:Y on the proiect durL^.E woz- weak, he hnn - --— --sub=itted a "no wc=k" lettar for that work week. - �'�'�,s:-s.r-.....rte+�*�SL'T"1...�.-"^�a"'�...3'w-�'-��rr�^z-•r-t IUO;..►,D.C. Page 7 01 1'4 9175 6500.3 ndLLUt 1 a. Payroll of employer's final work week on the project (completion of his work) is narked "Final". la) For Meek dint'. The last data of the work Meek is stated in this "block". Protect and 14�ation. Naze of project and city in which located is stated. 6� Colin 1 - Vork.E is N,--me, as it appears on his p&y check, is stated. Workers's best :ailing add^ess and social security nurber is stated on Psrroll No. 1 or the payroll on which his name first appoars. If worker changes his ros:dential address while working on :he project, his new address is stated on next appli- cable pa3roll. If any two or more workers have the sa:e name, their social security r hers are ` included on the payroll to roto separate idontificaticn. Column 2 - '.1o. cf W!21olds:: E12^211er.s is for cyployer's convenience - not required by BUD to ba co-Tpletod. 8) Colo.-n - 7,.e-Vo-.k Clasnificasion (job NUO-e,.►.D.C. 9n5 Page 9 of 14•' - 6500.3 - T�AIL)Iit L 9. title) for thu worl-or ie included Ln the Vage Decision snd denotes the work that worker actually perto=ed. Notet If the applicable classification Is not included in tho Wage Decision, contractor should call the recipient iroodiately, and request classifica- tion by Additional Classification. Apprentice. If worker is an apprentice, his State MT registration nu bor and year of apprenticeship is included in this colo= the first time the apprentice's nate appoarc on tho payroll. Split Cleseification. If worker has per- - forced more than ore class of work during the work week, such as carpenter and laborer, the division of work will be shown on separate lines of the payroll. Accurate dailj tine records show tw.e exact hours of work performed daily in each class of work, and axe signed by the affected work- . `� ►llP��ati�D.C. - - Page 9 of 14 9/75 Soo.3 Y-1:.J1 IL= i 10. Each class of work he perforzed is stated in Colu= j. L^, soparate "blocks". His name is repeated in correaponding "blocks" in Colu= 1. The breakdown of hours worked daily under each work classification is stated in Colin 4. and total for week in Colum 5- The applicable wage rate for each classi- fication of work is stated in Colu..-n 6. The payroll is signed by the workman in the related "blocks" or a signed copy of tha daily ti--9 records &--e attached to the Payroll. If the above is not done, the worker is paid at least the hip,-gest minLz—i wage rate of all of the classes of work per- formed for all hours worked. Notes; average Pay of Two C?ptnaos of V -k !Tot Acce-+tad. The ecployar shall not ;ay a "semi-,+,ourne�--an" or semi-ckilled laborer tho average of jou,rn0Y-^...an1s and laborer's rates. Thz actual hours orch worker uses tools of trade (jouzzioy^_.en) asd each hour he does not usa tools of :ro trade (laborer) E.ut be KJD-V.d,D.C. pago 10 of 11 �.. i . 6500,7 • t:xti c r✓ a:� 11. . recorded in soparute "blocks" in Column 3 of the payroll. Heber, The work claosification of "helper" is not accepted by the Depart=ent of FUD, un- less included in the wage Decision issued by the Secretary of :,abor for the project. Arq employee listed as "helper" in absence of such classification in Wage Decision aust be paid the journeymen's rate for hours he uses tools of the trade. 9) Colu-n 11 - Eou:s Vor' ed. E-ich May and Date, for work week a.^e stated. Overtire..^ Fours ("0,,), if day, 3-re stated separately -.cm hours ("S") - over :8 hours arty day or over 40 hours ati/ w^rl: week. • 10) Col-,L--, ; - ^,otvl Fc'=s worked d%iring the worx week are stated (the sum of subcolumns in Cclu= 4) - atraiL-�harid id overtime hou.--s recorded coparately. 11) Colin 6 - ?at'e of Fav, not less than the nininun w&V rate for the work classification (caa 1.'s.,Se Trjcision) is stated. Tn,e o•mrtirre Fate of Paw is not less than 1-1/2 times the workor's basic (straight) Lourly :ate df pay (Contract kork roura 1AJp s•.ti.O.C. - - - - — Page 11 of 14 9/75 12. Safety Standaida Aot). Apprenticea. If a copy of the apprentice's registration certificate from tho State BAT has not been submlttod to recipient by employer (through contractor), apprentice list be paid Journey.7an'0 rata. Piece Vorker. Piece work must be stated in Column 6 at an hourly rate, the brose pV for the work week (work on the project) divided by the total number of hours worked on the project during the work weer.. Column 7 - G--.)Gs --lu : FA=ed equals straight hours shown in Coli:.-n $ times strait rate of pay shave in Col•.:r. 6, plus orertimc lyra a (if Av) shown i1 COluan $ times overtize rate of Daly shown in Colur= 6. 12) Col•,= 6 - Delucticne. F.a,:h deduction rade is required by law, - wluntarily authorized by the worker in writing beforo the work week began, or provided in a bargainirr ar,,-•ee=ent to be deducted from the respective worker's .pay. 23) col,--n 9 - `iet uzr.d stated a_-e COIu.-n 7 =Lnua total dcductiora ahown in Col.._., S. lPJO•Y.J,O.C. 9/75 Page 12 of 14 �-' 6500.3 L-xf it 1 1). C. Rack of Payroll- (Form Vd-347) 1) Each Daploynr hts: Completed all blank el.aces and understands the penalties for falsification. checked Item 4 if fringe benefits aro in- eluded in the Wage U cialon for any of his workers - 4(a) - if fringe benefits are paid to approved P nd(e), or 4(b) - paid flL ectly to each affected worker - included in pay check for the work week - his paycheck repre- canting at least the pay of the appli- cable mini-, wage rate plus the tmount of required fri:.0 benefits. z=ually signed the payroll in the "block" marked sig:atu•1-e, and stated his title. The person who eigted the pay-=11 is the Employer or an official of the employer who • legally is rut-horiced to act for tha employer. • d. l'r_kly Pry s'_: fey`_^w. Each e--ployor 'sae pro--ptly: roviews3 tho weekly pay---.ill for c=pliance with all labor requirements (using this check list) g't+-�'^-• �.as-.x`-"r "�7'^�"*^`-r"'.TLrr�,.,.n,.�taa-.-,3s•---,-�r� x �s &tom-^-�+s+ 141c�-�.e►.O.C. Page 13 of 14 _. - - 9/75 6500.3 .. _ FK.'ubit 1 14. and made neconnary corrections. Each Lou.)r-tier Subcontractor hum subm;tted his weekly payroll or "no work" letter to the respective subcontractor for the sub- contractor to have received within 3 calendar days from the last date of the work week. Each Subcontractor has received a payroll or "no work" letter frog each of his lover-tier subcontractors, reviewed each and his own , payroll, required necessary corrections, and submitted all of such payrolls to the con- tractor to have received within 5 calendar days from the last date of the work week. Contractor has received a payroll of "no work" letter from each subcontractor and each lower-tier subcontractor, naaitorod each includL-o his own payroll, required i' necessarf corrections, and collectively subm.ittsd then to the recipient within 7 work dzTv of the last date of the respective work week. Ill. IT-M ^ Fsch Erployer will: _ keep all weekly payrolls on the project for 3 yearn after the : contractor's pro.;ect cocplet:on date. MO-Wesh.D.C. \r sns ---- ---per 14 of 14 Company Date Official Signature Printed dame H . P0� m PLEASF PURPOSE OF THE SECTION 3 PLAN This plan exists in order to insure that to the greatest extent feasible a good faith effort will be made to: .•1 - Provide an opportunity for training and employment to low-moderate income residents of the project area . 2 - Provide businesses located in the project area with the opportunity- to become subcontractors and/or vendors.. In order to accomplish the above all potential contractors must sign the Contractor's Compliance Form contained in this section. In addition all potential contractors must complete the Contractor's Section 3 Plan. This plan indicates what actions, it any, are proposed for hiring project area residents and for subcontracting with project area businesses. A lis` of project area businesses and a list of organizations concerned with the employment of project area residents is included in this Section in order to assist you %..hen filling out the Contractor's Section 3 Plan. Also included in this Section is a Trainee Utilization Plan and a Stilled Employee Utilization Plan. The successful bidder would be required to submit these 2 ,`oris monthly with the Monthly Employment Utili- zation Report (SF 257) . PLEASE NOTE: The successful bidder is the one with the lowest bid. Each bidder noviever rr.ust sign the Contractor' s Compliance Form and cornlj:ta the Contr,,!ctor's Section 3 Plan. r i . Date: Protect IAcat:or. ' io:' e A. The pro;;ect as:ste� �a`-' tjz s . ^ AS 2=CnG�z � _ U.S.C. v _C ._L•S ^� G..,• .�L2S`:C� iC� extent _,Feasible^ - cn J - 2S O L ivem inc-ome S1 C« S Civ: ::rozec: cTrez-c�.^ CC. - ^�S G Bath th.e trcvec� _^0 35.a" a to -,,:Z -_ - -n CC in '�-'1CSJ CC^Ce=^.S N.._C:7 are SCC: I1 C,•r 0,6--ad ia•Z SUCSz:...t:__. ^ J „rSC-S oc, _ B. _ \ n- •� `' c'- G+:'.C• cm o lr_^.4S CO.^.�:'?Ct)(Z;'•co_c•�-) '':.e and the ;--:-:-y C;:,, -,-.2 - .. _ CV_J= ns of SG__ secti.cn pin 2I, C:-� rt�?,., �: y._ ,.s _ _ -r'- •'- --_ . --- . ,.d 14-1 G_.•••..__.._.7� J rules an,_4 or d e••• _ y� or O;,no^_ ::r_'SS �.^.::C_r..S Vim.•.. .:g1;7_`_ _ r.4, _'��r. � L__ -^� _ -:]ri_• = -.. .r.? ?�j.. .J_ M..�^ ..`._ -• the The _ \ -s -.. :.n ccec.._Cz ,�� t _ trzct - _ ----al, Or _c - r--- air' s Y`at a "-_c= - these _ecv:re_ 24 r tEcY?l:. :::en C- --:CC_ .. c^.SJ_�.J rJ Vli•.v^Ca-•_•.`•.. .. ^- •-=-_`.V== G.i C.. J..L r.•-_ _-•'. ♦1.J �Vr..LJJCrJ. CONTRACTOR' S SECTION 3 PLAIN 1 - Mame of Firm Address Phone 7 2 - Project Name/Cescriptien Project Location Please use additional sheets if needed. 3 - Emolo;,ment a - Co you ex;.ect to hire any project area residents? (es ".0 b - If yes how many? Trainees Skilled Employees Total c - What organizations, if any, from th-- attached list do you intend to notify? d - What publications :rill you use for e.mployrr:ent notices? 1 ' ' s h 4 - Subcontractors a - Do you expect to use project area businesses as _ subcontractors or vendors? YES NO b - If yes how many? c = What businesses , if any, from the project area will you request bids from? Plan prepared by Name Position Date ATTACH'IIENT 6 Section 3 Plan All hid packages must contain the follo:•ring information: 1 - Purpose of the Section 3 Plan - Contractor's Compliance Form 3 - Contractor'-s Section 3 Plan _4 - Trainee Utilization Plan 5 - Skilled Employee Util-ization Plan 6 - List of organizations concerned with the employment of lo%-i-modern,.- income persons. i- List of project area businesses . 7Rir.I E LIA_;,, This form, is to be sub;nitted aiith the Nonthly Employment Utilization Report (SF 257). If more space is needed, please continue on other side of page. COIITRAC,TORS NAiI�: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: - 1- Total number of trainees to be utilized on this project? Please list by Mork category. OF TRAINEES WORK-CATEGORY 2- Total nur;;ber of trainees currently on your permanent work force? Please i st by rorh category. A OF T^A.I'IE=S WORK CATEGORY 3- Total number o` `raine2s currently to be recruited and hired from the project area? 7 OF TRAINEES V!ORK CATEGORY DATE CO3•IPANY Cr'FiCIAL 'S SiCI;�;TU E 'D T=TLE �I�LED L?1PLCYCE ii 11. 1 _ 1 iii_ This form is to be Submitted wi th the 'Ioni.Irly Fmployment UtiI i7aLion Report (SF 251). If more space is needed please continue on Ther side of page. CONTRACTOR' S i;A.•IE: ADDRESS: TELEPuONE: PROJECT NPUME: ADDRESS: I- Total Number of skilled employees to be utilized on this project? Please list by work category. n OF SKILLED EMPLOYEES WORK CATEGORY 2- Total I,uT: er o; skilled e.,,plcyees currently on your permanent work force? Please list by vxrk category. , r OF SKILLED 4IORK CATEGORY 3- Total `.umber of skilled employees currently to be recruited and hired from the project area? >a OF SKILLED E"PLOYEES 410RK CATEGORY DATE CC'-1PANY OFF IC AL 'S SiC'1ATUR2_ TITLE CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR P1I^JOP,ITIES AND FEMALES :111Ai•':c OF PROJECT: PROJECT NU.1QER: MU"JICIPALITY: -------------- COMPANY NAME: - ADDRESS: TOWN, STATE, ZIP: SIGNATURE: TITLE: DATE: PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION: FROM TO: month/year month/year Is your company minority or female owned? yes I no Is your company subcontracting any part of this contract female o ned business? , to a minority or yes 1-j no L_.f If you ans:•,ered yes to either question above, please check each box that applies to your company: Ma l e Fema 1 e C1 Black C1 Hispanic C1 Native American other speci�j Amount of Contract S Check each box that applies to your sub-contractor male [� female black Hispanic Native American other specify Amount of Subcontract j . Mane or Subcontractor