HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 3rd Qtr THIRD QUARTER 2013 GROUND WATER-MONITORING REPORT FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL 6155 COX LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY 11944 Prepared for: Southold Town Solid Waste Management District 6155 Cox Lane Cutchogue, NY 11944 FOt,�co . .r Prepared by: Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 1 Aerial Way Syosset, NY 11791 Submitted to: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 1 Headquarters SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790 FEBRUARY 3, 2014 Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchoque, NY • TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Number and Title Page Number 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 1 3.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 2 3.1 Field Parameter Results 2 3.2 Leachate Indicator Parameter Results 3 3.3 Inorganic Parameter Results 5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6 Figure Number and Title Follows Page Number 1. Site Location Map 1 • 2. Well Location Map 1 Table Number and Title Follows Page Number 1. Summary of Part 360 Routine Parameter Results for 2 Third Quarter 2013 Monitoring Round Appendices A. Sample Data Summary Package • i Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY is 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Town of Southold has retained Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. (LKB) to perform post-closure ground-water monitoring and reporting for its closed and capped MSW landfill in Cutchogue, NY (Site). The location of the Site is shown in Figure 1. This report is for the third quarter 2013 monitoring round, conducted on August 15th, and describes the work performed and the results obtained. Section 2.0 (Methods and Procedures) details the project requirements and the specific work performed. Section 3.0 (Discussion of Results) summarizes the key findings from this monitoring round, including comparison of the laboratory results to standards and guidance values. Section 4.0 (Conclusions and Recommendations) provides conclusions based on this quarter's results, and recommendations for upcoming monitoring rounds. Each report section is supported by figures and/or tables, as appropriate, which follow the page on which they are first referenced. The laboratory data summary package for this monitoring round is provided in Appendix A. 2.0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES Water-level measurements and ground-water samples are typically collected from the . twelve monitoring wells listed below. A site plan showing the locations of the wells is provided in Figure 2. • MW-1S • MW-5S • MW-1 D . MW-5D • MW-3S • MW-6S • MW-3D . MW-6D • MW-4S • MW-8S • MW4D • MW-8D Prior to sampling, the water-level in each well is measured to the nearest 0.01-feet from the top of the well casing utilizing a decontaminated water-level meter. This round, the water-level meter malfunctioned due to an electrical short, and as a result water-level measurements could not be collected. However, since water-level measurements have been collected on a quarterly basis over multiple years, and will be collected next quarter, the lack of water-level measurements this quarter is not a significant data gap. Ground-water samples were collected utilizing a Grundfos RediFlo2 variable-speed electric submersible pump connected to 250 feet of 3/4-inch diameter polyethylene hose on a Keck Reel. Utilizing the well construction records, the pump was placed at the mid- point of each well's screen. Each well was then purged at a low flow rate until its turbidity was less than 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) and/or field parameter readings stabilized. 1 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. • Duck Pond F1 N D 11958 SITE R E G 0 N 1193 CUTCHOGUE SrA EAST TTITUCK p CUMIOGUE CEMErf NS C UPT C-H E I P" NLCK 25 W V, 41t ORTH FORK a rsh Pf % coffivrRy WJcw MATTtrucm ;7 CLUB est Cr ar AIRF)ORI- curCHOGUE HARBOR Old Cove gig 0 1 I.-L- L -----)Marra tooka Pf Y.C. Kimo 7y NEW SUFFOLK FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL, CUTCHOGUE, NY Na-.A EL 1 1 < [ c g e y££ r r c � } + f i '1 ( } af tti if I _ i 1 LPGEND f s � iviri-6� _ _.. t FJiOs`vETC?R?4+s'?`lELL 30G 150AD SCALE tN FEET NOTE:WELL SYMBOLS NOT TO,SCALE a� Note: Base map provided by Town of Southold FIGURE 2 WELL LOCATION PLAN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL, CUTCHOGUE, NY L�a�V Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY The sampling apparatus was decontaminated between wells by rinsing its interior and exterior with distilled water. Field parameters were measured utilizing a calibrated YSI 556 Multi Probe System equipped with a flow-through cell. The ground water purged during sampling was discharged to the land surface at each well location. The ground-water samples were collected directly from the pump discharge hose into new laboratory-supplied bottles of the type required for each specific analysis. A duplicate was collected from Well MW-6S. A matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate was collected from Well MW-8S. Field notes were recorded in a bound field notebook. Each sample was labeled with the well number, time and date, etc., placed in a cooler with ice to keep it at 4°C, and delivered to the laboratory the following day. The samples were analyzed for the 6NYCRR Part 360 Routine Parameters. The field parameters were monitored by LKB. Laboratory analyses were performed by EcoTest Laboratories, Inc. a division of H2M Labs, Inc., in Melville, NY. EcoTest is certified by the New York State Department of Health's Environmental Laboratory Approval Program in all required analytical categories and employs the required internal QA/QC procedures, including analysis of matrix spikes, matrix spike duplicates, method blanks and continuing calibration samples. It also participates in the required biennial proficiency testing. The field data and laboratory results were reviewed by LKB per QA/QC Plan requirements and determined to be useable. 3.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The field and laboratory results for the third quarter 2013 ground water-monitoring round are summarized and compared to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values for Class GA (Potable) ground water, as applicable, in Table 1. A review of the results for each analytical parameter group is provided below. 3.1 Field Parameter Results Review of the field parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: • Ground-water conductivity values, including the upgradient wells, are higher relative to the main area of Long Island and may be at least partly attributed to the Site's North Fork location, where naturally higher ground-water salinities may occur due to the proximity to saline surface-water bodies. Conductivity values are highest in the deep wells located directly downgradient of the Site (e.g., Wells MW-3D, MW-4D and MW-5D). These highest values appear to be Site-related. • Except at Well Cluster 5, ground-water temperatures are slightly higher in the shallow well at each cluster. This pattern is attributed to seasonal influences. • Ground-water temperatures are also slightly higher in the downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. This pattern appears to be Site-related. 2 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. Table 1 Summary of Part 360 Routine Parameter Results for Third Quarter 2013 Monitoring Round Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY NYSDEC Part 360 Units Class GA Well Number and Result Routine Parameters Standard MW-1S MW-1 D MW-3S MW-3D MW-4S MW-4D MW-5S MW-5D MW-6S MW-6D MW-8S MW-8D Water-Level Data: T.O.C. Elevation Feet MSL N/A 44.83 44.88 49.50 49.19 63.03 62.92 68.14 67.64 55.77 55.71 54.16 55.29 Depth to Water Feet N/A NM NM NM 43.88 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Water-Level Elevation Feet MSL N/A NA NA NA 5.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameters: Conductivity ms/cm No Standard 0.177 0.310 0.920 1.620 0.730 2.310 0.127 2.140 0.211 0.417 0.910 1.080 Temperature oC No Standard 14.2 13.2 16.6 16.2 16.8 15.7 14.6 14.9 13.5 12.8 16.4 15.6 Floaters or Sinkers N/A None None None None None None None None None None None None None pH Units 6.5-8.5 5.20 6.98 6.40 6.47 6.25 6.67 5.44 6.65 5.81 5.89 6.57 6.77 Eh pHmV No Standard 93.6 -4.6 27.5 23.6 35.8 1.1 80.1 13.4 59.4 54.8 17.9 6.8 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L No Standard 7.99 2.90 NM 1.99 0.57 0.29 2.67 NM 1.11 2.22 0.92 0.64 Field Observations N/A No Standard Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor No Odor Turbidity NTU <5 1.62 2.42 2.74 2.18 1.55 1.74 2.64 2.62 1.88 2.23 3.02 1.50 ORP mV No Standard 193 39.5 -81.3 75.6 81.1 9.8 133 29.2 122 84.3 -103 -66.2 Leachate Indicators: Alkalinity mg/L No Standard 6.85 30.9 200 495 187 677 17.6 729 59.2 10.6 290 293 Ammonia mg/L 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 16.4 67.0 < 0.1 26.2 < 0.1 85.8 < 0.1 < 0.1 23.3 23.7 BOD mg/L No Standard < 2 < 2 6 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 3 < 2 Bromide mg/L 2Gv < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.51 < 0.5 2.01 < 0.5 1.03 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.56 Chloride mg/L 250 36.1 25.8 55.1 147 18.5 315 18.6 451 17.1 45.5 41.6 105 COD mg/L No Standard < 10 < 10 33.5 55.8 17.2 54.5 < 10 71.4 23.7 < 10 36.2 25.0 Hardness mg/L No Standard 42 100 230 350 400 660 34 380 80 164 260 270 Nitrate mg/L 10 0.92 3.27 0.19 < 2 21.5 < 0.1 0.37 < 0.1 0.92 7.73 < 2 < 2 Phenols _ ug/L 1 < 5 < 5 < 5 5.1 < 5 < 5 < 5 6.8 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 Sulfate mg/L 250 22.4 66.4 32.2 39.7 44.0 96.9 12.0 42.6 9.55 103 44.9 88.5 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 500 113 208 300 630 566 1,260 84 980 155 335 398 566 TKN mg/L No Standard 0.17 0.31 17.3 72.1 0.5 27.5 0.53 94.0 1.15 0.31 24 22.7 Total Organic Carbon mg/L No Standard < 1.0 < 1.0 7.6 19.9 10.2 22.9 2.7 30.7 10.4 1.1 11.4 11.0 Inorganic Parameters: Cadmium ug/L 5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Calcium ug/L No Standard 7,490 24,600 28,700 36,300 73,400 151,000 5,510 83,900 23,400 37,100 66,500 60,600 Iron ug/L 300 16.2 137 89,400 27,900 10.6 379 29.3 99.6 31.2 18.8 46,200 10,400 Lead ug/L 25 4.1 4.5 < 10 < 1 < 1 4.1 4.1 < 1 2.1 4.4 < 5 2.2 Magnesium ug/L 35,000 4,760 11,600 20,300 34,600 22,400 66,500 4,480 35,400 6,910 18,200 19,600 30,900 Manganese ug/L 300 12.8 7.0 3,520 3,420 6,730 3,670 19.3 13,000 2,770 1,230 848 1,660 Potassium ug/L No Standard 3,630 1,690 19,700 69,600 49,000 49,500 2,950 105,000 5,160 3,320 36,200 49,400 Sodium ug/L 20,000 15,700 18,700 30,400 102,000 11,600 201,000 11,600 138,000 5,120 15,600 24,200 57,500 Notes: T.O.C. =Top of Casing. COD = Chemical Oxygen Demand. mV = millivolts. Results in bold font and highlighted in yellow MSL = Mean Sea Level. TKN =Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. mg/L = milligrams per Liter. exceed Class GA Standard or Guidance Value. mS/cm = milliSiemens per centimeter. °C = Degrees Celsius. ug/L = micrograms per Liter. ORP = Oxygen Reduction Potential. pHmV = pH in millivolts. N/A = Not Applicable. BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand. NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Units. NM = Not Measured. Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY • No floaters or sinkers were noted during this monitoring round. • Ground-water pH is slightly acidic, and is lower than the minimum standard in seven of the 12 wells this quarter. The results are consistent with the naturally low pH of Long Island ground water, and are similar in upgradient and downgradient wells. Ground-water pH is slightly to moderately higher in the deep well at each cluster. • Eh is lower in the deep well at each cluster, and the lowest Eh values occurred in Wells MW-1 D, MW-4D and MW-8D. • Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations are generally lower in the downgradient wells than in the upgradient wells, but DO was present in all wells measured. DO was not measured in Wells MW-3S and MW-5D due to a probe malfunction. • The ground water in all 12 wells was observed to be clear, and did not have a noticeable odor. • The turbidity of ground water is low and was less than the 5-NTU limit in all 12 wells this quarter. Therefore, the collection of filtered samples for dissolved metals analyses was not required. • The ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) of ground water is moderately to strongly positive at three well clusters (MW-1, MW-5 and MW-6) and in Wells MW-3D and MW-4S; low in Well MW-4D; and moderately negative in Well MW-3S and Well Cluster MW-8 this quarter. The highest ORP reading occurred in Upgradient Well MW-1 S. The lowest (most negative) ORP reading occurred in Well MW-8S. Overall, the field parameter results obtained this quarter are consistent with the Site's usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts are relatively minor in magnitude and limited to higher conductivity and temperature, and lower DO levels and ORP readings, in certain downgradient wells. 3.2 Leachate Indicator Parameter Results Review of the leachate parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: • Ground-water alkalinity is noticeably higher in seven of the 10 downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and is highest in Wells MW-3D, MW-4D and MW-5D. • Ammonia is present in six downgradient wells, at concentrations exceeding the 2-ug/L Class GA ground-water standard, and is highest in Wells MW-3D and MW-5D. The fact that the highest ammonia concentrations occur in deep wells suggests that they may be partly due to natural saline ground-water conditions. • Biological oxygen demand (BOD) was only detected in two shallow downgradient wells (MW-3S and MW-8S), at very low concentrations. • Bromide was detected in four of the five deep downgradient wells (MW-3D, MW- 4D, MW-5D and MW-8D). The bromide concentration in Well MW-4D is slightly higher than the 2-mg/L Class GA guidance value. 3 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY • • Chloride levels are noticeably higher in four of the five deep downgradient wells (Wells MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D and MW-8D) relative to the upgradient wells. The concentrations in Wells MW-4D and MW-5D are higher than the 250-mg/L Class GA ground-water standard. The fact that chloride concentrations are higher in certain deep wells suggests that they may be associated with naturally saline ground-water conditions. • Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was detected in eight of the ten downgradient wells, and was generally slightly higher in the deep wells. The highest COD result occurred in Well MW-5D. • Ground-water hardness values are higher in eight of the 10 downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. The highest hardness value occurred in Well MW-4D. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. • Ground-water nitrate levels are relatively low, and lower than the Class GA ground-water standard in every well except Well MW-4S. • Phenols were only detected in two deep downgradient wells (MW-3D and MW- 5D). Both concentrations are higher than the 1-ug/L Class GA ground-water standard, which is aesthetics-based. • Sulfate is present in all 12 wells, but only at relatively low concentrations below the 250-mg/L Class GA ground-water standard. Concentrations are similar in the upgradient and downgradient wells, and slightly higher in the deep wells. • • Total dissolved solids (TDS) results are noticeably higher in eight of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and exceed the 500-mg/L Federal MCL in Wells MW-3D, MW-4S, MW-4D, MW-5D and MW-8D. The highest TDS concentrations occur in the deep wells; which suggests that they may be associated with naturally saline ground-water conditions. • Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations were noticeably higher in six of the 10 downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. The highest TKN concentrations occurred in Wells MW-3D and MW-5D. There is no standard or guidance value or this parameter. • Total organic carbon (TOC) was detected in all 10 downgradient wells. The highest concentrations occurred in Wells MW-3D, MW-4D and MW-5D. Overall, the leachate parameter results obtained this quarter are also consistent with the Site's usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts indicated by these results include downgradient increases in most of the detected parameters. However, it is important to note that 1) the there are no ground-water standards for six of the parameters; and 2) the downgradient increases occur in a limited number of wells. Moreover, ground water in this area is naturally saline at depth, and ultimately discharges to a saline surface-water body (Long Island Sound). Therefore, the exceedances for ammonia, bromide, chloride, nitrate and TDS, which occur naturally in • saline ground water and seawater, are not a significant concern with respect to public health or the environment. 4 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY • 3.3 Inorganic Parameter Results Review of the inorganic routine parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: • Cadmium was not detected in any of the wells sampled this quarter. • Calcium was detected in all 12 wells, and is noticeable higher in Wells MW-4S, MW-41D, MW-51D, MW-8S and MW-81D relative to the upgradient wells. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. • Iron is present in all 12 wells, was detected at concentrations exceeding the Class GA ground-water standard in five downgradient wells, and is highest in Well Clusters MW-3 and MW-8. The highest iron concentrations occurred in the shallow wells at these two clusters, suggesting that they are site-related. • Lead was detected at very low, similar concentrations in both upgradient wells and five of the ten downgradient wells. All detections are much lower than the Class GA ground-water standard. • Magnesium was detected in all 12 wells, but only the concentrations in Wells MW-41D and MW-51D are higher than the Class GA ground-water guidance value. Magnesium concentrations are higher in the deeper wells; which suggests that they are primarily due to naturally saline ground-water conditions. • • Manganese was detected in all 12 well. Manganese concentrations are higher in nine of the 10 downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and highest in Well MW-51D. The manganese concentrations in these nine downgradient wells also exceed the 300-ug/L Class GA ground-water standard. At three of the downgradient well clusters, manganese concentrations are higher in the shallow well; which suggests that they may be Site-related. • Potassium was detected in all 12 wells. Potassium concentrations are higher in seven of the 10 downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and are highest in Wells MW-31D and MW-51D. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. • Sodium was detected in all 12 wells. Sodium concentrations are noticeably higher in six downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and exceed the 20,000-ug/L Class GA ground-water standard in these wells. The highest sodium concentrations occur in the deep wells; which suggests that they are primarily due to naturally saline ground-water conditions. Overall, the inorganic parameter results obtained this quarter are also consistent with the Site's usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts indicated by these results include downgradient increases in calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium. However, it is important to note that 1) some of the increases are relatively minor in magnitude, sporadic, and/or less than the Class GA ground-water standard; 2) there are no ground water-quality standards or guidance values for calcium • or potassium; and 3) iron, manganese and sodium are not considered to be particularly 5 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. Third Quarter 2013 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY . hazardous. Moreover, as noted above, ground water in this area is naturally saline at depth and ultimately discharges to a saline surface-water body (Long Island Sound). Therefore, the exceedances for these parameters, which occur naturally in saline ground water and seawater, are not a concern with respect to public health or the environment. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the third quarter 2013 monitoring round, LKB concludes the following: • In general, ground water-quality conditions are consistent with the Site's North Fork setting near saline surface-water bodies. • Comparison of upgradient and downgradient results indicates potential Site- related impacts consistent with an old MSW landfill, however further assessment indicates that they are not a significant concern with respect to public health or the environment. The monitoring schedule for the Site requires monitoring ground water for 6NYCRR Part 360 routine parameters during three calendar quarters and for Part 360 baseline • parameters during one calendar quarter, in rotating quarters. Annual baseline rounds have been performed in the third quarter of 2011, the fourth quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. Therefore, the next baseline monitoring round should be performed during the second quarter of 2014. Accordingly, LKB recommends that the next two monitoring rounds be performed for Part 360 routine parameters. • 6 Lockwood, Kessler& Bartlett, Inc. (aL)s • 57 5 31oac Hol ow Road 631694 3040 '£. `vie vi'?e, NY 11147 631.420 8436 SAMPLE DATA SUMMARY PACKAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT PROJECT: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL 2013 MONITORING ROUND SAMPLES RECEIVED: 8/16/13 SDG NO.: LK13007 1. NYS DEC SUMMARY FORMS 2. CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION 3. SDG NARRATIVES 4. SAMPLE REPORTS 4.1 METALS 4.2 WET CHEMISTRY 5. DUPLICATE SUMMARY RESULTS 5.1 METALS 5.2 WET CHEMISTRY 6. SPIKE SAMPLE RESULTS 6.1 METALS 6.2 WET CHEMISTRY 7. BLANK SUMMARY DATA AND RESULTS 7.1 METALS 7.2 WET CHEMISTRY • labs 575 B;oad HoHow Road 1. "47 ki e e NY 'I i J, NYS DEC SUMMARY FORMS NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION • SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYTICAL REQUIREMENT SUMMARY SDG: LK113007 Anal tical Requirements Customer Laboratory ME we Sample Sample Code Code MW-3D 1308851-001 X X !MW-3S 1308851002 X X MW-51) 1308851-003 X X MW-5S 1308851-004 X X MW-41) 1308851-005 X X IMW-4S 1 1308851-006 X X ---- --- ----- ------ IMW-813 ( _-1308851-007_ - X X �MW-8S1308851-008 X X jMW-7S 1308851-009 X X :MW-6S i 1308851-010 X X MW-6D ; 1308851-011 X X M_WA D 1308851-012 X X ,MW-1S 1308851-013 X X Field Blank 1308851-014 X X • CLk Non-6lease indicate year of protocol) Z�v TCUTAL, HSL, Priority Pollutant, )� 1� 1 ►3 • 0 • NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS SUMMARY SDG : LK13007 INORGANIC ANALYSIS Laboratory DateRecd Date i Samp ID Client Sample ID Matrix Metals Requested at Lab Analyzed 1308851-001 MW-3D WATER I CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-002 MW-3S WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-003 MW-5D WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-004 MW-5S WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-005 MW-4D WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-006 !MW-4S WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-007 IMW-8D WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-008 iMW-8S i WATER CA,GD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-OO8DUP BMW-8SD I WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-008MS !MW-8SS WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-009 IMW-7S WATER CA,CD,FEK,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-010 jMW-6S WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-011 IMW-6D WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 116-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-012 MW-1D WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-013 IMW-1S WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 1308851-014 IFicid Blank WATER CA,CD,FE,K,MG,MN,NA,PB, 16-Aug-13 09/13 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS SUMMARY SDG : LKB007 INORGANIC ANALYSIS Laboratory IDateRecd Date Samp ID I Client Sample IDI Matrix I Tests at Lab I Analyzed 1308851-001 MW-3D Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** I 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-002 MW-3S Groundwater i SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-003 MW-SD Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-004 MW-5S i Groundwater I SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1 30885 1-005 MW-4D Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 I i 1308851-006 MW4S Groundwater 1 SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** I 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-007 MW-813 I Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** i 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 I i � 1308851-008 MW-8S GroundwaterSELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 I I 1308851-008DUP MW-8SDUP f Groundwater II SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-008MS i MW-8SMS Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 . 1 30885 1-009 MW-7S j Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 ; i 1308851-010 MW-6S Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 1308851-011 MW-6D Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 f i i 1308851-012 I MW-ID Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 I ( i 1308851-013 MW-IS Groundwater SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 I i 1308851-014 Field Blank Field Blank SELECT WET CHEMISTRY** 08/16/13 08/13-09/13 ** Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) ; Biochemical Oxygen Demand ; Bromide;Chemical Oxygen Demand ;Chloride ; Hardness(As CaCO3); Nitrate as N ;Nitrite as N ; Nitrogen, Ammonia(As N) ; Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total; Phenolics,Total Recoverable;Sulfate; Total Dissolved Solids ;Total Organic Carbon; • NFA labs X75 Broad HO!Q.+;sc,a.. 631-69)4,3040 < Melville-NY ?'f'4? 631.420 8436 2. CHAIN OF CUSTODY ST O Y D OCUMENTATION • • F20k I AIBySo ING 42*7 EXTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY 575 Broad Hollow Rd,Melville,NY 11747.5076 Tel.(631) 694-3040Pax:(631) 420-8436 CLIENT: `. H2M SDG NO: L14, PROJECT NAMEINUM\,BER\ NOTES: Project Contact: U� Phone Number: T3 s� � J �r' (�"' ry �- SAMPLERS:(signatureyCiient S 3� C. �Ly\ L„ LV ,�,jv o L — a C P!S/4uote# DELIVERABLES: ° g ANALYSIS REQUESTED d TURNAROUND TIME: Z ORGANIC INORG. � � Z DATE TIME MATRIX FIELD I.D. j g v LAB I.D. NO. REMARKS: qkSIV 7-30 I5 �'_ w t -.0 v Z. rill 5 1b:15 tj 4J-X11 � 15 1:0 GW I tA�-`15 1 , 00 S is wm -7 •�- 8i a oD c1 Reunqulehed (S"hml Dto Time by,(Signature) Date Time LABORATORY USE ONLY �I loll 'a� Discrepancies Between Aarnoles were: Re lnqulehed by:(Signature) Date Time W&Ived by:(Signature) Date Time Sample Sample Labels and 1.Shipped_or Mand DelNered_,_,Airbillo b 10 Q J /' 3.Ambient chilled,Temp (/ COC Record? Y or N 3,Reoeryin n condition; Y or N lRounquished by:(signature) Date Time by:(Sipnat,rs) Date Time Explain: 4.Property preserved: Y or N COC Tape was: Cooler temp 0C 1.Protentoncuter packege: YorN IR un / 122476478 Time Received bY(Slgnature) Date Time Z.Unhvkenonouter peclop: YorN 9 3.COC record present a cornplete upon sample receipt: pH strips(IOBDHO431) <2 3 9 >12 YorN Free C12 strips(041912C)Present/Absent Lot# YELLOW COPY - CLIENT PINK COPY - LABORATORY U2A6 I A US, INC• 4 p# EXTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY 575 Broad Hollow Rd,Melville,NY 11747-5076 Tel.(631) 694-3040Fax:(631) 420-8436 CLIENT: LL_AL H2M SDG NO: PROJECT NAME/NUMBER tibR t: t i `( NOTES: Pro/ect Contact a �Av al i Lc,,,�� � r Phone Number: a J .J 51 '`'13,?-o of, SAMPLERS:(signatureYCiient PIS/Quote# J J J DELIVERABLES: z° ANALYSIS REQUESTED TURNAROUND TIME: $ ORGANIC INORG. Z DATETIME MATRIX FIELD I.D. U LAB I.D. NO. REMARKS: 7 1 Zb Cooler temp_°C IR gun 23 ( 122076478 pH strips (1 OBD ) <2 3 9 ?:12 Free C12 strips(041912C)Present/Absent Lot# Rel ensu .touate I Itne by:(Sigrualure) Date Time �j �^ LABORATORY USE ONLY vww I(W 11 q^�.5 Discrepancies BeWeen �R1 pped t>y:(Signature) Date Time by:(Signature) Date Time Sample Labels and 1•Stappod_or Hand Delivered_Airbiiq/ jfI� 2.Ambient or dinned,Temp i F� VIC �� COC Record? Y of N 3.Received in good oondition: Y or N istued by:(Signature) Date Time Received by Ignature) Date Time Explain: 4.Property preserved: Y or N CDC Tape was: 1.Present on outer package: Y or N RWKMsW by:(Signature) Date Time Received by.(Signature) Date Time 2.Unbroken on outer package: Y or N 3.COC rewrd present 6 complete upon sample receipt: YorN WHITE COPY - ORIGINAL YELLOW COPY - CLIENT PINK COPY - LABORATORY H2M LABS INC tabs 575 Broad Hollow Road Melville,NY]1747 Sample Receipt Checklist • TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 MR Website:www.hlmlabs.com Client Name LKB Date and Time Received: 8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Work Order Number. 1308851 RcptNo: 1 Received by JoshLaedke Completed by: 'Y J=� -G-J Reviewed by: Completed Date: 8/16/2013 11:02:57 AM Reviewed Date: 8/20/2013 1:44:23 PM Carrier name: Client Chain of custody present? Yes R1 No❑ Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Yes Rj No❑ Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Yes ❑ No W Are matrices correctly identified on Chain of custody? Yes © No❑ Is it clear what analyses were requested? Yes © No❑ Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Yes ❑ No❑ Not Present ❑d Samples in proper container/bottle? Yes © No❑ Were correct preservatives used and noted? Yes No❑ NA ❑ Preservative added to bottles: Sample Condition? Intact 0 Broken❑ Leaking ❑ Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? Yes Rj No❑ Were container labels complete(ID,Pres,Date)? Yes R1 No❑ All samples received within holding time? Yes © No❑ Was an attempt made to cool the samples? Yes Sel No❑ NA ❑ All samples received at a temp.of>0°C to 6.0°C? Yes M No❑ NA ❑ Response when temperature is outside of range: Sample Temp.taken and recorded upon receipt? Yes R1 No❑ 0.5 To 3.60 Water-Were bubbles absent in VOC vials? Yes ❑ No❑ No Vials Water-Was there Chlorine Present? Yes ❑ No❑ NA 66 Water-pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes d❑ No❑ No Water ❑ Are Samples considered acceptable? Yes © No❑ Custody Seals present? Yes ❑ No Airbill or Sticker? Air Bill ❑ Sticker❑ Not Present Airbill No: Case Number: SDG: SAS: LKB007 Any No response should be detailed in the comments section below,if applicable. Client Contacted? © Yes ❑ No Person Contacted: John Gerlach Contact Mode: R] Phone: ❑ Fax: ❑ Email: ❑ In Person: Client Instructions: Date Contacted: 811 612 01 3 Contacted By: Jennifer Aracri Regarding: Comments: Chain has sample as MW-32 on the bottle sample is labeled as MW-3S Sample MW-8S,MS,MSD 2 had different a different shade,the samples composited at the lab samples came in 4 coolers temps are as follows,0.5,1.1C CorrectiveAction: COC was fixed to reacd MW-3s and sample was composited wit client approval_ Page I of I t12M LABS, INC. INTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: (�-�` DELIVERABLES: — x TURN AROUND TIME: Z S SDG#:& - 0� CASE 0:: MATRIX: pH CtE00or N P7.W 7F REMARKS: (�73 .—n )'`- REC EWED BY: SIGNATURE DATE:�fIIvfE: G GO H2M LAD DATE BOTTLE NOF TESTS J,q CLIENT ID N COLLECTED TYPE; TILES REQUESTED /�� g I X/3 1T 3-5 co -003 w - :0 06 • w - -oK A 3 Pis1rn .. — --p lG l� roll A -013 phn U�°ly v „ METALS ~ t i2M UAUSs INC. CLIENT SDG #: h500 INTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY SAMPLE PURPOSE OF RELINQUISHED SAMPLE BOTTLE CHANCE OF DATE /TIME BY REC IVED BY `TYPE C(USTODY� ) INIT Mew 1ST 6`.pa BIO» ✓ 1�-, �-�'�-'�.5�� 81 slow 9100 slow 9I011 sIm1 BION allow sIGN s1o0 9I ON BIOw 9I ON slow SIGN BION SICK Slow SIGN SION SIGN BION SIGN Slow SIC" 3ION SIGN 3I09 SION 3ION SIGN SIGN SIGN 3200 SION slow SIGN 310" SION 9ION SIGN Slow SIGN 3100 SIGN SION SIGN METALS i t12AA UA", INC, 1 INTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY _+ CLIENT: DELIVERABLES: 80-`O TURN AROUND TDfE:_2 l 0 SDG#: CASE#: MATRIX: pH Cf(Eq a N REMARKS: fy5* oz z 6 I Z- RECEIVED BY. SIGtJA71TItEG%� ` ���- DATE IGS :/o.c II2M LAB DATE BOTTLE #OF TESTS CLIENT ID # COLLECTED TYPE BOTTLES REQUESTED �✓-Srs 03_w ' �� " 3� ���5� � NOy�q_w 30© _,,,,...,. 10/13dG ti/�✓ N93-w�wC-/---' �1F 0 35 �2(8- ,..e 2 -ckanr- As Ac, S� -003 � ov y 0 00 s ly ys006 �S 0/0 Off '• t5 u ti 3 N I1 WET CHEMISTRY P 00 0-1 i U2A UA US, INC. CLIENT: SDG #: , !\ 80017 INTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY SAMPLE PURPOSE OF RELINOUISHED SAMPLE BOTTLE CHARGE OF DATE TIME BY RECEIVED BY TYPE CUSTODY INIT h 1 n„ 3I Oa Flas S i uJ g D SIGN l t /Y JG? /✓"!Yn slow ezml ezG�I . zv-J3 f3�'� Uar i7 '1 s 9roa SICN ZH .� 7 SrON SIC IO]t SIGN Ci�Its slow p // l ICN J SIGN SICN SIGN SIGN slow SIGN SIGN SICN SIGN SIGN glow slow SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN BION SICN SIGN SIGN WET CHEMISTRY P Oo®2 to b s 575,B :oad Hollow Road ' Gcj4 3040 o=eIV,fe. NY 11747 1.420 8436 3. SDG NARRATIVES • • �► labs ` .= 575 Broad Hollow Road tel 631.694.3040 Melville,NY 11747 fax 631.420.8436 SDG TIVE FOR METALS ANALYSES SAMPLE(S)RECEIVED: 8/16/13 SDG#: LKB007 For Sample(s): MW-3D MW-4S MW-6D MW-3S MW-8D MW-1D MW-5D MW-8S MWA S MW-5S MW-7S Field Blank MW-4D MW-6S The above water sample(s) was/were received by 1-12M Labs, Inc. for analysis of a select list of metals. Samples were prepared and analyzed using EPA methods 200.7 with a TS ICAP 6000 instrument All Q. C. data and calibrations met the requirements of the method unless discussed below, and no problems were encountered with sample analysis. The following should be noted: Sample MW-8S was utilized for Q. C. analysis and reporting. The spike recovery was not within 75-125% for iron. Since the sample concentration was greater than four times the spike concentrations, post spike and data qualifiers were not required. The spike analysis did not meet acceptance criteria for lead. The sample was post spiked, reanalyzed and recovered at 121.1%. Lead data were flagged with the qualifier"N" on forms 1 and 5A. Two samples, MW-3S and MW-8S, were diluted for lead due to matrix interference. Sodium was analyzed with one wavelength only at wavelength 330.23. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his designee, as verified by the following signature. Date Reported: September 23, 2013 Ursula Middel Technical Manager tabs yx, 575 Broad Hul:ow R.ad531 6:4.3440 Melvi'le,NY 11-47 631.42&84-16 SDG NARRATIVE FOR WET CHEMISTRY SAMPLE(S) RECEIVED: 8/16/13 SDG #: LK13007 For Sample(s): MW-31) MW-8S MW-3S MW-7S MW-51) MW-6S MW-5S MW-6D MW-41) MW-1D MW-4S MW-IS MW-81) Field Blank Sample(s) was/were received by EcoTest, a division of H2M Labs, Inc for select wet chemistry analysis. Samples were prepared and analyzed using the following methods: Alkalinity SM2320B Nitrate EPA 353.2 Anions—Cl, SO4, Br EPA 300.0 Nitrite EPA 353.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand SM5210B Phenols EPA 420.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand EPA 410.4 Total Dissolved Solids SM2540C Ammonia EPA 350.1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA 351.2 Hardness SM2340C Total Organic Carbon SM5310B Sample MW-8S was utilized for Q.C. analysis and reporting. The BOD oxygen depletion blank was greater than 0.2 mg/L. This was noted on the final BOD reports. Due to matrix interferences samples MW-3D, MW-8D, and MW-8S required a 1:5 dilution for nitrate. The reporting limit was elevated as required. Samples were diluted and reanalyzed as required to keep instrument readings within calibration ranges or to minimize matrix interferences. No other issues were noted during the analysis of this sample group. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his designee, as verified by the following signature. Date Reported: October 4, 2013 Joan . Slavin Senior Vice President labs • 575 _,.!-iokow Rc;ad a 5'44C 0e L e, Nv 17417 e' 4 8426 4. SAMPLE REPORTS 4.1 METALS 4.2 WET CHEMISTRY • U2M► "USs ISG. QUALIFIERS FOR METALS ANALYSIS Q (Quality Control) Qualifiers E - Serial dilution is not within acceptance criteria or the reported value is estimated because of the presence of interference. An explanatory note is included in the SDG narrative. N - Matrix spike sample recovery not within control limits. * - Duplicate analysis is not within control limits. C (Concentration) Qualifiers B - Entered if the reported value is less than the Contract Required Detection ` ? Limit (CRDL) but greater than the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). U - Entered if the analyte was analyzed for but not detected, i.e., less ttian ji*ti IDL. 40. 1 A`(lWethod) Qualifiers P - Analyzed by ICP. MS - Analyzed by ICP-MS CV- Analyzed by Manual Cold Vapor techniques. AV- Analyzed by Automated Cold Vapor techniques-. C - Analyzed by Manual SpectrophotometricMethod.. CA- Analyzed by Midi--distillation Spectrophotometric Method. NR - Analyte not Required. , f tabs - 5?5 Broad Hol Ft.=a.: 531.694.3040 Melville. NY 11 A:' 601 420.8436 4.1 METALS • U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-3D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-001 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 36300 P 7_439-89-6 Iron 27900 P 7439-92-1 Lead 1.0 U N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 34600 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 3420 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 69600 P 7440-23-5 Sodium 102000 P • Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 • FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - MW-3S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-002 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 28700 P 7439-89-6 Iron 89400 P 7439-92-1 Lead 10.0 U N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 20300 P 7439-96-5 'Manganese 3520 P 7440-09-7 jPotassium 19700 P 7440-23-5 ISodium30400 P I -�:F — Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: YELLOW Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 • U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-5D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-003 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 83900 P 7439-89-6 Iron - 99.6 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 1.0 U N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 35400_ P_ 7439-96-5 Manganese 13000 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 105000 _� P 7440-23-5 Sodium 138000 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments- Date omments:Date Reported 9/12/2013 _ • FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 • U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-5S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC --J Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-004 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 5510 P 7439-89-6 Iron _ 29.3 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 4.1 N_ P 7439-95-4 Magnesium _4480-B P 7439-96-5 Manganese 19.3 P ll 7440-09-7 Potassium ' 2950.B I P 7440-23-5 Sodium 11600 _� P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-4D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-005 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration � C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10IIU P 7440-70-2 Calcium _ 151000 P 7439-89-6 Iron 379 P 7439-92-1 Lead 4.1 _ N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium _ _ 66500 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 3670 _ P 7440-09-7 Potassium 49500 P 7440-23-5 Sodium 201000 P • Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 ------ FORM _-_FORM I - IN ILM04 .1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET � Lab Name: H2M LABS INC I MW-4S Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-006 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P- 7440-70-2 Calcium 73400 P 7439-89-6 Iron 10.6 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 1.0 U N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 22400` P 7439-96-5 Manganese 6730 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 49006H P 7440-23-5 Sodium 116001 1 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04.1 U.S. EPA - CLP I EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-8D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-007 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 60600 P 7439-89-6 Iron 10400 P 7439-92-1 Lead 2.2 B N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 30900 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 1660 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 49400 P 7440-23-5 Sodium 57500H P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-8S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-008 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 66500 P 7439-89-6 Iron 46200 P 7439-92-1 Lead 5.0 Ui N_ P 7439-95-4 Magnesium _ 1_9.600 P 7439-96-5 Manganese _ 848 P 7440-09-7 Potassium _ 36200; P 7440-23-5 Sodium 24200 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 • FORM I - IN ILM04. 1 • U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-7S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-009 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 EI Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q �Pq 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U 7440-70-2 Calcium 23300 P 7439-89-6 Iron 47.6 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 2.9 B N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium _ 6780 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 2690 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 5250 P 7440-23-5 IScdium 5090 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before:`CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04. 1 U.S. EPA - CLP I EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET E: MW-6S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-010 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U , P 7440-70-2 Calcium 23400; I P 7439-89-6 Iron 31.2iB P 7439-92-1 Lead 2.1 B N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 6910 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 2770 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 5160 P (f7440-23-5 Sodium 5120 P • Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 • FORM I - IN ILM04 .1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-6D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC , Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-011 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 37100 P 7439-89-6 Iron 18.8 B P i 7439-92-1 Lead 4.4 N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium _ 18200 P- 7439-96-5 Manganese 1230 P 7440-09-7 Potassium 3320 B P 7440-23-5 Sodium 15600 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments-, Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04. 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-1D Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-012 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 24600 P 7439-89-6 Iron 137 P 7439-92-1 :Lead 4.5 N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 11600 P 7439-96-5 Manganese 7.0 B P 7440-09-7 Potassium 1690 B P 7940-23-5 Sodium 18700 P Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04 .1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET MW-1S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-013 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 oi a Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L CAS No. Analyte Concentration C Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10! U P 7440-70-2 Calcium 7490 P 7439-89-6 Iron 16.2 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 4.11 N P i 7439-95-4 Magnesium 4760 B P 7439-96-5 Manganese 12.8 B P 7440-09-7 Potassium _ 3630 B P 7440-23-5 Sodium 15700 P . Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 FORM I - IN ILM04 . 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 1 EPA SAMPLE NO INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET — Field Blank Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Lab Sample ID: 1308851-014 Level (low/med) : LOW Date Received: 8/16/2013 % Solids: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L t CAS No. Analyte Concentration C . Q M 7440-43-9 Cadmium 0.10 UI P 7440-70-2 Calcium 75.4 BI P 7439-89-6 Iron 81.1 B P 7439-92-1 Lead 1.0 U N P 7439-95-4 Magnesium 16.9 U APr744O-E23-5 96-5 Manganese 54.1-7 Potassium 506 B Sodium 1260 U P • Color Before: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Texture: Color After: COLORLESS Clarity After: CLEAR Artifacts: Comments: Date Reported 9/12/2013 • FORM I - IN ILM04 .1 �ab � 5-5 E gad i-iolovr Roan' 6'31, 694-3040 f 3j L _ tf eM..le. NY 11747 ;1.42C.843E 4.2 WET CHEMISTRY • ER EST LABORATORIES iA division of H2M tabs, loc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 PAX:(631)420-8436 NYSIXJH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-001 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 : Client Sample ID: MW-3D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8[15/2013 7:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analldical Method: SM2320B: Anal t: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity.Total(As CaCO3) 495 D 10 mg/L 08119/2013 1:20 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300-0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container Bromide 0.51 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 3:54 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 147 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 4:08 AM Container-011 of 02 Sulfate 39.7 1 mg/L 09/052013 3:54 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521 OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst. CN Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:10 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst CN Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand 55.8 1 mg/L 0826/2013 8:18 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 350 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:30 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 67.0 D 50 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:20 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst EM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/20,13 1 CO3 PM Container-U7 of Uz Analytical Method: E353-2: Analyst TF Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <2.00 D 20 mg/L 08/192013 8:56 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8282013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Anal Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable 5.1 1 pg/L 08130/2013 8:34 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank yr"" D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 1 of 28 Ec'MsT LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The tab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-001 Type: Groundwater Client Sample ID: NIW-31) Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 7:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method SM254OC:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 630 D 2 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:05 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM AnalvsL TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 72.1 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:54 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Organic Carbon 19.9 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 2,02 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOO,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 2 of 28 • O T LABORATORIES A division of ti2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL(631)694-3040 FAX (631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-002 Type: Groundwater Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-3S Collected :8t1512013 8:15:00 AM Origin: Received :8t 16/2013 10:00.00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method- SM232OB: Analyst HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 200 D 10 mg/L 08/19/20131:28 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameterls) Results Qualifier -F. Units Analyzed: Container. Bromide <0-50 1 mg/L 09105/2013 4:48 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 55.1 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:02 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 322 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 4:48 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM52108: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20 32 AM Analyst CN Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 6 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:15 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand 33.5 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:20 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 230 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:35 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 16.4 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:23 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst EM Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:04 PM Container-01 of 02 Ana tical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N 0.19 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 8:58 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Metho& E420.11: Prep Method: E420A Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameterls) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:35 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 3 of 28 Ec'M T LABORATORIES • A division of 1-12M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-002 Type: Groundwater Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-3S Collected :8/15/2013 8:15:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM254OC:IOC Analvst MLM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 300 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:08 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 17.3 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:55 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM53106: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Organic Carbon 7.6 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 2:24 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=FLAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MOL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 4 of 28 � MST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#t 0478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-003 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-5D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 9:00:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10.00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM232OB: Analyst HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 729 D 10 mg/L 08/19/20131:35 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameterls3 Results Qualifier D.F_ Units Analyzed: Container. Bromide 1.03 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:15 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 451 D 10 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:29 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 42.6 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:15 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Me": SM52106 Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN ParameterU Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:20 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst CN Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand 714 1 mg/L 08/26/20138:22 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM2340C: Analyst JA Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 380 D 10 mg/L 08/19/20131:40 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst. bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 85.8 D 50 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:24 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units AnaNzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/201311:05 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst. TF Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 8:59 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Preo Method: E420.1 Preo Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable 6.8 1 Ng/L 08/30/2013 8:36 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 5 of 28 EST LABORATORIES • A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH 0010478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-003 Type: Groundwater Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-5D Collected :8/1512013 9:00:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container Total Dissolved Solids 980 D 2 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:11 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E3512 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Anal st: TF Parame[er(s) Results Qualifier 2-_F- Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 94.0 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:25 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parametersl Results Qualifier D. Units Anatyze& Container: Total Organic Carbon 30.7 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 2:46 PM Container-01 of 02 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 6 of 28 EcMsT LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-004 Type: Groundwater Client Sample ID: MW-5S Atin To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 9:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM232OB: Analyst: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier P. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 17.6 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:43 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameter(s) Results Qualifier DD_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/0512013 5:43 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 18.6 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:43 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 12.0 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 5:43 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM52108: Prev Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16!2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:25 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D. Units Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:24 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM2340C: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results Qualifier O_F. Units Ana ed: Container Hardness(As CaCO3) 34 D 2 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:45 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F_ Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:26 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:07 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Ana ed: Container. Nitrate as N 0.37 1 mg/L 08!19/2013 9-,00 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8128120137:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F_ Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:37 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank r— D.F_=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical Molding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 7 of 28 c sT LABORATORIES A division of H2M tabs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8435 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-004 Type Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-5S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 9:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10,00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT AnaMical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst MLM Parameters) Results Qualifier 2.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Dissolved Solids 84 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:14 PM Container-01 of 02 AnaMical Method: E351-2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:812712013 4:15:00 AM Analyst TF Paramete(s) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.53 1 mg/L 08/27/20131:56 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Anaat zed: Container: Total Organic Carbon 2.7 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 3:08 PM Container-01 of 02 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte G=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory_ Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 8 of 28 VEST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX.(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-005 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-4D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 10:15:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analyst: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 677 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:49 PM Container-01 of 02 Analocal Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Bromide 2.01 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 6:10 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 315 D 50 mg/L 09/05/2013 6:37 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 96.9 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 6:23 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep,Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Anal t: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:30 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Paramelerfs) Results Qualifier 2.F. Units A Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand 54.5 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:26 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Hardness(As CaCO3) 660 D 20 mg/L 08/19/20131:50 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Anah-g—ed Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 26.2 D 20 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:27 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst. EM Parameters) Results Qualifier PF. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:10 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Ana r. Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:01 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep,Method: E420.1 Prep Date:828/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Ana ed: Container: Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 yg/L 08!30/2013 8:38 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers. E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated- / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 1013/2013 Page 9 of 28 ERUEST LABORATORIES A division of H2M tabs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL.(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt a1 the lab and is responsible only for the certified Tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Lab No. :1308851-005 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-4D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 10:15:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameterfsl Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Dissolved Solids 1,260 D 2 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:17 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameterfs) Results Qualifier DAF. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Kieldahl,Total 27.5 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:28 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM53106: Analyst: CO Parameterfs) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Organic Carbon 22.9 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 3:30 PM Container-01 of 02 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range.Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyle This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 10 of 28 - Ro EST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL.(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-006 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-4S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 11:00:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analyst: HT Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 187 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:58 PM Cordainer-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300-0: Anal bka Parameterfs) Results Qualifier F. Units Analyzed: Container: Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 6:50 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 18.5 1 mgfL 09/05/2013 6:50 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 44.0 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 6:50 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Preo Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:35 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Parameterfs) Results Qualifier DiF. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand 17.2 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:28 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 400 D 20 mg/L 08/19/2013 1:55 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Ana ed: Container: Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:28 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: EM Paramet2yjsResults Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mgfL 08/16/2013 11:11 PM Cordainer-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D;F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrate as N 21.5 D 40 mg/L 08(19/2013 9:57 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 Ng/L 08/30/2013 8:39 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank / D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Receivedfanalyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP If NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page I I of 28 E FoTEsT ,LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hoflow Road, Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-006 Type: Groundwater Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-4S Collected :8115/2013 11:00:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Dissolved Solids 566 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:20 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351-2: Prep Method: E351.2 Preo Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.50 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:29 PM Container-01 of 01 Analvtical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier 2.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Organic Carbon 10.2 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 3:52 PM Container-01 of 02 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless 4P J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 12 of 28 Cts EST LABORATORIES 49 A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at NYSDOH ID#10478 the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-007 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 : Client Sample ID: MW-8D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 11:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analyst: HT Parameter Us Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 293 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:06 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D. Units Analyzed: Container. Bromide 0.56 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 7:31 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 105 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 7:44 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 88.5 D 5 mg/L 09105!2013 7:44 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM52106 Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameterfs! Results QualifierD_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:40 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Parameterfsl Results Cpalifier Q. Units Analyzed: Container Chemical Oxygen Demand 25.0 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:30 AM Container-01 of 01 Artafytical Method: SM2340C: Analyst: JA Parameterfs) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 270 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:00 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Anal Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 23.7 D 20 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:29 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: EM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F.. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:12 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <2.00 D 20 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:06 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F.. Units AnaPaW7 Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 ug/L 08/30/2013 8:40 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 13 of 28 E'coTEST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX-(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-007 T Syosset,NY 11791 Type: Groundwater Client Sample{D: MW-8D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :811512013 11:30:00 AM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM254OC:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameters} Results Qualifier Q.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 566 D 2 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:23 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8127/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 22.7 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:30 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM53108: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Organic Carbon 11.0 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 4:14 PM Container-01 of 026 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/anatyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted- S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this anatyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 14 of 28 ERoTESTLABORATORIES f H Adivision o 2M Labs,Inc c LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hoflow Road, Memile,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX.-(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Lab No. :1308851-008 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-8S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 12:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLI ENT Analytical Method: SM232OB: Analyst: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 290 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:15 PM Container-01 of 06 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D. Units Analyzed: Container. Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 7:58 AM Container-01 of 06 Chloride 41.6 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 8:38 AM Container-01 of 06 Sulfate 44.9 D 5 mg/L 09/0512013 8:38 AM Container-01 of 06 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8116/20139:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand 3 1 mg/L 06/16/2013 12:45 PM Container-01 of 06 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method E4104: Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand 36.2 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:32 AM Container-01 of 03 Analytical Method: SM2340C: AnalJA Pararrieter(s) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 260 D 10 mg/L 08/19120/3 2:05 PM Container-01 of 03 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: Like Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 23.3 D 20 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:30 PM Container-01 of 03 Analytical Method: E353-2: Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F- Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:14 PM Container-01 of 06 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <2.00 D 20 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:07 AM Container-01 of 06 Analytical Method: E420.1: Preo Med)od: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier a.F- Units Analyzed: Container: Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5-0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:41 AM Container-01 of 03 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Bfank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 15 of 28 REST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL(631)694-3040 FAX (631)420.8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-008 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-8S Collected :8115/2013 12:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Dissolved Solids 398 1 mglL 08/20/2013 2:26 PM Container-01 of 06 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 24.0 D 10 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:57 PM Container-01 of 03 Analytical Method: SM53108: Analyst: CO Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Organic Carbon 11.4 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 6:05 PM Container-01 of 06 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank r— D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution (J// H=Received/anal ed outside of analytical holden time YZ Yt 9 Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 16 of 28 I ,� `� � L.4�tJf EST LABORATORIES A division of H2/v4 tabs, Inc LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 71747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAx:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#ID478 The lab is not directly ibleresponsiblelfor for the integrity of the samplested- before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-009 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-7S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 12:30:00 PM Origin_ Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analvst: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 58.9 D 2 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:56 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300o: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier 9,F. Units Analyzed: Container: Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 9:19 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 169 1 mg/L 09105/2013 9:19 AM Container-07 of 02 Sulfate 9.53 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 9:19 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521 OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/1612013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters} Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 12:55 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: 2410.4: Analyst CN • Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand 20.5 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:38 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Anal Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 84 D 2 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:20 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container- Nitrogen, ontainerNitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:34 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: EM Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:17 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N 0.93 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:11 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:44 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. ' B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 17 of 28 UEsT LABORATORIES • A division of H2M cabs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8436 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at NYSDOH ID#10478 the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Lab No. :1308851-009 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-7S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 12:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8/1612013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameters) Results Qualifier D-F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 154 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:35 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 1.24 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:34 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container Total Organic Carbon 10.5 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 4:36 PM Container-01 of 02 M Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. , B=Found in Blank D-F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 18 of 28 c' sT LABORATORIES • A division of H2M Labs,Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID1J10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-010 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-6S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 1:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8/1612013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analyst HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D. Units Anatvzed: Container: Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 59.2 D 2 mg/L 08/19/2013 3:03 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 9:32 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 17.1 1 mg/L 09105!2013 9:32 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 9.55 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 9:32 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 1:00 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg1L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier D.F.. Units Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand 23.7 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:40 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method SM2340C: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Hardness(As CaCO3) 80 D 2 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:25 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst bka Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:38 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353-2: Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:18 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst TF Parameters) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N 0-92 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:12 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Preo Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameter(sl Results Qualifier D_F- Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 Ng/L 08/30/2013 8:45 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=F in Blank �! D.F.=DilDilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2413 Page 19 of 28 EcoTEST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certifred tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial WaySample Information: Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-010 Type: Groundwater Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: MW-6S Collected :8/15/2013 1:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8/1612013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLI ENT Analytical Method: SM254OC:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameterfs) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 155 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:38 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E3512 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameterfsl Results Qualifier 2.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 1.15 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:34 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO Parameterfsl Results Oualifier D.F.. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Organic Carbon 10.4 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 4:58 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Receivedlanalyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 20 of 28 • Ct) ,EsT LABORATORIES A division of l f2M Labs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests repuestetl. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Syosset,NY 11791 Lab No. :1308851-011 Type: Groundwater Client Sample ID: MW-6D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 1:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM232OB: Analyst FfT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 10.6 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 3:10 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. ' Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 10:13 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 45.5 1 mg/L 09/051201310:13 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 103 D 5 mg/L 09/0512013 10:26 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM5210B: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/1612013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container. Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 1:05 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst CN • Parameter(s) Results Qualifier DD-FUnits Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:42 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst. JA Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 164 D 4 mg/L 08119!2013 2:30 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results Qualifier 2.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:39 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/1612013 11:20 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N 7.73 D 10 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:13 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Anal Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08MI2013 8:46 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F-=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated- Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shalt not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 21 of 28 ,NEST LABORATORIES • A division of H2M Labs,loc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSGOH ID7i70478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-011 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-6D Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 1:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameterfs} Results Qualifier D.F.. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids 335 1 mg/L 08120/2013 2:41 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E3512: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date.,8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameterfs} Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.31 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:35 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM53108: Analyst: CO Parameters) Results Qualifier DD=F. Units Analyzed: Container- Total Organic Carbon 1.1 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 7.11 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless is J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 22 of 28 - �cMST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs,Inc LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melvifle,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL,(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH IDp10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the fab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested_ Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Lab No. :1308851-012 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-1 D Attn To : John Gerlach Collected 8/15/2013 2:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8116/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM232OB: Analyst: HT Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 30.9 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 3:18 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 10:40 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 25.8 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 10:40 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 66.4 D 5 mg/L 09/05/2013 10:53 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM5210B: Prep Method: SM52106 Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 1:10 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN . Parameter(s) Results QualifierD_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:44 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM2340C: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results Qualifier O.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 100 D 4 mgiL 08/19/2013 2:35 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:40 PM Container-01 of 01 AnalvticalMethod: E353.2! Analyst EM ParameterlS) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16r2013 11:21 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameler(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N 3.27 D 5 mg/L 08119/2013 9:14 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1. Prep Method: E420A Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F, Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:47 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. % B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this anatyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 23 of 28 Msr LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#to478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-012 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-1113 Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8115/2013 2:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed Container. Total Dissolved Solids 208 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:44 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Oate:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameter(s1 Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.31 1 mg/L 08127/2013 2:01 PM Container-01 of 01 Analyticat Method: SM531 OB: Analyst: CO Parameter(st Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Organic Carbon <1.0 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 7:33 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / — B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless is J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 24 of 28 -OQ ESF LABORATORIES A division of H2M tabs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH 0410478 the lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler 8r Bartlett One Aerial Way Sample Information: Lab No. :1308851-013 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-1S Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/1512013 3:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SW320B: Analyst HT EA-meters) Results Qualifier D.F. its Analyzed: Container: Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 6.85 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 3:27 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst: bka Parameters) Results QualifierO.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 11:07 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride 36.1 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 11:07 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate 22.4 1 mg/L 09/05!2013 11:07 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst CN ParametertslResulEs Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 1:15 PM Container-01 of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Methal: E410.4: Analyst: CN • Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container. Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:46 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM234OC: Analyst: JA Pararneter(s) Results Qualifier Q.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Hardness(As CaCO3) 42 D 2 mg/L 08/1912013 2:40 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst bka Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:41 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353-2: Analyst: EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 11:24 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst: TF Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D_F. Units Analyzed: Container Nitrate as N 0.92 1 m9/L 08/19/2013 9:15 AM Container-01 of 02 Analvtical Method: E420.1: Prep Method: E420-1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7-00:00 AM Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Anal Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:48 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank O.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Receivedtanalyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted- S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory- Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 25 of 28 i RUBST LABORATORIES • A division of H2M Labs,Inc LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL(631)694-3040 FAX:(631)420-8436 NYSDOH ID#10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the inlegrny of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler 8r Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-013 Type: Groundwater Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: MW-1$ Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8115/2013 3:00:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst: MLM Parameterfsl Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Dissolved Solids 113 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:47 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E351.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Date:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst: TF Parameter(sl Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.17 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 2:02 PM Container-01 of 01 Analvtical Method: SM531OB: Analyst: CO parameterfsl Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container: Total Organic Carbon <1.0 1 mg/L 08/23/2013 7:55 PM Container-01 of 02 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP f NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated- Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 26 of 28 • UEST LABORATORIES A division of H2M Labs, Inc_ LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville,NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8436 NYSDOH IDp10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the fab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-014 T Syosset,NY 11791 Type: Field Blank Attn To John Gerlach Client Sample ID: Field Blank Collected :8/15/2013 3:30:00 PM Origin: Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2320B: Analyst: HT Parameterls} Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) <1.00 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 3:32 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E300.0: Analyst bka Parameters) Results Qualifier P-F. Units Analyzed: Container. Bromide <0.50 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 11:20 AM Container-01 of 02 Chloride <200 1 mg/L 09/0512013 11:20 AM Container-01 of 02 Sulfate <5.00 1 mg/L 09/05/2013 11:20 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: SM521OB: Prep Method: SM5210B Prep Date:8/16/2013 9:20:32 AM Analyst: CN Parameters) Results Qualifier F. Units Analyzed: Container: Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 1 mg/L 08/16/2013 1:20 PM Container01of 02 NOTES: Blank depletion exceeds 0.2 mg/L-average depletion of 0.31 mg/L Analytical Method: E410.4: Analyst: CN • Parameter(s) Results Qualifier D.F.. Units Analyzed: Container: Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 1 mg/L 08/26/2013 8:48 AM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM2340C: Analyst: JA Parameters) Results QualifierD.F. Units Analyzed: Container Hardness(As CaC.03) <5 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 2:45 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E350.1: Analyst: bka Parameters} Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 3:42 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analyst EM Parameters) Results Qualifier Q.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrite as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/16/201311:26 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E353.2: Analvst: TF Parameters} Results Qualer D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Nitrate as N <0.10 1 mg/L 08/19/2013 9:17 AM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E420.1: Preo Method: E420.1 Prep Date:8/28/2013 7:00:00 AM Analyst: EM Parameterls) Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5.0 1 pg/L 08/30/2013 8:49 AM Container-01 of 01 Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated_ / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOQ,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless • J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory. Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 27 of 28 OW TEST LABORATORIES • A division of H2M Labs, Inc. LABORATORY RESULTS 575 Broad Hollow Road. Melville.NY 11747 Results for the samples and analytes requested TEL:(631)694-3040 FAX(631)420-8436 NYSDOH IDH10478 The lab is not directly responsible for the integrity of the sample before receipt at the lab and is responsible only for the certified tests requested. Lockwood Kessler&Bartlett Sample Information: One Aerial Way Lab No. :1308851-014 Type: Field Blank Syosset,NY 11791 Client Sample ID: Field Blank Attn To John Gerlach Collected :8/15/2013 3:30:00 PM Origin Received :8/16/2013 10:00:00 AM Collected By:CLIENT Analytical Method: SM2540C:IOC Analyst MLM Parameterts} Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container. Total Dissolved Solids <10 1 mg/L 08/20/2013 2:50 PM Container-01 of 02 Analytical Method: E3511.2: Prep Method: E351.2 Prep Oate:8/27/2013 4:15:00 AM Analyst TF Parameterfs} Results Qualifier D.F. Units Analyzed: Container- Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total <0.10 1 mg/L 08/27/2013 1:40 PM Container-01 of 01 Analytical Method: SM5310B: Analyst: CO Parameterfs} Results Qualifier D.F- Units Analyzed: Container. Total Organic Carbon <1.0 1 mg/L 08/2312013 8:17 PM Container-01 of 02 • Qualifiers: E=Value above quantitation range,Value estimated. / B=Found in Blank D.F.=Dilution Factor D=Results for Dilution H=Received/analyzed outside of analytical holding time Laboratory Manager +=ELAP/NELAC does not offer certification for this analyte c=Calibration acceptability criteria exceeded for this analyte r=Reporting limit>MDL and<LOO,Value estimated. Test results meet the requirements of NELAC unless J=Estimated value-below calibration range otherwise noted. • S=Recovery exceeded control limits for this analyte This report shall not be reproduced except in full, N=Indicates presumptive evidence of compound without the written approval of the laboratory_ Date Reported: 10/3/2013 Page 28 of 28 �ab5 575 B—ad RoaCl 631, 6-i4 304- `47 843C 5. DUPLICATE SUMMARY RESULTS 5.1 METALS 5.2 WET CHEMISTRY U.S. EPA - CLP 6 EPA SAMPLE NO DUPLICATES NfW-8S Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : 00 B 7 LK Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Level (low/med) : LOW % Solids for Sample: 0.0 % Solids for Duplicate: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L Control Analyte Limit Sample (S) C Duplicate (D) C RPD ( Q M Cadmium 0. 1000 U 0.10001 U P Calcium 66510.0000 67940.00001 2. 1, P Iron _46.150.0000 47010.00001 1.8' P Lead 5.0000 U 5. 0000 U ; 0.01 P Magnesium 5000.0000 19620.0000 _ 20060.0000 ` _ 2.2 P Manganese 1 848.4000 865.9000! 2.0 P , Potassium rt 36170.0000 36570.0000; 1.1 P Sodium 5000.0000 24160.0000 24570.0000 1.7 P FORM VI - IN ILM04 . 1 H2M LABS INC Date: 10-Sep-13 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analvte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL mb-081913 mb-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) < 1 MG/L Ics-081913 Ics-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 24.4 MG/L 25 <1 98 80 120 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 536 MG/L 250 290 99 75 125 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 287 MG/L 290 0.87 20 MB-40944 MB-40944 Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 MG/L LCS-40944 LCS-40944 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 198 MG/L 198 <2 100 85 116 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2 MG/L1 1 3 14.7 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Bromide <0.5 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Bromide 2.37 MG/L 2.5 <0.5 95 90 110 1308851.0088MS MW-8SMS Bromide 1.13 MG/L 1 <0.5 113 80 120 1308851-008BDUP 'MW-8SDUP Bromide <0.5 MG/L <0.5 20 MBLK082613 MBLK082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand < 10 MG/L LCS082613 LCS082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand 102 MG/L 100 <10 102 90 110 1308851.008CMS MW-8SMS Chemical Oxygen Demand 138 MG/L 100 36.2 102 90 110 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Chemical Oxygen Demand 35.5 MG/L 36.2 1.8 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Chloride <2 MG/L LOS-090413 — LCS-090413 Chloride 9.65 MG/L 10 <2 97 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Chloride 90.1 MGIL 50 41.6 97 80 120 _ 1308851.008BDUP MW-8SDUP Chloride 39.9 MG/L 41.6 4.1 20 MB-081913 MB-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) <5 MG/L LC—S--68-1 91LCS-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) 1040 MG/L 1000 <50 104 80 120 1308851-008OMS MW-8SMS Hardness(As CaCO3) 1260 MG/L 1000 260 100 75 125 1308851-008DDUP MW-8SDUP Hardness(As CaCO3) 270 MG/L 260 3.8 20 I QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID,: Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-081913 MB-081913 Nitrate as N <0.05 MG/L LCS-081313 jNitrate as N 1.11 MG/L 1.13 <0.1 98 90 110 MB-081913 MB-081913 Nitrate as N <0.1 MG/L LCS-081313 LCS-081313 Nitrate as N 1.14 MG/L 1.13 <0.1 101 90 110 1308851-008BMS T MW-8SMS Nitrate as N 9.91 MG/L 10 <2 99 90 110 1308851-OOBBDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrate as N <2 MG/L <2 20 �MB-081613 MB-081613 Nitrite as N <0.1 MG/L LCS-081613 LCS-081613 Nitrite as N 1.04 MG/L 1 <0.1 104 90 110 1308851-008610S MW-8SMS Nitrite as N 0.50 MG/L 0.5 <0.1 100 90 110 1308851-0088DUP MW-8SDUP Nitrite as N <0.1 MG/L <0.1 20 MB1-082713 MBI-082713 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.1 MG/L LCS1-082713 LCS1-082713 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 1.06 _ MG/L 1 <0.1 1 106 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 33.3 MG/L 10 23.3 100 90 110 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 23.1 MG/L 23.3 0.87 20 MB-41069 MB-41069 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total <0.1 MG/L LCS-41069 LCS-41069 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 4.06 MG/L 4 <0.1 102 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total _ 31.0 MG/L 8 24.0 88 75 125' 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 24.9 MG/L 24.0 3.9 20 MB-41086 MB-41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UG/L LCS-41086 LCS-41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable 28.6 UG/L 30 <5 95 80 120 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Phenolics,Total Recoverable 21.3 UG/L 20 <5 107 75 125 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UG/L <5 20 2 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-090413 MB-090413 Sulfate <5 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Sulfate 9.99 MG/L 10 <5 100 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-BSMS Sulfate 95.2 MG/L 50 44.9 101 80 120 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Sulfate 43.2 MG/L 1 44.9 3.8 20 MB-082013 MB-082013 Total Dissolved Solids <10 MG/L LCS-082013 LCS-082013 Total Dissolved Solids 297 --WG—IL 300 <10 99 80 120;i 1308851-0086ms MW-BSMS Total Dissolved Solids 680 MG/L 300 398 94 75 125 1308851-008Bdup MW-8SDUP Total Dissolved Solids 393 MG/L 398 1.3 20 MB-082313 MB-082313 Total Organic Carbon <1 MG/L LCS-082313 LCS-082313 Total Organic Carbon 26.7 MG/L 25 <1 107 80 120 1308851-OOSEMS MW-BSMS Total Organic Carbon 22.5 MG/L 10 11.4 111 75 125 1308851-008EDUP MW-8SDUP Total Organic Carbon 11.4 MG/L 11.4 1 0.20 20 3 tabs r;4 5'5 E;Sad o cw R.a,: 631694. i le v`.:':e, NY 11-'47 631.410 84;r; 6 SPIKE SAMPLE RESULTS 6.1 METALS 6.2 WET CHEMISTRY • U.S. EPA - CLP 5A EPA SAMPLE NO SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY MW-8SS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: j Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG NO. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Level (low/med) : LOW % Solids for Sample: 0.0 Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg dry weight) : UG/L Control Limit Spiked Sample Sample 1 Spike Analyte %R Result (SSR) C Result (SR) C Added (SA) %R ; Q ' MI Cadmium 75-125 49.1000 0. 1000 U 50.00 98.2 P � Iron 4_8.240.0000 46150.0000 1000.00 209.0 P Lead 75-125 4.0730 U 5.0000 U 20.00 20. 4 N P Manganese 75-125 1412.0000 848.4000 500.00 112.7 P • Comments: • FORM V (Part 1) - IN ILM04 .1 U.S. EPA - CLP 5B EPA SAMPLE NO POST DIGEST SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY -1 MW-8SA f Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: ___ __ Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Level (low/med) LOW Concentration Units: ug/L 1r Control Limit Spiked Sample Sample Spike Analyte %R Result (SSR) C Result (SR) C Added (SA) %R Q M Lead 50.05 1 5.00 1 U 40.0 125.1 P , ----- -- ice ► L - ( � -- � � � � Comments: FORM V (Part 2) - IN ILM04. 1 • ! • H2M LABS INC Date: 10-Sep-13 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL mb-081913 mb-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) <1 MG/L Ics-081913 Ics-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 24.4 MG/L 25 <1 98 80 120 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 536 MG/L 250 290 99 75 125 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 287 MG/L 290 0.87 , 20 MB-40944 MB-40944 Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 MG/L LCS-40944 LCS-40944 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 198 MG/L 198 <2 100 85 116 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2 MG/L 3 1 14.7 1 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Bromide <0.5 MG/L LCS-090413 'LCS-090413 Bromide 2.37 MGIC"" 2,5 <0.5 95 90 110 1308851-008BMS BMW-8SMS Bromide 1.13 MG/L 1 <0.5 113 80 120 1308851.0086DUP MW-8SDUP Bromide <0.5 MG/L <0.5 _ 20 MBLKO_62613 MBLK082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 MG/L — LCS082613 LCS082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand 102 MG/L 100 <10 102 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Chemical Oxygen Demand 138 MG/L 100 36.2 102 90 110 1308851-008COUP MW-8SDUP Chemical Oxygen Demand 35.5 MG/L 36.2 1.8 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Chloride <2 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Chloride 9.65 MG/L 10 <2 97 90 110 1308851-008BMS _ MW-8SMS Chloride 90.1 MG/L 50 41.6 97 80 120 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Chloride 39.9 MG/L 41.6 4.1 20� MB-081913 MB-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) <5 MG/L LCS-081913 LCS-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) 1040 MG/L 1000 <50 104 80 120 1308851-008DMS MW-8SMS Hardness(As CaCO3) 1260 MG/L 1000 260 100 75 125 1308851-008DDUP MW-8SDUP Hardness(As CaCO3) 270 MG/L 1 1 260 3.8 20 1 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: _Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-081913 MB-081913 Nitrate as N <0.05 MG/L -�--� LCS-081313 LCS-081313 INitrate as N 1.11 11 9890 110 T MB-081913T` MB-081913 INitrate as N I <0.1 MGIL LCS-081313 LCS-081313 Nitrate as N - 1.14 MGIL 1.13 <0.1 101 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Nitrate as N 1 9.91 MG/L 10 <2 99 90 110 1308851-008B6UP MW-8SDUP Nitrate as N <2 MG/L <2 J2O MB-081613 MB-081613 Nitrite as N <0.1 MGIL LCS-081613 LCS-081613 Nitrite as N 1.04 1 MGIL 1 <0.1 104 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Nitrite as N 0.50 MGIL 0.5 <0.1 100 90 1110 1308851-0086DUP MW 8SDUP _ Nitrite as N <0.1 MGIL <0.1 20 IMBI-082713 MB1-082713 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.1 MGIL LCS1-082713 LCS1-082713 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 1.06 MGIL 1 <0.1 106 90 110 1308851.008CMS MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 33.3 MG/L 10 23.3 100 90 110 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 23.1 MG/L 23.3 0.87 20 i MB-41069 MB-41069 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total <0.1 MGIL LCS-41069 LCS-41069 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 4,06 MG/L 4 <0.1 102 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 31.0 MGIL 8 24.0 88 75 125 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 24.9 MGIL 24.0 3.9 1 20 MB-41086 MB-41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UG/L LCS-41086 LCS-41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable 28.6 UG/L 30 <5 95 80 J120 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Phenolics,Total Recoverable 21.3 UG/L 20 <5 107 75 125 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UGIL <5 20 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-090413 MB-090413 Sulfate <5 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Sulfate 9.99 MG/L 10 <5 100 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Sulfate 95.2 MG/L 50 44.9 101 80 .120 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Sulfate 43.2 MG/L 44.9 3.8 20 SMB-082013 MB-082013 Total Dissolved Solids < 10 MG/L LCS-082013 LCS-082013 Total Dissolved Solids 297 MG/L 300 <10 , 99 80 120 1308851-008Bms MW-8SMS Total Dissolved Solids 680 MG/L 300 398 94 75 125 1308851-008Bdup MW-8SDUP Total Dissolved Solids 393 MGIL 398 1.3 20 MB-082313 MB-082313 Total Organic Carbon <1 MG/L LCS-082313 LCS-082313 _ Total Organic Carbon v 26.7 MG/L 25 <1 107 80 120 1308851-008EMS MW-8SMS Total Organic Carbon 22.5 MG/L 10 11.4 111 75 125 1308851-008EDUP MW-8SDUP Total Organic Carbon 11.4 MG/L 11.4 0.20 20 3 dk� B-caO`HoHow Road 631 694 3041a N`cM ie. NY 11747 66331 42 .5436 7. BLANK SUMMARY DATA AND RESULTS 7.1 METALS 7.2 WET CHEMISTRY • • U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : UG/L Initial ` Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration Analyte (ug/L) C 1 C 2 C 3 C Blank C M Cadmium 0.1 U 0.1 U " -0.2 B -0.2 B 0.100 U P Calcium -40.0 B -30.0 B -37.0 B ! -39.0 B1 5.300 U P Iron -15.0 B -12.0 BI -15.0 B _-16.0 B 1.800 U P Lead 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.000 U P • magnesium_____-4 7.0: B -37.0 B -46.0 B -39.0 B 16.900 U P Manganese -0.2' B 0.1 U -0.2 B -0.2 B 0.100 USP Potassium 63.9; B -120.0 B 151.0 B -55.0 B 49.000.0 P Sodium 1261.3' U 1261.3 U 1261.3 U 1_261._3__ _U_____ 1260.000 U P i FORM III - IN ILM04.1 U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : UG/L Initial j Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration 1 Analyte (ug/L) C ! 1 C 2 C 3 C Blank C Mi Cadmium 0.1 ul 0.1 U 1 0.1 U F _ Calcium -31.0 B -38.0 B -34.0 B P Iron -14.0 B 1.8 U -13.0 B P -- --- Lead 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U P Magnesium _ -44.0 B -48.0 B -46.0 B P Manganese — 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U P Potassium -98.0 B 49.0 U 49.0 U P Sodium 1261.3 U 1261.3 U 1261.3 U P FORM III - IN ILM04 . 1 U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB0O7 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : WATER Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : UG/L Initial Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration Analyte (ug/L) C 1 C 2 C 3 C Blank C M Cadmium 0.1 U ( - P Calcium 29.4 B P Iron 5.9 B -- ' P -- Lead 1.0 U P Magnesium 16.9 U ' P Manganese 0.4 B P Potassium -140.0 B P Sodium 1261.3 U P • FORM III - IN ILM04. 1 • U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : Initial Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration Analyte (ug/L) C 1 C 2 C 3 C Blank CM � Lead -1.01 B 1.0 U I 1.01 U 1.0 U : P • • FORM III - IN ILM04 .1 U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : Initial Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration Analyte (ug/L) C 1 C 2 C 3 C Blank C M Lead -1.2 1 B -1.2 B 1.0 U P • • FORM III - IN ILM04 . 1 . U.S. EPA - CLP 3 BLANKS Lab Name: H2M LABS INC Contract: Lab Code: H2M Case No. SAS No. : SDG No. : LKB007 Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water) : Preparation Blank Concentration Units (ug/L or mg/kg) : Initial Calib. Continuing Calibration Prepa- Blank Blank (ug/L) ration Analyte (ug/L) C 1 — C — 2 C 3 C Blank C � Lead1.0 ! UT -1.3� B � I P • • FORM III - IN ILM04. 1 H2M LABS INC Date: 10-Sep-13 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analvte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL mb-081913 mb-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) < 1 MG/L ics-081913 Ics-081913 Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 24.4 MG/L 25 <1 98 80 120 1308851-0086MS MW-8SMS Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 536 MG/L 250 290 99 75 125 1308851-008BOUP MW-8SDUP Alkalinity,Total(As CaCO3) 287 MG/L 290 0.87 20 MB 40944 MB-40944 _ Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2 MG/L LCS-40944 _ ILCS-40944 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 198 MG/L 198 <2 100 85 116 _ 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2 MG/L 3 14.7 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Bromide <0,5 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Bromide 2.37 MG/L 2.5 <0.5 95 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Bromide 1,13 MG/L 1 <0.5 113 80 120 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Bromide <0.5 MG/L <0.5 20 MBLK082613 MBLK082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand <10 MG/L LCS082613 LCS082613 Chemical Oxygen Demand 102 MG/L 100 <10 102 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Chemical Oxygen Demand 138 MG/L 100 36.2 102 90 110 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Chemical Oxygen Demand 35.5 MG/L 36.2 1.8 20 MB-090413 MB-090413 Chloride <2 MG/L LCS-090413 LCS-090413 Chloride 9.65 MG/L 10 <2 97 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS _ Chloride 90.1 MG/L 50 41.6 97 80 120 1308851-0086DUP MW-8SDUP Chloride 39.9 MG/L 41.6 4.1 20 MB-081913 MB-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) <5 MG/L LCS-081913 ILCS-081913 Hardness(As CaCO3) 1040 MG/L 1000 <50 104 80 120 1308851-008DMS MW-8SMS Hardness(As CaCO3) 1260 MG/L 1000 260 100 75 125 1308851-008DDUP MW-8SDUP Hardness(As CaCO3) 270 MG/L 260 3.8 20 1 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analyte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-081 19 3 MB-081913 Nitrate as N0 05 MG/L LCS-081313 ILCS-081313 Nitrate as N 1.11 1 MG/L 1 1.13 1 <0.1 98 190 110 MB-081913 MB-081913 Nitrate as N <0.1 MG/L LCS 081313 -CCS-081313 Nitrate as N 1.14 MG/L 1.13 <0.1 101 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Nitrate as N 9.91 MG/L 10 <2 99 90 110 1308851-008BDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrate as N <2 MG/L <2 20 MS-081613 MB-081613 Nitrite as N _ <0.1 MG1L LCS-081613 LCS-081613 Nitrite as N 1,04 MG/L 1 <0.1 104 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Nitrite as N 0.50 MG/L 0.5 <0.1 100 90 110 1308851-008BDUP MW-88DUP Nitrite as N <0.1 MG/L <0.1 20 MBI-082713 MB1-082713 ?Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) <0.1 MG/L LCS1-082713 LCS1-082713 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 1.06 MG/L 1 <0.1 106 90 110 1308851-008CMS MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) ! 33.3 MG/L 10 23.3 100 90 110 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) 23.1 MG/L 23.3 0.87 20 MB-41069 MB-41069 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total <0.1 MG/L LCS-41069 LCS-41069 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total 4.06 MG/L 4 <0.1 102 90 110 1308851-008CMS 'MW-8SMS Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 31.0 MG/L 8 24.0 88 75 125 11308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total _ 24.9 MG/L 24.0 3.9 20 MB41086 MB-41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UG/L LCS-41086 LCS41086 Phenolics,Total Recoverable 28.6 UGIL 30 <5 95 80 120 1308851-068CMS MW-8SMS Phenolics,Total Recoverable 21.3 UG/L 20 <5 107 75 125 1308851-008CDUP MW-8SDUP Phenolics,Total Recoverable <5 UG/L <5 20 _.. - 2 QC SUMMARY REPORT SDG: LKB007 Spike Sample Recovery RPDRef %RPD Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Analvte Result Units Amount Result %REC Limits Value %RPD UCL MB-090413 MB-090413 Sulfate <5 MG/L LCS 090413 LCS-090413 Sulfate 9.99 MG/L 10 <5 100 90 110 1308851-008BMS MW-8SMS Sulfate 95.2 MG/L 50 44.9 ! 101 80 120 1308851-008BDUP_ MW-8SDUP — Sulfate 43.2 —I MG/L 44.9 3.8 20 MB-082013 — MB-082013 Total Dissolved Solids <10 MG/L LCS-082013 LCS-082013 Total Dissolved Solids 297 MG/L 300 <10 99 80 120 1308851-008Bms MW-8SMS Total Dissolved Solids 680 MG/L 300 398 94 75 125 1308851-008Bdup ;MW-8SDUP Total Dissolved Solids 393 MG/L 398 1.3 20 MB-082313 MB-082313 Total Organic Carbon <1 MG/L LCS-082313 LCS-082313 Total Organic Carbon 26.7 MG/L 25 <1 107 80 120 1308851-008EMS MW-8SMS Total Organic Carbon 22.5 MG/L 10 11.4 111 75 125 1308851-008EDUP MW-8SDUP Total Organic Carbon 11.4 MG/L 11.4 0.20 20 3