HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 1st Qtr VIA Engineers 1 Architects I Scientists 1, Planners I Surveyors 175 Pinelawn Road I Suite 308 Melville, New York 11741 v 631 756,2000 f 631.393.6322 H017rnacher, McLendon &Marreli, PC.1112M Associates, Inc. www.h2ui corn H2M Labs, Inc. I 1-12M Architects&Engineers, Iric. July 28, 2009 Anthony J. Cava, P,E., Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, region 1 50 Circie Road - SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11730-3409 Re: Town of Southold Landfill Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Program, March 2009 H2M Project No, SOH'170901 Bear her. Cava: On behalf of the Town of Southold, Holzrnacher, McLendon, and Murrell, P.C. (1-12M) completed a quarterly sampling and laboratory analysis program for the groundwater monitoring wells located at the Town of Southold Landfill on Middle Load, Southold, IVY. These well locations are shown on the attached Groundwater Monitoring Well Location Map. We provide herein the results of our findings for the routine suite of parameters as identified in 6NYCRR Part 360. Sarnglinci Activities The sampling program was conducted by H2M on March 26th of 2009. H2M's sarnphng protocol called for locating six (6) groundwater, monitoring well clusters distributed around the perimeter of the landfill. Please refer to the well location map for the approximate location of the well clusters. Each well cluster is comprised of two (2) groundwater monitoring wells, one being screened in the upper depth of the aquifer (i.e_ 1S, 3S, 4s, 5S, 6S and 8S) and one being screened in the lower depth of the aquifer (i.e., ID, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, and 8D). Each water sample from a well was taken by purging three (3) static well volurnes with a submersible pump, then discharged ten (10) feet from the well and collected with a disposable bailer. Cross contamination concerns were eliminated by using disposable bailers in conjunction with cleaning the submersible pump with laboratory grade biodegradable detergent: and disposable nitrile gloves. The sampling program was conducted based on the specifications included in the Southold Landfill Groundwater Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan. Analytical_Results Each sample was analyzed by H2M nabs, Inc. for the routine suite of parameters as required in 6NYCRR Peart 360, Table 1 surnmarizes the groundwater well construction data and includes surface elevation, top of casing elevation, depth to water and depth to bottom of borehole, and groundwater well installation dates. Table I also summarizes the field parameters collected during the sampling program along with the laboratory analysis for leachate indicators, inorganic parameters, and organic parameters associated with the routine suite of parameters. 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ARCHITECTS TABLE 1 MONITORING AND SAMPLING RESL)LTS[11 QUARTERLY SAMPL€NG AND LABORATORY ANA1Y515 PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL June 2009 Paramei'er Un,,t NY5DEC -15 NJ-ifl °v.W-35 MW-3H t,nW45 MAV-4DNld-55 t Stand a'd[Zi 'V' MV•d-587 NNJ-e8 PRV`J-6D IOW-$S MN-$IJ Fig&Parameters 1 ;nstailazion date - i 05/47.11991 06//811991 12i14/2002 0110912003 05!071'1991 47/'301/991 OS(03/1991 05J22/1991 12//212002 12Q3/2002122/19/20071 12/19/2002 Surface Elevation f 3? fi. - 44,31 44 2E 46,67 <46-96 60.95 60.99 65,91 66,:6 53-13 53.27 51,98 51,58 741 of Casin E,evaLicrn -.. ft - € 44.8.3 44,88 49,50 - 49.19 61.92 63.03 68.„d 57.64 55.77 55.71 _ 55.29 54,16 Riser Diamcte: :n - 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Screen Diameter v :n 2 w 2 2 2 W.. 2 i 2 2 - - 2 2 2 2 Casing Diame.er ;n - 6 6 b 6 5 5 6' 6 5 6 6 6 3epch-?o-Wafer f: . ._ 36,16 36,31 4'_,69 4"!70r 55.82 55.78 t7,S1 b0.62 48.21 cg.46 4 7.0 7 47,69 Depth-To-BWtorn ft - 1 55 140 - 55.5 123 60 ___ 135 -55` 140 6� 144 50 138 S ecific Cartciuctance_ - a�5lcrn - Q_915 0.548 1.4173 3.407 i,028 ,.,179 0.730 3,3�i4 0.425 0-947 -1.324 1.817 TemgeratoeeI5.2 _ 14,p ___._......- t3,9 ].4,8 7.3.3 I3.9 11.2 10 21 3..3.1 12,9 P11 _--- 5.u. - 3 7.42 7,3_ _ WW 7,2-6 _- 7.34 5.99 6.68 6,25 J-33 _ 8.05 7.07 '7.39 7,70 ©xldation Rcducaon PctentlaE - my 3- 102 3- 66 -77 81 149 � �172 121 5fi 113 -�� 115 -75 J'.ssoivEd 'p91L - 5 3 9,2 8.6 6.2 -------7 9 6,5 1.U.1 .......9,? 13.5 - . 8,7 8.7 6,2 Tur :tic' NTU' 13.1 15.9 9.7 25."7 11.3 22,7 2.7 41.7 46.9 45.7 49.5 48.9 d eachate/ndreatars -- - __.__ _. f.lkalirit ,TaTal fAs CeCG31 - m It ��_-- - U 28,2 290 604 154 748 '35.1 736-- 413.7 19,5 286 414 Blbc he nrical OxZ. 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High hghterl and bold va`ues exceed N SDEC standards 71 NYSE)EC standard as�dent;fied In Dkv;sion of Wafer-echnica and OperatlarEal Glildance Series(TOGS);1.1.1"-Arnblent Water Qjallty 6-arida-ds and Guidance Valves,dared/i.ene 1998 [)l Eievation9 cakes from Grcundrra:er,won;wr,ng Weld Plan dated September 21,2005 as preper0d by L--K.VaLean Associates,P.C.,Sroov€raven,N.Y.0aca referc ice-N G,V,0. 200D'7':6-60H-_r�eor q2 wo-,xls H-lzma&-%IcLerdor and Vuerc! P.0 Page o.s