HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 4th Qtr Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. One Aerial Way, Syosset, NY 11791 Phone: 516.938.0600 | Fax: 516.931.6344 DRAFT January 6, 2012 LKB #1439-01 Ajay Shah, PE Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Re: Town of Southold Landfill, 6155 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11944 Dear Mr. Shah, The Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report for the Town of Southold Landfill is hereby submitted to the Department per 6NYCRR Part 360 requirements. Sincerely, LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT, INC. John B. Gerlach, CGWP, LEP Director of Environmental Sciences C.c. J. Bunchuck, Town of Southold P. Lappano, Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S FOURTH QUARTER 2011 GROUND WATER-MONITORING REPORT FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL 6155 COX LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY 11944 Prepared for: Southold Town Solid Waste Management District 6155 Cox Lane Cutchogue, NY 11944 Prepared by: Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 1 Aerial Way Syosset, NY 11791 Submitted to: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 1 Headquarters SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790 January 6, 2012 Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchoque, NY TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Number and Title Page Number 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 1 3.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 2 3.1 Water-Level Results 2 3.2 Field Parameter Results 2 3.3 Leachate Indicator Results 3 3.4 Inorganic Parameter Results 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Figure Number and Title Follows Page Number 1. Site Location Map 1 2. Well Location Map 1 Table Number and Title Follows Page Number 1. Summary of Ground Water-Monitoring Results for 2 Fourth Quarter 2011 Monitoring Round Appendices A. Sample Chain-of-Custody Form and Laboratory Results Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. i Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Town of Southold has retained Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. (LKB) to perform post-closure ground-water monitoring and reporting for its closed and capped MSW landfill in Cutchogue, NY (Site). The location of the Site is shown in Figure 1. This report is for the fourth quarter 2011 monitoring round, conducted on December 20, 2011; and describes the work performed and the results obtained. Section 2.0 (Methods and Procedures) details the project requirements and the specific work performed. Section 3.0 (Discussion of Results) summarizes the key findings from this monitoring round, including comparison of the laboratory results to standards and guidance values. Section 4.0 (Conclusions and Recommendations) provides conclusions based on this quarter’s results, and recommendations for upcoming quarters. Each report section is supported by figures and/or tables, as appropriate, which follow the page on which they are first referenced. The sample chain-of-custody form and the laboratory results for this monitoring round are provided in Appendix A. 2.0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES Water-level measurements and ground-water samples were collected from the twelve monitoring wells listed below. A site plan showing the locations of the wells is provided in Figure 2. MW-1S MW-5S MW-1D MW-5D MW-3S MW-6S MW-3D MW-6D MW-4S MW-8S MW4D MW-8D Prior to sampling, the water-level in each well was measured to the nearest 0.01-feet from the top of the well casing utilizing a decontaminated water-level meter. Ground- water samples were collected utilizing a Grundfos RediFlo2 variable-speed electric submersible pump connected to 200 feet of ¾-inch diameter polyethylene hose on a Keck Reel. Utilizing the well construction records, the pump was placed at the mid-point of each well’s screen. Each well was then purged at a low flow rate until its turbidity was less than 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) and/or field parameter readings stabilized. The sampling apparatus was decontaminated between wells by rinsing its interior and exterior with distilled water. Field parameters were measured utilizing a calibrated YSI 556 Multi-parameter System equipped with a flow-through cell. The ground water purged during sampling was discharged to the land surface at each well location. Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 1 N SITE FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL, CUTCHOGUE, NY WELL LOCATION PLAN FIGURE 2 ANDFILL, CUTCHOGUE, NY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD L : Base map provided by Town of Southold Note Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY The ground-water samples were collected directly from the pump discharge hose into new laboratory-supplied bottles of the type required for each specific analysis. A matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate was collected from Well MW-8D. Field notes were recorded in a bound field notebook. Each sample was labeled with the well number, time and date, etc., placed in a cooler o with ice to keep it at 4C, and picked up by the laboratory the next day. Copies of the sample chain-of-custody form and the laboratory results are provided in Appendix A. The samples were analyzed for the 6NYCRR Part 360 Routine Parameters. The field parameters were monitored by LKB. Laboratory analyses were performed by EcoTest Laboratories, Inc. in North Babylon, NY (EcoTest). EcoTest is certified by the New York State Department of Health’s Environmental Laboratory Approval Program in all required analytical categories and employs all required internal QA/QC procedures, including analysis of matrix spikes, matrix spike duplicates, method blanks and continuing calibration samples. EcoTest also participates in the required biennial proficiency testing. The field data and laboratory results were reviewed by LKB per QA/QC Plan requirements and determined to be useable. 3.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The field and laboratory results for the fourth quarter 2011 ground water-monitoring round are summarized and compared to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values for Class GA (Potable) ground water, as applicable, in Table 1. A review of the results for the water-level measurements and each analytical parameter group is provided below. 3.1 Water-Level Results As shown in Table 1, water-level elevations were relatively consistent across the Site and ranged from 7.19 feet above mean sea level (MSL) in Well MW-1D, located on the south end of the Site, to 4.98 feet above MSL in Well MW-8S, located on the west side of the Site. These results are consistent with previous water-level measurements, as well as ground-water flow information published by the United States Geological Survey in Scientific Investigations Map 3066, Water Table – Sheet 1 of 4, which indicates a relatively low horizontal hydraulic gradient and a northerly horizontal ground water-flow direction. Based on this information, Well Cluster MW-1 is located upgradient of the Site, and the other wells are located downgradient of various portions of the Site. 3.2 Field Parameter Results Review of the field parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: Ground-water conductivity values are higher relative to the main area of Long Island, and may be at least partly attributed to the Site’s North Fork location, Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 2 No OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo OdorNo Odor Routine ParametersStandardMW-1SMW-1DMW-3SMW-3DMW-4SMW-4DMW-5SMW-5DMW-6SMW-6DMW-8SMW-8D Field ObservationsN/ANo StandardClear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear,Clear, 0.2060.3580.9211.7590.6002.3980.2652.2390.2400.4411.0021.13713.3012.5615.8715.8715.5015.1714.0614.7311.4312.1315.7415.13 NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone N/A44.8344.8849.5049.1963.0362.9268.1467.6455.7755.7154.1655.29N/A37.7837.6943.4143.1157.4357.4062.5662.1549.5649.5649.1848.03<0.001Cadmiummg/L0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0. 005<0.005<0.005<0.005Leadmg/L0.025<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005<0.005 18267.9-92.7-123107-33.612440.0174140-102-66.6 6.596.782.090.350.511.100.432.760.231.211.300.100.473.422.223.771.150.59 N/A7. <0.51.4<0.5<0.5<0.50.55 Alkalinity mg/LNo Standard1426240650160780447603214360310 570 Hardnessmg/LNo Standard341101402002206406237050160220250 <0.52.7<<0.5<0.5 389.0 130.771.60.751.5 4.0171927 2524 2221012404298CODmg/LNo Standard<40<4011070<408050100<40<404050Sulfatemg/L250258025313655203921923084Total Organic Carbonmg/LNo Standard<0.5<0.51934125011292.5<0.51229TKNmg/LNo Standard0.80.81877 1260.8730.80.42625Calciummg/LNo Standard7.626272867150119014365755Potassiummg/LNo Standard4.71.9198722567.61204.93.74156 3058 BODmg/LNo Standard<2<27<3<2<2<2<2<2<24.3<3 MSL= Mean Sea Level.TKN= Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen.mV= milliVolts. exceed Class GA Standard or Guidance Value. 0.002 5.606.126.46 llow 99290420 T.O.C.= Top of Casing.COD= Chemical Oxygen Demand.NTU= Nephelometric Turbidity Units.Results in bold font and highlighted in ye <0.001<0.001 0.130.06 <0.2<0.2 3.513 Summary of Ground Water-Monitoring Results for Fourth Quarter 2011 Monitoring Round 0.0020.007 6.57 0.44 950140 7236 NYSDEC Part 360Class GA Well Number and Result 5.405.06 0.14 130 < 13 Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY= Degrees Celsius.mg/L= milligrams per Liter. <0.001<0.001 1300 0.781.552.111.310.383.38 6.73 BOD= Biological Oxygen Demand.pHmV= pH in milliVolts.N/A= Not Applicable. 0.66 300200 2565 6.106.316.15 0.01 390 <0.2<0.5<0.5<0.5<0.5<0.59.7 Chloridemg/L25028266313020 14 Magnesiummg/L353.712183212 Table 1 0.003 630 40100 Nitratemg/L104.45.3<0.5<0.5 17767714 Phenolsmg/L0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001 Total Dissolved Solidsmg/L500130220380 6.62 Ironmg/L0.30.050.14Manganesemg/L0.3<0.01<0.01 Ammoniamg/L2<0.2<0.2 18 C o 5.32 21 ORP= Oxygen Reduction Potential. ConductivitymS/cmNo Standard TemperatureoCNo Standard EhpHmVNo Standard Dissolved Oxygenmg/LNo Standard ORPmVNo Standard pHUnits6.5-8.5 Floaters or SinkersN/ANone GV NTU<5 Sodiummg/L20 2 Feet MSLFeet MSL Feet Units Bromidemg/L : Notes Leachate Imndicators:Inorganic Parameters: Water-Level Elevation : Field Parameters: Water-Level Data T.O.C. Elevation Depth to Water Turbidit y Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY where naturally higher ground-water salinities may occur due to the proximity to saline surface-water bodies. Conductivities are highest in the deep wells located directly downgradient of the Site. These highest values appear to be Site-related. Ground-water temperatures are slightly higher in the wells located downgradient of, and in close proximity to, the main area of the Site. No floaters or sinkers were noted during this monitoring round. Ground-water pH is generally low, and is less than the minimum standard in eight of the 12 wells. The results are consistent with the naturally low pH of Long Island ground water, and are similar in upgradient and downgradient wells. The Eh (redox potential) of ground water is positive in 11 of the 12 wells, and is lowest in the deep wells located directly downgradient of the Site. These lowest values appear to be Site-related. Dissolved oxygen concentrations are lower in the downgradient wells than in the upgradient wells, but dissolved oxygen is present in all 12 wells. The ground water in all 12 wells was observed to be clear, and did not have a noticeable odor this quarter. The turbidity of ground water is less than the standard in 11 of the 12 wells and only slightly higher than the standard in the other well. Therefore, collection of filtered samples for dissolved metals analyses was not required. The ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) of ground water is moderately positive to strongly positive in eight of the 12 wells; and moderately negative in Well Cluster MW-3, Well MW-4S, and Well Cluster MW-8, which are located directly downgradient of the main area of the Site. These negative ORP readings appear to be Site-related. Overall, the field parameter results obtained this quarter are consistent with the Site’s usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts are relatively minor in magnitude and limited to higher conductivity and temperature, and lower dissolved oxygen levels, and Eh and ORP readings, in certain downgradient wells. 3.3 Leachate Parameter Results Review of the leachate parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: Ground-water alkalinity is noticeably higher in most of the downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and is highest in Wells MW-4D and MW-5D. Ammonia is present in six downgradient wells at concentrations exceeding the Class GA ground-water standard, and is highest in Wells MW-3D and MW-5D. Biological oxygen demand is very low to non-detectable in all 12 wells. Bromide was detected in three of the downgradient wells, and was slightly higher than the Class GA ground-water guidance value in Well MW-4D. Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 3 Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY Chloride levels are noticeably higher in five of the downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and higher than the Class GA ground-water standard in Well MW-4D. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is noticeably higher in four of the downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells and is highest in Wells MW-3S and MW-5D. Ground-water nitrate levels are relatively low, and less than the Class GA ground-water standard in every well except Well MW-4D. Phenols were detected in four downgradient wells, at concentrations higher than the Class GA ground-water standard. Sulfate is present at relatively low levels, less than the Class GA ground-water standard, in all 12 wells. Total dissolved solids (TDS) results are noticeably higher in seven of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and exceed the Class GA ground-water standard in Wells MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D and MW-8D. Total organic carbon (TOC) is higher in nine of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) is noticeably higher in six of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. Overall, the leachate parameter results obtained this quarter are also consistent with the Site’s usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts indicated by these results include downgradient increases in most of the detected parameters. However, it is important to note that 1) the there are no ground-water standards for five of these parameters; 2) the standard for at least one parameter (phenols) is aesthetics-based; 3) most of the downgradient increases occur in a limited number of wells; and 4) approximately one-half of the standard exceedances are relatively minor in magnitude. Moreover, ground water in this area is naturally saline at depth, and ultimately discharges to a saline surface-water body (Long Island Sound). Therefore, the standard exceedances for ammonia, bromide, chloride and TDS, which occur naturally in saline ground water and seawater, are not a significant concern with respect to public health or the environment. 3.4 Inorganic Parameter Results Review of the inorganic parameter results in Table 1 indicates the following key findings: Cadmium was not detected in any of the wells sampled. Calcium was detected in all 12 wells, and is slightly higher in Wells MW-4S, MW- 4D, MW-5D, MW-8S and MW-8D relative to the upgradient wells. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 4 Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY Ground-water hardness values are higher in eight of ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. Iron is present in all 12 wells, was detected at concentrations exceeding the Class GA ground-water standard in five downgradient wells, and is highest in Well Clusters MW-3 and MW-8. Lead was not detected in any of the wells sampled. Magnesium was detected in all 12 wells, and the levels in Wells MW-4D and MW-5D are higher than the Class GA ground-water standard. Manganese was detected in every downgradient well, and exceeds the Class GA ground-water standard in nine of the ten downgradient wells. Potassium was detected in all 12 wells. Potassium concentrations are higher in eight of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and are highest in Wells MW-3D and MW-5D. There is no Class GA ground-water standard for this parameter. Sodium concentrations are higher in six of the ten downgradient wells relative to the upgradient wells, and exceed the Class GA ground-water standard in Wells MW-1S, MW-3S, MW-3D, MW-4D, MW-5D, MW-8S and MW-8D. Overall, the inorganic parameter results obtained this quarter are also consistent with the Site’s usage and its North Fork setting. Potential Site-related impacts indicated by these results include downgradient increases in calcium, hardness, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium. However, it is important to note that 1) many of these increases are relatively minor in magnitude, sporadic, or less than the Class GA ground-water standard; 2) there are no ground water-quality standards or guidance values for calcium, hardness or potassium; 3) the standards for iron and magnesium are aesthetics-based; and 4) sodium is not considered to be particularly hazardous. Moreover, as noted above in Section 3.2, ground water in this area is naturally saline at depth and ultimately discharges to a saline surface-water body (Long Island Sound). Therefore, the exceedances for sodium, which occurs naturally in saline ground water and seawater, are not a concern with respect to public health or the environment. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the fourth quarter 2011 monitoring round, LKB concludes the following: Water-level elevations, hydraulic gradients and ground water-flow directions are consistent with local and regional hydrogeologic conditions. In general, ground water-quality conditions are consistent with the Site’s North Fork setting near saline surface-water bodies. Comparison of upgradient and downgradient results indicates potential Site- related impacts consistent with an old MSW landfill, however further assessment Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 5 Fourth Quarter 2011 Ground Water-Monitoring Report Town of Southold Landfill, Cutchogue, NY indicates that they are not a significant concern with respect to public health or the environment. The monitoring schedule for the Site requires monitoring ground water for 6NYCRR Part 360 Routine Parameters during three calendar quarters and for Part 360 Baseline Parameters (a more extensive list) during one calendar quarter, in rotating quarters. The most recent round of monitoring for Baseline Parameters was performed during the third quarter of 2011. Therefore, LKB recommends monitoring for Routine Parameters during the first three quarters of 2012, and monitoring for Baseline Parameters during the fourth quarter of 2012. Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. 6 APPENDIX A Copy of Sample Chain-of-Custody Form and Laboratory Results