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Local Law No. 6 of the year 19- 9,7
in relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Office
A local law
(LtO) Zone Uses
~ oC____29._u_~__h, pj_.d_ ............................................................ as foilows:
-1. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
1. Section 100-13 (Definitions) is hereby amended as follows:
- AUTO REPAIR SHOP - A commercial use involving the adjustment,.
painting, replacement of parts or other repair or restoration of motor
FOOD CATERING FACILITY - A food preparation operation
that prepares food for consumption at a specific off-site location and/or
event distinct from the restaurant trade.
FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY - A wholesale operation where
food is processed from a raw or semi-processed state to a finished
product suitable for resale at retail outlets or to restaurants. A food
processing facility shall not include an outlet store, whether
accessory or principal.
(If additional space N ae~ed, attach pag~ the sam,~ size ms this she:z, and amber
?.{~S-/29 ~ P--~. 7D i'.,
facility open to [he general public for a play greens fee, which
is at least 125 contiguous acres of property and contains a
regulation eighteen (18) hole golf course. The following accessory
uses may be included providing sufficient land is available:
practice tees for instruction purposes, pro shop and school, driving
range, snack bar or restaurant catedng and banquet facilities, club
houses, course offices, vehicle maintenance shed, employee
facilities, locker rooms and showers, swimming pool_and tennis courts.
LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES - are uses which involve fabrication,
reshaping, reworking, assembly or combining of products from
previously prepared materials and which do not involve [he synthesis
of chemical or chemical products other than for piqarmaceutical.or
research' purposes or the processing of any raw matedats except
agricultural raw materials. Such uses may include industrial operations
such as electronic, machine parts and small component assembly, as
opposed to heavy industrial operations such as automobile assembly or
milling activities.
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - recreational uses characterized by
predominately outdoor activities by patrons, including but not limited to
stables and riding academies, regulation golf courses and golf related
activities, tennis and racquet sport clubs, platform sports, baseball
batting and pitc~hing cages and swimming pooi facilities. It shatl not
include such activities as racing, jai-atai ant amusements parks.
2. Section 100-131 A and B (Use Regulations in the LIO Zone) is
amended as follows:
In the LIO District, no building or premises shall be used and no building
or part of a building shall be ei'ected or altered which is arranged,
intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose
except the following:
A. Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted uses and,
except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(1 ) hereof,
are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board:
1. The agricultural operations and accesso'ry uses including
irrigation, the raising of field and garden crops, vineyard and
orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal
sale of products grown on the premises, the keeping, breeding,
raising and training of horses, domestic animals and fowl, barns,
storage buildings, greenhouses and other related structures to the
same extent and subject to the same conditions allowed in the
AC zone.
2. Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town
of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts.
3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and building material
storage and sale, but excluding storage of coal, coke, fuel oil
or junk.
4. Building, electrical and piumbing contractors' businesses or
5. Cold storage plants, baking and other food processing and
packaging plants that are not offensive.- obnoxious or detrimental
to neighboring uses by reason of dust, smoke, vibration, noise,
odor or effluent.
6. Office buildings for businesses, governmental and professional
uses, including administrative training, data processing,
publication, financial and sales offices.
7. Telephone exchanges.
8. Wineries as regulated by §100-101 A(11 ).
9. Tourist camp.
10. Recreational facilities which meet the following conditions:
(a) Minimum parcel size shall be three (3) acres.
(b) There shall be three (3) acres for each use.
11. Standard regulation golf course.
12. Food catering facility.
13. Machine and equipment workshop.
14. Boat building, boat servicing and boat storage facilities.
excluding retail sales of boats and accessories.
15. Light industrial uses, subject to the following conditions:
(a) No such process or operation shall involve the
handling, storage or discharge of explosives or
permit upon the premises any virus or other type
of infectious organisms identified with diseases
of animals or humans.
(b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke, odors,
dust, effluent or vibrations shall emanate from such
use and r~o waste products shall be discharged
therefrom of a character to create a nuisance or to be
injurious to health or to negatively impact groundwater.
(c) Such processes shall involve the use of only oil,
gas or electricity for fuet.
16. Printing and publishing plants.
B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals.
The following uses are permitted as a spedal exception by the
Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan
approval by the Planning Board:
1. Research, design or development laboratories, provided
that any manufacturing sf~all be limited to prototype and
products for testing.
2. Laundry or dry-cleaning plants, subject to the following
(a) Ail processes and storage shall be carried on
within an enclosed building.
(b) all fluids used in processing shall be recycled,
and the overall facility shall be designed, located
and operated to protect sun'ace waters and the
groundwater reservoi'r from pollution.
3. Conference facilities, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Where rooms are provided for conference
attendees, said rooms are permitted as set forth
and regulated by §100-618(4) of the Resort
Residential (RR) District.
4. Public utility structures and uses.
5. Truck or bus terminals (garages, parking facilities, loading
docks, etc.).
6. Food processing and packaging plants, not including fish
processing plants.
7. Repair of boats and madne items.
8. Basic'Utility Stage I1 airport, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Minimum parcel size shall be one hundred (100) acres.
3. Section I00-141 A and B (Use Regulations in the Lt Zone) are amended as
In the LI District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or
part of a building shall be erected or aitered which is arranged, intended
or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose except the
A. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted uses and,
except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(1 ) and
Subsection A(2) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the
Planning Board:
1. The agricultural operations and accessory uses
including irrigation, the raising of field and garden crops,
vineyard and orchard farming, the maintenance of
nurseries and the seasonal sate of products grown on
the premises, the keeping, breeding, raising and training
of horses, domestic animals and fowl, barns, storage
buildings, greenhouses and other related structures
to the same extent and subject to the same conditions
allowed in the AC zone.
2. Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by
the Town of Southotd, school districts, park districts and
fire districts.
3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and building
material storage and sale, but excluding storage of
coal, coke, fuel oii or junk.
4. Building, electrical and plumbing contractor's
businesses or yards.
5. Cold storage plants, baking and other food processing
and pad<aging plants that are not offensive,, obnoxious
or detrimental to neighboring uses by reason of dust,
smoke, vibration, noise, odor or effluent.
6. Office buildings for businesses, governmental and
professional uses, including administrative training,
data processing, publicafJon, financial and sales offices.
7. Telephone exchanges.
8. Wineries as regulated by §100-101A(11 ).
9. Auto repair shop.
10. Repair shop (not including auto and marine).
11. Custom workshop.
12. Machine and equipment workshop.
t3. Light industrial uses.
14. Publishing and printing plants.
15. Boat building, servicing and storage, excluding wholesale and
retail sales of boats and accessories.
B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The
following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of
Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by
the Planning Board:
1. Research, design or development laboratories.
provided that any manufacturing shall be limited to
prototypes and products for testing.
2. Laundry or dry-cleaning plants, subject to the
following conditions:
(a) All processes and storage shall be
carried on within an enclosed building.
(b) All fluids used in processing shall be
recycled, and the overall facility shall be
designed, located and operated to protect
surface 'waters and the groundwater
from pollution.
3. Light industrial uses, subject to the following conditions:
(a) No such process or operation shall involve
the handling, storage or discharge of explosives
or permit upon the premises any virus or other
type of infectious organisms identified with
diseases of animals or humans.
(b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke,
odors, dust, effluent or vibrations shall emanate
from such use and no waste products shall be
discharged therefrom of a character to create
a nuisance or to be injurious to health or to
negatively impact groundwater.
(c) Such processes shall involve the use of only oil,
gas or electricity for fuel.
4. Conference facilities, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Where rooms are provided for conference
attendees, said rooms are permitted as set
forth and regulated by §100-61B(4) of the
Resort Residential (RR) District.
5. Public utility structures and uses.
6. Truck or bus terminals (garages, parking facilities,
loading docks, etc.)
7. Food processing and packaging plants, not inctuding
fish processing plants.
8. Repair of boats and madne items.
II. This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State.
(Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the tiling of thi~ local law and
strike out that which is not'applicable-)
1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
I hereby certify tha~ the local law annexed hereto, desire'rated as local law No .............. _6_ ................... of 19--9--7--
........... ~'e'~v~T,',w-w~'mt''~ of .... S_o..ufl._h.p_t_.d_ ............................................. was duty passed by the
ot+noewn~Bo~Ya~r~ ~o ~j,,,~,-~-,~_w ~,~A~ril 28 19 97 in accordance with the applicable provisions of taw.
(,~q:rae o/ Leg;"ia~','e aohyj
2. (Passage by local le~slative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval
by the Electtve Chief Executive Officer*.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local taw No ..................... 7',- .... o~t?--]--
of the (County)(City)CI'owa)(Village) of ..................................................... was amy passea oy t. ne
· . ........ on ................. 19 ---, and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after
[l¢.~e o[-L~gid~d,,e andy)
disapproval) by the .......................................... and was deemed duty adopted on .............. 19 .... ,
ia accordance with the appiicable provisions of law.
3. (-Final adoption by referendum.)
[ hereby c~rti~ ~hat the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No ................................. of !9 ......
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Viilage) of - was duty passed by the
.................................................. on ................. 19 ..... and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after
;:¥am~ of Le~ti~e
disapproval) by ~he ................................................ on .................. 19 ..... Such local law was submitted .
to the people by. ~ason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and re~ived the affirmative vote of a majori~ of
the qualified elecmm voting thereon at the (geuerat)(special)(annual) etecfion heid on ................ t9--- , in
accordance with the applicable provizions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was ~ed requesting
~ hereby certify that the local taw amaexed hereto, dnsig~ated = locat law No ................................... of I9 ......
of the (Counts~)(City)(Town)(Village) of .............................................................. was duty passed by the
................................................... on .................. I9 ...., and was (approved)(not approved)(repaased after
aisapproval) by the .................................................. on .................. !9 .... Such local law mas subject m
,~ermissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of ............... 19----, in
accordance with ~he applicable provisions of taw.
* Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-
wide basis or. it' there be none. the chairperson of the county, l~islative body, the mayor Of a city. or ,tillage, or
the suoervisor of a-town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances.
(City local law concerning Charter re~ision proposed by petition.)
I hereby cerfi'~ that the local law am-~exed Mreto, designated as local law No ................................ of 19 ......
of the City of .......................................... having been submitted to .referendum pursuant to the provisions of
section (~6)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the
qualified electors of such city vormg thereon at the (spec/al)~ene:-al) election held on ............... 19 .... ,
became operative.
6. (County. local taw concerning adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that the local taw am~xe& hereto, designated as local law No ........................... of 19:---
of the County of State or'New York, having been submitted to the electors
at the General Election of November 19---, pm'suam to subdiv/,sxons ~ and ~ of section 33 of the
Municipal Home Rule Law, and Mving received the aLfirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cit-
ies of said county as a nnit and a majority o£ the qualified electom of the towns of said county considered aa a unit.
voting at said general election, became opemfive~
(If any other authorized form of t-mai adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.)
I ~arther certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the od~nat on file in tbJs office and that the same
is a correct ,'rarmcript therefi-om and of the whole of such od_renal local law, and was finally adopted in the manner in-
dicated in paragraph- _t .... , above.
Jucllth t. t er?y, iown ~ e
Date: April 29, 1997
(Certification m be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town At~rney, V'fllage A~torney or
or. her authorized attorney of locality.)
s~ °~ ~v ~]~J~FO LK
(X)~ O~
t, the and~i~e~ hereby ~ that the foraging l~ law conm~ ~e ~ te~ ~d t~t aH pm~r pmcee~
of the lo~I la~ a~exed helm. ~
~ury U. Dowd, Town A~orney
April 29, 1997
ALBANY. NY 12231"0001
May 7, 1997
RE: Town of Southold, Local Law 6, 1997, filed 05/02/97
The above referenced material was received and filed by this office as
inviolated. ~dditional loca~ law filing forms will be forwarded upon
Janice G. Durfee
Principal File Clerk
Bureau of State Records
(518) 474-2755
APRIL 15, 1997
5:02 P.M.
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Councilwoman Ruth D. Ollva
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Councilman William D. Moore
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Councilman Moore will be reading the "Local law in
Relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Office (LIO) Zone
COUNCILMAN MOORE: "Public Notice is hereby given that there has been
presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, on the 18th day of March, 1997, a Locat law entitled, "A Local Law
in Relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Office (LIO) Zone
Uses". Notice is further given that the Town Board of the Town of Southold
wll hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local law at the Southold Town
Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 15th day of April,
1997. at 5:02 P.M. at which time all interested persons will be heard. This
proposed "Local Law in Relation to Light Industrial (Li) and Light
Industrial Office (LIO) Zone Uses" reads as follows:
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
1. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
1. Section 100~13 (Definitions).is hereby amended as fellows:
AUTO REPAIR SHOP - A commercial use ihvolvinq the adjustment.
paint/ri.q, replacement of parts or other repair or restoration of motor
FOOD CATERING FACILITY - A food preparation operation
that prepares food for consumption at a specific off-site location and/or
event distinct from the restaurant trade.
pg 2 - PH ~
FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY - A wholesale operation where
food is processed from a raw or semi-processed state to a finished
product suitable for resale at retait outlets or to restaurants. A food
processing, facility shall not include an outlet store, whether
accessory or principal.
facility open to the .qeneral public for a play greens fee, which
swimming pool and tennis courts.
LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES - are uses which involve, fabrication.
reshapin.q, reworkin.q, assembly or combinin.q of products from
Previously prepared materials and which do not involve the synthesis
of chemical or chemical.products other than for pharmacauticel or
research pur~ses or the processing of any raw materials except
aqriculiuraf i-a~ matedat;S. Such uses may-include'industrial operations
such as electronic, machine parts and small component assembly, as
ooCeSed to'heav-¢ industrial operations such as automobile assembly or
mi~ing' activities.
RECREATIONAL FACIUT1ES - recreational uses characterized by
pred(~rninateiy outdoor activities by oatrons, inciudincr but not limited to
stables and ~idin.q academies, redulation ,qolf courses and .qolf related
a~Vities, tennis and racquet sport clubs, platform sports, baseball
battin.q and pitching caq, es and swimming pool fadtities. It shall not
include.such activities as racinq, iai--alai and amusements parks.
2. Section 100-131 A and B (Use Regulations in the LIO Zone) is
amended as follows:
tn the LIO District, no building or premises shall be used and no building
or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged,
intended or designeo to be used. in whole or in part. for any purpose
except the following:
pg 3 - PH
A. Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted uses and,
except for those uses permitted under Subsection At1 ) hereof,
are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board:
1. The a.qriculturat operations and accessory uses including
Jrdqation, the raising of field and garden crops, vineyard a0d
orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal
sate of products grown on the premises, the keepinq, breeding,
raisJn.q and trainina of.horses, domestic animals.and fowl, barns,
storage buitdin.qs, greenhouses and other related structures to the
same extent and subfect to f. he same.conditions allowed in the
AC zone.
2. Buiidinqs, ,structures and uses owned or operated by the Town
of Southold. school ¢istrict¢, park districts and fire districts.
3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and building material
storage and sale. but excluding storage of coal, coke, fuel oil
or funk.
4. Buitdinc~, electrical and plumbing contractors' businesses or
5. Cold storac~e plants, bakin.q and other food processinq and
packa.qin.q plants that are nat offensive, obnoxious or detrimental
to nei.qhborinq uses by reason of dust, smoke, vibration, noise,
odor or effluent.
6. Office buildings for businesses, governmental and professional
uses, including administrative training, data processing,
publication, financial and sales offices.
7. Telephone exchanges.
8. Wineries as regulated by §100-101A(11 ).
9. Tourist camp.
pg q- - PH
10. Recreational facilities which meet the following conditions:
(a) Minimum parcel size shall be three (3) acres.
(b) There shall be three (3) acres for each use.
11. Standard regulation qolf course
12. Food caterin~l facility
13. Machine and equipment workshop.
14. Boat building, boat serv cinq and boat stora.qe facilities.
excludin.q retail., sales of boats and accessories
15. LiCtht industrial uses, subiect to the following conditions:
{a) No such process or operation shall involve the
handlinq, stora.qe or discharRe of ex~2tosives or
permit upon the premises any virus or other type.
of fnfe.ctious orqanisms identified with diseases
of animals or humans.
(b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke, odors,
dust, effluent or vibrations shall emanate from such
use and no waste products shall be discharqed
therefrom of a character to create a nuisance or to be
iniurious to health or to negative y mpact groundwater.
(c) Such processes shall involve r[he use of only qil,.
gas or electricity for fuel.
16. Printing and publishinq plants.
B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals.
The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the
Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan
approval by the Planning Board:
1. Research. desiqn or development laboratories, provIded
that any manufacturin.q shall be limited to prototype and
products for testinq.
pg5 - PH
2. Laundry or dry-cleanin.q plants, subiect to the fotlowin.q
(a) Ali processes and stora.ae shall be carried on
within an enclosed buifdinq.
(b) all fluids used in process~n.q shall be recycled,
and the overatl facility shall be desianed, located
and operated to protect surface waters and the
.qrc~ndwater reservoir from pollution.
prooc ..... = ~, any ................... ~. -=, .........
to t ............ :g con .........
(a) N ....
pro .......
th ......... "*
grc ...... ~
gas ............ ., ........
5. Conference facilities, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Where rooms are provided for conference
attendees, said rooms are permitted as set forth
and regulated by §100-61B(4) of the Resort
Residential (RR) District.
pg 6 - PH
6. Public utility structures and uses.
8. Truck or bus terminals (garages, parking facilities, loading
docks, etc.).
9. Food processing and packaging plants, not including fish
processing plants.
.............................. Repair of boats and marine
12. Rcst=urants.
14. Basic Utility Stage II airport, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Minimum parcel size shall be one hundred (100) acres.
3. Section 100-141 A and B (Use Regulations in the LI Zone) are amended as
In the LI District. no building or premises shall be used and no building or
part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended
or designed to be used, in whole or in pert, for any purpose except the
A. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted uses and,
except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(I ) add
Subsection A(2) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the
PIanning Board:
pg 7 - PH
1. The aqricultural operations and accessory uses
inctudinq irdqatJon, the raJsinq of fletd and garden crops,
vineyard and Orchard farminq, the maintenance of
nurseries and the seasonal sale of products qrewn on
the premises, the keep, in.q, breeding, raising and [raininq
of horses, domestic animals and fowl, barns, stora.qe
puildin.qs, greenhouses and ether related structures
to the same extent and subiect to the same cor]d[tions
allowed .in theAC zone.
2. Buitdin.qs. structures and uses,owned or operated by
the TeWn of South~td. school districts, park districts and
fire distr~cts.
3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and buildinq
material storaae and sale, but excludinq storage of
coal, COke~ fuel oil or junk.
4: BuiMing,.eJectrical and ptumbir~, contractor's
businesses or yards.
5. Cold storaqe plants, baking and other food processin,q
and packaqin.q plants that are not offensive, obnoxious
or detrimental to neiqhborinp uses by reason of dust,
smoke, vibration, noise, odor or effluent.
6.. Office buildin.qs for businesses, governmental and
professional uses, including administrative training,
data orocessinq, publication, financial and sales offices.
7. Teleehone exchanqes.
8. Wineries as regulated by §100-101A(t 1).
9. Auto recair shop.
10. Repair shop (not {ndudina auto and marine').
11. Custom workshop.
t2. Machine and equipment workshop.
13. Light industrial uses.
14. Publishin.q and pdntinq plants.
15. Boat buildina, servicinq and storaqe, excluding wholesale and
retail sales of boats and accessories.
pg 8 - PH
B. Uses permitted by spatial exception of the Board of Appeals, The
following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of
Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by
the Planning Board:
1..Research, design or development laboratories,
provided that any manufactudnq ~[1 be limited to
protob/pes and products for testinq.
2. Laundry or dry-cleaning plants, subiect to the
followinq conditions
(a) All :)rocesses and stora.qe shall be
carried on within an enclo_sed buitdincl.
(b) All fluids used in processinq shall be
recycled, and the overall facility shall be
desiqned, tocated and operated to protect
surface waters and the .qroundwater
from pollution.
3. D ~nki~ ...... ~sh ........
4_ Light ndustrial uses. subject to the followinq conditions:
(a) No such process or operation shall involve
the handtin.q, stora.qe or dischar.qe of explosives
or permit upon the premises any virus or other
type of infectious orqanisms identified with
diseases of animals or humans.
(b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke,
odors, dust. effluent or vibrations shall emanate
from such use and no waste products shall be
discharg~ed therefrom of a character to create
a nuisance or to be iniudous to health or to
neqatJvely impact gFoundwatffr.
(c) Such. processes, shall involve the use of only oil,
.qas or electricity foe fuel.
pc j9- PH
5. Conference faciJities, subiect to the fotlowin.q conditions:
fa) Where rooms are provided for conference
attendees, said rooms are permitted as set
forth and requfated by §100-61B(4) of the
Resort Residential {RR) Distrfct.
6. Public utility structures and uses.
8. Truck or bus terminals ('qaraqes, parkinq facilities,
oad n.q docks, etc.)
9. Food process~n.q and packa.qinq plants, not includinq
fish procassinq plants.
10.. ?,~o{es~!e =nd re~il sg!cs :~d Repair of boats and
marine items.
tl. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State.
* Underline represents additions
Strikethrough represents deletions
Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any
interested persons during business hours. Dated: April 1, 1997. Judith T.
Terry, Southold Town Clerk." It has been published in The Suffolk Times. I
have an affidavit of publication. I have an affidavit of posting on the Town
Clerk's Bulletin Board. In addition we have received a letter from the Suffolk
County Planning Commission. Pursuant to the requirements of Section A 1~-1~
to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above referenced
application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning
Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of
local determination should not be construed as either an approval or
disapproval. We have letter from the Southold Town Planning Board
recommending certain changes made in enacting of this local law. Shall I
summarize real fast? What we are doing is amending a certain chapter of our
Zoning Code, Chapter 100. In doing this we are deleting certain uses such as
resldent~al uses, bars. restaurants, retail sales ~n boats, sauerkraut
factories, and museums from the industrial zones in town. So, no more
sauerkraut factories wilt be considered in our town. We are adding to those
pg 10 - PH
zoning districts, tourists, and RV camps, recreational facilities, golf
courses, machine shops, food catering facilities in the Light Industrial Office
zone. It adds repair machine, and custom workshops to the LI Light
Industrial Zone, and it makes certain changes about the boat yards, and
serv~.cing and storage, and light manufacturing., and printing plants rom
Special Exception Uses to permitted uses, making those uses easier to be
approved in the community. That is a summary of what all those pages do
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there any comment from the audience?
ANN LOWRY~' Good afternoon, Supervisor Cochran, and members of the
Town BOard. The NFEC really appreciates and supports this law, and the
effort that has gone into getting this together. I know it was a lot of work.
The proposals before us to increase recreational uses, and make better use of
the land seems to be directed to the concern expressed in the Steward Task
reStaurants of all the hamlets
ent~ire stretch out to Orient. We do have a few
this ve.ry careful and complicated work, that has
In Sectmn 1,00 we would llke to reque~st that in the
there be an inclusion that the co~rse mu~t be One
implemented b~
p~,llubng and more
is a
second on Long Island.' ,So,
one's in Westbury.
that a number
of goods. In Section
adding a definition of tduris
camp, and we had ~
definitions, but hav ng it .
Section five, conference fac~
u~ed for the,
airport we wou
would be y by
and the
have; igravel
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you for your comments. Is there any other
comment to the Board? Anyone like to address the Board on this Local Law?
(No response.) If not, we will close the hearing.
Judith T. Terry ~
Southold Town Clerk
which time all interested Fersons
~tion to Light Industrial (Df) and Light
::~ndustrial Office (LIO) Zo.-e Uses"
~9d ~s ~olinws;
ch~i~l or chemicM ~u~ o~er
~raw maxerials. Such uses may
automobile .as~mblv or milline
.~ Yowl h61ifies, h sMtl fiat
· ? 2.0.~,b,:~sada~.cces~ories.
tb) No offensive noises,
(c) Such nroces~es shall
Regulations in the LIO Zone) is I6. Prindn~ and oublishine
amended as follows: nlants.
]n that LIO District, no building or .,. ? B: ,~Jses permitted by special
~-~remises shall be used md no build- :1 ' ' I ~L. exception of the Board of Ap-
ing or pan,of a building shall h¢ peais. Tbe followingusesa~¢per-
emcte~ or altered which is arranged, mitred as a special exception, by
?n[,tnded~:desig~d to be u.~d, ia . the Board of Appeals as here-
whole ori~.~2t, for any ptul~e ' ' thafte? provided, subj¢~ to sile
egcep[ thd,foflowing:
A. Pem~tted Uses. The following,
uses are .permilted uses and,
exCept fbr those uses permitted
gabje, ct to site plat{ apprdval by.
2. ~Buildines. slruetm~s a~d: -- ~ .~ ,
plan approval by the Planning
b~ .limiied m ar6totype, and
;~ducts for te&ttn~. '
2.' .Latmdrv or drv-al~ning
~lants. subiect o the following
conditions: , ,
(a~ All ,oroces. ses and storage I
shall b~ carried on within aa
enclosed building.
. (b) ail fluids mad hi proeess-
ovPrall facilil~ shall be de-
siEned, located and o~erated to
lzroundwater resarvoi~ from
pollution. :.
or other renair or restoration of . orl_unk-~
FOOD CATERING FACILITY - A ! ; ~lumbih~ eontram6rs", bU~i; ............... C:, ..... ~,,~,..
mental to n( hbotin u~es b
reason of dusL ~mabe, vibra-
tion. noise, odor or effluent.
6. Office buildin~ for busi-
nesses, governmental and pm-
fesalonal uses, including
adi~nistrativ~ training, data
processing, publicatinn~ fi-
no,iai and sales
7. Telephone exchanges.
8_. Wineries as regulated by
9. Tourist carny.
10. Recreational facilities
which meet the following eon-
(al Minimum oarcel size
shall be three (3) acres,
(b) There shall be three (3)
11. Standard regulation go__If
13. Machine and equipment
14. Boat buildinm boat sar-
~' A wbolesale o~emdon wbem fo6d is
~ON - A m~me ~ciliw
) SS:
C~_~U~.~.~p S U'F~OJ.,~)
s~d Co~, being d~y s~, says ~at he/she
~ Principal Clerk of THE S~FOLK TIM~. a
WeeMy N~spaper, published at Mattituck, In
the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York. and ~at the No~ce of whl~
~e ~nexed is a p~ted copy, has been ~-
ly p~Hshed in said Newspaper once ~ch week
for ~ weeks~ccessi~ely. ~O~enci~ on
Principal Clerk