HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/2014 Town of Southold Youth Bureau Board Minutes September 22, 2014 YB Present: Laura Held, Robert Duffin, Sarah Benjamin, Andrea Nydegger, Elaine White, Patricia Mellas, Karen McLaughlin, Jeff Standish, Officer Bill Brewer, Councilman Bill Ruland and Phillip Excused: Beltz. Cristina Witzke, Jillian Ruroede and Councilman Jim Dinizio. Approval of Minutes The minutes of July 14, 2014 were approved. Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Membership: Phillip distributed list of 2014-2015 YAC membership. A YAC liaison is needed for each respective school and he will solicit student interest as well as assess their participation in upcoming meetings. Follow-Up Report:  Movie Night: Phillip reported that approximately 120 people attended the th. screening of the movie “Lego” on Saturday, August 16  Suffolk County Summer Works Program: Five students participated.  East End Regional Needs Assessment for Youth: The committee met with the Suffolk County Legislature’s Human Services subcommittee to discuss its findings. Discussion of Parent Universities: The Suffolk County Youth Bureau director would like to host two educational programs for parents (“universities”) that would feature a broad range of speakers and topics to assist parents with developing skills and information to promote youth development. The program would include childcare and dinner with one located in Eastern Suffolk and the other in Western Suffolk. Andrea volunteered to provide a workshop on parenting teens, Laura and Sarah also volunteered to assist. Suggestion for possible topics included “E Cigarettes and Self-Injury.” East End Youth Leadership Summit: Mattituck will participate, Elaine will determine if Southold will participate. Greenport has indicated they will attend. Request of The Guidance Center: They submitted paperwork to offer homework club assistance and host teen dances at the Recreation Center on multiple occasions and with a charge to participants. This was reviewed by the Town Board and referred to the Youth Bureau. A copy of the Town’s building utilization policy was provided for guidelines. Both requests were denied as the policy states “charge for admission of program activity is because of demonstrated need wanting program activity, subject also to public bidding and procurement policies.” It was acknowledged that the homework club could possibly serve a need, however Mattituck provides this service and Southold was unsuccessful in its efforts to offer help primarily because parents are working and cannot provide the necessary transportation. In the future this could be considered as a “Town program” under the auspices of the Recreation Dept. with payment made in advance for a series of classes. The teen dance presents too many liabilities and was not ranked as a priority for youth within the recently issued activities survey. 1 Development of Goals and Objectives for 2014-2015: Below are some goals, additional goals are welcome for the upcoming year:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service/Community Service Project: Everyone should identify a potential project for discussion at the next meeting-Karen commented that birthday placemats for seniors was a possibility.  Mental Health Services: Schools need to provide data and importance for developing service. Phillip will work with State and County representatives to seek funding but he needs documentation regarding the compelling need.  Job Fair and Community Service Day: Both events will be held on the same day in April, one in the Recreation Center and the other in the Community Center.  Open Gym will be held on a Friday night in the winter at the Southold school.  : Herb Boxes for HRC Karen will need help from industrial arts students.  : Intergenerational Project Nexus TabletsPatty and Karen reported that program will begin once students are settled in their school. Next Meeting Date and Time: Meeting ended 5:52 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is th Monday, October 20 at 5:00 p.m. in the Human Resource Center. Respectfully Submitted, Phillip Beltz 2