HomeMy WebLinkAboutElected Officials Directory 2014 - .... 2014 Elected Officials Directory Guira de Oficiales Elegidos Board of Elections - La Junta Electoral Suffolk County - Condado de Suffolk New York STEVEN C. BELLONE County Executive-Ejecudvo del Condado ANITA S. KATZ WAYNE T. ROGERS Commissioners of Elecdons Comim'Onados Eleetorales Check Out Our Werbsite Echa un Vistazo a Nuestra Pagina Web hkkp:flwww.,suffAvotes r coml suffolkvotes com sx i ,9,1e Ede Wit 'thew F§vorltes Tools Help -- Favorites - -- - Page- Safety. Tools. . i.ff.IkVOTFS COMMtSWNERS Home For Voters Elect ons Cz,'�endar Nevis hsf—rors()*i AbOKA US I COrd8d US New Voting System in Suffolk County-Click Here to Learn More Calendar Dec 2611 Popular Links Welcome '=frEck'v Ou:K¢g�5?'•i:9r ,_ - ,= r ....:_ ��._._ -1�:.>ti -i-. _' '-3�.': 4eglste'in ypte Jp o—g Ele[;i9�5 r'OTe-s ti�;IM�Isatll:In¢s Hecuor lnspario-s''.ean,eo vte".h Results of General Election.2011 Inspectors 4n1� Ab9Ui Us Interrret ,..100% We're L looking for Inspectors - Buscamos .tnspectores Earn $200 per day per election* - Gane $200 por dia por a%cion* If you wish to work, contact the Board of Elections at Si desea a trabajar, comuniquese con la junta Electoral al (631) ss2-4525 www.suffolkvotes.comlinspector.asp *Election Hours-Horas de/as elections:5:00am to 9.30pm Prepared by - Preparado por SUFFOLK COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE SUFFOLK PO Box 700 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank,New York 11980-0700 Anita S. Katz Democratic - Democrata Wayne T. Rogers Republican - Republicano Commissioners of Elections - Comisionados Electorales VOTE,and the Choice is Yours DON'T and the Choice is Theirs REGISTER, or You have no Choice VOTE y la opcion es suya. DEJA DE VOTAR y la opcion la tienen Ellos. INSCRIBASE SINO,no tienes opcion. Phone number for voter Information - Numero de Telefono para Infomacion de Votantes (631) 852-4500 TTY: (631) 852-4540 Be Sure To REGISTER, Be INFORMED, Then VOTE... Asegurese de INSCRIBIRSE mantenerse INFORMADO y entonces,VOTE Printed: February 2014 - Imprimido: Febrero de 2014 Version 2.0 - I - PARA PODER VOTAR,USTED DEBE ESTAR ZCOMO SE MANTIENE LA SECRECIA DE MI VOTO? REGISTRADO Se mantiene el secreto de su voto por medio de un sistema de Usted puede hacerse registrar si: defensas mecdnicas y administrativas. tienes la edad 18 ai3os en el dfa de la elecci6n y El numero asignado a cada votante es un dispositivo para evitar has lido residente del Condado de Suffolk por to menos los 30 el fraude y de ninguna manera refleja para quien el votante ha dfas anteriores a la elecci6n votado. Este numero solo sirve para indicar el total de votos y hechos en esta maquina. eres Ciudadano de los Estados Unidos de America. LQUE HAGO PARA VOTAR SI ESTOY AUSENTE DE zCOMO HAGO PARA REGISTRAR o REGISTRAR DE MI DOMICILO? NUEVO? Si usted esta ausente del Condado por causa de su profesi6n, Puedes obtener un formulario de inscripci6n llamando a la negocios,vacations o estudios,puedes pedir una Solicitud devue'lvelo Para Balota de Ausente,y puedes votar como votante ausente en Junta Electoral del Condado de Suffolk. L16nalo y por correo. Tambi6n puedes hacerse inscribir llenando el cualesquiera elecci6n Especial,Primaria o General. El formulario personalmente en la oficina de la Junta Electoral,o formulario correspondiente se consigue de la Junta Electoral, en su oficina de Correos local. bien sea pidiendolo por escrito como personalmente. Formularios enviados por correo deben ser llenados y recibidos ZCUANDO ES NECESARIO QUE REGISTRO o por la Junta Electoral no mas tarde que Siete dfas antes del la REGISTRO DE NUEVO PARA VOTAR? elecci6n correspondiente. -Si todavfa no estas registrado. -Si to has mudado a una nueva direcci6n(aun a la casa de al Nota: cualquier persona que califica para una Balota de lado)despu6s del la Ultima elecci6n. Ausente puede presentarse en la Junta Electoral hasta el dfa antes de la elecci6n correspondiente,y despues de haber ICOMO HAGO PARA SER ELIGIBLE PARA VOTAR llenado el formulario,puede hater su voto en la oficina de la EN UNA ELECCION PRIMARIA? Junta misma. Debes hacerse inscribir como miembro de uno de los partidos politicos reconocidos en el mismo formulario de inscripci6n/re- ZCOMO PUEDO VOTAR SI SOY ENFERMO U inscripci6n y aquel partido debe ser el que tiene la elecci6n INHABILITAD09 primaria.(Solo puedes votar en Una elecci6n primaria del Si le queda imposible votar personalmente debido a enfermedad partido en el cual estas matriculado). o incapacidad Fisica,puedes votar por Balota de Ausente. Generalmente,los formularios para Balotas de Ausente LCOMO INDICO MI AFILIACION PARTIDARIO? deben ser llenados y devueltos a la Junta Electoral por to Debes usar el mismo formulario de inscripci6n/re-inscripci6n. menos siete dfas antes de la elecci6n. Sin embargo,si Si se trata de un cambio de partido,el cambio no tomara efecto uno se enferma o sufre una inhabilidad Fisica dentro de sino despues de la pr6xima elecci6n general en noviembre. los 10 dfas antes de la elecci6n,el foromulario puede ser presentado hasta el dfa antes de la elecci6n ZDONDE DEBO VOTO? correspondiente. Aquellas personas que son En el Estado de New York tenemos votaci6n en el vecidario. A permanentemente inhabilitadas pueden recibir Balotas de principios de septiembre de cada ano deberfa recibir una postal de la Junta Electoral. Preservala para referirse a ella en el Ausente para todas las elecciones futuras,llenando Una futuro. El objeto de la postal es,de verificar que su direcci6n sola aplicaci6n. esta correcta,tal come,indicada. La postal tambien bene la direcci6n donde debes votar. En caso de algun cambio de su sitio de votaci6n(por ejemplo,despues de cada Censo Federal, se efectuan cambios en la delimitaci6n de Distritos Electorales), la postal indicara muy claramente el nuevo Sitio de votaci6n asignado. Si tienes dudas respecto a su sitio de votaci6n,favor de llamar a la Junta Electoral. 4PUEDO OBTENER AYUDA ESPECIAL EN EL SITIO DE VOTACION EN CASO DE NECESITARLA? Sf.Por ejemplo,a cualquier persona inhabilitada se permite la assistencia por parte de cualquier persona de su ruego,6 la asistencia de un familiar 6 de dos inspectores(un Dem6crata y un Republican). -2- YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO VOTE WHERE DO I VOTE? You may register if you are In New York State,there is neighborhood 18 years of age by Election Day voting. Early each September,you should receive and a postcard from the Board of Elections. Keep this a resident of the County for at least for future reference. The card is to check if your 30 days prior to the Election address as shown is correct. It also shows on the and form the location where you vote. If your voting a citizen of the United States. location does change(for example,district lines will be reapportioned following completion of the HOW DO I REGISTER/RE-REGISTER? Federal Census),the card will clearly indicate the You can obtain a registration form by calling new location where you are to vote. If you are not your County Board of Elections. Complete it and sure of your voting location,call the Board of return it by mail. You can also register by filling out Elections. the form at the Board of Elections or your local Post Office. CAN I OBTAIN SPECIAL HELP AT THE POLLS IF I NEED IT? WHEN IS IT NECESSARY THAT I Yes.For example,any handicapped or disabled REGISTER/RE-REGISTER TO VOTE? person may have the assistance of any person of his If you are not registered or her choice OR the assistance of a family member If you have moved to a new address(even next OR two inspectors(one Democratic and one door)since your last vote. Republican). HOW DO I BECOME ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN HOW CAN I VOTE WHEN I AM AWAY PRIMARY ELECTIONS? FROM HOME? You must be enrolled with one of the recognized If you are absent from the County because of political parties on the same form used for your occupation,business,vacation,or studies,you registration/re-registration and there must be a can request an Absentee Ballot Application and Primary Election in that party. (you can only vote in vote absentee in any Special,Primary or General the Party in which you are enrolled.) Election. The application may be obtained from the Board of Elections. Just write or come in. HOW IS MY VOTE KEPT SECRET? Applications which are mailed must be completed Your vote is kept secret through a and received by the Board not later than 7 days sophisticated system of mechanical and before the Election. administrative safeguards. NOTE: Any person qualified for an Absentee The number assigned to each voter is an anti- Ballot may come to the Board of Elections,up fraud device and in no way reveals for whom the through the day preceding the Election,complete voter casts his or her ballot. It makes it possible to the Absentee Ballot Application,and cast his or her keep an exact record of the number of votes cast on vote at the Board. the machine. HOW CAN I VOTE WHEN I AM ILL OR HOW DO I INDICATE MY PARTY DISABLED? ENROLLMENT? If you are unable to vote in person because You use the same form used for registration/re- of illness or physical disability,you may vote by registration. If you are changing your party,the absentee ballot. Normally,applications for change will not take effect until after the next Absentee Ballots must be completed and returned November General Election. to the Board not later than 7 days before the elections. However,if you become ill or disabled within 10 days of the Election,you may submit the application up until the day before the Election. Persons who are permanently ill or disabled may receive absentee ballots for all future elections by filing a single application. -3 - Length of Terni of Public Offices -Terminos de Cargos Publicos President of the United States - Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America------------------------------ 4 Years/Anos Vice President of the United States Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos de America----------------------4 Years/Anos New York State Governor- Gobernador del Estado de New York-----------------------------------------4 Years/Anos New York State Comptroller- Contralor del Estado de New York-----------------------------------------4 Years/Anos New York State Attorney General- Fiscal del Estado de New York--------------------------------------- 4 Years/Anos United States Senate - Senador de los Estados Unidos de America-----------------------------------------6 Years/Anos Justice of the Supreme Court- Magistrado de la Corte Suprema--------------------------------------------14 Years/Anos County Executive - Ejecutivo del Condado----------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Years/Anos Judge of Surrogates Court- Juez de la Corte de Testamentarias---------------------------------------------10 Years/Anos County Court Judge - Juez de la Corte del Condado--------------------------------------------------------10 Years/Anos Family Court Judge- Juez de la Corte de Familia----------------------------------------------------------- 10 Years/Anos District Attorney- Fiscal de Distrito-------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos County Treasurer- Tesorero del Condado------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos County Clerk- Secretario del Condado-------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Years/Anos County Comptroller- Cotralor del Condado----------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Sheriff- Sheriff---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Representative in Congress - Representante al Congreso----------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos State Senator- Senador Estatal-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos Member of Assembly- Miembro de la Asamblea-----------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos County Legislator- Legislador del Condado----------------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos District Court Judge - Juez de la Corte Distrital------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Years/Anos Supervisor, Towns of/Municipios de Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, and Southampton----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos Supervisor, Towns of/Municipios de Babylon, Huntington, Islip and Smithtown and Southold-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Town Clerk- Secretario Municipal, Babylon, Brookhaven, East Hampton, Huntington,Islip, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Smithtown, Southampton, and Southold------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Receiver of Taxes- Recaudador(a)de Impuestos, Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Smithtown, Southampton and Southold-------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras, Brookhaven, East Hampton, andShelter Island-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras,Huntington, Riverhead, Smithtown, Southampton and Southold---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Councilman- Miembros del Consejo, Brookhaven----------------------------------------------------------2 Years/Anos Councilman(all remaining Towns) - Miembros del Consejo Municipal(Municipios otros)------------------- 4 Years/Anos Assessor- Asesor, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island and Southold----------------------------------4 Years/Anos Town Justice- Juez Municipal, Towns of/Municipios de East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Years/Anos Trustee- Fideicomisario(a)Municipal, Towns of/Municipios de East Hampton&Southampton------------2 Years/Anos Trustee- Fideicon-isario(a)Municipal, Town of/Municipio de Southold------------------------------------4 Years/Anos -4- TELEPHONE DIRECTORY- GUTA TELEFONICA www.suffolkvotes.com REGISTRATION AND GENERAL INFORMATION- INSCRIPCION Y INFORMACI6N GENERAL (631) 852-4500 TTY NImIBFR-Ntm mo TTY (631) 852-4540 ADMINISTRATION-ADMINISTRACION Anita S. Katz(D) Commissioner- Comisionada (631) 852-4568 Wayne T. Rogers (R) Conmiissioner- Comisionado (631) 852-4567 Jeanne C. O'Rourke (D) Deputy Commissioner- Comisionada Substituta (631) 852-4568 William J. Ellis (R) Deputy Commissioner- Comisionado Substituto (631) 852-4567 Linda M. Labbate (D) Sr. Asst. Commissioner- Comisionada Asistte. Sup. (631) 852-4568 Michael Torres (R) Sr. Asst. Commissioner- Comisionado Asistte. Sup. (631) 852-5428 Daryl Edelstein(D) Asst. Commissioner- Con isionado Asistte. (631) 852-4506 Mark M. Gallo (R) Asst.Commissioner- Comisionado Asistte. (631) 852-4565 OPERATIONS-OPERACIONES Linda M. Labbate (D) (631) 852-4568 Keith S. Tuthill(R) (631) 852-4511 ABSEIVTEEBALLOT DEPARTMENT-SECCION DEBALOTAS DEALNENTE Joseph Trepiccione (R) (631) 852-4515 Dale Fisher(D) (631) 852-4512 CAMPAIGN FINANCEDEPARTMENT- DEPARTAMFNTO DE AS UNTOS FINANCIDtOS DE CAMPAIVA Deborah Monaco (D) (631) 852-4548 Irene D'Abramo (R) (631) 852-4553 ELECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT-DEPARTAMENTO DESERVICIOS ELECTORALES Sue Collins-Tuthill(D) (631) 852-4536 Phil Regan(R) (631) 852-4527 WAREROLNE-ALMACFN Alex Notarfrancesco (R) (631) 852-4546 Rudy Scala(D) (631) 852-4522 VOTER INFORMATION PROGRAM-PROGRAMA DE INFORMACION AL VOTANTE Lanette Ferrara (R) (631) 852-4550 Kim Tabor(D) (631) 852-5281 -5- Suffolk County Board of Elections PO Box 700 700 Yaphank Ave Yaphank, NY 11980-0700 Main St 1-495n9 Ilia p c�� d Ave R, Sagest parkt a w g: Giov St < � Qmts w ntfork Av �apte t i Pipe 3t �� ,q ar � ak St W OOCISi v' tr° 11o,. Ch"ist pe C o Sa�j°��fr Q�'a�e th "CJ �a O or d x +�pon�k HwY Table of Contents - Indice Federal Officials - Funcionarios Federales-------------------------------------------------------------- 8 President of the United States - Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America--------------- 8 Vice President of the United States- Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos de America----- 8 United States Senator- Senador de los Estado Unidos de America--------------------------8 Representative in Congress - Representante al Congreso-------------------------------------8 New York State Officials -Funcionarios del Estado de New York---------------------------------9 Governor- Gobernador---------------------------------------------------------------------9 Lt. Governor- Vicegobernador--------------------------------------------------------------9 Attorney General- Fiscal del Estado---------------------------------------------------------9 Comptroller- Contralor---------------------------------------------------------------------9 New York State Senator- Senador Estatal de New York----------------------------------- 10 Members of the Assembly- Miembros de la Asamblea-------------------------------------- 11-12 Suffolk County Officials -Funcionarios del Condado de Suffolk------------------------------------13 County Executive - Ejecutivo del Condado-------------------------------------------------- 13 Comptroller- Contralor--------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 County Treasurer- Tesorero del Condado-------------------------------------------------- 13 County Clerk - Secreatrio del Condado----------------------------------------------------- 13 District Attorney- Fiscal del Distrito---------------------------------------------------------13 County Sheriff- Sheriff---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 County Legislature - Cuerpo de Legisladores del Condado---------------------------------- 14-15 Courts of Suffolk County -Tribunales del Condado de Suffolk------------------------------------- 16 Justices of the Supreme Court- Magistrados de la Corte Suprema---------------------------16-17 Court of Claims - Magistrados de la Corte de Reclamos-------------------------------------18 Surrogate Court- Tribunal de Testamentarfas------------------------------------------------18 Judges of the County Court- Juez de la Corte del Condado--------------------------------- 19 Judges of the Family Court- Juez de la Corte de Familia-------------------------------------20 District Courts - Cortes Distritales-----------------------------------------------------------21 Townships within Suffolk County -Municipalidades Dentro del Condado de Suffolk---------22 Babylon-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 Brookhaven---------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 EastHampton-------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Huntington-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 Islip-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Riverhead-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 ShelterIsland--------------------------------------------------------------------------------34 Smithtown-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 Southampton--------------------------------------------------------------------------------38 Southold------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 FEDERAL OFFICIALS -FUNCIONARIOS FEDERALES PRESIDENT OF THE UNITFD STATES-PRESIDENTS DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Barack H.Obama VICEPRESIDINT OF THEUNITED STATES -VICIPRESIDENTEDELOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Joseph R.Biden,Jr. The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington,DC 20500 (202)456-1414,(202)456-2461 -Fax www.mhitehouse.gov UNITED STATES SENATORS-SINADORES DELOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DEAN41UCA Charles E Schumer Kirsten E Gillibrand Local Address-Direcci6n Local: Local Address-Direcci6n Local: 145 Pinelawn Road-Suite 300 155 Pinelawn Road-Suite 250 N Melville,NY 11747 Melville,NY 11747 (631)753-0978 (631)249-2825 (631)753-0997-Fax (631)249-2847-Fax Address During Session-Direcci6n Durante la Sesi6n: Address During Session-Direcci6n Durante la Sesi6n: 322 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 478 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington,DC 20510 Washington,DC 20510 (202)224-6542 (202)224-4451 (202)228-3027-Fax (202)228-0282-Fax schumer.senate.gov gillibranclsenate.gov REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS- REPRESENTANTES EN EL CONGRESO District District Distrito Distrito 1 Timothy H.Bishop 2* Peter T.King Local Offices-Oficinas Locales: Local Office-Oficina Local: 31 Oak St,Suite 20 1003 Park Blvd. Patchogue,NY 11772 Massapequa Park,NY 11762 (631)289-6500 (631)541-4225 (631)289-3181 -Fax (516)541-6602-Fax 137 Hampton Rd Address During Session-Direcci6n Durante la Sesi6n: Southampton,NY 11968 339 Cannon House Office Bldg. (631)259-8450 Washington,DC 20515 (631)259-8451 -Fax (202)225-7896 Address During Session-Direcci6n Durante la (202)226-2279-Fax 'i 306 Cannon House Office Building wwwhouse.gov/peteking � Washington,DC 20515 pete.king@mail.house.gov (202)225-3826 (202)225-3143-Fax 3* Steve J.Israel wwwhouse.goWtimbishop Local Office-Oficina Local: 534 Broadhollow Road,Suite 302 Melville,NY 11747 (631)777-7390 (516)304-5651 (631)777-7610-Fax Address During Address During Session-Direcci6n Durante la 2457 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington,DC 20515 (202)225-3335 *Also includes part of Nassau County-El Condado de Nassau (202)225-4669-Fax tambien www.house.goWis rael -8- NEW YORK STATE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FUNCIONARIOS DEL GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE NEW YORK Governor- Gobernador Andrew M. Cuomo The State Capitol, Executive Chamber Albany, NY 12224 (518) 474-8390 (518) 474-1513 — Fax www.govemor.ny.gov 633 Third Ave New York, NY 10017 (212) 681-4580 Lt. Governor- Vicegobernador Robert J. Duffy The State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 (518) 402-2292 (518) 473-2344 - Fax www.govemor.ny.gov Attorney General - Fiscal Eric T. Schneiderman The State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 (518) 474-3527 300 Motor Parkway, Suite 205 Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631)231-2424 (631) 435-4757 - Fax www.ag.ny.gov Comptroller- Contralor Thomas P. DiNapoh 110 State Street Albany, NY 12236 (518) 474-4044 633 Third Avenue, 31"Floor New York, NY 10017 (212)681-4840 (212) 681-4468 - Fax www.osc.state.ny.us contactus @osc.state.ny.us -9- NEW YORK STATE SENATORS SENADORES AL SENADO DEL ESTADO DE NEW YORK District District Distrito Distrito 1 Kenneth P. LaValle 2 John J. Flanagan 28 N Country Road,Suite 203 260 Middle Country Road,Suite 102 Mount Sinai,NY 11766 Smithtown,NY 11787 (631)473-1461 (631)361-2154 (631)473-1513—Fax (631)361-5367-Fax Address During Session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address During Session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 806 Legislative Office Building,Room 805 Albany,NY 12247 Albany,NY 12247 (518)455-3121 (518)455-2071 (518)426-6826—Fax (518)426-6904—Fax www.senatorlavalle.com www.senatorflanagan.com lavalle@nysenate.gov flanagan@nysenate.gov 3 Lee M. Zeldin 4 Phil M. Boyle 4155 Veterans Memorial Hwy,Suite 5 69 West Main Street,Suite B Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 Bayshore,NY 11706 (631)585-0608 (631)665-2311 (631)585-0858-Fax (631)206-2090-Fax Address During Session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address During Session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 802 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 913 Albany,NY 12247 Albany,NY 12247 (518)455-3570 (518)455-3411 (518)426-6741-Fax (518)426-6973—Fax www.zeldin.nysenate.gov www.boyle.nysenate.gov zeldin@nysenate.gov pboyle@nysenate.gov 5 Cad L. Marcellino 8 Vacant- Vacante 250 Townsend Square 5550 Merrick Road,Suite 205 Oyster Bay,NY 11771 Massapequa,NY 11758-6238 (516)922-1811 (516)882-0630 (516)922-1154—Fax (516)882-0636-Fax Address During Session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address During Session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: 188 State Street 188 State Street Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 811 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 609 Albany,NY 12247 Albany,NY 12247 (518)455-2390 (518)455-3341 (518)426-6975—Fax www.senatormareellino.com mareelli@nysenate.gov (Nassau County also-El Condado de Nassau tambidn) (Nassau County also-El Condado de Nassau tambidn) - 10- MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY- MIEMBROS DE LA ASAMBLEA District District Distrito Distrito 1 Fred W. Thiele Jr. 2 Anthony H. Palumbo PO Drawer 3062 400 W Main Street,Suite 201 2302 Main Street,Suite A Riverhead,NY 11901 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 (631)537-2583 (631)727-0204 (631)537-2836 -Fax (631)727-0426-Fax Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 746 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 719 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)455-5997 (518)455-5294 (518)455-5963 -Fax (518)4554740—Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=002 www.assembly.state.ny.us/memrad=001 thielef@assembly.statemy.us palumboa@assembly.statemy.us 3 Edward Hennessey 4 Steven Englebright 1735 N Ocean Ave,Suite A 149 Main Street Medford,NY 11763 Setauket,NY 11733 (631)207-0073 (631)751-3094 (631)207-2006—Fax (631)751-3082-Fax Address during session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 534 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 621 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)4554901 (518)4554804 (518)455-5795—Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/edward-hennessey www.assembly.state.ny.us/memrad=004 henness eye@ assembly.state.ny.us engles @assembly.state.ny.us 5 Alfred C. Graf 6 Philip R. Ramos 991 Main Street,Suite 202 1010 Suffolk Avenue Holbrook,NY 11741 Brentwood,NY 11717 (631)589-8685 (631)435-3214 (631)589-2947—Fax (631)435-3239-Fax Address during session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 433 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 841 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)455-5937 (518)455-5185 (518)455-4784-Fax (518)455-5236—Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=005 www.assembly.state.ny.us/memrad=006 grafa@assembly.statemy.us ramosp@assembly.state.ny.us - 11- MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY- MIEMBROS DE LA ASAMBLEA District District Distrito Distrito 7 Andrew R. Garbanno 8 Michael J. Fitzpatrick 859 Montauk Highway,Suite 1 50 Route 111,Suite 202 Bayport,NY 11705 Smithtown,NY 11787 (631)647-9400 (631)724-2929 (631)647-9403-Fax (631)724-3024—Fax Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 402 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 458 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)455-4611 (518)455-5021 (518)455-5258—Fax (518)455-4394—Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=007 www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=007 garbarinoa@assembly.state.ny.us fitzpatrickm@assembly.state.ny.us 9 Joseph Saladino 10 Chad Lupinacci 512 Park Blvd 1783 New York Avenue Massapequa Park,NY 11762 Huntington Station,NY 11746 (516)541-4598 (631)271-8025 (516)541-4625-Fax (631)424-5984-Fax Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 721 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 446 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)455-0635 (518)455-5732 (518)844-0364-Fax (518)455-5553—Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=009 www.assembly.state.ny.us/memrad=010 saladinoj@assemblystate.ny.us lupinaccic@assemblystate.ny.us (Nassau County,also-El Condado de Nassau,tambien) 11 Robert K. Sweeney 12 Andrew P. Raia 640 W Montauk Hwy 75 Woodbine Avenue Lindenhurst,NY 11757 Northport,NY 11768 (631)957-2087 (631)2614151 (631)957-2998—Fax (631)261-2992—Fax Address during session-Direccion Durante la Sesion: Address during session -Direccion Durante la Sesion: Assembly Chambers Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 625 Legislative Office Bldg.,Room 629 Albany,NY 12248 Albany,NY 12248 (518)455-5787 (518)455-5952 (518)455-3976—Fax (518)455-5804-Fax www.assembly.state.ny.us/memPad=011 www.assembly.state.ny.us/memrad=012 sweeney@assembly.state.ny.us raiaa@assembly.state.ny.us -12- SUFFOLK COUNTY-EL CON.-D-AD 0 DE SUFFOLK Historv: Adrian Block entered Long Island Sound in 1614.sailed around Orient Point and.according to early records.was the first wbite man to land on the territory-which w-as to become Suffolk County. He went ashore atMontauk Point and madam contact with tbe1lontauk Indians. By the terms of the Treats of 1650 between Dutch and English colonial authorities.a division of land was agreed on which extendedthe length of.New England.and across the Sound and Long Island to the Atlantic Ocean. This line corresponded quite closely towhatis now-the western border between Suffolk and.Nassau Counties. Historia,Adrian Block entr6 en Long Island Sound en 1614.naveg6 a Is vuelta de Orient Point y fue,segfin las prituaras cr6nicas,el primer hombre Blanco que pis6 tierra en el territorio que luego fue nombrado Suffolk County. Se desembarc6 en Montauk Point y hizo contacto con los Indicts del tribu-Montauk. Seg6n los tirminos del Convenio de 1650 entre las autoridades coloniales Holandeses y Jos Ingleses,scordaron uns divisi6a del territorio,que se extendi6 a lo largo de-New England y a traces de Long Island Sound y Long Island haste el AtHintico.Esta lines de divisi6n correspondia mud,cercanamente a Is actual frontera occidental entre los Condados de Suffolk v Nassau. Suffiolk County Executive-Ejecutiro del Condado de Suffiolk Steven C. Bellone H.Lee Dennison Bldg. Veterans Memorial Highway.PO Box 6 100 Hauppauge.'.%-Y 11788 (631)853-4000 (631)853-4818-Fax Riverhead Con n tv Center,Con n ty Road 51 Riverhead.NY 11901 (631)852-1600 county.executivegsuffolkeount,ny.goA, NMW.S U ff0l k C OU It t'M V.gOV Comptroller-Coittrolar County Treasurer-Tesorero del Condado Joseph Sawicki,Jr. Angie M. Carpenter H.Lee Dennison Bldg.,9th Floor 330 Center Drive 100 Veterans'Memorial Highyrky Riverhead.NY 11901-3311 PO Box 6100 (631)852-1500 Hauppauge,NY 11788 (631)852-1507-Fax (631)853-5040 (631)853-5057-Fax H.Lee Dennison Bldg. wwrr.suffoIkcount,.ny.gov 100 Veterans-Memorial Highway,2nd floor comptroller(_&,suffolkcountvnv.gov PO Box 6100 Hauppauge,NY 11788 County Clerk-Secretario(a) del Condado (631)853-4637 Judith A. Pascale mmw.suffolkcountyny.go-*- 310 Center Drive treasurerCasuffollicountyny.gov Ri'%erhead.'.%-Y 11901-3392 (631)852-2000 Slit eriff (631)852-2004-Fax Vincent F.De N.1arco w"w.suffollicountyny.gov,cierk Riverhead Correctional Facility judith.pascalegs uffolkcountyny.gov 100 Center Drive Riverhead.-NY 11901 District Attorney-Fiscal del Condado (631)852-2205 Thomas J. Spota 111 (631)852-7342 -Fax North County Complex Bldg.#77 -sv"w.suffoliccounquy.gov Veterans Memorial Highway Uncent.demarco�g suffollicountyny.gov Hauppauge.NY 11788 (631)853-4161 (631)853-5820-Fax vw'"w.suffoIkcountvuv.2ov�da infodarRsuffolkeount-va ov Y-9 - 13 - SUFFOLK COUNTY LEGISLATURE-CONSEJO LEGISLATIVO DEI..CONDADO DESUFFOLK District-Distrito 1 Albert J.Krupski 423 Griffing Avenue,Suite 2 Riverhead,NY 11901 (631)852-3200 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/doOl/doOl.html (631)852-3203-Fax al.krupski@suffolkcountyny.gov 2 Jay H.Schneiderman PO Box 1827 75 Washington Street Sag Harbor,NY 11%3 (631)852-8400 legis.suffolkeountyny.gov/daldoO2/doO2.htnd (631)852-8404-Fax jay.schneiderman@suffolkeountyny.gov 3 Kate M.Browning 1120 Montauk Hwy,Suite G Mastic,NY 11950 (631)852-1300 legis.suffolkeountyny.gov/do/doO3/doO3.htnd (631)852-1303-Fax kate.browning@suffolkcountyny.gov 4 Thomas Muratore 325 Middle Country Rd,Suite 3 Selden,NY 11784 (631)854-9292 legis.suffolkeountyny.gov/do/doO4/doO4.htnd (631)854-9351-Fax tom.muratore@suffolkcountyny.gov 5 Kara Hahn 306 Main Street Port Jefferson,NY 11777 (631)854-1650 legis.suffolkeountyny.gov/do/doO5/doO5.htmi (631)854-1653-Fax kara.hahn@suffolkcountyny.gov 6 Sarah S.Anker 620 Route 25A,Suite B Mount Sinai,NY 11766 (631)854-1600 legis.suffolkeountyny.gov/do/doO6tdoO6.html (631)854-1603-Fax sarah.anker@suffolkcountyny.gov s 7 Robert T.Calarco 90 W Main Street,Suite 2N Patchogue,NY 11772 (631)854-1400 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/doO7/do07.htmi (631)854-1403-Fax robert.calarco@suffolkcountyny.gov 8 William J.Lindsay,III 991 Main Street,Suite 103 Holbrook,NY 11741 (631)854-9611 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/do08/doO8.htm1 (631)854-9687-Fax William.lindsay@suffolkcountyny.gov 9 Monica R.Martinez Courthouse Corporate Center 320 Carleton Avenue,Suite 4300 Central Islip,NY 11722 (631)853-3700 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/doO9/doO9.htm1 (631)853-3568-Fax monica.martinez@suffolkcountyny.gov 10 Thomas Cilmi %EMain Street,Suite 5 East Islip,NY 11730 (631)854-0940 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/doldol0/dolO.htnd tom.cilmi@suffolkeountyny.gov - 14- SUFFOLK COUNTY LEGISLATURE-CONS EJ O LEGIS LATIVO DEL CONDADO DE S UFFOLK District-Distrito 11 Thomas F.Barraga 187 Sunrise Highway,Suite C West Islip,NY 11795 (631)854-4100 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/doll/doll.html (631)854-4103-Fax thomas.barraga@suffolkcountyny.gov 12 John M Kennedy,Jr. 725 Veterans Memorial Hwy,Bldg.17, PO Box 6100 Hauppauge,NY 11788 (631)854-3735 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol2/dol2.html (631)854-3744-Fax john.kennedy@suffolkcountyny.gov 13 Robert Trotta 59 Unding Avenue,Suite 1 Smithtown,NY 11787 (631)854-3900 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol3/dol3.html (631)854-3903-Fax robert.trotta@suffolkcountyny.gov 14 Kevin J.McCaffrey 123 N Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst,NY 11757 (631)854-1100 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol4/dol4.html (631)854-1103-Fax kevin.mccaffrey@suffolkcountyny.gov 15 DuWayne Gregory 15 Albany Avenue Amityville,NY 11701 (631)854-1111 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol5/dol5.html (631)854-1114-Fax duwayne.gregory@suffolkcountyny.gov 16 Steve Stern 1842 EJericho Turnpike,Suite P Huntington,NY 11743 (631)854-5100 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/doldol6/dol6.htmi (631)854-5103-Fax steven.stem@suffolkcountyny.gov 17 Lou D'Amaro 130 W Jericho Turnpike Huntington Station,NY 11746 (631)854-4433 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol7/dol7.htmi (631)854-4415-Fax lou.damaro@suffolkcountyny.gov 18 William"Doc"Spencer 15 Park Circle,Suite 209 Centerport,NY 11721 (631)854-4500 legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/do/dol8/dol8.html (631)854-4503-Fax william.spencer@suffolkcountyny.gov Address in the Legislature-Direccion de la Legislatura: Suffolk County Legislature Williams H.Rogers Building 725 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge,NY 11787 (631)853-4070,(631)8534899-Fax Riverhead(631)852-1700,(631)852-1707-Fax - 15- COURTS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY-LOS TRIBUNALES DEL CONDADO DE SUFFOLK N.Y.S UNDIED COURT SYSTIM-SISTEMA DE UNIHCACION DETRIBUNALES DEL EST.DEN.Y. C. Randall Hinrichs District Administrative Judge of Suffolk County-Juez Administrativo Distrital del Condado de Suffolk Marian Tinari Robert F.Quinlan Court Attorney Referee-Tribunal Abogado arbitro Principal Law Clerk Administrative Offices -Oficinas Administrativas www.courts.state.ny.us John P.Cohalan,Jr.Courthouse Arthur Nt Cromarty Court Complex 400 Carleton Avenue 210 Center Drive PO Box 9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 Central Islip,NY 11722 (631)852-2586 (631)853-5368 (631)852-1795-Fax (631)853-7741 -Fax COMMISSIONER OF JURORS - COMISIONADO DE JURADOS Michael D. O'Donohoe Supreme Court Building 225 Grifting Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 (631)852-1974 SUPREME COURT-LA CORTE SUPREMA Michael Scardino Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court- Actuario Jefe de la Corte Suprema (631)852-2334-Riverhead (631)852-2340-Fax SPECIAL TERM - TERMINO ESPECIAL (631)853-5481 -Central Islip (631)851-2410-Riverhead Fred Crockett Thomas Calvin Deputy Chief Clerk-Asistente del Actuario Jefe Deputy Chief Clerk-Asistente del Actuario Jefe (631)853-5462 (631)852-2347 (631)853-5835-Fax (631)852-2340-Fax JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT- MAGISTRADOS DE LA CORTE SUPREMA Richard Amhro John C.Bivona* John Dowden Laura Golightly Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2176 Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a) (631)853-5155 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3857-Fax Legal Prinicpal (631)853-3288-Fax W.Gerard Asher* John B.Collins Frank Morro S.Betsy Heckman Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-3415 Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-1640 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3418-Fax Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3547-Fax Paul J.Baisley,Jr. William J.Condon Carol Moore James Wilson Malone Law Clerk- (631)852-3888 Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a) (631)852-2670 (631)852-3745-Fax Legal Prinicpal (631)852-2925-Fax *Certificated -16- Andrew Crecca Joseph C.Pastoressa Vincent Zambito Matthew Hughes Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-6092 Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2163 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-3289-Fax Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3043-Fax Martin Ffman Fmily Pines Martha Rogers Michael G.Kruzynski Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2166 Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-3117 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-2729-Fax Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3120-Fax F]izabeth H.Finerson Arthur G.Pitts Joan L.Hannon Glenn Mikalsen Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2781 Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2173 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3732-Fax Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-2769-Fax Jerry Garguilo A.Grail Prudenti Stephanie Galteri Chief Administrative Judge Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-4302 Jefe Juez Adm inistrativo Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-4304-Fax Christina Geraci Principal Law Clerk- (212)428-2120 C.Randall Hinrichs Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-1456-Fax District Administrative Judge-Juez Adm inistrativo Distrital Robert F.Quinlan Principal Law Clerk- 631 853-5368 William B.Rebolini Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-7741-Fax Ann Molly-Boucher Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-3166 William J.Kent Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3188-Fax Gregory Osterman Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-5471 David T.Reilly Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal George Harkin Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-7703 Hector D.LaSalle Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-7542-Fax Rosamarie Abbate Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-7703 Joseph A.Santorelli Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-7542-Fax Alison Katrivanos Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-3295 H.Patrick Leis III Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-3296-Fax Athena D.Voorhees Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-8407 Sandra L-Sgroi Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)8534494-Fax Appellate Division, 2nd.Dept. -Division Apelaci6n,2da dept. Richard DeRose John J.Leo Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-5138 Johanna Stewart Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-5798-Fax Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-4921 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)8534844-Fax Thomas F.Whelan Susan Tobey Carol MacKenzie Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-2365 Mary Buetow Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-1961 -Fax Principal Law Clerk- (631)853-7750 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)853-6431-Fax Peter H.Mayer Oliver Raymond Voorhees Principal Law Clerk- (631)852-1760 Secretario(a)Legal Prinicpal (631)852-2102-Fax 17- SURROGATE COURT- CORTE DE TESTAMENTARIAS John M. Czygier,Jr. Judge of the Surrogate's Court-Juez de Testamentarias Michael Cipollino Chief Clerk of Surrogate Court-Actuario Principal de la Corte Testamentarias 320 Center Drive Riverhead,NY 11901 (631)852-1746 (631)852-1777-Fax Brette Haefeli (631)852-1746 Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal JUDGES OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS -MAGISTRADOS DE LA CORTE DE RECLAMOS Mark Cohen Gina M. Lopez-Summa James Fagan Lawrence Schindelheim Principal Law Clerk - Principal Law Clerk - Secretario(a)Legal Principal Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)852-2168 (631)339-7220 (631)852-2156-Fax Daniel Martin Stephen J. Lynch David Schoen Kathy G.Bergmann,Esq. Principal Law Clerk - Principal Law Clerk - Secretario(a)Legal Principal Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)339-2422 (631)339-7200 (631)339-7203-Fax - 18- 1 COUNTY COURT- CORTE DEL CONDADO Arthur NL Cromarty Court Complex 210 Center Drive South Riverhead,NY 11901 (631)852-1462 James Hudson Supervising Judge of the Superior Criminal Court-Magistrado de Inspecci6n de las Cortes Criminales James A. Saladino Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)pal (631)852-3850 (631)852-3225-Fax Frank L. Tropea Chief Clerk of County Court-Secretario(a)Principal Interino de to Corte del Condado (631)852-2120 (631)852-2568-Fax JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURT-MAGISTRADOS DE LA CORTE DEL CONDADO Ste phe n B e bar Barbara R. Kahn Robert Cicale Timothy Gilmartin Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)853-4544 (631)852-3040 (631)853-7721 -Fax (631)852-3549-Fax Stephen L.Braslow James F. Quinn Michael Mercurio Anita Prudenti Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)852-1431 (631)853-3244 (631)852-2972-Fax (631)853-7727-Fax Joseph Farneti John H. Rouse Evan M.Zuckerman,Sr. Anita Prudenti Principal Law Clerk -Secretario(a)Legal Principal Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)852-3160 (631)853-3846 (631)852-3161-Fax (631)852-2986-Fax Ralph T. Gallo Jeffrey Arlen Spinner Dawn C.Thomas Robert De Gregorio Principal Law Clerk -Secretario(a)Legal Principal Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)852-2584 (631)852-2309 (631)852-3854-Fax (631)852-3226-Fax James Hudson John J. Toomey,Jr James A.Saladino Robert Lee Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal Law Clerk-Secretario(a)Legal Principal (631)852-3850 (631)852-2169 (631)852-3225-Fax (631)852-2855-Fax John Iliou Eileen Boykevisch Principal Law Clerk -Secretario(a)Legal (631)852-1640 (631)852-3547-Fax -19- FAMILY COURT- CORRE DE FAMILIA David Freundlich Supervising Judge of the Family Court- Juez de Inspeccion de la Corte de Familia Central Islip Riverhead Cohalan Court Complex 889 EMain Street,Suite 308 400 Carleton Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Central Islip NY 11722 (631)852-3905,852-3906 (631)8534318 Terry Matyszczyk Chief Clerk of Family Court- Secretario(a) Principal de la Corte de Familia (631)8534289 (631)853-5851-Fax Marlene Budd Martha L. Luft (631)853-7752 (631)852-3907 (631)853-3204-Fax (631)852-2851 Fax Bernard Cheng Denise Molia (631)853-7752 (631)852-3750 (631)853-7569-Fax (631)852-2867-Fax David Freundlich Deborah Poulos (631)853-4318 (631)853-4286 (631)853-6218-Fax (631)853-4288-Fax Richard Hoffmann Andrew G. Tarantino,Jr. (631)853-4268 (631)852-1960 (631)853-4359 -Fax (631)852-3351-Fax Caren Logue rcio Theresa Whelan (631)853-4263 (631)8534935 (631)853-5724-Fax (631)853-7569-Fax I -20- DISTRICT COURTS - CORTTS DISTRITALES (Babylon,Brookhaven,Huntington,Islip&Smithtown) Karen M. Wilutus Supervising Judge of District Court-Juez de Instruccion de la Corte Distrital Judge of the First District Court-Juez de la Primera Corte Distrital Cohalan Court Complex 400 Carleton Avenue PO Box 9075 Central Islip,NY 11722 (631)853-4917 (631)853-7417-Fax nycourts.goWs uffolk dis trict suffolkdistrict@courts.state.ny.us Chief Clerk of District Court-Secretario(a)Principal de Deputy Chief Clerks of District Court-Asistentes del la Corte Distrital Secretario(a)Principal de la Corte Distrital Michael Paparatto Frank Incantalupo (631)853-4530 (631)853-4530 2nd District Court-2da Corte Distrital 5th District Court - 5a Corte Distrital 30 EHoffman Avenue 3105 Veterans Memorial Highway Lindenhurst,NY 11757 Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 (631)854-1121 (631)854-9673 (631)854-1127-Fax (631)854-9681-Fax Judges-2nd District Court-Jueces—2da Corte Distrital Judges-5th District Court-Jueces—5a Corte Distrital Toni A.Bean Patricia M.Fliberto Derrick J.Robinson William G.Ford Gaetan B.Lozito Philip Goglas James A.McDonaugh Jennifer A.Henry Carl J.Copertino Steven A.Lotto David A.Morris Assoc. Court Clerk -Secretario(a)Asociado de la Corte Prin. Court Clerk -Secretario(a)Principal de la Corte Susan Genova Len Brown 3rd District Court - 3ra Corte Distrital 6th District Court - 6a Corte Distrital 1850 New York Avenue 150 West Main Street Huntington Sta.,NY 11743 Patchogue,NY 11772 (631)854-4545 (631)854-1440 (631)854-4549-Fax (631)854-1444-Fax Judges-3rd District Court-Jueces—3ra Corte Distrital Judges-6th District Court-Jueces—6a Corte Dist Karen Kerr James P.Flanagan Steve Hackeling Chris Ann Kelley Paul Hensley Vincent J.Martorana John Andrew Kay Glenn A.Murphy G Ann Spelman Stephen L.Ukeiley Assoc. Court Clerk -Secretario(a)Asociado de la Corte Assoc. Court Clerk -Secretario(a)Asociado de la Corte Marie Mustello Chris Pas houkos 4th District Court- 4a Corte Distrital Building#158 Hauppauge,NY 11788 (631)853-5408 (631)853-5951-Fax Judges-4th District Court-Jueces—4a Corte Distrital Richard T.Dunne Janine A.Barbara-Dalli Assoc. Court Clerk -Secretario(a)Asociado de la Corte Diana Musso -21- •r Babylon Town Hall 200 East Sunrise Highway Lindenhurst, Y 11757 :Bain Switchboard- Cuadro de Distribucion Tel. (631)957-3000 (631)957-7440-Fax wim.townofbabvion.com � Z P� A w � gt � Bio �� n� Im e 3 VC S 2 ,, 4a Z �� GA 74 74 74 7 S ooh �o to K yo St o 0 �o a r W 71 � m Nei St7. -22- TOWN OF BABYLON - MUNICIPIO DE BABYLON Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Richard H. Schaffer (631) 957-3072 Town Clerk - Secretario Municipal Carol A. Quirk (631) 957-4291 Receiver of Taxes - Recaudadora de Impuestos Corinne DiSomma (631) 957-3082 Town Council- Consejo Municipal Thomas P. Donnelly (631) 957-3081 Jacqueline A. Gordon (631) 957-3127 Lindsay P. Henry (631) 957-4482 Antonio A. Martinez (631) 957-4472 -23- 4� Brookhaven Town Hall One Independence Hill Farmingville,l\Y 11738 Bain Switchboard -Cuadro de Distribucion Tel. (631)451-TON-*7- (8696) www.brookhaven.org SU rise �it pl fiOxboro .Dr Ski Ru Knolle St A Gp o S to V 41 om qq� orFao' � Edg o a v ood Ave c, " E � kCres Ro erhon Ave Ave o cd J o :99 GT R _24_ I TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN - MUNICIPIO DE BROOKHAVEN Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Edward P. Romaine (631) 451-9100 (631) 451-6677- Fax e romaine @brookhave n.org Town Council- Consejo Municipal (631) 451-6447 - Fax Dist 1: Valerie M. Cartright Dist. 4: Constance M. Kepert (631) 451-6963 (631) 451-6968 councilwomancartright@brookhaven.org councilwomankepert@brookhaven.org Dist. 2:Jane E. Bonner Dist. 5: Timothy P. Maaei (631) 451-6964 (631) 451-6645 councilwomanbonner@brookhaven.org councilmannmmi@brookhaven.org Dist.3: Kevin J. LaValle Dist. 6: Daniel J. Panico (631) 451-6647 (631) 451-6502 councilmanlavalle @brookhaven.org councilnianpanico@brookhaven.org Town Clerk - Secretario Municipal Donna Lent (631) 451-9120 (631)451-9264 - Fax dlent@brookhaven.org Receiver of Taxes -Recaudadora de Impuestos Louis J. Marcoccia (631) 451-9009 (631)451-9008 - Fax Imarcoccia@brookhaven.org Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras Daniel P. Losquadro 1140 Old Town Road Coram, NY 11727 (631) 451-9200 (631)732-2584 - Fax dlosquadro@brookhave n.org -25- • i �1 East Hampton Town HaR 159 Pantigo Road East Hampton , NY 11937 a Main Switchboard-Cuadra de Distribuci6a TeL (631)324-4140 www.ehamptanny.gov info@e6amptonnygov r i i �0 tt 4.fi paht�9'0 Rd a: AMYYIs Ct v Ilk N E9Ypt Close r o � Hither Ln V I I 1 Photo courtesy of-Foto corhesia d East HarMton Patch?ay/ar Vecsey -26- TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON - MUNICIPIO DE EAST HAMPTON Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Town Council- Consejo Municipal Larry Cantwell (631) 324-6280 - Fax (631) 324-4141 Kathee Burke-Gonzalez (631) 324-2789— Fax (631) 324-3187 lcantw+ell@ehamptonny.gov kburke-gonzalez@ehamptonny.gov Silvia W. Overby Town Clerk - Secretario Municipal (631) 324-2620 Carole A. Brennan soverby@ehamptonny.gov (631) 324-4142, 324-4143 Fredrick L. Overton,Jr. (631) 324-4128 - Fax (631) 324-2620 cbrennan@ehamptonny.gov foverton@ehamptonny.gov Peter Van Scoyoc Assessors -Asesores (631) 324-3187 Eugene C. DePasquale III pvanscoyoc@ehamptonny.gov edepm quale @ ehamptonny.gov Janice Jill Massa Town Justices -Jueces Municipales jmassa@ehamptonny.gov Steven Tekulsky Jeanne W. Nielsen Lisa R. Rana jnielsen@ehamptonny.gov (631)324-4134 300 Pantigo Place, Suite 108 (631)324-4132 - Fax East Hampton, NY 11937 (631) 324-4187 (631) 324-4643 - Fax Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras Stephen K. Lynch 258 Springs Fireplace Road East Hampton, NY 11937 (631) 324-0925, (631)329-3369 - Fax slynch@ehairnptonny.gov Town Trustees - Fideicomisarios(as)Municipales Brian Byrnes Sean D. McCaffrey Timothy A. Bock Diane E. McNally Stephanie Talmage Forsberg William F. Taylor Deborah J. Klughers Nathaniel H. Miller,Jr Stephen M. Lester PO Box 7073 267 Bluff Rd Amagansett, NY 11930 (631) 267-8688 (631) 267-2064 -Fax www.ehtrustees.com info@trustees.easthamptonny.gov -27- Impp— Huntington Town Hall 100 Main Street Huntington,NY 11743 Mam Switch Board-(undo de Dutrbncan TeL (631)351-3000 (631)351-3337-fax www Wntingtomy-gov View Acre ar St + a �� Lake PI Gti G1 Q�r �arRor a a'�r rac' CD W Maio st fell Main St 3 cc CD PI Platt a � �a Elm St 2 -28- TOWN OF HUNTINGTON - MUNICIPIO DE HUNTINGTON Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Frank P. Petrone (631)351-3030 (631) 424-7856 - Fax fpetrone @huntingtonny.gov Town Clerk- Secretario Municipal Jo-Ann Raia (631) 351-3206 (631) 351-3205 - Fax jraia@huntingtonny.gov Receiver of Taxes - Recaudadora de Impuestos Ester Bivona (631)351-3217 (631) 351-2874 -Fax ebivona@huntingtonny.gov Town Council- Consejo Municipal (631)351-3172 (631)673-3379-Fax Susan A. Berland sberland@huntingtonny.gov Eugene Cook ecook @hunfingtonny.gov Mark A. Cuthbertson nicuthbertson@huntingtonny.gov Tracey Edwards tedwards @hunfingtonny.gov Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras PeterS. Gunther 30 Rofay Drive Huntington, NY 11743 (631)351-3076 (631) 499-3512 - Fax pgunther@huntingtonny.gov -29- Islip Town Hall 655 Main Street Islip, NY 11751-3695 Hain Suitchboard-Cuadro de Distribuci6n Tel. (631) 224-5691 (631)224-548'7-Fax ww,vvAowno fislip-ny.goy' Amuxen Ct Manitton ct-- Q N O J � Q 1 Main St � Q c 3 co Ce,�arQ 4.17 1 -30- TOWN OF ISLIP - MUNICIPIO DE ISLIP Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Thomas D. Croci (631) 224-5500 (631) 224-5583 - Fax supervisors office @ townofis lip-ny.gov Town Clerk and Registrar- Secretaria Municipal Olga H. Murray (631) 224-5490 (631) 224-5574 - Fax townclerk@townofislip-ny.gov Receiver o Taxes - Recaudadora de Im uestos .f P Alexis Weik 40 Nassau Ave Islip, NY 11751 (631)224-5580 (631) 224-5543 — Fax aweik@townofislip-ny.gov Town Council- Consejo Municipal Trish Bergin Weichbrodt Steven J. Flotteron Islip Town Hall Islip Town Hall 655 Main Street, 1st floor 655 Main Street, 2nd floor Islip, NY 11751 Islip, NY 11751 (631) 224-5890 (631) 224-5565 (631) 224-5843—Fax (631) 224-2622 — Fax tbergin@townofislip-ny.gov sfiotteron@townofislip-ny.gov John C. Cochrane,Jr. Anthony S. Senft,Jr. Islip Town Hall Ockers House 655 Main Street, 1st floor 965 Montauk Highway Islip, NY 11751 Oakdale, NY 11769 (631) 224-5559 (631) 589-0234 (631) 224-7821 —Fax (631) 589-6747 — Fax jcochrane @townofislip-ny.gov asenft@townofislip-ny.gov -31- t a E 0 Riverhead Town Hall 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Main Switehboard-Cua&o de Distribution TeL (631) 727-3200 (631) 727-6712 -Fax wwwAownofriverheadny gov info@townofriverheadoy.gov '4r Corwin St Photo courtesy of-Foto corgis de Joseph PinciarWRi►erhead.Pakh.com -32- TOWN OF RIVERHEAD - MUNICIPIO DE RIVERHEAD Town J Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Town Council- Consejo Municipal P P P P Sean M. Walter (631) 369-3990 - Fax (631) 727-3200 ext 251, 654 (631) 727-6712 - Fax John J. Dunleavy,Jr. walter@townoftiverheadny.gov (631) 727-3200 ext 224 dunleavy@townoftiverheadny.gov Town Clerk - Secretario Municipal Diane M. Wilhehn George E. Gabrielsen (631) 727-3200 ext 260, 261, 262,263 (631) 727-3200 ext 223 (631) 208-4034 - Fax gabrielsen@townofiiverheadny.gov wilhelm@townoftiverheadny.gov Jodi A. Giglio Receiver of Taxes -Recaudadora de (631) 727-3200 ext 225 Impuestos gigHo@townoftiverheadny.gov Laurie Zaneski (631) 727-3200 ext 247, 248, 249 James Wooten (631) 208-1726- Fax (631) 727-3200 ext 226 zaneski@townoftiverheadny.gov wooten@townof iverheadny.gov Superintendent of Highways - Assessors -Asesores Superintendente de Carreteras Mason E. Haas George "Gio" Woodson haas@townofriverheadny.gov (631) 727-3200 ext 228 Paul E. Leszczynski (631) 727-0674 - Fax leszczynski@townofriverheadny.gov woodson@townofriverheadny.gov Laverne D. Tennenberg tennenberg@townoftiverheadny.gov (631) 727-3200 ext 255, 256,257 (631) 727-4142 - Fax Town Justices - Magistrados Municipales Richard A. Ehlers (631) 727-3200 ext 229 (631) 727-8283 - Fax e hle rs @townofrive rhe adny.gov Allen M. Smith (631) 727-3200 ext 229 (631) 727-8283 - Fax townjustice@townoftiverheadny.gov -33- Shelter Island Town Mall 38 N Ferry Road, PO Box 974 Shelter Island, NY 11964 Maiu Switchboard-Cuadro de Uistribuci6u Tel. (631)749-0291 (631)749-0728-Fax w-v-v Nv.shelterislandtown.us Tito o mas 3t E Thous St Q. Bate 2 °. ap Rd ac a 0 ti o c 2 Smith St Photo corky of-roto cortesia de Lacy Dond -34- TOWN OF SHELTER ISLAND - MUNICIPIO DE SHELTER ISLAND townboard @ she lte rislandtown.us Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Town Council- Consejo Municipal James Dougherty Edward R. Brown (631) 749-0015 ebrown@shelterislandtown.us (631) 749-0728- Fax N. Christine Lewis jdoughe rty@ she lte rislandtown.us kcle wis @ optonline.ne t Peter S. Reich Town Clerk - Secretario Municipal preich@shelterislandtown.us Dorothy S. Ogar Paul D. Shepherd Shelter Island Town Hall pshepherd@aol.com 38 N Ferry Rd, PO Box 1549 (631) 749-0291 Shelter Island, NY 11964 (631) 749-0728 - Fax (631) 749-1166 (631) 749-3436— Fax Assessors -Asesores townclerk@shelterislandtown.us Patricia A. Castoldi pcastoldi@ she lte rislandtown.us Receiver of Taxes - Albeit F. Hammond Recaudadora de Impuestos ahammond@shelterislandtown.us Nancy A. Kotula Barbara Jean Ianfolla Shelter Island Town Hall bjianfolla@shelterislandtown.us 38 N Ferry Rd, PO Box 1854 (631) 749-1080 Shelter Island,NY 11964 (631) 749-0162- Fax (631) 749-3338 (631) 749-0162— Fax Town Justices -Jueces Municipales nkotula@shelterislandtown.us Helen Rosenblum hrosenblum@shelteiislandtown.us Superintendent of Highways - Mary-Faith Westervelt Superintendente de Carreteras mfwestervelt@shelterislandtown.us Jay L. Card,Jr. 34 N Menantic Rd, PO Box 1000 Shelter Island Justice Court Shelter Island, NY 11964 46 N Ferry Rd,PO Box 1632 (631) 749-1090 Shelter Island, NY 11964 (631) 749-0931 — Fax (631) 749-8989 jcard@shelterislandtown.us (631)749-2504 - Fax townjustice @ she lte rislandtown.us -35- u Smithtown Town HaR 99 West Main Street,PQ Boz 9090 Smithtown, NY 11787 Main Switchboard-Cuadro de Distribucion TeL (631) 360-7512 (631)360-7668 -Fax www.smithtowuny.gov Q� 9ewater Ave Redwood Ln Mance Rd m ca x �t -36- TOWN OF SMITHTOWN - MUNICIPIO DE SMITHTOWN Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Patrick R. Vecchio 99 West Main Street, PO Box 9090 Smithtown,NY 11787 (631) 360-7600 (631) 360-7668 — Fax marlenew@tosgov.com Receiver o Taxes - Recaudadora de Im uestos .f P Deanna Varricchio 99 West Main Street,PO Box 708 Smithtown, NY 11787 (631)360-7610 (631) 360-0073 - Fax dvanichio@tosgov.com Town Clerk- Secretario Municipal Vincent A. Pule o 99 West Main Street, PO Box 646 Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 360-7620 (631)360-7692 -Fax www.sniithtowninfo.conyTownClerk'sOffice/email.chn Town Council- Consejo Municipal Robert J. Creighton- rcreighton@tos.gov Thomas J. McCarthy -tmccarthy@tosgov.com Lynne Nowick -hiowick@tosgov.com Edward R. Wehrheim-ewehrheim@tosgov.com 99 West Main Street, PO Box 9090 Smithtown, NY 11787 (631)360-7621 (631) 360-7783 - Fax Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras Glenn Jorgensen 758 Smithtown By-Pass Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 360-7500 (631) 360- 7510 - Fax gjorgensen@tosgov.com -37- i� �. Southampton Town Hall 116 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 Main Switchboard-Cuadr©de Distribucion Tel. (631}283-6004 N'%v4-w.southamptontownnti.gov W/tit than Brunt S �Q St o �ssey`j John St Post Xing to L ent st � Nv9 v r.. t"n Ca CO .lobs Ln Me ting HuseALI Ln +i / Ar Qoc Herrick Rd J Photo cmrUesyof-Foto corhesia de Brendan J.ORWI&SDuthampton Patch -38- TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON - MUNICIPIO DE SOUTHAMPTON Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Town Council- Consejo Municipal Anna Throne-Hoist Bradley B. Bender (631) 283-6055 bbender@southamptontownny.gov (631) 287-5708 - Fax Bridget M. Fleming athrone-holst@southamptontownny.gov bfleming@southamptontownny.gov Stan Glinka Town Clerk- Secretario Municipal sglinka@southamptontownny.gov Sundy A.Schermeyer Christine P.Scalera (631) 287-5740 cscalera@southamptontownny.gov (631) 283-5606 - Fax (631) 287-5745 sschermeyer@southamptontownny.gov (631)287-4507 - Fax Receiver of Taxes - Town Trustees - Recaudador de Impuestos Fideicomisarios(as) Municipales Theresa A. Kiernan Scott M. Horowitz (631) 702-2470 Raymond B. Overton (631) 287-5732- Fax Bill Pell tkiernan@southamptontownny.gov Eric L. Shultz Edward J. Warner,Jr. Town Justices -Jueces Municipales Contact: Julie Kranz Edward D.Burke,Sr (631)287-5717 Deborah E. Kooperstein (631) 287-5723 - Fax Andrea H. Schiavoni Barbara L. Wilson Superintendent of Highways - 32 Jackson Ave Superintendente de Carreteras Hampton Bays,NY 11946 Alex D. Gregor Contact: Renee Brathwaite 20 Jackson Avenue (631) 702-2990 Hampton Bays, NY 11946 (631) 728-2954 - Fax (631) 728-3600 (631) 728-3605 - Fax agregor@southamptontownny.gov -39- W r Southold Town Hall P.O. Boa 1179 53095 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Main Switch Board-Cmrdo de Nstribucion Tel. (631) 765-1800 (631) 765-1823 - Fax www.southoldtownny.gov t �g+D Tuckor Ln �yw1 �I Photo courtesy of-Foto cortesia de Erin SchrwfbAYbrth Fork Patch -40- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - MUNICIPIO DE SOUTHOLD Town Supervisor- Supervisor Municipal Town Council- Consejo Municipal Scott A. Russell Jill M.Doherty (631) 765-1889 jill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us (631)765-1823—Fax James Diniho,Jr. scott.russell@tom.southoldny.us jim@,jamesdinizio.com Robert Ghosio Town Clerk- Secretario Municipal Mopher2@gmail.com Elizabeth Ann Neville William Ruland (631)765-1800 Rulandfarm@yahoo.com (631) 765-6145 -Fax Louisa P.Evans (Fishers Island) eme-tille@town.southoldny.us Ipe vans 06390 @gmail.com (631)765-1889 Receiver of Taxes - Recaudador de Impuestos (631)765-1823-Fax George R.Sullivan PO Box 1409 Town Justices -Jueces Municipales Southold NY 11971-0499 Louisa P. Evans (Fishers Island) (631)765-1803 (631)788-7054 (631)765-5189 -Fax (631) 788-7646 -Fax george.sulliran@town.southold.ny.us 1perans@fishersisland.net Rudolph H.Bruer Assessors -Asesores William H.Price Jr. Richard L. Caggiano (631)765-1852 richard.caggiano@town.southold.ny.us (631)765-3898 -Fax Robert I.Scott,Jr. Town Trustees - bob.scott@townsoutholdny.us Fideicomisarios(as)Municipales Kevin W. Webster kevin.%ebster@to%nsoutholdny.us John M.Bredemeyer,III (631) 765-1937 Micke Domino (631)765-1356 -Fax Charles Sanders James F.King Vacancy- Vacante Town Hall Annex PO Box 1179 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (631)765-1892 (631)765-6641-Fax Superintendent of Highways - Superintendente de Carreteras Vincent Orlando Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 vine nt.oriando @town.southold.ny.us (631)765-3140 (631) 765-1750-Fax -41-