HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-37122 Town of Southold Annex 8/29/2014 54375 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 37122 Date: 8/29/2014 THIS CERTIFIES that the structure(s) located at: 275 (aka 314)Champlin Pl, Greenport SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 34.-3-24 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the requirements for a built prior to APRIL 9, 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 37122 dated 8/29/2014 was issued and conforms to all the requriements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: wood frame one family dwelling with front covered porch and accessory wood frame two car garage.* Note: BP 5910 additions COZ-5781. The certificate is issued to Jester, Robert& Jester, Diane (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT. Auth -Si ature BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: 275 (aka 314)Champlin Pl,Greenport SUFF.CO.TAX MAP NO.: 34.-3-24 SUBDIVISION: NAME OF OWNER(S): Jester, Robert&Jester, Diane OCCUPANCY: ADMITTED BY: Robert Jester' SOURCE OF REQUEST: Jester,Robert&Jester,Diane DATE: 8/29/2014 DWELLING: #STORIES: 2 #EXITS: 2 FOUNDATION: Granite stone CELLAR: 90% CRAWL SPACE: 10% BATHROOM(S): 2 TOILET ROOM(S): UTILITY ROOM(S): PORCH TYPE: Front cov porch DECK TYPE: PATIO TYPE: BREEZEWAY: FIREPLACE: 1 GARAGE: DOMESTIC HOTWATER: X TYPE HEATER: Natl Grid Gas AIR CONDITIONING: TYPE HEAT: Natl Grid Gas WARM AIR: HOT WATER: X #BEDROOMS: 3 #KITCHENS: 1 BASEMENT TYPE: Unfinished OTHER: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: GARAGE,TYPE OF CONST: 2 car wood frame STORAGE,TYPE OF CONST: SWIMMING POOL: GUEST,TYPE OF CONST: OTHER: VIOLATIONS: REMARKS: INSPECTED BY: GARYF DATE OF INSPECTION: 5/19/2014 l TIME START: END: Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of I% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees I. Certificate of Occupancy -New dwelling$25.00, Additions to dwelling$25.00, Alterations to dwelling$25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building$25.00, Additions to accessory building$25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. 5/2/14 New Construction: Old or Pre-existing Building: x (check one) Location of Property: 314 Champlin Place Greenport House No. Street Hainlet Owner or Owners of Property: Robert W. Jester and Diane G. Jester Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section 034-00 Block 0 no Lot_024.00 Subdivision Filed Map. Lot: Permit No. Date of Permit. Applicant: Health Dept. Approval: Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval: _ Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: x (check one) Fee Submitted: $ 100 00 lr� Applicant ature Robert W. J er CONSENT TO INSPECTION Robert W. Jester the undersigned, do(es) Hereby state: Owner(s)Name(s) That the undersigned (is) (are) the owner(s) of the premises in the Town of Southold, located at 314 Champlin Place, Greenport, New York which is shown and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 034.00, Block 03.00 , Lot 024.000 That the undersigned (has) (have) filed, or cause to be filed, an application in the Southold Town Building Inspector's Office for the following: An Application for Pre—Existing Certificate of Occupancy for dwelling and garage That the undersigned do(es) hereby give consent to the Building inspectors of the Town of Southold to enter upon the above described property, including any and all buildings located thereon, to conduct such inspections as they may deem necessary with respect to the aforesaid application, including inspections to determine that said premises comply with all of the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the Town of Southold. The undersigned, in consenting to such inspections, do(es) so with the knowledge and understanding that any information obtained in the conduct of such inspections may be used in subsequent prosecutions for violations of the laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Town of Southold. Dated: May 2, 2014 (SignatL Robert W. Jester (H-int Name) (Signature) (Print Name) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER U E ACR. r _ _ S W TYPE OF BUILDING; ,y �c 0. e RES. 16 SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value -- LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ' A // d Ile 1s.;,J-� I, Z 7 AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre y Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD r Meadowland DEPTH` House Plot BULKHEAD Totar DOCK William H. Price,Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW 828 FRONT STREET,P.O.BOX 149 GREENPORT,NEW YORK 11944 Phone(631)477-1016 Fax(631)477-0130 j MAY - 7 2014 Town of Southold Building Dept. P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 _._.._.___.. May 6, 2014 Re: Premises: 314 Champlin Place, Greenport,NY SCTM#1000-034.00-03.00-024.000 Enclosed please find Application for Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy for dwelling and garage, together with Consent to Inspection, Survey, and check in the amount of $100.00 to cover your fee. Please take notice that the frame shed shown on the survey no longer exists. Please contact the owner, Robert Jester, at 477-1868, to arrange for inspection. Thank you. William H. Price, Jr., Esq. 5URVEY Of PROPERTY 51TUATE : NEAR THE VILLAGE Of GREENPORT TOWN : 5OUTH OLD 5U EEOLK COUNTY, NY 5URVEYED 12-4-2013 i 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 3.4 - 3 - 24 CERTIFIED T0: DIANE G. JESTER ROBERT W. JESTER �hO � • SCPN gPSRWMRO�F 50O�F t,0N'5� ?"1 O1 �PNO OR\FO 90 I Ilt i 00 30 251 I 'fr� SOW OMP O0P o �0,, �Q I 20-0 OSS'O o C ? C� O0 01 C) ?w Q .00� / q9 01 11 510 • G G NOTES: map bearing o Ucenseld Monde ury yoon re seal PIPE FOUND JOHN C. E H LE R5 LAND SURVEYOR °'cl°"°° °`seatian ':°s, s"n°'.•,.,an ' ® New Yorl+ =1nle Cducolion Low... �— �— CHAINLINK FENCE '*Only aoples fr.,r., Irv. r,�Iin:�I �e. :.•r marked will, on rn9qu•nI ,r Ir.r L,ncl o- o-- STOCKADE FENCE — 0" stamped seal shall ne � �•„�e„rpt ��; t�,r wnl�d Irl.; .Of”, ------ WIRE FENCE G EAST MAIN 5TREET N.Y.5. LIC. NO. 50202 "Cor 1ifleMions indi-ied hqr+nn sirandy Ih�:'l Ihi; Area = 13 025 5cl. Ft. survey was pr par n II <- RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11001 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 sting Cade prof c ro L i nt riled Area = 0.200 Acres by the New or I ,lol r r Land Surveyors. riid re,lir�cnlir.�v ?t•nll r „d, GRAPHIC SCALE I"= 20' loncy5landland5urve—yor.com to the person far whoa, and on his behalf to the ',I!e �nr,ony, ga—n—e tal agency and lending Instil .0 I'stod hereon. no o the assignees of the lending in sldutlan. C I”, lions ore not tronsrerobte to odd-lion of institutians .M/2— >:o c: 3\1 3-10- 5URVEY Of PROPERTY N SITUATE : NEAR THE VILLAGE Of GREENF'ORT e TOWN : SOUTH OLD w E 5U EFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 12-4-2013 S SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 34 - 3 - 24 CERTIFIED T0= DIANE G. JESTER ROBERT W. JESTER Of FOAM N Y OF O� 0� P Ppp�EN ORMEW- �PNp � ihoMP�PPpp p,O •�O` N05Po hN�wO F50� 0 goo 7 30 25 �AO\V OR MPRO OP ZN4 P� o �1 O 0 �aZO (0- �r -Yo p <) O 8 3 c,c'�� U ' ��A n l o� N 2O.A Q --7 .00 0 O, a 1 gv\�A G0 oad�ay h0\t c a5� NOTES: •Unauthorized alteration or addition to o survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of section 7209, sub—division 2, of the ® PIPE FOUND JOHN H L R Edacation Low." CHAINLINK FENCE 'only copies from the original at this survey morked with an original of the land surveyor's STOCKADE FENCE stamped seal sholl be considered to be volid true opies" —x—r—s—x—x— WIRE FENCE G EA5T MAIN 5TREET N.Y.5. LIC. NO. 50202Certifications indicoted hereon signify that this Area = 13,025 5e1. Ft. survey was prepared in accordance with the ex— Area = 0.299 Acres RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11501 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 by he Neve of Practice State Afor Lafloo orf P aadoptea Land Survey— Said rertificalions shall run —ly GRAPHIC SCALE I,.= 20' longi5lanc land5urveyor.com to the person for whom the survey Is prepared, antlon his behalf to the title company, governmen— tal agency and lending institution listed hereon, and o the assignees of the lending institution. Certifico— tions are not transferable to additional institutions .as ami 1:ouu c LOCATION: (number & street) (municipality) SUBDIVISION: _ MAP NO.: LOT(S): NAME OF OWNER(S): OCCUPANCY: (type) (owner-tenant) ADMITTED BY: �; -.�.- ACCOMPANIED BY: r42,4-- KEY AVAILABLE. SUFF. CO. TAX MAP NO. ION-. SOURCE 0 0- SOURCE OF REQUEST: DATE: DWELLING TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: STORIES:' #EXITS: 2' FOUNDATION: � � , BASEMENT: YO CRAWL SPACE`: �d ,� # OF BEDROOMS: 1SFLR: Uti 2ND FLR: 3RD FLR: BATHROOM(S): TOILET ROOM(S): UTILITY ROOM: PORCH TYPE: SPECK, TYPE: PATIO,TYPE: �~-- BREEZEWAY: _ _ IlkFIREPLACE: GARAGE: Cis .� DOMESTIC HOTWATER: ' TYPE HEATER:6, GNA AIRCONDITIONING: TYPE HEAT: /} C71�/� f�WARM AIR: HOTWATER: # OF KITCHENS: MkJ-- NO / FINISHED BASEMENT: YES t� OTHER: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES GARAGE, TYPE OF CONST.: . G/ �ORAGE, TYPE CONST.: SWIMMING POOL: GUEST, TYPE CONST: OTHER: VIOLATIONS: �CHAPTER 144 &N. STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION & BUILDING CODE LOCATION DESCRIPTION ART. SEC. REMARKS: INSPECTED BY: DATE OF INSPECTION: < TIME START: i END: