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September 04, 2014
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz
Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission (HAC) meeting and disseminated
Facilitated Habitat for Humanity volunteer forum to enable residents to
participate with the development of Orient Point site, 40 residents attended
Meeting with two housing registry candidates to vet applications and provide
additional county and state resources.
Meeting with resident interested in converting her accessory structure into an
affordable housing rental unit.
Mailing to residents of the Cottages at Mattituck regarding their annual
certification of compliance with Affordable Housing District rules (i.e. not
renting their property.)
With Planning Board staff, participated in public forum with Fishers Island
residents in discussion of affordable housing.
Meeting with Board of Directors of the Initiative for the Community Land Trust
of Southold, Inc. to discuss proposed development of 3-4 units in Greenport
West hamlet.
Amended Housing Registry.
Youth Bureau:
Meeting with Suffolk County Dept. of Labor representatives who were
assessing the Summer Works program where they interviewed youth
Facilitated screening of the movie “Lego” for the Youth Bureau Movie Night in
the Park event with free popcorn. Attendance over 120.
Attended East End Partnership for Youth committee meeting.
Meeting with Mel Morris, Manger, Special Programs, Brookhaven National
Laboratory regarding the development of potential environmental community
service initiatives for the Youth Advisory Council.
Interview of potential Youth Bureau board member at CAST who also may
qualify for employment through SC Dept. of Labor to provide shredding
services for the Town Clerk’s office.
Comprehensive Plan:
No report.
Economic Development:
Facilitated Economic Development Committee meeting and disseminated
Follow-up with Jim Bunchuck, developed survey for local businesses
regarding the disposal of confidential paper-waste and potential interest in
availing of paper shredding services.
Community Development:
Voucher preparation.
Executive Safety:
Finalized facilitation of mandatory training for employees, including video
Attended mandatory training on Workplace Violence Prevention, Right to
Know, Bloodborne Pathogens and Lyme Disease and Tick Prevention.
Discussion of 2015 budgets with Supervisor, Comptroller and Deputy Town
Development of public forum on helicopter noise.
Developed Community Notices advertisement for the Suffolk Times.
Meeting with Pat Snyder, East End Arts in discussion of programming at
Peconic Lane Community Center.
With Supervisor, meeting with National EAP staff for proposed “cultural
competency” training for staff in January 2015.
On behalf of Supervisor, attended East End Supervisors and Village Mayors
Association meeting.