HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL-1991 #09LOCAL LAW NO. __9 . 1991 A Local Law in Relation to Guest Landfill Permits BE IT ENACTED. by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter u.8 (Garbage. Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 48-4(A)13) (Fees) is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Guest landfill permit: For noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity owned by a guest of a resident in the Town of Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided that such vehicle displays a valid guest landfill permit issued in accordance with the following: a. A guest landfill permit shall be issued by the Town Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons who are qualified residents of the Town of Southold. as defined in Section 48-4(A)(1) hereof, for use by guests temporarily residing in the dwelling of such resident. A esJdent applying for a guest landfill permit shall present an application in affidavit form, signed by the applicant the setting forth: 1. The location of the property to be occupied by the guests. 2. The names and permanent addresses of the guests. 3. The length of time of the guest occupancy. b. Upon a determination by the Town Clerk, or person designated by her, that the applicant is entitled to a guest landfill permit and upon the payment of the permit fee, such permit shall be issued and inscribed with the vehicle license registration number and shall be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as provided in Section u,8-U,(AJ(lj(c) hereof. c. The fee for the issuance of a guest Jandfill permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.) 2. Section 48-41All41 is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of two dollars ($2.) for each noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity which possesses no permit. 3. Section 48-41All5) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each single-axle truck which does not possess a permit. Section 48-4(A1(61 is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550.) for each commercial vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an additional fee of two cents 150.02) for each gallon of liquid waste discharged. 5. Section 48-41A)171 is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550. I for each commercial contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross vehicle weight. 6. Section 48-41A)(8) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550. ) for each farm vehicle of one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste. 7. Section 48-4(A)(9) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of fifty dollars 1550. ) for each double-axle truck which does not possess a permit. 8. Section 48-41A)(10) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars 15200.1 for each single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste Igarbage). 9. Section 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars 15200.) for each commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton capacity. 10. Section 48-~A)112) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage). 11. Section 48-4{A){13) is hereby adopted to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer combination of more than one-ton capacity. II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. RYS DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF STATE RECORDS 162 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231-0001 DATE= 4/4/91 R[:CtW APR 8 !99~ 5outhold T ..... Local Law Acknowledgment I-- Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ]-- Attention: Judith T. Terry DOS-236 (Rev. 6/90) MUNICIPALITY Town of Soutnold LOCAL LAW(S) NO. I YEAR FILING DATE 5 thru 9 I 1991 4/2/91 The above-referenced material was received and filed by this office as indicated. Additional local law filing forms will be forwarded upon request. L;ocal Law Filing NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEN) OF STATE 162 UASHINGTON AVEWUE, ALBANY, NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not -'~e italics or underlining to indicate new matter. ~itx of Southold Town Local Law No. 9 of the year 19 91 A ocal .................................... ............................................. (In~ert Title) Be il enacted by the ........................................... ..T...°...w...n......B..°..a...r..d.. ................................................................... of the (Name of Legislative Body} To'~'n Chapter 48 (Garbage. Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 48-4(A)(3) (Fees) is hereby amended to read as follows: Guest landfill permit: For noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity owned by a guest of a resident in the Town of Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided that such vehicle displays a valid guest landfill permit issued in accordance with the following: ao A guest landfill permit shall be issued by the Town Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons who are qualified residents of the Town of Southold. as defined in Section q8-4(A)(1) hereof, for use by guests temporarily residing in the dwelling of such resident. A resident applying for a guest landfill permit shall present.an application in affidavit form. signed by the. applicant the 'setting forth.:' 1. The location of the prgperty to be occupied by the guests. 2. The names and permanent addresseg of the guests. 3. The length of time of the guest occupancy. Upon a determination by the Town Clerk. or person designated by her. that the applicant is entitled to a . guest landfill permit and upon the payment of the permit fee. such permit shall be issued and inscribed (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.) (I) with the vehicle license registration number and shall be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as provided in Section 48-4[A)11)1c) hereot:. c. The fee for the issuance of a guest landfill permit shall be twenty-five dollars 1525.) 2. Section 48-4[A)14) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of two dollars ($2.) for each noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton cap~acity which possesses no permit. 3. Section 48-4[A)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars 1525.) for each single-axle truck whicl~ does not I~ossess a permit. 4. Section 48-4[A)(6) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an additional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of liquid waste discharged. 5. Section 48-41A)(7) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550.) for each commercial contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross vehicle weight. 6. Section 48-41A)18) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each farm vehicle of one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste. 7. Section 48-41A)19) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each double-axle truck which does not possess a permit. 8. Section 48-4(A)110) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars 15200.) for each single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste (~tarbage). 9. Section 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton capacity. 10. Section 48-4[A)(12) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage). 11. Section 48-4(A)(13) is hereby adopted to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer combination of more than one-ton, capacity. II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is nol applicable.) (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) '~ereby certify that the local law annexed hereto· designated as local law No. 9 of 19 91 the (~16~t(:,tT, q:~Town)(~g~ of Southold was duly passed by the Town Board on March 26, 19 91, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. . arne of Legislative Body) (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer'.) hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of on t9 ;anne ot[ Legislative Body) sapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on (Elective Chic[ Executtve Officer') accordance with the applicable provisions of law. of 19 was duly passed by the · and was (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after 19 (Final adoption by referendum.) hereby.certify that the local la,*' annexed hereto, designated as local' law No. of 19 :- the t'Countvi(Citv)(Town)(Villagel of was duly passed by the on 19 , and was (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after (anne oI LegiMative Bcd) I :sappmval) by the on 19 . Such local law was ~ '~ ' (Elective Chief Executive Officer' ) ~bmilted to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative ~te o~ a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on 19 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting ,~ere~v certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19 the~County)(C~ty)(Iown)(Vfllage) of ' was duly passed by the on 19 , and was (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after -4amelof Legislative Body) isapl~toval) bv the on 19 Such local law was subject to (Elective Chief Executive Officer') ermis~ive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as ot:' 19 accordance w~th the applicable provisions cf law. Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a :ouniy-wide basis or, if there be none, the chairman of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city )r ~iHage, or the supervisor of a to~'n where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local ;as~s ~or ordinances. 5. (City local law concerning Charter re~'ision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the Iocal law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19 of ,~be City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to t~ ~visions c[ section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of .mjority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on 19 , became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) ! hereby certify that the local lag' annexed hereto, designated as loc:{l law No. of 19 of the County of , State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November 19 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Lag', and having received the affirmative vote of a majority~ of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and of a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of s~id county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If :my other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropritate certification.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 , above. (Seal,t Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Date: March 27, 1991 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized Attorne.v of loqality.} STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, the undersigned, hereby certify 'that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local l~w annexed hereto. 'Sig ' { ~ ~ Matthew G. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney Title ~Y Town of Southold Date: March 27, 1991 PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD March 26, 1991 8:12 P.M. 1N THE MATTER OF A PROPOSED "LOCAL LAW IN RELATION TO GUEST LANDFILL PERMITS". Present: Supervisor Scott L. Harris Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Councilwoman Ellen M. Latson Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Harvey A. Arnoff SUPERVISOR HARRIS: We'll move on to the final public hearing of the evening, a "Local Law in Relation to Guest Landfill Permits". It's going to be read by Councilman Wickham. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: This proposed Local l_aw was developed because we found that visitors and guests to the Town of Southold given the current arrange- ment of the Code, would be unable to take their garbage to the Landfill, and get rid of it. Most of us have the ability to have a special permit for our cars, and this one is designed to provide that for visitors, and guests, in the Town of Southold. "Public Notice is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 12th day of March, 1991, a Local Law entitled, "A Local /aw in Relation to Guest Land- fill Permits". Notice is further given that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 26th day of March, 1991, at 8:12 P.M., at which time all interested persons will be heard. This proposed "Local Law in Relation to Guest Landfill Permits: reads as follows: BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 48 IGarbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of tl~e Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 48-41A)13) IFees) is'hereby amended to read as follows: o Guest landfill permit: For noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity owned by a guest of a resident in the Town of Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided that such vehicle displays a valid guest landfill permit issued in accordance with the following: Pg 2 - PH LL in Rela"~n to Guest Landfill Permits A guest landfill permit shall be issued by the Town Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons who are qualified residents of the Town of Southold, as defined in Section 48-4(A)(1) hereof, for use by guests temporarily residing in the dwelling of such resident. A resident applying for a guest landfill permit shall present an application in affidavit form, signed by the applicant the setting forth: 1. The location of the property to be occupied by the guests. 2. The names and permanent addresses of the guests. 3. The length of time of the guest occupancy. Upon a determination by the Town Clerk, or person designated by her, that the applicant is entitled to a guest landfill permit and upon the payment of the permit fee, such permit shall be issued and inscribed with the vehicle license registration number and shall be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as provided in Section 48-4(A)(1)(c) hereof. The fee for the issuance of a guest landfill permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.) 2. Section 48-q[A)(4) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-toad fee of two dollars ($2.) for each noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity which possesses no permit. 3. Section 48-4(A)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each single-axle truck which does not possess a permit. Section ~,8-~,(A)(6) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an additional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of liquid waste discharged. 5. Section u, 8-4(A)(7) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross vehicle weight. Pg 3 - PH LL in Rel 'on to Guest Landfill Permits 6. Section u, 8-4(A)lS) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each farm vehicle of one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste. 7. Section 48-O,(A)(9) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each double-axle truck which does not possess a permit. 8. Section 48-4(A)(10) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage). 9. Section 48-4(A)(1t) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton capacity. 10. Section qS-4(A)(12) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transportincJ solid waste (garbage). 11. Section 48-4(A)(13) is hereby adopted to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer combination of more than one-ton capacity. II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during business hours. Dated: March 12, 1991. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk." I have before me a affidavit of publication in The Suffolk Times, another affidavit of publication in The Long Island Traveler-Watch- man, and finally, a certification, that it's been posted here on one of the Bulletin Boards at Town Hall. There is no further communication on this proposed Local Law. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, are there any members of the audience, that would like to speak either in favor or against this Local Law change? (No response.) Hearing none, I'll declare this public hearing closed. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk NOYICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON LOCAL LAW PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVl~q that th~ has been precemed to the Town Board of the ~ of SouthOld, Suffolk County, New ~rk, on the 12th da~ of Masc~ 1991, a Local Law entitled, "A ~ 'fill ~ NOTICE IS FURTHER OIVEN that tbe Town Board of tile Town of Southold will hold Hall, ~ Road, Southold, New York, o~ ~1~ ~ ds~ of which ~ all inm~d lm~Oas will be heard. l~lation to Ouest Landfill Per- mits" ~ as follows: BE IT ENA~;rl~D by the~ Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 48 (Oarbase, Rub- bish and l~fase) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 4S-4(AX3) (I~) is hereby amended t~ read as 3. Guest lundflll permit: for noncommercial vehicles of less a guest of a resident in the Town of Southold and transporting only household refuse, l~ovid- ed that such vehicle displays a in accordance with the · followinS: L A guest inndflll permit shall be issued by the Town Clerk or a person desi_~nnted by her to all persom who are qualified residents of the Town of Southold, as defined in Sec- tion 48-4(AX1) hereof, for use by 8~ts ~ z~idin~a hi- the dwe~ing of such ~sident. A resident npplyi~ for n guest application in affidavit form, signed by the ~ppllcant the set- ti~ forth: 1. The location of the proper- ty to be occupied by the guests. 2. The names and permanent addresses of the guests. 3. The len~h of time of the b. UpOn a determination by the Town Clerk, or person desiguated by her, that the ap- plicant is entitled to a guest lendffil l~mit and upOn the payment of the permit fee, such permit shnll oc issued and in- scribed with the vehicle license registration number and shall be affixad to the vehlele in the same manner as provided in Section 48-4(A)(IXc) hereof. ~ The fee for the issuance of a guest ]andf'di permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25?). 2. S0ctiun 48-4(AX4) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of two dollars ($2.) for cach nOncommercial vehicles of less than une-ton capacity which pOssesses no permit 3. Se~en 48-4(AX~) is her~y amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of twenty-five doll.s ($2~.) for each single- axle truck which does not possess a permit. 4. Sectiun 48-4(AX6) is he.by amended to read as follows: Annunl fee of fifty dollass ($~0.) for each commercial vehicles transpOrtin~ liquid sep- tic waste, together with an ad- ditional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of liquid waste amended to ~d as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commenfial con- tractor's vehicle of hm than une. ton maximum ~ross vehicle weight. 6. S~ion 48-4(AXS) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each farm vehicle of one-ton or more capacity transpOrting a~ricuitural waste~ 7. Section 48-4(AX9) is hereby amended to read as follows: Per-load fee of fifty dolla~ (~0.) for ~ doub~-ay, le truck which does not pe~sess n permit. 8. Section 48-4(A)(10) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hund~d dollars ($200.) for each sil~le- axle vehicle transpOrting solid waste ~b~e). 9. Section 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each commer- cial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton capacity. 10. Sec~on 48-4(AX12) is hereby amended to read as follows: Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each double- axle und/or compactor-type vehicle transpOrting solid waste (gurbnge). 11. Section 48-4(A)(13) is hereby amended to read as follows: COUNTY OF SUFFOL,, STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been publishecl in said Long Island 'l'raveler-Watclm]an once each week for '/. .... weeks successively, commench~g on lb0 .......... f~.~ ..... ~.~ ............................... Sworn Io before ne I~[s ..................... day of Notary Public BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER NOIARY PUBLIC, Stale ol New York No, 4606846 Qualified in Suffolk Cou. nty Commission Expires Annual fee of five hund~l dollars ($~0.) for each commer- cial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer combian- tion of more than une-ton eff~t upon its filing with the S~mary of Stat~ Copies of this Local Law avail*hie in the Office of the Town Clerk to en~ in~r~l persons duting business hours. DATED: March 12, 1991 SUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK IX-3/21/91(11) PUBI.IC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Sotlthold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 12th day of March, 1991, a Local Law entitled, "A Local Law In Relation to Guest Landfill Per- NOTICE 1S FURTHER GIVEN be heard. manner as provided in Section 48-4(A)(1)(c) c. The fee f~ tbe issuance of a guest landfill permit shall be twenty-five dol- hn (S~.) 2. Section 48-4(A)(4) is hereby m-,e~ded to nad as follows: Per-k~d fee e{ two dollars ($2.) for e~ch ncecommercial vehicle of less than one-ton capacity 3. Section 48-4(A)(5) is hereby lan ($9.5.) for each slngle~axle ]his proposed "Local Law in Re- permit. lesion to Guest Landfill Permits' d. Section 48-4(A)(6) is hereby BE IT ENACTED. by the Town Board of the lbwn of Southold As follows: I. Cilapter 48 (Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as fol- lows: l. Section 48-4(A)(3) (Fees) is hereby amended to ~ad as fol lows: 3. Guest landfill permit: For noncommercial vehicles of less than one-ton capacity owned by a guest of a resi- dent in the Town of Southold and transporting only house- hold refuse, provided that such vehicle displays a valid guest landfill permit issued in accordance with the follow- a. A guest landfill permit shalI be issued by the Town Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons who are qual{fied residents of the Town of Southold, as defined in Section 48-4(A)(1) bemof, for use by guests tem- porarily residing in the dwelling of such resident. A resident applying for a guest landf'dl permit shall present an application in affidavit form, signed by the applicant the setting forth: 1. The location of the property to be occupied by the gues~. 2. The names and per- 3. The length of time of the guest occupancy. b. Upon a determination by the Town Clerk. or person designated by her, that the guest landfill permit and upon the payment of the permit fee. such permit shall be issued and inscribed with the re, ich bet and shall be affixed to Annual fee of fifty dollars ($500 for each commercial vehicle tmn~poning liquid sep- tic wasM, togO. ber with an eddi- fic~l f~ of two cent~ ($.02) for · aeh gallon of liquid w.tc dis- Section 4ll~4{A)(7) is hereby m~nded to mod as follows: Annual fee of fifty dollars ¢~0.) for ~eh ce~-a~ nm,ximm~ gr~$ vehicle 5. Se~tio~ 4g-4(A)($) is h~r~by Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for ~ch farm vehicle of porting agricultural waste. Section 48-4(A)(9) is hereby Per-load fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each double-axle track which does not pesa~$ · permit, Section 4g-4(AX10) is bemby Annual fcc of two hundred dol- lars ($200.) for e~ch singh~-ax~ Section 48-4(A)(11) is beml~t amended to read as follows: Annual fee of two hundred doi- lan ($200.) for each commit- than one-t~l capacity. 10. Section 45-4(A)(12) i~ hereby Annual fe~ c{ fiv~ hundred dol- lars ($500.) for ~ach double- axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting solid waste 11. Section 4g-4(A)(I~) is hereby adopted to read as follows: Annual fe~ o{ fiv~ hundred dol- lar~ ($500.) for ~ach commas- and/or tractor-trailer combine- Il. This Local Law shall take effect upon it~ filing with the Secretary ef State. Copies of this Local Law are avail- able in the Office of the Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK} }ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SHARON ROCK of Mattltuck, In said County, being duly Sworn, says that he/she Is Prlnolpal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published et Mattltuck, In the Town of SouthoM, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notioe of which the annexed Is a printed copy, has been regularly published In said Newspaper once each week for ~ weeks successively, commencing on tho 21 day of MARCH 19 91