HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL-1991 #03LOCAL LAW NO. 3 1991
A Local Law in Relation to Lessee Landfill Permits
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 48 (Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town
of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
Section 48-4(A)(2) (fees) is hereby amended to read as
Lessee landfill permit: for noncommercial vehicles of less
than one-ton capacity owned by a lessee in the Town of
Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided
that such vehicle displays a valid lessee landfill permit
issued in accordance with the following:
A lessee landfill permit shall be issued by the Town
Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons
who lease or rent property within the Town of
Southold but do not qualify as residents as defined in
Section 48-4(A)(1) hereof. Persons applying for a
lessee landfill permit shall present an application in
affidavit form, signed by the lessee and the owner of
the property, setting forth:
1. The location of the leased or rented property.
2. The persons occupying the same.
3. The term of such tenancy.
Upon a determination by the Town Clerk or person
designated by her that the applicant is entitled to a
lessee landfill permit and upon the payment of the
permit fee, such permit shall be issued and inscribed
with the vehicle license registration number and shall
be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as
provided in Section 48-4(A ) ( 1 ) (c) hereof.
The fee for the issuance of a lessee landfill permit
shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.).
2. Section 48-4(A)(3) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of two dollars ($2.) for each noncommercial
vehicle of less than one-ton capacity which possesses no
3. Section 48-4(A)(4) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each
single-axle truck which does not possess a permit.
4. Section ~,8-4(A)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial
vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an
additional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of
liquid waste discharged.
5. Section 48-41A)(61 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550.) for each commercial
contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross
vehicle weight.
6. Section 48-4(A)17) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50. I for each farm vehicle of
one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste.
?. Section 48-41A)18) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of fifty dollars 1550. J for each double-axle
truck which does not possess a permit.
8. Section 48-41A1(9) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each
single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste (garbagel.
9. Section 48-4(A)110) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred dollars 15200. I for each
commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton
10. Sectiodn 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each
double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting
solid waste (garbage).
11. Section 48-4(A)(12) is hereby adopted to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each
commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer
combination of more than one-ton capacity.
This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary
of State.
162 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 1223t-0001
DATE: 3/22/91
MAR 2 ,5 !§§1
Local Law Acknowledgment
Office of the Town Clerk
Town of Southold
Judith T. Terry
Southold, R~I 11971
DOS-236 (Bev. 6/90)
fUNIC';~Y of Southold
0CAL ~A~S~ ~0- I 'Et~991
The above-referenced material was received
and filed by this office as indicated.
Additional local law filing forms will be
forwarded upon request.
'roc. l Law Filing
(Use this form to file a local law with theSecretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not
use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
~AiXyx of Southold
Town ........................................................................................................................
Local Law No .......... .3.. ........................................ of the year 199_1. .....
X local law ............... !~.n.~.R.~.e.I~'a..t.!~.~..n..~.t...~..~.L.~.e..~..'s..e...e.~.L..a.~.n...d...f.i.~.!~E~v~!.~~ ............................................................
(Insert Title)
Be it enacted by the ........................................... .T..o...w....n.....E}..9...a..r...d. ................................................................... of the
(Name of Legislative Body)
x~tYcx of $outhold
Town .................................................................................................................................................. as follows:
Chapter 48 (Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of
Southold is hereby amended as follows:
1. Section 48-4(A)(2) (Fees) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Lessee landfill permit: for noncommercial vehicles of less
than one-ton capacity owned by a lessee in the Town of
Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided that
such vehicle displays a valid lessee landfill permit issued in
accordance with the following:
A lessee landfill permit shall be issued by the Town
Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons
who lease or rent property within the Town of Southold
but do not qualify as residents as defined in Section
48-4(A)(1) hereof. Persons applying for a lessee
landfill permit shall present an application in affidavit
form, signed by the lessee'and the owner of the
property, setting forth:
1. The location of the leased or rented property.
2. The persons occupying the same.
3. The term of such tenancy.
Upon a determination by the Town Clerk or person
designated by her that the applicant is entitled to a
lessee landfill permit and upon the payment of the
permit fee, such permit shall be issued and inscribed
with the vehicle license registration number and shall
be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as provided
in Section 48-4(A)(1)(c) hereof.
c. The fee for the issueance of a lessee landfill permit shall be
twenty-five dollars ($25.).
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
D05-239 (Rev. ?/90)
2. Section 48-4(A)(3) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of two dollars 152.) for each noncommercial
vehicle of less than one-ton capacity which possesses no
3. Section 48-4(A)(4) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each
single-axle truck which does not possess a permit.
4. Section 48-41A)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial
vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an
additional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of
liquid waste discharged.
5. Section 48-41A)16) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial
contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross
vehicle weight.
6. Section 48-41A)17) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars 1550.) for each farm vehicle of
one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste.
?. Section 48-41A)18) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each double-axle
truck which does not possess a permit.
8. Section 48-41A)(9) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each
single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage).
9. Section 48-4(A)(10) is hereby amended to read as follows:.
Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each
commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-ton
10. Sectiodn 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each
double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting
solid waste (garbage).
11. Section 48-4(A)(12) is hereby adopted to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars [$500.] for each
commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer
combination of more than one-ton capacity.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary
of State.
(Complete the certification iu the paragrnph that applies to the filing of this local law and
strike out that which is not applicable.)
I. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
l:ereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 3 of 1991
cA' the (tZxazn.x)(ffic_x)(Town)(50~l~ of Southold was duly passed by the
Town Board . on February 2~, 19 91., in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
[Name of Legzstagive Body)
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval
by the Elective Chief Executive Officer~.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No.
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of
on t9
(Name of Legislative Body)
disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on
(Elective Chief ~xecutive Officer*)
in accordance with the applicable provisions of Iaxv.
of 19
was duly passed by the
, and was (approved)(not disapproved )(repassed after
3. (Final adoption by referendum.)
! ,hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 19 , and was (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after
(Name of Legislative Body)
disapproval) by the on 19 Such local taw was
(Elective Chief Executive Officer~)
submitted to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative
vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on
19 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoptioo because no valid petition was filed requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 19 , and was (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after
(Name of Legislative Body)
disapproval) by the on 19 Such local law was subject to
(Elective Chief gxecut, ive Officer~)
permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 19
in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
*Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a
county-wide basis or, if there be none, the chairman of the county legislatBe body, the mayor of a city
or village, or the supervisor of a town ~vi~ere such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local
laws or ordinances.
5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 19
of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to
the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote
of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(generat) election held on
19 , became operative.
6. (County local 'law concerning adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 3 of 19 91
of the County of Suf-[olk , State of New York, having been submitted to
the electors atthe General Election of November 7 1991 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of
section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the
qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and of a majority of the qualified electors of the towns
of said county considered as. a unit voting at said general election, became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropritate certification.)
I further certify that I have compared the prec.eding local law with the original on file in this office and that
the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted
in the manner indicated in paragraph t ., above.
terk~ the County legislative body, City, T~C-~6 or Village Clerk
or officer designated by local legil~tfftive body
Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk
Date: February 27, 1991
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or
other authorized Attorney of locality.)
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper
proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the]local l~v annexed hereto..
Matthew G. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney
of Southold
Date: February 27, 1991
February 26, 1991
8:00 P.M.
Deputy Supervisor George L. Penny IV
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilman Thomas H. Wickham
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Harvey A. Arnoff
Supervisor Scott L. Harris (Albany)
Councilwoman Ellen M. Latson (out of town)
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR PENNY: Our first public hearing is on a proposed "Local Law in
Relation to Lessee Landfill Permits" The public notice will be read by Justice Edwards.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: "Public Notice is hereby given that there has been presented to
the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 5th
day of February, 1991, a Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Lessee
Landfill Permits". Notice is further given that the Town Board of the Town of Southold
will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, Main
Road, Southold, New York, on the 26th day of February, 1991 at 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
at which time all interested persons will be heard. This proposed "Local Law in
Relation to Lessee Landfill Permits" reads as follows:
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 48 (Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of
Southold is hereby amended as follows:
I. Section 48-4(A)(2) (fees) is hereby amended to read as follows:
2, Lessee landfill permit: for noncommercial vehicles of less
that one-ton capacity owned by a lessee in the Town of
Southold and transporting only household refuse, provided
that such vehicle displays a valid lessee landfill permit
issued in accordance with the following:
a. A lessee landfill permit shall be issued by the Town
Clerk or a person designated by her to all persons
who lease or rent property within the Town of
Southold but do not qualify as residents as defined in
Section 48-4(A)(1) hereof. Persons applying for a
lessee landfill permit shall present an application in
affidavit form, signed by the lessee and the owner of
the property, setting forth:
I. The location of the leased or rented property.
2. The persons occupying the same.
3. The term of such tenancy.
Pg 2 - PH, LL Lessee Permits
b. Upon a determination by the Town Clerk or person
designated by her that the applicant is entitled to a
lessee landfill permit and upon the payment of the
permit fee, such permit shall be issued and inscribed
with the vehicle license registration number and shall
be affixed to the vehicle in the same manner as
provided in Section 48-4(A)(1)(c) hereof.
c. The fee for the issuance of a lessee landfill permit
shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.).
2. Section 48-4(A)(3) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of two dollars ($2.) for each noncommercial
vehicle of less than one-ton capacity which possesses no
3. Section 48-4(A)(4) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each
single-axle truck which does not possess a permit.
4. Section 48-4(A)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial
vehicle transporting liquid septic waste, together with an
additional fee of two cents ($0.02) for each gallon of
liquid waste discharged.
5. Section 48-4(A)(6) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each commercial
contractor's vehicle of less than one-ton maximum gross
vehicle weight.
6. Section 48-4(A)(7) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each farm vehicle of
one-ton or more capacity transporting agricultural waste.
7. Section 48-4(A)(8) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of fifty dollars ($50.) for each double-axle
truck which does not possess a permit.
8. Section 48-4(A)(9) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each
single-axle vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage).
9. Section 48-4(A)(10) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) for each
commercial contractor's vehicle of more than one-tone
10. Section 48-4(A)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each
double-axle and/or compactor-type vehicle transporting
solid waste (garbage).
11. Section 48-4(A)(12) is hereby adopted to read as follows:
Annual fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each
commercial contractor's double-axle and/or tractor-trailer
combination of more than one-ton capacity.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any
interested persons during business hours. Dated: February 5, 1991. Judith T.
Terry, Southold Town Clerk." I have proof of publication by The Long Island
Traveler-Watchman. I have proof of publication by The Suffolk Times, and I have
proof of posting on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. That's it.
Pg 3 - PH, LL Lessee Permits
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR PENNY: Thank you, Ray. Just for clarification, the only
thing that was added to this, was the fee for the issuance of a lessee landfill permit
shall be $25.00. All the rest was strictly renumbered, and that's why it had to be
included in this Local Law change, because there was numerous renumberings and
restructuring, that happened, although the only thing that was added was an omission
of the lessee landfill permit, which was $25.00. Is there anybody in the audience,
that would like to speak in favor or against this proposed Local Law? (No response.)
Hearing none, I'll close this public hearing.
Southold Town Clerk
,~cE or ~c
~n p~ to t~
~ of ~ ~ of ~o~,
Suffolk ~unty, N~ York, on
~e~5~ day of ~b~ 1~!, a
~ ~w entitled, "A
Ol~ ~ ~ bf
~ ~M ~11 h~-
H~, M~ ~ad, ~u~old,
P~ atw~~
~m~ ~ he~.
R~on ~ ~ ~fill ~r-
~" ~ ~ folly:
~ of~ ~wo of ~u~old
~ foH~:
I. ~ ~ (G~b~ ~b-
bish ~d ~fuse) of ~ C~ of
t~ of ~uthold is h~
1. S~on ~A~2) (f~) is
2. ~ ~dfiH ~t: for
non~ ~hicl~ of l~s
t~ on,to9
a 1~ ~ ~ ~f ~uthold
and transporting only
ho~hol~ ~ p~d~ t~t
such ~ ~a ~d
s~ lundfiH ~t i~u~ in
co~nce with the foH~ing:
a. A lessee landfill permit
shall be hsued by the Town
Clerk mr a person, desired by
her tO.~ ~ wh~ Ieme Or
S66tho]d bdt do not'q~ilif~
residents as defined in Section
48-4(A)(1) hereof. Persons
applying for a lessee landfill per-
mit~shall pre~nt an application
in affidavit form, signed by the
lessee and;the owner of the pm-
perry, setting forth:
I. The location 9f ~ leased
or rented property,
2~The Persons ocCupying the
3. The term of such tenancy.
b. Upon ~ det~h~fi~m by
the Town Clerk or person desig-
nated by her that the applicant
mit and upon the payment of
the Permit fee, such permit shall
be issued and inscribed with the
vehi~e li.eense re~stmfion num-
ber aBd ~hall be aff'm~d to the
vehicle 'i~' the sarae mimher as
provided in Section 48-4(A)(D(e)
c. Th~ fee for the issuance of
a le~ee,ln~lf'fll permit shaH'he
tv~nty-five d0liars ($~5.)~
2, Section 4~-4(AX3)
Per-load fee of two dollars
($2~ for ~noneommer~l
vehicle ~ ~f~ · thai ~ton
capachy which po~-ss~ no
permit~ .
3. ~ 48-4(Ax4)~s Ii, re-
Per-load fee of twentY-five
($25.) for each single-axle truck
4. Section 48-4(AXS)is hereby
mended to read as follows:
Annual fee.of fifty dollars
(S.so.) for each C°m~aI'~hi-
cie transporting liq,~lid septic
waste, to~ther with`an addi-
tional fee of i'wo cents'($0.02)
for each gallon of liquid waste
di,sqharged. -
5. ~tion 48-4(A)(6)~s here-
by amended to read as follows:'
Annu~ fee of fifty dollars
($50.) for each commereial con-
tractor's vehicle of less than one-
ton maximum ;gross vehicle
6. Section 48-4(A)(7) is here-
by. am~n. ded to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars
($50:) for each farm vehicle of
one-ton or more capacity trans-
portin$ agricultural ~nasto.
7. Seetiov. 4~-4(AX8) is here-
by:amended to read as follows:
Per-load fee of fifty dollars
(S50.) for each double~x~ truck
which does not possess a Permit.
S. ~on 48-4{A)(9.) is here-
by amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred
dollars ($~00.) for each single-
axle vehicle transporting solid
waste (garbage).
9. S~ction 48-4(A)(10) is
hes~y amended to read as
. Ann~ fee of~two hundred
dollars ($200.) for each commer-
cial contractor's vehicle of more
than one-ton capaeity.
10. Se~Jon 48-4(AX11) is here-
by amet~ded to read as follows:
Annual 'fee of fi~ hm~dred
dollars ($~00.) for each double-
axle and/or compactor-type
vehicle trim,porting solid waste
11. S~tion 48-4(AX12) is her~
by adopted to read as follows:
Aonual fee of five hundred
dollars ($500.) for each cornmer.
cial enntractor's double-axle
and/or tractor-trailer combina-
tion of more than one-ton
Ii. This Local Law shall take
effeet upon its filingwith the
S~er~tary of Stat~
Copies of this ~ Law are
available j~ the Offiee Of the
Town Clerk to any interested
persons dm-ing busin~ hours.
DAI'i~D: I~br~ 5, 1991.
IX, 2/14/91 (32)
Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the
a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County;
and tll;t£ tile notice of which the annexed is a printed copy,
[1,1S been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman
once each week For ...................... :".... weeks
successively, commencing on the
d az~°l '~"-~' ~'~. ..... 1 9 .~./..,
Sworn lo bef'ore me Ibis -/~/ ~:~
..................... day of
Notary Public
NOTARY PU~LK;, ~t~t~ of ~ ~1~
No. 480884~
Qualified in Suffolk
Commission Ex pir~
1. Section 48-4(A)(2) (fees) is
4(A)([) hereof. Persons
2. Section 4S4(A×3) is he~.by
amended to l~d as follows:
Per-lo~d fee of two dollars
($20 for uch nc~commercial
vehicle of less than one-ton
c~paciV] which possesses no
3. Sectkm 4~4(AX4) i~ hereby
dollars ($25.) for each single-
axte truck which does not
possess a permit
4. Section 48-4(AX5) is hereby
amended to ~ as fellows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars
($50.) for each commercial
septic waste, together with
additional fee of two cents
($0.02) for each gallon of liq-
uid waste discharged.
5. Section 45~(A)(6) is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of fifty dollars
(S50,) for each commercial
contractor's vehicle of less
vehicle weight.
6. Section 48~(AX7) is hereby
Annual fee of fihy dollars
($50.) for each farm vehicle
of one-ton or mo~ capacity
7. Section 48~(A)(8) is hereby
Per-load fee of fifty dollars
($50.) for each doubhi-axin
8~ Section 48-4(AX9) is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Annual fee of two hundred
dollars ($200.) for each sin-
gle-axhi vehicle transponhig
solid waste
9. Section 48-4(AX10) is hereby
Annual fee of two hundred
dollars ($200.) for each com-
mercial contractor's vehicle
10. Sectinn 48-4(A)(11) is here-
Annual fee of five hundred
d~lla. ($500.) fo~ each d~u
~ waste (SarbaSe).
11. Se~ine 48~1(A)(12) is hege-
by adopted to read as fBI-
Annual fee of five hun4~d
mercial contractor's
axle and/or tractor-trn~r
combination of more
one-ton capacity,
II. This L~al Law shah take
upon its filing with the Sec~etn~
Copies of this Local Law are av~-
able hi the Office
DATED: Eebma~/5, 1991.
SHARON ROCK of Mattituck, In
said County, being duly sworn, says that ho/she Is Principal
Clark of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, · Weekly Newspaper,
published et Mattltuck, In the Town of Southold, County of
Suffolk and State of Mew York, and that the Notice of which
the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published In
said Mewspaper once each week for 1 weeks
successively, commencing on tho 1~ day of
Principal Clerk
Sw~m~?~this''//'~ ,
dayof ~/~/-~'/~.~ 19 ' ~r~c~'~BLl~,'~i~:~, ',.:
Local Law
Rejection Notice
Sureau of State Records
162 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
(5t 8)474-2755
LocalLaw(s) No. 3 & 4
Year 1991 3/12/91
Municipality Town of Southold
The above-referenced materials are being returned for the following reason(s):
[] The date of passage must be set forth in paragraph of each certification form.
[] The certification of the clerk and/or attorney of the municipality must be signed and/or dated where indicated.
[] Pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, three copies of a local law are required to be filed with the
Secretary of State.
[] The local law refers to itself as an ordinance/resolution as indicated (throughout text). Section 2(9)(b) of the
Municipal Home Rule Law states a local law "shall not mean or include ordinance, resolution."
[] Pursuant to Section 27(2) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a copy of a local law submitted for filing with the
Secretary of State should contain the final text of the law only. It should not contain matter deleted or repealed, and
should not contain underlining, bracketing, strikeouts or any other forms of punctuation indicating the techniques or
[] Local laws must be filed in numerical order. To date, there is no record of local law No. having been
filed; therefore, we are unable to file the enclosed law(s) at this time.
[] Section 130.3 of Title 19 NYCRR requires that all local laws be filed on forms provided by this office and that all
additional pages be of the same size as the forms provided.
[] Section 130.2 of Title 19 NYCRR requires that one copy of the local law be an original or first copy. The enclosed
copies are of too poor a quality to permit microfilming and reproduction by this office.
[] Local Law(s) No. is(are) subject to referendum pursuant to section
of the Municipal Home Rule Law. Paragraph of the certification page (page 2) must be properly
completed, rather than paragraph
[] Local Law(s) No. is(are) subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Section 24 of the Municipal
Home Rule Law. However, the (30, 45) day time period for filing a petition, which begins at the date of approval by
[] The certification
[] Local laws must
law(s) No.
~ Other
., has not expired. Therefore, the local law is not yet eligible for filing.
date of the municipal clerk and/or attorney cannot precede the date of adoption of the local law.
be filed in numerical order. Therefore, local law(s) No. will be accepted when local
is(are) correctly resubmitted for filing.
Please ccmplete only one paragraph of the date of passage of Local Laws No. 3 & 4
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Secretary of State.
March lq, 1991
~82004-001 {Rev. 5/88)
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