HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-448 .z HENRY P. SMITH, President ~ !C TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD • (516) 765-1892 ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN �•� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Date: October 1, 1987 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Wunneweta Pond Association in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to Replace (within 18") 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side of channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will remain. Property is located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Henry P r Smith, Pres. Board of Town Trustees Posted: October 1, 1987 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SNORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Project Information(To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. Applicant/sponsor 2. Project Name Wunnewetan Pond Association 3. Project location: Municipality " Bridge Lane, Cutchogue County Suffolk : 4. Is proposed action: ❑ New ❑ Expansion IN Modification/alteration S. Describe project briefly: Replace (within 18") 85 ' of existing timber jetty on east side of channel to Wunngweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in ele- vation than old and will equal height-of outer section which will 6. Precise location(road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.or provide map) Bridge Lane, Cutchogue 7. Amount of land affected: Initially acres Ultimately acres 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? ® Yes ❑ No If No,describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of project? ® Residential ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial ❑ Agriculture ❑ parkland/open space ❑ Other Describe: 10. Does action involve a permit/approval,or funding,now or ultimately,from any other governmental agency(Federal,state or local)? 79Yes ❑ No If yes, list agency(s)and permitlapprovals COE, DOS, DEC 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? ❑ Yes 99 No If yes,list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As result of proposed action will existing permit/approval require modification? ❑ Yes 1t,p No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ApplicanUsponsor name: Wunnewe Pond Association Date. 9/18/87 Signature: Roy L. HaTe, Pres dent PART II Environmental Assessment (To be complexed by Agency) A. Does action exceed any Type 1 threshold in 6 NYCRR,Part 617.12? If yes,coordinate the review process and use the FULL/LONG FORM EAF. .❑ Yes ❑ No • B. Will action receive coordinated review as provided for Unlisted Actions in 6 NYCRR,Part 617.71 If No,a negative declaration may be superceded by an involved action. ❑ Yes ❑ No C. Could action result in ANY adverse effects on.to,or arising from the following:(Answers may be handwritten, if legible) Cl. Existing air quality,surface or groundwater quality or quantity,noise levels,existing traffic patterns,solid waste production or disposal,potential for erc drainage or flooding problems?Explain briefly: r C2. Historic,archeological,visual or aesthetic,or other natural or cultural resources;agricultural districts;or community or neighborhood character?Explain C3. Vegetation or fauna,movement of fish or wildlife species significant habitats,or threatened or endangered species?Explain briefly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly. CS. Growth,subsequent development•or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action?Explain briefly. C6. Secondary,cumulative,or other effects not identified in C1{6?Explain briefly. C7. A change in use of either quantity or type of energy? Explain briefly. PART III Determination of Significance(To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherw significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a)setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurrir (c)duration;(d) irreversibility;(e)geographic scope; and(f)magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporti materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identifi and adequately addressed. ❑ Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Th proceed directly to the FULL/LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentati( that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and attachments as necessary, the reasons supportng this determination: Agencv'game Agency Preparers Name PreDarei't $,Znature:iitle ' Date PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF WUNNEWETA POND ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 17, 1987 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1987 ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT UN DER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN: In the matter of the applicationof En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association to replace (within 1811) 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side of the channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will remain. Property is located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Trustee Smith: Are there any comments regarding this application? Roy Haje, En-Consultants, Inc. : Roy Haje for the applicant Wunneweta Pond Association. The project that is proposed is for a bulkhead on the side of the jetty on the east side. The bulkhead will be replaced within 18" of the jetty. The D.E.C. has approved it within 18". We urge your approval the say way. Tom Samuels, Rambo Construction: In fact it will be connected to it will not be within 18" of the structure. It can be called a bulkhead, but in essance it is a groin. It is built up so much on the south side that we are required to put in tie rods. It will be connected to, there will be no space in between. Trustee Smith: The Board did not have any problem with it. The C.A.C. recommended approval. Does anyone else have any questions or comments? No response. Then I will close the public hearing regarding this application. Ilene Pfifferling, Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No. .44$............. has been granted by the Town Trustees according to information furnished in Application No. $.`i............ filed by Applicant En.....-Consu. ltants,,,,Irt�,,,,for ..5 .... ...... ......... Wunneweta„ ..............Pond As , ,Sept;, ,22,....... lg„87,, , A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work ,To..replace (within 18") 85' of existing ....................................................... ...... jetty on the east side of channel. ............................................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Location of property on which work to be done ...Bridge,Lana,,,Cutchog4(,,,, ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ....,Wunneweta.Pond, channel ......................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Sizeof work: Length ..........8..5................................................................................................................. Width ............................................................................................................................. HeightAbove High Water ............................................................................................. Depth Below Low Water ...........6±1 ...................................................................................... Yardsto be Excavated ..................................................................................................... Yardsto be Filled ......................................................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited ......................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Intendeduse of property ....Residential................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................. Conditionsif any ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Expiration Date December 17, 1989 if work has not commenced b said date. Number of Inspections Required ..2- rustees are to be notifiedzppa..tb ..4;.QMPJe'�,Q ................ .... .... .... „ the work. InspectionFees ..... ��..�?aid........................................................................................................... Liability Policies in the Amount of ..: ,_,__________________________ ......................................................................................... The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are being con- ducted in conformity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. Signed .. . . .. President Board of Southold Town Trustees Date...... .... . . .....lP..y...,�.:L:?Y........................... r r" BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES i e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1`��e' 32296 - 1 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1892 Southold, N. Y. 11971 19290 <, Date RECEIVED OF, 1 ��/►`lJ C�tr "�C �- a�- 0-71) Dollars For BOARD OFT WN TRUSTEES i Cash (] Check nc L 1`� B» �..�..�.m• i► �r� .�►�o.a�..se® .�w�s��re�!�e e�an*�wR..�ean4.apR HOARD OF TOWN 'TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUT1101,D � �j 4 4 53095 Digin Road Plioiu: 765-:1892 12.1 3 ■ Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dille 1 RECEIVED OEC->� SLG � For v BOARD OF 1' WN TRUSTEES i Cash ❑ Che, 1 %v_«ell- SOUTHOLD TRUSTEES NO. qq � Issued ToLaeacw . nnp .jp4aP.�°fe' ;n , iyks� Address fit ) unneWr4-a And- Glakh,�/ I &I gy?e� THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE.TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL: 765-1801 HENRY P. SMITH, President A, JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. Lrs k TELEPHONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD (516) 765-1892 ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN a � BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 December 18, 1987 Mr. Roy L. Haje, President En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 Re: Wetland Application No. 584 - 1000-118-1-11 Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on December 17, 1987 regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 22, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on December 17, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Wunneweta Pond Association BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Replace (within 18") 85' of existing timber jetty on east side of channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than old and will equal height of outer section which will remain. Property is located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Page 2. This permit will expire on December 17, 1989 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Please remit a $10.00 Wetland Inspection fee at this time. Please return to the Building Dept. for a determination on the need of any other town permits or agencies approvals that will be required. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Robert A. Greene, D.E.C. , Stony Brook Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management John Holzapfel, Chairman, Southold Town C.A.C. Victor Lessard, Admin. , Building Dept. Planning Board Board of Appeals file ENVIRONMENTAL 1 SERVICES EN-CONSULTANTS, INC . 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-6360 December 9, 1987 Board of Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Wunneweta Pond Association Dear Sirs and Madam: The aboved referenced application seeks approval to replace a section of an existing timber jetty within 18" . I attach herewith a copy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permit which authorizes construction as we have requested it. I trust that the Board of Trustees will issue its permit for the same type of construction, rather than removal and replacement. Issuance of both permits which comply, will enable the project to go forward immediately. Issuance of conflicting permits will cause a delay, which will result in significantly higher costs . Please take this into consideration when you act on our application. You s ru , Ro L. H je President i RLH:khs Enc. • NEW YORfc'STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE f87-1664 n 12/4/87 JTYJPROGRAM NUMBER(s) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATEW Under the Environmental Conservation Law N/A 12/31/89 Article 15, Title 3; 6NYCRR 327, 6NYCRR 608: Article 25: 328, 329: Aquatic Pesticides N Water Quality Certification N Tidal Wetlands N Article 15, Title 5: Article 17, Titles 7, 8: Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Protection of Water SPDES Solid Waste Management' Article 15, Title 15: Article 19: Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Water Supply Air Pollution Control* Hazardous Waste Management Article 15, Title 15: Article 23, Title 27: Article 34: Water Transport Mined Land Reclamation Coastal Erosion Management Article 15, Title 15: Article 24: Article 36: Long Island Wells Freshwater Wetlands Floodplain Management Article 15, Title 27: N—New, R—Renewal, M—Modification, Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; Wild, Scenic and Recreational C—Construct ('only), 0—Operate ('only) 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control Rivers PERMIT ISSUED TO Wunneweta Pond Assoc. ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE Wunneweta Rd. , Cutchogue, NY 11935 AGENT FOR PERMITTEE/CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER En-Consultants, 1329 North Sea Rd. , Southampton, NY 11968 283-6360 vAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY(If different from Permittee) Wunneweta Pond Channel, Bridge Lane nCATION OF PROJECT/FACILITY COUNTY TOWN/CITYNILLACE UTM COORDINATES Cutchogue Suffolk Southold DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY Replace within 18" a 85' section of existing timber jetty. All work will be in accordance with the attached NYSDEC approved plans. GENERAL CONDITIONS By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compli- ance with the ECL,all applicable regulations and the conditions specified herein or attached hereto. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate regional permit administrator,or other office designated in the special conditions,a notice of intention to commence work at least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him/her promptly in writing of the completion of the work. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representAtive of the Department of Environmental Conservation which may order the work suspended if the public interest so requires pursuant to ECL§71-0301 and SAPA§401(3). The permittee has accepted expressly,by the execution of the application,the full legal responsibility for all damages,direct or indirect,of whatever nature,and by whomever suffered,arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits,actions,damages and costs of every name and descrip- tion resulting from the said project. The Department reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke this permit at any time after due notice, and, if requested, hold a hearing when: ' a) the scope of the project is exceeded or a violation of any condition of the permit or provisions of the ECL and pertinent regulations are found;or b) the permit was obtained by misrepresentation or failure to disclose relevent facts;or c) newly discovered information or significant physical changes are discovered since the permit was issued. rhe permittee is responsible for keeping the permit active by submitting a renewal application,including any forms,fees or supplemental information which may be required by the Department, no later than 30 days(180 days for SPDES or Solid or Hazarduous Waste Management permits)prior to the expiration date. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. rhe permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands,easements and rights-of-way which may be required for this project. ssuance of this permit by the Department does not,unless expressly provided for,modify,supersede or rescind an order on consent or determination by the Commissioner ssued heretofore by the Department or any of the terms,conditions, or requirements contained in such order or determination. \ny modification of this permit grante by the Department must be in writing and attached hereto. ;RMIT ISSUANCE DATE PEWMN ADK41NIST ATOR ADDRESS 1 Bldg. 40 SUNY RM. 219 Ston 11794 UTHORIZED SIGNATURE /. Page 1 of 3 cc : BMHP t4. �At, ♦nd t• w r•,i,•rl ��ilt. Il,r ,RAI CONl)I110hC fOR AR11(LLS 1S little C;. 1•t. �' ulht•r rnvoonn,r•nl,,(I\ ti.1lcu•nou• nr.rt,•rrni• nss j upt•rat,nn. h\ the No n It' of Nt•w )otk (('(I ill rr an nt xult'CI cfrr•poso,nn M the 5tn)ctute or work herrn, ut h<,rvrd. or 1 I)e{+arinu•m t,t Inv u,uln)enl,,l l on.r•rva Ut,n la '4nv n+Alry rnl<irrd}!rti in Ihr{+,n••',Utiun nt Ih.•wink I,rrrin nn,trry shad be tt•n,oved event\ vs'rlhutrt Irdv,n);L)rl;e reiusr pile• nt1Kr••'it ;'inose unreasonable obstruction U,lilt•tett•nnvtgalror+of card Ian, or rh•r'p holes Ii of r> or tluud Ill.', or ondnngt•r fill. heollh. +atr1Y or wrtlnrr of tl,r bet( of n ,Au". dm of Iloodt .e people of the State. or cause lost of deet me tion of the Hat oral terw0tnrw•d�' tnua• damagt• to navrKa hlr• channel:ur lu Il,e hank. ur ources of the State.the owner may be ordered by the Department to a 1�, 1 herr shall hr no unrrasc)nahlr mtroerencr with navigation h\•the woe -move nr alter the structural work. ,af1dllf`r upon otbh,exp rationtof herein authowt•d ,erehy without expense to lilt Stale. till, excavation, or other shall.wuhout expeme 11, 11 upon the rxpuation or revucauon n1 Ihrs I+ermlt, the project here +\ .vocation of this permit, the s erebyrauthori7ed shall not be cont e. aulhon til has nal been completed,tilt•applicant +odilication of the sv�tercourse hereby to tilt• Mate, and to such extent and u) such time anef mat)nor as the lewd, the owners, shall. without expense to the State, and to such urvu and in such time and manner as the Dei)artment of F nvuonmrma( OeOarlmrnl of f nvuonrnrnlle Conserval,on ntav l and e.rtofc t'dl u' tee u,re,remove all or any portion of tl)e uncompleted any portion of the uncompleted sU uctiur. or till and restore the sur• onwrval,on mal' 1 g to Its iorn,er rondttion No clam, shall hr n,ndo •,p•rin�t the Stair M tructure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable Now lurk rn, account nl any such rrmc+val m a ltrrition ,nil Iluntl capacity of Ihr watercourse.No clalm shall he made•' ation 17 If granted under AMOC sb, this pernrll dues not s,1;ml\ n, illy w.,\ Ile Stale of Ne-fork nn account of an\' such removal or alter, on Ihal the Stale of Ne+, )ork shall in no case be liable for any damage that the p(o)ecl will C (ere from Ilthe Ng C )artinenl of Lnvuun be caused g uu r ct will not ,r injury w the structure or work herein authorized which n1aV 111 Imc•ntal r;'onse`rvationlheKegby cerPali ttiines Itlhatt the subject I t' )y or result from future operations undertaken by the Stale for the or for other purposes,and contravene efflttenl Ilmnalnn5 or other Itmitaltons or standards unc est :onservation or improvement of navigation, k Sections 3111, 3(1?, 303. 3()(, and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 11)77 10 claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage t r. provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met ranting of this permit does not relieve the applicant of the response (PL �° 217) I Per approval from 19 All activities authorized b Ill'srd lmttl e,aPPl applicant htstlict cagentra conformal)( i ,ility of obtaining any other permission, consent orv fork State with the approved{ he U.S Army Corps of Engineers. U.S Coast Guard. D(irce of General Services or local government which may he required of the permit application ppli attsvere prepared by 411 necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination Such approved on of any wetland or Waterway by susP ^dconconcrete,leachate or any SPECIAL ediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants,epoxy coatings,paints, SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 . There will be no dredging in conjunction with this project. Supplementary Special Conditions (A) thru (J) attached. ' ,I. i I I �I I t i I I i DEC PER.,',[ NUNBIR j 10-87-1664 oz,e 2 0> 3 PKOCRg00JACILITY NU•�1oiR , N/A • • r SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL COATDITIONS The following conditions apply to all permits: A. If any of the permit conditions are unclear, the permittee shall contact the Division of Regulatory Affairs at the address and telephone noted below. B. A copy of this permit or approval and supplementary conditions shall be available at the project site whenever authorized work is in progress. C. The permit sign enclosed with the permit or a copy of letter of approval shall be protected from the weather and posted in a conspicinus location at the work site until completion of authorized work. D. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee shall complete and return the top portion of the enclosed receipt form certifying that he is fully'aware of and understands all provisions and conditions of this permit. .14ithin one week of completion of the permitted work, the bottom portion of that form shall also be completed and returned. E. For projects involving activities to be accomplished over a period or more than one year, the permittee shall notify the Regional Permit Administrator in writing at least 48 hours to the commencement of resumption of work each year. F. If project design modifications take place after permit issuance, the permittee shall submit the appropriate plan changes for approval by the Regional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modifications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require sub- mission of a new application for permit. G. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetlands or waterway by suspended solids, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project work. H. Any failure to comply precisely with all of the terms and conditions of this permit, unless authorized in writing, shall be treated as a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law. I. The permittee is advised to obtain any permits or approvals that may be required from the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers, NY District, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278, (Attention: Regulatory Functions Branch) , prior to commencement of work authorized herein. J. The granting of this permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility of obtaining a grant, easement, or other necessary approval from the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services, Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, which may be required for any encroachment upon State-owned lands under water. Regional Permit Administrator NYS Dept. of Environmental. Conservation Bldg. 40, SUNIY--Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) .751-7900 DEC # I(7`�7- 1(010� Page 3 of 3 APPROVED A = ` DATE LITTLE HOG t S�FFoLK �ovN rY NECK A 14A T-.q.. t,A Po PEco•�/G Q) NASSAU, w POINT iw��unn Wt�C e) O DO SM D 1,11v`n'r+ and IYCJ Sze-r,o.y SEP 1 81987 H N!✓ CiE R a P[.A C- - - - - - -- ---- 00 �Gtl�.��nav pfc , `Ile P N N x4" FEE T ? / J , , O 30 60 ►. /`ILW_Oro r � v�1 3Xio Kis� Ilk P14- v D4CR055-SEc77/0.Y THRcJ PRo PosEO JAgTT-Y REPL 7- OA OA -rvn ; I'tL-LJ P,-,R Po 5.6: /Lf i1/N -rA PRo Po 5.E O J TTY RcP�i9Ct — C✓RT.c- O.,,;PT-H /,-! 1-14H T Fo r2 O J H C c/y 7- O G✓i5/E R S : �✓v�/.v6(✓9-rA Rn v D /9 Ss�. M AG HA E f( v// CNa NN6L T �UN��G/.E Ti4 �S - R. TR.ENT�LA/�6E Po.dO T Cu TG HoGuc • • NYSDEC APPROVED GaPG, D �I14` o� . Ga A ft IM 44 -- -Ilt ti - - - - H �. i 3iC/0"C/8 1 g"f X/6 T �b t P/L/N6 Lj PQoF/mac VI,EGJ OF EXJST/NG }� .�ROPOS .E.D �J.ETTY LooK/NG S.TW19.R_0 SG'f1LE / =S P?oPo5�0 0---rt}' ftcP4LAGE- rlE.N.T �✓VNN t(+✓Li TA PO-(O O I�/ C/'IA v t ez- T �uN�'�"vE T't 5 HE&T ,z 116-7 �ULA-D 1� ® ® m . alis 16� it Rod lee .�A�nlQh or AhC�OY � 1 W ; 00 .X 61i cn -T, Q W � 0 z ^ Go Imes N, Ra I-xvl 0 —L.\C- jo r .y . Sou- U0,M P� N NOTICE OF HEARING. 0 ON THE WETLAND APPLICATIONSCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV STATE OF NEW YORK EN THAT PUBLIC HEAR- INGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; ON THURSDAY,DECEMBER and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, 17, 1987, ON THE FOLLOW- has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman ING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE PRO- once each week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . weeks VISIONS ' OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN: successively, commencing on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 P.M.In the matter of the application Stephen Perricone d a � �� _ 19 . . to clear the property and to con- ` struct a'one family dwelling, decks, and necessary samtary L. / system on property located on Lupton Point Road,Mattituck. (1000-115-11-22). 7:32 P.M:In the matter of the application of Stephen Per- ricone to clear the property and Sworn to before me this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of to construct a.one family dwell-* ing, decks and sanitary system. 19 7 on property located on Lupton Point Road, Mattituck. (1000-115-11-21). - 7:34 P.M.In the matier of the application of Patricia C. �— Moore,Esq.on behalf of Man- �� �.:. . . . �!'` �. . . . . . . . . fred E. Kuerner to construct a garage and extension to an ex- Notary Public isting residence on property BARBARA PORBES located on Carole Road, Southold. Notary Public, State of New York 7:36 P.M:In the matter of the No. 4806846 application of En-Consultants, Qualified in Suffolk County Inc.on behalf of John Dwyer to Commission Expires c41- -3119 replace (within 18") existing bulkheads on west and north sides of property: on the west side, 87 t' and on the north 75±' these include sections on the north west corner which have washed out,250 cu.yds.of fill will be trucked' in for ABOVE. SPECIFIED AND backfill. Property is located on WILL BE GIVEN AN OP- Old Mill Road, Mattituck. PORTUNITY.TO BE HEARD. 7:38 P.M.In the matter of the COMMENTS MAY BE SUB- application of En-Consultants, MITTED IN WRITING Inc.on behalf of the Wunneweta PRIOR TO THE DATE OF Pond Association to replace THE HEARING. (within 18") 85' of existing Henry P. Smith, timber jetty on the east side of President the channel to Wunneweta Board of Town Trustees Pond. Proposed bulkhead will Dated: November 30, 1987 be lower in elevation than the 1T-12,A3/87(11) old and will,equal height of outer section which will remain. Property is located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. ALL PERSONS IN- TERESTED IN SAID MAT- TERS ATTERS SHOULD APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE T • i 7.36'P.M In' 'tter of J NOTICE OF HEARING ON the application4� Consul- THE NE tants, Inc-,aro; f John APPLICATIONS Dwyer to.;re NOTICE IS place" in 18") HEREBY existing bulkheads est and THAT.:, PUBLIC GIVEN north sides of pro on the ' BE HELD HgAyRINGS west side,87±'and STATE OF NEW YORK ) TaWN TRUSTEES THE 75�' these incl de ions on TOWN OF SOUT OF THE the north west io^ r which ) SS: HOLD, AT have washed out; s. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) THE UTHOLD — fill will be trucked' or backf SO TOWly` t fill. Property is I on Old OLD,NEW yp�O r I Mill Road,Mattituc Ch r i tin C'nn tan t of Riverhead, in DAY,DECEMBER 17'1987 ON 7.38 P.M., .In atter of said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is THE FOLLOW NG.APpLICA- the application ott -Consul- TIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER tants,Inc.onhehal_, the Wun- Principal Clerk of THE NEWS-REVIEW, a Weekly THE PROVISIONS OF THE neweta Pond on to re- Newspaper, published at Riverhead, in the Town WETLAND ORDINANCE Place(within 18")85 f existing THE TOWN. OF timber jetty on thee' St side of of Riverhead, County Of Suffolk, State of New 7:30 P.M. _ In the matter of the channel .to ." unneweta the application of Ste Pond.Proposed bul ad will be York, end that the Notice of Which the annexed is ricone to clear the pert Per- lower in elevations n the old a printed CO to construct a ptOPertY and and will Py, has been regularly published in one family dwell- egyal t of outer 'ng, decker and nec section which wilf�` ain.Pro said Newspaper once each week for 1 nit- n system on pr0peertY �a arty is located on dge Lane, Weeks BUCC@s8iV@ly, commencing on the 3 on Lupton point Cutchogue,,. tituck. Road, Mat- x (1000-115-11-22) ALL P day of December _ 1g gR 7:32 P.M. _ In the matter of ERSON INTERday applicationESTED IN 'SAID',MATT'ERS lerof Stephen Per- SHOULD APPE ricone to clear the AT THE to constructproperty and TIME AND PLACE ABOVE a one family dwell- SPECIFIED AND", WILL BE ing,decks,and sanitaryGIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO on property loca systems Point Road, on Lupton BE HEARD.COA04ENTS MAY Principal Clerk 115-11-21) Mattituck. (1000- BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING 7:34 P• PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE M• - In the matter of REARING- the Sworn to before me this thea HF PPlication of "—"' Moore, E Patriciaatricin day of Esq. ne behalf t Man- Henry P.Smith, 19� fred E. Kuerner to President GARY K.DEGNAN garage and construct a Board of Town Trustees existin extension to an Dated:November Sl),1987 fv �i/� NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York Idag residence on property 5787-1TD3 Ott GL /( /�'� Suftolk County No.4849860 on Carole Road, South- e1 �,j(II/%/s ��— Term Expires Februag3/19J� �� z HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD `� ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: November 24, 1987 APPLICATION NO. : 584 - 1000-118-1-11 NAME: En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To replace (within 18") 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side of channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will LOCATION: Bri� ge. c Lane, Cutchogue REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 3. The Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council has recommended approval of the project. Board of Trustees Page 2. For further information regarding this application please contact: Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Call: (516) 765-1892 cc: Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Robert A. Greene, D.E.C. , Stony Brook Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management John Holzapfel, Chairman, Southold Town C.A.C. Victor Lessard, Admin. , Building Dept. Planning Board Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Bulletin Board file En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association HENRY P. SMITH, President ;< JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. ,. TELEPHONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD (516) 765-1892 ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN �� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: November 24, 1987 APPLICATION NO. : 584 - 1000-118-1-11 NAME: En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617. 10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To replace (within 18") 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side o the channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will LOCATION: Br�ic ge. Lane, Cutchogue REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. ' 3. The Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council has recommended approval of the project. Board of Trustees Page 2. For further information regarding this application please contact: Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Call: (516) 765-1892 cc: Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Robert A. Greene, D.E.C. , Stony Brook Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management John Holzapfel, Chairman, Southold Town C.A.C. Victor Lessard, Admin. , Building Dept. Planning Board Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Bulletin Board file En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association HENRY P. SMITH, President O TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. k PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD �' �+ (516) 765-1892 ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. / ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: November 24, 1987 APPLICATION NO. : 584 - 1000-118-1-11 Nom: En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617. 10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To replace '(within 1811) 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side o the channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will LOCATION: Bridge Lane, Cutchogue REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 3. The Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council has recommended approval of the project. Board of Trustees Page 2. For further information regarding this application please contact: Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Call: (516) 765-1892 cc: Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Robert A. Greene, D.E.C. , Stony Brook Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management John Holzapfel, Chairman, Southold Town C.A.C. Victor Lessard, Admin. , Building Dept. Planning Board Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Bulletin Board file En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association i 4 -- 7 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 TELEPHONE Southold, New York 11971 (516)765-1801 a SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL November 24, 1987 To: Southold Town Trustees From: Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council The CAC made the following recommendations at their regular meeting held Thursday, November 19, 1987: No. 576 - Richard Mohring, Jr. - Recommend approval. No. 577 Anthony W. and Carolyn R. Leggio - Tabled application. No. 578 - Anthony Robustelli - John Holzapfel will advise the Trustees at their meeting, Tuesday, November 24, 1987. No. 579 - Michael J. Schulam -Recommend approval. No. 580 and 581 - Stephen Perricone- Recommend approval with the stipulation that the cesspools are placed no closer to the wetlands than indicated on the submitted plans. The CAC would prefer that the applicant try to place the cesspools as far from the wetlands as possible. No. 582 - Marjorie Todd - Recommend approval with the stipulation that the bulkhead in installed in kind, in place or behind the existing structure. Under no circumstances should the bulkhead be placed within 18" in front of existing bulkhead. No. 583 - Joseph Berardino - Recommend approval. ApoWW , #Luaaneweta...,Pond Association - Recommend approvar. No. 585 - John Dwyer - Recommend approval. Suggest work be done as soon as possible. No. 586 - Manfred E. Kuerner - Recommend approval with the stipulation that all runoff (rain,water, etc.) be collected and contained on site. No. 587 - Dr. Veljko J. Krstulovic - Recommend approval. No. 588 - Ellen Guiton - Recommend disapproval. No need is shown and the are no adjacent bulkheads. This would set a precedent in the area. HENRY P. SMITH, President r JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. TELEPHLn (51) 765-1892 ONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 30, 1987 Mr. Roy L. Haje, President En-Consultants, Inc. - 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 Re: Wetland Application No. 584 1000-118-1-11 Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on October 29, 1987 regarding the above matter. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Wunneweta Pond Association for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Commissioner Thomas C. Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Robert A. Greene, D.E.C. , Stony Brook Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management John Holzapfel, Chairman, Southold Town C.A.C. Victor Lessard, Admin. , Building Dept. Planning Board Board of Appeals file PLEASE HAVE THE PROPERTY PROPERLY STAKED FOR INSPECTIONS ON NOV. 18, 1987 V LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION: EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR WUNNEWETA POND ASSOC. OCTOBER 29, 1987 Meeting RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of En-Consultants, Inc. for the Wunneweta Pond Association for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. \ ED TELEPHONE / (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD \ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION 1$ HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. _______DATE OF APPLICATION September 198 APPLICATION NO.__- �- _---. IDENTITY OF APPLICANT- Wunneweta Pond Agpocl,ation ------------PHONE NO 516-734-6678 ADDRESS OF APPLICANT_- Wunneweta )prod---------------------------------- ho-u Cutc ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ TAX MAP NO. 1000^18-1- 11 AGENT En-Consultants, Inc. - PHONE NO 1. - 329 �or i�ea�oad-' Sou�h.amP on;��T---- 516-283-•6360 PERMIT REQUESTED TO_ replace _�w .thin 18�_ 85 Of existing ti ex betty on east side of channel to Wunneweta Pond. proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than old and will equal heisht of outer section which will remain. LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED ------------------------- ---------------- Bride Laney Cutchogue_ .............................. HOME ADDRESS OF PERMIT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION ---------------=----------------------------------------------------- CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROPERTY- Channel to Wunneweta Pond --------------------=--------- SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK See Above WORK- See P R LENGTH rr n WIDTH ------------------------------------------- HEIGHT ABOVE HIGH WATER Ir 'DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER 6+' YARDS TO BE EXCAVATED 0 YARDS TO BE FILLED 0 WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERTY 95 ----------------------- DEPTH AT LOW TIDE 0 '-2 ' ' -------------------------- AVERAGE RISE' IN TIDE 2 '-6" DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL 20 FT. DISTANCE PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE AREA 0 1S THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE? Private channel AREA ZONING Residential MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------- INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY-----No-change DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISE Maintenance dredging has occurred before ------------------------------------------------------------ AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMITS OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMEN' AGENCY---------------None suspended -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE IF NECESSARY ---------------------------------------- None - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPLICANT. See Attached ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? None Known BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .r SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Project Information(To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. Applicantisponsor 2. Project Name Wunnewetan Pond Association 3. Project location: Municipality Bridge Lane, Cutchogue county Suf folk r 4. Is proposed action: ❑ New ❑ Expansion ® Modification/alteration S. Describe project briefly: Replace (within 18") 85 ' of existing timber jetty on east side of channel to Wunngweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in ele- vation than old and will equal height of outer section which will 6. Precise location(road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.or provide map) Bridge Lane, Cutchogue 7. Amount of land affected: / Initially I acres Ultimately / acres 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? ® Yes ❑ No If No,describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of project? ® Residential ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial ❑ Agriculture ❑ Parkland/open space ❑ Other Describe: 10. Does action involve a permitiapproval,or funding,now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency(Federal,state or local)? ElYes ❑ No If yes, list agency(s)and permit/approvals COE, DOS, DEC 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? ❑ Yes PJ No If yes,list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As result of proposed action will existing permit/approval require modification? ❑ Yes t►p No 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicantisponsor name: Wunnewetva Pond Association Date: 9/18/87 Signature: W6L, oew':Z I Roy L. Ha Pres ent PART II Environmental Assessment (To be completed by Agency) A. Does action exceed any Type 1 threshold in 6 NYCRR,Part 617.12? If yes,coordinate the review process and use the FULLILONG FORM EAF. .❑ Yes ❑ No B. Will action receive coordinated review as provided for Unlisted Actions in 6 NYCRR,Part 617.7? If No,a negative declaration may be superseded by anoth involved action. ❑ Yes ❑ No C. Could action result in ANY adverse effects on,to,or arising from the following:(Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality,surface or groundwater quality or quantity,noise levels,existing traffic patterns,solid waste production or disposal,potential for erosio drainage or flooding problems?Explain briefly: t C2. Historic,archeological,visual or aesthetic,or other natural or cultural resources;agricultural districts;or community or neighborhood character?Explain brir C3. Vegetation or fauna,movement of fish or wildlife species,significant habitats,or threatened or endangered species?Explain briefly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly. CS. Growth,subsequent development,or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action?Explain briefly. C6. Secondary,cumulative,or other effects not identified in C1{6?Explain briefly. C7. A change in use of either quantity or type of energy? Explain briefly. PART III Determination of Significance(To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a)setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b)probability of occurring; (c)duration;(d) irreversibility;(e)geographic scope; and(f)magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain Sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. ❑ Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL/LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and on attachments as necessary, the reasons supportng this determination: Agency Name Agency Preparer's Name Prepafer's SiRnature:T.tle Date COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED. In completing this application I hereby authorize the Trustees agent or representative to enter ontom operty to inspect tie premises in conjunction with review of is?Wation. SIGNATOR OF APPL CANT SWORN TO BE ORE ME THIS DAY OF P f9 NOTARY—PUB J JU nn . 6100 )+ g0l�ol EXAMINED IflPI APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) ! I APPROVED "BOAT, DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) DISAPPROVED " WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED "BOATS , DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) CONDITIONS, IF ANY EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 -� Pend o Asso('iatioll NASSAU POINT•.NEW YORK September 2, 1987 En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 ATTENTION: Roy Haje Dear Mr. Haje: This will confirm our telephone conversation authorizing you to act on behalf of this Association in obtaining all necessary permits to rebuild a jetty. As you know, if this is not accomplished before winter storms set in, the inlet to Wunneweta Pond will undoubtedly fill in. Thank you for your cooperation in expediting this procedure. Sincerely, FREDERIC J. BRUCE Maintenance Chairman w• h,�r LITTLE HOG SVfFULK CovNTY U( hi0 w NECK ! .o C o CAP at.,r� M RO c PEGo�/�G 3AY : NASSAU y� POINT Dy unneweta }. At au and L3R i PL A c- e L cusLA g .. ob H _ y i i� 07. FEET 2 O 30 60 / Q /`1L4J-0'-0" r � ��s tivG � a 3Xio"Kid' 2 FE.cT ` T.. All . o g'e�x�G. Pi-..v D Ross-SE4=771v4 T.yRcJ PRO PO SE O J,F TT y- 0 40 REP��gcE�i�N T 2 OA rur7 : rr4-w PSR Po 5,6: /-/A/,V TAin( pR0P05E4 JETT L✓R Tc!L Qc PT/-/ /�f Y RcP�i9GE'— C Oc/HG,�N T Own�ERs : �✓VNN.t lrE T/Q PoNO A P. MAG HA 2 E f{ o iy CHa NNEL T �uNNEG iE T/4 Pojvo �'9 T CvTCyo�c S H a c T /a PL,4e-F-: �oll�w c✓ - r�� ¢�I;N4 or AhCkoy oil i ss J YP �aw�es N. Ra WJ3 o LC- . Sou' 0,m P�o,-. Yi ,•8 o. . \ ��1 1 ,1 r•� ,� ' !�t �• � "' FY�s��ke �,✓ SuTfaco m o , 2 S0 afYD/NGS /N #sr r /Y AT DKDlNAMY••L'bw WA7'rR i►.. 25 $D 75 ,100 9TAP. Scm 4 E* /lY ,A EF r SDb 1'Nvt 1• CDL-((i- Y OF .SUFr GLS ~ STATE OF N - F ro�r �r VAMN E wE A FWD A D ATrD ' ©C T, f V, g7 bl T COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO�.UPS 0 U TLI L6ECilOM NO. —Lf I FLFT C ty c.m., 121) D "Cy Real Property Tax Service Agency or ml W.- 10 .0 4.1. --,6r 2 AA U4 2 N Oyu o-LF 10 Ip A- ILL 1) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SOUTI LD Service A{1encY IL.eo. 118 100(l PROPERTY MAP HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. f. TELEPHONE C= U-) Vi=r (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD oY ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Date: October 1, 1987 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Wunneweta Pond Association in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to Replace (within 18") 85' of existing timber jetty on the east side of channel to Wunneweta Pond. Proposed bulkhead will be lower in elevation than the old and will equal height of outer section which will remain. Property is located on Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Henry P. Smith, Pres. Board of Town Trustees Posted: October 1, 1987 HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. C= TELEPHONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD (516) 765-1892 ALBERT ELLEN MKJR LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 1, 1987 Mr. Robert A. Greene Alternate Regional Permit Administrator New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Greene: Transmitted herewith is Wetland Application No. 584 submitted by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Wunneweta Pond Association. We would like to coordinate with you in our role as Lead Agency regarding this application. May we have your comments on same by October 21, 1987. Very truly yours, 47 Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip Attachments cc: Commissioner Thomas Jorling, D.E.C. , Albany Southold Town Building Dept. HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. o TELEPHONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD (516) 765-1892�''° , �' ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 1, 1987 Mr. John Holzapfel, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall . Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Holzapfel: Transmitted herewith is application no. 584 for a Wetland Permit submitted by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Wunneweta Pond Association. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very!_truly yours, Henry P."Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip Attachment