HomeMy WebLinkAboutWunnewetta Pond Association WUNNEWETTA POND ASSOCIATION NASSAU POINT CUTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. May 4. 1959 Mrs. Marion A. Regent, Secretary Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Suffolk County, N. Y. Dear Mrs, Regent: Mr. Harry Tuthill of New Suffolk is going to do the dredging for our Association, as written you on April lst, and I have passed the applications on to him to fill out, as he did last year when we did some dredging work. Very truly yours, WUNNEWETTA POND AS OC ATION Norman app NHK:epm President cc: Mr. Harry Tuthill April 2, 1959. Wunnewetta Pond Association Norman H. Knapp, President 55 West 42nd Street New York 36, N.Y. Dear Mr. Knapp; I am enclosing two applications ffr permit to dredge. Will you kindly 'rill it out in duplicate and return to me with a sketch on the reverse side giving as much information as possible, including number of fee': tc be dredged, names of property owners on each side, etc. Yours very truly, (Mrsj Marion A. Regent Secretary Southold Town Trustees W€JNNEWETTA POND ASSOCIATION Nassau Point Cutchogue,p Dong Island April 1. 1959 Town of Southold Board of Town Trustees Town Clerk's Office Southold# Long Island New York Dear Sirs: We hereby make Application to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold,, Suffolk County., New York,, to dredge the Channel Entrance to Wunnewetta Pond. Respectfully submitted, WUNNEWETTA PONDA SOC TI�d NHK:epm Norman . Knapp President July 1, 1958. Wunnewett,a Pond Association Mr, Norman H, Kanpp, President Nassau Point Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mr, Knapp; At a meeting of the Southold Town Trustees held on Monday June 30, 19589 In the Southold Town Clerk Oificey the following motion was made: Pond Association"Application ati©nfor bpermission y letter rt® to do maainom � tenance dredging of the entrance to Wunnewetta Pond was read. Inasmuch as this permit was prey, ously granted and ainne this dredging I* tepbe partially financed by the Town Board, the board of Trustees on motion unanimously carried waived allobjections and granted appr©vai without benefit of a formal addition. al permit." Very truly yours, Southold Town Trustees ABG/mr Alvah B• Goldsmith, Clerk COPY. WUNNEWETTA POND ASSOCIATION Nassau Point Cutchogue, Long Island New York June2?q 1958. Mr. Norman E. Clipp Supervisor - Southold Town 16 South Street Greenportq Suffolk County New York Dear Mr. Clipp: As per phone conversation that Mr. John O'Keefe of our Associations had with you * 1 enclose herewith Application to the Town of Southoldq Board of the Town Trustees of Southoldq for dredging of the Channel Entrance to Wunnewetta Pond. I understand, from previous correspondence with you, that the Town have ageeed to assist on a dollar for dollar cooperative basis to an extent of not over $330.00. We of the Association thank you for your kind efforts in our behalf. Yours very truly, Wunnewetta Pond Association NHK;mh Norman Knappt President. CUPY. Wunnewetta Pond Association Nassau Point Cutchoguej Long Island New York June 2v 1958. Town of Southold Board of Town Trustees Town Clerk 's Uffice Southoldq Long Island New York Dear Sirs: We hereby make Application to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yorkv to dredge the Channel Entrance to Wunnewetta Pond. Respectfully submittedp Wunnewetta Pond Association NHK:mh Norman H. Knappq President. i �c I l i i i WUNNEWETTA POND ASSOCUTTON Nassau Point Cutchogue, Long Island New York June 2, 1958 Mr. Norman E. Klipp Supervisor — Southold Town 16 South Street Greenport, Suffolk County New York Dear Mr. Klipp: As per phone conversation that Mr. John O'Keefe, of our Association, had with you -- I enclose herewith Application to the Town of Southold, Board of Town Trustees of Southold, for dredging of Channel Entrance to Wunnewetta Pond. I understand, from previous correspondence with you, that the Town Board have agreed to assist on a dollar for dollar cooperative basis to an extent of not over $330.00. We of the Association thank you for your kind efforts in our behalf. Yours very truly, WUNNEWETTA POND ASSOCIAT ON Norman H. Wpp., President. NHK:mh WUNNEWETTA POND ASSOCIATION Nassau Point Cutchogue, Long Island New York June 2, 1958 Town of Southold Board of Town Trustees Town Clerk's Office Southold, Long Island New York Dear Sirs: We hereby make Application to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to dredge the Channel Entrance to Wunnewetta Pond. Respectfully submitted, WUNNENETTA POND ASSOCIATION Norman Knapp, President. NHK:mh T*' ^a'Ui�IN r1F,TA POND ASSOC l Jan.27,1955. L� r Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk Office Southold,L. 1. , N.Y. Gentlemen: Att: Mr.Alvah B. Goldsmith Clerk of Town Trustees. About two years ago the inlet from Peconic Bay to dunneweta Pond was dredged at which time the Town of Southold shared the cost of this dredging with the Wunneweta Pond Assoc- iation. Due to the severe storms and the unusually high water,which we have experienced the past two years,it is necessary that the inlet again be dredged out and our assoc- iation would very much appreciate it if the Town of Southold will share this cost with us again this year. We have received an estimate for the job from Mr.Harry Tuthill and it is going to cost from betweenrVO to In order to improve the entrance on some kind of a permanent basis we hired one of the Government engineers, Mr.r.4nl.Trluestefeld, to make an inspection to determine its present condition and to suggest a course of action to be taken to maintain the entrance in a satisfactory condition. The report is attached herewith together with sketch of the inlet. .After this report has served it' s purpose please re- turn it to Mr.Niles Persons, Cutchogue,N 7. as it is the only copy we have. '.-ie are prepared to proceed with the work as suggested and have given the contract to Tr.Harry Tuthill for the first part on the bulkhead. ^3e hope to do more each year until fully completed and hope that this will reduce the necessary dredging in the future. ^Te sincerely appreciate the help you have given us and hope you will see your way clear to go along with us this year. Ve v truly yours, The Wunnewet _i and Associati Ransom G.Miller,Jr. Pres. THIS ?EMT made in duplicate, the 9 day of 1954, between Tow OF SOUTgOId3, in the County of Suffolk and State of Atex York, by a majority of its duly *looted Trustees and by virtue of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the Stats of Now York, passed in 1893, and pursuant to a written resolution adapted by a majorit of the Hoard of Trustees of acid Town of Southold, at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thwoof, an the dap of '?'l..-w, 1953, party of the first part, and WUNNMarA ,POND ASSOCIATION (John J. O'Loofes Jro p Chairman) party of the second part, WITIMSHTH, the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of 4 Q 0 , cUly paid to the party of the first part, before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereof in hereby dull acknowledged, has granted and does hereby grant unto the said partj of the second part, its suaoessors and assigns forever, permission to dredge Wunnewultta Pond Inlet to a depth of b feet below ordin low water mark from Cutohegue Harbor ( also known as Little Pecanic Bay) northeasterly in the existing channel into Wunnowetta pond, Sub jeer t, however, to the public right of navigation and sub- ject to the right of the public to pass and repass along that por- tion of the beach between low and high water mark. On condition, however, that the party of the second part will hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said dredging IN VaTHSSS WHEREOF, the said Town of Southold, party of the first part, has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees o said Town, caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and theme presents to be subscribed by a majority of said Hoard of Trustees, the day and year above written. , - Zama=, STATS (F NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SU'FOLK. On this ) "" day of , 1954, before ace personally came E MCKS DWs of Greenport, N.Y. ; LYLE F. TUTMILL, of Orient, N.Y. ; ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH# of S out ho ld X.Y. ; JOHN XaNULTY, of Laurel, N.Y. and FRANK DAWSON# of Now Suffolk, N.Y. , all personally ]mown to me, who b sing by me duly sworn, severally said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Now York, and were members of the Board,,of Trustees of said Town of Southold and constituted a majority of th same; that they knew the corporate seal of said Town of Southold f that the seal affixed to the foregoing. instrument was such corpo- rate seal; that it was affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that eaoh one signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order. Nottry-TuifflLat Suffolk Co"u"Ry, FLOISE BOWDEN Notary Public, StOte Of Now York IIResiding in Suffn!% County #k52-04C':2J0 14Ay tomAksion Expires March 30, 11 s TOWN OF SOUTHOLD f i to {� I WMiNEWE,TTA POND ASSOC I ATI ON PERMIT r all a IN THE MATTER OF THC APPLICATION OF ; l Wunnewetta Pond Association FOR Dredging s TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: THE UNDERSIGNEM DOES HEREBY REQUEST From the Southold Town Trustees (a) permission to dredge Wunnewe t>ka Pond Inlet (b) permission to erect a dock (c) a grant of land under water And, THE UNDERSIGNED DOES TMEBY AGREE to hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said Dredging Wunnewetta Pond Association (L.S.) STATE COUNTY F I EW YORK O S S: On the go^ay of 11953 ,before me personally came to me know.and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and duly acknowledged to me that ,, executed the same,. Notary Public, Y. 14F-RBF-Rf 0. LUCAS Notary Public,State of New YeaG No. 60-2418350 Qualified in Westchester County Term expires March 30, 1955 a , CRABTREE-O'KEEFE, I nc. Ve Sofia - ;v4m4�a& MOunt Vernon 8-1500 230 South Fifth Avenue MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. September 29 , 1953 Mr. Alva Goldsmith, % Goldsmith 's Boat Yard, Southold, New York Dear Mr. Goldsmith : Enclosed is the map designating the Position of Wunnewetta Inlet, also the executed application for per- mission to dredge . If there is anything further you need please advise me . Thanking you for your favor I am, Sincerely yours, JJO'K:AC n e , J i 1► C"t ►.,y.e N ,er /_ � 9 41°00' Ca t�ho9ue M \ ^/ eo _ / New S I n0 Ifoht L 1_ �� 1 2 Z; 4 8 21 t9 ` � + 9 11 4 A 20 JyCcr / 4 3 ]o ' 11 4 6 Z .' 47 fw16 contc ° a Scale o{ Yards a t000 2000 3000 4000 o Fro.., C. & G.S. Charb#1212 ^i°Q t\. / --- -- -�1�•� Cha."ne.1 35' wig! to 64 drt,l ed to G' below mean law water. Qredled .nite:�o.l to be deposited on NplOA, So�nd'in9s wre In feet and ra;tr mtont law wa er. Q / 4 3 pile clv,a tor% to De 3 a`eve water. Scale of Feet O 40 to 120 140 too 1oS� f��e pile LI..°Za+ ;' •o- 4 twes '/z"w61e f1 1 Il ItowI I II q II 1 O I� II II II II (i II 11 11 d II 11 tl II �I 1 it 1� I EIava,Ic on ��—S�eOt�w�- 2'li ,c12 >S=lb' 1ow� Scalt Of Flet 0 S to 0 3 �Walera 6' r 8" Vert. Nor. MMW� ►z° PROPOSED JETTY & DREDGING 2 �' M`W— M CUTCHOGUE HARBOR AT CuTCHoG1UE, N. Y: Application by TYPICAL SECTION ""40 Na::,1. Nint Gees* Farm Assoc�.ti4m s..le �i Fact Dated: Januar 7 19;7 o 2 � � y