HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Code Update 09/19/1986 3rd Draft i Third Draft 9/19/86 INDEX Zoning Code Amendments Article I - General Purposes P 100-10 Purpose 100-11 Interpretation & Conflicts 1 100-13 Definitions '-10 Article 11 - Districts 100-20 District Designations 11 100-21 Zoning Map 11 100-23 Effect of Establishment of Districts 11 Article III - Agricultural-Conservation District Low Density R-80, R-120, R-200, R-400 Districts 100-30 Purpose 11-12 100-31 Use Regulations 12-19 100-32 Bulk, area & parking requirements 19-20 100-33 Accessory buildings 20 Article IIIA - Low Density Residential R-40 District 100-30A Purpose 21 100-31A Use Regulations 21 100-32A Bulk, area E parking requirements 2.1 100-33A Accessory buildings 2' Article IV - Hamlet Density Residential (HD) District 100-40 Purpose 22 100-41 Applicability 22 10C-42 Use Regulations '2 1 CO-43 Bulk, area S parking requirements Article V - Affordable Housing District (AHD) 100-50 Purpose 24 100-51 Definitions 24 100-52 Applicability 24-25 100-53' Use Regulations 25 100-54 Bulk, area E parking requirements 25 100-55 Application Procedure 26-29 133-56 General Regulations 6 Requirements 29-31 00-57 Administration K'-32 1CC-58 Applicabil'sty of Town Code 32 Article VI - Resort Residential (RR) District 100-60 Purpose 33 100-61 Use Regulations 33-34 100-62 Bulk, area S parking requirements 34 Artic'e VII - Residential Office (RO) District 100-70 Purpose 35 100-71 Use Regulations 35-36 ?G 100-72 Bulk, area S parking requirements • • l Article VIII - Limited Business (LB) District 100-80 Purpose 37 100-81 Use regulations 37-38 100--82 Faulk, area & parking requirements 38 Article IX - Hamlet Business (HB) District 100-90 Purpose 39 100-91 Use regulations 39-41 100-92 Bulk, area & parking requirements 41 100-"3 Uses confined to enclosed buildings 41 Article X - General Business (B) District 100-100 Purpose 42 100-101 Use regulations 42-45 100-102 Bulk, area & parking requirements 45 Article X I - Reserved Article XII - Marine Business (MB) District 100-120 Purpose 46 100-121 Use regulations 46-47 100-122 Bulk, area & parking requirements 47 Article XIII - Light Industrial Park/Planned Office (LIO) District 100-130 Purpose 48 100-131 Use regulations 48-50 100-132 Bulk, area E parking requirements 50 Article XIV - Light Industrial (LI) District 100-140 Purpose 51 100-141 Use regulations 51 100-142 Bulk, area E parking requirements 51 Article XV - Density, Minimum Lot Size and Bulk Schedules 100-150 Existing Bulk E Parking Schedule 52 100-151 Density, Minimum Lot Size E Bulk Schedules 52 Density, E Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Districts 53 Bulk Schedule - Business, Office S Industrial Districts 54 Bulk Schedule - Residential Districts 55 Density E Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Non-Residential Districts 56 Articles XVI & XVII - Reserved Article XVIII Cluster Development 100 120 Purpose 57 100- 181 Ap,.�!icability 57 Article XIX - Parking E Loading Areas 100-190 Purpose ' 61 100-191 Off-street parking areas 61-68 100-192 Off-street loading areas 69-70 Article XX - Signs 100-200 Purpose 71 100-201 Permits required E Administrative Procedures 71-72 100-202 General design principles 72-73 100-203 Sign prohibitions E general restrictions 73-71. 100-204 Limitation of sign content or copy 74 100-205 Regulations regarding specific types of signs 74-76 100-206 Unsafe, abandoned E unlawful signs 76-77 103-207 Continuation of existing signs 77 Article XXI - Landscaping, screening E Buffer Regulations 100-210 Purpose 78 100-211 General requirements 78-79 100-2.12 Front landscaped area 79 100-213 Transition buffer area 79-80 100-214 Landscaped parking area 80 100-215 Property adjacent to creeks 80 Article XXII - Reserved Article XXI 1 I- Supplementary Regulations 100-230 Exceptions and modifications 81 100-231 Height of fences, walls E hedges 82 100-232 Corner lots 82 100-233 Building length E separation for buildings containing multiple dwellings 82 100-234 Courts 82 100-235 Access requirements 82-83 100-236 Open storage 83 100-2.37 Prohibited uses in all districts 83-84 100-238 Provisions for community sewer, water 6 utility facilities 84 100-239 Land under water; filled land 84-85 100-239a Excavations - 85 100-239b Tourist camps,camp cottages E trailers 85 100-239c Berms 85-87 Article XXIV - Nonconforming Uses and Buildincs 100-240 Purpose 88 100-241 Nonconforming uses 88 100-242. Nonconforming buildings with conforming uses 38-89 100-243 Nonconforming buildings with nonconforming uses 89 100-244 Repairs and maintenance 89 100-1245 Involuntary moves . 89 Article XXV - Site Plan Approval 100-250 Purpose 90 100-25" General requirements 90 1010 -252 Objectives 90-91 100 253 Effect of Approval =11-92 100 2 j4 Procedu;-es 012--911 100 2.55 Site Pian elements 911 96 Article XXV) - Special Exception Uses 100-260 Purpose 97 100-261 Special exception uses ' 97 100-262 Rules of conduct & procedure for special exception uses 97--98 100-263 General Standards 98-99 100-264 Matters to be considered 99-100 100-265 Additional Conditions S safeguards 1.00 Article XXV11 - Board of Appeals 100-270 Appointment; membership 101 100-271 Powers E duties 101-102 100-272 Additional conditions E safeguards 102 100-273 Rules of conduct E procedure 103 100-274 =ees 103 100-275 Notice of Hearing 103 Article XXVIII - Administration E Enforcement 100-280 Administrative E enforcing officer 104 100-281 Building Permits 104-106 100-282 Revocation of permit 106-107 100-283 Stop orders 107 100-284 Certificates of occupancy 107-108 100-285 Penalties for offenses 108 100-286 Remedies 108 Article XX1X - Amendments. Present Article XV is renumbered XXIX and sections 100-150 to 100-152 renumbered 100-290 to 292 respectively) 109 Article XXX - Severability 100-300 Severability 109 1 LOCAL LAW NO. 1986 A Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map incorporated therein, to implement, in whole or in part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning Board BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: (additions indicated by underline; deletions by [brackets] .) Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold (Zoning) is hereby amended as follows: 1 . Article I , Section 100-10 (Purposes) , subdivisions E and G are amended to read as follows: E. The maximum protection of residential and historic areas. G. The enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southold as a whole particularly its open and rural environment. 2. Article I, Section 100-10 (Purposes) is amended by adding two new subdivisions thereto, to be subdivisions K and L, to read as follows: K . The protection of the subsurface water supply and surface waters. L. The protection and enhancement of the coastal environment. 3. Article I, Section 100-11 (Conflicts) is amended by amending the title of such section, and adding thereto a new subdivision, to be subdivision C, all to read as follows: Section 100-11. Interpretation and Conflicts. C. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to bet the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public Realth, safety, and welfare. Except where specifically provided to the contrary, it is not intended by this local law to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way to impair or interfere with any rules, regulations or permits previous) adopted or issued or which shall e a opted or issued pursuant to law relating to the use of buildings, structures, shelters or premises; nor is it intended by t is chapter to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, covenants or other agreements between parties. 4. Article I , Section 100-13, subdivision B, (Definitions and usages) is amended by amending and/or adding the following terms: B. Definitions and Usages. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meaning as herein defined. Any or term not noted below shall be used with a meaning as defined in Webster's Tliirci New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged (or latest edition) . ACCESS_- A physical entrance to property. ACCESSORY APARTMENT - A dwelling_ unit created in a presently existing one-family dwelling pursuant to Section 100-31B( 14) ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE - A building or structure detached from Lidding located—on the same lot as, and customarily incidental and -subordinate to, the principal building ACCESSORY USE - A [building or] use [clearly] customarily incidental [or] and subordinate to, [and customary in connection with, the principal or use on the same lot. ] the main use on a lot, whether such "accessory use" is conducted—n a principal or accessory buildin _ ---- ADDITION - A structure added to the original structure at some time atter the completion R the. origina `- AGRICULTURE - The production, keeping or maintenance, for sale, lease or personal use, o pants and animals useful to man, including but not limited to; forages and sod crops; grains and seed crops, dair animals and dairy roducts, oultry and poultryproducts; livestock, includingbee cattle, sheep, swine, horses, ponies, mules, or oats, or an mutation o hybrids thereof, includin the reedingand grazingo an or all of such animals; bees and apiary products; fur animal-, fruits of all kinds, includingrapes, nuts and berries; vegetables; floral, ornamental and greenhouse products; or lands devoted to a soil conservation or forestry management program APPLICANT - The landowner or the agent, optionee, contract purc aser or other person authorized in writing to act or the landowner in submitting an application under this chapter. APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT - Theapplication form and all accompan ing documents an ex ibits re uired o an applicant b an approving authority or development and or site plan review purposes. AUTOMOBILE SALES LOT OR BUILDING - A lot or buildin used or the sale or hire o automobile equipment. This shall be interpreted to include new and used car dealerships and auto accessory salesrooms but not the sale of junked automotive equipment. BED AND BREAKFAST - The renting of not more than three (3) rooms in an owner occupied dwelling for lodging and serving of breakfast to not more than six (6) casual and transient roomers, provided that the renting of such rooms for such purpose is clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the dwelling . BERM - A structure composed primarily of earth intended for r! ivac rte, security, enclosure, visual screening or noise abatement BLOCK - An area bounded by one or more streets or a municipal boundary and of suf icient size to accommodate a lot or lots of minimum size required by this c apter. BOARD OF APPEALS - The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. BUILDABLE AREA - The area of a lot remaining after the minimum yard an open space requirements o t is chapter have been met. BUILDABLE LAND - The net area of a lot or parcel after deducting wetlands, streams, ponds, slopes over 15 percent, underwater land, easements or other restrictions preventin use of such land for construction R buildings or development. -2- BUILDING - Any structure having a roof supported by such things as columns, posts, piers, walls, or air and intended for the shelter, business, housing or enclosing ofpersons, animals, property, or other materials. [Any] Also any combination of materials forming any construction, except where entirely underground so as to permit the use of the ground above same as if no "building" was present; the term "building" shall include the term "structure" as well as the following : (1) Signs. (2) Fences. (3) Walls. [other than retaining walls projecting above the ground not more than three (3) feet at the highest ground level and not more than six and one-half (6z) feet at the ground level.] (4) Radio and television receiving and transmitting towers and antennae, except for such antennae installed on the roof of a building and extending not more than 20 feet above the highest level of the roof of such building. (5) Porches, outdoor bins and other similar structures. BUILDING LINE - A line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane at average grade level and a vertical plane that coincides with the exterior surface of the building on any side. In case of a cantilevered section of a building, the vertical plane will coincide with the most projected surface. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - A document issued by a Town Building Inspector allowing the use and/or occupancy of building an /or land, and certifying that the structure and/or use of land and/or structures is in ompl lance wit a I state and local codes, regulations ani3 requirements. CLUSTER See Residential Cluster. CLUB, BEACH - A not-for-profit corporation, as defined in Section 102 of theNot-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York, located contiguous to a bay or Long Island Sound and established for principal purpose of engaging in swimming in the Sound or the bays, but excluding any_form of aviation, motorboat racing or water skiing on inland waterways or similar hazardous sports. CLUB, MEMBERSHIP OR COUNTRY, OR GOLF COURSE, NONPROFIT - A not-for-profit corporation, as defined in Section 102 of the Not- For-Profit Corporation Law of t e State of New York, established for the principal purpose of engaging in outdoor sports, such as golf, tennis, swimming, fishing, hunting or similar activities, but not including any form of aviation, outdoor trap, skeet or target shooting or motorboat racing. T e activities of such a club shall be limited to its members and their quests and shall not be extended to the..general public. CLUB, YACHT - A not-for-profit corporation, as defined by Section 102 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York, establis ed for the rincipa purpose of engaging in recreational boating. The activities o _such_ a yac t club shall be limited to its members and t eir guests and shall not be extended to the general public. The term "Yacht club ' shall be deemed —Co inc ude the term "marina" but shall not be deemed to include the term "boatyard" except for the out- of-water storage of member boats. -3- COMMON OPEN SPACE - An open space area within or related to a site designated as a development that is available for the use of all residents or occupants thereof. COOPERATIVE - _A type of resort or multiple residence in which persons have an ownership interest in the entity which owns the building or buildings and, in addition, a lease or occupancy agreement which entitles t em to occupy a particular dwelling unit therein, regardless of whether, and in what manner, thedwellin units are managed, leased, or of erwise made available for use by persons other than the owners thereof. CUL-DE-SAC - The turnaround at the end of a dead-end street. CURB CUT - The opening along the curb line at which point vehicles may enter or leave the roadway. CUSTOM WORKSHOP- A business premises used for the making of clothing, millinery, shoes or other personal articles to individual order or measure, for sale at retail on the premises only, and not including the manufacture of machinery, vehicles, appliances and similar heavy goods, and ready-to-wear or standardized products. DEDICATION - The conveyance of a fee or lesser interest in property to public use, whic prec u es the owner or others under him from asserting any right of ownership inconsistent with the use for which the property is dedicated. EASEMENT - A grant of the use of land for specific purposes. FARM - For the purposes of this chapter a farm shall be defined as a site or series of adjoining parcels under single ownership or management devoted to agricultural use. FARM BUILDINGS - All structures useful or necessary for the conduct of agricultural activities including, but not limited to, barns, silos, mechanical equipment storage sheds, animal pens or other shelters. FENCE - A vertical enclosure, solid or partially open, to prevent straying from within or intrusion from without or intended to be used as a visual screen. A fence is considered a structure for the purposes of this chapter. FISH PROCESSING - The readying of fish and shellfish for shipping to market, including icing, cleaning, filleting, shucking, and the cooking_ of crabs or lobster, but not includin other cooking, canning, freezing, smoking or other "fish factory" operations. FLOOD HAZARD AREA - Land in the flood plain subject to a one percent or greater chance o ood in any given year. FLOOD PLAIN - The relatively flat area or low lands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, watercourse, canal, or any body of standing water, which as been or may be covered by flood water. FLOOR AREA - The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of the building or buildings on a lot, having a clear height of not less than six feet measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party walls separating two -4- buildings, including cellar and basement areas. The floor area shall not include: roof overhangs projecting less than three feet or any floors or portions thereof contained on terraces or balconies projecting beyond the exterior face of the building. FLOOR AREA, LIVABLE - All spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways, unheated porches, cellars, heater rooms and approved basements having a window area of less than ten percent of the square foot area of the room. Usable floor area shall include all spaces not otherwise excluded above, such as: principal rooms, utility rooms, bathrooms, all closets and hallways opening directly into any rooms within the dwelling unit. [and all attic space having a clear height of six (6) feet from finished floor level to pitch of roof rafter with a clear height of seven (7) feet six (6) inches from finished floor level to ceiling level over fifty percent (500) of the area of such attic space. ] FRONTAGE - The width of a lot at the street line. GARAGE, PRIVATE - A building used as an accessory to the main building for the storage of one or more gasoline or other power-driven vehicles owned and used by the owner or tenant of the lot on which the garage is erected, for the storage of not exceeding two additional vehicles (not trucks) owned or used by others[ .] and in which no occupation, business or service for profit is carried on without special permit. GARAGE, REPAIR - A building, other than a private garage, used for adjustment, painting, replacement of parts or other repair or restoration of motor vehicles or parts thereof, whether or not accessory or incidental to another use. GASOLINE SERVICE STATION - A structure and surrounding land used for the storage and safe of petroleum fuel primarily to motor vehicles and for accessory uses such as the sale of lubricants, accessories or supplies,- the incidental washing of motor vehicles and the performing of minor repairs within a building; however, a service station is not a repair garage nor a body shop. GREENHOUSE - A structure for growing plants. GROUND FLOOR - The first floor of a building other than a cellar or basement. GUEST UNIT - A bedroom-sleeping accommodation for transient guests, which may or may not include bathroom facilities and shall be occupied by no more than two adult persons and be at least 80 square feet in area. HEIGHT [-] OF BUILDING - The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the existing natural grade before any alteration or fill adjacent to the building to the highest pt nt of the roof for flat and mansard roofs, and to the mean eight between eave and ridge for other type roofs. HISTORIC BUILDING - See Landmark Designation. HOMEOWNERS OR HOMES ASSOCIATION - A community association, including a condominium association, which is organized in a residential development in which individual owners have a shared interest in the responsibility for open space or facilities.- -5- � r HOTEL OR MOTEL, RESORT - A building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connected units, containing individual guest units consisting of -a room arranged or designed to be available for use as seeping quarters for transients on a daily rental basis or for vacationers or other persons on a weekly rental basis, provided that one such unit may connect directly with not more than one other such unit. Each unit shall have a door opening on the exterior of the building or on a common hallway leading to the exterior. A "resort motel" _ may include such accessory uses as a beach cabana, private dock, dining room, restaurant or swimming pool, conference and meeting facilities, or an accessory convenience shop, office orpersonalservice facility, provided_ that such facility or shop is located within the building without any external sign or display and off-street parking facilities. The term "resort motel" shall not be construed to include "transient motel" or "mobile ome park". HOTEL OR MOTEL, TRANSIENT - A building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connected units, containing individual guest units consisting- of a room arranged or designed to be available for use as sleeping and living quarters for transients on a daily rental basis, provided that one such unit may connect directly with no more than one other such unit and tat no cooking facilities shall be avails e. Each such unit shall have a door opening on the exterior of the building or on a common hallway leading to the exterior. A "transient hotel or motel" may include such accessory uses_ as an office, restaurant, accessory personal services, swimming pool and off-street parking facilities. The term "transient hotel or motel" shall not be construed to include "resort motel" or "mobile a ome park," nor shall it be deemed to include any dwelling unit except that of the owner or manager. JUNKYARD - Land occupied or to be occupied for storage of old wood, paper, cloth or metal, including old automobiles, trucks, equipment, machinery, _ fixtures and appliances not usable as originally designed, and also including any portion of such old automobiles, trucks, equipment or machinery as may be sold as and for junk or salvage. The existence on any residential lot of three or more unregistered automobiles or trucks not housed within a building shall be deemed to be a junk yard. Public sanitary landfills and the structures located thereon shall not be included in this definition. LANDMARK DESIGNATION - The designation of a building or structure of architectural or Ristoric significance to the Town through_ listing_ the property in the Town's Register of Designated Landmarks and filing a copy of the entry in the Town Clerk's office. LANDSCAPING - An area of land restricted to landscape items whicR may also include such elements as natural features, earth berms, sculpture, signs, lighting, access-ways, bikeways and pedestrian-ways. LIGHT INDUSTRY - An activity which involves the . fabrication, reshaping,-reworking, assembly` or combining oroducts from previously prepared materials and which does not involve the synthesis of chemical or chemical products other than for pharmaceutical or research purposes or the processing of any raw materials, except agricultural raw materials. Light industry includes industrial operations such as electronic, machine parts and small component assembly, as opposed to heavy industrial_ operations such as automobile assembly or milling activities. -6- C LOADING BERTH - A space at least 15 feet wide and 45 feet ong, awing a minimum 14 foot vertical clearance for loading and unloading vehicles. No such space required by this chapter or depicted on any site plan sh2II constitute a parking space. LOT AREA - The area of a lot taken at its perimeter, exclusive of any portion within a public or private street right-of-way. LOT , INTERIOR - A lot other than a corner lot or a through lot. LOT LINE, FRONT - The lot line separating a lot from a street right-o -way; also referred to as streetline." LOT LINE, SIDE - Any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. LOT, REAR OR FLAG - A lot located in such a position that it is to the rear of some other lot fronting on the same street and served by means of an accessway. LOT, THROUGH - A lot which fronts upon two streets which do not intersect at the boundaries oft the lot. LOWER AND MODERATE COST HOUSING - Housing which is constructed and kept availa le or ami ies or individuals with low or moderate income, including _ senior citizens, as definedby the Town Board. MASTER PLAN - A plan for the development of all or portions of the Town of Southold, preeared for or by the Planning Board pursuant to Section 272-a of the Town Law, which plan indicates the general locations of physical development within the Town, and includes any unit or part of such an separately adopted and an amendment to such plan or parts therein. MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) - Average height of high waters datum reported by the U. S. Geological Survey. MOTEL, RESORT - See Hotel or Motel, Resort. MOTEL, TRANSIENT - See Hotel or Motel, Transient. NONCONFORMING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE - A building or structure leqally existing on the effective date of this chapter or any applicable amendment thereto, but which fails by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment to conform to the present district _ _regulations for any prescribed structure or building requirement, such as front, side or rear yards, building_ height, building areas or lot coverage, lot area per dwelling unit, dwellinq unit_s__per building, number of parking and loading spaces, etc._, but which is continuously maintained after the effective date of these regulations. NONCONFORMING LOT - A lot the area, or, dimension of which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of this c apter, but which fails to conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment. P•ONCONFORiVING USE - [anyl A_ use, whether of a buildinG, sign or tract of land, [or both] or combination_o_f_these, legally er.istinu on the effective date of this chapter, which does not conforra to the present use regulations of the district in which it is located, but which is continuously maintained after the effective date of these reculations. NURSERY SCHOOL - A building or buildings, together with any accessory uses, buildings or structures, used as an organized -7- instructional facility for five or more enrolled children under six years of age other than the children of the resident Tamil and not furnishing sleeping faciTitiesexcept to the resident family. OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE - A space for the parkin of one motor vehicle within a pub is or private parking area, but not within a public street. OPEN SPACE - Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open space; provided that such areas may be improved vlt_honly those buildings, structures, streets and off-street parking and other improvements that are designed to be incidental to the natural openness of the land. OUTDOOR STORAGE - The kee in , in an unroofed area, of any goods, junk, materia , merchandise, or vehicles in t e same place or more than twenty-four ours. OWNER - The term shall be construed to include the duly authorized agent, attorney, pure aser, devisee, iduciary or any other person having vested or contingent interest in the property in question. '-- PARKING LOT - An off-street, ground level area, surfaced and improved for the temporary storage of motor vehicles. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE - Any security which may be accepted by the Town as a guarantee that improvements required as part of an application for development are satisfactorily completed PERSON - Any association, partnership, corporation, cooperative group, trust or other entity as well as an in ividua . PLANNING BOARD - The Planning Board of the Town of Southold PLAT - The map of a subdivision. PRINCIPAL USE - The main or primary purpose or purposes for which land and/or structure(s) is desi ned, arranged," used or intended to be used or for which such land and/or structure(s) may be occupied or maintained under this chapter. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - The office of a member of a_recognized profession or occupation, including architects, artists, authors, dentists,_ doctors, lawyers, ministers, musicians, optometrists, engineers, and such other similar profession or occupations which may be so designated by the Board of Appeals. RECREATION FACILITY, COMMERCIAL - An indoor or outdoor privatel operated business invoT-vin la in fields, courts, arenas or halls ned to accommodate sports and recreational activities such as billiards, bowling, dance halls,- gymnasiums, health spas, skating rin s, shooting ranges, tennis courts and swimming pools. -8- r C • ('� RECREATIONAL VEHICLE - A vehicular type portable structure without permanent foundation, which can be towed, hauled or driven and primarily designed as temporary living accommodation for recreational, camping and travel use and including but not limited to travel trailer, truck campers, camping trailers and self-propelled motor homes. RESEARCH LABORATORY - A building for experimentation in pure or applied research, design, development, and . production of prototype machines_ or devices, or of new products, and uses accessory thereto, wherein products are not manufactured for wholesale or retail sale; wherein commercial servicing or repair of commercial products is not performed; and where there is no display of any materials or products. RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER - An area to be developed as a single entity according to a plan containing residential housing units and having a common or public open space. RESTAURANT - Any premises where food is commercially sold for on- premises_ consumption to patrons seated at tables or counters. Any facility making use of carhop or parking lot service to cars or for the consumption of food to be eaten in said cars or outdoors, shall not be considered a 'restaurant" for the purpose of this chapter, and shall be deemed to be a "drive-in or fast-food restaurant." RESTAURANT, DRIVE-IN OR FAST FOOD - Any establishment whose principal business is the sae o oods, frozen desserts, or beverages to the customer in a ready to consume state, usually served in paper, plastic, or other disposal containers, for consumption within the restaurant building, elsewhere on the _premises, or for carryout, or consumption off the premises. RETAIL STORE - An enclosed structure where goods are offered for sale to the public - as take-out items, including hardware, drugs, food and beverage, furnishings, apparel and simi ar products. Minor repair services within the establishment may be undertaken as part of product sales. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES - The boundary lines of land used or intended for use as streets, as shown on deeds, plats, or the Master Plan, and from which yard and other requirements shall be measured. !ROADSIDE FARM STAND, AGRICULTURAL STAND - A booth, stale or display area exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area located on a farm from which cgriculturvl products are sold to the general public_ SEPTIC TANK - A water-tight receptacle that receives the discharge of sewage from a building, sewer or_ part thereof and is designed and constructed so as to permit settling of solids, digestion of the organic matter, and discharge of the liquid portion into a disposal area. SETBACK - An area extending the full width of the lot described or a distance between the street rig_ t-o -way an building for e full required front yard depth within which no buildings or parts of buildings may be erected. -9- 0 SITE PLAN - A development plan for one or more lots on which is shown (1) the existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including but not necessarily limited to topography, vegetation, drainage, flood tains, marshes and waterways, (2) the location of all existing an proposed buildings, drives, parking spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, drainage facilities, utility services, landscaping, structures and signs, lighting, screening devices, and 3 any other information that may be reasonably required in order to make an informed determination pursuant to this chapter for the review and approval of site plans by the Planning Board. SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE - A use that is deemed appropriate in a particular district i specified con itions are met. SWIMMING POOL - A structure containing an artificial body of water, which is greater than six feet long or wide, and greater than 18 inches in depth at an oint. Natural or man-made ponds all banks of which have a slope of less than 45 degrees shall not Ge included in this definition. TOWN BOARD - The Town Board of the Town of Southold. TOWNHOUSE - A dwelling unit in a building_ containing at least three connected dwelling units divided by common vertical arty walls, with private entrances to each dwelling. A townhouse may include dwelling units owned in fee simple or in condominium or cooperative ownership or any combination thereof. TRAILER OR MOBILE HOME - Any vehicle mounted on wheels, movable either by its own power or by being drawn by another vehicle, and equipped to be used for living or sleeping quarters or so as to permit cooking. The term "trailer" shall include such vehicles if mounted on temporary or permanent foundations with the wheels removed and shall include terms "automobile trailer" and "house car." USE - The purpose for which land or a structure is arranged, designed, or intended, or for which either land or a structure is or may be used, occupied or maintained. YARD LINE - A line drawn parallel to a street or lot line at a distance therefrom equal to the respective yard dimension required by this chapter. `- ZONE - A finite area of land, as designated by its boundaries on the Zoning Map, -throughout which specific and uniform regulations govern the use of land and/or the location, size and use of buildings. ZONING BOARD - See Board of Appeals. ZONING MAP The map annexed to and made part of this chapter, indicating zone boun arses. -10- 5. Article 11, Section 100-20 (District designations) is repealed and a new Section 100-20 is added, to read as follows: Section 100-20. District designations. For the purpose of this chapter, the Town of Southold, outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, is h.ereby divided into districts designated as follows: A-C - Agricultural-Conservation District (Two acre minimum) R-80 - Residentia Low Density District Two acre minimum) R-40 - Residential Low Density District (One acre minimum) Kesidential Low Density Uistrict (Three acre minimum) R-200 - Residential Low Density District (Five acre mimimum) R-400 - Residential Low Density District (Ten acre minimum) HD - Hamlet Density Residential District AHD - Affordable Housing District RR - Resort Residential District RO - Residential Office District HB - Hamlet Business District LB - Limited Business District B - General Business District MB - Marine Business District L1O - Light Industrial Park/Office Park District LI - Light Industrial District 6. Article 11, Section 100-21 (Zoning Map) is amended to read as follows: Section 100-21 . Zoning Map. The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established as shown on the [Building Zone] Zoning Map dated , which accompanies this chapter and which, with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted and made a part of and incorporated into this chapter. Said map, indicating the latest amendments, shall be kept up-to-date and a copy thereof shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector for the use and benefit of the public. 7. Article 11 , Section 100-23 (Effect of Establishment of district) , subdivision E is amended to read as follows: E. Any use not permitted by this chapter shall be deemed to be prohibited. Any list of prohibited uses contained in any section of this chapter, shall be deemed to be not an exhaustive list, but to have been included fort the purposes of clarity and emphasis. 8. Section 100-31 . 1 and Section 100-33 of Article III are repealed, and remainder of said Article III is amended as follows: ARTICLE III [A Residential and Agricultural District] Agricultural-Conservation A-C District Low Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200, R-400 Districts Section 100-30. Purpose. The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low Denser Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control, and to the extent possible prevent, the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion o the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmentalfeatures" including =aquifer rec arge areas and bluffs. In aaddltion these areas provide the open rural environment so hig ly valued by year-round residents ani those persons w o support t e Town_ of Sout o d's recreation, resort and second home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained or all citizens by limiting_ lossof such areas are well documented, an hd ave inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of this land to further the same purposes, while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. [Section 100-301 Section 100-31. Use regulations. In an [A] A-C District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. ( IJ One-family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot. ( 2J The following commercial agricultural operations and accessory uses thereto, including irrigation, provided that there shall be no storage of manure, fertilizer or other odor or dust- producing substance or use, except spraying and dusting to protect vegetation, within 150 feet of any lot line: (a.) The raising of field and garden crops, vineyard and orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal sale of products grown on the premises subject to the following special requirements: (.1) All [one-story] buildings [or structures] for display and retail sales of agricultural and nursery products grown [primarily] on the premises shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in floor area [ .] or one story in height. Display of produce, at a roadside farm stand shall be not less than 10 feet from all street and lot lines. Any roadside farm stand in excess of [One hundred 1.00.) ] fifty (50) square feet in floor area shall be set back twenty (20) feet from the street line. Any stand in existence at the effective date of this chapter must, within one year, comply with all of the provisions hereof. (2) All signs shall conform to the provisions of [Section 100-30C(6) (b) ] Section 100-31C(9) . (3) Off-street parking ahs required in the Parking Schedule shall be provided and shall be approved by the Planning Board. Any roadside stand in existence on the effective date_ of this paragraph must, within one (1) year from such date, comply with the provisions hereof. -12- (b. ) The keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses, domestic animals and fowl (except ducks) on lots ten (10) acres or more. (c. ) Barns, storage buildings, greenhouses (including plastic covered) , and other related structures, provided that such buildings shall conform to the yard requirements for principal buildings. (3.) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, School Districts, Park Districts and Fire Districts. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and , and except for the uses set forth in subdivision (15) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XIII hereof:] (1. ) Two-family dwellings [, conversions of existing buildings and new construction, ] not to exceed one such dwelling on each lot. (2) Places of worship, including parish houses (but excluding a rectory or parsonage, which shall conform to the requirements for a one-family dwelling) , subject to the following requirements. (a) No building or part thereof shall be erected nearer than fifty (50) feet to any street line and nearer than 20 feet to any lot line. (b) The total area covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (200 ) percent of the area of the lot. (3) Private elementary or high schools, colleges and other educational institutions, subject to the following requirements. (a) No building shall be less than fifty (50) feet from any street or lot line. (b) The total area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the area of the lot. (c) Any school shall be a nonprofit organization within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Act and shall be registered effectively thereunder as such. (d) Any such school shall occupy a lot with an area of not less than five acres plus one acre for each 25 pupils for which the building is designed. (4) Nursery schools. (5) [Libraries,] Philanthropic, eleemosynary or religious institutions, hospitals, nursing and rest homes or sanitaria for general medical care, but excluding facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addition, subject to the following requirements : (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of any street line nor within fifty (50) feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the area of the lot. (c) The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet or two and one-half (21) stories. (d) The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings or parking or loading areas, shall be suitable landscaped and properly maintained. (e) Sufficient exterior illumination of the site shall be required to provide convenience and safety. All such illumination shall be shielded from the view of all surrounding streets and lots. (f) Any nursing home, hospital or sanitarium shall meet the following standards: [ 1] (i) All buildings shall be of fire-resistive construction. [2] (ii) All such uses shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health. [3] (iii) Patients suffering from communicable diseases shall not be permitted in any nursing home or sanitarium (communicable diseases are defined by the Sanitary Code of the Public Health Council of the State of New York) . [41 (iv) Eight Thousand (8, 000) square feet of lot area shall be provided for each patient bed. [ (5) ] (6) Public utility rights-of way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the Town, subject to such conditions as the Board of Appeals may impose in order to protect and promote the health, safety, appearance and general welfare of the community and the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed structure is to be constructed. [ (6) ] (7) [Fraternity houses,] Beach clubs, tennis clubs, country clubs, golf clubs, public golf courses, and annual membership clubs catering exclusively to members and their guests, and accessary playgrounds, beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts, recreational buildings, and maintenance buildings, subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading .area shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of any street line or within fifty (50) feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the area of the lot. (c) Such use shall not be conducted for profit as a business enterprise. (d) No such use shall occupy a lot with an area of less than three (3) acres. (e) The direct source of all exterior lighting shall be shielded from the view of surrounding residential lots. [ ( 7) ] (8) Children's recreation camps organized primarily for seasonal use and subject to the following requirements: (a) No building, tent, activity area or recreation facility shall be less than two hundred (200) feet from any lot line, and any such building, tent, activity area or recreation facility shall be effectively screened therefrom as required by the Planning Board. Buildings intended for use as sleeping quarters shall be not less than thirty (30) feet from each other, except tents, which shall be not less than ten (10) feet apart. (b) The minimum lot area shall be not less than ten thousand (10, 000) square feet for each cottage, tent or other principal building, and not less than three thousand (3,000) square feet of land area shall be provided for each person accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. (c) All outdoor lighting shall be arranged and/or sheilded to eliminate the glare of lights toward nearby residential lots, streets or other public facilities. (d) The sound level of all outdoor public-address systems shall not exceed the intensity tolerable in a residential neighborhood. L %8) 1 (9) (Labor camps, farm and nonfarm, ] Farm labor camps, subject to the following requirements: (a) All farm labor camps on farms shall be constructed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be located nearer to any other residence than the residence of the employer, except by specific review and approval of the Planning Board [of Appeals] . [ (9) ] [Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats, subject to the following requirements:] [ (a) ] [There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two (2) boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. ] (10) Veterinarian offices and animal hospitals, subject to the following requirements : (a) . The housing of all animals shall be in a fully enclosed structure, if nearer than one hundred fifty [(100) ] (150) feet to any lot line. (11) Cemeteries. (12) Stables and riding academies [ ( 13) ] [Funeral homes and undertaking establishments. ] H14) ]J ( 13) Wineries for the production and retail sale of wine produced from grapes grown on the vineyards on which such winery is located. -15- One accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling, subject to the following requirements: (a) The accessory apartment shall be located in the principal building. 1 (b) The owner of the existing dwelling shall occupy one of the dwelling ., units as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy, evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more years. (c) The existing one-family dwelling shall contain not less than sixteen, hundred (1,600) square feet of liveable floor area. (d) The accessory apartment shall contain not less than four hundred fifty (450) square feet of livable floor area. (e) The accessory apartment shall not exceed forty (400) percent of liveable floor area of the existing dwelling unit. (f) A minimum of three (3) off-street parking spaces shall be provided. (g) Not more than one (1) accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. (h) The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of a dwelling unit as defined in Section 100-13 hereof. (i) The exterior entry to the accessory apartment shall, to the maximum extent possible, -retain the existing exterior appearance of a one-family dwelling. (j) All exterior alterations to the existing building, except for access to the apartment, shall be made on the existing foundation. (k) Certificate of Occupancy shall terminate upon the transfer of title by the owner, or.upon the owner ceasing to occupy one of the dwelling units as the owner's principal. residence. In the event of an owner's demise,. the occupant of an accessory apartment may continue in occupancy until a new owner shall occupy the balance of the dwelling or one (1) year from date of said demise, whichever shall first occur. (1) All conversions subject to inspection of Building Inspector and Renewal of Certificate of Occupancy annually. (m) The building which is converted to permit an accessory apartment shall be in existence and have a valid certificate of occupancy issued prior to January 1, 1984. . (n) The existing building, together with the accessory apartment, shall comply with all other requirements of Chapter 100 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. (o) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section .100-30B hereof, no site plan approval by the Planning Board shall be required for the establishment of an accessory apartment. (p) Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the water supply and sewage disposal systems. [ ( 1 G) ] (15) The renting of not more than three (3) rooms in an owner occupied dwelling for lodging and serving of breakfast to not more than six (6) casual and transient roomers, provided that the renting of such rooms for such purpose is clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the dwelling, subject to the following requirements: (a) That adequate off-street parking spaces shall be provided for such rented rooms in addition to parking spaces for the use of the family of the owner. -16- r C. Accessory uses, limited to the following [ : ] uses and subject to the conditions listed in Section 100-33 herein. U Any customary structures or uses which are customarily incidental to the principal use, except those prohibited by this chapter. [ (1) ] (2) Rome occupations, including professional offices, provided that: (a) No display of goods is visible from the street (b) Such occupation is incidental to the residential use of the premises and is carried on in the main building by the resident therein with not more than one nonresident assistant. (c) Such occupation is carried on in an area not to exceed [thirty percent (300)] twenty-five (25%) of the area of [one (1) floor] all floors of the main building [ . ] , and in no event s all such use occupy more than five hundred 500) square feet of floor area. (d) There shall be no exterior effect at the property line, such as noise, traffic, odor, dust, smoke, gas, fumes or radiation. (e) Studios where dancing or music instruction is offered to groups in excess of five pupils at one time, or where concerts or recitals are held, are prohibited. (f) In no manner shall the ap earance of the building be altered nor shall the occupation wit in the residence be conducted in a manner that would cause the premises to lose its residential character—, either by the use o colors, .materia. s, construction, or fighting.- No display of products shall a visible rom the street, and no stock in trade shall Be kept on the premises. (g) Home occupations shall in no event be deemed to include: animal hospitals, kennels, barber s ops, beauty parlors, clinics, or hospitals, mortuaries, nursery schools, clubs, auto repair shops, restaurants, tourist homes, rooming houses or boarding houses, and uses similar tot ose fisted above. (3) Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation U—noncommercial oats, -subject tot the following_ requirements: (a) There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two 2 boats other than those owned and used Sy the owner of the premises for his persona use. (b) The Town Trustees shall approve new boat docking aci.ities. (c) Boats at such docking facilities shall not be used for overnight sleeping purposes. [ (2) ] (4) Garden house, toolhouse, storage building, playhouse, wading pool, swimming pool or tennis court incidental to the residential use of the premises and not operated for gain, subject to the following requirements: (a) Any swimming pool shall be completely enclosed with a permanent chain-link (or similar type) fence of not more than two-inch mesh, not less than four (4) feet in height, erected, maintained and provided with a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent unauthorized use of the pool and to prevent accidents. However, if said pool is located more than four (4) feet above the gound, then a fence is not required, provided that all points of access to said pool are adequately protected by a self-closing, self-latching gate. Any swimming pool in existence at the effective date of the provisions of this subsection shall, within one (1) year from such date, comply with all of the provisions hereof. (b) Individual outdoor tennis court related to residential use on a of containing a single-family detached dwelling provided that the same is set back not less than six (6) eet from all lot lines, and that there is no lighting for after dark use. [ (3) ] (5) Private garages; provided, however, that not more than two (2) passenger automobile spaces in such garages may be leased to persons not resident on the premises. (6) Off-street parking spaces_ accessory to uses on the premises. Not more than four (4) off-street parkin spaces shall be ,Jpermitte within Me minimum tront yard. [ (4) ] (7) The storage of either a boat or travel trailer owned and used by the owner or occupant of the premises on which such boat or travel trailer is stored, for his personal use, subject to subsection Q of Section 100-191 Supplemental parking regulations and the following requirements: (a) Such boat or trailer shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in length. (b) Such boat or trailer shall be stored only in the required rear yard, and the area occupied therefor, together with the area of all buildings in the rear yard, shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the area of the required rear yard. (c) Such boat or trailer shall not be located within fifteen (15) feet of any street or lot line. [ (5) ] (8) Horses and Domestic animals other than household pets, provided that such shall not be housed within forty (40) feet of any lot line. Housing for flocks of more than twenty- five (25) fowl shall not be constructed within fifty (50) feet of any line. H6)] (9) The following signs, subject to the supplementary sign regulations hereinafter set forth in Article XX: (a) [One (1) indirectly] Not more than two (2) non- illuminated nameplates or professional signs each not more than two (2) square feet in area. (b) Not more than [three (3) ] two (2) signs with a combined total area of not more than seventy-two (72) ] forty- eight (48) square feet, no one (1) of which shall be larger than [four by six (4 x 6) ] twenty-four (24) square feet in size, advertising only the sae of farm, garden or nursery products [produced or] grown on the premises or of animals raised on the premises. (c) One (1) real estate sign, either single or double-faced, not larger than [three by four (3 x 4) ] twelve ( 12) square feet in size on any one (1) or more lots, advertising the sale or lease of only the premises on which it is maintained, and set back not less than [ten (10)] fifteen (15) feet from any lot line. Where acreage or a subdivision has a continuous frontage of five hundred 500) feet or more, said sign shall not exceed twenty- our (24) square feet in size. [ (e) ] (d) One (1) bulletin board or other announcement or identification sign for uses permitted in [Section 100- 3013(2) , (3) , (4) , (6) , (7) and (10) hereof] Section 100-31B(3) , (4) , (5) , (6) , (8) and (9) of the Agricultural District, not more than t arty-two e Titeen ( 18) square feet in area, located not less than [five 5jT_fi-fteen (15) feet from any street or lot line. ((f) ] (e) Such other signs as may be authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. ( (7) ] (10) Yard sales, attic sales, garage sales, auction sales or similar type of sales of personal property owned by the occupant of the premises and located thereon, subject to the following requirements. (a) Not more than one [ (1) ] such sale shall be conducted on any lot in any one calendar year. (b) Adequate supervised parking facilities shall be provided. (c) No signs, except one [(1) 1 one-premises sign not larger than [three by four (3 x 4) ] six (6) square feet in size displayed for a period of not longer than one [(1) 1 week immediately prior to the day of such sale, shall be permitted. (d) A permit is obtained therefor from the Building Inspector upon the payment of a fee of $15. [Section 100-311 Section 100-32. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the [A Residential and Agriculture District] Agricultural- Conservation District and in the Low Density Residential R-80 District unless the same conforms tot the Bulk Schedu a and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set fort's herein in full, as well as to the following Bulk and Parking requirements, to wit: A. In the case of a lot held in single and separate ownership prior to November 23, 1971 and thereafter, with an area of less than forty-thousand (40,000) square feet, a single family dwelling may be constructed thereon, provided that the requirements of Column [A] vii of the Bulk Schedule and the Parking Schedule incorporated in this chapter are complied with. B. The bulk and parking requirements for single-family dwellings as set forth in Column [A-40] ii of the Bulk Schedule and the Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter sTiall apply tot the following lots, to wit: (1) All lots shown on major and minor subdivision maps which were granted final approval by the Planning Board prior to May 20, 1983. (2) All lots shown on major subdivision maps upon which the Planning Board has held a hearing for preliminary map approval prior to May 20, 1983. (3) All lots shown on minor subdivision maps that have been granted sketch plan approval by the Planning Board prior to May 20, 1983. (4) All lots setoff or created by approval of the Planning Board subsequent to November 23, 1971 and prior to May 20, 1983. C. The bulk and parking requirements for single family dwellings set forth in [Column A-801 Columns i and iii of the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this c apter sha l apply to the following lots, to wit: (1) All lots shown on minor subdivision maps which have been granted sketch plan approval by the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. (2) All lots shown on major subdivision maps upon which the Planning Board has held a hearing for preliminary map approval on or after May 20, 1983. 19 (3) All lots setoff or created by approval of the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. D. The bulk and parking requirements for two-family dwellings set forth in Column [A-160] xii of the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter shall apply to the following lots, to wit: (1) All lots shown on minor subdivision maps which have been granted sketch plan approval by the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. (2) All lots shown on major subdivision maps upon which the Planning Board has held a hearing for preliminary approval on or after May 20, 1983. (3) All lots setoff or created by approval of the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. [Section 100-321 Section 100-33. Accessory buildings. In the [A Residential and Agricultural District, ] Agricultural-Conservation District and Low Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses may be located in the required rear yard, subject to the following requirements: A. Such buildings shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. B. Such buildings shall be set back no less than three (3) feet from any lot line. C. All such buildings in the aggregate shall occupy not more than forty percent (400) of the area of the required rear yard. 9. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article III-A, to provide as follows: ARTICLE III - A Low Density Residential R-40 District Section 100-30A. Purpose. The purpose of the Low Density Residential R-40 District is to provide areas for residential development where existing neighborhood characteristics, water supply and environmental conditions permit f1development densities of approximately one dwelling per acre and where open space and agricultural preservation are not predominate objectives. Section 100-31A. Use regulations. In an R-40 District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except thefollowing: A. Permitted uses. ( 1) Same as Section 100-31A of the Agricultural-Conservation District. B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception bythe Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. (1) Same as Section 100-31B of the Agricultural-Conservation District, except (8) c i dren s recreation camp, 9 arm labor camp and (10) veterinarian office and animal hospital not permitted, and bed and breakfast uses clo. no .require,si e plan approval. (2) Libraries, museums or art galleries. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following: (1) Same as Section 100-31C of the Agricultural-Conservation District. Section 100-32A. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Low Density Residential R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bu- k Schedule and of the -Parking Schedule, with the same force and_ effect as •i such regulations were set forth herein in full. Section 100-33A. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall be subject to the same requirements as Section 100-33 of the Agricultural Conservation District. -21- 10. Article IV is repealed and a new Article IV is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE IV Hamlet Density Residential (HD) District Section 100-40. Purpose. The purpose of the Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District is to (1) permit a mix of housing types and level of residential density appropriate to the areas in and around the major hamlet centers, particularly Mattituck, Cutc ogue, Southold, Orient and the Village of Greenport, Section 100-41 . Applicability. The Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District may be designated on the Zoning Map by the Town Board, upon its own motion, or by petition on parcels within one-half mile of a Hamlet Business (HB) District of Mattituck, Cutcho ue and Southold hamlet and within one-quarter mile of the Hamlet Business (HB) district of Orient, and within one-half mile of the boundary of the Village of Greenport. Section 100-42. Use regulations. In an HD District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part of any use except the following: A. Permitted uses. (1) One-family detached dwelling. (2) Two-family dwelling. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by turd o� ppeats, as hereinafter provided, and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: (1) Multiple dwellings, townhouse, row or attached house. (2) Accessory apartments in single-family residence as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31B(2) of the Agricultural-Conservation District. (3) Bed and breakfast uses. as.set forth. in and regulated by Section 100-31B 15 without site' lan approval. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following: (1) Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31C (1) through (7) and (10) of Agricultural-Conservation District and subiect to conditions set forth in Section 100-33 thereof. (2) Freestanding or ground signs, subject to the following requirements. One (1) sign either single or double-faced, not more than eighteen (18) square feet in area, and the u per edge of which shall not project more than five (5) feet above the ground un-Fe-ss attached to a fence or wall Suc si n shall only indicate the name of the remises. Such sign shall be set back not less than f,f_te_e__h_(_j_5T feet from all street and lot lines. Such sign shall comb y wit all-of t e Supp ementary sign regulations set forth in Article XX. (3) Accessory buildings, structures and other required_faciliti(:s and equipment necessary to provide community sewers, water, heat, utilities and other community services to all buildin s and structures on the premises, provided, however, that the plans for and the-location- of helocationof the same shall be approved by the Planr.inc, Boar. -22- Section 100-43. Bulk, area and parking requirements. A. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. 11. Article V is repealed; Article VA is renumbered Article V, and the Sections thereof are renumbered Sections 100-50 to 100-58 inclusive. ARTICLE V AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT Section 100- 50. Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Housing District is to provide the opportunity within certain areas of the Town for the developmgnt of high density housing for families of moderate income. Section 100- 51 Definitions. For the purpose of this Article, the following terms, phrases and words shall have the following meaning : CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - The Consumer Price Index as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics for the New York Metropolitan area. DIRECTOR - The Director of Community Development for the Town of Southold. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY - A family whose aggregate annual income, including the total of all current annual income of all family members (excluding the earnings of working family members under age 21) from any source whatsoever at the time of application for the purchase or lease of an affordable housing unit or the purchase of an unimproved affordable lot, does not exceed $39,000.00, which annual income shall be revised each year on January 31st to conform to the previous year's change in the consumer price index. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY DWELLING UNIT - A dwelling unit reserved for rent or sale to a moderate income family and for which the maximum monthly rent (excluding utilities) or the maximum initial sales price does not exceed the maximum rent or maximum sales price set forth in Section 100- 56E hereof. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY UNIMPROVED LOT - An unimproved lot reserved for sale to a moderate income family, and for which the maximum initial sales price, inclusive of the cost of providing public water and/or public sewer service to the lot, does not exceed the maximum sales price set forth in Section 700- 56E hereof. PERMANENT FIXED IMPROVEMENT - An improvement to a lot or a moderate income family dwelling unit which cannot be removed without substantial damage to premises or total loss of value 'of said improvements. Section 100- 52 Applicability. AHD Districts shall be established by application to.the Town Board pursuant to the procedures hereinafter specified, on parcels of land located within the following areas : A. Land within a one-half (2) mile radius of the post offices located in the hamlets of Mattituck, Cutchogue, Peconic and Southold. B. Land within one-quarter (4) mile radius of the post offices located in the hamlets of East Marion and Orient. -24- C. Land within one-quarter ( ) mile of the boundaries of the Incorporated Village of Greenport. D. Land in such other areas as shall be designated by Town Board resolution after a public hearing thereon, upon ten ( 10) days notice thereof by publication in the official Town newspapers. Section 100- 53. Use Regulations. In the AHD District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any use except the fullowing : A. Permitted uses. 1. One-family detached dwelling 2. Two-family d vellin g 3. Multiple dwellings. B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-30C ( 1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (6) and (7) of this Chapter. Section 100- 54 Bulk Area & Parking Requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the AHD District unless the same conforms to the following Bulk, Area & Parking Schedule. BULK, AREA E PARKING SCHEDULE Minimum Single Family Two-Family Multiple Requirements Dwellings Dwellings Dwellings Total lot area (sq. ft. ) 10,000 20,000 40,000 Lot Width (ft. ) 80 100 150 Lot Depth (ft. ) 100 140 200 Front Yard (ft. ) 35 35 45 One side yard (ft. ) 15 15 20 Both side yards (ft. ) 25 30 40 Rear yard (ft. ) 35 35 45 Livable floor area (sq.ft. per dwg) 850 600 600 Off-street parking spaces (per dwg) 2 2 2 Land area (sq.ft. ) per dwg. unit 10,000 10,000 10,000 Maximum Permitted Dimensions Lot coverage (percent) 20 25 25 Building height 35 35 35 Number of stories 2,11 22 22 -25- Section 100- 55. Application Procedure A. Application Procedure. The procedure for planning and zoning approval of any future proposed development in an AHD District shall involve a two-stage review process as follows : ( 1) Approval of a preliminary development concept plan and the zoning reclassification of a specific parcel or parcels of land for development in accordance with that plan by the Town Board; and (2) Approval of a final, detailed site plan, and subdivision plat approval, if required, by the Planning Board. B. Application to the Town Board for rezoning approval. Four (4) copies of the application for the establishment of an AHD District shall be filed with the Town Clerk who shall submit a copy to the Town Board at its next regular scheduled meeting. The application shall contain at least the following information : (1) The names and addresses of the property owners, and all other persons having an interest in the property; the name and address of the applicant (if not the owner) ; the names and addresses of any planners, engineers, architects, surveyors, and all other persons or firms engaged or proposed to be engaged to perform work and/or services with respect to the project described in the application. (2) If the applicant is not the owner of the property, written authorization of the owner or owners authorizing the applicant to submit the application on behalf of the owner or owners. (3) A written statement describing the nature of the proposed project, and how it will be designed to fullfill the purposes of this Article (including its consistency with the Town Master plan) ; an analysis of the site's relationship to adjoining properties and the surrounding neighborhood; the availability and adequacy of community facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems, to serve the needs of the project and the residents therein; the safety and capacity of the street system in the area in relation to the anticipated traffic generated, and such other information as deemed necessary by the Town Board and/or the Planning Board to enable them to properly review and act upon the application. (4) A written statement describing the proposed method of ownership, operation and maintenance of all proposed common utilities, including public water and sewer facilities, and open land located within the proposed development. (5) A preliminary development concept plan for the proposed project, drawn to a convenient scale, and including the following information : (a) The total area of the property in acres and square feet. (b) A map of existing terrain conditions, including topography with a vertical contour interval of no more than two (2) feet, indentification of soil types (including wetlands) , existing drainage features, major rock outcroppings, the extent of existing wooded areas and other significant vegetation, and other significant features of the property. -26- (c) A site location sketch indicating the location of the property with respect to neighboring streets and properties, including the names of all owners of property within five hundred (500) feet therefrom, as shown on the last completed town assessment roll. Such sketch shall also show the existing zoning of the property and the location of all zoning district boundaries in the surrounding neighborhood. (d) A preliminary site development plan indicating the approximate location, height and design of all buildings, the arrangement of parking areas and access drives and the general nature and location of all other proposed site improvements, including recreational facilities, landscaping and screening, the storm drainage system, water and sewer connections, etc. (e) A plan showing the number, type and location of all proposed dwelling units and unimproved lots to be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families, and the ratio of the same to all proposed dwelling units and lots in the development. (f) A generalized time schedule for the staging and completion of the proposed project. (g) An application fee in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15. ) for each proposed dwelling unit or five hundred ($500. ) dollars, whichever is greater. C. Referral to Planning Board. Upon the receipt of a properly completed application for the establishment of a new AHD District, one copy of the application shall be referred to the Planning Board for its review and report, and one copy shall be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for its review and recommendation, if required by the provisions of the Suffolk County Charter. Within sixty (60) days from the date of the Planning Board meeting at which such referral is received, the Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the Town Board. No action shall be taken by the Town Board until receipt of the Planning Board report or the expiration of the Planning Board review period, whichever first occurs. Said review period may be extended by mutual consent of the Planning Board and the applicant. D. Planning Board Report. The Planning Board, in its report to the Town Board, may recommend either approval of the application for the establishment of the AHD District, with or without modifications, or disapproval of said application. In the eveni that the Planning Board recommends disapproval of said application, it shall state in its report the reasons for such disapproval. In preparing its report and recommendations, the Planning Board shall give consideration to the Town Master Plan, the existing and permitted land uses in the area, the relationship of the proposed design and location of buildings on the site, traffic circulation, both on and off the site, the adequacy and availability of community facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems, to service the proposed development, compliance of the proposed development with the standards and requirements of this Article, the then- current need for such housing, and such other factors as may be related to the purposes of this Article. _27_ E. Town Board Public Hearing. Within forty-five (45) days from the date of the Town Board's receipt of the Planning Board's report and recommendation, or the expiration of the Planning Board review period, whichever first occurs, the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the matter of establishing an AHD District on the property described in the application. Such hearing shall be held upon the same notice as required by law for amendments to the town Zoning Map and/or Zoning Code. F. Town Board Action. (1) Within forty-five (45) days after the date of the close of the public hearing, the Town Board shall act either to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the preliminary development concept plan and the approval or disapproval of the establishment of the AHD District applied for. Approval or approval with modifications shall be deemed as authority for the applicant to proceed with the detailed design of the proposed development in accordance with such concept plan and the procedures and requirements of this Article. A copy of the Town Board's determination shall be filed with the Planning Board and a copy mailed to the applicant. A copy shall also be filed in the Town Clerk's Office. If such determination approves the establishment of a new AHD District, the Town Clerk shall cause the official Zoning Map to be amended accordingly. (2) Approval of the establishment of an AHD District shall expire twelve (12) months after the date of Town Board Approval thereof if the applicant has not received site development plan approval and final subdivision plat approval of at least the first section of the planned development within such twelve (12) months period. Approval of the establishment of an AHD District shall expire eighteen (18) months after said Town Board approval thereof if work on the site has not commenced or the same- is not being prosecuted to conclusion with reasonable diligence. The Town Board, upon application of the applicant, and upon good cause being shown, may in the exercise of its discretion, extend both of the above time periods for not more than two (2) additional periods of not more than six (6) months each. In the event of the expiration of approval as herein provided, the AHD District shall be deemed revoked and the zoning classification of the property affected thereby shall revert to its zoning classification that 'existed on the property immediately prior to the establishment of the AHD District thereon, and the Town Clerk shall cause the official• Zoning Map to be amended accordingly. G. Site Plan And Subdivision Plat Approval by the Planning Board. (1) No earthwork, site work, land clearing, construction or development activities shall take place on any property within an AHD District except in accordance with a site plan approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of this Article and in accordance with the procedures and standards for site plan approval as set forth in Article XXVof this Chapter. -28- (2) Where a proposed development involves the subdivision or resubdivision of land, no development shall proceed until the Planning Board has granted final subdivision plat approval in accordance with the provisions of Chapter A106 of the Town Code. Section 100- 56 General Regulations and Requirements. A. Sewer and Water. In an AHD District, public water supply systemsand/or public sewer disposal systems shall be provided to serve all dwelling units located therein. B. Covenants and Restrictions. In approving a preliminary development concept plan and/or the establishment of an AHD District, the Town Board shall have the right to require the applicant and/or the owner and all persons having an interest in the premises to execute an agreement, in recordable form, containing such restrictions, covenants, terms and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the intent and purposes of this Article. C. Provision For Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units And Unimproved Lots. (1) On land within an AHD District containing ten (10) acres or less of land, not less than forty (40%) percent of the dwelling units and/or unimproved lots located therein shall be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families. (2) On land within an AHD District containing more than ten (10) acres of land, the number of dwelling units and unimproved lots therein, to be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families shall be as follows : (a) Not less than ten (10%) percent of the dwelling units shall be reserved for lease to moderate income families. (b) Not less than ten (100) percent of the dwelling units shall be attached dwelling _units reserved for sale to moderate income families. (c) Not less than twenty (20%) percent of the dwelling units shall be one-family detached dwelling units reserved for sale to moderate income families. (d) Not less than ten (10%) percent of the unimproved lots therein shall be reserved for sale to moderate income families. D. Eligibility. In each AHD District, the sale or lease of dwelling units reserved for moderate income families, and the sale of unimproved lots reserved for sale to moderate income families shall be allocated on a priority basis, in the following order: (a) First to eligible applicants employed in the Town of Southold. (b) Second to eligible applicants who reside in the Town of Southold, in the order of length of residence in the Town. (c) Third to all other eligible applicants. E. Maximum Sales Price And Monthly Rent. ( 1) In an AHD District, the maximum initial sales price of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot reserved for sale to moderate income families shall be as follows : (a) Unimproved lot containing an area of 10,000 sq. ft. - $25,000. (b) Attached dwelling unit - $60,000. -29- (c) Single-family detached dwelling unit - $75,000. (2) The maximum initial monthly rent (exclusive of utilities for a dwelling unit reserved for moderate income families in the AHD District shall be as follows : (a) Studio Apartment - $300. (b) One bedroom dwelling unit - $400. (c) Two bedroom dwelling unit - $500. (d) The provisions of this Section 100:56E(2) shall remain in effect as to each dwelling unit for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of the initial lease thereof. (3) The maximum sales prices and monthly rents set forth in Section 100- 56 (1) and (2) hereof shall be revised each year on January 31st to conform to the previous year's change in the consumer price index. F. Resale Price of Dwelling Units and Unimproved Lots. (1) Dwelling units in an AHD District reserved for moderate income families may be resold to moderate income families, provided that the maximum resale price does not exceed the purchase price plus the cost of permanent fixed improvements, adjusted for the increase in the consumer price index during the period of ownership of such dwelling unit and such improvements plus reasonable and necessary resale expenses. (2) Unimproved lots in a AHD District reserved for moderate income families may be resold to moderate income families, provided that the maximum resale price does not exceed the purchase price of such lot adjusted for the change in the consumer price index for the period during which such lot was owned by the resale seller, plus reasonable and necessary resale expenses. (3) Where an unimproved lot in an AHD District reserved for moderate income families is improved with a dwelling unit, the maximum resale price shall be determined in the manner'specified in Section 100..-56F ( 1) hereof. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 100- 56-F ( 1) , (2) and (3) hereof, the Director may authorize the resale of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot reserved for moderate income families at a price in excess of the maximum resale price specified in Section 100- 56-F ( 1) , (2) and (3) hereof, under the following conditions: (a) That the owner of such dwelling unit file an application with the Director requesting approval of such resale, setting forth in detail the calculation for the determination of the maximum resale price, the proposed resale price, and such other information and documentation as the Director shall request. (b) That the portion of the resale price in excess of the maximum allowable resale price shall be divided between the resale seller and the Town in the following proportions. Year of Resale Percentage Percentage after purchase to Owner To Town 1st 0 100 2nd 20 80 3rd 40 60 4th 60 40 5th 80 20 6th 90 10 -30- (c) All money received by the Town pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph (b) shall be deposited in separate accounts and shall be expended only for the purposes of this Article in such manner as shall be determined by the Town Board. Section 100- 57 Administration. A. General Duties of Director. (1) The Director shall be responsible for the administration of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families in all AHD Districts pursuant to the provisions of this Article. (2) The Director shall promulgate and maintain information and documentation of all dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families in all AHD Districts; the number thereof available for sale or lease at all times; the sales prices and monthly rent for such dwelling units and lots; the names and addresses of eligible families desiring to purchase or lease the same, together with a priority list of such families. The Director shall maintain such other records and documents as shall be required to properly administer the provisions of this Article. B. Interagency Cooperation. ( 1) Whenever the Town Board approves the establishment of an AHD District, a copy of such determination shall be filed with the Building Inspector and the Director, together with a copy of any agreements arid/or covenants relating thereto. (2) Whenever the Planning Board approves a subdivision plat and/or a site plan affecting land within an AHD District, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Building Inspector and the Director, together with copies of any agreements and/or covenants relating thereto. (3) Whenever the Building Inspector shall issue a building permit, a certificate of occupancy or any other permit or authorization affecting dwelling units and/or unimproved lots located in an AHD District and reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Director. C. Procedure. ( 1) Whenever ' the Building Inspector receives an application for a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling unit or unimproved lot located in an AHD District and reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families, the Building Inspector shall file a copy thereof with the Director who shall inform the owner and/or person filing such application of the maximum sales price or monthly rent for such dwelling unit or lot as well as eligibility requirements for families seeking to purchase or lease such dwelling units or lots. (2) No certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector until the Director has supplied the Building Inspector with the information provided for in the preceding paragraph and the Building Inspector determines that the issuance of the certificate of occupancy will not permit a use, occupancy, sale or lease of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot in violation of the provisions of this Article. (3) The Director shall certify the eligibility of all applicants for lease or purchase of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families. An owner of dwelling units and unimproved lots in an AHD District which are reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families shall not sell or lease the same to any person who does not possess a certificate of eligibility issued by the Director. A violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall constitute grounds for the revocation of a certificate of occupancy. z1- (4) On or before March 31 of each year, the Director shall notify the owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families of the monthly rent, sales price and income eligibility requirements for such units and lots based upon data derived from the preceding year. (5) The owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families shall certify in writing to the Director on or before May 31 of each year that the sale and/or lease of such dwelling units and lots comply with the provisions of this Article and Chapter 100 of the Town Code. (6) When a dwelling unit reserved for lease to moderate income families is to be rented, the lease for such unit shall not exceed a term of two (2) years. Section 100- 58 Applicability of Town Code. All of the Provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold not inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Article shall be applicable in the AHD District. -32- 12. Article VI is repealed and a new Article VI is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE VI Resort Residential (RR) District Section 100-60. Purpose. The purpose of the Resort Residential (RR) District is to provide opportunity for resort development in waterfront areas or other appropriate areas where because of the availability of water and/or sewer more intense development may occur consistent with the density and character of surrounding lands. Section 100-61 . Use regulations. In an RR District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part,jor any use except thefollowing: A. Permitted uses. (1) Any permitted use set forth in, and as regulated by Section 100-31A of the Agricultural-Conservation District. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, and except for the uses set forth in subdivision (5) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. (1) Any special exception use set forth in, and as regulated by Section 100-31(B) (1) , (6) , (7) and (14) of the Agricultural-Conservation District. (2) Marinas for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats. (3) Yacht clubs. (4) Transient hotels or motels, resort hotels or motels, conference facilities provided that the following requirements are met: (a) Minimum parcel size shall be five (5) acres. (b) The maximum number of guest units shall be: one (1) unit per six thousand (6,000) square feet of land without public water or sewer. one (1) unit per four thousand (4, 000) square feet of land with public water and sewer. (c) No music, entertainment or loudspeaker system shall be audible from beyond the property line. (d) No lights shall create a glare on adjoining property. (51Bed and breakfast uses as set forth in and as regulated by Section i-0-6-31(3 ( 15) . --- ----.--_---— (6) Tourist camps as regulated by Chapter 88 of the Town Code. -33- (7 ) Free standing restaurant. C. Accessory uses. (1) Any accessory use set forth_ in, and as regulated by Section 100- 31C (1) through (7) of the AgricuIturaI-Con servation District. (2) Signs as regulated by Section 100-31C (9) of the Agricultural- Conservation District, and int the case of a hotel, motel resort, tourist camp, country club, beach club, swim club, tennis club, if the building is set back .twenty-five (25) feet, one ( 1) free- standing or ground illuminated sign witfi a maximum area of eighteen (18) square feet may be permitted at the entrance, set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the street line. (3) Sanitary and laundry facilities. (4) Accessory uses set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-42C(3) of the Hamlet Density District. Section 100-62. Bulk, area and parking requirements. Except as otherwise provided herein, no buildings or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Residential RR District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. -34- 13. Article VII is repealed and a new Article VII is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE VII Residential Office (RO) District Section 100-70. Purpose. To provide a transition area between business areas and low density residential development along major roads which will provide opportunity for limited nonresidential uses in essentially residential areas. Section 100-71 . Use regulations. In a Residential Office (RO) District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. ( 1) One-family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot. (2) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, School Districts, Park Districts and Fire Districts. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the -oard'of Appeals as hereinafter provided, and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board, provided that not more than one (1) use shall be allowed for each 40,000 sq.ft. . of lot are M Special exception uses as set forth in and regulateregulateil By Section 100-31B (1) through (7) of the Agricultural-Conservation District (2) Professional offices and business offices. (3) Funeral homes. (4) Bed and Breakfast uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31 B( 1 except that no site plan approval is required. ( 5) Libraries, museums or art galleries. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following: (1) Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31 (1) through (7) of the Agricultura -Conservation District, and subject to the conditions set forth in Section 100-33 thereof. (2) The following signs, subject to the supplementary sign regulations set forth in Article XX: (a) One ( 1) indirectly illuminated nameplate or professional sign not more than two (2) square feet in area. (b) One ( 1) real_estate sign, either single or double-faced, not larger than twe ve 12 s uare eet in size on awn one or more Tots,adver_ti_sin( the sale or lease of one _� rem� �ises on which it ismain_tained, - and set back not less than iifteen (151feet G•_om an_ lot line; where_ acreage or a subdivision as a continuous frontage oRfive hundred (500) feet or more, said sign may not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in size. -35- (c) One (1) bulletin board or other announcement or identification sign for uses erm.ited by Section 100-316 (3) , (4) , (5) and T6-) , not more than eighteen 18) square feet in area, located not less than fifteen (15feet from any street or lot line. (3) Accessory uses set forth in and regulated by Section 100-42C(3) of the Hamlet Density District. - Section 100-72. Bulk, area and parking requirements. A. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Residence-Office (RO) District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this c apter, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. -36- 14. Article Vlll is repealed and a new Article VIII is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE Vlll Limited Business (LB) District Section 100-80. Purpose. The purpose of the Limited Business District (LB) is to provide an opportunity to accommodate limited business activity along highway corridors, but in areas outside the hamlet central business areas that is consistent with the rural and historic character of surrounding areas and uses. Emphasis will be placed on review of design features so that existing and future uses will not detract from surrounding uses. The additional uses must generate low amounts of traffic and be designed to protect the residentail and rural character of the area. Section 100-81. Use regulations. In the LB district, no building shall be used and no building or part of a building-shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. (1) Any permitted use as set forth in and regulated by Section 100- 31A of theAgricultural-Conservation District. (2) The following uses are permitted uses subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: (a) Retail businesses complementary to the rural and historic character of the surrounding area limited to the following: (i) Antique, art and craft shops and gallaries. (ii) Custom workshops and machine shops. NO Wholesale or retail sale and accessory storage and display of garden materials, and plants, including nursery operations, provided that the outdoor store or display of plants and material does not obstruct pedestrian flow or vehicular traffic and does not occur within three (3) feet of property line. (iv) Libraries or museums. (b) Professional and business offices. (c) Funeral Homes. (d) Restaurants, except drive-in restaurants. (e) Personal service stores and shops, including barber shop, beauty parior, professional studios and travel agency. (f) Repair shops for household, business or personal appliances, including cabinet shops, carpenter shops, electrica-shops, plumbing shops—furniture repair shops and bicycle and motorcycle shops, landscaping and other service business. (g) Wholesale and warehousing. (h) Retail uses supplemental to the service business establishment. -37- B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by. the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, and except for Bed and Breakfast uses are subject to site pan approval by the Planning Board. ( 1) Any special exception use as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31B of the Agricultural-Conservation District. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following uses: (1) Any accessory use as set forth in and regulated by Section 100- (1) through (8) of the Agricultural-Conservation District, and subject to the conditions set forth in Section 100-33 thereof. (2) Signs subject to the following requirements. (a) Freestanding or ground signs. Where the building is set back twenty-five (25) feet or more from the street, one sign, sin le or double-faced, not more than eighteen (18) square feet, the lower edge o which shall be not less than four feet above the ground, unless attached to a wall or fence, and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than fifteen. (15) feet above the ground, which sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all street and pro erty lines ands all advertise only the business conducted on the premises. As used in this subsection, the word "premises s aI mean all continous property in common ownership._ (b) Wall signs. One sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall on a public street and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided that such sign does not (i) Exceed one (1) square foot in total area for each horizontal foot of such wall. (ii) Exceed in width one hundred percent (1000) of the horizontal measurement of such wall. (iii) Exceed three (3) feet in height. (iv) Project more than one (1) foot from such wall. Section 100-82. Bulk, area and parking requirements. Except as otherwise provided herein, no buildings or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the LB District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter reference, with the same force and e f ect as if such regulations were set forth erein in full, -38- 15. Article IX is repealed and a new Article IX is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE IX Hamlet Business (HB) District Section 100-90. Purpose. The purpose of the Hamlet Business (HB) District is to provide for business development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service uses, public and semi-public uses, as well as hotel and motel and multi- family residential development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus for the hamlet area. Section 100-91. Use regulations. In a HB District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. (1) Any permitted use set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31A (1) and (3) of the Agricultural Conservation District. (2) Any permitted uses as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100- 42A (2) of the Hamlet Residential District. (3) Boarding houses and tourist homes. (4) Business, professional and governmental offices. (5) Banks and financial institutions. (6) Retail stores. (7) Restaurants, excluding drive-in restaurants. (8) Bakeshops (for on-premises retail sale) . (9) Personal service stores and shops, including barber shop, beauty parlor, professional studios, and travel agency. (10) Art, antique and auction galleries. (11) Artists' and craftsmen's workshops. (12) Auditorium or meeting hall . (13) Repair shops for household, business or personal appliances, including cabinet shops, carpenter skips, electrical shops, plumbing shops, furniture repair shops and bicycle and motorcyc a shops. ( 14) Custom workshops. ( 15) Bus or train stations. (16) Theaters or cinemas (other than outdoor) . (17) Libraries or museums. ( 18) Laundromat. -39- B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board ofAPPeat_s_._The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board ofAppeals as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. ( 1) Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-31 B (3) to (6) an 4 and 1151 of the Agricu ture onservation District. (2) Multiple dwellings and townhouses. (3) Motel and hotel uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100- 61 B (4 ) of the Resort Residential B District, except that minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre. (4) Apartments may be permitted over retail stores, subject to the following requirements: (a) The explicit written approval of the Town Fire Prevention Inspector shall be obtained for the design, location, access and other safety-related elements of every such apartment. No apartment shall be permitted over filling stations, stores. retailing flammable or fume-producing goods, restaurants or other businesses with kitchens or other facilities producing intense heat, or any other establishment which the Fire Prevention Inspector determines to pose a greater-than-average built-in fire risk. (b) The habitable floor area of each apartment shall be at least four hundred fifty (450) square feet, but in no case more than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet. The apartment shall not be located on the firct loor o t e building and the apartment shall contain all services for safe and convenient habitation, meeting the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the Sanitary Code. (c) There shall be no more than three (3) apartments created or maintained in any single building. (d) Each apartment, ar common hallway servicing two or three apartments shall havea separate access to the outside of the building, which must be distinct from the access to uses on the first floor. (e) Each apartment shall have at least one (1) on-site off-street parking space meeting the stan ards of this c i pter, convenient located for access to a apartment. �� (f) Only the owner of the building in which it is proposed to locate the apartment(s) ma apply for this s ecial permit. Tho Board of Appealsshall require that such applicant execute such agreements, contracts, ersements, covenants, deed restrictions or other legal instruments running in favor of the Town as, upon recommendation of the Town Attorney, the Board shall determine to be necessary to insure that: -- (i) The apartment, or anyroprietary or other interesttherein, will not be sold to a tenant or any-ot he r party, except as part of a sale of tTie ont re. building in which__the apartment is located.` (ii) The apartment is made available for year-round rental; (iii) The apartment is properly constructed, maintained and used, and unapproved uses are excluded tRer-efrom. _ (iv) Any other condition deemed reasonable and necessary to insure the immediate and long-term success of the apartment in helping to meet identified housing needs in the community is complied with. -40- (5) Bed and breakfast enterprises or boarding and/or tourist home as set forth and regulated by Section 100-51B (3) of the Resort Residential A District. (6) Fraternal or social institutional offices or meeting hall. (7) Drinking establishments. (8) Public Garage. (9) Funeral Home. C. Accessory Uses. (1) Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31C (1) tTirough (7) of the Agricultural-Conservation District, and subject to the conditions set forth in Section 100-33 thereof. (2) Signs as set forth in Section 100-81C (2) of the Limited Business District. (3) Directional or informational signs, not exceedinqtwo (2) square feet, which the Planning Board finds to be necessary to facilitate circulation throughout the district. -` Section 100-92. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereofshall be erected or altered in the HB District unless the same conforms wit the Bu k_ Schedule and Parking and Loading Sc edules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. Section 100-93. Uses confined to enclosed buildings. All uses permitted in a HB District, including the display and sale of merchandise and the storage of all property, except diving plants, shrubs or trees, s all be confined to fully enclosed buildings on the premises. -41- 16. Article X is repealed and a new Article X is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE X General Business ( B ) District Section 100-100. Purpose. The purpose of the General Business (B) District is to provide for retail and wholesale commercial development and limited office and industrial development outside of the hamlet central business areas, generally along mayor highways. It is designed to accommodate uses that benefit from large numbers of motorists, that need fairly large parcels of land, and that may involve characteristics such as heavy trucking and noise. Section 100-101. Use regulations. In the (+B) District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered which is arran ed, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except thefollowing: A. Permitted uses. ( 1) Any permitted use set forth in and regulated by Section 100-31A (2) and (3) of the Agriculture Conservation District. (2) Any permitted use set forth in and regulated by Section 100-91A (3) to ( 18) of the Hamlet Business District. (3) Wholesale businesses, warehouses, and building material storage and sale, but excluding storage o coa , coke, fuel of , or dunk. (4) Building, electrical and plumbing contractors' businesses or yards. (5) Cold storage plants, baking and other food processing and packaging plants that are not offensive, obnoxious, or detrimental to neighboring uses by reason of dust, smoke, vibration, noise, odor, or effluent. (6) Wholesale or retail sale and accessory storage and display of garden materials, supplies, and ants, including nursery operations, provided that the outdoor storage or display of plants and material does not obstruct pedestrian flow or vehicular traffic and does not occur within three feet of property line. (7) Wholesale/retail beverage distribution. (8) Funeral homes. (9) Train or bus stations. (10) Telephone exchanges. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals.The following uses are permitted as a sp cie a exception b—y—tFe-W-6rd of AppdaIs, as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. ( 1) Any special exception use as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-316 (2 ) to ( 13) of eAgricultural-Conservation District. (2) Hotel or motel uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100 -61B (4) of the Resort Residential (RR) District,except that minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre . -42- (3) Bed and breakfast enterprises or boarding and/or tourist homes as set forth in and regulated by Section 100- 31B ( 15) of the gyriicultural---Co-nservation District, except that no site plan approval Is required. (4) Tourist camps as regulated by Chapter 88 of the Town Code. (5) Research design or development laboratories, provided that any manufacturing shall be limited to prototypes and products for testing. (6) Fully enclosed commercial recreation facilities includin , but not limited to, tennis clubs, skating rinks, paddle tennis, handball and squash facilities, dance halls, billiard parlors, .bowling alleys, health spas and clubs and uses normally accessory and incidental to commercial recreation, suc as loc er rooms, eating and drinking n facilities, and retai sae of goods associated with the particular activity. (7) Laundry or dry cleaning plant subject to the following conditions- (a) All processes and storage shall be carried on within an enclosed building. (b) All fluids used in processing shall be recycled, and the overall facility shall be designed, located and operated to protect surface waters and the groundwater reservoir from pollution (8) Fraternal or social institutional office or meeting hall (non-profit) . (9) Fast food restaurants, provided that eating on the premises of the fast food restaurant shall be permitted only inside the structure or in areas specifically designated and properly maintained outside o the structure and where minimum lot size fora free-standing structure is forty thousand (40, 000 square feet. (10) Drinking establishments. ( 11) Automobile laundry. ( 12) Public garages, gasoline service stations, new and used motor vehicle lots, vehicle sales and rental, includinq the sale of recreation vehicles and trailers and boat sales, with accessory repair facilities al subject to the following requirements: (a) Entrance and exit driveways shall have an unrestricted width of not less than twelve 12 feet and not more than thirty (30) feet and shah be located not less than ten (10) feet from any pro erty line, ands all be so laid out as to avoid the necessity of any vehicle backingout across any Public right-of-way. (b) Sale of used vehicles or boats shall be conducted only as accessory tot the sale of new vehic es or boats. (c) Vehicle lifts or pits, dismantled automobiles, boats and vehicles and all parts or suPe ies s aIT 6e located within a build_ (d) All service or repair of motor vehicles, other than such minor servicing as c ange o tires or sale o; gasoline or oil, sTia11 be conducted in a buy ding. (e) The storage of gasoline or flammable oils in bulk shall be located fully underground and not less than thirty-five (35) feet_Trom any property line other than the street line (f) No gasoline or fuel pumps or tanks shall be located less than fifteen (15) feet from any street or property line. -43- Outdoor area lighting shall be that generally required for security purposes and shall be restricted to the front one- third ( 1/3) of the lot depth. All outdoor lighting shall be located at a height of not more than fourteen (14) feet above ground level and so directed that illumination should not extend beyond lot lines. (h) No gasoline service or repair shops or similar businesses are to be located within three hundred (300) feet of a church, public school, library, hospital, orphanage or a rest home. ( 13) Partial self-service gasoline service stations, subject to all of the provisions of Section 100-101B (12) herein, and the following additional requirements: (a) Each partial self-service gasoline facility shall have a qualified attendant on duty whenever the station is open for business. It shall be the duty of the qualified attendant to control and operate both the console regulating the flow of gasoline to the dispensing equipment thereafter to.be operated by the customer at the self-service pump island and the dispensing equipment on the other pump islands. (b) Gasoline shall at no time be dispensed without the direct supervision of the qualified attendant. A control shall be provided which willshut off the flow of gasoline to the dispensing equipment at the self-service pump island whenever the qualified atten ant is absent from the control console for any reason whatever, including when he is operating the dispensing equipment on the other pump islands. (c) The console regulating the flow of gasoline to the remote dispensing equipment thereafter operated by the customer at the self-service pump island s"hall be situated in such a manner as to give the qualified attendant controlling said console an unobstructed view of the operation of said remote dispensing equipment. (d) The self-service pump island shall have controls on all pumps that will permit said pumps to operate only when a dispensing nozzle is removed from its bracket on the pump and the switch for this pump is manually operated. (e) The self-service pump island shall be protected by an automatic fere protection system in the form of an approved s stem of dry powder release which will act as an automatic fire extinguisher. (f) No customer shall be permitted to dispense gasoline unless he shall possess a valid motor ve ice operator's license. (g) There shall be no latch-open device on any self-service dispensing nozzle. (14) Private transportation service including garage and maintenance facilities. C. Accessory uses. ( 1) Accessory uses set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-31C ( I)through (8) of the Agricultural-Conservation District, subject to the conditions set forth in Section 100-31--f-hereof. (2) Wall signs as set forth and regulated in subsection C (2) (b) of the Limited Business District Section 100-81. -44- (3) Free-standing or ground signs. Where the building is setback twenty- five (25) feet or more from the street, one ( 1) sign, single or double- faced not more than twenty-four (24) square feet, the lower edge of which shall be not less than four (4) feet above the ground unless attached to a wall or fence and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the ground shall be permitted, which sign shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from all street and property lines and shall advertise only the business conducted on the premises. As used in this subsection, the word "premises" shall mean all contiguous property in common ownership. (4) Open storage of materials or equipment provided that such storage shall be (1) at least 25 feet from any lot line (2) not be more than six feet ig , and (3) be suitably screened by a solid fence or other suitable means of at least six feet in height. Section 100-102.Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the B)TDistrict unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulation were set forth herein in full. -45- 17. Article XII (Board of Appeals) is renumbered Article XXVII and a new Article XII is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XII Marine Business (MB) District Section 100-120. Purpose. To provide a waterfront location for a range of water dependent and water related uses which are those uses which require or benefit from direct access to, or location in marine or tidal waters. Section 100-121. Use regulations. In an MB District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. (1) One-family detached dwelling. (2) Marinas for the docking, mooring and accommodation of recreational or non-commercial boats,including the sale of fuel and oil primarily for the use of boats accommodated in such marina. (3) Boat docks, slips, piers or wharves for charter boats carrying passengers on excursions, pleasure or fishing trips or for vessels engaged in fishery or shellfishery. (4) Beach club, yacht club or boat club including uses accessory to them such as swimming pools, tennis courts, racquetball facilities. (5) Boat yard for building,' storing, repairing, renting, selling or servicing boats which may inc ude the following as an accessory use: office for the sale of marine equipment ment or ro ucts, dockside facilities for dispensing of fuel, restroom andlaundry_facilities to serve overnight patrons. (6) Mariculture or aquaculture operations or research and development. (7) Boat and marine engine repair and sales and display, yacht broker, marine insurance broker. (8) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, School Districts, Park Districts and Fire Districts. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the hoard of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. ( 1) Retail sale or rental of fishing, diving, boating, bathin supplies and equipment if accessory to marina or boat yard orships loft or chandlery. (2) Restaurants excluding outdoor counter service, drive-ins or curb service establishments. Such prohibition shall not prevent service at tables on a covered or uncovered terrace or porch incidental to a restaurant. (3) Ferry terminal. (4) Transient or resort hotels or motels subject to the following conditions -46- (a) The minimum parcel area for such use shall be not less than eve (5) acres. (b) The number of guest rooms permitted in the hotel or motel shall be determined by, (1) the proportion of the site utilized for such use, and (2) the availability of public water and sewer. The maximum number of guest units -hall be one unit per 4,000 square feet of land with public water and sewer. (5) Bed and breakfast uses as set forth in and regulated by Sec-tion 100-31B(15) of the Agricultural-Conservation District, except that no site pan approval is required. (6) Fish processing plant. (7) Fish market which may include a combination of wholesale and retail of finfish and/or shellfish. (8) Museum with nautical theme or art gallery. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following: ( 1) Accessory uses as set forth in and re ulated by Section 100-31C (1) through (7) of the Agricultural-Conservation District, and subject to the conditions of Section 100-33 thereof. (2) Signs, as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-81C (2) of Limited Business District. (3) Sanitary facilities and laundry facilities. Section 100-122. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the MB District unless t e same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter, by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. -47- 18. Article XIII is repealed an a new Article XIII ;s added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XIII Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District Section 100-130. Purpose. The purpose of the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District is to provide opportunity for the location of business and professional offices, research facilities, industrial uses and similar activities in an open, cam us- ike settin in areas which are not appropriate for commercial activity or low density residential development. Int is area such uses can be estab ished in an attractive environment and serve both as a means of preserving the open qualities of an area and providing an area, adjacent to hamlet areas where such uses can be appropriately developed with suitable protection for ground and surface waters. All uses must conform to Suffolk County Health Department standards. Section 100-131. Use regulations. In a LIO District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose except the following A. Permitted uses. 1_ Any permitted uses set forth in, and as regulated by Section 100- 31A (2) and (3) of the Agricultural-Conservation District. 2. Any permitted uses set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-101A (3) to (5) of the General Business District. 3. Office buildings for businesses, governmental, and professional uses, including administrative training, data processing, publication, financial and sales offices. 4. Telephone exchanges. 5. Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, School Districts, Park Districts and Fire Districts. B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board—of Appealsas hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. (1) Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-101 B (5) , (7) and (10) of the General Business District. (2) Light industrial uses involving the fabrication, reshaping, reworking, assembly or combining of roducl from reviously prepared materials and which do not invo vet a synthesis of chemical or chemical products other than for pharmaceutical or research purposes or the processjnja o any raw materials except agricultural raw materials. Such uses may include industrial operations such as electronic, machine parts and small component assembly, as o nosed to hear industrial operatioris suc as automobile assembly r� iling activities and will be subject to the following conditions: (a) No such process or operation shall involve the handling, storage or discharge of ex losives or ermit upon the premises any virus or other type of infectious organisms identified with diseases of animals or humans. -48- (b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke, odors, dust, e uent or vibrations shall emanate from such use and no waste products shall be discharged therefrom of a character to create a nuisance or to be injurious to health or to negatively impact groundwater. (c) Such processes shall involve the use of only oil, gas or electricity for fuel. (3) Conference facilities subject to the following conditions : (a) Where rooms are provided for conference attendees, they should e permitted at the same number per acre as hotel/motel guest units set forth in and regulated by Section 100-61B (6) of the Resort Residentia (4) Public utility structures and uses. (5) Printing or publishing plants. (6) Truck or bus terminals (garages, parking facilities, loading docks, etc. (7) Food processing and packaging plants (not including fish processing plants) . (8) Wholesale and retail sales and repair of boats and marine items. (9) Boat building; boat servicing; boat storage facilities. ( 10) Restaurants. (11) Sauerkraut manufacturing plant. (12) Basic Utility Stage II airport, subject to the following condition: (a) Minimum parcel size shall be 100 acres. (13) Bed and Breakfast uses as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-31B(15) , provided that no site plan approval is required C. Accessory uses: (1) Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted or special exception use and not involving a separate business. - (2) Wall signs as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-81C (2) (b) of the Limited Business District, limited to a maximum size of thirty (30) square feet in area. (3) Freestanding or ground signs as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-101C (3) of the General Business District. (4) Fully enclosed storage facilities incidential to the principal use. (5) Open storage as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-101C (4) of the General Business District. (6) Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities for the exclusive use of executives and employees-of the principal use, and their families. (7) In-service training schools for employees of the principal use. (8) Private garages for the storage and service of motor vehicles owned by the owner of the principal use or the executives or emplo ees thereof, or visitors thereto, including the sae of them, but not to the public generally of gasoline, oil and minor accessories. -49- (9) Central heating and power plants accessory to the principal use and service of all structures on the premises. (10) Maintenance and utility shops incidental to the principal use. ( 11) Off street parking and loading. Said areas shall not be nearer than fifty (50) feet to any lot line or street, and if generally adjacent to any street or any residence district, shall be suitable screened by a landscaped strip of at least ten 10) feet in width. Section 100-132. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the LIO Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. -50- 19. Article XIV (Administration and Enforcement) is renumbered Article XXVIII and a new Article XIV is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XIV Light Industrial (LI) District Section 100-140. Purpose. The purpose of the Light Office (Ll) District is to provide an opportunity for business and industrial uses on smaller lots than would be appropriate for the LIO Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District. Section 100-141 . Use regulations. In a LI District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose except the following: A. Permitted uses. ( 1) Any permitted uses set forth in, and as regulated by Section 100- 31A (2) and (3) of the Agricultural-Conservation District. (2) Any permitted uses set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-131A (2) to (5) of the Light Industria Park Planned Office Park District 131 . B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals,as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board ( 1) Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-131B ( 1) to ( 11) of the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District. (2) Bed and Breakfast uses as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-31B( 15) , provided -that no site pan approval is required. C. Accessory uses. ( 1) Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted or special exception use and not involving a separate business. (2) Wall signs as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-81C (2) (b) of the Limited Business District, limited to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet in area. (3) Freestanding or ground signs as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-101 C (3) of the General Business District. (4) Accessory uses as set forth in and as regulated by Section 100-131C (3) and (7) through (10) of the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District. — Section 100`142_ Bulk, area and parking requir,!ments. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall Ge erected or altered in the LI Light Industrial District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Park ni and Loading Schedules incorporated into this chapter, by reference, with the same force and effect as if such requlations were set forth herein in full. --- -- - -51- 20 , Article XV (Amendments) is renumbered Article XXIX, and a new Article XV is added in its place to provide as follows: ARTICLE XV Density, Minimum Lot Size and Bulk Schedu es Section 100-150. Existing Bulk and Parking Schedule The existing "Bulk and Parking Schedule" incorporated into this chapter by reference is hereby repealed, and the Density, Minimum Lot Size, and Bu k Schedules hereinafter set forth are substituted in place thereof. Section 100-151. Density, Minimum Lot Size, and Bulk Schedules. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no building or premises shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected or altered in a use district unless the same conforms with the Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedules and the Bulk Schedules hereinafter set forth. -52- DENSITY AND MINIMUM LOT SIZE SCHEDULE FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS* AC R-40 R-80 R-120 R-200 R-400 HD :P RO Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Hamlet Pe;.,:: District: Agricultural Low Density Low Density Lor Density Lew Density Lor Density Density -es:'ential Pesidentia: Conservation One Acre Two Acre Three Acre Five Acre Ten Acre Residential Office MINIMUM LOT SIZE (in s;,:are feet): QNE-FAMILY DETACH= DWELLING: Residential unit without utilities 80,000 40,000 80,000 120,000 200,000 400,000 20,000vii .10,OOGvil v 11 40,000 Residential unit with community water not applicable (na) na na na na na 20,000 2G,CW na Residential unit with community water and sewer na am na na na na 10,000x1 10,000x1 na TWO-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING: xii 111 x11 v vi vi it iii Ivo-family dwelling vitbout utilities 160,000 80,000 160,000 240,000 400,000 800,000 40,00011 40,000 i 80,000 Two-family dwelling with community water na na na na na na 40,000 40,000' na Two-family dwelling with community water and sever na na na na na na 20,p0pvii 20,000 na MULTIPLE DWELLING ,MilT OR TOWN HOOSE:** Multiple dwelling or townhouse witbout utilities na na na na na na 20,000 20,000 na Multiple dwelling or townhouse with cYf coamunity water na ne no na na no 20,000 20,000 na u9 Multiple dwelling or townhouse vitb coexurity rater and sewer na na na na na na 10,000 10,000 na MOTEL, HOTEL OR CCNTMLE 10E CENTER GUEST UNIT** Guest unit vitbout utilities na na na na na na na 6,000 ma Aust unit with cor-munity water na na na na na na na 6,000 na Guest unit with community water and sever na na na na na na na 4,000 na . N ON-RES IDENT IAL USE (as permitted) Use with or without utilities 80,000 40,000 80,000 120,000 200,000 400,000 na 4C,000 40,000 *Roman numerals refer to e;plicable column in the Residential Bulk Schedule. Where no Roman numeral is;indicated, refer to district column In the Residentia' Schedule. **For multiple dwel:it;, hotel, motel and/or conference uses (where permitted) this table refers to minimum lot area per unit. Refer to the Residential Pulk Sz`edL:e fo: Ictal lot sire, yard and sem,ack dimensions for the applicable district, unless more restrictive requirements are indicated in the text of the chapter. DENSITY AND MINIMUM LOT SIZE SCHEDULE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS* District: LB HB B M-B LIC LI Limited Hamlet General Marine L:;`:t <r. s:::a: Light Business Business Business Business Gff:ce Perk Industrial MINIMUM IAT SIZE (in square feet): BUSINESS, OFFICE, INDUSTRIAL OR OTHER NON-RESIDENTIAL USE Use with or without utilities 80,000 20,000 30,000 80,000 120,600 40,000 ONE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING: vii Residential unit without utilities 80,000111 20,000vIt as 20 iL it na na • Residential unit with community water not applicable (na) 20,000x1 oa 20,000x1 na na Residential unit with community water and sewer na 10,000 na 10,000 na na TWO-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING: Two-family dwelling without utilities 160,000x11 40,00011 na 40,00011 na na Two-family dwelling with community water ft40,000 11 oa 40,000v11 na na Two-family dwelling with community water and sewer na 20,000 na 200000 Be na MULTIPLE DWELLING UNIT OR TOWN HOUSE:** Multiple dwelling or townhouse without utilities na 20,000 na 20,000 na na Multiple dwelling or townhouse with community waterna 20,000 na 20,000 na na to Multiple dwelling or townhouse with 1 comwmity water and sewer na 10,000 na 10,000 na na MOTEL, HOTEL OR CONFERENCE CENTER GUEST UNIT** Guest unit vithout utilities na 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Guest unit with community water na 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Guest unit with community water and sewer na 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 • *Roman numerals refer to applicatle column in Residential Bulk Schedule. "For multi;:e dwelling, hotel, motel and/or conference uses (where permitted) this table refers to minimum lot area per unit. Refer to the Residential Bulk Schedule for total lot size, yard and settack dimensions for the applicable district, unless more restrictive requirements are indicated in the text of the chapter. BULK SCHEDULE RESIDEMIAL DISTRICTS i ii iii iv v vi vii Ix x xi xii Residential Use* Two-Family Where Conrmi_y Detached District: A-C R-40 R-80 R-120 R-200 R-400 HD RR RO Water and Sever Nel:ings in Available R-80 District MINIMUM REWIREPOENTS FOR ONE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS: Lot site (square feet) 80,000 40,000 80,000 120,000 200,000 400,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 160,000 Lot width (feet) 175 150 175 200 270 270 75 75 1S0 60 270 Lot depth (feet) 250 175 250 300 400 400 120 120 175 80 400 Front yard (feet) 60 50 60 60 60 60 35 35 50 30 60 Side yard (feet) 20 15 20 30 30 30 is 15 15 15 30 Both side yards (feet) 45 35 45 60 60 60 30 30 35 30 60 Rear yard (feet) 75 50 75 85 100 100 35 35 50 30 8S • Livable floor area 850 850 850 850 850 850 850•• 850*** 850 850 850 (square feet per dwelling unit) MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS Lot coverage (percent) 20 20 20 10 5 S 25 25 20 25 10 Building height (feet) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Number of stories 2h 2y 2h A 2h 2; 2h 2h A 2tj 2� i Ln Ln • See'text of chapter and Density and Minimum Lot Site Schedules for applicable districts. **Except one-bedroom or studio In multiple dwelling may have 600 square feet. Minimum floor area may be reduced up to 201 for moderate and/or lover cost dwellings. ***Except one-bedroom or studio in multiple dwelling may have 600 square feet. BULK SCHEDULE BUSINESS, OFFICE AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS LB HB B MB LIO LI District: Limited Hamlet General Marine Light Industrial Light Business Business Business Business Office Park Industrial MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS, OFFICE, INDUSTRIAL OR OTHER NON-RESIDENTIAL USE* Lot size (square feet) 80,000 20,000 30,000 80,000 120,000 40,000 Lot width (feet) 175 60 150 150 200 100 Lot depth (feet) 250 100 150 150 300 150 Front pard (feet) 60 15 50 35 75 50 Side pard (feet) 20 10 25 25 30 20 Both side yards (feet) 45 25 50 50 60 40 Rearand (feet) 75 25 35 25 75 70 i Laniscape area (percentage) u, 9 ) 35 25 35 20 3525Ln MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS ' Lot coverage (percent) 20 40 30 30 20 30 Building height (feet) 35 35 35 35 35 35 Number of stories 2i 2 2 2 2 2 *For minimum requirements for residential uses, refer first to Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Non-Residential Districts and then to appropriate indicated column in the Bulk Schedule, Residential Uses. 21. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new ,'�,,�ticle thereto, to be Article XVIII , to provide as follows: ARTICLE XVIII Cluster Development Section 100-180. Purpose. The purpose of this provision is to encourage flexibility and inovation in the desi n of residential development that cannot be achieved on many sites through adherence to traditional zoning and sub ivision regulations. Further, the application of the cluster development technique is intended to achieve: A. Maximum reasonable conservation of land and protection of groundwater supply and groundwater recharge areas. B. Preservation of agricultural activity by encouraging retention of large continuous areas of agricultural use. C. Variety in type and cost of residential development, thus increasing the choice of housing types available to Town residents. D. Preservation of trees and outstanding natural features, prevention of soil erosion, creation of usable open space and recreation areas and preservation of scenic qualities of open space. E. A shorter network of streets and utilities and more efficient use of energy Than would be possible through strict application of standard zoning. Section 100-181 . Applicability. A. On lots of ten (10) or more acres in the Agricultural Conservation, the R- 40 and R-80 Districts and the. Low Density Residential. R-120, R-100 and R- 400 Districts, clustering will be required, subject to the following conditions: (1_) The residential use will be single family detached homes for lot sizes of 30,000 square feet or larger; and detached or attached houses for lot sizes less than 30,000 square feet. (2. ) The density of these homes will be as specified in the particular district and determined as indicated in subsection C below. (3. ) The minimum lot size shall be: a_ without public water and sewer 30,000 square feet b_ with public water 20,000 square feet C. with public water and sewer 10,000 square feet B. In the Low Density Residential Districts, to wit, the A-C Agricultural Conservatior R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, clustering is permitted and may be mandated by the Plan:iinq Board in the exercise of discretion, without the requirement that the owner make written application for the use of such procedure. C. Determination of density and zoning modifications. ( 1) An application for cluster development shall include a map or maps showing the proposed cluster design or designs offered for consideration by the Planning Board, together with a map which shall be prepared for consideration as a standard subdivision conforming to all requirements of the Zoning ode and subdivision regulations of the Town of Southold. (2) The total building lot yield of the standard subdivision shall be used to etermine the yield in the number of building lots which the Planning Board may grant in a cluster development. A cluster development design may be prepared for any contiguously owned holdings, whether or not they are separated by an existing street offering direct access to such holdings. In all other cases, the holdings shall be considered as separate parcels. -57- (3) In a cluster development, lot area, width, depth, front yard, rear yard and side yards may be reduced to less than the minimum requirements set forth in the Bulk Schedule, provided that such modification or changes shall not result in a greater average density or coverage of dwelling units than is permitted in the zoning district wherein the land lies. D. The area of a cluster development shall be in single ownership or under unified control. E. Prior to the issuance of a building permit in a cluster development, a site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XXV of this chapter and the following conditions; ( 1) Said site plan shall include areas within which structures may be located, the height and spacing of buildings, the location of open spaces and their landscaping, off-street open and enclosed (if any) parking spaces, and streets, trails, site easements and recreation facilities, driveways and any other p y-sisal features relevant to the proposed plan and determined to be necessary by the Planning Board. (2) Said site plan shall include a statement setting forth the nature of all proposed modifications of existing zoning provisions. F. Nothing contained in this chapter shall relieve the owner or his agent or the developerof a proposed cluster development from receiving final plat approval in accordance with the Town subdivision regulations. In approving the final plat for a cluster development, the Planning Board may modify t e acreage requirement for recreation areas as set forth in the Town's rules governing subdivision review, provided that the common land dedicated meets all other requirements oft the Town subdivision regulations. G. Common Areas. ( 1) The Planning Board shall establish such conditions on the ownership, use, and maintenance of common areas, including open space, as it deems necessary to assure the preservation of such areas for their intended purpose. Common areas and/or open space may either be retained by a condominium corporation or it may be deeded to a hom -eowners or homes association comprised of the residents of the subdivision and reserved for their use or other mechanism acceptable to the Town Board and Town Attorney. Said common areas may be used for agricultural use, for passive recreational uses, for visual amenity and/or nature study, or for necessary accessory uses such as parking. (2) A cluster development shall be organized as one of the following : a condominium corporation; a Homes or a Homeowners Association approved by the Federal Housing Administration for mortgage insurance as a Planned Unit Development, and the Town Board; a Homes Association approve_ by the Town Attorney and Town Board; or apy other arrangements approved by the Town Attorney and Town Board as satisfying the intent of this chapter. Whenever a Homes Association is proposed— 1--t-Fe Town Boards al retain the right to review and approve t eArti_cTe_s­_o_f Incorporation and the Charter and bylaws of said Hornes Association and any amendments or revisions _ ti ereof, and to require whatever conditions deemed necessary to, ensure that the intent and purpose of this chapter-are carried out. Iii consideration of said approval, the Town Board shall, in part, require Cie cluster development to meet the following-_conditions_ (a) A Homes Association shall be established as a not-for-protit corpora- tion operating under recorded land agreements through which each lot owner, and a� succeediowner according to the deed to each unit, is automatically a member, and each lot is automatically subject to a charge for a proportionate share of the expenses -58- for the organization's activities including real property taxes and the maintenance of the common land and facilities. Each lot shall be subject to a lien in the event of non-payment by the owner thereof of his proportionate share of the expenses for the association. (b) Title to all common property shall be placed in the Homes Association, or definite and acceptable assurance shall be given that it automatically will be so placed within a reasonable period of time. (c) Each lot owner shall have equal voting rights in the Association and shall have the rig t tot the use and enjoyment of the common property` (d) Once established and title to the common land is conveyed to the Homes Association, all responsibility for operation and maintenance of the common land and facilities shall lie with the Homes Association. (e) Dedication of all common areas shall be recorded directly on the final plat, an or by reference on that plat to a dedication in a separately recorded document. Resubdivision of such areas is prohibited. The dedication shall : ( 1) Save the title to the common property to the Homes Association free of any cloud of implied public dedication. (2) Commit the developer to convey the areas to the Homes Association at an approved time. (3) Grant easement of enjoyment over the area to the lot owners, subject to restrictions ass all be imposed by recorded restrictive covenants. (4) Give to the Homes Association the right to borrow for improvements upon the security of the common areas. (5) Grant to the Homes Association the right to suspend mery bership rights for nonpayment of assessments or infraction- of established rules. H. Covenants shall be established, limiting all lots to one-family use and all common lands to open space uses approved by the Town Board. No structures may be erected on such common lands except as shown on the approved site pan and approved by the Town Board. Such deed restriction or covenant shall specifically prohibit any development for other than open space or ar.,ricultural use on the specified open land and/or conservation area. I_ Each deed to each lot cold shall include by reference all recorded declarations and other restrictions including assessments and the provision for liens for nonpayment of such. J . The Homes Association shall be perpetual; It shall purchase insurance, pay taxes, species in-its charter and bylaws an annual homeowner's fee, make provision for assessments and provide t antall such chafes become a Tien_ on each lot in favor of said Association. The Association shall nave the right to proceed-in accordance wr all necessar_leclal action for tFieforeclosure a— nd enforcement of liens, and it shall also have the right to commence action against any member for the collection of any un aid assessment in any court of compentent jurisdiction. K. The developer shall assume all responsibilities as previously outlined for the Homes Association until a majority of the dwelling sites are sold, at which time the Homes Association shall be automatically established by the developer at the developers expense, and title to the common area conveyed by the developer to the Homes Assocratron. -- `---- -`�-- -- -5 9- L. Prior to plat approval, the developer shall file a performance bond with the Town Board to ensure the proper installation of all required improvements, including recreation improvements, and a maintenance bond to ensure the proper maintenance of all common lands until the Homes Association is established and title to the common lands conveyed to the Homes Association. The amount and terms of said bonds, and the form, sufficiency, manner of execution and sufficiency of the surety shall be approved by the Town Board and the Town Attorney. M. The certificate of incorporation of the organization and its by-laws shall contain the following provisions and notice of said provisions shall be specifically given in any brochure or prospectus issued by the developer, namely: (1) That such organization is established to own and maintain common open space or common elements and that if such organization, or any successor organization, shall at any time after title to such common land and other common elements is conveyed to it shall fail to maintain the common open space and other common elements in reasonable order and condition in accordance with the plan proposed, the Town Board may cause a written notice_ to be served by certified mail upon such organization, at its address as shown upon the last completed town assessment roll, or in the same manner upon the owners of the lots in such subdivision at their address as own upon the last completed assessment roll, which such notice shall set forth (a) the particulars in which the common open space and other common elements have not been maintained in reasonable order and condition; (b) a demand that such deficiencies in maintenance shall be remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of such notice; (c) that upon the failure to remedy such default in maintenance, within the time specified, that the Town Board will old a hearing upon--t'Fie matter upon not less than five (5) days' notice in writing sent by certified mail to such organization or to such lot owners; (d) that after such hearing, the Town Board may take such action as it deems appropriate to provide for the proper maintenance of such common open space and common elements, and that any and all costs and expenses incurred b t e Town for such purposes may be assessed upon all of the lots in such subdivision and be collected in the same manner and at the same time as real property taxes are collected in the Town of Southold. N . The Town Board, in order to insure that the open space will be used for its intended purposes,. shall have the continuing right to impose building controls anct restrictions on the use and maintenance of the common open space lands_ -60- 22. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XIX, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XIX Parking and Loading Area Section 100-190. Pose. Regulations for off-street parking and truck loadi2_9 areas are imposed in order to minimize traffic congestion, air pollution, the risk of motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents, and to address aesthetic considerations. Section 100-191 . Off-street parking areas. A. Off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, are permitted accessory to an use specified below. Any land which is developed as a unit under single ownership and control shall be considered a single lot for the purpose of these parking regulations. Reasonable and appropriate off-street parking requirements for structures and uses which do not fall within t e categories listed below shall be determined by the Planning Board upon consideration of all factors enterin into the parking needs of each use. Forthose uses not specified in the schedule, there shall be a periodic monitoring of off-street_parking conditions to insure that the purpose of this article is satisfie . In addition, the Planning Board may waive all or a portion of these requirements within the Hamlet Business District where it shall find that municipal parking facilities within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed use will adequately serve the proposed use. -61- TYPE OF USE REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Accessory apartment in existing One per accessory apartment in addition one-family dwelling to two for one family dwelling. Antique shop, auction gallery, arts One per 250 square feet of sales area. and crafts shop and workshop Apartment over store One per apartment in addition to business requirements. Auditorium, meeting hall One per 50 square feet of seating area, but not less than one per four seats where provided. Automobile laundry One per employee plus a ten space queuing line area for each laundry bay. Bank Ten spaces or one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area or three spaces per teller, whichever is greatest plus a five space queuing area for each drive-in teller. Beach club or swim club Two spaces per three members. Bed and breakfast enterprise One space per guest room in addition to residentialrequirements. Boarding house, tourist house One space per guest room in addition to residential requirements. Boat and marine engine repair and One space per 250 square feet of gross floor and sales, if separate from marina area. Boatyard, including boat sales and Sales and rental portion, three spaces, in rentals addition to marina requirements. Bowling Lane At least four spaces perlane. Building, electrical or plumbing One space for each employee plus two spaces. contractor's business or yard Cold storage plant Three spaces or one per 800 square feet of gross floor area. College .5 spaces per student plus . 75 space per staff member. Conference facilities Ones ace per four seats in the largest assembly hall or meeting area plus one space for each four seats in classroom facilities. Drinking establishments One space per three seats or one space per 100 square feet of floor space, whichever is greater. Fish market, including wholesale and One space per 200 square feet of gross floor and retail sale of finfish and or area. shellfish. Food processing and packaging, . 75 spaces per employee or one space per including fish processing 500 square feet o grossoor area, whichever is greater. `-- -62- Fraternal or social office or meeting See office. hall Funeral home One space for each three seats provided herein or one space for eachl,00 square feet of space available for public use, whichever is greater with a minimum of 25 spaces. Gasoline service station, partial Three space queuing area for each pump self-service plus one space for—each employee. Gasoline service station with minor Same as gasoline service station above plus indoor repair facility two for eac ay. Greenhouse, floral shop, flower shop, One space per employee plus three spaces, nursery, or simi ar facilities either or one space per 200 square feet of sales and/or enc osed or unenclosed. display area whichever is greater. Home occupation, including home Three spaces per home occupation plus two professional office, except physician spaces required for sin a family residence. or dentist Hospital One space for each bed. Hotel, motel, resort and transient One space for each guest room and one for each employee or one space per guest room, whichever is greater, plus accessory use parking as required. Inservice training facilities for See conference facilities. employees Laundry plant, dry cleaning plant One per employee plus one per 200 square eee o customer service area. Laundromat .75 per washing machine. Library, museum, art gallery See auditorium. Light industrial uses One per employee or one per 500 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater. Mariculture/aquaculture business See light industrial. Marina One space per boat slip, mooring, dock space or similar unit of capacity, plus one space per employee. Membership club, country club, golf At least one for each two members or accommoda- club or golf course public, tennis tions (such as lockers) , whichever is greater, club plus one for each employee. Motor vehicle, mobile home sales room One per each 600 square feet of showroom or outdoor sales lot including and sales lot area plus one per emp oyee. rental of equipment Multiple dwelling (three or more Studio 1 . 5 per dwelling unit families) 1 bedroom . 5per well ng unit 2 bedroom 2.0 per dwelling unit; . 25 spaces are required for each bcdreom in excess of the first two bedrooms. -63- Nursing home, proprietary rest home One for each bed. Office: business governmental and One per 100 square feet of office floor area. professional except physicians or dentists- Office: for physician or dentist Five spaces per physician or dentist. One-family detached dwelling Two spaces per dwelling. Personal service shop: barbershop, 2.5 spaces per service chair. beauty parlor Philanthropic, eleemosynary or One space per bed. religious institution Place of worship See auditorium. Printing or publishing plant See light industrial. Professional studio, travel agency See office. Recreational facility, fully enclosed, One space for each 300 square feet of gross commercial floor area except: court sports--five spaces per court--and rink sports--one space per 200 square feet of rink area. Repair garage Fours aces per bay plus ones ace per employee. Repair shop for household, business, One space per 200 square feet of customer or personal appliances service area. Research design or development See light industrial. laboratory Restaurant, drive-in, curb service One space per two seats or one space per or fast food 50 squareeeto' Toor space, whichever is greater. Restaurant (except drive-in) Ones ace per three seats or ones ace per 100 square feet off oor space, whichever is greater. Retail sale or rental of fishing, diving If separate use, see retail shop; if accessory or bathing supplies or equipment; use one space for each employee plus two ship's loft or chandlery spaces in addition to primary use. Retail shop or store (other than those At least one per 200 square feet of gross listed herein) f oor area. Roadside farm stand Minimum of four spaces per stand. School, elementary Two spaces per classroom plus auditorium requiremer.+ School secondary Two spaces per classroom plus one per ten students er auditorium requirement, whichever is greater. Shop for custom work and for making See retail store. articles to be sold at retail on the premises. -64- Storage yard One space per employee plus four spaces or one space for each 5, 000 square feet of storage area, whichever is greater. Theater or cinema, other than outdoor See auditorium. Tourist camp One space for each accommodation plus one space for each emploYee plus three spaces or visitors. Townhouse See multiple dwelling unit. Two-family detached dwelling Three spaces per dwelling. Veterinarian and animal hospital Two spaces per employee or one space per 200 feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. Warehouse or storage building One per 1 , 000 square feet of gross floor area. Wholesale business, including lumber One per 1,000 square feet of gross floor and other building products area. Wholesale/retail beverage distribution One space per 150 square feet of gross floor area. Wholesale/retail nursery and/or sale of plants One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area for retail use or one space for each employee plus three spaces for wholesale use WitR minimum of four spaces. Yacht club Same as marina. -65- • c • � B. Areas computed as parking spaces. Areas which may be computed as open or enclosed off-street parking spaces include any private garage, carport or other area available for parking, other than a street or a driveway. However, a driveway within a required front yard fora one-family or two-family residence may count as one parking space. C . Size of spaces. Three hundred and fifty (350) square feet shall be considered one parking space to provide room ftor stan in area and aisles for maneuvering) . Aisles between rows of parkin spaces shall be not less than twenty-two (22) feet wide, unless reduced for sixty (60) degree angle parking, in which case the aisle space should be not less than sixteen ( 16) feet wide. Entrance an exit lanes shall not be computed as parking space except for driveways for one- family and two--family residences. The minimum parking stall width shall be nine (9) feet and the minimum length shall be nineteen (19) feet. D. Access. Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be provided. Such access shall consist of at least one (1) ffifteen 15) foot lane for parking areas with more than four (4) spaces but less than twenty (20) spaces, and at least two (2) ten (10) foot lanes for parking areas with twenty (20) spaces or more. No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area shall be located within fifty 50) feet of any street intersection, nor exceed a grade of six (6) percent within twenty-five (25) feet of any street line nor ten (10) percent at any other point. All points of ingress or egress shall be appropriately signed, unless such signing is considered unnecessary by the Planning Board. E . Drainage and surfacing. All open parking areas shall be property drained within the premises and all such ami reas shall be provided with a dustless surface, except for parking spaces accessory to a one-family or two-family residence. Curbs, paving, sidewalks and drainage facilities shall comply with standards established in Town ordinances, regulations or specifications and shall be approved ar)d constructed under e supervision of Superintendeit -ot Hiahways or his agent. F. Joint facilities. Required parking spaces, open or enclosed, may be provided in spaces designed to serve jointly two or more establishments, whether or not located on the same lot, provided that the number o required spaces in such joint facilities shall be not less than the total required for all such establishments G . Combined spaces. When any lot contains two (2) or more uses having different parking requirements, the parking requirements for each use shall apply to the extent of that use. Where it can be conclusively demonstrated that one or more such uses will be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses is not or are not in operation, the Planning Board may reduce the total parking spaces required for that use with the least requirement. H. Location and ownership. Required accessory parking spaces open or enclosed, shall be provided upon the same lot as the use to which they are accessory or elsewhere, provided that all spaces therein are located with two hundred (200) feet walking distance of such lot. In all cases, such parking spaces shall conform to all the regulations oft the districl in w ich parkin spaces are located, and in no event shall such parking spaces be located in any residence district unless the use to which the spaces are accessory is permitted in such residence district or upon .pAppea proval y the Board of ls. Such spaces shall be in the same own—ersFias a use to whicht ey are accessory and shall be subject to deed restriction, a roved -the Board, bindiri the owner and his - �p--- -- -9- - - - rS and asSi_VnS to maintain the re uire number of spaces available either throughout the existence 6f such use tow ick they are accessor)/-or until Such spaces are provided elsewhere (unless municipally owned spaces are__u_tili_zed_ in accordance with subsect on (AofSecti n 100-191 above) I . Lots dividedby district boundaries. When a parkin lot is located Curtly in Dile district and partTy in anotFer�ist^rict, tFe re uli tions or tliedistrict requirin the greater number of p-artcing spaces-Ds to aToi` Qi lot_„Parkin -66- spaces on such a lot may be located without regard to district lines, provided that no such parking spaces shall be located in any residence district unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted in such district or upon approval of the Board of Appeals. J . Parking regulations in multiple-dwelling or attached-dwelling developments. (1_) Wherever space is provided for the parking of five or more vehicles in the open, such spaces shall be individually identified by means of pavement markings. (2.) No parking space shall be located in any front yard nor within ten Te—et of any lot line in side or rear yards. (3.) The parking of motor vehicles is prohibited within fifteen (15) feet of any wall or portion thereof of a two or more family dwelling, which wall contains windows (other than bathroom or kitchen windows) with a_ sill height of less than eight (8) feet above the level of the said parking space. (4. ) No service of any kind shall be permitted to be extended to users of the lot, including automobile service, repair or fueling, and no gasoline, oil, grease or other supplies shall be stored or sold in any such lot or in any garage on such lot. (5. ) Parking areas shall be screened by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge, approved by the Planning Board. Generally, suc screening shall not be less than four (4) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in eight. K . Regulations for parking spaces adjacent to lots in any residence district. (1_) Wherever a parking area of over five spaces abuts or is within fifteen (15) feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot in any residence district, t e said parking !ot shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence or thick hed e, approved by the Planning Board. Generally, such screens all be not less than four (4) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height. (2. ) Whenever a parking area of over five (5) spaces is located across the street from other land in any esidence district, it shall be screened rom the view of such and by a thick hedge, wall or fence, approved by the Planning Board, located along a line drawn parallel to the street and a distance of twenty (20) feet therefrom, such screening to be interrupted only at points of inVresss and egress. Generally, no such screening shall be lessMianouf ur (4) feet nor more than six (6) feet in height. Theo en area between such screening and the streets all be landscaped in harmony with the landscaping prevailing on neighboring p:operties fronting on the same street. Two (2) identification and directional signs located on the street side of such screeningshall be permitted; however, they shall not exceed an area of three (3) square fleet each. L. Driveways. No drivewar�shall provide access to a lot located in another district, which lot is used for any use prohibited in the district in which such driveway is located. - `-- 'A. Parking for special exception uses - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the Planning Board may increase the parking re uirements . -- for special exception uses by up to one hundred fifty (150`0) percent-of the ininimum parking requirements, if It determines that such additional parking requirements are necessary by reason of the nature of the use ar.d/or the characteristics of the site. -67- N . Traffic storage. All uses shall provide sufficient space on the same lot so that any storage lanes for traffic will be provided for and will not obstruct traffic or utilize public rights-of-way. O. Illumination. Off-street parking areas should be adequately illuminated for convenience and safety, but no lighting for parking areas shall cause glare on adjoining properties. ' P. Connections between abutting parking areas. Where appropriate, the Planning Board may require paved connections between abuttin parking areas in different ownerships, so as to facilitate the low of traffic. Q. Supplemental regulations for private garages and off-street parking areas in residence districts. ( 1 .) Commercial vehicles. (a. ) One commercial vehicle not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in length may be parked on an occupied lot in any residence district, but not within the required yards of such lot and in no case between the street line or side linesandthe principal building. (b. ) One commercial vehicle not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in length may be park—ed park-ewithin a private garage in any residence district. (c. ) Commercial .farm vehicles are permitted as accessory to a commercial arm use in any residence district. (2. ) Trailers and recreation vehicles. The storage or parking and use of a travel trailer or a recreation vehicle by any person or persons, except as hereinafter provided, is _prohibited in all residential districts, except that: ( a j The keeping or storing of one camp-type travel trailer or recreation vehicle is permitted on a premises, if it is either owned or rented by the occupants of such .premises and is not kept for purposes o sa a or rt:FJ1Ld1 and is used solely for the personal use of such occupants. Such camp-type travel trailer or recreation vehicle.shall not be occupied as living quarters at any time, and shall be secured in place int the rear yard not nearer than fifteen (15) feet to a side or rear lot line or to the street, and the doors t ereo s a be kept securely locked. ( b) Such vehicle may not be parked within ten (10) feet of a one or two family dwelling or fifteen (15) feet of a multiple dwelling ( 3) Boats. One boat may be parked in the rear yard of any occupied of not nearer than titteen 15feet to a rear or side line or to any street. -68- Section 100-192. Off-street loading areas. Off-street loading berths, open or enclosed, are permitted accessory to any use (except one or two-family residences) , subject to the following provisions: A. Uses for which required. Accessory off-street loadin berths shall be provided for any use specified below. . Any land which is.developed as a unit under singe ownership and control .s all be considered a single lot for the purpose of such loading requirements. ( 1_) For a public library, museum or similar quasi-public institution, governmental building, community center, hospital or sanitarium, nursing or convalescent home, institution for children or thea ed or school, with a floor area of five thousand (5,000) to twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, one_(1) berth; or each additional twenty-five thousand (25, 000) square feet or fraction thereof, one ( 1) additional berth. ( 2) For buildings with professional, governmental or business offices or aboratory establishments, with a floor area of five thousand (5, 000) to twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, one berth; for each additional twenty-five t ousand (25,000) square feet or fraction thereof up to one hundred.thousand (100,000) square feet, one additional berth; for each additional fifty thousand (50, 000) square feet or fraction thereof, one additional berth. ( 3.) For buildings with offices and retail sales and service establishments, one berth for five thousand (5,000) to twenty-five thousand (25, 000) square feet of floor area, and one additional berth or each additional twenty-five thousand (25, 000) square feet of floor area or fraction t ereof to be used. ( 4.) For undertakers and funeral homes, one berth for each chapel. ( 5.) For hotels, one berth for each two thousand five hundred (2, 500) square feet of floor area. ( 6.) For manufacturing, wholesale and storage uses and for dry-cleaning and rug-cleaning esta lis ments and laundries, one berth for five thousand (5, 000) to ten thousand ( 10, 000) square feet of floor area in such use, and one additional bertR for each additional tent ousand (10, 000) square feet of f loor area or fraction thereof so used. In addition, adequate reserved parking-for waiting trucks s a e provided. - 13. Size of spaces. Each required loadin berth shall be at least fifteen (15) feet wide, fourteen (14) ee g-Fi an forty`-five (45) feet ong, and in no event smaller than required to accommodate vehicles normally using such berths. -69- C. Location and access. Unobstructed access at least fifteen (15) feet wide, to and from a street, shat be provided. Such access may be combined with access to a parking lot. All permitted or required loading berths shall be on the same lot as the use to w ich they are accessory, except as provided in subsection D below. No entrance or exit for any off-street loading area shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any street intersection. No off-street loading berth shall be located in any required front yard. D. Joint facilities. Permitted or required loading berths, open or enclosed, may be provided in spaces designed to serve joint y two (2) or more adjacent establishments, provided that t e number o re uired berths in such joint facilities shall not be less than the total required for all such facilities E. Lots divided by district boundaries. When a lot is located partly in one district and partly in another district, the re ulations for the district requiring the greater number of loading berths shall apply to all of the lot. Loadin berths on such lot ma not be located in any residence district unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted in such district or upon the approval oft the Board o Appeals. -70- 23. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XX, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XX Signs Section 100-200. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to regulate existing and proposed signs in order to: A. Protect property values. B. Create a more attractive economic and business climate. C. Enhance and protect Southold's physical appearance and environment. D. Preserve the historic and architectural heritage of the Town. E. Provide a more enjoyable and pleasing community. F. Reduce sign or advertising distraction and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents. G. Reduce hazards that may be caused by signs overhanging or projecting over public rights-of-way. Section 100-201 . Permits required and administrative procedure. A. The provisions of this article shall apply in all districts. B. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, signs shall not hereafter be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or moved or reconstructed within the Town unless a permit is obtained from the Building Inspector, and payment of the required fee per sicin in accordance with the Town of-Southold fee as specified in subsection F below. The following two operations shall not be considered creating a new sign and therefore s all not requjre a new sign permit: 1. Replacing copy. The chapg-rn�of the advertising or message on an approved sign which is specifically esigned fort the use of replaceable copy. 2. Maintenance. Painting, cleaning and other normal maintenance and repair of a sign or a sign structure, unless a structural change is made or there is a change in message. C. Application for a sign permit shall be made on a form provided by the Building Inspector which application shall include: 1_ Name, address and telephone number of the applicant. 2. Name, address, telephone number of sign maker. 3. Location of building, structure or land to which or upon which the sign is to be erected. 4. Color photo of building upon which sign is to erected. -71- Or 5. Size of sign. 6. A description of the construction details of the sign, showing the et Bring and/or pictorial matter composing the sign; position of lighting or other extraneous devices. 7. Sketches drawn to scale and supporting information indicating location of si n, colors, size and types of lettering or other graphic representation and materials to be used, electrical or other mechanical equipment, details of its attachment and hanging. Sample$ of materials should accompany the application, where required by the Building Inspector. 8. The written consent of the owner of the property upon which such sign or signs is or are to be erected and maintained. In addition, such sign application shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the Town Board of the Town of Sout old. 9. Such other pertinent information as the Building Inspector may require to insure compliance with this Article. D. The Buildin Inspector shall review the proposed sign with respect to all quantitative factors. —` The Planning Board may approve signs which differ from the quantitative requirements set forth in this article, provided that a finding is made that said sign or signs conform to the general desi n rinciples outlined in Section 100-202 hereof, and provided further that no sign shall violate t e sign prohibitions and general restrictions listed in Section 100- 203 herein. E. After approval or approval with conditions by the Planning Board, the Building Inspector shall issue a permit in accordance with al applicable requirements. F. No sign permit shall be issued prior to payment of a fee of twenty-five ($0. 25) cents per square foot of sign area, but in no event shall such fee be less than five ($5.00) dollars. Section 100-202. General design principles applying to signs. Decisions on review of signs shall be guided by the following general design principles: A. Signs should be a subordinate part of the streetscape. B. Signs should be as small as practicable. C. Signs should be as close to the ground as possible, consistent with required safety and legibility considerations. A sign should have an appropriate size relationship to the buildinq Upon which it is placed -72- O c ..E. Whenever feasible, multiple signs should be combined into one sign to avoid clutter. F. A sign should not impair the visual effectiveness of neighboring signs. Q Garish colors and materials should be avoided. ;H. Stens which have dark background colors and light letters are preferred in order to minimize the apparent size of signs within the streetscape. 1_ Generally, signs on the same building should be within the same horizontal band, and be of a similar height. J . Except in carefully designed circumstances, signs should be integrated with fences, walls or buildings, and not freestanding. K. Sign material should be durable, requiring little maintenance; use of material suchas corrugated plastic., natural aluminum, bulbous plastic letters, non textured plastic, and glass tile should be avoided. Section 100- 203. Sign prohibitions and general restrictions. A. Unless otherwise provided herein, nonaccessory signs, billboards, and mobile signs shall be prohibited in all districts. B. Flashing signs, including any sign or device on which the artificial light is not maintained stationery and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use are prohibited C. Signs which compete for attention with, or may be mistaken for, a traffic signal are prohibited. No signs al be' erected in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision for drivers, interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic, or be located where, by reason of its position, shape, or color, such sign may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with, any authorizedtraffic sign, signal, or device by making use of the words "stop", "look", or any other word, phrase, symbol or character, or red, green, or amber illumination or reflection. D. Roof signs shall be prohibited. E. Signs made out of cardboard', paper, canvas or similar impermanent material are prohibited. F. Standard, approved methods of constant illumination shall be permitted on ground signs, wall signs, and hanging signs, provided, however, that the illumination shall be concentrated u on the area of the sign so as to prevent direct glare upon t e street or adjacent property. G. Sig-ns with visible moving, revolving, or rotating parts are prohibited. H . Except for holiday seasons or a period of fifteen ( 15) days from the date of a grand opening, no sign or part thereof shall consist of pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, or other similar-moving, fluttering, or revolving devices. 1_ Signs noting that a property has been sold are prohibited. -73- . • c J . No portable or temporary sign shall be placed on the front face of any building or upon any lot, except as provided in Section 100-205 G herein. K. No signs other than signs placed bar agencies of the government shall be erected on any public property, unless. consent is first obtained from the Planning Board. No sin s iF—all bep aced on any private property without ttFie consent oft a owner thereof. No sign shall be placed or painted on any tree or rock. No sign shall be7p7ja:c_edon any-,utility pole except for utility identification or similar purposes. Section 100-204 Limitation of sign content or copy. Information displayed on signs shall be limited to the name, address, and nature oft the business and products available or activity for which the building or premises is used. Section 100-205 Regulations regarding specific types of signs. A. Illuminated signs. 1 . A sign illuminated by electricity from outside or within or equipped in anyway with electric devices or appliances shall conform with respect to wiring and.app iances to the regulations of the New York State Board of Underwriters ands all bear the stamp_ of said Board. All wiringsTiall be self-enclosed in metal raceways. B. Freestanding and ground signs. Except for raquired cautionary or. traffic control signs, _ one freestanding sign shall be permitted for each frontage of a property on a public street or way where a building is setback at least twenty-five (25feet from the street line. Such signs are limited to either pole signs wAh no guy wires or signs permanently affixed to a fence or other wall separate from the principal building. All ground signs shall be located within and not overhang the property line. The location and design of such signs shall be c osen so as not to present a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic and shall be twenty-five (25) feet from each side line and fifteen (15feet from the front and/or rear property line. The maximum height of such signs shall be fifteen ( 15) feet. C. Shopping center directory signs. 1 . The term "directory sign" shall mean any sign containing a list of names of business establishments located within a shopping center. r 2. Each shopping center shall, as a whole, be allowed one free-standing irectory sign on the premises to be used for the purposes of identifying the shopping center and the various business establishments located -74- Or within the shopping center where the building or buildings are setback twenty-five (25) feet from the street line. No advertising of an sort shall be allowed on such sign. Said sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, measured from the top of said sign to the mean level of the ground surrounding the support of said sign. Each business establishment name shall occupy no more than ten (10) square eet in total area. Said signs hall comply with all other applicable provisions of this chapter. 3. A permit issued by the Building Inspector shall be required for each shopping center directory sign erected or maintained pursuant to tfils section. The application for said permit must contain an architect's drawing ofsaid directory sign as well as a survey indicating the dimensions of said sign,_its location and set act- ks. The Building Inspector shall refer said applications, drawing(s) , survey(s) and other supporting papers tot the Planning Board for its approval and recommendations. D. Interior signs. An interior sign, or combination of signs, shall not cover more than ten (100) percent of the total glass area upon which, or in which, it is affixed, displayed, or painted. E. Wall signs. 1_ Wall signs shall not project more than twelve (12) inches from the wall to which they are affixed. - 2. Within any Business District, such signs shall not exceed a height of three (3) feet, and shall not extend higher than the top of the parapet in case of one story buildings. In the case of buildings taller than one story, such signs .shall not extend above the bottom of the sill of the windows oft the second story, nor extend or be placed more - than fifteen (15) ?eet above the outside grade. No wall sign or combination of signs, including interior signs, on any wall facing any street or public way in a business district shall exceed an area in square feet a uiva ent to one times the length in feet of the structure on each frontage up to a maximum of sixty 60) square feet. 3. Within an industrial district, one wall sign not exceeding thirty (30) square feet—is permitted for each street frontag-e rom which access is provided tot the lot. 4. In any districts where wall signs are permitted, no such sign shall cover, wholly or partly, any wall opening, including doors, fire escapes, and windows, nor project beyond the ends of the wall to which it is attached. AI suc signs must be safely and ade uately attached to said building wa.11 by means satisfactory tot the Building Inspector. -75- • Or F_ Historic signs. The Planning Board_ may find that a particular sign is a historic sign. In ma ing such a finding, the Planning Board, in consultation with the Historic Landmark's Commission, must find t at the proposed sign is of siQnnific_ant historic quality in terms of age or design or by reason o irelationship to an historic renovation project. The Board of Appeals may allow the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of historic signs upon such terms as may be just and proper in addition to, or to the exclusion of, any other signs permitted by this chapter. G. Temporary signs. The erection, installation, or maintenance of temporary signs, as defined herein, is hereby prohibited, except that the Building Inspector may grant special permission for the maintenance of the following signs: 1_ A temporary sign announcing special events, etc. , not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area, which is erected by a municipal, charitable, or nonprofit organization is permitted, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. 2. Temporary interior signs announcing special sales or events shall be permitted in the Hamlet Business and General Business District. Such signs shall cover no more than. twenty-five (25%) percent of the window area to which the are affixed, and shall be removed within twenty 20) days. Section 100-2061. Unsafe, abandoned and unlawful signs. A. The owner of a sign and the owner of the premises on which such sign is located shall be jointly liable to maintain such sign, including its illumination sources, in a neat and orderly condition and good working order at all times and to prevent the development of any rust, corrosion, rotting or other deterioration in the physical appearance or safety of such sign. B. If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign regulated herein is unsafe, insecure, damaged, deteriorated or a menace to the public or has been erected in violation of the provisions of this chapter, he shall give written notice by certified mail to the owner of the premises on which such sign is located, as shown on the latest Town assessment roll- Said sign and all appurtenances shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person _having the beneficial use of the building or structure upon which such sign may be found within thirty (30) days after written notification from the Building Inspector. Upon the failure to comply with such notice within the time specified therein, the Building Inspector is authorized to remove, or cause the removal of such sign at the expense oft a person or persons named in such notice. Upon such removal, all costs and expenses incurred by the Town for the removal and storage of such sign shall be assessed against the land on which such sign was located and a statement of such expenses shall be presented to the owner of the land. If such statement is not paid within thirty (30) days a ter its resentment, -the Buitdin Inspector may file a statement with the Town Assessors, identi ging t e property in connection with which such expenses were incurred and the owner thereof ass own on the latest assessment roll of the Town. The assessors, in the preparation of the next assessment roll, shall assess such amount upon such property. Such amount shall be included in the levy against such property, shall constitute_ a Dien and shall be collected and enforced in the same manner, by _ihrsame proceedings, at t e same time and under the same penal as is provided by. law for the collection and enforcement of real property taxes in the Town of Southold. Thown e er of _ the sign removed by the Building ' Inspector as hereinbefore provided shall not be permitted to redeem such si n until all expenses of removal and storage have been paid. -76- •r C. If in the determination of the Building !nspector, a sign is an immediate peril to persons or property, he may cause such sign to be removed summarily and without notice. The cost of such removal shall be paid by the Town and such amount shall be and become a lien upon the premises in question an.d shall a levied and collected in the same manner and under the same penalties as an assessment of a public improvement. Section 100-207. Continuation of existing signs. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, any sign in existence at the effective date of this article which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter shall, within three (3) years from such date, be removed or made to conform, unless its continuance is authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. -77- • Or 24. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XXI , to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXI Landscaping, Screening and Buffer Regulations Section 100-210. Purpose. The following standards are intended to enhance the appearance and natural beauty of the Town and to protect property values through preservation and planting of vegetation, screening, caping material. Specifically, these Stan aids are intended to enhance the appearance of major travel corridors and business areas; to reduce excessive heat, glare, and accumulation of dust; to provide privacy fromnoise and visual intrusion; and to prevent the erosion of the soil, excessive run-off of drainage water, and the consequent depletion of the ground water table and the pollution of water bodies Section 100-211. General requirements. The following provisions shall apply to any use in all zoning districts: A. Landscaping, trees, and plants required by these regulations shall be planted in a growing condition according to accepted horticultural practices, and they shall be maintained in a healthygrowing condition. Any landscapin , trees, and plants whit .are.in a condition that does not fulfill the intent of these regulations shat be replaced by t e property owner during the next planting season for the particular plant material B. A screenin fence or wall required by these reclulations shall be maintained by the pro erty owner in good condition throughout t e period of the use of the lot subject to the fo owing conditions: ( 1j Any land that is or has been designated or required to bea screening area, buffer area or paved area pursuant to an approval by the Town Board, Planning Board or Zoning Board of-Appeals of any grant of an application for a_chan a of zone, variance or site planapproval or w is is require y ordinance or local la-w must be maintained by the owner of the property or any of the owners, successors in interest or assignees. ( 2.) When it is determined by.the Pla ning Board that any land is not maintained pursuant to such rant or law, the Buiildin Inspector- shall ncy the owner o record of such land, by Certified mail to the address shown on the last :completed assessment roll, to erect, replace, repair or maintain fences, trees, plantings, shrubbery or other screening or paved areas pursuant to the plan or law. ( 3.) In the event that the owner of record does not comply with the notice within thirty (30) days of the date of said mailing the Building Inspector may take the appropriate action to erect, replace, repair or maintain fences, trees, plantings, shrubbery or other screening or paved areas on the desi nated land. The Building Ins ector shall certify by affidavit t ,- costs incurred either by the Department or tt e Town Board. The Town Boards all, by resolution, instruct the Town Clerk to publish a -public notice that a public hearing_will t� lee d for the purpose of adding to the assessment roll ofthe described lot or parcel the costs incurred and that, at the ublic hearing, the Town Board will ear an cc consider any ob'ection w _ich may be made to such roll. The a ublication of such notice s a not be less than ten (10 da s before the timespecified- . The Town Board, after public hearing, may then cause such assessment to become a lien and may irect t e Town Assessorsto place it on the assessment roll. -78- C. All landscaping, trees, and planting material adjacent to parking areas, loading areas, or driveways, shall be properly protected from vehicular damage by barriers, curbs, or other means. D. To the extent possible, existing trees, vegetation, and unique site features such as stone walls, shall be retained and protected. Existing healthy, mature trees, i properly located, shall be fully credited against the requirements of these regulations. E. Where lot size and shape or existing structures do not make it feasible to comply with the requirements for front landscaped area or landscaped parking area, the Planning Board may approve planters, plant boxes or pots containing trees, shrubs, and/or flowers to comply with the intent of these regulations. F. In cases where the edge of the pavement within a public right-of-way does not coincide with the front lot line, the property owner shall landscape the area between the front lot line and the edge of the street pavement Section 100-212. Front landscaped area. A front landscaped area shall be required for all uses in all zoning districts. The required landscaped area shall be covered with grass orother ground cover and shall include appropriate trees and shrubs. As a minimum, in all non-residential districts and in the-Hamll-etDensity Residential and R-40 Low Density ResidentialDistricts, one shade tree havinga caliper o two inches shall be planted within the front landscaped area for each forty (40) feet or fraction thereof of lot frontage. The purpose of t e landscaping is to enhance the appearance of the use on the lot but not to screen the use from view. A. Residential Districts. In all residential districts, required front yards, except for the driveway, shall be landscaped with grass or other suitable ground cover, trees, and/or shrubs. B. Non-Residential Districts. In all non-residential districts, there shall be a landscaped stri int a front yard area : in the Limited Business, General Business, and Light Industrial/Office Park and Light Industrial Districts, the strip shall be twenty-five (25) feet and in the Marine Business District the landscaped strip shall be fifteen ( 15) feet deep along and conti uous tot the front lot line of the property. There shall also be a landscaped area five (5feet wide abutting the front of t e building in all non-residential districts including the Hamlet Business District. - Section 100-213. Transition buffer area. The purpose of the transition buffer area is to provide privacy from noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential dwellings. A buffer area shall be required along all boundaries of a non-residential lot abutting any lot in a residential district. Such buffer area shall comply with at least the following minimum standards: A. The buffer area shall be located within the boundaries of the subject property. B. The minimum width of buffer areas shall be as follows: ( 1 .) Hamlet Business District 15 feet ( 2.) Marine Business District 20 feet ( 3) Limited Business District 20 feet -79- •i •c 4. General Business Districts 25 feet 5. Industrial Districts 30 feet 6. Any district other than .res.idential district adjoining land owned or maintained by New York State, Suffolk County, or Southold Town with current or potential use as park land. 25 feet C. The buffer area shal.l.be of evergreen plantin of such-type, hei ht, spacing and arrangement as, int the judgment othe Planning Board, will effective) screen the activity on the lot from the neighboring residential area. As a minimum, the plantings all consist o a dou le row of trees six (6) feet in height planted at intervals o-f ten 10feet on center. Non-evergreen planting may be included to supplement evergreen planting, but not to take its place D. A landscaped earthen berm, wall, or fence of location, height, design, and material s ,.a2p roved by the Planning Board may be acce ted for an portion of the req u i red planting and/or u er area E. Where the existing topography and/or landscaping provides adequate screening, the Planning Board may accept the existi iuffer area as the required planting. Section 100-214. Landscaped parking area. In addition to the front landscaped area and buffer area requirements, parking areas shall comply with the fo lowing minimum standards A. All uses required to provide twenty (20) or more off--street parking spaces shall ave at least ten 10 square eet o interior an scapin within the paved portion oft the parking area for eachparking space and at least one 1) tree with a two 771 inc caliper or every ten (10) parking spaces or traction thereof. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet, shall have a minimum dimension of-at least eight (8) feet, shall be planted with rass ors rubs, and shall include at least one (1) tree of not less than two (2) inch ca iper. B. A landscaped area shall be provided alon the perimeter of an arkin area except that portion o t e par ing area whi-ch provides access to a street orparking_ facility on an adjacent-To-t. Accesswa s to adjacent lots shall not exceed twent -four (24) eet in widt and shall not exceed two (2) in number for each purpose. The andscaped areas all ave a minimum dimension of four (4) feet, s all beplanted. with grass or.-shrubs- and shall include at least one tree of not less than two (2) inch caliper for everyfort (40) feet a ong the perimeter of the par ing area. In cases where the parking area adjoins a public sidewalk, the required landscaped area shall be extended to the edge of the sidewalk. C. Trees used in parking lots shall include Honey Locust, Pine, Oak, or other similar fast-growing_, hardy varieties, or existing trees where appropriately located. Section 100-215. Properties located adjacent to creeks. A. The rear yards of properties located ad'acent to creeks shall .include natural vegetation and/or shallcontain suita a lanted vegetation to a minimum o twenty 20 feet inland from t e mean hi water line elevation or wetland boundaryto prevent erosion o t e shoreline. Vegetation within the buffer strip shall not be fertilized or chemically treated -80- 25. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XX111 , to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXIII Supplementary Regulations Section 100-230. Exceptions and modifications. A. Established .front yard setback.. Where property in the vicinity is improved with principal buildings with front yards of less than that required by the provisions of this chapter, the front yard setback shall be the average setback of the existing buitdings�within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed buil _ng on the same side of the street within the same use district. B. Exceptions to lot depth requirements. Theminimum lot depth at any point may be decreased to seventy-five 750) percent of the minimum requirement if the average depth conforms to the minimum requirement. C. Exceptions to yard requirements. 0. ) Permitted obstructions. Cornices or cantilevered roofs may roject not more than two (2) feet into a required yard. Bet courses, window sills and other ornamental features may project not more than six (6) inches into a required yard. Fences or walls not over four (4) feet in height may be erected anywhere on the lot, except as set forth in Section 100-232 herein. Paved terraces, steps and walks (other than such as are needed for access tot the buildings on the lot) shall not project within fifteen (15) fe--e-t—o-7 a street line or four (4) feet of a property line. (2. ) Entries and porticos. A roofed-over but unenclosed projection in the nature of an entry or portico, not more than ei ht (8) feet wide and extending not more than six (6) feet out from the front wall of the building, shall be exempt from the requirements of this section when t 1e building otherwise complies with the regulations of this section. In computing the average setback the presence of such entries and porticos shall be ignored. (3. ) Permitted projections. In any district, chimneys on residential, public or semi-public buildin s may project into a required yard to the extent of not more than two2�e t. In any residential district, terraces, steps_ or uncovered porches may project into any required yard, provided no part thereof is nearer than four (4) feet to any lot line. D. Height exceptions. The height limitations of this ordinance shall not apply to: (1_) Spires, belfries, cupolas and domes not for human occupancy; monuments, transmission towers, chimneys, derricks, conveyors, flag poles, radio towers, television towers, and television aerials, provided that any television or radio aerial shall not be located nearer than a distance equal to its height a Bove the roof or other permanent structure to which it is attached to any overhead electric transmission line carrying more than 220 volts. 2. Bulkheads, observation towers, monitors, fire towers, hose towers, cooling towers, water towers, grain elevators, or other structures where a manufacturin rocess requires_greater height, provided that any such structures that are located—on any roof and that exceed in he Qht a limits in the particular district shall not in the aggregate occupy more than twenty (200) percent of t e horizontal area of the roof , and are set back one 1 foot from the edge of the roof for each additional foot in eig t greater than the specified height. -81- 3. All mechanical equipment necessary to operate building services, which equipment is located on the roof of a structure, shall be screened in a manner approved by the Planning Board. E. Retail sales in Residential Districts. Notwithstandinn any other provision of this Chapter, all premises located in any Residential District and upon which retail sales are conducted shall be subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board, pursuant to the provisions of Article XXV. Section 100-231 . Height of fences, walls and hedges. Fences, walls, hedges or other live plantings within five (5) feet of the property lines may be erected and maintained, subject to the following height limitations: A. When located in the front yard along the front lot line, the same s al not exceed four (4) feet in height . B. When located along side and rear yards, the same shall not exceed six and one-half (632-) feet in height. C. When located other than in the front yard area or along side or rear lot lines, the same shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height. Section 100-232. Corner lots. A. On a corner lot, front yards are required on both street frontages, and one yard other than the front yard shall be deemed to be a rear yard, and the other or others side yards. B. On all corner lots, berms, walls, fences, and hedges or any other potential obstruction to vision shall not exceed a height of two and one-half (22) Feet above the average street leve within an isosceles trianglehaving thirty (30) foot sides along eacR street to preserve sight lines for traffic. Section 100-233. Building length and separation for buildings containing multiple dwellings. A. No building shall exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in length. B. The minimum distance between principal buildings shall be equal to two- times the height of the highest building, and the minimum distance between a principal and an accessory building shall be twenty (20) feet. Section 100-234. Courts. A. Inner courts. An inner court is. permitted in multi-family dwelling developments if t e minimum dimension of such .count is not less than two-times the average height of all surroundinq walls, But not less t an sixt (60) feet. The height o wal s surrounding an inner courtshall—be measured from finished grade at the base thereof to the top of such wall, except that, in the case of roofs with a slope exceeding five 5) inches vertical to twelve (12) inches horizontal, the height shall be measured to the mean point of the roof. B. Outer courts. The minimum width of an outer court shall be twenty (20) feet and t- e dept t-Fe—reof shall not exceed its width. Section 100-235. Access requirements. A. Street access. 1_ No building shall be. erected on a lot that does not have direct access to a public street in accordance with Section 280a of the Town Law. 2_ All buildings and structures shall be so located as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire and police protection- and off- street parking and/or oading. -82- B. Residential rear or flag lots and accessways. Any rear lot or flag lot occupied or to be occupied by a one-family dwelling shall have access thereto by means of an accessway, having a width of not less than fifteen (15) feet, serving only such lot. The area of the accessway shall not be included in determining the area of any lot. The front yard of an lot having access to a street by means of an accessway shall bet e required front yardspecified for the district in which the lot is located and shall be measured from the rear lot line tot the front lot. Section 100-236. Open storage. A. No unenclosed storage, except parking of operable passenger vehicles capable of passing inspection or recreation vehicles or boats as set forth in Section 100-191 shall be permitted in a residential district. B. When open storage is permitted in a commercial or industrial district as a principal or accessory use, the following conditions shall be met: 1_ Storage shall be screened from view -by a fence or evergreen . screening, the design and location of which shall be approved b _ the Planning Board. In no case shall the stored material exceed the height of the screening. 2. No outdoor storage may be permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of a residential district boundary. C. Automobile wrecking yard or junkyard is required to provide suitable screening in the form of fencing or hedges completely around the periphery of the area used for such purposes, subject to the approval of the Planning Board. Failure to provide such screening shall require elimination of said use. Section 100-237. Prohibited uses in all districts. The following uses are prohibited in all districts: A. Any use which is noxious, offensive or objectionable by reason of the emission of smoke, dust, gas, odor or other form. of air pollution or by reason of the deposit, discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes in any form in such manner or amount as to cause permanent damage to the soil and streams or to adversely affect the surrounding area, or y reason of the creation of noise, vibration, electromagnetic or other disturbance, or by reason of illumination by artificial light or li ht reflection be and the limits o the lot on or from which such light or light reflection emanates; or *which involves any danger ious fire, explosive, radioactive or of er hazard; or which causes injury, annoyance or disturbance toany of the surrounding properties or to their owners and occupants; and any of er process or use w icF-i is unwFiolesome and noisome and maybe dangerous or prejudicial to health, safety or genera we fare, except where such activity is icensed or regulated by other government agencies. B. Artificial lighting facilities of any kind which create glare beyond lot lines. C. Carnivals, circuses and related activities, except for a temporary period on special license from the Town Board. D. Junkyard or refuse disposal site, except a refuse disposal site established as an official town refuse disposal site or duly authorized as a refuse disposal site by the Town Board. -83- E. Uses involving primary production of the following products from raw materials: 1_ Charcoal and fuel briquettes; chemicals; aniline dyes; carbide; caustic soda; cellulose; chlorine; carbon black and bone black; creosote; hydrogen and ox en; industrial alcohol; nitrates of an explosive nature; potash; p astic materials and synthetic resins; proxylin; rayon yarn; hydrochloric, nitric, phos horic, icric and sulfuric acids; coal, coke-and tar products, including gas manufacturing; explosives; gelatin, glueand size (animal) ; linoleum and oil cloth; matches; . paint, varnishes and turpentine; rubber (natural or synthetic) ; , soaps, including fat rendering; starch. F. The following processes: 1_ Nitrating of cotton or of other materials. 2. Milling or processing of flour. 3. Magnesium foundry. 4. Reduction, refining, smelting and alloying metal or metal ores. 5. Refining secondary aluminum. 6. Refining petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, lubricating oil. 7. Distillation of wood or bones. 8. Reduction and processing of wood pulp and fiber, including paper mill operations. G. Operations involving stockyards, slaughterhouses and slag piles. H. Storage of explosives. I . Quarries. J . Storage of petroleum products. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, storage facilities with a total combined capacity of more than 20, 000 gallons, including-all tanks, pipelines, buildings, structures and accessory equipment designed, used or intended to be used for the storage of gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, asphalt or-other petroleum products, shall not be located within 1,000 feet of tidal waters or tidal wetlands. Section 100-238. Provisions for community sewer, water and utility facilities. Where public sewer and/or public water and/or public or private utility systems are required, no building or premises to be serviced by such Mems shall be used or occupied, nor shall a certificate of occupancy be issued with respect tot the use and occupancy of such buildin sand or premises unless and until all such required systems and facilities have been constructed and are in proper operating condition and have been approved by all agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Section 100-239. Land under water; filled land. Streams, ponds, tidal marshes and portions of Long Island Sound and its various bays and estuaries, [Xing within the boundaries of the Town of Southold, whether or not so indicated on the Zoning Map as being in a particular use -84- district, shall be considered as being in the most restricted use district abutting thereon, and such zoning classification shall continue in force regardless of any filling or draining of such lands. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit the filling or dredging of such land. For the purpose of computing density for the development of any lot or lots, no land under water, unless filled pursuant to law, shall be included in computing the minimum of area for each dwelling unit permitted under the appropriate zoning district in which the property lies. Section 100- 239a Excavations. No excavation of any kind shall be permitted except in connection with the construction on the same lot of a building for which a building permit has been duly issued. In the event that a building operation is arrested prior to completion and the building permit therefor is allowed to lapse, within six (6) months after the date of expiration of such permit, the premises shall be cleared of any rubbish or other unsightly accumulations, and topsoil shall be replaced over all areas from which such soi may have been removed. Any excavation for a basement or foundation with a depth greater than three (3) feet below grade shall be either filled or surrounded by a substantial fence adequate to deny c ildren access to the area and adequately maintained by the holder of the permit. Section 100- 239b Tourist camps, camp cottages and trailers. A. Permits required. No tourist camp shall be established, maintained or operated in any district, nor shall any tent, tent house, camp cottage, house car or trailer to be used or occupied as a place for living, sleeping or eating, whether charge is or is not made, be erected or placed therein, unless authorized by the Town Board pursuant to the provisionsof Chapter 88, Tourist and Trailer Camp. B. Automobile trailers or house cars. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, a single automobile trailer or house car may be. located outside a tourist camp only when authorized by the Town Board and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Town Board. C. Exemptions. This section shall not be deemed to apply to the temporary or seasonal camp of any unit of the Boy Scounts of America or the Girl Scouts of America or other such organizations under the leadership provided by said organizations, respectively. Section 100- 239c Berms A. General (1) All berms shall be constructed so that all sides of the berm shall not have a slope greater than one (1) to three (3) feet. For the purposes of this section, the slope shall refer to the ratio of a vertical rise of one (1) foot to a horizontal run of three (3) feet. (2) All berms shall be constructed out of clean fill or anequal approved by the Building Inspector. Said fill shall be given sufficient time to settle before final shaping and topsoil are applied. After the settled fill has been sha ed, a uniform six (6) inch layer of approved orticultural topsoi s a e placed--6n- thein an inerg a e . -85- (3) All berms shall be properly vegetated and landscaped, as approved by the Planning Board, before any erosion occurs in the topsoil on the berm, or, in the alternative, the berm shall be covered with an approved ground cover until such time the berm can be properly landscaped. (4) Berms shall be constructed only during the period from March-1 through October 15. (5) No fence or wall shall be constructed on a berm. However, a retaining wall may be placed on the sides of a berm where the Planning Board finds said retaining wall will promote aesthetic considerations and the height of same does not exceed the height or grade of the berm. (6) The construction of berms and the berm itself shall not interfere with natural drainage. (7) The outside toe of the berm shall not be closer than six (6) feet to any property line. B. Height. (1) The height of a berm shall be the vertical distance from the top of the berm to the natural existing grade at the base o the berm. (2) In all residence districts, no berm shall have a height greater than our (4) feet in the Tront yard or six and one half (6-f) feet in a rear or side yard. (3) In all nonresidence districts, no berm shall have a height greater than six and one half (6 ) feet in a front, rear or side yard. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B( 1) and (2) of this section, where the proposed berm is along a major street, as that term is defined in subsection A106-13 of the Town of Southold Land Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Board may increase Me height limitations of this subsection where it would be in the public interest by limiting adverse impacts from noise or light or by promoting aesthetic considerations. However, in no case shall a berm along a major street exceed ten (10) feet. C. Permit. (1) All berms in excess of four (4) feet in height, except those required to be constructed in connection with the Planning Board's approval of a subdivision plat or site plan, shall require a building permit. (2) All applications fcr a building permit for a berm shall include the following: (a) A detailed grading plan of the entire site indicating the existing topography in contour intervals no greater than five (5) feet and the proposed topography in contour intervals no greater than two (2) feet. The scale of the grading plan shall be no smaller than one 1) inch equals twenty (20) feet. (b) A cross section of the berm indicating the type of materials to be used in constructing the berm (i.e. , fill, topsoil) and the location of landscaping. The scale of cross section shall_ be no smaller than one ( 1) inch equals four 4 feet; and (c) A detailed landscaping plan indicating the location, size and quality oft the species to be planted. -86- Or 0(- (3) All applications for a building permit for a berm shall be referred to the Planning Board for its approval with respect to the compatibility of the berm with the surrounding properties and associated land uses, drainage considerations, landscaping and aesthetics. (4) Within twenty (20) working days of receipt of a complete application by the Planning Board, it shall approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application. (5) The Building Inspector shall not issue a permit for a berm until Planning Board approval has been received. Failure of the Planning Board to act within twenty (20) working days shall be deemed an approval. (6) All provisions of this chapter relating to the buildinghermits and construction shall apply to building permits for berms, except as provided in this Section. -87- Or T 26. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XXIV, to provide as follows : ARTICLE XXIV Nonconforming Uses and Buildings Section 100-240. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to reduce or minimize impacts of: uses and buildin s which do not conform to the use or bulk.requirements set forth in this chapter; all. uses and buildings that .become nonconforming by reason of any subsequent amendment to this chapter; and all buildings containing nonconforming uses. Section 100-241. Nonconforming uses. Except as provided hereinafter, nonconforming use of buildings or open land existing on the a ective date o tis. chapter or authorizedby a building permit issued prior thereto, regardless-of regardless-ofchange e o title, possession, or occupancy-or -right thereof, may be continued indefinitely, except that such building or use: A. Shall not be enlarged, altered, extended, -reconstructed, or restored or placed on a different portion of t the lot or parcel of land occupied by such use on the effective da.te of this chapter, nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever. B. Shall not be moved to another location where such use would be nonconforming. C. Shall not be changed to another nonconforming use without approval by the Board of Appeals and then only to.a use which, int e opinion of the said Board, is of the same or of a more restrictive nature. D. Shall not be changed back .to.a less restrictive use, if changed to a more restrictive nonconforming use. E. Shall not be re-established if such use has been changed to, or replaced by, a conforming use. F. Shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless the use is changed to a conforming use if the nonconforming use is damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of 50% of its fir value. G. Whenever a nonconforming- use of a .building or premises has been discontinued. fo_r_apeerioodd of more than two 2 years or has been changed- to a. higher classificationor to a conforming use, anything in this article to the contrasy notwithstan in , the nonconforming use of such building or premises shall no longer a permitted unless a variance therefor shall have been granted by the Boar of ppeals. Section 100-242. Nonconforming buildings with conforming uses. A. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the remodeling, reconstruction or enlargement of a noncon orming bui ding containing a conforminq use provided that; such action does not create any new nonconformance or increase theegareree o noncon ormance with regard to the regulations pertaining to such buildings. B. Reconstruction of a damaged building. 1_ A nonconforming building containing a conforming use which has -88- •r been damaged by fire or other causes to theextent of more than 50% of its fair value shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless such building is made substantially- to conform to the height and yard requirements of Me Bulk Schedule. 2. Application for a permit to build or restore the-damaged portion jif-any building dama ed or destroyed as set forth in subsection S1STU above, shall be filed within one year of the date of such amage, and shall be accompanied by.plans for reconstruction which, as to such portion, shall comely. with there uirements set forth above. If such permit is. issue , it shall lapse-one year t Brea ter unless reconstruction in--accordance with the approved p Ta has been initiated. Section 100-243. Nonconforming buildings with nonconforming uses. A. A nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered or moved, un ess t e use of such building is changed to a con orming use. B. A nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use which has been damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of more than 50, of its fair value shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless the use of such wilding is changed to a conforming use. Section 100-244. Repairs and maintenance. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing regulations, nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent normal maintanance and repair of any building, or the carrying out upon the issuance o a u- din ermit of ma'or structural alterations or demolitions necessary in the interest of public sa ety Section 100-245. Involuntary moves. Subsections (A) and (B) of Section .100-241 and subsection (A) of Section 100-243 herein are not intended to apply to involuntary movements of uses or structures as a result of condemnation actions or other lit- ation -89- 27. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XXV, to provide as follows : ARTICLE XXV Site Plan Approval Section 100-250. Purpose. To standardize procedure for review of site plan and requirements for site plan application regardless of district. Section 100-251. General requirements. No building or structure and no parking lot or outdoor use of land, except those used as a one-family or two-family dwelling or for farming purpose and their accessory uses, including home occupations, shall be used, constructed, enlarged, or moved until a site plan meeting all the applicable requirements of this artic a has been approved by the Planning Board. In addition, any change in use or intensity of use which will affect the characteristics of the site in terms of parking, loading, access, drainage and/or utilities or any plan to alter a building in a historic district or with historic, landmark designation will require site plan approval. Furthermore, any use or structure in a flood or erosion hazard area will require site plan approval. In all cases where this chapter requires approval of site development plans by the Planning Boar , no building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector except upon authorization of an in conformity with the site plan approval by the Plannin Boar . Moreover, it is the intent that all roblems arising within the limits of the job site will be completely resolved, redesigned and approved before any work is resumed. However, in the event that an error either of design or judgement becomes apparent during the progress of the work, the Planning Board through its representative, the Building Inspector, reserves the riqht to stop such work and direct such changes pursuant to Town of Southold specifications to correct such error. It is also understood, that the Planning Board or its representatives shall not be held liable for any problems arising during or after construction Section 100-252. Objectives. In considering and acting upon site development plans, the Planning Board shall take into consideration the public health, safety and welfare, the comfort and convenience or the public in general and the residents of the immediate nei hborhood in articular, and may rescribe a ro riate conditions and safeguards as may be r_eq`6`F_re' d in order that the result of its action may, to the maximum extent ossible, further the expressed intent of this chapter and the accomplishment of the following objectives in particular A. Traffic access. That all proposed traffic accesswa s are adequate but not excessive in number; adequate in width, grade, alignment and visibility; are located in proper relationship with intersections, pedestrian crossings and places of public assembly and are in conformance with overall traffic safety consideration. B. Interior circulation and parking. That adequate off-street parkin and loading spaces are provided to satisfy the needs of the proposed uses on-site, and tat the interior circulation s stem is adequate to provide convenient access to such spaces consistent with pedestrian safety. _90- C. Landscaping and screening. That all required recreation, parking, service and similar areas are screened at all seasons of the year from view of adjacent residential districts and streets, and that the landscaping of the site is in character with that generally prevailing in the neighborhood. Existing trees_ eight inches or more in diameter measured three feet above the base of the trunk shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. D. Natural features. Due re aarnd�shall be paid to all natural features on and adjacent to the site, inching, but not limited to, drainage courses, wetlands, marshes, dunes, bluffs, beaches, escarpments, woodlands, large trees, unique plant and wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas and to protection of ground and surface waters. E. Cultural Features. Due regard shall be paid to all cultural features on and adjacent to the site including, but not limited to, archeological and paleontological remains, old trails, historic structures and sites and agricultural-fields. F. Pavement. All plazas and other paved areas intended for use b pe estrians shall make use ot such pavements and p ant materials which could serve to encourage their use by pedestrians during all seasons of the year and shall not consist of undue expanses of pavement G. Lighting. All outdoor lighting shall be of such a nature and so arranged as to preclude the projection of direct light and glare onto adjoining properties and streets. H. Public address or sound system. Any sound or public address system ' shall be such that no sound from system shall be audible on adjoininq properties or on the adjacent street. 1_ Facades. Building facades shall be compatible with surrounding area J. Drainage. The drainage system and layout proposal will afford an adequate solution to any drainage problems. K . Public utilities. Plans for water supply and sewage disposal are adequate such that the internal water and sewers stems are adequate and that all wells, sewage systems and connections to Towns stems are in accordance with Town and County stan ards. L. Existing development and community plan. That the development proposed is at a scale and density consistent with existing development and with the Master Plan of the Town of Southold. _ M. Aesthetic considerations. The design of all structures shall be compatible with that of surrounding structures. Compatibility shall be determined by a review of ro osed 1 use of materials, 2) scale, (3) mass, 4 height, 5 color, 6 texture, and-"7 location of the structure or structures on the site. N. Handicapped access. The site plan and building design shall accommodate the needs of the handicapped and be in conformance with the State standards for construction concerning the handicapped. O. Energy conservation. The site plan and building design shall maximize the conservation of energy. Section 100-253. Effect of approval. A. No building permit shall be issued for any structure covered_ by this article until an approved site develo meet plan ora rovea amendment o anxv such elan has been secured by the applicant from the Planning Board an presente to theuilding Inspector. _91_ B. No certificate of occupancy will be issued for any structure or use of land covered by this article unless the structure is completed or the land is developed or used in accordance with an approved site development plan or approved amendment of any such plan. C. Should any site plan approval involve_ any matter requiring referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, then the matter shall be referred, prior to final action by the Planning Board, to the Suffolk ounty Planning Commission in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. Section 100-254. Procedure. A. Presubmission conference. Prior to the submission of a site development plan, the app icant or his agent shall meet with the Planning Board. The purpose of such conference shall be to discuss proposed uses or development in order to determine which of the site development plan elements shall be submitted to the Planning Board in order for said Board to determine conformity with the provisions and intent of this chapter. B. Waiver of required information. Upon findings by the Planning Board that, due to special cion itions peculiar to a site, certain of the information normally required as part of the site plan is inappropriate or unnecessary, or that strictcomm liaannce with said requirements may cause extraordinary and unnecessar hardships, the Board may vary or waive the provision of such information, provided that such variance of waiver will not ave detrimental effects on the public health, safety or general welfare, or have the effect o nullifying the intents purpose o the site plan submission, Official Map, Master Plan, or this Zoning Code. See following Section 100-255 on Site Plan Elements. C. Within six (6) months follow ng the presubmission conference, nine copies of the site development plan application and any related information shall be submitted to the Planning Board. Within thirty 30) days of receipt of the application, the Planning Board shall determine whether said application is complete. If the Planning Board determines said application to be incomplete,_ it shall forthwith notify the applicant, wherein said application is eficient. If a site development plan application is not submitted within six 6 months following a presubmission conference, another conference may be required by the Planning Board. D. If the Planning Board determines said application to be complete, it shall within ten 10 business days of such determination, solicit comments and reviews from all agencies. The Planning Board shall also send a copy of the application to solicit comments and review within thirt (30) days of the ate of referral from the Town Trustees, Town Engineer, Superintendent_ of Highways, the Conservation Advisory Commission, Buildinq Inspector.. Fire District, or other municipal agency or district potentially affecte y the proposed development. Applications for condominium development shall be forwarded to the Suffolk County PlanningCommission for their review and response within thirty 30 ays of the date o referral. If the County Planning ommission makes a negative recommendation, a Town Planning Boar vote of a majority Tus one is required It shall certify to the Town Clerk that a complete application is on fie with the Planning oar . E. No application shall be deemed complete until either a negative declaration has been made fort the ap-pTication pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act E R as implemented by Chapter 44 of the Town Code, orrifapositive declaration is made, until a draft environmental impact statement has been accepted by the Planning Board as satisfactory with respect to scope, content, and adequacy. Regardless of the time requirements of this section, reasonable time shall be provided for compliance with SIEQRA including the preparation of a final environmental impact statement. -92- F. If the Planning Board determines that a public hearing is necessary, it shall schedule and hold same. Notice shall be given at least five (5) des prior to the dates of such hearing by publication in the official Town newspaper. G. Within forty-five (45) days of the conclusion of the public hearing, or if none was held, within forty-five (45) days of determining that the application was complete, the Planning Board shall determine whether the site development plan application complies with the purposes and specifications of this Chapter and shall so inform the Building Inspector and Town Clerk and the applicant, in writing, of its approval, its approval with modifications to bring about compliance, or disapproval. This forty-five (45) day period may be extended by the Planning Board upon t e written consent o the applicant, or as may be permitted under the State Environmental Quality eview Act as implemented by Chapter 44 of the Town Coae. Failure to act within said forty-five 45 days shall be deemed to be approval. H. Once approval has been granted by the Planning Board, one translucent linen or mylar and six copies of the approved plan, on which all conditions imposed by the Planning Board as part of its approval have been clearly indicated, shall be forwarded to the Chairman for his/her endorsement. 1_ Amendments to a site development plan shall be acted upon in the same manner as the approval of the original plan. J. Approval of a site plan by the Planning Board shall be valid for a period of 365 days for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. Failure to secure a budding permit during this period shall cause the site plan approval to become null and void. Once a buildin permit has been issued, an approved site development plan shall be valid fora period of two (2) years from the date of approval of the plan) . All work proposed on the plan shall be complete within two 2 years from the date of approval unless a longer period was approved or the applicant obtains an extension from the Planning Board. No building permit shall be issue be ore approval of a site eve opment pan has been received from the Planning Board. - K. No regrading, clearing, tree removal or any other work in preparation of future use of a site may take place until site plan approval has been received from the Planning Board. L. In the case of a variance application requiring a site plan approval, the site development plan application shall be subjected to a preliminary review in accordance with the above procedure before recommendations are made by the Planning Board prior to action on said applications by the Board of Appeals. Building permits issued for variances shall be in accordance with the conditions established by the Board of Appeals. M. A statement shall be placed on all site plans approved by the Planning oard to the effect that the owners agree(s) to comply with the Rlan and all conditions noted thereon. The required site improvements all roads, paving and circulation, drainage, utilities, outdoor lighting, recreation areas, garbage collection station, Ian scaping and screening including planting and maintenance thereof for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years at the discretion of the Planning Board) which are an integral part of the approved .plan shall be guaranteed by cash, performance bond or other acceptable guarantee approved by the Town Board and Town Attorney. In the event that a satisfactory guarantee is not provided within ninety 90) days of the date of the resolution of the Planning oard approving the plan, said resolution shall be deemed null and void. A cash guarantee can be for 500 of the improvements, but a bond or other guarantee shall be for 1000' of the cost of the improvements. -93- N. The said bond, surety or cash deposit shall be conditioned upon the property owners oreve oper s-' completingg the said work enumerated_ herein and set forth on the approved site plan in a manner satisfactory, to the Planning Board; and upon the proper functioning of said systems Tor a erio�Tc of one year from their comet-ion. In default thereof, the said bond or de osit shall be forfeited and the Town shall use the amount thereof to complete any incomplete portion of the said work or to make sure repairs are undertaken as are necessary to assure proper functioning of-said- provided, however, that if any amount of money remains after the Town has completed the said work, such excess money wil be returned to the surety or the person putting up the req_ mored deposit. Said surety bond or cash deposit may be reduced by resolution of the Town Board upon the certification nf the Town Engineer that one or more particular items required by the Town Board have been satisfactorily ctorily complete uc reduction shall be in the ratio that the completed item or items bear to the total estimated cost of the required improvements. The installation of all improvements shall be under the direct supervision of a New or State registered architect or professional engineer. O. To obtain a building permit, an applicant shall provide to the Building Inspector proof of Town Board acceptance of guarantee. No part of the guarantee shall be released until all requirements of site plan approval including the construction of site improvements is completed, inspected and approved by the Town. P. The site development improvements shall be fully completed in accordance wi_th the approved plan before any new building or structures own on the approved site plan is occupied or any existing building shown on the approved site plan is occupied with a new use, pursuant to Section 100-284 on Certificates of ccuQancy, which indicates that no building shall be occupied until a certificate of occupancy has been issued. Section 100-255. Site plan elements. A. Submission A complete site plan application shall consist of: 1. a complete site plan application form, 2. site plan review fee, as specified in subsection B below. 3. an environmental assessment form, part one, for all Type I actions, or actions that may have a significant environmental impact. See Southold Environmental Qualifty Review Law. 4. site plan(s) . B. Fee The site plan review and inspection fee is based on the area contained within the site plan. Such fee shall be computed on the basis of 0.05 per square foot of area within the site plan property limits, less building coverage. C. Site Plan The applicant shall submit a site plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 40 feet to be prepared by a New York State licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor. The site plan shall include those of the elements listed herein which are appropriate to the proposed development or uses as indicated b�r the Planning Board in the presubmission conference. This information, in total, shall constitute the site plan. Mult ple sheets may be utilized to present the in ormation required. -94- 1. Legal data. a. Lot, block and section number, if any, of the property taken from the latest tax records. b. Name and address of the owner of record. C. Name and address of the person, firm or organization preparing the map, sealed with the applicable New York State license seal and signature. d. Date, North point and written and graphic scale. e. Propert descri tion shall be prepared by a licensed Surveyor or Civil Engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All anoles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10,000. f. The locations, names and exis ting widths of adjacent streets and curb Ines. A separate map of location and owners of all adjoining lands, wi in eet ass own on e a es ax records, ata scale of one inch equals 100 feet. h. Location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. i. A complete outline of existing easements, deed restrictions or covenants applying to -Me property. j. Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. 2. Natural features. a. Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less, referred to mean sea level as per USGS datum. b. Approximate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or storm water overflows; tidal bays, ponds, and marshes, freshwater bo ies and-wetlands and streams. C. Location of existing natural features enumerated in subsection D of Section 100-252, and any other significant existing natural features such as rock outcrops and trees with a iameter o eI ht inches or more measured three feet above the base of the trunk. d. Location of any existing cultural features enumerated in subsection E of Section 100-252, and any other significant cultural features. 3. Existing structures and utilities. a. Outlines of all structures and location of all uses not requiring structures. b. Paved areas including parking areas, sidewalks, and vehicular access between the site and public streets. -95- c. Locations, dimensions, grades, and flow direction of any existing culverts, water lines, sewer lines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and above ground utility poles and utility lines within and adjacent to the property. d. Other exis��t_�__i__nn���development features or strucutres, including fencesnping and screening. e. The location and use of all buildings and structures within 200 feet of the boundary of the subject property. 4. Proposed development. a. The location of proposed buildings or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from all property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. b. The location and design of all uses not requiring structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas and pedestrian circulation-. C. The location, direction, power and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. d. The location and plans for any outdoor signs which must be in accordance with applicable sign regulations. e. Paving, curbs, sidewalks, drainage structures, fencing, grading and drainage plans shall be in conformance with the Town of Southold highway standards.— f. tan ar s.f_ Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site rainstorm retention, in conformance with the Town of Southold hi hwa standards, contours and spot grade elevations to be provided g Landscaping, buffering and street tree plans includin material size, quantity and location. A list of plantings shall also be shown, as per the Town of Southold highway standards h. Location of water and sewer mains, electrical service and cablevision installations, location o water valves and hydrant and/or any alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. i_ An indication that all storage areas for materials, vehicles, supplies, products, or equipment shall be located in either a side or r,-ar yard and Mat such areas area equately fenced or screened. j_ If the site development plan indicates only a first stage,_a_ supplementary plan may indicate ultimate development -96- 28. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XXVI, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXVI Special Exception Uses Section 100-260. Purpose. The provisions of this article are desioned to provide for administrative review of selected types of proposed land uses. Certain uses which are allowable under zoning are nevertheless so likely—to—significantly affect their surroundings that they require individual review to assure compatibility with existing land use patterns, commu ty cFiaracter and tFie natural environment, before being ermitted to come into existence. Similarly-, certain authorized uses may take on such diverse forms in their actual implementation that it is wise to review and ass upon t e adherence of each individual proposal to standards and guide ously established for the use involved. Final) , the case- by-case review achieved b use of t especial exception approval mechanism can increase t e exi i ity and a ropriateness of local development review, and better —enable oral officials to avoid negative consequences which sometimes arise from the otherwise lawful development or use of a particular site. Section 100-261. Special exception uses. There is hereby created a category of land use approval to be known as special exception uses. Said uses may not be commenced, created, undertaken, carried out or thereafter maintained or substantially expanded without a special exception approval first having been obtained therefor, which special exception approval shall have been granted for the use either by the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Town Board, according to the provisions or the particular special exception use set forth in this article or elsewhere in this chapter. Any land use, including the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, demolition, moving, conversion or change of use of any structure, shall be a sped Fexception use requiring a special exception approval if the text oft is chapter, ort the Use Schedule hereof, denotes the use as being either t e —subject of a special exception approval or simply a special exception use. No building permit for any such special exception use shall be issued until the required .special exception approval shall have been granted fort the same, and the conditions imposed in such approval as prerequisites to a Bu ding permit, if--there be any, have been met Section 100-262. Rules of conduct and procedure for special exception uses A. An application for a special exception approval shall be on the form or same provided b t e Buildin inspector,- and shall be submitted i to it plicate, together witht e fee of $75.00, tot the Building Ins ector who Ji5ll review the application for completeness and conformity with this chapter. The Building Inspector shall reject the application if it is not complete or not in conformance, .and shall notify the applicant as to the reaso for such rejection. I t e application is satisfactory, the applicant and the Bu i ding Inspector shall forward t e applications tot the board having juris iction thereof. B. Prior to taking action on any special exception use, the board having jurisdiction thereof shall schedule a public hearing within forty-five (45) days after determination that the ap lication is complete. Within sixty (60) da s following the close of t e public hearing, the board shall render a decision on the application. -97- C. Effect of approval. A special exception approval issued in accordance with the provisions of this article shall authorize only the special exception use for which the appraval is granted. No use which is not a special exception use hereunder shall. be authorized by any such approval. The approval may inc u e reasonable con itions which the board determines to be necessary or appropriate to insure that the— applicable general and specific standards and safeguards set forth in this chapter ort the use can and will . be met and/or adhered- to. A special exceptionapproval shall e valid for a .period of six (6) months, but may be extended for. one (1) additional six (6) month period by the issuing board without the e requirement of new public notice of hearing. A continuing or permanent land use authorized by a special exception approval which is underta en or begun during the period of validity of such approval shall thereafter be deemed a lawful use, as T he same were permitted by t is chapter without need for a special exception permit; provided however, that: (1) All conditions imposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply, unless by their express terms are of limited duration. (2) All conditions imposed on special exception approval uses generally or specifically by this chapter shall continue to apply, regardless of whether any such conditions were expressly incorporated into the special exception approval. (3) The board which issues the special exception approval shall retain continuing jurisdiction overt the same. D. Violations of conditions. A violation of any limitation or condition of a special exception approval, or of any provision of this chapter applicable to a special exce tion use, shall constitute a violation of this chapter. The board which approves any special exception use shall retain jurisdiction, and shall have the right, after a public hearing, to modify, suspend or revoke such. approval, or any term or condition thereof, or to impose thereon one or more new conditions, all on the following grounds: (1) False statements or mistake of material fact. Materially false or inaccurate statements int the application, supporting papers or supporting testimony, orignorance or misunderstanding of a material fact by the board, which fact, had it been known to the board at the time of its review, would have resulted in a denial of the approval sought. (2) Non-compliance with the terms and conditions of such approval. Failure of the applicant-permitee to comply with any conditions or terms of the approval. (3) Activity beyond such approval. Exceeding the scope of the activity use or project as the same was described int the application. Section 100-263. General Standards. No special exception approval shall be granted unless the board having jurisdiction thereof specificallyinnas and determine—s—e— foTiowing: A. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or properties in adjacent use districts. B. That the use will not revent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses int the district wherein the proposed use is to be located, or of permitted or legally establis ed uses in adjacent use districts. C. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. -98- D. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. E. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly wit regard to visibility, scale and overall appearance. F. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection. Section 100-264. Matters to be Considered In making such determination, consideration shall also be given, among other things, to: A. The character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of any of such permitted uses. -' B. The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the most appropriate uses of land. C. The effect that the location of the proposed use and the location that entrances and exits may have upon the creation or undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on public streets, highways, or sidewalks to assure the public safety. D. The availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise) that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use. E. Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby may give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot. F. Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust, light, vibration or noise. G. Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking 'or of recreational facilities, if existing or if proposed by the town or by of er competent governmental agencies. H. The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking of vehicles incidental tot the use, and whether such space is reasonably adequate and appropriate and can be furnished by t e owner of the plot sought to be used within or adjacent tot a plot wherein the use shall be located. _ 1_ Whether a hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, erosion or panic may be created y reason of or as a result of the use, or by the structures to be used therefor, or by the inaccessibility— of the pro ert or structures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus, or y the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot. J . Whether the use or the structures to be used therefor will cause an overcrowding of and or undue concentration of opulation. K. Whether the plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for the use and the reasonably anticipated operation and expansion thereof. L. Whether the use to be operated is u.nreasonably near to a church, school, theater, recreational areas or of er place or public assemby. -99- M. Whether the site of the proposed use is particularly suitable for such use. N . Whether adequate buffer yards and screening can and will be provided to protect adjacent properties and land uses from possible detrimental impacts of the proposed use. O. Whether adequate provision can and will be made for the collection and disposal of storm water runoff, sewage, refuse, and other liquid, solid or gaseous waste which the proposed use will generate. P. Whether the natural characteristics of the site are such that the proposed use may be introduced there without undue disturbance or disruption of important natural features, systems or processes, and without risk of pollution to groundwater and surface waters on and off the site. Section 100-265. Additional conditions and safeguards. In deciding on any application for a special exception use, the board having jurisdiction thereof may impose sucF conditions and safeguards as. it -deems necessary or appropriate to preserve and protect the spirit and the objectives oft is c apter. -100- 29. Article XII, as renumbered Article XXVII is hereby amended to read as follows : ARTICLE [XII] XXVII Board of Appeals Section [ 100-120] 100-270. Appointment; membership. The Town Board shall appoint a Board of Appeals consisting of five (5) members, as provided by Town Law. Section [ 100-121] 100-271. Powers and duties. In addition to such powers as may be conferred upon it by law, the Board of Appeals shall have the following powers: A. Appeals. To hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Building Inspector. B. Variances. Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of these regulations, the Board of Appeals shall have the power to vary or modify the application of such regulations so that the spirit of this chapter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. C. Special exceptions, special permits and other approvals. Whenever a use or the location thereof is permitted only if the Board of Appeals shall approve thereof, the Board of Appeals may, in a specific case and after notice and public hearing, authorize such permitted use and its location within the district in which this chapter specifies the permitted use may be located. [subject, however, to the following : (1) Before such approval shall be given, the Board of Appeals shall determine: (a) That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. (b) That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located, or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. (c) That the safety, 'the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. (d) That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. (2) In making such determination, the Board of Appeals shall also give consideration, among other things, to: (a) The character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of any of such permitted uses. (b) The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the most appropriate uses of land. (c) The effect that the location of the proposed use may have upon the creation or undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on public streets or highways. -101- Or (d) The availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise) that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use. (e) Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby may give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot. (f) Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust, light, vibration or noise. (g) Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, if existing or if proposed by the town or by other competent governmental agencies. (h) The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking of vehicles incidental to the use, and whether such space is reasonably adequate and appropriate and can be furnished by the owner of the plot sought to be used within or adjacent to the plot wherein the use shall be located. (i) Whether a hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, erosion or panic may be created by reason of or as a result of the use, or by the structures to be used therefor, or by the inaccessibility of the property or structures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus, or by the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot. (j) Whether the use or the structures to be used therefor will cause an overcrowding of land or undue concentration of population. (k) Whether the plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for the use and the reasonably anticipated operation and expansion thereof. (1) Whether the use to be operated is reasonably near to a church, school, theater, recreational area or other place of public assembly. ] D. Interpretations. On appeal from an order, decision or determination of an administrative officer, or on request of any town officer, board or agency, to decide any of the following : ( 1) Determine the meaning of any provision in this chapter or of any condition or requirement specified or made under the provisions of this chapter. (2) Determine the exact location of any district boundary shown on the Building Zone Map. Section 1100 1221 100- 272. Additional conditions and safeguards. In deciding any matter before it, the Board of Appeals may impose such conditions and safeguards as it deems necessary or appropriate to preserve and protect the spirit and the objectives of'this chapter. -102- Section [ 100-123] 100-273. Rules of conduct and procedure. The Board of Appeals shall, consistent with the law, determine its own rules of conduct and procedure. Section [ 100-124] 100-274. Fees All applications to the Board of Appeals for any relief herein shall be accompanied by a fee of [fifty dollars ($50. )] seventy-five dollars ($75. ) . Section [ 100-125] 100-275. Notice of hearing. A. In all cases where the Board of Appeals is required to hold a public hearing, in addition to the notice of such hearing required by law, a written notice containing the following information shall be sent by the person petitioning such Board, or his agent, by either certified or registered mail, to every owner of property immediately adjacent thereto. In the event that any petitioner owns or has any interest in any property immediately adjacent to the property which is the subject of such petition, then written notice shall also be given to the owners of the property adjacent to such other property of the petitioner. For the purpose of this section, the words "owner" or "property owner" mean the owner as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold. The notice required by this section shall be mailed by the petitioner, or his agent, within five (5) days preceding the filing of the petition in the Town Clerk's office. Proof of mailing of such notices in the form of a sworn statement shall be filed with the Town Clerk at the time of filing of the petition. Such notice shall contain the following information. ( 1) A statement that the petitioner proposes to apply to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold for a variance, special exception, special permit or other specified relief, as the case may be. (2) A description sufficient to identify the property which is the subject of the petition. (3) The zone district classification of such property. (4) A detailed statement of the relief sought by the petitioner. (5) The provisions of the zoning law applicable to the relief sought by the petitioner. (6) A statement that within five (5) days such petition will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's office, Main Road, Southold, New York, and may then be examined during regular office hours. (7) A statement that a public hearing with respect to such petition must be held by the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold before the relief sought can be granted; that the person to whom the notice is addressed, or his representative, has the right to appear and be heard at such hearing; and that a notice of such hearing will be published in the official town newspaper not less than five (5) days prior to such public hearing. B. In lieu of complying with the provisions of this section, written verified waivers of notice executed by the persons entitled to receive such notice may be filed with the Town Clerk at the time of filing the petition. C. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall not affect the validity of any action taken by the Board of Appeals. -103- 30. Article XIV, as renumbered Article XXVIII is hereby amended to read as follows : ARTICLE [XIV] XXVIII Administration and Enforcement Section [ 100-140] 100-280. Administrative and enforcing officer. A. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and such deputies and assistants as may be appointed by the Town Board to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and of all rules, conditions and requirements adopted or specified pursuant thereto. B. The Building Inspector and/or his assistant and deputy building inspectors shall have such right—to enter and inspect buildings, structures or premises and to perform other acts necessary for the enforcement of this chapter as is conferred upon them by law. He shall maintain files of all applications for building permits and plans submitted therewith and for certificates of occupancy and records of all building permits and certificates of occupancy issued by him, which files and records shall be open to public inspection and to perform such other acts necessary for the enforcement of this chapter as is conferred upon them by law. C. Said Building Inspector shall keee a record of every identifiable complaint of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and of the action taken on each such complaint, which records shall be public records. Ae shall report to the Town Board, at intervals of not gre5ler than three (3) months, summarizing for the period since his previous report all building permits and certificates of occupancy issued by him and all complaints of violations and the action taken by him thereon. D. The Building Inspector shall make the necessary inspections for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not existing conditions comply with the provisions of this chapter. E. At the request of the Town Board, the Building Inspector shall inspect any premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not existing conditions comply with the provisions of this chapter and report, in writing, to said Board the results ohis findings. F. At the request of the Planning Board, the Building Inspector shall review site plan applications for compliance with this chapter and requirements established in the presubmission conference. Section [ 100-141] 100-281. Building permits. No building in any district shall be erected, reconstructed, restored, moved or structurally altered without a building permit duly issued upon application to the Building Inspector. No building permit shall be issued unless the proposed construction or use is in full conformity with all the provisions of this chapter and thepro iv sions of all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Any building permit issued in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void and of no effect without the necessity for any proceedings, revocations or nullification thereof; and any work undertaken or use established pursuant to the issuance of a permit in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be invalid. A. Applications. Every application for a, building permit shall contain the following information and be accompanied by the required fee and a plot plan drawn to scale and signed by the person responsible for each drawing. If no such plot plan is available, a survey is required, prepared by a licensed engineer or land surveyor. -104- SIC If the Building Inspector deems it necessary that plans and specifications be examined to ascertain if the proposed building will comply with applicable building construction, housing and fire codes, he may require that plans and specifications be filed with the building permit application. (1) The actual shape, dimensions, radii, angles and area of the lot on which the building is proposed to be erected, or of the lot on which it is situated if an existing building, except in the case of the alterations of a building which do not affect the exterior thereof. (2) The section, block and lot numbers, if any, as they appear on the latest tax records. (3) The exact size and locations on the lot of the proposed building or buildings or structural alteration of an existing building and of other existing buildings on the same lot. (4) The dimensions of all yards in relation to the subject building, and the distances between such building and any other existing buildings on the same lot and adjacent lots. (5) The existing and intended use of all buildings, existing or proposed, the use of land and the number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate; and the necessary computations to establish conformity to the bulk and density regulations. (6) Such topographic or other information with regard to the building, the lot or neighboring lots, as may be necessary to determine that the proposed construction will conform to the provisions of this chapter. B. No building permit shall be issued for the construction or alteration of any building upon a lot without access to a street or highway as provided by Section 280-a of the Town Law. C. No building permit shall be issued for any building where the site plan of such building is subject to approval by the Planning Board, except in conformity with the plans approved by the said Board. D. No building permit shall be issued for a building in any district where such use is permitted by special exception unless and until such approval has been duly granted by the board having jurisdiction thereof. E. No building permit shall be issued for any building until approval has been received from the Suffolk County' Department of Health Services for the proposed water supply and sewage disposal system. F. The building permit application and all supporting documentation shall be made in triplicate. Upon the issuance of a building permit, the Building Inspector shall return one copy of all filed documents to the applicant. G. The Building Inspector shall, within ten ( 10) business days after the filing of a complete and properly prepared application, either issue or deny a building permit. If a building permit is denied, the Building Inspector shall state in writing to the applicant the reasons for such denial. H . Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance, or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted int the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an additional six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. -105- I. As soon as the foundation of a building or of any addition to an existing building is completed, and before first-story framing or wall construction is begun, there shall be filed with the Building Inspector an accurate survey, signed by the person responsible for said survey, showing the exact location of such foundation with respect to the street and property lines of the lot. No further construction shall be performed until such survey is approved by the Building Inspector. J. Permit fees. The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an application with the Building Inspector for a building permit, which fees shall be paid into the general fund if the application is approved, or returned to the applicant if the application is denied : [ (a) ] ( 1) Single-family dwellings: [ 1] (a) New dwellings and additions to existing dwellings: fifty dollars ($50.) plus ten cents ($0. 10) for each square foot of floor area in excess of eight hundred fifty (850) square feet. [2] (b) Accessory buildings and additions and alterations to existing accessory buildings: twenty-five dollars ($25. ) plus ten cents ($0. 10) for each square foot of floor area in excess of five hundred (500) square feet. [ (b) ] (2) Farm buildings and additions and alterations to existing farm buildings: twenty-five dollars ($25.) for each building. [ (c) ] (3) Hotel, motel, multiple dwellings and business, industrial and all other buildings: [ 1] (a) New buildings and additions and alterations to existing buildings: one hundred dollars ($100. ) plus fifteen cents ($0. 15) for each square foot of floor area in excess of one thousand (1,000) square feet. [2] (b) Accessory buildings and additions and alterations to existing accessory buildings: twenty-five dollars ($25.) plus ten cents ($0. 10) for each square foot of floor area in excess of five hundred (500) square feet. [ (d) ] (4) Foundations constructed under existing buildings: thirty dollars ($30.) . [ (e) ] (5) All other structures (i.e. , fences, pools, etc. ) and additions and alterations to such structures: twenty-five dollars ($25. ) . [ (f)] (6) Signs. The fee for all signs, except signs permitted by [Section 100-30C(6) (a) ,] Section 100-31C(9) (a) , shall be twenty-five M25)25) for each square foot of sign area, with a minimum fee of five dollars ($5.) . [ (g) ] (7) Demolition and/or removal and/or relocation of any building : [one hundred dollars ($100.) ] ten ($10.) dollars minimum, and five d e TOOTd red 300) square feet of floor area. Section 1100 -1421 100-282. Revocation of permit. The Building inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in the following instances: A. Where he finds that there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application, plan or specifications on which the building permit was based. -106- B. Where he finds that the building permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law. C. Where he finds that the work performed under the permit is not being prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the application, plans or specifications. D. Where the person to whom a building permit has been issued fails or refuses to comply with a stop order issued by the Building Inspector. Section [100-143. ] 100- 283. Stop orders. Whenever the Building Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that work on any building or structure is being prosecuted in violation of the provisions of the applicable law, ordinances or regulations, or not in conformity with the provisions of an application, plans or specifications on the basis of which a building permit was issued, or in an unsafe and dangerous manner, he shall notify the owner of the property, or the owner's agent or the person performing the work, to suspend all building activities until the stop order has been rescinded. Such order and notice shall be in writing and shall state the conditions under which the work may be resumed, and may be served upon a person to whom it is directed either by delivering it personally to him or by posting the same upon a conspicuous portion of the building under construction and sending a copy of the same by certified mail. Section [100-144. ] 100-284. Certificates of occupancy. A. A certificate of occupancy shall be applied for from the Building Inspector and it shall be unlawful to do any of the following until a certificate of occupancy is issued therefor, to wit: 1. Occupancy and use of a building erected, reconstructed, restored, structually altered or moved, or any change in use of an existing building. 2. Occupancy, use of any change in the use of any land. 3-- Any change in use of a nonconforming use. B. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the use of a building or lands requiring a special exception approval or special permit, or for any land use requiring a site plan approval by the Plarihing Board, unless and until such special exception or special permit approval or site plan approval has been duly granted. Every certificate- e of—occupancy for which a special exception, special permit or site plan approval has been granted, or in connection with which a variance has been granted by the Board of Appeals, shall contain a detailed statement of any condition to which the same is subject. C. Application for a certificate of occupancy on a form furnished by the Building Inspector for a new building or for an existing building which has been altered shall be made after the erection of such building or part thereof has been completed in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, and, in the case of a new building, shall be accompanied by an accurate plot plan, or if not available, by a survey prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer, showing the location of the building as built. Such certificate shall be issued within ten days after receipt of the properly completed application, provided that the application states that all requirements of all other applicable codes or ordinances in effect are complied with. -107- r D. If the proposed use is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable codes and ordinances, a certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant land or for a change of use or a nonconforming use shall be issued by the Building Inspector within ten days after receipt of a properly completed application. If a certificate of occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. E. Every application for a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars ($5. ) . Copies of such certificate will be issued upon payment of one dollar ($1.) per copy. F. A certificate of occupancy shall be deemed to authorize and is required for both initial occupancy and use of the building or land to which it applies. G. Upon written request and upon payment of a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.) , the Building Inspector shall, after inspection, issue a certificate of occupancy for any building or use thereof or of land existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter, certifying such use and whether or not the same and the building conform to the provisions of this chapter. H. A record of all certificates of occupancy shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector, and copies shall be furnished on request to any agency of the Town or to any persons having an interest in the building or land affected. Section [ 100-145] 100- 285. Penalties for offenses. A. For each offense against any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulations made pursuant thereto or for failure to comply with a written notice or order of any Building Inspector within the time fixed for compliance therewith, the owner, occupant, builder, architect, contractor or their agents or any other person who commits, takes part or assists in the commission of any such offense or who shall fail to comply with a written order or notice of any Building Inspector shall, upon a first conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.) or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or both. Each day on which such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate, additional offense. For a second and subsequent conviction within eighteen (18) months thereafter, such person shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.) or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section [ 100-147] 100-286. Remedies. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used, in violation of this chapter or of any regulations made pursuant thereto, in addition to other remedies provided by law, any appropriate action or proceeding, whether by legal process or otherwise, may be instituted or taken to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair,conversion, maintenance or use, or to restrain, correct or abate such violation, or to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises. -108- Or 31. Article XV, is renumbered Article XXIX and Sections 100-150, 100-151 and 100-152 thereof are renumbered 100-290, 100-291 and 100-292 respectively. 32. Article XVI of Chapter 100, as added by Local Law No. 14, 1985, entitled "A Local Law to provide for a Moratorium in certain use Districts" is hereby repealed. 33. Said Chapter 100 is hereby amended by adding a new Article thereto to be Article XXX to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXX Severability Section 100-300. Severability. Should any section or provision of this chapter be decided by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity o the chapter as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. 34. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. -109-