HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/1956 MINU'T'ES Southold Town Zoning Commission Jan. 13, 1956 The Southold Town Zoning Commission met at the home of the chairman, John Wickham, on Friday, January 13, 1956, at 1:45 P.M. Those members present were: Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Reeve, Mr. VanDuzer, Mr. Van Tuyl and MtP. Wickham. Others: Supervisor Klipp. As the minutes had been mailed to members, they were not read• There was some discussion as to the possibility of retaining someone to prepare a zoning ordinance and map and, Mr. VanDuzer moved that we defer action on this for the present pending fuitther study. This was seconded and voted. Mr. Van Tuyl presented a set of maps made up from tax maps • a large map (101 long) of the entire town at 10001 scale and 6 seo- tion maps of districts of the town at a 6001 scaale. Both cases exft elude Fishers Island. Mr. Van Tuyl stated that there was a room available next to him in Greenport which would be satisfactory for storing and working on maps. Rental might be $35* per month. Discussion centered on proposed recommendations for a zoning ordinance and in the case of minimum road frontage and lot size the following actions were taken on a residential zone: It was moved by Mr. Gillisp ie and seconded by Mr. VanDuzer that minimum frontage of 100 feet with 12,500 square feet minimum area be recommended. This was carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Reeve that a minimum set back of 35 feet from the highway line be recommended. Seconded by Mr. Gillis- pie and carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Gillispie that we recommend that the main dwelling be not less than 20 feet from the back line and that there be not more than 1 dwelling on a lots( This was seconded by Mr. Reeve and voted unanimous) y. The Chairman was instructed to prepare a news release cover- ing the ab&ve action and giving the residents of the Town our rea- sons so they may have a better understanding of the problems. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. with intention to meet next on Friday, January 27th, at 1:30 P.M. at the home of the chairman. Respectfully si bmitted, Anne L. Wickham, Clerk