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Southold Town Zoning Commission
April 9, 1956
The Southold Town Zoning Commission met in the Greenport office
tlonday evening, April 9, 19562 at 8 P.M. All of the members were pre-
sent; others: Mr. Muddeman and Mrs. Wickham.
The minutes of the last meeting were read for information and
Mr. Van Tuyl reported on the questions raised in the minutes
of the last meeting: (1) the map for the hearing should be at a scale
of 20001 per inch; (2) there should be a separate map showing non-
conforming uses but this map is not necessarily shown at the hearing.
Ur. Muddeman stated here that all non-conforming uses that cease for
a period of one year automatically become conforming uses; (3) there
was some discussion re trailer camps and tourist cabins. Mr. Muddemen
stated these should be provided for and he will see that they are
added to the ordinance.
The members then went over the proposed Building Zone Ordi-
rnance for the Town of Southold, making possible changes as follows:
Art.I.3- suggest 10 persons instead of 5.
Art.I - suggest addition of paragraph in this Article re
migrant labor camps to be worked out*
Art.I.9 - 3 or more families instead of 2.
Art.I.12- 10 rooms instead of 7.
Art.I.19 - instead of "one (1) story open porches" etc.,
substitute "open terraces and bay windows not projecting more than
five (5) feet."
Art.III.8- first sentence to read "Uses customarily inciden-
tal to any of the above uses when located on the same lot and not in-
volving the conduct of a separate business." Last 2 lines to read
"larger than two(2) square feet," etc.
Art.III.9- second sentence to read "Advertising sign or signs
not exceeding 24 square feet in total area" etc.
Sec.307 - insert 25 and 10 in respective blanks successively.
Sec.401 - to read as follows "No building may be erected, al-
tered, or used, and no lot or premises except for agriculture may be
used for any trade, industry or business that has been adjudicated a
public nuisance by a court of record."
Next meeting to be held Tuesday.. May I. at 8 P.M. in Green-
port. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Anne L. Wickham,, Clerk