HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/1956 Southold Town Planning Hoard
June 190 1986
The bearing on the proposed sub•div:61on entitled "Boxwood
Aerase nes, t", Hay View, was convened at 9&30 P,*Xo at the then..
port office of the Planning Board on June 19, 1956s in connection
with its regular meeting. Present worst Mir. Serge Doyen, jr*., Mr.
marry NapP o Hr. Falter Rapp, Mrs aohn Muddoman, W r. Harold Reeves
Mr, Charles VonDuser, Mr, tato van Tuyl, Yr. and Mrs. John Wickham.
Tb! Chairman, Mr. W1 .# read the N0tic6 of the !Learing as
it appeared in the Long Island Trove ler, prodf of pub3loat ion of
whish was ordered filed with the Planning Hoard.
No testimony was offered in opposition to the subdivision.
The following Resolution was moved by Mr. VanDuser, seconded
by Mr. Reeve, notice of which was to be sent to the Bouthold flown
"IMSQLVIDo that the Southold Town Planning Board approve« the
apFlieatioa of the owners of the subwdivisioa known as Boxwood
Acres, Bastion 1, roads as shote on the map having been tpproved
by the Superintendent of Ughways and previously "cepted by th@
Town Hoard as town highways."
All of the Planning Board members present voted "yes".
The Rearing was terminated at 8&18 P.M.
In going over sections of the R,eoemrmended Rules and Regulations,
the base fee as noted on page 1 for "over la acres" was olarified
by Nrp Mauddem n as meaning base fee plus $g00 ► M "a,
On page ll#
Out that the Boasection
Board llacceppte
t2 monuments instead r "The Final Plat". It wpointed
of the as describ d
On page 11 section Jo it was thought better to substitute the
word "praotioall for the word "possibl! at the and of the sentence.
The meeting adjourned at Stag p,mo
Anne L. Wickhrms Clerk