HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1956 • MINUTES Southold Town Planning Board May 29, 1956 The Southold Town Planning Board met at the Greenport office OL Tuesday, May 29th, 1956, at 8 P.M. Members present wares Mr. Doyen, Hr. Reeve, Mr. Van Duzer and Mr. Wickham, Otherss Supervisor Klipp, Sr. Van Tuyl and. Mrs. i4okham,. The application for the development of Seawood Acres and the map were gone over in detail by the Board. It was pointed out by Mr. K1ipp that the Town highway requirements had been mat. In this con- nection Mr. Klipp called the attention of the Board to a Resolution of the Town Board dated May 29, 1956 amending the Town Highway Speci- fications as followas " {yCOLVnD, That the Southold Town Hit hway Specifications be waonded and the following clauses inserted thetrins- "That any person or persons desirous of dedicating land for town highway purposes be required to file with the Southold Town Plannit_g board 3 prints of the proposed layout of such highways, and that the Planning Board approve such layout, re+ • turning one print to the applicant or applicants, one print to the Town .Board and retaining one print for the files of the Planning Loard; than the Town Loard also be required to approve such layout and so advise the Planning Board; that this amand- ment to the HiE hway Specifications shall became effective June i, 1.956." Mr. Van Tuyl pointed out that the contours were not based on UICG datum but on an assumed elevation, which, in this case# the .Board accepted. It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board approve the set- back as set forth in the map of Seawood Acres, see. I. At 9 NoMe the following persons appeared before the Board its sup- port of the developments Mr. Charles Dougherty, Mr. Marry Kapp, Mr. 41ter Sapp and Mr. A. R. Trapp. After some discussion concerning the map, it was decided that Mr. Van Tuyl would take the prints to the Board of Health for approval, and that the Planning Board would take care of the advertisement for the hearing to be held Tuesday, June 19th, which vwuld be the time for the regular meeting of the 3oard. It was pointed out that for the future greater oars be given to sept-basks and that there be clarification of Sec.?; 1 and j Listed under `The :Final Plat% Anne L, Wickham, Clerk