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Southold Town Planning Board
May 18, 1955
A meeting of the "outhold Town Planning Board was held at the
Southold Town Clerk' s office May 18, 1955. The meeting was called to
order at 7:35 P.M. by President John Wickham. The following members
were present: John Wickham, H. R. Reeve , Robert Gillispie, Charles
Van Duzer. Also present were Supervisor Norman E. Klipp, Otto Van Tuyl,
County Consultant John MuddemEn and Town Counsel R. G. Terry, Jr.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
After a discussion of the Proposed Rules, and Regulations for tine
Subdivision of Land, Mr. Muddeman explained in detail each paragraph
so the Board would more clearly understand them.
It was agreed by the Board to delete the third article under Sec-
tion A reading "Filing only of unsubdivided areas (Fee X1.00 per acre)" .
The paragraph relating to advertising the notice of public hearing
was changed to read "in two papers or more in the town" instead of "the
paper in general circulation closest to the location of the proposed sub-
The Board approved a recommendation by Counselor Terry that when
the applications for approval of plats are printed, more space should
be given for Article 4 relating to recording of the deeds. The Board
also approved Mr. "ferry's suggestion that a corporation or individual
acknowledgement be printed instead of affidavit*
Under definitions of Subdivision Regulations Article 12, Section 1,
the Board agreed to delete "Parcels of more than 20 acres". Article 12
will now read "Subdivision - A division of a lot, tract or parcel of
land into two or more lots or other divisions of land for the purposed
immediate or futnee, of transfer of ownership or development, including
all changes in street or lot lines , provided, however, that divisions
of lands for agriculture purposes not involving any new street or ease-
ment of access shall be exempted."
The meeting adjourned after agreement to meet next on June 17th.
Charles Van Duzer