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Southold Town Planning board
July 14, 1955
The Southold Town Planning Board met at the home of Mr.
Gillispie in T'ast P'tarion on 'Thursday, July 14th, at 4 p.m.
Present were: John 6,ickham, chairman, who presided, Mr.
Doyen, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Klipp, Mr. lAuddeman, Mr. Reeve,
Mr. Van I:uzer, idr. Van 'Tuyl and Mrs. ti`ickham.
The first order of business was to go over the mimeo-
graphed copies of the corrected "Rules and. Regulations"
which had been mailed to the members. Mr. Loyen questioned
the advisability of small lots for Fishers Island, and Mr.
I'iiuddeman explained that it was not within the Planning
board's jurisdiction to make the lots larger, but that that
matter could be taken cRre of in zoning regulations.
After a little more discussion, Mr. Reeve moved that the
corrected "Rules and Regulations" be adopted and submitted
to the Town board for their approval. This was seconded by
hr. Van .luzer and voted unanimously., The chairman pointed
out that the "Rules and Regulations" are designed to be
flexible and, could be amdeded from time to time if necessary.
Mrs. 'Wickham was instructed to write the County Clerk
that the "Rules and Regulations" are in effect in Southold
`'own as of today. Mr. Klipp stated that he would see that
the Town board received copies.
Mars. Wickham asked about the procedure for submitting
bills for mimeographing, postage, etc. Mr. Klipp stated
that town vouchers would have to be prepared and mailed to
the Town Clerk.
There was some discussion as to the time and place of
the next meeting. It was decided that if any of the members
could. go to Fishers Island with the Town Board to observe,
it would. be a good idea, although it was felt that nothing
of relevance concerning Planning board would come up at that
meeting. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the
Planting Board at the chairman's home on 'Thursday, Sept.22nd,
at 4 p.m.
Speakinz for the County Planning board, IdIr. icudd.eman
commended the chairman dnd the Town Planning; Board for the
progressive step they had taken in adopting; the "Recommended
Rules and Regulations" today, and the chairman instructed
Mrs. 4�ickham to write the Uounty Planning board to thank them
for their assistance in this.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m*_
Anne L. Wickham