HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1955 I' INUTES Soutliold 'mown Planning Board September 22, 1955 The Southold Town Planning Board rnet at the home `of the chairman, John '4.ickham, on Thursday, September 22nd, 1955, at 4 p.m. Present v,ere: Lir. Gillispie, I`J.r. D'Iuddeman, Mr. R . G. Terry, Mr. Van uuzer, Mr. and I4irs. ovickham. The minutes of the last meeting, which had teen mailed to the members for information, were ar roved. The chairman aslred if there were any staterr_ent from the Town Board on the "ftecommended Hules and. Regulations" which had. been approved at the last meeting, and Mr. Terry, counsel for the Town Board, stated that the Superintendent of Highways, T+r. Price, had requested that the words "agreed and approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways" be deleted from the second paragraph on page 2. Iulr. Terry also suggested that more room be left on page 3, paragraph 4, to insert the Lords "as devisee under the last quill and Testament of . .. . . , or as distributee ... . .. .n , r. `ferry stated that there was {_:orae confusion over paragraph 4 on page 13 (Sec. 9) as to the location of trees, and it was felt that if the vuording ,, ere changed. to "these trees shall be located not over 60 feet apart" the intention XOuld be clearer. 1vlr. Van Luzer moved that the above three changes recommended by the Southold `Town Board be incorporated into the "Recommended Rules and Regulations" . This was seconded by DIr. Gillispie and voted unanimously. Nevertheless it was decided to sustain the motion at the next meeting in order to Let the vote of a quorum. Yr. Terry pointed out that -v.here the membership of a board comprises 5 persons, 4 persons constituted a quorum. Mr. Terry also recom:}ended that the motion to adopt the "Rules and Regulations" be put into the form of a. resolution and that the original co0-f_es of all. the minutes should be filed v ith the Town Clerk. It was deca.d.ed. tc meet a-.ain on Irlonday, Cctobe.r 10th, at 4 p.m. at the home of the chairman, and the c1-r!: was instructed to ask that a. quorum be present. i.=esti ngad ourned at 5:30 p.m. iiespectfu.11y submitted, Anne L. ickzam, Clerk