June 17, 1955
The -outhold shown Planning Board met at the home of the chairman,
John Y�ickham, in Cutchogue , Friday, June 17th, 1955, at 7:30 p.m.
Present were: Mr. Giliispie , Mr. Klipp, Mr. Muddeman, Mr. Price,
Mr. Reeve , Mr. Terry, Mir. Van Duzer, Mr. Stan Tuyl, Mr. and Mrs.
W i ckh am.
Mrs . 'iVickham was introduced as secretary to the Planning Board.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mr. Van Duzer, and,
after some discussion, it was decided to correct the minutes in
respect to Page 2, paragraph 2 of the "Recommended Rules and Regu-
lations for the Subdivision of Land" to read "inserted in two or
more papers in general circulation closest to the location of the
proposed subdivision" etc. It was felt that this would better care
for the requirements concerning Fishers Island.
In going over the remainder of the "Recommended Rules" beginning
on Page 9 at LO'T'S, it was decided to change "all to read "The mini-
mum dimensions shall be 751 width at the building line, 1251 depth,
and 9375 square feet area." It was also decided to delete t'ctt
tt f and
It was decided at page 10 under "rata of existing conditions" to
change "1" to read "Contours at not more than five-foot intervals"
etc* and to delete "m%
On page 11 under "The Final Plat Shall Contain the Following" it
was decided to insert aftpb "The name of a street shall not dupli-
cate that of any existing street" the words "in the same fire dis-
On page 12 changes were made at "n" to read "which shall be concrete
or stone at least 41t x 4" x 24"; at "r't "400 feet for secondary
streets and 200 feet for all others" ; at "t" shall be twenty (20)
feet" ; at "w" "of concrete at 1:3:4 misture; or equal't .
On page 130 Paragra ,h 1 under "Section 9" was deleted , as was all
until tue words "the entire dewver�►ge system and the
of paragraph 2
disposal of sanitary and storm sewage" etc. At paragraph 5, it was
decided to substitute the word "located" for ttplanted" . At para-
graph 6 it was decided to change "as estimated by the Planning Board
and Town Superintendent of Highways't to "as estimated by the Plan-
ning Board and approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways ."
Mfrs . Wickham was asked to make 25 copies of the corrected "Rules and
Regulations" and send thea: to members of the Planni,. Board and the
Town Board. Supervisor Klipp offered the services of his office
for mimeographing.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at the home of Mr.
Gillispie in East Nerion on Thursday, July 14th, at 4 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne L. tioicl �am
Secretary to the Board