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Southold .Town .Zero{ng Commission
July 14, ,1955
The Southold 'Town Zoning . Comm ssio.b met at the home of
Mr. Gillspie I in Past Marion, on 'llhursday, July 14th, at
5:15 p.m. = Present were-:, John ��ickh°achairman, who pre—
sided, Mr. Doyen, Mr :Gillisp e, Mr. Klipp; Mr, Muddeman,
Mr. Reeve, Mr. Van Duzer, 'M iI .' Van 'Tuyl' �and .'Mrs. Wickharzt.
rXhe "Draft of Proposed Coning Ordinance" for Shelter
Island Town. was distributed :for information. Si 'e there
were. hot enough to go.-around., Pdr. Muddeman stated' he would
get ,hold of two more of these and -s'end thein to` Mr. Reeve
and. Mr. 'Van Ziuzer•
The chairman, recommended' if possible that members attend
the, Shelter 4srland zoning hearings on the evenings of July
''15th',and Und in order to acquaint themselves with,.heari'tig
. proo lures, etc. ,
Mrs. Wickham was Instructed to procure .minutes book: _
for each. of the members, and, the chairman was instructed' to
okay' all vouchers submitted for the zoning 'commission to the
Town board.
The meeting 'adjourned at 5:45 p.m.; with a decision to
meet next at the "chairmanIs. home on Thursday, Septa `�22nd�
at 4 porn.
He fpeo tfAil3 y Submitted,
Anne L. .Wickham