HomeMy WebLinkAboutAquaculture SUPERVISOR Scott L. Harris COUNCILMEN Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Raymond W. Edwards TOWN BOARD Southold, New York 11971 George L. Penny IV Thomas H. Wickham TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX (516)765 - 1823 Joseph J. Lizewski TELEPHONE(516) 765 - 1891 Alice J. Hussie November 24, 1992 Mr. William C. Goggins McNulty - Spiess Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law P. O. Box 757 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Goggins: The Town Board at its November 24 meeting discussed the question of aquaculture and its relation to agriculture under the zoning laws of Southold Town. There was a consensus that this is an issue that the town will need to look into. The Board further suggested that initial discussion pertaining to this question be conducted by the Planning and Zoning Committee, a standing committee of the Town Board which I chair. As I am sure you can appreciate, this committee does not take up applications before the Town Board or other Boards of the Town; we do look into broad policy questions relating to planning and zoning which require input from various boards and the public. I think the aquaculture question is such an issue. Accordingly, I plan to schedule a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Committee early in 1993 on this topic. I would welcome meeting with you ahead of time to coordinate how you could contribute to the success of that meeting. Feel free to call me (734-5454), and if I don't hear from you I'll be in touch with you. Best regards. Sincerely yours, Thomas Wickham, Councilman Southold Town cc: Supervisor Harris TW/Ijc McNULTY - SPIESS ATTORNEYS S COUNSELORS AT LAW 633 EAST MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 757 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 516-72 7-8 200 JOHN R. MCNULTY FAX 516-727-8262 JAMES SPIESS November 19, 1992 EDWARD D. BURKE WILLIAM C. GOGGINS OF COUNSEL Members of the Southold Town Board Town of Southold RECEIVED 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 NOV 2 0 1992 Re: Request for Amendment Southold Town Clerk Dear Board Members, This firm represents Arthur G. Carlson of 1675 Lower Road, Southold, New York who requested the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to interpret the Southold Town Code and determine that aquaculture is within the purview of agriculture. The Zoning Board of Appeals denied the interpretation. However, it appeared that the Zoning Board was not adverse to a wholesale shellfish operation existing under certain restraints. Accordingly, Mr. Carlson, on his own behalf and on behalf of others within the community, seeks a change to the Southold Town Code as illustrated within. Many residents of our Town view agricultural operations (Farming & wineries) as synonymous to aquacultural operations, however, the Southold Town Code does not treat them equally. It is ironic that we recently saluted our heritage by proudly celebrating the 350th anniversary of the First English speaking settlement in the State of New York, while at the same time, we do not protect the fishing industry, which through history, has provided a vital aspect to the economic well being of our Town, and continues as such to a certain extent. ` McNULTY - SPIESS ATTORNEYS S COUNSELORS AT LAW Recently, the Board acknowledged that the Code does not adequately provide for the fishermen of our Town and that a provision protecting the self employed fisherman, was needed so that they could legally operate their businesses. The "Home Occupation Law" addressed the needs of most of the self employed fishermen engaged in farming the waters but failed to meet the needs of the local wholesaler and the needs of the fisherman to bring their catch to a local wholesaler. Presently, the Code only permits wholesale shellfish operations in the small zoning area district designated as Marine-ll (Article X11, Section 100-121 B. (5) by a special exception). The Board should take notice that the cost of purchase or rental of facilities in an M-11 district makes the operation of a wholesale shellfish business impossible. Consequently, the small area of the M-11 district together with the negative cost-effectiveness of operating a shellfish wholesale business in the M-11 zone prohibits a shellfish wholesaler to legally conduct business in Southold Town. Most distressing is the fact that the Master plan neglected to adequately address the needs of the wholesaler and the existence of Mr. Carlson's operation. A meaningful provision protecting the fishermen engaged in the packaging and wholesale distribution of shellfish should become part of the Southold Town Code. Presently, the code allows for the packaging and seasonal sale of farm products, and the produj tion and sale of wine in several zoning districts which is similar to the packaging and distribution of shellfish. The Southold Town Code at Article III, 100-31 B (13) permits winery use by special exception by the Board of Appeals in. the Agricultural Conservation (A-C) district, where it • . McNULTY - SPIESS ATTORNEYS S COUNSELORS AT LAW states " Wineries for the production and sale of wine produced from grapes primarily grown in the vineyards on which such winery is located." This code provision allows Wineries to produce, bottle and distribute wine for wholesale and retail sale, despite the fact that a large percentage of grapes used by our local wineries are produced outside of Southold Town. 1 Fisherman should be allowed the same opportunity to conduct business in Southold Town as do the wineries and farmers. Please consider the following addition to Article III, 100-31 B of the Southold Code, which would permit the packaging and distribution of aquacultural shellfish products: "Aquacultural operations for the packaging, and wholesale distribution of primarily locally produced marine or aquatic products providing the business is operated: on a parcel of land less than one acre but more than three quarter acre in size; in an enclosed building so that, no noxious odors emanate therefrom; and the operation is licensed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets." I further ask that the aforementioned proposed addition to the code be carried through the remaining zoning districts as the "Winery" provisions have been, to wit: Article III A. 100-30A.2; Article IV,100-42B. (4) Article VII 100-71 B (6); Article VIII... 100-81A; Article 1X, 100-91 B; (1D) Article X, 100-101 (B) (1); Article XIV, 100-141 (3) B.(3) Amendments as suggested above would enable the fisherman engaged in the business of removing shellfish from our local waters, a place to sell their catch locally. The fisherman engaged in packaging and distribution will be permitted to operate their businesses, only by special exception of the Board McNULTY - SPIESS ATTORNEYS &COUNSELORS AT LAW of Appeals. I submit that these proposed changes would meet the needs of our local fisherman while at the same time, allay the "noxious odor" concern of other residents. Please note that the Southold Town Board of Trustees assert that mariculture and agriculture should be afforded similar code protection. A copy of a letter evidencing same is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. In addition, the Board should note that the County has taken steps to protect fishermen by enacting "Resolution No. 912-1988 adopting local law No. 30 year 1988", a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B. Most importantly, many residents will be forced-out of business if the Code is not amended to protect the needs of all fishermen. We submit that residents of the Town of Southold are not adverse to the within amendment. Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit C are signed petitions evidencing same. It is strange that the Town Code permits businessmen to move to Southold Town and establish a business of packaging and wholesale distribution of wine produced in part by grapes grown outside of Southold Town while at the same time prohibiting fishermen with generational roots in the community the same opportunity. We respectfully request that the Town Board entertain the proposed s McNULTY - SPIESS ATTORNEYS S COUNSELORS AT LAW change and that we be given the opportunity to address the Board or its legislative committee. Very truly yours, R WILLIAM C. GG WCG/cag r I/ TRUSTEES cn )SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor John M. Bredemeyer, III, President O "` Henry P. Smith; Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 John L. Bednoski, Jr. ; Southold, New York 11971 John B. Tuthill BOARD OF, TOWN TRUSTEES Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1892 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Telephone (516) 765-1800 November 23 , 1990 TO: Scott L. Harris, Supervi-syo FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, II / 6'wident RE: Trustee input / Commer al zoning -- Master Plan At our November 15, 1990 work session the Board of Trustees had the opportunity to reflect on your recent letter requesting Trustee input into the issue of commercial zoning and the Master Plan. The Trustees. are of the consensus that mariculture and aquaculture operations should be given similar status to Agriculture in Southold Town. r- Specifically, the culture of beneficial aquatic and marine organisms in upland areas should be afforded similar code protections as agriculture currently enjoys. With respect to the sale or distribution of any locally produced marine or aquatic products, the ' Trustees believe that historically-run operations which are completely enclosed in a building should be grandfathered and permitted to continue in all zoning districts. With respect to new .operations for the. sale and distribution of marine or aquatic products, the Trustees believe that the tenor . of the zoning code should be liberal towards their existence with the requirement that operations be covered, have proper parking, and abate nuisances promptly. cc: Town Board Town Attorney Zoning Committee . 4 ~ Intro Res. No. 1597-8� Laid o*able 6./28/88 Introduced,.by ,Legislator Thiele, Romaine ti RESOLUTION NO. 912 - 198 8, 'ADOPTING LOCAL LAW NO. 30 YEAR 198 �, A LOCAL LAW TO PROTECT RIGHT TO FISH WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK WHEREAS, there was duly presented and introduced to this County Legislature at a regular meeting held on - July 12 1988, a proposed law :ntitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO PROTECT RIGHT TO FISH WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK",, said local law in final form is the same as when presented and introduced; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said local law be enacted in form as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 30 YEAR 1988, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK A LOCAL LAW TO PROTECT RIGHT TO FISH WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK as Eollows: Section 1. Legislative Intent It is the declared policy of the County of Suffolk to conserve, protect and encourage the use of its fishing resources for the production and sale of food and other related products. This Legislature finds that approximately 90% )f the fish processing is performed outside of the County of Suffolk. This Legislature also finds that when fishing activities extend into newly developed ireas, such fishing process operations often become the subject of nuisance quits. As a result, commercial fish processing operations are sometimes forced :o cease operations while many others are discouraged from making investments in Lmprovements. This Legislature further finds that whatever nuisance may be caused to )thers by such uses and activities so conducted is more than offset by the oenefits from fishing and fish processing to the County's economy and way of Life and to society in general from the economic and social benefits derived Erom maintaining a viable fishing industry on Long Island. Therefore, the purpose of this law is to reduce the loss to the County of Lts fishing resources by limiting the circumstances under which fishing and fish )rocessing may be deemed to be a nuisance. Section 2. Definitions A.) "Fish" shall mean all varieties of the super-class Pisces, including ill shellfish. B.) "Food fish" shall mean all species of edible fish, including all ;hellfi5h. C.) "Fishing" shall mean the taking, killing, netting, capturing or withdrawal of fish or food fish from the waters of this County for commercial ?urposes, by any means, including every attempt to take and every act of assistance to any other person in taking or attempting to take fish. For the ?urpose of this law, "fishing" shall not include recreational fishing activities. Section 3. Restrictions on Public Nuisance Actions Against Fishing Operations Notwithstanding any other provision of this law, fishing and fish )rocessing activities conducted within the County of Suffolk, if consistent with ;ound fishing practices and established prior to surrounding non-fishing activities, shall be deemed to be reasonable and shall not constitute a public nuisance unless the activity has a substantially adverse effect on the public iealth and safety. No fishing or fish processing operation, resulting from :hanged conditions in, adjacent to, or surrounding the fishing or fish )rocessing operation, shall be the subject of a public nuisance action if such `ishing or fish processing operations has been in existence for one (1) year or tore prior to the changed condition and has not been declared to be a nuisance iy a pertinent State or municipal commission, local health office, local board 1 of health, ar court ofpetent jurisdiction at the tim hat such operation commenced. Section 4. Certain Actions Not Affected The provisions of Section 3 of this law shall not defeat the right of any individual, firm, business, partnership, or corporation to recover damages for any injuries or damages sustained by them on account of any pollution of, or change in condition of, the waters of any stream or on account of any overflow of lands of any such individual, firm, business, partnership, or corporation if such pollution, change, or overflow is the direct result of the fishing or fish pr-Ocessing activity. Section 5. Prior Actions Not Affected ._:_This law shall not affect actions commenced prior to the effective date hereof. Section 6. SEQRA Determination This Legislature, being the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) lead agency, hereby finds and determines that this law constitutes and unlisted action pursuant to Section 617 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) which will not have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: 1. Simply provides guidelines and parameters regarding the nature of what constitutes a public nuisance; 2. Nuisance actions are not barred or precluded in instances or cases in which actual direct damages can be demonstrated to have resulted from the fishing or fish; 3. Proposed action will not exceed any of the criteria in Section 617.11 of Title _6 NYCRR which sets forth thresholds for determining significant effect on the environment; The Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is hereby directed to circulate any appropriate SEQRA notices of determination of non- applicability or non-significance in accordance with this law. Section 7. Severability If any part of or provisions of this law, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part of or provision of or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this law, or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances. Section 8. Effective Date This law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State. DATED: September 28, 988 AP�01 R/ D BY: / Cotint�' Execut ive o f Suf f 1 County after a public hearing duly held on r 10/11/88 & Date of Approval:� Filed with the Secretary of State on 12/19/88. PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. D N X-, ress T11A '4s Q 42 oIt, �- PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date Name Address �— d " I Gt _77- . 411 2 1Z Ci yy� ` I 1 ( t� / I c, L rl 6 - / z G � ' r 6 - 'o z� C C o.�i'C v y� PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date Name Address c.7 'z ALAI.'Y�r`-r'. C- 7-21 � ✓� ` L '7y1p�l�.f-/C � //✓/�•c� b�G �-//l ��✓/�/�� �./.�/VC= �i A G'YL.CX' G! / •.L"�, /�' L fr I I L G�LI-C.It ' �y(C- G,C.�-.v � �-�ct,.Ili c�R-.•:., C<.<Gfh Y /0 33.3'/ -) C. .,~--�.. -�:.i.�- �.. .• � - -�•rYi-c.C ..`�`� � /.fit?-^.'t-�c2,.��/ c) z /� U� l _ �_� .�1 z PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date N Address 1,6 Z— '!I i Zx TL cpr /1/ 1/ S� /c 'G `i ? '� «•�i%G � T�•r�r .� ( /G,< ,c=!icc% �(� �L �x / � ��I�LLr' jr li''( /��:�� /D � (• 1 % 74 •''U��1 �� v. 1 c Lh l�r ��- i/^�` �! n �� �'7 ('rg F =7 /y/y /QI//7Z li 9_� ocUL"- 1 OrDI( Y y- 4 /C'•,� )..� ) v�L-,w SYic S�•vi fit, �._ � .7 / V '' , 7) z � ire < <- `''.�li 7✓' 4 �� - - � �.f� �«�:..�;. -�../ r �c i li ' PETITION A • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the"Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Dig Name Address v"•- '�- Gt�z�u� , �-. ..c.;.�-� �'" in/ � , c5 r�/off- / ,o- 2y-q1,7 ZL nA " Z / �'. G�':tL`{ J(�-I.2 1 ��nu�'r '✓tCtt'"�c G c l(J 4 Z V `la,t.,. 2 , L 9 Vd, ' C,v, 7—c, ^T— / 1,t2�- S'G v T- v ,� `114 ell 1 e fI z y / GI Z u� . c F��u< ' 7 so A"Me A&k•. S 24 101? lvai L i'L., i w, l 5 c 5l 1 �ryYn�c c-Lam, �2Ic W U h=i 4 ZG.i �.i i 1.1. t rd.�� .C�:Yi S \`L.,k C: Ir! o• ti� tl l , 1 t t'jS— ' 1,4 V C>k. )-� /'/1�-'L: �7_7Z t_4 nc-L !✓�L ti Y �175y� 71 c of/7 04. 114? • I Al I ^�' of✓' 1 lit.--�,�!Y �.�•.' �,�...V, �„ .5. ' ,� �.:'l.- i`� l'�C,1 j n PETITION A TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF IVFNI YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Imo;, N&m.Ylob e i o(tib . I 2 g O (JT/ O /aJj, e�t 10nli>x c - - Ob ' -442 •� G lice. '.�aEti• � /� . '2 7_ cYQ 7 7sTC t'. Z �- ✓ �G fit- CJI_ J `K.i� �Ltp PETITION A TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,.State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale,distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New'York*which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. 211 �cj�3ress �i . gc '7 ,� i , ._7 ( i p } 4 1 PETITION A • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and _ continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date N /{ ' Address 0 vw� W .. L. � l �� vl✓ L _ b 9 1sA Z? 'e,-T 7-T %T l fly ,Ln !1 1 i l 16 2-- (I /O zG 9i S" 17iC?"-- "VN 5 � r " -C i 'i . )U, 1511 7 ,c ( Ci.:-, !Y1 ;�Y � C�%\.�� �'�r'\C "�L.t�L' lc / '• .J��� r' lG r.L,u,�' .C-�`or') L. I '}9 �I-141q 4ZA —` _Acr rAk, Al1Q XW (a_4,. ),by 3 / %l L - /v A.:�,ti.t.' G �% .�j.cs\- 'r- j L`lr�a-L`•�� ! t J l/// 11 I C ',� ..� ,J 11ci .���_t•__�i�_�: .�Ar; ��.�_�.� /11 y�;`i� 7� /, j � ' — -1 �r' ').�i-r.7 In:'S'7 f YI��ti'1^1.{✓�/. F„�/�`� i/ Z_ // 1, ei 5 cid % C/4- , PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert-that the aforesaid business is necessary In the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date Name Address Zo Lp Lor , J V>.o c q s`r r CA 7- (- v -MI-16 S ii y�7 ► LGo v © U ' lR3S ' i A �35 o e gx 16 V � 7 y PETITION A • • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date Name Address y' 07:X1 hQ Ic1 r > l3r> :3V,C% oA �u •.a9 -5z .,L� -"�, � Gt'�46, ft44 o !i• �. 7V (A { N ~ �: , � /���• �L- .._ -� 1 �'", ��.�i' �����c�.L{—w. � �l/' :1. '� 1, � �',' _t - ��n �r n ^ ./ 7 PETITION A TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK_STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and that they are familiar with the shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business of Arthur Carlson located at Lower Road, Southold, New York which has been in business for over 20 years. The proper rezoning of the subject parcel was ignored by the master plan despite the fact that it has and continues to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation. The undersigned assert that the aforesaid business is necessary in the Town of Southold and that the Southold Town Code should be amended to permit the business to continue. Date Name Address a -Fez ii Al ,,,� e) Al , gyp — t-� o — ylv_ / 4. Q - ke -17 44/11 L<_S ICG NQS t !L/UYi 7 c 10 11-3 I/) a . _ _ ) :2. c q Z --u S- i ,4;l f .s PETI'T'ION B , * TO: THE MEMBERS OF'THE SOUtHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK' The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. The undersigned hereby state that if Arthur Carlson's shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business located at Lower Road, Southold, New York is enjoined from operation, the undersigned will be directly or indirectly financially affected by same. The undersigned request that the members of the Southold Town Board amend the Southold Town Code to permit Mr. Carlson's operation to legally exist. A shut down of Mr. Carlson's operation may result in dire financial consequences to either the undersigned, the family of the undersigned or relatives of the undersigned. Date NnIg &&r= u _ // u• ��.7a % :��. -ry ✓ lam` o S PETMON B ;TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SPATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Tcwn of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. The undersigned hereby state that if Arthur Carlson's shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business located at Lower Road, Southold, New York is enjoined from operation, the undersigned will be directly or indirectly financially affected by same. The undersigned request that the members of the Southold Town Board amend the Southold Town Code to permit Mr. Carlson's operation to legally exist. A shut down of Mr. Carlson's operation may result in dire financial consequences to t either the undersigned, the family of the undersigned or relatives of the undersigned. Date Name Address 41 44 0 - V L7 t© _ L 3 _� o - ry t1 1158 )Qg1p, ti A r '14/Vz 71 -7/ / C `'(.-S � vg-71 X L71 l - PETITION B ` TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOI.D TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY,OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. The undersigned hereby state that if Arthur Carlson's shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business located at Lower Road, Southold, New York is enjoined from operation, the undersigned will be directly or indirectly financially affected by same. The undersigned request that the members of the Southold Town Board amend the Southold Town Code to permit Mr. Carlson's operation to legally exist. A shut down of.Mr. Carlson's operation may result in dire financial consequences to either the undersigned, the family of the undersigned or relatives of the undersigned. Date Name Address l2 Iz 0 PETITION B • TO: THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK The undersigned do hereby state that they are residents of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. The undersigned hereby state that if Arthur Carlson's shellfish (scallops, lobsters, conchs) packaging and wholesale distribution business located at Lower Road, Southold, New York is enjoined from operation, the undersigned will be directly or indirectly financially affected by same. The undersigned request that the members of the Southold Town Board amend the Southold Town Code to permit. Mr. Carlson's operation to legally exist. A shut down of Mr..Carlson's operation may result in dire financial consequences to either the undersigned, the family of the undersigned or relatives of the undersigned. Date Name ,, Address ANA CnZ-M ll�'I F �l✓ Cs- Gam_.p t� /a _-,y 9L - PeFer� 'c�i Cirn 60 '3-yy,ems tue; 5;'e-4 o v v l o 1A i ar�• ► ;v � •'i �%� /. ..� �- of 7, 11 O D ZL �✓ L �'D C a t T� 5G / J J 77 (�� �' '�... z. -tea....+—a-,--- . J� � i •Y 1 l s L IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ARTHUR G. CARLSON TO AMEND THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE APPLICATION TO AMEND McNULTY-SPIESS 633 East Main Street P.O. Box 757 Riverhead, N.Y. 11901 (516) 727-8200 Service of the within is hereby admitted. Dated: Attorney(s)for