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Tsounis, Nicholas
The trailer was removed from premises in November 2007 SOF SO!/jy ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ��� Ol0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER G Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone(631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �li`COU '� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Organization Name: Permit Number: 176 Name: Tsounis,Nicholas Address: 825 Daisy Road Mattituck,NY 11952 City ST Zip: * * EXPIRATION NOTICE This is to advise you that your Trailer permit has expired on 02/13/2008 Enclosed is a trailer permit application. Complete the application, have your signature notarized and return it to this office with the required fee of$100.00 as soon as possible. Please make your check or money order payable to the "Southold Town Clerk". If your application and fee are not received by 3/14/2008 the Trailer Permit will be revoked and you will be required to remove the trailer from the premises. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, C/ -7� Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosure SOF S0 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE �0� y�0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER G 416 Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER %� �� Telephone(631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �li�'COU '� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Organization Name: Permit Number: 176 Name: Tsounis, Nicholas Address: 825 Daisy Road Mattituck,NY 11952 City ST Zip: * * RENEWAL NOTICE This is to advise you that your Trailer permit will expire on 02/13/2008 Enclosed is a trailer permit application. Complete the application, have your signature notarized and return it to this office with the required fee of$100.00 as soon as possible. Please make your check or money order payable to the "Southold Town Clerk". If your application and fee are not received on or before 3/14/2008 your Permit will be revoked and you will be required to remove the trailer from the premises. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosure o��Of SO!/lyo ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE lO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 �e Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS G MARRIAGE OFFICER � � a�O Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �li,'CAU0 Telephone ( .port fork. 0 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER PI �' southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAILER PERMIT Permit Number: 176 Date: 07/26/2007 Issued to: Tsounis, Nicholas Address: 825 Daisy Road Mattituck, NY 11952 A permit is hereby issued to locate a single trailer, as follows: License No.: GE0700342 Serial No.: PSHGA-12890 Located at: 825 Daisy Rd., Mattituck SCTM#: 106-8-39 Pursuant to application dated 08/13/2007. Expiration Date: 02/13/2008 This renewal permit is granted for a six (6) month period. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk pF SO!/lyo ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE '`� l0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK 4 P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ,M Telephone (631) 765-1800 C FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER DULY+ southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION SINGLE AUTOMOBILE TRAILER OR HOUSE CAR Fee: $100 (for maximum of six (6) months) Must be submitted with application. ) 7 6 Please check one: New Application ( ) Renewal (X Permit No. Received Date: a � 13� �� _ /` Issue Date: / 12 Expiration Date: S/ 3 Name of Applicant: C. 0 t-% S Q Mailing Address: sa Telephone No. — i Applicant is: Owner ( )Lessee ( )Agent for Owner ( )Agent for Lessee Name of Owner of Premises `-7 C)E)9,5 If owner is corporate, signature and title of duly authorized officer: Number of Occupants �- & Names: rv) L(c r p O� Tso vtf MailingAddress a S r Telephone No.: —Tl 1 — h -) ()— � ) Employer of Occupant 0 (L (Name) (Address) (Telephone Number) Property Information Street address of land on which trailer will be located: SCTM #: © h 3 S Existing use and occupancy of premises and intenlled use and occu ancy of proposed trailer: 1. Existing use and occupancy fi 2. Intended use and occupancy ( _ C- R 3. Perio of time trailer is to be Jocated on premises: 0'1 13 -7 Lot Size: Front c' Rear Depth Date of purchase o •lease of land X19 Zoning District for premises: -F ;� L! C,lc 'Sy ✓ Does proposed use violate any zoning ordinance or law? (' No ( )Yes If yes, explain on separate paper. Trailer Informatio : N- /a S Length� 0 Width Height Registration No. Serial No. Method of Sewerage disposal 'P n y Source of Water Supply a A _ ' I a Source of Electricity C IMPORTANT Copy of survey showing location of existing buildings and existing/proposed trailer must be attached to this application. State of New York County of Suffolk being duly sworn, deposes and says that that (s)he is the applicant named above and (s) he is authorized to make and file this application; and that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of(her) his knowledge and belief; and that the trailer will be located in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. (Signature) Sworn to before me this day of ,2 (Notary Public) P't, pld,161 7/0 *pF SO(/j�o �" ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE �� l0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS N Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER �� Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �ly�OUN� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER + southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Organization Name: Permit Number: 176 Name: Tsounis,Nicholas Address: 825 Daisy Road Mattituck,NY 11952 City ST Zip: * *RENEWAL NOTICE This is to advise you that your Trailer permit will expire on 08/13/2007 Enclosed is a trailer permit application. Complete the application, have your signature notarized and return it to this office with the required fee of$100.00 as soon as possible. Please make your check or money order payable to the "Southold Town Clerk". If your application and fee are not received on or before 8/13/2007 your Permit will be revoked and you will be required to remove the trailer from the premises. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosure Town of Southold - Letter Board Meeting of February 13, 2007 ®� RESOLUTION 2007-197 Item# 37 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2619 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-197 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13,2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the trailer permit application of Nicholas Tsounis,Thomas Tsounis, and Katherine Siolas,Mattituck,New York for a period of six (6)months, the trailer is to be located at 825 Daisy Road, Mattituck, New York, SCTM# 1000-106-8-39 to be used as a one family dwelling during the repair of house which suffered damage from a fire. 0�4 , Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. Generated February 14, 2007 Page 56 o�*OF SO(/lyol ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICERl Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER y'rom� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAILER PERMIT Permit Number: 176 Date: 02/13/2007 Issued to: Tsounis,Nicholas Address: 825 Daisy Road Mattituck,NY 11952 A permit is hereby issued to locate a single trailer, as follows: License No.: GE0700342 Serial No.: PSHGA-12890 Located at: 825 Daisy Rd., Mattituck SCTM#: 106-8-39 Pursuant to application dated 02/13/2007. Expiration Date: 08/13/2007 This renewal permit is granted for a six (6) month period. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk FEB-12-2007 11:30 From:LIMH t 6314751426 031 765 6145 P. 1/2 "I COT"ll -T- ONG, ISt,A-NTDMOBELEHOM-El-, -E-- ASIN(i "Personal Care When You Need It Most FACSIMILE T.RANSMJTTAI,SHRET 6k. DATT. F>>i N1..TNTP.FR- TOTAL PACIES fNCLUDENG C'OVL*R. (-).A,fM NUMMER- Jb0Lk.'V-N-UMBFR. RE: URGENT Cl IFOR PlEvIrl.-W Q PLEASE COMMENT 13PLEASE. !1? lil oR a. M FEB-12-2007 11:30 From:LIMH 0 6314751426 #31 765 6145 P.2/2 LUNG ISLAND MOBILE HOME LEASING CORP. "Personal Cure When You Need It Most" RECEIVED February 12, 2007 Town of Southold F E 0 1 2 2007 Building Department Town Hall Southold Town Clea Southold, NY 11971. Dear Sir or Madam: This is to inform you that we are placing a temporary manufactured home for Nicholas and Thomas Tsounis at 925 Daisy Road, Mattituck, .NY. Due to Mr. 'fsounis' fire loss on February 5, 2007, lie came to us in need of temporary housing. We will be in your office tomorrow to comply with filing the permit for the temporary mobile home. (f you have any further questions please contact our office. Thank you, Sincerely, Long island Mobile Horne Leasing Corp. phone 631-475-5100 . 9 Amsterdam Avenue, Suite 1 * Mvdj6ril, New York,11763 •fax 631-475-1426 *pF SO(/lyo ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE �� lQ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS N Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER • �O� Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ���OUsoutholdtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION SINGLE AUTOMOBILE TRAILER OR HOUSE CAR Fee: $100 (for maximum of six (6) months) Must be submitted with application. Please check one: New Application () Renewal ( ) Permit No. ReceivedDate: Issue Date: Expiration Date: (� 3icj-� Name of Applicant: o S rnb i . Mailing Address: Telephone No. 131 X -75 Io0 Applicant is: ( )Owner ( )Lessee ("Agent for Owner ( )Agent for Lessee Name of Owner of Premises A1j CL CjaS TLua S .77► L Ill k nis. �GI -Pyiyy (AaS If owner is corporate, signature and title of duly authorized officer: Number of Occupants �2 & Names: h o(Q TSoUri iq MailingAddress F a Telephone No.: 51(_,,-(7 3e Employer of Occupant (Name) (Address) (Telephone Number) Property Information Street address of land on which trailer will be located: halga ad C2 SCTM#: Existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use an occupancy of proposed trailer: 1. Existing use and occupancyr r ilk 2. Intended use and occupancy Le4 6 orae -7b 3. Period of time trailer is to be located on premises: i • .- Lot Size: Front Rear Depth Date of purchase or lease of land Zoning District for premises: Does proposed use violate any zoning ordinance or law? ( )No ( )Yes If yes, explain on separate paper. Trailer Information: Length Width /�Z Height Registration No.{W #- CEo-7oc31/'z— Serial No. Ps'H Gig, /a Ir9 o Method of Sewerage disposal -(-c; �)v1 fsnOQirk pal-(4 Source of Water Supply Source of Electricity IMPORTANT Copy of survey showing location of existing buildings and existing/proposed trailer must be attached to this application. State of New York County of Suffolk N ,�� rp•�Y/1,C� 4 ( L. 1 t s TS OU�1 S being duly sworn, deposes and says that that (s)he is the applicant named above and (s) he is authorized to make and file this application; and that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of(her) his knowledge and belief; and that the trailer will be located in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. r^^ VIA- (Signature) Sworn to before me this Z day of 24()-7 • 'A'L4- n �.►� (Notary ic) LORI H.MONTEFUSCO Notary Public State of New York Qualliified2in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 24, (u, e°su,.,arrs 49'k!aU a�Rpt�91Ci ip�� axc t:c:x at,•. V", NO �;• fit•c'p. •%�r iN<.7G'SI R`e.':''.4k:PL'ttFR•-74 N,b�➢� . / �R k.ua rr'!lnx 1W fsra6R56 :it 8 vC",e�y}� mt 49+Gi4241't my,QR go�w0d Oft POLE N B 66 V DAISY ROAD 50' WIDE Tr,do !MP3 CONC. CURB 7 N, 71.3920"E.. 10&65' coma coma MCA MIX ��2 m 41 V \3. o o to Q.4" -24W 10, ' N u co f �lJ-0 t0 0 �0 ti3 N LOT # 49 rare N �+ LOT , 48 N AAMA 21299 SF h y+e ud lei 4 Qt� 9 .g 116,32' S. 71.3920" W. N/F C,' G A VZ> IVAre a 41AJ GoC T.CM7 SURVEY OF LOT # 49, MAP OF SUNSET KNOLLS SECTION 2 FILED' : APRIL 9, 1970 - FILE # 5448 SITUATED AT MATTI''UCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. aUA2AAJ7'E60 70 50UrH6Z-,D -'S ✓WI Aa4 BA/VX SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES SURVEYED JAN,'27, 1988 I�'1 1.[ FAiY�ILY DINFLt.N ONLY W-C. A4ja- 77 , /.988 DATM R_�_ 11989 tio. . ' �,� 1,oa c;P .N: : �7,P l� The s2wgld dispas fl,rra ml'er s,;;..;4 gU2s for this /•�tl ' location have hoan it sn_..t th;.ton:,:t,nent and/or SCALE • P: A 30' 030' other agene foundUL;C. Ciu Chief of Iii reau of Wastewater Management LAIV40 SURVEYOR SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 11 CHURCHILL IA.. SMITHTUW4 NY' MTRICr SECTION BLOCK Lor TEI. X43-5139 1000. 106 8 39 •.Y.'L_ .....�6... ...�.'::.gt4 ,�•,,. .. ..LGA. .'4,' .......•<.��:A.�f. _ s iifirt e`�,`,r:. •'•' '' _ �_ •fir �~ _-�+y •.ate MATTrrUCK FIRE LOSS_0001.JPG 02/06/2007 � 5 � •. s Y t a MATTITUCK FIRE LOSS_0002.JPG 02/06/2007 i a MATTITUCK FIRE LOSS 0003 JPG ?2i06i20n' w � MATTITUCK FIRE LOSS_0004.JPG 02/06/2007 . ii �• SP1°^fid', �IYi ri" MATTFFUCK FIRE LOSS_0005.JPG 02/06/2007 FT Im a .. r r u m' A.:•• ""vim.- .... .., �M•us'"ss„: '.'.» _ � .� - �' n MATTRUCK FIRE LOSS_0006.JPG 02/06/2007 ,x,)0..n w. ..•fit ,k• t, S , v OA MATTrrUCK FIRE LOSS_0007.JPG 02/06/2007 , MATTITUCK FIRE LOSS_0008.JPG 02/06/2007 s M w Il - IVuw� A l � MATTITUCK FIRE LOSS_0009.JPG 02/06/2007 3 �� u4 MATTFFUCK FIRE LOSS_0010.JPG 02/06/2007 - k s r . a z • �� tM1 1.N�. fl a w e a m MATTFFUCK FIRE LOSS_0013.JPG 02/06/2007 M � i a r 4 I �t MATTFFUCK FIRE LOSS_0014.JPG 02/06/2007