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Asphalt Concrete Annual Contract
y, F AGREEMENT made this 19th day of June 1990 between PAUL CORAZZINI E SONS INC. with its principal office and place of business at Route 25, Greenport, New York 11944 hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation if the State of New York, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for bid, at the following unit prices: Item 1W - 0 - 350 tons - Thirty-Six Dollars and Ninety Cents ($36.90) Item 2W - 350 - 650 tons - Thirty-Five Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ($35.88) Item 3W - 650 - 1,000 tons Thirty-Three Dollars and Eighty-Nine Cents ($33.89) Item 4W - Over 1,000 tons - Thirty-Two Dollars and Eighty-Nine Cents ($32.89) The above specified contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the 1st day of July 1990, through the 30th day of June 1991 , JN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHO B Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor CONTRACTOR By_�Z -Z Paul Corazzini, P e dent STATE OF NEW YOR14 ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLIO On the2f±— day of �L� 1990, before me personally came Paul Corazzini to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 33 Madison Street, Greenport, New York , and that he is the President of Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc. the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary PubUZ JUDITH T.TERRY NotaryNo.52Public -0344963 e of w York Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 31,19 STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 26th day of June 1990, before me personally came SCOTT LOUIS HARRIS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public JUDITH T.TERRY Notary Public,State of New York No.52-0344963 Qualified in Suffolk Commission Expires MyCiO /// -2- i Fidelity Deposit and C HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 CONTRACT BOND #30363761 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That---Pau_l Co_razzi_ni & Sons , Inc . - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 33-_Madison--St.--3- Greenp-ort-,--Ny--11944--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, with its Home Office in the City of Baltimore, Maryland, and duly authorized and licensed to do business in the State of----Rew-__ or—k-----------------------------------------(hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto-----Town--of---Southold,--NY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------_----_----_--___---.--------_----------_--_---_--_----__._(hereinafter called Owner), in the full and just sum of Ten__ThousaB & T�o110Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars ($ 10,.Q99..Q9 ), to the payment of which sum,well and truly to be made,the Principal and Surety bind themselves,their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed,sealed and dated this---------------------7th--------------------------------day of----September----------- ---------------19--9-0--- WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written agreement, dated the__________________________________________ day of------------------------------------------------------------19----------- with the Owner for____Annual_Contract for Furnishing -- -- --------------------------------- -a.nd--Pla-cing-As-phalt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- which agreement is or may be attached hereto for reference. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and carry out the covenants, terms and conditions of said agreement, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. WITNESS: Paul Corazzini & Sons, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SEAL) ----�r�� ------��--`- ---- -- -------------(SEAL) -------- =-r � _'- P - ------- -------------------------- -------•--------------------------------------------(SEAL) (IF INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM) ATTEST: --------------------------------------------------------------------•-----------(SEAL) (IF CORPORATION) ATTEST: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND s> Robert G. Tynan, Attorney-in-fact C329-15M,8-80 211340 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE: BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 CONTRACT BOND as 0 z PLEASE READ YOUR BOND STATE OF SS: COUNTY OF............---------------- ---------------- Onthis --------------------------------------_------------_--------......---day of.....................--......--------...... .........------....-----19-------- before me personally appeared with whom I am personally acquainted,who,being by me duly sworn,did depose and say: Thathe resides at ------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------........................-that he is the........................... - of the - - - - - the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seal thereto affixed is such corporate seal; that it is so affixed by order of the Board of Directors, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public County BR(113)23— a SiAlh New York CO 11 N I N' u,Na-s.sa-q...... U[I this day of...............P............... . li'-foic like Pulbullall.% a ppua r'-d.-'-Rqb�qK�...q.___Tynan ------------------------------------------------**--------------------------------------------- ........................................ will' wilum I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn,did depose and say: That lie resides at--.q4rq!�R..q�t , NY .... .........-,......................................................that lie i, tile Attornev-in-fact ........................ of tlle�----------F I D E L I T Y a r.d D E P OS!i T �f"0",',P,1��4"i/ c f Pi ili y 1 1"r ------------------------------------- ..........-----------I------ Lri,4j foregoing instrument; that he kno ----------------------------*-*"*--------- the corporation described in and which executed the--------------*...*'*-,-,--*------------*------*--------w.,, tile curporate seal of said corporation; that tile seal thereto affixed is SUch corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of tile Board of Directors, and that he-Agned his 'Wine thereto by like order. ..................... ............ County MNI,8-7.1 l9o279 Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE.BALTIMORE,MD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, by C. M. PECOT, JR., Vice-President, and C. W. ROBBINS Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Company, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint William F. Tynan, III and XQbert G. ° an, both of Garden City, New York EACH. ib true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact,to make,ex &1 -1 nd deli ,and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n t e execution of such bonds or undertakings ' ance of esents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they n dul ted and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Md., a own prQ�r rsons. This power of attorney revokes that issued on behalf of Wi4, nd Tyn VIII, etal, dated, August 10, 1983. The said Assistant Secretary does hereb that e Z ct set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Com is n force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said resident istant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELI DEPONT MPANY OF MARYLAND, this_ 8th ____dav of June A.D. 19 (�°O FIDELITY Al' 4QB POSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ATTEST: SEALI ((�' (� `� n -�. .1_ 4.ir tus.' B - y- ------ - .�-- -------------------- As cretary Vice-President STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE ss.. On this 8th day of June A.D. 19 87 , before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, in and for the City of Baltimore,duly commissioned and qualified,came the above-named Vice-President and Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subwrbed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Baltimore, the day and year first above written. 0 •f � i�1 Notary Public Comm' io xpires_July 1 . 1990 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the original Power of Attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice- Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. This Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 16th day of July, 1969. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Assistant Secretary of the Company,whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company,this day of ><_ +,- ,�, 1,L , 19-11 093-2764 Assistant Secretary 0 0 , y EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI,Section 2.The Chairman of the Board,or the President,or any Executive Vice-President,or any of the Senior Vice- Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require,or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, recognizances,stipulations,policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." L1428b 1,1438b,1-1-25M. 1-90 7.31619 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Statement of Financial Condition AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1989 ASSETS Bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 212,112,744 Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206,888,016 RealEstate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,969,916 Cash in Banks and Offices and Short Term Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,780,089 Premiums in Course of Collection (less than 90 days old). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . 29,169,867 Reinsurance and Other Accounts Receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,314,901 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 482,235,533 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reserve for Unearned Premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 125,908,465 Reserve for Claims and Claim Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,880,974 Reserve for Taxes and Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,406,861 Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,993,815 TOTAL LIABILITIES........... ..... . ......... ... . ... .. ...................$ 266,190,116 Capital Stock, Paid Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000,000 Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,045,417 Surplus as regards Policyholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216,045,417 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 482,235,533 Securities carried at $6,720,412 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Securities carried on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. On the basis of December 31, 1989 market quotations for all bonds and stocks owned, the Company's total admitted assets would be $489,550,866 and surplus as regards policyholders $223,360,750. I, JOSEPH J. GALLAGHER, Treasurer of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of the assets and liabilities of the said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1989, according to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. -------- ------ -- - Treasurer STA'L'E OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE SS: Subscribed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, in the City of Baltimore, this 31st day of January, 1990. 0 ----------'/– - -Gl---y////-n-/ ---------------------------------- Notary Public My commission expires July 1, 1990. His CHECK IS DELIVERED FOR T ON THE FOLLOWING a__TS T II DATE '.�- COU A...-.rnO�y T 18720 D� PAUL CORAZZINI & SONS INC. ASPHALT PAVING y GREENPORT, NY 11944 h aQ50-791/214 PAY 19� UN TO THE i! 1 / Or ' ORDER OF� }f s®fJ/ B` 5 v spa AWJ I 'UST CO:,pAt;Y i DOLLARS 73 rC Greenport,NY POCK^wK -��Y 11944 J4+ 1.1:J7 P � 1:0 i 14 0 7 9 1 21: 1160 Mt O 71 011' moor i • OFF Town Hall, 53095 Main Road J� P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1990 Paul Corazzini 6 Sons Inc. P. O. Box 36 Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Paul: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 19, 1990, accepted your bid in the following amounts to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year, from July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991 : 0 - 350 tons: $36.90 per ton; 350 - 650 tons: $35.88 per ton; 650 - 1 ,000 tons: $33.89 per ton, Over 1,000 tons: $32.89 per ton. Once you have obtained the necessary performance bond and insurance certificates, please bring them to this office and execute the required contract for performance of the annual contract. A copy of the requirements is enclosed to guide you. Upon execution of the contract your $500.00 bid deposit will be returned to you. Very truly yours, XJudit�hT. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Supt. of Hwys. Jacobs 4 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 /J1 i Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY ' FAX(5 16)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1990 John T. Montecalvo, President John T. Montecalvo, Inc. 48 Railroad Avenue Center Moriches, New York 11934 Dear Mr. Montecalvo: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 19, 1990, accepted the bid of Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc. , in the following amounts, for furnishing and placing Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold for a one year period: 0 -350 tons: $36.90 per ton; 350 - 650 tons: $35.88 per ton; 650 - 1,000 tons: $33.89 per ton, Over 1,000 tons: $32.89 per ton. Thank you for submitting your bid for this project. Your $500.00 bid deposit check is returned herewith. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry _—Southold Town CIPr_k DATE INVOICE AMOUNT 50-791 214 JOHN T. MONTECALVO, INC. 48 RAILROWAVVIME- CENTER MORICHEt, NY ,Yd1193Q 6125 516 321-1492 ' VIEI �iLti—Q f1`C t ` PAY L �O DATE TO THE ORD4R OF - GROSS AMOUNT Q11 ]CO HER ACCTS.PAYABLE DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT ate) EORK B �pO v a AND TRUST COMPANY NOFqTW FOFK,IIBLINK NORTH F RK BANK����V _4O, Slynature) 1 .. SPEONK-PENISGE° 'FSTROY 9n -' --- MONTAU JHIGHWAY SPEONK, NY 11972 ; ,v v006 12 SII' 1:0 2 1,40 79 L 21: II008 3-1313 74\— ITo O, 1 z Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1990 Gary A. Swanander, President South Fork Asphalt Corp. Springs Fireplace Road East Hampton, New York 11937 Dear Mr. Swanander: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 19, 1990, accepted the bid of Paul Corazzini S Sons Inc. , in the following amounts, for furnishing and placing Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold for a one year period: 0 -350 tons: $36.90 per ton; 350 - 650 tons: $35.88 per ton; 650 - 1,000 tons: $33.89 per ton, Over 1,000 tons: $32.89 per ton. Thank you for submitting your bid for this project. Your $500.00 bid deposit check is returned herewith. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk _ ,� k- _W_PEU1VEREO FOR PAYMENT OUNT SOUTH FORK ASPHALT CORP. 1553 ei x N 1n m > EAST HAMPTON, N �1 37 50.420/214 _ N u r o 190 'o o C o PAY CX 4 axi m TO Tk (� ~ p = a "ORDEFI OF ` $ �00 O . 0 0 ca r rr� , LABS rcr- F o �, �, c'. U1 aL,�L.. L �,.a DOL o - THE,BAI�K OF THE A A. EAST HAMPTON.N YOR 1 i O E o q G I O E o u) C C iC 1 � � 0LSS3110 1.02L'4042031: �O Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1 179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516) 765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 19, 1990: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Paul Corazzini 8 Sons Inc. to furnish and place Asphalt concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year, from July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1990, at the following prices, all in accordance with the bid specifications: 0 - 350 tons $36.90 350 - 650 tons $35.88 650 - 1 ,000 tons $33.89 Over 1,000 tons $32.89 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor Scott L. Harris be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract between the Town of Southold and Paul Corazzini 8 Sons Inc. for this annual Asphalt Concrete Contract. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk June 22, 1990 i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York INVITATION TO BID on ANNUAL CONTRACT to FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE 1990 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions for bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation : "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500-00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check shall be returned to said bidder. -1- The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Dated: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK -2- INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDEP.S 1. Pursuant to Town Board Resolution, the Town of Southold invites bids from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place asphalt concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. 2. In suhnittinq this bid, the bid sheets (Proposal Form) are to be filled in but not detached from this package. The complete bid package shall he enclosed in a sealed envelope properly endorsed. All blank spaces for bid prices :mist be filled in, in ink, as required. Bids that contain any omission, erasure,alteration or items not called for in the itemized bid foam or that contain irreqularities of any kind may be rejected by the town, 3. Qualification of Bidders a. Bids received later than the date and time specified will not be considered b. Specification of materials used must meet or exceed New York State Department of Transportation specifications. . Plant must have adequate capacity and sufficient storage for the items to be furnished. c. The successful bidder is required to comply in all respects to the lalx;r law in accordance with Section 220, Sub-division 3 and Section 220-D. A list of minimum Labor Rates is attached and made a part of this Proposal. d. The items specified shall be delivered in amounts, and at a time and place as directed by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold. ,No materials shall be delivered on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays except in an emergency. e. The bid6er will be required to show, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, that he is a responsible contractor experienced in the kind of work to be performed; that he is financially able to execute the Contract; that he has adequate equipment and fixed storage facilities to satisfactorily and efficiently perform the work as directed within the .specified time limits. The bidder :dust state exact location of plant. 4. Refection of Bids a. The MIN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence suhniu tted in the qualification statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TGWN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. b. The T05VN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in v;hole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accep` the bid or part thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have men examined and/car checked. No bid shall be withdrao-m for a period of forty-five (45) days after being publicly o}:ened and read. INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5. Bid Analysis - Bidders may bid on any or all items. The Superintendent of Highways reserves the right to make awards by items, or as a whole, or not at all, whichever the Superintendent deems to be in the best interest of the Town. 6. Measurement and payment - Payment shall be made to the Contractor at the unit prica(s) submitted in the Proposal. The asphalt concrete will be measured by the number of tons of compacted material in place. The unit price bid per ton shall include the cost of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 7. Ccninencement of Work - shall be within five (5) days after receipt of written order. Any reason for delay in work shall be submitted to the Tann in writing explaininq the delay. If the reason is not acceptable, then work must continue without any further delay. 8. Testing - The Tcvn shall have the absolute right to make tests before and after delivery and installation to determine conformity to Specifications,quality and standard of excellence. The Contractor agrees to bear the cost and pay for all tests which are decmned to be necessary in the opinion of the Tann. The Contractor shall repair or replace at no additional cost to the Town, any materials found to not meet the Specifications and quality intended. The work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner. 9. The prices quoted in this bid, and subsequently awarded, are to be used in establishing prices for actual materials furnished and placed to the Tann of Southold from the date of award up to and including one (1) year thereafter. The Contract period may be extended for up to (1) additional year upon mutual written agreament of the Town and the Contractor. 10. Bid Bond The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable bid bond in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the Tcvn of Southold as assurance that the bid is made in qood faith. The certified check or bid bond will be returned after the execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until the filing and approval of the Performarce Bond. The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of acceptance of his bids, shall forfeit to the Town of Southold as liquidate) damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 11. Performance Bond Each successful lav �ic?ner sahll be required to execute a Performance Bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,U00.00) to be executed by a surety company acceptable to the Owner; or by a certified check. The Performance Bond shall be written as to remain in full force for the extend of the Contract. -2- • INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDEMS 12. Contractor's Insurance The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained, and had approved by the Owner, all the insurance required under this Contract as enumerated herein.: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to commence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Owner. (a) Ccmpensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract, rNorkmen's Compensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case of any of the work being sublet, the Contractor shall require all subcontractors similarly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor.. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take cut and maintain durin_q the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract from claims for damages for personal injury includ- ing accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) on account on one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for darnages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for damages on account of all accidents. (c) Liability alid Property Damage Insurance: The awove policies for Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arisinq f ran t-he operations of an subcontractor. PIWORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDSI:S (d) Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform a regular Protective Public Liability Insurance policy for, and in, behalf of the Owner, providing for a limit of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of, one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages aris- ing out of bodily injuries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurance providing for a limit of not less than: One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total (or aggregate limit of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property during the Policy Period. This insurance mustfully cover the legal liability of the Owner. The coverage provided under his policy must not be affected if the Owner performs work in connection with the project either for or in cooperation with the Contractor or as an aid thereto whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- frcm, by means of its own employees or agents or if the Owner directs or supervises to the work to be performed by the Contractor. 12. Proof of Carriage of Insurance The Contractor shall furnish the Owner wirh certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract except with respect to subdivision "d`of Paragraph 11. In respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with the original insurance policy. Doth certificates, as furnished, and the insurance policy, as required, shall bear the policy numbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit of liability thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with any notice of cancellation at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. -4- SPECIFICATIONS ASPHALT CON(ME'TE TYPE IA (Mixing, Method - Hot Mix All the requirements of Item 51F in the Suffolk County Public works Specifications shall apply except: DESCRIPTION: Bituminous Concrete either binder or surface course as ordered shall be delivered and machine spread upon the surface of the roads, driveways, parking fields and intersection streets with the Town right-of-way and other areas requiring pavement aunder the jurisdiction of the Cornissioner of Public 'Abrks where and as required. MEASUREMENT AND PAVEMENT: The unit measurement for Asphalt Concrete shall be the ton in the Contract Proposal. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing, hauling, applying, compacting, and rolling and shall include all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work satisfactorily. 0 THE APPROPRTATE SECTION OF THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED BY ALL BIDDERS NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CEZTIFICATION SECTION 103-d GE.r'�I MAL M[jNicipAL LAW By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under the penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, ocmmunication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder, or with any competitior: 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly discolosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to su'•mit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. I hereby affirm under the per:altias of perjury that the foregoinq stateme:it is true. Affix seal if Principal is Corporation PROPOSAL FORM ANNUAL CONTRACT - FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRE'T'E T VN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK made by: Name of Bidder (Individual, Firm Corporation, as case may be) Residence of Bidder -��Telephone No. y77-10�7 Place of Business of Bidder Telephone No. Name of Partners Residence of Partners (If Bidder is a Firm, state here the name and residence of each member thereof) If Bidder is a Co_pr oration, fill in the following blanks: Organized under the State of Jy, , Name and Address of President: Name and Address of Sacretary ,,,.�„ A r� [moo✓ a-� 3 �„`� ?dame and Address o.-ff Vice President -1- PROPOSAL FOF.IM WV N OF SO=.OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL CON'MCT TO FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE Town of Southold Southold, New York Cent l emen: The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the attached Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals squired to .furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Toy-;n of Scuthold in accordance with the requirements of the following unit prices: -2- T AqN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL CONTPACT FOP. FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized Proposal for ASPHALT CONCRETE ' I ) Extent?ed Estimated Description of Item Unit Price Bid Anoint Bid Item No. Ouantity (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words T _--- Dollars Gents Doll,,rs Cents 1 i t j Asphalt concrete Type 1A, furn. & placed — i 1w 0 - 350 tons for . Dollars cents sane as above - --- - ' I 2W 350 For - 650 {36 tons Dollars cents same as alcove I i 3W 650 - 1,000 For�3 3_ _ �� i tons Dollars cents .33 YW Over 1,000 For TONS Dollars cents `3a i i i -4- I . • AGREEMENT made this L5 day of �7; � 1990, between with its principal office and place of business at (�/e-6>"fOl-� /) 4� , hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation if the State of New York, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for bid, at the following unit prices: The above specified contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the day of 1990, through the day of 1991 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor CONTRACTOR By - -1- . 0 • STATE OF _rte; ?11 )ss: COUNTY OF On the day of �� , 1990, before me personally came t7,,�J �� r� to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides ad 3,3 Mp,�11 ? 4�2 ryC�,��g2,,14- x(111, and taht he is the � of j��+,f ���f�� � the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ChVaTAL RGA Pu isi ALt'l of(dew yodc 490278 Notary Public OJd iGd 6 luffalk County _ :rr�ssio7 f �.1,18� STATE OF ss: COUNTY OF On thet6 day of 1990, before me personally came SCOTT LOUIS HARRIS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public -2- INFOMIATION AND ?NSTRUCTIONS TO Sl-,)n".RS WACE RATES New York Mate Department of Labor Wage Rates are a part of this Contract and are hereto attached. Contractor is responsible for being familiar with the latest available schedules. IB t - 5 to CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS trach public work cOntract to which the State, a public benefit corporat ,,,, 11" Cipal Corporation or ■ Commission is a Party and which May nvolvv h tr -c ; .�, .. , t ar "Pro's, workman or Mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Art , cli. a ( Sections MtO-a23) Of the New York Stats Labor Law; 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, tuocuntra, tit, :;r Other parson doing or contracting to do the whole or a part 0f the CAntam01 &t0d by the Contract shall be 0 a r m i t1ed or r e q u I r;•it to .o• tr r- 019ht hours In shy Oqo ealondar day or moire than five days . n any one .eek E.Acept in the oxtraOrd Inary emergencies set forth In the Labor Law or where I dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. CSpe Section 22 ]. 2) _. tach laborer, worker Or mechanic employed by the contractor 0r subroc shall be paid not Iets than the prevailing rate of wages as ind. crtc•c �n tnc .aqe teheduie provided by the OapArtment, l3ureau of Public work . The Drew , . , n. rr, to Of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days pe . cr to Jo first of each year- The prevailing rate of wage for the prr10U cOmmrnr , r•7 Juty first of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive, of the roflow. nq yr;, , half be the roto Of wage sot forth in such collective bargaining ayrRemen! r ,^,r the tame period, Including those Increases for such period which are a; rot t y ascertainable from such Collective bargaining agreements . n the annual dotermi notI on. (Sae Section 220. 31 a. It Ohm II be the duty of the department Of .Jurisdiction to Fite with the fi ;taf officer, the Class "I catiOn Of workers, mechanics and laborers to be Q-ploye(l on a public work project, together with a statument of thu work to UP peri )r (- 1 by vaeh ClossiflCatioh. (Spa Section 220. 3-a ) �. Ti,e cOntraetor and avert' subcontractor shall post in a prominent ane accn Si b f a Plate at the work alta to statement Of all wage rates and supplement; ` „ be qa . d Or provided for the yarlous classes of mechanics, Workers or laborers ( Svc Section 220. 3-0) f. NO emplOyae thall be doomed to be an apprentice tin IPss ihdividually req, - t I,reil . n a grogram P091storad with the New York State Department Of Labor The ali ,:.abin t a t l o O f o y p In a n It i C a s t 0 ,l o U In n a y m a in I h a n y C r a f t C I a S S , f , C a t i on ,.h a I ! n o t b e grouter then the r9t10 permitted to the contractor as to his work force or, any Job undOr the- regi hared program. Any employee who I , not ren, s tert•d a; •+b.:.c•, tAall bA palG the prevailing wH90 rate for the jounctyman Cla; s . f c. t , f Work actually performed. The cont-actor or subcontractor wiif be requ. ro,i to written evidence Of zhe registration Of his program and aporent . c.•c .r r t h e a p e r n a r I e t e r s t l O% a n d w h g e rates f o r t h e :,r e,, o f r o,.S e r to. 1 . . r . I using shy apprenticul On the Contract work . ( Soo lie stion 220 J - v ) Cs. (a ) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on hiIr reason Of Paco, tread, color, disability, sex or national or19, ., discriminate against any Citizen of the State of New vork W.)0 , ; qual r ed and available to perform the work to which the employment rel .4tes ( ;,•,• Suction 220-0(833 Cb) '40 contractor, subcontractor, nor any POPSOh acting 0n h, ba t,,, 1f ahV manna r, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on co.,nt of Paco, creed, Calor, disability, sox or national origin ( See 5ec4: . 0n oCb3 ) IJ 0Ti<: The Human Rl !:hts Law also prohibits d. scriminat , On n amPloyment because of age, Mari tat status or religion. Ce) Tharp say be deducted from tt,e amount payable to the contr.,cto. un,l, tr ;• contraCt a p..enalty of five dollars for each calendar day durfnI .r,, Bch Person was discr•iminoted against or. Intimidated in violation of the Provisions of .ho Contract- (S0O GQCtiOn 220-e( c ) ) (d3 the contract ray be canC01 : :'td or terminated by the State or rurI ty , and all ;,Iohays due Or to Lscome :foe ther;rvndrr may be for fe . tcu. ?r a saeohd or vny ;:ubsoquartt violation of the terms or taI'd; tIon, of ni• nt , di serimi nati".n :actions rr tho contra,:t ( ,Pv :iuc. 220-o•( d3 ) ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS ANO SUBCONTRACTORS ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PP.OJCCTS IN NEW YORK :,.TATE i =IITOOOUCTION: Sol ow are the maJor provis1Ohs of the Labor Law covorinq worl, o-r5 on pith Iic work ♦rejects. MOURst A laborer, worker or moChahic is permitted 'to work on a public work pro. eCt NO were theft eight hours ■ day and no More than five days in a week , except in case of •sstreordlftsry emergency such as fl re, flood or danger to lieu or property You -a it apcly ♦0 111h0 8WP*GV of ►ublle Work for a dispahsatlon permitting workers to Work additional wOure Or days Per week on a POrtICYlar public work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and providad for labor(•rs . iOrkeps and mechanics employed on a public work proJoct shall be not less than those listed Ift the eurreht OPOv10111149 rete schedule for the IOcsllty where the work is ,Performed. If a PPSVslllhe rate 8CheduIa for the project has not bash provided to the PPI 00 CefttreCtor by the department of jurisdiction CI . S. the governmental entity awarding tA0 PubIIC work contract). or to a subContractor by the prime contractor, the applicable sOAedulO must be obtal hod from the DOPertmeht of Jurl sdictioh, Who must make writton •PPlleetlan to the Bureau of Publle Work, Labor Oepertmaht, Building No. 12, State Office Orlldift9 Campus, Albany. New York 12240 The Prime COhtractor Is responsible for shy underpayments of prevailing wage: or 8WP►lemeftts by Its subcontractors. 'AMROLL RECORDS: Every contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts of Vayroll records. $howl he for each person employed on public work , the following. . Nome. 2. Address and Phone number, 3. Soelal Socurity number, 4. Occup.ationaI Olassl fi Cott ons I ft whl Ch workad, S. Hour y wage rate pai d. G. Supplements provi dad. 7. Oa , l y •ed weakly number of hours worked In each Cl as s i fi Ceti on, 8. Oeducti ohs made. 9 a C t a,: sle2e6 Pald. When Payroll records are requested by the COmmiSfiOher each p.yroll record Must be affl road as true under the Pena I t as of perjury Which medns a hotdrI red siIna Iur.- *0 'that affect. Such records must be kept on the sito of the work when the contractor . aubCOhtraCtor does not maintain a regular place of business In New York State and tr.e •Mount Of the contract exceeds $23. 000. A11 other contractors and subcontractort must Within five days after request produce at the work site the orighai payrolls or trehscripts. The original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years fro- the ysta : 9 Completion of the project. POSTING: The current orevaiIing rats schoduIa must be posted in a prominent and aCCe b e Piece OR the site of the public work project.. PWif Ci-Os). . . CContinued ) MOTZCt TO CONTRACTORS CContlhued) APPRtNTICES: EMplOyees Cannot be paid approntice rates if they are not individu;+ lly resletered under a prograla or agreement ragistared with the Commissioner of Labor. The 00atr8CtOP OP subcontractor Will be required to furnish written evidence of the Fa6lairatloh Of Its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. Tl,e rIlo.,able Patlo Of OOPPOntlCOO to jouPhOymOh In Shy craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any ,ob Wader the registered program. An employee listed on a payroll as On apprt:htitP. $bet reslatored as above. must be pal the prevalling journeymen' s wage rate for that Olesslflcation of work. WZTHOLD2NG OF PAVMENTS: WhOn a COmplaiht is filed with the COMMiSSiOher of Labor ai . egrng fibs fal lure of a Contractor or subCChtraCtOr to pay Or provide the prevailing .,ales or Oupplements. Or when the Commissioner of Labor bol loves that unpaid wages or su,polements slay bill due. payments On the public work Contract may be wlthold from the prime Contractor ..*' 4a sufficient amount to satlsfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including laterest and civil ►enalty. pending IS final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIESt If en underpayment of wages or 1uppIOmOnts is found, interest must .be added at between 6 and 16 pePCOht Of the amount due. In addition, an order drrr•ctrng twa payment of wages or supplements may assess a Civil penalty of up to 25 percent of the amount due. 11t1111ARMENTi When final determinations have boon made against a contractor or subcontractor la two ( n/tOhCas within a six-year period dotarmining that it willfully failed to pay Or provide the prevallIng Pate Of wages Or supplements, such contractor Or sub( ohtr.,ctor Cilli be Inallglble to bid On Or, be awarded a public work contr,.( t for p.•. , nd o five VOOPS from the second final determination. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Wilful violatiOn$ of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 0 0! the Labor Law) Consistltute a MIsdooOsnor punishable by fine or imprisonment . or b.•t1, DISCRIMINATION: NO OmpIOVOO Or applicant for OMployMent may be discriminated aq;. ihst OR account of age, race, Creed, color, national Origin, sex, disability or m:rrta ! status Every employer subject to the Now Vork State lluman Rights Law must con-pi .,u,,u Iy � •.•. t Sit Its Offi COS- p1aCOs Of oMplOyMent or employment training centers, notices furnrsr,ed by the State Division of Humah Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every OmplOyer providing worker ' s compensation insurance • e%d disability benefits Must post in a Conspicuous place notices of such coverage in for► prescribed by the Workers ' Compensation Board. implOyers IIsbl0 far contributions under the UnampIoymont Insurance Law must CORaplCuously post nOtlCOS furnished by the Stato Oapartment Of Labor. All emplOyors must post in a pPominOnt place a sign informing workers of their Right to KNOW about toxic substances fOu.hd in their workplace (Article 2a of the Labor Law). PIN is (6-as). . . dotm: lettor2b CNA:-'RTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION OY IME ' C A 3 Time and one half Of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. C • 3 Tinto and one half OA the hourly rata after a hours per day. C C 3 Double the hOurlW rate after 7 hours per day. C 0 3 Double the NOUPIV rate after 8 hours per day. • C It 3 Tl ma and one half Of the bourl.y rate on Saturday. C F 3 Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sundry. C D 3 Tl we and one half of the hourly rate on Setup-day and llolid..ys. C M ) Tl we and one half of the hourly rata on Saturday, Sunday and lioIiday; C I ) Ti mo and one half Of thi hourly rata on Sunday. C J ) Ti ma and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. C K 3 Tlma and One half of the hourly rate on Holidays. C l 3 Double the hourly rate onSaturday. C M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturda4 and Sunday. C It 3 Double the hourly tato On Saturda rd Holidays. C O 3 Doubla the hourly rate on Saturday, :.unday and Holidays. C P ) Doubts the hourly rate on Sunday. C O 3 Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. C It ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. C • ) Two and ohs half times the hourly Pato for Holidays, if worked. C T 3 Triple the hourly Pate for Holidays, if worked. C Y 3 four times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. C V 3 Ieeluing behoflta at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. •lm§jlzt aEMEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted In overtime conditions. t A A 2. "Each contract. . . . $hall contain a stipulation that no laborer. •ar aaw or moohahle. . . shall be permitted or required to wort More than eig!, t hours Is► •nV she Calander day or work mare than five days in any onv week oxcpot in cast of •wtraadlnaPV OPOPSOney. . . . Whsnsysr such ah "EMERGENCY DISPCNSATION"t«mphrsis ad,fed ; Ia greeted. all woPk In SINCOsa Of eight hours pot, day, and five days pvr week ;h„ tt by eaasldored overtime work. and. . . shall be paid a premium wage commensurate with the OV001110116 wagaa prevailing In the SPei In which the work is performed. •• (IOLIDAVS YAe• Holidays as listed below are to be pal at the wage rates at which the goo I0,ee la s►armelly classified. L 1 ) None. C It ) Labor Day. C 31 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. C 4 3 Memorial Day and July 4th. ( : ) MOmoPial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. C L 3 New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. C• . 7 ) Lincoln'S 81rthday, Washington' s 131rthday and Veterans Day. ( • 3 Good Friday. C ! ) Lincoln's Birthday. C 10 ) Washingtoh' s Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. t'.12 3 Election Day. C 13 3 Presidential ElOctioh Day. C 14 3 1/2 DOW on Presidential Election Day. C IS 3 Veteran' s Day. C 16 3 Day after ,Th&nks9l vi hq Day. C 17 3 Jul y 4th. C IS 3 1/2 Day before Christmas GeV. C 12 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. C 20 3 Thanksgiving Day. C Its 3 New Years Day. C It 3 Christmas Day. doc.. l ett4r2e NOTiC[ OF A_OOENOIIM APPLICAULE TO ALL COUNTIES ( ! ) AS NOTEO ON PREVAILING RATE SCIIEOULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor Contracts which expire pri Or to JUIY 1 and which are not negotiated before May 31, the date for publication of the annual determination. the new Collective bargaining Information will be incorocrated dPlate the prevalling rata schedule by means of an addendum. This addendum Will be Issued by the Bureau of Public Work for those schedules where the available- Information Is Ineomplete as of May 31. When you review the schedule for particular occupations, your attention sh^Uld be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the. effQCti ,Q dates of the latest collective bargihing agreements for that occupation. The rates listed In that cat umn were taken from those agreemehts and wilt remain 1 % affect until the fol Iowl ng SNE 30TH. The Ohly exception is for those collective barSlning agreomants which expired during the month of Juhe. In those Case: the Commissioner will publish an addendum to include the new rates determined for those oeeupatlohs. These new rates wlII become affact Ive 30 days after the addendum Is received by the contractor. To repeat, If the acheduIa Indlcates that a coIIactive bergin, nq a•Ir �•�• -�•.. t expires during the month of June or where information was not av6iIabIit .it lh.• t . -v Of IfubllCation you should be aware that an addendum will be published ..nd c .:c � of the addendum should be roquested. Failure to do so may cause an impropr, r,; tit to be used and result in the finding of an underpayment. addendum d .+' i¢ ttu�3d 1. PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE • ;See NOTICE PnGE ATTAC�4EO 12tate of Now York Case Number �aOOP*lment of Lalbor Hireau of 8GO0742 Pub I is work • SUFFOLK COUNTY Pages 1 ��r•ESTOS YORKER WAGE3Cpar hour) 7/01/85- 1/01/8G 12/31/8S 6/30/8G lwsV10tl 0 O Morkar. . . . ; 18. 64 19. 04 ;M ArSaa C C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. t10L AY r Boo C 1 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. wA C A AppronticaCs3 to Journeymen C _ ) C _ ) C _ ) ?x5 ]R ) yea4THerms at the following percentage of Journey.hr, ' s0. V s o x "� a o'/. suPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) Meolth/wolf aro. . . . . . . . ; 1. 69 « Appr. 1. 69 ;Appy. Paws 1 on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. S6 IS Y. s 1. S6 * /s Annul tv. . . . 4. 20 *Opp ly 4. 70 *apply Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 38 *toSupps 2. 38 *toSup Listed supplomonts apply to ALL classifications C )vas C x )No. • t AppPentico supplemehta ■Ppear in second column. 8. 12 l0lLERNAKER - MAGBaCpar hour) 9/01/84- 9/01/8S- 9/01/86 - 8/31/85 8/31/86 12/ 31 /87 •ol lormate/ . . .-. . . . . . . s 21. 7S 22. 75 24. 00 �I�LTI_B�-PAY: Soo C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. WIMP So* C 1 ) On HOLIOAV PAGE attached. !sA fiTfOl ApprenticeCs) to Journaymoh C 1 - 5 10 ) P CSENITSF5: 1/2 ) yaor terms at the following Percentage of JourneyM„n ' s Wille CH. �• RD. 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. S% ��% 804. 15' 90%/. 1004. �S1r(sLEf/ENTAL BENEiITS: Cpar hour worked) ao th/welfare. . . . . . . . ; 6 x 7 r. e y Pon$Ion. . 10 % 30 Y. 30 Y. Apprentico Training. . . 10 10 10 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % 7 7 14 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS % IS / 15 14 Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications ( x )ves C )No. ---- --------------- ------ GLAZIER rA ESCpar hour) 7/01/85- 1101/86- 7/01 /8G- 1 /31 , 87 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 G , 3: , ---7 Glazier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 19. 30 19. 80 19. 80 19. 80 PVEP.TIME PAY: See ( C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AI HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE att.,ched. &6_kOwAB�E RATIO: AppronticOCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - S ) A►PP,cNTICES:C 1/2 I ) year terms at the following percentage of JournpYman ' , e IST. ted prior to July 1984 ^ 1 JT ?NO. 3P.0. 4TH. ST11. _6711. __7711. 8711. 50% 6014 70% 7S% 8014 BSA 9614 -- SSA lhdentured after July 1, 1984 1ST. 2N0. 3R0. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 7711. STH. 30% 3SA 40'/. 45'/. 5514 6514 75/. 9014 �UPPLEMEVTAL DENEFYTS: (per hour worked] Hoalth/welfore. . . . . . . . ; 1.- 211 *1. 26 1. 26 *1. 26 1. 2G t1. 2G 1- 2G sl 2G Pons i on. . 1. 26 *1. 26 1. 26 *1. 2G 1. 25 *1. 2G 1. 2G +1 2G Aparentlea TralhlhS. . . 01 * 01 O1 Vacation. . . . . . : . . . . . . . 1. 32 * ■ Y. 1. 32 * =IS 01 01 * 01 C1 t 01 % 1. 32 a _ 'i 1 . 57 *. _ / Annul t y• • • • • • • • • • . . . 3. SO *Note 3. SO *Note 4. 27a *Note 4. 7S *Nate Nato - Apprentice Annuity: - lot yr-None / 2nd yr-. 7S / 3rd yr-1. 10 / 4th yr-1. 50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classificatiohs C )V0s C x 3No. a Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-1087 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE )See NOTICE o, ,-,[ a"nC:�EO state of Now York Case Number Bureau of GepePtwont of Labor 8600742 P,ti . c wort _ 3C 7/ 01 /55 SUFFOLK COUNTY GABPENTER WAGESCpor hour) 1/01/8S- 9/01 /85- 8/30/85 8/30/86 Owl Iding: Draper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 12. S7 13. 20 VH PAY: See C A, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A O MOL DAVSS See C S. 6. 9, 10, 11, 12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. P N A B T : Coor hour worked) eel ! t+ / ol fa 1,a. . . . . . . . i 1. 24 1. 46 Ponsian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Y. 6 x Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C N )yes C )N 0. 8-440 WAGE9Cpor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 SulIding: Floorlayer. . . . . . . . . . . i 19. 66 20. 66 V M PAY: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A HOL AYS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. YA RATJO: Apprentico( s) to Journeymen C 1 - 7 ) Er 1 ) Veer terms at the following percentage of Journpy-,Ir, -a'iw N 3RO. 4TH. % 6 x �! 9Sx SUPPLEMENTAL B£NEFIT9: COOP hour worked) - Seo below. 8-2241/ 2287 ----------------------------- - "AGE Cpor- hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/a7 Owl 1 dl hgs M) l IwPI yht. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 79 19. 29 W�--Ss : Sea f C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. See ( 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached RATIO: AtPentico( s ) to Journeymen ( 1 7 ) C 1 ) year terms at the follows ng percentage of Journ,•y+.,nT. 3RO. 4TH. x x 7Sx 9Sx AUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Nee 1 th/we 1 fare. . . . . . . . i 2. 40 2. 67 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 49 2. S9 Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 42 2. 94 A►prentice Training. . . . 15 . 15 vacation. . . . . . 2. 26 2. 40 Listed supplements apply to ALL elassificati.ons ( x )yes ( )No. ------------------------------ MACES(per hour) 7/01/85- 7/O1 /8G- 6/30/86 6/GO/87 Pl ledriver. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 Dockbuilder. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 V RTIM PAY: See C O. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A-WHOLIDAVS. Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. �A� wA-O�E RATIO: ApprenticaCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) ASR N�S: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-a,. ' , .a3c• Y. 2NQ. 3RO. 4TH. 75% 95x SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Coop hour worked - See below. 8-1'tSG PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE 35+-e NOT ',CC PAGE ATTAC�#CO 11*946 of Now York Casa Number Ouroau of 111100awtoon•t of Labor Public Work 8600742 3C=-�/ ::1 .U5---G 3 aG SUFFOLK COUNTY Page Y Carpenter (cont. ) YACESCpor hour) 7/01/BS- 7/01/eG- 6/30/86 6/30/87 11YIIdin9: carpentar. . . . . . . . . . . . S 19. 72 20. se Heavy/Hlghwav: - Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . • 19. 77 20. 63 PAY: Seo C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A D HOL��S: Soo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. MA RATIO: ApprenticaCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 5 ) _ ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-en ' s . a3p. N RS 4TH. 5TH. 61H. 7T 11. 8TH. % Sly. 60% �5% 70% 75% 8014 85/. 11lJPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) eel th/ra I faro. . . s 2. 40 2. 67 Pans 1 on. 2. 13 2. 30 400"antI ca, Tral nl ng. . . . 04 . 04 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 20 1. 40 Annul tv. . 1. 10 1. 20 11cholarshlp Fund. . O1 . 01 Listed supplamants apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4 - 5UF WArIES (par hour) 7/01/aS- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 [levator Constructor. i 20. 91 21. 97 He 1 par. . 15. 68 16. 48 [lev. CNodorni zetl on). . 17. 69 a 18. S7 a " Helper. . 13. 27 a 13. 93 a !•RTIN PAY: CONSTR. Slew C C. M, T ) on OVCRTIME PAGC at t.:, hI•d Y SIM AY: MODERN. See ( 0. F, S ) an OVERTIME PAGC a ► t.,( hid. .PAID HOLIDAYS: Sea Cs. 6. 7, 11, 12) On HOLIDAY PAGE aI. taChed. AL OYABLE RATIO: Apprentice( s ) to Journeymen ( - ) ( - ) ( ) pPPREHTICES: C ) year terms at the following pe►•cantage of Journey-,sr. ' . 1:. 1111 15T. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 7TH. __8TH. 00% OOZ OO/. 00% 00'/. 00 ii 60i. 00- SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) Heal th/wai fare. . . . . . . . S 1. 795 a1. 795 1. 91►5 a1. 94S Pons I on. 1. 41 a1. 41 1. SS al. SS ' Training Fund. . 03S. a . 03S . 03S a . 03S Annul tv-(par work day) 8. 00 1118. 00 8. 00 *8. 00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )v%-r. ( x )No. a "Modernization" supp laments appear in second column. 8- 1 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE :See NOTICE P40C ATTnC::CO Otete Of Now York Casa Number GurQau of Sepahtske%t of Labor Put; : . c Work 8600742 _ _ 3C - 7, J1 • dS 6, 7;, ,56 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page S ZLECTRICIAN JAM(peP hour) S/01/8S- 11/02/8S 5/03/86- 11 /n /8G- 91/01/85 5/02/8G 11/01/86 4/3.^ - 87 Eloetrletaw. . . . . . . . . . i 20. 8S 21. 45 22. 1S 22 90 Audio/Sound. . . . . . . . . . Z0. 85 21. 4S 22. 1S 22 90 N PA t Soo C 8, E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A HO AV St Soo C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. �QMABATY AP TIto Journeyman C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) C 3 - 7 1 �i t 'Fi ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-an • .ale. 8N MIR a 4TH. % 70% M N A : Cpor hour worked) ee /wel fare. . . . . . . . i 10 % 10. S % 10. 5 Y. 10. S y Pons l Ow. . 7. S % 7. S % 7. S Y. 7. S- / OupPI . Nwemploy. OewefIt 2S 2S 2S 25 Apprentice TPalninS, . . 12 12 12 12 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . 11. S % il. 5 % 11. S Y. 11. S Y §*%Gfit fund. . 3 % 3 % 3 Y. 3 V Vacation and Holiday. . 9. 5 % 9. S % S. S % 9 Listed supplements apply t0 ALL clesslflcatlons C )Vas C x )No. Neter 1st. Term Cowly) Apprentice NOT Included In Annuity Fund Oenefit. 4-2S ....................... .... ... . WAGaM poP hour) 16/01/8s- 4/30/86 tolepbOwe 3heteller/RepeiPalan i 17. 65 " Forempw. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 33 ����N__��__tAYs Soe C 0, E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 1T47-T�C��DAV3s 0500• C S. 6. 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. WWI RAT A.pprenticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 2 4 ) Q WT : C 1 ) year terms at the following wage. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. 8 60 a. 84 10. 16 s'PLi:MENTA� OENEFITS: ( par hour worked) ealth/welfare. . . . . . . . 4 10 Pons I ow. 7. 5'/. Apprentice Tris ining' . . . S/8Y. AnhuJ ty. . . . 12 % Dewe f i t Fund. 3 % Vacation and Holiday. . 9. 5% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes C )No. 4 •:5t Applicable on MAINTANENCE of traffic signals and street lighting only WA (per hour) 4/30/84- / / - 5/01/8S Electrician • (Traffic/Street). . . . . 15. 80 VERTTM PAV: See C B. E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AID HOLIDAYS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOW! RATIO: Appra.htica( s ) to Journeyman C 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 ) C 3 - 7 ) A RlWT C 1 ) year terms at the fol Iowing percentage of Journny.an .i:ge 11-- 2010. 3RD. 4TH. Y6% SO% 60% 80 Y. PPLENEIiTAL DENEF TS: Cpar hour worked) t7i el th/aiel fere. . . . . i 8 Pension. . . . . . • . S. 5% Apprentice Training. . . 1/2% Oewefit Fund. . . . . . . . . . 3 % Annul ty. . . 9 % Vacati ow end Hol i days. 8. SY. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x 3VPs C )No. 4-2s- . 0 • PREVAILING RATE SCIIEOULE C t 31po NOT ICC RACC ATTAC11CO •lata of Now York Case Number Oi,rpau of 110pePtalant of Labor P"LI - r. work 8600742 _ 3C - 7 , Z1 3S - G 3: BG SUFFOLK COUNTY Pago 7 LA•ORE R ----------- ILe.mCpaP hour) 7/01/85- 1/0"1 /86- 7/01 /86 1*2/31/8S 6/30/86 6/30/a7 •ulIdlhg Laborers All Classifications. . . = 15. 15 15. 80 17. 00 PAV: Sae C A. H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AVS: Sea C S, 6. 10 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. flUrrLEMENTAI QENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) aat 1/94"1 faPa. . . . s 2. 20 2. 20 2. 20 reneleh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 28 2. 28 2 28 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 Legal Is 35 15 Listed supplemants apply to ALL classifications C x )yes C )No. 4-G6 ------------------------- ----- MACEsCper hour) 7630886 7630887 LaboraPCHSOVV/Highway): GPeup a 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formselters. Group s) 2: Asphalt ShOVelaril and Tampers. OPoup a 31 •asst Laborer, Power Tool , Trackman, Landscape, ripelaynr. Jackhammer and Concrete. Heavy/HlghweV Laborar: Group a 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . s 14. 15 15. 17 Group a 2. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 83 14. 83 .ks' Greup a 3. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 03 13. 66 . ►/ Hf:l w �P�A : Soa C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 11L. OLT�VS: See C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. flU1sANENTAL 9ENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) as /Wal aPe. . . . . . . . 4 12 % 12 % Pan*Ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Y. 13 % Vacation. . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 1. 00 OtherCLagal ). . . . . . . . . . 1 % 1 Y. Listed suppl'emohts ap►IV to ALL classifications ( x )ves C )No Ir LATHER WA CpeP hour) 7/01/85- 6/30/86 Lather CWood Wire 6 Rainford ng). . . 20. 39 OVERTIME PAY_: Sae C C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAIS HOLIDAYS: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 1►LLOWABLC RATIO: ApprenticoCs ) to Journeymen C 1 - S 3 APPRENTICES: C 1 3 Vaar terms at the following percentage of 15 T , 2NO. 3RD. 40% 7S% 85Y. SU!lLEMENTAL SENCFITS: Cper hour worked) He 1 th/ire .1 fare. . . . . . . a 1. 49S *1. 49S Pension. . . .9a5 a 985 Apprentice Training. . . . 08 X. 08 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 *app ly% Annuity. . . . . . . 3. 00 a a p P I v Scholarship Fund. . . . . . 04 a . 04 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. • Aaprantica supplements appear In second column. 8-46 0 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( s )See NOT ICC Pa,C ATTaC,:C,) Stote of New York Case Number fl• r,••.,i of llevet"tmant of Labor Pot, I c work. 8600742 _ _ -- 3C 7 . 01 &� - L 3:_a6 SUFFOLK COUNTY P,.�r• 8 MA$QIM/TILE/TERRAZZO WAcESCpar hour) 6s/01/85- 1/01/86- 12/31/85 5/01/86 out Iding: orICkIOver. . . . . . . . . t 19. 16 AdditiondI �M PAV: Sao C C, R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. H L Ay: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. YAB RPTIO: to Jourheymen C 1 - 10 ) C : ( 750 hours ) terms at the f 0 1 1 0 W i h 9 percentage of JournPy•••r,r. ' -::13P NO. 3RO. 4TH. STH( S00HR) 6THCS001IR) 90 X 60% 7 0 A 80% SWR. 9S'/. Urp� M EENTAL BENEFITSi (Pat- hour worked) ea I ththTY—a�sra. . . . . . 8 1. 8 pensIon. . . . . . . 1, as to9% App►antIce Trelning. . . 20 allotted Annultv. . • . . • • . . • • 2. OS later Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Vus C )No. 8-NY 0C YAGESCpar hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Count Pi ni shop•. . . . . . . 18. SS Addi ti o n a I V M PAY: Saa C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 0 AY: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 1109 A RATICt Ape'renticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) 1/2 3 Veer terms at the following percentage of Journeyman' s sage. 1111. ?No.��3____R�� �4T STH. 6TH. i . % J1% sa% 90% F lCper hour worked) l00 /We mr!!!!. . . . . i 2. 11 1. 40 Pews 1 on. . . . . . . 2. 60 to be Alpprantico Training. . . . 09 allotted Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 15 later Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications ( x )Ves ( )No. - 7RO YAGESCpar hour) 7/01/85- 1/01 /86- 7/01ia6- 1 21 . 37- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/ 31 /86 6 ' 1Zc7 Dui 1 dl ng: PIaatarar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 4S Addi ti onaI Additional AdAl ! „n al �O.�lu�RTIMSee C A. O ) on OVERTIMC PAGE attached. l_AI HOLIDAY: Sao C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attachT-d. ALLOWABLE RATIO: ApprenticeCs) .to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 4 ) 1UPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) Baal th/mel fare. . $ 3. 40 a Note 8S 1. 00 7S Pension. . . . . . . - - s -. -- to be to be t., or• Apprentice Training. . . 01 s -- allotted allotted e, I t t P d WecatIon. . . . . 2. 37 s -- at later at later a :. ; (1, Scholarship Fund. . . . . . . 01 s - - data. date. u-. t r• Listed supplements apply to All CIass ificatiOhs C )Yes ( x )No. CS)Appr. Supp. -1st 3 mo. /none_ -2nd 3 mo. thru .Sth term-2. 00 HIM. -Last ter•- 3 :I, .+ PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C s )Sea NOTICC ar.GE ATTACHED state of Now York Case Number C."PAu of oepar-toaht of Labor P•,01 , C work 8600742 3C --7/ C SUFFOLK COUNTY Mason ccont) YAGESCpar hour) 7/01/8S- 1/01 /86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 Ow IdIn9i mosaic • Terrazzo worker. . 19. 45 Addi ti ona 1 PHRM OPA Sea C 0, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. L DAY: Saa C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. MAB RATIO ApprahticsCs) to Journeymen C P NT S: C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-an ' . _.1N�. 3R %0. 4TH. STH. 6T11. % SO% 60% 70% 80 85% 110 M NTA N F T : Cpar hour worked) 0,71th/1fe1 fare. . . . . . . . i 1. 33 . 65 Pension. . . . 2. S5 allotted lupe. Uneap 1 OV. Ganef 1 t. 4S I star Listed suppleaents apply to ALL elassifleatlOhs C x )vus C )No. 8- 3 ,WAG $C►ar hour) 1/01/85- 7/01/85- 1 /01/86- 7/ C1 /3G- 6/30/85 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/ 31 /86 /uIIdln9i Mesalc end Terrazzo Helper. . . . . 17. 31 Additional Additional Additional E PA : Sao C 0. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. �H Ayi Sea 1 .1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. N', T i (par hour worked) as 1 HEN/51F 1 A er . Na . . . . . . . * 1. 33 . 65 65 79 Peas 1 on. 2. SS to be to be to be lupo. unemploy. Baheflt. 4S allotted allotted allotted Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 I a t a r later Iwter. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )yes C )No. 8- 35 !gAGES(Per hour) 6/04/84- 12/03/8't- 12/02/84 5/26/85 Oul 1 di ng: TI lo. Satter. . . . . . . . . . . 16. 78 16. 78 QVERTIME PAY: See C A. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice( s ) to Journeymen C 1 PPREfJT CES: ( N/A ) year terms at the following purcentage of Journuy..„r, ' , .-. ,p ST. 2ND. 3RO. 4TH. 5TH. 6T 11. 7T Ii. 8TH. N/A N/A N/A ' N/A N/A -R 7A- N/A NiA P FMENTAL ©ENEF TS: Cpor hour worked) eel th/wsl fare. . . . i 2. 18 2. 18 Pens i on. . . 2. 25 2. 2'iVacation. . 1. 085 1. 625 Llstad supplements apply to ALL classiFlcations C x )Yes ( )No. 8- 53 WAGESCpar hour) 1/01 /BS- 7/01/85- G/30/85 SuIIdin9: Tile Layer Helper. . . . . S 17. 56 V R IMF PAY: Seo C A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 0 r10L DAY: See. 0 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Me BENEFITS: (por hour worked) malt!/MBI far a . . . . z 1. 7S Passion. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 1. 42 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )VIPs ( )No. 8-88 PREVAILING RAtE SCIIEOULE C ! )$c„ NOT I. Pn[;r atnC4�C7 ��IIA 0# Now vaph - -p�'uhor a8ItAPtlent of Ldbeh bn,:. ::.,, oa 9600742 P,.DI C Wcrk 3C - 7i�1 6S G 3JioG 5UPFOLk COUNTY 10 look•OR (tont. ] - �$O�j[t/!r Aeuh] 7/01/84- 1/01 /BG•• 7/01 /8G tl�tehprov/ahCMasgn) 12/31/85 6/30/06 6/30/87 ::,d tuakpol ntar, . , . . • 17. 40 18. 65 19. 90 !t)wdsla6lIno Mafen). 16. 45 17. 70 is 9 •leal.glaanl he(MasOh), _1s. 80 17. OS 18. 30 UIL FAae ( ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. ' Vt Sao C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attacha(t. I ApprantleaCs ) to Journeyman C 1 1 ) year terms at the 3QO. following pprcentaga of Journey+an ' „ p. N 3 �Slrf__L[MENTAL BENEFITSi CpOr hour workad) 1. 75 *1. 7S 1. 75 a1. 75 1. 75 *1 . 75 ranaiOn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 al. 7S 3. 00 *1. 75 3. 00 21. 75 Oawefl ! FUhd: . . . . . . . . . 10. V. ■ 69 10 Y. a G9 10 % * . 63 • tralhihy FYhd. . . . . Os a 08 08 * as 08 * 08 • Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 a ss 2. 00 a SS 2. 00 * •_55 LI •tad supplaMents apply to ALL clas21flcat, on& C )Yes C x )No. Apprentice suppleMOhts appear In second column, 4 -GG . Cpah hdur] 1io1/es• 7/ol/as- e/30/89 - �tane 20. 00 1 M PAM/ Asa A. M ] Oh OVERtIMt PACE attached. SOO 1 ] On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ds1A '_ IIA t Allhahticd(s] to JOurh4jyt0ah C year t6pot at the l`Ol1OWIhg percentage of JoUI`npVMhn • S +.1,]p. 4THJUT . 5TH. 6TH. 7TH. 1 s9% I a Z 84ri 90% 95% U' rNTA6- AEN ®tfilt flats hour wopkald) /"OlI,dr.a. . . >1 L. is t}enk 1 en Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 LIlthd iup/ 111Allntk apply to ALL tl ■stiricoil ohs ( x )vpc ( )No *Aotstpar hour] 1/01/B5- 1/01 /SG- --- 7/ .^.l 6/30/85 12/31/85 6/3 0/a G ) 2 . ;1 � "Ona Sattah. . . . . . . . . . s 19. 30 19. 69 20. 08 - - VE'tTi_ME IS 90o C C. M ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AJ HO IDAY: 900 C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. All OMAIILE RATtOt AppP0htICOCs ) to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) AP RFN C 91 ( 1/2 ) ZN- year terms at the following percentage of Journpv+.,r, , S. 3RD. 4TH. ST•N. 6TH. 7TH. BTI/. "3 % ss/, �p//. 65y, 70% . 80'/. 90A 95b SUPPLEMENTAL GCNEFITS: Cper hour worked) Mea I th.'" I fare. . . . . . . 3 1. 5o 1. GO 1. 60 Penal on. 1. 50 160 1 . 70 9OCUri ty OOhef 1 t. , , 60 . 1• Ei0 1. a� Apprantic0 Tralhing. 1so G 0 -c,_- 0 30 10 va-cation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 2. 001 Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 25 3. 50 2. 00 2. 4. 00 4 =5 Listed supplgmg hts apply to ALL classifications ( x )yas ( )No. 8 84 PREVAILING RATE SCHEOUL# t )SII NOTT--F Pn;L n• -nC'ICi 6!13!e of Now YorkCasa NUnber Oeperls+ent of labor - Dur:•,u or 8600742 P161 ' r work JZ, ,3G SUFFOLK COUNTY • Mason ccoht. . ) - --- - wAGES(pap hour) 1/ol/aS- 7/ol/es- 1 /o1iAG- 7icitar,- • 6/30/85 12/31/85 6/30186 13 ' 31 dG Oes•rl Ckreh/Rigger. . . , S 18. 72 Addi ti ona l Addi t , or..1l Addau TIMIC PAY: Sao C C, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attachod. A o H LI_Ayg: Sao C 1 ) an HOLIDAY PAGE attached. MIAAT 0: ApprentlCOCO ) to Journeyman C 1 - 10 ) "PRENT C : C 1/2 ) year terms at the followin X 3RD. `tTH. STH. 9 percentage of Jo,:rner .an ' S sago j2PPLEMENTAL BENEFIT 3: (per hour worked) E. th/wel fare. , s 1. 44 89 Pans 1 oh. . . 2. 03 89 B9 Apprentice Trelnlhg. 10 to be to be t0 b V0catloh. . . . allottad allotted a j,tted Annul ty. . . . . ... . . . . 2. 00 at Iater at later at I ;. ter 4• Oo date. date. date. Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications C x )YeS ( )No. 8- 197 MAGescoep hour) - Ouilding: 6/30/85 Mar►la Sawyer, Rubber & PoIlaher. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 08 ! M PAY: SO* C 8 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. DAY: Sae C 5. 6. 8, 10, 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. CIMA C 1 RAT;Q' pren" COCS) to Jourhaymeh C - ) C - ) C _ ) ( /2Ap) yoar terms at the following Parcentaga of JoUrnerMan ' S wage. 4TH. STH- -6 L—H- 7TIt, 8Tt1. �l1LPLI;MENTAL 9ENEFITe: Coop hour worked) sal h/rel fare. . . . ! 96 Pens 1 on. . . . . 1. 18 fsupo- Unewp I oy. 8ehe f 1 t. . 10 VOCati On. . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classificatiohs ( x Ives ( )No. 8 . 1 WAfiE Cpar hour) Bul I di ng: 6/30/85 Marble Cutters b Setters. . . . . . . . . . . . 15..65 QV RTIME PAY: See C 8 ) oh OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: Sea C S. 6, 8, 10,15 ) on 14OLIOAY PAGE attached. ALL 1rABLE RATI_O_: ApprantiCeCS ) to JoUrneyMen ( _ ) C APP �ICES: ( 13/R20.) yoar !arms at the rullowin _ 2H0. 3RD. 4TH. STN. 6T11. g7THrcengrge o! soX SS/ 60/ 65% 70'/. AO/ 901 9 5� - UPPLEMENTAL DENEFITS: Cpr hour worked) Heat th/W—w— ara 1 . . . . . . ; . 96 Pension. . . . 1. 18 8 SUOR. UnowpIOV. ehefIt. 90 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . 8 SO Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 Listed sup0k&ma0ts apply to ALL ClasslffrA ti Ohs ( x )Yes ( )No. g_y 1 � • T PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULOC' * )See NOTICE PAGE AT T4CHEO '` S/ete e1 Naw York Casa Number o• Labor cureau of �eae�twawt 8600712 P„b 1 . C Work 3C - 7.1 85 - G, 3 96 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 12 Islas Oft Ccewt. . . ) -�-- -- -- YIAC;ESCPar hour) 1/01/BS- 6/30/8S Nerble Malpor. . . . . . . . . 4 1S. 27 Crewe Opersto.. . . . . . . . IS. 27 NOP610 itl ysor. . . . . . . . . . IS. 27 t : 980 C 8 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LXXYAVI Sao C S. 6, 8. 30, 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOMA F.��RAT2OI ApprantleoCs) to Journeymen C _ ) ( _ ) C _ 'sf.9 I 1/2 ) ysar terms at the (01 I owi ng percentage of Journey.sn ' ..i.te NO. 3RD. 4TH. 5TH. 6T 11. 7711. 8TH. % SS% 60Y, 6S% `70% a-0- % _90 -y5i SUrPLEMh/EreNTAL 9ENEFITS: Cpar hour- Worked) Healtl aro. . 6 _ pews l ew. . . . . i 1 19 8 SWOP. Uwamp I oy. Banof I t. .. 4S Vacation. . . . . . . . . . , 2. 70 �... Awwui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 40 Llstod suPPismonts OPPly to ALL classifications C x )vas ( )No. 8- 10 AGESCRer hour) 10/O1/84- Steel: 9/30/8S " Steal . . . . . . ' . . 19. 01 S Pray. . . . . . 20. S1 SawdbIa2tIno— . . . 20. S1 poser Toot . . . . . . . 20. S1 We PAY: 900 C A, E, D ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. N3DAY: Sao- ( i ) On HOLIOAY PAGE attachad. 1 ' 1sAT F -SAT2Q; 1Ap►rant) ca( s) to Journeyman ( 1 - 10 ) go D "Or terms at the following percentage of Journrym,:n' r,,q.• H.% -6 y, gU►PLEMENTAL 8EN£FITS: Cper hour worked) , I al th/ralfsra. . . . . i 9 % haws 1 on. . . . . 1. 10 APPrantice Training. . . 1/2 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Y. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1 Y.- Llstad supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8- 3 G --------- ----------- --- - --- -- - WAGESCPar hour) 2/01 /as- 7/31/BS Drywall Taper. . . . . . . . . s i7. 36 OVERTIME PAY: SOO C C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PASO HOLIDAY: SOO C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL ,LQWAQI _RATIO: Approntieo( s ) to JoUrneymcn C - ) ( _ ) C ) APPRNT' CCG: C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journev-,,r. �t.40. 3RO. 4T11. % 6 o 7S'/. 90% �'iUPPLEl1£NTAL 9FNEFIT5^'(per hour worked) Heal to/Ysl faro. . . . . . . 3 2. O1 *13% Pans lon. . . . . . . . . . . . 2S. . . . 71 Y 71 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 % * 9 Anhui ty. . . 10 % *10 Y. APPrenti ce Training. . . . 01 . 01 Llstad supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes ( x )No. Ca�Apprentice Benefits appear in second column. 8-1974 ----------- --- --- ------ ------ - Y � • PREVAILING RATE SCHEOUL10C ; )SPB NOTICE PAGC AT71,IfCO Ytate of Now Vork Case Number Durr ;v of 1111*06"tmsnt of Labor Puoi , c wort 8600742 SUFFOLK COUNTY P-je 13 Palliator (cont) E&MCpsP hour) 4/01/85- 4/01/85- ' 3/31/86 •pus A. . . . 17. 33 ltPuctuPol Steel /Bridge 21. 13 SpraV. Scaffold. . . . . . . . 19. 23 Sandblasting. . . . . . . . . . . 21. 13 Paper Hangar... . . . . . . . . . 17. 33 QV[.RLIME PAV: Sae C C. R ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. A OL AY: Sae C S. 6 •) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. B RATI s Apprentica( s ) to Journeymen C 1 - S ) 1/2 ) Vamp terms at the fOlIOWin9 pereentags of JOUrnny.•an ' rage. a D. THH. STH. 6TH. >i GSA 70'rt ----1-0% 90% !' TA F1 T N I (psr hour Worked) eel /Yel aPe. ; 2. 00 *1. 40 Pons 1 on. . 1. 30 ai. 30 .' . Apprentice Tralnin9. . . . 26 * . 26 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 45 * • 1 1. GS * • % Otha1- (Legal ). . . . . . . 10 * 10 lafetV i Health. . . . . . . . 22 . 22 Listed supplements OPOIV to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. (a) A00rentica Supplements appear In second column. 4- 1486 �l�UYe[R YACESCpeP hour) 7/01/85 1/01/86- 7/O1 /86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31/86 r Plumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 20. 00 20. SO 21. 00 As/F,l��e1 PAV: 3sa C C. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Ay: Sea •C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PACE attached. VA RATIOS ApprentlCOCs) to Journeyman C 1 S ) A p. 5: 1 ) year terms at the (011OWin9 wage. ;?NO. 3RO. 4TH. 0 10. 00 13--6'0-14. 60 for 7/01 /85 to 12/30/11=. S. 23 10. 25 13. 33 14. 3S for 1 /01 /86 to 6/30/116 S. 4S 10. SO 13. 6S 14. 70 for 7/01/86 to 12/30/eG SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour Worked) *1st yr *1st vr• 1st yr Health/Mal tars. . . . . . . . ; 1. S0 * . 96 1. S7 * 96 1. 74 *1. 06 Pension. . . . . . . 3. 11 *1. 98 3. 31 *2. 10 3. 7S *2 3G Apprentice Training. . . 37 * 24 . 37 * 2S . 38 s 25 Vacati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 30 * 7S 1. 30 * 75 1. 30 s 75 Anhui ty. . . . . . 714 a - 3S7 . 714 * 357 . 714 •. 375 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )ves C x )NO. ; AppPantics C1$t Vamp) supplements appear in second column. 4- 775 STEAMFITTEg/S►RINKLER FITTER WAGE Coal- hour) 12/26/84- 6/25/8S Steam Fitter. . . . . . . . . ; 21. 10 Sprinkler Fitter. . . . . . 21. 10 OVERTIME PAY: Sea C C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attachad. SIO HOLTDAV: See ( 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AYAB E RATIO: AppronticaCs ) to JOUrheymen C 1 - 3 ) PP NT ES: C 1/2 3 vamp terms at the .following percentage of Journey-en' s image T.�YN 3RD. 4TH. STH._6 TH. 7T14. AT 11. Ou 45A S 0 A SSic -6(F1 651. 751 IIsi PLEMEMTAL DENEFITS: (pap hour worked) Nsalthlrelfara. . . . . . . . 3 1. 50 * • % Pens i on. . . . . . . . . . 1. 60 * • Y. 5ecuri ty Fund. . . . . . . . . 2. SO 2. SO Training Fund. . . . . . . . . . 07 *. 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 75 * • Y. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. It Apprentice supplements mppoar in second column. 8-G3as / s ■ PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE*( s )See NOTI::E a-1,E A • TAZ1+CO state of New York Case Number eurot:u of repertAeht of Labor PuL1 C More 8600742 _ 3C - 7/ 01 , '5 G •32 •eG SUFFOLK COUNTY •• Page 14 --- 11AGESCOOP flour) . .10/01/84- 9/30/8S Roofer. . . S 15. 49 iYfterproofer. . . . . . . . . . . 15. 49 ,4jjTINE FAY: Sae C A, 9 ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. Lei HO LIOAY: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ROWA�iz RASO• AppranticoCs) to Journeyman C 1 - 6 ) C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyr-an ' )e ND. IRO. 4TH. 5TH. STH. >< S 6o% 65% 70% 75 FF��_NicNTAt p!5!!. Cpor hour worked) 19 1! th/Wel fere. . . s 2. 61 a • Y. Pens i on. . . . . . . 2. 24 s • Apprentice Thainins. . . . 03 * . 03 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 67 ■ • % Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 48 * • Y. Listed supplofrtents apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. Cf) Apprentice suPplomahts appear In second column. 4- IS4 1NEETMETAL WORKER --- ---'--WASKSCPOP hour) 1/31/85- 8/01/85- 2/01 /86- a/01 /86- 7/31/aS 1/31/86 7/31/a6 1 /31ia7 ,t •hootretal Worker. . . . 20, s0 21. 55 22. 3S 23. 15 IM PAY : Soo C C. R ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached.T 153F DAY: Sao C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A R� ATIOs ApprentIcoCa) to Journeymen C 1 - 4 ) 4 : C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman' s wage. 2MO. it 4TH. 5TH. 5TH. 7TH. 8TH. % It S% OXSS 60% 65X 707 80X UPFLRKNENTAL 8£NEFIT5: Coop hour worked) Nsa th/rel fire. . . . . . . . $ 1. 752 a• ' S% 1. 752 a. Y. 1 . 7 Penal on. . . 2. 08 *• ' sY. 2. 08 a= % 2. OR t= / 2 uff • - , Suppl . UhOmplov. 86"Ofit . 11 a■ sY. . it a= Y. . it Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 *• ' s'/. 1. 50 * -/. 1. SO s= i 1 • = Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2S a• •s% 2. 2S a= % 2. 25 s= / 2 21, s : Edutation Fund. . . . . . . . 18 a■ 's Y. 18 a= Y. 18 ■_ '/. 18 s= i Listed suooloments apply to ALL classifications C )Yes ( x )No. f Apprentice supplamohts appes,r in second column. 8-2g Walder To be paid the rate of the mechanic perfor.fnrl thf• .orf. =[AMSTER ----- --A - -- ---- Truck Orlver(Building and Heavy/141ghway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnopull type trucks. WAG (per hour) 7/01/84- 7/01/85 - 7/01 /96 6/30/85 6/30/86 6/30/87 Truck Driver (Building and Heavy/Highway): Excavation operati ohs 14. 725 15. 225 15. 725 Euclid type. . . . . . . . .... 15. 125 15. 625 1G. 125 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8. E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAZ') HrLZOAY: See ( 5, 6. 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMF-NTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Haul th/wol faro. . . . . . . . 3 2. 3S 2. 6S 3. CO ►ens i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 8525 2. 8525 2. 8525 Annui ty. . . . . . . . . . 2. 1125 2. 7425 3. 3125 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Y os C x )No. C f )Appropriate supplemental benefits listed in second column. 8-282nsh PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULbC s )See NOTT:E Pnrc nTTn[:1ED Stat* of Now York Casa NUmber 9 rvau of OOpePtmant of Labor 8600742PVbi , c work G;-3 d G SUFFOLK COUNTY ' . Page 15 Slay ERECTOR MAGE8Cpor hour) 3/01/85- '10/31/8S 211 an Eractor. . . . . . . . . s 16. 00 M Avt Sao C A ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A e Seo C SIG, 10, 11, 12, 16 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLERA : ApprenticoCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage Of Jou,•hey+:.n ' ;21J R._JR4TH. STH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. 9T14 10TH VFW 4 x —y50-A 59X 60% 657/. 70% 75% 80% 85i SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) • 1st Yr Health/Melfaro. . . . . . . . s 7 Y. t . 46 Local Pension. . . . . . . . . 8 x Is 2 % National Pension. . . . . . 30 a 30 Apprehtice Training. . . 07 * 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 x * 2 % Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 57 *- -- Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMOSS *EmPSS Listed supplements OPPly to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. t Apprehtice supplements appear in second columna 8- 137 11tONMAV RTRSP m YAGESC►or hour) 4/01/a5- 4/01/86- 3/31/86 ►alhte"CBtripins-Hlshway etc. ): Strl of n5-Machi ne Oper. 8 12. 40 Helper. . . . . . . . . 11. 00 Llnermah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. a5 11 PAY: Sao C B, F, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. L-10AV: See •C S, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, IS, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. i tvgMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) Neal h/�elfara. . . . . . . . i 8 x rafts Ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 x vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Y. Listed supplements Apply to ALL classifications ( x )VPS C )No. 8• 23� -TREE TRIMMER _ WAGE SCoo" hour) 10/1/84- 10/01/86- 9/30/86 Tree Trlmmor: Trimmer- T 7 CstartI. s 7. 75 -T 6 after 6 mo. 8. 32 -T S 12 mo. 8. 54 -T Y " 18 one. S. 93 -T 3 24 mo. 9. 70 -T 2 30 mo. 10. 14 -T 1 36 mo. 11. 56 Ori ver. Groundsman. . . . . . 9. S3 OVERTIME PAV: SO* C B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AID HOLIDAYS: See C5, 6, 7, 8, 11. 12, 18, 19) ) on IIOLIOAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (par hour worked) Heal th1101 fare. S COntr. Provi do H. 6 M. • $10, 000 Life Ins. Ahnuity. . . . . . . . . . . 35 Holidays. . . . ( 12 Paid). Vacation - altor 19 mo. /L . week. -after 30 mo. /2weeks. -after 10yrs /3 + eppk ; pro-retad if less than 1700 hrs. in praryear. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Ycs C )No. 9t PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULP C t )SPO NOTICC PaGC nTTAC�ICO Ittato of New verk Ca N OasVmber a 410htMewt of Labor Du►pau of 8600742 P'leI c vo►k SUFFOLK COUNTY ' f+.••��. 1G AURVEV CREW CH"ZGHMAV 8 HEAVY) ^--- — - - YAGES: Cosh hour) 7/01/BS- •upvay Rstes -Heavy/Hlway:, 6/30/86 *arty Chief. . . . . . . . . 17. 59 2wstrument Maw. . . . . . 15. 42 Radmaw/Chatnman. . . . . 13. 98 Ttoo M PAY: sae ( 3 On OVERTIME PAGE attached. Irr- AV: See C ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached, ALLOWA6LE RATIO: ApprenticoCs ) to Journeymen C _ ) ( _ M NTAL BENEFITS: CPer hOYr. Worked) ) C - ) Msallh/Meffare awd Pans i on. 1. 70 AOprowtics Training• • • 20 VocatlOw. . . . . . . . Awnulty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110000 • Listed supolamewts -apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 1SOns --- '_ - bAQfgCpsr hour) 10/17/84- / / _ Cars O1-1111n9: 10/16/85 DWI llsip. . . . . . . . . . . . i 13. 155 Helper. . . . . . . . . . 11. 395 • e EtV=RTIME PAY: see C s, E ) Ow OVERTIME PAGE attached. r, AY S: sae C S, 6 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. a•LJ ofAeLE RATIO: Aojrewti csCs) to Journeyman C - ) ( _ ) CM k AL NEFITS: Coor hour Worked) - ) gosith/tislfare„ . • . , ; 1. 46 laws 1 ow. . . . . . . . 1. 00 Vacatlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Listed supplamawts SOP to ALL Classiflcations C x )Yes C )No. ---------------------- -------- 8=1536 f-mc oar hour) 8/01 /83- 8/01 /84- 8/01 /85 - 7/31/84 7/31 /85 7/31/Hr; Well Orl l ler: M OrNllar. . . . . . . . . s 15. 10 Additional Additional Helper. . . . . 13. 3 0 . 90 90 RVERTIM PAY: SOO ( P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID H AV: see C 5, 6, 10, 12 3 On HOLIUAY PAGE attached. A_ILLOWABLE RATIO: Approntice( s ) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 6 ) •,11PPLEMENTAL BEkEFIT : Cper hour Worked) Hselth/Weifare. i 9 x to be Pension. . . . . . . . . 2. 75 to be H011day Fund. . . . . . . . . . allocated allocated 46 l at:er. later. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )ves C )No. 4- 128�e11 Y!o!e 01 Now York PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( s )Ser NOTICE Pn:;Z ArTn;�ICO OCase NUMber e�e"t�ewt of Labor our":,u of 8600742 PuoI , c work 3C 7101 8: - Gi30 8G SUFFOLK COUNTY f� Pa.)e 17 WaG' pep hour 7/01/85- 7/O1 /A6- ------ - - -- GUILOING: 6/30/86 6/30/87 100IatC:4ultlple Platform) 21. 90 22, 90 Load Ewyl weer 20. 505 21. 505 Nol e!C Tandem Platform 20. 28 21. 28 Tower CraneCEnginoep) 19. 86 20. 86 •ldeeoom Tractor(Used In tank Work ) scoop. Carr 19. SGS 20. SGS v-all , Scraper In tandem 19. 48 20. 48 �eOs• Trucks or Cranes (used for stone setting Or structural steel ) 19, 43 20. 43 C"Z Or Maxlis Spreader. Concrete Spreader, Oerrick, Sideboom Tractor Teak York 19. 40S 20. 405 Nei •!, 2 Drum, Hol st. ] Drum 39. 33 20. 33 9. 20CkAee. Or0911 na, Gra dal I . PI ie Dari ver, Shovel 20. 28 19. 30 tlevatep. Fork Lift, Notst, I Drums 20. 305 19. 23 20. 23 Botching PI antC an so to of Job), Power MInChCused for stone Or Steel ), Power MinCh CT"uet Mounted-used for stone Or stool ), PuMO, Concrete Opod�e 19. 20S 20. 205 4 Boller, Trench machine 19. 18 20, 18 19. 105 20. 105 Voodlws Machine. Structural steel 19. on 20. OS Asea Truck. Craw&, Crawler or Truck. ConveyorCMultl ), Plant Engineer, Stena Spreader dol t-PrOvei l ed) 19. OSS 20. OSS Asphalt 1119reader 19. 03 20. 03 ►Ork LiftCtialk Behind. 'Power Operated) 19. 02 20. 02 c,.Ousroseepc Structural Steel ) 19. OOS 20. 005 •011e". !bulldozer. Comp"llsorCon Creno), COmp0`essOr(Pi19 !pork ), Compressor( stone setting), COwepeto speaker, Conveyor. Generator-Pilo work, Loading Machino(rront End), palwtewawee Enaineep. Powerhouso, Power WIhchCused for other than stone or : tees ) POele" tllweh. Truck MoLwtedCused for other than stone or steel , Pulvi -mi xer. Pu+K ( CbIP 4"1 " Diaphragm), PumpsCGvpsum, HydrauiIc, Jet, Singla Action- 1 to 3, and well Pbint ), "IdIwB awd surwin9, Melding Machino CPi19 Mork ) 18. SSS 19. 8SS CYpO MachinoCAspholt or COncrat0 )1 Curing Machine, Puma( Subm,•r : , bl ,. ). 0►adep 18. 80 19 80 38. 63 19. 63 C.OeprOssOr, COm0possOr(2 or mora in battery), Generator, Mulch Macthjne. P, n P„ II ,.r Portable Haters. Pump(4 inches or over), Track 7amperC2 Engi necrs, E„ch), weld, .,T 18. GOS 19. 60S stool as Machino 18. S3 19. 53 Bulld02orCYsad for -excavation), Fireman, Loading Machine, POwerbroo-, Vac-Ail 18. Ira 19. It Concrete Saw Or Cutter, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or without Sk . 01 . pllmpCUO to 3 inches ), To-actor. CraterpiIlap or wheel , 18. 105 19. 105 SCOOOCCOPPY-All Scraper) 19. 48 20. 48 Hydra Ha.mep; Ridge Cutter 18. 02, 19. 02 •awding Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Genorator(Small ), VibratorCl to 5), power Bu 17. 1155 18. HSS Buggies 17. 73 18. 73 =lump Chipper and Oiler 17. 505 18. 505 ' McChaniCOI COmpactor(Hand Operated), Trench Ma ChineClland) 17. 48. 48 • VERT�IWE PAY: Sao C fl. O 3 On8OVERTIME PACElattached. _Ar D HO IDAY: Soa C 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. ALLOWgALE RANO: AppranticeCs3 to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) C 1 6 ) St)rPLEMEi�TAI BENEFITS: Cp&r hour worked) H'iai th/wOl faro. , , - S 1. 92 1. 92 Pension. . . 2. 7S 2. 75 Supp. Unemp I . Ganef 1 t. . 20 20 ^PPPOhtlC& Training. 2S 2S Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 1. 50 Othar. . 25 25 Listed supplements" apply to ALL ClasslfICatiOnS C )yes C )No. 4 ----------------------- - ---- -- - 138b PREVAILING RATE SCIIC.DU# C See NOT ILC PA,;,- Ar � A�..Ep State Of New York Case Number t3.,ray" of 800artMeht Of Labor, put, I IC Mork 800071t2 _ _ _ 3C - 7i C1 , .,� -_-G 3J oG SUFFOLK COUNTY Owerating Engineer Ccont) - -WAGE Coop hour) .7/01/a5- 7/'01/86- NCAVV / HIGHWAVi 6/30/86 6/30/a7 Land 9n91heep 21. 13 22. 13 119ee0(CarPy-AI I . Serepar In Tandew), Tower CraneCEng inaer), 19. 655 20. 655 SaCkhOe. CPanOCStono gattlhg)„ CranOCStructural Steel ), Oragline, Gradall , P . 1H OPIver. Road Paver, Shovel 12. 40 20, 40 Oatchlhg PlantCon site of fob). CrnheCon Barg•), SidebooM TractorCused in tank Turk ; . . Task work 19. 2SS 20. 2SS MelstC3 Orua), Power WlnchCTruckMounted-used for stoha or stool ), Power WinCh( u;Pd IOP stone setting and/or structural stee13, Tranch Machina 19. 245 20. 245 Atahalt Sopeader. Boom Truck, Sort hg MaehlhoCother than Post Holes ), CMI or Maxims Sprva.ler, CPehe(CrewleP or Truck), Concrete Spreader. Conveyor, Multi , Plant Engi near , S. deuuo- TPaCtOP. Stene Spreads"( self propelled) 19. 03 20. 03 'OOring Machine. Post Holes is 97 19. 97 ^ OOspressoPCStone Setting). CoapressorCStructural Steel ), Molding Machine( structuraI street ) 1 a. 91 s 1 9. 91 5 OPedge 18, a65 19. 865 work most Is. ass 19. ass C*MPPOsaoPCon Crane), CoaoressoPCPIIs Mork ). Generator-Pile Work , Hoist. 2 Or.r., Loodlns MaehlneCFroht-IC%d), POWarhOYfe, POweP MlhehCTruck MOUnted- used for other than •41kOho Or steel ), POwer wlnehCOther than • tone or struct. ateal ), Welding Mach. ne. Pilit work Ia. ?SS 19. 75S MeehaslCat Ceaaeetor, Machine Drawn, Rol IOrCover S Ton) la. 57 19. 57 1lOI tOP 18. S3 19. S3 Pump. Concrete 18. 49 19. 49 C461001POaser(2 OP more In battery 19. 4S 19. 4S OPadeP 18. 435 19. 43S OulldOter. Concrete Flhishing Machina, Cohv•yop. Cueb Machina, AsphaIt or Concrot0, Curing MOehi no. 01 nky Locosiotl ve, FI rowan, Fork Li ft, fioi st, 1 Oru-, Load. n-1w,,, h. r,11, MalhtOhOhce Maehine. Putvi -Mixer, Pumo(4 ihchas or over), Pur•ps( llvdr,.ulir !.. l 011baePsl ►1 • end Wel l Point), Rol I *PCs ton and under), S( oop, C,4rrV -AI I 046IAtonehce Men. Vec-AI I , Wei di ng A Burning 18. 22 19. 22 OesOrator, 19. 14 19. 14 Portable Heaters 18. 4395 19. 4395 COaoressoe. Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, PurapCDOuble Action Diaphragm), Pu-p -Gypsu-. PMap(9ingle Action 1 to 33, Striping Machine, Welding Machine 17. 1345 16. 845 Powerbroom 17. 27S 18. 275 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Fork Li It, walk Bahind, Power Operated, liydra Hammer , M) rer(wi th Ski p), Mi xerC2 So-o l l wi th or w. thour Sk i p), Power Bugg. es, Pu.er Gr• . nd.•r Concrete Speaker. Ridge Cutter 17. 13 18. 13 Vibratop( 1 to S) 16. 92S 17. 925 eller. Root Cutter, Stuhp Chipper. 011or. Track TarAperC2 Engineors , Each) . Uccr. Hd,,.l 16. 82 17. 82 0enerstopCS.ell3 16. 815 17. a1S Sandi ng Maehi no. Pup,p, Contra f4j9a 1 C UO to 3 i hcho. ) . Trench Macho nu( l..,r.d) 16. 7a 17. 78 ,TPaetor. Catepoillar or Wheal 16. 60s 17. 605 OVERTIME PAY: Sea ( B. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE aft ., hed. PAID HOLIDAY: See C S. G. 7. 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PA6i- iittached. ALCyOWABLEEi?AT IO: ApppenticoCs ) to JourhoyMen C 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - G ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITy:-(per hour worked) Health/Wal fare. . . . . . . , t 1. 92 1. 92 Pens i on. . . 2. 75 2. 7S Supe 1 . Un•Mp 1 ov, eahe f i t 20 20 Apprenties Training. . . 25 2S Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 1. 50 Other. . . . . . . 25 . 2S Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4- 138h PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULE ( t )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHEO state of Now York Casa Number OoVaPlwan! of Labor 8uPeau o • 8G00742 H"Ul . c work 3C •� SUFFOLK COUNTY r Page 19 MARINE CONSTRUCTION - - 11ACEdCpor hour) S/30/8S NvdPaulic OPedgel Loverman 15. 72 QRli Roar 15. 56 Mal ht. En91 neer 15. 34 Derrick Opar. 15. S6 Chief Nato on Dredge 15. 34 Note 14. 311 Dock Ha nd 12. 82 OI 1 oP 13. 28 RI Peaah 13. 28 BhePewan 12 82 Beat Captain 14. 48 ------------------------- Tug Bootst Tug Masteri5. 12 Tug Captain 14. 48 Tus Chief Engineer 14. 74 Two Engineer 14. 48 Two Dockhand 12. 97 OISPOP and Clamsholl OPedgost ------- OperatoP 15. 99 Crahomon 15. 56 tRgi neer 15. 87 Mal Rt. Ehgl noor 1S. 34 Nate 14. 38 Dockhand 12. 97 OI 1 eP 13. 28 Beet Master 1S. 12 Boat Captain 14. 48 { 1 Y: Sao' C B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAAV: Sao C S, i. 10, 15 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A�LOYABLE RATIO: AppPohticoCs) to Journeymen ( TAo TO lowing SU PEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL cla; si (ic;.tions of tt,,. above HYDRAULIC. DIPPER. CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG OOAT5. 1UPPLEMENTAL 11ENEF2T3: Coor hour worked. ) Health/wolfopo. . . . . . . . ; 1. 43 Pons 1 on. . . . . . . so Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 x. ,a WAGE coal- hour) 10/01/84- / 9/30/85 00-111 Boat: Ehg# near 17. 02 Blastar 17. ?0 Or111aP-Molder/Mechanic 17. 03 FiPaman 1G. 48 OiIorb Is. 20 ` Helper 16. 20 VE TIME PAY: Sao C 81 E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. _ AIA HOLIDAY: See C 5, 6. 10, 15 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOwAal�SitPLENEEtRATIp: Apprantice( s3 to JourhayMah ( - ) C _ AL EIENEFITS: (par hour worked) 3 ( ) Health/Mol (aro. i 1. %3 Pons ion. . . . . . . . . . . • • 80 Vocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . one day for 20 days worked Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x 3ves C )No. 4- 2St3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE To BUILDING AND HEAVV/HIGHWAV SCHEOULES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York INVITATION TO BID on ANNUAL CONTRACT to FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE 1990 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions for bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation: "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check shall be returned to said bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Dated: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDEPS 1. Pursuant to Town Board Resolution, the Town of Southold invites bids from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place asphalt concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. 2. In sutmittinq this bid, the bid sheets (Proposal Form) are to be filled in but not detached from this package. The complete bid package shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope properly endorsed. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink, as required. Bids that contain any omission, erasure,alteration or items not called for in the itemized bid foam or that contain irregularities of any kind may be rejected by the town, 3. Qualification of Bidders a. Bids received later than the date and time specified will not be considered b. Specification of materials used must meet or exceed New York State Department of Transportation specifications. . Plant must have adequate capacity and sufficient storage for the items to be furnished. c. The successful bidder is required to comply in all respects to the lamer la:w in accordance with Section 220, Sub-division 3 and Section 220-D. A list of minimum Labor Rates is attached and made a part of this Proposal. d. The items specified shall be delivered -in amounts, and at a time and place as directed by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold. No materials shall be delivered on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays except in an emergency. e. The bid6er will be required to show, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, that he is a responsible contractor experienced in the kind of work to be performed; that he is financially able to execute the Contract; that he has adequate equipnent and fixed storage facilities to satisfactorily and efficiently perform the work as directed within the .specified time limits. The bidder must state exact location of plant. 4. Rejection of Bids a. The MIN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence suhmitted in the qualification statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TGt^1N BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. b. The TCUN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in V"hole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or tart thereof which it deems most favorable to the Tovm after ail bids have heen examined and/car checked. No bid shall be withdra%.rn for a period of forty-five (45) days after beinq publicly opened and rear,. INFORMATION AND INSTPUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5. Bid Analysis - Bidders may bid on any or all items. The Superintendent of Highways reserves the right to make awards by items, or as a whole, or not at all, whichever the Superintendent deems to be in the best interest of the Tevm. 6. Measurement and paiment - Payment shall be made to the Contractor at the unit price(s) submitted in the Proposal. The asphalt concrete will be measured by the number of tons of compacted material in place. The unit price bid per ton shall include the cost of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 7. C nrnencement of Work - shall be within five (5) days after receipt of written order. Any reason for delay in work shall be submitted to the Town in writing explaininq the delay. If the reason is not acceptable, then work must continue without any further delay. 8. Testing - The Tcwn shall have the absolute right to make tests before and after delivery and installation to determine conformity to Specifications,quality and standard of excellence. The Contractor agrees to bear the cost and pay for all tests which are deemed to be necessary in the opinion of the Town. The Contractor shall repair or replace at no additional cost to the Town, any materials found to not meet the Specifications and quality intended. The work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner. 9. The prices quoted in this bid, and subsequently awarded, are to be used in establishing prices for actual materials furnished and placed to the Town of Southold from the date of award up to and including one (1) year thereafter. The Contract period may be extended for up to (1) additional year upon mutual written agreement of the Town and the Contractor. 10. Bid Bond The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable bid bond in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the Town of Southold as assurance that the bid is made in qood faith. The certified check or bid bond will be returned after the execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until the filing and approval of the Performance Bond. The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice cf acceptance of his bids, shall forfeit to the `llcun of Southold as liquidate) damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 11. Performance Bond Each successful low .�J.c?ner sahl l be re ,aired to execute a Performance Bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be executed by a surety company acceptable to the Owner; or by a certified check. The Performance Bond shall be written as to remain in full force for t4he extend of the Contract. • -2- • INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDMS 12. Contractor's Insurance The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained, and had approved by the a mer, all the insurance required under this Contract as enumerated herein: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to commence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Owner. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract, t4orkmen's Compensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case of any of the work being sublet, the Contractor shall require all subcontractors similarly to provide Workmen's Ccanpensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take cut and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract from claims for damages for personal injury includ- ing accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by zany subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) on account on one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for damages on account of all accidents. (c) Liability acid Property Damage Insurance: The above policies for Public Liability and ProNerty Damage Insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Prolx�rty Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arising.f ran the operations of an subcontractor. 3- INFORMATION AND INs'I'?2UCI'IONS TO B1DDF.F.S (d) Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform a .regular Protective Public Liability Insurance Policy for, and in behalf of the Owner, providing for a limit of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of, one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages aris- ing out of bodily injuries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurance providing for a limit of not less than. One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total (or aggregate limit of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property during the Policy period. This insurance mustfully rover the legal liability of the Owner. The coverage provided under his policy must not be affected if the Owner performs work in connection with the project either for or in cooperation with the Contractor or as an aid thereto whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- `ran, by means of its own employees or agents or if the Owner directs or supervises to the work to be performed by the Contractor. 12. Proof of Carriage of Insurance The Contractor shall furnish the aamer with certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract except with respect to subdivision "d" *of Paragraph 11. I.n respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Qwner with the original insurance policy. Doth certificates, as furnished, and the insurance policy, as required, shall bear the policy numbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit of liability thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with any notice of cancellation at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. -4- SPECIFICATIONS ASPHALT CONCR= TYPE IA (Mixing Method - Hot Mix All the requirements of Item 51F in the Suffolk County Public Works Specifications shall apply except: DESCRIPTION: Bituminous Concrete either binder or surface course as ordered shall be delivered and machine spread upon the surface of the roads, driveways, parking fields and intersection streets with the Town right-of-way and other areas requiring pavement aunder the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public Works where and as required. MEASUREM= AND PAVEv=: The unit measurement for Asphalt Concrete shall be the ton in the Contract Proposal. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing, hauling, applying, compacting, and rolling and shall include all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work satisfactorily. THE APPROPRIATE SECTION OF THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED BY ALL BIDDERS NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CE,2TIFICATION SECTION 103-d COAL MUNICIPAL LAw By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under the penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, ccmmunication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder, or with any ccmpetitior: 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly discolosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to sulhmit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. I hereby affirm under the per:alties of perjury that the foregoinq statemelit is true. Affix seal if Principal is Corporation PROPOSAL FORM ANNUAL,COM1'RACT - FURNISH AND PLACE, ASPHALT COMM-M MIN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK made by: Name of Biddert p 6 �Q C7 (Individual, Firm or Corporation, as case may�be) Residence of Bidder _�' /("f I IC/ 1�11 01/1'�r 1ep 4:el p'hone No. a _ /get- Place g1Place of Business of Bidder . D Telephone No. Name of Partners Residence of Partners (If Bidder is a Firm, state here the name and residence of each member thereof) If Bidder is a Corporation, fill in the following blanks: Organized under the State of E w VC- R fir" Name and Address of President: C )oC� ��� /ye /l) �� /l2 '� Name and Address of Secretary �� / l v C✓_ (7 m A)-Y 119"2 (_1 ?dame and r ddx_ess oT Vice President z-_2 1CY ���"l PROPOSAL FORM MN OF SO=.OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE Town of Southold Southold, New York Grent l emen: The undersigned bidder_ has carefully examined the attached Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to .furnish and place asphalt concrete .for the Tom of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the following unit prices: -2- TMN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL C'ONTRACF FOR FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized PrOAOSal for ASPHALT CONCRETE- y _ T j I Extended Estimated I Description of Item j Unit Price Bid RTni nt Bid Item No. Quantity (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words I Dollars Cents Dollars I Cents i Asphalt concrete Type 1A, furn. & placed i 1W 0 - 350 tens for L) t�rs Dollars cents same as above 2A7 350 - 650 For L< tons D rs 6enYe I i I 3W 650 - 1,000 For tons Do 11 Zts I 4W Over 1,000 For TONS i Dolla cents G,,,t; i - I r I I i I I I -3- ( ' TOP1N OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL CONTRACT' FOP. FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized ProiDosal for ASPHALT CONC1= �_- I' � �- � Extended I I " Est inated Description of Item Ur_;t Price Bid Amount Bid Item No. Ouantit y I (Fill in Unit Price [written in Words , Dollars Cents Dollars I Cents I Asphalt concrete Type 1A, furn. & placed j j 1W 0 - 350 tons for Gan i Doll-Ars is i • same as above 2W 350 - 650 For i tonsDol s i same as above • 1 3W 650 - 1,000 For o�,a p3c I tons Doll ceniE� 4W Over 1,000 For cikrw TONS j Dol l -- cedhAO alias i -4- I AGREEMENT made this day of 1990, between with its principal office and place of business at , hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation if the State of New York, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for bid, at the following unit prices: The above specified contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the day of 1990, through the day of 1991 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor CONTRACTOR By -1- STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides ad and taht he is the of ' the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came SCOTT LOUIS HARRIS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public -2- INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS WALE RATES New York State Department of Labor Wage Rates are a part of this Contract and are hereto attached. Contractor is responsible for being familiar with the latest available schedules. 18 - 5 •CONTRACT REpl1IREid(:NtS LaCh ►ublic Work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporattan rafICiPaI corporation or a COMM 19SI Of Is a party and which May involve h te -ri y �ent Jf la�larars, workman or meChaniCs, shall COMP ly with the requirements or Ar t , ct : d ( �ect , 0r.s 3110-2237 of the New York State Labor Law: S. NO iaboror, worker or mechanic In the employ of the contractor, . till ;,• Other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of tt,t Cohtompisted by the contract shall be permitted or roqu, ra(I to ..o• k .. r• , l..,r, Slight hours In any OAe calondar day or More than five days n any one .cek e 0 C P a t Ih the extraordinary emergencies set forth In the Labor Law or where a disPansatlOn Is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. CSP Section 22 J. 2) _. [aeh taborer, worker, Or McChanlc employed by the contractor or 9ubcontr itDi- Shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indtCatr'•., Jn the wa.Te schedule Provl dad by the Department, t3ureau of Public work. The treva , i , n? rite 01 wage Shall bo annually daterminod no later than thirty days pr, or to J�, : y first Of each yaar. The prevailing rate of wage for the period come,phc , r, j duty first Of such yaar through June thirtieth, ihcIus , Vol of the rot law, nq yp;. r ' ha 11 be the rata Of wage set forth ih such collective bargaihing aarec•�enrc ror tha tame period, including those Increases for Such Period which are d; rp( t ' y asCertrIneb19 from such COIIeCtive bargaining agreements 4 the annual determination. (See Section 220. 33 a. Tt shall belt the duty Of the department Of Jurisdiction to file with the fiscal .1t• iiCar, the Cia&$ 1 #1CatiOn of workers , mechanics and laborers to be P-oIored on a Public work project, together with a statement of the work to be oPri )r f-I by Slach Classification. (Sea Suction 220. 3-a) it. Tho COntrSletnr and •very subcontractor shall post In a prominent ane accn: siete Plata et Sha Stork site a statement of nil wage rates and Lupp l a m P h t s op 0,11 01 Or PrOvidad for the Verlous Classes Of mechanics, workers or laborers ( Sew SOCtl On 220. 3-83 i. NO OMploVae shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually rpq, : tt,rea n a Program Page Stored with the Now York State Uepar tment of Labur ThP d I I �.abIP ratio Of oyprantices to Journeyman in any craft class , f , catton that ! n:)t by greater than thv ratio permitted to the contractor as to his work force on any Job uAder the- regi 1toped program, Any amp , oyee who is n04 ren, ; tett•-1 it , shall bo Pala the prevailing Braga rote for the Journeyman cls; sork actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be requ, rt.,1 to r ,r., . sh Written OvidanCes of the registration of his Program and aporentcr: the aPProprfat* ratios and wage rates for the at P,, of rot,: trn, I using any appranticut on the contract work . ( !leo tiectioh L:!0 .1 - r• ) A. ( 's NO Contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acti ng on hi s bet+:; l f h:: to reason Of rete, creed, color, disability, sex or national ort 3, n discriminate against any Citl Zen of the State of New york who t : qua lir , Pd and available to perform the work to which the employment relates ( „•r Section 220-e(a)) (b) °JO contractor, subcontractor, nor any parson acting on h, c baK., l ( . ; !. , n any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on cc �nnt of reCo, Creed, Cal Or, disability, sox or hat IonaI origin CSee Spct , 9n aCb) ) NOTE: The Human RI t3hts Law also orohi bi t-s dt r, c r i m i n a t t o h , n employment because of ago, marital status or, rellg, On. ( c) Thera may ba deducted from the amount payable to the contI a for u tro contract a Penalty of five dollars for each calendar dty durinI •.,, such pars Ort was 4iscriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of -Lhe contract. C S e a 'Sectioh 220-e( c ) ) Cd) The contract any be canceI : F�d or terminated by the State or .t,.,, c I , ty and all :AuhaVY rlue or to become Jue therauhdwr may be ror f ettcu. ;r a second Or vny subsequent violation of the terms or toted ; Stun: of dtscriaihati-< n :actions of the contract ( See :iec. PW-3 C11-64). . ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS ANO SUBCONTRACTORS c ' ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE INTRODUCTION: Oolow ate tAe maJor provisions of the Labor Lav eov:erihq worker on p„blic SrOPt Projects. NOURft A laborer, Worker Or mo.chanie Is permitted 'to work on a public work pro,ect M0 we're than Bight hours a day and no mor* than five days in a week, except in case of ilss*POOPdinaPy e'merge'ncy Such as fire, flood or dangor to lieu or property. You .aj aascly 70 the DUPOau of Public Work for a dispensation permitting Workers to work additional _ wOYr8 Or days per week Oh B particular public work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTSt The Wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers . s1OPke'1-8 and mechanics employed On a public work prOJ*ct shall be not less than those Ilatod la the Current PPOvailing rate schedule for the locality where the work is 01-f*Pmod. if a prevailing rate Schedule for the project has not bean provided to the 'Plme Ce'htraCtoP by the department Of Jurisdiction CI . e. , the govarnmontal ent , ty awarding "o "bliC Work contract). Or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the applicable sehadule must be Obtained IPOm the Department Of Jurisdiction, who must male wr , ttvn DO Plleal" On t0 the OUPSOU of Public Work. Labor Oapartmeht, Building No. 12. State office dollding Campus. Albany. Now York 12240 Ts,e PPImO Contractor Is responsible for any underpayments of prevailing wages or 6"PP16l1entt by Its Subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS: Every Contractor and subcontractor must keep origihals or transcripts •� POyPOII records. SKOWing for Oaeh person employed on public Work, the foilow, nq. &.Mare'. 2. Address and phone number, 7, Soei al Security number. 4. Occupat i on.. I Class 1 " COtIOn$ In Which work ad. S. Hour IV Wage rate paid, G. Supploften ts provided. 7. Oa , ty slad weakly number of hours worked in each classification. 8. Deductions made, s act ,,r, , WOO" PO' d- When payroll records are requested by the Commissioner each p.,yrola record Must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a nol,,r, ed s , gnalurt• ** 'that affect, Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contrsc :cr su►contractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and t►. ae ' sle"t Of the contract exceeds $25.000. All Other contractors and subcontractors must within five days after request produce at the work site the orighal payroll ; or transcripts. The Original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years fro. the y; ta - r Completion of the project. POSTING: The current nrevalling rate schedule must -bo posted in a prominent and acce: : b e 010ce on the site of the public work project.. rWl• Ci-•S). . . CCOntinued) ' 11OfZCE TO CONTRACTORS CContl hued) APPRENTICES: Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they aro not ihdividual Iy reOlateped under a OPOSPala or agreement registered with the Commissioner of L:.bor. T h 9 a*Rtr*CtOp or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence Of the • 04191 •trot$ on Of I to pregl•00 and apprenti Ces and of the appropriate ratio. T►.e -. 1 1 o.ab I e ratio Of apprantiCOG to ,JOurnaymen In any Craft classification can be no greater tha.. Ih* patio permitted to the eoi+traCtor or subcontractor as to its work force an any ,ob •ad*P the roglataped program. An employee listed one payroll at ah apprehfit&. .Eo is mot reiglatored as above, must be paid the pravalling ,Journeymen' s wage rate for that *$ossification of work. WITHOL02MG OF PAYMENTSI When a Complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor at eging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing wales or ouppleashts. or when the Commissioner of Labor believes that Unpaid wages or supole•Qnts SOW be due. payments on the pub1IC work Contract may be witheld from the prime Contractor • 40 Sufficient *mount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements. ihCludimg gatepost and cavil penalty. panding a fl nal determination. ENTEREAT AND FENALTIEfI If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found, interest must .be added at between 6 and 16 percent Of the amount due. In addition. an order duelling Oka payaent Of wages or supplements NOV assess a civil penalty of up to 25 percent of the amount due. 11EOARMENTI When final determinations have been made against a contractor or zubcontraCtor Ilk two IRStanCos within a slat-year period determining that it willfully failed to pay •r provide the prevaIIIhS rate of wages Or supplements, such Contractor or Subcohtr�;Ctor trill be Ineligible to bid on or be awarded a public work contr,.lt for p.-, . ..d 41 ♦Ivo years from the second final datermihation. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Wilful violations Of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) Conti stituts, a misdemeanor puhishable by fine or iMpriSon.t•ht o.• b.•th DISCRIMINATION: NO employee Or applicant for OmplOymQnt may be discri mi noted aq:. i hit OR account of age, race, creed, color, pati Chat ori gi h, sox, di Sabi I i ty or• -.;rt t 41 c to t us Evary employer subject to the New York State Iluman Rights Law mu-. t con-pi ..uou ly p •. t *t I t$ O f f i COS. p 1 a C e s Of O m p I O y M e h t Or OVA p I O y m Q h t t r a i n i h9 C ph t e r S, no t I C Q S f u r h i S r,e d b y the State Division of Human Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing worker' s compr±nsation Insurance • *Rd Sit Sabi IIty benefits must post in a conspicuous place hot ices of such coverage n form ppescrlbed by the workers ' Compensation Board. 9001OVera IIobIa for contributions under the Unemploymeht Insurance Law must C*aspicuousIV post notlCOS furnished by the State Department of Labor. All employers must post In a prOMlneht place a sigh ihfOrMing workers of their Right to IC641v about toNiC substances found In their workplace CArticIa 28 of the Labor Law). Ptl as ca-as). . , docm: letter2b • MC-kTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION aw 1lTIME ' C A ') Time and one huff of the hourly rata after 7 hours per day. C • ) Tlwe and One half of the hourly rate after a hours per day. C C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours par day. C 0 ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. C It ) T I m a and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. C 0 ) Tiwe and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. C O ) Tiwe and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and llol ; rl,,ys. CC M ) Tiwe and one half of the hourly rate On Satcrrday, Sunday and Itol ; day; . S ) Tiwe end one half Of thi hourly rate on Sunday. C J ) Ti ma and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. C It ) TI me and One half Of the hourly rate on Holidays. C L ) Double the hourly pato on Saturday. C N ) double the hourly rate on Saturda and Sunday. C N ) Double the hourly rate On Saturda a•.d Holidays. C O ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. Sunday and Holidays, C P ) Double the hourly pate On Sunday. C O ) Double the hourly rat@ on Sunday and Holidays. C R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. C / ) Two and one half times he Hourly rate for Holidays, if Worked. C T ) TpiPle the hourly rate the Holidays, if Worked, C Y ) Four times the hourly pate for NoIIdays, if Work ad. C V ) ZnClulwg benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown fop overtime. �jgt OEMEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, In Overtime Conditions. for each hour Worked, unless otherwise noted Or A A 2. "Each Contract. . . shall contain a 9tiPulatIOn that no laborer, •op waw or "Chsh". . . shall be Permitted or requlPad to wor► more than eight hour; Iw any one Calandap day or work mope than five days in any onN wook ercoot , n case of •Mtpaedlwary emopgawCy. . . . MAenever such aft '•EMERGEMCV DISPENSATION '(erph,,s ; s added' Ia gpeated. all work ih OXtess of eight h-Ours per day. and five days oer week ;h„ ll be eewaldeped evoptlme wopk. . . and. . . Oka II be paid a Premium Wage commensurate with the .Pod"Ww wages Pre"' 11 wg In the area In Which the work is Performed. " �DLlpAyS --- - YAa Holidays as 11 **ad below ape to be Pal at the wage rates at which the employee la wopaally Classified. C 1 ) None. C ! ) Labor- Day. C 3 ) Mamorlal Day and Labor Day. C 4 ) Ilamorlal Day and July 4th. L s ) M"mopial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. C i ) NOW veers Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. C• . 7 ) Llncoln'S Birthday, Wsshington's Ofrthday and Veterans Day. C ) Good Friday. C 9 ) Lincoln's Birthday. C 10 ) Wsahingtoh's Birthday. C 11 ) Columbus Day. t'.12 ) Election pay. C 13 ) Presidential Election Day. C 14 ) 1/2 Day On Prasid@htial Election Day. C IS ) Veteran' s Day. C 15 ) Day after ,Th6nksgl Vi hq Day. C 17 ) July 4th. C 1a ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day, C 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. C !O ) thank a 21 vi w9 Day. C !1 ) New years Day. C i! ) Christmas Day. •`` tl a C m l e t t e r 2 c NOTICE OF ADDENDUM APPLICADLE TO ALL COUNTIES • 3 AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor contracts which expire prior to July 1 &Ad which are not negotiated before Nay 31, the data for publication of the annual datePmlAatlOn, the new Collective bargaining Information will be inCorpCratpd late the pPavalling rate schedule by steers of an addendum. This addendum Will be Isoved by the •ureau of Public York for those schedules where the available' latoPmation Is Incomplete as of May 31. rlheA you ,review the schedule for particular occupations, your attention sh:uld be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the effective dates Of the latest Collective barglhing agreements for that oCCupat, on. The Pates IIsted In that column Were taken from those agreemehts and Will rp.a, n 1 % effect until the following JUNE 30TH. The only exCeptiOn is for those collective bap9lall nil agreomOnts which explred during the month of June. In those Cases the COemIsslOAOr will publish an addendum to include the new rates determined far those OCCupatlons. These hew rates will become affeCtive 30 days after the addendum is received by the contractor. TO repeat. I f the schedule i ndi Cates that a col I ec ti ve bargi n, nq a•Ir ,•,•+r., t expires during the month of JYhe or Where IhformatiOn was not avatlabit- .) t th,. t . +p Of ►ubltcation you should be aware that an addendum will be publishpd end c .:cy Of the addendum should be requested. Failure to do so may cause an improret rd: ty to be used and result In the finding of an underpayment. aedendum -- _ do.+. ivttur2d • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE (• ;See NOTICE PAGE ATTaCP:EO •!a!e of Now York Case Number .86IaPt�ent Of Labor Hureau of 8600742 Pubic cork 3C - 7101 35 Gi3�BG • SUFFOLK COUNTY Pag4 1 AJAElTOR WORK R YAQEgCPar Aour) 7/01/85- 1/O1/8G 12/31/85 6/30186 2011Iu12t1ow Worker. . . . S 18. 64 19. 04 Ldi_17 FioL AYSt 900 ( C, 0 3 Oft OVERTIME A ) On HOLIDAY PAGEattathtd. MA F_ RAT ; Apprantic9Cs ) to Journeywon C - ) C ) CIti:CICIENTIU - ) ��_1�Q3•� 1 ) Voor terms at the following Parcentago of Journe•"'"' • s GO-• Mon. 4TH. 8or. $1lPPLEMENTAL B£NEFITS: Cper hour worked) Neal th/Wel /are. . . . . . - - $ 1. 69 IsAPPr. 1. 69 sAppr- Ponsiow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 56 * x s Ahnui t . 56 s p Y. . . . . . 4. 20 *aPP 1 y 4 Y. 70 *aPp I y Vacatlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 38 *to5upps 2. 38 *toSup •Listed suPPlements apply to ALL classifications C 3ves C x )NO. R ApPrewtice ZW0Plemehts OPPoar in second column, 8- 12 �OtLERMAKER -- - XAQUCPar hour) 9/01/84- 9/01/85- 9/01/86 - 8/31/85 8/31/86 12/31 /87 Sol larmaker. . ... . . . . . . s 21. 7S 22. 75 24. 00 1 Sea C C 3 ow OVERTIME PAGE attached. fffivAif -EA-V AY 9: SOO C 1 3 Oh HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 1!A : APPrent{ tact) to Jourhevmen C 1 - S ) C 1 - 10 ) N. s 1/R 3 year terms at the following percentage of Journeym&n ' s wage � � 75 STH.� 6TH. 7TH.BOX 85% 90% 100x �l1ZLaLEMENTAL BENEEXIIICOOP 6o%r worked) mea{ !h/nal-- a♦� r�, 7 Paws 1 oh. . 10 % 10 Y. 10 Y. APPrewtIco Treinin'. . . 10 100 Vacatlon. . . . . . . . . . . 7 x 7 % 1 t i Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 % 15 % l rs Listed 9000100ehts apply to ALL classifications C x )ves ( )No. 8• 5 GLAZIER WAGESCPer hour) 7/01/85- 10,01/86- 7/01 /8G- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 G , 3: , --7 Glazier. . . . . . . . . . . . . s 19. 30 19. 80 19. 80 19. 80 VERTIME PqV: Sao C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. VU H I_jtAVS: Sea C 1 3 On HOLIDAY PAGE attacbied. A,I,. OwABLE RAT!a^V: Apprentice(% ) to Journeymen ( 1 APPP. Ni ICES:C1/2 ) year terms at the following Percentage of JournPv-an ' ; .Ale 1^01 tubed prior to Ju1V 1984 5T. -2NO. 3P.0. 4TH. STN. 6TH. 7T 11. 8T11. 60% 707 75r. eo% 851 SOA ---951. IhdantuPad after July 1, 1984 1ST. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7711. 8TH. _ 3Qx 35% 40% 45% 55/ 651 _f5 1 901 'lUPPLEME4TAL' 0ENEFIT�: CPer hour worked) Health/welfare. i l.- 215 *1. 26 1. 86 *1. 26 1. 2G *1. 2G 1 2G +1 2G Paw%{ ow. 1. 26 *1. 26 1. 26 a1. 2G 1. 2, *1. 2G 1. ZG +1 2G ApPPawllto Tralnlhy. . . 01 * 01 01 * 01 CS Vaca!{ oh. . . 01 01 s 01 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 1. 3Z * _ Y. 1. 32 * _ % 1. 32 : _ w 1. S7 3. SO *Note 3. 50 *Note 4. 25 *Note 4. 75 =Note Neta - Apprentice Awnulty: - lot yr-Hone / and yr-. 7S / 3rd yr-1. 10 / 4th yr-1. 50 Listed supplements apply to ALL C18ssi (iCatioh% C )Vas C x 3No. S APPrewt1C* 2UPP1Oman ts 8PP08P in second column. 8-1087 SPREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE See NOTICE P43C nrrACHE st6te of Now York Casa Number Bureau of 11161116rtoowt of Labor Pubic wart _ 8600742 _ 3C 7i01ic - G,3 t86 SUFFOLK COUNTY �AI�+PENTER L&mc Por hour) 1/01/BS- 9701 /85- 8/30/85 8/30/86 •ul I ding: Oraper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 12. S7 13. 20 Q,V N PAY: Seo C A, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ' Q_1101_ DAV Ss See C S. 6. 9. 10, 11. 121 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. suPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) T! /Y1e1 fate. . . . . . ; 1. 24 1. 46 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 x 6 % Llsted supplements apply to ALL class IF1catlOhl C x )Vas C )No. 8-440 MAGE9(►er, hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- dui 1 dl wq: 6/30/86 6/30/87 Floorlavor. . . . . . . . . . . t 19. 66 20. 66 V� Y��PAY: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. MAN HOLIOAVS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ApprentiC .orOCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 7 ) N 1R ) ve4THtape$ at the following percentage of J' —1,14,ourneV-An• -1,14,' x 111T. -SUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFIT9s (Par hour Worked) - See below. 8-224112287 ------------------------------ bACEs(oor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01 /86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 •wlldingl millwright. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 79 19. 29 *TIMEPAVi See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY • See C 1 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. A 2Q: Apprentice( s ) to Journeymen C 1 - 7 ) vast- tereis at the following percentage of Journ,.y-„n . .., �.• NO. 3RO. 4TH. SSA 7S% 9S% Stl_*PLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Coop hour worked) Health/del fare. . . . ; 2. 40 2. G7 Pens 1 on. . . . . . . . 2. 49 2. 59 Annul tv. 2. 42 2. 94 Apprentice Training. . . 35 15 Vocation. . . . . . 2. 26 2. 40 Listed supploments 0001V t0 ALL cl8ssi'ficati.Oh9 C x )Vas C )No. B-:4 ------------------------------ WAGE Coor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/60/07 Pl1edriver. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 Oockbuilder. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 PAGE attached. A1FM3L DAVS: SSeeCC0• I ) on HOLIDAYCPAGE attached. A OYAOE RA I0: ApprehtiCOCs ) to JourneVmeh C 1 - 7 ) A R NY S: ( 1 ) Year terms at the fol 1 owi ng percentage of Journvy.+a'r. ' : ..1•3e T. 2N0. 3RD. 4TH. % 65% 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked - Seo below. 8-145G ' • PREVAILING RATE SCHEOULE (*)See NOTICE PACE ATTAC, 4CD •lata of Now York Casa Number 9urpao of OA6artOonA of Labor Puoi c work 8600742 3C 7/ C1 cis G 7 3:7, aG SUFFOLK COUNTY ' Pege 4 carponteP (cont. ) YIAGESC9ar hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 •YlIdIng: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . a 15. 72 20. 58 Neave/Highway: Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . f 19. 77 20. 63 AVERT7�NE PAY: Bae C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. tAYD 110 AYS: SOO C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOMA RAT ApprenticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - S ) -CI// van" terms at the following Percentage of Journpv"Ah ' s rasp. >< a,an sox65% 756 80H 8b/ 1S1rPlENENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) Nos 1 th/we i fare. . . . . . . . i 2. 40 2. 67 Pans i on. . 2. 13 2. 30 ApprantI ce TPoi ft ng. . . . 04 0Y Vacat low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 20 1. 40 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . 1. 10 1. 20 icholaPship Fund. . . . . . . 01 . O1 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4 - sur �tVATOR WAGES COOP hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 !levator COnftruCfOr. . . g 20. 91 21. 97 Helper. 1S. 68 16. 48 Clow. (Noderni zati on). . 17. 69 s 18. S7 a Haiper. . 13. 27 s 13. 93 s • FR_ TIN PAV: CONSTR. $oe C C, M, T ) on OVCRTIMC PAGE at lac had V SIM AY: MODERN. See ( B, F, S ) on OVERTIME PAGC a t hed. HOLIDAYS: Seo CS. S. 7, 11, 123 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AlDYABLE RATIO: ApprenticoCs ) to Journeymen C - ) C !Ll re Nffnne-s-- (- ) voar terms at the following percpntage of Journey-4r, ' . T. NO. 3R0. 4TH. STIP. 6T11. 7TH. 9T11. 0 A 00% ODA 00'/. 00'/. 00% Doi 00% tIPtLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Coop, hour worked) Heal th/Mel fare. . . . . . . . f 1. 795 #1. 795 1. 9'►S a1. 94S Pens : on. . . . . . . . 1. 41 e1. 41 1. SS •1. SS Tre: ni ng Fund. . . . . 03S. a . 03S . 03S • . 03S Anhui ty-(par work day) 8. 00 a8. 00 8. 00 x8. 00 listed Supplomants appiV to _ALL classifications C )vas C x )No. a **WOdernlZatiOn" Supplamonts appear in second column. 8_ 1 • + PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C *See NOTICE PAGE ATTACI:EO @tate of Now York Casa Number Oureau of Gooeptsrowt of Lebo" Putt . c work 8600742 _ SUFFOLK COUNTY Pagp 5 tL[CIRICIAN MAOaciser hour) S/01/85- 11/02/85 5/03/86- 11 /01 /cic- Y1/01/85 5/02/86 11/01/86 4,3^- 87 lloett•Itiaw. . . . . . . . . . ; 20. 85 21. 45 22. 1S 22 90 Audio/Sound. . . . . . . . . . 20. 8s 21. 45 22. 15 22 90 PHM PA : Soo C 9, E, P ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. !i AVS: Soo C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAG[ attached. YO I ApprentieaCaI to Journeymen C 1 - 1 C 2 - 4 ) C 3 - 7 1 s C i ) yoar terms at the following percentage of Journey.-an ' s .ale Sao'' 7t t it N AF1 T 2: Coop hour worked) ea /wo tare. . . . . . . . ; 10 % 10. S % 10. S % 10. S ►ons l on. . T. S I( 7. S r. 7. S Y. 7. S- / BYpp1 . linen'1 oy. sawtf 1 t . 25 25 2S 25 AVprentice Training. . . 12 12 12 12 AwwYi ty. . . . . . . . . . . 11. S % 11. 5 % 11. 5 % 11. S iowefl t Fuwd. . . . . 3 % 3 Y. 3 Y. 3 '/ Vacation and Holiday. . 8. S % S. 5 Y. S. 5 % 9 S / Listed supplements apply to A" clessifiesti ohs C )Yes C x )No. Notes let. Term Cowly) Apprentice NOT included in Annuity Fund benefit. 4-25 ........................... ... YAGESCper hour) S/01/8S- 1/30/86 telepbewe " 2wstellor/RepolrMaw ; 17. 6S " ropes&%. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 33 N "DAN 1 Sea C 0. E, P 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. t SV A S: Bee C S, S. 10, 16 3 on HOLIOAY PAGE attached. QY� RAT -. A.pprewtlCOCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) : C 1 ) veer terms at the following wage. ND.��3�I C� 4TH. . 0 -6-. 6O C64 10. 16 BUrPLFMENTAL 9ENEFITS: (par hour worked) iilleal th/wol fare. . i 10 % Pons i on. . . . . 7. 5'/. Apprentice Training. . . S/8Y. Awhu4 t y. 12 % Benefit land. 3 % Vacation and Hol i day. . 9. Sy. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4 -25t ---------- ------ -- ---- -------- Applicable on MAINTANENCE of traffic signals and street lighting only YA (per hour) 4/30/84- / / - 5/O1/85 Electricisn • (Traffic/Street). . . . . 15. 80 V�RTIM PAv: Sae ( 8. E. P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. filD HG DAYS: Sao C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. fa1.l�CLYAQ RATIO: Approntice( s) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 ) ( 3 - 7 ) C 1 ) veer terms at the following percentage of Journey.an ' s .::ge 2ND. 3RD. 4tH. 11 b% SO% 60% 80A 6ilPPLEMf NTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) off/ filth/Yalfere. . . . . . i 8 Panaion. . . . . . . S. 5% hoof-entice Traianin9. . . 1/2% Sewafit Fund. . . . . . . . . . 3 Y. Annuity. . . . . . 9 % Vacatlow end Holidays. a. S% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4-2G» PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C P)Spa NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED •tate of New York Case Number Bureau of 196partoont Of Labor Put. I . 0 Work 8600742 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 7 LA�OR[R MAGESCOOP hour) 7/01/85- 1/0"1 /86- 7/01/BG 12/31/85 6/30/8G 6/30/x7 •wilding Laborers All Classifications. . . ; 15. 15 i5. 80 17. 00 ft� PAY: See C A. H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A M LX SAY : Sae C S. 6. 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. TA F : Cper hour Worked) Use; h/rel fare. . . . . . . . ; 2. 20 2. 20 2. 20 PON$ieh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 28 2. 28 2 28 Vacatl on. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 15 15 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )ves C )No. 4-GG ------------------------------ WAGESCper hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Leborer(Hesvy/Highway): Group s 1: Asphalt Rakers end Formsalters. Group 8 Z: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group sl 3: Bas-1c Laborer. Power Tool , Trackman, Landscape, Pi pe I ayer. Jackhammer and Concrete. Naav�/Highway Laborer: Grew* • 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 14. 15 15. 17 Group a 2. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 83 14. 83 Group a 3. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 03 13. 66 a Imus pay: sea C ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. ri H L AYS: See C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. sur1�1.E��(TAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) •e /Y• ara. . . . . . . . t 12 % 12 % Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 % 13 % Vecatian. . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 1. 00 OtherCLegal ). . . . . . . . . . 1 % 1 Y. Listed suppl'emahts apply to ALL classifications C x 3ves ( )No. 4 - 12911 LATHER 1/A Cper hour) 7/01/85- 6/30/86 Lather (Wood Wire A Rei hfOrci h9). . . 20. 39 OVRTv! PAY: See C C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. SAID NOL 64 Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL 1,OMA RATIO: ApprentlCOCs ) to JOurneyMeh C 1 - 5 ) APlI T C 5: C 1 ) year terms at the fol I owi ng percentage of Journey,,..,n ' r:,.I r• 15T . _ NO. 3RD. 40% 75Y 85 Y. SU!lLEMENTAL BENcrxTS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare. . . . . . . . ; 1. 495 *1. 495 Pension. . . . 985 * 985 Apprentice Training. . . 013 a. 08 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 *apply% Annuity. 3. 00 *aoply% Scholarship Fund. . . . . . 04 a . 04 Listed supplements ■pply to ALL classifications C )ves C x )No. • Aaprantice supplements appear in second column. 8-46 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE (10 )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACIICI !tett: of Now York Case Number f3•Ir,•..,, of 110POPtaewt of Labor Pub l , c work 8600742 _ --- 3C 7, 31 . 35 - 3:,AG SUFFOLK COUNTY P..7o 8 JMM/TILE/TERRA220 WADESCpor hour) 6y/O1/a5- 1/O1/86- 12/31/aS S/01/86 owl lding: OrlckIeyes . . . . . . . . . . 0 19. i6 Add itiand1 $$ �M PAY: See C C. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LH L AV: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. VAB RA Apprantice(s) to Journeyman ( 1 - 10 ) C 750 hours ) terms at the following percentage of Journey-av,• : r:)qP NO. 3RQ. 4TH. STH( SOOHR) GTH(SOOHR) X 60X 70% Box 90Y. 95x TAL BEMCFITS: Cpos hour Worked) 119'r-111V11115!1 fare. . . . . . . . S 1. as 9e rafts on. . . . . . 2. 64 to be Apprentl ce• Trai nl ng. . 20 a 1 1 o t t a d Awwui tv. • • • • • • • • • • 2. 05 I star- Ll sted tat•Llsted supplements apply to ALL Classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8-NY OC EMCper hour) 7/01/8S- 7/01/aG- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Coment Fihithat . . . . . . . 18. SS AddltionaI See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. �A3�CLbAy: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A RATIO: App'renticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) 1/2 ) VOOP teslas at the following percentage of Journey-an' s Wage. XiuHJT ]IIA a 5TH. 6TH. WW X x A x 909 9�si i . f' : Cper hour Worked) 0 2. 11 1. 40 Paws i ow. . . • . . . . 2. 60 to be ApprenticeTsaiwln9. . . . 09 allotted Awnultv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1S later Listed supplaNants apply to ALL Classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. : - 7110 WAGESCper hour) 7/01/85- 1/01/86- 7/01 8G- 1 1 . d7- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31/86 G j Oui I dl n9: PIastarar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 4S Additional Additional AdAlt „n , l OVERTIME PAY: See C A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. fid NO�C)Ay: Soo ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PACE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: AppronticeCs) .to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 4 ) 1L�CLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Coor hour worked) HHeelth/velfar.. s 3. 40 a Note 85 1. 00 75 Ponsi On a -- to be to be t•, br• Apprewtice Training. . . 01 s: -- allotted allotted ul I n t t P d Vacation. . . . . . . 2. 37 s -- at later at later - I Scholarship Fund. . . . . . . of >R - - data. date. �(A%. r r• Listed supplements apply to All classifications C )Yes C x )No. C4)Aper. Supp. -1st 3 mo. /none. -Znd 3 mo. thru _Sth term-2. 00 H/W. -Last tar,-, 311, . 4 C72- PREVAILING RATE SCHEOt1L.E C 1035ee NOTICC P•-GE nTTncmC0 state of Now York Casa Number s,1rP&U of DOOMPtstant of Labor P•,,bl , C work ' 8600742 3C _.-7/00_ �� - G, 3 -a6 • SUFFOLK COUNTY PaTv 9 Masow (coot) VAGESCOOP hour) 7/01/8S- 12/31/85 G/30/86 Bel Iding: Mosaic a Torra::o worker. . 19. 45 Additional tiERT ME PAY: Sao C B. 0 ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. � R"IFT.Ay: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. wA! RA Apprantlt:e(s) to JournoVmen ( - ) ( - ) . 0 - ) S: E 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-an ' 10. 3RO. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 1R SOK 60% A 80% 8S gill A . N. F : (per hour worked) as th/mei fare . . . . . . i 1. 33 GS mans l en. . . 2. 55 a I 1 of ted sup*. Unomp 1 oV. lenef i t. 45 1 star Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 3 JL&aucoor hour) 1/01/85- 7/01/85- 1/01/86- 7/C1 /AG- 6/30/8S 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31i8G svllding: Moselc and Terrazzo Helper. . . . . 17. 31 Additional Additional Additional A i Sae C !. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY1 See C •1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. IMMf' M A N T : Cpar hour worked) /45C."a /mol fare. . . . . . . i 1. 33 . 65 GS 79 paws I OR. . 2. 5S to be to be to ba supp. Unemploy. 8enefit. . 4S at lotted allotted aIIotted Veen t I on. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 50 Iator later idter. Listed supplements apPIV to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 35 wAGES(Oer hour) 6/04/84- 12/03/84- 12/02/84 5/26/85 sul I di ng: Tile. Sotter. . . . . . . . . . . 16. 78 16. 78 QVERTIME PAY: See C A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PASA HCLZDAY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: ApOrentice( s ) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 2 ) APPRENTICES: C M/A ) y0ar terms at the fol lowing percentage of ST. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6TH. :711. 8TH. N/A N/A N/A ' N/A N/A N/A N/A Nie SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) ealtn/wol (are. . . . . . i 2. 18 2- 18 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 25 2. 2; Vocation. . 1. 08S 1. 62S Listed supplements a p 0 1 V to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8- 53 YAG SCOor hour) 1/01 /BS- 7/01/85- 6/30/8S !ui 1 di ng: Tile LoVer He l0er. . . . . S 17. S6 Q0V TIM PAV: Seo ( A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. pAZ9 NQ. AY: Seo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. lUPPLEMENTAL 8ENEFIT5: (por hour worked) eallh/walfare. . . . . . . . 3 1. 75 passion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 42 Listed supplements 0001V to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8-88 PREVAILING RATE SCIiEOULE Q )Se„ NOTI,CC PA5C 4 ' ? AZilco 6t:�dw6t of New York - %s-�UMbar Cl,:r a:.0 of a 0 SoAt of Labor Pubt c W,,rk l360074t _ __ 3C - 7%_^1 , 85 Gr 3016G ' 9UPFOLk COUNTY 1 0 M�taA �teAt. � �tllr hOYr) 7/01/85- 1•/01/86•• 7/01 /BG '12/31/89 6/30/811 6/30/87 r640r0reufertMafoh) bbd tu0M0o1 titer. . . . . 0 17. 40 18. 6S 19. 90 Seadalastlhg(Mason). . . 16. 4S 17. 70 iB 9i Stea�Oteahl ng(MssOh). . -15. 80 17. OS 18. 30 FaKI 000 ( ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. Yl Se! C 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attachad. • l t A00P8ntICO( s) to Journeyman C 1 - S ) 1 ) year teras at the following parcentage of Journey«any' • ..3p. �UPrI[M6M1A_L__dENEFITS, loar hour worked) 0a h/weffiare. . . . . . . . s 1. 7S 01. 75 1. 7S *1. 75 1. 7S *1. 75 �entl On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 *1. 7S 3. 00 *1. 7S 3. 00 *1. 7S Saheflt Fund: . . . . . . . . . 10. Y. * 69 10 % Is G9 10 7. a 69 Training FYhd. . . . . .. . . . . 08 * 08 . 08 * 08 . OB = 08 • Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 * 55 2. 00 Is 55 2. 00 R ..SS Listed s000106ahts apply to ALL clas21fIcatlons C )yes C x )No. • Apprentice supplements appear In second column. 4 -GG.. ltL (00h hOUr� 1/01/89• 7/01/85- 6/30/85 Stena Mason. . . . . . . . . . . 6 go. 00 AYt Site t A. M 3 eh OVERTIME PACE attached. rna� � ZDAIi gad C, 1 3 On HdLIOAY PAGE attached. ALLOWAUL k I A/1lnlntlee(t) to JOUNh*V*Qh C I 1/>t~ 3 year term! 0 the following partentaga of J0Urn9VP n' s y19P. 1911. 4114. .5TH. 8TH. 7TH. X --yr-1K 80% 90% 9S'//. WWII TA10,y2@ NE fid1 (leh, hour WUrk4d) /re . . . . . . . - 'ohs 1 0A . 6 -. 75 - AAAulty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Lilted tul0laxafttt 8001 to ALL tlattIfftotlohs ( x )yes ( )No it .it 4040E9(por hours 1/01/85- 7/01 /BS- 1/01 /86- 7/ClG 6/30/85 12/31/85 G/30/BG Stene Sattor. . . . . . . . . . _ 19. 30 19. 69 20. Oa 47 V ITIMEPAYI 900 C C. M ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAIJ HO IOAY: See C 1 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. 4%,L OW49 RATtOt ApprantiC&C13 to JoUrnaymen C 1 - 10 3 P R t [ 1/2 3 year teems at the following percentage of JournPv-,,r, ' . :,3F 214 iR�O. 4TH. ST-H. 6T F1. 7T 14. BT11. SUPPLEMENTAL GCNEFITS: Cper hour worked) Hee 1 th/ue I fere. . . . . . . . s 1. 50 1. GO 1. 60 1 . 70 Pension. . . . 1. 50 1. 60 1. 60 1 . a7 Security 6enef , t. 60 60 . GO 5. Apprentice Tralhing. . . 10 10 10 1 � Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2. Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 2S 3. 50 4. QO V _5 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. a-84 . K s PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE l's )Seer NOT [:E PA.-,C n+ ••iC!IC� state of New York Case Number 08p8Pltttent of Labor 0„ra,,, or 8600742 3C - 7, 01 Sr, - G, ].^ -a6 SUFFOLK COUNTY � r• .•Ir 11 Maaon Ceont. . ) MMCPOP hour) 1/01/85- 7/01 /85- 1 /01 /811- 7/C1 / af,- • 6/30/8S 12/31/85 6/30/8G 12131 , aG 041811,1 ekman/Ri ager. . . . S 18. 72 Addi ti ona I Addi to or,a I Ad(j, t v..;: I M PA : So• C C. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. }� AVS, Soo C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. MA A I AprantleaCs) to JournaVmen C 1 - 10 J T s C 1/2 ) Veer• tePmf at the following percentage of Jo„rn(ty+an ' s wage 2NO. 4TH. STH. _67 H. -A 01A 014 �O R 90'A - 9 0 jYPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) cal to/mel faro. i1. 44 89 89 89 Pons On. . . . 2. 03 to ba t0 be to ba AppPentlCe Training. . . . 10 o I 1 0 t t a d allotted aIIatted Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 at Inter at later at Inter Annul tV. . . . . .�. . . . . ... . . 4. 00 date. date. date. Listed supplements applV to ALL classifications C x )Vas C )No. 8- 197 YARUCiffer hour) 1/01/85- 6/30/11S Oultdln91 MDPble SewVer, Rubber • Polisher. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 08 . M PAYI ace ( 8 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AV: See C 5. 6. 8, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. M RATIO: AppPentleeCs) to Jourhoymon C - ) C - ) C - ) . C C 1/2 ) VOOP terms at the following percentage of Journey,.an' s wage. XMI. N �"�Q 4TH. STH. 6TH, 7TH. 8TH. fl X 60% X 70%I a0 V. 90'/. 95% �SL�L�_n.MENTA ITSi (par hour worked) �eal�"h/118 ere. . . s . 96 Pens► ow. . . . . . 1. 18 Gepp. Un amp 1 0V. sena f 1 t. . 10 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Annul tV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Listed supplements apply to AIL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8 . 1 ISA ( pop hour) 1/01/85- 6/30/x85 sulIdin9: Marble Cutters 8 Setters. . . . . . . . . . . 1S. 6S QV IME PAY: See C 8 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. �AfO HOLIDAY: See C S, 6, 8. 10. 15 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. AL .Y.A, LERRATIO_: ApprenticeCs ) to JourhpVmen C - ) C - ) ( - ) A R M CESa( 1/2 ) year terms at the IofIowing percentage of Journey.,. ' T. 2ND. 3RD. ofTH. ST I1. 6T 11. 7TH. 9TH. S x 95/ 60'/. 65% i0 a0 A 904 951 UPPLEM NTAL 9ENEFITS: Cpr hour worked) Has lthtwolfare. . . . . . . . 3 . 96 Pension. . . . 1. 18 Sup►. Unemp I oV. acne f 1 t. . 90 Vacatl on. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. SO Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 Listed supptemehts apply to ALL Classlfi•Catiohs C x )Yes C )No. a-4 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE )Sea N01 n nr � •* � ICE P GE, T.:CHED state o/ New York •00V8Ptwent of Labor Casa Number eurQau of 86007'f2 P„b I , c Work 3C - 7i 1 !HS - G, 37,86 SUFFOLK COUNTY •.•• Page 12 began C C e w t. . ) ------- ------- YIAGESLper hour) 1/01/BS- 6/30/85 MaPble Help@". . . . . . . . . t 15. 27 Grano Operator. . . . . . . . IS. 27 Marble Rissor. . . . . . . . . . 15. 27 MIR!& -y' 906 C 8 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ILIGAV: See C S, 6, 8. 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. NAF RA : ApprantIC0C21 to Journeymen C - ) C Com' o ts1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journev+;n ' ; .,1.10 N 3RD. GSH. riT H. 6itf. 7T11. 8Ti1. sUPPLENENTAL RENEE TS: Cpar hour worked) Maolth/ral are. . . . . . . 4 . 96 pens i en. . . . . . . 1. 18 swap. Unomp 1 oy. Benefit. . 4S VacetIon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 70 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 40 Listed supplements epplV to ALL classiff-cations C x )yes ( )No. 8- 10 PAXHIU blAGESCoor hour) 10/01/84- ateol: 9/30/85 stool. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 01 Spray. . . . . 20. S1 gondb l as t ins—. . . 20. S1 " Power Tool . . . . . . . 20. 51 -NS PAY: Sae C A, E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Z *1uLrf AAy: Sae. C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Ise RA AppPehticeCs) to Journeyman C 1 - 10 ) S: C • 1 ) Veer !arms at the fol 1 owi ng percentag N e of JournrYr,,n' W,,q,. x. SU►PEMENTAI BEN£FITS: Cpar hour worked) ea Lth/lrol are. . . . . . . . ; 9 x ' Ponslon. • 1 10 A0prentI CeTI.ai ni ng. . . 1/2 Y. Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Y. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Llsted supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )vps C )No. B-a:& -------------- ---------- --- --- WAGESCpar hour) 2/O1/8S- 7/31'/8S OPywall Taper. . . . . . . . . 4 17. 36 VERTIM PAY: SOO C C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. P-446—HOLIDAY: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A L wA8 E RATIO: AperonticoCs ) to JourneyMen C - ) C APP i C .2: C 1/2 ) year terms at the following Percentage of Journev-..,, ' 1-5T rJ10. 3RD. 4TH. Sax �O�t 7S/ 901A �UPr4£MENTAL BFNEFITSr(par hour worked) Haef th/11e1 faro. . . . . S 2. 0125. a13r. P0n21on. . 71 Vacatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 % s 9 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . 10 x a10 % A00Pentice Training. . . . 01 . 01 Llsted supplements apply to A4 classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. Ci)AaaPontice 8enafits appear-7n- _ _--- ---- _ -Second cot 8-197•r 1� PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C Is )Ga(- NOTICE PACE ATTACIIEO •tate of New York Case Number Ospuol artment of Labor v Oi P , C Werk 8600742 _--7, .1-0!; 3^aG SUFFOLK COUNTY P::qe 13 'alwtOr Ceont) ,WAGE,,j' Cpar hour) 4/01/85- 4/01/8S- ' 3/31/86 •rush. . . . 17. 33 structural Steet /8rldge 21. 13 spray. Scaffold. . . . . . . . 19. 23 sandblasting. . . . . . . . . . . 21. 13 Paper Manse$. . . . . . . . . . . 17. 33 11AN CE a S�� C S. 6 -3 On HOLIDAYEPAGEEattachadattache� RAT s Apprehticecs ) to Journev"Oh C 1 - S ) 1/2 3 Veer terns at the folIOWing Percentage Of JOUrnPy-Ar% «A9r LAT. T'A. HIA. 6TH. 111!•_!LtNg AL 9ENERlTst Cpar hour worked) cal 4 2. 00 *1. 40 Pons 1 ow. . . . . 1.. 30 *1. 30 ' • Apprewtl Ce• Trai wl ng. . . 26 * . 26 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 45 * • 'A Awwvl t11►► . . . . . . . . . . 1. 65 * • _.. Other CLesal ). . . . . . . 10 * . 10 safety a Nealth. . . . . . . . 22 . 22 Listed supplements eppiv to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. CO) Apprentice supplements appear In second column. 4- 1486 pi�LY�![R VAESCOOr hour) 7/01/8S 1/01/86- 7/01/86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 Plumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1; 20. 00 20. SO 21. 00 s PAV! sae C C. 0 ) ow OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY: See •C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A RAT Oi ApprentlCeCs) to Journeymen C I .- S ) A ! t 1 ) VOOr terms at the (011owih9 Wage. 2NO. 3RD. 4TH. 0 -'T 57-60---T 3-�0�`t.60 for 7/01 /85 to 12/30/R. 2. 23 10. 25 13. 33 14. 35 for 1 /01 /8G to G/30/116 s. 4s 10. SO 13. 6S 14. 70 for 7/01/8G to 12/30/86 SUPPLEMENTAL I3ENEFITS: (per hour worked) *1st yr *lit yr 1st yr Nes I to/Wel faro. . . . . . . . ; 1. 50 * . 96 1. 57 a . 96 1. 74 21. OG Pension. . . . . . . 3. 11 *1. 98 3. 31 *2. 10 3. 7S *2 3G Apprenti Ce Training. . . . 37 * . 24 . 37 * 2S . 38 Is 35 Vaeati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 30 * 75 1. 30 * 7S 1. 30 s 7S Anhui tY. . . . . . . 714 * 357 . 714 * 357 714 #. 375 Listed supplements OPPIV to ALL classifications C )Yes ( x )No. ; Apprentice, (1st Year) supplements appear in second cotumh. 4-77S sTEAMFITTER/SPRINKLER FITTER WAGE!icoer hour) 12/26/84- 6/25/85 Steam Fitter. . . . . . . . ; 21. 10 Sprinkler Fitter. . . . . . 21. 10 OIiERTAPAV: SOB C C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE .attachad. FAIL--9L DAV: See C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AWA RATIO: Approntico( s) to JOUrhoymen C 1 - 3 ) /R NT t C 1/2 3 Vear terms at the .followinq PercentRge of Journey+an'•s � aqo 'TNQ 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6TH. _ 7TH. AT 11. 0% --►SA --yo-5. SSY. 60% F2-5 $UPPLEMEMTAL DENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) •alth/Welfare. . . . . . . . ; 1. SCI * • % Pans i oh. . . . . . . . . 1. 60 * • Y. SGCurl tV Fund. . . . . . .. . . 2. 50 2. SO Training Fund. . . . . . . . . . 07 s . 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 75 s • % Listed supplements GOP IV to ALL el assifications ( )Yes ( x )No. S APO"Rtice supples.ents appeAr in socohd column. 8-1138s /s e ' 0 . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( a )See NOTI:E pp-r prr,l���r•J State of New York ase Number p„rn,.0 of 1lapartmapt of Labor 8600742 P,,t i , ( v'), e _ 3C - 7 , 01 , .", - G • 3. • af. SUFFOLK COUNTY ., Page 14 SOOFlR WAGESCpe► hour) . 40/01/84- 9/30/85 Reefer. . . . . . . . . . S 15. 49 Yaterproofer. . . . . . . . . . . 15. 46 iffiT1 AV: See C A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOL2 AY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWASLIAT,IO: ApprentleeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 6 ) APPBENTZEES ( 1/2 ) year taros at the following percentage of Journev� an ' « :.7e �NQ-1R� _4 TH. 5TH. 6TH. Well* SSY 60% 65Y 70'/. 75� e TA N F CPer hour worked] ee th/we 1 fere. . . . . . . . $ 2. 61 * • Y. Pews 1 on. . . . . . 2. 24 * • Y. Apprentice Training. . . . 03 * 03 Vocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 67 a • % Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 48 * • Y Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Vol C x )No. Ce) Apprentice supplements appear in second enlumn. 4- ISI* ■1ltICTMETAL WORKER ItACKjCOOP hour) 1/71/85- 8/01/85- 2/01 /86- 8.,01 .,86- 7/31/8S 1/31/86 7/33.,86 1131187 ' Sheotmatal Worker. . ; . 0 20. 60 21. SS 22. 3S 23. 15 �+ �PAW: Sae C C. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. iPAY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A BATjOt ApprentleeCs) to Journeyman t 1 - 4 ) : 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journvyman' ; wage. M 311Q. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 7_TH. _BT_H. 7 60Y 65Y 0% 6U% SUPPL�I��NTAL 9ENEFIT_ : (ler hour worked) a 1. 752 *■ ' s Y. 1. 7S2 s■ v. 1 . 7 a: v 1 • Piano ion. . . 2. 08 *• ' ax 2. 08 t■ % 2. OR a: v L u,: • - 1 SYppl . Nwemploy. Benellt . II a• ' s% it a Y. . 11 *= / 11 • - 1 Vacatiow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 *• ' s'/. 1. 50 a• % 1. So a= / 1 ,; • - Awnul t V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2S *• ' s% 2. 25 as Y. 2. 25 ae e 2 3; •- 1 Edutation Fund. . . . . . 18 *• 's% . 18 a= Y 18 as % 18 •= 1 Llstod supplemetnt$ aooIV to ALi� classifications C )Yes ( x No. a Apprentice supplements aPPea,r In second column. 8-28 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic perfor-in,j tht• + o.:. TEAMSTER Truck OriverCBuilding and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. WAGE Cper hour) 7/01/84- 7/01/8S - 7/01 /86 6/30/85 6/30/86 6/33/87 Truck Driver CQuilding and Heavy/Highway): Excavation OPerati ons 14. 72S 15. 22S 15. 72S Euclid type. . . . . . . . . 15. 125 15. 625 16. 125 OVERTIM PAY Sae C B, E.- P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A ') IM DAY: See C 5. 6. 7, 11, 12 ) on 14ULIDAY PAGE attachod. SUPPLEMENTAL OENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Mesa th/wel fare. . . . . . . . $ 2. 35 2. GS 3. CO Pens i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 8525 2 8525 2. B512 Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . 2. 1125 2. 7425 3. 3125 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Vas C x )No. C a )Approprlate supplemental benefits listed in second column. 8-2B2n;h PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C s )See NOTTcr Pnr,C (ITTAC14co 11t411te of NOW York Case Number 1110*41-tment of Labor gurvau of 86007't2 P..b l C work r 3C- ---T, OT, a - G 7—3z7 5 SUFFOLK COUNTY ,' • Page 15 BION EQCCTOR 11AGESCper hour) 3/01/85- '10/31/85 sign Erector. . . . . . . . . s 16. 00 N Y: See C A ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. = Sea C S- 6- 10, 11, 12, 16 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE a t taChed. *LLOWASLE 0 A I T 0 t ApprentIcaCs) t0 Journeymen JC 1/2 3 Vonrr�lterms at the following percentage of journey-.lay. 2110, X 4 X SOX — GOA 65X --V-0y. 75% 80%I{ e10TIt j1UPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: CPor hour worked) • 1st Vr Health/ralfera. . . . . . . . s 7 X s 46 Local Pension. . . . . . . . . a X # 2 % National Pension. . . . . . . 30 : 30 APPrent! Ce TraIning. . . . 07 * 07 VOCatlOn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % * 2 X Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 57 other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EmPSS *EmpSS Listed supplements OPPly to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 1 Apprentice supplements eP}ear in second Column. 8-137 MIONtfay sTRIPER jAEE■COOP hour) 4/01/85- 4/01/86• / / . 3/31/86 »` PelnterCStrlping-HIShway etc. ): striping-Machine Oper. S 12. 40 1 Helper. . . . . . . . . 11. 00 Ll merman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 85 M ' PA : Sae C 8, R. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AYt See •( S, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15. 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 2L4EMENTAL BENEFITStCper hour worked) Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 X Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Y. Listed supplements MOP IV to ALL classifications ( m )Yn: C )No.. 8- =3: ?REE TRIMMER VAGESCper hour) 10/1/64- 10/01/86- ., Tree Trimmer- ' 9/30/86 Trimmer-T 7 Cstart). . . s 7. 7S - T 6 after 6 mo. a. 32 -T S 12 mo. 8. 54 -T 4 •• 18 mo. 8. 93 -T 3 24 mo. 9. 70 " -T 2 •' 30 mo. 10. 14 -T 1 36 mo. 11. 56 Ori ver, Groundsman. . . . . . 9. 53 0�VE�RTIME—PAY: See C B. E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PACE attaehpd. TALO NOIIDAVS: 5ee CS. 61 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 193 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 2UPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Par hour worked) Heel th/wel fare. . . . . . . . s COntr. Provi de H. 6 Y. . $10, 000 Li fe Ins. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Holidays. . . . . . (12 Paid). Veeatlon - after 15 m0. /1 . week. -after 30 NO. /2 weeks. -after 10yrs /3 .eFok'; Listed su;Vpro-rated if less than 1700 hrs. in prior year. lements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4- S0-tst r • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE • )Spe t N ' 0 I,:C P•iCC: 'ITT n;,tic O R!a!o of NOW York Casa Number OORahleowt of Labor surpau of 8600742 Piib I i C Mprk '? 3C SUFFOLK COUNTY N •��• 16 URUEV GREW (HIGHMAV 6 H AVv7 - --- -WAGES: (par hour) 7/01/85- G;Pvey Ratss -Hoevy/HIWayi• 6/30/86 rorty Chief. . . . . . . . . 17. 59 )Instrument Maw. . . . . . 15. 42 Redman/Chasnman. . . . . 13. 98 TfogPAY! Sas C 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AV: Sat C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. /AS PATIO: A0prtntICOCs) to Journeyman C - M AL BENEFITS: (POP hour. Wonted) ) ( - ) ( _ J• Maa1tA/lrttfaro and Pans I on. 1. 70 Apprentice Training. . . . 20 Vacation. . . . . . 1. 00 Awwutty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 25 Listed supplsasnts -apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8- I �D•,s tlAQESt►sr hear) 10/17/84- Cora Orillingi 10/16/85 Orlllsr. f 13. 155 He 1 par. . . . . . . . . . 11. 395 / '• PA : Sae C S. E ) en OVERTIME PAGE attached. r.., t See ( S. f 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. We : Apprswties(s) to JournaVman ( - ) ( _ ) CMEFITS (psrhour Worked) snFara• . . • 0 1. 46 news i Oft. . . . . . • . . . 1. 00 Vaestlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 -Ll Sted supplements apply to ALL-classifications ( x )Yes C )No. 8=1536 - ------------------ -------- e.mc par hour) 8/7/31384 8/01 /84 8/01 /8; 7/31 /8., 7/31/a1; W*l l Ori l ler: Orillsr. . .• � i 15. l0 Additional Add i t i ona l He i par. . . . . 13. 10 . 90 90 QVPGE attahed. fRTIM PAAV, Sas C S. 76. 10- 12 )On OERTIMEonAHOLIDAYcPAGE attached. ALLOYABLE RATIO: AppronticsCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 �SUPPIEY N At SEN FITS: (par hour Worked) Health/Iralfart. . . . . . . . s ' x to be Pefts iOft. . . . . . . . . . 2. 75' to be Holiday Fund. . . . . . . . . . 46 allocated allocated later. later. Listed supplements @PPIV to ALL classifi-eati ( x )Yes )No. 4- 138-FII •r e'' ' PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( s )Ser NOTI:E PA::E: Q' TAClICD 84646 of Now Vert Case Number Ourp:,u of Slopartmewt of Labor 8600742 Puot , c work _ 3C 7 i 01 a 6. 30 �d6 r. SUFFOLK COUNTY Is. P.-)o 17 juUMUMPOr our 7/01/8S- 6/30/86 6/30/87 OUILOING: NOlst(1lultlple PlatfOrM) 21. 90 22. 90 Load Ewyl weer 20. SOS 21. SOS Nolst(TandeM Platform 20. 28 21. 28 Tower Crews(EnSlnosr) 19. 86 20. 86 •IdOOeo■ Trector(Used in tank Work ) 19. 565 20. SGS scoop. Carry-all, SCOSPOP In tandem 19. 48 20. 48 teem Trucks or Cranes (used for stono sotting or, structural steel ) 19. 43 20. 43 CMI or Maxim Spreader, Concrete Spreader, Derrick, Sideboom Tractor Tawk York 19. 40S 20. 40S 14e1 at, 2 Drum, Hol St. 3 Drum 19. 33 20. 33 19. 28 20. 28 •ockhee. Orayllne. Oradell, P1Ia Orlvor, Shovel 19. 305 20. 305 llevetOr. Fork Lift, Holst, 1 Drum 19. 23 20. 23 sotChlwg PlantCon alto of Job), POWOr MinchCused for stone or steel ), Power winch . .-CTruek Mounted-used for stone or steel ), Puwp. Concrete 19. 205 20. 205 �. OredSe is. 1 8 20. 18 !teller. TPORCh UNChlne 19. 105 20. 105 reldlwe Machine. Structural Stool 19. 08 20. 08 Oxon Truck. Crane. Crawler Or Truck, COnveyor(Multl ), Plant Engineer, Stone spreader Ciolf-Propelled) Mass 20. 055 Aaphal t lOrOader 19. 03 20. 03 K Per• Litt(t/alk 9ehind. 'POWer OPOroted) 19. 02 20. 02 - sow9resser(Struetural Steel ) 19. 00S 20. 005 roller. DUO lCloser. CoMOressor(on Crane), CompressorCPile Mork ), CompressorCstone setting), Cewerele Breaker, Conveyor. Gener8tor-Pl10 work. Loading Mathino(reont End), dell"" awes CRO' neer. PoWerhouso, POWs" Minc%Cusod for other than stone or : tool ) POW40p Ylweh, Truck MOLwtod(usod for other than stone or steel , Putvi -Mixer. Pu-oCCoIp Aetlea 01aphragm), PUMPS CGYP sUm. Hydraulic, JOt, SiASIa Action- 1 to 3, and well Pu, nt ), Well di%S awd 9urniAS. WOIdIAS McChIno C P i IO Work ) 18. 1355 19. 855 9WPb McChi ne(Asphal t or COhCrete), Curi ng Machi nr, Pump( 540bmrr : i b l o ). M., , r. l ,•a.,,,, ,• M..,. la. 80 19 80 Grader 18. 63 19. 63 COeprOsfOr. ComprOssOr(2 or more in battery), G-anarator, Mulch Machine, P, n P„ II ,•r . Portable HOaters. PumpC4 inches or over), Track Tamper( 2 Engsneers, E„Lh), wrld, r,T M.. P. 18. 60s 19. 605 84101n9 Maehi no Ia. S3 19. S3 Bull daz9r(used for 'OxcOvation), Firoman, Loading Machiho, Powerbroom, Vac -All 18. 46 19. 4a COnCP*tO SOW Or Cutter, MixOP(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or without Sk , p). PMmp(Up to 3 iAches ), Tractor, CraterpiIfar or wheel , 18. 105 19. 105 StOOVCCarry-AII Screper) 19. 48 20. 48 Hydra Hammer: Ridge Cutter 18. 02. 19. 02 Sewdiwg Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Geherator(Small ), Vibrator( 1 to S), 17. 855 18. a55 Power Buggies 17. 73 18. 73 Stump Chipoer and Oilor 17. SOS 18. 505 .00ch0AiC01 CompaCt0rCHand Op era tad), TrehCh Ma ChineCtiand) 17. 48 18. 48 V RTIME PAY: SOO C 9, O ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. ^10 HOLIDAY: SOO ( S, 6, 7, 11. 12 ) On HOLIOAY PAGE attached. A L waftLE RAT20: AppranticoCs ) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 C 1 - 6 ) 11P L€M?kN�AL HENEFITS: Cper hour worked) HOsi thiwol fare. . . . . . . "i 1. 92 1. 92 Pens i on. . . . . . 2. 7S 2. 7S Supp. Uhemp 1 . Beha f i t. . . 20 . 20 Agorentice Training. . . 2s , 2S Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 1. 50 Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S . 25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )yes ( )No. 4- 138b ----------------- ------ - ---- -- PREVAILING RATE SCHCOuLE • )Sae NOT ICC Pn6jC AT � n�„[ , state Of New York Case Numbar• �!u✓e&v of •Opewtlseht of Labor Pu.t , c work 86007'►2 3C-_---��C1 ,U�.__ ._C, 3J oG SUFFOLK COUNTY • P„ l,• 1 9 Opapatlhg Ehginaer Ccont) --- - WAGtSCOOP hour) 7%01/86- Mtli11►V / HIGHWAVt 6/30/86 6/30/117 Load [aginear 21. 13 22. 13 •soop(Cepwy�AI1 . SC1•s►aw In Tandem), Tower Crane(Engineer), 19. 655 20. sss •eethoe. QraweCBtone Setting), . Crahe(Struttural Steel ), Oragline, Gradall , Pilp Driver. Road Paver, Shovel 19. 40 20. 40 •atehl "S PlantCOh alta Of Job), CrahaCOn sarg03, SOdeboom TractorCused in tank rurk ;, Tent wopk 19. 255 20. 25S Melst(3 Oruw). Power WIheh(Truck Mounted-used for stone or steal ), Power winch( uspd ♦Op stone Sakti h9 and/or, structural steal ), Trench Machine 19. 24S 20. 245 Asphalt Goreader. Soom Truek, Soping wSChinsCother than Post Holes ), CMI or Max, _ Sprpa,ler, Cpowe(Cpawlep or Truck), Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Multi , Plant Engineer , S, duuoo- Tteetew. Stona SPpeader(self propelled) 19. 03 20. 03 Neriw� machine. Post Holes 18. 97 19. 97 Coeppessop(Stone Setting), CompressorCStruCtural StOe1 ), Melding Machine( structurd I stF41 ) in. 91 5 19. 91 5 •pedgo 18. 805 19. 865 Wept most 38. 855 19. 855 e001PP642OP(On Crane), CONOPe24OPCPlla Mork ). GeheratOr-Pili Work , Hoist, 2 Orin, L eodlno MachlwOCFrOnt-tnd), 111OW80house, POWOP WIhChCTruck Mouhted- usud for other then t{lCwe Ow 4#90013. Pewaw WI hEhCOthar than • tohe or struct. steel ), weldi ng MO(.hI no, P, Iv work 18. 7SS 19. 7SS NOshawleel COMPOCtor, Maehina Orawn, Roller(ovar S Ton) 18. S7 19. S: Rol ler 18. 53 19. S3 t Powis. Concrete 18. 49 19. 49 Cooppessop(2 op Mere In battery 18. 45 19: 45 •pewop 18. 435 19. 435 Nwltdoier. Concrete Finishing MOChihe, Conveyor. Curb Machine, Asphalt or Concrete. Cltpi w5 Meehl he, Of nky Loeomoti ve, FI roman, Fork Li ft, Hai st, 1 Dru-, Load, n-►w,,c n, r,e. NOI %to%*hce MaChIne, PuIVI -Mlxar, Pump C4 Inches or over), P„mps( 11yit,•,,uIir . 1111068epslble and Wel l Patnt ), Rol19PCS ton and under), St oop. Carry -AI I NO/wtawahce Man. vac-All . Welding it Burning QOwepetop 18. 22 19. 22 113 14 19. 14 peptoble Hester$ 18. 4395 19. 439x, COeprastew. Mulch Machina, Pih Puller, Pump(OoubIa Action Oiaphragm), Pu-p-Gyp; ,,-. PI/Pp(Singis Action 1 to 33, Striping Machine. Welding Machine 17. 845 18. 845 powarbroom 17. 27S 18. 27S Concrete Saw or Cutter. Fork Li ft, walk Oehi nd, Power Oporatpd, hydra Ila-»,•, , 0Jxer(with Skip), Mixar(2 Small with or w, thour Skip), Power Gu991vs, Pu-or Gr , nd,•r Cehcrete Breaker. Ridge Cutter 17. 13 Ia. 13 VI bpator(1 to 53 16. 925 17. 925 oiler. Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Of lar. Track Tom per(2 Engi neprs, Each) . Uec►. Oaherstor(Soa 1 1 ) 16. 815 17. al S •ehai wg Machine, Pump, C4ntri fuga I ( uP to 3 inches ]. Trench Machi n(?( I„,r,d) ,Tpactor. Cater. 16. 7a 17. 7S 16. 60S or Wheal - 16. 60S 17. 605 VE4TIME PAY: Seo C O, 0 ) on OVERTIME PACC att .. hpd. ►AID HOLI2AY: Sao C 5, 6, 7, I1, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAt,,- attached. Q_ L�OwAi3L£ RAT ID: ApprenticaCs ) to JournaVmeh ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPENTAI-BENEFI75:•(per hour worked) Heal th/wal(fare. . . . . . . , i 1. 92 1. 92 Pens i on. . . 2. 75 2. 7S SYPC 1 . Uhemp l oy, sane f i t . 20 . 20 APPrentice Training. . . . 25 . 25 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. so 1. so Other. . 25 . 2S Littad supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x .)yes ( )No. 4- 13ah PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C « )See NOTICE PACE ATTACHCO D0ala of Nov York OOpaplwewt of lwbor Case Number au, eau of ' ' 8600742 P u b l i c work 3CiiG SUFFOLK COUNTY Pagr 19 YAR2MII GQN9TRUCTiON -•--.• � ----- - - -- WAGzsCpeP hour) .10/C/ /84- 9/3o/BS HVdpavllc OPadga: LOveraa" 15. 72 Z%$I wear 15. S6 Mal nt. [wsl wOor 15. 34 Doppi ct 0 1.. 15. 56 Chlof Mate ow OPedge 15. 34 Moto 14. 38 Dackmawd 12. 82 Oi 1 OP 13. 28 pipes*" 13. 28 Dhepewan 12. 82 @eat Captain 14. 48 ------------------------- Tvs sesta: Tug unstop 15. 12 Two Captain 14. 411 TUB Chief Engineer 14. 74 Two Ewgl weer 14. 4a Tug Dockhand 12. 97 ------------------------- OlvpaP and Cismshwll Orodgess Overstep 15. 99 CPa"ewa" IS. 56 thglneeP 15. 87 Mai at. Efts I neon 15. 34 Mate 14. 38 00Cfthawd 12. 97 OI 1 ep 13. 2a seat Master 15. 12 feat Captain 14, 48 ------------------------- PAY: SOO' C B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LIDAY1 SOO C S, i. 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE *AT 0: ApprentiC0C13 to Journeyman ( - ) C - ) ( - ) Tho followifts 9011EMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL cla si /ic:.tionc of t :„• 8b OvO HYDRAULIC. DIPPER. CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG 0OAT5. SUPPLEMENTAL RENEFITS: (peP hour Worked. ) Hea 1 th/Ye 1 fspw. . . . . . . , i 1. 43 Pension. . . . . . . . . so vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 X. f- - ,a MAGESCper hour) 10/01/84- 9/30/85 Opill Boat: Engineer 17. 02 Di as ter 17. ?0 OPIIIOP•Welder/Machshic 17. 03 FI P*man 1G. 48 01 1 or 16. 20 ` He10ar 16. 20 V TIME! SOO ( B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. A HO IAV Sam C 5, 6, 10. 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL-LOW OaA9l RATIO: Apprentfce( s ) to Journeymen ( - ) ( Atli- PL MU AL BENEFIT,;: (per hour Worked) Hwa l th/11e 1 tare. . . . . s 1. %3 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . one day for 20 days Worked Listed supplements apply to ALL cIass iflcatiOn% C x )yes C )No. 4-2S/3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING AND HEAVY/flICF1WAV SCHEDULES' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York INVITATION TO BID on ANNUAL CONTRACT to FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE 1990 t t LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions for bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation: "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check shall be returned to said bidder. 1 L The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Dated: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Pursuant to Town board Resolution, the Town of Southold invites bids from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place asphalt concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. 2. In submitting this bid, the bid sheets (Proposal Foran) are to be filled in but not detached from this package. The complete bid package shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope properly endorsed. All blank spaces for bid prices :rust be filled in, in ink, as required. Bids that contain any amission, erasure,alteration or items not called for in the itemized bid form or that contain irregularities of any kind may be rejected by the town, 3. Qualification of Bidders a. Bids received later than the date and time specified will not be considered b. Specification of materials used must meet or exceed New York State Department of Transportation specifications. . Plant must have adequate capacity and sufficient storage for the items to be furnished. c. The successful bidder is required to comply in all respects to the labor laza in accordance with Section 220, Sub-division 3 and Section 220-D. A list of minimum Labor Rates is attached and made a part of this Proposal. d. The items specified shall be delivered -in amounts, and at a time and place as directed by the Superintendent of Higthvays of the Town of Southold. No materials shall be delivered on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays except in an emergency. e. The bidder will be required to show, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of High:vays, that he is a responsible contractor experienced in the kind of work to be performed; that he is financially able to execute the Contract; that he has adequate equipment and fixed storage facilities to satisfactorily and efficiently perform the work as directed within the specified time limits. The bidder naast state exact location of plant. 4. Rejection of Bids a. The TOM BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence suh-aitted in the qualification statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the M-N BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to canplete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. b. The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in F:hole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or tart thereof which it deems most favorable to the T wn after all bids have been examined and/car checked. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after beinq publicly opened and read. A � INTORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5. Bid Analy:�is - Bidders may bid on any or all items. The Superintendent of High%rays reserves the right to make awards by items, or as a whole, or not at all, whichever the Superintendent deems to be in the best interest of the Town. 6. Measurement and payment - Payment shall be made to the Contractor at the unit price(s) submitted in the Proposal. The asphalt concrete will be measured by the number of tons of compacted material in place. The unit price bid per ton shall include the cost of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 7. Commencement of Work - shall be within five (5) days after receipt of written order. Any reason for delay in work shall be submitted to the Town in writing explaining the delay. If the reason is not acceptable, then work must continue without any further delay. 8. Testing - The Town shall have the absolute right to make tests before and after delivery and installation to determine conformity to Specifications,quality and standard of excellence. The Contractor agrees to bear the cost and pay for all tests which are deemed to be necessai7y in the opinion of the Town. The Contractor shall repair or replace at no additional cost to the Town, any materials found to not meet the Specifications and quality intended. The work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner. 9. The prices quoted in this bid, and subsequently awarded, are to be used in establishing prices for actual materials furnished and placed to the Town of Southold from the date of award up to and including one (1) year thereafter. The Contract period may be extended for up to (1) additional year upon mutual written agreement of the Town and the Contractor. 10. Bid Bond The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable bid bond in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the Town of Southold as assurance that the bid -Js made in good faith. The certified check or bid bond will be returned after the execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until the filing and approval of the Performance Bond. The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of acceptance of his bids, shall forfeit to the Town of Southold as liquidate) damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 11. Performance Bond Each successful law t� _c?her sahll be required to execute a Performance Bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be executed by a surety company acceptable to the Owner; or by a certified check. The Performance Bond shall be written as to remain in full force for the extend of the Contract. -2- 1 • . INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 12. Contractor's Insurance The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained, and had approved by the Owner, all the insurance required under this Contract as enumerated herein: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to commence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Owner. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract, Wb6nen's Canpensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case of any of the work being sublet, the Contractor shall require all subcontractors similarly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract from claims for damages for personal injury includ- ing accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by Either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) on account on one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for damages on account of all accidents. (c) Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The above policies for Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arisinq.f rcxm the operations of an subcontractor. -3- IT]FORMATION AND INSTRUCrIOiNS TO BIDDERS (d) Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform a regular Protective Public Liability Insurance policy for, and in behalf of the Owner, providing for a limit of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of, one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages aris- ing out of bodily injuries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurance providing for a limit of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total (or aggregate limit of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property during the Policy period. This insurance mustfully cover the legal liability of the Owner. The coverage provided under his policy must not be affected if the Owner performs work in connection with the project either for or in cooperation with the Contractor or as an aid thereto whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- frcm, by means of its own employees or agents or if the Owner directs or supervises to the work to be performed by the Contractor. 12. Proof of Carriage of Insurance The Contractor shall furnish the OwneY vrith certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract except with respect to subdivision "d`of Paragraph 11. In respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with the original insurance policy. Both certificates, as furnished, and the insurance policy, as required, shall bear the policy numbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit of liability thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with any notice of cancellation at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. -4- SPECIFICATIONS ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPE IA (Mixing Method - Hot Mix All the requirements of Item 51F in the Suffolk County Public Works Specifications shall apply except: DESCRIPTION: Bituminous Concrete either binder or surface course as ordered shall be delivered and machine spread upon the surface of the roads, driveways, parking fields and intersection streets with the Town right-of-way and other areas requiring pavement aunder the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public 9brks where and as required. MEASUREMENT AND PAVEMENT: The unit measurement for Asphalt Concrete shall be the ton in the Contract Proposal. The price bid shall be full ccmpensation for furnishing, hauling, applying, compacting, and rolling and shall include all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to canplete the work satisfactorily. THE APPROPRIATE SECTION OF THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED BY ALL BIDDERS NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION SECTION 103-d GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its awn organization, under the penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder, or with any ccmpetitior: 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly discolored by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. I hereby affirm under tr per lties oL perju at the foreq nq ateme:it is true v Affix seal if Principal is Corporation PROPOSAL FORM ANNUAL CON'T'RACT - FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK made by: Name of Bidder �} (Individual, Firm or Corporation, as case maV be) Residence of Bidder Telephone No.524-�2��j Place of Business of -Moll= \%A111 Te 1 ephone No. Name of Partners Residence of Partners (If Bidder is a Firm, state here the name and residence of each member thereof) If Bidder is a gyration, fill in the following blanks: Organized under the State of Name and Address of President: .10 .1 fes• j�Y1(� Name and Address of Secretary�"� Name and Address or Vice President � _� • ^C PROPOSAL FOPM TOM OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE Tann of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the attached Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals squired to .furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Tann of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the following unit prices: -2- T qN OF SOUI'HOLD ANNUAL CON TACT FOR FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized Proposal for ASPHALT CONCREIE Fmtended Estimated ' Description of Item j Unit Price Bid Amount Bid Item No. Ouantity I (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words I j Dollars Cents Dollars Cents I i Asphalt concrete Type IA, furn. & placed 1W 0 - 350 tens for v Dollals oents 32 same as above f ` r ` _ _ i 2W 350 - 650 For i� •'QVC 4imil Abn%V kLzo tons Dolla nts 45 ! 3Z same as above 3W 650 - 1,000 ForA�C%w 4 p j tons DollarJ c pts 3-1 4W Over 1,000 FordvA CVC ! • � 'PONS i Dol lar c is - ! t f i -3- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL cavi ACT FOR FURNISHING AND PLACING {_Itemized Proposal for ASPHALT CONCRETE Extended Estimated I Description of Iter i Unit Price Bid Amount Bid Iten No. Quantity II (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words �^ I + --I Dollars Cents Dollars Cents { I Asphalt concrete Type IA, fuin. & placed - 11W 0 - 350 tons for I i Dollars cents -- - same as 2W 350 - 650 For tons Dollars cen i I i same as 3W 650 - 1,000 For tons Dollars — cents I 4W Over 1,000 ' For TONS lla cents j r � i -4- I I AGREEMENT made this day of 1990, between with its principal office and place of business at , hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation if the State of New York, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for bid, at the following unit prices: The above specified contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the day of 1990, through the day of 1991 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor CONTRACTOR By -1- STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides ad and taht he is the of ' the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came SCOTT LOUIS HARRIS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public -2- INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO SUME.RS WALE RATES New York State Department of Labor Wage Rates are a part of this Contract and are hereto attached. Contractor is responsible for being familiar with the latest available schedules. IB - 5 CONTRACT REOl1IREMENTr, Each public work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporatlrn inwl eipol Corporation or a COMM' fs j On IS 3 party and whi ch may t nvoI vp th(• .•-•C i 0, -t,.tt if lalsasrars. workman or meehaniCS, shall COMP ly with the requirements of isrt . cl :• a ( Sect . ons 21119-2293 Of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or machahic in the employ of the contractor, snonrdtt „ ;r Other- uct Person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of t }.e r � t0ntemplated by the contract shall be permitlPd or requ, ra(1 "f Q- k. ,. r• eight hours In any or{O Calendar day or more than rive days , n any one .cekc.0cP0t in the esttraordInary eFir argancIas set forth In the Labor Law oe where 1 dispensation Is granted by the CoMMissioner of Labor. CSpe Section 22- 2, s. tach laborer, worker or mechanic employed by the contractor Or subcont .;ctor Shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as ind, catea �n the -».)e schedule Provi dad by the Depart111eht, Bureau Of Public work . The crpva , . 1n.3 r t Of wage shell be annually dotorminod no later than thirty days pet or to .+,+ : r first of each year. The prevailing rate of wage for the period com,.t,n. , „f first of such year through June thirtieth, incl us , ve, of the following yt•;. rhal } be the Tato of wage sot forth in such collective baFgainihq agroements t ,r the $0,10 period, Including those Increases for such per+ Od which are d: rp( t ' asoartainable from such collective bargaining agreements in the annual r doterminatlon. CSOO Section 220. 33 a. It shwll be the duty of the department of Jurisdiction to rite with the fi :cal ,ffiCir, the ClassI 'I Ceti On of wOrkerf, mechanics and laborer; to be P-pIored on a public woFk project, together with a statement of the work to be per { ,r.t•d b each Classification. CSOO Suction 220. 3-e) r �. Tha eontraCtor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominoht and accessible Plats at thst work Site a statement of all wage rates and supplement : to by 031 to Or provided for the yarlous classes of mechanics, Section 220. 3-e) wCrkerS Or laborers. ( Seg S. NO employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice tin l ass individually rpgi ; tpr P.t , n a program reglstsrod with the New York State Oepartmeht of L a b u r Thp alio- blp retlo of oypranti Cas to Journeymen in any craft classtftcatton chap not b 9roeter than the r9t10 parmltted to the contractor as to his work fur C or, any Job Under the- Pollstared program. Any employee who is not een. stert• I a'. 0.3 shell boo psi • the prevaiijng wage rate for thu journeyman CIass , fic:: t-. nn of work 0CtUsIly parlor me d. The cont*actor or subcontractor will be rpqu. rt•d to t ,rnsh written evidence of the Pogistrati on of his program and aporent . (.•- -1, the approprlete ratlas and wage rates for th.. arP., of , u1.- tro, t r, uslhg ahy apprOhtlCOS on the contract work . ( Sao Sect . 0h -'20 J - t• ) C. Ca) NO Contractor, subcontractor, nor any parson acting on his be++r, Ir h;; ! br resson of taco, tread, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any Citl Zen of the State of New York who I . qu; l riper and available to perf"OrM the work to which the employ.+ent relate; ( 31•v Section 220-e(3)) Cb) 40 Contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting oh h, boR,, I If r. s n y m a n n a+", d i S C r I M j hat a against or i n t i m i d a t e any e m p I o y e p on a, c o n n t !]{ race, treed, cal Or, di sabi 1 i ty, sex orpati oha I Ori Ji h (See SPC ! a(b) ) NOTE: The Hu 0111 Rl !+htS Law also prohi bi is cit seri mi nat , oh n employment because of age, marital Status or r011gIOn. CC) There may be deducted from the amount payablp to the contractor end,-r trt- contract s penalty of five dollars for each calendar day during s o n will s ::i t C r i m I n a t e d a g a i n s t o r I n t i m i d a t(?d i n v l 0 1 a t i 0 it J t t ucn h e provisions of .he Contract. Csea Sectioh 220-e( c ) 3 Cd) The contract 'ARV be cahCQI " "d or termr ihated by the State o •ur.. c t tr . nd all :e anoys due Os or to bftc Ome due thertauh(fer may by forty to u. ,r a second Or vny aUbsoquenE violation Of the terms or tOr.d : tlon•. of ;np ; t , d sCrimihats-•,n sections c• tha eantracn t. ( See :sec. 220-. id ) ) /d-3 CI(1-44)- , ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS c • ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK :,TATE sNTROOYCTION: Sol ow are the majop prOvi $ l Ons of the Labor Law covori nq Worker - on piibl is • •Ort projects. NOYRft A la►oyer, worker Or 0OChshlC is pormitted 'to work on a public work oro.ect 6411061"a than eight hours a day and he more than five days in a week , except in case of Osstraerdlhary emergency such as fl re, flood or danger to Iito or property. you mal apply '110 the Suraau of Publle Mork for a dispOhsatlOn permitting workers to work additiohal bioura or days par week en a par titular public work project. MAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for Iaborp�s . slerkers and mechanics ONO IOVad on a public work project shall be not less than those llotad is the Currant prevailing rate schedule for the locality whore the work is ,perlermed. If a OPO VaI11hill rata 2ChaduIa for the project has not bean provided to the PPI NO eehtraCtor by the department of jus-lsdICtIon CI . 9. . the governmental a n t I t y awarding tlwa public work contract), or to a eUbCOntractor by the opine contractor, the applicable aaADduIO mutt be obteIhod from the Departwaht Of .IurlsdIctIon, who oust mala writtvn ilpplltalleh to the Oureau of Public Mork, Labor Department, Building No. 12. State Office Osllldlhg Campus, Albany, New York 12240 Tw• prima Contractor Is rasp ohs l ►le for 8h undarpaywents of prevailing wages or aMp►leoente by Its subcontractors. PAMROLL RECORDS: Evart' Contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts Of payroll records. $howl no for each parson employed On public work, the fol Iowiml, . Nose. 2. Address and phone number, 7. Soclal Securl ty number, 4. Occup.+t . on.. 1 Olasslf1CatlOne Ih which worked. S. Hourly wage rate paid. G. Supplements provided. 7. Da I Dad weekly number of hours worked 1n each classification, S. Ooduction% made. 9 actJ.\. I WOSas pal d. When payroll records are requested by the Commissioner each p..yrolI rrcord Dust be affl road as true uhdep the Vona Itlas Of perjury which mains a not.iro ed si -Ina lure to 'that affect. Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor subCohtrecter does hot Maintain a regular place of business in New York State and tr.e ONIOUht Of the cehtraCt exceeds =25. 000. Al Other contractors and subcontractors must tslthln five days after request produce at the work site the orignwl payrolls or trahserl pts. The Ori91noI payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years fro* the J: ta : c Completion of the project. POSTING: The current *revalling rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and access , ble Place OR the site of the public work project. Illi 11 CS•45). . . CConti hued ) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CCohtlhued) APPRENTICES: ENO IOVOes cannot be paid approhtice "Stas if they are not individually raOletered undo" a proyrats or agreement registered with the COmmistiOner of 1_4bor. The aawtil"aCtOr or subcontractor will be rOqulrod to furnish written evi dance of the rallstratlOn of Its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The ; llorable ratlo Of apprentlCOs t0 JourneyMeh In shy craft classification can be no greater than the retire Permitted to the cohtractor or subcont"actor as to its work force on Any ,ob •we/ar the Pool stored program. An 0001 OV** Ilsted on a payroll a$ an apprentice. who is Sat registered as above. must be paid the prevailing journeVmen• s wage rate for that elasaltoCoto on of work. WITHOLDING OF FAVMENTS: When a Complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor ai . egrng the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing wages or SUPPIOres►ts, or when the COMmis$Ione" of Labor bel loves that unpaid wages or supplements nay be due. pOVMehts On the public work contract may be witheld from the prime contractor ' Aa sufficient amount to satisfy the allayed unpaid wages and supplements, including lwterest and civil penalty. pending a final determination. SNTEREST ANO PENALTIE6: If an uhdarpnVment of wages or supplements is found, intprest Must .be added at between 6 and 16 percent of the amount due. In addition, an order drreit , ng Oka paVaant of wages or supplements may assess a civil penalty of up to 25 percent of the amount due. NEOARNENTf When final determinations have been made, against a contractor or subcontractor Ia two InstanCea within a six-year period determining that it willfully failed to pay as• provide the prevailing rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor 0111 be Ineligible to bid on or be awarded a public work contr„ct for .. pA., five years from the second final determination. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Wilful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) Consistitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonNj,hl , or• both DISCRIMINATION: No employee or applicant for OMPIOVMeht may be discriminated ag;.inst an account of ago, race, creed, Color, national origin, sex, disability or- m:r, ta ! ttatvs Evart' employer Subject to the Now York State Human Rights Law .0 t con:pi ..uc,u I p•.•. t at Its offices, places of employment or employment training centers, notices furnished by "S' State Dl vi So on of Human Rights. . POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every OMployer providing worker' s compensat.i on insurance and disability benefits must post in a conspicuous place notices of such coverage in for- Prescribed by the Workers ' Compensation Board. 10,41,10V0"s IIabIa for contributions under the UneopIoyMont Insurance Law must COnsplCuousIV post notices furnished by the State Department of Labor. All employers Must post I a proMlneht place a sign informing workers of their Right to Kwaw about toile substances found I their workplace (ArticIa 28 of the Labor Law). PW 1! docM: 1etter 2b 4 WEkTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATI400 aVRMTIME • ' C A ) Time and one hYlf of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( • ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. t C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( O ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( R ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. ( F ) Time and one half of the hourly rata on Saturday and Sundeij. C 0 ) The and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Ilolid..ys . N ) The and one half of the hourly rata on Sattrrday, Sunday and holiday; . ( Z ) Tl as and one half of the( hourly rata on Sunday. C J ) T I a a and One half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( K ) Ti me and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. C l ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. C M ) DoubIa the hourly rate on Saturda4 and Sunday. C N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturda 1, .d Holidays. ( O ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. Sunday and Holidays. ( P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. C 0 ) Oouble the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. C R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. C • ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if Worked. ( T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( Y ) Four times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. V ) Znelwing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. •ILM1 •ENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted In Overtime conditions. ]WrjMtPARA "Each contract. . . . shall Contain a stipulation that no laborer. r •eraw or mOthanle. . . . shelf be permitted or required to word more than 0, !)It hours Iw may One Calendar day or work more than five days In any one week eMcopt . n case of •n1iraedinary erorgeney. . Whenever such an "EMERGENCY DISPENSATION"Cewphasis added) 1'a grawted. all work in excess of eight hours pop day, and five drys per week ;n„ li be eeaeideved Overtime work. . and. . . shall be paid a premium wage commensurate with the .V►6m1Wr wages prevallimS in the area In which the work is performed. " YOLIQAIIS TAE• Holidays as listed below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the emolo•,ee Is %opmelly classified. ( 1 ) Nene. C 2 ) La►op Dev. ( 2 ) Memoplai Day and Labor Day. C ♦ ) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5 ) Memorial Day. July 4th and Labor Day. ( S ) New years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. C. 7 ) Lincoln'S Sirthday, Washington' s 01pthday and Veterans Day. ( a ) Good Friday. C ! ) Lincoln's Sirthday. C 10 ) Washington's Birthday. C it ) Columbus Day. t'.12 ) Election Day. C 17 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presldontial Election Day. ( 1S ) Veteran's Day. ( 1S ) Goy after ,Thanksgiving Day. C 17 ) July 4th. C 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. C 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. C 110 ) Thanksgiving Day. C 21 ) New years Day. ( !_ ) Christmas Day. d O c m 1 Y t t e r 2 c NOTIG[ OF AOOENOUM APPLICAOLE TO ALL COUNTIES C 9 3 AL NOTEO ON PREVAILING RATE SCt1EOULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor contracts which expire prior to July 1 and which are not he9otlated before May 31, the date for publication of the annual deterainatiow, the hew collective bargaining lhfOPmation will be ihCOPDCP:tPd Into the OPOvalling rate schedule by Means of an addendum. This addendum will be Issued by the bureau of Public Wept for these schedules where the available- Ihferantion Is Incomplete as of May 31. When you .revlew the schedule for particular occupations, your attention sh;uid be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the vffectivw dates of the latest eolleCtive bsrglhing agreements for that occupation. The rates IIsted In that column were taken from those agreements and will remain I % affect until the fol Iowl ng JUNE 30TH. The only OXC&OtiOn is for those collective b0PSlhlIRS 69Peemeht8 which expired during the month of June. In those CaseS the Commissioner will publish an addendum to include the new retes dotorpined top those OCcupstlOns. These new rates wlII become affact Ive 30 days a f t P r the addendum Is received by the contractor. To repast, I f the schedule i ndi cates that a collective bargi n, nq a•Ir ,•,.«�•.. •Mill res during the month of June or where i nfOrma ti on was hot ava t I ab i i, .i t ► h,• t ' -S' Of iublication you should be aware that an addendum will be publishpd and cjty Of the addendum should be requested. Failure to do so may cause an ipprorr, r.; til to be used and result In the finding of an underpayment. addendum -- - - d0�+'~� 1 ft t ter 7d . of Now York PREVAILING RATE SCHEOul.E JSee NOTICE PACE ATTACPICO •tete 00ORwlACase Number sht of Labor , , Hureau of 8000742 Pubic .cork 3C - 7101 /d'S - Gi3C;/80 SUFFOLK COUNTY PagN I AtssE9TOS WORKER -- -- - - - '-- �AQ ' Cper hour) 7/01/BS- 1/01/80 12/31/DS 6/30/86 Zwsul stl oh Work eh, , , S Ia. 64 19. 04 LAlIlN2L AYS: B606 CCI ) onoHOLIOAV PAGE n OVERTIME AattschGE ed . AL-LAMA Fx�s Apprentlee( s ) to Journeymen ( _ ) (jtL: 1-2 Pr 1 ) year terms st the following percentage of Journey+,.r.• s ;,9e, O- 3R . 4TH. Dox W SUPPLEMENTAL ro.B5NEFITS: Cper hour worked) eaith/mel a . . . . . . . ; 1. 69 IS Appr•. 1. 69 *Appy. Iwwsiow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 56 It X s 1. 56 s is 11h%ul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 20 #app 1 y 4. 70 #app I y Vecatlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 38 #toSupps 2. 38 #toSup Listed Supplements apply t0 ALL classifications C lives C x )No. S AppPehtice Supplwmehts oppeaP in second column. 8- 12 ltAaj$Cpew hour) 9/01/84- 9/01/85- 9/01/86 D/31/D5 8/31/86 1213l /87 t01 iwrwwker. . ... . . . . . . S 21. 75 22. 7S 24. 00 PAY: See C C ) On OVERTIME PAGE atteched. OVERTIME AV 9: Row C 1 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. 114, : ApprontlCeCs) to Jour•hoymeh C 1 - S ) C 1 - 10 ) : 1/2 ) Veer terms at the following percentage 4of Journey....n ' s w::3e. TH. STH. 6TH. H. 8TH. s% --. x•._'3 as% 7T 504 100% 0U/!•LEIISNTAL BENEFITS: Cpar, hour worked) wo h/mel ore. . . . . . . . * 6 % 7 % 8 Y Iews1ew. . . . . . 10 % 30 Y. 10 % Apwrewtice Training. . . 10 100 VwCwtlew. 7 Y. 7 X 1 1 Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is Y. 15 % 1.. % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Ves ( )No. GLAZIER WAGESCoer hour) 7/01 /DS- 1101/86- 7/01/86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 1Gy3�H77 Glazier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . If 19. 30 19. 80 19. 80 19. 80 VERTIM�_PAY: Soo C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A M A S: Seo C 1 3 on HOLIOAV PAGE attic/.ad. AL OwABLE RATIO: APprenticeCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - S ) AQP IT- ES:C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of JournPy .an ' -Ale prior to July 1984 Al IST. 2NO. 3P.0. H. 5T4. _6TH. _ 7_T:1. 8711. SOX 60% 70X 7SY. 80% 8S/. 90% ---956 IhdentuPsd after July 1. 1984 IST. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6 30x TH. 7711. _35X 8TH. 40% 4S% 55X 651 751 90 2t1PPLEMC%TAL BENEFITS: C091- hour worked) eelth/wel fore. . . . . . . . i 1.. 26 101. 26 1. 26 411. 26 1. 2G 011. 2G 1-. 26 sl 2G Pension. . 1. 26 #1. 26 1. 26 #1. 20 1. 25 #1. 2G 1. 36 s1 ,G Apprentice TPalhing. . O1 # 01 01 # 2 C1 Vacation. . . . . . . 1. 32 # ■ / 1. 32 # z01 . O1 # O1 Annul ty. . . . . . . 3. SO *Note 3. SO *Nota 4. 2? sNoto 4. 7S *Note Nets - Approntice Annuity: let yr-Nome / and yr-. 7S / 3rd yr-1. 10 / 4th yr-1. 50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classi • Appfications C lives ( x )No. rewtice Suaplomonts SPpear in second column. 8-1087 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE )See NOTICE P43C 4rtnC,4E0 !!a!• 01 New York Caso Numbar Oureau of 80;Art00%* of Labor Pvb : , c work _ 8600742 3C - 7%01 /85 - G,3: i86 SUFFOLK COUNTY Pi-7! 2 tAQrtNTER _ ----_— yAGESCOOr hour) 1/01/85- - 8/30/85 8/30/86 •vl 1411 h9t Orapor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 12. S7 13. 20 Vj IT MF PAY: Sao C A, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A i 041 1 SOO C 5. 6. 9, 10, 11, 12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. lUPPLE�ENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) as t HU far!. . . . . . . . i 1. 24 1. 46 PawsIon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % 6 % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Vas C )No. 8-440 WAGESC►Or hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 0 u 1 dials 6/30/86 6/30/87 Ploorlaws$ . . . . . . . . . . . ; 19. 66 20. 66 S_VER1 IME PAY: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A HOL AVS: Soo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OMAN! R : ApprentiteCs) to Journavoen C 1 - 7 ) sC 1 ) VOOP terms at the following percentage of Journvy..an ' . - , joe N 1R0. 4TH. -SUPPLEMENTAL 891IEEITS: Cper hour Worked) - See below. 8-2241 /2297 ?• ------------------------------ IfAGESCpar, hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- %/30/86 6/30/87 ' •rl Idlws: Ml l Ivri ;ht. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 79 19. 29 XTIMIE PAYS Soa C C ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. AV SOO C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. - A�fp: AppPOnt1 cols ) to Journays,an ( 1 7 ) — 1 ) vanr terms at the following percentage of Journey-„n -,, 1,. NO. 3RD. 4TH. X iSA 75% 9S% �uPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) aallA/rel tar a. . . . . . . . s 2. 40 2. 67 Pans 1 on. 2. 49 2. 59 Annu! ty. 2. 42 2. 94 Apprentice Training. . . 15 35 Vacati on. . . . . . . 2. 26 2. 40 Listed suvoloments applV to ALL classi'ficati.ons C x )vas C )No. ------------------------------ vardlE COOP hour) 7/01/85- 7/O1 /8G- 6/30/86 G/GO/87 P 1 1 edr 1 ver. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 Dockbul I dor. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 QV�ERTIM PAY: SOO C O. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. +AIPII-dL DAYS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A OYAO E RATIO: AppronticeCs3 to JOUPhOYmOn C 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) Year terms at the fol 1 Owi ng percentage of Journey.+ap, ST, 2N0. 3RO. 4TH. X 65% 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked - Sao below. 8-14SG ` PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE )SPe NOTICE PAGE ATTAC�4 . .. C 0 •lata of Now York Case Number urPaof YApawllsow•t of Labor 9 u Pub i , c tort 8600742 3C 7i C1 05 6 7.^ e7G SUFFOLK COUNTY • Page It CawpeAtep (Cont. ) --- YAGESC9or hour) 7/01/8S- 7/01/8G- 6/30/86 6/30/87 owl Idl ny: capoewter. . . . . . . . . . . . S 15. 72 20. 58 Memvv/H19hwav: carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . s 19. 77 20. 63 QVERTINE PAV: See C C 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 1l�YD N AYS: Sao C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOMA RAT AppronticoCs) to Journeymen ( 1 - S ) ACC!jCNTXqES. 1/2 ) vamp terms at the following percentage of Journey-en ' s ragP. RNo. aR 4TH. STN. 6TH. 7TH. STH. x 5 Y. 6ux X -7ox ��sY. a0% 8si IUPPLEMEM M BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) Hea 1 th/re 1 faro. . . . . . . . $ 2. 40 2. 67 Pans i *n. . . . . . 2. 13 2. 30 Appp*ntl ce Training. . . . 04 . 04 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 20 1. 40 AnnultY• . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 10 1. 20 scholarship Fund. . . . . . . 01 . 01 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4-SUF QLCVATAR WArers (pop houp) 7/01/aS- 7/01/aG- 6/30/36 6/30/87 !lova**" Construcfor. . . s 20. 91 21. 97 meIPar. . 15. 68 16. 48 Claw. CModerhlZ8tlon). . 17. 69 A 18. 57 x Helper. . 13. 27 m 13. 93 x F}RTtM% PAV: CONSTR. Soe C C. M, T ) on OVCRTIMC PAGE at t.,� h,•d Yt MAY: MODERN. See C O, F, S ) On OVERTIME PAGE a I Icor hed. N L1`DAYS: See CS. 6. 7, 11. 12) on HOLIDAY PAGE altached. A OwABLE RATIO: A0prentice( s3 to Journeymen C - ) ( A PR MTS( 3 vemr terms at the following perePnta9e of Journey-,jr, * ,. .l r• _. 2ND. 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6TH. ;T_H. 8TH. 0GA 00'/, OOH( 00% / __ 00OU/ OOi 00/ SIIPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS. Cpor hour worked) Heal th/we1 fare. . . . . . . . * 1. 79S sl. 795 1. 945 sl. 94S Pons 1 on. 1. 41 *1. 41 1. SS sl. S5 Trai ni ny Fund. . . . . . 03S. a . 03S . 035 a . 03S Anwui tV-(por work day) a. 00 as. 00 8. 00 *8. 00 Listed supplements appiv to _ALL classifications ( )Y,•: ( x )No a "Nodepn, 2ation" supplements appe:,r in second column. 8. 1 •, PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE )See NOTICE PAGE ATTAC::CO alsote Of Nen York Casa Number Ourpau of 9*06Ptmewt of Labor Pub : . c work 6600742 3C - 7, .I , dS _6, 3J %86 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page, S IL[CTRICIAN L SCpor hour3 S/01/8S- 11102/85 S/03/86- 11131 /aG- >:1/01/85 5/02/86 11/01/86 4/3:!87 [Iettrlelew. . . . . . . . . . ; 20. 85 21. 45 22. 15 22 90 Aud10/Sound. . . . . . . . . . 20. 8s 21. 45 22. 1S 22 90 D11tlRT._aM PA 900 C 0, E. P 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. FA -7 H$FAYS: Sao C 1 3 On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. MI MA0 R TIS: ApprenticaCs) to Journeymeh C 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 3 C 3 - 7 ) C 1 3 year teras at the following percentage of Journey-de' s ra.7e. 12T. am - 4TH. It % -- 6�X 70% suPP N /�rTAL OENEFITS: Cper hour Worked) �� ei fare. . . . . . . . ; 10 9 30. S % 10. 5 x 30. S °i Pens 1 oft. . 7. S % 7. S % 7. S Y. 7. 5- / OYppl . uwemploy. 0ewefit . 26 25 2S 2S AI►rewtice Traln{ w9, . . 12 12 12 12 Awnul tv. . . . . . . . . 11. S % 11. S x 11. S Y. 11. S Z •ewef{ ! Fuwd. . 3 % 3 % 3 Y. 3 i vacetl ow and Hol 1 day. . S. 5 % 9. S Y. S. S i 9 S t Listed supplements apply to &" Class Iflcatiohs C )Yes C x )No. Nate/ lel. Term Conly) ApPrehtiet NOT Included In Annuity Fund Oenefit. 4-2S ........................... ... '. WALGE itper hour) S/01/a5- 4/36/a6 ToIopbone " 2%steiler/RepelrMan ; 17. 65 " porewew. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 33 A1/: See C 0. E. P 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ' DAV 31 BAe C S. 6. 10, 16 3 on HOLIDAY- PAGE attached. Ma RAT A.pprenticeCs) to Journeymen C I - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) : C 1 ) vamp teras at the following wage. D. 3RC1. 4TH. A T60 a. a4 10. 16 �uPPLEMENTAL i3ENEFITS: tpar hour worked) ealth/reltape. s 10 % Pent Ion. 7. 5A ApprenticeTraining. . . S/B% AwhuJ tv. . . . . . . 12 % Yonofit Fund. 3 % Vacation and Holiday. . 9. S% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 4 -25t ----------------- ------------- Applica►le on MAINTANENCE of traffic signals and street lighting only. MA (per hour3 4/30/84- 5/01/85 Electrlciah CTraffIcIStramt). . . . 1S. 80 sIVERTTM PAV: See C 8, E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. iA1D Hb DAYS: Sao C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A YAfl R�ATIOApprPhticaCs ) to Journeyman C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) ( 3 - 7 ) N'f E5: C 1 3 year terms at the f011owing percentage of Journey+an ' ; +i;ge 2ND. 3RO. 4TH. 40% SGA 609 80 jr. SSJtP�LEMEfVTAI BENEFITS: (per hour worked) eaR I !A/relfare. s 8 x Pension. . . . . 5. 5% he 0pantica Tra{ n{ ng. . . 1/2% 0eweflt Fund. . . . . . . . . . 3 % Awwulty. . . . . . 9 % Vecati ow and Hol i days, a. 5Y. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 4-2;- PREVAILING RATE SCIICOULE •It )SPR Not ICC PAGC AtTac:ico slate e1 New York Casa Number ' .DapaPtmOnt Of Labor Oureau of Pwork „t I i C 8600742 _ _ 317- - 71; - 3� B6 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 7 L A B O R E R ---------- E&MCPer hour) 7/01/85- 1/0"1 /86- 7i0118E; 1'2/31/8s 6/30/86 6/30/a7 sssildino Laborart Al l CIOssI fi Cati Ons. . , s 15. 15 15. 80 17. 00 OYERTINE PAVt See C A, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attaChed. FA _ N_l_ avSt Sae C 5, 6, 10 ) On HOLIOAV PAGE attAched. •u1•pLENENTAI flENEFITS: Cper hour worked) 20 2. 20 2. 20 rewsiew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 28 2. 28 2 28 Vacation. . Legal.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. is 1. 15 1. 00 15 Litter supplowents apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-GG ------------------------------ YAG>iSCI►ew hour) 7/01/8s- 7/01/86- LaboPerCHeavy/Highway3t 6/30/86 6/30/87 Group 8 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group a at Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. GPeup • 38 Mas•iC LOberelM, POwOP Tool , Trackman, Land$Capo, Pipalayer• JOCkhaamer and Conerets. Neevy/HIpAYay Laborart Group a 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 14. 15 15. 17 :Peup a 2. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 83 14. 83 Peup a 3, , . , , , , , . . 13. 03 13. 66 s MWARI us A : Soa C ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. OL ffwys: see C ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attaChed. }�{'�Ltils.11TAL 9ENEFITSt Cper AOur worked) ea /YO are. . . . ... . . 4 12 % 12 % Pont on. . . 13 % 13 % Vacatl aw. . 1 00 1. 00 OtAer(Legal ). . . . . . . : : : 1 % 1 % Listed suppl,emants apply to ALL Classifications C x ayes ( )No. LATHER — _._.._.. .... WAGE (*So- hour) 7/01/85- 6/30/86 Lather CWOOd Wire 6 Rei nfOrci n9). . , 20. 39 OV RTTN PAY: SOO C C, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOL OavS: SO* C 1 ) on HOLIGAV PAGE attached. AILOYAB E RATIO: ApprentiCeCs ) to Journny�an t 1 - S ) AP�QE—NTIC S: C 1 ) year terms at the following ig percentage of Journeyer„n ' �;,,I,. S1. 2Wo” 3RD. 4014 75/ as% • SUIPLEMENTAL BENCFITS: Cper hour worked) He th/bel fare. i 1. 495 *1, 495 ►ens i on. . 985 * 985 Apprentice Trai ni ng. . . 08 *, 08 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 *app ly% Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 *apply% scholarship Fund. . . . . . 04 * 04 Listed supplemOnts apply to ALL classifications C )ves C x )No. a AaprentiCO supplements appiar in second column, 8-46 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE s SeeT NO Imo[ PtGa_ nTinCalCp 8*8t0 Of Now YorkCasa Number fJ•ar.• as 8e*ePtmant of Labor of 8600742 PobI c wore --- 3C _ 7 J1 3S - 3� 06 SUFFOLK COUNTY ' P:.qt• 8 �Qjj/TZLE/?ERRA220 A-01t5(par hour) ft/01/e5- 111ulldiwg: 1/01/86- 12/31/85 5/01/8G •r•iCklayer. s 19. 16 Additional pVEM PAY: Saa C C. R ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. H., TQA : Sea C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOMAB RA Apprantito(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) ( 750 hours ) toPmr at the folIOWing percentage of JourneYMar, ' .;aqe N 3R2. 4TH. 5TH( 500HR) 6TH( 500HR3 X 60X 7�% 80% 90Y. 95% �TAL 9ENEFITS: (Par hour Worked) oa !h/val far!. . . . . . . • 1. 8s • 98 ►ewsiew. . . . . . . 2. 64 to be APprantiCe Training. . . . 20 allotted Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. OS later Lister supplements apPly to ALL Classifications C x )Yes C No. 8-NY OC WAGESCPar hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/8G- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Cement Finisher. . . . . . . 18. 55 Additional 9�V.�,Q.�.�M�E:P�A_Y�.: Sea C C 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. -11..lL©Lir7�w.L►: Sa! C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALAJOWA RATiO: App'rowtite(s) to Jouhnaymin C 1 - 10 ) APPQK1Lr ( 1/2 ) Vaar terms at the following Percentage Of Journeyman ' s Wage. 7.�2�R �4TT 5TH. 6TH. X aux soX 90% 95% 1 MPLIE4ENTAL IIENEizTsi CPar hour worked) ilea /Ire arta• •"�"�. i 2. 11 1. 40 Pension. . . • . . 2. 60 to be AppPewtlCeTraining• • • . 09 allotted AwwvitV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 15 lstat- Listed supplements apply to ALL el assifIcat iohs ( H )Vas ( )No. y _ 7y0 YAGESCOOP hour) 7/01/85- 1/01 /86- 7/01 /86 9vildiw9: 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 G J� • c7 Plaat0rar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 4S Additional Additional AA,:a nal P-REftTIMPiPAy: Sea C A. 0 ) On OVERTIML' PAGE attached. JF-A ►40 AY: SOO C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWADLE RATIO: ApprenticeCs) .to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 4 ) 1LPPLENENTAL BENEFITS: Coop hour workod) aal h/welfare. s 3. 40 a Note 85 1. 00 Pon$ ion. 7, to be Vatationee Training. . . 01 t - -- allotted al /otted <•tanttPd 2. 37 # - -- at later at Iater - i ., .F,. • SCAolarship Fund. . . . . . 01 >x - - date. date. �(J%• t C. Listed supplements apply to ALL el assifiCations C )Yes ( x )No. (a)Appr. Supp- -1st 3 mo. /none. -2nd 3 mo. thru .5th term-2. 00 H/w. -Last ter - 3V II• r 4- e52 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE. s 3000 NOTICC PAGE nTTnCHCO state of New York Case Number p.irPhv of •apaPtwent of Labor P•,OI C -Ork 8600742 --3C - 71001 c G, 3: dG SUFFOLK COUNTY P:..1P 9 Mason (cont) YAGESCOOP hour) 7/01/BS- 12/31/85 G/30/86 sell ldihss Mosaic A Terraxxo worker. . 19. 45 Additional RMPA : See C 8, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. M L DAY: SOO C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. fi�lWAO RATIO: ApprOhtlCOCs) to JOurnOYmen C - ) ( - ) . 0 - ) ofil1/2 ) yOar terms at the following percentage of Journey-an ' .l N 3R0. 4TH. 5TH. 6T11. To S S OX 60X 70A a0'/. 85 M A sCpOr hour worked) 44%F are. . . . . . . . s 1. 33 65 Pan@Ion. . . 2. SS etlotted lupp. Uhomp l oy. lOnOf l t. 4S l at0r Listed supplemohts apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C 3No. 8- 3 WAGESCOOP hOYr) 1/01/86- 7/01/8S- 1/01 /86- 7/ C1iAG- S/30/aS 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/ 31 /86 awledinss Mosaic and Taarrezzoo vHelper. . . . . 17. 31 Add ti onal Add ti onal Adds ti a n a I PALOTH�LIOAY. Sea C .1• )Oon HOLIDAYTPAGEPattachegehed. OV p M N A N T spar hour worked) oa l t /910 1 f are. . . . . . . . i 1. 33 . 65 65 79 ►ahs 1 oh. . . . . 2. SS to be to be to b,. !up►. Uhemploy. BenOflt. . 4S allotted allotted aI10ttL•d Veen-if on. . . . . . . . . .. . . . SO later later Irler. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 3S y_ M(0&P hour) 6/04/114- 12/03/84- 12/02/84 S/26/85 !ui Iding: TI le. Setter. . . . . . . . . . . 16. 78 16. 78 ,OVERTIME PAY: Sae C A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A OwAOLF RATIO: ApprOntiCs( s ) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 2 ) tL�RENT CSS: ( N/A ) Year terms at the following perconlagt Cr Journ(.y-. r. ' .:. 3P IST. 2ND. 3RO. 4TH. STH. 6T11. :TII. 8TH. N/A N/A N/•A ' N/A N1A NiA Ni4 NiA $J1L'Fl_F�M€NTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) eail-to/wsl fAre. a 2. 18 2. 18 rens I on. 2. 25 2. 2'i VaCati on. . . . . . . . . 1. 085 1. 625 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )NO. 8- 53 YAG (per hour) 7/O1/BS- G/30/85 Bu 1 di ng: Ti to Layer Helper. . . . . S 17. S6 V R IMF PAV: Soo C A, 0 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. H AY: SO* C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (por hour worked) Oi l th/9111 f are. . . . . 4 1. 75 rOhslon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 42 Llsted supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8-88 . PREVAILING RATE SCIIEOULEO "* )Sue NOT ICC PAGE n• rn:l:[7 a�Mi41seat Now YorkLabomassa IITuMbar Pub 1 c M,.rt --- - 6600749 3C - 7,-21 , 65- G-33,66 SUPFdLk COUNTY 1 �'.. I,• 10 AOur3 y/O1/85- 1-/01/86•• 7/01 /86 '12/31/85 6/30/eG 6/30/87 IOeterprowfertMtusoA3 SAd Tuckpol Ater. . . . . • 17. 40 18. 65 19. 90 •eweelostlaac"ase"3. . . 16. 4S 17. 70 18 91. lteewelerwlnstMason). . -1S. So 17. as 18. 30 taltult PAYt man C 3 on OVERTIME PACE attached. Not.IDAYI sea C ) an HOLIDAY PAGE attached. C I 1AppreatiCd( s) to Journeymen C 1 - 5 3 Vamp teras at the following pprcentage of JourneyMan ' ; ...3p. N .�3RQ. % X SX MUrrl[MSMTAL OEMEFITS1loop houp worked) V h/Illtuj�ara. . . . . . . . 0 1. 7S sl. 75 1. 7S sl. 75 1. 7S *1. 7S Pens ioft. . . 3. 00 •1. 7S 3. 00 *1. 7S 3. 00 21. 7S Oeaef I t Fuhd. . . . . . . . . . 10. % Is . 69 10 % m . 69 10 % : . 113 Training Fund. . . . . .. . . . . 08 a . 08 . as * O8 . 08 * . 08 • Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 x • Ss 2. 00 x . 55 2. CO s ..15 Listed supplemoRts apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. Apppe14tlea suppltuments mppeap in second column, 4-GG., �Q. j' tper Amup3 1/01/89• 7/01/85- 6/30/89 fiehe Mason, - 1E 2tl: 06 AMI 8ta A, M 3 oh OVERTIME MACE attached. : lied , 1 3 On HOLIOAV PAGE attached. OW !jk I Apprtu14ti cats) to Jdu1•nmyme14 C - ) ( - ) C - ) i ( 1/a 3 vamp *61-14he! the fol l owi ng percentage of JournpVr•an• S ..IqP. 'In�0.: 3 Rd.. 144 t . 5T N. H. 7TH. 59% �aY 80% 90% 9SX ��ENTA�..9EMOttal tpah, hour Wdpkad) /Mal tura: . . . . . . . 8 Pleas 1 oft .- AAAYItv. . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Ll tied tup0ionehts apply to ALL tl ■stificatiChi ( x )Yps ( )No "Aat9Cpar hour) 1/01/85- 7/01/85- 1/01 /8G- 7, r1 26- 6/30/8S 12/31/85 6/30/86 8!0146 Stutterr. . . . . . . . . . s 19. 30 19. 69 20. Oa ZZ + V RfIME PAVs Sao C C. M ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AHOLIDAY: Sea ( 1 ) on HOLIOAY PAGE attached. A 486E RATIO: ApppenticoCt3 to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) All INTIC 9t C 1/2 ) year terms at the following pprCentagp of Journey.,,., 2N NR0. 4TH. ST-H. 6T 11. 7TII. __8T11• SOX S/. I 0'/. GS% 701A . 80'/. 90% 'is SUPPLEMENTAL 6;:NEFIT9: Cper hour worked) Hea 1 th/wo 1 fare. . . s 1. SO 1. 60 1. 60 1 . 70 Pans ion. . . 1. SO 1. 60 1. 60 1 . a1) Security Denefl !. 60 1 . 60 60 6� Apprentice Training. . . 10 10 10 1 � Ve-cetI on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2, Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 25 3. SO 4. 00 4 :S Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8- a4 r , a ; • . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE Y )See NOTT:F Pn:C nr -.tC:IC7 !tete of New York Case Number O�0ertment of Labor Dblof P :bl — .+Crk ...t 8600742 SUFFOLK COUNTY • r•.,y,. 1 1 111490% Ccont. . ) ---- IAMCPGP hour) 1/01/85- 7/01/85- 1 /01 /8G- 7/C1taG- • 6/30/8S 12/31/85 6/30/a6 12131 , aG Oerri ckman/Rt gger. . . . s 18. 72 Add i t i one I Add t i or,» I Ad(f, t fir.:: t PA : Sae C C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attaChr.d. AVS1 See C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. VA A s 4 04 rawtic0Cs3 to JO.rnevoon C 1 - 10 ) N 1/2 ) year teras at the following percentage of Journey-an ' o .a9p N 3 a 4TH. STH.__6!H. 1upPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) eelth/relfare. . . . . . . . j 1. 44 . 89 89 8y Pons IOn. . . . . 2. 03 to be to be to b ApprewtIC TrelninB. . . 10 a a t t a d allotted allsttPd Vecut ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2: 00 at later at later at t : ter Annul ty. . . . . .•. . . . . ... . . 4. 00 date, date. date. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )vas C )No. 8-197 MAGESCper hour) 6/30/85 OYlldlwgt Marble Sewyer, Rubber a POIIaher. . . . . . . . . la. 06 . M PAYt Be* C 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LIDAY: Sae C 5. 6. 8, 10, 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. aa s ApprewtICOC13 to Journoymen C - ) ( - ) CVC C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-an' s wd9e. H 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7TFf. 8TH. 70% Bp'/• soz. -957 r` BUPEENEFITS: Cper hour worked) epeLh/RNtreNTAaL reS. . . . . . . . $ . 96 pension. . . . . . . 1. 18 Supp- UnOtsp 1 OV. BO ne f 1 t. . to Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Listed supplements SOP fy to ALL classificatiohs C x )Yes ( )No. 8 . 1 WAGESCOON. hour) 1/01/BS- 6/3 0/:8 5 /01/BS-6/30/85 Bul I di ng: Marble Cutters 6 Setters. . . . . . . . . . . . 15..65 • Q�Vg_q_TIME PAY: See C B ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. PSD HOLIDAY: See C S. 6, 8, 10. 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ASL_ WA QLE RATIO_: ApprenticoCs ) to JOurhpy.�an ( - ) C AAP N CES: F-112 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journry-..n ' T. NO. 3RD. 4TH. 5TH. 6T11. 7TH. 8T If• S x 55% 60% 65'/. 70% 80A 90 95 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (pr hour worked) Health/welfare. . . . . . . . ; 96 Pens ion. 1. 18 Supp. Unemp 1 oy. Benef i !. 90 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . 2. S0 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications ( x )yes ( )No. 8-4 c f .t PREVAILING RATE SCHEOUL SC- s 1509 NOTICE PAGE. ATTACHED state Of New York Case Number eureau of rA6APlwOwt of Labor P bi + c work • 86007'f2 3C - 7%;1IIi5 -- G, 3—^,�86 SUFFOLK COUNTY •'. Page 13 Mason Ccowt. . . ) ----- -- -- kmc pop hour) 1/01/85- ' 6/30/85 Marble NelpOr. . . . . . . . . i 15. 27 Crane Operator. . . . . . . . 15. 27 mapble niggler. . . . . . . . . . 15. 27 1 1500 C B ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. : 600 C 5, 6. 8. 10, 15 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. NA A1: ApprOnticacs) to Joul"neymOh C - ) C - ) ( ) yaar tOrws at the following percentage of Journev.an • s .1o 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7T 11. 9TH. % s5X 60X 6SX 70'/. 804 90'/, -95% ltSPPLENENTAL ■ENEFIT9: Cpar hour worked) 11901 th/r01 are. . . . i 96 Pension. . . . . . . . . 1.1- 1a SuOO. Unomp 1 oy. sonef i t.• 4S Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 70 �... Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 40 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. a- 10 !!INTER ---. - ---... - - -- •----- MAGESCDOr hour) 10/01/84- slOel: 9/30/85 " steel. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 01 sp►ey. . . . . . . . . 20. S1 sendbl0sti ng^- . - - 20. S1 Pow*" Tool . . . . . . . 20. S1 N. PAY: Seo C A. E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY: SOO- C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOVA(WERATIO AppP*hticaCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) JU"ENTXCES: C • 1 ) Veal- tOrMf at the fol towing percentage Of JOurnryu•.,n• : vaga 2N2NQ SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) , •01 !1/501 OrO. . . . . . . . ; 9 % Pension. . . . 1. 10 ApprenticeTraining. . . 1/2 % Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 X Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Y.: Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )vps C )No. a-a:G ----------------------- ---- --- 5A CpOr hour) 2/01/85- 7/31/85 Drywall Taper. . . . . . . . . S 17. 36 - MIM PAY: SOO C C, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAHOL DAY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A LOSAB E RATIO: ApOrontic9Cs ) to Jourhevmeh C - ) C - ) C - 1 APPR NT CCS: (1/2 ) Vag" terms at the f011Owin9 percentage of Journey-..,, ' . -:,4v .1 Y0. 3RD. 4TF1. 50% ---7906 7S'/. 90% - jUPPLE €NTAL BNEFITSn(per hour worked) HOai th/Mkl.l far..E.. . . . . . . 3 2. 01 a13Y. 25. Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 t 71 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 % >< 9 Anhui tV. . . . . . . 10 % a10 % Aporeati ce Training. . . . 01 . 01 Listed supplements 2001V to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. Ca)Apprantice Benefits appear in second column. 8-1974 J PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE0 s )f,(,e NOTICE rAGE ATTACHED state Of Now York Casa Number Buruv) l ,c of •apartwewt of Labor Pei c wort 8600742 - - `3; dG • SUFFOLK COUNTY P:;ge 13 Palmtop Ceont) WAGES(p•r hour) 4/01/85- 4/01/a5- ' 3/31/86 1pus h. . 17. 33 structural Ste•1 /9rldge 21. 13 Spp&y. Scaffold. . . . . . . . 19. 23 Sandblasting. . . . . . . . . . 21. 13 Paper Mawgep... . . . . . .. . . . 17. 33 MiEr M AV: S•a C C. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached.illy: Sa• C S. 6 •) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ATIO: Appr•nticots) to Journoymen C 1 - S ) A 1/2 ) Vogl- taros at the following percentage of Journov..an ' LEMENTAL lENEFITl: Cpar hour worked) aal /M•1 ape• . . . . t 2. 00 si. 40 Pension. . . . . . . 1. 30 1111. 30 Apprentice Tr&I If ng. . . . 26 :s 26 vocatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 4S s • % Awwui t11II . . . 1. 65 * • A _..... Othe p (Lag&1 ). 10 • . 10 lately i Health. . . . . . . 22 . 22 Listed Supplements apply to ALL closslfiCatiOns C x )Yes C )No. 4_ t486 (a) A►ppentiC• Supplements &*poor in second Column. PLUKEER PAGES(par hour) 7/01/85 1/01/86- 236- 1 / 1/ 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31/86 ' _ Plumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 20. 00 20. SO 21. 00 tf9pNSe1 _PAY: 9e• ( C. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. . So• •C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. VA RAO:O: Appr•ntlCOCs) to Journeyman C 1 5 ) A RS`�- 1 ) Year terms at the following wage. 2N0. 3R0. 4TH. ONTO. 00i3-�0---r4.60 for 7/01/aS to 12/30/n. 9. 23 10. 25 13. 33 14. 35 for 1 /O1 /aG to 6/30/116 9. 45 10. SO 13. &S 14. 70 for 7/O1/8G to 12/30/86 SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) *1st Yr slat yr 1st yr -- Hoal'th/Mel fare. . . . . . . . 3 1. SO s . 96 1. 57 s . 96 1. 74 sl. 06 Pension. . . . . . . 3. 11 161. 98 3. 31 =2. 10 3. 7S s_ 3G Apprentice Training. . 37 s 24 . 37 a . 2S . 38 s 35 s vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 30 7S 1. 30 s . 75 1. 30 s 75 Anhui !y. . 714 If . 357 714 If 357 714 s. 375 aiA►prenticae(lstsyaar)0001 Ysupplaments to ALL cl a sappeartinna )No. seconds C C0.14-77S - 11TEAMFITTER/RPRINKLER FITTER WAGESCpap hour) 16/25/85 Steam Fitter. . . . . . . . . . S 21. 10 Sprinkler Fitter. . . . . . 21. 10 puERTIME PAY: See t C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE .attachad. �A1-ENOL DAV: Son C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A MAB RATIO: ApprontiCOCS) to Journeymen C 1 - 3 ) NT C 1/2 ) V. terms at tha .following purcentaga of Journey*ones � aqe ��'j aNO. 3RD. 4TH. STii. 6TH. __7TN. ATI1. j�)i "5A 50' SS G 60% 65ti 75% OSG •'U►PLEMr4MTAL OENErITS: (per hour worked) M•&Ith/sial fare. . . . . . . . S 1. 50 s • K Pension. . . . . . . . . . 1. 60 s • % leeuri tv Fund. . . . . . . . . 2. 50 2. SO Training Fund. . . . . . , A7 s . 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 7S s • A Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )res C x )No. a.G3as /s a Apprentice supplements sp*ear in second column. e PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE• s )See NOTICE PA ;[ ATTACHED stat* of New York Case Number of roRartaapt of Labor PBL. ircurorY 8600742 SUFFOLK COUNTY •; Page 14 ROOFER WAGESCpar hour) • 40/01/84- 9/30/85 Reefer. . . . . . . >< 15. 49 Weterproofar. . . .. .. .. . . . . . 1S. 49 -MiAY: see C A, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. H LI AY: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWAIIIL T : ApprenticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 6 ) APPSENTIC 1/2 ) year terms at the fol Iowing percentage of Journevnan * MD, Z�__RQQ 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. % S Z �0% 6314 70'/- 7514 e/Wel faTA N : Cper hour Worked) IRS thro. . . . . . . . i 2. 61 a ■ X rahs I oft. • 2. 24 a • x Apprahtl CeTraining n9. . . . 03 * 03 Vacatl en. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 67 ■ • Y. Awaulty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 48 a x Llst*d supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. Ct3 Apprentice sup►loments sppeer In second Column. 4-1S4 j111tRTM[TAL WORKER 1ACKj(Ror hour) 1/31/85- 8/01/85- 2/01 /86- 8/01 /86- 7/31/88 1/31/86 7/31/86 1 /31 /87 ,r 111heetaata) Worker. . . . t 20. 1110 21. 55 22. 35 23. 15 Vii'. IE PAY: See C C. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LZPAYe See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A e ApprentlCOC83 to Journeymen C 1 - 4 t 1/2 3 year terms at the following percentage of Journryaan' s Wage. No- bn. 4TH. H. 6TH. 7T4. 8T . ' % 4Is 14 5% 6014 GS% 70A + H80% FITS: Coer Aour worked) �siTth/Ye- are. . . . . . . f 1. 7S2 a■ ' s% 1. 752 a= Y. 1 . 7 •= v 1 /'. • , penal en. . 2. 08 *■ •s% 2. 08 a= '/. 2. OR s= / 2 c,s • - / swool . Unemploy. 8eneflt 11 a■ ' sx 11 *= r. 11 *_ / I1 • - / Vis Catiow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 s• ' s 1. 50 *_ % 1. 5o •_ / 1 • Annuity. . . . . . . . . . 2. 25 a• ' s% 2. 2S #* Y. 2. 2!; *= /. 2. 21 s= , Edutation Fund. . . 18 a■ 'sX 18 *= Y. 18 *_ Y. . 18 s= i Listed supplements alply to ALL classifications C )Yes ( x )No. a ApprentiCO supplements appaa,.r in second column. 8- .'.8 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic perfor.inq the .o-!. TEAMSTER Truck OriverCBuilding and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. WAGE Cper hour) 7/01/84- 7/01/85 - 7/01 /86 6/30/SS 6/30/BG 6/30/87 Truck Driver (Building and Huevy/Highway): Excavation Operati ons14. 725 15. 225 15. 725 Euclid type. . . . . . . . .-_. 35. 12S 15. 625 1G. 125 VERTIPAY: See C 8, E, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A H ME AY: Sea C S. G. 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMFNTAL OENEFITS: Cper hour worked) "ani th/Wel fare. . . . . . . . $ 2. 35 2. GS 3. CO Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 852S 2. B52S 2. 8525 Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1125 2. •7425 3. 3125 Listed supplaments apply to ALL classifications C )Y os ( x ,No. C t )Appropriate sVpplamental benefits listed in secohd column. 8-282nsh • PREVAILING RATE SCHCOULOC- t )See NOTTCC PAGE ATTA ..:SCO state of New York Case Nvmbes- •41POPtIsewt Of Labor 911rpau of 8600742 P-,b l . c work 3C -- 7i01inri Gi37 dG SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 15 s2aN ERECTOR — YACESCpar hour) 3/01/85- '10/31/8S sigh Ereetor. . . . . . . . . ; 16. 00 M PAVs See C A ) oh OVERTIME PAGE attached. LZOA : See C S- 6110111- 12- 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE A�i AisPrenllcOCs ) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 1Age _ your terms at the following percentage rn of Jouey .,_, �-R� 6STH STH. 7TH.4TH. 9711 10TH % 4 % Ox x 0% 65% 70% 7SX SUPP EMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) Health/woltora . . . . ; 7 x 9st Yr Local Pons i ow. .. . . . 46 National Pension. . . . . . . 30 s ?30 Apprentice Training. . . . 07 a 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 x st 2 x Annul tv. . . . . . . . . 1. 57 a- Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMPSS aEmpSS Listed supplements apply to ALL classifiestlons ( x )Yes C )No. i Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8- 137 • �lONYAV !Tait e -- ---— YAGijCler Aovr) 4/01/85- 4/01/86- stl ►alwlarCStrlplate. ): 3/31/86 n S-Ni ghway ate. ): !-Machine Oper. ; 12. 40 Helper. . . . . . . . . 11. 00 Ll hars+aw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 85 M, PAY' See C B, F. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A i See •C 5. 6. 8. 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. EMENTAL BENEFXTS: Cper hour worked) ileo! h/we fare. . . . ! 8 x Pons IOft. . . . . . 4 x Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Y. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yps ( )No. A- '3C 1REE TRIMMER " WAGESCper hour) 10/1/84- 10/01/86- 9/30/86 Tree Trimmer: Tri ^mer- T 7 Cstart). ; 7. 75 ' -T 6 after 6 mo. B. 32 -T S •• 12 mo. B. S4 •• -T 4 •• 113 too. 8. 93 -T 3 •• 24 mo. 9. 70 •• T 2 •• 30 mo. 10. 14 -T 1 36 mo. 11. SG Orl ver, Groundsman. . . . . . 9. 53 0V�E�ill TM Lr- : Soe C . E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LAID NO2—eB AVS: See CS. 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18. 19) ) on IIOLIOAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/wel fare. S COntr. Provide H. 6 M. . $10, 000 Li fe Ins. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . 35 HOJidays. . . . (12 paid). Vaeat. on - after 1S mo. /1 . week. -after 30 mo. /2 weeks. -after 10yrs/3 .er•pk'; Listed su pro-rated if lass than 1700 hrs. in prior year. Pllements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes )No. 4- 1Cv9t PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULED( t )See NOtICE PAGE ATT4CtfCO Rtete Of Now York Case Number O0�as•tment of Lobo" D„rPau o 8600742 Pub1 ' C work 3C - C1 , 85 -E ..3,86 SUFFOLK COUNTY • F'.,•�t• 1 G AUSUCY CREW CHIGHWAV i HEAVY) -- - - XA.G : Cpe" hour) 7/01/aS- •urvey Retos -Noavy/HI Way: 6/30/86 party Chief. . . . . . . . . 17. S9 ZAstrumeht Mon. . . . . . 1S. 42 Redman/Chainmen. . , , , 13. 98 M PAY: Seo ( ) Oh OVERTIME PAGE attached. A : Soo C ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A *A�TIOs AppronticoCs ) to JourneyMeh ( f M N NN ENiiFITS: CPo" hour. worked) Health/mel ere and Pension. . . . . . 1. 70 40prentIc0 TpaihI "9. . . . 20 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 25 • Listed supplements -apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. a-/SDHs �,Qj$CPer hour) 10/17/84- / / - Coro Or•I i l i ng: 10/16/85 Or•1 l l er. . . . >t 13. 155 '• He 1 Par. . . . . . . . . . 11. 39S MRPAS• see C s. E 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached, r., hYs: sae C S, 6 ) Oh HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OHM R�LIQ APprewtiCOCs) to Jovrnovmen C - ) C _ ) C _ ) i�V AL NERIT9: Cosr haul- worked) Meal th/Wel tape. . . d 1. 46 pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 VacatIOft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 Listed svPpleMents SPPIV to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. ---------------------- -------- 8=1536 YAGlECPor hour) 8/01/83- 8/01 /84- 8/01 /8; 7/31/84 7/31 /85 7/31/8:: Well Or111er: « Driller. . . . . . . . s IS. 10 Additional Additional Helpor . . . . . 13. 30 . 90 90 M PAV: See C P ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. Av: See C S. 6, 10, 12 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A WASLE RATIO: AppronticOCs ) to JOurhOVmoh C 1 - 1 ) C 1 - 6 ) �PLEM NTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Health/Welfel-o. . . . . . . . % to be to be Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 75 allocated allocated Holiday fund. . . . . . . 46 later. later. Listed supplomonts OPPly to A-LL classifications C x Ives C )No. 4- 128.x11 4' • PREVAILING RATE SCHEOUL•C s )See NOTICEP A V_� ArTACHCO state of New York Case Num ba r, Dure:,u of �ape�tmewt of Labor 8600742 Puol , t work 3C 7, 01178: Gi30 a n SUFFOLK COUNTY e, P. )e 17 WAGZ'ACpor hour 7/01/85- 7/01/86 - OI/ZLDINO: 6/30/86 6/30/87 Noitt(Huttiplo Platform) 21. 90 22. 90 Lead Ehsi weer 20. SOS 21. SOS Neltt(Tandem Platform 20. 28 21. 28 Touter Crano(Ew9lhoor) 19. 86 20. 86 •ldoaeos+ TrOCtOPCUsed in tank Work ) 19. 565 20. 56S sleep. Carry-all . Scraper In tandem 19. 4820. 48 seem Trucks or Cranes (used for stone .setting or structural steal ) 19. 43 20. 43 Cox er Maxim Spreader, CahCrate Spreader, Darrick. Sideboom Tractor Teak Work 19. 405 20. 405 Neltt. 2 Drum. Horst. ] Orum 19. 33 20. 33 19. 28 20. 2a saekhee. Oragt 1 no. Grada 1 1 . PI to Opt ver, Shovel 19. 305 20. 305 tlevetor. cork Lift. Hoist. 1 Drum 19. 23 20. 23 Batch' ag PlawtCow alta of ,Job), POWar WlnchCUsod for stone or steal ), Po«er winch ..TTFUCk Mounted-used for stone or steel ). Pump, Concrete 19. 201 20. 20S �. OPedse 19. 18 20. 18 seller, Tpoweh machine 59. 105 20. 105 raldlws Machine. Structural Btoet 19. 08 20. 08 Boom Truck. Crowe, CraWler or Truck, ConveyorCMultl ), plant Engineer, Stone Spreader �lo11•Prepelled) 19. OSS 20. 055 Asphalt Bpreeder 19. 03 20. 03 4 /art LlftClilalk Behind, 'POWer Operated) 19. 02 - s Cew*eotter(Structural Steel ) Is. OOS 20. 02 20. 5 rellew. Bulldo=er. CompressorCon Crane), Comprossor(PiIa Work ), CompressorCstone setting), CoAertte •rector. Cowveyor. Geherator-PIIS Work. Loading Mathino(rront End), galhteaewCe anal hear, Powerhous0. Power WlnchCusad for other than stoneedeor : tees ) Pr WI %Ch. Truck MolLhtodC used for other than stone or steel , Pul Vi -M i s,e r, P u.pC Cb to Alt/ ea 01aPhragm), PUMPS(GYP sUlm, HVdrauIIc, Jet, Single Action- 1 t0 3, and well PO, nt ), I/elSit ws awd 111Ihs. Wet di ng Machlne C P i I Work) 18. 85S 19. 85S 6WVb Mecl►l no(Asphal t or Concrete), Cur ng Mach nal Pump( submer : i b 14. ). M,,, ,,; ,,,,,,,,, 0►oder 18. 80 19 8o 18. 63 19. 63 Cosrpressor, COmpras$Or(2 or more in battery), Generator. Mulch Machlne. P, n P„ I l ,.r Portable Healers. Pump(4 i nehas or over), Track lamperC2 Eng, veers. E„Lh), w( ll, r,T M..c 18. 60S 19. 605 fat IPI as Machi ne 18. S3 19. 53 11VIIdO2erCusad for 'axcavation), Fireman, Loading Machihe, Powerbroom, Vac-AII 18. 48 19. 48 Concrete Saw or Cutter, MixerCwith Skip3, Mixar( 2 Small with or without S► , p) , 'M,mPCup to 3 inches ), Tractor, Craterpillar or Wheel , 18- IOS 19. 105 scoop(Carry-All Scraper) 19. 48 20. 48 Hydra Hemmer: Ridge Cutter 18. 02 19. 02 Bending Machine. Dinky Locomotive, Gaherator(Small ), Vibrator( 1 to 53, 17. aSS 18. 85S 'ower Buggies 17. 73 18. 73 Stump Chipper and Oilor 17. 505 18. 505 .00Ch8nIC21 Comp a C t 0 P C H a n d 00aratad), Tranch Ma chi n0Cl(and3 17. 48 18. 48 OVERTIME PAY: Sae C S, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A;D HOL DAV: Sea ( S, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAV PAGE attached. A��dS��AAI .RATIO: Apprentice( s ) to Journeymen 6 ) U�`PL€MSE I AI MENEFITS: (par hour worked) Hea i th/Wa i f are. . . . . . . . 3 1. 92 1. 92 Pon$i on. . 2. 75 2. 7S Supp. Unemp I . Bene f 1 t. . 20 20 Apprentice Training, . 2S 25 Anhut tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. SO 1. SO Other. . 25 . 25 Listed supplemehts OPPIV to ALL classificationsC )yes-C )No. 4- 138b - - -- - 1111!a!f Of Now Yohk PREVAILING RATE SCIICDULt , C )Sue N012.t" Pn,;,, ai e Number Cas Oapartment of labor atir'e6.1 of 8G00742 Pu.t• l , c work 3C SG SUFFOLK COUNTY P, t,• 18 Operating Engineer (cont) - - YAG[SCDOr Aour) ,7/01/85- 7%01/86- NlAVV / 142CHWAVI 6/30/86 6/30/a Lead Cali neer 21. 13 22. 13 OseepCCarrV-AI I , Scraper In Tandem), Tower CreneCEnginopr), Cracto19. 6SS 20. GSS •aokhea. oad Favor. Setting), . Crahe(9thuCtural Steel ), Dragl1he, GradaII P, Ia Orlver, Aoad Paver, Shovel •atching PlantCon alta et 19. 40 20. 40 Took York Jeb), CrahO(On OOrge), 91 deboom TraetorC used in tank murk ;. 19. 25S 20, 2SS NOIstC3 Drum). Power WIhChCTruCk Mounted-used for stohe or steel ), Power winthCUSPd •Or tion• Setting and/or structural stOO13, Trench Machine Asphalt spreader. Boom Truck, Berl5 h9MaehihOCothOrOthan Post Holes ), CMI or maxi + r Craft"Crawleh Or TPUCk), Concrete Spreader, COhYOVor, Multi , Plant Engi near , S;dvUUooMder, Tractor, StOwe SpreadOr(sOlf propelled) 19. 03 20. 03 'OOtrI nS Machine. Post Notes 18. 97 19. 97 1' CompraatorCStone Setting). Compressor(Structural Steel ), Molding Maehine( structural stpol ) tired • 18. 915 19. 91S rfrkBOOs! 18. 865 19. 865 18, 8SS 19. 855 Q,fmpraaaOrCOn Crane). C6mPr488Or(Pl10 Mork ), GOharator-Pile WOhk . Hoist, 2 Or.,-, Leading IIeChIneCrP0ht-end), Powerhouse, Power MlihchCTrUCk Mounted- usv,t for othi•r than •+lana Or elfel ). POWar YIh4hCOther than StOne Or ftrUCt. ateel ), We , ain9 MYth, nO. P , lu work 18. 7SS 19. 75S MaaAawlcal Compactor. Machine Drown. ROIIerCOver S Ton) 18. S7 19. S7 Rol I or 18. S3 19. 53 J Pump. Concrete 18. 49 19. 49 Cfmoreasor(2 or more in battery Orador 18. 41 19.45 18. 435 19. 435 Culldeser. Concrete F1hlshing Machlno' COnvoVOr, Curb MaChino, Asphalt or Concret .e Carl wB Mocking, Dinky Locomotl ve, F1 reman, Fork LI ft, 110i st, 1 Dru+, Load ngw:,r t r p. Malntawehco MOchIno, PuIvI Mixer, Pump C4 Inches or over), Plimp s( Ilr,fI.,,uIic . Oubmeral ►le and wall Point). Rol Ior( S ton and under), 5400p. Carrr-AI I , IlolntehOwce Man. Vac-A11 . Wald! al 8 8urning 18. 22 19. 22 Generator 18. 14 19. 14 Portable Heaters 18. 4395 19. 4395 Compressor. Mulch Machino, Pi Puller, Pump(DoubIa Action OiaphragM). Pu,.p_GYp;%.- PumpCSiwgle Action 1 to 33, Striping Machine, welding Machine 17. 845 18. 845 POverihOOm 27. 27S 18. 27S Concrete Saw or Cutter. Fork Lift, walk Oohi nd, Power Oppratpd, IlVdra liaMM,•r, M/xer(with Skip), Mixer(2 S.. if with or w, thOur Skip), Power Buggies, COwe►ate OroakOr. Ridge Cutter Pu-,tr Gr, nd.•r Vlbretor(1 to 5) 17. 13 18. 13 16. 925 17. 925 Oiler. Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler. Track Tampor•C2 Engineors, Each). Dec ?. ►+�,,,J OeneretorC Sme l l ) 16, 82 17. 82 16. 81S 17. 815 Bending Machine, Pump, CentrifugaI ( UP to 3 ihchusl . Trench Mach$ ne( N.,n(t) ,Tractor. Catervi I 1 16. 7a 17. 78 . pr or MAeol 16. 605 17. 60S VERTIME PAV: SOO C O, O ) on OVERTIME PAGC att .. hod. PAID NOLIOAV: Sae C S, G. 7, 11. 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGj_ attact,ed. AL OWA13LE PATIO: Apprentic&( s ) to JOurnoymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - G ) itPPL MENTAL BENEFITS:-(ger hour worked) Heal th/w�l(ira. . . . . . . ! 1. 92 1. 92 Pens i on. . . 2. 75 2. 7S SUPP I . Unemp l oy. Bansf i t . 20 . 20 Apprentice Training. . . 2S 25 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 1. 50 Other. . . . . . 25 25 Listed supPlemants OPPIV to !+L1. classifications C x .)mos ( )No. 4- 1381% PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C t )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHEO •tat• Of Now YOPk Case Number GOOMPtmaRt of Labor BuP 1>au of 8600742 Public wort 3C 6i3Z G SUFFOLK COUNTY Pagr 19 YARZMt CONSTRUCTION MACKSCPGP hour) 9/30/85 NydPaullt Oredget Levepmea 15. 72 OCRs Roar 15. 56 Nei At. En1 Haar 15. 34 Da1-p1 ct aper. 15. 56 Chief Mata on Or-edge 15. 34 Nate 14. 38 DatkHand 12. 82 of 1 or 13. 28 F) roman 13. 28 shepemah 12. 82 Goat Captain 14. 48 ------------------------- Tug •oats: Toy Master 15. 12 Tug Captain 14. 48 Tug Chief Ehglhoor 14. 74 TVs ERglwear 14. 48 Two DaCkhand 12. 97 •r'i..- ------------------------- Olppap and Clamshell Oredgos: operator 15. 99 CpaReman 15. 56 magi Reer 15. 87 . Mai Rt. Ehsi neer 15. 34 - Nota 14. 38 Dockhand 12. 97 of 1 eo 13. 28 seat Master 15. 12 most Captain 14. 48 0 I PA s Sea' C B. E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. �!I SO* C S, i. 10, 15 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. �LLOYAaLE RATIO: AppPantleoCs) to Journeyman C - ) C - ) ( - ) TAe o loving U PEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL cla sification% of t ►„• above HYDRAULIC- DIPPER. CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG DOAT3. >))UPPLEMENTAL DENEFITS: Cper hour worked. ) Health/Yol rape. . . . . . . . s 1. 43 Pews 1 on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 %. '►- 'Sa MAGESCoar hour) 9/30/85 01-111 Boat: Ehydheer 17. 02 al attar 17. 20 Driller-Welder/Machahic 17. 03 Fi remeh 16. 48 ' 011e: 16. 20 • Helper 16. 20 V TIM PAV: See C 8, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A FdL LIOAV: Sae C 5, 6- 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A OwASL RATIO: Apprentice s ) to Journeymen C - ) C _ ) CSLL ) 1-P MCHTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) - Health/11el fare. . . . . . . , f 1. %3 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . 80 vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . one day for 20 days worked Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C k ')Yes C )No. 4-2S/3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING AND HEAVv/ttiGtlaAV SCHEDULES- ' ' • - BID - ANNUAL CONTRACT - ASPHALT CONCRETE Bid Opening: 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 14, 1990. 1• Ed Tufano, Old Country Road, East Quogue, N.Y. 2. Bi-County Construction Corp. , 56B Comsewogue Rd. , E. Setauket, NY 11733, 331-0800 - John Belotti 3. Bi-County Paving Corp. , 56 Comsewogue Rd. , E. Setauket, NY 11733 331-2200 - Daniel Carey 4. South Fork Asphalt Corp. , Springs-Fireplace Rd. , Drawer 2028 East Hampton, NY 11937 5. Corazzini, Paul 6 Sons Inc. , 33 Madison Ave. , Greenport, NY 11944 6. 7. 8. LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1VOTICE'TO BIDDERSss: STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 103 of the Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the General Municipal Law, that Editor, oTHE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN sealed bids'are sought and re- f i quested from qualified asphalt a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, TbwnofSoutholdasmay bere- has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman quired for a period of one (1) once each week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . weeks year. The sealed bids will be receiv- ed eceiv ed by the Town Clerk' of the successively, commencing on the . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. ( . . . . . . Town of Southold; at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, } c Town Hall, Maifl Road, d y �. .�. . . . . . . ., 19 . .� . . Southold,New York 11971,un- til 11.:00 A.M. on the 14th day of dune,.1990,at which time and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . place they will be publicly open- ed and read'aloud. Instructions, to biddgrs, specifications, and bid ,fauns maybe obtained aE the,O . . . . . . day of Sworn to before me this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( the Town Clerk betweeh1 hours of 9;00.A.M. and'50 G P.M., Monday through T . . . . . . . .y . . i.� . . . . . . . . . All bids must be submi ,cam L7. the bid fbr�t pNvided.A*find all exceptions t0 the specifica- tions shall be listed on a separate sheet Bearing r the designation;/ '`Exceptions' the Specifics- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ``"•�. •`'k• tions,'`and dtiached to the hid Notary Public form. Each bid must be accom- ER panied by the deposit of a cer- i,, aRa A. SC NEew York tificd check in"the adsount"<of fJ4?iA `0/ l 3!f!, �`zta of New I J 4t;`.;68A6 five hundred dollars(MAO), Quelii erl in`:offc;l; County, made payable�to theorder of the Town of Southold,eonditiotod corim�..swr� Expires /�/ >o that if the bid Iste4,,the successful bidder will enterinto a contract for the wont within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of,the.bid. All deposits except that of the suc- cessful-bidder will be mu,rned. Upon the acceptance„of his bid if the successful binder fails to ether intp a contract-pursuant to the mwrements of the Tbwti, then;tfie check desposited with th0) ens[the moneys static ng to tl*creo!of the same,shall be. t`orfeit to the 1b ii of Southold as liquidated damages. If-the succussfal bidder m” All bids must be signed,and into a coatMcVRyrsua*to thio; enclosed in sealed envelopes requirem�nf,pf the TpAj,thea plainly marked"Bid on Asphalt said'cheek>,vill b returned td Concrete Contract." and ad-- said d-said bidder. dressed to Judo T.Tbrry,Town ThG`ibwni 13oa+d'of Af lbwn Clerk, lbwn Hall,Main Road, of Sonthofd reserves therisht th Southold,'New York 11971. reject any and all bids and t4 DATED:'May 22, 1990 waive any and all informality is JUDITH T. TERRY any bid should it be deemed in SOUTHOLD TOWN:CLERK the best interest of the Town of IX-5/31/90(12) Southold to do so. f STATE OF NEW" 1RK) LEGAL NOTICE )SS. NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Munici- Yvonne L i e b l e i n Pd Law,that sealed bids are sought of Mattituck, in and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place said County, being duly sworn,says that he/she is Principal Asphalt Concrete within the Town Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, of Southold as may be required for a period of one(1)year. published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of The sealed bids will be received Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town the annexed is a printed copy,has been regularly published in Clerk's Office, Town Hall,Main said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks Road,Southold,New York 11971, until 11:00 A.M.on the 14th day of successively, commencing on the 31 _ day of June, 1990,at which time and place May 1990 they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions to bidders,specifi- cations, pe ob- tained cations,and bid forms maybe ob- tained at the Office of the Town ILI Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M.and 5:00 EM.,Monday through P cipal Clerk Friday.All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall l � be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation:"Exceptions to the Sworn to befo me this Specifications",and attached to the f bid form. / �{ Each bid must be accompanied by day of --�-19 - the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00),made payable to the order Of the Town of Southold,conditioned that if the bid is accepted,the suc- cessful bidder will enter into a con- tract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid.All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid,if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the re- quirements of the Town,then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same,shall be forfeited to the Town Of Southold as liquidated damages.If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town,then said check will be returned to said bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and en- closed in sealed envelopes plainly marked"Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract"and addressed to Judith T. Terry,Town Clerk,Town Hall,Main Road,Southold,New York 11971. DATED:May 22,1990. JUDITH T.TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 093-1TMv31 • • STATE OF NEW YORK)SS.- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, JUDITH T. TERRY , 19 90 being duly sworn, says that on the 25th day of Ma she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: n Board, Town Clerk's Bulleti Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . Annual Contract to furnish and place Legal Notice, of Southold. Notice to Bidders-. Bid opening* 11 :00 Asphalt Concrete June 14,hine1990,nSout Id Town Hall. A.M. , Thursday, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 25th day of May 1990 Notary Public JOYCE M.WILKINS Notary 4952246,Suffolk State of NYork Cou Term Expires June 12,19 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 11 :00 A.M. on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions to bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained . at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation: "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then said check will be returned to said bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . DATED: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK I r 0 Page 2 - Bid - Asphalt Concrete PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 31 , 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . I Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board I i i I I i i i I� I I I I I I I i j i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 11 :00 A.M. on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions to bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation: "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then said check will be returned to said bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . DATED, May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK WNW Page 2 - Bid - Asphalt Concrete PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 31 , 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board j LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required-for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, until 11 :00 A.M. on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions to bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation: "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then said check will be returned to said bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . DATED: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Page 2 - Bid - Asphalt Concrete PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 31 , 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York INVITATION TO BID on ANNUAL CONTRACT to FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE 1990 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought and requested from qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. The sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , on the 14th day of June, 1990, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Instructions for bidders, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation : "Exceptions to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. Each bid must be accompanied by the deposit of a certified check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the order of the Town of Southold, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work within ten (10) days from the date of the acceptance of the bid. All deposits except that of the successful bidder will be returned. Upon the acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check deposited with the bid and the moneys standing to the credit of same, shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages. If the successful bidder enters into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Town, then the check shall be returned to said bidder. -1- • 0 The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold. All bids must be signed and enclosed in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Concrete Contract" and addressed to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Dated: May 22, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK -2- INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Pursuant to Town Board Resolution, the Tann of Southold invites bids fr;cn qualified asphalt contractors to furnish and place asphalt concrete within the Town of Southold as may be required for a period of one (1) year. 2. In submitting this bid, the bid sheets (Proposal Foran) are to be filled in but not detached from this package. The complete bid package shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope properly endorsed. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink, as required. Bids that contain any omission, erasure,alteration or items not called for in the itemized bid foam or that contain irregularities of any kind may be rejected by the tavn, 3. Qualification of Bidders a. Bids received later than the date and time specified will not be considered b. Specification of materials used must meet or exceed New York State Department of Transportation specifications. . Plant must have adequate capacity and sufficient storage for the items to be furnished. c. The successful bidder is required to comply in all respects to the laEor la:v in accordance with Section 220, Sub-division 3 and Section 220-D. A list of minimum Labor Rates is attached and made a part of this Proposal. d. The items specified shall be delivered in amounts, and at a time and place as directed by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold. No materials shall be delivered on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays except in an emergency. e. The bidder will be required to shay, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of High;vays, that he is a responsible contractor experienced in the kind of work to be performed; that he is financially able to execute the Contract; that he has adequate equipment and fixed storage facilities to satisfactorily and efficiently perforin the work as directed within the .specified time limits. The bidder .mist state exact location of plant. 4. Rejection of Bids a. The MIN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence suh-nitted in the qualification statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the MIN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. b. The MqN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in ;•mole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or tart thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have men examined and/()r checked. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) cava; alter being publicly opened and read. INPORMATI.ON AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS S. Bid Analysis - Bidders may bid on any or all items. The Superintendent of Highways reserves the right to make awards by items, or as a whole, or not at all, whichever the Superintendent deems to be in the best interest of the Tcvm. 6. Measurement and aayment - Payment shall be made to the Contractor at the unit price(s) submitted in the Proposal. The asphalt concrete will be measured by the number of tons of compacted material in place. The unit price bid per ton shall include the cost of furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 7. C rm-encament of Work - shall be within five (5) days after receipt of written r. ordeAny reason for delay in work shall be submitted to the Town in writing explaininq the delay. If the reason is not acceptable, then work must continue without any further delay. 8. Testing - The Town shall have the absolute right to make tests before and after delivery and installation to determine conformity to Specifications,quality and standard of excellence. The Contractor agrees to bear the cost and pay for all tests which are deemed to be necessary in the opinion of the Town. The Contractor shall repair or replace at no additional cost to the Town, any materials found to not meet the Specifications and quality intended. The work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner. 9. The prices quoted in this bid, and subsequently awarded, are to be used in establishing prices for actual materials furnished and placed to the Town of Southold from tie date of award up to and including one (1) year thereafter. The Contract period may be extended for up to (1) additional year upon mutual written agreement of the Town and the Contractor. 10. Bid Bond The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable bid bond in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) , made payable to the Tci,,m of Southold as assurance that the bid is made in good faith. The certified check or bid bond will be -returned after the execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until the filing and approval of the Performance Bond. The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of acceptance of his bids, shall forfeit to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 11. Performance Bond Each succnss.ful low ;)J.',`der sahll be ret,^aired to execute a Performance Bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be executed by a surety company acceptable to the Omer; or by a certified check. The Performance Bond shall be written as to remain in full force for the extend of the Contract. -2- . INFORMATION AIM INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 12. Contractor's Insurance The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained, and had approved by the a-mer, all the insurance required under this Contract as enumerated herein: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to comence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Owner. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract, 4orl.men's Carpensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case of any of the work being sublet, the Contractor shall require all subcontractors similarly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract from claims for damages for personal injury includ- ing accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) on account on one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not. less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for damages on account of all accidents. (c) Liability aiid Prop.�-rty D-mage Insurance: The above policies for Public Liability and Property D�unage Insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Propx�rty Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arising f ran ti,e operations of an subcontractor. -3- INFOR4ATION AND INSTRUCTICNS TO BIDDERS (d) Owner's Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform a regular Protective Public Liability Insurance Policy for, and in behalf of the Owner, providing for a limit of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of, one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages aris- ing out of bodily injuries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurance providing for a limit of not less than: One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total (or aggregate limit of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property during the Policy period. This insurance mustfully cover the legal liability of the Owner. The coverage provided under his policv must not be affected if the Owner performs ther for or in cooperation with the Contractor work in connection with the project el or as an aid thereto whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- frcm, by means of its own employees or agents or if the Owner directs or supervises to the work to be performed by the Contractor. 12. Proof of Carriage of Insurance The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract except with respect to subdivision 'W' 'of Paragraph 11. In respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with the original insurance policy. Doth certificates, as furnished, and the insurance policy, as required, shall bear the policy numbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit of liability thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with any notice of cancellation at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. -4- SPECIFICATIONS ASPHALT CUX-RETE TYPE IA (Mixing Method - Hot Mix All the requirements of Item 51F in the Suffolk County Public Works Specifications shall apply except: DESCRIPTION: Bituminous Concrete either binder or surface course as ordered shall be delivered and machine spread upon the surface of the roads, driven,aays, parking fields and intersection streets with the Town right-of-way and other areas requiring pavement aunder the jurisdiction of the Ccnmissioner of Public Works where and as required. MEA.SUREMERr AND PAVEMENT: The unit measurement for Asphalt Concrete shall be the ton in the Contract Proposal. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing, hauling, applying, compacting, and rolling and shall include all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work satisfactorily. THE APPROPRIATE SECTION OF THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED BY ALL BIDDERS NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CEi2TIFICATION SECTION 103-d GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under the penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting campetition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder, or with any competitior: 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly discolosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. I hereby affirm under the peraltiss of perjury that the foregoinq stateme:it is true-. Affix seal if Principal is Corporation PROPOSAL FORM ANNUAL CONTRACT - FUMNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT Co,%XMETE TagN OF SOUPF'_OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , WW YORK made by: Name of Bidder (Individual, Firm or Corporation, as case may be) Residence of Bidder Telephone No. Place of Business of Bidder Telephone No. Name of Partners Residence of Partners (If Bidder is a Firm, state here the name and residence of each member thereof) If Bidder is a gyration, fill in the following blanks: Organized under the State of Name and Address of President: Name and A(ldress of Secretary Name and address Of Vice President PROPOSAL FORM TvJ'WN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. PROPOSAL, FOR ANNUAL CONTIRACT TO FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: The undersigned bidder_ has carefully examined the attached Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to .furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the following unit prices: -2- TOY17N OF SOUTHOLD ANNUt'1L CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized ProiDosal for ASPHALT CONCp,-TE Extended stimated ! Description of Item Unit Price Bid Inount Bid Item No. Quantity (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words ' i Dollars Cents Dollars f Cents Asphalt concrete Type IA, fu.rn. & placed 1W 0 - 350 tons for j Dollars cents i same as above ----- ----------- --- - -�_ 2W 350 - 650 For tons Dollars cents _ _ same as - ve � _ _ ___ _ _.._ _.----_ ----- -- 3W 650 - 1,000 For tons Dollars cents j i . i _. as_ 4W Over 1,000 For • 1111 TONS Dollars cents j - _ i___ _. -3- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL CO.'?I' ACI' FOP FURNISHING AND PLACING Itemized Proposal for ASPHALT COIJCRETE Extended r Estimated Description of Item Unit Price Bid Amount Bic? _ � Item No. Quantity (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words -' Dollars Cents Dollars i Cents I I I Asphalt concrete Type 1A, furn. & placed j 1w 0 - 350 tons for _ Dollars —cents I 2W 350 - 650 For tons Dollars cents s�ee as above i i 13W 650 - 1,000 For i tons Dol 1 ar_s -_ cents j 14W Over 1,000 For ---- --- I ! I TONS Dollars cents i I -4- I AGREEMENT made this day of 1990, between with its principal office and place of business at hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation if the State of New York, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and place asphalt concrete for the Town of Southold in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for bid, at the following unit prices: The above specified contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the day of 1990, through the day of 1991 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By Scott Louis Harris, Supervisor CONTRACTOR By STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides ad and taht he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1990, before me personally came SCOTT LOUIS HARRIS, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public -2- INFOIKATION AND INSTRI?CTIONS TO BIDDERS WAGE RATES New York State Department of Labor Wage nates are a part of this Contract and are hereto attached. Contractor is responsible for being familiar with the latest available schedules. IB 5 • CONTRACT REOUIREMENTO tach Public work Contract to which the Statn_, a Pub Itc benefit cor•pnrat , an Munlclose corporation or a commission is a party a h d which May involve the -r ; ,,, ••ent of I It 4 Olp e r f, workmen Or weChani Cx, shall Comply with the requi rpments of Ar ti 1: 14: a ( Sect . ons 37ta-223) of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, ;uncQntr,11 tjr )r other parson doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of tr,,. •1, COnteAPlated by the contract shall be Permitl,•d or requir:•c1 to ..o• kw .. r• 019ht hours In say Oqe calendar day or more than five days n any one .Pek C,-cP0t in the oa11311-sOrdinary emergencies set forth In the Labor Law orwherp dispensatloh is granted by the ComAissiohor of Labor. ( SPe Section 22 _• tach Ioboe-as-, worker or M 0 C h 9 h I C 0MPIoyed by the contractor or subcontrsor shall be Paid hot loss than the prevailing rate of wages as Ind , cat . t : •1 n tnc wage schedule Provi dad by the OapArtment. Sureau Of Public Mork. The c ?- , , , n.� rate Of wage shall be annually, determined no later than thirty days pr , cr to Ju y first of each year. The provailing rate of wage for the prrioacom .en J rIr, ny fist of such year through June thirtieth, 6hCIusIve, o; the (0! low[ ye., r 11, bebe the rate of wage sot forth in such collective bargaining a9rpe+entc the saws Period, incIuding those Increases for such period Which are Cl t y attortaihable front such Collective bargaining agreements In the annual determination. (Sae Section 220. 3) 3• It sh+. 11 be the duty of the department of Jurisdict ; on to fire with the fi cal officer, the Ciassiilcatloh of workers, AOChaniCx and laborers to be P-oIoypri on a public work PP.0JaCt, togethar with a statumpht of the work to oe par ( ,r ( t by each clasalficatloh. (Seo SuCtiOh 220. 3-a ) �. The Cohtraetar and every subcontractor shell post In a prominent and accn; ; lbla Place at the wort site a statement of all wage rates and supple«ent o ba paid Or provided for the various classes of Mechanics, wcrkers or laborers ( Ser 9octl on 220. a-a) s. NO OOPIOyee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually rpq, tp . n a !j,rbgrem registoPod with the Newyork State Departmpht of Labor Thp all ,. u 1p retia of ayprantices to Journeymen In any craft clasa , f , catIon ;hal ; not by groater than the ratio pr(rmittod to the Contractor as tO his work Force c•r, any Job under th(r regi stored program. Any amp I ogee who I ,; not reg, s tpre<1 as ..b.:re, shell b.b pal the pravaiIIhq sago rate for the ,Journeyman cla; sif , c.; t , on of work Pctuolly performed, The contractor or subcontractor kill be raau, ro.i o c :r.. . ; h written evidence Of rho registration of his program and aporrnt , cec -r � ,•( t h e a P P r O P P i a t e r a t l O% arid wage Pates f o r t ho o r a,, o f r o,.. I r i, using any aPPret%tIcus on the contract work , { .aO !iv ction _2, J i.) Cs. ( a) Mo Contractor, subCohtraCtor, nor any person acti ng on hi s bit r n;; b ; Poston of race, c a ad. c01or, disability, sex or national Or , 3, n discriminate :against any citizen of the State of New York who aulrpd and available to POY•f`Orm the work to which the employment reIate; ( ;,•,• Section 220-e( 8)) (b) -Jo contractor, subcontractor, nor any porton acting on h, bah If : r ., n any Mannar. dlserimihate against or intimidate any employee on count of race, ereeA, calor, dl xabi ► i ty, sox or nati ona l ori gi n CSee 5Pct , o,, 2_C- a(b) ) UOT E: The Human Rights Law also Iorohi bi is ditcri mi nat , Oh n oAployment because of age, marital status or religion. Ce) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the cor.tr.,,ct-�, un,i,•r tee contract a Penalty of five dollars for each calendar day dur , nt -.. , ; .,ch person was discriminated against or Intimidated in violation of the Provisions Of •Lhe contract. (Gee Section 220-e( c ) ) (d) ?he cantr.1ct racy be cahc91 : ',d or terminated by the State or .uo, c i , ty and aI :eon as Gua or t0 become due ther;r uhder maY by (0r(p , tru. . = a soCOnd or vny :ubsoquent violation of the trans or ca„d ; t , ohs of ;ne nt d/ scr imI nati-c, ) :0Cti Ons e. the contra.:t. CSee :ie<. 220- ,•( d ) ; Pd-3 C11 a4 , ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK :,TATE sNTAOOUCTION: Below are the Magor provisions Of the Labor Law eovreriM9 w o r t r•r ' O n p u b l i c ' Wert 'rejects. MOURst A laborer, worker or meehBnie is permitted 'to work on a public work pro.ect 1110 were then eight hours a day and no mor* than five days in a week , except in ca,.p of eNtreerdlnary emergency such a1 flre, flood or danger to life or property. Y<,u -, f acrly 10 the Bureau of Public Mork for a dispensation pBrmitting workers to work additional Ih Ou"S Or dove per weak on ■ particular public work project. MAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for Iabo,-rrrs . rerkera and mechanics employed on a public work project shall be not less than those listed Ih the current pr*Valllhg rate schedule for the locality where the work is ,�erlerMed. II a pr*Valling rate schedule for the project has not been provided to the PrIMe COhtrettop by the department of jurisdiction CI . e. the governmental entity awarding 111a Public work cOhtr*Ct), Or t0 a subcontractor by the prima contractor, the apoliCable aeAadule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction, who must mate wr , tton G►P" CletlOn to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Oapartment. Building No. 12. State Office 01111d1nS COMpus, Albany. Now Vork 12240 TUG ►rime contractor Is responsible for any underpayments of prevailing wage; or aMPPleMehts by its subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS: Every Contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts •• Payroll records, showing for each parson employed on public work , the following. - Mame. r2. Address and Phone humbor, I. SOLI al Security number, 4. Occup.+ t . on,, l alasslfieatlens in which worked. S. Hourly wage rate paid. G. Supplements provided. 7. 0a , ly amd WO*kl.y number Of hours worked In BOCK classification, B. Deductions made, 9 act ,,,: i Wages Paid- When Payroll records are requested by the Commissioner each p.,y,•olI rr•cord Most be affirmed as true uhdor the panalti as of perjury which means a not.ar, ed s , gnat u G. " 'that effect. Such records must be kept on the site of t h a work when the Centrsctc� 9ubeOhtr8ctOr does not Maintain a regular place of business in New York State and tr.e amount of the contract exceeds ;25. 000. All other contractors and subcontractors must Within five days after request produce at the work site the orignal payrolls 7r trehecript1. The or' gihe" payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years fro- the y.; t� : r Completion of the project. POSTING: The current orevalIIng rate sehodule must be posted in a prominent and ac ( es ; - b ' e 11ac* OR the site of the public work project.. PYI! (Continued) ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CContlnued) APPRENTICES: Employees Cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individualiy reOlalePed under, a PPo9POW or agreement registered with the Comm is$ iOner of Lhbor. The aewtPaCtOP Or subcontractor will be rsqulrgd to furnish written evidence of the Pell "Pa" Oft of its PPOSPam and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The Iloruble Patl * of aPPreft" Ces tO ,JOurneyM&n In any Craft classification can be no greater than the PatlO Permitted to the Contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on Any ,0 WwdeP the PeglstePed PPOSPOM, An employee Ilsted on a payroll as an apprcnticc. + h•o i ; we! 0`e912tered as above, Must be Paid the prevelIIng Journeymen' s wage rate for that *legalflcatlon of work. WZTHOLOING OF PAYMENTS: When a Complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor ai . eg, ng •Ae fallure Of a ContraCtor OP subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing Wales or aYP►IeMewts. or when the COMMIIsIOnOP of Labor, believes that unpaid wages or suppI@ .ents Day be duo. POVMents en the public work Contract may be wlthe Id from the prime contractor An sufficient &Mount to satisfy the 011e9ed unpaid wages and supplements, including IwtePeat and Civil penalty, Pending a final determination. lNTCREST ANO PENALTIESt If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found, i n t p r 9 s t must .be added at between 6 and 16 POPeent Of the •Mount due. In addition, an order d, rect , ng !we Payment Of wages or. suPPlements May assess a Civil penalty of up to 25 percent of !Ae 000uwt due. •QOARMENTI When final deterMln&tions have boon Made against a contractor or subcontractor Iw tee instenCes withln Is IIIN-year perlod determining that it willfully failed to pay •P Provide the pPevallIng rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will as ineligible to bid on or, be awarded a public work contr„ct for „ p,•, , „d (j 1 ♦Ivo VOOPS from the second final determination. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Wilful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law CArticle Il of the Labor Law) COnsistitute a Misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment , p,• t,•f DISCRIMINATION: No employs or applicant for employment may be discriminated al;, Inst Ow account of ass, r&CO, Creed. Color, national origin, sex, disability or +:Pita ! ctst „s [Very employer subject to the New York State Numan Rights Law moat con:pi ,.uo„•, ly i•,•. � at Its offices, PlaCes of OMployMent or OMployMent training centers, notices furnished by !Ae State Division Of Human Rights. • POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing worker ' s compensation insurance awd disubs lity benefits Must post in a conspicuous place notices of such cevcrale n for. PPesCPlbed by the Workers ' Compensation Board. SMPIOyeP• liable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must "N'SOlCuoueIV Post notlCOS fuPnlshad by the State Departmant of Labor. All 0001OVers Must post in IS PPOminent place a sign informing workers of their Right to KeOw about towlC subst&nces found in their workplace CArtiCIa 28 of the Labor Law). Pill IS d o C m: l e t ter 2 b • Mi5kTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION 7 ilia S ' ( A ) Time and one hill of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. C • ) Tire and one half of the hourly rate after a hours per day. C C ) DOuble the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. C O ) Double the hourly rate after a hours per day. • C E ) Tire and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. C F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sundry. C O ) Tire and ono half of the hourly raf.e on Saturday and Ilolid..ys . N ) Tire and One half of the hourly rata on Sottrrday. Sunday and Ila IIJay: ( I ) Tl me and ono half of thi hourly pato on Sunday. C J ) Tire and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. C K ) The and one half Of the hourly rate on Holidays. ( L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. C N ) Dauble the hourly rate on Saturtlaand Sunday. C N ) Double the hourly rata on Saturda"� 8 ,d Holidays. C O ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday, aunday and Holidays. C P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. C O ) Ooubla the hourly rate on Sunday end Holidays. C R ) Double the hourly rata on Holidays. ( 11 ) Two and ehe half tires the hourly rate for Holidays, if Worked. C T ) Tplole the hourly rate for Holidays, if Worked. C Y ) four tires the hourly rate for Holidays, if Worked. C V ) Iheluing beheflto at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. • "as OENEFITS are .PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted In Overtire Conditions. r A A 2. "Each contract. . . shall Conte Ih a stipulation that no Iabnrer, Yep raw OP MOthaniC. . . shell be Permitted or required to work more than eight hour: IS any One Cee andep day or Work more than five days in any env week excoot , n casg• of omtraedinary OmOPSOhcy. . . . Whahavar such an "EMERGENCv OISPCNSATION"( «mphr; Is ad(iv(l ) I sraeted. all Work I ONCees of eight hours per day, and five days oar wvak sh„ II by eowfidoped evertlme Work. . and. . . the II be Paid a premium wage commensurate with the VPes+/ 11sk Wages PPeVMI l i hS i h the SPea i n whi ch the work i s per,formed. " �DLIOAVS --- - The- Nei IdaVe as IIstool below are to be Pal at the wage rates at which the 0.01oyee 18 %*PmO11V Classifled. .0 1 ) None. C 2 ) Lobo" Day. C 3 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. ( 4 ) Memorial Day and July 4th. C f ) MOrorisl Day, July 4th and Labor Day. C f ) NOW years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. C. 7 ) Lincoln'S Birthday, Washington' s Birthday and veterans Day. C 2 ) Good Friday. C 9 ) Lincoln' s Birthday. C 10 ) Washington's Birthday. C 11 ) Columbus Day. t'.12 ) Election Day. C 13 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on PresidOhtial Election Day. ( IS ) Veteran' s Day. C 16 ) Day after ,Thanksgiving Day. C 17 ) July 4th. C 19 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. C 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. C Ito ) thanksgiving Day. C !1 ) Now years Day. C an ) Christmas Day. d'oc� h�ttr..2c NOTICE OF A_OO_EN_DUM APPLICAOLE TO ALL COUNTIES t 3 AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCIIEOULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor contracts which expire prior to July I and which are not negotiated before May 31, the date for publication of the annual determination, the hew C011eetive bargaihing Information will be incorporated .Into the Prevailing rate $Chedule by means of an addendum. This addendum will be Issued by the Bureau of Public Mork for those sehadulas where the ova ilabla- Iafe"mation 1a Iheomplate as of May 31. Yheh you .review the sehedula for particular occupations, your attent iOn should be directed to the dates above the columh of rates. These dates are the effective dates of the latest Cot Iectlwe bargiIII INS agreements for that occupation. The rates listed In that column were taken from those agraemahts and will rema . n In effect until the following JUNE 30TH. The only exception is for those collective barsining agreements which expired during the month of June. In those cases the Commissioner will publish an addendum to include the new rates determined for those oceupatiOhs. These new rates will become effective 30 days after the addendum Is received by the contractor. To repeat, If the schedule indicates that a collective bargintnq ayr �.,•+i.,. t expires during the month of June or where information was hot avaiIabli. ., t the t , Of ►u►Iieation you should be aware that an addendum will be pubtIShed and c .:cy Of the addendum should be requested. Failure to do so may cause an impr,,ppp r;; tj, to be used and result in the finding of an underpayment. addendum d o.+. I e t t L r$0 • • • PREVAILING RATE SC14EoI ( "See NOTICE PAGE ATTACf:EO •tate of Now York Case Number 9�1,eau of _siONPtlMant of Labor Pub I . c Mo.k 8600742 ___ 3C 1101 /B5a- 6,3 86 • SUFFOLK COUNTY PdgN 1 • a•35E9T09 WORKER --- YAOESCpar hour) 7/01/8S- 1/01/BG 12/31/85 6/30/86 Insulation Yorker. . . . s 18. 64 19. 04 DyCRT�MAY• Sea C C. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. - Ir,�%%d0 HOL AYS: Saa C 1 ) On HOLIOAV PAGE attached. WAr•- RATIO: ApprantltaC $ 3 to Journeymen C - ) C N IZ- 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey+..r. ' s Wage. ?ND. RD. 4TH. 9-6% GOA !R/ 80% $UPP_LEMENTAL BENFFITS: Cpar hour worked) aalth/mal era. . . . . . . . ; 1. 69 * Appr. 1. 69 *Appy. Pins i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. S6 * v. s 1. 56 * Y.s AnnuItv. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 20 *Opp IV 4. 70 *a p p I V Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 38 *toSupps 2. 38 *to5up Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. • S Apprentice supplements appear In second column. 8- 12 ■O3tLERNAKER ----•-- - JL&MCpar hour) 9/01/84- S/01/85- 9/01/BG - 8/31/85 8/31/86 12/ 31 /87 1oi larmatar. . ... . . . . . . s 21. 75 22. 7S 24. 00 T 4f AV: See C C ) o% OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY9: SOO C 1 ) on HOLIOAV PAGE attached. h1A f: APPrenti0a(s) to JOurnoymen C 1 - S ) C 1 - 10 ) 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman ' s Wc:ge N9.��R,�Q 4TH. STH. STH.__7TH. 8TH. 1 5% 70% 9% 80V, as% 90/. -100'/. 1lS1rL'LElIENTAL 13CHEFITS: Coop hour worked) RwIRLEMel fare. . . . . . . . s 6 % 7 % B % Pons Ion. . . . . . . . 10 % 10 % 10 r. Apprentice Trelhin9. . . . 10 10 10 Vaeatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % 7 % 7 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 % is % 1S Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. CLA2IER WAGE Coop hour) 7/01/BS- 1i01 /8G- 7/01 /aG- 1 /01 87 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 6 , 3: , --- 7 GI ati a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 19. 30 19. 80 19. 80 19. 80 PVERTIME PAY: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AID HOLIDAYS: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAV PAGE atti.chi d. AL OwABLE RAT?C: ApprenticaCs ) to Journeymen ( 1 - S ) A►PPENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of JourneVMan ' : -A3e Yndentured prior to July 1984 15 T. 2ND. 3P.0. 4TH. STH. _6TH. 7T 11. 8T 11. SOA 60% 70% 7S Y. 80% 85-% --90� -- y5/ Indentured after July 1, 1984 • 1ST. 2N0. 3R0. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 7711. 8TH. JTOx 3S% 401/. 45% /.SS'//. aS75 ---§90j S,.PPLEM_VTAL DENEFYTS: (per hour worked) Health/wel fare. . . . . . . . S 1.. 211 *1. 2G 1. 26 sl . 26 1. 26 *1. 2G 1 26 • 1 211 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 26 *1. 26 1. 26 *1. 2G 1. 255 *1. 2G 1. 26 41 2G Apa►entl ce Trai hi ng. . . . 01 * 01 . 01 * 01 . of * 01 Cl 01 Vacatl on. . . . . . : . . . . . . 1. 32 a = % 1. 32 * _. % 1. 32 ■ _ 'v 1 . S7 a. / Annul ty- . . . . . . 3. SO *Note 3. SO *Note 4. 2; *Note 4. 7S *N;)te Note - Apprentice Annuity: - 1st yr-Nona / 2nd yr-. 75 / 3rd yr- 1. 10 / 4th yr-1. SO Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )vas C x )No. 0 Apprentice supplomants appear in second column. 8-1087 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDUO . )See NOTICE pn^,C 471nC:4EJ stat• of Now York Case Number au,-pau of 1160109-twnnt of Labor Pvt : . c work _ 8600742 _ 3C 7i01i3S - G, 3 / 86 SUFFOLK COUNTY GAf!PENTER YAGESCPor hour) 1/O1/85- 9/01 /85- 8/30/85 B/30/86 •Vlldin2t opopor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 12. S7 13. 20 CVERTZHE PAY: Sao C A. E. P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A D HOL _DAYS: Soo C 5. 6. 9. 10, 11, 12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. aszt�LEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) Val ! /I:ral faro. i 1. 24 1. 46 Pawsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Y. 6Y. Listed supploMonts apply to ALL classifications C m )Yes C No. 8-440 MAGESCpor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 0ullall not 6/30/86 6/30/87 Rloorlaynr. . . . . . . . . . . 4 19. 66 20. GG F? X ME PAY: Son C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A NOL GAYS: Soo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. VA RATIO: AppronticoCs) to Journeymon C 1 - 7 ) 16- 1 ) Vaar tnrmf at the following percentage of Jour npy.,n qe 3RD. 4TH. 9 65% 7-9-'A- 9SY. -SUPPLEMENTAL H£N£F2T9iCpar hour Worked) - Sao below. e-224112287 GE cpar hour) 7/01/85- 7/01 /86- 4/30/86 6/30/87 Owl Idiwg: MI I lwri ght. . . . . . . . . . . 18. 79 19. 29 T M PAY: 900 C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. nY : Soo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A W—A IO AppPantice( s ) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) N? C S: ( 1 ) year tarpl• at the fol lowing percentage of Jour ni•y 2ND. 3RD. 4T RH. EA GSA 75'/, 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Hoal th/rol faro. S 2. 40 2. 67 Pons 1 on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 49 2. 59 Awnui ty. 2. 42 2. 94 Apprentico Training. . . 15 15 Vacation. . . . . . . . 2. 26 2. 40 Listed supplements apply to ALL ClassifiCati.ons C x )Yes C )No. ------------------------------ MACESCPor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/SG- 6/30/BG 6/60/87 PI Iadrivar. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 Dockbuilder. . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 20. 66 VERTIM PAY: SO C D, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AID HOLIDAYS: See C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. WA OWAOLE RATIO: AppronticeCs ) to JourneYmen C 1 - 7 ) A_ PRENTICES: ( 1 ) Voar terms at the following percentage of Journey.ar, ' ; . 1•3e -15—T- 2ND( 3RO. 4TH. % 65A 75% 9 5 A SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: CPor hour worked - See below. 8-145G ' PREVAILING RATE SCIIEOULE C )Sae NOTICE P40C ATTn::.,EO Rate of New York of Labor Case Number gurca,i of flepat•laen,t 8600742 P U 0 1 , C rock 3C 7i .^.1 05 - GAJ= d, SUFFOLK COUNTY ' Peg(? 4 Cappawter Ccont. ) YIAGESC9er hour) 7/01/85- 7/OS/8G- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Ovl Idl ny: ' Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . S 19. 72 20. 58 Heavy/H19hwav: car enter. . . . . . . . . . . . s 19. 77 20. 63 11TYNEPAY: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A_ 1 HOL��DAYS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWAOL RATI : Apprentice( g) to Journeymen ( 1 a: C 1/2 ) Year teras at the following percentage of JournevMan • s dNQ. 3R0. 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. X S Y. 60R Asx 70X 75% 80% 135% IUrPLEMENTAL BENEFITS- Coat- hour worked) Mea 1 th/we 1 fare. . . . . . . , i 2. 40 2. 67 renal on. . . . . . . . 2. 13 2. 30 Apprentice TraIhin9. . . . 04 04 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 20 1. 40 Annul tv. 1. SO 1. 20 >•eAolarshlp Fund. . . . . . . 01 . 01 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )yes C )No. 4 - SUE RLtVATQR WAGES Cper hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/8G- 6/30/86 6/30/87 tlevotor Construc4or. . . s 20. 91 21, 97 " Helder. . IS. Go 16. 48 [ley. CMOderni ratl an). . 17. 69 Is 18. 57 s " He 1 per. . 13. 27 Is 13. 93 a ' FR_ TIM • PAY: CONSTR. See C C, M, T ) on OVERTIME PACE at to h,•d VV TIM 4V: MODERN. Seo ( B. F, S ) on OVERTIME PALE at t:,( Ned. AIO H LIOAYS: See CS. 6. 7, 11. 12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL DYABLE RATIO: ApprenticeCs ) to Jourh@VMen ( - ) C - ) 6PPRENT2CE5: ( ) Year terms at the following parcontage of Journev_:ir. . .;,:{r• 15T. 2ND. 3RO. 4TH. STH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. 00'/. 00% 00% 00% 00'% 00% 00% OOr: SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Heal th/wel fare. . . . . . . . S 1. 795 sl. 795 1. 9115 al. 94S Pens t Oh. . . . . . . . 1. 41 s1. 41 1. SS *1. SS Tral ni ny Fund. . . . . . . . 035. s . 035 . 03S e . 035 Annul tV-(par work day) 8. 00 s8. 00 8. 00 *B. 00 Listed supplements apply to _ALL classifications ( Is•s ( x )No a "M0d4rn/ 2ati0h" Supplements appear in second CotUMn. g_ 1 • , PREVAILING RATE SCHEOU(t ( )See NOTICE PACE ITTACitCO EoAt• Of NOW York Case Number Gurpau of IBflpalrtme%t Of Labor Pub l . c work 8600742 _ 3C SUFFOLK COUNTY PA9P 5 ttECTRICIAN LAMCpOP hour) 5/01/85- 11/02/85 S/03/a6- 11rO1raG- rl/01/85 S/02/8G 11/01/86 4r3� d7 EIOCtpieiew. . . . . . . . . . • 20. BS 21. 45 22. 15 22 90 Audio/Sound. . . . . . . . . . 20. 85 21. 4S 22. 1S 22 90 M PA t Sao C 8, E. P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached, A MOL DAYS: See C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGC attached. MA0 RATO Apopentico( s) to JournaVmen C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) C 3 - 7 ) N _51: I1 ) VOOr terms at the following percentage of Journey-an ' s ..a.7e :NO. 3R0. 4TH. % SOX 60% 70% lSt1' '_LENENTAL 8ENEFITSt Cpor hour Worked) ffeoi h/.rel far*. . . . . . . . 4 10 % 10. S % 10. S r• 30. S °i Pan slow. . 7. 5 % 7. 5 r. 7. 5 Y. 7. 5- > Ouppl . VwOwjloy. Beneflt 2S 25 2S 25 Avprewtice TralAtng. . . 12 12 12 12 Awnu1 tV. 11. S 'A11. 5 % 11. S Y. 11. S •Owef i t Fund. . 3 % 3 Y. 3 Y. 3 y Vacation end Hol i day. . 9. S % 5 Y. S. S i 9 S Listed au,plONtnts apply to ALL classifications C )vas C x )No. NOtat 1st. Term Cewly) A►prOntiCO NOT included in Annuity Fund Oenefit. 4-2S ----------------------- ---- --- MAG►:SCper hour) S/01/85- 4/30/86 To l epl►owe Installer/ROpelpsian S 17. 65 Foremen. . . . . . . . . . . 19. 33 jjj§THt��o��11 t See C 8, E. P ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. -dL,OAV3t SOe C S. 6, 10, 16 ) on HOLIDAY- PAGE attached. Ottt' RAT A.ppr•OnticaCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) -0 RTIg ES: C 1 ) Vamp terms at the following wage. 2ND. 312. 4TH. 8 6. 60 Q. 84 10. 16 UpPLEMENI L BENEFITS: ( p*r hour worked) ealth/welfore. . i 10 % Pans I on. . . 7. 5% Apprentice Training. . . 5/e'/. Anhu4 ty. . 12 % Benefit Fund. . 3 % Vacation and Hol i day. 9. S% Listed suppIaments apply to ALL classifications C x )yes C )No. 4 -?St ---------------- ----------- --- Applicable on MAINTANENCE of traffic signals and street lighting only. VA (Por hour) 4/30/84- / / - S/O1/85 EI*ctrician • (Traffic/Street). . . . . 15. 80 QVERYIMPAY: SOO ( 8, E. P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID IiLODAYS: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE- attached. AMA_O_ RATIO: ApprO.ntIca( s3 to Journeyman C 1 - 1 ) C 2 - 4 ) C 3 - 7 A►'PR Ni C 5. C 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey-an ' ii 3[, ONO. 3RO. 4TH. Yb% S0% 60% 80 Jr. PPLEM NT AL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) aelth/reIfor*. . . . . . . . s 8 % Pension. . . , . 5. S% Apprentice Training. . . 1/2% OOwOfIt Fund. . . . . . . . . . 3 % AAwui ty. . . 9 Y. V0Cation end Holid*ys. 8. S% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes C )No. 4-2S- PREVAILING RAT[ SC11COULE C t )SPe NOTICC PACC ATTACI1CO 01tate of Now York Ca so Number �apartmont of Labor Q reau of P„t, I , (. Work 8600742 C--3—Z— 96 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 7 JL&MCper hour) 7/01/8s- 1/0"1 /86- 7/01 /atl 12/31/85 6/30/86 6i30ia7 •ulldlnq Laborart All classi fi cati ons. . . S 15. 15 15. aO 17. 00 PAY: Sea C A. H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. DAYS s Sea C S. 6, 10 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attAched. fUPPLEMEM1Al BE EFITS: (par hour worked) eel h/Wal faro. , . . . . . . $ 2. 20 2. 20 2. 2Q Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2a 2. 28 2 Vaeetlow. . . . . . . . . . 00 . . . 1. 00 1. 00 1. C0 Logo l ., 35 15 is Listed supplements apply to ALL cisssification$ C x )yes C )No. 4-GG ------------------------------ WAGESCpor hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- LaborarCHeaVy/H19hway): 6/30/86 6/30/87 Group a 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group a 21 Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. OPOup a 3: •asle Laborer. Power Tool , Trackman, Landscape, Plpelsver, Jackhommor and Concrete. Heavy/Hlghway Laborort Group a 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . S 14. 15 15. 17 Group a 2. . . . . . . . . . . 13. 83 14. 83 Group a 3. . . . . . . . . 13. 03 13. 66 u "__M— __PAA_Y1[: Sea C ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. 1r1. NOLTAS: Sao C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. flyPl'LFNEI�TAj QENEFITSt Cpor hour worked) meal /Wal ara. . . . . . . . 4 12 % 12 % Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Y. 13 Y. Vecati an. . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 1. 00 GtherCLegal ). . . . . . . . . . 1 Y. 1 Y Listed 11901014840nts apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No r - 1299 LAT licit WAGE Cpor hour) 7/01 /85- 6/30/A6 Lather CWood Wire 6 Reinforcing). . . 20. 39 OVERTIME PAY: Saa C C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: Sao C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLC RATIO: ApprenticoCs ) to Journeymen C 1 - 5 ) APPkENT10ES: C 1 ) year terms at the folloWing percentage of Journey .,n ' t r.,,I r• I5T , 2N0. 3RD. 40% 75'/, 857 SU!lLEMENTAL 9ENCFITa: Cper hour worked) Health/bolfaro. . g 1. 495 *1. 495 Pension. 985 ; gas Apprenti ca Training. . . . 08 X. 08 Vacation. . • . . . . . . . . . . . 1. so *app ly% Annuity. . . . . . . 3. 00 *app IVZ Scholarship Fund. . . . . . . 04 s . 04 Listed supplements apply to ALL classificatiohs ( )yes ( x )No. 8 AaprantiCO supploments appear in second column. 8-4G • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( t )See NOTICE P4:[ ATT4C,IC0 . state of Now York Case Number n „ of DOP&Ptm*nt of Labor P„cl . c work 8600742 --- 3C _ 7.01 5', L, 3Z , 66 SUFFOLK COUNTY NASO /TILE/TERRAZZO — YAQESCpar hour) 1/O1/86- lullding: 12/31/85 5/01/86 lrickleyar. S 19. 16 A d d i t i o n d I 7�M_E _�PPA�V: Sao C C, R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HIjLIAY: SOO C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. YAB RAT Apprentice( s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 30 ) ( 750 hours ) terms at the following percentage of JourneyMar, _ 71,10. 3R 0._____ATH. STH( S00HR) 6TH(_OOHR) % -d0% 70i 80% 90Y. 95% SUPPS EME_NTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) ealtwltw/��valfara. . . . . . . . >t 1. 88 . 96 Pewsion. . 2. 64 to be APOPentice Training. . . . 20 allotted Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . 2. 05 later Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications C x )Ys•s ( No. 8-Nv0C 11AGES000r hour) 7/01/85- 7/01/86- 6/30/86 6/30/87 Coons nt Fi to sher. . . . . . . 113. 5s Add ti ona 1 ffERTIM� PAV: See C C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OL AY: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A RA s App'rantice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) t C 1/2 ) year torMs at the 4`0110110ing percentage of Journeyman' s wage. ?N0. 3R 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 1 s:OX 70X AO% 90% 95A i 1�tIrPLEMENTAL QENEFITS: (par hour worked) i ea /Mel Fara. . . . i 2. li 1. 40 Powe 1 on. . . . . 2. 60 to be Aeprewtice Tralning• . , . 09 allotted Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 15 later Listed supplements apply to ALL clessificati ohs ( x )Yes ( )No. - 7R0 WAGESCper hour) 7/01/85- 1/01 /86- 7/01186- 1 Z1 . 37- Building: 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 G , 3Z Z Plasterer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 45 Additional Additional Ad.:I ! n , I OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Approntice( s) .to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) I UPPLEMENTAIBENEFIT St Cpar hour worked) eaI th/wal faro. S 3. 40 s Note 85 1. 00ension. . - -- fc-• -- to be to be Apprentice Training. . . 01 ; -- allotted allotted i.. ratted Vocation. . . . . . 2. 37 t -- at later at later o • r,- SCholarship Fund. . . . . . . O1 x - - date. date a%• t I. Listed supplements apply to ALLclassifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (at)Appr. Supp. -1st 3 mo. /hone- -2nd 3 mo. thru Sth term-2. 00 H/M. -Last ter- 3 u . 4- @52- .. PREVAILING RATE 5CiiEDUL.E ( s )See NOTICC P •GE nTTACHCO stet* of Now York Case Number 0,rrPaU of •eYawteant of Labor POI , C •ork 8600742 6 3: dG • SUFFOLK COUNTY Mason Ccoht) — ----- - - -- ---- -- MAGESCpar hour) 7/01/BS- 1/01 /86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 •111 1 all ng: Mosaic A Terrazzo Worker. . 19. 45 Additional Q ERTIMAY: Sea C 0, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. H L% PDAV: See C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. OMAB RRATfO: 4ppr6nt1coC93 to JOUrneVMen C - ) ( _ ) , C ) P N ES: C 1/2 3 year terms at the fo11Owing percentage of JOUrnPy-an ' 2.51 ]N,-Q. 3RD. 4TH. STH. 6Ttt. 1R S0% GOA 70/ 80% 85% 141r1'I.EMENTAL RENEFITS: CPer hour worked) Health/welfare. . . . . . . . $ 1. 33 GS pension. . . . 2. SS al I of ted Supp. Uhemp 1 OV. 9ehef I t. 45 1 star Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 3 MAGE9Cpor heup-3 1/01/85- 7/01/BS- 1 /01 /86- 7/ Cl /3G- •ulidihst 6/30/85 12/31/8S 6/30/86 12/ 31 /8G Mosaic and Terrazzo Helper. . . . . 17. 31 Addltlonal Additional Adds tIan, 1 QVEQT PA t Sae C 8, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. SAID H AVl See C •1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. j1'PLEMENTAI OENEFIT5t (peP hour worked) t 1. 33 . GS GS 79 Pans 1 oh. . . . . . . . . 2. SS to be to be t 0 b4- 2WPO. Un6mplOy. 8ohefit. . 45 allotted allotted a1lotttrd Vacation. . . . . . . . . ., . . . . 50 I a t a r later Idler Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C No. 8- 3G YAGES(Per hour) 6/04/84- 12/03/8't- 12/02/84 5/26/83 Oul I di ny: Tile. Setter. . . . . . . . . . . 16. 78 16. 78 PXERTIME ►Av: See C A, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PID HOLIDAY: Sea C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOwABLF RATIO: Apprentices ) to Journeymen C 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 2 ) APPRENTICES: ( N/A ) year terms at the following purcPnta9P 0f JoUrnr•y».,r, ' ,F ST. 2ND. 3RO. 4TH. STH. GTH. :Tit. BT H. N/A N/A N/AN/A N/A N/A N/A Nie UrPIF.MENTAL BENEFITS: Cpor hour worked) eel to/waI fare. . . . . . . . i 2. 18 2. 18 Pens i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 25 2. 2 i Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 085 1. 625 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes C )No. g. ,? YACESCPOP hour) 1/01 /85- 7/01/85- 6/30/BS Oui 1 di n9: Ti Ie Layer Helpar. . . . . S 17. SG V R SMF PAY: Sao C A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A Q N DAV: See. 0 1 3 On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SSlrrLEMQNTAL B N FITS: (pop- hour worked) esit!t/we1 rare. . i 1. 7S Penal On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 42 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C x )VPs ( )No. 8-88 PNEVAtLtND RATE SCHEDULE C NOT 1::,: Pn GC n• nCt+C9 . �lII! f1E NOW Yep a�0aP Alht of Labdi PuLIc work --- --- - 9800741 3C G 3J• oG SUIrFOLk COUNTY - -- --- _ �(p!r AOYh) 7/01/85- 1/01/841•• 7/01 /86 Mil llahpr•utlh(MafOw) 12/31/89 6/30/BG 6/30/87 •hill Tuckpoi titer. . . . a 17. 40 18. 65 i9. 90 f�wsl>►laallwO(Mafow). . . 16. 45 17. 70 18 9; �taaf101•awi h8(MasOh). . -15. 80 17. OS 18. 30 WM Y: see C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. �I See C 3 oh HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A71 ApprahticoCs) to Journeymen C 1 ` 1 ) year terms at the following pwrcentage of Journey+an ' , +• 3p N 3RO. F ItMSNTAL FITS: Coup hour worked) HOaI h/sial paha. . . . . . . . s 1. 7S sl. 75 1. 7S *1. 7S 1. 7S *1. 7S Fahal OA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 *1. 7s 3. 00 *1. 75 3. 00 *1. 7S oOwef I t Fund: . . . . . . . . . 10- y. a . 69 10 Y. a . 69 10 % s . 69 Thal hi by FYhd. . . . . .. . . . . 08 a 08 . 08 x 08 . 08 * . 08 AAwui ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 a SS 2. 00 a S.I. 2. 00 * . 55 Lifted suppiamonts apply to ALL elassiflcatIohs C )yes C x )No. • Apprehtica sYpplewonts appear in second column. 4 -4111 . NACE9tper Aebh� i/01/89- 7/01/85- ' . !lane Nas•w, . . . . . . . . . . ! 2tl: Otl M FAM/ lead A, M ) Oh OVERTIME FADE attached. LIDAV- Jed1 3 On HOLIDAY PACE attached. ds1A i!A f A/pr•htics(2) to Jout<hdyMeh C - ) C - ) C _ ) vast, tarMt at the following percentage of Jourhpv► an ' s ..11o. 8:--- -- '�R 41H. 5T14. 6TH. 7TH. % ra 0Y. 8011 9(!% 9S% !llilkp�_YEhTAta-.JANE fJ! (lleM, hOUR wdrked) •eft Wolf, 7s - rehfleA . . . . . _ __ AAhbltv. . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Lilted If up;plamahtif 8 0 0 1 V to ALL tl ■sslfltatlohs C x )Yes C )No MAO!<Jtpar 1/01/85- 7/01/eS- --_ 1/01 /BG- - 6/30/BS 12/31/85 6/30/86 12 - 31 :iG Stan* S•ttah. . . . . . . . . . i 19. 30- 19. G9 20. 08 Av ; VE2TIME PY: 900 C C< M ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A) J HO ID�AY: gee C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL -ABLE RATIO: ApprahticaCs ) to Journeymen C 1 AP RT_.NTIC 9: C 1/2 ) year terms at the fol l owi ng percentage of Jour .is.3 2N-S. 3RD. 4TH. ST-N. 6TH. 7T H. 8T14. y. SS/. �0'/. 65% 70% BO'/. 9 0 A 95j SUPPLEMTAL 6CNEFITS: Cper hour worked) No• I th/woEN1 faro. . 3 1. SO 1. 60 1. 60 1 . 70 Pons I on. 1. SO 1. 60 1. 60 1 . B security Dan*fit. . . . . . . . 60 60 60 5 Apprentice Training. . . . 10 10 10 1y Va•catI on. . . . 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 25 3. SO 4. 00 4 IS Listed supp10m0hts apply to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. g_ay • PREVAILING RATE SCHED•C: t s Stale of Now York Ca9B NuMber ONpaPtuftnt of Labor or 8 6 0 0 7 4 2 P •G I r w o,k G J.7 - dG SUFFOLK COUNTY 11111800% CCont. . ) - --- -- — MACESCPOP hour] 1/O1J85- 7/01 /85- 1 /01 /AG- • 6/30/85 12/31/85 7i liar,- G/30/8G 13 31aG Osrri cklsan/Ri gger. . . , i 18. 72 Addi ti oha I Aadi t r on., I ndn, t . br,,. I T M PAY: See C C, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A AVS: SO* C 1 ] on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLORMNS ET1C RATIO: ApPranAPPticaCs) to JoUrneyMon C 1 - 10 ) 5 ( 1/2 ) Veep torMs at the fOl10*ing percentage of Jorrna N0. 3RD. 4TH. STH. STH, r+an ' .age % 60% 70% 80% 90% 90%/. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT : Cper hour worked) Heal th/vel fare. . . . . , s 1. 4,t 89 89 Pees{ on. . . 2. 03 to ba 89 Apprenttea TrolnlnS• 10 to be to bc• Vaestion. . . . . . . . allottaad sllottpd a1lJited AwwutlV. . . . .�. . . . 2. 00 at later at tater at Is, ter 4. 00 date. date. date Listed supplements OPPIV to ALL Classifications C x )Yes C )No. 8- 197 MAGESCper hour) Oulldln,t 6/30/85 Marble SawVeP, Rubber i Pol l Sher. . . . . . . . . . , 18, 08 M PAY: See C a ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOUIA-l: See C S. 6, 8, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AP M RQ' ApPrenticace) to JOUrnoVMon C C : ( Vear terws 55T the following 0arCenta9a of JournaVMan ' s vsge. 2t-00. 22 YTH. TH. 67H. 7Tt1. 8T11. % SS% --'�"5% 70X 8p/ soz. -9s7 C iRIJ R1k,- ENTAL SENEFIT9: Cpor hour worked) sal th/irk fare- ! . 96 pension. . . . . 1. 18 Supp. Unawp 1 oV. 8ene f i t. . 10 V 8 C 0 t 1 on. . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8 - 1 -tMCper hour] But tding: 6/30/-85 Marbie Cutters 8 Setters. . . . . . . . . . . . 15-SS QV RTIME PAY: See C S ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. 1'AIQ HOLIDAY: See C 5, 61 8, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AjQ YABLE RATIO_: ApprenticoCs ) to Journpynen C _ ) ( ATS-1 ICE_5:( 1 /2 ) year terms at the fol lowin 7 P e r c e n t d 1 e of J o r n r•y r...n ' .., r. T. 2M0. 3RD. itTH. STH. 6TH. TH. 9T1{, sox 55% 60% 65% 70A 80% 904 95i UPPLEMENTAL 9ENEFITS: COr hour worked) Hasal th/welfare. . . . . S 96 Pens i on. . 1. 18 Supp. Unemp I oy. 8ene f i t. . 90 Vacati on. . . . . . . . . . g 50 Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. s0 Listed supptaments apply to ALL classlfi'CAtiOhS C x 3Yes C )No. 8-4 * PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( s )Sea NOTICE NAGE ATT.:CNEO state o1 New York - , •8epalhtviewt of Labor Case Number Cureau of 860071}2 P.-b l ' c work 3C 85 -- G. 3�. 86 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 13 Mason Ccent. . . ) WAORS(per hour) 1/01/as- 6/30/as Narble Nelpar. . . . . . . . . 0 15. 27 Crane Oporato.. . . . . . . . IS. 27 Marble Rigger. . . . . . . . . . IS. 27 INFO : See C B 3 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. t See C S, 6, 8. 30, 1S 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALIL11A F RAT1103 ApprahtlCaCS) to JournoVmeh C - ) C 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journev-&n ' s .0.T�. NO. 3RD. 4TH. _ 5TH. 6TH. 7T 11. __8T11. X SS% 60X 65% 707/ 809.7 90'/. 'j �UPPLENENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) • Mealth/dal fare. . . i 96 _ revis i on. 1. 16 Supp. Uwamp 1 oy. Bahef i t. 4S Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 70 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 40 Listed supplements apPly to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8- 10 ------ ficescisor hour) 10/01/a4- steeI . 9/30/BS " stool . . . . . . . . . . 19. 01 pra •: � S y. . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 51 Savidblesti w9 20. S1 Power Tool . . . . . . . 20. S1 57IMr PAY: See C A. E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AV: Sae• C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AL-1 t/A F QATIO ApprenticaC23 to Journeymen C 1 - 10 ) 9 ET-LIN T C 5: C . 1 ) Voer terms at the fol 104#1 ng percentage of Journeymiln' : Waq,• 2N SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFI. TS: Cpar hour worked) , Heallh/yelfara. . . . . ; 9 Y. Pena 1 on. . . . . 1. 10 Apprahtice Trainin9. . . 1/2 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Y. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Listed supplomehts apply to ALL classifications C x )vps C )No. g- 3 G ---------------- -- - --- - - --- --- WAGESCPar hour) 2/01/aS- 7/31/8S Orywall Taper. . . . . . . . . s 17. 36 OVERTIME PAY: See C C, O ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. PATO HOLIOAV: Sea C 1 3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A�LOMAO_l�_E_RATIO: ApprontieoCS ). to Journeymen C - ) ( - ) C _ ) APPRtNTICCS: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journey•-.,., T — 0. 3R0. 50% GOA 7S'/. 90% IUPPLEM£NTAL DENEFIT5r(per hour worked) Hama th/wal fare. . . . . . . . 3 2. 01 •13Y. - zs. PenSIOn. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 71 Y 71 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Y. t 9 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . 10 % a10 Appreati ce Training. . . . 01 . 01 Listed supplements applV to ALL Classifications C )Yes C x )No. Ca3Apprewtica 8en4fits appear in second column, 8-1974 --------- ----- -- - - ----- ------ - • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C ; )f.(•.• NOTICE PACE ATnCr1E0 state of New York Case Number ❑UrF. ,U of Oepartmswt of Labor P ,oi C Mort 8600742 a SUFFOLK COUNTY P.. e 13 Painter Ceont) I &Mc par hour) 4/01/8S- 4/01/85- ' 3/31/86 no-Usk. . . 17. 33 structural Steel /6rld9e 21. 13 sprwey. Scaffold. . . . . . . . 19. 23 Seadrlastins. . . . . . . . . . . 21. 13 Paper Hawser. . . . . . . . . . . 17. 33 QSfCRTIM� PAV: See ( C. R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. A 6-F�OL6AY: See ( S. 6 •3 on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 6 RAT = ApprentiCa( s ) to Journeymen C 1 - S ) 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journoy••:+n ' : -Ag" MO. GSA _STXH. STN. 6TH. yt % /c A 80X 90 �U�O NENTAL 6ENEFITS: Cper hour Worked) Ne•1 !h/Mel are. . . . . . . . ! 2. 00 •1. 40 Pension. . 1. 30 *1. 30 Apprentice Training. . . 26 * . 26 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. It * • X Annul !1t// . . . 1. 65 * • X Other (Casal ). 10 * 10 safety & Health. . . . . . . 22 22 Listed supplements apply to ALL Classifications C x )yes C )No. C*) Apprentice Supplements appear in second column. 4- t486 SUN!E S 11AGES(pe► hour) 7/01/86- 12/31/85 6/30/86 12/31 /86 r • rlua�er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 20. 00 20. SO 21. 00 OsLFltT' NE_-PAY: See C C. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Z'dC Ay: See •C 1 ) On HOLIDAY PAGE attached. CVA RATIO: Apprentice( .) to Journeymen ( I . 5 ) A R W 5: C 1 ) Vaal. terms at the following wage. T. 2NO. 3RO. 4TH. 0�0. 60 13. 00 14. 00 for 7/01/85 to 12/30/Tl; S. 23 10. 2S 13. 33 14. 3S for 1 /01 /86 to 6/30/136 S. 4S 10. SO 13. GS 14. 70for 7/01/86 to 12/30/86 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Por hour worked) *1st yr *1st yr 1tt yr Health/Mel faro. . . . . . . ; 1. 50 * . 96 1. S7 * . 96 1. 74 *1. 06 Pens i on. . . . 3. 11 *1. 98 3. 31 *2. 10 3. 75 *2 3G Appraht i Ce T r a i hi n9. . . . 37 * 24 . 37 * 25 . 38 x 25 VOCati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 30 * 75 1. 30 * 75 1. 30 s 7; Anhui ty. . . . . . . . . . 714 * 357 . 714 * 357 . 714 •. 375 Listed supplements apply to ALL classificatiOhs C )Yes C x )No. S ApprentiC* (1st year) Supplements appear ih second column. 4-77S 11TEAMFITTER/2PRINKLER FITTER WAGE Coal- hour) 12/26/84- 6/2S/8S Steam Fitter. . . . . . . . . ; 21. 10 Sprinkler Fitter. . . . . . 21. 10 O%PERTIME Pay: Sao C C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE .attachad. }A.=�H-OL DAV: Soo C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AILOWAB E_RATIO: AppronticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 3 ) APR NT CES: C 1/2 ) year terms at the .following percentage of Journeyman' s -a-10 15T. NO. 3RO. 4TH. 5TH. 6TN. iT14. AT Ii. It 0 R CSX -S01. SSA 6( 1 651 751 854 NeAPPLEMENTAL OENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) olth/relfare. . . . . . . . ; 1. 50 * • X Pension. . . . . . . . . . 1. 60 * • Y. Security Fund. . . . . . . . . 2. SO 2. SO Training Fund. . . . .. . . . . 07 * . 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 7S * ■ Y. Listed tupplamahts apply to ALL classifications C )yes C x )No. a Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-6381 / s PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C s )Sec NOTICE PnI.r nTTA--HCD state of Now York Case Number 8urprou of repartmept of Labor Puo : c bor V. 8600742 3C - 7/ 0 1 , '; - G •3 c • 8 G SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 14 ROOFER WAGES(por hour) 10/01/84- 9/30/85 ROo1eP. . . . . . . . . . . . . i 15. 49 watorproofer. . . . . . . . . . . 15. 49 MA N AV: See C A. O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. HOLIDAY: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attachud. O OwA tAT APprenticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 6 ) ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman '-. '.qe 2ND.�� RDD�. 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. X SSA �O% BSA 70'/. �M NTA 9 N F T : Cpar hour worked) oa th/rel fore . . . . $ Z. 61 a • Y. . . . . Tana i on. . . . . . 2. 24 * • Y. Ap0Pentico Trainlny. . . . 03 a 03 Vacati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 67 a • A Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 48 a • Y. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )No. Ce) Apprentice suPPlemants OPPesr in second column. 4- 154 1N[ETMETAL WORKER AGESCOOP hour) 1/31/85- 8/01/85- 2/01 /86- a/01 /86- 7/31/AS 1/31/8G 7/31/86 1 / 31187 p sheotmetal worker. . . . 0 20. 60 21. S5 22. 35 23. 15 oM Pay See C C. R 7 on OVERTIME PAGE attached. vr i� C FH L_GAV: Sae C 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWA, lLr6 RA : AppPonticeCs) to Journeymen C 1 - 4 ) , : C 1/2 ) VeaP terms at the following percentage of Journpyman ' s Wage. 11T. STN. SNSk�0. 4TH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. X 45X 50A �a�% 60'/. 65X 70% +801. iM, LL IT: Coop hour worked) ie th/wel are. . . ; 1. 752 a• • sX 1. 752 t■ Y. 1 . 7 IsanaIoft. . . 2. 08 a• ' sY. 2. 08 •■ % 2. 08 s - i 2 U • - / fuPPl . Unem0loy. Benolit it a■ ' s% 11 == Y. 11 •_ / 11 • - / Vocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 a• s/ 1 50 *_ % 1 5o •- / 1 • Annul ty. . . . . . . . 2. 2S a• ' sY 2. 2S •_ % 2. Z_, 2 2; • = / Edutation Fund. . . . . . . 18 a■ • sY. . 18 a= Y. 18 ■_ / 18 •= / Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications C )yes C x )No. a Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-28 ,�ELOER welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic perfor-, nrl tha +,or:. ?&AMSTER Truck OrlverCBuilding and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnspull type trucks. WAGE Cpor hour) 7/01/84- 7/01 /85 - 7/01 /86 6/30/8S 6/30/811 6/ 30/ 87 Truck Driver (Building and Hesvy/Highway): Excavation operations 14. 725 15. 225 IS. 72S Euclid type. . . . . . . . 15. 125 15. 625 16. 127 OVERTIME PAY: See C B, E,. P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAI') HOLIDAY: Sao C S. G. 7. 11, 12 ) on 14JLIDAY PAGE attached. Sj]PPLEMFNTAL DENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) kea i th/we i f are. . . . . . . . i 2. 3S 2. GS 3. 00 Pens i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 8525 2. 8525 2. 852S Annul ty. . . . . . . . . 2. 1125 2. 7425 3. 3125 Listed supplements spot to ALL classifications C )Yes C x )N0. C e )ApproPriato supplemental bonefits listed in second column. 8-282n:h PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( s )Gce NOTT.^.E Pnr,C ATTA-14CD 111!1!e of Now York Casa Number O0plPtment of Labor 9orvau of 13500742P.,b i , c work 3C- 7iC1,6 - G%3: iiG • SUFFOLK COUNTY '' • Page IS llGM BRCCTOR WACKS(per hour) 3/01/aS- '10/31/85 sign Erector. . . . . . . . . $ 16. 00 JORM PAYt Sae C A ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. LZDA t SOe C S, 6110, 11, 12, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attacked. -ALLOWADLE RA TQ: Appr0nt1C0CS3 t0 JOurn0ym0n C i '1111CES: C 1/2 ) year terms at the following Percentage of Jou,•nvy+,_ Q. RR4 4TH. 5TH. 6TH. 7TH. 8TH. 9TH 10TH % 4 X —�0% —yam 60% 6S% 70% 75% 8(F%B5/.— SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: Cpar hour worked) • 1stYr Health/Welfare. . . . . . . . = 7 % * . 46 Local Pension. . . . . . . . . a x * 2 % Nati one 1 Pans 1 on. . . . . . 30 * 30 APpPentico Tralning. . . 07 a 07 Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % * 2 Annul ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 57 *- other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EwpSS *EmpSS Listed supplements apPly to ALL classiflCations ( x )Yes ( )No. • Apprentice supplements appear in second column: 8- 137 MIGHWAX RTKXP a --- — 1Lka"Cper hour) 4/01/BS- 4/01/86- 3/31/86 »` ►alwlar(Slrlping•HIBAway atc. )s ltPl pi ns-Machl ne Oper. 4 12. 40 1 Helper. . . . . . . . . 11. 00 Llnermea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. BS 1`MPAY= Sae C B, F, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. AY: Sae .( S, 6, a, 10, 11, 1L, 1S, 16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE a ttachvd. " t iM01TALBE ICFITS: (POP hour worked) eel h/Welfare. . . . . . . . ! 8 % Penslon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 X vacatiON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Y. Llsted supplOments apply to ALL classifications ( x )vv; C )No. 1REF TRIMMER WAGESCOOr hour) 30/1 /B4- 10/01/aG- 9/30/a6 Treo Trimmer: Trimmer- T 7 CstartI. . . a 7. 7S -T 6 after 6 no. 8. 32 -T 5 12 mo. 8. 54 -T 4 la mo. S. 93 " -T 3 24 no. 9. 70 " -T 2 30 m0. 10. 14 -T 1 36 no. 11. SG Orl ver, Groundsman. . . . . . 9. S3 _VC RTIM�PAV: See ( B, E, O ) on OVERTIME PACE attached. AID HOLIDAYS: SeO ( S, 6, 7, 13, 11, 12, 18, 19) ) on 14OLIDAY PAGE attdched. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Heat th/wel fare. . . . . . . . S Contr. Provide H. 6 N. + $10, 000 Li fe Ins. Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S Holidays. . . . . . C12 paid). Vaeat, on - after 15 m0. /1 week. -after 30 mo. /2 weeks. -after 10yrs /3 .evvk -, pro-rated if Ipss than 1700 hrs. in prior year. Listed supplements apply to ALL classification s ( K )Yes ( 3No. 4- 10r9t •state of Naw vork PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE t t )S pe NOTI:C PnGC nTTlCofCo otCasa Number aOatment Of Labor Oirpau of • ®600742 PubI C Mork i 3C - 7 C1 85 - 6 3.%86 • SUFFOLK COUNTY � N...I r• 1 G !ilRVEy GREY CH-CHWAV 6 HEAVY] --- _"- WAGES: CMer hour) 7/01/85- •urvev Rates -HOavy/HlwaY:• 6/30/86 Iarty Chief. . . . . . . . . 17. S9 Instrument Man. . 1S. 42 Redman/Chalnaan. . . . . 13. 98 M PAv: Sae C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. O AV: Sae C ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. AB RATIO: ApprehticaCs ) to JourneyMen C _ M NT AL BENEFITS: (Per hour. Worked) ) ( ) ( ) Health/welfe and Paha: 1roh. . . . . 1. 70 AOPPOhtice Training. . . - 20 Vacation. . . . . . . 1. 00 Annul tv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 2S Listed supplements -OpplV to ALL classifications C x )Yes ( )No. 8- .tSDns bACEgCoor hour) Core OrII11h9: 10/16/a5 Or•i 1 1 er. t 13. ISS Holten . . . . . . . . . 11. 395 E1V=RTIMt PAV: See C ■, E ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. fine ( S. B ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A"0wA81_E RATIO: ApprentieeCs) to JournoVm*h ( - ) C _ ) C SCF M N AL NEFITS: (per hour worked) ) Neatth/wel faro• , 4 1. 46I lens i on. . . . . . . . . . . • 1. 00 VecatlOft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ly Listed supPlemants applV to ALL classificstlohs C x )yes C )No. ---------------------- ------ -- 8= 1536 p-mc per hour) B/01/a3- aJ01 /b4- 8/01 /B; _ 7/31/x4 7/31/as 7/31/Hl: Well Orlller: Ortller. . . ; 15. 10 Additional Additional Helpar. . . . . 13. 30 . 90 90 IM PAY: SO* C P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. H AY: See C S. S, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. r A�LOYABLE RATIO: Appr•enticO(s ) to JournaVwen AL P?LMENT8NEFITS: Coe, hour worked) HealthE/wOl ♦arO.E ; 9 % to be Pension. 2. 75 to be "011018Y Fund. . . . . . . . . . y6 allocated allocated later. I ate r" Listed supplements apPIV to ALL classifications C x )Ves )No. 4 - 1I i I r 0Casa Numb PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE C s )SBP NOTICE p+:C a! TnCiICO Yer Oelete Of Now York pert ent of Labor Ourpau of 8600742 P-.0 ! , C rork 3C 7 a G130aG SUFFOLK COUNTY , P.)e 17 T per hour 7/01/85- -- ---- _ _---. 6/30/86 7/O1 /86- ONZLOlNG: 6/30/87 NolstC:fultiplo Platform) 21. 90 Loed Ehyl weer 20. 22. 9(1 SOS 21. 505 NO1slCTendem Platform 20. 28 21. 28 Tower CrenoCEw9ihoOr) 19. 86 20. 86 •ldelOOO TPbCtOrCUsed ih tank Work ) •Ieoep, Carr 19• SGS 20. SGS V-all , Scrapor In tandem 80e0 Trucks or Crahes Cusod fop Stone totting OP structural steel ) Cbl Or Max10 Sproodor. Concrete Spreader, Derrick, 4Sideboom Tractor Tehk Werk 19, 40S 20. 405 1101018t. 2 OPum, Hoist. 3 Orum 19. 33 20, 33 19. 2a 20. 28 •O etAee. Ora91 1 ne, Grade 1 1, PI I e Ori ver, Shovel tleVetOP. Fork Lift. Hoist. 11Drum5 20. 305 19. 23 20. 23 Oetehihs PlentCon site of Job), POWer NihChCusod for stone or steel ), Po..er winch y C.TPWCk MOuhted-used for stone or steel ), Pump, Concrete O -edge 19. 20S 20. 20S Aeller, TreAeh Machine 19. 18 20, 18 19. 10S 20. 105 reldlAill MaChlhe. 9tructurOl !tool 19. as 20. 08 seem Truck. Crane, Crawler Or Truck, CohveVorCMultl ). Plant Engineer, Stone Sprendor 9110f f-PPOPOl 1 ed) 19. OSS 20. OSS ,Al/pl111elt lePOadeP 19. 03 20. 03 M /erk Llft(Nelk Behind, 'Power Operated) 19. 02 20. 02 CewereseerCStructurel Steel ) 19. 00S 20. 005 cesbapetis roller. lulldozor. Coskep. CO OOPOssOP(on Crahe), CompPOssor(PilO work ), Compressor( stome setting), qeihtewabeee[nalneer�POWWPhOuse,r. 1rator-PI IQ Work,POWSP WlhC%CusadLfor1otherchi thanstone or Crront dstoo I POter Niheh, Truck MoLhtodCused for OthOP than stone or steel , Pulvi -Mixer, Pu-s O' bIP ACtleh OlpphP89A), Pumps(Gypsum, HVdraulle, JOt, Single Action- 1 to 3, and well Point ), 10eldlhg and duPnin9. Welding Ma Chine CPi la work ) 18. 8SS 19. 85S Cvrb MachlheCAsphalt or Concr!to ), Curing Machin!•, Pump( S„bm,.r , ibl ,. ). OreslOr 18. 80 19 80 1a' 63 19. 63 COl/preffOP, COmpPefsOP(2 Or more ih battery), Generator, Mulch Mach, nP. Pin P„ I lrr . ►OPtable HOOtOrs. Pump(4 inches Or over), Track Tamp„r( 2 Cng, neers, E.,( h), 18. SOS 19. wPlT M„c l,, 605 Dtlping Machine 18. S3 19. 53 lLild0Zar( Ysad for 'OXCavatioh), FirOMah, Loading Machine, Powerbroom, Vac-All 18. 48 19. 48 COncrOto Saw or Cutter. MIXOrCWith Skip), Mixer( 2 Small with or without Slop ) . Py,mpCUp to 3 inches ), Tractor, Craterpiljar or wheel , ltOop(Carr 18. 1OS 19. 105 Y-All Scraper) 19. 48 20. 48 HVdP6 Hammer; Ridge Cutter 18. 02. 19. 02 lOhding Machine, Oinky Locomotive, Generator(Small1, VibratorCI to S), POW*" Bu 17. 8SS 18. 855 Buggies 17. 73 18. 73 stump Chipper and 011or 17. 505 18. 505 ,Mechanical Compact OPCHand Operated), Trench Machine(Hand) 17. 48 18. 48 VERTIME PAY: See C 131 0 ) On OVERTIME PAGE attached. _A D HOLIDAY: SOO C S, 6, 7, 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. A LOaf►ALE RATIO: ApprentlCOCs3 to JourneVmeh ( 1 - 1 ) C 1 6 ) S117PLE?tENTAL BENEFITS: Cper hour worked) Na01 th/woi fare, , . "i 1. 92 1. 92 Pohs I on. 2. 75 2. 75 Supp. Unemp 1 , Oahe f i t. . . 20 . 20 AppPOntice Training„ , 25 . 25 Annu1ly. 1. 50 1. 50 Othar. 25 25 Ll sled supplOments apply to AL1. classifications C )Yes ( )No. 4- 138b ------- ---------- ---- -- - ---- -- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( t )See NOTI C. Pn,,,- ,;r •nC„E'0 !tato Of Now York Case Nurwber OOpertisowt of Labor au".e,-j or 800071#2 P,Ju l , c work 3C -'---71C1135 - G 3J ,SG SUFFOLK COUNTY P., t,• 18 Operating Engineer Ccont) -- -WAGE Coop hour) .7/01/85- 7/'01/86- 6/30/86 G/30/X17 NlAVY / NIGHtlAYr Least Itagi weer 21. 17 22. 13 seeOOCCOPPV-AI I , SCPeper In Tandem), Tower Cris me(Eng inaps.), 19. 655 20. GSS laethea. CraneC44eno Bettlno)„ Crahe(Structural StOel ), Oragline, Gradall , P, ip OVIVOP. Road Favor, Shovel 19. 40 20. 40 Botching PlantCon Al td of job). CrahsCon Barge), Sideboom Tractor( used in tank rurk ; , Teak York 19. 255 20. 2SS MelstC7 Drum), Power YlnehCTruck Mounted-usad for stone or steel )• Power winGhCu;Pd •oP stone setting and/or structural stoel ), Trehch Machine 19. 245 20. 245 Asphalt GOP sidor, Boom Truck, Sorino MachlneCother than Post Holes ), CMI or Mari * Sorpader, CPane(CrawlaP or Truck), Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Multi , Plant Engineer , S�deuoo- TPeCteP. Stone Spreader( solf propelled) 19. 03 20. 03 00P1 wsil Machine. Post Holes 18. 97 19. 97 COsrpPessePCStone Setting). CompressorCStructural Steel ), Molding Machine( structurcil ; teal ) 18. 915 19. 915 OPadge la. 865 19. 865 York @eat 1X1. ass 19. ass e*0PPa62OPCaw Crsne), CONOPOssOOCPile Mork ), GOnaPator-Pile work , Hoist. 2 Oro-, Loedins IlaChineCFrent-End), Powerhouse, Powsr wihehCTruck Mounted- use,t for othet r hen 1{towo or stoel ). PewaP YIIneACo4Aer than stone or struct. steel ), belding Mach, ne. P, tu work 18. 7SS 19. 7SS Meehanleal Compactor, Machine Drawn, ROII4PCOvar S Ton) 18. S7 19. so- Rol 7Rol 1 er 18. 53 19. 53 Pus*. Concrete 18. 49 19. 49 COapPOSGOPC2 or Moro in battery la. 45 19,45 lrsreP 18. 435 19. 435 Oul ldostaP. Concrete Fl wl "I no Machine, Conveyor, Curb Machi he, Aspha l t or Concrete, CUP w@ MOChI he, 01 nky LocoMoti vs. FI roman, Fork LI ft. 110i s t, 1 Or-u-, Load n-IM.,( h, .,r. NelwtewOnce Machine, Pulvl -Mixer, Fump(4 Inches or over), PuMpc( Ity,t,•,,uiir . ,, I lYbmOPsl ►la and Well Point), ROI ler( 5 ton and under), Scoop. C:,rry - AI I NelwtewewCO Man, VOe-AI 1 , welding A Burning 18. 22 19. 22 Oanerstor 18. 14 19. 14 Portable Heaters 18. 4395 19. 4395 COmerOfiOr. Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, PuMpCDouble Action Oiaphrdg,•), Pu-p -Gypsu-. PumpCSingle Action 1 to 3), Striping Machine, welding Machine 17. 845 18. 845 ►owerbroom 17. 27S 18. 275 COwcra4e Saw or Cutter. Fork Li ft, walk 0ehind, Power Oppratpd, Hydra Ilam.,.r, M/ xar(wi th Skip), Mi xOrC2 Swa 11 with or w, thour Skip), Power Ou , e; P y9 , u•e , nd,•r Cewcreta Breaker. Ridge Cutter .r Cr 17. 13 18. 13 Vi brator( 1 to S) 16. 92S 17. 92S Oiler. Root Cutter, Stump ChippOr, Oiler. Track Tamper(2 Engi neprs , (:ach) . Uecr. OOwarator(S.at 1 ) 16. 82 17. 8216. 815 17. 815 sending Machine, Pump, Centrifugal ( UP to 3 i „cha: ) . Trench MachineCh.,nd) •TPaCtor16. 7a 17. 7a or Wheal _ 16. 605 17. 605 OVERTIME PRY: Sea C D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGC at t .. hpd. A O HOLIDAY: SOO C 5, 6, 7. 11, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAI." attached. ALL Wii Lc_ P4TIC: Apprentice( s ) to Journeymun C 1 - 1 ) SUPPLEMENfAI. 9ENEFI7 rCper hour worked) Heal to/sal faro. . . . . . . . t 1. 92 1. 92 Fens i on. 2, 75 2. 7S Suvol . uneMpIOy. Benefit 20 20 APprOntice Training. . . 25 . 25 Annuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 1. 50 Othor. . . . . . . . . . . 25 . 2S Liatad supplOmants apply to ALL classifications C x 3Yes ( )No. 4- 133h PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( # )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHCO state o1 New York Case Number au, vau of se00rtmont of Labor P„bI c r+o�k 8G00742 3C -71 ,85 -� 6 33 aG SUFFOLK COUNTY Pagr 19 MARINE CONSTRUCTION _ 11ACESCPap hour) .10/01 84- 9/30/85 NVdraulle Deedget Levermen IS. 72 the neer IS. 56 Mel nt. En91 wear IS. 34 Derrick Opap. 1S. SB Chief Mate on Dredge 15. 34 Nate 14. 38 Dockmand 12. 82 Oiler 13. 28 Fireman 13. 28 shoralsan 12. 82 most Captain 14. 48 --------------- tug @oats: Tug Master 15. 12 Tug Captaln 14. 48 Tug Chia# En9lneep 14. 74 Tug En91hear 14. 48 Tug Dockhand 12. 97 r• i .. •----------------- •_-__-- Dipper and Clamshell Dredgest Operator 15. 99 Craneeen 1S. S6 [nlihoop 1S. 87 Mai at. En91 neer, IS. 34 Nate 14. 38 Dockhand 12. 97 Oiler 13. 28 moot Master IS. 12 seat Captain 14, 48 ------------------------ - 1 PAyt See' C m, E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attachpd. AVt See C S, i. 10, 1S ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ��LOWABLE RATIO: ApprenticaCs) to Journeyman ( - ) C - ) ( - ) The 70lorrin9 SU PEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to 411 to ALL cIa: sifications of th,• O bOVe HYDRAULIC. DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG OOATS. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (pop hour Worked. ) Heal th/Wel fare. . . . . . . . $ 1. 43 pension. . . . . . . . . . . . so vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 X ti WAGES par hour) 10/01/84- 9/30/85 DpiII Boal: Engr near 17. 02 mlastar 17. 20 01-111er-Weldor/MaCh8niC 17. 03 Fireman 16. 48 OI ler 16. 20 ` Helper 16. 20 VVE TIHw PAY: Saa C B, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attachpd. AZA OLIOAy: Saa ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY 11AGE attached. A��OWA9LE RATIO: ApprenticeCs ) to Journeyman C 7�i—Ui•f'LEMCHTAL BENEFITS: (por hour Worked) Heal th/Wel (are. . . . . . . . ! 1. %3 Pension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 -- Vacation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . one day for 20 days Worked Listed supplamants apply to ALL Classifications C x )yes C )No. 4- 2Si3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING AND HEAVY/1lIGHWAv SCaiE0ULE5 �o��FFOIKc�G o = Z o T Town Hall, 53095 Main Road y0 �- P.O. Box 1 179 �'yQl `�►�� JUDITH T.TERRY Southold, New York 11971 FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MAY 22, 1990: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for an Annual Contract to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold, as may be required, for a period of one (1) year. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk May 24, 1990 Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L.JACOBS Tel.765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 RESOLUTION BY : SECONDED BY : RESOLVED : That the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the Superintendent of Highways for the purchase of: ANNUAL CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE WITHIN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AS MAY BE REQUIRED, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR . VOTE OF THE TOWN BOARD Supervisor Scott L . Harris (Yes) (No) Justice Raymond W . Edwards (Yes) (No) Councilman George L . Penny IV (Yes) (No) Councilwoman Ruth D . Oliva ( Yes) (No) Councilwoman Ellen M . Larsen (Yes) (No) Councilman Thomas H . Wickham (Yes) (No) Town Clerk , Town of Southold Dated : may 22 , 1990