HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL-1981 #02LOCAL LAW 2 - 1981 A Local Law in relation to authorizing the issuance of appearance tickets by public servants of the Town of Southold. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Section 1. The purpose of this Local Law is to authorize public servants of the Town of Southold to issue and serve appearance tickets in Connection with violations of state statutes, .local laws, ordinances, or rules and regulations of the Town of Southold which the public servants are authorized or required to enforce. Section"2. The following public servants of the Town of Southold are h~orized to issue and serve an appearance ~.icket with respect to the violation'of a state:statUte, local law, 'ordinance, rule or regulation of the Town of Southo%d that such public servants are, respectively, required to enforce, to wit: ...... (a) Constables and Bay Constables - any statute, local · ''~ law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the "-':-"' public health, safety and welfare. (b) Dog Control Officers - any statute, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the control of dogs. Section 3. An appearance ticket other t'han for a parking violation shall be served personally. Section 4. This local law shall take effect immediately. AC 2051 (Rev. 4/81) STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 EDWARD V. REGAN STATE COMPTROLLER April 2B, 1981 Judith T, Terry, Clerk Town of Southold Southold~ NY 11971 De~ Sk/Madam: Thisisto ad~seth~ Loc~ Law(s)No. Town of Southold ~r Se 2 of 1981 3/5/81 on was received and filed ~gW"t relY y°urs ~---~ Associate Attorney Charters Unit KRP:dal cc: Secretary of State (Please Use this i"{mm for Filing' your Local La~; wR~ ~he Secretary Text of law should be given as amended. 13o not use brackets for matter to be eliminated 'and do not use italics [or new matter. £33X o f S out h old Town ............................................................................................................................ Local' Law No ...... 2 ................................................... of the year 19 81 (Insert title) Be it enacted by the ......... i ............... ..T...o.2.v..n....B...o..a...r....d. .............................................................................. :.... of the (Name of Legislative Body) ~Y ~gX Southold Town o[ ...................................................................................................................... as follows: Section 1. The purpose of this Local Law is to authorize public servants of the Town of Southold to issue and serve appearance tickets in connection with violations of state statutes, local laws, ordinances, or rules and regulations of the Town of Southold which the public servants are authroized or required to enforce. Section 2. The following public servants of the Town of Southold are hereby authorized to issue and serve an appearance ticket with respect to the violation of a state statute, local .law, ordinance, rule or regula- tion of the Town of Southold that such public servants are, respectively, required to enforce, to wit: (a) Constables and Bay Constables - any statute, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the public health, safety and welfare. (b) Dog Control Officers - any statute, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the control of dogs. Section 3. An appearance ticket other than for a parking violation shall be served p e r s onally. Section 4. This local law shall take effect immediately. additional svace is needed, please attach sheets of the same size as this and number each) *"~_ matter timreia ~hich is not applicaMe.) (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) 1. I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. '.......2......~..:.of 19.8..1..... of the ~Y: of Southold was duly passed by $.0...u..t..h..9..1...d....T..q.w..n....B...Q..a...r.~. ........................................ Town ...................................... ' (Name 9f Legislative Body) on._..F...e...b...r..u...a...r..y....2...4..,. ............. 19....8...1. in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. (Passage ky local legislative body with approval or no disapproval by 'Elective Chief Executive Officer or repassage after disapproval.) 2. I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No ..................... of 19 ........ County City of the Town of ........., ............................ was duly'passed by ............................................................................................ (Name of Legislative Body) Village not disapproved on ................................................. .19 ........ and was approved by the ....................................................... repassed after disapproval Eteetive Chief Executive Dfficer and ;vas deemed duly adopted on ........................................................ 19 ......... in accordance with the al~plicable provisions of law. (Final adoption by referendum2) 3. I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No ................... of 1.9 .......... County City of ...................................... was duly passed by the ...................................................................................... of the Town (Name of Legislative Body) Village not disapproved on ................................................... 19 ....... and was approved by the ............................................................. . repassed after disapproval Elective Chief Executive Officer on ...................................................................... 19. ........ Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a mandatory ~ ' permissive referendum and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting general ~hereon at the special election held on ......................................... . ............ 19 ........ , in accordance with the appli- annual cable provisions of law. (Subject to permmsive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition filed requesting referendum.) 4. ' I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, de-signated as local taw No ................... of 19 .......... County ~ , City ot tee Town of ...................................... was duly passed by the ........................................................... on (Name of I,egislative Body) Village not disapproved ...................................................... 19 ........ and was approved by [he ......................................................... on repassed after disapproval Elective Chief Executive Officer .............................................................. 19 ......... Such local law being subject to a permissive referendu, m and no valid petition requesting such referendum having been filed, said local law was deemed duly adopied on ...................................................................... 19 ........ , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.. *Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide basis or if there be none the chairman of the board of supervisors, the mayor of a c,ty or village or the supervisor of a town, where such officer is vested with puwer to approve or veto Iota] laws or ordinanees.. kCit5 local ia,, converning Charter revision proposed b~, petition.) 5. 1 hercbveertifv that the!oeaI law annexed hereto, designated as local law No .................. of 19 ........ of the City of .......................................................................... having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the § .36 provisions of § 37 of the Municipal Home Rule Law and having received the affirmative vote of a majority spe6ial of the qualified electors of such city young thereon at the general election held on 'the .................................. ................ 19 ............ became operative. (If any other at, thorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom gad of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph .......... .1. ................ above. ~ I Clerk of the Board o{ Supervisors, ~,~, Town or Village Clerk or Officer designated by Local Legislative Body Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk Date: March 2, 1981 ' I (Seal) , \ k,. (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town .Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF .,...S...L.]..F...F....O....L...K.. ....................... I, [he undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law c6ntains the correct text and that alt proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. (Title of Officer) Town Attorney g:gt~x of ................ $..o...u..i.b..o.!~, ............................ Town Dated: March 2, 1981 MINUTES Of PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 24, 1981 LOCAL LAW - APPEARANCE TICKETS A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on Tuesday, February 24, 1981 at 3:30 o!clock P.M. in the matter of the Local Law in 6elation to the issuance of appearance tickets by public servants of the Town of Southold. Present were: Supervisor William R. Pell III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Absent: Justice Francis Ti Doyen SUPERVISOR PELL opened the hearing at 3:30 o'clock P.M. and COUNCILMAN MURDOCK read the legal notice of hearing as follows: A Local Law in relation to authorizing the issuance of appearance tickets by public set.rants of the Town of SouthoLd. BE iT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Se.ction 1~ The purpose of this Local is to authorize public servants of the Town of Southold to issue and serve appearance tickets in connection with violations of state statues, local laws~ ordinances~ or rules and regulations of the Town of Southold which the public servants are authorized or required to enforce. Section 2. The following public servants of the Town of Southold are hereby authorized to issue and serve an appearance ticket with respect to the violation of a state statue, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation of the Town of SouthoLd that such public servants are~ respectively, required to enforce, to wit: (a) Constables and Bay Constables - any statue, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the public health, safety and welfare. (b) Dog Control Officers - any statue, local law, ordinance, rule or regulation involving the control of dogs. Section 3. An appearance ticket other than for a parking violation shall be served personally. February 24, 1981 Page -2- PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL LAW-APPEARANCE TICKETS Section 4. This Local Law shall take effect immediately. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We have publication of notice by Patricia Wood of the L.I. Traveler Watchman and David Walker 'of the Suffolk Times. We have a notice from the Town Clerk, Judith T. Terry that the legal notice has been posted on the Town Clerk Bulletin Board. And that is all we have other t~an the total law itself. ! SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank yo~. Robert (Town Attorney Tasker) would you like to explain in a few woads exactly what the local law means with'out reading the entire loca~ law? TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER: Now, this Local permits certain town employees, which I believe lunder the local 'law would be our bay constables to serve appearance ~ickets. And yes, oum dog control officers to serve appearance tickets rather than have to serve summons. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank yod. Does anybody wish to speak in favor of the proposed local law? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyblody wish to speak in opposition to the proposed Local law? I (There was no response.) i SUPERVISOR PELL: Does anyolne wish to be heard at all on the subject? (There was no respopse.) SUPERVISOR PELL: If not, I Hearing closed at 3:32 P.M. ll declare the hearing closed. Respectfully submitted, ~i[l~e~ DePuty Town Clerk ;, ",'L'E~AL' I , no lceoel ' ' PUBLIC H£/,r] ON LOCAL LAW I PUBLIC 'NOTICE is hcreby ',.'given that there has been i" presented to tile Town Bo~rd i.,.of tile .Town, of SouLhold. I' Suffolk County, New York. on the 2?th day of January. lqHf. a Local Law, entitled. "A Local Law in relation to authorizing the issuance o[ appearance tickets by public ~en, ants Of {he q-o,a n of,Sooth'old", which .reads as follows: SectiOn. I. The ~,;rpose of this Local Law. is to kuthuri~e '- pub'lie ,set'cants'of the Town of Southold to.issue and serve ' appearance ~tiekets in , eon- ' n¢ction, with .~.-tolations 'of state' statutes. ~'!ocfil laws~, ordin- ances, or rules and r~gul~tiods ~,,', of the Town of Southold which Ii, rite public': S/-i~'aqts' are auth': . orized or requ;red to enforce. . Section 2. Th~ ~ollt~ing public serva'nts'of die Town,Of "Southold ar~ hereby;' authdr- ized to issue ,and, serve an ; appearance ticket with re.spect to the violation, df a state statute, local law', ordinahce, ' rule or regulation of th,e Town of. Southold th'at such '.pub!!e ., servants ore, respectively; re- quired to,enfo{:ed, to..wit: ' (a) Constables 'ahd Bay Constab es--any statute', local ' law. ordinance[ rule m' ,regfil- arian involving 'the .'public health, safety '~.nd welfare.~ {b} Dog Control Officers'-- an,,, statute, 16cai law, once, rule lot .regul;,tion invtlving the ~'ontt~Jl of dog~s. Section '3. lAn appearance ticket od~er thah for. a parkihg violation slialllb~ s, erved' p~r- ! '?i Copie~ of said Local L'as;:' are ' ava lable at the o~ce o'f I Soutilold Town ~'[e~rk to any interested perSons'during' bds- i', i.ess ho s, t' ,r : i" NOTICE .IS 'FURTHER !. 'GIVEi that ihe Town Boardlof ' ~ the'Town of Southold will hold . ',!' 'a public 'h~iaring on 'the ,. aforesaid local Law ..at ,r~e · .Hall,' .Mmn !:, Sc, uthold To~n r ,. '. Road. Southold. Neat York,,bn , the 24th da}' 0~ Februatw. 1981 ,' at 1'30 P M ,i~at which ti~l~"all ~ interested persons .will ,~e ~,. heam ' , ' , DATED:'Jan~ary 27. ,1'981'11 ~ . ' . JODITHT. TERRY ! .... r Tow ifc erk / ' tOWN, OF 5OUTHO[D '_ ..' m COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK $$: Patricio Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Sauthold, in, Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for .............. ~:. ....................... weeks successively, commencing on the Sworn to before me this ..... ~ ........................ day of .... ~~/c: ............... , 19..~..... Notar~MaubJic CEEME/~F J. THOMPSON ~. 52-9321725 Eesirling ia Suffolk C~ur~ Commission Expires ~arch ~1, 19" I.EGAL N.O'I' I C E NOTICE. OF PUBLIC HEAR lNG ON LOC,~kL L ,%~X' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereb.,,' ~xen Ihal there has been p~r:senled lo ~he To~ n Board 0[ t,~ TO~T~ Of 5ou'hold. Sub I.",;k (?oonly New 'Fork. on the Local I.a~. end,tied. "A gncal Lax~ in I-eld!Ion to authoH~!llg Urn. ~s~uanee o~ ap.oear~nce h'ckels b~ pubhe ~rvaal- ~h~-'?own ill' Sought d". which Section ] The pw'Dr, se of lh~'L,o~al Lay i-: ~o authorize puN.' .~er~ a.,~ uf Ihe Town of '1...~.outhrAil to ~.'~u£ and serve [.311 qv~h t, tolallor!g ol slate ] ~tatud.~s. loc,31 law% ,'. *rd~- ~. p'~nce_~. ,Jr r~e$ and regula. ! [;,)ns 0! Ihe 'l'o~n ,,{ 5outhold i ~vh,eb the pubhc servants are atilhor]~ed or req11!red h3 en- l' OrL e.. Seclh-,n 2 'the I'uik, wmg pub. I1~ ~orvanl~ nl Ihe q'u~n ol 54ulhold are hereby aulhbrm ed ~.o ~sst~ and serve an 3ppearamc- ticket ~lh re. ~cl h:, lhe ~ !olatlO~ ol b s~te 5talute, It~al law..rdmam, e, r~e or regulation o~ ~he To~n of SvuU)old Iba[ ~lJ(h public: ... servams are. respecl~eh' ~. qu red [o enforce, Io ~t:' , a Cnnslab es and Ba~' rule"or regulation· "in: vol~ng the pub].ic fare. ~ . ~b~ Dog ConW°l Officers - any sta~te, local l~w, ordinance, rule or reg- ulatmn invoh, ing the consol ol dogs. Section-3. An ap~arance ticket olh~ t~n for a ~rking violation s~U be se~,ed per-, sonally. Cop~ey o~ ~id I ocli L~w ~re NO31'TE I? ~" ut ~ Town of Sout~ld wul 7 hold a public h~.ring on the ' aforesaid L~l Law,at the ~ :Road, Southold. Ne~ Yor~. on ~he2;thda~ ol Feb~ao, 1981 a~q.}lPM al~chllmeaU ' ,, Inleresled persrm~ ~[ heard ~,~ DASD. J~uary 3; 1991 ~iDl~ T. TERRY ~: ' ' TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLA, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: DaVid H. Walker ...................................... being duly Sworn, says that ..~.e ..... is Printer and Publishe~ of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county~ and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, .has been published in the s~id Suffolk Weekl~r Times once in e~ch week, to~ .... .o.1~..e .................... weeks successiwiy oommencing on t~e .. ~.$.~. ................... day of ...... Fabr~=. .... 19. al. S~orn to before me this . 5.~h ...... 1 dml of ~.~lp~e.'q~;;rjg/ .... 19...1. j , .......... .......... HELEN ~(. DE ¥OE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 4707878, Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, · ~ . GIVEN that'the Town Board · - '... . -' · ... ~ '. '., .~:.~_- :-. of the Town; of Southold will .. , . : ...._:, ,. .... · .... hold a public hemring on the.: ' 'i: - '. aforeaaid Local Law at the .'. ;'-. _' -Southold Town Hall, Main., . 74-.. i-J': ... i.' ./;[ '. - ' Road, Southold; New York, od- : · .:' :- -" ' '-"" the 24th day of February, 1981, at 3:30 P.M.,. at which time all - interested l~rsons will .be · heard .. - DATED: January 27, 1981. JUDITH T. TEI~RY .. TOWN ,c~,.,F, RK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 3615-1.TF5, . · ~E't!~ YORK: .... ~S: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: · __ JUDITH T TERRy, Town Clerk of the Town o_f Southold New York, being duly swor~, says that she is Over the age o~ ~wenty-one .years;.th~'on. :hhe 28-th day' of . ·January· 19' 8~ she af£ixed a notice of' which the annexed printed notice is a ' ,, .'," : i ' '.': '.'.--..'~'...-' :' 'i' " ~: ' : '~ . ~: . ' ' ' ' ':+"" i! true copy~ ~n a proper and substantial manner,, in a most public Town Clerk' B'ulle't'in' BOard, Town··` Clerk' O'f'f~ice,· ~.~a'i'n' '~o'ad, ' Southol'd, New Yor'k' 1'1'97] !i -No'ti. ce o£ Public Hearing on Local Law re: H ' 3:30 P.M.. r February 24, Sworn to before me this 28th day of. January ' ,19'81 ~ Not~ Publ id/ - ~ ,Tudi~h T merrv Sou~hold Town Clerk appearance tickets. 19'81, Southbld Town Hall.