HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 REID AND PERSON 1534 MAIN STREET PORT .JEFFERSON STATION, NEW YORK 11776 --OWN& 473-0433 June 16, 1972 Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Sirs: We have examined the Financial Statements of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as of December 31, 1971, which are listed on the accompanying index, for the calendar year 1971. The accounting records are maintained according to the New York State Uniform Chart of Accounts for Towns — Single Entry, established by the State Comptroller. Our examination included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures, as we considered necessary, to verify the recorded cash receipts and cash disbursements. In our opinion, the accompanying Financial Statements present fairly the recorded cash transactions of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971. iVe"ry truly yours, <4 GF:hm REID and PERSON, CPA 's TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INDEX EXHIBIT Statement Summarizing Cash Transactions - All Funds, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971, A V Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenses, and Balances - General Fund, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 B Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenses, and Balances - Highway Funds, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 C Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenses, and Balances - Special Districts, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 D Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenses, and Balances - Capital Fund, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 E s/ Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenses, and Balances - Reserve Funds, / for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 F V Statement of Cash Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances - Trust and Agency Fund, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 G Statement of Indebtedness, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 H SCHEDULE Schedule of General Fund Expenses - Town-Wide, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 1 Schedule of General Fund Expenses - Part-Town, for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 2 Schedule of Bank Reconciliations - All Funds, as at December 31, 1971 3 r REID AND PERSON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LXHIIiI I, "A1° TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT SUMMARIZING CASH TRANSACTIONS — ALL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 BALANCE BALANCE JANUARY 1 RECEIPTS EXPENSES DECEMBER 31 General — Town—Wide $ 146,532. $ 562,464. $ 535,436. 173,560. General — Part—Town 59,494. 579,101. 589,518. 49,077. Highway Funds 120,166. 599,034. 498,370. 220,830. Special Districts 9,329. 88,501. 85,515. 12,315. Capital Funds -- 187,600. 146,332. 41,268. Reserve Funds -- 31,500. 14,030. 17,470. Trust and Agency 1.377.886. 5.100.853. 5.818.369. 660.370. TOTALS $1.713.407. $7.149.053. $78681,5-10. $1 REID AND PERSON C[NTIRIM PUMLIC ACCOUNTAN" EXHIBIT "B" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, EXPENSES, AND BALANCES - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 -ter TOWN-WIDE PART-TOWN BALANCE, JANUARY 1. 1971 $146,532. $ 59,494. RECEIPTS Real Property Taxes $357,839. $504,993. Interest and Penalties on Taxes 3,877. Town Clerk Fees 2,079. Airport Revenues 496. Welfare Repayments 434. Park and Recreation Charges 3,071. Recreation Concessions 700. Interest on Deposits 10,829: 12,060. Business Licenses 70. Bingo Licenses 1,955. Dog Licenses 3,448. Permits 1,012. Fines and Forfeiture 7,480. Sales of Materials 14,371. State Aid Per Capita 73,083. 35,971. State Aid, Mortgage Tax 55,444. State Aid, Railroad Tax Loss 3,129. State Aid, Town Welfare 17,213. Federal Aid, Emergency Employment 1,558. Refunds and Repayments 1,366. 1,186. Insurance Adjustment 3,010. Reimbursement from Capital Fund 5,956. State Aid, Police Schooling 1,370. Building Department Revenues 12,956. Other Governments, Police Radio 3,000. Fees - Police Department 348. Other Fees 1.261. TOTAL RECEIPTS $562,464, $579.101. TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES $708,996. $638,595. Less: Expenses - From Schedule #1 535,436. - From Schedule #2 589.518. BALANCE DECEMBER 31. 1971 - FROM SCHEDULE #3 $113,560. ✓ $ 49,077.✓ REID AND PERSON CURTIRI[D PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBIT "C" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS. EXPENSES, AND BALANCES — HIGHWAY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 ---Now REPAIRS AND SNOW AND IMPROVEMENTS BRIDGES MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS ITEM #1 ITEM #2 ITEM #3 ITEM #4 BALANCE, JANUARY 1. 1971 $ 64.884. $ 2.518. $ 45,967. $ 6.797. RECEIPTS Real Property Tax $318.566. $ 99,862. $121,188. State Aid 12,775. Interest on Deposits 9,168. 3,477. 3,161. Town General — Services 9,931. 3,337. Bay Haven Road District 9,000. Emergency Employment Act 2,370. 690. Refunds 2,108. 21. Public Works Administration Salary 3,000. Cancelled Check 380. TOTAL RECEIPTS $364,298. $ NONE $107,387. $127.349. TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE $429,182. $ 2,518. $153.354. $134,146. EXPENSES General Repairs $189,033. Fringe Benefits 132,858. $ 17,691. Machinery Services $ 34,665. Repair of Machinery 52,228. Control Snow 37,715. Superintendent and Clerk Salary 25,174. Miscellaneous 9.006. TOTAL EXPENSES $321,891. $ NONE $ 86.893. $ 89,586. BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1971 FROM SCHEDULE #3 $10 2 1. $ 2 X518. $ 66,461. $ 44.560. RE10 AND PERSON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBIT "D" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS. EXPENSES AND BALANCES - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 BALANCE BALANCE JANUARY 1. RECEIPTS EXPENSES DECEMBER 31, E-W Greenport, Fire Protection $ 4,707. $ 18,020. $ 17,730. $ 4,997. ,/ E-W Greenport, Light 40. 5,666. 5,706. -- �v Mattituck, Light #1 624. 14,083. 13,231. 1,476.x/" Mattituck, Light #2 491. 1,007. 1,051. 447. 1/ Cutchogue, Light 836. 13,061. 11,962. 1,935. ✓ Peconic, Light 134. 2,686. 2,535. 285. Southold, Light 687. 12,454. 11,780. 1,361. Fishers Island, Light 1,094. 2,329. 2,770. 653.'-' East Marion,Light 496. 3,044. 3,105. 435.- Orient Light 220. 4,051. 4,023. 248. ' Bay Haven Road, Improvement Dist. -- 10,500. 10,182. 318.x✓ Bay View Area Street, Improvement Dist. -- 1.600. 1.440. 160. TOTALS FROM SCHEDULE #3 $ 9.329. $_88,501. $_85A515. $ 12.315. • REID AND PERSON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBIT "E" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, EXPENSES, AND BALANCE — CAPITAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 POLICE GRAND AVENUE BUILDING BRIDGE TOTAL BALANCE.JANUARY 1, -- -- -- RECEIPTS Capital Notes 6,500. 6,500. Bond Anticipation Notes 123,500. 50,000. 173,500. General Fund Transfer 7,500. 7,500. Miscellaneous 100. 100. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE $137,600. S 50,000. $187,600. EXPENSES Construction Costs 115,310. 31,022. 146.332. Pr BALANCE.DECEMBER 31, FROM SCHEDULE #3 S 2Z,290. S—IL 9 L8. $ 41.268. ✓ %ell ✓ REID AND PERSON CERTIFIED PUNLIC ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBIT 'IF" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -,WNW STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, EXPENSES, AND BALANCES — RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 WATER HIGHWAY TRAVELER JUSTICE FEASIBILITY BARN STREET COURT MAPPING STUDY TOTAL BALANCE,JANUARY 1. $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- RECEIPTS Transfer from General Fund 11,500. 11,500. Transfer from Trust and Agency 8.000, 5.000. 5.000. 2.000. 20.000. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE $ 8,000. $ 5,000. $ 5,000. $ 2,000. $ 11,500. $ 31,500. EXPENSES Construction and Other 8.000. 5.000. 1.030. 14.030. BALANCE.DECEMBER 31, FROM SCHEDULE #3 3.970. $ 2.000. $ 11.500. $ 1 4 0. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ • REID AND PERSON C[RTIFI1tD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE "G" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENT, AND BALANCES — TRUST AND AGENCY FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 BALANCE JANAUARY 1. RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS DECEMBER 31. Social Security S 6,876. S 81,060. S 81,612. S 6,324. Group Insurance 39,497. 39,497. State Income Tax 19,903. 19,903. Federal Income Tax 101,567. 101,567. Association Dues 11,654. 1,654. Guarantee and Bid Deposits 700. 700. Redemption Park Debt 10,771. 10,029. 742. Bingo Licenses 1,643. 1,643. Sale Tax 798. 735. 63.V' Tax Accounts 1,350,969. 4,835,884. 5,537,111. 649,742. E Confiscated Money 41. 41.✓ E. E. A. Funds 7,376. 4,618. 2,758'✓ For Reserve Funds 20.000. 20.000. TOTALS FROM SCHEDULE#3 S1 3' 77886. $5 10�� 0853. $5,818,369 $660 . PPV REID AND PERSON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBIT "H" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING JANUARY. 1 ISSUED PAID DECEMBER 31 CAPITAL NOTES Construction Police Building 5/71 S 3,250. 5 3,250. Construction Police Building 5/71 3.250. 3.250. TOTAL CAPITAL NOTES S -- $__62500. S -- S 6.500 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES Land for Dump 6/66 S 13,000. $ S 13,000. ffi Purchase of Machine 11/67 3,700. 3,700. Land Acquisition 7/68 10,500. 3,500. 7,000.E Road Improvement-BayView 11/70 6,000. 1,200. 4,800:` Grand Avenue Bridge 2/71 50,000. 50,000.`/ Construction Police Building 5/71 123,500. 123,500."l Road Improvement-BayHaven 8/71 10.500. 10.500.`t TOTAL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES 5 33.200. $184.000. S 21.400. $195.800. TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS $_j3 00. $190.500. S 21.400. $202.300. NOTE: Does not include Ferry District or Park District Debt. REID AND PERSON C<RTIFI[O PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE #1 ti TOWN OF 50UTHOLD Page 1 of 5 SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - TOWN-WIDE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1971 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT LEGISLATIVE Town Board - Councilmen Salaries ffi 13,200. - Expenses 2.994. ffi 16,194. JUDICIAL Justices - Salaries ffi 29,557. - Expenses 2.063. 31,620. EXECUTIVE Supervisor - Personal Salaries ffi 33,904. - Equipment 407. - Expenses 3.625. 37,936. FINANCE Auditor - Contractual Expenses ffi 700. 700. Tax Collection - Personal Salaries $ 12,356. - Expenses 6,217. 18,573. Assessment - Personal Salaries ffi 50,861. - Expenses 5,107. 55,968. STAFF Town Clerk - Personal Salaries ffi 15,566. - Expenses 1,627. 17,193. Law - Personal Salaries ffi 9,500. - Expenses 6.049. 15,549. Engineer - Contractual Expenses $ 1,878. 1,878. Public Works Administration - Personal Salaries ffi 3,000. 3,000. SHARED SERVICES . Buildings - Personal Salaries ffi 2,500. - Contractual Expenses 15.381. 17,881. REID AND PERSON CKKnPI[D PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE #1 Page 2 of 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - TOWN-WIDE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance $ 26.056. 26,056. Municipal Association Dues $ 400. 400. EDUCATION Attendance Officer —Personal Salaries $ 1.200. 1.200. TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT $244.148. PUBLIC SAFETY LAW ENFORCEMENT Jail - Expense $ 350. $ 350. TRAFFIC Traffic Control - Equipment $ 1,896. - Electrical Expenses 1.453. 3,349. SAFETY FROM ANIMALS Control of Animals - Personal Salaries $ 4,536. - Expenses 3.705. 8,241. OTHER PROTECTION Civil Defense - Contractual Expenses $ 173. 173. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 12.113. HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH Narcotic Advisory Council - Expenses $ 4.996. $ 4.996. TOTAL HEALTH REID ANo PERSON CERTIFIRD PUNLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE #1 Page 3 of 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES — TOWN—WIDE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Airport — Expenses $ 1.200. $ 1,200. Off Street Parking — Personal Salaries $ 2,142. — Expenses 3,910. 6.052. TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES Home Relief — Expenses $ 32.946. $ 32,946. Burials $ 500. 500. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Publicity $ 3.100. 3,100. OTHER Veterans Services $ 1.200. 1.200. TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY $ 37.746. CULTURE — RECREATION ADMINISTRATION - Recreation — (Youth) $ 1,070. $ 1,070. RECREATION Parks — Personal Salaries $ 3,000. — Equipment 600. — Expenses 782. 4,382. Beaches — Personal Salaries $ 20,000. — Equipment 3,600. — Expenses 5.828. 29,428. REID AND PERSON CZWnP1IW PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE #1 Page 4 of 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - TOWN-WIDE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 CULTURE Libraries S 35.000. 35,000. Historian - Personal Salaries $ 900. - Expenses 4.090. 4,990. Celebrations $ 600. 600. ADULT ACTIVITIES Adult Recreation - Expenses $ 2.460. 2.460. TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION $_j7.930. HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES SANITATION Garbage and Refuse - Personal Salaries $ 33,903. - Expenses 11,273. S 45,176. r COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT Island Waterways S 1.060. 1,060. Shade Trees - Expenses $ 1.770. 1,770. NATURAL RESOURCES Town Trustees - Personal Salaries $ 5,800. - Expenses 116. 5,916. Conservation Advisory Council $ 53. 53. SPECIAL SERVICES Cemeteries $ 6. 6. TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES $ 53J81. REID AND PERSON C[RTIRIKD PUNLIC ACCOUNTANT* SCHEDULE #1 Page 5 of 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - TOWN-WIDE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1971 —t UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement $ 29,475. Social Security 11,333. Workmen's Compensation 3,109. Hospital Insurance 7.025. TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS S 50,942. DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes S 20,200. Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes 1.196. TOTAL DEBT SERVICE S 21,396. OTHER Sales Tax S 41. Referendum on Assessors 1,190. Street Improvement District 133. Water Feasibility Study 11,500. Transfer for Police Building 7,500. Payroll for Federal Emergency Employment 1,558. r Insurance Account Receivable 3.010. TOTAL OTHER 24,932. TOTAL UNDISTRIBUTED S 46.328. TOTAL TOWN-WIDE EXPENSES 5535.436. RECD AND PERSON CEMPIED rUNLIC ACCOUNTANT! SCHEDULE #2 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - PART-TOWN FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1971 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance $ 15.188. $ 15.188. TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT $ 15.188. PUBLIC SAFETY LAW ENFORCEMENT Police - Personal Salaries $337,610. - Equipment 19,744. - Expenses 35,236. $392,590. Bay Constable - Personal Salaries $ 81,683. - Expenses 5.243. 13,926. OTHER PROTECTION Safety Inspection - Personal Salaries ffi 19,834. - Expenses 2,873. 22.707. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ffi42 2.23. r HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH Registrar of Vital Statistics - Personal Salaries $ 2.500. $ 2.500. TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH $ 2.500. HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Zoning - Personal Salaries ffi 12,489. - Expenses 3.296. S 15,785. Planning - Personal Salaries ffi 12,489. - Expenses 7,784. 20.273. TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ffi 36.058. • REID AND PERSON CRIMFIRD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT! SCHEDULE #2 PBQe 2 of 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FUND EXPENSES - PART-TOWN FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1971 -mow UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement $ 67,946. Social Security 16,181. Workmen's Compensation 6,930. Hospital Insurance 9,933. Charges on Police Building 5.559. $106.549. TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $106.549. TOTAL FART-TOWN EXPENSES $589.518. PV REID AND PERSON CKKTIFIKD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SCHEDULE #3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF BANK RECONCILATIONS - ALL FUNDS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1971 LESS BALANCE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PER BANK CHECKS PER BOOKS GENERAL FUND Town-Wide - To Exhibit "B" $173,560. Part-Town - To Exhibit "B" 49,077. Valley Bank of New York $ 73,623. $ 986. Valley Bank of New York (C.D. ) 150,000. $223,623. $ 986. $222,637. Welfare - Valley Bank of New York 1,079. 1.079. TOTAL $224.702. $ 2.065. $222.637. HIGHWAY FUNDS ITEM #1 - To Exhibit "C" $107,291. ITEM #2 - To Exhibit "C" 2,518. ITEM #3 - To Exhibit "C" 66,461. ITEM #4 - To Exhibit "C" 44,560. North Fork Bank and Trust $ 71,342. $ 512. North Fork Bank and Trust (C.D. ) 150.000. TOTAL $221 L342. $ 512. $220,830. SPECIAL DISTRICTS r Security National Bank $ 7,315. $ 7,315. Security National Bank 5,000. 5,000. TOTAL - TO EXHIBIT "D" $ 12.315. $ $ 12.315. CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUNDS Capital - To Exhibit "E" $ 41,268. Reserve - To Exhibit "F" 17,470. North Fork Bank and Trust S. 58,738. $ TOTAL $ 58,738. $ $ 58.738. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Valley Bank of New York - Payroll $ 27,321. $ 27,321. $ -- Valley Bank of New York - Trust &. Agency 11,793. 1,165. 10,628. North Fork Bank and Trust - Tax Acct 1.027,534. 377.792. 649.742.- TOTAL - TO EXHIBIT "G" $1.066,648. $406.278. $660 3 10. REID AND PERSON CZWnFIZD rUSLIC ACCOUNTANTS