HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 MUNICIPAL BLDG. IRVING W. MILLER SAO HARBOR. N. Y. 11963 Public Accountant 39 CHESTNUT STREET HUNTINGTON, N. Y. 11743 SCHOOL AUDITS Theodore J. Heuser ASSOCiAte MUNICIPAL AUDITS HAMILTON 7-6577 CONSULTANT February 26, 1971 Town Board Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Dear Sirs : As requested, I have made an audit of the books of the Town of Southold and its Officers for the calandar year of 1970, and do hereby certify that, subject to comments made, they are correct. Respectfully submitted qL4 Irving W. -Miller Public Accountant IWM:sd �i : l E4 �� is � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ` This engagement called fdr an audit asset forth in Section of i 105 of Town Law.• f o The records of receipts an .disbursements were checked' in accordance with good accountingpractice. Test checks were made from selected records and sources. � g i� Book and bank balances .were; reconciled by the notin �of a outstanding`checks. The reports of the various Town Officers and employees were • examined. Sufficient check was made to certify them as correct. Confirmations were securedfrom outside agencies to verify accounts. ' ,Cognizance was taken of a separate independent audit covering ,# the Fishers Island Ferry District. a s Fs � t s !i §F i �I 5 ,< IRVING WM.MILLER • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • HUNTINGTON,N X. a SCHEDWLE A-1 j • TOWN E, SO, THOLD i!rinrriw 7i BANk 9,CI�Nw S F r t page). ; AS,,,@F 31, 1970 1970 Add: ''In Transit x Checks or Bankg Account �3utotandi.ng Add.ustMgts Balance rrrMl�llrr�r� .rwrr t �'..'�► lr1,- nts - 4 rrMlr.rlM.!IIS 1�!1-liter,� ■- n-Wide $1460531.73 Faxt-Town 59,493.58 (Valley Nati. 11ank) $ 27,470.86 $ 63496.17El (Valley .Nati ,Bank) 491.84 491.848 €o (Valley Nati. Bank) Time 170,000.00' Deposits $206,025.31 27.962;_-.70 233 988.01 Hi hway Fund ,x rrrgl�rr rPl�.� Iter1 $ 64884.22 • ' Item #2 2,518.44 t. It'" 43 450967.01 , Ri Item-44 6,797.04 (No.rtth Fork' Bank Sl firu-st). 10 611.95 $130,778.66 ! $120,x„166 71 �10,1611.95 1 0 778.:66 Fisher's . Island- 3 Regular $ 750922.85 $ 5,709.95 $ -494. 12 i (Va-lley �Natl~-Bank) $ 75,791.84�� (Hs t'k I�at1 Bank) 5 46,84 41 81 138.E 6811 Fisher's Island P Axg!kX, ...Trust $ 148.26 $ 210.84 j (North Fork Bank & Trust) 359.10 � a Agency & Trus - Regular _ $ 26,917.09 $ ,317.54 A • �r irirll r!r of r (Valley= Natl Bank) 28 234.63 IRVING WM MILLER • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT •-�HUNTINGTON. N.Y. j - i, SCHEDULE A-2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BA& RECONCILIATIQIjS (Se4ond Page) AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1970 rarrrwr r ti Book Add; Checks Bank Account Outstanding Balance Special Districts Funds 9L327.39 $ -0- MI rr rr rrr r rrr�rr (SecuritF. National Bank) $ _ 9,327:39' Tax Account X1;350 968 ,89, 0- F r ' (North -Fork Bank 1 Trust) $1,350,968.89; ,f f if • 6 ti r� a 4' s� s IE 3# i E� IRVING WM. MILLER • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. • HUNTINGTON, N.Y. r � 9 t, SCHEDULE B TOWN OF S:OUTHOLD GENERAL FUND 1970 r SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTSi EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES TOWN-WIDE PAR T-TOWN Balance, January 1, 1970 $2611777.40 $ 74,241.98. F Receipts R E; Real Propatty. Taxes $349,935.28 $416,774.78 State Aid,, Per Capita 47,197.24 210908.32 State Rid, Mortgage Tax 380389.57 t State Aid, Home Relief . 220431.68 State Ai#*, Railroad Tax Loss 3,235.56 I6 i 14 Int. & Pehalties on Taxes 3,892.19 e Dog .License Monies 1 3,75 7.2,4 Bingo Licenses,:. 1,354.00 ; Tra ilei Pern►its 135.00 Es . Town Truatees -540. • � Frahcl �es 25 .00 Interest on Deposits lb,719.Sl 17,048.32 I Justices Fines & Fees 7,7.70 M. Welfare Repayments 12080.60 A i rport-" k4venuq, 342.00 1, Town Beach Concession 450.00 E Town Cleric Fees r 2,1'039.5S.. _ 1.;333,100 Refunds, etc: _ 359.23 5,156001 x! Authorized Sales 7,192.70 Charges to Other Gov'ts 1,207.00 3,60000 N.Y.S., Sales Tax 373.29 , i9 Town Beach Permits 3,39-3.50 Miscellaneous 311.95 o . q Fees - Building Department -0- 3,158.54 I Fees Planning Board -0- 6,121.00 R Fees -. Board' of Appeals ' 0- 415.00 ns .00 Fees police Transcripts -0- 785. TotalReceipts �kR Recei is and Balance ' p $614,310..54 $551,042.35 !� Less: Expenditures 5270 778.81 491,P048.77 I Balances, December 31, 1970: $146,5.31.73' 5943.58 i i ._ 4 IRYING WM. Nil-LER HUNTINGTON, N.Y.• PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • ii ; 4 SCHEDULE C E� TOWN _OF SOUTHOLD ` 1 HIGHWAY FUNDS 1970 SU R1 OF CASH RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES Repairs & Snow & Improvements Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous i - Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Item #4 Balance, January 1 $ 15,341.40 $ 2,518.44 $ 39,530.12 $ 21;668.04 11 Receipts ° Real Property ° Taxes $305,,071.00 -0- $ 85p625.00 $ 84,705.00 State Aid 20,541.83 -0- -0- 4,694.75 ' Interest on Deposits 5,877.0.7 -0- 10020.83 6,352 09 t 19 Other. Sources 4,532.21 -0- -0- -0- j 1e Total Receipts & t Balance $351,369.51 $ 2,518.44 $1260175.95 $1170419.88 Less: �r i� Expenditures 286,485:29 -0- 80,208.94 110,622.84 Balance,, December 31 64 884.22 $ 2;518..44 45 967.0.1 6 797.04 E� 1l ,P 4 }s n IRYING WM. MILLER • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HUNTINGTON,N.Y. I� Ott DULE D 1� 3. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OTHER FUNDS # SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS,, EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES Balance Balance 4' January 1 Receipts Expenditures December 31 k Tax Account $917,158.28 . $3,294,479.40 $4,211,637.68 $ -0- p; Tax Account 1970-71 -0- 10559,642.99 2080674.10 1,350,968.89 !j Fishers Island t Ferry 1E. District 128,030.93 291,582.41 343,690.49 75,922.85 Fishers Island c Trust Agency 240.61 5,949.97 60042.32 148.26 Town-Agency & Trust 12 622.43 251 391.90 237 097.24 26,,917.09 ' E1 _ g e 9 p! IRVINE WM.MILLER • P.U6LIC ACCOUNTANT • HUNTINGTON,N Y. Alf - _ p SCHEDULE E�. ii if vt $7. 1f � ;y. TOWN OF 50UTHOLD SPECIAL DISTRICTS -. 1970 SUMMARY OF _CASH RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES ANDBALANCES Balance, Balance January 1 Receipts ' Hnpenditures December 31 �! E'-W Greenport a Fire Prot. $ 4,303.28 $ 16o639.27 16 235.46 $ 4,707.09 ?, i! E-W Greenport Light 106.88 50100.00 50167.17 39.71 Mattituck } Light #1- 577.60 , 12,000.00 11,953.63 623.97 Mattituck Light #2 442.23 1,100.00 1,051.20 401.03 , 6' g Cutchogue, Light 12425.03 112200.00 11,789.52 835.51 d Peconic Light 61.35 2,600.00 2,527.46 133.89 ;l f Soughold Light 132.27 10,200.00 9,645.59 686.68 Fishers Islandi Light 10231.10 20300.00 2,437.41 1,093.69 East Marion-Light 208.71 3,400.00 3,112.59 496.12 2 Orient Light 218.10 4,000.00 3,998.40 219.70 s� f, TOTAL 8 706.55 $ b8.539.27 $ 67,918.43 $ 9,327.39 G' as 3i 3 Z t ``ii' IRVING WM. MILLER • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • HUNTINGTON,N Y. (