HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeating Fuel Oil �oc��FFOlK�oGy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY 1 FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 20, 1990 A. H. Westerlund, Plant Manager Agway Energy Products P.O. Box 705 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Swede: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on November 13, 1990, accepted your bid for supplying the Town with Heating Fuel Oil for Fiscal Year 1991 at a price which will be plus $.0399 per gallon over the Long Island Tank Car Consumer Rack Price, as posted daily in the Journal of Commerce under the Northville Industries Corporation list. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk o��FFOLK��Gy o Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX(516)765-1823 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S ADOPTED THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING OARD AT A REGULAR MEETING LHE DNAON NOVEMBER 13Y 1990E SOUTHOLD TOWN BO RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Agway Energy Products, Riverhead, for supplying the Town with Heatng Fuel Oil for Fiscal Year 1991 , at a rack price which will be plus $.0399 per gallon over the Long Island Tank Car Consumer Rack Price, as posted daily in the Journal of Commerce under the Northville Industries Corporation listing. /rZJudith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk November 15, 1990 muAGWAY re r PAWD& M'. AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS, P.O. BOX 705, RIVERHEAD, L.I., NY 11901 516-727-3012 October 23, 1990 Town Of Southold Main Rd Southold NY 11971 Agway Energy Products of Riverhead is pleased to submit the following bid on #2 Fuel Oil for the calender year 1991 . The price will be plus .0399 cents per gallon over the Long Island Tank Car Consumer Rack Price, as posted daily in the Journal of Commerce under the North- ville Indxustries Corporation listing . Verly tr ly yo , )UL AH Westerlund Plant Manager Enclosure PULASKI STREET, RIVERHEAD, L.I.,NY 11901 • 4 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on HEATING FUEL OIL - calendar year 1991 BID - HEATING FUEL OIL FOR 1991 B 1 D OPENING: 11 :00 A.M., Wednesday, November 7, 1990. 1. 2. 3. All American Petroleum Corp., Att: I. Kovac, 265 Robbins Lane, Syosset 11791 4. 5. 6. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the EN in accordance with the pro- Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, visions of Section 103 of the a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and re- and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, quested for the purchase of has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman Heating Fuel Oil for the Town of Southold for ealdendar year once each week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . weeks 1991. II Specifications for such bids successively, commencing on the may be obtained at the Office of • • • • • • • • • • the'Ibwn Clerk,Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, day of , . , , . . G !? "; , , , 19 Gf. New York 11971. The sealed bids,together with a non-collusive bid certificate -r— ! will be received by the Southold / Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,New York until 11:00 A.M.,Wednesday,November 7, — 1990,atwhich time they will be Sworn to before me this . . . . . . . . . 1:� . . . . . . . . . day of opened and read aloud in public. (�G All bids must be signed and • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' • . 19� sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Bid on Heating Fuel Oil" and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main . , • , , • • • , . , , , , , , , ,` Road, Southold, New York Notary Public 11971. The Southold Town Board BARBARA A. WHNEIDER reserves the right to reject any NOTARY PUILIC, State of AN Y4* and all bids and to waive any No. 4806846 defect or informality in any bid Qualified in Suffolk should it be in the best interest Commission Expires-3'/3 of the Town of Southold to do SO. The bid price shall not in- clude any Federal,State or Local Tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: October 18, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1X-10/25/90(7) - LEGAL NOTICE NOTWEE TO BMW is NOTICE Is HERESY GI in STATE OF NEW YORK) acoo daooe with the prMueus of )SS: Section 103 of the General Munici. Pal Law,that sealed bids are so"k COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) and requested for the purchase of Randall Fall Oil for the Town of Southold for calendar year 1"L Christina Volinski of Mattituck, in Specifications for such bids may be obtained at the Office of the Town said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk,Southold Town Hall,Main Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, Road,Southold,New York with a The sealed bids,togetherer with published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of eon collusive bis certificate will be Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which received by the Southold Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, the annexed is a printed copy,has been regularly published in Main Road,Southold,New York, said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks until 11:00 A.M., Wednesday.. November 7, 1990,at which time successively, commencing on the 25 _ day o f they will be opened and read aloud October 19 90 in public. All bids must be signed and sealod in envelopes plainly marked, "Bid on Heating Fuel Oil" and Plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold,Town Hall,Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. Principal Clerk The Southold Town Board re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or in- foratality in any bid should it be in - /the best interest of the Town of Sworn to before me thisAr#'� iK4 r#�re Southold to do so �fotary&hta t 4 The bid price shall not include day of Cz 1f';`i 19 � ,� -K <. �a•,. any Federal, State or Local Taxtaai�#r>�j,> •°,'` CarrgT frau which the Town of Southold is �� +���::'_,�•�/� �'/°/( r �'• exempt. — DATED:October 18,1990. JUDrrH T.TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK i STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 18th day of October 1990 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is 'a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Legal Notice, Notice to Bidders: Heating Fuel Oil for calendar year 1991 . Bid opening : 11 :00 A.M. , Wednesday, November 7, 1990, Southold Town Hall. is Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 7 8th day of October 19 90 - otary Public LINDA J.COOPER Notary Public,State of Now York No.4822563.Suffolk County Term Expires December 31,19—L-12 1 LEGAL NOTICE i NOTICE TO BIDDERS j i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of Heating Fuel Oil for the Town of Southold for calendar I year 1991. i Specifications for such bids may be obtained at the Office of the Town j Clerk, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a non-collusive bid certificate will be received by the Southold Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , Wednesday, November 7, 1990, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Bid on i Heating Fuel Oil" and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, i Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best I interest of the Town of Southold to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt. i DATED: October 18, 1990. I JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK I PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 25, 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . i Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board I I i �I i I SPECIFICATIONS FOR NO. 2 FUEL OIL FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD j! FOR CALENDAR YEAR 199` I Under the specifications the Town of Southold seeks bids for furnishing I all of the Heating Fuel Oil (No. 2 fuel oil) required for the heating of the i j Town buildings consisting of the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York (1 ,500 gallon tank) , the Town Highway Department building, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York (275 gallon tank), and the Landfill building�I C.R. 48, Cutchogue, New York (300 gallon tank) . Bidders are to submit l buds for furnishing all of the necessary heating fuel oil for the calendar year 1991. Deliveries are to be made to the Town buildings as and when required. I Bid prices shall be based upon Northville Industries Corporation's Long Island tank car consumer rack price, to which has been added the delivery cost per gallon. The. aforementioned tank car consumer rack price is published daily in the Journal of Commerce, or may be obtained by calling I Northville Industries Corporation, Melville, New York (516) 293-4700. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt. I The Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must include a non-collusive bid certificate and be signed and i sealed in envelopes plainly marked "BID ON HEATING FUEL OIL" and plainly , addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, ! Southold, New York 11971 . DATED: October 18, 1990. i JUDITH T. TERRY i j SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK i l i I j I I I) I� li �j LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of Heating Fuel Oil for the Town of Southold for calendar year 1991. Specifications for such bids may -be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a non-collusive bid certificate will be received by the Seuinoid Town Cierk at the Southold Town hall, main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M. , Wednesday, November 7, 1990, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Bid on Heating Fuel Oil" and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The'Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids r. and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: October 18, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 25, 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, 14EW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board — -� LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of Heating Fuel Oil for the Town of Southold for calendar year 1991. Specifications for such bids may -be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a non-collusive bid certificate will be received by the Soufhoid Town Clerk all the Southold Town Hall, !Alain. Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Wednesday, November 7, 1990, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Bid on Heating Fuel Oil" and plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold,. Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . Tire'Southold Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: October 18, 1990. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 25, 1990, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO NEW ITH TFR1971.TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on HEATING FUEL OIL - calendar year 1991 �o��EFOLKc�Gy o Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1990: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the following items for 1991 : Milk for the Nutrition Center Police Department Uniform Clothing Clean of Uniforms of Members of Police Department Sale and Removal of Scrap Paper from Landfill Sale and Removal of Scrap Metal from Landfill Sale and Removal of Scrap Tires from Landfill Gasoline for Town Vehicles Heating Fuel Oil for Town Buildings Diesel Fuel for Highway Department and Landfill Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk September 26, 1990