HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-103.-1-19.12 Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: rt T e< Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - �"( _ / l( - 4L p �gzr• r TS f Ssv O Ov rH1S Date: �15 / ,7 Comments: r-a 4L- /ti ry T�s 7--;"El 5 i l� ly . � 2407 a AA "r Aa wap rC y.y. .. MMP uP- Icla HAI GP-1 t HAeroFAN.(TO woe) . I .pF,STAJR FK.��AFi. [/ iOrA4ww. rDF MWS. � `AaD NaW DacK. .. T S TO 'As J I DO Fn D EK13T. vV D avOry - (l$TD'ihtSFN 1 ExIR.vOw�lS I _ Cr� /J19Fjv NMPEIL MD CMANaay 1 .!•SRN ErnOT__ .� ....1' _ s A—o rA." I - � ll�w 1c o4ir+�TSPoA FTnLLk I i - .. - 'EY�sT•S�n(.AE♦C,.^kA { _ I- } .;Al` Y �eemKk,aped qaN•��., \�. _ r .. S'-v' y- ',.f{sND�IN�...�to coDO,l •.vnP �P 9.25.97 ADD D K E 1.1 1 KAMr/AOO 9 bAW,O"T ,1 F.$L-'O�MNltk RDON•Aof W:NPYW P wa1T DOOR/INCFNfb GDUNTbF(AaO 2•r A'CASH DNK. RE^l PA PTIT.ON APD NEN piL'��FEU1ChiC , Flvoti,...ei-Zv 1,1Aie .IFANwaraKrAoa 1 A i PGGG+t�{(G��T VI'NE�fAl47a 1Nc,., IMPI -i1K ., I`' Shvl.wmMF9i7 FJ aSZ' In, '. 'r,d .y mn`� �:.nAxrrn• M1Anf A" ow 4y.. _ � ^_—' ,�� 'ItAMr Vr 14o Ar'GrAP•. CFJ•1DW:! A EfJ•T N 1 t . - 1'L..D¢IFNbN LN 6+L.: '. ,�' 'er SiA1M13►}��,Alrw DdCK � .. peMn�c'OtVXMZAC Hoop, .. ticterifd pe R Wrugow .. FRhmQ IN WMl-hoD L@il ''q,,,q Lan kRo>8o,FP0. _ s .. DP02i T'e MC�ST tt(( 4e ^T 6n'4' E.I DC ¢ Si era - MF�Cl�� <Ncy G.M'tNGES) _ •• -.'c :.Q�I,SS• vv)p+aAVo. mop. � -..r w�eF. .. i u.�aT.ov M1s � . Ne • � L'._AUP aU4t76N a y �'•..t'."�:: EIiIFC W�W-0 ': AAm, NEVI }'�jn(l 1V' fVltT.Y.V10 pkltTi Yti4�'-b•bw .t I •I>tp UR/TI I ?,Mae FLOP%` "A' h'4l`7 erusr 4 ..r.. 4 '`�is� tr) o} �e%�-� g xs ��r"� � 'uT TT CM'S I I d'• i H41 'tQ FEllc E QN.l gMA�E AIS E1'O WA %Fi�STI^6 Q''STa IA'6fF.l FaeIIW IWOMYa�V4a '�1lIRW / .. .:•. a+••'c«wie .wr. - - I _ i;" _�/ n ez.e7 2 Aµ .Z:li:� orr ,vv�•e>r_' _ H frac I 71 1 I"r - Ktvr WA t Ur:t Y w•. _ eA r ea cMu/He 6 1 I1'• IC 11nYPr r.•[:>sorr T FDR ne+•iJ . 9.ZI.lj7 .....,:TnyHcvr - .-A-', 1 I. •�. - 7,Zb D7 RW Acct+•_:Ao�L U �G=Ao�l.irrr. Nine= 2$9/ 1•G L:.E• 12MH@•/APD DGA rt r 6,{✓ • RE♦'va r., • I r: N AaP' •Cut.R-�)T'. ' •.o X05 co� g Southold Town Board of Ap, eals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD. L.I.. N.Y. 11471 TELEPHONE(5161765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3346 Application Dated March 19, 1985 TO: [Appellant(s)] Mr. Reynold Blum Main Road,, Box 709 Cutchogue, NY 11935 At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on May 23, 1985, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [X] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article III , Section 100-30(B)[14] [ ] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [ J Request for Application of REYNOLD BLUM, Peconic Bay Vineyards, 31320 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a pecta xception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30(B)[14] for approval of the establishment of a winery at Peconic Vineyards premises known as 31320 Main Road, Cut- chogue, NY; County Tax Map District 1000, Section 103, Block 01 , part of Lot 19.11 ; more particularly Identified as Parcel 1 of 24.249 acres as approved by the Planning Board 6/2/80. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded in the Matter of the Application of REYNOLD BLUM on May 23, 1985; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the subject premises as well as its__ surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the board has considered all testimony and documentation entered into the record in this matter, as well as items (A) through (1 ) of Article XII, Section 100-121 (C)[2] of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1 . The property in question is located in an "A-80" Residential and Agricultural Zoning District having frontage of 357.23 feet along the Main Road and 198.62 feet along the easterly side of Stillwater Avenue and an area of 24.249 acres, more particularly known as Lot #1 of the 6/2/80 Subdivision approved by the Town Planning Board, and County Tax Map District 1000, Section 102, Block 01 , Part of Lot 19.11 . 2. The subject 24.249 acres is improved with one barn structure presently set back from the front property line along the Main Road of 165± feet and from the easterly property line 17± feet; 3. This is an application for a Special Exception for a winery for the production and retail sale of wine produced from grapes pri- marily grown on the vineyard on which this winery is proposed to be located, provided by Article III, Section 100-30(6)[14] of the Zoning (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: June 6, 1985. CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) i Page 2 - Appeal No. 3346 • Matter of REYNOLD BLUM Decision Rendered May 23, 1985 Code on the existing vineyard and farm on this 24.249-acre parcel to be located within the existing barn structure and proposed addition as shown on the sketch plan submitted with the subject application received 3-22-85; (total approximate dimensions for the winery structure shown: 76' wide at the back side, 60' deep at the east side, 46' wide at the front side, and 34I' deep at the west side) . I 4. It is noted for the record that an application for site plan approval has been filed with the SoutholdlTown Planning Board, and although no official action has been taken, the Planning Board has recommended approval. of the Special Exception proposal as submitted (resolution of 4-1-85) ; 5. It is the opinion of the board that theleffect of Article III, Section 100-30(6)[14] limits this Special Exception approval to the production and retail sales of wine ;". . .produced from grapes primarily grown on the vineyard on whicsuch winery is located. . . " and does not permit the sale of grapes imported and/or processed, or wine, from other than the vineyard in question. In considering this application, the board determines: (1 ) the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts; (2) the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the town will not be adversely affected by the p�oposed use an'd its location; (3) the use is in harmony with nd will pro- mote the general purposes and intent of zoning. i Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Grigonis, sec�nded by Mr. Sawicki , it was RESOLVED, that a Special Exception for the Oroduction and retail sale of wine in the proposed winery structure with addition to be located at the vineyard known as "Peconic Bay ;Vineyards," BE AND HEREBY IS APPROVED as applied under File No. !3346 in the Matter of the A scat on of REYNOLD B U , SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOW- M-007—TI—O 1 . No Sleeping or living quarters in the wnery structure or accessory buildings (except that one separate on;-family dwelling may be permitted in compliance with all cordes) ; 2. This special exception approval is limited to the production and retail sale of wine produced from grapes primarily grown on the vineyard on which such winery is locat�d; 3. The effect of this special exception shall be in accordance with Article III, Section 100-30(6)[14].; i 4. Any changes from the site and sketch pl�ns submitted and approved hereunder will require additional Special Exception application and approval from this board. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehring�r, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki . This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of all the members. * * " lk GERARD P. GOEHRIPGER, AIRMAN June 6, 1985 'k l I t i - � 05�FF0(A��D V /�-ura�.o�c.•o�C.. ler Southold Town Board ofpeats ® MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE(516)765.1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3346 Application Dated March 19, 1985 T0: Mr. Reyno!1 d, B1 urn IAppellart(s)] Main Road', Dox ,709 Cutchdgue', NY 11935 At a Meeting of the,Zoning Board of Appeals held on May 23, 1985, the above appeal was considered, and the -action indicated below was taken on your ' A ] Request for,Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Spgtion 280-a '[X] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 100-30(6)[14] ' I l Request for,Varianee to the, Zoning Ordinance Article Section (. ] • Request for, Application of,°i E-YsNOL•D' Bl;•UM, Peconic Bay Vineyards, 31320 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY 'for a Specials eption to -the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 100-30(B)[14 ] for' approval 'of the establishment of a winery at Pecdn'ic Vineyards premises known as 31320 Main Road, Cut- chogue, NY; County. Tax •Map District 1000, Section 103, Block 01 , part of Lot 19.11 ; , more particularly identified as Parcel 1 of 24.249 acres as approved by ,the Planning Board 6/2/80. WHEREAS„a public hearing, was held and concluded in the Matter of the Application of REYNOLD BLUM on May 23, 1985, and WHEREAS, ,the. board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the subjgct premises as well as its 'surrounding area, and WHEREAS, ,the, board has considered all testimony and documentation entered into the record in this matter, as well as items (a) through (1 ) of Article XI], Section 100-123 (C)[2] of the honing Code; and WHEREAS, ,the, board made the foilowi9 findings of fact: 1 . 'The property in question is located jn an "A-80" Residential and Agricultural zoning District having frontage of 357.23 feet along the Main Road and, 198.62 feet along the 4asterly side of Stillwater Avenue and an area of 24.249 acres, more particularly known as Lot #1 of the 6/2/80 ,Subdivision approved by the' Town Planning Board, and County Tax Map District 1000, Section 10J, Biock 01 , part of Lot 19. 11 , 2. The subject 24.249 acres is imp�oved' with one barn structure presently set back from 'the frpnt prope'rty line along the Main Road of 165± feet and ;from the easterly property line 17t feet; -3. This is an application for a Sp6cial Exception for a winery for the retail sale of wine as. required by Article III, Section 100-30(B)[14] 'of the Zoning Code on the existing vineyard and farm on this 24.249-a6re' parcel to be located within the existing barn i (CONTINUED ON PAGE' TWO DATED: May 29, 1985. CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Form ZB4 (rev. 12181) Page 2 - Appeal No.' 3346 ; Matter ,of REYNOLD .GLUM Decision Renere� May 23, 1985 ; structure and proposed addition as shown on the sketch plan submitted with the subject application and received 3-22-$5; (total approximate dimensions for the winery structure shown: . 76' wide at the back side, 60' deep at the east side, 46' wide at the front side, and 34' deep ate the west side) . i 4. It is noted for the record that an application for site plan approval has been filed with the Southold Town Pl'anni'ng Board, and although no officiaj action has been taken, the Planning Board has recommendediapproval of the Special Excep- tion proposal as submitted (resolution of 4-1-85). 5. It is the opinion of the board that the effect of Article III, Section 100-30(B)L141 limits this Special' Excep- tion approval to the production and retail sale of wine . .produced from grapes primarily grown on the vineyard on which such winery is located. . .," and not to allow the 'sale of grapes imported and/or processed, or wine, from other townships. It is also the understanding of the board that the zoning-code committee had considered specific amendments thereto; 'and since to date, no official changes helve been adopted, this board has placed Condition #3, infra, to ,allow incorporation of such amend- ments to this permit (except for physical changes of the build- in O and uses. which would alter, the site plan in question) . In considering this application , the board determines : (1 ) the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use dis- tricts; (2) that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, 1:1,49 venience and order f, the town will not be adversely affected ;. iOy•'!the prop.o,sed use .a+nd;�,;q,i1'M4q1tion; (3) the use is in harmony . !'p(�i,,,;• Iw,f.th and ,will ,O?rot of he" rl �� 'purposes and intent of zoning, Accardingi' bTty,„i��'. 'Grigonis, seconded by Ir.`Sawic;ki ,; it ; RESOLVED, that a Special Exception for the production and retail sale of wine in the proposed winery structure and addition to be located at the vineyard known as "Peconic Bay Vineyards ,” BE AND HEREBY IS APPROVED, as applied under File No. 3346 in the Matter of the Application of REYNOLD BLUR, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CON T-1UNS: 1 . No sleeping or living ,quarters in the winery strdcture or accessory buildings (except that one separate one-family dwelling may be permitted in compliance with all codes) ; 2. This special exception, approval is limited -to the produc- tion and retail sale of wine; ; 3. The effect of this special exception shall be in 'accordance with Article III , Section 100-30(6)[141, unless otherwise 'amended by legislative action of the Southold Town Board; 4. Any changes from the site and sketch plans submitted and approved hereunder will require 'additional Special Exception application and approval from this board. Vote of the Board: Ayes: ' Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki . This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of all the members. lk GE— RR RD P. GQEHRINGER, CH IRM N May 1985 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No Z-22009 Date DECEMBER 8, 1992 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property_31320 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 103 Block 1 Lot 19.11 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JUNE 4, 1992 _ ____pursuant to which Building Permit No. 21128-Z dated DECEMBER 8, 1992 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is LIVING QUARTERS OVER AN EXISTING WINERY AS APPROVED BY ZBA The certificate is issued to REYNOLD BLUM (owner) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL C-10-90-014-10/22/91 UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N-063565 - MARCH 23, 1989 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED DECEMBER 8, 1992 - R. BLUM uilding Inspector Rev. 1/81 r' FORK NO. a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. V. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) WN921128Z Date .... . .sr..> ..... ............... i9. L- Permission is hereby granted to: .... ... ....9.................................................. to . ,. .........51!.... .............. ........ :4a:�.X .... :ut:.....Sxa... . .. ......... ...... .. .. :.`.E.!r. ........................... . ......................................... at premises located at .. . .. 0.....`'`t As4c�....1 :..........`::':1t!•.. . ... �........................... ... .. ......................... .............................. .................................................................................. ............. ....I�Z...�r.Sll:.. ......... ............................................................................ County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .... ........ Block ....0.�.......... Lot No. ..J.Lo•••••••. pursuant to application dated ....�. . ' 4 ............................. and 199.E :, and approved by the Building Inspector, Fee $...i��l.t.:: �... Y"4 <t Q.. ............!!`.... ....�.................. Lui�ldtng Inspector Rev. 6/30/80 I • " . o16FRILI.�, D SCOTT L.HARRIS •`�-T J APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ���'`� Gym Supervisor Gerard P.Goehringer,ChairmanP Charles Grigonis,Jr. C* Town Hall,53095 Main Road Serge Doyen,Jr. O P.O.Box 1179 James Dinizio,Jr. �°y© ®� Southold,New York 11971 Robert A.Villa 1 �' Fax(516)765-1823 Telephone(516)765-1809 Telephone(516)765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS r. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS JUL 14 Appl. No. 4113. Upon Application of REYNOLD BLUM (PECONIC BAY VINEYARDS, INC. ) Request to remove Condition No. 1 under Special Exception No. 3346 rendered May 23, 1985 which reads "No sleeping or living quarters." A conversion is proposed on the second floor of the winery structure from office use to a residence in this . Residential-Office (RO) Zone District. The previous zoning of this property was "A-80 Residential and Agricultural. " Location of Property: 31320 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY; also referred to as Parcel #1 approved by the Planning Board 6/2/80; County Tax Map Parcel Designation 1000-103-01-part of 19.11. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 30, 1992, at which time all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded (see separate verbatim transcript of hearing) ; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, Board Members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following Findings of Fact: 1. By this application, applicant requests removal of a condition imposed by the Board of Appeals on May 23, 1985 under the Special Exception permit issued for the establishment of a winery at the subject premises. 2. The premises in question ,is known and referred to as Lot #1 of the Subdivision approved by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 2, 1980, having a total area of 24.249 acres with frontage of 357.23 feet along the southerly side of the Main Road (Route 25) and 198.62 feet along the easterly side of Stillwater Avenue. This parcel is shown on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 102, Block 01, Lot 19.11. i► ' • `Page 2 - Appl. No. 113 Application of RE LD BLUM t; Decision Rendered June 30, 1992 'JUL 1 Q �. 3. The subject premises is improved with a two-story wine'r-y structure presently set back at 165+- feet from the front property line (along the Main Road) , and its principal use is winery as established under Special Exception permit #3346 approved May 23, 1985. The site plan for the winery was endorsed by the Planning Board Chairman on September 6, 1985, and that maps shows the land area to be 2. 90 acres. 4. The land upon which this winery is located and upon which the second-floor, single-family dwelling unit is to be established is located in the Residential-Office (RO) Zone District. The RO Zone requires a minimum land area of 40,000 sq. ft. each for single-family dwelling use and 40,000 sq, ft. of land area for non-residential use (ref. Bulk Schedules) . There is no question that the total land area for the combined winery and single-residential unit meets the minimum lot area requirements for this newly established RO Zone. (Prior to January 10, 1989, the land was located in the "A-80" Residential Zone District, minimum land area of 80,000 sq. ft. per principal use. ) . 5. Specifically, for the record, Condition No. 1 of the Special Exception rendered May 23, 1985 states: " . . .No sleeping or living quarters in the winery structure or accessory buildings (except that one separate one-family dwelling may be permitted in compliance with all codes) . . . . " 6. in this area variance, the Board has considered the following: (a) the character of the neighborhood will not be undesirably changed by the grant of this variance to remove this condition; (b) the parcel is ample for a winery use in conjunction with a residential unit without the necessity of substantial physical changes to the parcel or site plan layout; (c) there is no viable alternative for appellants to pursue, other than a variance; (d) the practical difficulties claimed are uniquely related to the property and have not been self-created by the owner; (e) the amount of relief requested is minimal under the circumstances; "$Page 3 - Appl. No#113 • Application of RE OLD BLUM Decision Rendered June 30, 1992 (e) there will be no substantial increase in population density or. increased burden on public facilities by the grant of the relief requested; (f) the interests of the landowner is not outweighed when compared to the interests of the public welfare; the interests of justice will be served by the grant of the relief requested. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT a variance to remove Condition No. 1 under Special Exception permit No. 3346 issued May 23, 1985, as requested for the establishment of a single-family dwelling unit in conjunction with principal winery use. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grigonis, Doyen, Dinizio, Villa and Goehringer. This resolution was duly adopted. Ik GERARD P. GOEHRI R, C co ,-A uj o 0 LU ZVI. OVERALL SITE PLAN I T' EXISTINIGI.,f J, I'= WELL I-- -- DETAIL TEST HOLE DATASITE DATA SIVE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE nvg:.......... SITE ...... .. ........ PLAN DATA LEACHING POOL SEPTIC TANK Southold, Town• Boa' rd 'of Appeas MAIN ROAD-• !NATE ROAD 25 : SOUTHOLD,.L.I., N.Y. 11971 i TELEPHONE (516)765.1809 ACTION OFiTHE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3346 Application Dated March 19, 1985 T0: Mr, Reynold Blum [Appellant(s)] Main Road, Box 709 Cutchogue, NY 11935 At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held 'on May 23, 1985, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated -below was taken on your [ ] Request for .Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a i [X] Request for Special Exception 'under, the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 100-30(B)[14] [ ] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article Section [ ] Request for Application of REYNOLD BLUM, Peconic Bay Vineyards', X1320 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY fora pecia xception to the Zoning ,Ordinance, ,Artic.le III, Section 100-30(8)[14'] for ,approval o'f ,the establishment of a . winery at Peconic Vineyards prgroises known as 31320 'Ma'in Road, Cut- ' chogue, NY; County Tax Map District 1000', Section 103', Block 01 , part of Lot 19.11 ; more parti'cularly, identified as Parcel 1' of- 24.249 acr6s as approved by the Planning Board 6/2/80.' WHEREAS, a public hearing was held a'nd concluded 'in the Matter of the Application of REYNOLD BLUM 'on May 23, 1985, .and WHEREAS, the board members have pers'onally 'Viewed' 'and are familiar with the subject premises as well as its. surrounding a'rea; and WHEREAS, the board has considered all testimony a'n'd documentation entered into the record i'n this 'patter, a's well as items (a) through (1 ) of Article XII, Section 100-121 (C)[2] of ''the Zoning ,Code; and WHEREAS, the board ,made th2 following 'findings .ofl fact: 1 . The property in question is located in an ' -A-60" 'Residentia,l ' and Agricultural Zoning District having frontAge of 35,7.23• feet along the Main Road and 198.62 feet along the easterly, side 'o'f, Stillwater Avenue and an area of 24.249 acres, more 'particularly known as Lot. #1 of the 6/2/80 Subdivision 'appr6ved by the' Town Planning Bdard, and, County Tax Map District 1000, Section 103', ,Bl6ck,01 ; part ;of Lot , 19. 11 , 2. The subject '24.249 acr,es is impr'oved'with ones 'ba�n structure presently set back from the front property 'line along Ithe 'Main• Road of 165± feet and from the easterly property line ,17± feet; 3. This is an appli'catiod for a Special �� .eptio'n' fdr, a winery for the retail sale of wine as 'required by Artidle I•II', 'Sdction 100-30(B)[14] of the 'Zoning Co8e' on the e•xisting ,yiney'al^'d 'and farm. on. this 24.249-acre parcel to be located wifhin' tF6 exi.s,ting 'b,arn , structure and proposed ad'dition 'as shown' on the �ketch� o ldn, submitted with the subject application and 'roteiyed •3-22-85; (total approximate dimensions foo the winery 8trgcture' sh6w'n: 76` ' , wide at the back side, 60' deep 'at the east side, 46' w'ide' at the front side, and 34' deep at the west side). ; CONTINU,tD ON PAGE-TWO)' DATED: May 29, 1985. 1 CHAIRMAN•, SOUTHOLD TOWN• ZONING'BOARD • � OF APPEALS f . ' • ' , Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) Page 2 - Appeal No. 3346 i Matter of REYNOLD BLUM i Decision Rendered May- 23,: 1985 4. Lt, is -note-d fo,r the- record t.ha.t� ,an application for site plan approval, has 'breen' filed with the �oiuthol,d Town Planning Board, and although- n.o, offic,ial ,action has- been taken, the P1 anni ng* Board.-ha5.-recommenled,, approval of the S eci al Excep- tion proposal, as �s'ubmi'tt;ed. (,r8solution oaf 4,-1,=85�. '5. It is the opinion o�f:,�the board, that ,the effect of Article ' I]I, Section 100-30(8)[14]- limits this Special Excep- tid.n approval, to the p'roduction ,'and retail sale' of wine " : .produted ,from grapes, primarily grown on the vineyard on which such winery ''i,s located'. .,, " and not to allow .the sale of'wine imported -and grown from other townships; however, it is ';'the understanding of, this board that the 'z.oning code committee has, been-con's,i'dering an amendment to this Article which may allow grapes' .to: be grown within th•e, Town of Southold and then processed and' sold by this winery use, which is the reason for Condition No.. 3, infra. In considering this application, thie board determines: (1 ) the' use will not prevent the orderrly and reasonable use of adjacent properties' or of properties in adjacent use dis- tricts; (2) ,that the 'safety, health, welfare„ comfort, co6vonience and order of the town will not be, adversely affected (� by the proposed use and its location; ) the use is in harmony with and will, promote the general purposes and intent of zoning. Accordingly,I on motion by Mr. Grigo,nis,. ,seconded by Mr. Sawicki , it was RESOLVED,; that, a Special Exception for the production and retail sale of wine in' the proposed winery structure and addition to be located, at the v'in'eyard known as "Peconic Bay Vineyards ," BE AND HEREBY, IS APPROVED, as .applied under File No. 3346 in the Matter of the Application of REYN LD BLUM, SUBJE TTTT TITHE TITMWINOCONpITIONS: 1 . No sleeping or, living quarters in th'e winery structure or accessory buildings (except that one separate one-family dwelling may ,be permitted' in compliance with all codes) ; 2. This, special exception approval is limited to the produc- tion and retail sale of wine; 3. The effect of this special exception shall be in accordance with Article III, Section 100-30(B)[14], unless otherwise amended by legislative action of the Southold Town Board; 4. Any changes from the site and 'sketch plans submitted and approved here undgr .will require additional Special Exception application and approval from this board. Vote of the ,Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass qnd Sawicki . This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of, a.11 the members. i lk GERARD F7. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN May 29,, 1985 i 'bl qV•G1'li1'!�Yn'cw+ac'o0ol W.^o ef�n nC P�^7.1w'�`'-1 ��•. t` 0Aw'oc R^w P-r—w :ww.w+4••a i.w+t9L/y« a,�k.s _ •'ultt NVn'��:. 41 ,,\\ � �,` 'A•�,r.aPNPito+r.'nrw-.moo. �/ mN Y� �6� I �Y•: y :l'M.b'hMsrros.lo NMIiL•- �s zla.+oaisnars a �s�aety \ :�1ZL'Id027�J a10 dtYW \ .; tt Na..0 Z \ ZE* I o p±14f117fcgl I N iI a n : a nwid � 9yl,O� �'I 11 IrsNam�V' m N \ 11 VI I z �WHpnos � 1t / 10^ / wwog m 90Z yL.IS'N im u o w •8mm m tit , �y. i ' e `��r:- ��t;A�Lz.".9 IP1.®T Oi.J SOLJT�-1 r'I,�RP.�oR •;' - i y,Ode- "ii 0"iiI a 4 II:IIANN.ccMcAP t 1 1 i ZS1n. 3 � . MGM ra ui Sp op ? �� � •1=?tl � �7 �,y .- Jar.. �7t IJA' 4`1' tA'00-f— i(oO.0' ? .� ECONtc SAY MITE 'ALAN a, i lid TOWN OF AUTHOLD PhOPERTY RECOROOCARD =7Ca - co3 - 1- 19 1 a .2 >WNER STREET` 3'LVILLAGE DIST.1 SUB. LOT ORMER OWNER N E ACR. 24y _ �P,,n S W CODE DATE OF CONSTRUCTION LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS Qr4' I ° 3 n :i,.., 7`�uO /a 9/Zj /y. OIfp (!1O'oeo �� y II x c A 1 '/J �' clit o o Ayop 90 131=0A36,66 0 o S o0 2 2 8t'Jiu- p ' X Soo 917 3 0 24 gv*voo „4 4-_7DIsr 1 f, �tl1.720) Iii ltabl• �• L s-� _.i FRONTAGE ON.WATER ��d, �CXe"7 l /p• Y o 'oodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD F r�ayloo eadowland DEPTH DUSe Piot ac r l�l� BULKHEAD >tol 1” 512 ��• FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CBRTIFICATS OF OCCUPANCY No Z-24275 Date APRIL 11 1996 THIS CERTIFIES that the building FOUNDATION Location of PrOpertY 32180 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 103 Block I Lot 19.2 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JULY 23� 1992 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 20857-2 dated JULY 28, 1992 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is FOUNDATION UNDER BBISTING FARM BUILDING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to PECONIC VINEYARDS REALTY, INC. (owners) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLT% COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A p � /Puilldlng Inspector Rev. 1/81 .^I - .� _`Ya"- .;,X'`:'-,�:-..�t.�:..4.s .•to. •"---;-:•,"---•r...- C�,.�•••�''��'�%..�'+••-y: yk ��.v` .ti .`r'r. "'tt _.•r. •.+Ebb' .' ". ,r. r Y: #. .a, kv.f,' _C=:=� f.:�: ;rr, `�� ,.•4. •.'°,*F- •�,•;�.+" ( •'x �,� .a ;`a 2:i�` •i i< =:z% 'i' ria., ,:'. =�- ..,�. g� '.:D� ;..`!�` 'k••7�r f - ^:tt �_1 I,f- ,��. ��i'f' h4•.�` -3'a y'1- .�' v..f'-'S' J,.',�'� � o-'. .'.L ,i•3 ! � ;,•'. - 1 ``.i^ =4 •,"'r nr ..,'r^`",•. 5,. b''rr, L .`t... i•!=•. -.if .h -•{ 1 - <,E t••r+S}f •[• i:''^'1;;y, '-t .3S-` }..+", •-r¢, ,e. V,p`-, `. ••ter. "$ A •� Yt�•f�BCdat` ''4' !l''Mf'I'r�` f:•• 'T 1 j�l` iS: r' nT.. _ .f.. 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C",;Ofl 9NINN`r Id 1 s i R J FORM N0.3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERKS OFFICE SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ............................... Date qrt% --k-- ..7..... 19 TO .......... ................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ........ .. 19 . for permit to construct... ......................at Location of 1 roperty ... ......... .... House No. .... .I-- ----- ---- - --Ha.m./a t- County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... .....Block .....l........Lot ...... Subdivision................. Filed Map No. ............... . Lot No. ..........I...... is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds ...ZQ.C�L�. ......... .C ` .....)11........... ... ......................................... .......... ..................................................................... I Building Inspector RV 1180 111 w r 5 IV TITLE GA R R E T T : A . S T R A 1V G atr c h i- t e c t LOCA TIONi�� .1 Ac-ILT SCALE ". ! REVISED ' 1230 Traveler Street Southold N.Y. 11971 DRAWING N4Iry DATE ?J' '' 2.$-0•7 - r_ 631 - 765 - 5455 i DRAWN BY PROJECT N4 . . f h " 4, ., v ��"" _ .. ,..,- F .. '•`S�';¥,. w, � of .. � _a. 4 .� .".Sic d' ,.� Y' �•J<` Y RPM a �\ _ Y '6r� i r�ni° ryry��uu : , _- - .- '., .- _ ..'.. _ .. _ ,_ C'•i - - - - ♦ ...<' ..v. .t.✓ ,b IVY 't 'tl'§,[+ v h ^`k Y"T .d b • r. 77 77, - Lt 61 DO 1 �f , * c a i- , • � - -_ - `� �,'"� _ ;.,R:Gx" �`.r: -'kms 'r .. r 1 \y—T 1n.T . H 4//�.Fi -- D F-VDO =- 1;7 1 Nzl� I F APR — 6 2007 ' a TITLE i✓� L/ Y / +" A 'Yw�� ✓'F✓- 1 1 ilk *,,,4 - G A R R E T T A . S T R A N D �'�- � � ►---+ � � ��� w � 1~,:a �— �—� LOCATION //t A a ri c h i t e: c t SCALE ; - ` �P REYtSED DAiWING Na 1230 Traveler Street Southold N.Y. 11971 M�+'� VL-4 DATE +' o? 6.31 - 765 - 5455 DRAWN er PROJECT N�' Q 7; �, 4 Q f 7