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Monday, March 17, 2014
Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Councilman William Ruland, Karen
McLaughlin, Human Services Director, John Cushman, Comptroller, Jeff Standish,
Director of Public Works, Vincent Orlando, Superintendent of Highways, James
Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, Christine Foster, Personnel, Chief Martin Flatley,
Josh Albon, Wright Risk Management, Aiofa O’Donnell, National EAP, Lloyd
Reisenberg, Network & Systems Administrator, Lauren Standish, Secretary to
Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney, Elizabeth Neville, Town
Clerk and Scott Russell, Supervisor Meeting began at: 10:00 AM
Introductions and Welcome Josh Albon
Josh Albon has been assigned as our Risk Control Specialist from the NYS Municipal
Workers’ Comp. Alliance.
Approval of Minutes
Approved Minutes of October 10, 2013
Sharps Disposal Policy
Jim Bunchuck presented the latest revisions to the proposed policy for the disposal of
sharps in Southold Town. The Transfer Station is properly set up for this program and he
suggested that the drop off take place on Hazmat Day so that the kiosk can be properly
managed. Residents can store their sharps in containers in the meantime. This program
will take publicity and education to activate. Jim will present the policy to the Town Board
at their work session scheduled for March 25.
Network Based Panic Buttons Policy, Safety Alarm Systems and Surveillance
within Town Facilities:
Lloyd Reisenberg reported that a total of 65 network based panic buttons have been
installed on the desk-tops. Employees have been instructed to use the panic button for
violent emergencies and the 911 system for medical emergencies.
Chief Flatley and Lloyd Reisenberg have not yet received a quote from the security
company for a surveillance system. Lloyd suggested a computer-based system with a
web-cam that can be recorded. This type of system will cost approximately $600.00 and
will require funding. The committee unanimously agreed to pursue this as a pilot and
include signage. Lloyd will present this idea to the Town Board at their next work
session scheduled for March 25th.
2013 Mandatory Training:
All employees have fulfilled the mandatory training requirements.
MSDS Global Harmonization Implementation
Josh Albon provided the committee with an update on the material safety data sheets.
These data sheets are now referred to as “SDS” and we have until June 2016 to get
them all in place. Josh suggested we start collecting the sheets now.
Parking Lot Striping
Jeff Standish informed the committee that the original project was not approved in the
2014 capital budget, however, he has plans for a down-sized project that could be done
later in the year if there is money left in his budget. This could be done with the help of
the Highway Dept. and Vincent Orlando agreed to work with Jeff on the project. The
committee will continue to monitor the project.
Request of Diana VanDuzer, Justice Court
The roof on the Justice Court building has been leaking and there is concern about the
water on the carpet. Jeff Standish stated that new carpets have been installed, a new
ceiling, new roof and gutters. The water accumulates after a driving rain and it’s been
challenging to figure out exactly where the water is accumulating. His department is
working diligently to figure out the source. Karen McLaughlin commended DPW on the
wonderful job they did fixing the counter window at the HRC.
Cintas Uniform
Phillip Beltz has the catalog of safety supplies from Cintas available in his office.
General Obligations Law (swimming at road ends):
Jennifer Andaloro was not present, however, Phillip Beltz reported on her behalf that the
State Legislature proposed an amendment to remove the liability of municipalities who
do not have signage at road ends prohibiting swimming. We will be notified with more
information as it becomes available.
Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investigation Report
A copy of a work-related accident investigation report was provided through March 5,
2014. Councilman Ruland stated that for every action there is a cause and sometimes
additional training is required, as there is always room to mitigate. Josh Albon
commented on several of the injuries involving police officers. He recommended the
police officers be reminded of their duties in an effort to avoid these types of injuries from
happening again in the future.
Next Meeting Date
June 2014
The meeting ended at 11:00 AM
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary